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March 2021 Meeting Highlights
Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association Regular Meeting
March 15, 2021
President Caren Caverly called the regular meeting of the GDCTA to order on March 15, 2021, at 7:03 pm on Zoom.
Secretary, Ashley Boyd, performed roll call. A quorum of the board consisting of Caren Caverly, Joanne Morse, Ashley Boyd, Abigail Kroupa, Carol Tresan, Peter West, Liz Molloy Heather Askew, Janie Pride, Julie Shannon, Jen Scherrens, and Danielle Perry were present. Guests included Mary Lou Freil and Phoebe McNeely. The minutes of the regular meeting for February 15, 2021, were emailed to board members prior to the meeting. Corrections were made. Abi motioned to approve the minutes and Liz seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report – (Peter) Membership renewals are up.
VP Dressage Report – (Abigail) Working on finalizing Laura Graves information.
VP Combined Training – (Joanne) Will have budget for Kim Severson clinic. Will be at Starting Point Farm, with a covered arena and large field for cross country jumping. Melissa Town owner of Starting Point Farm would like to not charge a facility fee in exchange for collaboration from the GDCTA with what she is doing with Bear Creek and upcoming events.
Committee Reports
• Membership Report (Mary Lou): We had a lot of people join last month, 73 total. Close to what we had in April of last year. Caren asked about members who have not joined and whether there is something set up to notify them. Mary Lou replied that June has it set up to send out emails to members the day they need to renew, and then send several reminders after that.
• Communication (Joanne): June is finishing up the newsletter. Next newsletter is April 15th. June said members are opening the emails that are sent out. June 1st is the deadline to have everything in for yearbook.
• Show Committee (Julie): nothing to report
• Finance (Peter): Nothing to report. Caren reported that GumBits is doing a large sponsorship.
• Youth Program (Joanne): Nothing to report from Joanne. Phoebe joined to share about free clinic they would like to put on. They are trying to figure out a way to fundraise. They have tried multiple options without much success. Looking into a trailer wash to see if that would work. They had hoped to host clinic around August of this year so they could have it before Championships, however, will likely not have funds by then. Several recommendations for locations as well as potential clinicians were made. Thinking about potentially doing raffle baskets but concerned about putting more into it then they can get out of it.
• Grants (Janie): The applications are working on the website but there are some glitches so she is working on it with June.
• Education (Julie): Clinic schedule is set. Caren reports Anne Gribbons is scheduled for May 8 and 9th. Caren motioned to accept the budget for the Anne Gribbons clinic. Joanne seconded. Motion Approved. Caren sent out revised budget for Laura Graves budget. Caren motioned to accept the Laura Graves budget, Danielle seconded. Discussion regarding different number of auditors between the two clinics. Motion approved.
Old Business
Email Blasts (Caren): Spring Fling Show, Grants, save the date Dressage4Kids Sept 17-19th at Horse Park.
New Business
Arena usage (Caren): Arena storage: Stored at Beanie Crowe’s facility. They have asked if they can rent one arena from us for clinics and shows. Board discussed rental for exchange in reduction of price for storage. If any damage were done to the arena they would replace them.
Letterman Jackets (Liz Molloy): all jackets have been distributed and the winners are thrilled with them.
Awards: Joanne brought up a Para rider who competes at GDCTA shows wondering if an award would be possible at schooling shows. Caren reported we have a one at recognized level. Danielle said she would like to sponsor that award. Discussion of criteria being the same as special needs rider criteria to win the award. Caren motioned to accept having a Para Award for schooling shows sponsored by Danielle, Julie seconded. Motion approved.
7:49 Liz Molloy motion to adjourn meeting, Danielle seconds. Motion Approved.
Next meeting is April 19, 2021, at 7:00 PM sharp via Zoom. Email Caren caverly at ccaverly@comcast.net to be included in the meeting.

Heather Askew GDCTA Volunteer Coordinator hdraskew@gmail.com 404-272-1789