Issue #1 & 2 -2015
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use!
Save the Salt “See Ya Pal” Sweet Sounds Big-Ole’ Small World California Dreamin’ AMBR CARS Road Trip So-CAL GNRS Showtime 10th Grand Daddy Drive In
9 20 36 38 42 44 50 56 58
every month The Fun Starts Here Road Rumblings From the Mail Box Cruise Nite Listings Car Shows & Events Swap & Sell Car Clubs Net Surfing – Shops / Services FINISH LINE
Front Cover Shot by Jimmy B at the 2015 GNRS Grand Daddy Drive-In Contents Page Shot by Jimmy B at the 2015 GNRS Grand Daddy Drive-In
The Staff Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director-Designer Photography
Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Sam Compton, Brian Baker Larry Williams – WILLIAMS GRAPHICS “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate – P8 Photography Web Producer Jack Cobb - tnhost.com Senior Feature Writer Emeritus: Ed Woodard Contributors Marty Crain, PIC- Girl Friday Services, “Big” Al Liebmann. Landspeed Louise Noeth, Goodguys Assoc., R&B Radio
4 5 8 12 22 60 66 68 69
gearheagazzette@gmail.com www.gearheadgazzette.com www.facebook.com/gearhead-gazzette Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179 Advertising Publisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE may be reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
“let’s do this thing called the Gearhead Gazzette!” Gearheads… I have to tell you, this issue of the magazine has been a struggle to get out to say the least. We had started rolling along again with regular issues, and then we got a big kick to the gut at the end of 2014. Our Senior Feature writer and more importantly my good friend Ed Woodard passed away very unexpectedly. I was wait-
Elsewhere in this issue, I have put together a remembrance about Ed from my perspective. In future issues, as a tribute to him, we are going to re-run the full series of articles he wrote on the “History of Hot Rodding in the MidSouth”. We had gotten great feedback over the years he was writing them,
ing on Ed to finish his next feature on “Hot
about the features so we know you will
Rodding in the Mid-South”, when he took ill
enjoy them 1 more time.
and died. Ed died December 1st last year, but it still feels like yesterday. Ed used to get on me regularly, pushing to get another great issue of the magazine out timely. If I got a little behind, Ed would be on the phone putting the heat to me...LOL!
I started working on this issue a couple times since he died, but set it aside for a lot of reasons, some good , some not so good. Here lately it feels like I have had a foot kicking me in the butt, to get my mind right
We’re calling this issue a “Double Issue” as we have literally packed it full of some really cool features and stories. We’re featuring a lot of the fun we had on our road trip out to the Grand National Roadster show earlier this year. We also have all the regular features in this issue that you have come to expect also. We’re glad to be back...so “lets do this thing called the Gearhead Gazzette!”
and get this issue rolling and done. Thanks Ed! I know it was you...LOL
Jimmy B.
Are you a hardcore Gearhead Junkie?
If you said yes, you need to be listening to Event Radio Productions Drag racing, stock cars, motorcycles, go karts, car shows, if it has wheels you will hear about it on Event Radio Live. Simply head to www.eventradiolive.com and click on the live365 arrow to listen to the current show. Check out their archive page for previous shows on demand. For apple product users please download the free app live365 and search event radio to get all this gearhead goodness. Spivey Williams & Tee Guy will keep you up to date on all things gearhead and more! 5
From the Thanks for the reply. As I get the info from the car shows, I would be glad to forward along the info. I will also start posting show flyers as I get them on my website as well Really like your website and email blast, very well done Thanks again for your help Kyle Carshowmusic.com We’ll be glad to help get the word out on your events. Also thanks Kyle for the feedback and for being a subscriber and a reader! We appreciate you very much. JB I thought you would be interested in knowing the results, so far, of the ads you ran for me. I did a ‘toon for one customer and.he might want a second ‘toon and a paint scheme rendering. I’m also doing a ‘toon for a well known hot rod shop and think they may want a t-shirt design of the ‘toon also. Your ads work, my friend. Thanks, Larry Williams Graphics Thank you for advertising with us and we are glad to hear your ads with us are bearing fruit and new customers! We love those ‘ toons you do…so cool! JB Keeps those emails and letters coming!
There have been countless studies done to prove it, but virtually everyone knows that spending quality time with a kid is the greatest gift you can give them. And sharing your appreciation for collector cars is a great way to nurture their interest in a hobby that you can enjoy together for many years to come.
Through the SEMA Take a Kid to a Car Show coloring book app, kids of all ages will be able to customize and personalize each car. We encourage users to visit www.takeakidtoacarshow.com to discover
THURSDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’s: LEBANON TN: Cruise-In at Coach's Eastgate Grille, 6750 Eastgate Blvd. Cruise-In starts on April 16th. Cruise runs from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Games, 50/50 drawing, door prizes, corn-hole, and others. Someone will win a People's Choice Plaque for the week. SPRING HILL TN: SPRING HILL CRUISE IN: Open Cruise in hosted by the CIGAR STATION. Cruise takes place in THE COMMONS shopping center located at 5075 Main St (U.S. 31) just north of LOWES. Bring your Hot Rod, Muscle Car, Cool Truck, Motorcycle and have some fun from 6pm?? every Thursday evening. Cruising kicks
off May 7th and runs through October. For more info call 615-302-4848
CRUISE-IN: Held every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise runs from April 17 thru Halloween. Held at the Streets of Indian Lake shopping center, behind the REGAL THEATER. Door Prizes, 50/50, Kids Fun, Ride of the week and more. For more
info go to www.facebook.com/ Hendersonvillecruisein LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE: Held on Friday Nights at Middle Tennessee’s oldest Drive In. Snow White has been serving up great burgers, shakes, fries and more since the early ‘50’s! Add in a whole lot of cool cars on a
Friday night and the recipe equals fun! Located at 1714 West Main St. For more info call 615-443-4299
NASHVILLE TN (Whites Creek Area): Fontanel Concert Cruise-In: Being held every Thursday night starting May 7 . Loth
cated at 4125 Whites Creek Pike. Runs from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. For more information, call (615) 876- 1822, or visit http:// fontanelmansion.com/cruisein/. FRANKLIN KY: GATHERING ON THE
WHITEHOUSE TN: WHITEHOUSE CRUISE -IN: Cruise in every Friday Night from 5:30-9pm. Being held at the Whitehouse FOODLAND Store at 2910A Hwy 31A. Cruise happens weather
permitting. For more info call 615-672 -8892
SQUARE: Hangin’ out every Thursday night from 6pm till the last one leaves. Held on the square in Franklin Ky. If it has wheels, a motor, and you love it…bring it to the Gathering.
CHATTANOOGA TN: SCENIC CITY CRUISE: The Scenic City Cruisers host a cruise-in, every Friday nite on Hwy 58, at the Zaxbys restaurant. For more info email sattdav@aol.com
JAMESTOWN TN: Cruise-in & Bike Nights:
being held at Six bends Harley Davidson
Cruise is held at the EXXON EXPRESS MAR-
every Friday night. Cruise runs from 5-
KET & DELI 436 North Main St. Cruise runs
8pm. Hosted by Florida Hot Rods & Hogs.
from April thru October on the 3rd Friday of
Music, Raffles, Food and beverages. Open
the month. Cruise Starts at 6:00 pm central
to cars and bikes. Cruise located at 9501
time Weather permitting. Open to All bikes,
Thunder Road. For more info call 239-229-
classic cars, antique cars, trucks, rat rods,
8526 or go to www.sixbends.com
hot rods and clubs are welcome! Music,
50/50 drawing, good food SPECIALS from 3RD FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’:
Express Market & Deli! Stop by for a good
time & reminisce about the good old days!!
CRUISE: Held the 3 Friday night of each
Hosted by the Rush Rods Car Club
month weather permitting. Cruising starts
Of Jamestown. For more info call 931-752-
on March 19 . Cruising runs from 3:30 to 9
7593 or go to www.under1981.com
-10pm. Held on 2
Ave downtown. Lots of
restaurants, shopping.
night of each month. Location: 7300 Char-
Each month on the 3rd Friday, The City of
lotte Pike, from 5 pm till 8 pm at the Tail-
Pleasant View opens up Main Street in "Olde
gate Brewery in located in West Nashville.
