GDUSA April 2019

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APRIL 2019


APRIL 2019

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This edition of GDUSA features our 56th anniversary package design awards. Makers and marketers are challenged as never before to tell their story, advance their brand, make the sale. Think fragmented audiences, shortened attention spans, media clutter, economic and technological dislocation, global competition, changing tastes. Package design and pointof-sale are increasingly the difference makers. The outstanding work showcased in this edition — by 200 elite designers and clients — celebrates attractive graphics, of course, but more importantly, the power of design to forge an emotional link with the buyer at the moment of truth. SOMETHING IN THE AIR The parent and upright citizen in me fears the rush toward legalizing recreational marijuana; as Malcolm Gladwell recently wrote in The New Yorker, we just don’t know what we don’t know. The libertarian in me finds it hard to justify the criminalization of pot. GORDON KAYE IS THE PUBLISHER OF GDUSA Comments, suggestions and letters can be sent to gkaye @

And the cheerleader-for-designers in me is excited by the size of the opportunity for brand and package experts, as reflected in the explosion of cannabis-related projects coming across my desk and into our competitions. Indeed, the package design showcase in this edition includes our first ever dedicated “Cannabis + CBD” category. If I had to guess, pro-legalization forces prevail — this is a done deal in Canada and several U.S. states. Indeed, in Manhattan, where recreational marijuana is not yet legal, wafting cannabis smoke has eclipsed the dirty water hot dog as our dominant street smell. Personally I have mixed feelings, but professionally I am primed to watch graphic designers land new clients and help shape how cannabis is perceived, positioned, packaged and purchased. ALEXA ... PLAY BABY SHARK By now everyone has their favorite list of things millennials have killed. It’s an internet meme and an economic reality. From homebuying to chain restaurants, from canned tuna to mayonnaise, from napkins to bar soaps, from golf to motorcycles, from sex to business lunches. But “print is one thing millennials have not killed,” according to a new Canon Print for Action Survey. The survey finds that 76% of millennials see printed books as important and enduring, most believe there is future value in print newspapers and magazines (yay!), and print greeting cards, calendars and planners remain millennial staples. More generally, most Americans of all ages believe well-crafted print better captures attention and engenders trust. And 47% of respondents said they would be sad in a world without print. I’m not sure what that means but I would be sad, too. Here at GDUSA we have long argued that print is powerful and undervalued, so it is nice to have affirmation from a respected industrial giant. At the same time — cue the music from Jaws or, better yet, Baby Shark — those in legacy industries may have dodged a millennial bullet, but skeptical Gen Z’ers and their twin obsessions with mobile and automated transactions are looming. Time to update your “kill” lists. WE WELCOME YOUR COMMENTS The art of staying alive as a print publication in 2019 involves constant self-examination of your reason-to-be. As I noted last year, two dozen graphic design/graphic arts magazines have expired during GDUSA’s existence so we may be good at introspection or we may be bad at reality. That said, we’re alive and kicking. Our latest tweak is to add more commentary in print and migrate more community news to our flexible website. This print edition, for example, features pieces by Sonia Greteman (on building a design firm that lasts), Jim Misener (on encouraging a creative working culture), and Carey Jenkins (how to grow from professional and personal adversity). Look for more opinion and storytelling in print and more timely news you can use on at

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Create Cr eate Design Design n That Transcends Tr Transcends Expectations E xpectations Student design by Yvonne Anaya

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FRESH Pentagram rebrands The Knot to be more contemporary and inclusive; Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv and Mercy for Animals opt for highly abstract symbol; UNO creates a welcoming space for Latino-influenced brewery in Minneapolis (yes Minneapolis); Revive Kombucha campaign creates a flashback with inserts printed on LSD blotter paper; Lippincott retains emotional bond to Ireland in Aer Lingus refresh; and more.


COMMENT Carey Jenkins of Substantial in Seattle on searching for the deeper message when faced with career and personal adversity; Sonia Greteman on her Wichita design firm’s 30th anniversary and how to build something that lasts; and Jim Misener of Chicago’s 50,000feet with three simple ideas for fostering a creative work culture that supports the needs and aspirations of the team.


HIGHEST HONORS Last edition, we featured our annual Students-to-Watch selections. This time we offer GDUSA’s favorite schools and programs, a few dozen institutions that excel in teaching the hard and soft skills necessary for success, in nurturing talent and expanding minds, and in preparing the next generation of creative professionals to build a dream career in the real world.


PACKAGE DESIGN AWARDS Makers, marketers and sellers are challenged as never before to convey the message, promote the brand, close the deal. Our annual American Package Design Awards™ celebrates beauty, of course, but more importantly, the power of design to forge an emotional link with the buyer at the moment of truth. Or, as exclusive sponsor, Neenah Packaging, states: “Package design is a high-touch tool that speaks directly to consumers, to their values and expectations. A tool that can help deliver on the brand’s promise.”


HIRING AND CAREERS Diane Domeyer of The Creative Group on why managers in the creative space are worried about being able to staff their current projects adequately and whether they will be able to

GDUSA - Graphic Design USA Volume 56 / No. 2 March/April 2019 Kaye Publishing Corporation (ISSN0274-7499/USPS227020). Published 6 times a year with combined issues in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December. Executive, editorial and advertising offices at 89 Fifth Avenue, Suite 901, New York NY 10003. Phone: 212.696.4380, Fax: 212.696.4564, SUBSCRIPTION: Domestic, $72 one year. International, $140 one year. Periodicals postage paid at New York NY and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GDUSA - Graphic Design USA, PO Box 3072, Langhorne PA 19047. Permit #224.

access the right talent for future opportunities when they arise.


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THANKS TO THE SPONSOR Once again 2019, Neenah is the exclusive sponsor of our annual American Package Design Awards™. For us, this is a great honor. Neenah partners with some of the most prestigious and forward-thinking global brands, including Amazon and Jack Daniel’s, to create custom packaging solutions designed to build brand equity. Whether it’s readymade papers, sustain-


able options or one-of-a-kind custom packaging solutions, Neenah offers products that enable brands to create an emotional connection engaging customers both visually and

Gordon Kaye Publisher

through the science of touch. Neenah’s best-in-class service and substrate expertise will help you differentiate your retail packaging at shelf, and make that coveted connection with your


customers. Visit for inspiration, information and to order samples.

Ilana Greenberg Creative Director Rachel Goldberg Production Director Jay Lewis Photographer



ADMINISTRATION & READER SERVICES Althea Edwards Accounts Manager



Conversations with designers and thought-leaders shaping the creative community.

Jennifer Hoff Scott Sczcypiorski Internet Services Nolan Roth Circulation

EDITORIAL Gordon Kaye Editor

ABOUT THE COVER Stranger & Stranger is a packaging design and branding company specializing in alcoholic drinks, labeling up about a billion units a year from low-cost supermarket’s private label wine to highest-end premium spirits. Their ‘Bitter & Twisted’ Holiday Pack is a winner in this year’s package design awards program. The winners showcase begins at PAGE 41.

Sasha Kaye-Walsh E-News Editor Charlotte Kaye Associate Editor

FOUNDER Milton L. Kaye (1921-2016)

ADVERTISING Ron Andriani Executive VP, Integrated Marketing + Business Development 201.485.8720 212.696.4380 randriani@

COVER PAPER CREDIT: The cover of this special edition of GDUSA is printed on FSC-certified Kallima Coated Cover C2S, part of the Kallima Paper family of FSC-certified coated cover paperboard, manufactured by the Tembec Paper Group. A leading advocate of sustainability, Kallima has a distinct low-density high-bulk construction resulting in less trees used and signficant cost savings to the customer. and 1.800.411.7011

Gordon Kaye Publisher 212.696.4380 gkaye @ COPYRIGHT 2019 BY KAYE PUBLISHING CORPORATION

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Mar 2019 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/7/19 11:33 AM Page 10


NEW YORK NY If you’ve gotten married in the past two decades,

chances are you’ve turned to The Knot to plan your wedding. Pentagram collaborated with the popular site on its first rebranding, refreshing the visual identity with a new logo and color palette that reflect a broader and more inclusive sensibility. The new identity, led by Pentagram partner Abbott Miller, centers around an energetic, informal signature and a striking red that is assertive, passionate and part of an expanded palette that opens the brand to more varied expressions across its different platforms. A supporting vocabulary of graphic elements is derived wordmark ― cropped strokes, ligatures and ascenders of letterforms ― from the loops and arcs of The Knot signature. Enlarged details of the are used as background shapes or frames for photography, creating a cohesive brand experience. Miller explains that the look is intended to be more modern, playful, spontaneous and unisex, breaking out of traditional wedding signifiers in order to appeal to a wider audience and to convey a mission that supports all couples and their weddings, regardless of style, culture, sexual orientation, scale or budget. Working with Miller on the project at Pentagram: Chase Body, Pragun Agarwal and Kim Walker.

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Millions of head-turning, hair-raising, ready-to-use images, YLGHR FOLSV DQG PXVLF WUDFNV WR ĬW ZKDWHYHU VW\OH \RXÅ”UH JRLQJ IRU

It’s not stock. It’s Shutterstock.

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MINNEAPOLIS MN La Doña Cervecería is the first Latino-influenced brewery in Minneapolis. Its space is intended to be a

welcoming environment where local residents can enjoy a Mexican-style lager or other creative brews, and its mission includes diversifying the local craft-beer scene. UNO, a well-known cross-cultural design firm, developed retail branding “to be approachable and inclusive for the Latino and Minnesotan culture,” and the project includes the logo, merchandising, uniforms, murals, and communications. UNO Creative Director Luis Fitch comments: “More than ever with today’s political climate it is important to create spaces where different cultures can come together, understand each other, share food, the arts, fútbol, and have a beer. That is what we were trying to create.” The brewery includes a spacious taproom with an event area whose flexible space can host community-driven events. UR/IN is a gallery exhibition space located to raise awareness and appreciation for diversity in the arts, and there is also a patio and prep kitchen where local restaurateurs create foods to pair with the specialty beers. La Doña’s very own Fútbol and Social Club plays on the boxed turf-outdoor soccer field. Among Fitch’s many honors and awards, he was a GDUSA Person To Watch in 2014.

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Christine Wilson, B.F.A., graphic design, 2018, Duluth, Georgia


In the last two years, SCAD graphic design students have won more than 115 awards and honors from such top firms and publications as Applied Arts, Communication Arts, Core77, GDUSA, Graphis, HOW Design, Indigo Design Awards, International Design Awards, Red Dot and more. The SCAD graphic design program parallels the latest evolution of professional practice, delving into product packaging, entrepreneurship, mobile technology, immersive reality, interface design, user experience and more.

Design your career.






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NEW YORK NY Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv has designed a new Mercy

For Animals logo. Founded by activist Milo Runkle in 1999, the nonprofit organization conducts undercover investigations of factory farms and slaughterhouses, engages with corporations to create animal welfare policies, helps create animal welfare laws, and raises public awareness about animal suffering. With such a descriptive name, the visual identity for the organization was redesigned as a simplified and highly abstract mark. No longer representations of specific animals, the new symbol for is a blue circle bracketed by orange curves. It can be seen as representing the earth being guarded and protected, and also suggests an eye, in an abstract form that can be either human or animal — appropriate for the continuum between living creatures and for the organization’s watchdog role. Jake Morton, Vice President, Creative of Creative, Mercy for Animals, said the process with Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv’s involved “a lot of soul searching, vigorous debate, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of life.”

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ACCENT / ON IT’S HERE. The all-new Accent ® Opaque swatchbook has arrived, and you’ve got to see it to believe it. Explore the sizes, weights and finishes of Accent Opaque and find your inspiration. request-a-swatchbook


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SAN FRANCISCO CA Regional advertising inserts in San

Francisco area issues of Rolling Stone for Revive Kombucha are printed on LSD blotter paper (LSD not included). The throwback campaign — headlined “Expand Your Tongue’s Mind”— also includes San Francisco wildpostings, especially in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood closely identified with the ’60 culture of drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll. This is the initial work by ad agency TDA_Boulder, based in Boulder CO, for their new client as well as Revive’s largest ever campaign, which starts in the Bay Area, its major market, and will spread south. Each of the 26,000 blotter paper sheets is perforated into 900 .25″ x .25″ tabs or “hits.” In a retro graphic nod to the tiny, repeated patterns on the old “Summer of Love” sheets, each tiny hit now shows one of Revive Kombucha’s seven varieties. The psychedelic theme ties into San Francisco, of course, but also to the creative brief, which is to spotlight Revive’s unique and colorful kombucha flavors. The inserts are printed on LSD blotter paper by Zane Kesey, son of author and countercultural figure, Ken Kesey. As in the ’60s and ’70s, they are printed with vegetable ink and are edible. At the agency, Jonathan Schoenberg served as the Executive Creative Director, joined by Creative Director Alex Rice, Art Director and Designer Sayako Minami, Copywriter Brian Mulligan, and Producer Heather Lee. At the client, CEO is Sean Lovett and VP Marketing is Josh Mohr.

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Jan an nT Ts schichold an a d the New T Tyypograp phy Graphic Design Between the World Wars

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18 West West 86th 86th Street Street NYC NYC | y 18 to 86th Stt bus to 8 6 th S b us

Mar 2019 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/7/19 11:34 AM Page 18


NEW YORK NY Aer Lingus has unveiled a refreshed brand that includes an updated logo and new aircraft livery. The

refresh is part of an ambitious growth plan to increase its North Atlantic fleet from 17 to 30 aircraft by 2023. The airline tasked Lippincott with creating a brand that would reflect growth and change, yet preserve its special emotional bond with Ireland. To that end, Lippincott developed a comprehensive visual expression. The new logo retains but restyles the iconic shamrock, adding a tilt to symbolize dynamism and speed, with heart-shaped leaves projecting warmth and hospitality. The logo font has been changed to diodrum and the dominant color is teal. The body of the Aer Lingus aircraft is white with a teal-colored tail and engines, bringing a sleek, contemporary vibe. The teal undercarriage will help the airline be recognizable to those on the ground. The lead designer on this project was Dublin native Brendan Murphy who has been working with Lippincott in New York for over 20 years. Lippincott has extensive airline experience having most recently worked on Delta, Southwest, and Hawaiian airlines. The brand refresh is being rolled out across multiple platforms, including a new website and app design, across all guest touchpoints, from check-in to boarding gate and on to the aircraft.

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Mar 2019 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/7/19 11:34 AM Page 20

BUILD SOMETHING THAT LASTS SONIA GRETEMAN Results rock the CEO. Designers love fonts, color, illustration and photography. The CEO loves results. The earlier you start thinking about ROI, the better. Measure. Track. Repeat. If you treasure it, measure it. Words are the heart and soul, and not just design elements. Read the copy. Think about the points you’re trying to get across. Make your words and images work together. If they don’t, start over. No exceptions. Or excuses. STAND OUT Look the part of a creative professional. On trend or setting one. Dramatic or fun. Whatever your thing is. When you go to an event, introduce yourself. Shake hands. Make people notice and remember you. DO WHAT YOU SAY If you tell someone you’ll call for lunch, call. If you say you’ll send an article, do it. Be a person who follows through. This especially applies to board and committee work. These aren’t just resumé fillers. While you’re giving your time to a cause you care about, you’re also showing people what you would be like to work with

Our agency hits a significant milestone on April 1. It turns 30. That has me thinking about our fast-and-furious journey. And why I’d do it all over again. With only a little adjustment here and there.

or to work for. I’ve gained some great clients and staff this way. Show up and speak up. Have an opinion. Be present. Shine. I know at least some clients have enjoyed my willingness to push the envelope (and them) when needed. I once had a CEO throw an annual report mockup across the room and say, “Next.” So I took the second concept and threw it, too. That made him laugh. When I pulled out the third concept, he bought it.

When you’re just starting out, it helps to be a workaholic. But don’t keep that pace forever. All work and no play does more

Show grit and gusto. That might mean flagging down a Learjet 45

than suck the life out of you. It drains your creativity, too. You

taxiing down a runway when the jet you lined up for a photoshoot

need that yoga class. That time with friends and family. That full

doesn’t show. (We got the shots.) Or seeing a 10-year project

night’s sleep. Travel, movies, books. Life is better with balance.

through to the end. One of ours, design for a new airport terminal

So are you.

exhibit, was on again off again due to budgets and the economy. We stuck in there and today the work we did for Eisenhower


National Airport is among our most favorite.

Surround yourself with good. Good vibes, good people, good


conversations. Stress can torpedo your business. And make you sick. You can’t avoid the downtimes — I’ve cried when losing a favorite client or being yelled at by an overly frazzled one — but

They will come your way. Especially with a team that helps you be better, smarter and cooler than you could ever be on your own. I was lucky to have found that and hope you are, too.

pick yourself up and move on. I’ve only shed tears three times at work. So just once a decade. Not bad. Learn to read the room, to understand someone’s body language, to decipher what’s not being said — but you better pick up on. I’ve figured out how to be part detective, psychologist and investigative reporter. If you’re a passionate person like me, I focus more intently. Say your piece, then zip it. And listen loudly.

