By: Duane Stacey Additional reporting by: Robyn Peverley Photos by: Robyn Peverley
Kruger with kids: It may be wild, but it is worth it. A
4am wake-up call; 5am meet at the airport; a two-hour flight to OR Tambo, followed by a six-hour journey to Paul Kruger Gate – all while single-handedly coping with two children, aged five and seven.
A schlep? Undoubtedly. Worth it? Absolutely.
buffalo grazing by the river.
oculars, swotted up on our
From that moment on, So-
Southern African animals
phie and Billy were hooked.
and birds and I bought
The drive from the gate
When the opportunity
enough kid-friendly padkos
to our camp in Skukuza
presented itself to take
to keep Hansel and Gretel
provided plenty of opportu-
our children to the Kruger
in the woods for months.
nities to spot wild animals.
National Park for a week,
After a long day’s flying
An appreciation of all
my husband was unable
and driving, we finally
animals has been integral
to get off work. I ummed
crossed the bridge to the
to our family from day one,
and aahed for a while – all
Paul Kruger Gate and
but I was concerned that
parents know that travel-
entered the famous game
they would not grasp the
ling alone with children
park. Although Malelane
necessity of silence when,
can be demanding. The
Gate is quicker to reach
say, surrounded by a herd
went fairly smoothly. The
temptation was too great,
from OR Tambo, the Paul
of elephants or a pride of
kids were up and about
however, and I could not
Kruger Gate is closer to
lions. Kids are adaptable,
once the alarm got them
pass up the opportunity for
Skukuza Rest Camp, where
though, and unlike their
going, but I learnt a keen
my little ones to have their
we would be staying.
older counterparts, they
lesson on the value of
learn quickly!
preparation: Getting kids
first experience of animals in the wild.
So we packed our bin-
From the bridge, we saw our first animal: A lone
Our first morning drive
ready for a game drive is
Public Sector Manager • June 2022