Seven Lochs Wetland Park - Masterplan Consultation Report

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The Seven Lochs Wetland Park

masterplan and visioning study report on communication and stakeholder consultation

The Seven Lochs Wetland Park

masterplan and visioning study report on communication and stakeholder consultation


Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership / International Resources and Recycling Institute

Agent: Collective Architecture 26 Gallowgate Glasgow G1 5AB Prepared by: ............................................... Collective Architecture

Approved by: ............................................... Scott Ferguson Project Manager Status:

Report on communication and stakeholder consultation (Stage 2)


27th February 2012

Introduction The draft Seven Lochs Wetland Park vision and masterplan was approved by Glasgow City and North Lanarkshire councils for wider communication and stakeholder consultation in September 2011. The communication and consultation process was undertaken through the continued partnership of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership (GCVGNP) and International Resources and Recycling Institute (IRRI) as part of the INTERREG IVC Sigma for Water project. Glasgow City and North Lanarkshire councils and other members of the Gartloch Gartcosh Strategic Delivery Partnership (SDP) advised on the approach to communication and consultation. This consultation and stakeholder engagement process is part of the development of a broader, long-term communication and engagement plan for the Wetland Park as a whole. This will be developed by the Gartloch Gartcosh Green Network Development Officer and the Seven Lochs Wetland Park Community Engagement Officer working in partnership with the SDP and others. Opportunities for projects and partnership work identified through the consultation and engagement process will inform and support the development of a funding strategy and grant applications to support the implementation of masterplan proposals. The work was funded by Sigma for Water and the Central Scotland Green Network Development Fund.


Contents 01 The consultation process Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities.

p 06


Results of the consultation Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan.

p 18


Next steps

p 30


Appendix 1 - Revisions to the masterplan. Alterations and additions to the masterplan as a result of the consultation process.

p 34


Wetlands and new housing at Gartcosh

Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities

01 06/07


The consultation process Consulting the community, landowners, businesses & local authorities


The Seven Lochs Wetland Park masterplan and visioning study

The draft report Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities


Objectives, Approach and Timescale Objectives Objectives for this first phase of communication and stakeholder consultation were: 1. Communication - Ensure good internal communication within all SDP members, and secure their commitment to the vision and masterplan proposals. - Undertake stakeholder mapping to identify key audiences for further communication and engagement on the draft vision and masterplan. - Raise awareness of the proposed Wetland Park amongst specific key audiences, stakeholder organisations and community groups. - Identify opportunities for, and approaches to, on-going communication with key stakeholders. 2. Consultation - Gather community and stakeholder feedback on the draft vision and masterplan, focussing on delivery partners and community groups in and around the Wetland Park. - Identify opportunities to work in partnership with organisations in the public, private and third sectors to support the development and delivery of masterplan proposals.


Approach and timescale The Project Team was: - Gartloch Gartcosh Green Network Development Officer (Team Leader) - Collective Architecture (Project Architect and Architectural Assistant) - Seven Lochs Wetland Park Community Engagement Officer (from Jan 2012) The principle activities were: - Communication of the vision and masterplan proposals to key audiences through articles, publications, presentations and meetings. - Consultation events and workshops, tailored to specific audiences, which gather feedback on the draft vision and masterplan, and seek opportunities for new partnership working. In undertaking these activities the Project Team sought to use existing networks, events and activities to support the communication and consultation process. The formal consultation process ran from the 3rd October 2011 to the 20th February 2012, although further meetings and presentations have taken place to enable continued communication and dialogue with stakeholders. While the masterplan sets an overall vision and strategy for the Wetland Park, it will continue to develop, both in terms of its scope and detail, as the Park itself develops. This report outlines the approach to communication and consultation and sets out the findings and how these will be taken into consideration in finalising vision and masterplan.


Stakeholder mapping - community and interest groups

Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities

Stakeholder mapping - SDP and Agencies

01 10/11

Communicating the vision and masterplan Stakeholder mapping While some stakeholders were involved in developing the draft vision and masterplan, the timescale for this did not allow for detailed consultation with community groups and delivery bodies working in the area. Some groups were aware of the proposal for a new Wetland Park, but few had been directly involved in discussing the masterplan proposals. Key audiences identified for the communication and stakeholder consultation were: - SDP members - Community groups and networks in and around the Park - Delivery organisations – public, private and third sector – working in and around the Park - Elected politicians Stakeholder mapping, based on these audiences, was split into ‘community and interest groups’ and ‘local government and agencies’ and was used to identify the key groups and organisations to be included in the consultation. Stakeholders were then prioritised according to ‘influence’ and ‘current level of engagement’ to identify the key audiences for the communication and consultation.

Contacts database Drawing on the stakeholder mapping, the GCV Green Network Partnership contacts database, and information from SDP members, a contacts database was developed. This has been updated throughout the consultation period and now includes over 150 contacts across the following categories: - Housing Associations - Local Authorities / Community Planning - Politicians / Councillors - Health / Community Health - Community Councils - Community groups - Landowners - NGOs - Agencies The database will be maintained as an important resource for on-going communication. During October and November emails highlighting the publication of the draft vision and masterplan, the consultation process, and providing relevant weblinks and information about events and presentations, were sent out using the contacts database. Communication of the Wetland Park vision and masterplan was also linked to a follow up questionnaire on the Bishop’s Estate Access Project (BEAP) being undertaken by contractors on behalf of Forestry Commission Scotland. In October 2011 a questionnaire, including information about the Wetland Park vision and masterplan and contact details for more information, was sent out to 25 contacts who had taken part in a previous consultation on the BEAP.


The consultation website Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities


Communicating the vision and masterplan Consultation Website Although the full draft masterplan was available to download from the GCV Green Network website from the beginning of September 2011, the size of the document made download difficult. Alienation Digital was commissioned in October 2011 to develop a dedicated Seven Lochs Wetland Park consultation website to: - Introduce the consultation process; - Make the draft masterplan available for download by chapter; - Provide online and downloadable feedback forms based on key questions for each chapter; - Provide dates, venues and contact details for consultation events. The consultation website was launched on the 8th November 2011. As well as the features noted above, the site also included a video describing the Wetland Park vision, a ‘virtual tour’ of the Wetland Park area, and links to the Gartloch Gartcosh Green Network pages on the main GCV Green Network partnership website. As there was a delay in launching the website the deadline for comments was extended to the 20th February 2012, to allow a full 12 weeks (excluding 2 weeks over Christmas/ New Year) for the consultation. Following the consultation the website will be revised and further developed to establish the site as an ‘interim’ Seven Lochs Wetland Park website. This will be an important route for on-going communication, providing detailed information about the masterplan proposals and current activities, and allowing people to register for regular updates.