Town". Live music, great food and lots of
Plenty of dedicated parking available for
people enjoying classic & muscle cars.
your classic cars, hot rods, etc. to park. Get
Mayor's Choice Award each month, then in
more info or directions call: 615-457-1424
October, all the monthly winners have reserved parking. Runs from May thru Octo-
CRUISE IN: Cruise is held on the 3rd Friday
ber, from 5pm - 9pm For more information
contact (615) 746-0600.
ing held at the Sonic at 701 N Riverside
COWAN TN: COWAN CRUISE IN: takes place on the 3rd Friday starting April 17 thru October. Cruising starts at 4pm and runs until ??. Cruise is held at the Cowan Welcome Center which is a restored 1950’s era gas station. Food, fun and camaraderie. For more info call 931-691-1765 or go to
Dr . Being held every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month Great Staff always friendly 15% off menu to all car owners. Clean restrooms plenty of lighting tables and chairs girls on roller skates. for more info call John Robey 931-905-0369 4:00 to 9:00.
www.facebook.com/CowanWelcomeCenter 13
DRIVE IN: Hosted by Sonic Drive In &
CRUISE: Cruise runs from 8-11am. Held at
ROTARY INT’L. Held every Saturday
night. Being held at the SONIC DRIVE IN
Complex located right off Cool Springs
at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd. Parking is
Blvd. LAST SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN’: Clarksville, TN: Clarksville Cars and Coffee Cruise-In: Cruise being held at the Great Escape Theater, 1810 Tiny Town Road. All makes and models welcome! Last Saturday of each month. Times: 8am - 11am. Check us out on www.facebook.com/ridiculouscouture
available at the CVS lot. Open Cruise In. For more info call 615-506-8164 or
find them on FACEBOOK at Cruise-In at the Drive –In. GOODLETTSVILLE TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Goodlettsville Cruise-In is held every Saturday night, 5:00pm9:00pm, through the summer (weather
permitting). Located at 460 Long Hollow
Pike in the Publix Shopping Center.
SONVILLE: “Saturday Night’s Legendary
Within walking distance you will find,
Cruise-In” Weekly Saturday Night Cruise
many restaurants. Playing music from
starting April 4 & running thru October.
the 50's, 60's, and 70's. Find us on Fa-
Runs from 5-9pm. Weekly MAPLE MOTORS “SHOW & SHINE” Trophy Award. DJ Music playing the hits from the 50s/60s/70s. Being held at 3 Executive Park Drive, behind McDonalds adjacent to Community Church in overflow parking lot.50/50, raffle drawing & more. For more info www.facebook.com/ TheMidTnShowShineEventsNewsletter MT JULIET TN: MT JULIET CRUISE IN: Held every Saturday night from April 18 thru Oct. Cruise takes place at the CHICK-FIL-A in the Providence Market Place on South Mt Juliet Rd. Door Prizes, Kids Games & DJ Music. For more info call 615-773-7747 14
cebook at Goodlettsville Cruise-in. https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Goodlettsville-Cruisein/384872665043748 1st SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S: HUNTSVILLE AL: ADVANCE AUTO CAR
SHOW: Held the 1st Saturday of the month thru Nov. Join us at the Advance Auto Parts on Moores Mill Road/Winchester Road ( weather permitting). Come enjoy the free food, door prizes, and more! Top 10 and best of show will be awarded, as well as door prizes and other goodies! Event runs from 6-9pm.
2ND SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’s: GAINSBORO TN: CLASSIC CRUZ N 2015: This cruise is being held at the Gainsboro Dairy Queen on the 2nd Saturday Night from March through November. Cruise starts at 3pm and runs until ?? Open to all vehicles. For more info find
them on Facebook at DQ Classic Cruz N CLARKSVILLE TN: TILTED KILT CRUISEIN: Cruising start at 3 pm, at 2790B Wilma Rudolph Blvd. Come enjoy this casual get together. All makes and models of cars, trucks and bikes are welcome! Reserved parking, cornhole, and Hoppy Hour Specials. Photo ops available! The Kilt Girls are more than happy to pose with your ride. Always a fun time. For more info go to
DECATUR AL: EVENING CRUISE-IN’s: Cruise runs from April – October. Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Cruise is held in the Moe’s – Target Shopping Center. Open Free cruise. For more info call 256-580 -2817 SPARTA TN: CRUISING SPARTA: The
Good Time Cruisers gather on The Square in Sparta on Saturdays starting April 18th. Cruising runs from 3:30 p.m. till dusk. Everyone welcome. Sparta Lions' Club with be cooking awesome burgers and hotdogs. The Good Time Cruisers will be playing great ole 50's tunes! For more info call 931-212-7658 HOPKINSVILLE KY: Pennyrile Car Club
Cruise Night: Starts in May 2015. Takes place on the 3rd Sat nite of the month. Being held at the Kmart/
Hardee's parking lot at 3010 Fort
9pm. For more info, contact Jane
COLUMBIA TN: CRUISIN’ THE BIG LOT AT BIG LOTS: Held on the 3rd Saturday night from May –Oct. Cruise runs from 5:30 – 9pm. Cruise is held in the parking lot of the BIG LOTS store on James Campbell Blvd. Free Entry fee, all makes and models welcome. For more info call 931446-5834
Campbell Blvd. Runs from 5pm Meachem (270) 839-0626. SMYRNA TN: SMYRNA DEPOT CRUISE-IN:
Held on the 3rd Saturday night from May – October. Runs from 6-9:30pm. Held at the Train Depot Parking Lot on Front St. For more info call 615-396-7404 ERIN TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Takes place on the 3rd Saturday night of the month. Open to all makes and models. Music, 50/50 drawing, great door prizes, good food Time: 5pm- 9pm.
CROSSVILLE TN: Crossville Cruisers
the 15 Anniversary of the SOMERNITES
Cruise-In: Event location is at 269 N.
CRUISE. Cruising starts on April 25 and th
takes place on the 4th Saturday of each month thru Oct. Each month has a theme with the FAMOUS POWERCRUISE taking place in Sept. Cruising happen rain or shine in downtown Somerset. This is a non judged event open to classics, hot rods, customs, muscle cars and more! For more
Main Street, (located in the old Ford dealership parking lot near downtown Crossville). Event is held the
4th Saturday of each month, April through October. Upcoming dates: 6/27, 7/25, 8/22, 9/26, & 10/24/15 Food Vendors & DJ All Day. Door Prize
info call 606-USA-CARS or go to
Drawings @ 3pm & 50/50 Drawing
at 3:45pm (Winners must be present for
ELKTON KY: ELKTON CRUISE-IN: Held the 4 Sat nite starting April 25 . Cruise th
is held on the public square. Cruise runs
drawings.) Cost: FREE. Time: 1-5pm Contact 931-287-3611 or 931-25873087 for more info.
from 5-9pm. 50/50 Raffle. Restaurants
available. For more info call 270-265-
Clarksville, TN - Cruisin Hilltop Cruise-
9877 or go to www.facebook.com/
in Cruise located at 400 Highway 149.
Time: 5pm - til last car leaves. Food
CLEVELAND TN: CLEVELAND TN CRUISEIN: Held on the 4th Saturday, Apr-Oct, 1 -6pm, downtown around courthouse.
Typically 400-500 cars (have had 800+) Free Admission, Food Vendors, Swap Meet, Music. (Cleveland TN is 25 miles east of Chattanooga at I-75 Exit 25. Both US-11 and US-64 Hwys runs through it.) http://www.drwebman.com/
provided by Palmyra Fire Dept., music and fun. Bring out the family. Need more info: 931-494-1853.
EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: FRANKLIN TN: RELIC’S an RODS CRUISEIN: This cruise happens every Sunday Evening starting at 5pm. Event being held at the CHICK-FIL-A at 2016 Columbia Ave. Free Entertainment. All types of vehicle welcome. Fun for the whole family. For more info call 615450-6565
Sunday night from April thru Novem-
ber. Cruising takes place at Beachaven Corner Shopping Center at 1960 Madi-
son St. Starts at 5pm until the last one leaves. Note April and November starts 3pm. For more info call 931-249-1057 3RD SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN: FRANKLIN TN: CARS & BREWS CRUISE: Cruise is held at the Granite City Brewery every 3rd Sunday night from 5-7pm. Located at 1864 W McEwen Rd. For more info call 615-435-1949 4th SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN:
WHITE HOUSE TN: COLORADO GRILL CRUISE-IN: Held every Monday from 69pm at the Colorado Grill located at 2747 Hwy-31W. Good Food & Fellowship! Show off your ride! For more info call 615-207-2805
TUESDAY NIGHT CRUISE-IN’S: FRANKLIN KY: The Oasis Cruise-In: Every Tuesday Evening - We not only love you to bring your cars out... but we also play live music at this event every Tuesday! It's in Franklin, KY - Just north of Portland, TN - I-65, Kentucky Exit 2... at The Oasis Southwest
Grill! Right next to Cracker Barrel! Great food, prizes and of course, LIVE MUSIC!
SPRINGFIELD TN: Classic Tin Cruise In:
Rawlings & Stinson Park starting at 1pm,
The Cruise In is held at 2008 Memorial
weather permitting. No Entry fee, Door
Blvd at the section of the parking
Prizes, Music and food available. Runs
lot between the Hardees and Burger
from May thru October 2015. For more
King. We will also be having it EVE-
info call 606-596-0866.
RY WEDNESDAY NIGHT now! Still the same times from 5pm to 9pm. There
are more places to eat and restrooms.
For more info call Shelby Horner
every Monday night from 5-7pm. Locat-
(615) 336-2257
ed at the SONIC Drive In at 420 Ellington Pkwy 17
DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Sat-
NIGHT: The Cruise In starts on Aug 19th
urday night weather permitting. Cruise
and will run every other week. Cruise
takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd
time starts at 6pm. All Hot Rods, Classics and Exotics are welcome. Twin
Peaks will have some specials for the
folks who bring a car.
