Hatzolah of BP Auction Catalog 2015

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THE CALL OF DUTY The Hatzolah Member’s Tefillah

2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Dear Hashem, When I signed up as a Hatzolah member many years ago, I thought I knew what was in store for me. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy, that much personal sacrifice would be needed and that I would face an often painful task. Now, almost two decades later, I truly know what was in store for me. Hashem, You have placed me, a simple, non-assuming young man from Boro Park, at the forefront of the challenges You give Your children. I have seen sights that must remain but in the innermost recesses of my heart. I have faced heartbreak and pain that defies description and has seared itself into my mind forever. I have seen suffering, loss, anguish, and raw, unmitigated, unrelenting agony. I have seen the darkness of hester panim as Your children call out to me; from the depths of their anguish, to alleviate their pain and suffering. And I have answered the call. I never said no, I am too busy, I am too tired, I am too weary of the suffering or unable to bear the anguish. I tenderly wrapped a baby in my arms and I transported her, I carefully held the skull of a child together as we raced to the hospital, I sang with a chaver as we took him towards an uncertain future, I comforted a mother as she fell apart, grief-stricken.I

shocked the elderly man’s heart when all seemed over. I advised a family when they didn’t know where to turn, I sat at a bedside when the vigil turned grueling, I made the connections when the future seemed bleak, I consulted and guided when the options seemed overwhelming. And then I went home only to turn right back yet again, to take yet another call of Your suffering children. I pumped, I defibrillated, I bandaged, I triaged, I wrapped, I injected. I prayed, I cried and then prayed and cried again. And again. And so, reflecting upon all these countless calls of the last two decades, I turn to You Hashem in prayer. I have answered the call. It is so heartbreakingly painful at times, yet I do it again and again. And again. And so do my hundreds of Hatzolah chaveirim in Boro Park and my thousands of Hatzolah chaveirim across the globe. We answer the call every single time. And so I beg You Hashem, in the merit of the calls that we never leave unanswered, please just answer our one call to You. The call we make from the depths of the collective broken Jewish heart in Galus: “Ohr chadash al tzion ta’ir… V’nizkeh chulanu bimheirah l’oro…” With appreciation for the tremendous zechus You have given me, the calling I carry humbly and proudly, - A Grateful Hatzolah Memeber

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •


‫הזמנה חשובה‬

‫מלוה‬ ‫מלכה‬ ‫רבתי‬

‫הננו בזה להזמין את כל תושבי עירינו לבוא ולהשתתף‬

‫במסיבת מלוה מלכה רבתי‬ ‫לטובת המוסד הקדוש חברה הצלה ד’בארא פארק‬ ‫העומדים תמיד מוכן ומזומן למען רבבות‬ ‫תושבי עירנו המעטירה במסירות ונאמנות‬

‫בהיאסף ראשי עם יחד שבטי ישראל‬

‫ובראשם גדולי ומאורי דורינו‪ ,‬מנהיגי ישראל שליט”א‬ ‫דקהלות הקדושות בעירינו‬ ‫אשר יתקיים בעזרת ה׳‬

‫מוצש”ק פרשת בהר‪-‬בחוקתי‪,‬‬ ‫כ״ז אייר תשע״ה לפ״ק‬ ‫‪May 16, 2015‬‬

‫באולם עטרת גאלדא‬

‫פתיחת המעמד‪ :‬בשעה ‪ 10:30‬בדיוק‬

‫קֹול ה׳ ֶּב ָה ָדר‬

‫וַ יַ ֲע ִבירּו קֹול ַּב ַמ ֲחנֶ ה‬ ‫ע״י ידידינו היקר‪ ,‬משמח אלוקים ואנשים‬

‫הרה״ג ר׳ אליעזר‬ ‫שטערנבוך שליט”א‬

‫הר״ר ישעי׳ פוקס הי״ו‬

‫מגי״ש בחברה הצלה‬

‫מחשובי חברי הצלה‬

‫וָ ֶא ְש ַׁמ ע ֶא ת‪-‬ק ֹול‬

‫דרשה מאלפת ומרגשת מאת הנואם המפורסם ברחבי תבל‬

‫הרב יוסף יצחק יעקבסאהן שליט״א‬ ‫מגדולי המשפיעים בדורינו‬

‫קֹול הנערים‬

‫קֹול ְּב ָר ָמה נִ ְש ָׁמע‬

‫פרקי שירה וזמרה‬ ‫ע״י מקהלת ״ידידים״‬ ‫ִמן‪-‬קֹול ַר ַע ְמָך יֵ ָח ֵפזּון‬ ‫שירים וחרוזים מעומק הלב‬ ‫ע״י הבעל מנגן המפורסם‬

‫הר״ר אייזיק האניג הי״ו‬

‫בליווי מקהלת‬ ‫ילדים ״ידידים״‬ ‫ר ִֹאים ֶאת ַהּקֹוֹלת‬ ‫דראמאטישע און אינהאלטסרייכע‬


‫עם מקהלת ״ידידים״ וילדי ידידים‬

‫למען הצלחת‬ ‫המעמד‪ ,‬לא נאפשר‬ ‫לילדים ובחורים‬ ‫מתחת לגיל ‪17‬‬ ‫להיכנס לתוך האולם‪.‬‬ ‫ואתכם הסליחה‪.‬‬

‫בואו והשתפפו בגוף ובממון למען מוסד חשוב ונחוץ זה‬ ‫כל המקיים נפש אחת מישראל‪ ,‬כאילו קיים עולם מלא!‬

‫הסעודה ע”י‪:‬‬

‫המחכים לקראת בואכם‬

‫חברי הצלה דבארא פארק‬ ‫‪4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5‬‬

Hatzolah of Boro Park invites you to join us at the

2 DAY WOMEN’S EVENT! Ateres Golda Ballrooms 1362 50th Street

SUNDAY, MAY 17TH FULL DAY PROGRAM Doors open at 11:30 AM – 7:00 PM


An evne’tnmiss! ca





MRS. RUCHIE WEISZ Wife of Reb Avrum Duvid Weisz shlita of Monsey, New York

An act of “‫ ”ונשמרתם מאוד‬by



You will be riveted by Ruchie’s life-altering story of “Life in the Shadow of ALS”, as a dreaded diagnosis is turned into a triumph of survival. The rock solid emunah and bitachon that characterizes their life will forever change yours. Be mesmerized by the story of a man who defies every doctor’s predictions and lives a life of “v’chai bahem”. Ruchie’s is an unparalleled and do-not-miss presentation. AN INJECTION OF MAGICAL INSPIRATION


FIRE & 3D LASER LIGHT SHOW Star guest appearance from Baltimore



Beloved high school teacher, world renowned speaker, Founder and Director of the worldwide Ateres movement and Binah featured columnist of “Wings of Triumph” fame, Chany will captivate you as she shares the secret of the few magical words that will revolutionize your life, one day at a time. LAUGH AND BE UPLIFTED!



Producer and Director of N’shei fame, will share a comical glimpse into a less familiar world at the front lines of Hatzolah. A humorous treat featuring true-to life-experiences, starring world-class comedienne Chaya Yitty Pollack!

Indulge in delicious appetizers; designed & served by

Heartwarming, entertaining, moving and uplifting; you don’t want to miss this one.

Entire show will be performed 3 times throughout the day 1:00pm ★ 3:00pm ★ 6:00pm


Enjoy a day filled of




EXCITEMENT & ENTERTAINMENT for all ages, from morning to night!

Sunday program sponsored by two beloved friends of Hatzolah:

Stage & Chananya - SBV Workforce Management

Minimum entry of $35 includes program, Boro Park Center fun-filled surprise bag and $35 worth of auction tickets.

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •







Surpris e fu gift ba n-filled g by:

We all CALL for playtime! Get the official Hatzolah game of the year!

Safety Spot An award-winning Hatzolah game of visual perception for the whole family Brought to you by

Your CALL for attention! 1

Get the exclusive Hatzolah Mega Phone

+ Authentic Hatzolah Stethoscope + Unique Hatzolah bicycle pouch Quality medical products since 1967



Prizes will be distributed at Event

Safety Spot Official Hatzolah game

CALL it a night! Limited edition Hatzolah sleeping bag Sweetest dreams for the kids! Includes an ambulance pillow and bag Created & Sponsored by


Mega Phone + Stethoscope + Hatzolah bicycle pouch


Safety Spot Official Hatzolah game


DOOR PRIZES Every donor wins! CALL it a day! 1

Get ready to picnic or getaway with this awesome Hatzolah cooler on wheels Sponsored by


Hatzolah sleeping bag


Mega Phone + Stethoscope + Hatzolah bicycle pouch


Safety Spot Official Hatzolah game

CALL for a great time! This 2015 magnificent Stuhrling watch will enhance your everyday attire. Choose his or hers. Sponsored by


Mega Phone + Stethoscope + Hatzolah bicycle pouch


Safety Spot Official Hatzolah game



Find your CALLING! 1

Choose between:

Knox MK-301 professional keyboard + stand 61 touch sensitive keys, Or Premium Dash Cam for your car Records video & audio, slim design 3� screen Sponsored by Focus Camera 2

Mega Phone + Stethoscope + Hatzolah bicycle pouch


Safety Spot Official Hatzolah game




Limit 1 per family


MRS. SARAH RIVKAH KOHN With her warmth and devotion to the Klal, her open hand and heart, Sarah Rivkah Kohn personifies the ideals of Hatzolah. Sarah Rivkah’s expansive, giving nature and deep fount of Ahavas Yisrael is expressed in the Klal work she does, all shtilerheit; quietly without fanfare. Having lost her mother at age nine, Sarah Rivkah is all too familiar with the aching void a child feels upon the loss of a parent. Rather than wallow in pain and self-pity, she turned her personal experience of pain and anguish into a fountain of love and support for those who have experienced loss as she has. Sarah Rivkah founded LINKS, an organization devoted to teens who lost a parent. Running many different programs and services, LINKS is a beacon of light for those experiencing the darkest of times and Sarah Rivkah embraces the teens with her ever-present smile and unique personality. Sarah Rivkah is a writer and the Feature Director at Binah Magazine and she utilizes her unique position there to uplift and inspire Jewish women around the world. It is a fitting tribute for Hatzolah to recognize the life-giving work of LINKS and celebrate Sarah Rivkah’s contribution to Klal Yisrael.

Honor a ry Ho ste s s Hatzolah of Boro Park proudly recognizes

MRS. ESTHER LEVOVITZ ?‫אשת חיל מי ימצא‬ Mrs. Levovitz’s tremendous Ahavas HaTorah is clear from the manner in which she unstintingly supports her husband’s Torah learning. A woman who needs nothing for herself, a mistapekes b’muat par excellence, the chinuch she models is one in which priorities are crystal clear: Torah is most important; everything else is secondary. Mrs. Levovitz embodies the traits of the aishes chayil; her unstinting emunah, her deep connection to tefilah, and her exemplary tznius. The Levovitz’s open house is legendary as her expansive heart embraces every Yid. In her capacity as 8th grade mechaneches in Bais Yaakov of 18th Ave, Mrs. Levovitz shares her wisdom, love of

Torah and deep hashkafos, with her students. Even many years down the line, they remember her fondly and recall her lessons vividly, saying that these hashkafos have remained with them for life. A grateful recipient of Hatzolah of Boro Park’s life-saving work, Mrs. Levovitz partners with Hatzolah at the Auction Event, paying tribute to the mission of Hatzolah as she graces the event as honorary hostess.

8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Event Dedication

Hatzolah is honored to dedicate this Auction event in memory of

REB SHLOIMA DOV ben Reb Tzvi Moshe Haleivi

FEFERKORN Z”L husband of MRS. BELLA FEFERKORN , an esteemed menaheles in Bnos Zion D’Bobov, and father and father in law of

Mrs. Raizy Hoffert Mrs. Chanie Silber Mrs. Chaya Libby Feferkorn Mrs. Shenny Feferkorn Mrs. Chaya Rechie Dembitzer Mrs. Miriam Merlin

Mrs. Rifky Fischman Mrs. Pesi Mandelbaum Mrs. Gitty Feferkorn

He lived for the Ribbono Shel Olam… He lived an authentic life; his actions were inspired by what was real, what was true. His service of Hashem was focused and unwavering. He lived for the Ribbono Shel Olam... - for His Torah… Reb Shloima Dov was a true talmid chacham, a man devoted to Torah, who spent every available moment learning. Upon his retirement, he immersed himself into the Yam Hatalmud with the cheishek and bren of a yeshiva bachur. Any visitor to the home could not help but notice R’ Shloima Dov ‘s sefarim shranks. Shelves upon shelves of worn, tattered, used sefarim: testimony to his endless toil - and immense joy - in his Torah learning. He lived for the Ribbono Shel Olam… - for his family… R’ Shloima Dov was the revered and beloved patriarch of his large, blossoming family ka”h. He deeply loved every single child and grandchild, concerning himself with every aspect of their lives, both in ruchniyus and gashmiyus; no detail was too small for his big heart. A warm and loving father and grandfather, his open home embraced each family member. With R’ Shloima Dov, children were cherished and exulted over, and they all treasured and adored him in return. He lived for the Ribbono Shel Olam… and for Klal Yisrael… R’ Shloima Dov loved people and he was equally beloved. His care and concern gushed from his deep wellspring of ahavas Yisrael. His lev tov and expansive, giving nature endeared him to all. He knew how to be truly nosei b’ol with others, and the love that flowed from his caring heart was exemplary. R’ Shloima Dov was a model of all the ideals of Hatzolah and it is a fitting tribute to him that this auction event be dedicated l’ilui nishmaso hatehorah. His memory is deeply etched into the hearts and minds of all those who knew and loved him and he is sorely missed.