20 G D U S A

SONIA GRETEMAN is founder, president and creative director of Greteman Group, a marketing communications agency based in Wichita KS. She earned a BFA and after stints at a tradeshow company and ad agency, in 1989 she started the Greteman Group, and has leveraged its Air Capital base to develop an aviation specialty. She serves in leadership positions with the Wichita Art Museum, WSU Ulrich Museum of Art, and City of Wichita Design Council. Numerous honors include American Marketing Association Wichita Marketer of the Year, AAF 9th District Lifetime Achievement, Broadcast and Media Professionals of Wichita Hall of Fame, Donna Sweet Humanitarian of the Year, GDUSA Person To Watch, and Junior Achievement of Kansas Hall of Fame Laureate.

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HOW DESIGN WORKS JIM MISENER where “women can work and connect while they take on the world...” Access to the right resources as well as inspirational, wide-ranging perspectives sets thinking and doing into perpetual motion. With a platform for teams to offer up what they think and how they feel, your company’s ability to take on and solve tough problems will continually improve. When you work on the edge of what you’re really great at, you can go where you want to grow. KEEP IT SIMPLE While this advice may seem counterintuitive for leading a curious tribe who deals in complexity, it is critical to streamline and prioritize to drive momentum. Because we live in a world that competes for our attention, try to create an environment that helps teams remain focused, energetic and inspired. Under the leadership of Jack Dorsey, you can see how this approach has worked wonders at Twitter and Square, both of which have helped to transform their respective categories through a commitment to design-driven innovation ... In his own words: “Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” Find opportunities to simplify the workday and maximize the time that

Paul Rand famously captured the paradox: “Design is so simple, that’s why it’s so complicated.”

teams have to work... Don’t move the cheese, and bring incon-

While design can be difficult to describe — let alone define—

tomers want to uncover why they want it. Observe, listen and

it has come to mean so much. Simply put, design draws connec-

learn how people actually use and experience products. Plot

tions between seemingly unrelated things in order to solve a

customer decision journeys to understand exactly what motivates

problem. Great design does this in a way that appears effortless,

people, what bothers them and where there are opportunities

bringing efficiency through its elegance and ease of use through

for creating delightful experiences. When you have an organizing

its interface. Today, design firms of all shapes and sizes are solv-

principle that speaks to your team’s ability to work together to-

ing complex problems for global organizations by employing a

ward a common goal, the synergy created can pay dividends. In

range of approaches — whether systematic, customer-centric,

Salesforce’s case, the founder sought a way to convey a sense

culturally aware, omnichannel, experiential or, ideally, some

of family: Ohana. It’s the term they’ve adopted as a deep-seated

combination thereof.

support system that they continually nurture inside the company.

sequential meetings to zero. PUT PEOPLE AT THE CENTER Design-driven companies go beyond understanding what cus-

It works for team members but also extends to partners, cusTo be effective, designers need to nurture a strategy that works

tomers and members of the communities that they serve...

best for their clients and their audiences; and, design firms need to foster a culture that will support the needs and aspirations of


their teams. The title “designer” includes more competencies

Design has grown to encompass more disciplines and industries,

and capabilities than ever before. In the spirit of adding to the

which means making sense of what it is to be a design company

conversation, here are three simple ideas that we have found

has become more challenging — and more exciting. As design

help create a design culture that really works.

challenges surpass the capabilities of any single individual, learning to build great teams and empowering them in ways that


matter can lead to great success. Whether you’re focused on

Most designers were drawn to their profession by an innate desire

predicting the future or perfecting it, design has the unique

to learn about the world and how it works. Encouraging this in-

ability to focus our minds while also setting them free.

stinct and aptitude is a defining characteristic of most of the great designers and design firms, and is critical to keeping a

JIM MISENER is the President at 50,000feet, based in Chicago, overseeing the

design culture energized and productive. To promote innovation

strategic direction of the global brand consultancy and creative agency as well as busi-

and creativity, make space for sharing perspectives and celebrat-

ness development and client services. Jim works closely with many of 50,000feet’s

ing ideas. In this vein, The Wing was created as a new women’s social club in New York that offers a multi-purpose home base 22 G D U S A

clients. Jim has held leadership positions at global agencies and consultancies, including EY and Accenture. 50,000feet develops integrated experiences for many highly respected brands, including BMW, Harley-Davidson, Knoll and Sony.

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EMBRACE THE REBUILDING YEARS CAREY JENKINS profile project with our largest growing client — a client with a brutal culture that was infecting my team and our interactions. The hours were long, meetings were tense, emotions were hot, and my support system — managers, peers, friends — were watching me fall apart, but unsure how to help. FIND THE SIGNAL It’s during a time of adversity that we have a choice — focus on the negative, or search for the deeper message. For me, it began with facing some painful realizations about my job. I discovered I was one of the lowest paid people in my role. I had almost no relationship with my manager. And I had to rely on an anonymous peer 360 review system to provide feedback. The feedback: I was volatile and stressing out the team. I was too pointed, too direct, I was distrustful. I was hearing the truth and it stung. This was my first evaluation that felt deeply personal, and I hadn’t yet learned how to find the signal in the noise. But I

An interesting thing happens when you find yourself, somewhat unexpectedly, at a peak in your career. In that moment, that clear clean moment when you exhale and allow yourself space to appreciate achieving something that seemed inconceivable, you inevitably reflect on the moments that led you down this path. Like many people throughout their careers, I’ve had some rough years, that in hindsight and with generosity I will call rebuilding years. The thing about a rebuilding year, is that when in the throes of it, you rarely have the insight to understand that the world is tearing you apart so it can put you back together stronger and with more resilience.

understood that if my role was to coalesce a team around a common objective, I wouldn’t be successful if this was how I was perceived. It can hurt, but it’s crucial for the sake of growth to request, listen and process feedback. There are valuable insights in most feedback. It is data to balance with other data, not something to fear. We are not defined by the perceptions of other people, but without understanding them, we miss out on an opportunity to grow. STAY PRESENT With my already low morale plummeted, I immersed myself in my work. I barely spent time with friends and when I did, I certainly wasn’t fun. The project grew in scope, and as other managers started to jump ship their work was handed to me. I stepped up and quickly realized that when things feel chaotic, nothing is more valued than the person who provides clarity.

After returning to the corporate world following years of self-

I was becoming indispensable to the client, but I was deplet-

employment, I found myself struggling to come up for air. My

ing myself in the trade. I could barely acknowledge anything

personal life was falling apart. The company I was working

else in my life. After an excruciating summer spent chained

for was facing the dramatic effects of the financial crisis and

to my phone and computer and watching my beloved cat

was rolling out pay cuts. I was leading the launch of a high-

waste away from cancer, the bottom dropped out. CONTINUED

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M Matching atching Ta Talent alent With With Success™ Success™

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Mar 2019 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/7/19 11:36 AM Page 26


My father died unexpectedly. I hadn’t seen him in two years

After listening, I asked specifically for what I deserved based

and hadn’t spoken to him in months. I flew home and tried to

on my value. My bonus, a raise, and a manager with whom

be there for my family, but in truth I was a shell of a person —

I could have more than a transactional relationship. In return,

I was thinking about the launch the entire time. My focus was

I took the feedback seriously, and it was a turning point in

so rooted in the source of my misery, I struggled to be truly

how I present my point of view and foster advocates.

present when it mattered the most. INVEST IN RELATIONSHIPS SET BOUNDARIES I returned to work after three days — to the soul-sucking project, to the terrible feedback, to the friends who weren’t friends, and the job that didn’t value me. On that plane back, I realized how much I was failing myself. I had no boundaries between my personal life and my work life. While I was killing myself to prove my worth at work, I was no longer showing up for the things that mattered the most — family, friends, myself. It was clear I needed to create definitive boundaries.

Any relationship — personal or professional — requires mutual investment, commitment, and boundaries. We need to dig deep and ask, if this is the life and career I want, how do I set boundaries to support that? I stopped answering my phone between 6pm and 8am. I started exercising again and sleeping more. I nurtured friendships. I vowed to not give toxicity my attention. And I started meeting with my new manager with an open and hopeful hunger. That manager, by the way, fought to increase my pay again, promoted me, and became a mentor in the truest sense. I ended that year

Sometimes it takes a nudge; other times it takes falling

understanding for the first time that I control how I am

apart. But ultimately, we realize we’ve been allowing others

treated, and that I have a responsibility to myself to invest

to treat us with disrespect. Without boundaries, others will

in how I’m perceived and build advocate relationships.

push and push until we either break or finally push back. It’s helpful, if not cathartic, to acknowledge what we gain OWN YOUR WORTH

from our rebuilding years, as this affords us the grace to appreciate them. And more importantly, it affords us bravery

For some, women especially, waiting to be recognized is a

during those times in our lives when all hell is breaking

losing game. No one will fight for you if you don’t fight for

loose. A few years later I left that job, on my own terms, and

yourself. Not long after my return, I found out the pay cut “that

sought a company that better reflected what I had come to

everyone took” was not everyone after all. I was managing

value — the company that I now lead. I know that had I not

more revenue than anyone at the company and was owed a

gone through that painful time, and several since then, I

considerable bonus that was continuously delayed. I politely,

wouldn’t have come out the other side with the courage to

but firmly, requested my next review be with the VP of my

envision myself as a CEO.

division and asked for more feedback. It’s through our rebuilding years that we discover who we are And believe me, that was tough. But asking for feedback, if

and what we are fully capable of accomplishing.

you can truly listen, is a powerful signal that you are committed to your development. I heard that I don’t ask for help enough and shut people out. I don’t take my one-on-ones

CAREY JENKINS is CEO of Substantial a Seattle-based digital product studio. In 2012, Carey joined the client services team, and six years later

seriously, and as a result miss out on the support a manager

became CEO. As the sixth female employee and first mother hired at

can provide. No one knows my point of view — so people

Substantial, she is proud that Substantial has grown the female employee

assume I’m a lightweight.

base to 37% overall and 40% on the leadership team, and is committed to empowering other women to seize more leadership opportunities. Carey brings 17+ years of experience in client relationship management, delivery management, and business development.

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Mar 2019 Schools Impo_feb news play 4/7/19 11:12 AM Page 28

| 2019 |

HIGHEST HONORS TOP GRAPHIC DESIGN SCHOOLS In the Jan/Feb 2019 magazine, which kicked off our 56th year of publishing, GDUSA released its annual Students To Watch roundup. Now we’ve compiled a list of our favorite institutions which prepare students to work in professional graphic design, based on a mix of objective and subjective factors, including our own decades long relationships with designers, students, recruiters, educators. The list is alphabetical. The reach is national. The theme is practical. Education is more important than ever as the lines between the studio and the classroom, the office and the academy, the university and society, continue to blur.

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HIGHEST HONORS | 2019 TOP DESIGN SCHOOLS ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY Academy of Art University is the largest accredited private art and design university in the nation. Founded in 1929, the school and San Francisco have grown up together and served as mutual sources of inspiration and talent. Academy of Art University offers accredited AA, BA, BFA, B. Arch, MA, MFA and M. Arch degree programs in numerous areas of study, as well as continuing art education and pre-college programs for high school students. Flexible online degree programs are available in most areas of study, including graphic design. What makes the School of Graphic Design special is its emphasis on portfolio development. From the very first class, students are encouraged to create an exceptional portfolio that demonstrates skills in traditional drawing and painting as well as a well-rounded education in typography, print and editorial design, branding, information design, web design and packaging. ARTCENTER COLLEGE OF DESIGN Graphic design is a process to create change. Change is made to happen by designers committed to great ideas. ArtCenter’s Graphic Design programs educate those designers, to See, Do and Lead. Alumni make design influential in companies, communities and society and extend the boundaries of design in all directions. Graphic Design students become leaders to globally drive the next generation of the creative profession. Founded in 1930 and located in Pasadena CA, ArtCenter is a leader in art and design education. The institution offers 11 undergraduate and seven graduate degrees. In addition to its top-ranked academic programs, the College also serves members of the Southern California region through a series of year-round educational programs for ages nine through adulthood. Renowned for both its ties to industry and social impact initiatives, ArtCenter is the first design school to receive the UN Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status. Throughout the College's long and storied history, alumni have had a profound impact on popular culture, the way we live and important issues in our society. and AUBURN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL + GRAPHIC DESIGN The Graphic Design Program at Auburn University prepares students to practice visual communication in a competitive global environment. Auburn’s nationally regarded BFA is NASAD accredited and concentrates on interactive design and mobile design, user experience design, strategic branding, typography, publication design, packaging, illustration and image-making, and fine arts. Students receive hands-on design instruction in a professional studio environment with a strong sense of community among students and faculty. Courses emphasize a systemic approach to design by incorporating cross-disciplinary collaborations and train students to become versatile designers and art directors. The program hosts exhibitions, design symposiums, and guest lectures by industry leaders, and the internship program provides real-world experience and opportunities to network. Students build

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a strong portfolio of work as a result of their overall experience and education. The Program is housed among other prestigious design disciplines within the beautiful traditional campus setting. BALL STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ART Founded in 1918, Ball State University is a research-intensive, residential university in Muncie IN with about 22,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The art-making facilities in the School of Art at Ball State are competitive with the best in the country, and faculty and staff are active nationally and internationally as artists, creators, scholars, and designers. With roughly 600 students, our NASAD accredited programs (BA, BS, BFA, MFA) cover a broad range of opportunities. Visual Communication BFA students receive a rigorous interdisciplinary education focused on cultural awareness and real-world work expectations. They develop problem-solving abilities, technical skills and digital competencies across several disciplines; enjoy superior facilities and state of the art technology; and work closely with professors and peers in multiple areas. The Visual Communication program also provides an opportunity to enroll in an award-winning studentrun design studio. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF THE ARTS (CCA) California College of the Arts (CCA) educates students to shape culture and society through the practice and critical study of art, architecture, design, and writing. Founded in 1907, the college currently offers 22 undergraduate and 13 graduate programs to its nearly 2000 students. Graphic design students at CCA learn how to engage the mind and the senses by translating ideas into provocative forms and powerful experiences. They identify problems and find solutions that move people to think, feel, and act. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF THE ARTS (CALARTS) CalArts is a highly regarded private art college near Los Angeles CA. The program in Graphic Design offers both a BFA and MFA degree, with courses in web and interface design; motion graphics; print and publication design; branding, identity, and type design; as well as in design history and education. The curriculum emphasizes both practical and conceptual skills. Throughout its history, the graphic design program has been home to prestigious design educators and has produced influential graduates, garnering a reputation for boundary-pushing visual experimentation and academic rigor. Students create a body of work that is uniquely theirs, preparing them to carve an independent path into design practice. CARNEGIE MELLON SCHOOL OF DESIGN Carnegie Mellon’s School of Design is one of the oldest and most respected programs, with a rich history in Product Design, Communication Design, Interaction and Service Design. It is one of the only leading programs to offer design degrees at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels within a multi-disciplinary,

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multi-cultural research university. The School of Design sits within a historic building on campus in Pittsburgh, one of America’s most livable cities. Officials state: “The demand for our graduates is increasing, and each year during Confluence, our career fair, many students receive offers of employment prior to graduation.” COLLEGE FOR CREATIVE STUDIES (CCS) Located in the heart of Detroit and integrated into its cultural life, CCS educates artists and designers to be leaders in the creative professions. A private, fully accredited college, the school enrolls more than 1,400 students pursuing BFA and MFA degrees. It also offers non-credit courses through its Continuing and Precollege Studies programs and opportunities for youth through its Community Arts Partnerships programs. Graphic design studies strengthen students’ design and research skills, and develop their ability to use a variety of media in creating engaging communications. The program focuses on design planning/strategy, branding systems, interaction design, motion graphics design, publication design, environmental design, advertising design and experience design. COOPER UNION The School of Art at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art has a mission to educate artists in the broadest sense, both as creative practitioners engaged with a wide range of disciplines in the visual arts and as enlightened citizens of the world who are prepared to question and transform society. The program is structured around an integrated curriculum that fosters connections between disciplines, as well as between traditional and new media. The Foundation Program consists of a series of prerequisite courses taken during the first year and is intended to prepare students for studies in all of the disciplines offered. Following the completion of the Foundation Program, disciplines offered are graphic design, drawing, film and video, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. Students may choose to focus their work in one or more areas of specialization and are encouraged to follow an integrated approach. The graphic design curriculum includes courses on typography, web design, game design, information design, motion graphics and more. COLUMBUS COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN Columbus College of Art & Design teaches undergraduate and graduate students in the midst of a thriving creative community in Columbus OH. Founded in 1879, CCAD is one of the oldest private, nonprofit art and design colleges in the United States, and in 2019, the college is celebrating 140 years of creative excellence. CCAD offers 12 BFA programs — including a BFA in Advertising & Graphic Design — and two master’s programs in art and design that produce graduates equipped to shape culture and business at the highest level. In CCAD’s Advertising & Graphic Design program, students learn to how to mix verbal, visual and interactive media to create and convey resilient, tailor-made

messages, using the latest techniques and tools. Graduates from CCAD’s Advertising & Graphic Design program go on to work at big-name agencies including Leo Burnett Worldwide, Ogilvy, and Saatchi & Saatchi. CORNISH COLLEGE OF THE ARTS A global center for high-tech innovation, Seattle is surrounded by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Because of this balance, Seattle has attracted a robust, globally-involved design community. The Department of Design curriculum is centered on the student’s interests in corporate, entrepreneurial, or social design practice. By engaging in individual and collaborative projects, students learn the demands of user experience, the value of understanding narrative systems and the relationships of type and image. Their education in traditional and digital design techniques is founded in critical and contextual learning. The school partners with companies like Amazon and Microsoft for “realworld” experiences. But they also collaborate with nonprofit social innovators like the Raikes Foundation and Partners Asia to give students opportunities to deploy their skills for social good. CRANBROOK SCHOOL OF ART Cranbrook Academy of Art is the nation’s leading graduate-only program in architecture, design and fine art including, of course, graphic design. Each year, just 75 students are invited to study and live on the landmark Saarinen-designed campus, which features private studios, state-of-the art workshops, a renowned Art Museum, and 300 acres of forests, lakes, and streams, all a short drive from Detroit. The focus at Cranbrook is on studio practice in one of ten disciplines: Architecture, 2D and 3D Design, Ceramics, Fiber, Metalsmithing, Painting, Photography, Print Media, and Sculpture. The program is anchored by celebrated Artists- and Designers-in-Residence, one for each discipline, all of whom live and practice on campus alongside our students. DEPAUL UNIVERSITY DePaul's BFA in Graphic Design prepares students to communicate to diverse audiences through a wide range of interdisciplinary design practices. The program integrates contemporary media and technologies, including web and interaction design, branding, illustration, motion graphics, typography, package design, programming and 3D fabrication. Students learn both history and theory, acquiring skills to research, develop concepts and prototypes, and professional portfolios. They also participate in internships and opportunities in Chicago. Students collaborate with our award-winning faculty through our AIGA student chapter, design internship program, Idea Realization Lab maker space and digital fabrication studio, and our faculty-student research grants. Common careers for graduates include visual, production and interactive design; art direction; book, publication and web design; advertising; motion graphcis, photography; and title design for film, TV and games.