SEASON: Cruise takes lace on the 3rd Sat
Housekeeping notes:1) Pick up your
night of each month from April – Oct.
trash. Please leave the area clean. 2)
Cruise runs from 6-9pm. Dash Plaques
Driving onto and exiting the parking lot
to the 1st 100 Participants. Cruise locat-
ed at 100 United Drive.
DECATUR IL: CRUSIN ELDO ‘15: Cruise is held on the 3rd Saturday night in April/
June/August/October. For more info call 217-972-9049 or go to www.facebook.com/CrusinEldo
Friday night weather permitting.
Cruise takes place at 8115 South
Harlem Ave.
PAISAN’S BERWYN: Every Monday Night
TOP DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Friday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8801 Indianapolis Blvd. SATURDAY NIGHT CRUISE IN’S : BRIDGEVIEW IL: CRUISING DUKES DRIVE IN: Cruising takes place every Saturday night weather permitting. Cruise takes place at 8115 South Harlem Ave. 18
from 6-9pm. Come show off your cool car and enjoy great food and drinks. Located at 6226 Ogden Ave. MORRIS IL: WENDY’S CRUISERS CRUISEIN: Cruise happens every Monday night from 5-9pm. Held at the WENDY’s just south of I-80 exit 112(Rt47). Open cruise so bring what you are driving and have fun with us! For more info email to willis824@Comcast.net
CLAM SHACK: Held every Friday from
CLAM SHACK: Held every Wednesday
4pm – dusk. Cruise is at 1689 Post Rd
from 4pm – dusk. Cruise is at 1689
location. Cruiser of night, give-a-ways,
Post Rd location. Cruiser of night, give-
food discounts and more. For more info
a-ways, food discounts and more. For
contact djcarguy@outlook.com
more info contact
& CUSTOM MARKETS AT SHREWSBURY CRUISE IN: Cruise held every 4th Friday Night from April thru October. All vehicles welcome. Dash Plaques, 3 trophies, 50/50, oldies music, Good Food. $2 donation includes 1 ticket for 25% of gate donations. For more info go to www.motormendersrodandcustom.com 2nd SATURDAY NITE CRUISIN’: YORK PA: MOTOR MENDERS ROD & CUSTOM RED ROBIN CRUISE IN: Cruise held every 2nd Friday Night from April thru October. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Located at Galleria Mall across from TEXAS ROADHOUSE at 1500 Mount Zion Rd. Dash Plaques, 3 Trophies, 50/50, Oldies Music. Free Registration. For more info go to www.motormendersrodandcustom.com
NIGHT: Cruise is held on the 4th Friday night of each month from April thru October. Cruise runs from 5-9pm. Held at the Bagel Express at 1461 W. March Lane. Trophies, plaques, raffle, 50/50 and music. For more info call 209-598-7955 SACRAMENTO CA: VINTAGE FRIDAYS:
Cruise held on the 4th Friday of the month thru Oct. Cruise held at Vintage Ford at 2484 Mercantile Drive. Cruise starts at 4pm and ends at 9pm. Relaxed, family get together!. For more info call 916-853-2244
Words by Jimmy B / Pic by Ed Woodard
I have to tell you gearheads...this is one article that is very tough for me to write. A year ago on December 1st, Ed Woodard left all of us behind and went to hot rod heaven, and to be with his beloved Lela, who he missed so much after she passed away. I did not know Ed as long as a lot of folks did...wish I had, as he was one special guy. I met Ed through my friend Marty Crain. Marty said to me, you need to meet Ed. I said ok, but asked why? Marty said you’ll see...and I did!
Ed Woodard & Marty Crain Ed called me one day and introduced himself to me. Ed wanted to know if I was interested in using some of his pictures, to tell the story of Nashville’s and the Mid -South’s Hot Rod history. He told me he had a pretty extensive collection of photos ( that was an understatement!) and he thought by using some of his pictures, it would add to the Gearhead Gazzette. 20
Man was he right!! His articles added so much to the Gearhead Gazzette and fast became a favorite with our readers. Ed didn't write articles to stoke his ego or to say “ hey look at what I did”. No Ed did it because he wanted to help me make the Gazzette Magazine better. He never asked for anything, for doing his articles. He didn't even complain when I kind of pushed him a little to get the next article done. He would just say ok and got done.
That’s what Ed did...he helped hot rodders. Ed didn't know a stranger. Ed knew everybody, and everybody knew Ed too. That came from a long career in the automotive aftermarket business. HOLLEY, RECARO, HUNTERS Custom Automotive RAYCO and a few more.
Ed was a proud member of the TAPPETS Car Club in Nashville. He talked a lot about activities that the club had done. Again it wasn’t about Ed...it was about the club. Ed was very proud of being part of brining the 1st Rod & Custom show to Nashville. He used his connections to bring some of the California Cars to Nashville to help make it a success.
As Ed did with other friends, he would call me or I would call him a couple of times a week just to check in. I liked calling him near quitting time, when he was getting ready to do the “65 on 65” as he put it. His day would slow down then and he could talk a little longer.
Ed built a lot of relationships over the years. Early on he realized how important those friendships and relationships would be later down the road. While he may have worked at one company, if you needed some kind of help, he had the resources, who were friends, to help get you what you needed. As I said earlier, Ed helped hot rodders.
After Lela passed away, Ed & I would go to dinner regularly. I am so mad I never brought a recorder to capture the history he talked about. He helped make that hot rod history in the Mid-South, but never ever took credit for it As the saying goes, some people come into your life for a reason. When they leave, they leave a big hole in your life. Ed left a lot of holes in a lot of people, mine included, as he left us very unexpectedly. When Ed would get off the phone, or take off after dinner or an event, he had his own way of saying goodbye. I would have to say, he really never said goodbye, as that was kind of like he would never see you again, and that wasn’t Ed. Ed knew he would see you again. Maybe not tomorrow, but he would. I am not going to say goodbye my friend...just going to use your farewell, 21
OCT 2015: OCT 17: WHITWELL TN: 2ND ANNUAL FIRE DEPT CAR SHOW: Event at Whitwell High School. Benefiting the Whitwell VFD and the West Valley VFD. 9am-2pm, $15 Entry Fee, Motorcycles and Imports Welcome, Free Vendor Space, Trophies, 50/50, Top 50 Awards, Music, Door Prizes, Gun Raffle. For more info call 423-762-3697 or 423-618-1820. OCT 17: JASPER AL: CRUISE IN ON THE SQUARE: Event at Downtown Jasper. Free Admission, No Registration Fees & Total $5000 Cash Give Away, Door Prizes & 50/50 Pot, Cash Drawing Every 15 Minutes, Live Entertainment: (Gents) 60's & 70's. For more info call 205-544-0844 or go to www.carsjasper.com OCT 17: WINCHESTER TN: 7TH ANNUAL TASTE OF AUTUMN FALL FESTIVAL: Downtown Winchester Car Show - Cruise In 10am -3pm! Goody Bags and Dash Plaques to first 50 Cruisers. 2 Trophies - People's Choice, Rodders Choice, Chili Cookoff $25 entry fee per team, prize money, chill tasting 11-2, cornhole tournament. For more info call 308-6977 or 691-8209. OCT 17: COLUMBIA TN: 2015 CHEVY SHOWCASE CAR SHOW: Chevy Car and Truck Show. Event Location: Maury County Park, 1048 Maury County Park Drive. Event Hours: 8 am to 3 pm. Registration: 8am till 11am, Judging follows. Entry fee: $20. Free to Spectators. Top 25 Awards, Specialty Awards, Dash Plaques first 150, Door Prizes, 50/50, Judged Awards! More than $3500. In Awards and Giveaways! Sponsored by UAW-GM Spring Hill Manufacturing, Your Selected Chevy Dealers (*see flyer), McDonalds, Home Depot. Gearhead Gazzette and more. Arts in the Park of
Maury County, Live Music, Food Trucks, Special Events. Rain or Shine. Proceeds benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Maury County. Need more info? Tabitha Staggs, 931-446-7879 or email: ChevyShowcase@yahoo.com or www.facebook.com/ chevyshowcase or www.chevyshowcasecarshow.com
OCT 17: HERMITAGE TN: 27th FALL COLOR CRUISE: Hosted by the Midnight Rodders. The Fall Color Cruise is truly a “FUN RUN”. They hope you can join them again this year, at the same location as last year, across from Kohl’s in Hermitage, TN. They meet at 8:00am and leave at 9:00am sharp. They’ll be going to a new picnic area they’ve never been to before in an area they haven’t even be near in almost twenty years so they’re real excited about this years Color Cruise! Open to all hot rods,
classics... this is a "Fun Run", NO FEES, Just Fun. website: www.midnightrodders.tripod.com Need more info? email: Marty Crain, midnightrodder@earthlink.net OCT 17: LAFAYETTE LA: BAYOU ROUND UP: The Kontinentals are excited to officially announce a brand new car show event - The Bayou Round Up is coming this fall. This new event will showcase the fantastic music, food and culture of Louisiana combined with a great gathering of incredible hot rods, custom cars, artists, vendors and more. Come and explore the unique charm of Lafayette along with the outstanding atmosphere and entertainment you’ve come to expect and enjoy from The Kontinentals. It’s gonna be a great party, we hope you’ll make plans to join us. We will have more details soon, you can sign up for updates at www.bayouroundup.com OCT 17: MEMPHIS TN: ATC Fitness Car Show: Event Location and Hosted by: ATC Fitness, 6558 Quince Road. Entry Fee: $20. Registration opens at: 9am and the show runs thru 3pm. Free admission to spectators. Proceeds benefit the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Need more info or to pre-register your vehicle? 901756-2480
OCT 17: FAYETTEVILLE TN: CRUZIN DOWNTOWN 2015 FAYETTEVILLE: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Bring Your Mama & Them & Let's Go Cruzin! Antique Car ShowFood- Family Fun- Live Music. Come travel back in time with us at the first ever Cruzin Downtown Fayetteville Event! Enjoy Vintage Antique Cars with sounds of the past from our bands performing all day long. For more info call 931-433-6154 or go to www.fayettevilletn.com 23
OCT 17: LEBANON TN: BRAYDONS BIRTHDAY BASH CAR TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Event being held at the SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN. Car show hosted by some of your favorites, Tom and Rhonda Loftis, Kari Eavenson, Billy Wyatt and The Snow White Drive In and many more. Cars, trucks and bikes are all welcome! To help raise funds to get Bray to Denver. 50/50 drawing, silent auction, car show, biscuits and coffee until 10:30am. Registration is $15 register from 9am to 1pm and trophies will be at 3Pm.