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




Esteemed Hostesses

Reb. Toby Katz Reb. Rivky Tauber Reb. Rivky Teitelbaum Mrs. Chumy Sternbuch

Without their silent, encouraging support it simply wouldn’t be. Mirel Appel

Kiki Fisher

Raizy Goldberger

18th & 47th St.

14th & 57th St.

12th & 47th St.

Esty Hoffman 20th & 59th St.

Faige Benjamin

Chana Rivka Flaum

Ella Goldberger

Ruchy Itzkowitz

12th & 40th St.

18th & 60th St.

13th & 55th St.

17th & 61st St.

Sarah Birnhack

Frady Fleischer

Chani Goldman

Tova Josephy

18th & 53rd St.

15th & 46th St.

18th & 60th St.

12th & 40th

Sara Esther Bornstein

Temmy Fleischman

Gitty Goldstein

Sheindy Kaff 9th & 46th St.

Dahill Rd

40th & 15th Ave

Ocean Pkwy

Genendy Breuer

Chaya Fleischman

Esther Goldwasser

Yitty Kahan

10th & 56th St.

47th & 14th Ave

11th & 58th St.

12th & 56th St.

Rochel Karmen

Yana Bril

Sury Fogel

Yides Gruber


E 4th St.


Dahill Rd

Devorie David

Frumy Fogel

Suri Gruen

Miriam Kessler 15th & 43rd St.

Dahill Rd

11th & 58th St.

19th & 54th St.

Ruchy Davidovitz

Esther Folger

Frimie Grunbaum

Yitty Kish

16th & 50th St.


11th & 52nd St.

15th & 59th St.

Perel Dembitzer

Gitty Fortgang

Aidy Grunhut

Devoirie Kish

14th & 46th St.

19th & 51st St.

18th & 58th St.

18th & 48th St.

Chaya Ruchel Deutsch

Pearl Freilich

Miriam ZC Guttman

Zissy Kish

15th & 45th St.

12th & 58th St.

12th & 57th St.

10th & 52nd St.

Peral Endzweig

Suri Fuchs

Blimy Halpert

Dassy Klar

19th & 59th St.

15th & 58th St.

17th & 57th St.


Bailu Feig

Liba Suri Fuchs

Suri Halpert

Esty Klein 12th & 42nd St.

14th & 44th St.

14th 41st St.

21st & 59th St.

Miriam Feig

Yitty Fuhrer

Toby Hartman

Dini Klein

11th & 52nd St.

15th & 45th St.

17th & 58th St.

16th & 46th St.

Esther Feldman

Miriam Gewirtzman

Rivka Hayum

Gitty Klein

Webster Ave


10th & 54th St.

17th & 47th St.

Chavie Felsenburg

Malkie Gips

Blimy Hayum

Miriam Leah Klein

19th & 54th St.

14th & 47th St.

20th & 61st St.

10th & 53rd St.

Hadassa Fendel

Chanie Gips

Miriam Beili Herbst

Chana Gitty Kleinman

E 2nd St.

21st & 59th St.

10th & 49th St.

54th & 19th Ave

Rivky Fischer

Blimy Gluck

Marion Heschel

Shaindy Knobloch

16th & 51st St.

13th & 58th St.

18th & 59th St.

Marine Park

Chani Fischman

Chani Gobioff

Bena Hoffman

Chanie Kolodny

19th & 50th St.

18th & 52nd St.

41st & 13th Ave

22nd & 62nd St.

1 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Bracha Kovalenko

Nene Mayer

Chanie Rivlin

Webster Ave

16th 45th St.


Raizy M Stark 10th & 57th St.

Yocheved Kramer

Pia Meisels

Faige Rifka Rosenbaum

Devora Stein

11Th & 47th St.

16th & 53rd St.

14th & 40th St.


Irina Kryzhanovsky

Chaya Leah Melnicke

Rivkie Rosenberg

Frida Steinberg

15th & West 2nd

16th & 51st St.

16th & 52nd St.

18th & 58th St.

Sosi Kwadrat

Gitty Meyer

Malka Miriam Rosenberg

Mati Stern

15th & 56th St.

11th & 57th St.

12th & 50th St.

47th & 14th Ave

Chana Landau

Fraida Milworm

Dina Rosenberg

Rochel Stern

12th & 59th St.

42nd & 17th Ave

19th & 53rd St.

14th & 48th St.

Malky Landau

Miriam Milworm

Tzippy Rosenberg

Zissy Stern

16th & 48th St.

12th & 55th St.

10th & 54th St.

40th & 15th Ave

Chanie Unsdorfer

Chani Lax

Miri Moskowitz

Rivky Rosenberg

13th & 51st St.

20th & 59th St.

12th & 49th St.

58th & 13th Ave

Chaya Rifky Lebovits

Mindy Nagel

Rivky Rosman

Channy Waisbrod

12th & 58th St.

60th & 17th Ave

18th & 49th St.

19th & 53rd St.

Chanie Lebovitz

Esther Neuburger

Fraidy Rozman

Zippora Waldner

13th & 46th St.


15th & 45th St.

18th & 52nd St.

Batsheva Lefkovits

Chaya N Neugarten

Sarah Rubin

Bina Waldner

11th & 53rd St.

14th & 40th St.


17th & 59th St.

Tzini Lefkowitz

Chaya Gitty Nissan

Faigy Sabel

Gitty Weber

17th & 52nd St.

15th & 55th St.

Tehama St

12th & 43rd St.

Leah Lieber

Chana Henchie Nissen

Miriam Sanders

Libby Weisz

14th & 54th St.

14th & 49th St.

41st & 14th Ave

19th & 59th St.

Hindy Levy

Yachy Orgel

Sora Schneid

Chaya Wercberger

21st & 82nd St.

11th & 57th St.

Webster Ave

49th & Old New Utrecht

Faigy Link

Gitty Perlstein

Branci Schwartz

Gila Werner

Parkville Ave

15th & 57th St.

54th & 14th Ave

12th & 40th St.

Yudit Link

Tzippy Perlstein

Devory Schwartz

Chaya Wieder


19th & 59th St.

15th & 46th St.

14th & 48th St.

Gitty Lipschitz

Bracha Perlstein

Malkie Schwartz

Micheala Wiesner

14th & 53rd St.


21st & 57th St.


Chaya Suri Lovi

Penina Perlstein

Sarah Segal

Raizy Witriol

11th & 50th St.

16th & 55th St.


9th & 50th St.

Dassy Mandelbaum

Rebecca Pomerantz

Sarah Seidel

Mindy Wolkenfeld

46th & 15th Ave

21st & 58th St.

18th & 49th St.

13th & 44th St.

Sarah Markstein

Chaya Suri Posner

Chanie Serebrowski

Simchy Zaidman

13th & 55th St.

12th & 44th St.

Lawrence Ave

21st & 57th St.

Lea Mayer

Faige’le Preizler

Yocheved Singer

Leah Zehnwirth 14th & 41st St.

48th & 11th Ave

12th & 48th St.

16th & 42nd St.

Leah Mayer

Pesha Chavie Reisman

Esther Stamm


15th & 57th St.

18th & 51st St.

Come partake in Hatzolah’s Auction Event and show just how much you value her self sacrifice. For all the times she enables her husband to answer your call. Tonight, you answer hers.

She is waiting for you!

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •


NAME ______________________________ Full winning family can join. Limit one entry per family.

ADDRESS ____________________________ PHONE ______________________________ MEMBER FOR A DAY 2015

KIDS ON CALL! CHILDREN OF THE WINNING FAMILY WILL BECOME HATZOLAH MEMBERS FOR AN ENTIRE DAY! Enjoy a full tour of the Hatzolah Dispatch Center live in action! Ride around in a real Hatzolah ambulance and view all the interesting equipment! Climb aboard Hatzolah’s special night watch truck and see things you’ve never seen before! Check out Hatzolah’s fascinating training rooms! And… come along with real Hatzolah members to a make-believe Hatzolah call! All in one fanstastic, action-packed day!


To enter this raffle, make sure your parents attend the Hatzolah Auction Event!

Receive a fully stocked real

Get your own real

HATZOLAH KIT Sponsored by


Sponsored by B220 a dedicated Hatzolah member.


S C R AT C H ‘ E M

The lucky winner gets a

Purchase scratch off cards,



Lucky winner automaticaly wins a surprise gift!

Can only be purchased at the auction event.

1 ticket for $10 3 tickets for $25 5 tickets for $36

$5 per Ticket Every ticket is a winner!

1 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

G R A N D PR I Z E 1

WIN $20,000 CASH


You can heed the call of whatever your heart desires, while knowing that you’re enabling Hatzolah to respond to every single call.

Sponsored by anonymous in honor of a very dedicated Hatzolah Coordinator Mr. Bentzy Lebovitz B-84

1 for $36 // 2 for $60 // 4 for $100 // 10 for $200

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •


G R A N D PR I Z E 2



Vacation is calling. Win 7 round trip tickets to Eretz Yisrael, soar with delight knowing that your support ensures that Hatzolah never misses a call.


1 for $50 // 3 for $100

1 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

G R A N D PR I Z E 3



Win a brand new luxury vehicle. Drive in style with a luxury car of your choice, while enabling Hatzolah to hit the road and answer the call. Restrictions apply.

705 McDonald Avenue • 718.871.7749

1 for $20 // 3 for $50 // 8 for $100

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



In the past 12 months, Hatzolah of Boro Park members were “called to action” over 16,000 times. Thousands of hours were taken from laughing, smiling and enjoying family time. They respond to this “call to action” in a heartbeat - and do it with all their heart. Now it’s your turn to answer the call to action. 1 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


Any Hatzolah units available to respond to 18th Avenue & 56th Street in the park for a child that fell from a height? Unresponsive.


I was just going to clean the car for Pesach together with the kids….. B240 Available!


B240 respond to 18 & 56 in the park near the monkey bar.


Back up unit that’s responding please proceed with full immobilization and trauma kit.


Be advised you have a bus and two units backing you up.


Please notify Lutheran Trauma Center that we are bringing in a 7 year old that fell from a height. Obvious trauma to face and head, positive loss of consciousness. Child has obvious fractured arm, is fully immobilized. Vital signs are stable. Our ETA to the ER is three minutes.

(Many hours later.) The kids are already on their way to bed… so much for quality time together - and the help I needed cleaning the car…(Murmurs some tehilim for the injured child and thanks Hashem for his healthy and safe ones…)


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




Sponsored by Uptown Kitchens, A dedicated Hatzolah paramedic, Anshi Kramer SG-13 - 5310 New Utrecht 718-514-9333

$25,000 VALUE

UPTOWN KITCHEN. Design and construct a stylish and savvy kitchen you’re sure to love forever. Choose and install your dream kitchen with $25,000 at Uptown Kitchens. Consultation and installation included.

1 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

GOOD FOOD. Bringing great taste for the modern palate. Enjoy an elevated food shopping experience with $150 to spend every week of the year. That’s $7,800!

$7,800 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Breadberry 1689 60th St. 718-259-6666



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




Sponsored by The Showroom 5005 13th Ave. 718-431-1726

$7,200 GIFT CARD

THE SHOWROOM. A perfect reflection of your inner nobility. Choose any magnificent piece of jewelry to suit your stature with a $7,200 Gift Card at The Showroom.

2 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

DESIGNER ACCENTS. Redecorate your dining room at the unparalleled Accentuations by Design. Choice of $10,000 towards any magnificent dining room set or $5,000 to be used throughout the store.

$10,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Accentuations By Design 1501 60th St 718-972-2300



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah member Yitzchok Perlstein B-222, in honor of all Boro Park Hatzolah members

$5,500 VALUE

LUSTROUS LEICHTER. Cover your eyes as you bench lecht in front of this exquisitely designed and intricately formed 9 branch candelabra.