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HIGHEST HONORS | 2019 TOP DESIGN SCHOOLS DREXEL UNIVERSITY | ANTOINETTE WESTPHAL COLLEGE OF MEDIA ARTS & DESIGN Drexel University’s Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design offers seventeen undergraduate programs, nine graduate degree programs, and one PhD program, all of which are predominantly studio based. The College maintains an award-winning faculty of industry practitioners who emphasize the use of the latest technologies. Westphal College is home to the Mandell Theater, the Pearlstein Gallery, Drexel’s television (DUTV) and radio (WKDU 91.7 FM) stations, the Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies, MAD Dragon Records and Drexel’s Historic Costume Collection. The Graphic Design program prepares students to inform, persuade and entertain through the creative use of word and image, offering a balance of traditional and technical artistic studies. Graphic Design students learn to conceptualize, design and produce visual communication in books, magazines, posters, ads, packaging, websites, interactive media, information systems, exhibition design, motion and many other forms of media. Students use this work to develop an expansive portfolio, which, along with six-month co-op experiences, prepares them for successful employment after graduation. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies (SCS) has recently introduced a Masters in Design Management & Communications to its award-winning portfolio of professional communications programs. The program welcomes students across a broad spectrum of disciplines — from graphic designers to analytical problem-solvers — with the goal of exploring a holistic approach to design management. Led by faculty who are both industry experts and seasoned academics, the program’s rigorous courses provide students with a rich and relevant learning environment. Students graduate with not only a well-rounded understanding of the challenges of the design process, but also the confidence to lead. The program’s focus on design thinking methodology extends beyond the world of graphic or web design and into a comprehensive practice of iteration, brainstorming, and problemsolving that is as applicable at the drafting table as it is in the boardroom. Leveraging SCS’s existing wellspring of expertise in professional communications, the Master’s in Design Management & Communications benefits from the strength of sister programs in Public Relations & Corporate Communications, Journalism, Global Strategic Communications, and Integrated Marketing Communications. HOWARD UNIVERSITY Howard University in Washington DC is one of the nation’s leading research universities. The Department of Art is committed to graduating socially conscious professional artists/designers and scholars. Empowered by their knowledge of the arts, humanities, sciences and digital technologies, graduates are prepared to serve

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society on a local, national, and global level. The primary goal of the Department is to present a multifaceted educational program that distinguishes itself as “unique and advantaged” by offering a professional degree program that is enriched by academic support from University-wide departments. Emphasis is placed upon instruction from a multicultural perspective and recognition of the dynamic reciprocity of art and life. The Department of Art is an accredited institutional member of NASAD. The Design Program aims to develop an immense range of knowledge, skills and competencies in visual communication through cross-curricular experiences in the areas of 2D, 3D, print, digital, motion, and interactive design. JEFFERSON The mission of the Graphic Design Communication program at Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) is to cultivate design strategists with an innovative spirit and superior critical thinking skills applicable to a diversity of human needs. Consistent with Jefferson’s overall mission to provide professional training with a rigorous Liberal Arts and Business core, the Graphic Design Communication curriculum fosters an appreciation for design as a cultural craft with a relevant historical background and a rapidly evolving future that includes multiple disciplines. The program seeks to develop students who can contribute intelligently and responsibly at a global level to further the common good. The Graphic Design curriculum at Jefferson culminates with a BS degree. The program is conceptually-based as we firmly believe that a designers’ highest value is to be able to generate ideas – that a designers’ intellectual property is his/her creative capital. The curriculum embraces design thinking and strategic planning as a powerful strategic tool to be used to help solve problems in society and business. Student work is regularly recognized regularly recognized by competitions, exhibitions and publications, such as the Adobe Design Achievement Awards, AIGA, Creative Quarterly, Graphis, Graphic Design USA (GDUSA), How Magazine, Society of Publication Designers, The One Show, and the University and College Designers Association. KANSAS CITY ART INSTITUTE (KCAI) The Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) located in Kansas City MO, is a private, independent four-year college of art and design awarding the BFA degree with 14 majors in animation, art history, ceramics, creative writing, fiber, filmmaking, graphic design, illustration, interactive arts, painting, photography, printmaking, product design and sculpture. Founded in 1885, KCAI is Kansas City’s oldest arts organization. KCAI’s Graphic Design department takes a wide-ranging view of the possibilities for visual communication, introducing students to the principles of print, interaction, motion, environment, experience, information, and advocacy. Their approach to design problems can best be described as exploratory, systematic, and transmedia. The department recognizes the complexity of contemporary design and seeks to fos-

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HIGHEST HONORS | 2019 TOP DESIGN SCHOOLS ter critical and surprising responses through a rigorous process of research, thinking, form-making, and connection to various external communities. KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Graphic Communications, with more than 200 majors, is the largest program in the College of the Arts at Kennesaw State University. This vigorous, progressive program supports students in advancing their technical and creative skills while visual literacy and technology serve as the foundation. Students embody competencies and relevance for a multicultural, global marketplace. A leader in innovative teaching and learning, KSU offers more than 150 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees to its more than 35,000 students. With 13 colleges, the College of the Arts is home to largest art program in the state, the School of Art and Design. With several hundred majors, the school seeks to provide art students with a broad understanding of art, design, and art history and to promote the visual arts as an essential expression of the human condition. The School offers a BFA degree in Art, a BFA in Digital Animation, a BS degree in Art Education, a BA in Art History, a BAT in Apparel Textiles Technology, and a MAT in Teaching Art. The School of Art and Design and the City of Atlanta are a powerful combination providing education and networking opportunities that launch careers into both the local and international creative industry.

certificate in Art Direction, Copywriting, Design, Digital Photography and Video; and, boot camps in Social Media and Strategic Planning. Additionally, Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center through a collaboration with Furman University offers a Master of Arts in Strategic Design (MA-SDG). Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center is a member of Miami Ad School’s global network of 15 schools. MILWAUKEE INSTITUTE OF ART & DESIGN (MIAD) MIAD is Wisconsin’s only four-year, private college of visual art and design, offering BFA degrees in Communication Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interior Architecture and Design and Fine Art (New Studio Practice). Throughout the Communication Design program — closely tied to its award-winning Illustration program — students have the opportunity to intern at leading advertising and design firms, in corporate settings, and more. The college’s enrollment has grown over the past four years, and upon graduation, MIAD alumni fill important positions, sharing their voice in major, multinational corporations, and marketing and communications firms.

MARYLAND INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF ART (MICA) MICA has become a leader in the education of artists and designers by fostering a community of talented, creative individuals committed to redefining the boundaries of art and design. The College’s innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art campus and worldclass faculty provide the education, community, experiences and resources needed to prepare the artists and designers who will lead in the 21st century. Located in Baltimore, MICA offers a BFA and MFA in Graphic Design, an MA in Social Design, MPS degrees in Business of Art and Design and UX Design, a dual MBA/MA in Design Leadership and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Graphic Design.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Michigan State University was founded in 1855 as the original land-grant institution that democratized higher education and helped bring science and innovation into everyday life. Today, MSU is one of the top research universities in the world — on one of the biggest, greenest campuses in the nation — and is home to a diverse community of dedicated students and scholars, athletes and artists, scientists and leaders. MSU’s 4500 faculty offer its 50,000+ student body more than 200 graduate and undergraduate degrees. Among them is a thriving graphic design program nested in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design. Located in the Kresge Art Center, undergraduate and graduate graphic designers are exposed to a series of experimental and intellectual exercises that prepare them for a wide range of professional careers in design and academia. Notable alum, such as Katherine and Michael McCoy, Sam Landers, Doug Kisor, and Ellen Bruss, have made historic contributions to design history and continue to give back to our students in lasting and meaningful ways.

MIAMI AD SCHOOL @ PORTFOLIO CENTER Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center in Atlanta, GA. is a graduatelevel advertising and design school whose mission is to prepare students for creative practice and leadership. Thanks to a small, intimate environment, the school is able to break the boundaries of traditional instruction. The education is hands-on and interactive. Believing in the importance of ideas and innovation, students learn to render content with real meaning and to create fresh solutions which contribute to our culture. Students use new and emerging media as well as traditional media to communicate. Because great communication begins with sound reasoning, we train students to think. Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center offers full time, intensive, two year programs; students graduate with a

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES The nationally renowned Northwestern University School of Professional Studies has an extensive offering of online master’s degrees and certificate programs, and this now includes an online Master of Science in Information Design and Strategy (IDS). As digital output increasingly becomes the backbone of most business strategy, there is an acute need for professionals with a better big-picture understanding of information management, design and technology. The IDS program teaches students how to translate information and data into meaningful visual forms, narratives and interfaces. This interdisciplinary program prepares students to step into a cross-functional or leadership role by developing G D U S A 35

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HIGHEST HONORS | 2019 TOP DESIGN SCHOOLS a deep and holistic understanding of today’s sophisticated digital media. The program is particularly useful for people in creative fields who want a stronger grounding in business strategy, so that they can expand their career opportunities and make a larger impact on their organizations. The strong theoretical framework of the program and its focus on fundamental concepts makes the degree applicable to many diverse fields and types of organizations — business, the arts, government, healthcare, and education, to name a few — regardless of changes in technology. The IDS program was developed in consultation with industry leaders; it is a part-time and completely online degree. OTIS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Established in 1918, Otis College of Art and Design was the first independent professional school of art in Los Angeles and has become a national leader in art and design education. The College’s mission is to prepare diverse students of art and design to enrich the world through their creativity, skill, and vision. The College offers BFA degrees in architecture/landscape/interiors, communication arts, digital media, fashion design, fine arts, product design, and toy design and MFA degrees in fine arts, graphic design, and writing. Alumni and faculty are Fulbright, MacArthur, and Guggenheim grant recipients, Oscar awardees, legendary costume designers, leaders of contemporary art movements, entrepreneurs, and designers at Apple, Abercrombie & Fitch, Pixar, DreamWorks, Mattel, Nike, and Disney, among others. PARSONS SCHOOL OF DESIGN Based in New York but active around the world, The New School's Parsons School of Design offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the full spectrum of design disciplines. Parsons’ five schools, which encompass 32 rigorous undergraduate, associates and graduate degree programs, offer options for both focused training and interdisciplinary study. The School of Art, Media, and Technology embodies the frisson between art and design, with programs in Communication Design, Data Visualization, Design and Technology, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration and Photography. An AAS in Graphic Design goes beyond basic technical knowledge to provide a more complete design education for those wishing to change their careers or build their portfolio. The program investigates up-to-the-minute tools and trends of the trade, including web design, while providing a solid foundation in traditional practices and concepts. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN (PCA&D) PCAD, a fully accredited art college in Lancaster PA, believes graphic design provides a means to communicate powerfully and effectively through images and typography. In the graphic design program, students focus on demanding conceptual and technical courses, enhanced by gradual involvement with clients. Benefiting from a curriculum informed by PCA&D’s over-arching education philosophy “Communications as Currency,” students experience how the creative process involves collaborating with other designers, photographers, digital artists, and illustrators to meet the needs 36 G D U S A

of a client. All faculty are freelance or full-time designers. Selected designs enhance students’ portfolios with professional work before they graduate, and the required senior internship is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate skills to potential employers. The senior year culminates with the final portfolio and senior exhibition, honing presentation skills. PCA&D’s graphic design BFA program is structured to prepare students to work successfully in this highly competitive field. PRATT INSTITUTE Founded in 1887, Pratt Institute is a global leader in higher education dedicated to preparing undergraduate and graduate students for successful careers in art, design, architecture, information, and liberal arts and sciences. Located in a cultural hub, with historic campuses in Brooklyn and Manhattan, Pratt is a living lab of craft and creativity with an esteemed faculty of accomplished professionals and scholars. The Institute has Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in communications design, which are part of Pratt’s School of Design. The Undergraduate Communications Design department offers concentrations in illustration, advertising art direction, and graphic design, and teaches students to craft the strongest and most impactful communications possible by being creative problem solvers and elegant image-makers. Pratt’s Graduate Communications Design department educates graphic and package designers, and offers MFA in communications design and MS in package design degree programs. Both programs provide students with the opportunity to develop and refine their design process, design voice, and creative skills, preparing them for leadership positions in their field. PRATTMWP PrattMWP students spend their years immersed in, not one, but two strikingly different environments with lively art cultures. Students who select this route complete the first two years of their program on the Utica campus in upstate New York, and are then guaranteed a seamless relocation to Pratt’s main Brooklyn campus at the beginning of their junior year. The PrattMWP campus allows students to achieve the prestige and benefits of a Pratt art education at a location that develops their confidence, individual voice and insights. PrattMWP shares its campus with the MunsonWilliams-Proctor Arts Institute, which offers collections, exhibits, classes and events that attract artists and art enthusiasts worldwide. Majors are offered in Fine Arts, Communications Design, Art Education, and Photography. It is the perfect choice for students who prefer to transition to the big city with advanced skills and a tight group of friends. Communications Design students have recently been recognized by GDUSA, PRINT, Creative Quarterly, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, United States Mint, and the British Journal of Aesthetics. RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN (RISD) Rich, multifaceted and encompassing a broad range of media, Graphic Design at RISD respects the foundations of formal, aesthetic and analytical knowledge and skills while exploring the

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ever-changing context and function of visual communication. In the studio students learn the fundamental value of typography, imagery, grids, systems and more in the course of creating everything from traditional books, posters, logos and websites to apps, interactive texts and other digital media. Graphic Design graduates leave RISD prepared to work in almost any field imaginable — from education to film, television, publishing, retail and more. Alumni follow a wide range of individual paths, including running their own design studios, working for large corporations, specializing in web and interactive media, and creating everything from package design to title sequences for film and television. RINGLING COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Since 1931, Ringling College of Art and Design has cultivated the creative spirit in students from around the globe. The private, notfor-profit fully accredited college offers the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in twelve disciplines and the Bachelor of Arts in two. The College and its 1,400 students benefit from an award-winning faculty, cutting-edge technology, and a supportive creative community. The rigorous curriculum employs the studio model of teaching and immediately engages students through a comprehensive, first-year program that is both specific to the major of study and focused on the liberal arts. The Ringling College teaching model ultimately shapes students into highly employable and globally aware artists and designers. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY – CAMDEN The intensive BA degree program in Graphic Design at RutgersCamden is heavily rooted in a Liberal arts context – reading, writing and critical thinking. The program focuses on interdisciplinary thinking and research through personalized interaction with faculty who are active researchers and practitioners. The program fosters and challenges technical and conceptual proficiency while developing an awareness of one’s individual perspective and process through a constantly evolving and experimental curriculum. The goal is for students to become aware of their own creative methods and perspectives in order to extended them beyond the boundaries of traditional graphic design roles. The Rutgers-Camden campus resides on the Delaware River across from Philadelphia. Many graduates have established successful careers in print design, advertising, interactive and web design and product design — working in traditional graphic design studios to design think tanks. In addition, student work has been recognized by organizations including AIGA, Graphis, GDUSA, UCDA, CMYK, DSVC, and Applied Arts. SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN (SCAD) The Savannah College of Art and Design is a private, nonprofit, accredited university, offering more than 100 academic degree programs in more than 40 majors across its locations in Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia; Hong Kong; Lacoste, France; and online via SCAD eLearning. SCAD enrolls nearly 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 100 countries. The innovative SCAD curriculum is enhanced by advanced professionallevel technology, equipment and learning resources, as well as by

opportunities for internships, professional certifications and collaborative projects with corporate partners. The prestigious Red Dot Design Rankings recently placed SCAD as the No. 1 university in the U.S. and in the top two universities in the Americas and Europe. Career preparation is woven into every fiber of the university, resulting in a superior alumni employment rate. According to a recent study, 99 percent of Spring 2017 SCAD graduates were employed, pursuing further education or both within 10 months of graduation. SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO (SAIC) A leader in educating artists, designers, and scholars since 1866, SAIC offers nationally accredited undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate programs to students from around the globe. An historically significant accredited independent school of art and design, located in one of the greatest American cities, its accolades are many, including recognition by Columbia University’s National Arts Journalism survey, as “the most influential art college in the United States.” SAIC has an educational philosophy built upon an interdisciplinary approach to art and design, giving students opportunities to develop their creative and critical abilities, while working with renowned faculty who include many of the leading practitioners in their fields. SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS (SVA) School of Visual Arts has been a leader in the education of artists, designers and creative professionals for more than six decades. With a faculty of distinguished working professionals, dynamic curriculum and an emphasis on critical thinking, SVA is a catalyst for innovation and social responsibility. Comprised of more than 6,000 students at its Manhattan campus and 35,000 alumni in 100 countries, SVA also represents one of the most influential artistic communities in the world. SVA's BFA Design program focuses on teaching visual communication problem solving, extending students' practices beyond conventional graphic design with coursework in 3D design, interactive design and motion graphics. The College's MFA Design program, founded in 1998, aims to provide students with the tools, inspiration and experience that prepares them for careers in which they succeed as individual and collaborative authors and entrepreneurs. SHILLINGTON Shillington is a global design school created by today’s professionals to help students upskill and change careers. With campuses in New York, London, Manchester, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane — the fast-paced, intensive course teaches the skills required to succeed as a designer. The innovative curriculum encourages experimentation, creative thinking and problem solving — all linked to real-world design briefs. Shillington treats students as designers from day one, covering design principles, color theory and typography basics. Shillington students graduate with a professional design portfolio and industry-relevant skills, going on to work for top creative studios, big brands or launching their own businesses—all within 3 months full-time or 9 months part-time. G D U S A 37

