Graphic Design USA/GDUSA, August 2020

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The creative process takes guts. It’s hard and demands a lot of time. Only true dedication and passion can prepare you for when the right opportunity knocks at your door. Congratulations to those who were ready: the winners of the 2020 Inhouse Design Awards & 2020 Web Design Awards.

1.888.338.4075 |

THE CREATIVE GROUP A Robert Half Company

© 2020 The Creative Group. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. TCG-0220-2217

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Welcome to GDUSA’s 57th anniversary American Inhouse Design Awards edition. It features a showcase of winners of the original and premier competition for inhouse design departments. This year’s competition began as the full impact of the pandemic began to be felt; continued through the national protests, the fraying of the social fabric and the early stages of a divisive election campaign; and, of course, managed to conclude during severe east coast storms and power outages. Yet, it shapes up as among the biggest and certainly best of our Design Annuals. Which strongly suggests that inhouse people are vital, productive, resilient and future-oriented. Or, as is the case here at GDUSA, some mix of crazy and stubborn. GORDON KAYE IS THE PUBLISHER OF GDUSA Comments, suggestions and letters can be sent to gkaye @

I vote for vital, productive, resilient and future-oriented; more on this later. ESPECIALLY SWEET As for the 2020 competition itself, the winning pieces were selected from more than 6,000 entries — just short of a record number — that span the country and touch every segment of the public, private and non-profit sectors. The winning pieces showcase graphic design for commerce and culture at its best by professionals who ably advance their client's objectives and build meaningful value for their organizations, products, services, causes, ideas. The design is smart, it is appealing, it is strategic, it uses the full range of media available. As we have noted before, receiving an American Inhouse Design Award is a triumph on many levels: a personal feat of talent and hard work; a collaborative accomplishment for a team working together to advance an organization’s goals; and a victory for all those who toil inhouse and may not garner the recognition and reward they deserve. For our winners the moment is especially sweet, since the path to a successful design solution is often steeper than for their counterparts at independent agencies. Suffice it to say that working in a corporate setting can trigger existential challenges — measuring the immeasurable value that design and communications add, justifying one’s place to senior management in order to secure the resources and freedom to do the job right, overcome the inherent conservatism of institutions to creative risk, gaining credit and recognition inside and outside, and growing as a professional. The American Inhouse Design Awards program addresses these matters, turns conventional wisdom on its head, declares that the best inhouse work is the stuff of design annuals and — most importantly — a fundamental contribution to the institutional mission and to the audiences served. CONTINUED

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PARADISE NO. PROGRESS YES. In the sweep of design history, it is fair to say that inhouse departments are better situated than ever. Graphic design is understood to play a critical role in the success of products, services, information and ideas, and it is clear that more and more design and marketing departments are successfully pushing against past constraints and converting upper management. As a result, the contribution that design can make is better understood and respected, inhouse positions are considered more attractive, the light often shines on inhouse accomplishments, and inhouse designers are winning a seat at the table if not always the boardroom. Paradise, no. Progress, yes. ALL IN THIS TOGETHER The unfortunate events of 2020 can only speed this upward trajectory. First, inhouse departments have been remarkably agile and adaptable at mastering the technology, infrastructure and managerial resources to make remote working successful. On this, the experts all agree. This has led to surprising degree of productivity, an unexpectedly smooth transition, and a growing consensus that remote, or at least flexible, work is the wave of the future. Inhouse professionals find themselves at the cutting edge of radical workplace change. Second, inhouse departments, at their best, foster consistent collaboration, communications and trust between and among inhouse creative professionals and upper management. These characteristics and practices — collaboration, communication, trust — have proven to be just the soft skill set necessary to promote efficiency and effectiveness at a moment of disruption and challenge. Third, and perhaps most important, an inhouse department’s true value proposition is its intimate knowledge of the institutional identity, corporate culture and organizational objectives. At their best, they are keepers and protectors of the torch, in a unique position to express the essence, the authenticity, the credibility and character of an institution, its products, services and ideas. At a time when organizations and brands must grapple with the realities and demands of the pandemic, with shifts in purchasing decisions and consumer behavior, with a reckoning with new perspectives on race and inequality, with a breakdown in social trust, inhouse departments are proving up to the task because, in a sense, they have long been preparing for this challenge. A related thought. It is no surprise that the largest number of entries in this year’s competition involve COVID-19 and related communications. On the surface, many of the designs address health and safety rules, issues and guidelines. Those projects and campaign make a crucial contribution to our collective well-being in and of themselves. But they often have a broader goal or subtext: an expression that the company, organization or institution cares about its employees, customers, the broader community; a declaration of hope and a reaffirmation of presence; a rallying cry that we are all in this together and will prevail. How valuable are individuals and departments who can communicate clearly, credibly, authentically and compassionately at a moment when despair and distrust are running high? The correct answer: priceless.


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GDUSA - Graphic Design USA Volume 57 / No. 4 July/August 2020 Kaye Publishing Corporation (ISSN0274-7499/USPS227020). Published 6 times a year with combined issues in January/February, March/April, May/ June, July/August, September/October, November/December. Executive, editorial and advertising offices at 89 Fifth Avenue, Suite 901, New York NY 10003. Phone: 212.696.4380, Fax: 212.696.4564, SUBSCRIPTION: Domestic, $72 one year, International, $140 one year. Periodicals postage paid at New York NY and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GDUSA - Graphic Design USA, PO Box 3072, Langhorne PA 19047. Permit #224.


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THANKS TO THE SPONSOR THE CREATIVE GROUP A special thank you to The Creative Group (TCG) for its long-time sponsorship of the GDUSA American Inhouse Design Awards. TCG is a specialized staffing firm that connects interactive, design, marketing, advertising and public relations talent


with a variety of firms. A division of Robert Half, TCG offers flexible solutions to

Gordon Kaye Publisher

meet companies’ needs on a freelance, contract-to-hire and full-time basis, on-site


and off-site. The company is extremely generous to the creative community with

Ilana Greenberg Creative Director

insightful research and advice. (See, for example, Executive Director Diane Domeyer’s “5 Ways To Build A Workplace Culture Creatives Will Love” later in this edition.) Unlike other creative staffing agencies, The Creative Group offers staffing solutions and highly regarded consulting experience under one roof to help you deliver worldclass customer experiences. With offices located in major markets across the U.S.

Charlotte Kaye Production Director Jay Lewis Jeff Rosenberg Photographer

and Canada, TCG is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Learn more at Group

ADMINISTRATION & READER SERVICES Althea Edwards Circulation & Reader Services

ABOUT THE COVER Rosie the Riveter, a cultural icon of World War II representing the courageous women who worked in factories and shipyards, becomes the resolute

Jennifer Hoff Scott Sczcypiorski Internet Services Angelo Abbondante Accounts Manager

COVID Rosie in a campaign by Fresenius Medical Care. Our annual American Inhouse Design Awards™


showcase starts at PAGE 12.

Gordon Kaye Editor | Print Sasha Kaye-Walsh Editor | Website

FOUNDER Milton L. Kaye (1921-2016)


COVER PAPER CREDIT: The cover of this edition of GDUSA is printed on FSC-certified Kallima Coated

Cover C2S, part of the Kallima Paper family of FSC-certified coated cover paperboard, manufactured by Tembec. A leading advocate of sustainability, Kallima Paper has a distinct low-density high-bulk construction resulting in less trees used and significant cost savings to the customer. Kallima’s trusted line of Coated Cover C1S, C1S Plus and C2S are well-known for their bright white surfaces. Visit

Ron Andriani Executive VP, Integrated Marketing + Business Development 201.485.8720 212.696.4380 randriani@ Gordon Kaye Publisher 212.696.4380 gkaye @ COPYRIGHT 2020 BY KAYE PUBLISHING CORPORATION

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The elite The elite print pr int performance perfor mance o off a p remium ssheet heet iiss a chievable for for less. less. premium achievable Premium. Only Sterling O nly with with S terling Premium. ÂŽ

All A ll tthat hat glitters g litters is is not n ot gold. gold. Ver so Corporation Verso Ver Corporation 8540 85 40 Gander Gander Creek Creek Drive Drive Miamisburg, OH 45342 Mia misburg, O H4 5342 8 0 0 -258 - 8852 800-258-8852 ve r s o c o. c o m

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Premium surface Premium surface q quality u a lit y a and nd print p r in t performance, perfor mance, whiter-white whiter-white 96 96 bright br ight along along with with top-tier top-tier product product breadth, breadth, all ssustainability ustainability and and sservice, ervice, a ll ffor or the off a #2 sheet. the cost cost o sheet. That’s Sterling St e r l i n g P Premium. remium. That’s Think off iitt as gold T hink o as g old ffor or the the price off ssilver. p r ice o ilver. ®

Nothing matches Nothing ma attches print print for for tactile tactile iimpression, mpression, e ease ase of of access access a and nd versatility v ersatility that that shouts shouts quality quality a and nd uniqueness. u niqueness. M Metallic etallic foil? foil? Only Only print. print. Metallic M etallic iink? nk? Die Die cuts? cuts? M Multi-level ulti-level emboss? e mboss? Y You ou g guessed uessed iit. t. O Only nly print print can c an o offer ffer sspecial pecial techniques techniques tthat hat grab g rab a attention, ttention, create create memory, memory, build b uild brands brands a and nd d drive rive sales. sales. St erling® P remium elevates eleva ates print print to to Sterling® Premium iits ts highest highest llevel. evel. A b eautiful 96-bright 96-bright beautiful ssheet heet with with a ffull ull lline ine o sizes, finishes finishes off sizes, a nd w eights—from 7 0 llb. b. text text to to and weights—from 70 1130 30 llb. b. cover, cover, including including 7 p t. and and pt.

t. c aliper items items and and m atching 9p pt. caliper matching digital products—tri-certified products—tri-certified to to digital FSC®, SFI® SFI® a nd P EFC™ manufactured manufactured FSC® and PEFC™ with 10% 10% post-consumer post-consumer waste waste with (PCW) rrecycled ecycled fi ber.. A long w ith (PCW) fiber. Along with you-friendly service, service, all all a udgetyou-friendly att a b budgetfriendly price. price. Think Think of of iitt a old for for friendly ass g gold the price price o silver. the off silver. To learn learn more more about about S terling® To Sterling® Premium and and our our n ew promotion promotion Premium new Eleva ate Your Your IImpact, mpact, please please c ontact Elevate contact your Verso Verso S ales Professional Professional o your Sales orr visit u visit uss a att v


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12 G D U S A

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| 2020 | GDUSA’s American Inhouse Design Awards™ is the original and premier showcase for outstanding work done by inhouse designers and their departments. This year’s showcase of roughly 400 projects — there were a near record 6,000+ entries — reflects the many and varied ways in which inhouse creatives advance the mission and build value for their organizations, brands, products, services, causes and ideas. It also serves as powerful testimony that the inhouse value proposition — creative professionals who have a deep and intimate knowledge of the institutional identity, culture and objectives are perfectly positioned to deliver effective and authentic communication — is alive and well — and especially relevant in light of the challenges presented by the annus horribilis that is 2020.

ABOUT THE CREATIVE GROUP A special thank you to The Creative Group (TCG) for its long-time sponsorship of the GDUSA Inhouse Design Awards. TCG is a specialized staffing firm that connects interactive, design, marketing, advertising and public relations talent with a variety of firms. A division of Robert Half, TCG offers flexible solutions to meet companies’ needs on a freelance, contract-to-hire and full-time basis on-site and off-site. The company is also extremely generous to the community with high-quality and insightful advice and research. (See, for example, Executive Director Diane Domeyer’s “5 Ways To Build A Workplace Culture Creatives Will Love” later in this edition.) Unlike other creative staffing agencies, The Creative Group offers staffing solutions and highly regarded consulting experience under one roof to help you deliver world-class customer experiences. With offices located in major markets across the U.S. and Canada, TCG is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Learn more at Group

G D U S A 13

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AARP Publications

60, 82

Acenda Development & Marketing Department ACS Publications/CreativeLab Allina Health Brand Expression


73, 89 36, 60, 120

American Bar Association/ ABA Creative Group

45, 53, 71, 73, 74, 89, 112

American Guardian Warranty Services (AGWS) American Health Law Association


61, 74

American Pharmacists Association (APhA) 30, 53, 71 Applied Underwriters, Brand Communications Department ARTISA LLC

36, 45, 70 83

Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company ASAE Asurion, Creative Solutions

45, 61, 83 83 83, 94, 117

Babson College


Barcoding, Inc.




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The creative process takes guts. It’s hard and demands a lot of time. Only true dedication and passion can prepare you for when the right opportunity knocks at your door. Congratulations to those who were ready: the winners of the 2020 Inhouse Design Awards & 2020 Web Design Awards.

1.888.338.4075 |

THE CREATIVE GROUP A Robert Half Company

© 2020 The Creative Group. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans. TCG-0220-2217

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Best Version Media

40, 45, 54, 61, 75, 76, 77, 117

BMI - Broadcast Music, Inc.


