Hatzolah Auction Book 2014

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P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


April 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1. Borough Park Volunteers of Hatzolah Inc. is published 1 time annually, mailed April-May 2014. by Chevra Hatzolah 5215 16th Avenue Brooklyn NY 11204 Postage paid at Brooklyn, NY post offices.


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Dear Tatty, I want to tell you how much I love you. I also want you to know how much I miss you. I miss you when you go on a call, and especially when it’s during time we spend together. Like my birthday party. You remember that time? Or when you ran out in middle of Uncle Yanky’s chasunah. The hardest time that I remember was on Sukkos. It was the first time I was allowed to sleep in the Sukkah. Finally I was old enough! I was so excited! And just as I felt myself driſting off to sleep, feeling so happy and safe with you sleeping beside me, you ran. I saw the lights shining through the schach, heard your sirens wailing. I twisted and turned; I couldn’t fall asleep. I wondered; how long would it be until you returned? I cried. I cried till you got back and was so happy when you did. Finally I driſted into a sweet sleep. The truth is, Tatty, as hard as it is for me, deep down, I am really happy about what you do. Even if it meant missing getting to my Rebbe in time to join his Purim Tisch. Even if it meant waiting in the car by myself for such a long time. I am really happy and proud, because I know how important this is. You save lives. You help people in their most desperate hour. You respond to cries for help and do what you can to be there for a fellow friend. It is hard, but when I look at you and see how you do it with your whole heart, it gives me the strength to do the same. And I really do. ‘Cuz you taught me how.

I LOVE YOU AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



‫‪l Invitati‬‬


‫‪s‬‬ ‫‪er‬‬


‫מיט כבוד און שעצונג‬ ‫טוען מיר איינלאדענען‬ ‫די חשוב'ע תושבי עירינו‬ ‫בארא פארק זיך צו קומען‬ ‫משתתף זיין אין דעם‬ ‫אינהאלטסרייכן‬ ‫מלוה מלכה רבתי‬ ‫לטובת אונזער באקאנטע‬ ‫הייליגע ארגאניזאציע‬

‫‪We invite the esteemed‬‬ ‫‪Boro Park community‬‬ ‫‪to come take part in our‬‬ ‫‪gala Melava Malka‬‬ ‫‪to benefit the‬‬ ‫‪Avodas HaKodesh of‬‬


‫חברה הצלה‬ ‫ד'בארא פארק‬ ‫וואס שטייט אין דינסט‬ ‫פון די טויזענטער איינוואוינער‬ ‫פון בארא פארק‪ ,‬זיבן טאג א וואך‪,‬‬ ‫‪ 365‬טעג א יאר‪ ,‬מיט הארציגע‬ ‫אומבאשרייבליכע געטריישאפט‬

‫מוצש"ק‬ ‫פרשת במדבר‬

‫עטרת גאלדא זאלן‬


‫מלוהרבתימלכה‬ ‫‪MELAVA MALKA‬‬

‫פתיחת המעמד‪ :‬בשעה ‪10:30‬‬


‫‪Come and show your support‬‬ ‫‪of the organization that stands‬‬ ‫‪at the beck and call of the‬‬ ‫‪thousands of Boro Park residents,‬‬ ‫‪7 days a week, 365 days a year‬‬ ‫‪with unparalleled devotion‬‬

‫‪MAY 24TH 2014,‬‬

‫‪ATERES GOLDA BALLROOMS‬‬ ‫‪Program begins at 10:30pm Sharp‬‬

‫‪Join the crowd of friends and supporters‬‬ ‫‪of Hatzolah for a heimish and geshmake evening.‬‬ ‫‪The event will be graced with the participation‬‬ ‫‪of the Rabbanim and Gedolim of the community.‬‬ ‫‪The membership of Boro Park Hatzolah‬‬ ‫‪will await to greet you personally.‬‬

‫מיט די השתתפות פון חסידים ואנשי מעשה תומכי מפעלינו‬ ‫פון אלע שיכטן און קרייזן אין בארא פארק‪ ,‬ובראשם גדולי ומאורי דורינו‪,‬‬ ‫מנהיגי ישראל שליט"א דקהלות הקדושות בעירינו‪ ,‬בשבת אחים גם יחד‪,‬‬ ‫ביים געהויבענעם מעמד הנהדר‪ ,‬מחזק צו זיין די חשוב'ע‬ ‫און העראאישע אינגעלייט‪ ,‬די "חברה הצלה" מעמבערס‪.‬‬


‫רייכער פראגראם‬

‫‪View a heartstopping incident with‬‬

‫מעמד כל עצמותי תאמרנה ע"י‬


‫הרב ר' אלעזר מייזלס שליט"א‬

‫‪Menahel Mosdos Sara Schenirer‬‬ ‫‪& Seminar Yerushalayim‬‬

‫מנהל מוסדות שרה שנירר‪ -‬סמינר ירושלים‬

‫דברי ברכה‬

‫דברי ברכה‬

‫הגה''צ רבי חיים דוד כ''ץ שליט''א‬

‫הגה''צ רבי חיים דוד כ''ץ שליט''א‬

‫וחבר ועד הרבנים חברה הצלה ד'בארא פארק‬

‫וחבר ועד הרבנים חברה הצלה ד'בארא פארק‬

‫דומ''ץ דקהל יטב לב ד'סאטמאר ‪ -‬בארא פארק‬

‫דומ''ץ דקהל יטב לב ד'סאטמאר ‪ -‬בארא פארק‬

‫נואם הכבוד‬


‫‪Be inspired by the world renowned Speaker‬‬

‫ע"י המגיד המפורסם‬


‫מוהר"ר ר' שמעון זאב מייזליש שליט׳׳א‬

‫‪Rav of Berach Moshe‬‬

‫רב דשכונת ברך משה‬


‫נשמה שנתת בי‪...‬‬

‫‪Arranged & Performed by the world famous‬‬

‫א דרעמאטישע פארשטעלונג דורך די וועלט בארימטע‬

‫חזן ר' יעקב יוסף שטארק הי"ו‬



‫פרעזענטירט לע"נ זיין אומפארגעסליכן ברודער‬ ‫הר"ר מנחם משולם הי"ד ביבלח"ט ר' ישראל שטארק הי"ו‬

‫‪In loving memory of his dear brother who was so dreadfully torn away‬‬

‫כאר ‪ -‬ר' שלמה טויסיג הי"ו‬ ‫אינאיינעם מיט די "ידידים" ָ‬ ‫באגלייט מיטן קול נעים וחזק הילד הפלא ני"ו‬

‫הר"ר מנחם משולם הי"ד ביבלח"ט ר' ישראל שטארק הי"ו‬ ‫‪with SHLOIME TAUSSIG, the YEDIDIM CHOIR‬‬ ‫‪& THE WONDER CHILD‬‬ ‫!‪A performance you don’t want to miss‬‬

‫א דראמאטישע און אינהאלטסרייכע "סלייד פרעזענטאציע"‬

‫‪Awe-inspiring Audio-Visual Presentation‬‬

‫וועט געוויזן ווערן‪ ,‬צו שילדערן די אומשאצבארע ארבייט פון חברה‪-‬הצלה‪.‬‬

‫קומט און ווייזט ארויס אייער ברייטהארציגע שטיצע‪.‬‬

‫און מיט דעם העלפט ארויס אייך אליין‪,‬‬ ‫אייערע קרובים‪ ,‬שכנים וידידים!‬

‫‪Delectable Suedas‬‬ ‫‪Melava Malka‬‬ ‫‪sponsored by‬‬


‫‪A long-awaited, audio visual slide presentation depicting‬‬ ‫‪the amazing work of Hatzolah, filmed and produced by On Time Studios.‬‬

‫‪Show your support! Come and bring your family‬‬ ‫!‪and friends for an unforgettable evening‬‬

‫הסעודה נערך ונסדר בנדבת לבו של ידידינו הנגיד והנכבד כמר הרה"ח ר' יהודה ברוך דאפפעלט הי"ו יעזור השי"ת שירוה רוב נחת מכיצ"ח בבריות הגוף והנפש עמו"ש‪.‬‬


t Just an A u

ct io n

Enjoy a day filled with excitement and entertainment

A night out with fun and entertainment



Doors open at 5:00 PM Program begins at 7:45 pm

Doors open at 11:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Event coordinated by

Mrs. Shavy Grossberg


A lineup of



world famous


E ENTERTAINED Mark Garfunkel The Gizmo Guys RJ Lewis The Tallest Clown by the all new amazing performances of:

World renowned mentalist

Magician & ventriloquist

Comedy juggling duo act

Exciting performance


Get a custom snapshot of your kids - while you wait - by the famous Clix By Gitty - 718-831-CLIX


Hatzolah photo booth!


Indulge in delicious appetizers; designed & served by 917-202-1413

Entertainment and excitement for all ages, from morning to night! Minimum purchase of $35 includes entry to program, door prize, and $35 worth of auction tickets

DOOR PRIZES // Get an exclusive fully stocked “Hatzolah First Aid Kit” At home, office or on the go take it along, you never know!

Sponsored, Prepared and Created by: Dynarex Quality medical products since 1967

Get the official Hatzolah safety puzzle, Voted Best Puzzle of The Year! Masterfully designed in Israel by the renowned cartoonist Avishai Chen. Bought to you by

Co-sponsored by Not available in stores.


All-new set of Hatzolah Puppets This unique set will be your child's favorite companion. Set comes with a Hatzolah member and a doctor.

Created and sponsored by Toys 4 U and Asisa Urgent Care 2


The official Hatzolah safety puzzle, Voted Best Puzzle of The Year!

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Every donor is a winner!


Every donor is a winner!

All door prizes will be distributed at the Auction Event.


This amazing insulated Hatzolah Cooler Bag will make your picnic or getaway a breeze. Sturdy and useful.

Sponsored by Maimonides Medical Center 2

Exclusive set of Hatzolah puppets


The official Hatzolah safety puzzle


This 2014 magnificent Stuhrling watch will enhance your everyday attire. Choose his or hers.

Sponsored by Stuhrling 2


The official Hatzolah safety puzzle, Voted Best Puzzle of The Year!

Choose between: Top-of-the-line Knox 650 Watt Stand Mixer A must for every household! Sponsored by Focus Camera

or The Pyle Wireless Speaker System - Keep your kids busy and entertained with a powerful singing machine! Sponsored by PYLE Electronics 2

The official Hatzolah safety puzzle

Limit 1 per family

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


Community Tribute TO

MRS. GITTY GOLDWURM Prin cipal Mesilas B ais Yaakov


will honor us by paying tribute to Hatzolah in the name of the community

Hatzolah is honored to have Mrs. Gitty Goldwurm pay tribute to Hatzolah in the name of the Boro Park community. With a rock solid foundation of Yiras Shamayim, ahavas Hashem and ahavas Yisroel, Gitty personifies emunah at her core. She has gifted her community with her positive impact; as a person, as a friend, as a camp director, as a teacher and in her current role as principal in Mesilas Bais Yaakov. How many have benefitted from her fount of seichel hayashar, generosity of spirit and wellspring of talent and kishronos as she uses her multi-faceted kochos for the good of the Klal. Gitty’s husband, Rabbi Yisroel Goldwurm is an esteemed maggid shiur in two yeshivos, and is known for the wise counsel and advice he shares. Many have benefitted from his fount of wisdom and experience. Gitty is a ready partner in his avodas hakodesh. Gitty is a credit and testimony to the chinuch and gadlus she saw in the home of her parents, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schweitzer, long time mechanchim in our community. Gitty also carries the legacy of her dear mother-in-law, the legendary baalas chesed Mrs. Suri Goldwurm A”H. Gitty’s giving smile; character and greatness have given all of us so much. Hatzolah is proud to partner with her at this landmark event.

Ahavas Chessed



Mrs. Devoiry Paneth Director, Project Men uch a

will be honored by the community for her steadfast commitment to Hatzolah & Klal Yisroel.