There will be some nice trophies: Top 50 Best of Show Production - Best of Show Modified - Best of Show Motorcycle Best of Show Rat Rod - Best of Show Truck Longest Distance Traveled - Oldest Car Braydon's Choice. More To Be Announced. If you can't attend, donations and silent auction items can be given to Jennifer Posey-Brown, Tom Loftis, Rhonda Loftis, or Bill Cook. Your help for this child is greatly appreciated. Come out and help Bray get the treatment he desperately deserves. Bray suffers from severe eczema and a rare form of Job disease where he has reoccurring skin infections! We look forward to seeing y'all! And celebrate his birthday! D&D Entertainment will be back! OCT 17: MURFREESBORO TN: CROSS WAY BAPTIST CHURCH CLASSIC CAR CRUISE-IN: Event runs from 11am -3pm. Event located at 4194 Shelbyville Hwy. Free to public. $1 car entry fee to be donated to local charity. Concessions. Hosted by the Murfreesboro Hot Rod Club. For more info go to www.CrossWayFamily.org OCT 18: LEBANON TN: ANNUAL WILSON BANK & TRUST OKTOBERFEST ANTIQUE CAR SHOW. Event being held at Wilson Bank main office at 623 West main St. One of Middle Tennessee Largest antique Car Shows. Reg. is from 9am -12pm. Judging is done during registration. Awards at 3:30pm. 56 Classes with awards to top 3 in each class plus Specialty Awards. Show is held rain or shine. Registration fee: $15.00. Dash Plaques & T-shirts to the first 500 entries. Craft vendors, Live entertainment, food booths, photography show, quilt show and kiddie korner. For more info call 615-443-6637. OCT 23-OCT 25: CONCORD NC: 22ND SOUTHEASTERN NATIONALS: Event being held at the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, Saturday Night Demo Derby and All American Sunday. For more info call
(925) 24
838-9876 or go to www.good-guys.com
OCT 24: COMMERCE GA: ATLANTA $10,000 NOSTALGIA DRAGS AND CAR SHOW: Event being held at Atlanta Dragway. Vintage Style Drag Cars, Ol' School Gassers, Super Stocks, Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Live Music, Vendors. Admission $20 Under 12 FREE! OCT 24: MURFREESBORO TN: RIVER ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH CRUISE NITE: Shine 'em up & Show 'em off. Classics, Customs, Rods, Muscle Cars, New & Antiques. Concessions, Cruise Music and a Movie after dark. 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Location at River Rock Baptist Church, 2248 Hwy 99 (New Salem Hwy) $1 entry "Donation" Great location, Great parking. For more info call 615-513-0332 or 615-898-1239. OCT 24: MURFREESBORO TN: THE HARVEST DAYS CRUISE-IN: Presented by Stones River Region-AACA Car Club at Cannonsburgh Village. Free Event, registration is from 9 a.m. till 12 Noon. Coffee and Donuts served in morning. Lunch served to people participating in Cruise-In at Club House. For more info call 615-893-6286 or email cmurrah@bellsouth.net OCT 24: SHELBYVILLE TN: 1ST ANNUAL CRUISE IN: Event being held at Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church 900 Union St. 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.. Come join us for Food Music - Vendors - Giveaways. All proceeds to benefit local Ministries. OCT 24: FRANKLIN TN: Spooks & Spokes Car, Truck & Bike Show: Event being held at the Elks Lodge #72, 485 Oak Meadow Drive. Featuring cars from the Studebaker Driving Club and produced in part by the Music City AACA $20 per vehicle, Registration 9am to noon, Awards at 3pm. TOP 25 Awards plus President’s Choice, Best of Show and other special awards. All proceeds benefit Grace Works in Franklin, TN. For more info 615-308-5077 OCT 24: PARKERS CROSSROADS TN: Arts at the Park Cruise-In: Starts at 9am til ??. Located at Parkers Crossroads City Park, 21778 Hwy 22N. Elam McKnight Band will be entertaining you. More info call 731-535-2100.
OCT 24: MURFREESBORO TN: 42ND SEMI-ANNUAL MUSIC CITY CLASSIC VINTAGE COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION: Open to the public. Being held at DAA of Murfreesboro located at 1815 Old Fort Pkwy. Spectators welcome. General admission $10.00. Gates open at 8am. Auction starts at 10am. Limited to 200 cars. You still can consign your car. For more info call 615-496-2277 or go to www.southernclassicauctions.com OCT 25: LEBANON TN: 6TH ANNUAL FLAT TRACK RACES & RALLY MOTORCYCLE RACES: Event at Wilson Co. Fairgrounds 945 E. Baddour Pkwy. Vintage Motorcycle Show. Hot Rod Show. Swap Meet. Vintage Camper Rally. Gates 10 am / Races 12 pm. For more info call 615-364-1828 or go to www.bothbarrelspromotions.com OCT 30-31: ZEBULON NC: COUNTY LINE GAS & OIL SWAP MEET: Event being held at 2954 Pilot-Riley Rd. Gas Pumps, Globes, Porcelain Signs, Tobacco Signs, Memorabilia, Old Soda Bottles, Peddle Cars, Vintage Toys. Antique Cars and Trucks Welcome Friday and Saturday 8am - Until. For more info call 919-495-5891 or 252-258-
0897. OCT 31: CHATTANOOGA TN: INTEGRITY CHEVROLET'S 3RD ANNUAL FALL SHOW YOUR RIDE: Event at 2110 Chapman Rd. Trunk or Treat, Costumes & Prizes. $20 Entry $5 Discount if Adult in car is in costume! Door Prizes, Top 50, Sponsor's Choice, Best of Show, Club Participation, Most Spooktacular Adult Costume, Most Spooktacular Vehicle. Proceeds Benefit East Ridge Needy Child Fund, Hospice of Chattanooga and the Mary Ellen Locher Foundation. For more info call 423-280-2915 or 423284-6642 or www.Rivercitycorvetteclub.com
OCT 31: SLAYDEN TN: CITY OF SLAYDEN OPEN CAR AND TRUCK SHOW: Event being held at Slayden Community Center 100 School St., registration 8:00 am -12:00pm. Fee $20. Top 50 & Specialty Awards, Best Painor's t, Best Interior, Best Engine, Mayor's Choice, 5th People's Choice Trophy. Halloween Costume Contest, Concessions Available. For more info call 615-360-8652 or 931-801-0775. OCT 31: HIXSON TN: FIRESTONE CAR SHOW: Show being held at the Northgate Mall 153 at Hixson Pike. Trophies for TOP 35, BEST – Interior, Engine, Paint, Wheels and Best of Show. All proceeds benefit the Mary Ellen Locher Breast Foundation. For more info call 423.488.6189 or go to www.FirestoneCarShow.com 26
OCT 31 – NOV 1: FRANKLIN TN: 12th ANNUAL KRIS KRINGLE INVITATIONAL CAR SHOW: Show being held at the Williamson Co. Ag/Expo Center, located on Long Lane, right off I-65 at exit #61. This is INVITATION ONLY Show. They are now accepting applications for this year’s show. They are seeking vehicles of interest from all years of production, both original and modified. This year they are doing a special feature display, "Salute to Speed". They are also looking for Race Cars of all
types and years. If your vehicle has been in the show before and you wish to return, please let us know. We do ask to try to skip at least one year between displaying if at all possible. If you would like to show your vehicle, please contact Tom Akers for car consideration at 615-478-5032 or email at bellevuecruisers@hotmail.comThis show is held in conjunction with the Annual Williamson County Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival. OCT 31: GOODLETTSVILE TN: 4th Annual I B CRUZIN: It's time for our end of the season cruising run. We welcome all cruisers and families to join us. We will meet at Caldwell Square, at Firehouse Subs. Time: 9:00 AM, Departure: 9:15 We will leave Goodlettsville in route to Adams Tenn. /256 / ALT.41 / to Old Hickory Blvd. then 431 Springfield Tenn. We will also take breaks along the way. When we get to Springfield we will meet at the Catfish House for our final destination to eat with Friends, Family, and Cruisers. *Rain Date: Nov. 7, 2015... HOPE TO SEE YA!!! NOV 1: CARTHAGE TN: HORSEPOWER BY THE RIVER 4: Custom car, truck, bike, rat rod show and swap meet. Event being held again this year at the Smith County Ag Center at 155 Gordonsville Hwy. TOP 25 Early Model & TOP 25 Late Model Awards. Model & Pedal car show for kids and adults too! Judging and registration 9am-1pm. 100+ Custom made Awards. Best of show, cash awards/Trophies, Door Prizes, Giveaways and much more. For more info call 615-489-3236 or go to www.musiccityspeedandnostalgia.com NOV 1: CARTHAGE TN: SWAP MEET BY THE RIVER 4: Event being held at the Smith County Ag Center located at 155 Gordonsville Hwy. Antiques, signs, gas, oil, soda related items. New & used car & motorcycle parts and much more. Ladies corner too! Set up available on 10/31. 10x10 swap spot only $25.00. For more info call 615-489-3236 or go to www.musiccityspeedandnostalgia.com 27