Bottomline Technologies Creative Team 72, 77, 106 Brewer


Bruce Power, Creative Strategy

30, 61


41, 90

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS)

Children’s Hospital Colorado


30, 36, 37, 41, 46, 62, 120

CHIVE Convergent Science CoorsTek Inhouse Creative Services

84 62, 90 84, 117

Corporate Image


Cosmetologists Chicago




Cushman & Wakefield


Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)


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BUY A T-SHIRT! The Organization of Black Designers/OBD created the "Black Designers Matter!" T-Shirt to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. The shirt also references the pressing need for greater Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the design professions. That has been the mission of OBD since its founding in 1994. Proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go to support and build our OBD Scholarship Endowment Fund. We will also contribute 5% of our T-Shirt sales to Black Lives Matter. Thank you for your support.

BUY SHIRT Here: Donate Here: Scholarship Endowment

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d186/Walgreens In-House Creative Team

58, 106

Devarj Design Agency


Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. (DKMC)


DuPage Children’s Museum


E*TRADE Creative Services

37, 84, 106

Entrepreneur Platform Magazine Equitable In-House Agency

77 31, 90, 106, 118

Farm Progress


Fetzer Vineyards


FoodScience Corporation

94, 98

Fordham Law School Communications Office


Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)

46, 78

Fresenius Medical Care, Creative Studio

46, 62

GAF/Creative Design Services

42, 47, 54, 85, 99, 107

Georgia State University School of Music


Georgia Transmission External Affairs


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Grand Valley State University Green Mountain Energy

116 31, 85

Harford County Public Library HomeServe I-CAR

47 42, 63, 68 47, 94





Kraus Marketing Litehouse Design Team LMI

63, 90 118, 119 32, 55, 63, 95

Lookout, Inc. Manual Labor Studio

107 86, 91

Medi-Weightloss InHouse Graphics Department MITRE


47, 64, 86

Mizuho Creative Services

48, 91

MNI Targeted Media

48, 91

National Association of REALTORS


National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)

55, 78, 79

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics/ NCTM Creative Services

42, 79, 112

National Electrical Contractors Association/ NECA Creative Services National Grid Creative Services

64, 79 42, 64, 99, 115


32, 43

NJ Designs


North Carolina Zoo


Nourison Marketing Department

58, 59, 95

Novamex Oakland County, Michigan

99 48, 64, 65

Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Public Affairs Department

32, 92

Ortho Clinical Diagnostics


Outdoor Sportsman Group/ Fly Fisherman Magazine


Pareto Intelligence

43, 65, 70

Parsons Corporation - Core Creative

37, 80, 95

Pavone Marketing Group PenFed Credit Union

112 43, 48, 87

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A LLOT OT CAN CAN H HAPPEN APPEN IIN N3 30 0Y YEARS EARS ((like like llaunch aunch a n ew kkind ind ooff digital, digital, ccreative, reative, aand nd new m arketing sstaffing taffing aagency, gency, get get to to kknow now ttop op ttalent, alent, marketing b uild a sseriously eriously impressive impressive n etwork, fifine-tune ne-tune oour ur build network, aapproach, pproach, ttransform ransform the the w ay people people connect) connect) way

AND WE’RE AND WE’RE JUST UST G GETTING J ETTING STARTED. ST TARTED. All A ll thanks thanks to to our our amazing amazing talent talent aand nd cclients. lients. Want Want to to join join our our future? future?



30 YEA S R

Matching Matching T Talent alent With With Success™ Success™


G 800.216.0600 800.216.0600

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PepsiCo Design & Innovation

100, 101, 102

Phelan Family Brands

49, 87

Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership

65, 66

Postal Center International (PCI) Creative Department

70, 108

Prime Therapeutics Creative Services

49, 68, 92, 95, 108, 119

ProAmpac’s Design And Sample Lab (DASL) Protiviti Global Creative

55, 96


32, 44, 96

RentPath Creative Services & Events Robert Half Global Creative


68, 82, 108 33, 44, 49, 87

RTI Corporate Communications Ryan Companies US, Inc. Scantron

50 108, 109 50, 88

SCSA Department of Art + Design Creative Group 56 SEPTA Simplify Compliance, Creative Services Sizewise

33 59, 92 66

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Request the latest Lynx L y n x printed sample s ample at

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Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

33, 50, 66, 80, 96

Southern Company

33, 37

Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden

102, 103

Speedo USA


STO Building Group

67, 69


103, 104

T. Rowe Price

88, 96, 97

Tarrant County College District/ Graphic Services

38, 80, 88, 109, 113

TechTarget Creative Services The Heritage Foundation

97 34, 72

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/ LLS Creative Services

34, 72

The Word & Brown Companies 44, 51, 67, 88, 113 Topco Associates LLC Creative Services

104, 105

TYW Studio


U.S. Green Building Council


Uline Creative Department


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Apple Inc. has multiple positions available for the following job opportunities in Cupertino, CA: Art Director (REQ#8712452) Resrch & dvlop new interactns & exprnces in the marktng of Apple’s technlgy prodcts using cutting edge technlgies & technques. Refer to Req# & mail resume to: Apple Inc., ATTN: D.W., 1 Infinite Loop 104-1GM, Cupertino, CA 95014. Apple is an EOE/AA m/f/disability/vets.



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University of Massachusetts Boston Valero Energy Corporation

81, 114 34, 51, 69, 115

Vanguard, Corporate Communications Design

34, 56, 82, 92

Vecna Technologies


VF Workwear


Virtus Investment Partners

38, 67

WarnerMedia Marketplace Image WebMD Health Services

52, 110 52, 56, 110, 114

White & Case Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Wolf Trap Creative Yale New Haven Health Creative Team

35, 38 35 39, 56 57, 67, 93

Yale University, Office of Fellowships and Funding Zimeng Wang, Boston University

35 111

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Design Firm: American Pharmacists Association, Washington DC Client: APhA Marketing Title: 2019 APhA Annual Report Art Director: Scott Neitzke Copywriter: Diana Yap

Design Firm: Barcoding, Inc., Baltimore MD Client: Barcoding, Inc. Title: Enterprise Mobility Study & Report VP of Marketing: Jody Costa Brand Director, Marketing & Design: Jennifer Jericho VP of Client Services: Greg Henry Visual Designer: Krystal Carpintieri Business Coordinator: Iris Huang Motion Graphics: Greg Jericho Social Media Manager: Melina Duffet

Design Firm: Bruce Power, Creative Strategy, Tiverton ONT Client: Bruce Power Title: Powering The Future Art Director: Erin Grandmaison Designer: Erin Grandmaison Photographer: Riley Snelling Copywriter: Steve McAllistor

Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Client: Child Health Advocacy Institute Title: Community Benefit Report Designer: Emma Brooks Photographer: Scott Dressel Martin Illustrator: Emma Brooks Copywriter: Lauren Gennaro

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Design Firm: DuPage Children’s Museum, Naperville IL Title: 2018|2019 Annual Report - Pause, Play! Art Director: Nancy Abbott Designer: Rebecca Bootz Photographers: Shane Cleminson Photography, Katie Hall Photography, Ron Hume Photography, Lydia Liu Photography, DCM Staff Illustrator: Rebecca Bootz Copywriter: Jaime Johnson

Design Firm: Equitable In-House Agency, Charlotte NC Client: Equitable Title: 2019 Annual Report Art Director: Linda Humphrey Designers: Leanne Scala Pugh, Jimin Cho

Design Firm: Georgia Transmission External Affairs, Tucker GA Client: Georgia Transmission Corporation Title: 2019 Annual Report Together We Add Light Art Director: Brian Rickmond Designer: Brian Rickmond Photographer: Brian Rickmond Copywriter: Ryan Russell

Design Firm: Green Mountain Energy, Houston TX Title: Sun Club Annual Report 2019 Designer: Victoria Dumana Copywriter: Carolyn Melgar

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Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Client: Federal Acquisition Institute Title: Annual Report FY 2019 Design and Art Direction: Kathy Myers Photographer: Westley Eldredge (Pages 2 and 5)

Design Firm: NIBCO INC., Elkhart IN Title: 2019 Shareholder’s Report Series Art Director: Sally Boyer Designer: Emily Hershberger Photographer: Angela Fann Additional Photographers: Mariza Gutierrez, Mike Tripp

Design Firm: Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Public Affairs Department, Fountain Valley CA Title: 2018-19 Annual Report – Celebrating 65 Years of Impressions Art Director: Gregg Deterding Designer: Gregg Deterding Copywriter: Rebecca Long

Design Firm: PSCU, St Petersburg FL Title: 2019 PSCU Annual Report Art Director: Diane DeCandio Designer: Diane DeCandio Photographer: Ami Scheidler Editorial: Jennifer Miranda

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Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Robert Half Title: Annual Report 2019 Art Director: Jenny Owens Designer: Everard Strong Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Content and PR Team: Christine Pardi, Robert McCauley Production Team: Therese DeRogatis, Byron Miller, Everard Strong Project Manager: Laura Donohoe

Design Firm: SEPTA, Philadelphia PA Title: SEP-TAINABLE Annual Report Art Director: Trinh Loi Illustrator: SEPTA Employees Copywriters: Erik Johanson, Meghan Schulz, Kaitlin Sheehan

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Title: 2019 Annual Report - Building Better Workplaces, Boldly Designer: Tommy Bowen

Design Firm: Southern Company, Atlanta GA Title: Southern Company Corporate Responsibility Report Art Director: Matt Carmack Designer: Matt Carmack

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Design Firm: The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC Title: 2019 Annual Report: Principled Leadership in a Challenging World Art Director: Amy Baumgardner Designer: Taylor Dabney Copywriter: Jim Weidman Marketing Director: Elizabeth Fender

Design Firm: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/LLS Creative Services, Rye Brook NY Client: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Title: 2019 Impact Report Art Director: Sharon Mahoney Designer: Sharon Mahoney Photographer: Christopher Beauchamp Copywriter: Lindsay DeGiralamo Printer: Graphic Management Partners

Design Firm: Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio TX Title: Valero 2019 Summary Annual Report Designer: Christine Malone

Design Firm: Vanguard, Corporate Communications Design, Malvern PA Client: Vanguard Investment Stewardship Title: Investment Stewardship Semiannual Report 2020 Designer: Lisa Salvino Photographer: Carlos Alejandro Copywriter: Rob Wherry Editor: Dana Reddington Project Manager: Donald Foote

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Design Firm: White & Case, New York NY Title: 2019 Annual Review Art Director: Karolina Pietrynczak Designer: Karolina Pietrynczak Creative Strategist: Robin Colangelo Creative Director: Kim Robak Project Managers: Rob Reade, Alex Roda Production Manager: Lillian Martinez Production: James Ligi, Kevin Harper

Design Firm: White & Case, New York NY Title: 2019 Global Citizenship Review Art Director: Karolina Pietrynczak Designer: Karolina Pietrynczak Creative Strategist: Robin Colangelo Creative Director: Kim Robak Project Managers: Rob Reade, Alex Roda Production Manager: Lillian Martinez Production: James Ligi, Kevin Harper

Design Firm: Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, Winterthur DE Title: 2019 Winterthur Annual Report Art Director: Gayle Croes Bezerra Designer: Gayle Croes Bezerra Photographers: Bob Leitch (Cover), Penny Ashford, Maria DeForrest, Ben Fournier, Suchat Pederson, J. Paul Simeone, Wendy Hitchens Perry Copywriters: Mark Nardone, Teresa Vivolo Printer: Conner Printing

Design Firm: Yale University, Office of Fellowships and Funding, New Haven CT Title: Fellowships and Funding 2018-2019 Annual Report Art Director: John Park Designer: John Park Photographers: Anya Lomsadze, Lisa Kereszi Assistant Dean: Rebekkah Westphal

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Design Firm: Acenda Development & Marketing Department, Glassboro NJ Title: Glitz, Glamour, & Gatsby Invitation Art Director: Mari Considine Designer: Cassandra Boyce

Design Firm: Allina Health Brand Expression, Minneapolis MN Client: Regina Hospital Foundation Title: Regina Classic Golf Invitational Invite Art Director: Kurt Keegstra Designer: Kurt Keegstra Director of Brand Expression: Signe Peterson

Design Firm: Applied Underwriters, Brand Communications Department, Foster City CA Client: Applied Underwriters Title: ProAm 2020 ‘A Champions Welcome’ Art Director: Nate Wells Designer: Alex Egner

Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Client: Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders Title: Celebration of Life Invite Designers: Kate Nelson, Emma Brooks, Sandi Enzmann Copywriter: Lexie Shoemaker

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Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Client: Colorado Fetal Care Center Title: Gender Reveal Card Designer: Sandi Enzmann Illustrator: Sandi Enzmann

Design Firm: E*TRADE Creative Services, Jersey City NJ Client: E*TRADE Corporate Services Title: E*TRADE Event Awareness @ NASPP Art Director: Michael Hovsepian Copywriter: Kevin Scollan

Design Firm: Parsons - Core Creative, Chicago IL Client: Georgia Department of Transportation Title: GDOT Invitation Designers: Mike Dellinger (Invitation), Julio Gomez (Logo) Creative Director: Kathy Sara Associate Creative Director: BO Haynes

Design Firm: Southern Company, Atlanta GA Title: Southern Power Customer Summit Announcement & Invitation Art Director: Jennifer Higgins Designer: Jennifer Higgins

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Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: TCC Connect Campus Title: Mental Health Month Announcement Art Director: Amy Berkbigler Designer: Amy Berkbigler Illustrator: Amy Berkbigler