Devoiry personifies the essence of Hatzolah as she steps up to the plate and faces whatever the challenge or situation might be, 24/7. She takes "calls" all the time in her inimitable way, helping those who need her in every way she can. Devoiry's heart knows no boundaries; selfless and compassionate, she is there for the Klal with kindness and grace. Ambitious, talented and driven, Devoiry is the backbone of many organizations. The dedication and passion with which she directs Project Menucha is testimony to her model of "Naaseh v'Nishma". Pouring her heart and soul into everything she does, Devoiry takes tzedakeh and chesed to a higher realm. Her home is the source – and extension – for her giving as she devotes herself to her young children, guiding them to emulate her ways. As the quintessential Aishes Chayil, Devoiry assumed her role as rebbetzin of the new shul where her choshuva husband serves as rav. With her trademark of warmth and grace. She is a staunch supporter of his Torah and hora’ah. Devoiry, we are honored to say “thank you" for always being a powerful source of support to Hatzolah. You are an invaluable partner in the lives we save!


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Event Dedication

‫לע"נ ידידינו וידיד כל בית ישראל‬

‫הר"ר מאיר ז"ל בן יבלח"ט ר' אלעזר הי"ו גראס‬

Hatzolah is honored to dedicate this Auction Event in memory of R' Meyer Gross ‫ז"ל‬ Reb Meyer Gross was a model of a man who seamlessly welded the multifaceted strengths that characterize a true eved Hashem. A brilliant talmid chacham who learned constantly, a successful businessman who used his talents and assets to help others, a beloved family member who was deeply cherished, a dear friend who was always available for advice and help, Reb Meyer loved His Creator and his people, and was truly beloved in return. He had a natural charisma that made people gravitate towards him. Old and young alike related to him and were drawn to his warmth like a magnet. He delighted in life, in the beauty of the world, in the goodness of people and everyone loved to bask in his positivity in return. He was always ready with a listening ear, sharing empathy and concern. He made his deep well of wisdom and experience available to all who sought his counsel, whether personally or professionally. He constantly shared what he was blessed with, with others, in his trademark expansive way. Reb Meyer shared a special bond and a rare closeness with his children and grandchildren. His kibbud av v’eim was exemplary. Nothing was too hard, whether physically, emotionally or financially, for him to do for his parents and he would set all aside to accord them the greatest honor and respect. Yet, with all his attributes, he remained a humble, non-assuming person who chose to focus not on himself or his accomplishments, but rather on what he could do for another person. It is difficult to encapsulate a human being, let alone such a unique person, into a few short paragraphs and nothing we can say about Reb Meyer will ever be enough. He personified the ideals that characterize Hatzolah: setting aside one’s own life and agenda to be there for another person, while radiating true ahavas Hashem and ahavas Yisroel throughout. Reb Meyer was a model of that and his imprint has been deeply etched into the hearts of all those who were fortunate to know him. He is truly missed.

Event Hostesses

Join us IN showing support to Hatzolah! Hendy Birenhack Leah Brisk Mirel Eisenbach Chany Elias Esty Elias Chany Freidman Suri Friedman Blimy Glick

Chaya Gombo Chaya Esther Gottesman Chany Greenfeld Faigy Greenfeld Esty Gross Goldie Gross Rivka Gitel Gruber Tzirel Hager

Chava Hammerman Mimi Hershko Ruchy Hoffman Goldy Hoffman Malky Horowitz Esther Gitty Israel Malky Karmel Sury Karmel Rochel Blima Kasten

Chaya Katz Yenee Kaufman Miriam Kohl Faigy Krausz Rachel Lowenbraun Mindy Mashinsky Rivky Mermelstein Malky Porgesz

Tzippy Reinhold Esther Rosenberg Hindy Rosenberg Raizy Rosner Rivka Ruchy Schwartz Devoiry Weber Ruchy Wertzberger Perry Wercberger

Hatzolah Family Hostesses Chavy Felsenberg Hadassah Fendel Chana Rivkah Flaum

Chaya Fleischman Sury Fogel Perl Freilich Sury Fuchs Blimy Glick

Frimi Greenbaum Shaindy Kaff Bracha Kavolenko Zissy Kisch Devoiry Kisch

Chaya Rivky Lebowitz Sara Seidel Faigy Singer Batsheva Lefkowitz Chaya Gitty Nissen Faigy Polechek Malka Miriam Rosenberg

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


NAME ______________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________

Hey Kids!

PHONE ______________________________ MEMBER FOR A DAY 2014

Kids! To enter this raffle make sure your parents attend the Hatzolah Auction Event All children in winning family can join. Limit one entry per family.

The lucky children of the winning family will become Hatzolah members for one entire day! Enjoy a full tour of the Hatzolah Dispatch Center and see it all live in action! Ride around in a real Hatzolah ambulance and view all the interesting equipment and supplies inside! Climb aboard Hatzolah’s special night watch truck and see things you’ve never seen before! Check out Hatzolah’s fascinating training and supply rooms! And… come along with real Hatzolah members to a make-believe Hatzolah call! Receive a fully stocked REAL Hatzolah kit! All in one fanstastic, action-packed day!

Receive a fully stocked



Get your own real

HATZOLAH UNIFORMS donated by B220 a dedicated Hatzolah member.



The lucky winner gets a

Purchase scratch off cards,

FREE TICKET in every prize

win auction tickets or surprise giſts

Lucky winner automaticaly wins a surprise giſt!

Can only be purchased at the auction event.

1 ticket for $10 3 tickets for $25 5 tickets for $36

$5 per Ticket Every ticket is a winner!

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



WIN $20,000 CASH Win $20,000 to spend as you wish while knowing that you're enabling Hatzolah of Boro Park to be there for those in need!


In honor of Mr. Bernie Gips - Coordinator

1 for $36 2 for $60 4 for $100 10 for $200



7 ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO ERETZ YISROEL This will be the voyage of a lifetime – an incredible prize of seven round trip tickets to Eretz Yisrael. You will be in the lap of luxury aboard a Lufthansa flight, enjoying your trip with the knowledge that your support enables Hatzolah of Boro Park to always be available when they are needed! SPONSORED BY:

1 ticket for $50 3 tickets for $100



2 YEAR LUXURY LEASE Drive in style, elegance and luxury in a brand new luxury vehicle, knowing that you're a partner in getting Hatzolah of Boro Park on the road, on the way, to being there! $6,000 toward a luxury car of your choice. SPONSORED BY:

1 for $20 3 for $50 8 for $100


Yanky Meyer BLS-EMT and Community Liaison to the Chief Medical Examiner April 1984 Joined: Personal: Father of seven children ka”h Profession: Owner, Papermasters Printing Co. Name: Status:

Yanky is no stranger to drama, but even he has his really memorable calls. “It was Sunday aſternoon at 4:45 on Tisha B’Av. There was limited coverage since very few members had stayed behind in the city. Suddenly, my radio springs to life; “infant not breathing” the worried voice of the dispatcher came across the wire. I drop everything and race off. My colleague is a few blocks ahead of me and gets to the scene first. He dashes up four flights of steps and then radios down to me in a panic that he is holding a five day old baby in his arms, lifeless. It is a race against time. I guide him to run down with the baby to save time and I will meet him in the lobby. We begin CPR, checking repeatedly for a pulse. Still working feverishly on the baby, we get into the ambulance and speed to the ER. While en route we continuously did CPR but to no avail. The air would not enter the baby’s lungs. Our instinctive feeling told us that “there is a foreign object deeply lodged into the baby’s throat”. “My partner and I dash into the ER and run straight to PEDS where a team of doctors await us. The doctor in charge tries intubating this tiny infant but to no avail. He grabs an x-ray machine and dashes over to the baby with it. Seconds later, we hear the doctor scream “foreign object!” The team grabs the appropriate tools and carefully draws out… a cherry from the newborn’s throat. A cherry her two-year-old sister “fed” her earlier.”

YANKY’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: The message is succinct, but it sums up the community’s gratitude – and the debt of appreciation it owes – to Hatzolah. “Stop and think for a moment where you or your loved one would be if not for Hatzolah.” And if you’re thinking, “Well, Baruch Hashem, I never had to call Hatzolah,” just think of the peace of mind you have just knowing that you can. Yanky also notes: The most challenging time for him is “when you’re on the forefront, confronted with a tragedy that strikes the community. Before you even have a chance to absorb what happened, you are on to the next call. What keeps me going is knowing and hoping that I’ll be zoche to make a difference in the life of a another person.”


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •




Kitchen & Entertaining Kitchens are the heart of the home. Explore our vast collection of high-end custom kitchens. A kitchen works hard, so let us help you create a stylish and savvy kitchen you’re sure to love forever. Choose and install your dream kitchen with a $25,000 at Uptown kitchens.

$50 Sponsored by Uptown Kitchens, a dedicated Hatzolah paramedic, Anshi Kramer - SG13 5310 New Utrecht 718-514-9333


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$10 F T ,00 CA 0 RD GI


Accentuations by Design Transform your Dining Room with $10,000 at the unparalleled Accentuations by Design. (Choice of $10,000 towards any magnificent dining room set or $5,000 to be used throughout the store)

Sponsored by Accentuations by Design 1501 60th St 718-972-2300

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$7, 20 CA 0 RD FT




The Showroom This one is above and beyond any other! Make any dream you can conjure up come true. Take home any piece with your $7200 Gift Card at The Showroom.

$50 Sponsored by The Showroom 5005 13th Ave 718-431-1726


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$8, 00 CA 0 RD FT



The Dining Room Experience the transformation of your home as a choice of magnificent Dining Room sets by Stern’s takes a place of honor in your dining room. $8,000 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Stern’s Exclusive Furniture 5231 New Utrecht Ave. 718- 686-7421

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$10 V AL ,00 UE 0


A Diamond Event! Your celebration prepared by a world class expert! Sit back and relax while Diamond Events transforms your event into a magical dream! Catered, prepared and designed for 100 guest (Heimishe Hashgacha). Includes: Artistic Party Planning, a violinist, succulent hors d’oeuvres, gourmet 5 star meal, expert waiter staff, fashionable table covering, elegant china dinnerware.

$50 Sponsored by A dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic Chaim Levy, K-15 of Diamond Events & Catering 917-202-1413 or 347-262-9034


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$5, 50 UE 0 V AL


Lustrous Leichter Cover your eyes before you bench lecht in front of this exquisitely designed and intricately formed 9 branch candelabra, which will add beauty and grace to your Shabbos table.

Sponsored by a dedicated member Yitzchok Perlstein - B222 in honor of all Boro Park Hatzolah members

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Name: Status: Joined: Personal: Profession:

Nachman Feig BLS-EMT February 2011 Father of three children ka”h Associate Administrator, Boro Park Center Rehab

Like all Hatzolah members, Nachman has his share of dramatic moments. Dramatic moments that are followed by the sweetest sense of gratitude and thanks. He shares a case in point: “It was on a Motzei Shabbos when a call came in for a patient who fainted. I got there to find a 62 year old gentleman unconscious; he was not breathing and had no pulse. My fellow members and I sprang into immediate action. We began CPR and other lifesaving techniques. Aſter four minutes of CPR, four frantic, intense, heart stopping minutes, the patient got his pulse back. The patient started breathing on his own and we transported him to the hospital. I followed up on him the next day and for the duration of his hospital stay. “A few weeks later I went to wish him a hearty Mazel Tov at his grandchild’s wedding. Trust me when I say it, the feeling of gratitude doesn’t get much better than that!”

NACHMAN’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: “People see the externals of it all; the running, the sirens, the lights, it seems like it’s a bunch of glitz and glamour. But on the inside… it’s the family members at home that sacrifice so much, my wife, my lechtige children…. One incident stands out in my mind. I was standing at the door with my little yingele who was freshly bathed and dressed in pj’s; we were going to the ice cream store together for his promised treat. Just as we were about to leave, a call came in as a CODE 1, a few houses down the block. Telling my little boy that I’ll be back in just a few minutes, I dropped everything and ran. It wasn’t a few short minutes at all. When I returned home a long while later, the ice cream store was already closed and my yingele was dozing on the couch, with little tears running down his cheeks…


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P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •







• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Business Class Take the trip of a lifetime with two roundtrip tickets to Israel or any destination in Europe. Fly in comfort and style with Business Class on Lufthansa Airlines. Restrictions apply.

$5, 00 CA 0 RD FT



This way or that way, either way its Gourmet! Rely on Gourmet Glatt to bring the freshness, the reliability, the selection & quality home to you. Shop away with this $5000 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Gourmet Glatt 1274 39th St. 718-437-3000

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •





Builder’s Recognition Page


Win a chance to have your name or the name of a loved one carved into a sentimental stone at the brand new Hatzolah Headquarters! L'shem Mitzvah!

