Bidbook Velocity - Public

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‘s-Hertogenbosch A.G.J.M. Rombouts

Welcome to ’s-Hertogenbosch! If you were to explore the most hospitable city in the Neth-

hospitality to a high-profile cycling event joined by 8,000

erlands, I would ask you to join me on a bike. You would be

women - invited by former Olympic champion Leontien van

cycling through the historic inner-city of ’s-Hertogenbosch,

Moorsel - and the international equestrian tournament Indoor

along the gothic St John’s Cathedral and along the unique

Brabant city is held. Next year we are organising the event

inner-city river called Binnendieze. But also through the many

“Welcome Home”, receiving the Olympic team in state in

picturesque streets and the many beautiful squares that


our city boasts and then through the breathtaking nature reserve Bossche Broek. The cycle tracks will take you along

You would experience the hospitality of the many sport-

and through the city’s gems where you will get a taste of the

ing and other venues, hotels and restaurants. And, just like

pleasant, Burgundian atmosphere that our city is renowned

myself, you would get convinced that ’s-Hertogenbosch has


all the logistic, creative and organisational qualities it takes to make Velo-city 2013 an unparalleled success.

It’s not without reason that we are the “Most hospitable city of the Netherlands” as well as “Sports municipality of the

Therefore, it is my great pleasure to invite you to get on a

Year 2011” and we have been nominated for “Cycling City

bike and join me!

2011”. Making people feel welcome and at the same time striving after optimum quality and originality of major events comes natural to us.

A.G.J.M. Rombouts Mayor

We have hosted the Tour de France start, all Dutch cycling events, the Davis Cup international tennis tournaments and the women’s version, the FED Cup. Every year we offer


ProVInce R.A.c. van Heugten

Welcome to brabant! on behalf of the province of noord-brabant, I hereby

strengthened in brabant and collective projects have been

present the nomination of brabantstad for Velo-city 2013.

set up. the collective nomination for Velo-city 2013 being

these are five cities, which, under the administration of

the provisional high point, under the direction of the province

the province, are working together to create a better

and municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

environment for cycling in the province. I am proud of the national support we have received, such noord-brabant is famous for its rich culture, natural beauty

as that from the Ministry of Infrastructure and environment,

and innovative industry. And the bicycle fits into this per-

the Fietsersbond, which is the Dutch cyclists Association,

fectly: cycling is hip, healthy, cheap and fast. the province

the Fietsplatform, a national association that promotes

is encouraging cycling among residents through the policy

recreational cycling, and ns, the state railway company.

plan entitled ‘Fiets in de Versnelling’ (cycling in the next

together we will make Velo-city 2013 a huge success.

gear). this involves the cooperation of government institutions, social organisations, business and local municipalities.

the netherlands is the world’s number one country for

It is not limited to the larger cities: noord-brabant is seeking

cycling, noord-brabant intends to become the cycling

to collaborate with all local government bodies, so that all

province of the netherlands, and ’s-Hertogenbosch is

2.4 million residents of the province get on their bikes more

currently nominated as the bicycle city of 2011. naturally

frequently. In 2020, 28-30% of all movement must be done

there are many reasons for this: there is a lot to see and

by bicycle. this is our ambition: to become the number one

experience in the netherlands, noord-brabant, and

bicycle province of the netherlands.

’s-Hertogenbosch. We really want to show this to the world.

With our active support, noord-brabant can lead the way

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all!

nationally: by uniting parties through sharing knowledge, backing initiatives, promoting innovation and by taking initiative ourselves. Although it was only set up in 2009,

r.A.c. van Heugten

the plan is now already producing results. collaboration is

Member of the Provincial executive 4


Hugo van der Steenhoven, director Fietsersbond

inter-urban trips. The Fietsersbond has made a strong stand for the construction of bicycle highways and it is no coincidence that three new routes of this type are being

The Fietsersbond supports wholeheartedly the nomination of

implemented in the BrabantStad region. This has come

BrabantStad for the organisation of Velo-city 2013. It would

about in an innovative process with the involvement of

be great if the most prominent cycling country of the world

various road authorities and the Fietsersbond.

will be granted to organise the world’s premier cycle event for the third time.

Specifically worth mentioning is the BrabantStad role in the SAVECAP-project. In this project the Fietsersbond is

After the Velo-city conferences in Groningen (1987) and

asserting a better protection of cyclists involved in a collision

Amsterdam (2000) cycling policies in the Netherlands have

with cars through the development of an outside airbag

progressed to a next stage. The position of cycling in urban

devise. The project leader in SAVECAP is TNO Automotive

mobility has been strengthened considerably and cycling has

in Helmond, one of the constituting cities of BrabantStad.

become an obvious ingredient of the urban lifestyle. As you will read in this bidbook the cities and province co-operating

As an active participant in Velo-city conferences the Fietsers-

in the cities network of BrabantStad have all played their

bond is pleased to notice that Velo-city has been attracting

role in these innovative developments, in many case in good

an increasing number of delegates, has been radiating ever

collaboration with the local activists of the Fietsersbond. The

more positive energy and has succeeded to reach more and

theme ‘Innovating Cycling Together’ is well reflecting how

more policy makers. We are fully convinced that BrabantStad

Dutch cycling policies have gained strength over the last

will continue this trend and will be an outstanding host for

decade and are no longer the exclusive work of enthusiastic

the delegates. The Fietsersbond is trusting that the focus on

civil servants only.

innovation through co-operation (as the theme ‘Innovating Cycling Together’ implies) will help to achieve a scaling up of

The cities network of BrabantStad is also a good example

bicycle use in the Netherlands. We see our successes so far

of a regional collaborative body in the Dutch spatial context.

as an obligation to get to the next level.

The distances between urban centres are in the Netherlands often relatively short, and the advent of pedelecs makes

Hugo van der Steenhoven,

cycling increasingly a competative mode of transport for

Director Fietsersbond



Municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the Province of Noord-Brabant



Q6: What strategies exist in your city to increase the use of cycles? Amazing how new style Bicycle Plans strongly increase bicycle use in a short period of time. All of the BrabantStad-cities have its own unique strategy reflecting their history and experiences. The Province provides a policy framework for coördination.


Q1: Why do you want to hold the conference? We have an inspirational cycling story to tell and to show. Our goal is more cycling in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the Cities Network of BrabantStad. We are excited to share our best practices. Effectively improving ourselves and inspiring others.


Q7: Are there any special factors such as local and/or regional elections before and during the conference period that could affect the support from any public bodies involved and therefore the conference planning process? No obstacles; lots of support.


Q2: What special reasons are there for us to choose your location for the next Velo-city conference? As cycling country number 1 the five BrabantStad-cities ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Eindhoven, Breda, Tilburg and Helmond have a lot to offer: best practices, innovative policies and great examples.


C1: When is it proposed to hold the conference? Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th of May 2013. Monday 13th is available for fringe meetings and Saturday 18th is available for extra excursions.


C2: Where is it proposed to hold the conference? The 1931 Congress Centre in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.


Q3: What would the overall theme of the conference be, and how might this theme be reflected in the conference? Innovating cycling together. We believe that innovating cycling policies through co-operation leads to more cycling and thus to a more sustainable world. That’s what Velo-city 2013 is all about.


C3: Over how long would the conference run? Four exciting cycling days in May.