2 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

DINING ROOM. Experience the transformation of your home with a choice of elegant and luxurious dining room sets. Win $8,000 at Stern’s Exclusive Furniture.

$8,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Stern’s Exclusive Furniture 5231 New Utrecht Ave. 718-686-7421



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



In the past twelve months, Hatzolah of Boro Park members have stopped cold with whatever they were in middle of, responding to 16,000 “cold calls” with warmth, sensitivity and professionalism. Now it’s your turn not to leave them “out in the cold” and respond warmly to their call for support. 2 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5



Any Hatzolah units available to respond to 16th Avenue & 46th Street for a report of a 40 year old down on the ice

Whew. Today is a really long day at work. I’m in and out of important meetings… But I’m just one short block away…. B73 Available!


B73 respond to the corner of 16th & 46th for a patient down on the ice.


H Base, please send me medics, patient is complaining of weakness to the right side of his body and difficulty breathing.


Be advised you have a bus and two medics backing you up.


Please notify Maimonides Medical Center that we are transporting a 40 year old male with right side paralysis, slurred speech and respiratory distress. 180/100 on the BP, 112 on the heart rate, breathing is 32 and labored. We are ruling out a possible hemorrhagic stroke. Our ETA is two minutes.


B73 be advised that Maimonides is on full stand by and awaiting your arrival.


He is just about my age… Hashem, help us be the shlichim to save the life of this young husband and father…



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




BUSINESS STYLE. Take the trip of a lifetime with two roundtrip tickets to Israel or any destination in Europe. Fly in comfort and style with business class on Lufthansa Airlines. Restrictions apply.

2 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Lufthansa


KITCHEN CREATION. Create the kitchen of your dreams with a Fabuwood Kitchen at A&S Kitchens. $8,000 value. Granite countertops by Countrywide Stone & Marble, value $2,000. Installation included. Restrictions apply.

$10,000 VALUE

Kitchen by Fabuwood Layout & Design by A&S Kitchens 5225 New Utrecht Ave. 718-438-7820 Granite by Country Stone & Marble 718-635-4022



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •




Sponsored by Swiss International Airlines


ABOVE THE CLOUDS. Enjoy ultimate comfort in Swiss business, featuring fully lie-flat bed. Two round trip business class tickets on Swiss International Air Lines from New York to Tel Aviv or any destination in Europe. Restrictions apply.

2 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

GO GOURMET. Rely on Gourmet Glatt to bring the freshness, the selection and quality home to you. Shop away with this $5,000 Gift Card.

$5,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Gourmet Glatt 1274 39th St. 718-437-3000

PRIZE 10 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 1 1

Co-Sponsored in honor of a devoted Hatzolah coordinator Mr. Bentzy Lebovitz B84

$5,000 VALUE

WOMEN ONLY. Treat yourself to an epic shopping experience with this premium collection of Gift Cards. $500 Perfect Settings $500 Velvette Sleepwear $500 Bloomingdales $500 Saks Fifth Ave Aziza Platinum Wig $500 Amsel Jewelry 718-686-0644

$350 Coach $350 Burberry $300 Lord & Taylor $250 Onyx Luxurious mink trimmed cape Beautiful Stuhrling watch

3 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

BRIGHT GEMS. Breathtaking jewelry is all yours to choose from with this $3,000 Gift Card at Simpson Jewelers.

$3,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Simpson Jewelers 4922 13th Ave. 718-871-0120

PRIZE 1 2 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 1 3

Trip sponsored by Chai Care 718-972-2424 Phones and GPS sponsored by Talk & Travel 718-305-7007

ISRAEL IT IS. Fly off to the land of your dreams with two round trip tickets to Israel. Prize includes; 2 round trip tickets to Israel, 2 cell phones and GPS rental. Restrictions apply.

3 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


THE EDGE. Performance and design taken right to the edge. 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display. The world’s most advanced desktop operating system.

$4,000 VALUE

Sponsored by Royal Care 718-851-3800

PRIZE 14 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 1 5

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah member Shimon Biberfeld B89

$3,600 VALUE

TUITION PAID. $3,600 dollar towards your child’s tuition.

3 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

FAMILY TRIP. Dream it! Win It! Live it! Venture a cross country expedition in an RV, experience the scenic wonders of Yosemite National Park, brave whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyons, and pitch your tent in Yellowstone National Park, or take $3,500 cash!

$3,500 CASH

Sponsored by a close friend of Hatzolah, Mr. Pinchas Leitner Lifting Solutions www.liftingsolutionsny.com

PRIZE 16 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 17

Sponsored by Grand Sterling 4921 13th St. 718-854-0623 1207 Ave J 718-758-3888

GRANDEST STERLING. Experience the timeless elegance of Grand Sterling. Choose $2,500 to enhance your Shabbos table & your home.

3 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

$2,500 GIFT CARD

DIAMOND EVENT. Sit back and relax while Diamond Events transforms your celebration into a magical dream! Catered and prepared for 100 guests. (Heimishe Hashgacha). Includes: Artistic party planning, a violinist, succulent hors d’oeuvres, gourmet 5 star meal, expert waiter staff, fashionable table covering, elegant china dinnerware.

$8,000 VALUE

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic Chaim Levy K-15, of Diamond Events & Catering 917-202-1413 347-262-9034

PRIZE 18 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



In the past twelve months, Hatzolah of Boro Park members have responded to thousands of “close calls”: dramatic, heart-stopping moments of life and death. With Hashem’s help, how many people are alive and well today due to their instantaneous response and determined care? 3 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

FRIDAY NIGHT FEB 27, 2015 - 9:16PM H Base

Any Hatzolah units available to respond to 21st Avenue and 57th Street for a 47 year old complaining of chest pain.


Just finishing the seudah and my siblings are on their way over for a surprise visit in honor of my wife’s birthday….but I am just two blocks away….. B-221 Available!

H Base

B-221, respond to location. Take along your defibrillator device, patient is possibly not breathing at this time….


CODE ONE! CODE ONE! Have the units put a rush to the scene, I have an imminent cardiac arrest on scene!

H Base

Units responding put a Code One on your response: possible cardiac arrest on scene.


Confirmed code!

H Base

Any units available to back up for a confirmed arrest? Any units available to respond with the thumper?


Please notify the ER that we are transporting a 47 year old male, post cardiac arrest. Patient was shocked three times, is currently intubated.ETA to the ER four minutes.


Doesn’t even think. All power and concentration is intensely focused on the task at hand. This is hatzolas nefashos in its truest form.



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{ PRIZE 19

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah Coordinator Chaim Fisher B-57

$5,500 VALUE

TIMELESS ELEGANCE. Enjoy the majestic precision of an authentic Raymond Weil timepiece.

4 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

STRIKING GEMS. Treat yourself to elegance and opulence. Irresistible choices at Kaufman’s Jewelry with a $2,500 Gift Card.

$2,500 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Kaufman’s Design Jewelers 5023 16th Ave. 718-871-3575

PRIZE 20 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 2 1

Sponsored by Stern’s Exclusive Furniture 5231 New Utrecht Ave. 718-686-7421

$3,000 GIFT CARD

FABULOUS FURNITURE. Whether it’s high-end pieces or top-quality affordable classics, Stern’s has something for every budget. $3,000 Gift Card toward a bedroom set at Stern’s Exclusive Furniture.

4 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

LUXURY LIVING. Eat. Sleep. Live. Relax. Splurge on anything for your home with a $2,000 Gift Card at Living Quarters.

$2,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Living Quarters 5926 16th Ave 718-256-4367

PRIZE 2 2 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 2 3

Sponsored by an extraordinary Hatzalah Paramedic B246

$5,000 VALUE

FOREVER DIAMONDS. Clarity and class, this magnificent diamond ring is set with a brilliant round diamond weighing over 1 carat.

4 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

TOYS4U! Gear up for this giga prize! Toys, board games, bicycles, school supplies and much more. $2,400 for a shopping extravaganza at Toys4U.

$2,400 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Toys4U 4510 13th Ave. 718-435-8697

PRIZE 24 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 25

Sponsored by anonymous in honor of The Boro Park Hatzolah Coordinators and B-247

$2,400 GIFT CARD

WISH LIST. Spend as you wish and fill your heart’s desire. $2,400 Visa Gift Card.


{ PRIZE 26

Sponsored by Raizy Klein 718-232-1212

$2,000 VALUE

CLASSIC CUSTOM. Win the wig of unsurpassed beauty and comfort by Raizy Klein. $2,000 Value. Cut and style included.

4 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

PLUSH TRANQUILITY. Enjoy the luxurious sleeping experience of the Ben Barber collection. Transform your entire home with a $2,500 gift card.

$2,500 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Elegant Linen 5719 New Utrecht Ave. 718-871-3535

PRIZE 27 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 28

Sponsored by Shani Schechter 718-673-1454

$2,500 VALUE


Reveal the real you with this one of a kind unprocessed, untreated, hand sewn wig. $2,500 value. Cut and style included.


{ PRIZE 29

Sponsored by Austrian Air


EUROPEAN BLISS. Europe beckons – and now you can respond! Enjoy two economy class tickets to any destination in Europe or Israel by Austrian Air.

4 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

PURE LIGHT. Brighten your home and dazzle the space with $1,500 at Rainbow Lighting.

$1,500 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Rainbow Lighting 2214 59th St. 718-234-3393

PRIZE 30 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 31

Sponsored by Mega 53 5316 13th Ave. 718-438-0617

$2,500 GIFT CARD

MEGA STASH. Stock it up – the “Mega” way! Fill your refrigerator and cabinets with a whopping $2,500 worth of groceries at the Mega 53 Supermarket.

5 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

ETERNALLY DIAMONDS. This magnificent platinum wedding band is a treasure forever with seven brilliantly cut diamonds.

$5,200 VALUE

‫נדבת ידידינו ר’ משה לאקס הי”ו לע”נ אביו היקר ר’ חיים בן ר’ יוסף ז”ל‬ and with special recognition to Chaim Shea Bar-Horin

PRIZE 32 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



Nothing can “block” the way of Hatzolah en route to a “call”. Their devotion is matched only by that of their families; who have given up outings, family time, Yom Tov seudos, simchos and more to allow their husbands and fathers respond to the call, wherever and whenever it may be… 5 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

PURIM, THURSDAY MAR. 5, 2015 - 1:31PM H Base


Any Hatzolah units available to respond to 14th Avenue and 48th Street for a baby choking...

Wow, I’m on the block with my kids in the car, my daughter needs to be by her teacher before 2pm….. if I respond, will I be done by then?...B-209, responding!

H Base

B-209 respond to location. You have a child cyanotic and possibly unresponsive at this time.

H Base

Any backup BLS or ALS available to respond for a baby choking?


Please advise the ER that we are transporting a 14 month old, CPR in progress: please assist us in closing off the avenues along our route from 14th Avenue to Fort Hamilton Parkway.

H Base

Be advised the ER is awaiting your arrival.


Be advised that object has been dislodged en route to the ER; baby is now breathing on his own.

H Base

We updated the ER they will still be awaiting your arrival.


Its 2:20pm… my family is still waiting patiently in the car… It’s too late to make it to the teacher… Hopefully she will understand that the little life we saved today is her credit, too…


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 33

Sponsored by Feldman’s Jewelry 4821 16th Ave. 718-438-8895

$2,000 GIFT CARD

JEWELS & GEMS. From classic to contemporary Feldman’s jewelers features something for everyone! Indulge with a $2,000 Gift Card.

5 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

HALL OF ART. Choose custom paintings, portrait framing, wall decor, needlepoint, and more with $1,800 at Artistic Gallery.

$1,800 Gift Card

Sponsored by Artistic Gallery 4417 14th Ave. 718-633-8410

PRIZE 34 }


PRIZE 35 }



$1,800 cash to spend, splurge or save. $1,800 CASH

Sponsored ‫לזכות שמעון בן שרה פערל‬ ‫לרפואה שלמה ואריכת ימים ושנים טובים‬

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 36

Sponsored by Focus Camera 895 McDonald Ave. 718-431-7900 ‫לע”נ מרת גיננדל בת ר’ שלמה בערקאוויטש ע”ה‬ ‫נלב”ע ז’ אב תש”ע לפ”ק‬

ZOOM IN. Get the latest in cameras and high quality electronics. Find what you need with $1,800 at the fabulous Focus Camera.

5 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

$1,800 GIFT CARD

ENDURING STONES. Find the perfect gift or treat yourself to enchanting diamonds and jewels with $1,800 at The Showroom.