Hatzolah of Boro Park greatly anticipates the opening of its new facility, which will be a magnificent state-of-the-art center that will house our ambulance garages, dispatch center and training rooms. Our boundless appreciation goes to those whose incredible generosity is making this vision and dream a reality. After many years of planning & preparation we anxiously anticipate to be housed at the new location in the very near future '‫בעזרת ה‬. We thank the following individuals who have undertaken to sponsor a large portion of the necessary funding for this venture. Board Members Rabbi Abraham Berkowitz, Mr. David Bistricer, Mr. Shlomo Einhorn, Mr. Yossi Goldburd, Mr. Otto Weingarten Mr. Cheskel Brach Mr. Shia Engel Mr. Jacques & Libu Freund Mr. Zelig & Sarah Grossman Mr. Burech Halpern Mrs. Hilman The Landau Family

Mrs. Lipschitz Mr. Volvi Nussenzweig Mr. Samuel & Suri Paneth Mr. Henry Schon Mr. Alfred Schonberger Mr. Volvi Sicherman Mr. Nachum Stein

Mr. Meyer Weber Mr. Albert & Mr. Mendel Weinstock Mr. David Werner Mr. Robert Wolf Mr. Erwin & Ruth Zafir Mr. Dov Zyskind Anonymous

Mr. Bernie Gips - Site Commitee May Hashem repay you with good health, nachas and prosperity always.


Be Inscribed!

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Your bed above the clouds Enjoy ultimate sleeping comfort in SWISS Business, featuring fully lie-flat beds with adjustable air cushion technology and massage function. Two round trip business class tickets on Swiss International Air Lines from New York to Tel Aviv or any destination in Europe. Restrictions apply.


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •





$4, 00 UE 0



$500 Amsel Jewelry 718-686-0644 $500 Velvette sleepwear $500 Bloomingdales $500 Saks Fifth Ave


$350 Coach $350 Burberry $300 Lord & Taylor $250 Exquisite $250 Onyx

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

A Ladies Dream Make your wish come true with this premium collection of Gift Cards to outfit and pamper you from head to toe!

$200 Buckles Luxurious mink trimmed cape Beautiful Stuhrling watch

Co-sponsored in honor of a devoted Hatzolah Coordinator Mr. Bentzy Lebovitz - B84

$2, 50 CA 0 RD FT



Grandest Sterling Experience the timeless elegance of Grand Sterling. Choose $2500 to enhance your shabbos table & your home.

Sponsored by Grand Sterling 4921 13th Ave 718-854-0623 1207 Ave J 718-758-3888

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •





$3, 60 UE 0


Talmud Torah K’Neged Kulam $3,600 towards your child’s tuition.

$35 Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah member, Shimon Biberfeld - B89


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$3, 00 CA 0 RD FT



Incomparable Gems Breathtaking Jewelry is all yours to choose from with this $3000 Gift Card at Simpson Jewelers.

Sponsored by Simpson Jewelers 4922 13th Ave 718-871-0120

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$5, 20 UE 0


Glimmer & Glamour Exquisite sparkling round 1.1ct diamond, set into a surrounding of brilliantly cut stones. GIA certified.

‫נדבת ידידינו ר’ משה לאקס הי”ו‬ ‫לע”נ אביו ר’ חיים בן ר’ יהוסף ז”ל‬



2W IGS !

With special thanks to Chaim Shia Bar-Horin


Classic x2! One winner takes both! Win two wigs of unsurpassed beauty and comfort by Raizy Klein. $3000 Value.

$35 Sponsored by Raizy Klein 718-232-1212


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



Joyous Journey Fly off to the land of your dreams with two round trip tickets to Israel. Prize includes; 2 round trip tickets to Israel, 2 cell phones and GPS rental. Restrictions apply.

Trip sponsored by Chai Care 718-972-2424 Phones and GPS sponsored by Talk & Travel 718-305-7007

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •




$3, OR C A 00 SH 0


Grand Piano Crisp sound. Sparkling tone. Clean harmonies. This grand piano builds legacies. Choose a Grand piano or walk away with $3,000 cash.

$35 Sponsored by A close friend of Hatzolah, Mr. Pinchas Leitner Lifting Solutions www.ligtingsolutionsNY.com


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$10 V AL ,00 UE 0


Create a Kitchen Construct the kitchen of your dreams with a Fabuwood Kitchen at A&S Kitchens. $8,000 value. Granite countertops by Countrywide Stone & Marble, value $2,000. Installation included. Restrictions apply.

Kitchen by Fabuwood Kitchens Jersey City, NJ Kitchen layout & design by A&S Kitchens 5225 New Utrecht Ave 718-438-7820 Granite by Countrywide Stone & Marble 718-635-4022

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Name: Status: Joined: Personal: Profession:

Yitzchok Perlstein Dispatcher / BLS-EMT March 2001 Father of five children ka”h President, Madison Healthcare

The dispatcher is the first in the line of duty. It is he who receives each call and dispatches the response, coordinating the efforts from the state of the art Hatzolah headquarters. Yitzchok shares: “I have been trained as a dispatcher to be very composed and collected, but this call was a real test. “One aſternoon, I was sitting in the dispatch room and a call came in. I hear a hysterical mother on the other end. It was difficult to make out what she was saying, but I finally gathered between her screams that she was driving on an interstate highway and her 10 month-old baby was choking. I knew that in order to save this baby’s life, I needed the mother’s full attention and concentration. I immediately directed her to pull off onto the shoulder and then coached her to take some deep breaths to calm her down as much as possible… “Next was the most critical part: to walk her through the steps of CPR, so she could administer it. I spoke slowly and clearly but needed her to act fast. At the same time my partner was alerting the closest Hatzolah in the area to respond to the remote location. Aſter a few heart-stopping minutes, I heard the baby cry in the background as the food dislodged from his throat and he began breathing. It was the sweetest sound I have ever heard. I stayed on the phone with the mother for another little while, to make sure the baby was breathing fine but most importantly, to reassure her, calm her and make sure everything was okay.”

YITZCHOK’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: “Before you call Hatzolah, take a moment to collect yourself and remember your basic information. Giving us over the pertinent information in a collected manner can make the difference between life and death. And when was the hardest time to get pulled away on a call? There is no doubt in Yitzchok’s mind: It is 8:50am on a Monday morning, the beginning of a fresh new work week, I am on the way to my office, with various meetings set up. A Hatzolah call comes in for a 4 year old cancer patient R”L that urgently needs to be transported to an out of state hospital, a transport that easily takes over 3 hours, I grab my radio….


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$3, 00 CA 0 RD FT





Fabulous Furniture Whether it’s high-end pieces or top-quality affordable classics, Stern’s has something for every budget. $3000 Gift Card toward a bedroom set at Stern’s Exclusive Furniture.

$25 Sponsored by Stern’s Exclusive Furniture 5231 New Utrecht Ave. 718- 686-7421


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$2, 50 CA 0 RD FT



Opulent Ornaments Treat yourself to elegance and opulence. Irresistible choices at the unparalleled Kaufman’s Jewelry with this $2500 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Kaufman’s Design Jewelers 5023 16th Ave 718-871-3575

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 00 CA 0 RD FT





Classic Elegance Browse through a unique collection of quality home furnishings & decorate your home in style with this $2000 Gift Card at Style N Décor.

$25 Sponsored by Style N Décor 1825 65th St 718-234-5611


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,5 0 CA 0 RD FT



Illuminations Brighten your home and dazzle the space with $1500 at Rainbow Lighting.

Sponsored by Rainbow Lighting 2214 59th St 718-234-3393

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 00 CA 0 RD FT





Luxurious Indulgence Eat. Sleep. Live. Relax. Splurge on anything for your home with a $2000 Gift Card at Living Quarters.

$25 Sponsored by Living Quarters 5926 16th Ave 718-256-4367


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$5, 00 UE 0 V AL


Eternally Diamonds This magnificent platinum wedding band is a treasure forever with five brilliantly cut diamonds, total weight over 1.50 carats.

Sponsored by an extraordinary Hatzolah paramedic - B246

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$3, 00 CA 0 RD FT





We leave the lights on for you! Enjoy a hassle free year of utilities! 1 year of your electricity bill paid up to $3,000. We’ll keep you energized & it is on us!

$25 Sponsored by Power 7 Group 718-682-0660 www.power7group.com


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



Luxurious Linens Enjoy the luxurious sleeping experience of the Ben Barber collection. Transform your entire bedroom with a complete ensemble of your choice.

Sponsored by Elegant Linen 5719 New Utrecht Ave 718-871-3535

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 40 CA 0 RD FT





The land of imagination…. coming true! Gear up for this giga prize! A kids (& adult) dream come true! Toys, board games, bicycles, school supplies and much more. $2400 for a shopping extravaganza at Toys 4 U.

$25 Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$2, 00 UE 0 V AL


Special for you! Experience luxury you can feel with the finest custom wig. $2000 Value. Cut & Style included by Yitty Steinberg.



$2, 40 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by Yitty Steinberg’s Wigs 347-645-7815


Heart’s Desire Spend as you wish and fill your heart’s desire. $2400 Visa Gift Card.

Sponsored by anonymous in honor of all Hatzolah Coordinators who devote countless hours to Hatzolah and the entire community

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$2, 00 UE 0


Texture & Shine Win an all custom made European wig of your choice. $2000 Value. Cut and style included.












Sponsored by Perry Tobal 347-417-1252


Dream Getaway Europe beckons - and now you can respond! Enjoy two economy class tickets to any destination in Europe or Israel by Austrian Air.

$25 Sponsored by Austrian Air


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$5, 50 UE 0 V AL


Timeless Elegance Be the proud owner of this exquisite watch. Enjoy the majestic precision of an authentic timepiece.

Sponsored by a very dedicated Hatzolah Coordinator, Chaim Fischer - B57

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Name: Status: Joined: Personal: Profession:

Hersh Leib Schwartz BLS-EMT January 1999 Father of six children ka”h Diamond Sales Executive

Years of service tending to emergency medical needs hones not just one’s skills, but also one’s sixth sense, that extra dose of siyata dishmaya, that enables one to be of crucial assistance – sometimes even before the call comes in. Hersh Leib’s story is a case in point. “It was Erev Pesach. I was in the matzah bakery doing my yearly shiſt when I met an acquaintance. As he approached me, I felt something was a bit off. ‘Is everything okay, Shimon?’ I asked worriedly. ‘Are you feeling good?’ “’Now that you ask,’ he admitted, ‘I’ve indeed been feeling weak the last few days…’ “Now I was truly worried. I urged him to go check it out – NOW. I’ll go right aſter Yom Tov,’ he promised me. But I was too concerned to let it go. I convinced him to allow me to take him in to be checked out, just as a precaution, just to be on the safe side. “A few routine tests showed a slow internal bleed, which means devastating or sometimes ch”v fatal results. Hatzolah arranged everything the patient would need in the hospital for Yom Tov, as well as making sure that the family at home was set. “On the second day chol hamoed, I went to visit him in his home. He was on the way to recovery. Another life saved.”

HERSH LEIB’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: “When choosing a physician, make sure you do proper research. Choose a doctor who has not just expertise, but experience, too. Be consistent with visits to make sure your health and the health of your family is monitored properly.” Hersh Leib relates another challange: There are calls which may not necessarily appear to be urgent ones, they involve an extra level of mesiras nefesh from the member due to his personal circumstances. “Since my Bar Mitzvah, every Yom Kippur, I’ve had the personal tradition of not speaking from the start of the fast until motzei Yom Kippur. This was an iron-clad minhag of mine that I clung to as difficult as it would become. “Until recently. A serious call came in on Yom Kippur and I was forced to speak. I did what I had to do, though it was hard for me… aſter years of holding strong, I broke something that is so precious to me, to save a life…”


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,8 0 CA 0 RD FT




• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Family Focus Get the latest in sound & stage equipment, digital cameras, point and shoot film cameras, DVD players, home and personal electronics, toys, games, watches, binoculars, telescopes, GPS, voice recorders, and much more! $1800 at Focus Camera.

Sponsored by Focus Camera 895 McDonald Ave 718-431-7900 ‫לעילוי נשמת מרת גיננדל בת‬ ‫ר' שלמה בערקאוויטש ע"ה‬ ‫נלב"ע ז' אב תש"ע לפ"ק‬

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Budding Scholar Fire his spiritual aspirations with $1000 at Judaica Corner.

Sponsored by Judaica Corner 4301 13th Ave 718-435-5900

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •






Florida Escape! Win an exhilarating vacation for 2 in the Sunshine State! Prize includes airfare for 2 and a 3 night stay at the first class Lxure Suites & Villas, Miami.