C4: Who are the main partners in your bid? The municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Province of Noord-Brabant, the Cities Network of BrabantStad and the Fietsersbond. With support of a lot of various partners, including the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.


Q4: What are the main aims and objectives of your conference programme? An increase of innovative collaboration and partnerships to strengthen the position of cycling. We therefore want to innovate policies, tear down barriers, share best practices and utilise cycling potential.

23 C5: Who would be the lead body responsible for the project? The municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the Province of Noord-Brabant.


C6: Who or what level of person do you expect to be the Event Director? A hands-on Event Director with good (cycling) experience.


C7: Can you provide us with a draft budget for your bid? For a draft budget we refer to annex 1. We have chosen to start off with a budget with two scenarios: an ambitious


Q5: What commuter and leisure cycle facilities currently exist in the city that would be interesting for delegates to see, and what are planned to be complete by the date of the conference? Come, enjoy and see a big variety of cycling facilities. All cities and the region have comprehensive cycling facilities for both utilitarian and leisure cycling. 7




one with 1.5 million euro (expenditure) and a more auster version with 1.2 million euro (expenditure). C8: What are your sponsoring aims and possibilities for this event, and how important to the overall budget are they likely to be? At least 25% of the budget needs to be covered by smart use of sponsorship.


C9: Who is expected to be responsible for raising any sponsoring and external sources of finance? the event Director.


C10: What strategies will you adopt to ensure good attendence at Velo-city 2013? being cycling country number 1 on itself is stimulating. We expect an attractive programme, enthusiastic communication, smart approach of target groups and our network skills to pay off.


C11: How will you ensure that the relevant local cycle user-group will play a full role in the organising and planning of the conference? by inviting them from scratch; the Fietsersbond is already involved.


C12: What arrangements would you make to ensure the full participation of the Velo-city series Director in all major decisions as co-organisers of the conference? the experienced conference director will be a member of the organising and programme committee. C13: An exhibition has become an important part of our events. How would you plan for this to take place alongside the conference? the 1931 congress centre in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and brabanthallen has literally much and great room to show cycling innovations from over the world. C14: What translation facilities will be made available for plenary and workshop sessions and into which languages? the official conference language is english. so far there is no decision on the availability of simultaneous translations.


C15: What types of accommodation will you offer to delegates? A variety of hotels is available in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (included in annex 2). Additionally we will also conduct a campaign ‘Host a delegate!’


C16: What arrangements do you intend to make it easier for cyle-user group representatives, NGO’s and people from developing countries to attend? We are fully prepared to meet the wishes of ecF with regard to a discount rate for ecF members. Additionally we plan to raise funds under the title ‘support a delegate!’.


C17: How will you provide bicycles for delegates and partners attending the conference? ns oV-fiets has already promised to deliver new public transport bicycles for all delegates.


C18: What social programme do you plan to organise for delegates to the conference? A warm welcome, nice conference dinner, interesting trips and a bicycle festival.


C19: How close are the conference and accommodation sites to major transport links such as airports, train and bus stations? In the netherlands from the main airports 48 to max 67 minutes by public transport.


C20: How long would you need, after learning that your bid had been successful, before you could start work (see section 3.6)? We are fully imbued of making a flying start in January 2012.


C21: What side visits do you intend to organise around the conference date? Innovating cycling together via excursions to brabantstad and other famous Dutch cycling cities.


C22: Do you have plans to organise a spouse/ partner programme? We take good care of spouses and partners by providing information, reservations and bikes.







VELO-CITY 2013 sURE sOUNDs GOOD TO Us… the partners of brabantstad, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, eindhoven, breda, tilburg, Helmond and the Province of noord-brabant, would love to host Velo-city 2013 in the netherlands. After successful editions in groningen (1987) and Amsterdam (2000) we are convinced that ’s-Hertogenbosch is the next inspiring Dutch city in line. We want to show you many examples of the rich Dutch cycling culture. setting a new bar. For the netherlands. For europe. For the world. our goal? More cycling worldwide. Why? because we strongly believe that this is the most sustainable way of transportation.

for short distances. Upon that cycling is healthy, relaxing, social and an excellent way to experience the landscape. Larger shares of bicycle use make mobility more and more sustainable.

THE NETHERLANDs: WORLD’s CYCLING COUNTRY NUMBER ONE there are far more bicycles than people in the netherlands. Most people own at least one. therefore cyclists are a common element in traffic. nowhere in the western world are bicycles used more often. We cycle on them a lifetime long. the bicycle is perfect

BRABANTsTAD, THE sTRENGTH Of CYCLING TOGETHER brabantstad is the cities network of five cities and the Province of noord-brabant. brabantstad provides a framework for intensive cooperation and collaboration between these cities and different levels of the Dutch government. the Province of noord-brabant up front.

‘Perseverant’ and ‘integral’. together these two words explain the high level of bicycle use in the netherlands, as various recent studies reveal. A lot of good actions are taken to keep us cycling. but even in the netherlands there is room to expand. In order to stay in pole position we need to evolve. therefore we keep moving. Velo-city 2013 is a great opportunity for us to share our innovation and growth.


Together we work hard and make good things happen. We are one of the most important cities network in the Netherlands. Increasing the accessibility of economic centres is our goal. To get this job done we use knowledge and innovation to the fullest. This is also expressed in the theme we have chosen for Velo-city 2013: Innovating cycling together. Since 2001 the five municipalities and the province successfully work together in the best interest of the region and the national government. On European level BrabantStad collaborates with city networks abroad. Brabant is also an associate member of Eurocities. BrabantStad is a dedicated and professional network. And so much more. We invest time and energy in carrying out concrete projects together. All aiming to strengthen the position of cycling. A nice example is our new programme: Cycling in The Next Gear.


‘s-Hertogenbosch: fun in cycling ’s-Hertogenbosch would like to host Velo-city 2013. It is a vibrant city in the southern part of the Netherlands. ‘s-Hertogenbosch is known and loved for the historical innercity. It’s an experience to walk through the typical narrow streets with beautiful buildings, lots of restaurants and cafes. It’s very easy to make contact with the inhabitants. They are called ‘Bosschenaar’ and proudly invite you to their city. ‘s-Hertogenbosch was voted most hospitable city 2010. ‘s-Hertogenbosch is a great example in how to upgrade cycling in a short period of time. Over the last ten years ‘s-Hertogenbosch has invested wisely in cycling. Result? A major increase in bicycle use. In 2015 the ambitious city wants 44% of the transport to be done on bicycle. Velo-city 2013 is a great opportunity. We would like to show the projects and best practices that work for us. Give an insight on how we explore, upgrade and reinvent new cycling possibilities and policies. We are an example for other Dutch cities. Especially for the more historical cities. That is why ’s-Hertogenbosch is nominated for the title ‘Cycling city 2011’. Exciting!