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HIGHEST HONORS | 2019 TOP DESIGN SCHOOLS SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, SI NEWHOUSE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS The Visual Communications department at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications embraces emerging and traditional forms of visual storytelling. Its design program emphasizes strategy, problem solving and human-centered design to create smart, compelling, innovative solutions in print and pixels, including motion, UI/UX, augmented reality, virtual reality, brand identity, product packaging, typography and publication design. The Visual Communications department values cross-media partnerships, workshops and collaboration. They encourage students to let their passions drive their focus and academic path, and are proud to support and foster the individuality of its students and their unique voices and vision. Graduates of the design program have gone on to work at places such as IDEO, Google, Adobe, IBM, Facebook, Amazon, Mapbox, Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic Magazine, Herman Miller, Trip Advisor, Near East Foundation, US State Department, and their own startups. The program offers both a BS in Graphic Design and an MS in Multimedia, Photography, and Design degrees. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, TYLER SCHOOL OF ART Located in Philadelphia PA, the Tyler School of Art’s Graphic & Interactive Design program offers one of the nation’s most rigorous and respected BFA and MFA programs in graphic design. Students at Tyler are mentored by faculty members who understand the design profession’s exacting standards, are committed to the growth of each student and are invested in their post-Tyler outcomes. Core pillars of the program include authorship, entrepreneurship and design for social justice. Tyler students are taught a conceptual approach to the design process — they develop skills in research, imagemaking, typography and visual storytelling, and they learn to work with information and content, creating digital systems and narratives across new and emerging technologies. The result is that student work is frequently featured in national and international design competitions and publications, and graduates are employed by influential studios and agencies. Based at Temple, a great urban public university, Tyler students take advantage of a vibrant campus and the resources of a city that is one of the world’s leading (and most affordable) art centers. THE MODERN COLLEGE OF DESIGN The Modern College of Design, formerly known as the School of Advertising Art, is a nationally recognized graphic design college in Ohio. Founded in 1983, the college has a strong reputation for educating designers who are not only creative problem solvers, but also are prepared for the unique demands of the industry. The Modern’s programs offer individualized attention from awardwinning faculty who can adjust curriculum to stay current with market trends and advancements in technology. Students study graphic design, web design, illustration, photography, and video and motion design. They complete internships at agencies across

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the country and have been recognized nationally for their design work. For the past four years, The Modern has reached a career placement rate of 93-100%. The college was recently approved to become a baccalaureate degree-granting institution and now offers a Bachelor of Arts in Design Leadership. This unique program elevates students’ design skills and builds their experience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and strategy, positioning them to lead the future of design. UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS (UARTS) Founded in 1876, the University of the Arts is one of the nation’s only universities dedicated solely to educating students in the visual and performing arts, design and writing. It is the only art school in the U.S. that allows its students to collaborate across traditional lines — painters can minor in piano, dancers can study film, guitarists can take classes in screenwriting. A rigorous and well-rounded curriculum prepares its 1,800 undergraduate and graduate students to be the innovative leaders of tomorrow, whether in a specific artistic discipline or by applying their creative education to virtually any career. UArts’ campus is located in the heart of Philadelphia’s Avenue of the Arts, in one of the nation’s most culturally vibrant cities. Graphic Design at UArts is on the leading edge, delving into new technologies, as well as re-inventing how handmade images and messages uniquely speak to the electronically engaged world. The program emphasizes unique invention, and its students explore both new technologies and old-world craft. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, STAMPS SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN Fueled by the scholarship, research, and resources of a tier-one research university, the Stamps School of Art & Design provides a unique approach to transdisciplinary, inquiry-led design practice. Our graduate and undergraduate students enjoy a supportive, curiosity-filled culture of makers and scholars seeking to activate their creative practice as an engine for cultural change and innovation. The school offers undergraduate degrees in art and design and two graduate level degrees: an MFA in Art and an MDes in Integrative Design. Called “one of the best integrations of design approaches in an MDes program [...] anywhere in North America” by Peter Jones, author of Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience, the Stamps MDes is a collaborative, project-based, two-year program undertaken in deep partnership with industry and non-profit partners. At Stamps, Integrative Design is not locked into one disciplinary design strategy. Instead, Stamps students are called upon to be adaptive, utilizing multiple tactics as the project or problem requires. USC ROSKI SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN Recently named #1 in's ranking of Best Colleges for Design in America, USC Roski School of Art and Design has long been among the top schools for a degree in design. With the Uni-

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versity of Southern California at the forefront of interdisciplinary education, the programs are enhanced by opportunities for crossdisciplinary study throughout USC, a leading research university. The BFA Design is a pre-professional degree leading to a variety of careers. Based on the premise that designers are also artists, Roski’s design curriculum is complemented by studio courses as well as critical theory seminars, professional internships, international study tours, and a senior thesis. The school’s MFA Design program is a rigorous and dynamic, two-year, studio-based curriculum where students work with internationally acclaimed design and critical studies faculties along with renowned creative professionals in a unique experience focusing on experimental design, social practices and teaching methodologies. The recently launched MFA program is based in a new facility in Los Angeles’ Arts District – one of the country’s most innovative and influential neighborhoods. The open-concept design studios include a makerspace, classrooms, and collaboration spaces, all outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies; as well as a designerin-residence studio for visiting professionals.

VIRGINIA TECH Virginia Tech pushes the boundaries of knowledge by taking a hands-on, transdisciplinary approach to preparing students to be leaders and problem-solvers. As a leading research institution, Virginia Tech offers about 280 undergraduate and graduate degree programs to more than 34,000 students and manages a research portfolio of more than $502 million. Through experiential learning, future-focused research, and an inclusive, spirited culture, Virginia Tech strives to accomplish the charge of its motto Ut Prosim (That I May Serve). The Graphic Design program prepares students for a career in design by focusing on conceptual thinking, semiotics and problem-solving tactics. The program demands individual creativity, teamwork skills and adaptability while preparing students to enter the job market with practical experience and a full, professionally reviewed portfolio. Graduates are working in app design, editorial design, product and packaging design, web and interaction design, advertising and other related fields. WOODBURY UNIVERSITY


Founded in 1884, Woodbury University is a private non-profit

The MFA in Graphic Design at Vermont College of Fine Arts is a

institution. The BFA in Graphic Design is a professional degree that

trailblazing low-residency program built around students’ par-

is included in the University’s accreditation by NASAD. Woodbury

ticular interests, values, and goals. Students join the faculty in

students consistently win awards, landing more than 50 since

continuously rethinking graphic design by considering the role of

2009. Students have achieved recognition in communication

design in the larger culture, the relationships between designers

design, entertainment design, web, advertising, packaging, pho-

and their work, and the nature of education in design. Both the

tography, logo design and environmental graphics. They learn the

two-year and three-year track offerings combine two on-campus

art of visual communication through the study of design, aesthet-

residencies per year, with six-month semesters of faculty mentor-

ics, and media. In the senior year, they can focus their creative

ship and independent study. Students, faculty, and guest designers

energy by customizing their studies in entertainment, motion,

take part in a weeklong residency on the historic campus in

advertising, publication, or environmental graphics. Woodbury’s

Montpelier VT to begin each semester. They then return home

Los Angeles location, in the heart of the media capital, offers

and work from an individually crafted study plan with a faculty

numerous internship opportunities at companies including Disney

advisor for the remainder of each semester. Graduates emerge with

Imagineering, Universal Studios, The WB Television Network, MTV

new research methods, critical expertise, and a body of design

Networks, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros, Mattel, and The

work that is personal and relevant to the next stage in their design

Getty. and

careers and creative lives.

YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ART This highly selective MFA program accepts up to ten students


each year, and up to seven students for a preliminary year program.

The VCU Advertising program is centered on professional prac-

The degree program focuses on the development of a cohesive,

tice, studio intensive coursework and experimental collaboration

investigative body of work, also known as the student’s thesis. It

in education. We’re part of the Robertson School of Media and

is is conceived as a loose framework within which each student’s

Culture located on VCU’s urban campus in downtown Richmond,

visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during

Virginia. Our coursework focuses on smart thinking and rigorous

his or her two-year course of study. While every thesis project is

practice in creative and strategic advertising. In our creative courses,

unique, there are several common features: a focus on method-

students learn how to create and execute big ideas through the

ology, the application of a visual method to studio work, and the

crafts of art direction, copywriting, design and storytelling. These

organization of the work in a thoughtfully argued written document

classes emphasize the attributes and transferable skills necessary

and catalogue raisonné, also known as the “Thesis Book.” Students

to succeed in advertising and media communications.

applying to the preliminary-year program typically have relevant

experience in a field of study outside design and demonstrate evidence of visual acuity.

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| 2019 |


Makers, marketers and sellers are challenged as never before to tell their story and close the deal. Think fragmented audiences, information overload, media clutter, global competition, economic dislocation, and retail disruption. Package design and related disciplines are increasingly the difference makers in communicating the message, advancing the brand, and influencing the purchasing decision. The outstanding work showcased here — from 200 elite designers and producers — attests to the reality that is 2019. Our annual competition celebrates beauty and style, of course, but even more important, the power of deliberate design to forge an emotional link with the buyer at the moment of truth.

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Acorda Therapeutics


Affinity Creative Group

56, 116

AMB Sports & Entertainment/Creative Services


Designcog DISC

124 53, 66

Drexel University, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design


AMPHORA Brand Design


EBBING Branding + Design

Andon Guenther Design, LLC


Ellen Bruss Design

Anna K. Murphy Design


Equator Design

72, 120

51, 68, 114

Equity Creative


Erik Borreson Design


FAI Design Group


arithmetic Aruliden

51, 98

Asurion Creative Solutions

97, 120

Auburn University School of Industrial

Federico Pallas

+ Graphic Design

Fetzer Vineyards

127, 128, 129, 130, 131

Bailey Brand Consulting

56, 68

Flood Creative

Barnett Design


FoodScience Corporation

Bartlett Brands


forceMAJEURE Design

Becky Ankeny Design


Bent Paddle Brewing Company


Berlin Packaging - Studio One Eleven BexBrands BIG BOX-LITTLE BOX

57, 69, 98 69 46, 96, 97, 114

59 66, 72

111 59 47, 53, 72 112 53, 54, 60

Gauger + Associates


GCNY Marketing


GM Financial


Hermsen Design Associates


Highline Design Co.

99 54

BMB Branding and Design, LLC


HMS Design

Bonavita Design LLC


House of Krauss



Hughes BrandMix

Boxer Brand Design


Hybrid3 a design studio

74, 100

Brand Zoo Inc.


Icon Branding & Design


Inland Packaging



47, 66

Carpenter Creative


Integrated Printing & Graphics

Casabella/Bradshaw Home



CBX CF Napa Brand Design Chase Design Group

51, 70, 120 57 58, 71, 110

Invok Brands Jackson Family Wines Creative



Jeunesse Global

Clementine Creative Agency


John Kallio Graphic Design

Clever Creative

99, 114

COHO Creative

58, 70, 71, 111, 116

Johnson And McGreevy, Inc. (JAM)

116 61 61, 75 61 121, 122 47, 54 97 100 48 75




Kennesaw State University

52, 53, 124

74, 99

Judah Creative Studio, LLC

Conair Corporation Cuticone Design

120, 121

School of Art & Design

131, 132



Kutztown University



Levitskie Creative LLC


Design on Edge


Litehouse Inc.


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54, 76

Seventh Generation




Sharkmouth Design


Marine Lane




SixAbove Studios


Sloat Design Group


Little Big Brands

Mark Oliver Inc.

62, 77

Matrix LLC and ProAmpac Mattel/Hot Wheels

48 105, 106, 107, 108


Meaghan A. Dee


Smith Design

Meguiar’s Design Center





Spectrum Brands -

Metal Ware/Graphic Design


Pet, Home & Garden Division

Meyocks Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center

62, 78, 122 135

49, 63, 89 49, 89, 115 90 112, 113

Spirits Consulting Group


Steely Works


Min Lu


Steers Studios


MJR Creative Group


Stranger & Stranger


Modern Species


Structural Graphics

90, 117



Sur La Table

Oliver Printing and Packaging



One Flight Up Design Oxide Design Co.

90 102

78, 79

TFI Envision, Inc.

96, 102, 103


The DuPuis Group

90, 91

P22 Type Foundry


The GRO Agency

91, 92

Pacific Cycle


The Home Depot


The Lift Factor


pak creative Pennsylvania College of Art & Design PepsiCo Design & Innovation Pig Pen Studios

62 136, 137 79, 80, 81, 82 112

Topco Associates, LLC Trinity Brand Group Ultra Creative

92, 123 64, 92, 104 93

Pigeon Brands Inc.


University of Iowa



Vision Creative Group

93, 125



Wallace Church & Co.

55, 65



WFM - William Fox Munroe




Positive Packaging Inc.

48, 116, 122


Preslicka Studio, Inc.


WHM Creative

Proactive Packaging & Display


Woodbury University



Yi Mao

67 50

Quill Creative LLC


Young Living Essential Oils


Zack Group LLC

118 137, 138

65, 113

Robert Bosch Tool Corporation


Ze Tan


Rukket Sports






Zunda Group


Sack Lunch Marketing, LLC Saputo Design Inc. Saputo Specialty Cheese

49, 88 88 88, 124

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Social media holds a power in today’s culture that is unlike any influencer before it. It has the ability to create celebrities, catapult global movements, and persuade followers. It’s also responsible for increasing the power of the unboxing moment. People are not only experiencing their own live-and-in-person

Shoppers are also looking for brands that align with their

unboxing moments but they’re also seeking out the moments

sustainability and social causes. With more and more focus

of others. In 2014 there were just over 20 million search

on the impact of product and packaging waste and the anti-

results for “unboxing” on YouTube. In 2018 that increased

plastic movement in full swing, it’s increasingly important for

to more than 66 million search results.

brand owners to indicate their environmental and social values through their packaging. A Nielsen study found that seventy-

Why are people so aware of packaging, and what are shoppers

two percent of Gen Z and three out of four Millennials polled

looking for? A brand’s unboxing moment starts by delivering

would pay more for a product with sustainable packaging.

a targeted message at shelf, visually portraying what cus-

Forty-one percent of Americans report that they have pur-

tomers can expect from the brand.

chased a product in the past year because it was associated with a social or environmental cause. Today’s consumers

Premium packaging has been, and continues to be, one of

are seeking out packaging that works harder to lessen its

the most effective strategies for creating first-time sales and

impact on the planet — and looking to not unbox an “over-

ultimately brand loyalists. Forty percent of consumers claim

packaged” product.

they were more likely to buy from a company that provides premium packaging, and forty percent again claim that gift

Being an individual gets attention. In today’s market of craft

packaging or branded packaging influences their perception

and indie brands, with packaging design trends ranging

of the retailer. To the shopper, a package that has luxurious

from minimalism to old-school-vintage, there is no longer a

texture and uses a solid colored paper or specialty print

one-size-fits-all package. Brands are turning to custom

techniques is an indication of the quality of the product

package design as a way to be identified on the shelf as a

about to be unboxed.

unique and premium item.

The emerging cannabis market is an industry that has been

Neenah understands the power of the unboxing moment,

quick to understand the importance of premium packaging.

and how a product’s packaging plays a key role in that event.