$20 Tickets sponsored by a close friend of Hatzolah - Travel USA Accommodations by Lxure Suites & Villas 718-501-3911


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



$1,2 0 CA 0 RD


Soft & Thirsty Enhance your home with elegant and luxurious towels. Make great additions and redefine luxury with a $1200 Gift Card at The Towel Shop.

Judaica Corner

Sponsored by The Towel Shop 4805 New Utrecht Ave 718-484-0610

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$1,8 0 UE 0


Look and Feel Your Best! Kiki wigs - The name that speaks for itself. Wig value $1800.

Sponsored by Kiki Wigs 718-633-6611


Cutting Edge iPad Be at the cutting edge with the latest in the apple gadgetry. Thinner. Lighter. Better. Take home an ipad air! (Filter installed).

Sponsored by friends of the Mittelman Family



$2, 50 UE 0

‫לע”נ ר’ נחום מרדכי ב”ר נחמן חיים ז”ל‬



Naturally Yours The “WOW” wig has finally arrived! Reveal the real you with this one of a kind unprocessed, untreated, hand sewn and extremely natural custom wig. $2500 value. (restrictions apply) Sponsored by Shani Schechter 718 673 1454


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



$1,2 0 CA 0 RD


New Elegance Dazzle up your home with this $1200 Gift Card to shop for exquisite vanities, magnificent chandeliers, mirrors, consoles and many other gift ideas.



Sponsored by Finishing Styles 6024 14th Ave 718-435-6660

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$2, 40 UE 0




$1,5 0 UE 0


Treat the Teen A dazzling array of Gift Cards sure to make any teen feel treated! Enjoy!

Sophistication The wig you’ve been waiting for. $1500 towards a Pessibi wig. Cut and style included.

$20 Sponsored by Pessibi 718-972-4215


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,2 0 CA 0 RD FT



Judaica Spree Stock your shelves with seforim, books and other Judaica items with $1200 at the renowned Shloimy’s Judaica.

Sponsored by Shloimy’s Judaica 4405 15th Ave 718-437-3649

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 00 CA 0 RD FT




Trendy & Fashionable From classic to contemporary Feldman’s jewelers features something for everyone! $2,000 Gift Card at Feldman’s

$20 Sponsored by Feldman’s Jewelry 4821 16th Ave 718-438-8895


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4




Unique! Executive & Celebrity chef Boris Poleschuck & The Loft Steakhouse have earned elite status. Get the honor of Boris cooking your yom tov or party meal in the comfort of your home! “win the executive chef of The Loft for a day”

Sponsored by The Loft Steakhouse & Executive Chef Boris Poleschuck 718-475-5600

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 00 CA 0 RD FT




Whopping Filler Stock it up - the “Mega” way! Fill your refrigerator and cabinets with a whopping $2000 worth of groceries at the Mega 53 Supermarket.

$20 Sponsored by Mega 53 5316 13th Ave 718-438-0617


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



Linen Extraordinaire Give each room a facelift with these four complete sets of the soft, silk-feel, sateen bedlinens by Eleganté.

Sponsored by Eleganté Linen 4702 16th Ave 718-871-9800

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,5 0 CA 0 RD FT




• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Stay Young Win a $1,500 Gift Card with Yocheved Youngewirth, licensed aesthetician . The most sophisticated, fastest laser technology in the industry.

Sponsored by Yocheved Youngewirth 5701 15th Ave / 713 Bedford Ave 1-800-535-2737

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Furnish Your Home For your living room, family room or anywhere else in your home, furniture, upholstery and a full complement of accessories, enjoy a $1000 Gift Card at TGI Furniture.



$1,0 0 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by TGI Furniture 1534 62nd St 718-256-5660


Chic & Stylish Classic, elegance & ready to wear. Shop and dress your best at the famed S&W with a $1000 Gift Card.

Sponsored by S&W Clothing 4217 13th Ave 718-431-2800

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Buzzing Along On your mark, get set, and go… to the Buzz!

Electronic superstore for just about everything you need for a home or office. Shop to your heart’s desire with this $1000 Gift Card.

Sponsored by The Buzz 1314 50th Street 1402 Coney Island Avenue 718- 399-4900



$2, 50 UE 0


Shimmer & Shine An eye-catching accessory for your wrist. The Gucci women’s bangle with diamond dial watch offers a stylish timepiece to suit your lifestyle.

$20 Sponsored by Shnoop.com A dedicated Hatzolah Member, Shloimy Grossman - RL48


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Indulge in Luxury Be dazzled by the sensational collection with $1,000 to spend as you wish at Jacob Jewelers.

Sponsored by Jacob Jewelers 5221 13th Ave 718-854-9090

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •




Rapture at the Raleigh Make memories of a lifetime with a two week stay at the Raleigh hotel for you and your family. Restrictions apply.

$20 Sponsored by Raleigh Hotel 845-434-7000


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$2, 50 UE 0 V AL

56 $500 Little Loungers $360 Whoopi $250 Bee Cotton $200 Judy’s Nook $180 Wonderland $150 Little Imports $150 Europe on 12th $100 Toys 4 U

Fun & Fancy Outfit and entertain your children in style with a fabulous collection of Gift Cards to your favorite shops.

$100 All in One $100 Sock Exchange $100 at Little Luxury $100 Your Shoe $100 F&F Family Watch by Stuhrling Canon Camera

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Precious Jewels There is nothing like precious jewels to make a woman feel special. Choose $1000 worth of diamonds, gold, or pearls at Allegra Fine Jewelry.

Sponsored by Allegra Fine Jewelry 718-853-8253



$1,4 0 UE 0

58 $20

Sukkah Spectacular You’re all set for Sukkos! Experience a true Oneg Yom Tov with a $1000 Gift Card towards an easy to assemble 8x10 beautiful panel Sukkah. Prize includes a folding table, chairs, a shop light and a Poly on Wheels.

Sponsored by The Sukkah Center 3720 14th Avenue 718-436-6333 Poly on Wheels 917.789.3245 Closeout Connections


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



Experience the best Your chance to win 2 economy class tickets to Europe. Enjoy a new economy class experience with the highest standards in comfort, ease and design! Fly anywhere Brussels Airlines flies!


$1, F T 00 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by Brussels Airlines


Elegant Table Transform your table with $1000 Gift Card at Eastside China.

Sponsored by Eastside China 5002 12th Ave 718-633-8672

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$3, 00 UE 0


$500 G&G Clothing $300 Marcy Clothing $250 Schwartz shoes $200 Emporio $180 Shoe Depot $100 Focus camera Moznaim Shas 2 Bekitches by Royal Clothing

Hat to Toe For Him This exciting collection of gifts and Gift Vards will thrill the man of the house. Prize includes;

Bekitche by Kesser Clothing Hat by Park Hatters Traveling hat box $500 Chopard Pen iPhone 4 with blue tooth headset Watch by Stuhrling


Computer Station Operate your business at full speed with “Compustation”.

Win a Windows desktop XPS i7-4770 computer with 4th Gen Intel Core processors, 1TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s, 8GB of Memory. 24” full HD ultra-sharp screen.


All-in-one laser printer (Filter installed).

$20 Sponsored by The Compu Station 646-350-4688


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Torah Treasures $1000 to a fabulous treasure trove of seforim, Judaica, and gifts from one of New York’s largest Judaica stores.

Sponsored by Eichler’s 5004 13th Ave 718-633-1505

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT




Splendorous Silver Experience the sheer splendor of sterling silver. Choose from a dazzling array at Eastern Silver with a $1000 Gift Card.

$20 Sponsored by Eastern Silver 4901 16th Ave 718-854-5600


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



The Golden Coast! Your destination to a perfect vacation where there’s always something new to discover. Win 2 tickets to California with a 3 night hotel stay. Canon camera and a classy set of American Tourister Luggage included.

Sponsored by A close friend of Hatzolah - Mr. Naftali Steiner of Travel USA

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$1,8 0 UE 0


Summer Extravaganza A fantastic opportunity for any child (…and parent). $1800 towards a camp of your choice.





$1,8 0 CA 0 RD

‫לזכות שמעון בן שרה פערל‬ ‫לרפואה שלימה ואריכת ימים‬ ‫ושנים טובים‬


Redefine Your Room Choose custom paintings, portrait framing, wall decor, needlepoint, and more with $1800 at Artistic Gallery.

$20 Sponsored by Artistic Gallery 4417 14th Ave 718-633-8410


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,8 0 CA 0 RD FT



Grand & Gracious Find the perfect gift or treat yourself to one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. Enjoy a superior shopping experience with this $1800 Gift Card at The Showroom.



$1,0 0 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by The Showroom 5005 13th Ave. 718-431-1726


Destiny Destinations Choose your destination with $1000 Gift Card at Destiny Travel and enjoy a trip that you will remember forever!

Sponsored by A friend of Hatzolah - Destiny Travel

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •




$1,4 0 UE 0


Slide, Swing, Climb, Hide Up up and away. Your kids will enjoy endless entertainment and fun with a premium swing set. $1400 value at Better Health.

$20 Sponsored by Better Health 5302 New Utrecht Ave 718-436-4693


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Glittery Grandeur You will be awed and thrilled with a $1000 Gift Card to All That Glitters.



$1,3 5 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by All That Glitters 4706 16th Ave 718-853-8789


A Treat at Elite Whether it’s something to adorn your table or enhance your Shabbos or Yom Tov, your $1350 Gift Card at Elite Sterling will be a real treat!

Sponsored by Elite Sterling 4805 13th Ave 718-854-8833

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 00 CA 0 RD FT




Mega Save! Fill your wagons with the finest selection of groceries & more with a $2,000 Gift Card at Mega Savings! The grocery where you save mega!

$20 Sponsored by Mega Savings 5013 13th Avenue 718-438-9038


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Designer Dinette Complete your home with $1000 at “Dinetc” and pick from a fantastic choice of tables and chairs.



$1,0 0 CA 0 RD

Sponsored by Dinetc. 4402 New Utrecht Ave. 718-436-3980


Sleep Tight Delight Your choice for a luxurious night’s sleep. $1000 Gift Card at Sleeptight Bedding.

Sponsored by Sleeptight Bedding 5211 New Utrecht Ave 718-438-3933

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$1,2 0 CA 0 RD FT



Visas Unlimited What can be better than a Gift Card to spend as you wish! Win a $1200 Visa Gift Card and the choices are endless!








Sponsored in honor of two exceptional Hatzolah members - B246 & B247


Scholarly Delight Enhance your library and your learning experience with a full collection of the Hebrew Schottenstein Shas.



$1, F T 50 CA 0 RD

‫ל‬-‫לע”נ יענטא בת ר’ ישרא‬ ‫חיים כ”ד אדר ב תשס”ה‬



Chic! Choose from a variety of custom light-weight wigs at Clary’s wigs. $1500 Gift Card. Cut & style included.

Sponsored by Clary’s 1373 55th St 718- 854-6552


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Outstanding Outfit Embellish the men in your family with style. $1000 at the majestic G&G Quality Clothing.

Sponsored by G&G Quality Clothing 5101 New Utrecht Ave 718-871-7841

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Name: Status: Joined: Personal: Profession:

Motty Weisbrod ALS-Paramedic December 1998 Father of many ka”h Owner of Townhouse Builders Construction Co.

Motty knows what it’s all about; always on call. This happened on a recent Chol Hamoed trip with his children. A quiet family outing turned into a heart stopping life and death drama, with Motty pitted right in the middle of it. “So we were playing together, the children and me, when I noticed a little boy, about seven years old, suddenly drop to the ground. I ran over to see what happened; he was frantically pointing to his ear and saying, ‘A Bee! A Bee!’ “His mother came running over from the other side of the park panicstricken. Her yingele was extremely allergic to bee stings and the situation quickly became life-threatening. The bee had flown deep inside his ear and we had no way of removing it. I began injecting him immediately with medication but the bee was continuously releasing venom and it was counteracting the meds. It became a desperate struggle to keep this boy alive; he was driſting in and out of consciousness and I was afraid of losing him. I alerted the hospital describing the grim situation and, all the while injecting him with drugs to keep him alive. We set off for the emergency room where a team of doctors took over the fight for his life. Suddenly, in a flash of insight, one doctor took out an oversized syringe, filled it with water and aggressively started squirting water into the ear, literally drowning the bee. Tears filled my eyes as I beheld the miracle. B’Chasdei Hashem, little Avrumy came back to life. The color returned to his cheeks and he began to breathe regularly. Can I describe the sense of wonder and gratitude one experiences as he witnesses techiyas hameisim?