‘s-Hertogenbosch breda tilburg

Helmond eindhoven


We are ready for Velo-city 2013

Ten good reasons to choose for The Netherlands

1. Come and experience cycling country number one The Dutch cycling culture is an obvious reason to bring Velo-city to the Netherlands. The Netherlands is an outstanding example of a country where cycling is a perfectly common part of everyday life. 2. Cycling variation guaranteed This bid has been prepared by five cities. Together with the Province of Noord-Brabant they are BrabantStad, one of the most important cities network in the Netherlands. As each city has its own profile, this bid is a guarantee for a varied programme. The programme proposal includes excursion opportunities to each of the five cities. Interesting! 3. Let’s continue our inspirational cycling story ‘s-Hertogenbosch is a good example of what can be achieved in cycling. In only ten years the cyclingfriendliness of the city has been upgraded from ‘average’ to ‘excellent’. Now the city is nominated


for the title ‘Cycling city 2011’. Let’s continue this inspirational cycling story. 4. Helping us make the next important step The conference theme ‘Innovating cycling together’ provides many opportunities for an attractive programme and for the involvement of new target groups. Enhanced cooperation and new partnerships at local, national and international level should be the concrete result of this conference. This will also be a flying wheel for the innovation of the cycling policies of the cities of BrabantStad. Cycling promotion is another important goal. 5. Innovation up front BrabantStad is keen to present innovations. We want to directly link these new possibilities to other societal sectors such as health, sustainability, sports and spatial planning. We clearly have a message to spread: innovating cycling together.

6. sHARING BEsT pRACTICEs THAT WORk ‘s-Hertogenbosch, eindhoven, breda, tilburg and Helmond are relatively small or medium sized cities. these cities are very representative for many cities in europe and the rest of the world. taken our rich cycling history we can show what works and what doesn’t. 7. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME ‘s-Hertogenbosch is a charming and welcoming historic city. We have a lot to offer. come enjoy our cathedral, fortifications and covered canals. Quality of life is the driving force of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. conference delegates can easily combine their visit to Velo-city. For example with the yearly Jazz in Duketown festival. they might be interested in visiting attractive cities as eindhoven, breda, tilburg and Helmond.

8. ‘s-HERTOGENBOsCH As pERfECT OpERATING BAsE ‘s-Hertogenbosch is easy accessible: 67 minutes by train from schiphol Airport and 48 minutes by public transport from eindhoven Airport. ‘s-Hertogenbosch is a perfect operating base. conference delegates are given a range of possibilities to visit other Dutch cities with a great cycling reputation as well. 9. ExCELLENT CONfERENCE fACILITIEs the proposed venue (1931 congress center) is a national heritage. It has excellent conference facilities near the innercity and the central station. ns oV-fiets has already promised to deliver enough new public transport bicycles for use during the conference. 10. ENJOY MANY CYCLING OppORTUNITIEs there are many recreational cycling opportunities in the direct surroundings of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the other cities of brabantstad. enjoy!


QUestIons ecF


In this chapter we will answer the questions of the european cyclists’ Federation for the organising of Velo-city.


Q1: WHY Do YoU WAnt to HoLD tHe conFerence? WE WANT TO RAIsE OUR pROfILE EN DEVELOp CYCLING pOLICIEs In 2009 brabantstad signed the charter of brussels. by doing so the cities network engaged itself to raise the level of bicycle use even more. At that time the first ideas rose to organise Velo-city in the netherlands. We have an appealing story to share. We also want to develop and sharpen the cycling policies in the cities of brabant. Apart from the motivation to round off running projects and to implement concrete measures, the conference will be an incentive for new cycling policies. OUR MOTIVATION the authorities cooperating in the cities network ‘brabantstad’ are very motivated to organise Velocity 2013 for various reasons: • Velo-city 2013 will be a boost for the implementation of our cycling policies. We want to put our best foot forward in stimulating cycling in various ways. • The concerted organisation of Velo-city 2013 will work as a catalyst for other partnerships. both on national and international level. • Velo-city is an opportunity for Dutch partners. by organising Velo-city 2013 brabantstad is facilitating the netherlands, i.e. governments, business community, interest groups and knowledge institutions, to jointly present the netherlands as cycling country number 1.


• We can foster a broader interest in cycling within the netherlands and worldwide. • We seek to promote bicycle tourism in the Dutch province of noord-brabant. • A successful Velo-city 2013 contributes to brabantstad as a brand. showing we are a friendly city with the best congress facilities in the region. It will also be a positive imput for our bid for the cultural capital 2018. • Velo-city stimulates cities and region to work together in their cycling policies. • The five cities and more specifically the cities network of brabantstad want to present themselves (inter)nationally. • And last but certainly not least: Velo-city 2013 can result in the export of our expertise, technology and product development when it comes to sustainable mobility. RAIsING THE BAR one could argue that in the cities of brabant the level of bicycle use is high and that the related policies are already good. We strongly believe that Velo-city is the big impulse we need. It will lead to more cooperation of the joined cities on cycling policy, accelerated implementation of projects and new joined projects. Velo-city is a great opportunity for us: we can stimulate others and develop ourselves.

Q2: WHAt sPecIAL reAsons Are tHere For Us to cHoose YoUr LocAtIon For tHe neXt VeLo-cItY conFerence? WHAT Is MORE TYpICAL fOR THE NETHERLANDs? OUR WOODEN sHOEs OR BIkEs? WE THINk BIkEs! A LOT TO OffER WHEN IT COMEs TO CYCLING the netherlands is known as a cycling country. We have a high level of car ownership, but have succeeded in increasing bicycle use. We have the highest level of bicycle use in europe. Maybe even worldwide. therefore the netherlands is a role model. this too is our ambition. ’s-Hertogenbosch and the other cities of the cities network brabantstad (eindhoven, tilburg, breda and Helmond) provide a great sample of what the Dutch cycling culture has to offer. And that is a lot: • It’s perfectly common for people from all levels of society to go by bicycle to their job, to school, to shops and to other destinations. cycling is our culture. • Five cities, each with its own character, and a coordinating role for the Province want to make Velo-city a success. A unique model of administrative cooperation will add a new dimension to the conference. • Great cycling infrastucture and bicycle parking facilities;

• Innovative promotion campaigns, mobility management and cycling culture. • Attractive and vibrant car restraint city centres. • Cycling is an integral and important part of urban transport policies. It also is an important issue to be looked at in other policy domains such as education, economy, environment, urban planning, culture etc. • Urban development projects take cycling into account right from the start. IT’s ALL HERE It’s all here and ready to be shown. each on its own being middle sized cities, the cities in brabant are modest of size on the global scale. take into account that the majority of the european population is living in cities of this scale and that these cities are most suitable for cyclists. At the same time the cities network brabantstad, with approximately 2 million inhabitants, is an excellent example of an administrative organisation combining the best of the urban and the metropolitan scale. this makes brabantstad a fantastic location for Velo-city 2013. THE REsT Of THE NETHERLANDs As BONUs When the ecF chooses brabantstad to host Velocity 2013, the conference delegates will get the rest of the netherlands as a bonus. A visit to Velo-city


can easily be combined with a visit to all the other Dutch cities noted for their cycling policies: Amsterdam, Houten and groningen for example. In itself a visit to ’s-Hertogenbosch and brabantstad provide a representative view on the Dutch cycling culture. the relatively short distances and excellent rail connections between cities bring the rest of the netherlands within reach. In short: ’s-Hertogenbosch, brabantstad and other Dutch cities are the best available examples of a society in which cycling is a perfectly common part of daily life. For rich and poor, young and old, women and men.