NOV 1: NASHVILLE TN: 1st Fall Festival, 1st Classic Car Show: Presented by First Baptist Nashville. Show Location: 108 7th Avenue South. No Entry Fees, Free Admission for the Public. Vehicle sign in from: 10am til Noon, Awards at: 2:30pm. Free Participant Lunch (2 Tickets per Car). Dash Plaques and Gift Bags to the first 50 cars. The Fall Festival includes: Mega Jumps, Pony Rides, Games and Prizes, Kids Face Painting, Balloon Artist, Hot Dogs, Chili Bar and Live Music. Participants enter
on 6th Ave. South. For more info call 615-664-6023 or go to firstbaptistnashville.org/2015fallfestival NOV 7: SOUTH PITTSBURG TN: 5TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FOR KIDS 5K WALK / OPEN CAR & TRUCK SHOW: Registration 8am – Noon. Judging 12:15pm; Awards at 3:00pm. Entry Fee $20.00. TOP 50 Awards + 11 Specialty Awards. $500 cash giveaway (10 = $50.00). 25 Vendors scheduled to attend. Door Prizes, Gift cards, food, 50/50 drawing, Silent Auction and Oldies Music. For more information call 423-902-2023 or go to www.carshowmusic.com .
NOV 7: SPRINGFIELD TN: 4th Annual South Haven Show and Shine: Event Location: South Haven Christian School, 112 Academy Drive. Event Times: 8:30am til 12:30pm. All makes and models welcome. Pancake breakfast from 7:30am til 10am. Principal, Student and Coaches Choice. Free to public. Donations Appreciated! Need more info: 615-384-5073.
NOV 7-8: OCALA FL: 28th Annual Mopars with Big Daddy Garlits Car & Truck Show & Swap Meet: Hosted by the Florida Mopar Association. Event will be held at the Garlits' Museum of Drag Racing, 13700 SW 16th Avenue (I-75 exit 341). All years of Mopar cars and trucks are welcome and bring your fire extinguisher for extra score. Many awards will be presented based on participants' choice on Saturday and a judging process on Sunday. There will be lots of vendors selling parts, auto memo-
rabilia, food, etc. Car show pre-registration is $25 for one day or $35 for both days. Fee at the door from 8 to 11 AM will be $30 for one day or $40 for both days of the show. Show proceeds will benefit local charities. Vendor pre-registration is $50 per 20'x20' space for both days, or $60 day of the show. This year we're planning to have a Dyno on site so you can test your Mopar's power and tune. For more info call 813-877-2189, show cars 352-341-1165 and vendors 352-303-9095 or go to www.floridamoparassociation.com. This is a great annual traditional Mopar event with Don Garlits, who usually attends, with lots of gorgeous cars, music, food and lots of fun. NOV 9-14: PANAMA CITY BEACH FL: EMERALD COAST CRUIZIN: STREETRODS, MUSCLECARS, CLASSICS & SWAP MEET. For more info go to www.emeraldcoastcruizin.com NOV 26-29: DAYTONA BEACH FL: 42ND ANNUAL DAYTONA TURKEY RUN: Event being held in the infield of the world famous Daytona International Speedway. This is a family fun event. Show cars, Swap Meet, Car Corral, Arts & Fashion and a whole lot more. For more info or to register go to www.turkeyrun.com
DEC 5: CALHOUN GA: CHRISTMAS-N-PARADISE (TOY DRIVE) Event being held at Paradise Drag Strip, 500 Chatsworth Hwy. Rain date March 28th. Nostalgia Drag Meet, Car Show & Swap Meet. For more info call 706-934-3437 or 706-278-2846 or www.paradise-showandgo.vpweb.com
2016: JAN 8-10: CHATTANOOGA TN: O’REILLY AUTO PARTS WORLD OF WHEELS CAR SHOW: Experience one of the best indoor custom car shows in the country! Featuring a wide variety of custom cars, custom trucks and custom motorcycles as well as restored and antique vehicles. Our exhibitors, our vendors and tens of thousands of spectators make this annual show informative, exciting, and fun! For more info go
to www.theisca.com JAN 16-17: NASHVILLE TN: 25TH ANNUAL NASHVILLE AUTOFEST: Event being held at the NASHVILLE EXPO CENTER / TENNESSEE STATE FAIRGROUNDS. Sat: 8am – 7pm & Sun 9am – 4pm. Admission is $12.00 and kids under 12 are free! If you want to enter your vehicle into the show or get a vendor or swap spot, go to www.nashvileauofest.com for all the info and registration forms. FEB 21: LEBANON TN: 6TH ANNUAL WINTER SWAP MEET: Event being held at Wilson County Fairgrounds. For more info call 615-444-7315 or go to
www.midtennaaca.org MAR 25-27: DAYTONA FL: SPRING 2016 TURKEY RUN: Event will be held at the DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY. For more info go to www.turkeyrun.com APR 29-30: ORANGE BEACH AL: 2016 BAMA COAST CRUISE: Being held at “THE WHARF”. JUNE 16-18: BOWLING GREEN KY: 14th ANNUAL HOT ROD REUNION: Event being held at Beech Bend Raceway. Registration and Ticket info at www.nhramuseum.com AUG 12-13: BOWLING GREEN KY: THE TRI-FIVE NATIONALS: Event being held at Beech Bend Raceway. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ thetri5nationals?fref=ts
NOV 13-14: SPRINGFIELD OH: CARS & PARTS SPRINGFIELD SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: Event being held at Clark County Fairgrounds, Exit 59 off of I-70. Buy, Sell & Trade at Ohio's Largest Car Show & Swap Meet! Bonus Show Vintage Race Car Exhibit. For more info call 937-376-0111 or go to www.OhioSwapMeet.com NOV 21-22: CHICAGO (ROSEMONT) IL: MUSCLE CAR & CORVETTE NATIONALS: Show being held at the Donald E Stephens Conventions Center in Rosemont. The Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals is the world’s largest all-indoor specialty show devoted to Muscle Cars, Dealer-Built Super Cars and the finest and rarest Corvettes. We will again fill nearly 400,000 square feet of exhibit space with over 500 awesome cars and 200+ automotive related vendor spots. Show times are 9am – 9pm Saturday and 9am – 5pm on Sunday. For more info go to www.mcacn.com NOV 28-29: COLUMBUS OH: Largest Ford Swap Meet in USA: Event being held at the Ohio Expo Ctr. at 717 E 17th Ave. For more info call 740.607.1451 NOV 29: INDIANAPOLIS IN: SUPER SUNDAY INDY – ALL MAKE & MODEL SWAP MEET AND CAR SALE: Event is held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. This event sells out fast so get your spaces early! Over 700 vendors! For more info call 708-563-4300 or go to www.midamericapromotions.com 2016: MAR 4-6: ROSEMONT (CHICAGO) IL: CHICAGO WORLD OF WHEELS CAR SHOW: Being held at the Donald E Stephens Convention Center. JUNE 26: YORKVILLE IL: Gears & Ears #39 Car Show & Swap: Event hosted by the Midwest Street Rod Assoc. of Illinois. Event being held at the Kendall County Fairgrounds located at 10826 Route 71. Open to all cars. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/981031395271619/998768633497895/ JUL 8-10: COLUMBUS OH: GOODGUYS NATIONAL: Event being held at Ohio Expo Center. For more info call 925-838-9876 or go to www.good-guys.com AUG 26-28: EVANSVILLE IN: 42nd ANNUAL FROG FOLLIES ROD RUN: The largest Pre48 rod run anywhere! Event to be held at the Vanderburgh 4-H Center. Open to ’48 & earlier entries only. Hosted by the E’Ville Iron Street Rods Ltd. 31
OCT 18: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per
adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or pomonaswapmeet.com. OCT 23-25: BAKERSFIELD CA: 24TH CALIFORNIA HOT ROD REUNION: This is the one that started it all! Being held at the FAMOSO Raceway. Nostalgia drag racing, Cacklefest, Swap meet & Vendor Midway too! Hot Rods from ’72 and earlier are invited to come on in too. For more info call 800-884-6472 or go to www.NHRA.com/ hotrodreunion NOV 1: RIVERSIDE CA: ANNUAL DAY OF THE DEAD CAR SHOW: Event being held at