MOTTY’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: It is difficult to fundraise. It is difficult to have to come up with campaigns and events to generate the funding that should really be pouring in of grateful and appreciative hearts. It is difficult to watch children hurt, your children crying in pain . But even so – we want to be there. We want to be there for you, in your time of need. There is nothing more that we want to do. But – and can I make this a cry from the depths of my heart – we cannot do it without you! We are willing to shoulder the burden – of being available at all times, of leaving family time, simchas, jobs and learning sedarim. But there is one burden we cannot shoulder alone. The burden of providing the financial means to make it all possible.


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •


$2, 50 CA 0 RD FT




Take Note! Whether it’s channeling boundless energy into the drums, or playing melodies on the guitar, keyboard or other instruments. Win $2500 and join the many lucky ones already enrolled for these exciting lessons.

$15 Sponsored by Take Note 718-633-4184


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Children’s Dream Delight your children with a complete bedroom ensemble, featuring this magnificent furniture set. Includes: Twin Headboard, Night Stand, Dresser & Mirror.

Sponsored by S&S Furniture 306 Penn St 718-963-1466

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



$1,5 0 UE 0


Handsome & Sophisticated This Rado Integral men’s watch is an elegant masterpiece. Ultra thin, amazingly light and scratchresistant.

Sponsored by Watchmaxx.com A dedicated Hatzolah member, Yonoson Hoffman - B231



Race to Respond! Kids, this is the moment you have been waiting for! Zoom around the block or around the bungalow colony with this trailmaster XRS go cart. This is a kid’s dream come true!

$15 Sponsored in honor of a dedicated Hatzolah member, Mr. Chaim Shea Klein - B200


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Flight! Have you ever been in an airplane before? You and your kids can enjoy an exhilarating private plane ride above the rooftops of Brooklyn! A trip you will remember forever!

Sponsored by Chaveirim in honor of the Gross family and all the dedicated Hatzolah members.

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Rosy Dreams Win a charismatic set of super soft plush suede linen, prize includes 2 quilt covers, fitted sheets, shams & throw pillows.

Sponsored by D’Rose Linen 1315 47th St 718-435-1045



Recline in Comfort Add modern comfort to your living room with this a two seater reclining couch.

$15 Sponsored by Friends of Hatzolah


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

$2, 00 UE 0 V AL

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT


87 88

Diva Kid Outfit your prince or princess with $500 Little Loungers, $360 Bizi, $350 Mon Petite, $250 Smiling Faces Photography 718-621-0507 $250 Lulla Bebe, $200 Toys 4 You, $100 Posh, $100 Girandola, $100 Precious Steps, $100 14th Ave Shoes, $50 Family Hose, Kipling Backpack.

Free Yourself! Experience laser hair removal at the reputable Supreme Laser with a $1000 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Surie Appel 1753 48th St 718-851-5753

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •




$1,0 0 CA 0 RD


Shop More Savor the freshest and enjoy piling up your shopping cart with $1000 at Landau’s Supermarket.

Sponsored by Landau’s Supermarket 4510 18th Ave 718-633-0633

DELL XPS 3rd Gen Core-i5 Desktop Computer


Top Techno The Ultimate Experience in Technology!

Windows® 7 Home Premium, Intel Core i5-3450 processor 8GB Memory 1TB Hard Drive Acer 23” Widescreen monitor


Includes a Dell Color LED Laser Printer



• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Sponsored by ID Tech Solutions 718-408-9199


Did you see that? CCTV - Surveillance System. Includes: 4 Cameras, 500GB 4 Channel Recorder (DVR) 19" LCD Monitor. Choice of outside wiring or inside wiring with molding.


$1,1 0 UE 0

Sponsored by ALL Boro Communications 718-851-3990


Discover Vermont Take advantage of a luxurious 3 night stay with your family. Includes top accomodations in a private condo and enjoy gourmet meals.

Sponsored by Bain Hazmanim Getaway

732-444-To VT (8688) P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •





$3, 00 UE 0


Instant Upgrade Superior quality and attractive designs. Your choice of an executive desk or bookcases up to 72” wide, can be cut to fit any space.

Sponsored by Office Impressions 140 58th St 718-748-8357

Comfort Zone Cool off or warm up with this 18,000 BTU Freidrich wall-mounted split system with advanced inverter technology, LCD wireless remote. Installation included. Restrictions apply.

$15 Sponsored by Cool Aid Heating & Cooling 347-261-7106


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Gracious Home Create the ultimate kitchen, be amazed with this premium collection of Dinnerware, Flatware service for 12, Food processor, Gourmet Grade mixer, Toaster oven, Set of pots, Goblets, Crock pot, Hot water urn, Dish towels, Kitchen utensils, Cooking utensils, Hand mixer, Blender, Stick blender, Sandwich maker & more!!


Sponsored by The Buzz 1314 50th Street 1402 Coney Island Avenue 718- 399-4900


Where food stories are made! Experience The Loft! Enjoy, indulge & pamper yourself and your friends with a party for 10 at The Loft Steakhouse. A memory which will last forever!

Sponsored by The Loft Steakhouse 1306 40th St. 718-475-5600

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Every inch an iPad Win the magical window to the world, the allnew iPad Mini (Filter installed).

Sponsored by friends of the Mittelman Family

‫לע”נ ר’ נחום מרדכי ב”ר נחמן חיים ז”ל‬


His Crowning Glory Treat yourself to an new and luxurious shtreimel at the renowned Krauss Shtreimel. Complete your new look with a crisp new tallis and stunning silver atara.


Sponsored by Krauss Shtreimel 1-888-Krauss, Tallis & Atara by Tiferes 718-435-0618


$15 blur

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


The Scroll Relive the miraculious events of Purim, with a stunning Megillah handwritten by a renowned sofer yirei shomayim. Includes a stunning Moreshet silver holder. Sponsored by Bais Hastam 5116 13th Ave 718-437-0927 Megilla holder by Moreshet 5203 13th Ave 718-972-0210

$1,0 0 CA 0 RD FT



Toys 4 You Too! The prize the kids (and you) have been waiting for. Enjoy your children’s delight as they choose their favorite toys with a $1000 Gift Card at Toys 4 U.


$1,0 0 UE 0

Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697


Superior The perfect wig to give you that new style! Win a Miami (Supreme) custom wig $1000 value. Cut and style included.

Sponsored by Toby Rosenfeld 718-972-1372


At Your Fingertips Dell Inspiron I15R 15.6" LED Notebook DVD-Writer 6 GB RAM Bluetooth

Sponsored by Dr. Computer 1371 58th St 718- 437-4924

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Name: Status: Joined: Personal: Profession:

Shloimy Rosenberg ALS-Paramedic March 1993 9 children and 11 grandchildren ka”h Liaison at Montefiore Hospital

It took a while to trace Shloimy down. When we finally heard back from him, he was en route to Eretz Yisroel, acoompanying a very ill patient on a very special trip. Here’s what he shares: “Through the many years I have been with Hatzolah, there have been all kinds of calls; from the heartbreaking – terrible accidents involving children R"L, to the dramatic – saving people from definite death. It is difficult to describe the nachas one is sometimes zocheh to have. Shocking a young father found in cardiac arrest and then years later, seeing him walking in the street, davening in shul. And the young men who surround him – his grown sons, they were the terrified children who stood by as their father was clinically dead and they are now fathers themselves… There are no words to describe the sipuk of such calls. But there are other calls. And those calls are not quite as dramatic but they stay with me. These are the calls that are seemingly routine; heart attacks, strokes, choking etc. At these calls, I feel like I really get involved. I like to go the extra mile; to stay with the patient, hold the hand of the family and take care of the situation long aſter the patient was brought to the hospital. For me, these are the real “special Hatzolah calls”. It is this dedication to the unknown individual, without the drama and fanfare, that is the heart of Hatzolah.

SHLOIMY’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: Shloimy’s message is: Do not hesitate to call Hatzolah! It is difficult to see emergencies that could have been spared escalating had we been called earlier. Rather call us a few times for “nothing”, than miss one important call. A dramatic story underscores this. A young man, a 38 year old father of eight, felt unwell. He chalked it up to a virus and pushed himself. He didn’t feel that his vague symptoms warranted a call “to bother us”. Unfortunately, by the time Hatzolah was called, he was almost unconscious. A rampant infection had invaded his lungs and was quickly destroying his system. Although Hatzolah and the medical team fought valiantly for his life, sadly, the enemy was too vicious and this young father passed away. Of course, all is min hashamayim, but we at Hatzolah urge everyone: “Call. Even if you aren’t sure, just call. Better safe than sorry.”


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •



Mother & Baby Delight Indulge the new mother with a 4 day stay at Aim B’Yisroel. Includes an exclusive breakfast basket by Taste N Toast.

Aim B’Yisroel stay sponsored by friends of Hatzolah ‫לע”נ דבורה ב"ר יוסף שלמה ע”ה‬ Breakfast by Taste N Toast 5516 New Utrecht Ave 718-435-4422


$1,0 0 UE 0


Signature Style Express your unique style with this amazing collection of Gift Cards! $350 at Green’s $250 at Vintage Décor $200 at Deco Dine $200 at The Gift Place


5017 13th Ave 718-438-7984


4117 14th Ave 718-431-0551

5115 13th Ave 718-633-5258

4503 16th Ave 718-438-4001


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Suede Duet Enhance your suite with the luxury of suede. A rich look for any bed with its luxuriously soft feel. Prize includes 2 quilt covers, fitted sheets, standard pillow cases, shams and dust ruffles.

Sponsored by Linen Palace 5406 New Utrecht Ave 718-435-8810


Nest Thermostat Turn it up. Turn it down. The Nest thermostat learns your schedule and the temperatures you like. It keeps you comfortable and saves energy when you’re away. Installation included.

Sponsored ‫לע"נ לאה בת ר’ שלמה ע"ה‬ ‫שימאן‬

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

10 1


$50 CA 0 R FT



Picture Perfect $500 to preserve your precious memories forever at the unrivaled Judy Fischmann.

Sponsored by Judy Fischmann 347-254-8033


American Dream Give your little girl hours of fun and pleasure with an American Girl doll of her choice along with a $200 Gift Card to dress her up.


Sponsored by the Perlstein Family



Power Wheels The force will be lucky to have a new addition out patrolling the streets with this all-new Dodge Charger police cruiser.

Sponsored by


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Wheel In Style Wheel your little one in the height of fashion. Get the latest look with the Baby Roues Bassinet and Stroller. Any mom will appreciate the convenient features and stylish design.

Sponsored by Baby Street 5409 18th Ave 718-395-3919


Downright Difference Sail off into dreamland with these quilts and pillows by Downright. Includes: 2 comforel polyfill quilts & 4 pillows.

Sponsored by Downright 718-788-6363

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

10 3


Planet Cell Discover the latest smartphones, prepaid devices, phone plans, accessories and more from Planet Cell. Win a Samsung galaxy with a year of unlimited cell phone service, talk and text.




$50 CA 0 R

Sponsored by Planet Cell 3922 16th Ave 718-633-7555


Home Maker’s Delight Add a finishing touch to your kitchen with $250 at The Peppermill and $250 at Kerekes.

5015 16th Ave 718-871-4022





$50 CA 0 R

6103 15th Avenue 718- 232-7044



Amazing Appliance Indulge in all new appliances. Browse around and discover the latest hi-end brands and products with a $500 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Drimmers Appliances 1608 Coney Island Ave 718-338-3500


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Little Princess Win the exciting Princess Castle with a grand staircase and many rooms, a little girl can go off to imagination land with this complete set and accessories.

Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697


Fun Times Two On the go Bitty Twins, includes stroller, change of outfits & accessories.




$50 CA 0 R

Sponsored by Friends of Hatzolah


Judaica Jewels Learning, reading, judaica… you got it all with $500 at Scharf’s Judaica

Sponsored by Scharf’s Judaica 4904 16th Ave 718-871-2260

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

10 5


Mega Miele One giant leap for vacuuming. Lightweight. Powerful. Stylish.