These brands must present themselves to their customers

Package design is a high-touch tool that speaks directly to

as professional and in adherence of strict guidelines. The

consumers, to their values and expectations. A tool that can

packaging of these products, which are often medicinal, must

help deliver on a brand’s promise.

instill trust in the consumer.

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Neenah is honored to once again celebrate the power of packaging, and those who are leading the way through the creative design showcased in this competition. Visit for inspiration, information, and to order samples.










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Design Firm: Acorda Therapeutics, Ardsley NY Title: INBRIJA Start Kit Creative Directors: Maria Verastegui, Michael Seymour Art Director: Brett Kinkel Account Manager: Helen Koutsourades Operations: Shannon Macgiffert

Design Firm: Andon Guenther Design, LLC, Denver CO Client: Twinlab Consolidated Holdings Title: REAAL Influencer Sample Kit Art Director: C. Andon Guenther Designer: C. Andon Guenther Brand Strategist: Rosa Willems Account Management: Ian Macdonald

Design Firm: Andon Guenther Design, LLC, Denver CO Client: Dymatize Enterprises, LLC Title: Dymatize All9 Amino Influencer Kit Art Director: C. Andon Guenther Designer: C. Andon Guenther Brand Strategist: Rosa Willems Account Management: Ian Macdonald

Design Firm: BIG BOX-LITTLE BOX, Carrollton TX Client: Ralph Lauren Pink Pony Title: Together in Pink Fight Against Cancer Designer: Elyse Exposito Paper: SENZOÂŽ Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: BRIGADE, Hadley MA Client: SVEDKA Vodka Title: SVEDKA Spiked Premium Seltzer Designers: Kristin Roy, John Silva, Dave Grasso Executive Creative Director: Kirsten Modestow Creative Services Director: Robert Parker Account Manager: Shaun Kelleher

Design Firm: Bartlett Brands, San Francisco CA Client: First Day Title: First Day Vitamins Packaging Art Director: Lauren Golik Designers: Luisa Betancourt, Carolina Pistone Illustrator: Brandon Ly Photographer: Brandon Ly

Design Firm: Flood Creative, Irvington NY Client: Tru-Colour Title: Tru-Colour Skin Tone Bandages Chief Creative Officer: Stuart Whitworth Designer: Tyana Soto

Design Firm: Jeunesse Global, Lake Mary FL Title: Reserve Antioxidant Fruit Blend Art Director: Janessa Barrios Designer: Jenifer Kresge

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Design Firm: Judah Creative Studio, LLC, Branson MO Client: NeoGenics Title: NeoGenics Supplement Line Art Director: Judah Fansler Designers: Judah Fansler, Vanessa Benkert

Design Firm: Matrix LLC and ProAmpac, North Hampton NH Title: Matrix Total Results Hair Care Holiday Kits AVP/Creative Director (Matrix): Kerry Higgins Printer: ProAmpac

Design Firm: Positive Packaging Inc., Elk Grove Village IL Client: MD Hearing Aid Title: Life Ear Core Package Art Director: Andrea Meenahan Designer: Lindsay Dymond Paper: SO...SILKÂŽ Papers (wrap and inner sleeve), learn more at

Design Firm: Quill Creative LLC, Oshkosh WI Client: Arise Balanced Wellness Title: Wellness Packaging Series Creative Director: Joshua Tyner Art Director: Arden Helm Designer: Isabella Tremonti Illustrator: Isabella Tremonti

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Design Firm: Sack Lunch Marketing, LLC, Delray Beach FL Client: Aurora Diagnostics Title: Start With The Right Path Art Directors: Gladiola Quintanilla (Direct Mail, Coasters, Specimen Kit), Kara Clapp (Identity) Designer: Hampton Freeman (Direct Mail, Coasters) Illustrator: Hampton Freeman

Design Firm: SiMPLE DESIGN INC., Denver CO Client: Tucanos Brazilian Grill Title: Water Bottle Art Director: Robert Mitchell Designer: Robert Mitchell Illustrator: Robert Mitchell

Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Armada Nutrition Title: Titan Sports Nutrition Art Director: Matthew Beverly

Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Title: Viagra Connect Art Director: Glenn Hagen Designers: Angel Souto, Glenn Hagen Illustrator: Angel Souto

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Design Firm: Young Living Essential Oils, Lehi UT Title: Lifestyle Journey Kit Creative Director: Ryan Larsen Art Director: Jenessa Sturgell Designer: Jennifer Mendes Photographers: Weston Hall, Tony Murray

Design Firm: Ze Tan, New York NY Client: Biolever Title: Biolever Probiotics Drinks Packaging Photographer: Annie & Chen Studio Branding Design: Ze Tan Package Design: Chien-Chun Feng

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Design Firm: Young Living Essential Oils, Lehi UT Title: Premium Starter Kit Creative Director: Ryan Larsen Art Director/Designer: Jenessa Sturgell Designer: Marisa Brodie Photographers: Weston Hall, Tony Murray

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Design Firm: AMPHORA Brand Design, Oshkosh WI Client: Orchids Paper Title: Virtue Bath Tissue Creative Director: Diane Konyn Designer: Jen Schloesser

Design Firm: arithmetic, Vancouver BC Canada Client: Nala Title: Nala Branding & Packaging Design Art Director: Margherita Porra Designer: Margherita Porra Illustrator: Ellen Tsai Photographer: Jennilee Marigomen Producer: Elizabeth Vegh, Rachel Sanvido

Design Firm: Aruliden, New York NY Client: Luxury Brand Partners, In Common Beauty Title: In Common Beauty Package Design Art Director: Helen Steed Designers: Maya Peraza-Baker, Melissa Levin Photographer: Taryn Kent Industrial Designer: Dan Snyder, Eliot Reshetar-Jost

Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Kimberly-Clark Title: Kleenex Wet Wipes

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Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: True Glow by Conair Title: Light Therapy Lip Care Art Director: Tricia Brady Designer: Christine Palumbo Photographer: Chris Hobson Retouching: Kati Sohl

Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: Conair International Title: Frizz Defense Art Director: Cindy Cheung Designer: Michael ‘Gorby’ Tierney Photographer: Chris Hobson Retouching: Kati Sohl, Jon Padilla

Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: True Glow by Conair Title: Mixology Kit Art Director: Chris DePouli Designers: Christine Palumbo, Joy Vandermark Photographer: Chris Hobson Retouching: Kati Sohl

Design Firm: Cuticone Design, New York NY Client: CVS Health Title: K-Beauty Animal Facial Wipes Creative Director: Joe Cuticone Designers: Brian Casscles, Joe Cuticone

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Design Firm: Cuticone Design, New York NY Client: CVS Health Title: K-Beauty Animal Spout Masks Creative Director: Joe Cuticone Designers: Brian Casscles, Joe Cuticone

Design Firm: DISC, Hauppauge NY Client: Beekman 1802 Title: Whipped Body Cream Products

Design Firm: Flood Creative, Irvington NY Client: Bayer Title: Coppertone Glow Chief Creative Officer: Stuart Whitworth

Design Firm: forceMAJEURE Design, Brooklyn NY Client: Dove Men+Care, Unilever Title: Dove Men+Care Japan Creative Director: Michelle Mak Designer: Kei Hayashi Photographer: forceMAJEURE Design

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Design Firm: forceMAJEURE Design, Brooklyn NY Client: The Good Stuff Title: Unilever Creative Director: Michelle Mak Designers: Magdalena Travis, Samuel Rowe Photographer: forceMAJEURE Design

Design Firm: HMS Design, Fairfield CT Client: Strength of Nature, LLC Title: Just For Me Brand Restage with Curl Peace Sub-Brand

Design Firm: Jeunesse Global, Lake Mary FL Title: RVL Advanced Hair Care System Art Director: Janessa Barrios Designer: Janessa Barrios

Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Lornamead Title: Masked Beauty Art Director: Richard Palmer Designer: Little Big Brands Design Team

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Design Firm: Wallace Church & Co., New York NY Client: Revlon, Inc. Title: Mitchum Redesign Art Director: John Bruno Designer: Brian Stafflinger

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Design Firm: Affinity Creative Group, Mare Island CA Client: Scenic Root Winegrowers Title: TEXTBOOK Wines, Oakville Tier, Packaging Design Enhancement Program Designer: Affinity Creative Group Printer: MCC

Design Firm: BMB Branding and Design, LLC, Pittsgrove NJ Client: William Heritage Winery Title: WH Dry RosĂŠ Package Design Art Director: Brenda Miller Brennan Designer: Brenda Miller Brennan Illustrator: Brenda Miller Brennan

Design Firm: Bailey Brand Consulting, Plymouth Meeting PA Client: D.G. Yuengling & Son Title: Yuengling Golden Pilsner Art Director: Stephen Perry Designers: Stephen Perry, Christian Williamson Illustrator: Steven Noble

Design Firm: Bent Paddle Brewing Company, Duluth MN Title: Doppelbock Box & Can Art Director: Lucas Kackman Designer: Lucas Kackman Illustrator: Lucas Kackman Photographer: Maxwell McGruder

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Design Firm: Berlin Packaging - Studio One Eleven, Chicago IL Client: Heaven’s Door Title: Heaven’s Door Whiskey Photographer: David Stoken

Design Firm: Bonavita Design LLC, Montclair NJ Client: Unimac, A Command Company Title: Unimac Brilliant Possibilities Champagne Box Creative Director: Donna Bonavita Designer: Donna Bonavita Project/Marketing Management: Diana Flocco, Michele Murphy, Unimac

Design Firm: Bonavita Design LLC, Montclair NJ Client: Unimac, A Command Company Title: Unimac Champagne Box, Together We Shine Art Director: Donna Bonavita Designer: Donna Bonavita Project/Marketing Management: Diana Flocco, Michele Murphy, Unimac Paper: NEENAH® Folding Board, learn more at

Design Firm: CF Napa Brand Design, Napa CA Client: La Crosse Distilling Co. Title: Fieldnotes Creative Principal: David Schuemann Art Director: Antonio Rivera Designer: Teddy Kurniawan

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Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: New Holland Brewing Company Title: Dragon’s Milk Rebrand Creative Director: Mike Skrzelowski Art Directors: Kate Raterman, Monica Campbell, Eric Warning, Blake Logsdon, Kevin Bova

Design Firm: Carpenter Creative, Napa CA Client: Flying Lady Title: Flying Lady Package Design Art Director: Christine Carpenter Designer: Christine Carpenter

Design Firm: Chase Design Group, S. Pasadena CA Client: Barebottle Brewing Co. Title: Barebottle Very Best Bad Things Art Director: Jon Arriaza Designers: Megan Hansen, Beverly Hartono Production Artist: Joshua Davis Dillard Printer: WS Packaging

Design Firm:, Chico CA Client: Craft Brew Alliance Title: Cisco Brewers - Gripah IPA Art Director: Brittney Hicks, Craft Brew Alliance Designer: Jason C. Roberson

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Design Firm: DDW, Sausalito CA Client: Blue Point Brewing Company Title: The IPA Art Director: Ross Patrick Designer: Sebastian Fraye Illustrator: Sebastian Fraye

Design Firm: EBBING Branding + Design, Wilmington NC Client: Roak Brewing Co. Title: Roak Brewing Co. Bottle Series Art Director: Matt Ebbing Illustrator: Jud Lively Project Manager: Melissa Gagliradi

Design Firm: Erik Borreson Design, Stevens Point WI Client: Restless Spirits Title: Restless Spirits Brandy Art Director: Erik Borreson Paper: ESTATE LABELÂŽ Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: Fetzer Vineyards, Hopland CA Client: 1000 Stories Vineyards Title: 1000 Stories Vineyards Prospector’s Proof Art Director: AAron Woolsey Designer: AAron Woolsey Photographer: Sarah Sanger Printer: Grigsby Label

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Design Firm: forceMAJEURE Design and CHIC Agency, Brooklyn NY Client: Comte de Grasse Title: 44o N by Comte de Grasse Creative Director: Pierre Delebois Designers: Magdalena Travis, Harry Chong Photographer: forceMAJEURE Design

Design Firm: GCNY Marketing, Brooklyn NY Client: Tabernacle Winery Title: Tabernacle Reserve Label Design Art Director: Joseph Blumenfeld Designer: Rebecca Lieberman Illustrator: Rebecca Lieberman Photographer: Brad Tyburg

Design Firm: Inland Packaging, La Crosse WI Client: Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Title: Henry Hotspur’s Rose Cider Paper: BELLA® LABEL Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: Inland Packaging, La Crosse WI Client: Uinta Brewing Company Title: Wyld Simcoe Session Ale Paper: BELLA® LABEL Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Interbrand, Cincinnati OH Client: LVMH Title: Chandon BaubleBar Art Director: Jamey Wagner Designers: Kate Perez, Claire Schroyer Implementation Designers: Brandi Breeden, Chuck McKee

Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: Stevens Point Brewery Title: Whole Hog Art Director: Devon Luxmore-Rousset Designer: Christine Ferrante Illustrator: Brent Hale

Design Firm: Jackson Family Wines Creative, Santa Rosa CA Client: KendallJackson Title: K-J Avant Unoaked Chardonnay Designers: Chelsea Terrill, Lara Nunes, Kristie Bayly

Design Firm: Jackson Family Wines Creative, Santa Rosa CA Client: MurphyGoode Winery, St. Florian’s Brewery Title: Murphy-Goode/St. Florian’s Crossover Designer: Amy Noonan

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Design Firm: Mark Oliver Inc., Solvang CA Client: Central Coast Distillery Title: Forager Packaging Art Director: Mark Oliver Designer: Patty Devlin-Driskel Illustrator: Veronica Lawlor Lettering: Holly Dickens

Design Firm: Meyocks, West Des Moines IA Client: Foundry Title: Foundry Distilling Company Vodka Art Directors: Trenton Burd, Levi Ward

Design Firm: Oxide Design Co., Omaha NE Client: Keg Creek Brewing Co. Title: Hypebeast Art Director: Drew Davies Designers: Drew Davies, Adam Torpin, Josh Schwieger Illustrators: Drew Davies, Adam Torpin, Josh Schwieger Copywriters: Wes Piper, Mandy Mowers Paper: ESTATE LABEL® Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: pak creative, Peekskill NY Title: Holiday Promotion Boxes and Labels Art Director: Kelly Duke McKinley Designer: Kelly Duke McKinley

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Design Firm: Sharkmouth Design, Dayton OH Client: Sixth Sense Brewing Co. Title: Sixth Sense Beer Cans Art Director: Brian Braden Designer: Brian Braden Illustrator: Brian Braden

Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Whistle Pig Whiskey Title: Whistle Pig Rye Whiskey Art Director: Ben Negrete

Design Firm: Spirits Consulting Group, New York NY Client: Bacana Sangria Title: Bacana Sangria Packaging Designer: Laura Davis

Design Firm: Steely Works, Atlanta GA Client: Nod Hill Brewery Title: Branding and Beer Labels Art Director: Brian Steely Designer: Brian Steely Illustrator: Brian Steely Photographer: Jonathan Buiel

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Design Firm: Stranger & Stranger, New York NY Client: Maison Ferrand Title: 10 Generations Cognac Designer: Stranger & Stranger

Design Firm: Stranger & Stranger, New York NY Client: Bodega Catena Zapata Title: Catena Zapata Malbec Argentino 2015 Designer: Stranger & Stranger

Design Firm: Stranger & Stranger, New York NY Title: Bitter and Twisted Holiday Pack Designer: Stranger & Stranger

Design Firm: Trinity Brand Group, Berkeley CA Client: CERIA Brewing Company Title: Grainwave Belgian-Style White Ale Art Director: Paul Kagiwada Designer: Michael A. Johnson Client Director: Laurie Kreisberg Client Manager: Kyle Showen

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Design Firm: Wallace Church & Co., New York NY Title: Lust Wine Design Art Director: Stan Church Illustrator: Bird Tubkam

Design Firm: Zack Group LLC, Croton-on-Hudson NY Client: Dollar Cocktail Club Title: Cocktail Kits Brand Launch Designer: The Zack Group Team Photographer: Steve Harrington

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Design Firm: BRIGADE, Hadley MA Client: INSA Title: INSA Cannabis Line Executive Creative Director: Kirsten Modestow Creative Director: Joe Marden Designers: Dave Foote, Tim MacKay, Kristin Roy, Liz Moran Illustrators: Adam Komosinski, Jimmy Parker, Thom Dudley, John Silva Creative Strategy/Copywriting: Kathryn Slater, Melenie Freedom Flynn Account Manager: Karen Leet

Design Firm: DISC, Hauppauge NY Client: Berkshire Roots Title: Berkshire Roots Tincture Cannabis Oil Products Package Design

Design Firm: Design on Edge, Reno NV Client: Live Kaya Title: Live Kaya CBD Chocolate Packaging Art Director: Courtney Meredith Designer: Tucker Monticelli

Design Firm: Ellen Bruss Design, Denver CO Client: Ascent Extracts Title: Ascent Extracts Package Design Creative Director: Ellen Bruss Art Director: Ken Garcia Designer: Ken Garcia

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Design Firm: SixAbove Studios, Norwalk CT Client: Elyon Cannabis Title: Elyon Cannabis Branding and Packaging Art Direction/Design: Jason Larche