Glen Avon Heritage Park. Open to pre 72 Hot Rods, Customs, Classic Cars & Motorcycles. Food Vendors, Raffle, Live Music. For more info 951-686-3267 or email docvonweber@yahoo.com
NOV 8: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Over 600 vendors. Antique, vintage, classic and hi-performance cars and parts. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-7629785 or go to www.LongBeachHipoSwap.com NOV 14-15: PLEASANTON CA: 26TH AUTUMN GET-TOGETHER: Event being held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, and All American Sunday. For more info call (925) 838-9876 or go to www.good-guys.com
NOV 29: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Over 600 vendors. Antique, vintage, classic and hi-performance cars and parts. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to www.LongBeachHipoSwap.com DEC 6: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or pomonaswapmeet.com. DEC 13: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet
being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Over 600 vendors. Antique, vintage, classic and hi-performance cars and parts. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to www.LongBeachHipoSwap.com 2016: JAN 29-31: POMONA CA: 2016 GRAND NATIONAL ROADSTER SHOW: Show being held at the Fairplex FEB 12-14: SACRAMENTO AUTORAMA: Event being held at the Cal Expo Center
OCT 24: PORT REPUBLIC NJ: THRILL AT BLUEBERRY HILL: Hosted by Dead Rodz Revival at Atlantic Blueberry RV Park 283 Clarks Landing Rd. Car Show-Zombie Pin Up Contrst-Vendors-Halloween Activities-Camping. $10 per person, Kids 12 and under FREE! Zombie Prom 7PM -10PM. Go to www.Deadrodz.com - Deadrodzrevival@gm.com 33
OCT 18: ASBURY KS: 16TH ANNUAL AMERICAN HOT ROD REUNION: Being held ay MO -KAN Dragway. Swap meet, Car show and Drags. Nostalgia Match Race. Awards and more. Gates open at 10am. Show Car & Drive is $15.00. Race car 7 driver is $25.00. For more info call 417-642-5599 or go to www.mokandragway.com
OCT 22-24: NORMAN OK: FALL NORMAN SWAP MEET: Event being held at Cleveland County Fairgrounds, 615 E. Robinson. Street Rods, Sports Cars, Model A’s, Race Cars, Hot Rods, Aircraft, Imports, Boats, Tools, Parts, Buggies, Kit Cars, Scooters, Model T’s, Motorcycles, Memorabilia. For more info call 405-651-7927 or NormanSwapMeet@aol.com OCT 23-24: GRAND PRAIRIE TX: DFW SWAP MEET: Event being held at Lone Star Park located at I-30 & Belt Line. For more info call 254-751-7958 or go to
www.earhartproductions.com OCT 24 -25: HUTCHINSON KA: 16TH ANNUAL SEDGWICK STREET RODDERS SWAP MEET: Event being held at Kansas State Fairgrounds Sat. 7 AM to 5 PM Sun. 8 AM -4 PM. For more info call 1-316-832-0569.
NOV 6-7: TUCSON AZ: FRED'S FUN RUN: NATIONAL T-BUCKET ALLIANCE for more info go to www.NationalTBucketAlliance.com
NOV 20-22: SCOTTSDALE AZ: 18TH SOUTHWEST NATIONALS: Event being held at Westworld of Scottsdale. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, and All American Sunday. For more info call (925) 838-9876 or go to www.goodguys.com
\ NOV 21-22: PHOENIX AZ: PHOENIX SWAP MEET: Event being held at the Arizona
State Fairgrounds. Open both days from 7am – 2pm. Arizona’s largest Car Swap Meet and Car Corral, and is an absolute must attend event for all Antique and Classic Car enthusiasts. You will find hundreds of parts sellers in over 1500 seller spaces. The Phoenix Swap Meet is "The place to get parts" Rain or Shine. The Car Corral area of the swap meet features, hundreds of classic, unique and collectable cars and
trucks for show and sale. Antique and Vintage cars, Classic cars, Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods, Rat Rods, Low Riders, Corvettes, Porsche, and Volkswagens, in all varieties of makes, models, and condition, ranging from basket cases with “lots of potential” to show quality. For more info call 480-288-SWAP or go to www.phoenixcarswapmeet.com
2016: FEB 6: LOCKHART TX: 5TH ANNUAL HOT RODS & HATTER ANNUAL CAR SHOW FESTIVAL: Show will be held at 110 S. Main St. More Info coming!
APR 8-9: AUSTIN TX: 15TH ANNUAL LONE STAR ROD & KUSTOM ROUND UP: Event being held at the Travis County Exposition Center. More info coming! APR 29-30: DUBUQUE IA: VINTAGE TORQUE FEST: Event is being held at the Dubuque Fairgrounds. No other show in the Midwest gives more entertainment. Hot rods, vintage cycles, dirt track racing, pin up girls, live bands, vendors, swap meet, affordable food & beverages, camping on site, flat track motorcycle exhibition, Tuff Mudder Mini Bike Race, car club picks/awards, Country side cruise, downtown pre party parade and bonfire, kustoms, feature cars and bikes, art show and art auction, flame show, burn out pit, AND YOU! All proceeds from the gate support the Helping Hannahs Heart Foundation. For more info go to: https://www.facebook.com/ events/1827550530804586/
JUL 1-3: DES MOINES IA: HEARTLAND NATIONALS: Event being held Iowa State Fairgrounds. For more info call 925-838-9876 or go to www.good-guys.com 35
R & B VINTAGE AUTO RADIO Have you ever wished that the radio in your antique vehicle or classic show car had all of the bells and whistles of today’s modern electronics and stereos while still keeping the integrity of the original stock look? Now you can with the restoration and conversion services of R and B Vintage Auto Radios, which is located just outside of Nashville in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee! R and B Vintage Auto Radio provides general repair or full restoration services for classic vintage car and truck radios covering 1930s to the 1980s. Our services include: 1. Tuner and push-buttons (including lubrication and adjustments) 2. Aligning the AM FM frequency, intermediate frequency, oscillator, amplifier and stereo circuitry 3. Cleaning of all parts 4. Buffing & polishing of chrome and plastic dials
5. Replacing broken dials, lamps or LEDs
6. Fix or replace the scratchy volume and toner controls In addition to their repair and restoration services, R and B Vintage Auto Radio now also offers full conversion services utilizing the FMC-1 FM Tuner.
The FMR-1 Stereo conversion allows 4 speaker stereo from AM/FM, iPod, MP3, CD, and you can add the BT-1 Bluetooth while maintaining the integrity of your vintage vehicle by using the original stock AM or AM/FM radio of your car or truck. How offering the new USB port to the list of products. Play music, and charging port for USB devices. The FMC-1 can be used in all installations with a working radio. For an additional charge the radio may be repaired to accommodate the kit. Since no modification of the original radio is required, and since the FMC-1 is easily removable without a trace, the originality and value of the AM radio is retained. The FMC1 uses advanced digital electronics and sophisticated software algorithms to completely replicate the user experience of an original analog automotive FM radio. With perfect quartz locked accuracy and an operational feel that is smooth and precise, no one will ever know that your original AM radio can now receive FM broadcasts and be used with an MP3 player, satellite radio or similar device.
Have all if this in your original classic car or truck radio. Check out just some of the conversion completed at R and B Vintage Auto Radio. http://youtu.be/LVGvxitS4rI 1959 Porsche Conversion http://youtu.be/qxZEpZSijMA 1965 Ford Bronco/Truck http:// youtu.be/V00ylgEHwzQ http://youtu.be/Y0oNrwWhSXY For more information, pictures and videos of their work, check out the website for R and B Vintage Auto Radio. (http:// www.randbvintageautoradio.com . You can also give the owner, Richard Blankenship, a call with questions or quotes at 615-390-1139. Richard is a native of Tennessee and has grown up working on cars and just about anything else that needs fixing. Richard has installed the FMR-1 conversion kit in his own 1979 Ford Ranger F350 4x4.