‫לע”נ אפרים צבי ב”ר בנציון ע”ה‬ Sponsored in honor of Boro Park Hatzolah by Williamsburg Vacuum 344 Roebling 718-384-0851 www.mhvacuum.com


119 $10


Posh Bosch Treat your family to the best homebaked goodies with the Bosch universal mixer.

Sponsored by the Unger family in memory of their beloved mother ‫לע”נ חי’ מירל גאלא ע’’ה בת‬ ‫הרה’’צ ר' משה הלוי שליט’’א‬

Seize the Moment Make the moment last forever with the Canon’s new EOS Rebel T3. Features include 12.6 megapixels, great zoom, large LCD screen and more. A digital powerhouse. Sponsored by Focus Camera 905 McDonald Ave 718 431-7900


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


$50 CA 0 R FT

GI Sponsored by Rachel Stern Greatsnap Photography 347-246-3937

121 122

Lifestyle! Capturing and photographing your everyday life sweetness & smiles with $500 at Greatsnap photography.

From Morning to Morning! This Moznaim Chossan Shas is made of finest print and quality. Bound to last for many generations and will make learning an even greater pleasure.

Sponsored by Moznaim Publishing Corp 4304 12th Ave 718-438-7680

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

10 7

123 124 Fun & Fitness

Stay Sleek

One year family membership at the “Y”

Tech-up with this thin Gateway NV series Laptop touch computer, intel core processor with a 500GB HD and 4GB Memory. (Filter Installed).

Sponsored by The Boro Park YMHA

Sponsored by DH Data Recovery 718-509-9211


125 126 108

Winter Blizzard

Do It Yourself

Built to handle the toughest snow. Quick starting and easy to operate this 24” Troy built snow-blower will give you a hand in cleaning up the snow.

Learn from the expert. Hair and wig cutting and styling course by Toby with all supplies included.

Sponsored by Budget Maintenance

Sponsored by Toby Rosenfeld 718-972-1372


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Go Fish! Create a beachfront, underwater view to call your own relaxing place with a 30 Gallon Aquarium filled with fish. Filter, light and accessories included.

Sponsored by The Parrot'er Rav 917-589-8166

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

10 9


Capture the Scene Capture every precious scene with this cool and hi-tech Sony HDR-CX240 Handycam, includes a 9.2 MP HD camera for still images.

Sponsored by Focus Camera 905 McDonald Ave 718 431-7900


Powered for Proficiency Take this home or wherever you go! A Dell Latitude Core i7 Laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium, 4.0GB Memory, 320GB hard drive, 14.0” HD Display, 8X DVD, with a Canon all-in-one laser printer. (filter installed).





$50 CA 0 R

Laptop by ID-Tech Solutions 718-408-9199 Printer by Gbytes 646-625-8534



Supreme Jump start your health with a $500 Gift Card to Supreme Health Food Center.

Sponsored by Supreme Health Food Center 4624 16th Ave 718-853-3090


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Garden Oasis Enjoy your summer with this enchanting patio set. Includes a rectangle dining table with tempered glass table top, 6 chairs, umbrella and stand.

Sponsored by Anonymous


Dad’s Gourmet Get the apron and fire up the grill. Prize includes a Weber Spirit outdoor grill and $400 Gift Card at Satmar Meats.

Sponsored by Satmar Meats 5301 New Utrecht Avenue 718-435-8200 and Anonymous

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

11 1


Yitzchok Seidel BLS-EMT June 1978 Father of 8 , many grandchildren and great grandchildren ka”h Profession: Retired Name: Status: Joined: Personal:

Over the 36 years that Yitzchok has been serving the Boro Park community, he has accumulated hundreds of amazing stories of hashgacha, siyata dishmaya and the incredible efforts of Hatzolah to meet the emergency medical needs of the community.

YITZCHOK’S MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: “I’ve had hundreds of situations that I’ve responded to a patient having a stroke; people of all ages, it doesn’t matter. I plead with you: be aware of the symptoms of stroke and call for help right away. Very oſten someone loses his speech for just a second, or feels some numbness, and oſten the patient says ‘it’s nothing; I’m just tired, or I had a wedding, or I just traveled… ‘ “Every second counts and wasting time can make the critical difference. Don’t wait until a full blown stroke attacks you! The subtle symptoms are a warning that Hashem gives you to go get help. Don’t ignore these symptoms; it can make a difference of a hospital stay of just a few days and then going right back to normal or many weeks and months in rehab and never really gaining back all your strength. Yitzchok has another message, one that is crucial for any home that has children living there – or even visiting for a short time. “I can’t stress enough the importance of not bringing dangerous chemical cleaners into your house! Think of how it must be to respond to a call for a child who will be maimed and scarred for life simply because the parents wanted to use a specific cleanser! I’ve had too many calls to mention where a kid R”L lost their vision or were otherwise burned or damaged. Mothers and Fathers (and grandparents, too) be aware that even the tiniest shpritz in your child’s eye can cause major damage. It penetrates deeply inside, needing special care for weeks on end by burn specialists and their teams. These injuries that cause untold heartache and guilt are so easily preventable! Certainly, in such situations, prevention is the best cure.”


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4



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134 $5


Playmobile Extravaganza Ready to play? This large collection will keep you busy for a while. Play with the school house, city action police boat, helicopter set & accessories.

Sponsored by Double Play & Petite Prices

Elegant Get your house ready for guest with a luxurious set of linen.

Sponsored by Elegant Linen 5719 New Utrecht Ave 718-871-3535

Classic & Formal Greet the Shabbos Queen with this elegant china service for 12 by Continental Tablesetting.

Sponsored by Continental Tablesetting 4622 16th Ave 718- 438-2522


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Fully Loaded Get it and fill it! 17 cubic foot freezer and $250 Gift Card at Shauly’s Meats.


Freezer sponsored by Duddy’s 4415 14th Avenue 718-851-9400 Meat sponsored by Shauly’s Meats 1973 60th Street 718-236-2200

137 138

Biking Along Enjoy family outings with 2 up-to-date 24” speed bikes.

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah member Shlomo Levi – B244

Jumping Jacks Bring bouncing fun to your own back yard and make sure your kids are safe with this 8’ trampoline and safety enclosure.

Sponsored by a very dear friend of Hatzolah

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11 5

139 140 Non-stop Builder

Binyan Blocks is amazing! Take home a complete package & keep the kids occupied. All sets included.

Sponsored by Binyan Blocks & A dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic Shauly Wolhandler SG14

141 142 Platinum

“Because every woman deserves one”. Enjoy a new wig from the Platinum Collection. Wig sponsored by Aziza Wigs 347-693-8080

Rolling Away Let’s cruise with 4 top quality razor scooters.

Sponsored by Matis Witriol B218, a dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic

Imitation Mom Feel like a Mommy with this Bugaboo Donkey double carriage and dolls.


Cut & style by Perele Pretter 718-232-5352



• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Sponsored by Toys to Discover 5510 18th Ave 718-232-8655

143 144

Fun for Your Kinder 1 Your children will enjoy hours of play with this unique toy designed especially for you. The Chasuna Set is the newest addition to the Mitzvah Kinder Family.

Sponsored by Mitzvah Kinder

Fun for Your Kinder 2 Assortment of Mentchelech and accessories from the famous Mitzvah Kinder Family. Prize includes Road map, Shabbos set, Sheel, Totty & Mommy go to sheel, Seforim Shteeb, Purim set, Mazel Tov set, Pesach Zeidy, Play pack, Mitzvah Kinder crown game.

Sponsored by Mitzvah Kinder

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11 7


Travel Companion Luxury luggage by Longchamp. Travel in style with a 22” Trolley and Carry-on.


Scooting Along Zoom the sidewalks with this cool electric razor scooter with seat.

Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697

Sponsored in honor of a dedicated Hatzolah member, Mr. Zalmy Halpert B220.

147 148 Cool It!


Stay cool with a sleek & stylish windowless 10,000 BTU portable air conditioner.

A year of reading pleasure! With this complete collection, you’ll never run out of reading material again.

$5 Sponsored by Y&E Appliances 718-972-1872


Literary Leisure

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Sponsored by Publications

149 150 Drum Away

Clicks Shticks

Win this Pyle Electronic tabletop digital drum. Features 7 touch pads and 2 pedals.

This exclusive 700 piece Clics rollerbox will keep the kids attracted for many joyful hours.

Sponsored by Pyle Electronics

151 152 “Blue Books” The set you remember from your childhood… will last with your kids forever!

Sponsored by a friend of Hatzolah at Mishor Publishing

Sponsored by Toylinks

Digital Compact Compact digital camera featuring a 14-MP sensor, a 5x wide zoom lens includes a 3-inch LCD screen and onetouch video recording in HD quality.

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah Member Rabbi Yanky Meyer B41

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11 9


Lenox Poppy Street The beauty of floral. Win the Poppy Street dinnerware collection. Service for eight.


Sponsored by Lenox in recognition of Eastside China

155 156 Favorite Literature


A must for every home. Win a collection of kids books by Menucha Fuchs .

$5 Sponsored by Menucha Publishers 1-855-Menucha


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

It’s Finally Quiet! Fill up your car and keep the kids quiet! Enjoy this portable dual screen car DVD player with a collection of Uncle Moishy DVD’s!

Sponsored by a friend of Hatzolah

‫לע”נ ר’ ישעי’ ב”ר שמשון ע”ה‬

Feel the Beat The best things in life have a soundtrack, iPod nano, multi touch and multi talented!

Sponsored by friends of the Mittelman Family

‫לע”נ ר’ נחום‬ ‫מרדכי ב”ר נחמן‬ ‫חיים ז”ל‬


Go Keyless “Cool it or warm it” from 500 feet away, win a remote starter with installation and drive away with the peace of mind that it’s done right.

Sponsored by Auto Depot Sales and Leasing 718-933-CARS


Fine & Dine Complete collection of Fineline Setting. Includes 1 case each: 10½", 9½", 8", 6½" plates, 5oz. & 12oz. bowls, 10oz cups. Cutlery combo case.

Sponsored by a very dedicated Hatzolah Coordinator, Bentzy Lebovitz B84


Surf the City! The Baby Jogger Vue is sure to become your favorite on-the-go stroller! A stroller innovation that can switch to both, front & rear facing.

Sponsored by Baby Street 5409 18th Avenue 718-395-3919

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12 1


Sound It Up! Turn up the volume with a Yamaha PSR-E243 keyboard.



Bored or Board? Enjoy the latest collection of popular board games. Includes the exclusive Hatzolah game collection.

$5 Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Sponsored by Focus Camera 905 McDonald Ave 718 431-7900

161 163

Name Street Gift giving and receiving is extra fun and exciting when it’s something personalized! Enjoy spending a $500 Gift Card.

Sponsored by Name Street 1268 48th St 718-871-0291

First Class Transport your travel essentials effortlessly and discover the latest Samsonite Winfield travel luggage set.

164 165 Safe and Sound

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your valuables are safe. Win a Gardall 300lb safe with installation.

Sponsored by Jo-Safe 4414 16th Ave 718-853-3205


Power Tools Large variety of high quality power tools and tool box.

Sponsored by A dedicated Hatzolah member, Uncle Moish B29 and Elmax

Chill! Stay cool with a 8000 BTU window aircondition, or choose two 5,000 BTU units.

Sponsored by Y&E Appliances 718-972-1872


Stiff and Starched Rowenta professional steam iron with extra wide ironing board.

Sponsored by the Horowitz family and Etcetra 718-435-7666

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12 3

168 169 On Beat

Enjoy hours of listening pleasure with a classic iPod 160 GB.



You’ll be thrilled by this techno-savvy prize. Choose from the latest smartphones.


Productivity Powerhouse Your office on the go! Google Nexus 7" Tablet 16GB +WI-FI. Filter installed.

$5 Sponsored by Big Man Cellular 5101 16th Ave 718-972-5200


Get the latest portable DVD player with the complete collection of Neuhaus Production DVD’s.

Sponsored by Focus Camera 905 McDonald Ave 718 431-7900 & Neuhaus productions

Sponsored by Touch of Class 4921 16th Ave 718-854-6814

Big Man!

Educate and Entertain

• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Sponsored by ID Tech Solutions 718-408-9199


Step It Up! Get into shape and have a blast too, with the sensational Step It Up DELUXE dance machine and mat.

Sponsored by Step It Up 201-500-STEP


Navigate the Way Get there on time with this widescreen voice prompted GPS.