Elected representatives All ward Councillors and Conveners of the council committees which approved the masterplan for consultation were contacted by email. Constituency MPs and MSPs, and list MSPs for Glasgow were also contacted by email. The message highlighted the draft vision and masterplan, provided links to the consultation website, and offered a presentation on the Wetland Park to council Area Committees, Community Councils or other local community networks. Full hard copies of the draft masterplan were provided to Councillors, community councils and other community representatives on request. Landowners One key group of stakeholders was landowners and tenants within the proposed park boundary. A land ownership contact database and GIS database has been developed for the proposed Wetland Park area. This has been developed in 3 stages: - Information from North Lanarkshire and Glasgow City Councils’ Land and Property Gazeteer; - Contact information from the National Farmers Union Scotland; - A title search through Registers of Scotland. Letters highlighting publication of the vision and masterplan have been sent to all identified owners/tenants of agricultural land within the proposed park boundary. Full hard copies of the draft masterplan were sent to landowners on request. Some gaps in land ownership / title information remain within the proposed boundary. Further research will be undertaken to identify and contact landowners. Newsletters and media The vision and masterplan consultation and associated events were also promoted through newsletters and partner publications. Information was included in internal bulletins in Glasgow City and North Lanarkshire councils, and in North Lanarkshire News. Communication at this stage primarily focussed on organisations and community networks and communication to the wider public was not a high priority. However, where opportunities arose, information on the vision and masterplan consultation was included in local publications.


2. Context

3. Constraints & Opportunities

1. Boundaries North Lanarkshire Council

This section sets out the proposed boundary for the Seven Lochs Wetland Park. It aims to help people understand the site by looking at its relationship to other large parks in Scotland, and to surrounding communities. It examines current and past land use, describes the area’s lochs and burns, and looks at what is special about the area’s wildlife, landscape and history.

Is the proposed boundary right? Are there areas that should / should not be included as part of the Wetland Park?

This section examines the key factors that inform the approach to developing the Wetland Park. It looks at development proposals within and around the proposed park. It examines transport infrastructure, and how people currently access and use the area, both positively and negatively. It looks at the relationship between public and private land, and maps existing habitat networks across the area.


4. The Vision

1. Significant Factors

Are there any other significant factors affecting the development of the Wetland Park?

1. The Vision

What do you think of the vision and strategy for the Wetland Park? Are there other objectives or priorities that should be included?

This chapter sets out the vision and strategy for the creation of the Wetland Park. It describes how the vision and strategy were developed, and provides examples from elsewhere that helped inform this. It looks at how people will engage with the park, and identifies 7 clusters associated with the lochs and existing communities. It also identifies where there are opportunities to expand existing habitat networks, including the core wetland area, and looks at where new habitat can be created.


The Vision - Create a new wetland park of national significance. - Deliver, manage and sustain a high quality innovative wetland environment. - Protect and enhance the biodiversity of the area as a national resource. - Promotes the general health and wellbeing of both visitors and residents alike. - Contributes to the environmental, economic and social regeneration of the area.


Glasgow City Council

8.6 km

Fig. 2.09 Glasgow City Council / North Lanarkshire Council Boundary

Fig. 2.10 Surrounding communities


Fig. 3.10 Evidence of tyre burning on Rogerfield Road, West Maryston

Public Glasgow City Council Public North Lanarkshire Council

2. Heritage


Are there other precedents that could help inform the development of the park?

1 Frankfield Loch

Johnston Loch

2. Precedents

Fig. 4.04 Dearne Valley, England - RSPB

Do any of the factors identified seriously impact upon the development of the area as a nationally significant Wetland Park?


Garnqueen Loch

Fig. 4.01 Visions of the wetland park

Fig. 3.09 Access and awareness factors

2. Impact

Privateownership known Private ownership unknown

Are there other important historical or heritage features that are important in the area? Johnston Loch

Fig. 4.06 Dulwich Boardwalk,London

Garnqueen Loch




Gartloch Pools


Woodend Loch Hogganfield Loch


Fig. 4.03 Vestvagoy - Lofoten Islands, Norway Fig. 4.05 Boardwalk - Ontario, Canada

Bishop Loch

Fig. 2.40 Gartloch Hospital

Fig. 2.46 Glenboig Fireclay Works


Gartloch Pools

Bishop Loch

Woodend Loch

4.8 km

Lochend Loch

Hogganfield Loch




Lochend Loch

Fig. 2.31 Gartcosh Steelworks

Fig. 2.30 Gartcosh Steelworks

Fig. 2.47 Monkland Canal

Fig. 2.45 Provan Hall

Fig. 3.13 Land ownership

5 Bothlin Burn

M73 Fig. 2.08 The site



Johnston Loch

Garnqueen Loch


Hogganfield Loch

Bothlin Burn Gartloch Pools 3


5 Bishop Loch

Woodend Loch

4 Lochend Loch

3. Clusters

Fig. 6.27 Proposed boardwalk from Gartcosh through new wetland area towards Bishop Loch

What can be done to minimise the impacts, or maximise the opportunity, associated with the factors identified?


2 Frankfield Loch


Fig. 4.08 Flanders Moss - viewing platform affording views across the boglands

Fig. 3.05 Combined Infrastructure

3. Action

Fig. 2.49 - 1_Hogganfield Loch

3. Water

Are there important water bodies or burns that we have missed?


Are the cluster areas a helpful way of planning and promoting a park of this size? 1

6 Johnston Loch

Fig. 3.01 Planned developments in and around the wetland park


Robroyston CGA


Easterhouse (North)

Advised community growth area build plot


Garthamlock CGA


Easterhouse (South)


Gartcosh CGA


Glenboig CGA

Private housing developments Business and commercial developments

2 6



Garnqueen Loch



Community growth areas


Frankfield Loch


Bishop Loch

Woodend Loch



Hogganfield Loch




Gartloch Pools Lochend Loch


Fig. 2.57 Water Vole

Fig. 2.58 Water Rail

Heathfield Moss

Have we got the proposals for new habitat areas right? Are there any opportunities we have missed?

Johnston Loch Garnqueen Loch

Frankfield Loch



Gartloch Pools


Easterhouse (north) CGA

4. Habitat Areas

Existing pondscape at Gartcosh LNR

Cardowan Moss

Proposed private housing developments

reeds to Gartloch Pools

Advised community growth area build plot

Glenboig CGA

Fig. 4.18 Identify 7 cluster areas associated with lochs and existing communities

Fig. 4.21 Cluster strategy

Areas identified for community growth (CGAs)

Gartcosh CGA


Fig. 3.18 Indicative flooding illustrated with dark blue tone

new wetland area


Are there other important or protected species and habitats in the area?

community woodland

Fig. 2.48 Hydrological flow and flooding - areas prone to flooding shown in darker shade of blue

4. Species

wild flower meadow


Bishop Loch Woodend Loch

5. Accessing the Park

Fig. 3.14 - Extent of proposed CGAs and private developments in and around the proposed wetland park.

Fig. 2.12 Hogganfield Loch

6. Engaging with the Park

1. Gateways

What do you think of the proposed access points and gateways? Are they in the right place, and what facilities are needed at these gateways?