Big-Ole' Small World! Words & Pics by Marty Crain
I wanted a Woodie wagon ever since I was a kid listening to the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean and the Safari’s. I’ve always been fond of just about any of the long roof rides but during the summer of 2001, while talking to longtime good friend George Toombs, he mentioned that he thought he knew where an old Ford Woodie was. He said he wasn’t sure but he thought it was a 1946 Ford. I told him I would like any year or make but a ’46 Ford was my favorite and the one I really wanted. So we jumped in the truck and headed out to Kenneth Baltimore’s house near Murfreesboro. He led us down to a cedar thicket and there it was, a once majestic piece of automotive art just about to return to earth. The only thing “woodie” about it was the small trees growing up through the rusted out floorboard. Sometime in the late fifties or early sixties the wooden body had been removed, front clip and rear fenders that once adorned a beautiful coat of Washington Blue had been painted white with what looked like a brush, small metal conduit cage welded to form a cover over the drivers area, steel wheel welded to the driver’s side floorboard and a boat seat welded to that and some vinyl as a roof, a cooler mounted on the rear floor area and viola, it had been converted into an ice cream “popsicle” truck. George said he remembered buying popsicles from it as a kid, it was sad, but I had to have it. With a phone call, another true friend, Baker Kirkpatrick came with his truck and trailer and after asking if I 38
was really sure, (thinking I was a bit crazy) loaded it up and carried it to my home in Hermitage. After several years of my neighbors giving me a hard time, (ten to be exact) I rolled it out of the shop with the wood on it and almost ready for paint when one on my neighbors said, “so, that’s what it’s supposed to look like, I rode around in one like that back in 1947 with a baseball team I played for”. Several days later he brought me a copy of that team all standing beside a Ford Woodie taken in front of Paul Gamble Ford in Madison, Tennessee.
I didn’t think much of it other than it was cool, the picture was dated 1947 and I just placed the copy of this photo on my shop wall. Several months later after finishing my woodie I began looking closer at the photo and realized it was a ’46 by the trim that was unique to the ’46 model and a lot different from a ’47.
I asked him what color the one in the picture was and he said, dark blue. We laughed as said wouldn’t it be something if it were the same car. The photo he gave me was a poor copy on plain paper and I really didn’t give it much more thought. Last Fall, this neighbor passed away and the original picture was on display at his funeral, several of us were looking at the photo and different ones began pointing out others that they knew in the picture when something odd jumped out, the once dark blue woodie in the picture had no outside mirror on the driver’s side. I remembered thinking how odd it was when I began working on my woodie that it hadn’t ever had an outside mirror on either side. The Woodie’s and convertibles used a unique mirror that was mounted between the door and hood, both mine and the one in the photo had regular sedan trim installed from the factory where the mirror should have been. I began tracing old photos of other ’46 woodies to see how many I could find, that came without at least a driver’s side mirror and couldn’t find one. I contacted several people in the National Woodie Club and even some previous owners of Ford dealerships and they all replied with, the chances of two dark blue woodies being delivered to the Nashville area in 1946 would have been rare, but to have two special ordered without the driver’s side mirror would be impossible. Most of the wooden wagons were ordered by bus stations, train stations in light colors or large resorts, the Nashville area just after WWII didn’t have much need for Woodie’s when a four door sedan was about half the price. After talking with Woodie historians and AACA members, they all concluded that without a doubt this was the same car. Convinced they were one and the same, I began a quest to find out where the Paul Gamble Ford
Company was, hopping it was still there so I could recreate the picture with my car parked back in that same location. This became a huge undertaking. Seemed, no one remembered this dealership. I placed the picture on Facebook and it was like opening up the flood gates. The old building is no longer there, but it was originally where the Smith’s Brothers Car Wash is now on Gallatin Pike between Neeleys Bend and Old Hickory Blvd. Fellow Midnight Rodders member Judy Barnes, grew up in that area and knew one of the ball players, she called him and he told her where the dealership was, and then another friend, Libby Cooper called and said she too knew one of the ball players in the photo, former FBI agent and Sheriff Hank Hillin. Mr. .Hillin not only played for that team, he worked at Paul Gamble Motors and one of his duties was to wash and gas up the old woodie whenever they had to use it.
Mr Hank Hillin with the Liki –Tiki!
I went to meet Mr. Hillin and take him for a ride, and he had a copy of a hand written essay his brother Jay, (who was also on the team) had written about their summer, riding in the woodie and winning the 1947 American Legion Mid-State Championship in none other than, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
So amazing to think that after all those years, I found and built a car that my neighbor for 29 years had ridden in, one of my closest friends had childhood memories of, and two other friends including a fellow club member had friends that had ridden in it and I now had a picture of my car when it was new makes owning this old woodie even more special. Fate, maybe, luck, could be, I like to think the Hot Rod Gods had a little something to do with it.
After all those years of wanting and dreaming about owning a 1946 Ford Woodie, how else could you explain ending up with this particular one that would bring so many good memories to so many? Riding with Mr. Hillin and seeing it for the first time through his eyes, I’ll never look at the Liki Tiki the same way again, it really is a Big-Ole’Small World!
Editors note: This summer Nashville TV Station NBC News Channel 4 and Terry Bulger did a feature on the last surviving members of the 1947 American Legion Mid-State Championship team. Check out the story at this link: http://www.wsmv.com/ story/29867580/former-sheriff-fbi-agentdiscovers-relic-from-his-past
Word & Pics: Jimmy B
Every year since it moved to Southern California, the “Grand National Roadster Show” has done nothing but grown in popularity. This has happened through a lot of hard work by John Buck and his whole team that puts this “event” on, at the end of January every year. We say “event” because it truly is. Car show would be the standard deal of a few hundred cars in an auditorium of some kind for everyone to walk around and check. Spend a few hours and head for the shop for the day.
Not with the GNRS! Nope! If you really want to take it all in, you need a minimum of 2 days, and in our opinion you would not see it all, as we think you should.
The GNRS is, of course all about the contenders and selection of America’s Most Beautiful Roadster. Add in that it’s a full blown ISCA judged event where people are competing for points on the ISCA 42
Show circuit. One of the really great things about this show, is it is broken up into specific area’s and types of cars, truck and bikes. The Pomona Fairgrounds has a number of stand alone buildings that are used to house all the entries inside, like the customs, drag cars, bikes and more. Specialty displays like the ‘40 Ford Display celebrating the 75th anniversary and the Suede & Chrome building too (a huge favorite by all!), and you get the idea.
With 700 cars, trucks and bikes spread over 9 buildings, add in all the vendors that are at the show, both inside and outside and you can picture what we are talking about. Another great feature of the show and it celebrated it’s 10th anniversary, is the GRAND DADDY Drive-In.
The GRAND DADDY Drive-In brings in 800 cool rides on Saturday( about 1/2 return on Sunday too!) and they park around all the buildings that have the show entries in them. It’s a great deal for folks to be part of the event with their hot rod! See what we’re talking about here on the time it takes to really see it all.
On this trip out west, not only did we take in the GNRS and all that it is, we also did a So-Cal Road Trip to a number of hot rod shops, open houses and other cool places to visit before the GNRS even started. What we’re going to do in this issue, is to break up the whole deal into separate sections and share as many pictures as we can with you, We took way more than we have space for, so we’re going to share some of our favorites for you to enjoy. The 2016 GNRS Road Trip is already in our sights, and should be in yours too. Put it on your bucket list or to do list or some list you have, and go enjoy all it has to offer for every gearhead!
Clear skies… 70 degree temps… and all those great cars!
Words & Pics By Jimmy B
time picking a winner this year!
There is no disputing that the GNRS show is about Roadsters, and the cream of the crop for the year come out to try and be a contender for the AMBR trophy. The 2015 edition was no different and if anything even tougher as they had more contenders this time than years before. This year, Larry Olsen’s Alloways Hot Rod Shop built ,1933 Ford Roadster took home the BIG Trophy. Miles deep black paint with those Alloway flames, Hemi powered, and a ton of modifications made it the judges choice for the 2015 AMBR trophy.
All the other roadsters in contention, were great looking cars, built in different styles. The Judges had one hard 44
What ever of flavor you like for your roadster, there was something for everyone in this years competition. Personally we like the way the judging has changed to looking at the cars on the ground as they come into the building., as this has brought the cars back to reality versus wild full on show machines only. We’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story for you for the next few pages.
Road Trip So-Cal Words & Pics by JimmyB
Arriving early for the GNRS affords time to tour around Southern California. We wasted no time, getting up and on the road Thursday morning. We had a long list of 7 “must see� shops and other hot rod type places. This is one of the best parts of the whole trip from our perspective.
At the time we visited STOKERS had a shop full of hot rods being worked on. STOKER reputation for quality is know all over. When you have a roadster you built as a contender in the GNRS, it says a lot about your work.
First stop was at STOKERS Hot Rod Factory in Upland. We hit this one first as the offer of FREE coffee and donuts was calling to us.
STOKERS is still in Upland, but they have moved to a new and larger facility. Check them out when you are in the area...great guys building cool hot rods! Stop #2 for us was at the NHRA Museum in Pomona at the LA County Fairplex.