Design Firm: Yi Mao, Pasadena CA Title: Kanna - A Recreational Cannabis Brand, ArtCenter College of Design Project Art Director: Yi Mao Designer: Yi Mao Photographer: Charlie Sin Instructor: Dan Hoy Paper: CLASSIC CRESTÂŽ Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Anna K. Murphy Design, Summit NJ Title: Absolute Coffee Designer: Annie Murphy

Design Firm: BORN, Lexington KY Client: Double Barrel Honey Title: Double Barrel Honey Packaging Creative Director: Bill Michul Designer: Cody Chatham

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Design Firm: arithmetic, Vancouver BC Canada Client: La Glace Premium French Ice Cream Title: La Glace Branding & Packaging Design Art Director: Margherita Porra Designer: Margherita Porra Illustrator: Ellen Tsai Photographer: Makito Inomata Producer: Elizabeth Vegh

Design Firm: Bailey Brand Consulting, Plymouth Meeting PA Client: Twinings USA Title: Twinings Wellness Line Art Director: Stephen Perry Designers: Stephen Perry, Christian Williamson Photographer: Hone Photography

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Design Firm: Barnett Design, Ramsey NJ Client: Tata Global Beverages Title: EOC Flavors of America Coffee Creative Director: Debbie Barnett Sagurton Art Director: Jeff Ramos Designers: Jeff Ramos, Valerie Haymes, Tara Maratea

Design Firm: Berlin Packaging - Studio One Eleven, Chicago IL Client: The Dutch Kettle Title: The Dutch Kettle Jams and Salsas Photographer: David Stoken

Design Firm: BexBrands, San Diego CA Client: Lily’s Sweets Title: Lily’s Sweets Packaging Art Directors: Becky Nelson Dahl, Jeremy Dahl Designers: Molly Mann, Rachael Polack Illustrator: Andrew Holder Photographer: Ralph Smith Project Manager: Michael Thompson Client: Sarah Meis, Janet Miller

Design Firm: Boxer Brand Design, Chicago IL Client: McDonald’s Title: McCafé Holiday Cups Art Director: Renee Virgo VP, Creative Director: Diana Samper Senior Art Director: Ryan Dempski Copywriter: Ryan Casey

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Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: S Brand LLC Title: Maddy & Maize Small Batch Gourmet Popcorn

Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Hain Celestial Title: TeaWell Organic Teas

Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Keurig Dr. Pepper Title: Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Lemonade

Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Meijer Title: Kettle Chips Packaging Chief Creative Officer: Jon Shapiro Art Directors: Jen Register, Kate Raterman, Monica Campbell, Sasha Milton, Randall Houser Designer: Bob Pauley

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Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Meijer Title: Wood Fired Pizza Packaging Chief Creative Officer: Jon Shapiro Art Directors: Jen Register, Kate Raterman, Monica Campbell, Randall Houser Photographer: Steve Paszt Food Stylist: Mary Seguin

Design Firm: Chase Design Group, S. Pasadena CA Client: Nestl Title: Nestl Hot Cocoa Creative Director: Paula Hansanugrum Art Director: Paula Hansanugrum Designers: Jon Arriaza, Megan Hansen Photographer: Noel Barnhurst Production Artist: Joannna Kawai Account Director: Narae Park

Design Firm: Chase Design Group, S. Pasadena CA Client: Ventura Foods Title: Marie’s Market Reserve Creative Director: Paula Hansanugrum Art Directors: Nick Leebert, Annie Dodge Designers: Nick Leebert, Annie Dodge, Wendy Thai, Beverly Hartono Illustrator: Jessica R. Shepherd Production Manager: Shakeh Gyurjyan Account Director: Narae Park

Design Firm: DES!GNOLOGY, Coatsville PA Client: Presty Food Title: Presty! Plate Ready Meals

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Design Firm: Ellen Bruss Design, Denver CO Client: Spinelli’s Title: Spinelli’s Package Design Creative Director: Ellen Bruss Art Director: Ken Garcia Designer: Ken Garcia

Design Firm: Equator Design, Chicago IL Client: KRAFT HEINZ Title: JELL-O PLAY Art Directors: Robert Hullinger, Aaron Funke Designer: Alysha Balog Account Manager: Nick Coats

Design Firm: Equity Creative, Kenosha WI Client: Case IH Title: Case IH Virginia Peanuts Packaging Art Director: John Kirchen Designer: John Kirchen Director of Accounts: Matt Dufek

Design Firm: Flood Creative, Irvington NY Client: Karuna Title: Karuna Beverage Series Chief Creative Officer: Stuart Whitworth Designer: Melissa Piombo

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Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: It’s It Ice Cream Co. Title: Chips-It Ice Cream Sandwich Package Design Art Director: Lori Murphy Designer: Jenna Pile

Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: Billings Ranch Title: AYO Yogurt Cups Package Design Art Director: Lori Murphy

Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: San-J Title: Brown Rice Crackers Package Design Art Director: Lori Murphy

Design Firm: Hermsen Design Associates, Dallas TX Client: Lakeview Farms, LLC Title: Winky Gel Bites Art Director: Greg Klein Designer: Jack Hermsen Illustrator: Bluerock Agency

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Design Firm: Hughes BrandMix, Norwalk CT Client: Meat Heads Title: Pizzo’s Pepperoni Jerky Package Design Creative Director: Greg Martin Designer: HBX Design Team

Design Firm: Hughes BrandMix, Norwalk CT Client: The Cookie Dough Café Title: The Cookie Dough Café Package Design Creative Director: Greg Martin Designer: HBX Design Team

Design Firm: Hybrid3 a design studio, Seattle WA Client: LUCERO Title: ARBEQUINA Olive Oil Bottle Art Director: Michael Stearns Designer: Michael Stearns Photographer: Angie Norwood Browne

Design Firm: Icon Branding & Design, Nunda NY Client: Once Again Nut Butter Title: Amoré Squeeze Packs Art Director: Steve BonDurant Designer: Steve BonDurant Illustrator: Steve BonDurant

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Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: Me to We Title: Me to We Chocolate Art Director: Devon Luxmore-Rousset

Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: The Lamb Company Title: Lamb Packaging Art Director: Devon Luxmore-Rousset Designer: Gwyn Jones Illustrator: Steven Noble

Design Firm: KBDA, Santa Monica CA Client: Hakuna Banana Title: Hakuna Banana Ice Cream Art Directors: Kim Baer, Amanda Hovest Designer: Jean Pongsai Illustrator: Jean Pongsai

Design Firm: LRXD, Denver CO Client: Sola Title: Sola Packaging Creative Director: Andy Dutlinger Art Director: Brian Son Copywriters: Eric Kiker, Greg Lewis Print Producer: Valerie Hawks Account Manager: Clayton Warwick

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Design Firm: Levitskie Creative LLC, Hackettstown NJ Client: Schwebel Baking Company Title: Schwebel’s Organic Bread Art Director: Kristin Levitskie Designer: Kristin Levitskie

Design Firm: Litehouse Inc., Sandpoint ID Title: Litehouse Cheese Packaging Refresh Art Director: Kathy Weisz Designer: Lindsey Kuhn Photographer: Leigh Beisch, Litehouse Design Team

Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Conagra Brands Title: Wish Bone Dressings Chief Creative Officer: John Nunziato Associate Creative Director: Carlo Di Russo Designer: Little Big Brands Design Team

Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Land O’Frost Title: Gone Rogue Protein Chips Art Director: Richard Palmer Designer: Little Big Brands Design Team

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Design Firm: MJR Creative Group, Fresno CA Client: Natural Delights ÂŽ Title: Medjool Fresh Dates Designer: Nico Dondlinger Illustrator: Nico Dondlinger Producer: Bradley Fitzhenry

Design Firm: Marine Lane, New York NY Client: Serendipity Brands Title: Serendipity Super Premium Ice Cream Package Design Art Directors: Megan Flood, Hannah Hillier Designers: Hannah Hillier, Lily Wang, Jack Roizental, Alison Golcher Illustrator: Veronica Grech

Design Firm: Mark Oliver Inc., Solvang CA Client: Bubbies Homemade Ice Cream & Desserts Title: Bubbies Mochi Holiday Packaging Art Director: Mark Oliver Designer: Patty Devlin-Driskel Photographer: Lew Robertson Lettering: John Burns

Design Firm: Mark Oliver Inc., Solvang CA Client: Bellwether Farms Title: Bellwether Blackberry & Apple 4oz Yogurt Cups Art Director: Mark Oliver Designer: Patty Devlin-Driskel Illustrator: Sudi McCollum Lettering: Iskara Johnson

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Design Firm: Meyocks, West Des Moines IA Client: Spring Sunrise Title: Spring Sunrise Original Ghee Art Director: Rawley King

Design Firm: Min Lu, Jersey City NJ Client: Fruits Title: Multigrain Tea Package Design Art Director: Min Lu Designer: Min Lu Photographer: Min Lu

Design Firm: Modern Species, Seattle WA Client: Taste Republic Title: Gluten-Free & Grain-Free Pastas Art Director: Gage Mitchell Designers: Gage Mitchell, Jason Robinson, Carla Williamson-Britt, Kellie Komorita

Design Firm: One Flight Up Design, Boonton NJ Client: B&G Foods Title: Trappey’s Fruit Hot Sauces Designer: Lynn Schmieder Illustrator: Lynn Schmieder

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Design Firm: One Flight Up Design, Boonton NJ Client: Mondelez International Title: Oreo Chocolate Fun Size Seasonal Design Art Director: Lynn Schmieder Designers: Keri Davis, Jason Malmstrom Illustrator: Jeff Ferentz

Design Firm: One Flight Up Design, Boonton NJ Client: The Kraft Heinz Company Title: Gevalia Sweet & Creamy Art Director: Carol Corson Designers: Carol Corson, Jason Malmstrom Illustrator: Lynn Schmieder Photographers: Brandon Minieri, Matthew Franz

Design Firm: PLDG, Minneapolis MN Client: Sunnydale Lane Jam Title: Sunnydale Lane Jam Packaging Art Director: Bob Upton Designer: Bob Upton Illustrator: Bob Upton

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Hello Snacks Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: LIFEWTR Series 6: Diversity in Design Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation Featured Artists: Ji Won Choi, Jamall Osterholm, Daniel Cloke

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: LIFEWTR Series 5: Art Beyond Borders Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation Featured Artists: Aiko, Yinka Iiori, Laercio Redondo

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: IZZE Global Launch Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: 7UP Vintage Pack 2018 Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Brisk x Marvel Studios: Wakanda Forever Special Edition Package Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi Generations Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi x Shanghai Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2019 Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Pepsi Year of the Pig Limited Edition Cans China Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Quaker Kids China Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Life Brand Refresh Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Title: Off the Eaten Path (UK) Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation

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Design Clarity The right packaging makes a brand statement. It looks, feels and sells like nothing else on the market. For example…visual packaging from HLP Klearfold. Products in our Soft Crease® scored Klearfold® cartons, or our other visual packaging styles, printed and decorated using the latest technologies, stand out and showcase their contents in dramatic new ways. Imagine the flexibility to design packaging with so many possibilities. Visualize your product in our clear carton.

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2019 GOAL: Network with like-minded peers Check! Keep your eyes peeled for our Fall event—details to come. InSource is the association for in-house creative leadership.

Print ad designed by Eileen Riestra Photo supplied by Adobe Stock 204064460

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Design Firm: Pigeon Brands Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada Client: Lassonde Title: Apple & Eve Plant-Based Protein Smoothie Art Director: Oliver Chevillot Designer: Jean-Francois Beliveau

Design Firm: Pigeon Brands Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada Client: ID Foods Title: The Great Jamaican Art Director: Olivier Chevillot Designer: Olivier Chevillot Illustrator: Olivier Chevillot Photographer: Quyen Dinh

Design Firm: Pigeon Brands Inc., Montreal, QC, Canada Client: Vegkiss Title: Urban Piknik Salad In A Jar Art Director: Olivier Chevillot Designer: Nathalie Versini

Design Firm:, New York NY Title: Dreemz Ice Cream Branding & Package Design Creative Director: Xinyi Yao Designer: Xinyi Yao

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Design Firm: Sack Lunch Marketing, LLC, Delray Beach FL Client: Nicolini Title: Dark & Milk Chocolate Packaging Creative Director: Kara Clapp Art Director: Lisa Woomer Illustrator: Lisa Woomer

Design Firm: Saputo Design Inc., Westlake Village CA Client: BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse Title: BJ’s Brewhouse Ginger Beer Art Director: Dana Saputo Designer: Andra Gheorghe Illustrator: Georgia Lange

Design Firm: Saputo Specialty Cheese, Milwaukee WI Title: Black Creek Artisan Series Art Director: Kristy Klug Designer: Bart Van Buren

Design Firm: Saputo Specialty Cheese, Milwaukee WI Title: Stella Rubbed Fontinella Wedges Art Director: Kristy Klug Designers: Tyler Nordstrom, Bart Van Buren

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Design Firm: Sloat Design Group, Petaluma CA Client: Lamb Weston Title: Arby’s Seasoned Curly Fries Art Director: Carrie Dufour Designer: Andy Yanchunis

Design Firm: Sloat Design Group, Petaluma CA Client: Lee Kum Kee Title: Panda Brand Grilling and Dipping Sauce Art Director: Carrie Dufour Designer: Terri Thompson

Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Sanaia Title: Sanaia Applesauce Art Director: Matthew Beverly

Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: MegaMex Foods Title: Chi-Chi’s Fiesta Style Art Director: Glenn Hagen Designer: Melissa Sadowski Illustrator: Angel Souto

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Design Firm: sparc, Winnetka IL Client: City of De Pere Title: De Pere Deeper Roast Coffee Bag Art Director: Richard Cassis Designer: Richard Cassis Illustrator: Richard Cassis

Design Firm: Structural Graphics, Essex CT Client: GSD&M, Austin TX for Popeyes Title: Popeyes Emotional Support Chicken Box Designers: GSD&M, Austin TX Illustrators: GSD&M, Austin TX Photographer: Marc McShane Structural Engineering: Structural Graphics, Shin Wakabayashi, Production Artist Printer: Blanks Printing & Digital Solutions Additional Contributors at Structural Graphics: Director of Design Noel Boland Project Manager: Lindsay Glaude Account Manager: Teresa Garner

Design Firm: Sur La Table, Seattle WA Title: Holiday Confection Tins Creative Director: Robb Ginter Art Director: Jordan Hillyard Designer: Jordan Hillyard

Design Firm: The DuPuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Compania Nacional de Chocolates Title: Cordillera Package Design Creative Director: Ivana Nikolic Illustrator: Catalina Londono Design Director: Connor McShane Columbian Design Affiliate: Qualitat

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Design Firm: The DuPuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Patagonia Title: Patagonia Provisions Package Design Creative Director: Daniel Rhodes Photographer: Justin Paris Senior Designers: Allison Sacks, Ben Blanchard

Design Firm: The DuPuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Pepperidge Farm Title: Farmhouse Bread Redesign Creative Directors: Aaron Funke, Lindsay Evans Senior Designer: Erin Killinger

Design Firm: The GRO Agency, Burbank CA Client: FrĂźt Cake Title: FrĂźt Cake Branding and Packaging Creative Director: Kelly Criswell Designer: Danny Lang Design Director: Jackie Olivieri Strategist: Danielle Muller Copywriter: Dea Laubach

Design Firm: The GRO Agency, Burbank CA Client: Solem Title: Solem Agua Fresca Creative Director: Kelly Criswell Designer: Ever Salgado Design Director: Jackie Olivieri

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Design Firm: The GRO Agency, Burbank CA Client: Oberto Sausage Co. Title: Pacific Gold Reserve Creative Director: Kelly Criswell Designer: Danny Lang

Design Firm: Topco Associates, LLC, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Culinary Tours Title: Culinary Tours Bagged Coffee Creative Director: Shelbi Sturges Designer: Mindy Syster Lead Designer: Kara Fleming-Ward

Design Firm: Topco Associates, LLC, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Wide Awake Title: Wide Awake Cold Brew Coffee Creative Director: Shelbi Sturges Designer: Neil Lorentzen Photographer: John Poll

Design Firm: Trinity Brand Group, Berkeley CA Client: Albertsons Companies Title: Signature Select Asian Foods Art Director: Paul Kagiwada Designers: Quentin Bangston, Dexter Lee Client Director: Laurie Kreisberg

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Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Title: Recollection Package Design Art Director: Sarah Howley Illustrators: Laura Healy, Nick Hoople, Jared Welle, JoEllen Martinson Davis, William Burns VP - Creative Director: Shane Breault Project Manager: Carolyn Weatherhead

Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: Jack Links Title: Matador Art Director: Jared Welle Senior Production Designer: Kelley Sandvik

Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: Nature’s Way Title: Sambucus Redesign Art Director: Jessica Hill Senior Production Designer: Todd Schneider

Design Firm: Vision Creative Group, Morris Plains NJ Client: Finlandia Title: Finlandia Cheese Dip Packaging Art Director: The Creative Team at VCG

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Design Firm: WFM, Shillington PA Client: Riviana Foods, Inc. Title: Ronzoni Homestyle Pasta Packaging Art Director: Joshua Samolewicz Designer: Kayla Bryer