The Wetland Park needs a strong, clear identity. This section looks at access points and gateways to the park, and how these can help attract both local communities and visitors to use and understand the park. It looks at where existing paths and routes can be improved, and new paths created, to encourage walking, cycling and horse-riding within the park, and at the development of ‘green fingers’ which will connect the park to surrounding communities and to wider access networks.

This section looks at the cluster areas proposed in chapter 4 in more detail. Each cluster is centred on one of the area’s water bodies, and incorporates one of the proposed gateways. Each cluster area is described, together with proposed entrances, new visitor facilities and access routes, and habitat creation and management is examined. Individually each cluster acts as a focus for local community involvement, whilst together they add up to a new visitor attraction that is greater than the sum of its parts.


Fig. 3.11 Graffiti and tagging, Commonhead Road

Fig. 4.29 Existing Habitat Areas

Do you think we have got the cluster areas right? Are these the areas of the park that communities within each cluster make use of?




Gartloch Farm release site new wetland area

Garthamlock CGA 1:5,500

Fig. 7.03 Gathamlock CGA

Fig. 7.30 Proposed Local Nature Reserve

3. Good Practice

Can you suggest examples of good practice that could inform the approach at the Wetland Park?

Will the clusters work well together to create a new park of national significance?


Easterhouse (south) CGA

Drumpellier Country Park

Commonhead Moss

woodland to Craigend


Please note - this consultation in not intended to examine the location of proposed developments. It focuses on the proposals for the design of planned development within the Wetland Park boundary. Consultation on the location and scale of development will be undertaken by the Planning Authorities in Glasgow and North Lanarkshire.

Fig. 2.04 Scotland’s Regional and National Parks

3. Significance

What do you think of the proposed paths and routes? Are there other connections that could be made?



National Park Central Scotland Green Network

2. Paths & Routes


Open Water


Regional Park

Fig. 6.22 Proposed picnic stop located on the northern edge of Bishop Loch

Fig. 7.09 swale ‘green street’, Sweden

Gartloch Pool - proposed LNR

Proposed LNR Boundary

This section looks in more detail at the new developments identified in chapter 3. Up to 4300 new homes are planned for the Gartloch Gartcosh area over the next 10 – 15 years, and the Wetland Park masterplan proposes that a number of new developments are incorporated into the Wetland Park. Each development is examined in detail, and the plan presents an outline design which looks at how the development could be integrated with the surrounding landscape, and at opportunities to create new greenspace and green networks linked to development.



Fig. 6.36 Depiction of a proposed refurbished Gartcosh community gateway

Fig. 4.30 Proposed New Habitat Areas

7. Community Growth

1. Communities

Seven Lochs Wetland Park

Fig. 6.11 Proposed Stepps gateway visitor facility and viewing tower, with associated refurbished retail units

woodland to West Maryston

Fig. 2.62 Reed Bunting

Hogganfield Park Fig. 2.61 Roe Deer

Lochend Loch

woodland to Todds Well

Fig. 2.60 Meadow Brown woodland to Cardowan Moss

Fig. 2.59 Great Crested Newt

7 Glenboig







4 Hogganfield


Provan Hall


Drumpellier The Bridge

Fig 5.11 Principal East - West route

Fig. 5.16 Proposed Routes


Fig. 6.04 Cluster 1

Fig. 6.34 Proposed crannog cafe situated on Lochend Loch

3. Path Users

Fig. 7.16 allotments, Berwick-Upon-Tweed

Fig. 7.13 Easterhouse (south) CGA

2. Opportunities

Railway line M80 / A80 Glasgow - Stirling M73 / M74 Cumbernauld - Carlisle M8 Greenock - Edinburgh

How should we integrate path provisions for different types of path user?


Fig 5.01 Identity schematic - community education and recreation


Fig. 4.20 Enhance connectivity with existing and new transport links

Fig. 6.23 Cluster 4

Fig. 6.07 Proposed Frankfield viewing platform


Fig. 7.01 Community growth area locations

Fig. 2.01 Wider connectivity - significant settlements with direct access to the park boundary via road or rail

Glenboig (North Lanarkshire Council)

Livingston Bathgate

Gateway building

Easterhouse south (Glasgow City Council)

Coatbridge Motherwell

Cycle route adjacent to road

Easterhouse north (Glasgow City Council)

Cumbernauld Greenock

Cycle route on road


Gartcosh (North Lanarkshire Council)

Secondary route : pedestrian and cycle

City of Edinburgh Falkirk

Gartloch (Glasgow City Council)


Principal route : pedestrian and cycle

City of Glasgow

Fig. 6.01 Cluster locations

Garthamlock (Glasgow City Council)


Fig. 5.02 Gateway locations

Fig. 7.11 retention pond

What do you think of the outline designs? Are opportunities for creation of new habitat, greenspace and green networks linked to development missed?



4. Extended Network

Are there other wider paths and routes that the Wetland Park should connect to?

2. Proposals

What general principles do you think should underpin new development within the Wetland Park?


ATTACH YOUR COMMENTS HERE Easterhouse green corridor/ Blairtummock Alexandra Park

Monkland Canal route


Drumpellier/ Coatbridge/ Summerlee

Fig. 6.31 Cluster 5

Baillieston CGA

8. Implementation & action plan

Fig. 7.15 swale ‘green street’, Malmo, Sweden

1. Development Principles

What do you think of the proposals for each cluster?

Robroyston wetland

Fig 5.17 Wayfinding - strategic signage locations

Fig. 7.10 community garden, Tramway, Glasgow

Principal route: pedestrian and cycle Loch / waterbody / watercourse Wetland Woodland Sparse woodland

This section examines how the vision for the Wetland Park can be brought to life. It looks at how the proposals set out in the masterplan can be implemented in 3 phases, with a final implementation phase linked to development proposals. It also links the Wetland Park vision to more detailed aims and objectives for the park, and sets out key elements of an action plan to take forward development of the park.

Entry point 1


Hogganfield visitor gateway and pontoon

12 Gartloch bird hide and viewing tower


14 Gartloch Pools Local Nature Reserve



16 Community woodland 20 Bishop Bothy

Phase 1

Fig. 8.01 Phase 1

Secondary route: pedestrian and cycle

1 2

Loch / waterbody / watercourse


Wetland Woodland Green finger - extended route

Alexandra Park - green finger Robroyston wetland Frankfield Loch Local Nature Reserve


Bishop Loch picnic stop


Reedbed board walk


Bothlin wetland reserve

Extended Route network


Gartcosh dipping pond

Replanted hedgerows


Summerlee Heritage Park

Entry point 3

Provan Hall visitor gateway


The Bridge visitor gateway


Glenboig visitor gateway

Phase 2

Fig. 8.02 Phase 2

Secondary cycle route adjacent to road Loch / waterbody / watercourse Secondary cycle route within road Extended route network Easterhouse integral green corridor Fig. 8.05 All phases