$1,800 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by The Showroom 5005 13th Ave. 718-431-1726

PRIZE 37 }


GO TO B&H. Need it? Want it? Pick it up at B & H Photo, the electronic SUPERSTORE! $1,000 Gift Card at B&H Photo

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by B&H Photo & Video 212-444-6615 www.bhphotovideo.com

PRIZE 38 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 39

Sponsored by Shloimy’s Judaica 4405 15th Ave. 718-854-8833

$1,200 GIFT CARD

BOOK WORM. Stock your shelves with seforim, books and other Judaica items with $1,200 at Shloimy’s Judaica.

5 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

ELITE TREAT. Whether it’s something to adorn your table or enhance your Shabbos and Yom Tov, your $1,500 Gift Card at Elite Sterling will be a real treat!

$1,500 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Elite Sterling 4805 13thAve. 718-854-8833

PRIZE 40 }


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{ PRIZE 41

Sponsored by The Towel Shop 4805 New Utrecht Ave. 718-484-0610

$1,200 GIFT CARD

TOWELS REDEFINED. Enhance your home with plush, elegant and luxurious towels. Splurge with a $1,200 Gift Card at The Towel Shop.

6 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

DREAM COUTURE. Premier designer clothing and accessories in the heart of Boro Park. Enjoy a superior shopping experience with $1,200 at Couture off the Rack.

$1,200 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Couture Off The Rack 1305 47th St. 347-404-7737

PRIZE 42 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 43

Sponsored by Kiki Wigs 718-633-6611


$2,000 VALUE

Kiki wigs - The name that speaks for itself. Wig value $2,000.


{ PRIZE 44

Sponsored by friends of the Mittelman Family Sponsored by ‫לע”נ ר’ נחום מרדכי בר נחמן חיים ז”ל‬


Everything you want to do with it. Massive power in its most minimal form. (Filter installed).


{ PRIZE 45

TEXTURE & SHINE. Win an all custom made European wig of your choice. $2,000 Value. Cut and style included.

6 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Perry Tobal 347-417-1252

$2,000 VALUE

FOOD STORIES. A chic nook for upscale dining. A trendy eatery with masterfully created culinary dishes. The perfect setting for a night out for yourself and your friends. $1,200 Gift Card at The Loft Steakhouse. $1,200 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by The Loft Steakhouse 1306 40th St. 718-475-5600

PRIZE 46 }


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{ PRIZE 47 $3,000 VALUE

TEEN TO A TEE. Go ahead . Make her day! Awesome gift certificates sure to make any teen feel treated!


{ PRIZE 48

Sponsored by Better Health 5302 New Utrecht Ave. 718-436-4693

$1,400 GIFT CARD


Get the entire family in great shape with a choice of a high end treadmill or elliptical trainer at Better Health & Fitness. $1,400 Gift Card.

6 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

FINISHING TOUCHES. Bedazzle your home with a $1,200 Gift Card to shop for exquisite vanities, magnificent chandeliers, mirrors, consoles and many other gift ideas. $1,200 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Finishing Styles 6024 14th Ave. 718-436-6660

PRIZE 49 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 50

Sponsored by Jacob Jewelers 5221 13th Ave. 718-854-9090

$1,000 GIFT CARD

INDULGE IN LUXURY. A sensational collection of glamorous jewelry. $1,000 to spend as you wish at Jacob Jewelers.


{ PRIZE 51


6 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Eastside China 5002 12h Ave. 718-633-8672

$1,000 GIFT CARD Set an exquisite table for an enhanced dining experience. Choose from an extensive selection of luxurious patterns for every taste and palate with a $1,000 Gift Card at Eastside China.


Classic, elegant & ready to wear. Dress your best with a $1,000 Gift Card at the renowned S&W.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by S&W Clothing 4217 13th Ave. 718-431-2800

PRIZE 52 }



Lighten your load with this Whirlpool Duet washer and dryer. Making laundry a whole lot easier.

Sponsored by AJ Madison 3605 13th Ave. 718-532-1800

PRIZE 53 }


PRIZE 54 }


SIGNATURE CUT. Experience luxury you can feel with the finest custom wig. $2,000 Value. Cut & Style included by Yitty Steinberg.

$2,000 VALUE

Sponsored by Yitty Steinberg’s Wigs 347-645-7815

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 55


Sponsored by All That Glitters 4706 16th Ave. 718-853-8789

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Glamour, beauty and class. Spend $1,000 for that special occasion at All That Glitters.


{ PRIZE 56


Choose your destination with $1,000 Gift Card at Destiny Travel and enjoy a trip that you will remember forever.

6 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Destiny Travels 4415 13th Ave. 718-831-7500

$1,000 GIFT CARD


RALEIGH LEISURE. Make memories of a lifetime with a two week stay at the Raleigh hotel for you and your family. Restrictions apply.

Sponsored by Raleigh Hotel 845-434-7000 Hatzolah appreciates Raleigh Hotel’s assistance all year round!

PRIZE 57 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 58

Sponsored by A close friend of Hatzolah Mr. Naftali Steiner of Travel USA


GOLDEN COAST. Your destination to a perfect vacation. Win 2 tickets to California with a 3 night hotel stay. Canon camera and a chic set of American Tourister luggage included.


{ PRIZE 59

Sponsored by Watchmaxx.com A dedicated Hatzolah member, Yonoson Hoffman- B231

MICHELLE MOMENT. Trendy and luxurious, the slim Deco II Michelle timepiece features 114 diamonds, embellishing both the case and mother-of-pearl dial.

7 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

$2,000 VALUE

TORAH TROVE. $1,000 to a fabulous treasure trove of seforim, Judaica, and gifts from one of New York’s largest Judaica stores.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Eichlers 5004 13th Ave. 718-633-1505

PRIZE 60 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 61

Tickets sponsored by a close friend of Hatzolah Travel USA Accommodations sponsored by Lxure Suites & Villas 718-501-3911


SUNNY SIDE. Win an exhilarating vacation for 2 in the Sunshine State. Prize includes airfare for 2 and a 3 night stay at the first class Lxure Suites & Villas, Miami.

7 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Tickets by:

SLEEP RITE. Your opportunity for a luxurious night’s sleep. $1,000 Gift Card at Sleeptight Bedding.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Sleeptight Bedding 5211 New Utrecht Ave. 718-438-3933

PRIZE 62 }


PRIZE 63 }


HI TECH. Operate your business at full speed with “Compustation”. Win a state of the art Dell desktop XPS i7-4770 computer with the 4th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, 1TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s, 8GB of Memory. 24” full HD ultra-sharp screen. Canon all-in-one laser printer (Filter installed).

Sponsored by The Compustation 646-350-4688

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 64


Sponsored by The Buzz 1314 50th St. 718-399-4900

$1,000 GIFT CARD

On your mark, get set and go… to the Buzz! Electronic superstore for just about everything you need. Shop to your heart’s desire with this $1,000 Gift Card.


{ PRIZE 65

DAZZLING DINETTE. Complete your home with $1,000 at “Dinetc” and pick from a fantastic selection of tables and chairs.

7 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Dinetc. 4402 New Utrecht Ave. 718-436-3980

$1,000 GIFT CARD


Give each room a lift with these four complete sets of the soft, silk-feel, sateen bedlinens by Eleganté.


Sponsored by Elegentè Linens 4702 16th Ave. 718-871-9800

PRIZE 66 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 67


Sponsored by Allegra Fine Jewelry 718-853-8253

$1,000 GIFT CARD

There is nothing like precious jewels to make a woman feel special. Choose $1,000 worth of diamonds, gold or pearls at Allegra Fine Jewelry.


{ PRIZE 68

HOME FURNISH. For your living room, family room or anywhere else in your home, enjoy a $1,000 Gift Card at TGI Furniture.

7 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by TGI Furniture 1534 62nd St. 718-256-5660

$1,000 GIFT CARD

ORNATE SILVER. Experience the sheer splendor of sterling silver. Choose from a dazzling array at Eastern Silver with a $1,000 Gift Card.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Eastern Silver Company 4901 16th Ave. 718-854-5600

PRIZE 69 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 70

MASTER DRESSER. This exciting collection of gifts and gift cards will thrill the man of the house.


{ PRIZE 71

$3,000 VALUE

$500 G&G Clothing $300 Marcy Clothing $250 Schwartz Shoes $200 Emporio $200 Z Berman Books $180 Shoe Depot $100 Focus Camera 2 Bekitches by Royal Clothing Bekitche by Kesser Clothing Hat by Park Hatters Hat by Sanders Traveling hat box iPhone Watch by Stuhrling

Sponsored by Judaica Corner 4301 13th Ave.. 718-435-5900

$1,000 GIFT CARD

BUDDING SCHOLAR. Fire his spiritual aspirations with $1,000 at Judaica Corner.

7 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

PULSING BEAT. Not just a Choir! An Experience! Enhance your upcoming Bar Mitzvah,Sheva Bochos or special event with an appearance by the distinctive Yedidim Choir.

Sponsored by Yedidim Choir 347-871-8753

PRIZE 72 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 7 3


$2,800 VALUE

Outfit your prince or princess with the latest styles of trendy clothing and accessories.

DIVA KID ngers Little Lou $500.......... alloon The Red B $500.......... Bizi $360.......... e Mon Petit $350.......... ini La Bamb $250.......... .Toys4U $200 ........ Posh $100 ......... Girandola $100 ......... nge ck Excha o S .. .. .. .. .. 0 $10 oes th Ave Sh 14 .. .. .. ... 0 $10 tuhrling atch by S w g in n n Stu mera Canon Ca

8 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

DAINTY BABY. Where you and your baby matter most! Spend $1,000 on strollers, cars seats and accessories for your prince or princess.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Dainty Baby 3605 12th Ave. 877-532-4689

PRIZE 74 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



Sponsored in honor of a special Hatzolah Paramedic Sruly Melnick B-245

{ PRIZE 7 5


$1,200 GIFT CARD

Win a $1,200 Visa Gift Card and the choices are endless!


Sponsored by BH Wigs 718-633-9449

{ PRIZE 76


$1,850 VALUE

Enjoy a new look with a new wig from BH Wigs. Cut & style included.


{ PRIZE 7 7


Enhance your library and learning experience with a full collection of the Hebrew Schottenstein Shas.

8 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

‫ל חיים‬-‫לע”נ יענטא בת ישרא‬ ‫נלב”ע כ”ד אדר ב’ תשס”ה‬

MAJESTIC MAN. Embellish the men in your family with style. $1,000 at the majestic G&G Quality Clothing.

$1,000 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by G&G Quality Clothng 5101 New Utrecht Ave. 718-871-7841

PRIZE 78 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



Children, with their impulsiveness and non-stop action, constantly need a special “malach” at their side, protecting them. But know, that no matter where your children may be; at home, at school or at play, Hatzolah is always lined up for “roll call”. They are your “malachim”.

8 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

WEDNESDAY, MID-DAY FEB. 11, 2015 - 2:06PM H Base


Any Hatzolah units available for 50th Street between 13th & 14th Avenues. Child collapsed on 5th floor of the school building…

I’m scheduled to meet a bank associate in five minutes at the café….but I am right here on the block….a life is more important than any business deal…


B-67 Responding!


H Base be advised I’m in the building, running up the stairs.

H Base

B67 bring up your Advanced Lifesaving (ALS) Equipment.


I have my drug bag and cardiac monitor with me: I’m approaching the fifth floor.

H Base

Be advised that a bus and BLS are backing you up.


Child is now alert and oriented, we are assessing the cause and extent of injury.

I wonder if he is still waiting for me in the café… no matter. Hashem please protect all Your innocent little ones…



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 79

Sponsored by Take Note 718-633-4184

$2,500 VALUE

MUSICAL MOMENTS. Unlock your child’s talent! Drums, guitar, keyboard and more. Win $2,500 to learn the instrument of their choice.

8 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

VERMONT VISTAS. Enjoy the cool climate with a luxurious 3 night stay with your family. Amusement park, alpine slide, kayaking, whitewater canoeing, tubing, jeeping, biking, private swimming and fitness center. Entire Shabbos menu delivered ready to heat & enjoy in your private dining room. Bring nothing, just call: 732-444-ToVT (8688)

$1,100 VALUE

Sponsored by Bain Hazmanim Getaway Reserve before June and Mention BP Hatzolah for special discount

PRIZE 80 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 81

Sponsored by S&S Furniture 306 Penn St. 718-963-1466

DREAM CHILD. Delight your children with this magnificent furniture set. Prize includes twin headboard, night stand, dresser & mirror.

8 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

$2,500 VALUE

STYLED CHILD. Outfit your children in style with a fabulous collection of gift certificates to your favorite shops.