Design Firm: WFM, Shillington PA Client: The Hershey Company Title: World Travel Retail Character Tins Packaging Art Director: Joshua Samolewicz Designer: Taylor Kreamer Hershey Global Design: Desiree Tomich WFM Design Director: Matt Kennedy

Design Firm: WFM, Shillington PA Client: The Hershey Company Title: Twizzler Summer Smoothie Twists Packaging Art Director: Rebecca Doran Designer: Arren Dawinan Hershey Global Design: Kris Zamora WFM Design Director: Matt Kennedy

Design Firm: WhiteSpace, Akron OH Client: Hickory Harvest Foods Title: Hickory Harvest Multi-Packs Art Director: Eric Jacobs Designer: Susan Breen Photographer: Todd Biss Productions Copy Director: Annie Murray Account Manager: Denise Copen

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Design Firm: Zunda Group, Norwalk CT Client: Ehrmann Commonwealth Dairy Title: Liebe Bavarian Style Quark Creative Directors: Charles Zunda, Gary Seve Esposito Senior Designer: Heidi Sullivan Director of Strategy: Lauren Millar

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Design Firm: BIG BOX-LITTLE BOX, Carrollton TX Client: PUMA Title: PUMA POWERUP Paper: SENZO® Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: ZOTAC, Title: ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 20 Series Graphics Card Designer: Josie Chu Illustrator: Josie Chu Photographer: Royce Yu Copywriters: Cecilia Cheng, Buu Ly Marketing Director: Chinny Chuang

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Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: BBB Industries, LLC Title: NAPA® Power Premium Plus Trilingual Packaging for Alternators and Starters Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Mary Ellen Butkus Designers: Keith Ehmke, Mary Ellen Butkus Photographer: Hollie Bertram Production Artists: Mark Hatfield, Richard Wall

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Design Firm: Asurion Creative Solutions, Nashville TN Client: Sprint Title: You Complete Me Creative Director: John Elter Art Director: Yahui Chang Marketing Manager: Robin McLellan

Design Firm: BIG BOX-LITTLE BOX, Carrollton TX Client: AIRBUS Title: AIRBUS - Game Day Traffic Paper: MANO Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: John Kallio Graphic Design, New Haven CT Client: Tom Guerra Title: American Garden CD Packaging Art Director: John Kallio Designer: John Kallio Photographers: Thammie Cascales, Joe Lemieux

Design Firm: Steers Studios, Roxbury CT Client: William R. Colbert Title: Your Personal Financial Primer Book Cover Art Director: Janet Childs Designer: Jeanne Steers Illustrator: Jeanne Steers Photographer: Donna Cloutier Producer: Katart Graphics

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Design Firm: Aruliden, New York NY Client: Backdrop Title: Backdrop Package Design Art Director: Helen Steed Designers: Rogerio Lionzo, Alec Klein Photographers: Tom Newton, Chaunte Vaughn Brand Strategy: Rinat Aruh

Design Firm: Berlin Packaging - Studio One Eleven, Chicago IL Client: Boulder Clean Title: Boulder Clean Laundry and Home Care Photographer: David Stoken

Design Firm: Brand Zoo Inc., San Francisco CA Client: Duraflame Inc. Title: Every Night Fire Logs Art Director: Courtney Reeser Designers: Mary Whalley, Bill Chiaravalle

Design Firm: Casabella/Bradshaw Home, Congers NY Title: TJX Cleaning Solution Line Creative Director: Debra Earl Designer: Heather Helprin

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Design Firm: Clever Creative, Los Angeles CA Client: Get It Right (GIR) Title: GIR Reusable Straw Packaging Creative Director: Amy Wilk Art Director: Emily Thomas Designer: Jose Mora Project Manager: Mark Sando Copywriters: Michelle Seekamp, Ross Barsi Photography: Emily Thomas

Design Firm: FAI Design Group, Irvington NY Client: Oliso Title: Smart Iron Packaging Creative Director: Allison Schwartz Art Director: Robert Scully Designers: Robert Scully, Joanna Loftus, Spencer Driggs, Craig Valentino

Design Firm: Highline Design Co., Kalispell MT Client: Dirt Rich Title: Compost Package Design Art Director: Elma Giavasis Designer: George Giavasis Paper: ENVIRONMENTÂŽ Papers, Desert Storm (Hangtag), learn more at

Design Firm: Hughes BrandMix, Norwalk CT Client: Melitta North America Title: Melitta Artisan Pour-Over Set Creative Director: Greg Martin Designer: HBX Design Team

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Design Firm: Hybrid3 a design studio, Seattle WA Client: DOWBUILT Title: Tape Measure Promotional Box Art Director: Michael Stearns Designer: Michael Stearns Silkscreen Printing: Studio Screen

Design Firm: Johnson And McGreevy, Inc. (JAM), New York NY Client: Colgate Palmolive Co. Title: Fabuloso (Latin America) Package Design Art Director: Peter Johnson Designer: Jason Maysonet Illustrator: Lori Anzalone Global Brand Manager: Frank Hom

Design Firm: Meguiar’s Design Center, Irvine CA Title: Advanced Technology Wax Art Director: Travis Rasmussen Designers: Mario Rosales, Brian Littler

Design Firm: Meguiar’s Design Center, Irvine CA Client: 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division Title: Super Flexible Sanding Sheets Art Director: Travis Rasmussen Designer: Mario Rosales

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Design Firm: Messinas, Washington NJ Title: PULVERIZEÂŽ Weed Killers Art Director: Vision Creative Group Designer: Vision Creative Group Illustrator: Vision Creative Group Photographer: Messinas

Design Firm: Metal Ware/Graphic Design, Two Rivers WI Client: Nesco Title: Nesco Packaging Rebrand Art Director: Mike Bartos Designers: Steve Emond, Emily Schmidt Photographers: Steve Emond, Emily Schmidt

Design Firm: Oliver Printing and Packaging, Twinsburg OH Client: Point To Point Title: Showroom Insider Promotional Box

Design Firm: P22 Type Foundry, Aurora NY Title: Blox Packaging Art Director: James Grieshaber Designers: James Grieshaber, Jen Farrell, Rich Kegler Printing: James Grieshaber, Rich Kegler

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Design Firm: Porchlight, Atlanta GA Client: Hunter Industries Title: Hunter Irrigation Packaging Redesign Art Director: Greg Corey Designer: Lynnette Pope

Design Firm: Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, Mt. Prospect IL Title: Nail Strike Wood Drilling Bit Art Director: David Cieslik Designer: David Cieslik Packaging Designer: Adrian Vagnoni Illustrator: Lisa Chenow

Design Firm: Swerve, New York NY Title: Bernzomatic Trailblazer Campfire Torches Art Director: Swerve Design Team Designer: Swerve Design Team

Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: BBB Industries, LLC Title: NuGeonÂŽ Uncoated Brake Caliper Packaging Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Mary Ellen Butkus Designers: Keith Ehmke, Mary Ellen Butkus Photographer: Russell Smith Production: TFI Envision, Inc.

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Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: BBB Industries, LLC Title: NAPAÂŽ Power Premium Plus Edge Lit Sign Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Designer: Elizabeth P. Ball Production Artist: Elizabeth P. Ball

Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: Standard Motor Products. Title: Blue StreakÂŽ Packaging Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Designers: Jeff Meyer, Elizbeth P. Ball, Mary Ellen Butkus Production Artists: Standard Motor Products

Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: Oil-Chem Research Corporation Title: zMax 2oz Multi-Purpose Lubricant Aerosol Can Packaging Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Mary Ellen Butkus Designers: Scott Violinis, Mary Ellen Butkus Production Artist: Mary Ellen Butkus

Design Firm: TFI Envision, Inc., Norwalk CT Client: Rapid Slicer, LLC Title: Rapid Slicer Packaging Creative Director: Elizabeth P. Ball Art Director: Mary Ellen Butkus Designer: Mary Ellen Butkus Production Artist: Claire Zisek

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Design Firm: Trinity Brand Group, Berkeley CA Client: Albertsons Companies Title: Signature Select Light Bulbs Art Director: Paul Kagiwada Designer: Quentin Bangston Client Director: Laurie Kreisberg

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Design Firm: AMB Sports & Entertainment/Creative Services, Atlanta GA Client: Atlanta Falcons Title: Atlanta Falcons Ticket Box Creative Director: Michael Benford Art Director: Kevin Fitzgerald Designer: Tucker Brooks Illustrator: Tucker Brooks Production: Cedar Packaging

Design Firm: Becky Ankeny Design, Minneapolis MN Client: Drive-a-logue Title: Drive-a-logue Travel Game Art Director: Becky Ankeny Designer: Becky Ankeny Photographer: Becky Ankeny

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Original 16 Display Set Art Director: Julian Koiles Designer: Julian Koiles Illustrator: Michael Guevarra Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Kelsey Kiefiuk Manager: Brett Cambria

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® 50th Anniversary Box Set Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Chee Im Lim Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer:Kelsey Kiefiuk Manager: Frank Medrano

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Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Super Treasure Hunt Box Set Art Director: Julian Koiles Designer: Julian Koiles Illustrators: Julian Koiles/DAS Grup, Inc. Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Kelsey Kiefiuk Manager: Brett Cambria

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Trick Truck Art Director: Mark Kawakami Designer: Mark Kawakami Illustrator: Ramen Yue, Michael Guevarra Copywriter: Emer Lalor Engineer: Mike Weinstein Manager: Emer Lalor

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 CITY Play Set Series Art Director: Joey Campos Designer: Joey Campos Illustrator: Picture Plane Copywriter: David Itzkowitz Engineer: Mike Weinstein Manager: Emer Lalor

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Black & Gold Assortment Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Chee Im Lim Illustrator: Che Im Lim Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

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Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Ford Trucks Assortment Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Olena Zatler Illustrators: Michael Guevarra, Lincoln Design Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Teen Titans Character Cars Assortment Art Director: Samuel Kok Designer: Samuel Kok Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Chevy Trucks 100th Anniversary Assortment Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Olena Zatler Illustrator: Michael Guevarra Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels速 Halloween Assortments Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Olena Zatler Illustrator: Lincoln Design Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

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Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot WheelsÂŽ Monster Trucks Themed WWE Assortment Art Director: Samuel Kok Designers: Alvin Uy, Samuel Kok Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Michael Weinstein Manager: Frank Medrano

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheelsr Car Culture 2019 Silhouette Series Art Director: Julian Koiles Designer: Julian Koiles Illustrator: Michael Guevarra Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Brett Cambria

Design Firm: Mattel/Hot Wheels, El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheelsr Star Warsr Lightsaber Character Car Series Art Director: Dennis Canon Designer: Edmond Lee Illustrator: Michael Guevarra Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

Design Firm: Nickelodeon, New York NY Client: Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products Title: SpongeBob Packaging Art Director: Michael De Pippo Designer: Mattson Creative Illustrator: Nickelodeon

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Design Firm: Pacific Cycle, Madison WI Client: Kid Trax Title: Hasbro Foot-to-Floor Packaging Art Director: Eric Peckham Designer: Alex Laedtke Photographer: Carly Miller

Design Firm: Preslicka Studio, Inc., Savage MN Client: Winning Moves Title: Stink Bug Package Design Designer: Greg Preslicka Game Creator: Greg Preslicka

Design Firm: Rukket Sports, Greenville DE Title: 6x6 Rip It Lacrosse Goal Designer: Heather Vega Photographer: Heather Vega

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Design Firm: Chase Design Group, S. Pasadena CA Client: Procter & Gamble Title: Dreft By You Art Director: Stephanie Kuga Designers: Beverly Hartono, Annie Li, Ryan Doro, Kevin Staves Production Artist: Ron Guillory

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Design Firm: clarkmcdowall, New York NY Client: The Nutro Company Title: Wild Frontier Specialty Pet Food Package Design Art Director: cm expression team Designer: cm expression team Illustrator: cm expression team Photographer: Michael John Murphy

Design Firm: clarkmcdowall, New York NY Client: The Nutro Company Title: Ultra Specialty Pet Food Package Design Art Director: cm expression team Designer: cm expression team Illustrator: cm expression team Photographer: Michael John Murphy

Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Southern States Title: Grain-Free Dog Food Redesign Art Directors: Annie Ledford, Monica Campbell Chief Creative Officer: Jon Shapiro

Design Firm: Federico Pallas, Sunny Isles FL Client: Barkers Club Title: Vegetarian Dog Treats Art Director: Federico Pallas Designer: Federico Pallas Photographer: Federico Pallas

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Design Firm: FoodScience Corporation, Williston VT Client: Pet Naturals of Vermont Title: Superfood Treats Packaging Art Director: Amber Webster

Design Firm: Pig Pen Studios, Port Washington NY Client: Specialty Products Resources Title: Lovin’ Tenders Package Design Art Director: William B. Heapps Designer: William B. Heapps Photographer: Yoshiki Hagihara

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands - Pet, Home & Garden Division, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Title: Dreambone® Grillmasters Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands - Pet, Home & Garden Division, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Title: GloFish® Aquarium Kit Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative

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Design Firm: Spectrum Brands - Pet, Home & Garden Division, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Title: Nature’s Miracle® For Life’s Messes Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative

Design Firm: Zack Group LLC, Croton-on-Hudson NY Client: Staughton Group Title: Balanced Life, Global Brand Redesign Designer: The Zack Group Team Photographer: Ann Nowee

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Design Firm: arithmetic, Vancouver BC Canada Client: Roque Jewelry Title: Roque Branding & Packaging Design Art Director: Margherita Porra Designer: Margherita Porra Illustrator: Ellen Tsai Photographer: Makito Inomata Producer: Elizabeth Vegh

Design Firm: BIG BOX-LITTLE BOX, Carrollton TX Client: UA Title: Steph Curry Cigar Box Art Director: Rich Bennett Paper: SENZOÂŽ Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: Clever Creative, Los Angeles CA Client: Careste Title: Careste Packaging Design Creative Director: Amy Wilk Art Director: Emily Thomas Designers: Meredith Godwin-Kresge, Schessa Garbutt Project Manager: Justine Smith

Design Firm: PopSockets, Boulder CO Title: PopSockets Rebranding & Redesign Art Director: John Kieselhorst Designer: Justin Fuller Illustrator: Dan Lehman Packaging Design Engineer: Mary LaMacchia Production Artist: German Murillo Digital Artist: Matt Carpenter Marketing Coordinator: Natalie Anderson

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Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: BIC USA, Inc. Title: Fashion Series Lighters Art Director: Melissa Sadowski Designer: Gayle Sahler

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Design Firm: Affinity Creative Group, Mare Island CA Client: Corto Olive Co. Title: 2018 Limited Reserve Corto Olive Oil Luxury Packaging System Designer: Affinity Creative Group Glass: Saver Glass Printer: MCC

Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Age International, Inc. Title: Blanton’s Bourbon 2018 Limited Edition Packaging Creative Director: Mike Skrzelowski Art Directors: Lisa Adams, Randy Houser

Design Firm: Integrated Printing & Graphics, Long Island City NY Client: Belle Haven Investments Title: Belle Haven’s Advisor’s Welcome Box Art Director: Jill Korostoff Designer: Jane Kim

Design Firm: Positive Packaging Inc./FFerrone Design, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Macallans Scotch Title: Macallans Rare Cask 2018 Stopper Package Art Director: Felicia Ferrone Structural Design: Jayne Austin Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Rule29, Geneva IL Client: CDK Global Title: Fortellis Aria Invitation Art Director: Justin Ahrens Designer: Adrian Mendez Photographer: Wonderkind Studios

Design Firm: Rule29, Geneva IL Client: UNICEF Title: Project Lion Inspired Gift Cards and Packaging Art Director: Justin Ahrens Designer: Katy Dondzila Photographer: Wonderkind Studios

Design Firm: Structural Graphics, Essex CT Client: Creata for Kellogg’s Title: Kellogg Jurassic World Promotional Box Art Director: Tracy Locke Designer: Creata Illustrator: Tracy Locke Photographer: Marc McShane Structural Engineering: Structural Graphics, Erik Hluchan, Creative Director Additional Contributors at Structural Graphics: Director of Design: Noel Boland Director of Production: Karen Signor Account Manager: Mary Ann Konishesky Additional Contributors at Creata: Tim Bush, Director-Global Product Innovation (Managed Design, Engineering, Production) VP Account Services: Tom Cunningham Account Director: Kristian Vasquez

Design Firm: The Lift Factor, Essex CT Client: RR Donnelley Manchester for Brighthouse Financial Title: Brighthouse Planter Mailer Art Director: BBH Designer: Brighthouse Financial Illustrator: BBH Photographer: Marc McShane Structural Engineering: The Lift Factor, Erik Hluchan, Creative Director and Shin Wakabayashi, Production Artist Printer: RR Donnelly Manchester Additional Contributors at The Lift Factor: Director of Design: Noel Boland Project Manager: Anne Hines CEO and Account Manager: Kevin Gilligan

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Design Firm: WHM Creative, Oakland CA Client: Sparkle Cut Diamonds Title: Sparkle Cut Package Design Art Director: Marcos Calamato Designer: Sarah Foxall

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Design Firm: Promega, Madison WI Client: Corporate Responsibility Team Title: Promega Packaging Refresh Art Director: Jenna Stormberg Designer: Jenna Stormberg Illustrator: David Goodsell Packaging Engineer/ Project Manager: Marc Janes Packaging Specialist/Project Lead: Sue Brown

