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By: Jeff Fishbein Chairman of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce

February is known around the world as the month of romance. After all, is there a more romantic day than Valentine’s Day? Celebrated the globe over annually on February 14th, the non-public holiday embraces love and commemorates relationships.

The holiday was brought to life by several martyrdom stories of the 8th Century, which led to the creation of a Christian feast day honoring Saint Valentine. The legend states that Saint Valentine of Rome was imprisoned for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire in the third century, along with performing weddings for Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry.

While jailed, he restored the sight of his captor’s daughter and then wrote her a love letter – signed “Your Valentine.”

By the 18th Century, English couples and love-seekers alike would shower their “valentine” with flowers, candies, and handwritten notes called “valentines.” Other common symbols for Valentine’s Day are the spring lovebird, doves, hearts, and the figure of the winged Cupid - the god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection.

Not far away, in Italy, Saint Valentine’s Keys were given to lovers as a romantic symbol and an invitation to unlock the giver’s heart. While Italian children were often given keys to protect them from epilepsy and other illness. In current times, most countries have adopted the more English interpretation of the holiday and exchange flowers, candies and greeting cards.

I hope you have enjoyed this abridged historical view of a rather fascinating holiday. Maybe I’ll see you out at one of our local restaurants celebrating love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

If you have a desire to serve, consider joining the newly-formed La Quinta Rotary Club of the Desert. The club received its Charter on December 17, 2022. This is the second Rotary Club in La Quinta. Rotary is the largest service organization in existence, comprised of 1.4 million members in over 200 countries. Their mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through a fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

If you are interested in making new friends, improving lives in La Quinta and around the world, or pursuing new project ideas, please visit their website for more information at LaQuintaRotaryClubOfTheDesert.org or LaQuintaRotary.org.

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