Design Firm: Virtus Investment Partners, New York NY Title: Virtus Holiday Card Art Director: Emma Simon Designer: Michelle Iseley

Design Firm: White & Case, New York NY Title: Tate Britain Exhibition Invitation Art Director: Kim Robak Designer: Kim Robak Illustrator: Jevon Lumagui Creative Strategist: Robin Colangelo Project Manager: Alex Roda Production Manager: Lillian Martinez Production: Paul McMillan

Design Firm: White & Case, New York NY Title: 2019 Holiday Card Art Director: Karolina Pietrynczak Designers: Karolina Pietrynczak, Erin Mutlu, Reiner Soliven Project Manager: Alex Roda Production Manager: Lillian Martinez Production: Kevin Harper

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Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: 2019 Ball Invitation Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Miguel Velarde Photographer: Abe Landes

Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: 2019 Donor Thank You Card Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Clarisse Gaillard Photographer: Angelina Namkung

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Design Firm: American Guardian Warranty Services (AGWS), Warrenville IL Title: Drive Your Business With AGWS Magazine Advertisement Art Director: Kenn Baker Designer: Kenn Baker Illustrator: Kenn Baker Copywriter: John Bennici Marketing Manager: John Bennici

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Lasley Centre for the Performing Arts Advertisement Designer: Olivia Gendusa Photographer: HOV Photography

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Burlingame Wealth Management Advertisement Designer: Dale Ver Voort

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Irongate Equestrian Center Advertisement Designer: Jackie Weir

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Design Firm: Cepheid, Sunnyvale CA Title: Santa Is Coming Advertisement Art Director: Jared Tipton Designers: Bijal Patel, Kristin Bialaszewski

Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Title: ENT Digital Advertising Campaign Art Director: Kacy Lamb Designer: Kate Nelson Copywriter: Lexie Shoemaker

Design Firm: Cosmetologists Chicago, Chicago IL Title: 2020 America’s Beauty Show Spread Art Director: Kristen V. Erickson Illustrator: Richard Monsieurs ULTA: Nick Stenson, Ammon Carver

Design Firm: Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. (DKMC), Downers Grove IL Title: DK Xpress Launch Campaign Art Director: Coleen Bogle Designers: Lindsey Meister, Sarah Beckett, Alyssa Kaufman Copywriter: David Wright Developer: Jeff Lessman Social: Elizabeth Dorwart, Amanda York

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Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: Everguard Dome Advertisement Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo ACD: Don Miller Art Director: Don Miller Writer: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kenya Hegazy

Design Firm: HomeServe, Norwalk CT Title: DRTV & Digital Campaign featuring Mike Rowe Creative Credits: mikeroweWORKS and HomeServe Creative, DRTV and Digital Teams

Design Firm: National Grid Creative Services, Medway MA Title: National Grid Sponsorship Ad for the Boston Red Sox Art Director: Heather Thompson Designer: Lori Taraborelli

Design Firm: NCTM Creative Services, Reston VA Client: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Title: 100 Days Digital Campaign Art Director: Scott Rodgerson Designer: Scott Rodgerson

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Design Firm: NIBCO INC., Elkhart IN Title: New Products Advertising Series Art Director: Sally Boyer Designer: Emily Hershberger Photographer: Angela Fann Copywriter: Sally Boyer Concept Development: Sally Boyer, Angela Fann, Emily Hershberger, Michelle Mast Additional Photographers: Brian Rodgers Jr., Digital Art That Rocks

Design Firm: North Carolina Zoo, Asheboro NC Title: See Y’all Soon Campaign Art Director: Brooke L. Sides Designer: Betsy Powell Mantak Photographer: Zoo Staff Digital Media Specialist: Moriah Angott

Design Firm: Pareto Intelligence, Chicago IL Title: RISE Conference Campaign Designer: Tammy Allen Copywriter: Bre Bush

Design Firm: PenFed Credit Union Marketing, McLean VA Client: PenFed Foundation Title: #MyThankYou End of Year Appeal Art Director: Kelly Clasen Designers: Michelle Winberry, Neal Dorfman, Leanne Bowers, Bethany Stephens, Mariela Fuson Director: Christine Janaske Project Manager: Morgan Vaughan Brand Manager: Valeria Vega-Perez

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Design Firm: PSCU, St Petersburg FL Title: Your Possibilities Campaign Art Director: Taylor Muir Messaging: Anna Swirydenko

Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: The Creative Group Title: GDUSA Award-Winners Ads Art Directors: Mandisa Fabris, Jenny Owens Designers: Winnie Zou, Joey Alaniz Copywriters: Rhia WinkelmanGilbreath, Jenny Owens, Mike Hall Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Marketing Manager: Barb Jurczyk Project Manager: Laura Donohoe, Audrey Young

Design Firm: Speedo USA, Cypress CA Title: #SwimON Campaign Art Directors: Ryan Cochran, Samantha Truedsson Designers: Vicky Yang, Jeffrey Tuason Photographer: Richard Phibbs Copywriters: Casey Kettleson, Ryan Cochran Web Design: Terri Godinez

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Client: Word & Brown General Agency Title: 2020 Ad Campaign Designer: Hugo Miramontes Studio Director: Homer Villegas Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Senior Marketing Administrator: Heather Jung Executive VP, Marketing: Polly Neves

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Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Criminal Justice Section Title: 100 Years of CJS Designer: Amanda Fry

Design Firm: Applied Underwriters, Brand Communications Department, Foster City CA Client: Applied Underwriters Title: Heartwood Brand Identity Art Director: Nate Wells Designer: Clay Cahoon

Design Firm: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Santa Clara CA Client: Aruba Networks Title: Aruba Social Cards Art Director: Janmarie Wright Designer: Rob Monk

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Best Version Media Rebranding Art Director: Jessica Macpherson Designer: Jessica Macpherson

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Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Client: Human Resources Title: Team Member Experience Art Director: Kacy Lamb Designers: Kacy Lamb, Emma Brooks, Sandi Enzmann, Alison Chan Illustrator: Emma Brooks

Design Firm: Cultivate, Boulder CO Title: Cultivate 2020 Brand Refresh Art Director: Julie Thompson Designer: Julie Thompson Photographer: Jackie Nunnally Illustrator: Julie Thompson Copywriter: Jenny McGee Web Designer: Scott Merriam Visual Merchandising Manager: Katelynne Hahn President & Integrator: Hannah Kettler Founder & President: Tom Romine

Design Firm: Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), Washington DC Title: Foreign Podicy Identity Creative Services Manager: Daniel Ackerman Director of Marketing and Events: Erin Blumenthal Podcast Founder: Phil Hegseth Producer and Senior Communications Manager: Danielle Kleinman

Design Firm: Fresenius Medical Care, Creative Studio, Waltham MA Title: Brand Evolution Booklet Art Directors: Nicole Maynard, Meagan Chambers Designer: Julie Sforza Copywriter: Joan Edgett Creative Director: Steve Reepmeyer Account Manager: Joanna Tong Project Manager: Keri Deming

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Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: GAF Brand Book Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Directors: Kurt Jennings, David Shin Designer: Heather Weissman Writer: Dawn Barnes Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Design Firm: Harford County Public Library, Belcamp MD Title: HCPL Winter Reading 2020 Campaign - We Love to Read a Latte! Art Director: Leslie Greenly Smith Designer: Stephanie Detorie Illustrator: Stephanie Detorie Copywriter: Leslie Greenly Smith

Design Firm: I-CAR, Hoffman Estates IL Title: 2020 I-CAR Conference Branding Art Director: Jeff Carlson Designers: Cameron Anhalt, Mega DeNicolo

Design Firm: MITRE, McLean VA Title: MITRE Brand Refresh Art Director: Ed Foster Designer: Pascal Bernard

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Design Firm: Mizuho Creative Services, Clark NJ Client: Mizuho Corporate Communications & Marketing Title: ERG Branding Strategy and Design Designer: Joe Santa Brand Strategy and Creative Direction: Joseph Santa

Design Firm: MNI Targeted Media Inc. | Creative Studio, Stamford CT Client: MNI Targeted Media Inc. Title: Branding and Identity Art Directors: Lauren Melillo, Aron Caruso Designers: Amanda Wenger, Henry Olstein

Design Firm: Oakland County, Michigan, Waterford MI Title: 2019 Oakfit 12 Months of Wellness Designer: Amy Klovski Copywriter: Michelle DeArment, HR Analyst HR Analyst: Michelle DeArment Wellness Coordinator: Dawn Hunt

Design Firm: PenFed Credit Union Marketing, McLean VA Client: PenFed Credit Union Title: Credit Card Suite Redesign Art Director: Kelly Clasen Designer: Bethany Stephens Director: Christine Janaske Manager: Michelle Winberry Project Manager: Morgan Vaughan

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Design Firm: Phelan Family Brands, Bonita Springs FL Client: American Sand Sculpting Championship Title: Gettin’ Sandy Sweepstakes Graphic Art Director: Kevin Rooney Designer: Logan Westley

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Prime Branded Socks Art Directors: Ron Brant, Nils Oiseth Designers: Mike Rupert, Jerry Stenback Production Designers: Tim Fink, Jack Jerome, Susie Patterson Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Robert Half Title: Black History Month Branding Art Directors: Everard Strong, Jenny Owens Designers: Mandisa Fabris, Keone Moore Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Production Designer: Arianna Fernandez Corporate Marketing & PR Team: Lise Edwards, Darci Jeffcoats Project Manager: Laura Donohoe

Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Robert Half Title: Recognition Platform Rebranding Art Directors: Fede Abrahams, Jenny Owens Designers: Winnie Zou, Mandisa Fabris Creative Directors: Fede Abrahams, Stephnee Leathers Production Artist: Arianna Fernandez

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Design Firm: RTI Corporate Communications, RTP NC Client: RTI International Title: RTI 60th Anniversary Branding Art Director: Alisa Clifford Designer: Alisa Clifford Photographer: Adam Jennings Digital Design and Development: Keith Wurst, Mark Koyanagi, Katie Loyd Brand Manager: MaryBeth Branigan Director, Institute Communications: Jennifer Greer Staff Communications Manager: Zach Read 60th Committee Chair & VP, Corporate Communications: Kami Spangenberg

Design Firm: Scantron, Kirkland WA Title: 2019 National Sales Meeting Brand Designer: Jason Howard Creative Director: Jason Howard

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Conferences Title: SHRM Inclusion 2020 Conference Branding Designer: Anca Popa

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Conferences Title: SHRM Advocacy@Work Conference Branding Designer: Blair Cobb

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Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Client: Word & Brown General Agency Title: Culture Journal Designer: Hugo Miramontes Studio Director: Homer Villegas. Marketing Director: Missy Bynon Senior Marketing Administrator: Heather Jung Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman Executive VP, Marketing: Polly Neves

Design Firm: TYW Studio, Brooklyn NY Client: Jie Yi Couture Studio Title: Jie Yi Couture Studio Branding Art Director: Yiwen Tu Illustrator: Yiwen Tu

Design Firm: U.S. Green Building Council, Washington DC Title: USGBC Brand Refresh Art Director: Amy Civetti Designer: Amy Civetti Photographer: Moshe Zusman Illustrator: Amy Civetti Copywriters: Ashley Katz Zusman, Taryn Holowka, Annie Patton

Design Firm: Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio TX Title: Valero Brand Identity Program Designer: Patrick Watts

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Design Firm: WarnerMedia Marketplace Image, New York NY Client: WarnerMedia Ad Sales Title: A Smarter Way Creative Campaign Art Directors: Peter Millen, Miguel Berrios, Evan Matthews, April Mutuc Designers: Cedric Boismain, Aly Hawana, John Lefteratos, Sharon Wu, Caleb Colestock Photographer: Keith Grieger Copywriters: Amanda Turnbull, Known Global LLC Creative Strategy: Ingrid Laub Web Developer: Scott Weiner Project Managers: Suzanne Hatfield, Leslie Silver Project & Brand Management: Lauren Hoade, Danielle Jotham Trade Strategy: Meredith Cluess, Olivia Gerrato Motion Design: Jason Butler Executive Sponsors: Amanda Turnbull, Beth Superfin, Julie Triolo Team Leaders: Allison Radzin, Cliff Selover Concept: Known Global LLC

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Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: WebMD ONE Relaunch Art Director: Nicole Cornett Designer: Alexandra Howard Copywriter: Peter Latriano Project Manager: Evan Smith Senior Marketing Manager: Alissa Barron Stranzl

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Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Antitrust Law Section Title: Antitrust Virtual Spring Meeting Materials Designer: Amanda Fry

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Title: ABA 2020 Welcome Packet Art Director: Elmarie Jara Designer: Elmarie Jara

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Health Law Section Title: 17th Annual Health Law Summit Art Director: Kelly Book

Design Firm: American Pharmacists Association, Washington DC Client: APhA Marketing Title: A National Landmark APhA Headquarters Tour Book Art Director: Michelle Powell Copywriter: Duane Tackitt

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Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Gold Printed 2019 Strategic Leadership Conference Programs Art Director: Jessica Macpherson Designer: Jessica Macpherson

Design Firm: Cushman & Wakefield, New York NY Client: Audi of America Title: Overview of Real Estate Services Art Director: Jamie Panico Designer: Jamie Panico