Entry point Planted bridge



Stepps viewing tower and visitor gateway


Gartcosh visitor gateway


Drumpellier visitor gateway


Easterhouse integral green corridor


Green bridge


Crannog cafe

Phase 3

Fig. 8.03 Phase 3

Secondary route: pedestrian and cycle Loch/ waterbody/ watercourse


Bailieston community growth area


Gartcosh / Glenboig community growth area


Easterhouse (south) community growth area

- Gartcosh

Wetland Woodland Green finger- extended route Allotments Wildflower meadow


Easterhouse (north) community growth area




Gartcosh/ Glenboig community growth area - Glenboig

Extended route network Replanted hedgerow Entry point 7

Frankfield Loch Nature Reserve


Garthamlock community growth area


Wildflower meadow

10 Konik pony grazing 11 Easterhouse Regeneration Road Fig . 8.04 Phase CGA

15 Blairtummock and associated gardens

Phase CGA

Illustrative overview of the 9 presentation boards used in consultations Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities





Stakeholder consultation and discussion Meetings and presentations The project team met with, and where required gave presentations to, a number of key stakeholder groups. A short powerpoint presentation on the Wetland Park and the masterplan proposals was prepared. This aimed to communicate the main elements of the vision and masterplan, encourage discussion, and highlight opportunities to provide more detailed feedback. Meetings / presentations included; - Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP) technical group. - Glasgow East Health Network. - Central Scotland Forest Trust North Lanarkshire Forum. - N.E. Area Committee (Glasgow City). - Bishop’s Estate Steering Group (the Development Officer is now a member of this steering group). - Glasgow City and North Lanarkshire Ranger Services. - Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire – Coatbridge local area network. - Glasgow East Arts Company. - Glasgow Building Preservation Trust / Friends of Provan Hall. - BTCV Scotland / Glasgow Life. - The Waterways Trust. - Friends of Glasgow’s Local Nature Reserves. - Family Action in Rogerfield and Easterhouse (FARE). - Friends of Provan Hall. - Glenboig Neighbourhood House.

01 14/15

Consultation events and workshops Consultation events and workshops were used to allow a wider range of stakeholders to find out about the vision and masterplan and to encourage comments and feedback. Events held during the consultation period have included: - Drop in workshop at Gartcosh Community Centre. - Workshop linked to Christmas Fair at Glenboig Community Centre. - Lunchtime seminars at Blairtummock House (Easterhouse) and at 229 George St (Glasgow City Council). The project team felt that formal presentation was not the best way to communicate the plan at these events, and that a more interactive approach was needed. A series of A0 boards were prepared to present a summary of the masterplan – drawing mainly on the maps and diagrams – and raise key consultation questions for each chapter. The boards linked to information on the consultation website, with two boards showing the proposed extent of the park and the overall masterplan, and seven boards summarising chapters 2 – 8 of the masterplan. People attending events were encouraged to respond to the questions using ‘post it’ notes. A3 copies of each chapter of the masterplan allowed people to read the plan in more detail. Feedback booklets, summarising the chapters and giving the key consultation questions and spaces for responses, were developed and distributed at workshops and events. The design for these drew on the draft masterplan and consultation website to ensure a clear link between the various communication products. Full copies of the masterplan were provided on request.


Community consultation, Glenboig Community Centre, December 2011

Community consultation, Glenboig Community Centre, December 2011 - comments from participants

Consulting the community, landowners, businesses and local authorities

01 16/17

Site visits Site visits with stakeholders were organised where opportunities arose, including: - Site visit with Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Wetlands Advisor and Area Officer. - Site visit with Aileen Campbell MSP (then Minister for Local Government and Planning), Central Scotland Green Network, Forestry Commission Scotland and SNH. Further site visits are planned with key stakeholders to look in more detail at issues raised in the consultation. Community councils All active Community Councils in and around the Wetland Park were contacted with information about the consultation, and offering a presentation. To date the following have been visited; Feedback booklet

- Gartloch Community Council (Glasgow City) - Stepps Community Council (North Lanarkshire) - Coatbridge Community Forum (North Lanarkshire) The Coatbridge Community Forum has now established a sub-group to work with us to identify further action along the route of the Monklands Canal. A further presentation is planned with the Northern Corridor Community Forum (also North Lanarkshire).

Lunchtime seminar at Glasgow City Council Planning


Railway at Gartcosh from A752

Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan

02 18/19


Results of the consultation Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan.


The process of revising the masterplan document Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan


Consultation Findings Introduction The consultation was successful in reaching many of the stakeholders identified, and generated very useful feedback, including new information to be incorporated into the vision and masterplan. The consultation provided an opportunity to talk to stakeholders about the proposed Wetland Park in more detail, and helped identify opportunities for the Development Officer and Community Engagement Officer to work in partnership with others to further develop and implement the masterplan proposals. The vision and masterplan was discussed with representatives from over 30 organisations and over 100 people attended consultation events. Over the consultation period the Seven Lochs Wetland Park webpage received over 750 hits. The number of visits to the GCV website which included views of the Wetland Park pages increased significantly from 70 in August / September to 380 in October and November, with the Wetland Park video viewed almost 60 times. In total 15 online forms were submitted. Further written responses were submitted by:


Further Consultation Required While the level of participation in the consultation has generally been good, there are a number of key stakeholder groups where communication and engagement effort is still needed; - Community groups and networks – particularly in Glasgow City. - Landowners. Further work over the coming months will target these groups. The following sections outline the main consultation feedback for each chapter. A detailed summary of comments is given in the appendix. Notes from consultation events, on-line submissions and written comments available from GCV Green Network partnership.

- SEPA. - MGSDP. - Friend’s of Glasgow’s LNRs. - North Lanarkshire Greenspace Development. - Central Scotland Forrest Trust.


General Overall consultees were positive about the vision and masterplan proposals. The potential to create a new outdoor attraction based around the seven lochs was recognised by public sector and voluntary organisations working in the area, and by groups representing communities living in and around the proposed park area. The visual elements and maps within the document were appreciated as they helped set out the vision and proposals clearly. Consultees felt that the balance between the different elements of the plan, i.e. habitat enhancement, access and engagement and development, were well balanced. Some restructuring of the plan to help highlight the overall vision and strategy was suggested.

Chapter 1 - Approach A number of respondents highlighted the need to update the policies and strategies which inform the masterplan, including: - Update references to GCV Strategic Development Plan and Local Development Plans for both GCC and NLC - Include Final Core Path Plans for GCC and NLC Chapter 2 - Context The scale of the project, both in terms of the size of the proposed park and the scale of ambition were noted, and many respondents felt the case for the Wetland Park was strong. The level of ambition was generally welcomed, although this was often linked to a question on where the resources to deliver a project of this scale will come from. An observation made by some stakeholders was that while the vision and masterplan presents ‘what’ the wetland park vision is, it does not set out ‘how’ this will be realised. The need to update this section to link to the publication of the Gartloch Garcosh Hydrological Study and Surface Water Management Strategy was noted. More generally the importance of water management and ‘putting water first’ was highlighted as crucial, particularly because the area is the headwaters for a number of burns that then drain through existing communities. A number of important water bodies and waterways need to be added to masterplan maps. The consultation has highlighted the need for a clearer link to local and Scottish Biodiversity Action Plans. Other key species noted were: - Green hairstreak butterfly. - Badger. - Overwintering wildfowl – Graylag geese, Widgeon, Whooper swan. Historical maps of the area could be included in this section. Further heritage features identified are: - Crannog at Bishop Loch. - Vulcan – first iron-hulled boat. Replica is at Summerlee Heritage Centre. - Mining – i.e. Cardowan Colliery.

Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan

02 22/23

Chapter 3 - Constraints and Opportunities Most comments on this chapter focussed on development within the Wetland Park. The need for very careful assessment of the impact of development, and clear guidance for development of GCAs, was noted. Careful consideration as to how developments are linked to the park was highlighted as crucial to ensuring that development engages positively with the park to enhance habitats, access networks and the wider landscape. Plans should ensure areas of development are clearly shown. Respondents also noted a need to manage ‘stalled spaces’ within and around the Wetland Park, i.e. Gartloch Hospital and sites in Easterhouse.

Chapter 4 - The Vision The vision was generally supported, with no comments suggesting this should be revised. Some further precedents, such as Dams to Darnley Country Park, were noted.

Some respondents questioned the inclusion of Gartloch Farm as a housing site as it is currently stalled. However, GCC noted that this proposal is ‘minded to grant’ subject to the signing of a Section 75 Agreement. Any revised proposal would be expected to comply with updated policy guidance.

Chapter 5 - Accessing the Park The opportunity to update this section with more information about access in and around the park was noted by a number of respondents. This included updating the plan to reflect final Core Path Plans in GCC and NLC, including further information on designated Rights of Way, and making reference to ‘access for all’. The proposed routes were supported, and a number of additional routes and wider links were identified; - Route from Bishop Loch to Drumpellier via Lochwood Farm. - Route north from Commonhead Moss to Lochwood Rd. - Off-road link from Glenboig to Drumpellier Country Park. - Link to Gadloch through Stepps. - More detailed information on green fingers, and the inclusion of further green fingers and wider access networks, i.e. cycle paths around Coatbridge, path network around Stepps.

Some respondents felt the potential impact of the Easterhouse Regeneration Route on the Park should be more thoroughly examined in the plan. More broadly there is a need to draw more information about proposals in / around the Wetland Park from local plan maps in Glasgow and North Lanarkshire. Other respondents noted the need to work with landowners to implement the masterplan. The plan to highlight priorities for working with landowners, or (if the opportunity arises) where land should be brought into public ownership. Changes to land ownership as a result of current and planned development, could be examined in more detail. Many comments noted the good transport infrastructure around the Wetland Park and the opportunity this offers. Additional and proposed new railway stations should be included on the maps, as should Sustrans routes. Fragmentation and loss of habitat was also highlighted. Habitat Network opportunities mapping – for wetland, grassland and woodland - should be included in this section. The link between habitat management and expansion and wider ecosystem services was also noted. In particular the opportunity to look at the wider, downstream impacts of wetland habitat management, particularly where this links to wider government priorities on flooding, catchment management and climate change, was highlighted. There is an opportunity to work with SEPA and the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership on this.

Additional opportunities identified for habitat enhancement and expansion included; - More species rich grassland. - Wetland opportunities east of M73. - Woodland / grassland network through wood pasture. - Additional hedgerows associated with development proposals and access networks.

Proposals for gateways were generally supported, although developing and sustaining seven individual gateways was questioned by a number of respondents. The need for some gateways to include ‘Wetland Park staff’ to help people engage positively with the Wetland Park was noted. The proposed new visitor gateway at Provan Hall / Auchinlea Park was the focus for most comments. While a new facility here was generally welcomed, some concerns were raised over the extent to which planned development will cut this area off from the rest of the Wetland Park.


The process of revising the masterplan map Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan

Š Crown copyright and database right 2011. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100032510.

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Chapter 6 - Engaging with the park The proposal for cluster areas was welcomed, although a number of responses suggested greater overlap between clusters to avoid issues of territorialism. Chapter 7 – Community growth Most of the comments on development and the CGAs were made in chapter 03 – constraints and opportunities. Further, more detailed comments relating to development within the park were: - Use of sustainable building methods and materials - Reference to the Surface Water Management Strategy report and the requirement for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) to be included. - The need for development within the Wetland Park to include affordable housing and a mix of tenures, although GCC noted that they have no affordable housing requirement as part of the CGA programme. - Opportunity for Easterhouse South CGA to create a new water feature along the route of Monklands canal. Chapter 8 – Implementation and action plan Most comments relating to this section focussed on the need for the vision and masterplan to be linked to a clear development Plan or Business Plan and funding strategy for the Wetland Park. The vision and masterplan sets out an ambitious and wide ranging programme, but some respondents noted a gap between the vision and the ‘means to realise this on the ground’.

Masterplan Proposals Map The consultation has highlighted a number of areas to be removed from the proposed area of the Wetland Park, and a number of suggestions for further areas to be included. The exclusions were all minor, and relate to areas which have been, or are being, developed. Some of the suggestions for areas that could be included are more substantial. They include: - Land between Hogganfield and the Glasgow to Stepps railway line – to expand the proposed green finger there. - All the CGAs around Gartcosh and Glenboig, including land between the two settlements and land along the Bothlin Burn to Garncaval Quarry. - Land north of Townhead to the North and East of Drumpellier Country Park. - Land along the Monklands canal to Blairbridge. Other suggested changes proposed to the proposals map are to: - Incorporate more information from local plan maps. - Include more areas of current and proposed wetland habitat. - Include other access points to the park, particularly where associated with public transport. - Include further opportunities for locations for activity within the proposed park, i.e. mountain biking, access to water.


The process of revising the masterplan document Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan

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Revision of the Masterplan Introduction The Project Team met twice to review the consultation findings and discuss the issues raised. The first meeting focussed on feedback from consultation meetings and workshops, whilst the second meeting looked at written feedback and responses submitted online. This section sets out those issues / comments raised in the consultation that require further discussion with the Gartloch Gartcosh Strategic Delivery Partnership, and with other delivery partners. Amendments and updates agreed by the Project Team are listed in the appendix. Issues to discuss with SDP Park boundary A number of significant changes were suggested in the consultation. The most significant changes relate to the boundary within NLC. An extension west from Hogganfield park within GCC was also suggested. The SDP now needs to review and finalise the proposed park boundary. Development proposals The potential impact of development on the Wetland Park vision is significant, and there was concern in the consultation that this was underplayed in the masterplan – particularly with regard to the Easterhouse Regeneration Route and the development at Gartloch Farm. Also, the GCC Main Issues Report Spatial Regeneration map also indicates that further land within / around the Wetland Park could be released for housing.

