September 2014 newsletter

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Forthcoming Meetings 

Thursday 11th September 2014 Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial hall from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker Walter Marshall on World War II

Tuesday 23rd September 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN

Thursday 2rd October 2014 Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hall. Annual General Meeting and Quiz  

Tuesday 28th October 2014 Committee Meeting From 2.00pm to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0Hn Thursday 6th November 2014 Main Meeting at Cleethorpes Memorial Hal from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Speaker; Steven Lovell on Tibet Tuesday 25th November 2014 Committee Meeting from 2.00 to 4.00pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN

'A new group is proposed. This will be ‘Music for Pleasure’ and will focus on the side of light classical music for the first hour and on music from the Shows or something similar for the second hour. If you want to listen to music which you have heard in advertisements such as Nessum Dorma (used at football matches) or Bachs Air on a G String (being the music from the Hamlet cigar

advert) this group is for you. The new group will be on the third Thursday in the month commencing on the 18th September from 2pm until 4pm and will be run by Margaret Temprell. This group is for people who just want to listen and Margaret would like to know what your listening choice would be – a sort of Desert Island Discs to start with so that she can sort out a programme. The meetings will be held in Cleethorpes, so do ring Pauline Campbell on 813010 to book your place.' Computer/IT Support Group:

In Memoriam Henry Draper (1920-2014) died suddenly on Thursday 14th August 2014. He and his wife Marjorie have both been members of our U3A, regularly attending monthly meetings. Henry was interested in aircrafts, hence took a keen interest in the Aviation Group. He qualified as a glider pilot at the age of 80 in 2000, taking up gliding at Strubby Airfield. As a Normandy World War II veteran, he flew with his wife Marjorie to France to celebrate the 40th, 50th and 60th D. Day Anniversaries and also the WWI anniversary this year.

He was one of the veterans presented with Maundy Money by the Queen at Lincoln. He was Treasurer of the former Cleethorpes Borough Council from 1962 to 1982. He was a member of Cleethorpes twinning committee with Konigswinter from 1975. He was President of Cleethorpes Rotary Club from 1989-90, President of past Rotarians in Cleethorpes 2006-7and was also the Treasurer of St. James Church for 15 years. Henry was a very popular gentleman who will be sadly missed by many. His funeral will be at St. James Minster on Friday 5th September 10.45Am

This group will meet on Thursday 18th September 2 to 4pm at 97 Abbey Road, Grimsby, DN32 0HN

September 2014

Bird Watching Group The RSPB Meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Monday September 15th at Corpus Christi Community Centre, corner of Machray Place, Grimsby Road. The talk is entitled "Birds of Laughton Forest" and will be given by Graham Catley who is one of the best-known and most knowledgeable birdwatchers and bird photographers in the area. His talk will include the elusive and enigmatic nightjar. It costs £3 to attend, payable at the door and you don't need to be a member of the RSPB. There will also be optional raffle, quiz and birdfood sales. The RSPB Trip is on Sunday 28th September to the Spurn Peninsula. Autumn migration will be in full swing at this time and the Spurn Penisula is an important watch point because the shape of the land 'funnels' the birds in this direction. Sightings of a wide range of birds can be expected. Again, you don't need to be a member of the RSPB. The coach leaves Millman's depot in Wilton Rd at 7.30am, returning by about 6.30pm, and the cost is £20 per head, payable on the coach. Please note that the coach can only get as far as Kilnsea because the road beyond there is damaged, so anyone wanting to go to the Point would be faced with a difficult 3½ mile walk!! (Each way!!) More information about both events is available from me at or (01472) 883436 Ghost of Louth Those of you who enjoyed a talk at a recent U3A Meeting about Ghosts of Louth may be interested to know that there is to be a Ghost Walk around Louth on Tuesday 23rd September at 7 pm. The cost will be £3 per person which will be donated to Louth Museum. If you are interested in joining this walk, please contact Carole Petchey on 232117. From Marj Dalby, As welfare officer, I have sent cards on behalf of U3A to the following. The Gallop family on their bereavement; Mr and Mrs Hill wishing them a speedy recovery from their illness, Mr Geoff Evendon wishing him a speedy recovery, Mrs Margaret Hobson after her eye operation, Mrs. Christine Garrow wishing her speedy recovery from her operations. Mr. Kirit Talati wishing him speedy recovery from his illness and Mrs Draper in her bereavement in last few months. Directory Inquiry from Pauline Campbell Directory Enquiries using Simunix on 118 365 only charges you 51p for finding a telephone number. This is much cheaper than using 118 118 via BT, Sky, Talk Talk and Virgin all who charge a lot more for using the service. If you have no access to the internet this is very reasonable. Just check your itemised billing if you have rung 118 118 or other advertised Directory Enquiry numbers.

Treasurer's Note We are beginning a new year for our U3A. It is a time when we have our AGM and an opportunity to elect a new committee. We also renew our subscriptions. I am pleased to inform members that we have not increased our subscriptions this year. I am, with the help of the committee, looking for ways to improve our services and increase the value of our money. One of the sad facts is that we have seen a reduction in the total number of members every year for the last two to three years. We pay a fixed levy to the U3A national body and also pay for the magazine U3A Matters. This takes up about 35% of our subscriptions. With the remaining money we pay for hall hire, speakers fees and other administrative costs. We need 250 members to break even. I was thinking that we should become members for life. We should find a way of supporting our frail members. I have redesigned the membership form in anticipation that we would be granted Gift Aid for tax purposes. I am pleased to inform members that we have been accepted as a charitable company for tax purposes. This means that when I get all the records complete I will be able to claim Gift Aid for the last three years. For this purpose, I am rerevising the form once again. I have a legal requirement to maintain U3A records in order to furnish details to the Inland Revenue when demanded. I need your help to meet this requirement so I am asking you to fill in this form once again. If you are a tax payer (ie: have extra top-up pensions as well as your Government pension) your form will help me to claim £3.00 per person per year. Other aspects on the forms are for administrative purposes. I know I am asking for your time to fill in this form, but think of the time I need to spend transferring everything into the database and arranging for the claim. I am pleased to spend this time as I know it will ultimately be beneficial to our members. Please do not forget to sign the form. I am also pleased to inform you that our website is doing well. We have had around 3,000 visits since its inception. We have posted around 100 photographs on the site already. We still do not have the basic information about all of our groups so I am asking those group co-ordinators who have not yet sent information about their group to send me details so they can be included on the website, including group photograph, if possible.

I invite any article, poetry, story, memory etc from the wider membership, which you would like to share with other members and the wider world. This website is supported and complimented with our monthly newsletters. I need a team of people helping me with my work as a treasurer, webmaster and newsletter publisher. If you have any skills in this area, or if you would like to develop new skills in any of these areas, please contact me. Himanshu Ghadiali Luncheon Club is running actively. Join meal of your choice. Register your name with Anne Mann or contact himanshu for further inquiry.

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