Design Firm: Cushman & Wakefield, New York NY Title: Archer Towers Brochure Art Director: Ashley Kim

Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: GAF Collateral Kit Systems Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Directors: Richard Kwon, Michael Comiskey Designer: Heather Weissman Writers: Donald Kilcoyne, Frannie Melville Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kim Bistromowitz

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Design Firm: Georgia State University School of Music, Atlanta GA Client: Georgia State University Library Title: Johnny Mercer Tribute Art Director: Gail Rodriguez-Pinckney Designer: Gail Rodriguez-Pinckney Printer: Bennett Graphics

Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Client: United States Marine Corps Title: Condition-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) Vision Executive Summary Report Designer and Art Direction: Kathy Myers

Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), Alexandria VA Client: NCPA Meetings and Conventions Team Title: NCPA 2019 Annual Convention – San Diego Art Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier

Design Firm: Protiviti Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Protiviti Title: Technology Consulting Playbooks Art Director: Samantha Bohn Designer: Samantha Bohn Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Production Designers: Meuy Browder, Abhishek Pundhir, Mahipal Singh Project Manager: Lewis Hawkins Account Manager: Amanda Koellhofer

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Design Firm: SCSA Department of Art + Design Creative Group, Anderson SC Client: South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University Title: SCSA Department of Art + Design Brochure Art Director: Nathan Spainhour Designers: Nathan Spainhour, Morgan Bridges

Design Firm: Vanguard, Corporate Communications Design, Malvern PA Client: Vanguard Community Stewardship Title: Vanguard Gives Back Brochure Designer: Matthew Leake Illustrator: Matthew Leake Copywriter: Barbara Plevelich Production/Project Management: Jonathan Kunhardt, Robyn Willians

Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Client: L.L.Bean Title: Rewards Program Brochure Art Director: Nicole Cornett Designer: Alexandra Howard Copywriter: Peter Latriano Project Manager: Evan Smith Communications Strategist: Louise Lumague

Design Firm: Wolf Trap Creative, Vienna VA Client: Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts Title: 2020 WolfTrap PreSeason Brochure Art Director: Sara Shaffer Designer: Cherlyn Rebultan Photographer: Angelina Namkung

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Design Firm: Yale New Haven Health Creative Team, New Haven CT Title: YNHH in the Community Brochure

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Design Firm: D186/Walgreens IIn-House Creative Team, Deerfield IL Title: 2019 Walgreens Photo Catalog Art Director: Mary Harting Photographers: Ted+Chelsea, Rebecca Freeman Senior Copywriter, Design Trends: Hillary A. Lichtenstein

Design Firm: Devarj Design Agency, Valparaiso IN Title: Nekter Cards Art Director: Silva Devarj Designer: Shanoor Devarj Illustrator: Shanoor Devarj Copywriting and Photography: Liana Varjabedian

Design Firm: IRIS USA, Inc., Surprise AZ Title: 2020 IRIS USA Catalog Art Director: Derrick Reed Designers: Taylor Melody, Jose Balasta Photographer: Eric Noeske Copywriter: Lindsey Anderson

Design Firm: Nourison Marketing Department, Saddle Brook NJ Client: Nourison Title: 2020 Trend Book Photographer: Chris Kelly Creative Services Supervisor: Krystal Pratt Web & Graphic Designer: Katherine Adelman Stylist: Hope Misterek Social Media & Public Relations Specialist: Kim Weling Retoucher: Dave Dikun Marketing Director: Giovanni Marra

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Design Firm: Nourison Marketing Department, Saddle Brook NJ Client: Nourison Title: Craftworks Catalog Creative Services Supervisor: Madeline Johnston Senior Photographer: Anna Villar Photographer: Michael FloresStylist: Lisa Klausman Retoucher: Lynn Luby Marketing Director: Giovanni Marra Director of Broadloom: Eric Cornelison Senior VP of Sales and Broadloom Production: Gerard Okeefe

Design Firm: Simplify Compliance, Creative Services, Brentwood TN Client: TrainingToday Title: Workforce eLearning Course Catalog Art Director: Doug Ponte Designer: Reggie Cunningham Head of Design: Tyler Oswald Marketing Manager: Jayne Michalek

Design Firm: Uline Creative Department, Pleasant Prairie WI Title: Uline 40th Anniversary Catalog Cover Art Director: Sarah Fritz Designer: Susan Mintle Photographer: Dan Biship Copywriter: Bob Bognar Creative Director: Elizabeth Tenner Concept: Alison Hand Stylist: Melody Fisher

Design Firm: Uline Creative Department, Pleasant Prairie WI Title: Uline Retail Dog Catalog Cover Art Director: Sarah Fritz Designer: Katie Bennett Photographer: Matt Baldwin Copywriter: Bob Bognar Creative Director: Elizabeth Tenner Stylist: Melody Fisher. Dog: Tito

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Design Firm: AARP Publications, Washington DC Client: AARP The Magazine Title: Happiness In Hard Times, June/July 2020 Art Director: Lesley Q. Palmer Illustrator: Ilya Milstein Creative Director: Scott A. Davis Design Director: Todd Albertson

Design Firm: AARP Publications, Washington DC Client: AARP Bulletin Title: The New Normal, June 2020 Edition Designer: Devan Feeney Creative Director: Scott A. Davis Associate Art Director: Joanna Hagan Assistant Art Director: Stephanie Shafer Photo Director: Michael Wichita

Design Firm: Allina Health Brand Expression, Minneapolis MN Client: Allina Health Title: Safe Care Commitment Ad Campaign Art Director: Nicholas Bartman Designer: Full Team! Director of Brand Expression: Signe Peterson

Design Firm: Allina Health Brand Expression, Minneapolis MN Client: Allina Health Covid Response Team Title: Caring for Caregivers Campaign Art Director: Nicholas Bartman Designer: Full Team! Director of Brand Expression: Signe Peterson

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Design Firm: American Health Law Association/dBase Media, Washington DC Client: American Health Law Association Title: COVID-19: Health Law Disruption Flash Analysis Series Creative Director: Mary Boutsikaris Art Directors: Bruce Meier, dBase Media Designers: Bruce Meier, dBase Media Marketing Director: Stefan Bradham

Design Firm: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Santa Clara CA Client: Aruba Networks Title: Business Continunity Campaign Art Director: Janmarie Wright Designer: Deanna Chan Project Managers: Laura Quan-Bitting, Mariah Glackler

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Bringing People Together Campaign Designer: Nhi Poss

Design Firm: Bruce Power, Creative Strategy, Tiverton ONT Client: Bruce Power Title: We’re Here For You Designers: Erin Grandmaison, Stacey Hill SM Corporate Affairs: Megan Adams

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Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Title: We Came Together Video Designer: Katelyn Mitzel Photographers: Lauren Anderson, Jeffrey Hatcher Copywriter: Jeffrey Otte Creative Directors: Brent McCown, Katelyn Mitzel Video Editor: Katelyn Mitzel

Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Title: Face Coverings Designers: Alison Chan, Kacy Lamb, Kate Nelson

Design Firm: Convergent Science, Madison WI Title: Staying Safe At Work Campaign Art Director: Daniel Goscha Designer: Antigone Grace Copywriters: Antigone Grace, Elizabeth Favreau

Design Firm: Fresenius Medical Care, Creative Studio, Waltham MA Title: COVID Rosie Campaign Art Director: Dave Cronin Designers: Julie Sforza, Timothy Baldanzi Illustrator: Kevin Dzuban Creative Director: Steve Reepmeyer Account Manager: Alex Bellehsen Project Manager: Siobhan Feeney

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Design Firm: HomeServe, Norwalk CT Title: HomeServe COVID-19 Signage Designer: Kelly Keenan Copywriter: Paul Chacho Creative Director: Marie Davis

Design Firm: JourneyTEAM, Draper UT Client: Microsoft and JourneyTEAM Title: COVID-19 Rush To A Remote Workforce Art Director: Dave Bollard Designer: Jenn Alba Photographer: Ian Sorenssn

Design Firm: Kraus Marketing, Morristown NJ Client: Feed the Frontline Morris Title: Covid-19 Fundraising Website | Designer: Erik Nowicki Copywriter: Jayme Mika Creative Director: Nicholas Kraus Web Developer: Nicholas Westcott Social Media: Dana Pandorf Participants: Theodore Stanziale, Chris Mazzarella, Rob Zwigard, Justine Roche, Tom Mastrangelo, Ben Averill

Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Title: LMI Employee Care Package Art Director: Theresa Koenig Designer: Kathleen Myers Graphics Support: Andrew Miller

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Design Firm: MITRE, McLean VA Title: MITRE COVID-19 Communications Art Director: Ed Foster Designers: Pascal Bernard, Lori Fermano, Chuck Large, Paulina Maldonado

Design Firm: National Grid Creative Services, Medway MA Title: National Grid Covid-19 Brand Ad Art Director: Heather Thompson Designer: Chinta Choipet Writer: Cynthia Lammers

Design Firm: NECA Creative Services, Bethesda MD Client: National Electrical Contractors Association Standards and Safety Title: Safety Stand Down for COVID-19 Poster Designer: Ginger Wilson Creative Director: Ginger Wilson

Design Firm: Oakland County, Michigan, Waterford MI Title: COVID-19 ReOpen Kit & Digital Toolkit Designers: Danielle Gravelle, Pam Tremble Copywriter: Laura Dodd Editor: Kristie Zamora

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Design Firm: Oakland County, Michigan, Waterford MI Title: Public Health COVID-19 Safety Campaign Designer: Lona Bentley

Design Firm: Oakland County, Michigan, Waterford MI Title: Oakland Together Branding Campaign Designer: Pam Tremble

Design Firm: Pareto Intelligence, Chicago IL Title: COVID-19 Tool Kit Designer: Tammy Allen Copywriter: Bre Bush

Design Firm: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Pittsburgh PA Title: Stay Safe Pittsburgh Covid-19 Communications Art Director: Richard A. Hooper Designer: Richard A. Hooper PDP Team

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Design Firm: Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Pittsburgh PA Title: Gift Card Give Back To Support Small Businesses Art Director: Richard A. Hooper Designers: Richard A. Hooper, Colten Gill Copywriter: Caitlin Fadgen Vice President of Finance & Administration: Cindy Day PDP Team

Design Firm: Sizewise, Lenexa KS Title: COVID-19 Signage Icons Art Director: Frank Myles Vice President of Marketing: Dan Vogt

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Research + Oxford Research Title: SHRM + Oxford Research Next Chapter COVID-19 Index Report Series Designer: Jeff Bade

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Title: SHRM Navigating COVID-19 Sites Designer: Jenny Mazer

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Design Firm: STO Building Group, New York NY Title: STO Building Conversations Podcast - COVID19 Series Designer: Hilda Jara Copywriter: Breanna Ahern

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: Safe Return to the Office Studio Director: Homer Villegas EVP, Human Resources: Ivonne Roca Senior Copywriter: Alex Strautman Executive VP, Marketing: Polly Neves

Design Firm: Virtus Investment Partners, New York NY Client: Virtus Human Resources Title: Return To Work Materials Designer: Michelle Iseley Copywriter: Emma Simon

Design Firm: Yale New Haven Health Creative Team, New Haven CT Title: COVID-19 Communications

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Design Firm: Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS), Rockville MD Title: Ma’ayan 2020 Annual Campaign Brochure and Mailing Art Director: Rachel Van Gorden Designer: Rachel Van Gorden Director of Marketing & Communications: Laurie Ehrlich Printer: Navistar Direct Marketing

Design Firm: HomeServe, Norwalk CT Title: HomeServe Pride Initiative Art Directors: Alycia Now, Michael Anderson Creative Director: Marie Davis

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Code of Conduct Booklet Art Director: Ron Brant Designer: Stacy Berndt Copywriters: Nancy Mandela, Matt Connell Production Designers: Tim Fink, Jack Jerome, Susie Patterson Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: RentPath Creative Services & Events, Atlanta GA Client: RentPath Title: RentPath Gives Back Creative Director: Frank Jones Art Director: Steven Butler Designers: Brian Broxton, Ron Stephens Photographers: Bradford Armstrong, JoAnne Gorski, Ben Tederstrom

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Design Firm: STO Building Group, New York NY Title: STO Cares Social Responsibility Report Art Director: Sarah Lembo Designer: Sarah Lembo Copywriter: Alison Smith Contributors: Jennifer Taranto, Rebecca Leonardis, Rob Leon

Design Firm: Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio TX Title: Valero 2019 Stewardship Responsibility Report Designer: Christine Malone

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Design Firm: Applied Underwriters, Brand Communications Department, Foster City CA Client: Applied Underwriters Title: Mightly Big Harvest Promotion Direct Mail Art Director: Nate Wells Designer: Alex Egner Copywriter: Jen Robison

Design Firm: Postal Center International (PCI) Creative Department, Weston FL Title: PCI Afloat Direct Mailer Art Director: Jose Carvajal Designer: Jose Carvajal Photographer: Jose Carvajal

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Design Firm: Pareto Intelligence, Chicago IL Title: NAACOS Conference Direct Mail Campaign Designer: Tammy Allen Copywriter: Bre Bush

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Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: State & Local Government Section Title: America Votes! Book Cover Art Director: Anthony Nuccio Designer: Anthony Nuccio