Approach to implementing the vision and masterplan While the scope and scale of the vision was recognised and welcomed by respondents, a number also noted a ‘gap between the vision…. and the means to realise this’. Some stakeholders felt that the vision and masterplan needed to provide more information about how the masterplan proposals would be resourced and implemented. It should be noted that a Development Report which examined the structures and funding strategy to support delivery was prepared alongside the vision and masterplan, but was not included in the consultation process. This was for two reasons: 1. The SDP felt that further ‘internal’ discussion was needed on the approach to developing the park. 2. It was important that this first phase of consultation and engagement focussed on ‘what’ was proposed rather that how it would be implemented. Feedback from stakeholders on the need for a clear approach to developing the Park should be taken into account by the SDP and GCV Green Network Partnership in developing the approach to delivery. Key points made in the consultation included: - Aim for a 20 year implementation strategy with partner commitment to this. - Need to make a stronger link to stand alone Business plan. - Opportunities to develop social enterprise to support delivery should be explored. - Need a clear framework to develop community involvement and active participation. Unless the strategy for developing the park addresses these issues a number of consultees felt that the sustainability of the park was at risk.

The SDP and GCV Green Network Partnership need to consider; - Further information to be included in the masterplan to demonstrate how the impact of development on the Wetland Park vision will be minimised – particularly with regard to impacts on habitat networks. - Whether any development is incompatible with the vision; - The extent to which any further development could be accommodated within the Wetland Park.


Provan Hall gateway The Provan Hall gateway is one of the most significant proposals linked to the Wetland Park – a multi-million pound project part funded through developer contributions. If successful, the new centre will play a major role in the development of the Wetland Park. Similarly, the development of the Wetland Park is a major factor in the success of the new visitor centre. However, the regeneration of the park and the development of the new visitor centre has to date been led by the Bishop’s Estate Steering Group, and will be taken forward through the creation of a Community Trust that will take responsibility for Auchinlea Park, Provan Hall and the proposed Wetland Park Gateway Centre, and which will operate separately from the Wetland Park. In addition a number of developments, including the Easterhouse Regeneration Route are planned between Auchinlea Park and the ‘wetland core’ of the Wetland Park. Consultation comments also highlighted the extent to which the footprint of these developments risks separating the proposed Gateway Centre ‘physically’ from the wetlands. There is limited scope for environmental enhancement / wetland creation within and around Auchinlea Park, and some consultees questioned the ‘wetland’ visitor offer that could therefore be made there. The SDP and GCV Green Network Partnership need to consider: - The risk that proposed gateway at Provan Hall could become separated – both strategically and physically – from the Wetland Park, and actions required to minimise these risks. - What is required to ensure close co-ordination of the Provan Hall and Wetland Park projects.

Findings from the consultation and changes to the masterplan

Bishop’s Estate Access Project Alongside the consultation on the Wetland Park vision and masterplan, Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) undertook stakeholder questionnaires / interviews to review the Bishop’s Estate Access Project (BEAP). The Review Report notes that awareness of the Wetland Park was mixed, but that there was overwhelming agreement from stakeholders that the BEAP and Wetland Park projects should be ‘merged or better co-ordinated’. In finalising the Wetland park vision and masterplan the GCV Green network partnership and the SDP need to: - Consider how plans for the woodlands within the BEAP, and other managed sites, are merged with the Wetland Park masterplan; - Examine how delivery of the Wetland Park and BEAP projects can be better coordinated to ensure it is efficient and effective.

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Issues to discuss with other partners Landowners A number of respondents highlighted the need to work with landowners to develop and implement the vision and masterplan. Over half of the Wetland Park is privately owned, and while some of the proposals made in the masterplan focus on publicly owned land, many will require the co-operation and support of private landowners. Land ownership in the area is a mix of marginal agriculture, leisure activities (i.e. horse riding) and development aspiration. It is therefore important that potential conflicts between development, land management and habitat protection / management, and issues linked to poor (or no) land management, are addressed. Engagement of landowners with the consultation was poor, and further work is needed to investigate; - Opportunities for leisure activities / business development within the Wetland Park. - Opportunities to work in partnership with landowners on applications to the Scottish Rural Development Programme, both for land management and business development. Further work is underway to identify and contact all landowners within the Wetland Park boundary, and all land owners will be sent information about the findings of the consultation, the revision and finalisation of the vision and masterplan, and the opportunities the creation of the Wetland Park can create. SEPA / MGSDP The consultation has emphasised the importance of sustainable water management and ‘putting water first’ in the Wetland Park masterplan. While the Hydrological Study and Surface Water Management Strategy developed alongside the vision and masterplan provides a lot of detailed information which can be referred to in the masterplan, they focus on surface water management and flood risk within the Wetland Park. Consultation has highlighted that there is an opportunity to also look at the role that surface water and wetland habitat management within the Wetland Park area could play in reducing flood risk further down the catchments. This links to wider objectives of the MGSDP and Scottish Government. Both SEPA and MGSDP have indicated a willingness to work with Wetland Park partners to investigate these issues in more detail.

Glenboig Neighbourhood House Glenboig Neighbourhood House (GNH) runs a wide range of activities that aims to meet the needs of the community as a whole. They were very closely involved in developing the Glenboig Village Park, which includes Garnqueen Loch, helping to secure almost £450,000 to regenerate the park. They regularly run activities at Gartcosh LNR. Since 2009 they have been working on a project to establish a Life Centre adjacent to Garnqueen Loch. The Life Centre will provide space for community events and educational activities, and will include a café / restaurant. Plans for the centre have been drawn up, and business planning and fundraising is underway. The Life Centre could be an important gateway to the Wetland Park, providing a hub for a range of activities to encourage people to get involved in the park through, for example, volunteering, education and training programmes. As at Provan Hall / Auchinlea Park there is a need to look at how to ensure close co-ordination of the Glenboig Life Centre and Wetland Park projects. British Waterways / Waterways Trust The consultation highlighted an opportunity to work with the Waterways Trust on the development of a green finger along the route of the Monklands canal, to link the Wetland Park with the centre of Coatbridge, Summerlee Heritage Centre and Coatbridge Sunnyside railway station. A number of respondents suggested a more ambitious project to investigate the feasibility of creating a new water body along route of the old Monklands canal – extending the currently open section westwards. This could be linked to the Easterhouse South CGA, the southern boundary of which follows the line of the canal. Community Councils Discussions with Community Councils in Coatbridge, Stepps and Gartloch, and with Glenboig Neighbourhood House, all highlighted the importance of local access to people. At all of these meetings opportunities to enhance and expand path networks were raised. Given this interest there may be scope for the Wetland Park to lead / co-ordinate a project working with Community councils and other access NGOs – i.e. Sustrans / Paths for All / Scottish Ramblers - on a project to further develop access networks. This would need to be linked to the work with landowners noted above.


Existing residential area from proposed gateway at Stepps Discussion and Actions

03 30/31


Next steps Further discussion and action for the development of the masterplan


The process of revising the masterplan map Discussion and Actions

Š Crown copyright and database right 2011. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100032510.