CHILD STYLED ngers Little Lou $500.......... Whoopi $360.......... n Bee Cotto $250.......... aces Smiling F $250.......... phy Photogra 507 718-62 1-0 ok Judy’s No $200..........

nd Wonderla $180.......... orts Little Imp $180.......... Toys 4 U $100.......... All In One $100.......... Steps Precious $100 ......... ury Little Lux $100.......... se o .Family H $50............ ackpack Kipling B

PRIZE 82 }



Sponsored by Surie Appel 1753 48th St. 718-851-5753

Experience laser hair removal at the reputable Supreme Laser with a $1,000 Gift Card.

PRIZE 83 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



Sponsored by D’Rose Linen 1315 47th St. 718-435-1045

{ PRIZE 84

ROSY DREAMS. Win a charismatic set of super soft plush suede linen, prize includes 2 quilt covers, fitted sheets, shams & throw pillows.


{ PRIZE 85

BALABUSTA Premium collection of dinnerware, flatware and goblets service for 12. Food processor, toaster oven, set of pots, crock pot, hot water urn, dish towels, kitchen utensils, cooking utensils, hand mixer, blender, stick blender, sandwich maker & more!

9 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by The Buzz 1314 50th St. 718-399-4900

$1,000 GIFT CARD

STOCK UP. Savor the freshest and enjoy piling up your shopping cart with $1,000 at Landau’s Supermarket.

Sponsored by Landau’s Supermarket 4510 18th Ave. 718-633-0633

PRIZE 86 }


$2,500 VALUE

COMFORT ZONE. Cool off with this 18,000 BTU Friedrich wallmounted air conditioner system with LCD wireless remote. Installation included.

Sponsored by Cool Aid Heating & Cooling 347-261-7106

PRIZE 87 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 88

Sponsored in honor of a dedicated Hatzolah member Mr. Chaim Shea Klein B200

RACE ON. Rev up the engine! Exhilarating rides with the T110DXS utility ATV. Rugged steel frame and electric start with safety speed limiter.


{ PRIZE 89

Sponsored by All Boro Communications 718-851-3990

CATCH ‘EM. CCTV – Surveillance system. 4 Cameras, 500GB 4 Channel Recorder (DVR) 19” LCD Monitor. Installation included. Restrictions apply.

9 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

AIR SPY. Experience a new level of photography! Own the AEE AP10 UAV drone quadcopter with integrated camera. Take photos and videos completely from the air.

Sponsored by Focus Camera 895 McDonald Ave. 718-431-7900 ‫לע”נ מרת גיננדל בת ר’ שלמה בערקאוויטש ע”ה‬ ‫נלב”ע ז’ אב תש”ע לפ”ק‬

PRIZE 90 }


PRIZE 91 }


PREP KITCHEN. Get a kitchen for your starter apartment, a kitchenette in your basement, or a new Pesach kitchen. $2,500 towards a Fabuwood Kitchen by A&S Kitchens.

$2,500 VALUE

Kitchen by Fabuwood Layout & Design by A&S Kitchens 5225 New Utrecht Ave. 718-438-7820

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 92

Sponsored by Bais Hastam 5116 13th Ave. 718-437-0927


Relive the miraculous events of Purim, with a stunning Megillah handwritten by a renowned sofer yirei shomayim.


Sponsored by Krauss Shtreimel 1-888-Krauss Tallis & Atara sponsored by Tiferes 718-435-0618

{ PRIZE 93


Treat yourself to a new and luxurious shtreimel at the renowned Krauss Shtreimel. Complete your new look with a crisp new tallis and stunning silver Atara.


{ PRIZE 94


Tech-up with this thin Toshiba i5 touch screen satellite E55T (Filter Installed).

9 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by DH Data Recovery 718-509-9211


$2,500 VALUE

A new interpretation of the Museum watch. Stainless steel and white ceramic bracelet. Scratch resistant sapphire crystal.

Sponsored by Shnoop.com A very dedicated Hatzolah member Shloimy Grossman- RL48

PRIZE 95 }



Dell Inspiron 15 5000 Series – Touch. Windows, Intel Core i5-5200U Processor, 15.6” Monitor, Backlit Keyboard, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive. (Filter installed).

Sponsored by Starcom IT Solutions 718-305-6854

PRIZE 96 }


$15 $1,500 $1,300 VALUE VALUE

Choose from a variety of custom light-weight wigs at Clary’s wigs. $1,500 Gift Card. Cut & style included.

Sponsored by Clary’s 1373 55th St. 718-854-6552

PRIZE 97 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 98

Sponsored by Brussels Airlines


ENCOUNTER EUROPE. Your chance to win 2 tickets to Europe. Enjoy a new economy class experience with the highest standards in comfort, ease and design! Fly anywhere Brussels Airlines flies.


{ PRIZE 99

Sponsored by Baby Street 5409 18th Ave. 718-395-3919

$1,000 GIFT CARD

SPOILED BABY. Wheel your little one in the height of fashion. Strollers, car seats, infant seats, bouncers, swings, nursery and décor. $1,000 Gift Card to Baby Street.

9 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


$1,000 GIFT CARD

Enjoy your children’s delight as they choose their favorite toys with a $1,000 Gift Card at Toys4U.

Sponsored by Toys4U 4510 13th Ave. 718-435-8697

PRIZE 100 }


LATEST LEATHER. Add modern comfort to your living room with a two seater reclining couch.

Sponsored by Friends of Hatzolah

PRIZE 101 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



While Hatzolah of Boro Park members are accustomed to ongoing “wake up calls”, having responded to over 16,328 of them this year alone, it is once a year that we issue the auction “wake up call” to you. Please be there for us so we can continue to answer your “wake up call”… 9 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

CHANUKAH, SUNDAY NIGHT DEC 6, 2014 - 1:16AM H Base B-59

Beeeeeeeep… possible code one, report of a fire with people trapped.

Woke from deep sleep after a long, tiring day… I need to be up at 5 am to catch a flight in the morning…. B-59, responding!

H Base

B59, Back up to the fire, please prepare a staging, triage and command area. Be advised we are dispatching multiple busses and units to the scene. All units switch to emergency channel 2 and communicate with B59 at the command center.


H Base be advised that we have a total of six patients being transported. Let me know when you are ready for an ER notification. Please advise the burn center that we are transporting a four year old female with 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 75% of her body; patient has a patent airway and is receiving pain medication via IV. Heart Rate is 154 BP 90/60 and respirations at 34. Our ETA is six minutes.


This has been a very long and exhausting night. The sun is almost rising. I will just go home to say good bye to my family, hug my kids and thank Hashem we are all alive and well and healthy. And then, it’s straight to the airport…



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •



{ PRIZE 102

Sponsored by livwatches.com A dedicated Hatzolah member Yonason Hoffman B231


The LIV Genesis is an exquisite, Swiss-made, sapphire crystal, full-featured watch. Designed for the man with class.


{ PRIZE 103

Sponsored by Linen Palace 5406 New Utrecht Ave. 718-435-8810


Enhance your suite with the luxury of suede. A rich look for any bed with its luxuriously soft feel. Prize includes 2 quilt covers, fitted sheets, standard pillow cases, and shams.

1 0 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

MOTHER OF VALOR. Indulge the new mother with a 4 day stay at Aim B’Yisroel.

Sponsored by close friends of Hatzolah ‫לע”נ דבורה ב”ר שלמה יוסף ע”ה‬

PRIZE 104 }




Sponsored by Kehilla Butcher 1183 49th St. 718-907-5151

Kehilla Butcher - the shortest route from farm to fridge. Prime steak cuts, freshest poultry & pickled meat. Witness an extreme dedication to cleanliness and the highest kashrus caliber. $500 Gift Card at Kehilla Butcher.

PRIZE 105 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

10 1


{ PRIZE 106


Sponsored by The Peppermill 5015 16th Ave. 718-871-4022 and Kerekes 6103 15th Ave. 718-232-7055


Add a finishing touch to your kitchen with $250 at The Peppermill and $250 at Kerekes.


{ PRIZE 107

Sponsored by The Perlstein Family

AMERICAN DREAM. Give your little girl hours of fun with an American Girl doll of her choice along with a $200 Gift Card to dress her up.


{ PRIZE 108

PERFECT SHOT. $500 to preserve your precious memories forever at the unrivaled Judy Fischmann.

1 0 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Judy Fischman 347-254-8033



Express your unique style with this amazing collection of Gift Cards! $350 at Green’s $250 at Vintage Décor $200 at Deco Dine $200 at The Gift Place

$1,000 VALUE

Greens Bed & Bath Vintage Decor 5017 13th Ave. 4117 14th Ave. 718-438-7984 718-431-0551

Deco Dine 5115 13th Ave. 718-633-5258

The Gift Place 4503 16th Ave. 718-438-4001

PRIZE 109 }


DOWNRIGHT DIFFERENCE. Sail off into dreamland with these quilts and pillows by Downright. Includes: 4 comforel polyfill quilts & 4 pillows.

Sponsored by Downright 718-788-6363

PRIZE 1 10 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

10 3


{ PRIZE 1 1 1

Sponsored by Focus Camera 905 McDonald Ave.. 718-431-7900


Make the moment last forever with the Canon’s new EOS Rebel T3 12.6 megapixels.


{ PRIZE 1 1 2

Sponsored in honor of Boro Park Hatzolah by Williamsburg Vacuum 344 Roebling St. 718-384-0851 www.mhvacuum.com ‫לע”נ אפרים צבי בר בנציון ע”ה‬

MEGA MIELE. One giant leap for vacuuming. Lightweight. Powerful. Stylish. Miele Titan.


{ PRIZE 1 1 3


Learning, reading, Judaica… you got it all with $500 at Scharf’s Judaica.

1 0 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by Sharf’s Judaica 4904 16th Ave. 718-484-0340



Choose new appliances with a $500 Gift Card at Drimmers. $500 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Drimmer’s 1608 Coney Island Ave. 718-338-3500

PRIZE 1 14 }



Treat your family to the best home-baked goodness with the Bosch mixer.

Sponsored by The Ungar Family in memory of their beloved mother ‫לע”נ חי’ מירל גאלא ע”ה בת הרה”צ ר’ משה הלוי שליט”א‬

PRIZE 1 1 5 }


PRIZE 1 16 }


SURFACE TWO. The tablet that works like a laptop. Perfect for work and play! Microsoft surface2 32GB 10.6” tablet with windows RT 8.1 OS.

Sponsored by a close friend of Hatzolah Mr. Chaim Greenfeld of Preferred HCNY

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

10 5


{ PRIZE 1 17

Sponsored by The Tree House 4917 16th Ave. 718-871-8733

HANDS UP. Perfect for imaginative play, kids will enjoy the complete Playmobil police station set with accessories.


{ PRIZE 1 18

Sponsored by Freinds of Hatzolah


On the go Bitty Twins, includes stroller, change of outfits & accessories.


{ PRIZE 1 19

Sponsored by Royal Care 718-851-3800


This electric vintage-cool car will give kids and teens plenty of buggy thrills. Ages 8+.

1 0 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

LIFE STYLE. Capturing your everyday life sweetness & smiles with $500 at Greatsnap photography.


Sponsored by Rachel Stern Great Snap Photography 347-246-3937

PRIZE 1 20 }



The spindles, carvings and gentle curves of this Young America Elise Crib create an instant heirloom.

$800 VALUE

Sponsored by Living Quarters 5926 16th Ave. 718-256-4367

PRIZE 1 2 1 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

10 7


{ PRIZE 1 2 2

Sponsored by Anonymous

GARDEN OASIS. A perfect addition to any outdoor setting. Includes dining table with 6 chairs, umbrella, and stand.


{ PRIZE 1 2 3

Sponsored by Satmar Meats 5301 New Utrecht Ave. 718-435-8200 and Anonymous

$1,000 VALUE

DAD’S DOMAIN. Get the apron and fire up the grill. Prize includes a Weber Spirit outdoor grill and a $400 Gift Card at Satmar Meats.

1 0 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


Dell Inspiron 17 5000 Series. Windows, Intel Core i5-5200U Processor, 17.3”” Monitor, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive. (Filter installed).

Sponsored by Royal Home Care 718-851-3800

PRIZE 1 24 }


PRIZE 1 25 }


LIBRARY TO GO. With the BOOXBUKI eReader you have a large scale Seforim library at your fingertips. Take it with you wherever you go. No internet connection.

Sponsored by DB Electronics 321 Clifton Ave. Lakeood , NJ 732-901-1280

MAKE WAY. Win the all-new Dodge Charger police cruiser for the junior policeman.

Sponsored by Mr. Jeremy Strauss A dedicated Hatzolah Member RL-242

PRIZE 1 26 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

10 9


{ PRIZE 1 27

Sponsored by Friends of Hatzolah

DIRT ROCKET. Compact electric motocross bike with 650-watt electric motor carries riders at speeds of up to 17 mph delivering a smooth & comfortable ride.


