3 minute read
Dressage Spirit
Dressage Spirit! by Susan Travis Dressage [dress-ahzh] Noun. The passionate pursuit of perfection by the obsessively imperfect. "Dressage...it's not like trail riding..." “Life is a journey. Dressage is beating your head against a brick wall because it feels SO good when you finally stop.” True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery I couldn’t imagine not working with horses. I think if horses didn’t exist, I would have invented them. ~Klaus Balkenhol Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. ~Mother Teresa
As an Intuitive Counselor, I am often asked about happiness, health, money, relationships, jobs, and pets, so when I was asked what makes some riders (including me) so drawn to dressage while others are on the other end of the spectrum, some even thinking dressage is too complicated and possibly even taxing for the horses, I was pleased to accept the opportunity to share my spiritual perspective on the matter. To accomplish this, I called upon a higher power, a force for perfection that lives within us all, that loves and supports us, and is willing to communicate with us to assist in creating the life we want to live, my Spirit Guides.
My Spirit Guides tell me that this is a time of co-creation on earth, that each of us has learned through many life experiences how to create individually (although it so often feels as if we don’t know), but now we strive to create as like-minded, or like-vibration, human spirits here on earth together–not by accident!
For those who love horses, or any animals for that matter, co-creating with them is a perfect place to start the co-creation learning process. Other human partners can be so opinionated, (as can we), and divergent opinions staunchly defended can make co-creation seem like an uphill battle. Dressage offers the benefits of co-creation without the sometimes-intense struggle we experience with other people. Horses, as a rule, are very willing to work with their partners, strive to please, and unless they are in pain, are quite agreeable about oriented, accomplishment-loving of us, dressage is perfect—there is always a next level, always another goal and always the joy of the journey.
Of course, other activities with horses can be just as intense and goal-oriented and have the potential to create a strong feeling of partnership and love with our horses as well. Joy is the ultimate goal of life; when we feel joy we are one with our Higher Selves, feeling the
same vibration as that of our true selves. Any horse activity that brings joy— trail riding or even ground work and unmounted games— can satisfy the desire to co-create.
Dressage is unique in its complexity of components, not limited to speed or greater speed to which there is a limit, as its goal. In dressage there’s no end to the possibilities of new learning and accomplishment, just layers and layers to joyfully uncover.
Regardless of discipline, when you and your horse have joy in your work, you will have achieved everything.
Enjoy the ride!
About Susan Travis:
A life-long dressage enthusiast and horsewoman, Susan Travis is dedicated to making only the strongest connections with her clients – human and animal, alike.
Wherever you find yourself on your journey, take the time to reflect on what matters most to you. Ask yourself, am I aligned with my desires and purpose? If not, now is the time to create the foundation to reach those goals. Susan is available to offer the insight and clarity you need.
Psychic readings are available by appointment (whitecrest@juno.com / 585-335-3998). Readings are offered over the phone or in-person.
Follow Susan on Facebook: @SusanTravisIntuitiveGuidance