Next Steps


The Gartloch Gartcosh Green Network Development Officer, supported by the Wetland Park Community Engagement Officer, will now; - Discuss the consultation findings and emerging issues with the SDP. - Discuss and finalise the proposed park boundary with GCC and NLC. - Undertake further consultation and engagement with landowners. - Undertake further consultation and engagement with community groups in / around the proposed park – including a mapping workshop. - Work with SEPA / MGSDP to examine opportunities for the Wetland Park to reduce flood risk and improve water management out-with the proposed park boundary. - Finalise the Wetland Park vision and masterplan in partnership with the SDP and Collective Architecture, and present to council committees in GCC and NLC. The expected timescale for these tasks is April – September 2012, with the final vision and masterplan being taken to council committees in September / October 2012.


Monklands Canal - Coatbridge Discussion and Actions

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Appendix - Revisions to the masterplan Alterations and additions to the masterplan as a result of the consultation process.


Revisions to the masterplan as a result of the consultation process Further to the completion of the consultation events and presentations, two meetings were held between Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership and Collective Architecture to discuss all the issues that had been raised. The first meeting focused on feedback from the consultation events, whilst the second meeting was concerned with written feedback and website response. This appendix summarises the changes which the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership have agreed should be incorporated into the final masterplan document, in order to reflect the outcomes of the consultation process. At each of the two meetings, an A0 masterplan map was overmarked to indicate the proposed changes.

Revisions to the masterplan

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General - Re-order report to show vision chapter at start of report. To be discussed in more detail with GCVGNP. - Update all diagrams to show potential revisions to boundary and potential changes to the shape and size of the clusters. - Highlight more strongly issues to do with fragmentation, as a result of the proposed Easterhouse Regeneration Route, detailing how the road would be a significant barrier for less mobile species. - Highlight need for sensitive design for housing with CGAs. - Highlight opportunity at Gartcosh Business centre for an amenity and positive relationship with business. - Highlight opportunity for temporary greening of business centre site. - Include context of local development plan - Main Issues Report. - Include road and rail as existing landscape restrictions. - Consider views of water from main access gateway into park from Glasgow as essential. This may therefore challenge the proposal for Provan Hall to be a gateway and / or will challenge the proposal of CGAs around it. - Refer to latest Provan Hall study by Moffat group. - Make reference to historic flooding issues downstream at Tollcross Burn and Bothlin Burn. - State that the buildings built as part of the Wetland Park should be sustainable. - Consider the design of access routes to minimise disturbance to wildlife. - Note that it is envisaged that the park will work in partnership with private landowners through funding schemes and initiatives. - Consider inclusion of overnight accommodation - within existing buildings including possibility of youth hostel accommodation for visiting groups. - Consider the inclusion of adrenalin type activities. - Emphasise opportunities for green credentials of proposed new buildings and structures. Chapter 1 - Approach Page 12 - changes as follows: - Update Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006 - replace with proposed Strategic Development Plan, which identifies Easterhouse as a key opportunity for the green network. - Update North Lanarkshire Local Plan Executive Summary 2009, will be adopted by the time the final masterplan report is published. - Update Glasgow City Plan 2009, replace with Main Issues Report for Glasgow -

Strategic Development Plan. - Update Glasgow and North Lanarkshire Draft Core Path Plans, may be adopted by the time the masterplan report is published. Chapter 2 - Context - Revisit Sustrans route potential links from park into these. Page 16 - Update map to label Auchinlea pond and to show water bodies to east of Hogganfield Loch. Page 20 Pages 28 & 29 History - changes as follows: - Show crannogs at Bishop Loch and Lochend Loch. - Refer to Bishop’s Palace but do not show its location - Add additional two pages with incorporation of historical maps (weblink from GCVGNP). - Add information relating to Garnkirk via Stepps railway (first passenger railway in Scotland, and the Vulcan boat 1819 (first iron hulled boat). Pages 30 & 31 - Hydrology / water bodies - changes as follows: - Include additional 2 pages to expand this section. - Update waterbodies diagram in relation to figure 4.1 & 4.2 from new hydrology report carried out by Aecom. Include version of catchment diagram 4.2 from Aecom. - Note that the ditch under Avenue End road takes some of the water away from Frankfield Loch. - Show additional water bodies to either side of primary route in Hogganfield Loch. - Show Burginsholme Burn to Coatbridge area (part of Monkland Canal). - Show Bishops Burn, Whamflet Burn and Tollcross Burn as per Aecom diagram 4.2 - Draw in information from the hydrological report / study by AECOM to emphasize the role that the area plays in the hydrological cycle not just locally ,but also on large swathes of North Glasgow including East Dunbartonshire. - Note that the Seven Lochs Wetland Park has the potential to reduce flood risk on a significant scale. The park could therefore deliver and contribute not only to GCVGNP and MGSDP objectives, but also help to deliver Scottish Government objective, including protecting communities at risk of climate change impact. - Add reference to an issue which emerged from the Mouchel report - during the 1 in 200 year flooding even, Woodend Loch and Bishop Loch, which normally drain north east to Bothlin Burn, coalesced into a single body of water and started to drain southwards via Whamflet Burn into Tollcross Burn. - Add new section on climate change adaptation and mitigation. APPENDIX

- The Scottish Government through the Flood Risk Management Act is also encouraging natural flood prevention measures and upper catchment management of water / waterbodies and this could provide real and substantial improvement to downstream communities all across the north of Glasgow in terms of flood reduction. - Note flood risk downstream and to Tollcross Burn which the park will help to mitigate. - Refer to improvements being undertaken by The Waterways Trust Scotland along the route of the Monklands Canal. Pages 34 & 35 Habitat and Species - changes as follows: -Add reference to badgers and wintering Greylag geese to Frankfield Loch. - Note Scottish bluebell as British Blue bell. - Add further references to LBAPs (local biodiversity action plans). Chapter 3 - Constraints and opportunities Pages 38 & 39 Planning context - changes as follows: - Update text to give more emphasis to the ERR. GCVGNP to discuss text relating to ERR and the detrimental effect this will have on the park with GCC. - Refer also to need to manage stalled spaces within the boundary of the park e.g unfinished landscape works around the Gartcosh Hospital site. Temporary greening etc. - Extend text to include reference to the management of the CGA sites within the park and need to ensure these are zoned for development with development guidelines strictly set down before these areas are developed. - Include the development of future developer guidance for the CGAs. - Include more of the proposed development to be developed under the remit / boundary of the wetland park. - Add Coatbridge Central and Blairhill and proposed Millerston / Robroyston railway stations to railway diagram. Page 40 Pages 46 & 47 - Landownership - changes as follows: - Update landownership. - Revise landownership map to include information from registers of Scotland. - Include section examining opportunities / aspirations to bring more land into public ownership linked to development proposals. - Correct area to north of Frankfield Loch to public North Lanarkshire Council. - Update diagram to highlight public areas between proposed CGAs. - Note the need to work in partnership with private landowners through management Revisions to the masterplan

agreements / funding schemes for positive management. - Include better graphic representation of how and why CGAs are to be integrated. - Make reference to Main Issues Report. Page 48 & 49 - Landscape restrictions - changes as follows: - Add text from GCVGNP about fragmentation and loss of habitat due to ERR. This needs to be discussed in more depth with SDP. - Include new two page spread to show Local Development Plan proposals within / around the Wetland Park Pates 50 & 51 Integrated Habitat Network - changes as follows: - Include IHN map showing expansion opportunities of woodland habitat as well. However, note that wetland and grassland are the priority in the core of the area. - Update Community Growth Areas. GCVGNP to provide IHN information in relation to this. Chapter 4 - The vision Pages 56 & 57 - Precedents - changes as follows: - Replace Kielder Water precedent with Dams to Darnley Country Park. - Add reference to London Wetlands which is a created site. Pages 66 & 67 - Integrated Habitat Network future opportunities - Add information related to woodland habitat to be supplied by GCVGNP.