LOTs Of ExpERIENCE IN (CYCLING) EVENTs May is cycling month in the netherlands. In that month we host various events. noord-brabant is a specialized cycling region. We also have extensive experience with large conferences such as the Vng congres in ’s-Hertogenbosch and the Dutch Design Week in eindhoven. Upon that ‘s-Hertogenbosch has always been a very active cycling city. We organised the start of the tour de France, the eneco tour and we annually host Leontiens Ladies ride. .

Q3: WHAt WoULD tHe oVerALL tHeMe oF tHe conFerence be, AnD HoW MIgHt tHIs tHeMe be reFLecteD In tHe conFerence INNOVATING CYCLING TOGETHER brabantstad is all about cooperation between cities in one of the most innovative regions of europe. For example brainport recently was chosen ‘smartest region of the world’. brabantstad contributes to the innovation of cycling policies in many attractive ways. therefore as conference theme we propose ‘Innovating cycling together’. In this theme we want to give substance to two important aspects of what we have to offer our guests: 1. the rich Dutch cycling culture is flourishing and rejuvenating itself continuously. We think this is because of the involvement of virtually all sectors of society. civil society organisations such as the Fietsersbond, road safety organisations and other organisations are indispensable actors in keeping other parties alert. they stimulate innovation and keep the Dutch cycling culture vital. cooperation and continuous innovation are essential. cooperation in the netherlands is sometimes so obvious that we even forget to mention its importance. Also this bid for Velo-city 2013 is the result of intensive cooperation within the cities network brabantstad. the collaboration enables the cities to manage their

facilities more efficiently. they want to complete each other rather than compete. Particularly for mobility development. A high level of bicycle use within the cities is essential for keeping the mobility related problems manageable. In short: cooperation and innovation are important characteristics of Dutch cycling policies. We expect that this inspires Velo-city delegates for new steps and initiative in their own context: innovating cycling together. 2. We think global. to fully utilise the potential of cycling for the improvement of liveability (air quality, accessibility, health and equity for example) we have to see the bigger picture. All relevant actors should be willing to cooperate and innovate. Velo-city is a connector. this conference helps prevent that everyone reinvents the same over and over again. Velo-city 2013 is intended to be more than only a platform for the exchange of information and mutual inspiration. We also provide the right setting to extend international teamwork. Dutch stakeholders are most willing to contribute. For example we are creating a Dutch cycling embassy. not only the programming of the conference can be geared to this aim. We also want to give room to work sessions and meetings of existing collaborative projects and networks. but here we are getting ahead of our answer to Q4.


VARIOUs spECIALTIEs the proposed theme provides room for all aspects of cycling: utilitarian, recreational and sports. We want to discuss how different approaches add to each other. All cities will show their own specialty. they all (re)present a specific part of the rich Dutch cycling culture. eindhoven: Health and innovation eindhoven (and its surrrounding region) is all about ‘health and innovation’. the city will show how collaboration between authorities, knowledge institutions and the business community pushes the region in being one of the most innovative regions worldwide, without disregarding overall quality of life. the presence of Maxima campus and Philips Health care provides the opportunity to focus on ‘cycling and health’. eindhoven participates in a european project on marketing of cycling, clled cArMA (cycling Awareness raising and Marketing). results of this innovative marketing project which ends in April 2013 will be fully available at Velo-city brabantstad. Breda: Sustainable city breda will present itself as ‘sustainable city’. breda is one of the few cities that has explicitly incorporated ‘mobility’ in their ambition to become climate neutral. this comes with new challenges to the urban traffic and transport policies. cycling is important in bringing these interesting challenges together.


Helmond: cycle city Helmond is a proud cycle city. the community has four railway stations all connected to the cycling network of Helmond. cycling facilities are great. At the main trainstation a two layer guarded bicycle parking facility will be build in 2011. Innovation is the real deal. Lots of tests are done at their High tech Automotive campus. Pedalecs are more and more common. Helmond is succesful in campaigning and promoting cycling. tilburg: cycling Policies tilburg is a true pioneer in cycling policies. the city made major contributions to the development of Dutch cycling policies. In the 1970’s tilburg was the venue for an experimental ‘bicycle route’. tilburg was one of the first cities to put effort in a comprehensive network of cycle connections: star network. Many of the experiences in tilburg have become elements in the typical Dutch approach for cycling. In 2005 tilburg again was one of the first cities drafting a next generation cycling policy. Devoting more attention to non-infrastructural aspects of cycling policies. special feature in tilburg? Five free underground bicycle parking garages! ‘s-Hertogenbosch: Quality of life ’s-Hertogenbosch will be presenting the theme ‘Quality of life’. ’s-Hertogenbosch is the capital of the province. the city offers a wide sample of examples. All showing how well designed cycling facilities contribute to urban quality. Its current cycling policy desires to untie car traffic and bicycle traffic. Also ’s-Hertogenbosch (as the first city in the netherlands) has opened up its pedestrian area for cyclists.

Province Noord-Brabant: cooperation For the Province of noord-brabant the main theme is ‘cooperation’. collaboration with government, education, businesses and civil society is strongly promoted. Many mobility related problems occur on regional level. cycling is a great solution. the Province coordinates municipal traffic and transport policies. Facilitating cooperation between municipalities is another goal. the province stimulates cycling in and between cities and towns by initiating a wide range of projects. the result of this collaboration is often more than the sum of its parts. the candidature for hosting Velo-city 2013 is a striking example. More collaborating ideas… cooperation is a good starting point to actively stimulate new target groups to participate in Velocity. challenge them to reflect on the relevance of cycling for their sector. Question them how they can take advantage. It is also our ambition to bring Velocity delegates into direct contact with Dutch society. this fits perfectly within the theme. For that we have the following ideas: • We offer speakers the possibility to give a presentation at schools and higher education institutes. of course we endorse speakers to place their presentation in a wider context. to tell more about the way of life in their country. • We also imagine a number of open air workshops. concrete traffic situations can be discussed best this way. We would like to involve city inhabitants in these inspirational workshops. • We plan to have a wide variety of session formats to provoke debate, cooperation and fun during

• •

the conference, formats like Pecha Kucha, super brainstorm, table-cloth session/Worldcafe, open space, teD-style, Quizz-style, House of commons and Unconference. We will include the inhabitants of the involved cities. they cycle all day and can best explain why they choose cycling. We would also like to create a speakers corner at locations in the city. Social media is ideal to spread the message of Velo-city. the possibilities are countless and we want to use them: live blogs during the sessions, the use of community forums and webcasts, sharing visions and comments on the programme and themes through twitter. Wi-Fi and public computers will be fully available. We want to arrange contests and special educational assignments in the build-up to the conference. the results will be presented during the conference. Students will be challenged to participate in Velo-city. The Fietsersbond will organise a bicycle festival to bring Velo-city and its themes to notice of the citizens of brabantstad.

We are fully aware of the fact that these ideas require further elaboration. new ideas might be added. Also a large abundance of ideas will require extra effort to keep the programme structure clear and understandable. by using social media we intend to assist conference delegates to make an optimal choice from the extensive menu. e.g by answering a number of questions on the website delegates can generate suggestions for the sessions to attend that would meet best their needs. 22

Presenters will be asked to make a 30 second video pitch to advertise their presentation. of course we want to utilise the thinking power and experience of the ecF and its constituency in the further elaboration of these ideas.

