PSM June 2022

Page 8

A message from President Cyril Ramaphosa


Rising cost

of living calls for a united response


ver the past few months, South Afri-

oil recording the highest

Both countries are major

can consumers have


exporters to international

been hit by steep price in-

We recently announced

markets of fertilisers, grains

that the fuel levy will be

creases that have dramatically

affects the price of almost

and oilseeds that are needed

suspended for another two

affected their quality of life.

everything else, has risen by

for a range of items such as

months to August, which will

a third in the twelve months

cooking oil.

bring some relief to house-

It has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transporta-

to March 2022. South Africa is not alone in this regard. A recently published poll

holds. The suspension of the

Another factor is lower agricultural output due to ex-

levy has provided essential

treme weather events caused

relief to South Africans since

by climate change, such as

it began in April. Since the

flooding and droughts.

suspension of the levy comes

tion. While these rising costs

for the World Economic

affect everyone, low-income

Forum shows that nearly a

households are feeling them

quarter of people globally,

are beyond our control, gov-

finances, which affects other

the most.

including those in developed

ernment is doing what it can

programmes of government,

economies, are struggling fi-

to shield the South African

it will be difficult to continue

Index for April 2022 pub-

nancially due to rising prices.

from current and future price

this indefinitely.

lished by Stats SA shows

These increases, particu-

The latest Consumer Price


The price of fuel, which

are experiencing.

While many of these events


at a significant cost to public

There are, however, other

there has been little respite

larly the price of fuel, are

for hard-pressed South

the consequence of events

vantages as a country is a

Africans. Food inflation was

over which we have little

strong, independent Reserve

security is vital to withstand-

recorded at 6.2 percent.

control. The ongoing conflict

Bank that has managed to

ing this and future shocks.

The most basic foodstuffs

between Russia and Ukraine

keep inflation within a nar-

We have a strong agricultural

cost more than a year ago,

has had a significant impact

row target range, well below

sector that continues to grow

with staples like cooking

on the price of fuel and food.

what many other countries

and create jobs.

One of our greatest ad-

things we can do. Improving our nation’s food

Public Sector Manager • June 2022

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