Sponsored by Anonymous

‫לע”נ ישעי’ ב”ר שמשון ז”ל‬


Hours of Fun Thrill the kids with the latest Nintendo DS. Disk included.

Sponsored by Scharf Shopping Inc 718-496-3325


Candid Camera Make your precious memories last forever with this Canon S110 12MP in addition to 200 free prints at Photo Factory.

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatolah member, Mr. Yossi Nagel B223 and Photo Factory 4324 15th Ave 718-438-4600

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

12 5


This is not a raffle you can buy, this is

VIP Once you get here there is no looking back!

3 STORES • 3 WINNERS Three lucky winners, one for each store. Each winning family will be picked up from their home in a Hatzolah vehicle and taken to their winning store during non-business hours.


shop to your heart's content and take it all home with you, and all of it FOR FREE!


One entry per every $100 spent on auction tickets.

Restrictions apply.

Fill your carts with every type of toy and plaything imaginable at


Lose yourself in the world of Playmobil, Clics, Lego, Fisher Price, Mitzvah Kinder, dolls, puzzles, games and more. Overwhelm your children with an array that they can not picture in their wildest imagination.


Sponsored by Toys 4 U 4510 13th Ave 718-435-8697

One entry per every $100 spent on auction tickets.

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

12 7

Tantalize your pantry as it fills and overflows your kitchen at

Grab all you can get and shop some more of the most tantalizing array of produce, meats and steaks, fish and sushi, grocery items and bakery specialties - all that the unparalled Gourmet Glatt is renowned for.


Sponsored by Gourmet Glatt 1274 39th St. 718-437-3000

One entry per every $100 spent on auction tickets.


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4


Take home every type of electronic or gadget FREE from

Be dazzled by the world of appliances, cameras, electronics and gadgets, housewares and home items, kitchen and dining. All at the popular Brooklyn superstore, “The Buzz”, in Boro Park or Flatbush.



Sponsored by The Buzz 1314 50th Street 1402 Coney Island Ave 718- 399-4900

One entry per every $100 spent on auction tickets.

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PA U C T I O N . O R G •

12 9

Make your selection below by checking the applicable numbers. If you want more then one ticket for any item,write the number of tickets in the boxes below. To place an order please call 718.705.5505







































































































$ $

One free entry per every $100 spent on tickets



































































































________________ x $50 tickets = $ ________________ Name ___________________________________________ ________________ x $35 tickets = $ ________________ Address _________________________________________ ________________ x $25 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $20 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $15 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $10 tickets = $ ________________

City / State / Zip __________________________________ Phone


Please charge my:


________________ x $5 tickets = $ ________________ Card Number _____________________________________ 3 Grand prizes total _________________________________ Exp ____________ Signature_________________________ Jackpot: _________________________________________

No purchase necessary

Grand total: _________________________________ Order deadline Monday, May 26th, 6:00 pm.



718-831-SAFE 718-557-SAFE

ith Free w r eve y ge! packa

Amazing Door Prize Ticket Value VIP You Tickets: Selections: Spend You Get $50









Puzzle & Puppet Set




Puzzle, Puppet Set & Cooler Bag




Puzzle & Watch




Puzzle & choice of Mixer or Speaker




Puzzle, Puppet Set, Choice of Mixer or Speaker


Puzzle, Puppet Set, Watch, Choice of Mixer or Speaker

$1,000 $3,000

Grand Raffles & Jackpot are not included in the discount packages

Our spectacular door prizes are really cool:

Auction tickets are available for purchase via the following: AT THE AUCTION MAY 24, 25 & 26 1362 50th Street BY MAIL Boro Park Hatzolah 5215 16th Ave Brooklyn NY 11204 BY PHONE 718-705-5505 BY FAX 718-871-9899

Stuhrling Watches

New Hatzolah Puppet Set

Hatzolah Cooler Bag

Pyle Wireless Speaker System

2014 Official Hatzolah Safety Puzzle

ON THE WEB hatzolahbpauction.org BY EMAIL auction@bphatzolah.org AT HOUSE GATHERINGS R. Hoffman - 718.705.5508

Knox 650 Watt Stand Mixer

Disclaimer: Prizes may vary from picture and are not exchangeable or transferable unless noted. Not responsible for typographical errors. Mail orders received aſter auction will be considered a donation. Images may not be reproduced without written permission.• Not responsible for prizes not picked up by June 15, 2014 • Winner will be responsible for all applicable tax • Proper ID will be required for prize pick-up • Winners will be posted on our web site • Restrictions apply • No purchase necessary.

The Boro Park community joins the coordinators of Hatzolah of Boro Park in saluting those who have said “Yes, I will be there”. And have lived up to that commitment too many times to count.

Mendy Mandelbaum Boruch Gips Lazer Rosman Yochonon Fleischman Edgar Gluck Hertzka Halpert Chaim Fischer Bentzy Lebowitz

Members Shlomo Adler Tuli Appel Shia Benjamin Simcha Bernath Shimon Biberfeld Ephraim Birnhack Chaim Bornstein Hershy Brach Simcha Breuer Moishe David Shmuli Davidovitz Moti Davis Leiby Dembitzer Pinny Dembitzer Mordechai Deutsch Motti Edelstein Pinchos Endzweig David Farkas Yidel Feig Nachman Feig Nuta Felsenburg Eli Feltman

Dovid Fendel Moshe Fischman Moishe Fischer Yoel Fischer Akiva Flaum Motty Fleischer Meir Fogel Levi Folger Yitzchock Fortgang Yaakov Freeman Berish Freilich Shaya Fuchs Yitchock Fuchs Benzion Fuhrer Sender Gewirtzman Zevi Gips Yossi Glick Yehuda Gobioff Moshe Goldberger Shea Goldberger Pinny Goldman Avrumi Gross

Shloimy Grossman Yitzchok Gruber Eli Gruen Shloimy Gruenbaum Zalmy Halpert Israel Hartman Mechy Hayum Yehoshua Hayum Itchy Heschel Moshe Heschel Yossie Hirsch Yonason Hoffman Avrumy Iszak Sholi Itzkowitz Noson Josephy Eli Kaff Menashe Kahan Yonason Karmen Sholom Kaufman Shlomo Kish Moshe Kish Arye Klar

Avigdor Klein Yanky Klein Chaim Shiya Klein Isaac Kleinman Yochonon Klitnick Moshe Kolodny Yitzchok Kovalenko Sholom Kramer Leon Kryzhanovsky Moshe Kupferstein Leibel Kwadrat Shlomo Landau Yanki Landau Anshi Lax Yitzchok Lebowitz Berry Lefkowitz Chesky Lefkovits Shragie Leiber Shlomo Z. Levi Yehuda Aryeh Link Fishel Lipschitz Yakov Hersh Lowy

Gingy Markowitz Moshe Mayer Moshe Chaim Mayer Moshe Duvid Mayer Moshe Meisels Yankie Meyer Yitzchok Milworm David Milworm Chaim Shloma Moskowitz Yossi Nagel Aron Neugarten Meir Nissen Mayer Orgel Sholie Perlstein Shloime Perlstein Yitzchok Perlstein Volvy Polachek Menachem Pomerantz Moshe Posner Lazer Preisler Solomon Reifer

Eli Reisman Moshe Richter Hershel Rosenbaum Heshy Rosenberg Naftuli Rosenberg Yisroel Rosenthal Avrumy Rosman Matis Roth Yanky Rubin Chaim Sabel Nuchem Sanders Menashe Schwartz Menashe Schwartz Shragy Schwartz Hirsh Leib Schwartz Yitzchok Seidel Eliezer Serebrowski Heshy Singer David Spitzer Moshe Stamm Chaim Mutty Stark Yidi Stein

Betzalel Steinberg Moshe Stern Yitzy Stern Shlomo Yaakov Stern Leibel Tennenbaum Avrumi Waldman Shaul Waldner Moshe Waldner Efraim Weber Shloimy Weber Zalmen Weinberger Sruly Weingarten Yoel Weiss Moshe Weissmandel Yitzchak Weitzner Anchi Wercberger Moshe Werner Moshe Chaim Wieder Shmaya Wiesner Meilech Wolkenfeld Avraham Wolpin Shmiel Aron Zaidman


Under the auspices of our devoted & dedicated Medical Director, Dr. Naftali Neuburger MD Lenny Bril Mutty Feldman Duvid Fleischman Binyomin Fogel Nathan Friedman Ari Goldstein

Stuart Goldwasser Binyamin Greenspan Yehuda Grunhut Yidel Guttman Yitzchok Herbst Yossi Hoffman

Alter Moishe Kessler Moshe Duvid Kish Meilech Klein Sruly Knobloch Anshy Kremer Chaim Levy

Yossy Link Mendel Markstein Yoni Mayer Sruly Melnicke Yoel Yitzchak Nissen Betzalel Rosenberg

Chaskie Rosenberg Shloime Rosenberg Sruly Rosenberg Avraham Schneid Reuven Segal Yaakov Serebrowski

Matis Unsdorfer Mordechai Waisbrod Matis Witriol Saul Wolhandler Shaul Zenwirth

Dispatchers And to those who stand at the front lines manning the lines at all hours, taking each call with swiftness and sensitivity. Thank you to the dedicated dispatchers of Hatzolah, you are the ones at the forefront of Hatzolas Nefashos. Simcha Bernath Shimon Biberfeld Shmuli Davidovitz Moti Davis Yidel Feig Nachman Feig Yoel Fischer Akiva Flaum

Motty Fleischer Duvid Fleischman Levi Folger Shloimy Grossman Yehoshua Hayum Itchy Heschel Yossi Hoffman

Eli Kaff Sholom Kaufman Yitzchok Lebowitz Bentzy Lebowitz Chaim Levy Shragie Lieber Yakov Hersh Lowy

Gingy Markowitz Moshe Dovid Mayer Sruly Melnicke Yossi Nagel Mayer Orgel Yitzchok Perlstein Moshe Richter

Chaskie Rosenberg Naftuli Rosenberg Eliezer Serebrowski Yoel Shain Shloimy Singer David Spitzer Chaim Mutty Stark

With Appreciation, Hatzolah of Boro Park And a deeply grateful community

Shloimy Weber Sruly Weingarten Yoel Weiss Moshe Weissmandel Moshe Werner Moshe Chaim Wieder Shmaya Wiesner Matis Witriol

’‫ישלם ה’ פעלכם ותהא משכרתכם שלמה מעם ה‬ Hatzolah salutes 4 dedicated members who recently joined the paramedic force of Boro Park Hatzolah Duvid Fleischman – B209 Yoel Yitzchak Nissen – B235 Matis Unsdorfer – B210 Matis Witriol – B218 You and your families merit a “standing ovation”!


• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

In the grocery aisle… At a simcha… In middle of delivering Mishloach Manos… On the way to a PTA meeting… In the midst of a family Chanukah gathering… In the car on the way to the mountains… Wherever it may be, The Hatzolah wife says “Yes, it’s me! This is my cheilek, this is my share, I stand behind, I am there!”

The entire team of Hatzolah pays tribute to the true heroes and heroines


For their rock-solid commitment, supreme dedication and most of all, selflessness. For “being there” with calm, grace and graciousness. For putting your own lives aside so that your husbands and fathers can be there and save the lives of others. The beneficiaries of Hatzolah’s lifesaving work are eternally grateful. Thank You ’‫ישלם ה’ פעלכם ותהא משכרתכם שלמה מעם ה‬

Dear Friend,

We are willing to shoulder the burden - of giving up our husbands at all times, We ask you to experience for a few hours what we endure all year TURN YOUR HOME INTO A “MINI HATZOLAH SANCTUARY”, Sponsor a pre-auction gathering at your home - receive special free giveaways & help us B there for your time in need! Please call Mrs. Ruchy Hoffman 718-705-5508 and reserve a date of your choice! Ladies Auction Committee of Hatzolah

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13 3


Hatzolah takes a moment to salute these amazing women for Being dedicated with their heart and soul. P.S. The letter “B” alone can not describe the effort you have contributed toward the success of the event.

Goldie Gross

Esther Rosenberg - Chaya Tzurty Elias - Blimy Glick - Shavy Grossberg

Yossi Glick - B-247 Administrator of Hatzolah of Boro Park - For his tremedous dedication to Hatzolah year-round SPECIAL THANKS TO: The Kar & Lebowitz Family of Ateres Golda thanks for ensuring the success of the event! Remarkable!

Mrs. Ruchy Hoffman For coordinating & arranging the house gatherings!