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Section on Litigation Title: Discovery Across the Globe Art Director: Nick Panos Designer: Nick Panos

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Criminal Justice Section Title: Can They Do That! Book Cover Art Director: Tahiti Spears Designer: Tahiti Spears

Design Firm: American Pharmacists Association, Washington DC Client: APhA Publishing Title: Sports Pharmacy: Performance Enhancing Drugs And The Athlete Designer: Jane deBruijn

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Design Firm: Bottomline Technologies Creative Team, Portsmouth NH Title: Bottomline Technologies Ebook Series Art Director: Phil Davis Designers: Kara Holbert, Alex Edgerly Illustrators: Kara Holbert, Alex Edgerly

Design Firm: Bottomline Technologies Creative Team, Portsmouth NH Title: Bottomline Technologies HR Resources Series Art Director: Phil Davis Designers: Dan Hyland, Lara Molnar, Andrea Goulet, April Payne

Design Firm: The Heritage Foundation, Washington DC Title: Mandate 2020: Clear Vision for the Next Administration Art Director: Amy Baumgardner Designers: Grace DeSandro (Cover), Jay Simon (Interior) Marketing Director: Elizabeth Fender

Design Firm: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/LLS Creative Services, Rye Brook NY Client: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Title: A Boy’s Philosophy Art Director: Sharon Mahoney Designer: Sharon Mahoney Copywriter: Melissa Valentino Archivist: Denise Costa Printer: Graphic Management Partners

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Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC Client: ACS Publications Title: ACS Central Science Covid-19 Journal Cover Art Director: Kenneth Phan Designer: CreativeLab

Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC Client: ACS Publications Title: JACS Au New Journal Cover Art Director: Kenneth Phan Designer: CreativeLab

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Section of Litigation Title: Litigation Magazine Cover - 19th Amendment Art Director: Jill Tedhams Illustrator: Julie Dillon

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Real Property, Trusts and Estates Law Section Title: Covid 19 and Real Estate Art Director: Andrew Alcala Designer: Andrew Alcala

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Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: ABA Journal Title: 2020 Editorial Spreads Art Director: Brenan Sharp Designer: Brenan Sharp

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Judicial Division Title: Judges’ Journal Spring 2020 Designer: Mary Anne Kulchawik Editor: Melissa Hodek

Design Firm: American Health Law Association, Washington DC Title: Health Law Connections Creative Director: Mary Boutsikaris Art Director: Mary Boutsikaris Designer: Mary Boutsikaris Marketing Director: Stefan Bradham

Design Firm: Babson College, Babson Park MA Title: Babson Magazine, Spring 2020 Art Director: Cathleen Cahill Designer: Cathleen Cahill Copywriter: Cathleen Cahill Editor: Eric Beato

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Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Hopewell Valley Neighbors, February 2020 Feature Designer: Dale Ver Voort Photographer: Benoit Cortet Author: Catherine Bialkowski

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Southside Neighbors, May 2020 Feature Designer: Lacie Kostka Photographer: Janna Hardy Author: Kathy Day

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: East Estero Living, The Botsford-Sablan Family Feature Designer: Trevor Hintz Photographer: Making Memories Portraits Author: Sydney Van Dreason

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Powdersville Neighbors, October 2019 Feature Designer: Amanda Hensen Photographer: Southern Son Photography Author: Buster Kennedy

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Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Gainesville Neighbors, June 2020 Feature Designer: Jessica Macpherson Photographer: Tall Guy & Co. Photography Author: Katie Wray

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Manhattan Neighbors, November 2019 Designer: Laura Wire Photographer: Whitney Cathleen Photography

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Wyckoff Living, Summer Styles Designer: Emily Preston Author: bfree Boutique

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: University Neighbors, July 2019 Designer: Hilary Sumnicht Author: Chelsea Scott

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Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: St. Helena Living, May 2020 Feature Designer: Laura Wire Author: Katharine Konietzko

Design Firm: Bottomline Technologies Creative Team, Portsmouth NH Title: 2019 Business Payments Barometer Art Director: Phil Davis Designer: Kyle Gorecki

Design Firm: Entrepreneur Platform Magazine, Rocky Point NC Title: May/June 2020 Edition Designer: Wendy Turrentine

Design Firm: Farm Progress, St. Charles IL Client: Farm Futures Title: April 2020 Edition Art Director: Lisa Lynd Illustrator: Jon Reinfurt

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Design Firm: Fordham Law School Communications Office, New York NY Client: Fordham Law School Title: Fordham Lawyer Magazine Art Director: Robert Yasharian Designer: Robert Yasharian Illustrator: Jayson Naylor (Cover and Table of Contents) Copywriter: Paula Derrow

Design Firm: Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), Washington DC Title: Below The Belt: Corruption and Illicit Dealings in China’s Global Infrastructure Creative Services Manager: Daniel Ackerman Director of Marketing and Events: Erin Blumenthal Deputy Director of Project Strategy and Management: Allie Shisgal

Design Firm: National Association of REALTORS®, Chicago IL Client: REALTOR® Magazine Title: Design Spread: How I Sold It, March 2019 Designer: Isabella Mathews

Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), Alexandria VA Client: America’s Pharmacist Title: The Winding, Wonky Path to Advocacy Wins, February 2019 Art Director: Robert Lewis Designer: Marianela Mayhew

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Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), Alexandria VA Client: America’s Pharmacist Title: Busting Front-End Myths, September 2019 Art Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier

Design Firm: National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), Alexandria VA Client: America’s Pharmacist Title: Pharmacy and COVID-19, May 2020 Art Director: Michael Abernethy Designer: Tyler Poirier

Design Firm: NCTM Creative Services, Reston VA Client: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Title: Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Art Director: Scott Rodgerson Designer: Quad

Design Firm: NECA Creative Services, Bethesda MD Client: Electrical Contractor Magazine Title: Safety Leader, Volume 1 Issue 1 Designer: Mia Flowers Creative Director: Ginger Wilson Publisher: Andrea Klee

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Design Firm: Outdoor Sportsman Group/Fly Fisherman Magazine, Harrisburg PA Title: DESTINATIONS - Global Fly-Fishing Adventures Art Director: Dennis Pastucha Publisher/Editor: Ross Purnell Contributing Authors and Photographers: Barry & Cathy Beck, Alex Fenlon, Peter W. Fong, Pat Ford, Will Graham, Dave Hall, Al Hassal, Earl Harper, Hilary Hutcheson, Matt Jones, Jeremy Koreski, Schuyler Marshall, Landon Mayer

Design Firm: Parsons - Core Creative, Chicago IL Client: Parsons Corporation Title: Cutterhead Tunnel and Underground Newsletter Creative Director: Kathy Sara Designer: Julio Gomez Content Manager: Alexis Carreno Brand SMEs: Joanna Piotrowicz, Elizabeth Clark

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM HR Magazine Title: HR Magazine Spring 2020 Cover Story “Uncivil Discourse” Designer: Mari Adams

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: External Communications Department Title: Pathways to Partnership Art Director: Arturo Martinez Designer: Arturo Martinez Illustrator: Arturo Martinez

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Design Firm: University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston MA Client: UMass Boston Office of Marketing and Engagement Title: UMass Boston Magazine, Fall 2019 Edition Art Director: Sarah Weatherbee Designers: Rose Coveney, Suzanne Korschun, Wendy Lanchester, Chansavanh Phanthalangsy Photographers: Harry Brett, Ed Collier, Colleen Locke, New York Times, Janina Seibel Copywriters: Vanessa Carta, Vanessa Chatterley, Colleen Locke, Crystal Valencia Director of Communications: DeWayne Lehman Managing Editor: Edward Hazell Associate Editors: Peter Grennen, Anne McLaughlin, Crystal Valencia Printer: Flagship Press Inc.

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Design Firm: AARP Publications, Washington DC Client: AARP Bulletin Title: UnHappy Feet, May 2019 Illustrator: Remie Geoffroi Associate Art Director: Joanna Hagan

Design Firm: AARP Publications, Washington DC Client: AARP Bulletin Title: What To Do With Your Tax Return, April 2020 Creative Director: Scott A. Davis

Design Firm: RentPath Creative Services & Events, Atlanta GA Client: RentPath Title: The Renter’s Journey Art Director: Steven Butler Designer: Brian Broxton Illustrator: Brian Broxton Creative Director: Frank Jones

Design Firm: Vanguard, Corporate Communications Design, Malvern PA Client: Investment Strategy and Strategic Communications Title: How To (Not) React When The Market Drops Designer: John Tierno Copywriter: Bill Carr Project Management/Other: Rhonda Dickey, Laura Niedermayer, Lara de la Iglesia, Emmet Linn

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Design Firm: ARTISA LLC, Princeton NJ Title: 25th Anniversary Website ( Art Director: Isabella Duicu Palowitch Designer: Isabella Duicu Palowitch Photographer: Matthew Mateiescu Web Developer: Matthew Mateiescu

Design Firm: Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Santa Clara CA Client: Aruba Networks Title: ATM Digital Platform Design Art Director: Janmarie Wright Designer: Janmarie Wright Project Manager: Laura Quan-Bitting

Design Firm: ASAE, Washington DC Client: ASAE Learning Department Title: 2019 Annual Meeting Social Media Art Director: Kundia Wood Designer: Beth Lower Marketing Manager: Priya Pansuria

Design Firm: Asurion, Creative Solutions, Leesburg VA Client: Sprint Title: Open Enrollment Email and Landing Page Creative Director: John Elter Associate Creative Director: Davide Allegra Senior Designer: Kristen Berg Senior Copywriter: Paula Ernst Project Manager: Lauren Carver Marketing Managers: Sarah Crumbaugh, Julie Hoermann

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Design Firm: CHIVE, Harwood Heights IL Title: CHIVE: Live Streaming Cooking Service Designers: Soyeon Kwon, Hanul Song, Miri Kim, Yewon Ryoo University: Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)

Design Firm: CoorsTek Inhouse Creative Services, Golden CO Client: Commercial Team Title: CoorsTek Online Employee Communications Art Director: Anthony Bryant Designer: Brady Kuehl

Design Firm: Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Springfield VA Title: May The 4th Be With You Micro Recruitment Campaign Art Director: Brooke Yaeger Design and Illustration: Amanda Phimmasone, JT Threlfall, Rae Cantrell, Lauren Rose

Design Firm: E*TRADE Creative Services, Jersey City NJ Client: E*TRADE Market Strategy Title: iOS App Relaunch Campaign Art Directors: Michael Hovsepian, Eric Harris Copywriter: Michael Popa

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Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: Storm Initiative Campaign Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designers: Antoinette Prioletti, Chris Gazzo Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Writer: Don Kilcoyne Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Jennifer Belthoff

Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: Talk To GAF First Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo ACD: Don Miller Art Directors: Matt Neilan, Michael Comiskey Writers: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kenya Hegazy

Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: HDZ Internet Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo ACD: Don Miller Art Directors: Matt Neilan, Michael Comiskey Writers: Donald Kilcoyne, Frannie Melville Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kim Bistromowitz

Design Firm: Green Mountain Energy, Houston TX Title: CO2 Calculator Designer: Kendall Dittmar Copywriter: Caitlin Greenwood

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Design Firm: Manual Labor Studio, Brooklyn NY Title: Website Redesign and Branding Art Director: Samantha Choi Designers: Kenny Doss, Dani Kennedy, Sameehan Patel Copywriter: Nadia Basil Strategy: Todd Cadley

Design Firm: MITRE, McLean VA Title: MITRE Internal Strategic Communications Website Art Director: Ed Foster Designer: Aaron Tuttle

Design Firm: MITRE, McLean VA Title: MITRE Website Redesign Art Director: Ed Foster Designer: Lee Parnell

Design Firm: Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Lawrenceville NJ Title: Lab Week 2020 Social Campaign Art Director: Rob Adams Copywriter: Rob Adams

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Design Firm: PenFed Credit Union Marketing, McLean VA Client: PenFed Credit Union Title: Auto Refinance Animated Digital Ad Art Director: Kelly Clasen Designer: Mariela Fuson Director: Christine Janaske Project Manager: Morgan Vaughan Brand Manager: Lee Burlison

Design Firm: Phelan Family Brands, Bonita Springs FL Client: Stone Crab Festival Title: I Got Stones Snapchat Filter Art Director: Kevin Rooney Designer: Logan Westley

Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Robert Half Title: #Juneteenth Social Art Director: Fede Abrahams Designer: Allison Bosworth, Erinn Larsen Copywriters: Michael Weiss, Robert McCauley Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Marketing Manager: Julie Plonk Social Media Team: Justin Cross, Jennifer Corbridge Project Manager: Laura Donohoe

Design Firm: Robert Half Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: The Creative Group Title: #Juneteenth Social Art Director: Fede Abrahams Designers: Allison Bosworth, Erinn Larsen Copywriters: Michael Weiss, Robert McCauley Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Marketing Manager: Julie Plonk Social Media Team: Justin Cross, Jennifer Corbridge Project Manager: Laura Donohoe

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Design Firm: Scantron, Eagan MN Title: The Domino Effect Digital Banners Designer: Bonni Graham Gonzalez Creative Director: Jason Howard Marketing Director: Bonni Graham Gonzalez

Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: Workplace Homepage Redesign Design Lead: Kris Olson Sr. UX Designer: Christine Maggi Content Strategist: Leanne Petti