Q4: WHAt Are tHe MAIn AIMs AnD obJectIVes oF YoUr conFerence ProgrAMMe? OUR GOALs We see a concrete output of this conference: an increase of innovative collaboration and partnerships. Locally and internationally. our goals? • Strengthen the position of cycling; • Give an impulse to innovation of cycling-inclusive policies; • Tear down existing barriers for bicycle use; • Fully utilise the potential of cycling for societal well-being.


MORE THAN 4 DAYs IN MAY Velo-city will enhance existing cooperation within brabantstad, the netherlands, europe and worldwide. Velo-city 2013 will be instrumental to create new international partnerships with new themes for cooperation. this will not happen by accident. It is clearly not only about the 4 days in May 2013. It’s all about the process. We want to engage delegates long before and after the conference. Velo-city 2013 should give a quality impulse to that process. therefore we enable delegates to prepare themselves on the debates they want to join, the partners they want to meet and the agreements they want to make. It is our ambition to also facilitate this process in the build-up to the conference. For example by making clever use of social media. In fact we plan our conference to start at the closing of Velo-city 2012 Vancouver. the chairperson of our organization committee will start to cycle a ‘route of inspiration’ to bring Velo-city to brabantstad and ‘s-Hertogenbosch in 318 days. this relay tour will be covered on our website with blogs, photos, clips, and twitter messages. Participants in this relay tour can solicit sponsorship for their participation as a donation for a (cycling-related) charity. but the tour can also show the state of affairs of cycling and this being an occasion to start the debate on relevant themes for the conference.

Q5: WHAt coMMUter AnD LeIsUre cYcLe FAcILItIes cUrrentLY eXIst In tHe cItY tHAt WoULD be InterestIng For DeLegAtes to see, AnD WHAt Are PLAnneD to be coMPLete bY tHe DAte oF tHe conFerence? BIG VARIETY Of CYCLING fACILITIEs the cities of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, eindhoven, breda, tilburg and Helmond together offer a variety in cycling facilities. think of high quality bicycle paths and bicycle lanes, 30 km/h zones, bicycle parking facilities, networks of safe, direct and comfortable cycling connections between all origin and destination areas in the city.

special recent projects: • Bicycle streets in all cities of BrabantStad; • Bicycle highways ’s-Hertogenbosch – Oss, Eindhoven-Zuid – TU, Breda – Etten-Leur and Eindhoven – Helmond; • Guarded bicycle parking facilities, free of charge in the city centres of breda, ’s-Hertogenbosch, tilburg and eindhoven; • A grade separated bicycle roundabout in eindhoven; • So called ‘slow lanes’ in the western part of eindhoven; • Interesting and specific projects in all cities of brabantstad; • The region’s cycling road marker system for recreational cyclists.


WE kEEp MOVING AND IMpROVING Up until the conference the cities will continue to improve their bicyce networks and also expand the number of public charger points for pedalecs. Upon that the Province of noord-brabant has an outstanding infrastructure available for recreational cycling. It is made up out of a wide variety of bicycle tracks, quiet rural roads, forest paths and alike. recreational cyclists easily can find their way assisted by road markers. Furthermore there is a wide variety of maps that guide the cyclists through beautiful landscapes, along places of interest and cosy cafés. the centrally situated ‘groene Woud’ (‘green Wood’) provides the city’s network brabantstad with a magnificent recreational wood.


Q6: WHAt strAtegIes eXIst In YoUr cItY to IncreAse tHe Use oF cYcLes? NEW sTYLE BICYCLE pLANs today’s new style cycling policies in the netherlands have their origins in the 1970’s. since then urban cycling strategies have gone through a number of stages. In the beginning the focus was almost exclusively on road safety and the construction of bicycle paths and bicycle lanes. In the 1980’s the focus shifted to the creation of coherent networks of cycling connections. the 1990’s were characterised by an increasing attention for other quality requirements for cycling infrastructure. Making cycling more attractive and fun. the internationally renowned national bicycle Master Plan contributed a lot to this development. It also gave larger importance to bicycle parking policies. the last decade there is a next generation of bicycle policy plans. these plans go beyond the construction and improvement of cycling infrastructure and aim at integrated policies to make cycling as attractive as possible. In short these plans strengthen the cycling culture in all its comprehension. communication and cycling related services are part of this integrated approach. the cities of brabantstad and the Province of noord-brabant all have a new style bicycle Plan. below we give a short profile of their plans.

‘s-Hertogenbosch: increase bicycle use from 33 to 44% In its ‘Koersnota Hoofdinfrastructuur’ (‘Directional Memorandum Main Infrastructure’) the city council formulates the ambition to decrease the number of car trips by 10%. As a consequence of this ambition bicycle use has to increase from 33% to 44%. this is elaborated in the report ‘Lekker Fietsen’ (‘Fun in cycling’) from 2009. the conclusion is that no opportunity can be missed out to meet the ambition. As a consequence of the plan ‘Lekker Fietsen’ ‘s-Hertogenbosch pays attention to both ‘hard’ (infrastructure) and ‘soft’ (communication) policies. With regard to infrastructure ’s-Hertogenbosch is putting emphasis on untangling car and bicycle infrastructure. this includes grade separated intersections to improve the safety and flow of cyclists and cars. With limited exceptions public transport and cycling will get priority above car traffic. For two levels of the cycling network very concrete quality standards will be defined. Upon that infrastructure provision includes facilities for bicycle parking: sufficient numbers of good quality on the right locations. right now there is a shortage of good quality bicycle parking in the city centre and at the railway station. With regard to ‘soft policies’ ’s-Hertogenbosch is betting on permanent campaigns to promote bicycle use. For everyone, for all purposes and for all destinations. All neighbourhoods will have their own cycle scout for the quick detection and repair of local imperfections.


Main cycling infrastructure in ’s-Hertogenbosch

eindhoven: from decrease to increase with 101 interventions the ‘Actieplan Fiets eindhoven’ (Action Plan bicycle eindhoven) from 2008 has been presented as an ‘urgent quality improvement for cycling facilities on short and medium term (2009-2012)’. the aim is to stop the decrease of bicycle use and turn it into an increase. And also get a better score on the ‘bicycle balance’ of the Fietsersbond, a federation assessing the quality of the local cycling culture. the action plan deals with the missing links in the cycling network, the quality of cycling routes with regard to directness and comfort, road safety, bicycle parking, recreational cycling, communication and promotion, and also the monitoring and evaluation of the cycling policies. 27