Mr. Shloimy Taussig Always ready – Always there! Amazing!

thank you for that “magical touch” that you always add!

Mr. Yanky Orlansky – Yedidim Chior

Mrs. Baila Gluck & Family – Photography Hatzolah owes you tremendous thanks for pulling through with astonishing shots at the toughest times.

thank you Yanky, you just make things happen!

Mr. Gershy Moskowitz – Producer

Mrs. Chany Feldbrand

Mrs. Tzippy Teitelbaum - Mrs. Blimy Klein there is not enough room on this line to describe the room in your hearts! Truly remarkable and selfless friends!

For the captivating Sunday program P.S. Thank You “Stage” for your patronage!

Mr. Usher Steinmetz & Mr. Zalmen Gutter

Mrs. Malkie Porgesz for taking “Call after Call” always with a big smile!

always available and always with a smile!

The Kohl Family - Kofab Enterprise Co. - 718-853-6916

Mrs. Chaya Gitty Nissen

Organizing - Coordinating - Planning - Flawless & Incredible!

Mr. Yummie Kleinbart – B&B Party Creations

How do you keep everyone so calm and collected?

Mrs. Malka Miriam Rosenberg for your constant support and advice!

Mr. Kenny Rosenberg Y25 & Mr. Jeremy Strauss RL242

Mrs. Tehilla Schwartz – a true auction leader! Congrats to your new business - Organize by Tehilla 718-236-5010

A heartfelt appreciation to the following Hatzolah member for his generous financial support:

for opening your heart and home and turning it into a live auction event!

our corporate sponsors and neighbors at Boro Park Center, Hatzolah & the community thank you for partnering with us!

Mrs. Suri Engleberg - Mrs. Devora Kuperman

Mr. Mendy Lenorowitz - On Time Studios

Mr. Shragy Schwartz K40

for capturing the action in the “B”

your financial support assisted immensely!

Mr. Duvid Weber – Oregraph (718) 483-8609 your creativity and ideas are sensational!

Mr. Yossi Steinmetz - YES Studios - for being part of the Hatzolah family

A big Yasher Koach to Leibel Kwadrat - Always available! and a great big thank you to Larry & Frankie For always being there for Hatzolah.

Mr. & Mrs. Yoely & Gitty Bernath – Clix by GItty for capturing the smiles of the auction!

Mr. Shmuel Chaim Brach - a friend that never says “no”! Mr. Yummy Feig & Mr. Bentzy Lebovitz - Fineline Settings

Special thanks to Yitzchok Fuchs - Hi Volts Electric for “just getting things done without anyone realizing”

Mr. Chaim Fischer thanks for your support Time and Time again - & thanks for being a true leader!

Sruly Fryde - For stunning photography

You set the event to a Fineline, a step above every time!

Special thanks to Mrs. Dina Blumenfeld and Family for the behind the scene encouragement! Beyond Words - Beyond Thanks - Beyond Appreciation!

Mr. Berry Weiss - Mr. Chaim Greenfeld You guys just make things happen!

Mrs. Malkie Greenfeld – Our right hand at Focus Camera!

Mr. Shloimy Sternberg & Mr. Naftuly Devries Thanks for keeping the “Connecting Flights”

The Toys 4 U team:

Mr. & Mrs. Avrumi Lemmer of Compu-phone, For your support throughout the year! Special thanks to Yiddi!

Mr. Ari Dov Klar thanks for always saving the day! Halberstam Family - The Medicine Chest for your generous partnership!



Special thanks to: Moshe Gruner, COO ParentCare Home Care 293 Penn Street Brooklyn NY 11211 • 718.486.7100

Moshe Schwartz - MS Copy – “Day or Night” always available! The Teitelbaum Family – for opening your house for Hatzolah

Mr. Yidel Grossman – from China to USA 24/7 always available! Mr. Meilich Miller - for your constant assistance! Mr. Yoeli Gold - for creating the amazing puppets! A heartfelt appreciation to the following dedicated vendors & close friends of Hatzolah for their graciousness and generosity.

The Berkowitz & Stern Families of Sterns Bakery

Mr. Eli Kaff B203 of Kaff’s Bakery

Mr. Yechiel Weiss - Mr. LD Itzkowitz – KRM The Weiss Family –Beer Mayim

Hatzolah expresses an exceptional thank you to our dear friend & marketing leader: Yossi Blumenfeld – GCNY Marketing & the entire GCNY Team Special thanks to: Maurice Stein, Sam Schwartz & Yossi Silber - Web Development



• H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / A U C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 4

Hatzolah of Boro Park expresses its sincere gratitude to

For assisting our organization and for its generous corporate sponsorship of our

2014 AUCTION EVENT We are especially grateful to:

Martin Payson

Chairman of the Board

Pamela Brier

President & CEO

Dominick Stanzione

Executive Vice President & COO

We gratefully acknowledge the hard work and dedication of

Douglas Jablon

Special Assistant to the President & Senior Vice President of Patient Relations

Dr. Marcel Biberfeld

Senior Vice President of Psychiatry & Community Service

For their untiring devotion to the entire Boro Park community and for their time, patience and enthusiasm shown to each and every Hatzolah Member at all times, day and night.

Extra special thanks to Dr. John Marshall

Chairman of Emergency Medicine

AND THE ENTIRE EMERGENCY ROOM STAFF Who work alongside our volunteers, even under sometimes difficult conditions.

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Hatzolah of Boro Park

Pays special recognition to our dear friends at

Toll free: 1-800-370-3600 www.elderservehealth.org

For your steadfast support and assistance. ElderServe is a New York State Managed Long Term Care Program that is designed to help you remain in your own home and live as independently as possible.


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Hatzolah of Boro Park

Genuinely acknowledges our friends at

2701 Emmons Avenue Brooklyn NY 11235 718-375-6111 www.pthomecare.com Certified home health services and your best choice for home care! For your constant support and assistance to Hatzolah of Boro Park

Hatzolah of Boro Park Pays tribute to a very special individual Mr. Shloima Igel ‫הי"ו‬ & to the exceptionally devoted board members and staff of

For being a longtime continuous partner and supporter of Hatzolah !'‫ישלם ה' פעלכם ותהא משכרתכם שלמה מעם ה‬

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Hatzolah of Boro Park Genuinely acknowledges our dear friends at

ABCO HVAC supply + solutions Corporate Headquarters 49-70 31st Street Long Island City, NY 11101 Tel 718-937-9000 Toll Free 800-786-2075 www.ABCOhvacr.com

For your unwavering support and assistance to Hatzolah of Boro Park.

Your corporate sponsorship provides Hatzolah with “Supplies + Solutions” to save lives!


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Hatzolah of Boro Park Takes the opportunity to extend appreciation to

PA STUIE GOLDWASSER & to the physicians and courteous staff of

1270 51st street • Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-431-9870 For being a proud sponsor of the


Since the year 2006, servicing the community treating well visits, sick visits at every opportunity Statcare well known for its great reputation PA's and doctors with complete dedication from morning to midnight with services galore for children and adults, who can ask for more Hatzolah and Statcare leading the way keeping you healthy and safe every day. This page is dedicated in loving memory of ‫ר' אלימלך ב"ר נחמן חיים ז"ל‬ (dear father in law of Stuie Goldwasser).

The entire family extends their appreciation to all the Hatzolah members that were so readily available for Mr. Marty Einhorn a"h at a moments notice !‫תזכו למצוות‬

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Hatzolah is greatlyofindebted to the following Boro Park exceptional & outstanding people that constantly show an outpouring of care, concern & compassion toward Hatzolah. Your generous hearts have no boundaries!

Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Itzkowitz Toys 4 U Mr. & Mrs. Zevy Silberstein Focus Mr. & Mrs. Yermiya Brach Pyle Tennenbaum Families Dynarex

The lives of thousands of patients & their families are indebted to you! ‫זכות הצלת נפשות יעמוד לכם להתברך בכל מילי‬ !‫ ומזוני בהרחבה והרוחה‬,‫ חי‬,‫ בני‬,‫דמיטב‬

Special thanks to the women that gave so much personal time to Hatzolah! Malkie Braun Chana Chaya Breuer Yides Deutch Chany Elias Elana Gershenson Chany Getter Chaya Gombo Yides Glick Rivky Glickman Rivky Greenfeld Hindy Gross Esty Gross Devoiry Gross Malkie Horowitz Mimi Hersko Chanie Heller Perele Hoffman Chaya Gitty Kahan

Chaya Katz Miriam Kohl Devoiry Langsam Chaya Rifky Lebovitz Chani Mermelstein Devoiry Paneth Esther Rivky Perlstein Faigy Preisler Chaya Suri Reinhold Hindy Rosenberg Sara Roth Esther Frimy Rubin Rivky Ruchy Schwartz Zeldy Simon Malkie Sprung Esther Malky Weiss Nichi Welz Beily Wertzberger

!‫ישלם ה' פעלכם במלא חפנים‬


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Hatzolah Hatzolah of Boro Park of Boro Park Gratefully acknowledges the professional medical care and constant dedication of

Wendy Z. Goldstein

President and CEO of Lutheran HealthCare

Claudia Caine

President of Lutheran Medical Center

Rabbi Meyer Leifer & Rabbi Naftali Reiner Hospital Liaisons to the Jewish Community

And to the exceptional & devoted staff of Lutheran Hospital For their unyielding concern, outstanding dedication and medical care to the community

Hatzolah of Boro Park Salutes

Apple Bank for Savings & our Dear Friend

Mr. Michael Benenfeld Bank Manager For being a sponsor of our 2014 Auction Event and for your care, concern & friendship to Hatzolah throughout the year!

The Coordinators and Members of

would like to express deep gratitude to:

The Emergency Department of New York Methodist Hospital Dr. Joseph Bove

Hatzolah of Boro Park sincerely appreciates the following doctors who contributed generously towards the auction event:

Dr. Nina Kushner MD Internal Medicine 4513 14th Ave • Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-633-9191

Chairman of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Steve Silber Vice President

Dr. Josef Schenker

Director of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Robert van Amerongen

3808 14th Avenue • Brooklyn NY 11218 718-972-2424 It is a sense of comfort to know that we have dedicated doctors such as you, available at moment’s notice to help us serve the community!

Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine For the professionalism, Courtesy and Medical Control Extended to Hatzolah of Boro Park

Special Thanks to:

Extra special thanks to: Dr. Stanley Scherbel

Executive Vice President of Medical Affairs and his dedicated staff

Mrs. Chumi Dreyfus & staff

718-972-2500 For their generous support toward the Auction Event.

Hatzolah of Boro Park extends appreciation to:

sincerely appreciates:

Dr. Gary Kimmel, M.D. FACS,

Dr. Eric Cha M.D.

112 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 718-832-9488

Board certified plastic surgeon Fifth Ave Plastic Surgery 212-717-2222 1049 5th Avenue Suite 2C New York, N.Y. 10028

Thanks for always picking up the phone (with a smile) & being available for the community!!

Your dedication and devotion to the community and beyond is truly inspiring to all!

Board certified plastic surgeon

We sincerely appreciate the following doctors that assist us generously throughout the year:

Boro Park Pediatrics Associates Dr. Diamond, Dr. Klein, Dr. Zyskind & Dr. Diamond Jr. 4406 12th Ave • Brooklyn NY 11219 • 718-438-4400

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Hatzolah of Boro Park expresses special thanks to a special team

Mr. Avrum Aron Kornbluh & Mr. Chaim Kornbluh 4905 13th Ave Brooklyn NY 11219 718-437-1962 The ultimate in corporate catering!

OFFICIAL SPONSOR of the 2014 Hatzolah event May Hashem grant you and your families much success in all your endeavors!


Look out for th


of their upgraded & improved dairy restaurant, with an updated menu, exclusive décor and exquisite ambience.

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Boro Park Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare


Hatzolah of Boro Park

for the incredible service they provide, and the community for making us number one.

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Gaurding your life. Improving your health.



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Your vision. Our expertise. Let’s Talk.

Middlegate Factors LLC Expresses its utmost appreciation & gratitude to the dedicated and devoted members of

Boro Park Hatzolah For their elite service and dedication to the community May the Almighty bless you all that you should have the ability and strength to continue serving the community & beyond with skill, pride and dignity!

Middlegate is our pride. Factoring is our business.

Hatzolah friends at Middlegate

Eli J. Mann Miro A. Sutton With special recognition to Mr. Nuta Felsenberg - B60

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