{ PRIZE 1 28

Sponsored by Moznaim 4304 12th St. 718-438-7680


This Moznaim Chosson Shas is made of the finest print and quality. Bound to last for many generations.


{ PRIZE 1 29


One year family membership at the “Y”.

1 1 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Sponsored by The Boro Park YMHA

$1,000 VALUE


Enhance your kiddush with an exclusive selection of wines and liquors.

Glenlivet 21 Grand Mayan Tequila Glengoyne 21 Herzog Generation 8 Glenmorangie 18 Chateau Malartic 2005 Taylor Single Barrel Bourbon

Sponsored by Liquors Galore 1212 Ave J 718.338.4166

PRIZE 1 30 }


PRIZE 1 31 }



Create an underwater view to call your own relaxing place with a 30 gallon aquarium filled with fish. Filter, light, accessories and 6 months maintenance included. Or $1,400 towards any custom tank.

$1,400 GIFT CARD

Sponsored by Kings Fish Tank 347-770-7533 kingsfishtank@gmail.com


Mindboggling. Amazing. Heartwarming. Inspiring. Unbelievable. Admirable. Sounds simple, but reflect carefully upon what it has taken to make this statement a reality: In the many years since its inception, Hatzolah of Boro Park has not had a single “missed call”.

1 1 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JAN 9, 2015 - 3:32PM H Base


Any Hatzolah units available for 58th Street & 18th Avenue for an elderly that fell down a flight of stairs?

It’s less than an hour to Shabbos, I haven’t left work yet and still need to do final preparations for Shabbos….. but… I am really close by…. B-248, Responding!

H Base

B-248 respond to the call location.


Prepare blech, Shabbos timers, lecht… Buy nosh, cake and last minute groceries… Shower…


I have a patient with an obvious fractured hip and multiple lacerations.

H Base

You have a medic, a backup BLS and a bus responding.


Transporting patient to the ER. Picked up a family member to stay with him over Shabbos. Please notify the ER that we are transporting an 84 year old male, semi-conscious. ETA is six minutes. Family member on bus.

H Base

ER is awaiting your arrival.


It’s five minutes after the zman and I’m leaving the ER now….. Nosh?… Groceries? The blech?…A shower? Mizmor shir l’yom haShabbos…



P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

11 3


{ PRIZE 1 32

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic Matis Witriol B-218

JUMPIN JACKS. Bring bouncing fun to your own back yard and make sure your kids are safe with a 8’ trampoline and safety enclosure.


{ PRIZE 1 33

Sponsored by Elegant Linen 5719 New Utrecht Ave. 718-871-3535

SOFT SLEEP Get your house ready for guest with a luxurious set of linen.


{ PRIZE 1 34

FULLY LOADED. Get it and fill it! 17 cubic foot freezer and a $250 Gift Card at Shauly’s Meats.

1 1 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Freezer by Duddy’s 4415 14th Ave. 718-851-9400 Meat by Shauly’s Meats 1973 60th St. 718-236-2200

LITTLE AUDI. Drive the luxury electric powered Avigo Audi R8.

Sponsored by GCNY Marketing ‫לע”נ לאה בת ר’ שלמה שימאן ע”ה‬

PRIZE 1 35 }



Ready to play? This large collection of Playmobile will keep you busy for a while.

Sponsored by Double Play 4115 14th Ave, 718-438-0664

PRIZE 1 36 }




Enjoy family outings with 2 up-to-date 26” speed bikes.

Sponsored by a dedicated Hatzolah member Shlomo Levi B-244

PRIZE 1 37 }


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11 5


{ PRIZE 1 38


{ PRIZE 1 39 $500 GIFT CARD



Sponsored by: Lenox in recognition of Eastside China

Sponsored by: Name Street 1268 48th St. 718-871-0291

Win the Poppy Street dinnerware collection. Service for eight.


{ PRIZE 140

It’s extra fun when it’s personalized! Enjoy a $500 Gift Card.


{ PRIZE 141



Sponsored by: Moshe Berger

Sponsored by: The Buzz 1314 50th St. 718-399-4900

Transport your travel essentials effortlessly in the Samsonite Winfield travel luggage set.

1 1 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Stay cool with an 8000 BTU window air conditioner.

MOM PLAY. Feel like a Mommy with this Bugaboo Donkey double carriage and dolls.


The set you remember from your childhood… will last with your kids forever! Sponsored by: A friend of Hatzolah at Mishor Publishing

Toys to Discover 5510 18th Ave 718-399-4900

PRIZE 142 }


SEE FUN. Get the latest portable DVD player with the complete collection of Neuhaus Production DVD’s.

PRIZE 143 }


TEMP UP. Get into shape and have a blast too, with the sensational Step It Up DELUXE dance machine and mat. Sponsored by: Step It Up 201-500-STEP

Sponsored by: Focus Camera 895 McDonald Avenue 718-431-7900 & Neuhaus Productions

PRIZE 144 }


PRIZE 145 }


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11 7


{ PRIZE 146

Sponsored by Baby Street 5409 18th Ave. 718-395-3919

GO STROLL. The Baby Jogger Vue is sure to become your favorite on-the-go stroller!


{ PRIZE 147

Sponsored by Continental Tablesetting 4622 16th Ave. 718-438-2522



Choose designer table decor with a $500 Gift Card at Continental Tablesetting.


{ PRIZE 148


Sponsored by Shticky Shtick 4111 13th Ave. 718-438-2522


Not just Shtick! Win $500 to spend on silk floral arrangements, table coverings, gifts and accessories for your home.

1 1 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

CHILD WONDER 1. Your children will enjoy hours of play with this uniquely designed Mitzvah Kinder Chasuna set.

Sponsored by Mitzvah Kinder

PRIZE 149 }


PRIZE 1 50 }


CHILD WONDER 2. Assortment of Mentchelech and accessories. Prize includes Road map, Shabbos set, Sheel, Totty & Mommy go to sheel, Seforim Shteeb, Purim set, Mazel Tov set, Pesach Zeidy, Play pack, Mitzvah Kinder crown game.

Sponsored by Mitzvah Kinder

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

11 9


{ PRIZE 1 51


{ PRIZE 1 52



Let’s cruise with 4 top quality Razor scooters. Sponsored by: Toys4U 4510 13th Ave. 718-435-8697


Enjoy the latest collection of popular board games. Includes the exclusive Hatzolah game collection. Sponsored by: Toys4U 4510 13th Ave. 718-435-8697


{ PRIZE 1 53



{ PRIZE 1 54


Take home a complete package of Binyan Blocks & keep the kids occupied.

Junior Clics are softer and easier to click. Includes the new rollerbox with 475 clics + Mighty Monsters.

Sponsored by Binyan Blocks & A dedicated Hatzolah Paramedic Shauly Wolhandler SG-14

Sponsored by: Toylinks www.toylinksinc.com

1 2 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


STAY CRISP. Rowenta professional steam iron with extra wide ironing board.

The K2 canister vacuum cleaner is ideal for your home, with incredible mobile and far-reaching capabilities.

Sponsored by The Horowitz Family

Sponsored in honor of Boro Park Hatzolah by Williamsburg Vacuum 344 Roebling 718-384-0851 www.mhvacuum.com

‫לע”נ אפרים צבי בר בנציון ע”ה‬

PRIZE 1 55 }


PRIZE 1 56 }



Make your precious memories last forever with this Canon S110 12MP. Includes 200 free prints at Photo Factory.

Sponsored in honor of a dedicated Hatzolah member, Mr. Zalmy Halpert B220


Luxury luggage by Longchamp. Travel in style with a 22” trolley and carry-on.

Sponsored in by a dedicated Hatzolah member, Mr. Yossi Nagel B-223 & Photo Factory 4324 15th Ave. 718-438-4600

PRIZE 1 57 }


PRIZE 1 58 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

12 1


{ PRIZE 1 59

ON BEAT. Enjoy hours of listening pleasure with a iPod touch 64GB. Sponsored by: A Touch of Class 4921 16th Ave. 718-854-6814


{ PRIZE 160

SCOOT OVER. Zoom the sidewalks with this cool electric Razor scooter with seat. Sponsored by: Toys4U 4510 13th Ave. 718-435-8697


{ PRIZE 161


Win this Pyle Electronic tabletop digital drum. Features 7 touch pads and 2 pedals. Sponsored by: A friend of Hatzolah

1 2 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


{ PRIZE 162


Thrill the kids with the special edition 3DS XL Nintendo. Pre- installed with the new “Super Mario Bros 2“. Sponsored by: Sharf Shopping Inc. 718-496-3325



Turn up the volume with a Yamaha PSR-E243 keyboard.

Capture every precious scene with this Sony HDR-CX240 Handycam, includes a 9.2 MP HD camera for still images.

Sponsored by: Focus Camera 895 McDonald Ave. 718-431-7900

Sponsored by: Focus Camera 895 McDonald Ave. 718-431-7900


PRIZE 163 }




iPod nano. Completely renanoed. All new design . For endless musical pleasure.

A must for every home. Win a collection of kids books by Menucha Fuchs.

Sponsored by Friends of the Mittelman Family

‫לע”נ ר’ נחום מדרכי ב”ר נחמן חיים זצ”ל‬

PRIZE 165 }

PRIZE 164 }

Sponsored by: Menucha Publishers 1-855-Menucha


PRIZE 166 }


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12 3


{ PRIZE 167



{ PRIZE 168


Complete collection of Fineline Settings. Includes: 1 case each: 10½”, 9½”, 8”, 6½” plates, 5oz. & 12oz. bowls, 10oz cups. Cutlery combo case.

Stay cool with a sleek & stylish windowless 10,000 BTU portable air conditioner.

Sponsored by: A very dedicated Hatzolah Coordinator, Bentzy Lebovitz B-84

Sponsored by: Y&E Appliances 718-972-1872


{ PRIZE 169



{ PRIZE 170

A year of reading pleasure! Win this complete collection of reading material.

$1,300 VALUE

Sponsored by: Publications


The perfect wig to give you that new look. Win a Rebbeca custom wig. Cut and style included. Sponsored by Toby Rosenfeld 718-972-1372

1 2 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


Large variety of high quality power tools and tool box. Sponsored by: A dedicated Hatzolah member Uncle Moish B29 and Elmax


“Cool it or warm it” from 500 feet away, win a remote starter with installation done right by NYC Fleet Safety. Includes option for phone app. Sponsored by: NYC Fleet Safety 1317 36th St. 718-289-0733

PRIZE 171 }



PRIZE 172 }




Guard your valuables with a Gardall 300lb safe with installation.

Win a TomTom VIA 1405M 4.3-Inch Portable GPS Navigator with Lifetime Maps and a Dash Cam to protect your vehicle and your reputation.

Sponsored by: Jo-Safe 4414 16th Ave. 718-853-3205

Sponsored by Anonymous

PRIZE 17 3 }


‫לע”נ ישעי’ ב”ר שמשון ז”ל‬

PRIZE 174 }


P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

12 5



Three lucky winners, one for each store. Each winning family will be picked up from their home in a Hatzolah vehicle and taken to their winning store during non-business hours.

THEY WILL BE ABLE TO FILL THE HATZOLAH VIP SHOPPING CARTS WITH WHATEVER THEY WISH shop to your heart’s content and take it all home with you,

Enter for $120. Get more entries with bigger ticket packages.

1 2 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Restrictions Apply.


Fill up a

RT FREE CyoAur with es! heart’s desir


Be dazzled by the hi-tech world of cameras, musical instruments, electronics and gadgets, laptops, home items and more. All at Brooklyn’s popular Focus superstore.

VIP 1 Focus 895 McDonald Ave, 718.431.7900

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

12 7

Fill up a

RT FREE CyoAur with es! heart’s desir

STAY FOCUSED! GRAND GOURMET! Shop Be dazzled to your byheart’ the world s content of music, and then cameras, shopelectronics some moreand on the gadgets, housewares most tantalizing and home array items, of produce, kitchen meats, andfish more. and Allsushi, at thebakery popular Brooklyn superstore, specialties, all that the“Focus unparalled Camera” Gourmet in BoroGlatt Park. is renowned for.

1 2 8 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

VIP 2 Gourmet Glatt Focus 895 McDonald 1274 39th Street Ave, 718.431.7900 718.437.3000

Fill up a

RT FREE CyoAur with es! heart’s desir


Lose Be dazzled yourself by in thethe world world of of music, Playmobil, cameras, Clics, electronics Legos, Playmags, and gadgets, dolls, housewares puzzles, games andand home more. items, Goggle kitchen yourand children more.with All at anthe array popular that Brooklyn they couldn’t superstore, even picture “Focus in Camera” their wildest in Boro imagination. Park.