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Chapter 5 - Accessing the Park Pages 76 & 77 - Gateways - changes as follows: - Note that gateway buildings could / should be staffed by those who positively engage people with the Wetland Park. - Note that the Provanhall visitor facility is being funded by the expansion of The Fort. - Note the concern as to how the visitor facility is related to the park as the entrance to the park at this location is being compressed by housing developments. Pages 82 & 83 - Core paths - changes as follows: - Revise to show adopted core paths (currently only proposed but should be adopted by the time the report is complete). - Add rights of way. Could be incorporated into corepaths or shown as separate map. - Remove reference to cyclists and horses. Make all paths accessible to all. Pages 84 & 85 Pages 90 & 91 - Green fingers - changes as follows: - Drumpellier to Coatbridge and Summerlee. Note that British Waterways intend to open the gates under the bridge at the end of the park during the day time for increased connectivity. - Show Drumpellier viewing platform. - Include cycle route from town centre. General chapter comments: - Highlight the preference for sustainable mixed tenure housing including affordable housing. - Encourage SUDs. Management of surface water at the onset of any core developments should be encouraged. Chapter 6 -Engaging with the park - Make additional reference to Provanhall visitor centre within the report. Pages 104 & 105.

- Add text relating to Blairbridge and Drumpellier viewing platform by British Waterways, and aspirational connection across Monklands canal. - Add text relating to the Gartcosh Business Interchange and the opportunities the park affords this development in terms of amenity, and also increased footfall to park. Chapter 7 - Community Growth - Note water feature to form edge of allotments along route of Monklands canal. Also note Tollcross Burn. Page 128 General chapter comments: - Note that all buildings constructed within the boundary of the park should aim to be sustainable including housing and visitor facilities. - Include North Lanarkshire concept statement for CGAs and supplementary planning guidance notes that NLC are currently developing. - Emphasise the placement / management of surface water at the onset and at the core of the CGAs. This should be highlighted as demonstrated in Aecom’s surface water management strategy report. - Ensure that text clearly shows the careful rational regarding how the CGA’s are to be linked into the park. If the CGA’s go ahead, their inclusion within the park should ensure that they engage positively with the park in terms of safeguarding the existing ecology, wildlife, habitat access, water management on the site and include opportunities for mixed tenure. - Consider impact locally for each development. Developer contributions may form an appendix that looks at the development approach. Chapter 8 - Implementation and action plan - Make reference to possible inclusion of the provision of overnight accommodation within the park. Page 139. - Remove reference to paths exclusively for cyclists or horses. Page 140. - Action Plan - GCVGNP to revise to emphasise stronger link to stand alone business plan. Page 151.

General chapter comments: - Revise clusters to new overlapping variant. - Refer to Bishop’s Palace within section that relates to Provan hall (cluster 3) and Bishop Loch (cluster 4). APPENDIX

New housing adjacent to proposed connection below railway line at Gartcosh

Revisions to the masterplan

Changes to masterplan map as a result of the consultation process 1. Show new school at Coatbridge which is in the boundary of the park. 2. Show Drumpellier golf course (private) adjacent to the park to the north east. 3. Label and show British Waterways new platform at the end of the Monklands Canal. 4. Highlight and label the Monklands Canal route on the plan. 5. Show Monklands Canal extending outwith the boundary of the park. 6. Culverted Tollcross Burn to the left of the Monklands Canal should be shown in the hydrology section water diagram. 7. Indicate West Maryston wood as being an area ideal for mountain biking. 8. Change land designation to bog at the western end of Easterhouse as shown on the SINC designation diagram. 9. Show alternative primary route on plan, which will be in place until all land acquisition issues have been resolved. 10. Highlight Easterhouse Regeneration Route to make it obvious on plan (to match the way the M73 is indicated). 11. Show marsh area to south of primary route to Hogganfield park. 12. Show marsh area to north of primary route to Hogganfield park. 13. Show a circular route around Frankfield Loch and show all as pink route. 14. Show proposed Millerston railway station on map. 15. Highlight route between park and Millerston station as a more important green route. 16. Indicate additional entry point at junction of park and green route to Millerston station. 17. Show an additional secondary route along Lochend Road between proposed Easterhouse northern CGA and Lochend Farm. 18. Indicate Lochwood Farm on the plan. This has been offered up for sale to Glasgow City Council and could form an interpretation visitor facility related to the remains of the Bishop’s Palace. 19. Show the Bishop’s Palace on the map. 20. This land will become GCC owned and is related to proposed North Easterhouse. CGA. Show this area as an extension to Commonhead Moss. 21. Item no 35 in key should be labelled as Coatbridge Golf Course which is municipal. 22. Highlight the ruins of the distillery as a potential visitor attraction. 23. Show secondary route connection into new area of housing and proposed new area of housing to east of Stepps. 24. Boundary may be revised to Heathfield Moss to omit a section. GCVGNP to check. 25. Show a green finger between Glenboig Village Park and Gartcavel quarry and indicate the quarry on the map. 26. Show additional entry point to park about Heathfield Moss.

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27. Show aspirational wind turbine locations to east of M73 below Drumpellier park as highlighted in GCC main issues report and to the south of the Fort. 28. Show Bargeddie church on plan as this is a landmark and highlight in report with image within historical section. 29. Label the Tollcross Burn on the map. 30. Show an aspirational link across railway line back into Drumpeller Park - British Waterways are carrying out works to Monklands Canal to the north of Drumpelier Golf club. 31. Show additional planted bridge labelled 30 to the end of Lochend Road, leading across into road between Lochend and Woodend Lochs. 32. As per community consultation comments, show Lochend Road as a secondary route, with small link to Bishop Palace site. 33. Add new east-west route that has been included in SRDP application. 34. Update map to show boundary of Strathclyde University (to be forwarded by GCVGNP). 35. Show cycling route to Kirkintilloch. 36. Show entry point to park at proposed Millerston / Robroyston Station. Possible developer contributions for route from CGA to park. 37. Show entry point at Muirhead. 38. Show route from Glenboig to Drumpellier. 39. Show Coatbridge cycle path. 40. Show Coatbridge Central railway station. 41. New school to edge of park at Townhead to be included and shown within park boundary. 42. Consider routes to be lit within park from school to surrounding community, particularly to south.


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