For all these issues eindhoven has developed 101 concrete interventions and secured the required budget for implementation. eindhoven is choosing to tackle some complete routes rather than to do parts and bits everywhere. Where the quality of existing cycle routes need improvement, the emphasis is on replacing tile pavements by asphalt and on minimizing delays at traffic lights. Breda makes cycling easy the memorandum ‘Fietsen net zo makkelijk; Hoe gemeente breda het fietsgebruik wil faciliteren en stimuleren’(‘cycling is easy; how breda seeks to facilitate and stimulate bicycle use’) presents breda’s cycling policy. continuation and expansion go hand in hand. According to the memorandum

bicycle use has three pillars: the spatial structure (vicinity of destinations), cycling infrastructure (quality of cycling connections), and individual life styles (behaviour and health). breda has formulated a vision on its own municipal role to facilitate and stimulate cycling. breda wants to enhance bicycle use. the main issues? complementation of the main bicycle route network, improvement of safety and comfort and providing right of way to cyclists at intersections. breda concentrates on coordination of communication and promotion activities of different parties and institutions. A strong message to (potential) cyclists is the key. breda will use a marketing approach so as to bring about a significant shift towards more bicycle use. tilburg: moving fast, choosing the best out of a long tradition tilburg has a long tradition in cycling policies. In the late 1970’s tilburg had one of the two Dutch ‘demonstration bicycle routes’ (the other one was in the Hague). this resulted in the understanding that the implementation of just one single route doesn’t result in a substantial increase of bicycle use. that is why from the early 1980’s our cities put more effort into the implementation of bicycle networks. so did tilburg. In 1983 the ‘star network’ was born, consisting out of mainly radial routes connecting neighbourhoods on the outskirts with the city centre. the bicycle policy plan from 2005 ‘tilburg fietst! Fietsplan 2005-2015’ (‘tilburg cycles! cycling plan 2005-2015’) is elaborating on this past. In the ‘star network’ some missing links need to be

constructed. It is striking that the implementation of tangential links result in a real network. Interesting to know: the largest emphasis is no longer on the creation of the network but more on boosting its quality. the political ambition is an increase of bicycle use from 34% to 38%. the policy isn’t so much ‘different’ from before, but rather ‘more of the same and faster’. choosing the best out of a long cycling tradition. tilburg pays much attention to marketing activities and education. Main target groups for these activities are those groups in society who cycle less than average. the involvement of all stakeholders in tilburg is arranged by their participation in ‘Fietsforum’. Helmond takes a stand on high cycling ambitions Helmond is doing all it can to make cycling more pleasant, more safe and more advantegous. In 2007 Helmond decided on the memorandum ‘Helmond Mobiel’ (‘Helmond Mobile’). expressing a high cycling ambition. Helmond commits to raise the average share of daily cycle use by 1% every year. A clear indication and statement that cycling has to play a larger role in traffic and transport. the interventions? completion of the cycling network, improvement and expansion of guarded free bicycle parking opportunities, less bicycle theft, an optimal level of road safety for cyclists and a large promotion campaign for cycling. And very important: plans are being implemented. over the past 3 years € 1.3 million has been spent on the construction of cycle tracks, and this year there is an investment € 2.5 million to build a bicycle highway between Helmond and eindhoven. 28

Helmond does not want to stand alone in this ambition. other actors are stimulated to contribute. Why not let businesses, schools and offices take care of their own bicycle facilities and promote bicycle use within their organisation? the municipal website facilitates and provides specific information. Upon that, the municipality conducts a permit campaign to stimulate cycling by organising various events. the Province of Noord-Brabant: tHe cycling province of the Netherlands the Province of noord-brabant is one of the twelve provinces in the netherlands, situated in the south. the province commits to actively stimulate the use of bicycles and to become the cycling province of the netherlands. to make this reality the share of cycling has to increase from the current 24% to about 28-30% in 2020. noord-brabant is very ambitious and sees many opportunities. the policy framework ‘Fiets in de Versnelling’ (‘cycling in the next gear’) defines three lines of activity: 1. Increasing comfort and convenience; both quantitative (number of connections and bicycle parkings) and qualitative (the quality of roads, cost/ benefit ratio and security of bicycle parking facilities). there is certainly room for improvement. Projects should result in more and improved bicycle facilities.


2. seducing road users; projects aim at stimulating young people and commuters to cycle more often. Projects could give rewards for good behaviour and contribute to behavioural change. Also projects could lead to a more trendy and sexy image of cycling. the adaption of school environments and educational activities are also part of this line of action. 3. reinforcing one another; governments, businesses and knowledge institutions are initiating a lot of projects and activities to increase bicycle use. More cooperation between these parties result into a drive wheel effect. sharing knowledge and stimulating innovation are considered vitally important. communication is key. the Province of noord-brabant especially stimulates the realisation of innovative projects and projects that contribute to a more integrated cycling policy. teamwork leads to succes. cycling partners are needed and luckily there are many of them in noord-brabant. they are not only thinking along, but are executing concrete projects already.

Q7: Are tHere AnY sPecIAL FActors sUcH As LocAL AnD/ or regIonAL eLectIons beFore AnD DUrIng tHe conFerence PerIoD tHAt coULD AFFect tHe sUPPort FroM AnY PUbLIc boDIes InVoLVeD AnD tHereFore tHe conFerence PLAnnIng Process?

BROAD AWARENEss TO sHARE OUR CYCLING CULTURE WORLDWIDE the first elections for municipalities and provinces are foreseen for 2014 and 2015. We cannot see any specific factors that could have a negative impact on the support of the governments for organising Velo-city 2013. Independent of the political colour there is a broadly shared awareness in brabant (and the netherlands) that cycling is a very important part of the Dutch culture. that it is worthwhile to share this cycling culture worldwide. right now there is an initiative to join forces of all relevant stakeholders in the Dutch cycling embassy (while retaining everyone’s own responsibilities). the foundation of such an embassy will only generate additional support for Velo-city 2013 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.


conDItIons oF ecF


In this chapter we explain how we will meet the conditions of the european cyclists’ Federation for the organising of Velo-city.


c1: WHen Is It ProPoseD to HoLD tHe conFerence?

c2: WHere Is It ProPoseD to HoLD tHe conFerence?

We have planned to organise Velo-city 2013 from tuesday 14th to Friday 17th of May 2013. saturday 18th is available for excursions to other cities in the netherlands. Upon that conference delegates can stay over, for example for the Jazz in Duketown festival that is held in ‘s-Hertogenbosch every year in the Whitsun weekend.

the proposed venue for the conference is congress centre 1931 at the brabanthallen in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. this congress centre was built in 1931 to be the largest cattle market hall in the netherlands. today it has the status of ‘national heritage’. It also is a fully equipped congress centre at walking distance of the historical inner-city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the main station. the building has sufficient room for plenary sessions and parallel sessions of varying size. We also propose to have some open air workshops at interesting locations and envisage excursions to the other cities of the cities network brabantstad.



Rosmalen station

Expo and congress center



‘s-Hertogenbosch Oost station Transferium de Vliert



Central station


City Center

Transferium Vlijmenseweg

Transferium Pettelaar 0




Tilburg/ Breda/ Eindhoven 1931 Congrescentrum Brabanthallen Plattegrond

Galloway 375m 2 Dexter

Rode geus 85m 2

Foyer 2188m 2


Limousin 1 792 m 2

Limousin 2 1181 m 2

Limousin 3 792 m 2

1e verdieping


c3: oVer HoW Long WoULD tHe conFerence rUn? the conference will last four days. on Monday evening 13th of May we anticipate a welcome drink. It is possible to use the Monday for pre-events and working sessions for organizations and international project teams that wish to combine their regular business with a visit to Velo-city.

c4: WHo Are tHe MAIn PArtners In YoUr bID? • The Cities Network of BrabantStad. Constituted by the Province of noord-brabant and the municipalities of the five largest cities in the province: ‘s-Hertogenbosch, eindhoven, breda, tilburg and Helmond. • Fietsersbond. the conference will be supported by the Ministry of Infrastructure and environment, stichting Landelijk Fietsplatform, expertise centre Fietsberaad, Foundation brAMM, Vrijetijdshuis brabant, Fietsforum tilburg, ns, ns -fiets, nHtV International Higher education breda and Vereniging straatmeubilair. For the organisations that offer their recommendation and support, we refer to annex 3 with supporting letters and annex 4 with recommendation letters. 35

c5: WHo WoULD be tHe LeAD boDY resPonsIbLe For tHe ProJect? the lead body responsible for the conference would be the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch and the Province of noord-brabant jointly.