Design Firm: Seventh Generation, Burlington VT Title: Multi-Purpose Wipes Art Director: Tomlynn Biondo Designer: Tomlynn Biondo Production Designer: Emily Pasco

Design Firm: Seventh Generation, Burlington VT Title: Hand Dish Liquid Redesign Art Director: Tomlynn Biondo Designer: Tomlynn Biondo Production Designer: Jamie Aponas

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Design Firm: Asurion Creative Solutions, Nashville TN Client: Dick’s Sporting Goods, JCPenney, Lenscrafters Title: Holiday Associate Kits Creative Director: John Elter Art Director: Davide Allegra Designer: Kristen Berg Marketing Managers: Laura Lechner, Terrence Wrenn Copywriter: Mark Wolf Project Manager: Lauren Carver

Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: N.Y. Cake Title: N.Y. Cake Decorating and Baking Supplies

Design Firm: Equator Design, Chicago IL Client: Aldi US Title: Barissimo Passport Series Art Director: Jennifer Gaeto Designers: Alysha Balog, Amy Hawker Illustrator: Alysha Balog Account Manager: Bridget Martino

Design Firm: House of Krauss, Worthington OH Client: C.Krueger’s Title: Private Label Packaging Art Director: Jason Bradley-Krauss Designers: Jason Bradley-Krauss, MJ Vukadin Photographers: Ryan Phillips, Jordanne Renner

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Design Firm: House of Krauss, Worthington OH Client: C.Krueger’s Title: Birthday Private Label Packaging Art Director: Jason Bradley-Krauss Designers: Jason Bradley-Krauss, MJ Vukadin Illustrator: Magrikie Berg Photographers: Ryan Phillips, Jordanne Renner

Design Firm: House of Krauss, Worthington OH Client: C.Krueger’s Title: Valentine Hearts Private Label Packaging Art Director: Jason BradleyKrauss Designers: Jason Bradley-Krauss, MJ Vukadin Illustrator: Magrikie Berg Photographers: Ryan Phillips, Jordanne Renner

Design Firm: House of Krauss, Worthington OH Client: C.Krueger’s Title: Halloween Private Label Packaging Art Director: Jason Bradley-Krauss Designers: Jason Bradley-Krauss, MJ Vukadin Illustrator: Magrikie Berg Photographers: Ryan Phillips, Jordanne Renner

Design Firm:, New York NY Title: Uniquely J Spices Art Director: Jennifer Bonaccolta Photographer: Jason Home Strategy and Design: In-House Branding Team

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Design Firm:, New York NY Title: Uniquely J Cookies Art Director: Glenn Pfeifer Strategy and Design: In-House Branding Team

Design Firm: Meyocks, West Des Moines IA Client: Hy-Vee Title: Overjoy Light Ice Cream Art Directors: Rawley King, Alyssa Comstock, Alex Zaborac, Rachel Allinson

Design Firm: Positive Packaging Inc./Graphic Sales, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Alliance Print Group Title: Venture Angels Mailer Art Directors: Alison Parker, Diana Sanders Designers: Alison Parker, Diana Sanders Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: The Home Depot, Atlanta GA Title: Vissani Range Hoods Private Label Packaging Designer: Brian Booth Packaging Design Manager: Bruce Grulke Senior Brand Manager: Stacey Kadrmas

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Design Firm: Topco Associates, LLC, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Culinary Tours Title: Culinary Tours Private Label Brand Creative Director: Shelbi Sturges Designers: Mindy Syster, Hedy Wong Lead Designer: Kara Fleming-Ward

Design Firm: GM Financial Client: Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac Title: New Customer F+I Envelopes Art Director: Mark Hernandez Design: Steven Palmer Illustrator: Ryan Mendenhall Production: Sheila Perkey

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Design Firm: Clementine Creative Agency, Marietta GA Client: The Providence Group Title: Pratt Stacks Retail Environment Creative Director: Merissa NC Davis Managing Director: Jennifer Nilsson Muralist: Miles Davis, Massive Burn Studios

Design Firm: Cuticone Design, New York NY Client: De Cecco USA Title: De Cecco Pasta Poster Creative Director: Joe Cuticone Designers: Hyobin Kim, Joe Cuticone

Design Firm: Designcog, Plainfield IN Client: Friendly Shoes Title: Friendly Shoes Superheroes Branding and P-O-P Designer: Tom Renk

Design Firm: Saputo Specialty Cheese, Milwaukee WI Title: Black Creek Cheddar Promotion Art Director: Kristy Klug Designer: Bart Van Buren

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Design Firm: Vision Creative Group, Morris Plains NJ Client: Bada Bean Title: Cawfee Logo and Store Identity Art Director: The Creative Team at VCG

Design Firm: Vision Creative Group, Morris Plains NJ Client: Krups Title: Krups Easel and In-Store Brochure Art Director: The Creative Team at VCG

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Design Firm: Meaghan A. Dee, Blacksburg VA Title: Luminarias, Candle Holders, and Invitations Art Director: Meaghan A. Dee Paper: ASTROBRIGHTS® Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: Proactive Packaging & Display, Ontario CA Client: Sunkist Growers Inc. Title: Minneola Tangelo Merchandising Bin Display Retail Marketing Manager: Erin Semper Paper: ENDURA® Satin Wide Format, learn more at

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Design Firm: Proactive Packaging & Display, Ontario CA Client: Sunkist Growers Inc. Title: Cara Cara Navel Orange Merchandising Bin Display Retail Marketing Manager: Erin Semper Paper: ENDURA® Satin Wide Format, learn more at

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School: Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA Title: Trailhead Vineyard Rebranding and Package Design Art Director: Hye Min Lee Designer: Hye Min Lee Illustrator: Hye Min Lee Photographer: Francine Zavala

School: Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA Title: Absurdnost Package Design Designer: Juan Manuel Corredor Photographer: Hemali Acharya Zaveri Instructor: Wioleta Kaminska Papers Paper: ROYAL COTTON® Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Maverick Beard Care Designer: Madison Elrod

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Client: Heather Ellis Title: Origin Chocolate Designer: Heather Ellis Illustrator: Heather Ellis Paper: ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at

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School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Presa Bike Snacks Art Director: Greer Miceli Designer: Greer Miceli Illustrator: Greer Miceli Photographer: Greer Miceli

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Counting Crows Calligraphy Designer: Taylor Carpenter Illustrator: Taylor Carpenter Photographer: Taylor Carpenter Professor: Courtney Windham Paper: ASTROKING® Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Reflect Beauty Designer: Emma Bryant Paper: ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Grant’s Speed Art Director: Morgan Searcy Designer: Morgan Searcy Illustrator: Morgan Searcy Photographer: Morgan Searcy Professor: Wei Wang Paper: ROYAL SUNDANCE® Papers, 100 PC, learn more at

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School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Disco Art Supply Co. Designer: Reed Smith Illustrator: Reed Smith Photographer: Reed Smith Professor: Courtney Windham Paper: CLASSIC速 LINEN Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Silver Sun Brewery Co. Designer: Lauren Yates Illustrator: Lauren Yates Photographer: Charlestan Helton Paper: STARWHITE速 Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: TRACE CO. Hiker Pencils Designer: Anna Porter Illustrator: Anna Porter Photographer: Anna Porter Professor: Courtney Windham Paper: ROYAL SUNDANCE速 Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Essence Infused Crayons Designer: Anna Claire White Illustrator: Anna Claire White Professor: Courtney Windham Paper: ROYAL SUNDANCE速 Papers, learn more at

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School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Bad Ass Coffee Designer: Megan Kesting Professor: Robert Finkel Paper: ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Be Tea Designer: Morgan Williamson Photographer: Morgan Williamson Paper: CLASSIC CREST® Papers, learn more at

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Gaia Organics Baby Food Designer: Kendall Franklin Illustrator: Kendall Franklin Photographer: Kendall Franklin Professor: Robert Finkel

School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Ocha Herbal Tea Art Director: Anaafi Sakyi-Addo Designer: Anaafi SakyiAddo Illustrator: Anaafi Sakyi-Addo Photographer: Anaafi Sakyi-Addo Paper: CLASSIC COLUMNS® Papers, learn more at

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School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Auburn AL Title: Lazy Larry’s Seafood Shack Designer: Heidi Kieffer Illustrator: Heidi Kieffer Photographer: Heidi Kieffer Professor: Robert Finkel Paper: ASTROBRIGHTSŽ Papers, learn more at

School: Drexel University, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Philadelphia PA Title: Plexus Student Project Designer: Natalie Vaughan Instructor: Mark Willie

School: Drexel University, Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Philadelphia PA Title: 20/20 Student Project Designer: Victoria DiPalma Instructor: Sandy Stewart

School: Kennesaw State University School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Title: Artisan Cheese Mini Cheese Boards In A Cube Art Director: Abigail Ducote-Showalter Designer: Abigail Ducote-Showalter Illustrator: Abigail Ducote-Showalter Photographer: Abigail Ducote-Showalter

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School: Kennesaw State University School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Title: Vivid Interiors Paint Branding Art Director: Rachel Fred Designers: Payton Butler, Rachel Fred, Justin Hilton, Audrey Lockstedt

School: Kennesaw State University School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Title: The Curing Crow Natural Healing Remedies Package Design Art Director: Courtney Linebarger Designer: Courtney Linebarger Illustrator: Courtney Linebarger Photographer: Courtney Linebarger

School: Kennesaw State University School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Title: Bowties & Friendships My Friend and I Package Design Art Director: Kate Evans Designer: Kate Evans Illustrator: Kate Evans Photographer: Kate Evans

School: Kennesaw State University School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Title: Beach-Well Cover Up Package Design Art Director: Payton Butler Designer: Payton Butler Illustrator: Payton Butler Photographer: Payton Butler

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School: Kutztown University, Kutztown PA Title: Sempre Fedele Chocolate Packaging Designer: Gabrielle M. Trate Illustrator: Gabrielle M. Trate Photographer: Gabrielle M. Trate Professor Vicki Meloney Paper: CLASSIC CREST® Papers, Recycled 100, learn more at

School: Kutztown University, Toms River NJ Title: Permanent Impressions Wine Art Director: Hannah Amos Designer: Hannah Amos Illustrator: Hannah Amos Photographer: Hannah Amos Paper: NEENAH® Creative CollectionTM Premium Cardstock

School: Kutztown University, Kutztown PA Title: Kapala Chocolates Designer: Kelsey Kohrs Illustrator: Kelsey Kohrs Photographer: Kelsey Kohrs Professor: Vicki Meloney Paper: ENVIRONMENT® Papers, Cover, Desert Storm, learn more at

School: Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center, Atlanta GA Title: Ruadhain Whiskey Branding & Packaging Student Project Designer: Rowan Griscom Instructor: Michael West

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School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster PA Title: I’m Snacks Potato Chips Designer: Cathy Spengler Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela S. Barby

School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster PA Title: Vibes Electronics Wireless Earbuds Designer: Ellie Cochran Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela S. Barby

School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster PA Title: Norland Organic Snacks Chips Designer: Erik Shirk Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela S. Barby

School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster PA Title: Devilicious Snacks Chips Designer: Joseph Bend Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela S. Barby

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School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Baltimore MD Title: Mood Electronics On-Ear Headphones Designer: Naomi Hudnall Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela S. Barby

School: University of Iowa, Iowa City IA Title: Fast Food Package Design Art Director: Zheren Zhu Designer: Zheren Zhu Illustrator: Zheren Zhu

School: Woodbury University, Burbank CA Title: Tequila Bottle Packaging Designer: Vartuohi Tashchyan Professor: Dan Hoy

School: Woodbury University, Burbank CA Title: Bubble Bear Soda Packaging Designer: Addison Staubus Professor: Dan Hoy

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School: Woodbury University, Burbank CA Title: Gypsy Sangria Bottle Packaging Designer: Lanelle Ira Professor: Dan Hoy

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School: Woodbury University, Burbank CA Title: Perlita’s Care Kit Dog Adoption Kit Designer: Osama Sultan Professor: Dan Hoy

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GDUSA PODCAST Conversations with designers and thought-leaders shaping the creative community.





March 2019 Pub Letter Focus_feb news play 4/7/19 11:06 AM Page 140


What can your business do to become more effective at recruiting and retaining top creative talent?

what’s most important to today’s creatives, which may not be what you think. My recommendation is based in part on findings from the Creative Workplace survey of more than 1,000 industry prac-

I know that’s a burning question for many creative leaders

titioners, which was conducted by The Creative Group in

navigating today’s highly competitive hiring market. Managers

partnership with AIGA. The goal of the survey was to find out

in the creative space have told me they worry not only about

how creative professionals really feel about their jobs, com-

being able to staff their current projects adequately but also

panies and career prospects. We also consulted a number of

whether they can access the right talent for future opportu-

creative team managers to learn how they’re keeping up with

nities when they arise.

the changing expectations of workers. What we found from both groups led to these recommendations to increase your

Their concerns are reflected in surveys by our company on

odds of hiring and holding onto in-demand professionals:

the state of creative hiring in the United States. Ninety-two percent of hiring decision makers say it’s challenging to find


skilled creative professionals today. And 78 percent of com-


panies are worried about losing current creative staff members to other job opportunities in the next 12 months.

Nearly seven in 10 creative professionals in our survey said they wish they could work from home or at another non-

There is no simple formula to make an organization more

company site more frequently than they currently do; only

effective at hiring and retaining in-demand creative profes-

30 percent of respondents said they prefer to always go into

sionals. That’s because so many factors — from organizational

the office. Yet about one-third (36 percent) of employers don’t

culture to clientele — can influence an employer’s ability to

allow their creative teams to work remotely at all, according to

attract top talent. Still, I believe one way companies can

our research. If your company is currently among them, you

gain an edge over other firms trying to hire is by learning

may want to consider changing your policy.

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Without question, managing a dispersed team can be chal-

becomes more successful at recruiting and retaining talent,

lenging for creative leaders. But our survey suggests that

there no doubt will be times when you still won’t have enough

offering alternative work arrangements, such as telecommut-

creative staff to handle all the work coming in from your

ing, flextime and compressed workweeks, is a good way to

clients. Or, you may lack access in-house to specialized ex-

boost your ability to secure skilled talent. You can expect

pertise that certain projects demand — like digital initiatives

more leading employers to do the same because they will

that require both creative and technical skills.

be feeling pressure from their workforce. Like many employers, you’ll likely turn to outside resources, Just make sure your creative staff members, no matter where

such as freelancers, for support when these situations arise.

they work, have access to the right tools for communication

But you can expect the competition for high-caliber free-

and collaboration. And, as often as possible, gather your team

lance talent to get tougher, too — and soon. According to

together in one place. Even though many creative pros want

the Creative Workplace survey, 37 percent of creative teams

the option to work off-site, nearly half (49 percent) of the

say they will rely more heavily on freelancers in the next

respondents to the Creative Workplace survey said in-person

three years.

meetings are the most effective way for them to communicate with their teammates.

To avoid a last-minute scramble for creative talent and other types of skilled professionals, I see many companies embrac-


ing flexible labor models. They rely on a mix of core full-time


employees along with interim and project-focused profes-

Helping employees grow their skills has long been a best practice for retention — and providing compelling training opportunities can prompt new talent to join the business, too.

sionals and on-demand specialists. Collaborating with a managed services provider for strategic marketing, design and digital initiatives is also becoming more common. Seamless communication with your in-house project manager

However, according to the Creative Workplace survey, many

helps your project stay on track and on budget. This approach

employers need to do a better job of providing support to

also allows you to scale, so you have staff as you need them

creative staff who want to acquire new skills: A strong ma-

based on business objectives. In addition, it gives you access

jority — 88 percent — of creative professionals told us that

to specialized skill sets outside of the creative industry, such

they’re worried about keeping their skills up to date. And

as technology, legal and administration.

more than half of the survey respondents (58 percent) said they think the quality of training resources and opportunities their company provides is either fair or poor.

Following through on the action items outlined above aren’t the only things your business can do to help ensure it has access to an ample supply of creative talent. For example,

I haven’t met a creative professional who doesn’t want access

providing competitive compensation is always a must. But by

to training that will help them stay marketable as they advance

stepping up to offer more flexible work arrangements and

in their career. What they want in particular is the opportu-

upskilling opportunities to your creative staff, you’ll likely be

nity to learn new technology that can help them work more

moving closer to the expectations of many in-demand profes-

efficiently or to experiment with emerging technology, like

sionals. And by opening the door to new staffing models, you

artificial intelligence. And yet, the Creative Workplace sur-

can worry less about whether your organization can handle

vey found that 70 percent of creative workers view their

future challenges and opportunities.

company’s efforts to prepare them for new tech adoption as either fair or poor.

DIANE DOMEYER is Executive Director of The Creative Group, a specialized

Given these findings, it’s safe to say that helping your creative

staffing service placing interactive,

staff continuously build new, relevant and even leading-edge

design, marketing, advertising and

skills can go a long way toward positioning your firm as an

public relations professionals with a

employer of choice.

variety of firms. For more information, visit

3. ENSURE ACCESS TO A PIPELINE OF SKILLED TALENT BY EMBRACING NEW STAFFING MODELS The current shortage of skilled creative professionals is likely to persist into the foreseeable future. So, even if your business G D U S A 141

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