VIP 3 Toys4U Focus 895 McDonald 4510 13th Avenue Ave, 718.431.7900 718.435.8697

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

12 9

Make your selection below by checking the applicable numbers. If you want more then one ticket for any item, write the number of tickets in the boxes below. To place an order please call 718.705.5505 or fax this order form to 718.871.9899

























One free entry per every $120 spent on tickets







































































$10 19

































































































________________ x $50 tickets = $ ________________

Name ___________________________________________

________________ x $35 tickets = $ ________________

Address _________________________________________

________________ x $25 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $20 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $15 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $10 tickets = $ ________________ ________________ x $5 tickets = $ ________________ 3 Grand prizes total _________________________________

City / State / Zip __________________________________ Phone


Please charge my:

Card Number _____________________________________ Exp ____________ Signature_________________________

Jackpot: _________________________________________

Grand Total: _________________________________ No Purchase Necessary

1 3 0 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5


Order deadline Monday, May 18th, 10:00 pm.




T I C K E T PA C K A G E S & G I F T S

Surpris e fu gift ba n-filled g by:

Amazing Door Prize Selections:

You Spend

Ticket Value You Get






Game + Megaphone +Bike Pouch + Stethoscope (Package)




Game + Package + Sleeping Bag




Game + Package + Sleeping Bag + Cooler on Wheels




Game + Package + Watch




Game + Package + choice of Keyboard or Dash Cam




Game + Package + Sleeping bag + choice of Keyboard or Dash Cam




Game + Package + Sleeping bag + Watch + choice of Keyboard or Dash Cam

VIP Tickets:

Safety Spot Game (Game)

Grand Raffles & Jackpot are not included in the discount packages

Our spectacular door prizes are really cool:

Auction tickets are available for purchase via the following: AT T H E AUC T ION

MAY 16, 17 & 18 1362 50th Street

Official Hatzolah Game


Boro Park Hatzolah 5215 16th Avenue Brooklyn NY 11204

Dash Cam

Package Knox Keyboard


718-705-5505 B Y FA X

Hatzolah Sleeping Bag


Cooler on Wheels


hatzolahbpauction.org BY EMAIL

auction@bphatzolah.org AT HOUS E GAT H ERI NG S


Disclaimer: Prizes may vary from picture and are not exchangeable or transferable unless noted. Not responsible for typographical errors. Mail orders received aſter auction will be considered a donation. Images may not be reproduced without written permission. • Not responsible for prizes not picked up by June 15, 2015 • Winner will be responsible for all applicable tax • Proper ID will be required for prize pick-up • Winners will be posted on our web site • Restrictions apply

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

13 1


They answer the call. In no time. Every time. No matter the time. The Boro Park community joins the coordinators of Hatzolah of Boro Park in saluting those who have made hatzolas nefashos their personal calling.

COORDINATORS Mendy Mandelbaum B12 B13 Boruch Gips B27 Lazer Rosman

Chaim Fischer

B50 B57

Bentzy Lebowitz


Hertzka Halpert

Yochonon Fleischman B34 ST1 Edgar Gluck

Under the auspices of our devoted and dedicated Medical Director, Dr. Naftali Neuburger MD B19 B20 B35 B38 B40 B44 B55 B65 B67 B69 B70 B76 B96 B201 B209 B210 B211

B214 Yossi Hoffman Matis Witriol B218 Moshe Duvid Kish B219 B224 Avrumi Schneid Yoel Yitzchok Nissen B235 Lenny Bril B236 Sruly Rosenberg B239 B245 Sruly Melnicke B246 Meilech Klein Betzalel Rosenberg B337 Benyamin Greenspan RV6 SG13 Anshy Kremer Saul Wolhendler SG14 Nathan Friedman SG17 F78 Robby Lederman Avrumi Wertzberger W24


And to those who stand at the front lines of each Hatzolah call Taking the call with speed, sensitivity and professionalism Thank you to the dedicated dispatchers of Hatzolah who are at the forefront of hatzolas nefashos Mayer Orgel B23 B42 Shmaya Wiesner Moshe Chaim Wieder B54 Akiva Flaum B59 Moshe Werner B63 Chaskie Rosenberg B67 Yakov Hersh Lowy B68 Itchy Heschel B75 Bentzy Lebowitz B84 Yitzchok Lebowitz B88 Shimon Biberfeld B89 Shmuli Davidovitz B202 B203 Eli Kaff B205 Yidel Feig Dovid Fleischman B209 Eliezer Serebrowski B213 B214 Yossi Hoffman Nachman Feig B215 Matis Witriol B218 Yitzchok Perlstein B222 B223 Yosi Nagel Moshe Dovid Mayer B225 Chaim Mutty Stark B233

Ephraim Birnhack Berish Freilich Yidel Tabak Yehuda Gobioff Leibel Tennenbaum Moshe Fischman


Mendel Markstein Yitzchok Herbst Yidel Guttman Yehuda Grunhut Sruly Knobloch Yoni Mayer Mutty Feldman Ari Goldstein Chaskie Rosenberg Shloime Rosenberg Stuart Goldwasser Binyomin Fogel Mordchai Waisbrod Shaul Zehnwirth Duvid Fleischman Matis Unsdorfer Yaakov Serebrowski


Yehoshua Hayum Levi Folger Sruly Melnicke Naftuli Rosenberg Shragie Lieber Motty Fleischer Yoel Shain Yoel Weiss Sholom Kaufman Chaim Levy Avromie Levy Yossi Katz Moshe Weissmandel Shloimy Grossman Gingy Markowitz Moti Davis Yoel Fischer Shloimy Weber Simcha Bernath Sruly Weingarten Moshe Richter David Spitzer

B237 B241 B245 B249 B301 B303 D84 ES332 F227 K15 K22 K25 RD91 RL48 SG11 SG18 SG21 SI93 W174 W55 W58 W69

B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10

B82 Dovid Fendel Sender Gewirtzman B83 Yehuda Aryeh Link B85 Menashe Kahan Nuchem Sanders Yitzchok Lebovitz

B86 B87 B88 B89

Simcha Breuer B253 Shmiel Ahron Zaidman B254 Shloimy Gruenbaum B255 Chaim Sabel B256 Nosson Hayum B257 Shragie Lieber Eliezer Preisler


Moshe Chaim Mayer B11 Menashe Schwartz B14 B15 Yitzchok Seidel B16 Moishe David Shaya Fuchs B17 B18 Yossi Hirsch Sholie Perlstein B22

Shimon Biberfeld

Chaim Shloma Moskowitz B91 Moshe Kish B92 Stuart Waldner B93 Cheskel Lefkovits B94 Meir Fogel B95 Meilech Wolkenfeld B97

Motty Fleischer Mayer Feig Saul Perlstein Moshe Mayer Abraham Rozman Yechiel Rivlin

B485 B486 B487


Eli Gruen Heshy Rosenberg

Isaac Fortgang Aryeh Klar


Mayer Orgel Solomo Adler

B24 Hirsh Leib Schwartz B25 Yitzchok Kovalenko B26 Moshe Stern B28 B29 Moshe Goldberger Yitzchok Stern Moshe Meisels Meir Nissen Anshie Lax Aron Neugarten Mordechai Deutsch Yankie Meyer Shmaya Wiesner Moshe Stamm Betzalel Steinberg Reuven Segal Yitzchok Milworm David Milworm

B30 B31 B33 B36 B37 B39 B41 B42 B45 B46 B47 B48 B49 B51

Yanky Landau B53 Shea Goldberger Moshe Chaim Wieder B54 B56 Yitzchok Gruber B58 Shloimy Landau B59 Akiva Flaum B60 Nuta Felsenburg B61 Anchi Wercberger B62 Yonason Karmen Moshe Werner B63 B64 Nussy Josephy B68 Yakov Hersh Lovi Yidi Stein B71 B72 Yanky Rubin B73 Benzion Fuhrer Hershel Rosenbaum B74 B75 Itchy Heschel B77 Pinny Goldman Alter Moshe Kessler B78 B79 Efraim Weber B80 Shia Benjamin Avigdor Klein B81


BS3 BS5 C36

B203 B204

Yaakov Freeman Yoel Weisz

ES53 ES332

B205 B206 B207

Beri Lefkowitz Avromie Izsak Yisroel Rosenthal

ES335 F104 F112

B208 Moshe Kolodny B212 Eliezer Serebrowski B213 Nachman Feig B215 Eli Reisman B216 Heshy Singer B217 Zalmi Halpert B220

Yossi Weinberger Chaim Levy


Yidel Feig Yitzchok Fuchs Leon Kryzhanovsky Fishel Lipschitz

Shlomie Perlstein Yitzchok Perlstein Yosi Nagel Moshe Dovid Mayer Shlomo Kish Shauly Itzkowitz

Avromie Levy Yossi Katz Betzalel Bree

K15 K22 K25 K33 K37


Isaac Fischer Isaac Schwartz Moshe Kupferstein

B222 B223 B225

Moshe Weissmandl Shlomo Grossman Pinny Dembitzer

B226 B227

Reuven Yoel Harfenes SG9 Chaim Brikman SG10 Gingy Markowitz SG11 SG12 Avrumy Waldman SG15 Yossie Heller Moti Davis SG18 Avrumi Gross SG19 SG20 Dovid Dembitzer Yoel Fischer SG21 Shlomo Weber SI93 SI95 Yitzchok Weitzner Zalman Weinberger W16 W55 Sruly Weingarten W58 Moshe Richter Dovid Spitzer W69 Volvie Polatshek W87 W95 Tzvi Joseph Matis Roth W116 Simcha Bernath W174 WS38 Avrohom Wolpin

Zevi Gips B228 Menachem Pomerantz B229 Menashe Schwartz B230 Yonason Hoffman B231 Moishe Fisher B232 Chaim Mutty Stark B233 Moshe Waldner B234 Yehoshua Hayum B237 Naftali Appel B238 Isaac Kleinman B240 Levi Folger B241 Moshe Posner B242 Chaim Bornstein B243 Shlomo Levi B244 Yossi Glick B247 Shloma Yaakov Stern B248 Naftali Rosenberg B249 Leiby Dembitzer B250 Sruly Hartman B251 Yanky Klein B252

With appreciation, Hatzolah of Boro Park and a deeply grateful community .

’‫ישלם ה’ פעלכם ותהא משכרתכם שלמה מעם ה‬

1 3 2 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

B311 B313

Abraham Kwadrat Yochi Klitnick

Chaim Shea Klein Shmuli Davidovitz Eli Kaff Sholom Kramer

B99 B200 B202

B302 B303

K40 Q95 RD91 RL48 SG6




Hatzolah of Boro Park joins the entire Boro Park community in paying tribute to the heroes and heroines who stand behind every single Hatzolah call

S I L E N T LY . P R O U D LY . P A T I E N T LY . Whether they find themselves alone in the grocery aisle, stranded on the way to a simcha, missing a family gathering, or simply giving up long awaited quality time with their husband and father: they answer the call happily and graciously. Their unyielding commitment, devotion and selflessness form the bedrock of Hatzolah.

Thank you to the wives and children of the Hatzolah members. Without your support and dedication, the lifesaving work of Hatzolah would not be a reality.

‫’י ש ל ם ה ’ פ ע ל כ ם ו ת ה א מ ש כ ר ת כ ם ש ל מ ה מ ע ם ה‬ For putting your own lives aside so that your husbands and fathers can be there and save the lives of others. The beneficiaries of Hatzolah’s lifesaving work are eternally grateful.

Thank You Dear Friend, We are willing to shoulder the burden - of giving up our husbands at all times, We ask you to please experience for a few hours what we endure all year

Turn your home into a “Mini Hatzolah Sanctuary”, Sponsor a pre-auction gathering at your home - receive special free giveaways & help us be there for your time in need! Please call Mrs. Ruchy Hoffman 718-705-5508 and reserve a date of your choice!

Wives & Family of Chevra Hatzolah

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

13 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Hatzolah takes a moment to salute these amazing women

for being on call around the clock to ensure the success of Auction 2015.

Blimy Glick – Goldie Gross – Shavy Grossberg – Malkie Porgesz – Esther Rosenberg

Hatzolah expresses an exceptional thank you to our very dear friend & marketing leader:

Yossi Blumenfeld – GCNY Marketing Sam Schwartz, Ricky Blau, Ruchi Izsak, Ahuva Hoberman, Adina Belsky, Raizy Klipper Yossi Silber, Web Development

Mrs. Tzippy Teitelbaum - Mrs. Blimy Klein

Mrs. Ruchy Hoffman

Mrs. Baila Gluck – for the fabulous product photography. Mr. Heshy Rosner – for the brilliant live Hatzolah scene shots. Mr. Sruly Fryde – for the classy prize shots. Mrs. Rachel Stern – Greatsnap Photography – for the greatest VIP snap shots

Mr. Ari Klar

For giving so much time and investing much effort toward the event!