c6: WHo or WHAt LeVeL oF Person Do YoU eXPect to be tHe eVent DIrector? the event Director will be hired externally. experience in organising major events and conferences is required. cycling experience is a plus. the event Director is also responsible for the content of the event. He or she has powers within a framework that will be determined by a steering committee.

c7: cAn YoU ProVIDe Us WItH A DrAFt bUDget For YoUr bID? For a draft budget we refer to annex 1. We have chosen to start off with a budget with two scenarios: an ambitious one with 1.5 million euro (expenditure) and a more auster version with 1.2 million euro (expenditure). the more successful we are in raising sponsorship, the more elements of the ambitious scenario can be incorporated in the set up.

c8: WHAt Are YoUr sPonsorIng AIMs AnD PossIbILItIes For tHIs eVent, AnD HoW IMPortAnt to tHe oVerALL bUDget Are tHeY LIKeLY to be? raising sponsorship is a major challenge. In any case 25% of the budget needs to be covered by sponsorship. For this purpose we will develop ‘sponsor packages’. these packages are ideal for sponsors: they see what they get in return for sponsorship. by making smart use of in kind sponsorship we intend to maximize the purchase power of the sponsor money raised.

c9: WHo Is eXPecteD to be resPonsIbLe For rAIsIng AnY sPonsorIng AnD eXternAL soUrces oF FInAnce? the event Director is responsible for raising sponsorship.

c10: WHAt strAtegIes WILL YoU ADoPt to ensUre gooD AttenDence At VeLo-cItY 2013? • We believe that the choice for cycling country the netherlands on its own will have a stimulating effect on the number of participants; • We will draw up an attractive programme to bring in a good number of conference delegates. We will draft this programme in dialogue with representatives of the target groups. • We will organize a 318 relay cycle tour along a ‘route of Inspiration’ between Vancouver and ‘s-Hertogenbosch to provoke publicity, themes for debate and active involvement. this event can also be used for fund raising to support one or two cycling related charities.


• We will be designing a good accessible website with smart use of social media (blogs, facebook, twitter, LinkeIn, Youtube) to enthuse and involve potential conference participants in the build-up. • We choose a systematic approach for target groups to make Velo-city 2013 attractive for more than the traditional groups. • We want to make a connection between cycling and other policy realms. • Of course we will take advantage of the jumelages of the cities in brabant and the eU-programmes we are involved in. • Moreover all Dutch partners have their own network that will be used for recruiting delegates.


c11: HoW WILL YoU ensUre tHAt tHe reLeVAnt LocAL cYcLe User-groUP WILL PLAY A FULL roLe In tHe orgAnIsIng AnD PLAnnIng oF tHe conFerence?

c13: An eXHIbItIon HAs becoMe An IMPortAnt PArt oF oUr eVents. HoW WoULD YoU PLAn For tHIs to tAKe PLAce ALongsIDe tHe conFerence?

the Fietsersbond is one of the main partners in this bid. We already work together in the development of ideas and concepts. Upon that the Fietsersbond has made the commitment to organise a public manifestation (bicycle festival) around the conference. everything to make citizens of brabantstad take notice of Velo-city 2013 in a joyful way.

the chosen conference venue has enough room and facilities to host expositions of partners, sponsors and interested companies and organisations. In our opinion such an exhibition should be a ‘market place of inspiration’ and we are planning to develop a concept for exhibitors to challenge them to present themselves as attractive as possible. We wish to use this room to showcase the Dutch expertise and products that are so typical for the Dutch cycling culture. We also envisage that Dutch manufacturers of bicycle parking devices make the full range of their products available for use. Additionally we are happy to create room for ‘country pavilions’. they will serve as meeting points for delegates from specific countries. And of course we offer room for any interested party from any country. brabanthallen is a great partner to work with in the field of exhibitions. As one of the largest conference venues in the netherlands. exploiter Libema has offered to think with us.

c12: WHAt ArrAngeMents WoULD YoU MAKe to ensUre tHe FULL PArtIcIPAtIon oF tHe VeLocItY serIes DIrector In ALL MAJor DecIsIons As co-orgAnIsers oF tHe conFerence? the Velo-city series conference director will be a member of both the organising committee and the programme committee. given his experience and his international network we are convinced that his involvement in the decision making will contribute to the high quality of the conference. the practicalities of his involvement will be settled in good consultation.


c14: WHAt trAnsLAtIon FAcILItIes WILL be MADe AVAILAbLe For PLenArY AnD WorKsHoP sessIons AnD Into WHIcH LAngUAges? the official conference language will be in english. Although the ecF mentions this as a requirement, we are not fully convinced of the necessity of translation facilities to Dutch, because all Dutch speak english well. on the other hand we can imagine the usefulness of translation to larger european languages. right now there is no decision on the availability of simultaneous translations.


c15: WHAt tYPes oF AccoMMoDAtIon WILL YoU oFFer to DeLegAtes? A list of available hotels is included in annex 2. Additionally we will also conduct a campaign ‘Host a delegate!’ to bring in accommodation at private addresses. this will also contribute to a direct contact between delegates and the local inhabitants.

c16: WHAt ArrAngeMents Do YoU IntenD to MAKe It eAsIer For cYLe-User groUP rePresentAtIVes, ngo’s AnD PeoPLe FroM DeVeLoPIng coUntrIes to AttenD? We are fully prepared to meet the wishes of ecF with regard to a discount rate for ecF members. concerning visitors from developing countries we will try to raise the interest of relevant agencies to facilitate their participation in the Velo-city conference. Additionally we propose to solicit for donations from other delegates, colleagues and any other interested persons on the conference website under the title ‘support a delegate!’. the donor can specify what category of delegate (s)he would like to sponsor.

c17: HoW WILL YoU ProVIDe bIcYcLes For DeLegAtes AnD PArtners AttenDIng tHe conFerence? ns oV-fiets (the netherlands railways department responsible for the Public transport bicycles) has already promised to deliver 800 new public transport bicycles for use during the conference in the netherlands. (see the attached letter from ns oVfiets). Depending on the exact number of participants additional bikes will be arranged.


c18: WHAt socIAL ProgrAMMe Do YoU PLAn to orgAnIse For DeLegAtes to tHe conFerence? our current ideas include the following elements: • A welcome drink on Monday evening 13th of May. A warm welcome is a good opportunity for delegates to renew contacts with old acquaintances. • A conference dinner on Thursday evening 16th of May. this dinner is to celebrate the cyclinginclusive future for which Velo-city is meant to be instrumental. the initiators of the Dutch cycling embassy have already expressed their ambition to host the conference dinner.