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Public Relations & Marketing Title: Holiday E-Cards Series Art Director: Paul Quinones Designer: Paul Quinones Illustrator: Paul Quinones

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Client: CHOICE Administrators/CaliforniaChoice Title: Anthem Launch Studio Director: Homer Villegas Marketing Manager: Rikki Nedelkow Marketing Administrator: Noe Villasenor Executive VP, Marketing: Polly Neves

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Design Firm: ACS Publications/CreativeLab, Washington DC Client: ACS Publications Title: ACS Editors Summit Logo Art Director: Kenneth Phan Designer: CreativeLab

Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: ABA Journal Title: Women and The Law Logo Art Director: Sara Wadford Designer: Sara Wadford

Design Firm: BARK, New York NY Title: BARK Bright Dental Art Director: Vivien Heo Designer: Vivien Heo Photographer: Steven Zeswitz Illustrator: Vivien Heo Copywriter: Ian Hosking Motion Graphics: Will Herring

Design Firm: Brewer, Aurora IL Title: Move The Needle Logo Art Director: Timothy Schmoll Designer: Celina Rossi

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Design Firm: Cepheid, Sunnyvale CA Title: 2020 Global Sales Meeting Logo Art Director: Jared Tipton Designers: Bijal Patel, Kristin Bialaszewski

Design Firm: Convergent Science, Madison WI Title: Hug Your Engine Logo Art Director: Daniel Goscha Designer: Antigone Grace

Design Firm: Equitable In-House Agency, Charlotte NC Client: Equitable Title: Equitable Resource Group Icons Art Director: Linda Humphrey Designers: Kelly Hough, Michael Wilson

Design Firm: Kraus Marketing, Morristown NJ Title: Forty Pints at 40 Pine Street Art Director: Bohdana Komichak Designer: Erik Nowicki Creative Director: Nicholas Kraus

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Design Firm: Manual Labor Studio, Brooklyn NY Title: Manual Labor Branding Sticker Pack Art Director: Samantha Choi Designer: Kenny Doss

Design Firm: Mizuho Americas Creative Services, Forest Hills NY Client: Mizuho Corporate Communications & Marketing Title: ERG Identity & Logo Exploration Designer: Cynthia Yin Brand Strategy and Creative Direction: Joseph Santa

Design Firm: MNI Targeted Media Inc. | Creative Studio, Stamford CT Client: MNI Targeted Media Inc. Title: 2020 Sales Theme Art Director: Lauren Melillo Designers: Amanda Wenger, Henry Olstein

Design Firm: NJ Designs, Sparks NV Title: NJ Designs Logo Design Art Director: Natalie Ede Designer: Natalie Ede

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Design Firm: Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Public Affairs Department, Fountain Valley CA Title: 65 Years Anniversary Logo Art Director: Gregg Deterding Designer: Isai Carrillo

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Innovation Lab Logo Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designer: Jerry Stenback Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: Simplify Compliance, Creative Services, Brentwood TN Title: BLR Logo Design Art Director: Doug Ponte

Design Firm: Vanguard, Corporate Communications Design, Malvern PA Client: Conference & Events Planning Title: Partnership Day Identifier Designer: Matthew Leake Illustrator: Matthew Leake Copywriter: Carrie Fite Project Management: Donald Foote

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Design Firm: Yale New Haven Health Creative Team, New Haven CT Title: Healthier Together Wordmark

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Design Firm: Asurion, Creative Solutions, Leesburg VA Client: Sprint Title: Sprint Complete Storage Video Copywriter: Mike Melone Creative Director: John Elter Senior Art Director: Paul Garber Project Manager: Lauren Carver Marketing Manager: Julie Hoerrmann

Design Firm: Asurion, Creative Solutions, Leesburg VA Client: Home+ Title: Home+ Training Videos Creative Director: John Elter Asst. Creative Director: Bonnie Sager Art Director: Yahui Chang Designer/Animator: JiYe Chung Copywriter: Matthew Nanes Project Manager: Chris Goodwin Marketing Managers: Matt Russo, Scott Schuette Video Production: Brainstem Digital

Design Firm: FoodScience Corporation, Williston VT Title: VetriSCIENCE® Pinchers™ Video Designer: Amber Webster Copywriter: Jon Krouner Video Editing/Animation/Videography: Emir Horzovic

Design Firm: I-CAR, Hoffman Estates IL Title: 2020 I-CAR Conference Opening Video Art Director: Jeff Carlson Designer: Jason Goebel Copywriter: Elizabeth Prosser

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Design Firm: LMI, Tysons VA Title: LMI Employee Core Values Video Art Director: Theresa Koenig Creative Direction: Theresa Koenig Design and Production: Westley Eldredge Graphics Support: Andrew Miller

Design Firm: Nourison Marketing Department, Saddle Brook NJ Client: Nourison Title: Aloha Video Senior Graphic Designer: Sabina Mroczko Digital Design Manager: Justin Troust Marketing Director: Giovanni Marra

Design Firm: Parsons - Core Creative, Chicago IL Client: Parsons Corporation Title: Grid Armor Video Creative Director: Kathy Sara Designer: Abby Jeuell Multimedia Designer: Lena Goodnough Brand SME: Elizabeth Clark Multimedia/3D Visualization Manager: Paul Pilewski

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Sales Presentation Video Art Director: Ron Brant Designer: Mike Rupert Photographer: Mike Rupert Copywriters: Nancy Mandela, Matt Connell Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

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Design Firm: Protiviti Global Creative, San Ramon CA Client: Protiviti Title: Season’s Greetings from Protiviti 2019 Art Director: Samantha Bohn Designer: Samatha Bohn Copywriter: Mike Hall Senior Creative Director: Stephnee Leathers Production Designer: Ramandeep Singh Project Manager: Lewis Hawkins

Design Firm: PSCU | Company Man, St Petersburg FL Title: PSCU Member Journey Video Art Director: Ami Scheidler Designer: Ami Scheidler Illustrator: PSCU Marketing Department/Company Man

Design Firm: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Alexandria VA Client: SHRM Education Title: SHRM People Manager Qualification (PMQ) Demo Designer: Martin Nera Illustrator: SweetRush Copywriter: Liz Fitzgerald

Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: Client Forum Welcome Video Art Director: Leigh Gunning Designer: Ali Walton Copywriter: Paul Martin Video Director: Scott Meyers

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Design Firm: T. Rowe Price, Owings Mills MD Title: Augmented Reality Promotional Video Creative Director: Julie Zerivitz Art Director: Leigh Gunning Designer: Ali Walton Copywriter: Paul Martin

Design Firm: TechTarget Creative Services, Newton MA Client: TechTarget Title: Activity Matters: How Sales & Marketing Can Thrive Creative Director: Chuck Provancher Art Director: Scott Keosung Copywriter: John Steinert

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Design Firm: Corporate Image, Des Moines IA Title: Experiential 2-Sided Drop CI RIGIDBOX Art Director: Michele Choate Designer: Greg Valentine

Design Firm: Fetzer Vineyards, Healdsburg CA Title: 1000 Stories 1.5L Handle Cabernet Sauvignon Package Design Art Director: AAron Woolsey Designer: AAron Woolsey Photographer: Bruce Shippee

Design Firm: FoodScience Corporation, Williston VT Title: PetNaturals® Heartibles™ Packaging Designer: Amber Webster Copywriter: Jon Krouner

Design Firm: FoodScience Corporation, Williston VT Title: PetNaturals® Impawsibly Good Treats Packaging Designer: Amber Webster Copywriter: Jon Krouner

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Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: Timberline HDZ Packaging Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designer: Carol Monza Photographer: Richard Toonkel Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Photographer/Retoucher: Richard Toonkel 3D Renderings: Carol Monza Project Manager: Donald Jackson

Design Firm: Medi-Weightloss InHouse Graphics Department, Tampa FL Client: Medi-Weightloss Title: Signature Products Package Design Series Art Director: Heather Caplin Designers: Wendy Zuniga, Camila Hernandez, Haley Eberly Photographers: Heather Caplin, Haley Eberly Copywriter: Erica Martinez

Design Firm: National Grid Creative Services, Medway MA Title: Agri-Business Program Seed Packets Art Director: Heather Thompson Designer: Lori Taraborelli

Design Firm: Novamex, El Paso TX Title: Fiesta Pack - Jarritos速, Sangria Se単orial速, Mundet速 Art Director: Ariadne Willis Designer: Ariadne Willis

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Stubborn Soda Cans Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: LIFEWTR Series 7: Art Through Technology Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi x EXPO 2020 Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Sunbites Healthier & Lighter Bites (China) Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Lipton Avant-Garde LTO Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Tazo Refresh Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi 60 Years Ltd Ed Cans Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Mirinda Unexpected Combo Summer LTD Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Doritos Rainbow (Mexico) Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: 7UP Mo7ito Grapefruit Branding and VIS Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: ProAmpac’s Design And Sample Lab (DASL), North Hampton NH Client: ProAmpac Title: ProActive Recyclable Paper Bags Art Director: DASL Team DASL Industrial Designer: Ila Vaughn VP Global App & Innovation Development: Sal Pellingra Innovation Intern: Nicole Rinderle

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Global Pet Care Title: Good ‘n’ Fit® Long-Lasting Chews Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team

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Design Firm: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Global Pet Care Title: DreamBone® Holiday Dog Treats Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Global Pet Care Title: Wild Harvest® Advanced Nutrition Bird and Small Animal Food Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands – Global Pet Care and Home & Garden, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Home & Garden, The Fountainhead Group Title: Black Flag™ Propane and Electric Foggers Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications/Creative Team

Design Firm: Studio@doTERRA, Pleasant Grove UT Client: doTERRA Title: Yarrow|Pom Package Design Designer: Kurt Gray

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Design Firm: Studio@doTERRA, Pleasant Grove UT Client: doTERRA Title: Volo Onyx Package Design Designer: Kurt Gray

Design Firm: Studio@doTERRA, Pleasant Grove UT Client: doTERRA Title: Precious Florals Package Design Designer: Kurt Gray

Design Firm: Topco Associates LLC Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Associates LLC Title: Crav’n Flavor Children’s Crackers Art Director: Brian Carron Lead Designer: Jorjann Howell Designer: Mindy Syster Photographer: DeForest Creative Group Illustrator: John Poll Production: Judy Driscoll, Robin Heiser

Design Firm: Topco Associates LLC Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Associates LLC Title: Crav’n Flavor Cookies Art Director: Brian Carron Lead Designer: Kara Fleming-Ward Designers: Jorjann Howell, Terrence Tong Illustrator: John Poll Production: Everett Naka, Robin Heiser

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Design Firm: Topco Associates LLC, Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Topco Associates LLC Title: Crav’n Flavor Refrigerated Cookies Art Director: Brian Carron Lead Designer: Kara Fleming-Ward Designers: Jorjann Howell, Terrence Tong, Mindy Syster Photographer: DeForest Creative Group Production: James Deeb

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Design Firm: D186/ Walgreens In-house Creative Team, Deerfield IL Title: 2020 Valentine’s Day In-Aisle Creative Art Director: Nikki Andersen Senior Copywriter, Design Trends: Hillary A. Lichtenstein

Design Firm: Bottomline Technologies Creative Team, Portsmouth NH Title: Microsoft Users Group Summit Campaign Art Director: Phil Davis Designers: Matthew Bonneau, Kendall Vocca

Design Firm: E*TRADE Creative Services, Jersey City NJ Client: E*TRADE Corporate Services Title: Directions Conference Onsite Examples Art Director: Anthony Boskinis Copywriter: Kevin Scollan

Design Firm: Equitable In-House Agency, Charlotte NC Client: Equitable Title: Equitable National Sales Meeting Art Director: Linda Humphrey Designers: Lesley Childers, Renee Brown, Rebecca Bradley

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Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: GAF IBS and IRE Tradeshow Booth Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo ACD: Don Miller Art Director: Don Miller Designers: Michael Comiskey, Antoinette Prioletti, Angelico Calello Photographers: Greg Miller, Jeff Herbert, Kiko Ricote Writers: Donald Kilcoyne, Frannie Melville Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kim Bistromowitz

Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: GAF Interview Room Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: David Shin Designer: Antoinette Prioletti Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel

Design Firm: GAF/Creative Design Services, Parsippany NJ Title: Timberline HDZ IRE Pedestal Creative Director: Carlos Caicedo Art Director: Michael Comiskey Designer: Angelica Calello Copywriter: Chris Lynch Writer: Donald Kilcoyne Senior Manager Creative Design: Natalie Cruz Retoucher: Richard Toonkel Account Manager: Kim Bistromowitz

Design Firm: Lookout, Inc., San Francisco CA Title: Lookout Booth at RSA Conference 2020 Art Director: Muhamed Causevic Designer: Nam Bui Copywriters: Chris Hazelton, Michael Banic Data & Digital Support: Vikram Talware, Gary Walker Fabrication: Czarnowski Collective

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Design Firm: Postal Center International (PCI) Creative Department, Weston FL Title: PCI Environmental Graphics Art Director: Lisa Cuervo Designer: Lisa Cuervo Photographer: Nick Cuervo

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: Digital Sign Communications Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designers: Nils Oiseth, Stacy Berndt Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: RentPath Creative Services & Events, Atlanta GA Client: RentPath Title: NAA Exhibit Art Director: Frank Jones Designers: Steven Butler, Brian Broxton, Ron Stephens Photographers: Bradford Armstrong, JoAnne Gorski, Ben Tederstrom Project Manager: Sandi Jenkins