Mr. Lazer Preisler – B302

Yes, we know what Erev Pesach looked like, because of us…

There are no words to describe our appreciation for undertaking the “Grand Auction Setup” .The setup that everyone is waiting for!

Thanks for arranging the many house parties: it was a huge success!

Your devotion and ideas are immensely appreciated!

The word “difficult” does not exist in your dictionary. Your dedication and commitment to our success all year round is inexpressible. We extend sincere thanks & heartfelt appreciation to the following Hatzolah member

Mr. Shragy Schwartz K40

Your financial support assisted immensely to the success of the Auction!

The Kar & Lebowitz Family of Ateres Golda Thanks for assisting us from “beginning to end”. Special thanks to Yanky & Bunim Jachimowitz

Mr. Yanky Orlansky & the entire Yedidim Choir Thank you for being a vital part in Hatzolah’s success!

Mr. Gershy Moskowitz – Producer

For the captivating Sunday program. P.S. Thank you “Stage” & “Chananya” for your patronage & sponsorship!

Mr. Usher Steinmetz & Mr. Zalmen Gutter – Boro Park Signs

Thanks for pulling through with astonishing shots at the toughest times!

Mrs. Chaya Gitty Nissen Mrs. Chany Feldbrand

Mr. Leibish Teitelbaum – Ace Chair Rental

For arranging necessities for the house parties with efficiency.

Mrs. Tehilla Schwartz – a true auction leader! Mrs. Suri Engleberg - Mrs. Devora Kuperman

For opening your heart and home and turning it into a live auction event! Thanks again for breaking your record!

Mr. Mendy Lenorowitz - On Time Studios Your creativity and ideas are outstanding!

MJ & Chaya Esther Unger Always there for Hatzolah!

Mayer Greenwald – Supreme Printing We know it wasn’t easy, you made it!

Mr. Yitzchok Fuchs B-206

Always taking our call with a smile!

Hi Volt Electric - for lighting up the event

The Kohl Family - Kofab Enterprise Co. - 718-853-6916

Malky Greenfeld - Focus Camera

Mr. Yumy Kleinbart – B&B Party Creations

For being on our side

Responding to Hatzolah of Boro Park 24/7

A big Yasher Koach to Leibel Kwadrat - always available!

Mr. Kenny Rosenberg Y25 – Corporate Sponsor

And a great big thank you to Larry & Frankie For always being there for Hatzolah.

Mr. Duvid Weber – Oregraph (718) 483-8609

A heartfelt appreciation to the following dedicated vendors & close friends of Hatzolah for their graciousness and generosity.

Hatzolah & the community thank our dear friends & neighbors at Boro Park Center!

Your creativity and ideas are extraordinary!

Mr. Yossi Steinmetz – YES Studios

For your devotion and dedication to Hatzolah all year round!

The Berkowitz & Stern Families of

Mr. Eli Kaff B-203 of

Mr. Shmuel Chaim Brach

Thanks for always helping with a smile!

Mr. Yumy Feig & Mr. Bentzy Lebovitz of Fineline Settings The event could never be the same without you!

Mr. Chaim Fischer

What can we write? Words are not enough….

Ms. Esty Deblinger

Mr. Yechiel Weiss – You always manage to call us before we even ask! Mr. LD Itzkowitz – KRM - Thanks for your generous sponsorship The Weiss Family –Beer Mayim Thanks for your generosity and warm smile!

Your drawings for the Hatzolah Game are unbelievable!

Mr. Berry Weiss – Mr. Chaim Greenfeld Preferred Home Care Thanks for being a corporate sponsor and donating graciously toward the event!

Mr. Shloimy Sternberg & Mr. Naftuly Devries

We sincerely appreciate the ticket arrangements! We know the sacrifice!

Mr. & Mrs. Avrumi Lemmer of Compu-phone

For your support throughout the year! Special thanks to Yiddi for always being there for Hatzolah! Special thanks to Mrs. Dina Blumenfeld and Family for the behind the scene encouragement!

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Special thanks to the following women for always being on call! Chana Chaya Breuer Chaya Tzurty Elias Chany Elias Elana Gershenson Chaya Gombo Devory Gross Esty Gross Hindy Gross Malkie Horowitz Mimi Hersko Chanie Heller Perele Hoffman

Dina Rosenberg Chaya Katz Miriam Kohl Hindy Rosenberg Leah Kraus Malka Miriam Rosenberg Devoiry Langsam Sara Roth Chaya Rifky Lebovitz Rivky Ruchy Schwartz Zeldy Simon Esther Frady Lichtenstader Chani Mermelstein Malkie Sprung Devoiry Paneth Rifky Stern Esther Rivky Perlstein Perry Teitelbaum Faigy Preisler Esther Faigy Weiss Chaya Suri Reinhold Esther Malky Weiss Nichi Welz

Your vision. Our expertise. Let’s Talk.

Middlegate Factors LLC Expresses its utmost appreciation & gratitude to the dedicated and devoted members of

Hatzolah of Boro Park For their elite service and dedication to the community May the almighty bless you all that you should have the ability and strength to continue serving the community & beyond with skill, pride and dignity!

Middlegate is our pride. Factoring is our business.

8 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 T: 212.382.9500 Ex 5510

Hatzolah friends at Middlegate Eli J. Mann Miro A. Sutton Nuta Felsenberg


Hatzolah of Boro Park

Expresses its sincere gratitude to

for assisting our organization and for its generous corporate sponsorship of our

2015 AUCTION EVENT We are especially grateful to: Kenneth Gibbs / Chairman of the Board Pamela Brier / President & CEO Dominick Stanzione / Executive Vice President & COO We gratefully acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Douglas Jablon Special Assistant to the President & Senior Vice President of Patient Relations

Dr. Marcel Biberfeld Senior Vice President of Psychiatry & Community Service

for their untiring devotion to the entire Boro Park community and for their patience and enthusiasm shown to every Hatzolah Member at all times.

Special thanks to Dr. John Marshall Chairman of Emergency Medicine

THE EMERGENCY ROOM STAFF who work along our volunteers, willingly and cooperatively.

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13 7

COMING SOON... Largest state-of-the-art REHAB GYM in NY state! Covering an entire floor of our community, with breathtaking views of the ocean, our new State of the art Rehabilitation and Therapy Center will allow us to provide cutting edge rehabilitation for both body and spirit. For short-term post-hospital patients recovering from a wide range of conditions, including orthopedic, cardiac, stroke and other traumatic events, our integrated, therapeutic rehabilitation programs consistently produce superior outcomes, enabling residents to return home as quickly as possible!

• Intense therapy 7 days a week • Above average nurse-patient ratio • Medical director with over 40 years experience • Beautiful, spacious rooms with spectacular ocean views • Mashgiach temidi under the hashgocha of the Neerbater Rav • Delicious, kosher menu fresh from our kitchen

1 3 8


HAYM SALOMON • 2340 CROPSEY AVE • BROOKLYN, NY 11214 • (718) 373-1700 • 7 1 8.70 5. 5 5 0

Hatzolah of Boro Park

Pays special recognition to our dear friends at

ElderServe Health now

For your steadfast support and assistance. RiverSpring Health is dedicated to helping older adults live full lives. For nearly 100 years, we have been committed to healthy aging and the highest quality of life through innovative programs and services designed to meet the evolving needs of older adults. With a full range of care solutions including the nationally recognized Hebrew Home at Riverdale, managed long-term care, assisted living programs, senior housing, and specialized services such as elder abuse prevention, memory care, and LGBT social day care, we empower over 12,000 patients, residents, and members to live forward every day.

94 West 225th Street, 2nd Floor Bronx, NY 10463 Phone 1-800-370-3600


B PZA T PAU ION R OGR G• • 13 P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5H0 5A /T/ Z / O W LWA W.HH AT O LUACH B C T. IO N. 13 99

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Hatzolah of Boro Park

genuinely acknowledges our dear friends at

ABCO HVAC supply + solutions Corporate Headquarters 49-70 31st Street Long Island City, NY 11101 Tel 718-937-9000 Toll Free 800-786-2075 www.ABCOhvacr.com for its generous corporate sponsorship of our

2015 AUCTION EVENT and for your unwavering support and assistance to Hatzolah of Boro Park. Your corporate sponsorship provides Hatzolah of Boro Park with “Supplies + Solutions” to save lives!

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

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Hatzolah of Boro Park

CALL OF GRATITUDE. Hatzolah of Boro Park is indebted to the following individuals whos care, concern & compassion toward Hatzolah have no boundaries.

Your generosity is incomparable.

Mr. & Mrs. Chaim & Rivky Fischer Stuhrling

Mr. & Mrs. Yossi & Miriam Itzkowitz Toys 4 U

Mr. & Mrs. Zevy & Rivky Silberstein Mr. & Mrs. Zalmen & Miriam Tenenbaum Focus Dynarex

The lives of thousands of patients & their families are indebted to you. !‫ ומזוני בהרחבה והרוחה‬,‫ חי‬,‫ בני‬,‫זכות הצלת נפשות יעמוד לכם להתברך בכל מילי דמיטב‬

Hatzolah of Boro Park Pays tribute to a very special individual

Mr. Shloima Igel ‫הי"ו‬ & to the exceptionally devoted board members and staff of

For being a longtime continuous partner and supporter of Hatzolah

'‫ישלם ה' פעלכם ותהא משכרתכם שלמה מעם ה‬

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The Coordinators and Members of

Hatzolah of Boro Park

Hatzolah of Boro Park

would like to express deep gratitude to:

extends appreciation to:

The Emergency Department of

New York Methodist Hospital

Dr. Gary Kimmel, M.D. FACS,

Dr. Joseph Bove

Board certified plastic surgeon

Dr. Steve Silber

112 Prospect Park West,

Chairman of Emergency Medicine Vice President

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215

Dr. Josef Schenker

Director of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Robert van Amerongen


Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Thanks for always picking up

For the professionalism, Courtesy and Medical Control Extended to Hatzolah of Boro Park

the phone (with a smile) & being available for the community!!

Extra special thanks to:

Dr. Stanley Scherbel

Executive Vice President of Medical Affairs

and his dedicated staff

Hatzolah of Boro Park sincerely appreciates the following doctors who contributed generously towards the auction event:

Hatzolah of Boro Park

Dr. Nina Kushner MD

Internal Medicine 4513 14th Ave • Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-633-9191

sincerely appreciates:

Dr. Eric Cha M.D. Board certified plastic surgeon Fifth Ave Plastic Surgery 212-717-2222 1049 5th Avenue Suite 2C New York, N.Y. 10028 Your dedication and devotion to the community and beyond is truly inspiring to all!

3808 14th Avenue Brooklyn NY 11218 718-972-2424 Thanks for being available at moment’s notice to help us serve the community!

Stepping Stones Pediatrics Dr. Rifka Stein MD 1407 46th Street. Brooklyn, NY 11219 718-686-8400

Special Thanks to: Alternate Staffing 718-972-2500 For their generous support toward the Auction Event

‫לע”נ נחמה רעלא ב”ר ישראל ע”ה‬

We sincerely appreciate the following doctors that assist us generously throughout the year: Boro Park Pediatrics Associates Dr. Diamond, Dr. Klein, Dr. Zyskind & Dr. Diamond Jr. 4406 12th Ave • Brooklyn NY 11219 • 718-438-4400

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1 4 4 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

NYU LANGONE HAS MORE THAN 12 LOCATIONS IN BROOKLYN. It’s no big surprise–Brooklyn has it all. Including world-class medical care throughout the borough. NYU Langone Medical Center has more than 12 locations with physicians across all specialties–along with a new ER. To find the right NYU Langone specialist for you, call 888.7.NYU.MED or visit nyulangone.org.

P U R C H A S E T I C K E T S : 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 / / / W W W. H AT Z O L A H B PAU C T I O N. O R G •

14 5

The tag that inspires

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1267 57th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219 P: 718-841-8000 F: 718-841-8100

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1 4 6 • H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K / / / AU C T I O N E V E N T 2 0 1 5

Your Preferred Choice for Home Care.

Boro Park’s

got a big

Now accommodating families in our new Shabbos suite.

heart. This is the place where care and community are made one and the same, where families and entire communities are engaged in interactive programs that encourage love, joy and renewed well being. By partnering with Hatzolah, Boro Park Center makes looking after those who are near and dear to our hearts an ongoing community effort.

This is where the hearts meet.

4915 10th Avenue // Brooklyn, NY 11219 // 718-851-3700 // www.BoroParkCenter.net

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