We also envisage that as a part of the excursions to brabantstad cities these cities will offer the participating delegates a small reception. And of course conference delegates are most welcome to visit the bicycle festival organized by the Fietsersbond.

c19: HoW cLose Are tHe conFerence AnD AccoMMoDAtIon sItes to MAJor trAnsPort LInKs sUcH As AIrPorts, trAIn AnD bUs stAtIons ‘s-Hertogenbosch can be reached directly by train from eindhoven Airport in 48 minutes, from schiphol Airport in 67 minutes, and from rotterdam Airport in 101 minutes. ’s-Hertogenbosch is also accessible via the motorways A59 and A2. there are high speed rail connections from germany, belgium and France. Furthermore ‘s-Hertogenbosch has excellent railway connections with other cities in the netherlands. We refer to the map.


c20: HoW Long WoULD YoU neeD, AFter LeArnIng tHAt YoUr bID HAD been sUccessFUL, beFore YoU coULD stArt WorK (see sectIon 3.6)? given the proposed timing of the conference in May 2013 we are fully imbued with the necessity of making a flying start in January 2012 with all preparations to be ready at the right time. In the next months we will make the necessary arrangements to be able to do so. Already we have spoken with Pco’s, caterers, location and parties that want to work with us on content.


c21: WHAt sIDe VIsIts Do YoU IntenD to orgAnIse AroUnD tHe conFerence DAte? the answer to this question is twofold: 1. excursions during the conference to the other cities of brabantstad are an integral part of the conference programme. these excursions will have a close link with the conference theme and subthemes. 2. After the conference we offer opportunities to visit other cities of interest in the netherlands like Amsterdam, Houten and groningen. Also there are many opportunities to experience the varied touristic cycling infrastructure in the netherlands or to visit Velorama (a bicycle museum in nijmegen). We will



Tilburg Eindhoven Helmond


Nature area


Cathedral, church

Theme park


Theatre, music, cinema

Soccer stadium

Citywalk, architecture route

c22: Do YoU HAVe PLAns to orgAnIse A sPoUse/PArtner ProgrAMMe? offer both guided excursions with explanation and ‘do it yourself’ excursions. At all time we will provide information that enables conference delegates to become acquainted with interesting and illustrative elements of the Dutch cycling culture and its typical facilities.

For spouses and partners we will provide a package with information that enables them to put together a programme according to their own preferences. the cities of brabantstad and its rural surroundings offer a large variety of possibilities. both cultural and recreational. the map above gives an indication of the various places of interest in noord-brabant. If requested we can make reservations to guarantee admission to activities that could otherwise be overbooked. We can make available some public transport bicycles too.



HoteLs City



price minimal (¤)

price maximum (¤)


Distance (by bicycle) to Brabanthallen 1931 (km)


Mövenpick Hotel 's-Hertogenbosch







golden tulip Hotel central







Mercure Hotel














best Western eurohotel


Van der Valk 's-Hertogenbosch - Vught


Landgoed Huize bergen


Van der Valk nuland


Apollo Hotel Zaltbommel


Fletcher Hotel Prinsen


De ruwenberg


conferentiehotel guldenberg


nH Hotel Waalwijk

eindhoven eindhoven














































Pullman eindhoven cocagne






eden crown Hotel







Holiday Inn







Mandarin Park Plaza







best Western Art Hotel







crown Inn





















sandton Hotel







Hotel benno / the Prince







budgethotel De Zwaan







Auberge du bonheur







De Postelse hoeve







Hotel Mercure







Hotel Ibis







bastion Hotel










city Hotel

tilburg tilburg berkel enschot


price minimal (造)

price maximum (造)


Distance (by bicycle) to Brabanthallen 1931 (km)






grand central






Het Wapen van tilburg






best Western Hotel de Druiventros






De Moer

Auberge de Moerse Hoeve












+/- 50


De Klok





+/- 50


golden tulip Keyser





+/- 50




Amrath hotel






+/- 50





+/- 60

golden tulip hotel West-ende





+/- 50


st Lambert





+/- 50


carlton Mierlo





+/- 50


De collse Hoeve nuenen





+/- 50


nH geldrop





+/- 50


bed & breakfast cuba casa







Vakantiehuis Den bosch




2-8 persons



bed & breakfast Achter de Kan







bed & breakfast De bossche beul







studio onder de Pannen




2 rooms / 3 persons



bed & breakfast concordia







bed & breakfast Achter de sterren




1-3 persons



bossche bed & breakfast







bed & breakfast Perdijk Antiek





+/- 25


bed & breakfast centrum





bed & breakfast bakker





+/- 25


bed & breakfast Home from Home





+/- 25


bed & breakfast Udenhout sur Place





+/- 25


bed & breakfast D'n Duinwal





+/- 25


bed & breakfast Udenhout





+/- 25

+/- 25



Letters oF sUPPort




Dutch expertise centre on cycling policy

Bestuurlijk Overleg BrabantStad Mobiliteit c/o mr. R.A. van Heugten Gedeputeerde Provincie Noord-Brabant Postbus 90151 5200 MC ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Cantact Phone Date Our reference

Otto van Boggelen 030 2918203 12-08-2011 11.001/VM/LH

Dear mr. Van Heugten, We are delighted by the BrabantStad initiative to nominate ’s-Hertogenbosch as the venue for Velo-city 2013. A Velo-city conference being organised in The Netherlands will be a very welcome opportunity to show all elements that make up the Dutch cycling culture and to explore how the Dutch cycling experience can be made useful for the development of cycling elsewhere. And of course we also welcome the feed back that conference delegates can provide us by sharing their experiences and perceptions. We would like to be involved in the conference, and are most willing to showcase our contribution to the vitality and continuous innovation of this Dutch cycling culture. We are also looking forward to utilise Velo-city 2013 as an avenue to foster existing partnerships and to build new ones. We therefore fully support the BrabantStad nomination, and we will be happy to help you to make Velo-city 2013 a successful conference resulting into continued and enhanced innovation and co-operation. Yours sincerely,

Victor Molkenboer, Chairman Expertise centre Fietsberaad.

56 Visiting adress: Jaarbeursplein 15, 3521 AM Utrecht • Postal address: P.B. 24051, 3502 MB Utrecht






To Bestuurlijk Overleg BrabantStad Mobiliteit c/o mr. R. A. van Heugten gedeputeerde Provincie Noord-Brabant Postbus 90151 5200 MC ’s-Hertogenbosch Dear mr. Van Heugten, We are delighted by the BrabantStad initiative to nominate 's-Hertogenbosch as the venue for Velocity 2013. A Velo-city conference being organised in The Netherlands will be a very welcome opportunity to show all elements that make up the Dutch cycling culture and to explore how the Dutch cycling experience can be made useful for the development of cycling elsewhere. And of course we also welcome the feed back that conference delegates can provide us by sharing their experiences and perceptions. We would like to be involved in the conference, and are most willing to showcase our contribution to the vitality and continuous innovation of this Dutch cycling culture. The Fietsforum Tilburg would like to stress that their successful existence comes forth out of this cycling culture. For us it would be a great opportunity to present not only 's Hertogenbosch - as being the capital of our region - as a cycling city, it will give our whole region the possibility to present itself as THE place to be concerning the cycling culture of The Netherlands. As participants of various Velo-city conferences the last years, we have experienced the positive possibilities of a Velo-city conference in the region. We are also looking forward to utilise Velo-city 2013 as an avenue to foster existing partnerships and to build new ones. We therefore fully support the BrabantStad nomination, and we will be happy to help you to make Velo-city 2013 a successful conference resulting into continued and enhanced innovation and cooperation. Yours sincerely,

Drs Pieter van Bekkum Chairman Fietsforum Tilburg.







Letters oF recoMMenDAtIon





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