Design Firm: Ryan Companies US, Inc., Minneapolis MN Title: City Center Environmental Graphics Art Director: Chelsea Gusek Designer: Tony Silvers Copywriter: Tony Silvers

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Design Firm: Ryan Companies US, Inc., Minneapolis MN Title: Brand Activation For Confidential Client Art Director: Jamie Jansen Designer: Chelsea Gusek

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Trinity River Campus Title: I AM A MAN Exhibit Banners Art Director: Keely Edwards Designer: Arturo Martinez Illustrator: Arturo Martinez

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Trinity River Campus Student Services Title: Strong Indigenous Women, Indigenous World Environmental Graphics Art Director: Keely Edwards Designer: Keely Edwards Illustrator: Keely Edwards

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Trinity River Campus Student Activities Title: Women’s History Month: Valiant Women of the Vote Environmental Graphics Art Director: Kelsey HigleyGriffith Designer: Kelsey Higley-Griffith Illustrator: Kelsey Higley-Griffith

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Design Firm: Vecna Technologies, Burlington MA Title: HIMSS Trade Show Project Art Director: Cheryl Forziati Designer: Cheryl Forziati Marketing: Julie Machnik

Design Firm: WarnerMedia Marketplace Image, New York NY Client: WarnerMedia Ad Sales Title: The Art of Storytelling Art Directors: Adrienne Klein, Peter Millen, Evan Mathews Designers: Aly Hawana, Sharon Wu, Joy Whitley, Cedric Boismain Copywriter: Adrienne Klein Fabrication: Warner Bros. Design Studio, Eloy Antunez, Adam Forman

Design Firm: WarnerMedia Marketplace Image, New York NY Client: WarnerMedia Ad Sales Title: Environmental Design & Installation For 30 Hudson Yards NYC Art Director: Peter Millen Designers: Joy Whitley, Cedric Boismain, James Chang, Aly Hawana, John Lefteratos, Sharon Wu Mural Artists: VIZIE, 2Alas, Hueman, Brendan Monroe, Bisco Smith, Chad Lauffer Fabrication & Production: Jakub Durkoth, Craig McNabb, Jim Priest, Toan Staples, Pop Up Masters/Kenyon Smith, Color X Luludi Project Managers: Leslie Silver, Erin Koval Team Leaders: Cliff Selover, Allison Radzin Executive Sponsors: Amanda Turnbull, Michael Tatum

Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Table Top Banners Art Director: Nicole Cornett Designer: Kelly Bieksha Illustrator: Kelly Bieksha Project Manager: Evan Smith Senior Events Marketing Manager: Julie Mallory

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Design Firm: Zimeng Wang, Boston University, Allston MA Title: A Banned Exhibition Designer: Zimeng Wang Photographer: Zimeng Wang Professors: Kristen Coogan, Yael Ort-Dinoor

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Design Firm: American Bar Association/ABA Creative Group, Chicago IL Client: Law Practice Management Title: TECHSHOW 2020 Posters Art Director: Elmarie Jara Designer: Elmarie Jara

Design Firm: BMI - Broadcast Music, Inc., New York NY Title: Sonidos Alternos Poster Designer: Jeff Gilligan Creative Director: Jeff Gilligan

Design Firm: NCTM Creative Services, Reston VA Client: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Title: Centennial Timeline Poster Art Director: Scott Rodgerson Designer: Pattie Covert

Design Firm: Pavone Marketing Group, Wyndmoor PA Title: Working From Work - A Guide in 2020 Posters Art Director: Courtney Polidoro Copywriter: Michael Deegan

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Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Trinity River Campus Student Activities Title: 3 On 3 Volleyball Tournament Posters Art Director: Jeffery Diehl Designer: Jeffery Diehl Illustrator: Jeffery Diehl

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Arlington TX Client: Southeast Campus Student Development Services Title: Digital Mindfulness Posters Art Director: Keith Meloy Designer: Keith Meloy Illustrator: Keith Meloy

Design Firm: Tarrant County College District/Graphic Services, Fort Worth TX Client: Trinity River Campus Title: Adjusted Lens: Imaging Blackness Posters Art Director: Arturo Martinez Designer: Arturo Martinez

Design Firm: The Word & Brown Companies, Orange CA Title: The Word & Brown Companies Finance Mission Statement Poster Studio Director: Homer Villegas

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Design Firm: University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston MA Client: UMass Boston Performing Arts Department Title: Beethoven at 250 Years Poster Art Director: Rose Coveney Designer: Rose Coveney Promotion Manager/Writer: Bill Doncastor

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Design Firm: WebMD Health Services, Portland OR Title: Weight Management Coaching - Positively Me Art Director: Nicole Cornett Designer: Cindy Burger Illustrator: Cindy Burger Copywriter: Pete Latriano Project Manager: Evan Smith Senior Marketing Manager

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Design Firm: National Grid Creative Services, Medway MA Title: National Grid Clean Energy Presentation Art Director: Heather Thompson Designer: Lori Taraborelli

Design Firm: Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio TX Title: Valero Company Overview Presentation Designers: Christine Malone, Darrell Ball

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Design Firm: Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids MI Title: Poetry on The Rapid Art Director: Vinicius Lima Designer: Vinicius Lima Authors: Patricia Clark, Dan Gerber, Amorak Huey, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, W. Todd Kaneko, Keith Taylor, Ander Monson Project Coordinators: Monica Johnstone, Brian Bickford Curation: Patricia Clark

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Design Firm: Asurion, Creative Solutions, Leesburg VA Client: Verizon Title: Secret Agent Campaign Creative Director: John Elter Art Director: Amy Latham Senior Designer: Francisco Viera Senior Copywriter: Tricia Loftis Project Manager: Chris Goodwin Marketing Managers: Vidya Amin, Matt Allare

Design Firm: Asurion, Creative Solutions, Leesburg VA Client: Verizon Title: Verizon In-Store Pilot: Rep Tool Creative Director: John Elter Associate Creative Director: Davide Allegra Project Manager: Christine Goodwin Copywriter: Mike Melone Marketing Manager: Vidya Amin

Design Firm: Best Version Media, De Pere WI Title: Monthly Leave Behind Designer: Nhi Poss

Design Firm: CoorsTek Inhouse Creative Services, Golden CO Client: Commercial Team Title: Ceramics eBook, Print and Social Media Campaign Art Director: Anthony Bryant Designer: Matthew Macomber

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Design Firm: Equitable In-House Agency, Charlotte NC Client: Equitable Title: SCS Suite: Brochure and Carrier Art Director: Linda Humphrey Designers: Leanne Scala Pugh, Josh Branson, Michael Wilson, Christine Pearson

Design Firm: Litehouse Design Team, Sandpoint ID Client: Litehouse, Kroger and Nature Sweet Title: Simple Salad Solutions Promotion Art Director: Kathy Weisz Designer: Amber Sirk Photographer: Amber Sirk

Design Firm: Litehouse Design Team, Sandpoint ID Client: Litehouse Marketing Title: Appy Holidays Promotion Art Director: Kathy Weisz Designer: Lindsey Kuhn Photographer: Crowded Kitchen

Design Firm: Litehouse Design Team, Sandpoint ID Client: Litehouse Marketing Title: Do Good Eat Good Promotion Art Director: Kathy Weisz Designer: Amber Sirk Video: Gwen Le Turtour

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Design Firm: Litehouse Design Team, Sandpoint ID Client: Litehouse Marketing Title: Ranch To The Rescue Promotion Art Director: Kathy Weisz Designer: Amber Sirk Video: Gwen Le Turtour

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: True Cost Digital Download Art Director: Ron Brant Designer: Stacy Berndt Copywriters: Nancy Mandela, Matt Connell Production Designers: Tim Fink, Jack Jerome, Susie Patterson Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: Prime Therapeutics Creative Services, Eagan MN Client: Prime Therapeutics Title: RFP Executive Summary Art Director: Nils Oiseth Designer: Nils Oiseth Production Designers: Tim Fink, Jack Jerome, Susie Patterson Project Managers: Connie Krell, Anna Rechtzigel

Design Firm: VF Workwear, Nashville TN Client: National Parks Services Title: NPS Uniform Engagement Campaign Art Directors: Tommy Upson, Wendy Stamberger Designer: Wendy Stamberger Photographers: John Walker Photography (model images), National Parks Service, Harpers Ferry Center (archival center, vintage photography) Marketing Team & Project Managers: Ian Kinkaid, Gwen Pettiford, Aimee Say, Phil McGann, Taylor Fly, Jessica Slaughter, Bryan Adams Client Representatives: Ramie Lynch, Uniform Program Manager, National Parks Service, Harpers Ferry Center

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Design Firm: Allina Health Brand Expression, Minneapolis MN Client: Allina Health EMS Title: Allina Health Ambulance Redesign Art Director: Nicholas Bartman Designer: Teresa West Director of Brand Expression: Signe Peterson

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Design Firm: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora CO Client: Healthy Hospital Title: Healthy Roots Truck Designer: Kate Nelson

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ELIMINATE RACIAL BIAS IN BRANDING ELLE MORRIS that’s culturally unnatural so you won’t get fired? The idea that any American had to experience any of these situations was appalling to almost everyone. There was shame and disbelief that our Black friends and family had been living a parallel life — one that we see and another that we did not or chose not to see — which was difficult and constantly filled with fear and indignity. How could we have all been so entitled and blind for so long? THE BRANDS WE LOVE Pepsi did it first. In a radical but righteous move, Pepsi announced that it was dropping the brand name and image of the Aunt Jemima brand because of racial bias. That move sent a shock wave through the marketing and design community. If Pepsi was doing this, then certainly other brands like Uncle Ben’s, Cream of Wheat and Mrs. Butterworth’s should do the same thing. Most followed suit with announcements later in the week and at a minimum committed to

After George Floyd was killed by a police officer on May 25, 2020, this country came to the

review their brands through a racially biased lens. The shocking part was the protest that came from White

brutal awakening that there are two Americas:

people about their beloved Aunt Jemima going away. “I don’t

the America that white Americans live in

understand. I thought it was just somebody’s Aunt. I don’t see

and the America that Black Americans and

a slave there.” “This is political correctness gone too far, people are seeing racism in syrup.” “I always heard the

everyone else lives in.

woman on the bottle was paid millions for her recipe and

Black Lives Matter (BLM) gained thousands of white protes-

helped impoverished black people. So, taking it off is an

tors overnight and the country finally seemed to unite against

insult to her.” If I shared every discussion I had with White

the racially motivated violence that has terrorized Black

friends on this topic, we’d be here all day.

Americans since their ancestors arrived on this continent. In conjunction with this, there seems to finally be a movement

I think the most telling question and response was this from

to acknowledge and begin the hard work of eliminating sys-

a mutual friend of mine and my husband, Ed, who is Black.

temic racism in our society.

“Does Ed have a problem with this?

The George Floyd incident caused deeper reflection in White

”Me: “Yes, he does. He’s always hated the Aunt Jemima

Americans. Questions were posed that shook White people


to their core: How would you feel if your 12-year-old son was shot and killed by police while playing with a plastic gun in

Friend: “He’s never said anything to me in the 20 years I’ve

the park? When you shop are you followed around a store to

known him.”

see if you’re going to steal anything? Are your beauty and grooming products locked up by retailers (so the only way you can consider them is if the retailer unlocks the case for you)? Do you have to have a “talk” with your adolescent

Me: “No, of course he didn’t, because Black people have accepted this type of racial portrayal and discrimination since the beginning of time. What good would it do him to complain to his White friend about it?

children about how to behave with law enforcement so they don’t get killed? Do you have to wear your hair in a style

”Friend: “I never thought about it that way.”

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to show Americans how “authentically Latin” a product is.

“I never thought about it that way.” Those words pretty much

Images of Uncle Jose with the floppy Mexican hat and huge

sum up the marketing and design community with regard to

moustache, Tio Juan with his outlandishly Latin facial charac-

using racial stereotypes on packaging. There’s a reason

teristics, Manuelita with the provocative gaze and off the

why Uncle Ben is still on the rice package. And a reason

shoulder blouse, Rosalita with her big floppy hat on. Do we

Mrs. Butterworth is still shaped like a “Black Mammy.” And

really need to show racial stereotypes of any people in our

yes, there’s a reason that Rastus is still on the Cream of

brands? Aren’t we more creative than that? Isn’t a bit lazy to

Wheat package.

rely on those ancient design tropes to communicate to consumers? We are all smart. We are worldly. We have the Internet.

Slave narratives for food have been so culturally accepted by

Culture has never been more accessible. We must start lever-

Americans that it demanded a huge act of violence in the year

aging creativity and narrative to build compelling brand stories

2020 be the catalyst for change. The amendment to end

and stop relying on visual and verbal stereotypes to tell a

slavery was passed in 1865. It took one hundred and fifty-five

brand story. We must also lean into creatives who come from

years for America to realize using slave narrative and imagery

these cultures and will have the insights to represent them au-

in branding is NOT OK. For those who don’t know, slave

thentically and call us out on it when we culturally appropriate.

cooking was the gold standard in the old South. Once slavery was eliminated, whites who couldn’t afford Black help, were


longing for the old recipes that the slaves had prepared.

