Writer: Thabisile Dlomo
Anti-corruption alliance launched T
he quest by the South
have pledged to finan-
project was established
ject while Switzerland has
African government
cially support one of the
in October 2021 by South
co-financed the project with two-and-a-half million
programmes that seeks to
African government’s
corruption in both the public
root out corruption in the
Anti-Corruption Task Team
euros through Swiss State
and private sectors is yielding
procurement and supply
(ACTT) and Deutsche Ge-
Secretary for Economic
positive results.
chain management system
sellschaft für Internationale
Affairs (SECO).
within the public sector.
Zusammenarbeit, also
to fight fraud and
These government ef-
forts have attracted the
Called the Transparency,
interests of German and Swiss governments, which
On 20 June 2022, the
known as GIZ. Germany
three partners in the TIP
Integrity and Accountabil-
has contributed eight mil-
project formally launched
ity Programme (TIP), the
lion euros to the TIP pro-
the partnership agreement
Public Sector Manager • June 2022