Let’s commit as a Design community to look at things in a

Food companies were smart enough to meet this need by

perspective that is different than our own.Things we can do

buying recipes for small amounts of money from former slaves

right now:

(no, the former slaves didn’t become millionaires) and sometimes using them and their imagery to sell the product – i.e., Aunt Jemima leveraged Nancy Green as the face and voice of the brand for years. Over time, other women modeled for

• Hire people of color for influential roles and value their perspective • Enable broader perspectives in decision making

the package for a more “updated” look. • Accept and get used to your own discomfort as a White As Design leaders, we need to show consumers that these

person — things are going to be very different now

brands will be just as compelling, just as delicious and just

• Read everything you can on how to actively shift to a racially

as trusted, with a new narrative and a new design. We can

equitable society (Uprooting Racism: How White People Can

pay homage to Black culture with dignity in our approach.

Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel, Witnessing Whiteness

We don’t have to “white wash” the brand but can represent

by Shelly Tochluk and Why are all the Black Kids Sitting

the narrative and appropriate imagery with respect. This will

Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum are

require insight from ALL consumers and design firms that know

good books).

how to leverage the insight appropriately using creatives with diverse racial backgrounds.

Let’s recruit and hire more minority designers to help understand what’s culturally biased and what’s not. Let’s leverage

We also can’t stop with these brands. As a Cuban American,

creativity and design to solve this problem and do our part

I am highly sensitive to the “Latin” characters that are used

to end systemic racism.

ELLE MORRIS is founder and CEO of SnapDragon Branding Design Consultancy, a minority and women-owned and led firm. She is Irish Cuban and her husband of over 20 years is Black. Morris has been working in the Black Beauty Care segment since 2002 when she was a team member for the Pantene Relaxed & Natural launch while with LPK. She also led work on Fashion Fair Skin and Makeup as well as Latina-based insights for Beauty Retail while at LPK. She and SnapDragon created the Just for Me Curl Peace design (a GDUSA award winner) and the Queen Helene redesign in 2019. Being Latina with bi-racial family has compelled Morris to speak to the industry since 2009 about African American and Latina beauty consumers, the difference in habits and practices and the unmet needs of these consumers. The firm draws upon designers and marketers with culturally appropriate backgrounds for work and leverages their expertise to bring consumers the brands that they love with beauty and cultural meaning.

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portantly, Decimal is new to the political landscape; Biden’s campaign is the first to use it for political messaging. Biden, of course, isn’t alone in using design to amplify his message and convey ethos in the process. Politicians are realizing there’s a powerful connection between typographic voice and one’s actual voice. Through typography and other elements of visual identity, candidates are branding themselves in novel ways. By setting aside old-fashioned design tropes, these campaigns are separating themselves from the past and creating authentic connections to 2020 voters. Political design is evolving to better represent diverse voices of candidates and communicate with citizens seeking change. THE NEW JOHN HANCOCK

With less than one hundred days until U.S.

In recent years, candidates like Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bill Lee of Tennessee have opted to

elections, local and national candidates

include stylized signatures in their branding to convey

across the country are vying for votes with

friendliness and humanness. In her 2012 senate cam-

bold ideas and eye-catching designs. In an

a sturdy gothic caps font, acting as a sort of drizzle of icing

election year where a pandemic has curtailed

on a DIN-layer-cake (DIN, of course, is an austere sans-

photo ops and cancelled meet-and-greets

paign, Warren used her first-name signature to supplement

serif font, favored by designers for its no-nonsense, industrial look. The Warren signature gives lends warmth). By

and rallies, a campaign’s digital presence is

comparison, Lee’s 2018 gubernatorial campaign opted

the only way to safely connect with voters.

for a sort of heaping-pile-of-roast-beef signature on a very

As more Americans engage with candidates online, political hopefuls are realizing what design enthusiasts have

thin slice of Sackers Gothic (Sackers Gothic is a wide sansserif font, beloved for its lighter weights and caps-andsmall-caps style).

long understood: a cohesive and impactful visual identity is critical to a successful campaign.In recent weeks, presumptive Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines by choosing two new campaign typefaces, Decimal and Mercury, from Hoefler & Co. Intended to reinforce his 2020 campaign’s mantra of “the battle for the soul of the nation,” the faces are conservative and well-groomed — a shrewd choice and a stark contrast to his opponent’s dissonant type and design choices. Mercury is bookish, smart and historically inflected. Decimal is fresh and unique, but familiar. Perhaps most im-

Candidates use script typefaces and stylized signatures to communicate honesty, trust and approachability. We all have our own signature and we all have our handwriting. By using this relatable form of letters, candidates hope to create a sympathetic connection to their constituents. However, scripts are still a sideshow to sans serifs — for candidates of all political stripes. Big, bold, all-caps sans is the loudest voice in the room. And, sans serifs as support type provide a clean and easy to read counterpoint — the calm reassurance of a plain-spoken leader.

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stantive change. From the color palette to her photograph to her name set in a narrow, slanted, all-caps, square

After decades of red versus blue, visual identity in politics

sans-serif, the design of AOC’s identity reflects her vision

is beginning to embrace the rest of the color spectrum.

for her district and the country. Perhaps most importantly,

Thinking outside of the red-blue box signifies a new way

it’s tailored to her constituents. It was the right message

of thinking. Unique color combinations can communicate

from the right candidate in the right voice for the right

a desire to unite and can broadcast a progressive agenda.


From a cynical perspective, color can also hide party affiliation in a geography dominated by the opposing coalition.

This kind of alignment of candidate, communication and constituents is striking when the candidate is remarkable,

Photography, an under-appreciated, underutilized art in

but we can see it at work in more conservative races too.

politics, is also changing. Like color and typography, when

Mike Cooney (D) and Greg Gianforte (R) are both vying

used with skill and consistency, it can powerfully shape pub-

for the Montana governor’s office. Both have campaign

lic perception. There’s a world of expression to be explored

graphics that speak clearly and conventionally, and both

beyond the “smile and stare straight into the camera”

are, as a result, well-crafted and well-suited to their au-

school of political photography. Today, candidates are learn-

dience. The end results aren’t groundbreaking, but they

ing to be more comfortable and natural in front of a camera.

are good designs.There are so many great graphic design-

Casual photography and social media feeds are coming

ers out there and so many great typefaces ready to give

together to further convey a candidate’s accessibility.

just the right inflection to the voices of politicians, their messages, and their genuine impulses to serve for the


public good.

Good design for politicians is the same as good design

Hope dictates that the trend is towards better candidates

generally: it connects the dots between the message, the

and more original design. Hope also dictates that more of

medium, and the audience. While campaign design has

us will participate in this year’s political process. Don’t

historically been abysmal or abysmally non-committal,

forget to register! And please, please, don’t forget to vote!

recent elections have shown that design can have a powerful impact in bringing forward new voices. CHARLES NIX, Creative Type Director at Monotype. Nix has designed a number

An iconic identity like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2018

of popular typefaces in the Monotype Library, including Walbaum and Hope Sans, which received a Certificate of Typographic Excellence in the 22nd Annual Type

NY Congressional campaign, by design group Tandem,

Directors Club Typeface Design Competition. He’s also designed custom typefaces

starts with an original candidate looking to create sub-

for Google Noto, Progressive Insurance and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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1. Engages Audiences On A Deeper Level Have you ever visited a website only to scroll rapidly, click through a few pages, then close out? Chances are, that website didn’t prioritize creativity and design. Great digital design engages audiences while creativity helps to connect with them on a deeper level through every step of their journey — cutting down their temptation to close out and move on to the next shiny digital distraction. 2. Communicates With Compelling Visual Stories When we meet a new person, we want to know their story (and the more compelling it is, the more we care). The same goes for brands. If consumers miss the story (or worse, if they don’t care), they’ll turn somewhere else with a better one. As we’re designing our brand experi-

While we’re not quite to the Matrix level of living digitally, we sure do spend a lot of time

ences, it’s important to create and clearly communicate with immersive visual stories that deliver “ah-ha” moments around every turn.

in the digital world. Every day, we take in thousands of brand experiences, whether we’re

3. Stands out while staying true

looking for a new pair of tennis shoes or trying to find the best content marketing software.

As brands strive to develop unique and interesting content, it’s crucial they also remain authentic. After all, we all

Whether we know it or not, each of those digital

gravitate to that which we can relate and trust. Brands

touch-points influences our perception of and

that attempt to stand out (in any way that’s not fully true)

emotions toward the brands we’re interacting with.

get called out. Brands that leverage purpose and mission as fuel for their creativity will design the digital experi-

If brands fail to deliver engaging digital touch-points,

ences that dreams are made of.

they’ll fail to catch and keep our attention. Digital design that focuses on creating immersive experiences is needed

Digital touch-points are literally found everywhere in the

now more than ever.

world we live — and immersive, innovative digital design is the way forward. Due to the pandemic, a brand’s digital

For digital designers, now is the time to unleash your

presence is only increasing in importance. Today, design

creativity and capture today’s modern consumer. Great

focused on crafting immersive and compelling digital

digital design today:

experiences has never mattered more.

RYAN BROWN is head of brand strategy at Ceros. Ryan is a frequent thinker and speaker on creative strategy and all things experiential. His previous marketing and brand experience efforts has included work for Amazon, NFL, DreamWorks Animation, Hulu, Lincoln Motor Company, Madison Square Garden, HubSpot, Capital One, HGTV, and others.

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Have you ever felt that Sunday night dread about returning to work the next day? If so, you may have worked for a firm that doesn’t focus on fostering a strong organizational culture. That’s when it’s easy for a work environment to spin out

While these values are different for everyone, organiza-

of control. From micromanagement and workload burnout

tions that encourage creativity, innovation, collaboration

to favoritism and office cliques, toxic work practices give

and risk-taking are best-positioned to attract and retain

talented professionals every incentive to leave at the

creative talent.

earliest opportunity. Here are five tips that can help you build an office culture A report on organizational culture from global staffing firm Robert Half, The Creative Group’s parent company, reveals how job seekers are increasingly willing to turn their backs

that top candidates want to be part of. 1. Encourage Communication and Collaboration

on lucrative offers if they feel they aren’t a good fit for the

Without a company culture that promotes good commu-

organization. Even now during the COVID-19 pandemic,

nication and teamwork, you might be left with a group of

professionals look for employers whose values align with

talented individuals that never fully gels. One way to

their own and who care about their employees. A recent

prevent this is through regular team catch-ups where

survey from Robert Half showed, as a result of the pandemic,

individuals talk to each other, sharing goals, challenges

60% of workers are now more motivated to work at an or-

and achievements.

ganization that values its staff during unpredictable times.

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Encourage team members to not only help each other in

to environments where conflicts are swiftly de-escalated

moments of need, but also ask for help when they need

and vigorous debate is encouraged.

it. And when they do, positively reinforce this behavior by praising both the person who sought help and the one who gave it. Whatever your communication strategy, make sure it encompasses the whole team, wherever they’re based. With many people working remotely due to the pandemic, tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Hangouts and Zoom can help keep the conversation flowing. If you want your workforce to remain engaged and productive, they need to feel connected in as many ways as possible, including participating in text and video chats. 2. Trust Your Team — And Don’t Micromanage In a healthy organizational culture, workers want managers to be on their side, not by their side. Hovering over your employees’ shoulders, even virtually, can stifle productivity and drain morale. Trust your team, and give them space to use their skills and creativity. Trusting your staff also means embracing their willingness to take risks and try new approaches — including ones that fail. If one of your designers comes up with a brilliant pitch that’s rejected by the client, they may feel crushed — which is precisely the time for you to show your appreciation of their work, reframe it as a good creative risk to have taken, and encourage them to learn from the experience and keep breaking the mold. 3. Manage Conflict and Promote Debate

4. Invest In Professional Development To attract and retain top talent, prove your firm is a place where creative professionals can grow. Whether it’s offering mentorships, increased responsibility or training in leading-edge design software, investing in professional development shows you care about your staff and want them to succeed. By embracing a spirit of learning and continuous improvement, you not only reduce staff turnover, but also end up with a highly skilled workforce that improves your bottom line. 5. Broadcast Your Success Find ways to show potential hires what it’s like to work at your company before they apply so they can judge for themselves whether they’d be a good fit. Ask your team to come up with attention-grabbing ways to tell your firm’s story via social media, your website and other channels. And whatever you produce, keep it real. A quirky Day in the Life of Our Art Director video may more likely appeal to experienced candidates than a slick promotion about how your company is crushing the competition. Building an organizational culture isn’t a one-step process. As your firm evolves, your culture needs to evolve with it. But the benchmark for success is always be the same: If the people you most want to work for you are attracted to your firm and your team is happy

As long as you’re employing humans, you’ll also be

and productive, you’ll create a company culture you can

resolving conflicts. Act quickly when they arise, opening

be proud of.

channels of communication between any colleagues who are at odds — and practice active listening with employees who have issues with each other, or even your management style or strategies.

DIANE DOMEYER is Executive Director of The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service placing interactive, design, marketing, advertising and public relations professionals with a variety of firms. For more information,

But don’t confuse conflict with passion. There will be


legitimate disagreements, and professionals are drawn

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