The great thing about the museum, is that 50
they change up the displays on a regular basis so when you go to the museum you get to see different history on display.
tour by the staff. Even though they were getting ready to be part of the GNRS, they took time out of their busy day to show us around.
The 3rd stop was in Pomona also. We headed over to So-Cal Speed Shop to check out the latest builds and other cool stuff they have.
As you can see in the pictures, So-Cal was quite busy with some bitchin’ rides in the work bays. Even Billy Gibbon’s latest coupe was in the shop for some work.
We were welcomed and given a guided 51
Road Trip So-Cal Not far from So-Cal, in Pomona also, is WALDENS Hot Rod Shop. This is one cool place. Bobby Walden is known for his metal working and craftsmanship. When you walk around his shop, it just oozes coolness.
Old School metal work equipment and tools help achieve “the look they are known for!
The metal work that gets done in this shop is absolutely second to none. The
After a break for lunch, we headed over to Duarte and the Justice Bros Museum.
chop that Bobby does on the ‘32 Coupes he builds is unique, in that he does the doors first and then brings the roof down to match. 52
For those of you who ask, who are the Justice Bros? They are 2 brothers who got into racing and developed a line of lubricants that have been used since after WW2. The products are well known out west, as well as the awesome museum they have put together. If you like sprint cars and spring car racing, this is
a must see place when you are in So-Cal. You have to call ahead to make reservations to get in. Easy enough to do. Just google it!
After a short break, we headed to Burbank and our next two stops. The great thing is that they are both on the same street and are neighbors. We parked the “rent a ride� and make tracks to DELMOS Speed & Kustom. When we walked up the street was full of cool trucks of every style and make. A little something for everyone.
Not only do they have vintage sprint cars on display, but some very cool hot rods and other memorabilia. Trust us...make the reservation and check it out...you will not be sorry. 53
Road Trip So-Cal
Inside the shop, even more cool truck goodness was there for us to check out.
This is a must see place when you are in town for any kind of event. The cool just spills out on the street!
The Speed Shop section is filled with so much cool, real parts and memorabilia, that you could stay there for hours looking at it all.
The last stop for us on our So-Cal Road Tour, was the Old Crow Speed Shop.
Yea…we had some Big Fun on this deal! 54
Words & Pics by JimmyB
While a lot of the “BUZZ” at the GNRS show is about those wonderful roadsters, there is a WHOLE LOT MORE going on at the show. The GNRS is part of the ISCA show
Circuit, so there is virtually every type of vehicle on display in the other buildings. Customs, bikes, trucks, low riders and the list goes on.
Some of the entries are chasing the ISCA points deal, but a majority are like you and me. They own a great looking vehicle and they just want to show it off.
We’ll let the pictures tell just a small piece of the story, as we do not have enough room to include everything we shot ...Enjoy! 56
Make your plans now to attend the 2016 GNRS show. January 29th-31st 57
Word/Pic’s by Jimmy B
When you attend the GNRS show on the weekend, you get a “TWO-FER”. That’s right, two shows in one all weekend long. A great idea that the GNRS staff led by John Buck, came up with 10 years ago, was to invite hot rodders with ‘72 & earlier vehicles to come to the GNRS and park outside around the buildings
Hot rodders are invited to drive their cars ( yes there is an entry fee), get 2 passes for the show for Saturday & Sunday, and some primo parking spots right next to the buildings housing all those cool cars inside. It’s no small deal either. On Saturday their were 800 cool rides parked around the buildings.
Add in the World Famous “PINK’s” Hot Dog stand set up and serving, along with a lot of vendors...and well you get the picture. Nitromethane was heavy in the air as they “tilted the can” at CACKLEFEST, that took place both days of the Grand Daddy Drive In.
Lovely ladies, great food, Cacklefest and all those Bitchin’ cars and trucks made the Grand Daddy Drive In one great time!
FOR SALE: 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 500 ASKING $18,000. 292 eng / 3spd man. trans w/overdrive. Runs and drives good. Fender skirts incl./ Radio. Interior no rips or tears. Everything works. For more info email at charpart@gmail.com (10-15)
FOR SALE: 1954 FORD TRUCK. Painted Hot Pink Pearl. ZZ4 Eng. Chopped 3". Mustang 2 Front End with Granada rotors GM calipers. Chevy bed narrowed by 12" original 54 fenders were welded onto the Chevy Bed. Front Bumper is 55 Chevy. Extended Hood conceals the windshield wipers. Original Sidesteps - Chromed. Original Windshield. Original 54 Grill - Chromed. Customized Dash. Alarm System , Power Windows & door Locks. Hidden door handles. Boyd Wheels. Plus many extra’s. Must See! $20,000.00 OBO Call: 931 -381-9015 or cell 310-429-1705 (5/15)
FOR SALE: '61 Corvette hardtop carrier and cover. Excellent condition. $110.00 . Contact jwsl@comcast.net with inquiries(8-15)
FOR SALE: 1977 Chevrolet factory 2 wheel drive K5 Blazer. 350 engine with Edelbrock Performer manifold and carb, Accel distributer, headers. 350 automatic with mild shift kit. Runs great. Also have all original parts in case somebody wants to restore to original. Asking $12,500. If interested call Tom at 615 794-7146 and leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as I can. (7-15)
FOR SALE: Off road mufflers for '56 thru 62 Corvette. Never installed. $125.00 . Contact jwsl@comcast.net with inquiries . (7-15)
FOR SALE: 1978 Silver anniversary Corvette. Silver in color, black leather, A/ C (blows cold with new compressor 2014), automatic. Chrome valve covers installed since pictures taken. New factory replacement plug wires 2014. Great daily driver (75K) . Decent car all the way around. No smoke, no leaks, garage kept entire life. Can be traced to original owner. Three owners since new including me. Price is negotiable as all cars are. May be interested in trade for your street rod. (1935 Ford pickup would seduce me right away). For more info or to make offer call Cell: 270-547-8367 or Home: 270-828-6011 or Email: billv42@bbtel.com (5/15)
FOR SALE: AC Cobra replica built in 1984 by Ron Ayers Classic Cobras in South Carolina was listed as and Executive Cobra for the following reasons: a convertible top that stays with the car, roll up windows, heater with a two speed fan, radio, electric antenna, high performance 351 Windsor engine, C4 FMX automatic transmission with a quick shift kit, tilt steering wheel, wire wheels with spinners, red interior, Classic instruments and a wood, hand crafted dash with a Cobra carved into the right side. The car has 23,000+ miles on it and has never been in the rain, always garage kept with a cover. I'm asking $37,500 with several years of documentation on repairs and maintenance records. Contact me for more information but serious inquiries only. (925) 858 8919 or edboblitt@hotmail.com. Can be seen by appointment. (5-15)
FOR SALE: 1969 Nova SS 396-375hp, 4 speed Muncie trans w/Hurst shifter, 12 bolt 411posi rear end. Original Butternut yellow exterior color with a black vinyl bench seat interior. NOM, engine is period correct 396 special HP (engine pad- TO416JH). Older frame off restoration w/less 5k miles. 30K or best offer. Jim- 615-368-3660 or cell 786-251-8334 (10-15)
FOR SALE: SBC 2x4 setup. Edelbrock Performer 5425 intake manifold and 2 Edelbrock 1404 Performer carbs. All professionally chrome plated, and never installed. They are exactly as they came from the platers. Setup will not fit a 283 ci engine. Includes chrome linkage, chrome fuel line and carb calibration kits. $1,500.00 or reasonable offer. All offers will be considered. Contact jwsl@comcast.net with inquiries (8-15)
FOR SALE: 1964 Chevrolet C10 Stepside Pickup Truck with large back window, original numbers matching drive train, rebuilt 283ci engine with a 4 speed manual trans. Beautiful Black exterior with Silver interior. Full gauge and tachometer instrumentation. Frame-off approx. 5 years ago, 21K or best offer, Jim- cell 786-251-8334 or 615-368-3660 (10-15)
FOR SALE: 1976 Cadillac Eldorado 8.2 Litre 500ci V8. It has 970 miles on engine. Motor ran perfect when removed from car. See attached pic of actual car it came out of. There has gotta be a Gearhead out there that can use this treasure in a hot rod! Looking to get $3000 obo. Feel free to contact me at steve@preferredlinemedia.com The engine is located in Spring Hill, TN. (6-15)
FOR SALE: 1971 Pontiac LeMans Wagon. Pontiac powered Balanced stroked 400, 500 HP, TKO600 Over drive transmission, Hyd clutch ,11 fly wheel, 3"Exhaust with electric cut out, Wilwood front disc brakes, QA1 coil over front shocks, 1-1/8" front sway bar, tubular upper and lower front control arms, heavy duty rear springs with air springs, adjustable upper rear control arms, Detroit Speed rear sway bar. Bucket seats, 18" wheels in front and 20" wheels in the rear. Super fun car $15,000.00. REDUCED TO $12,500.00, HAS TO GO! For More Info email at johnrippy61@gmail.com or call 615-456-2977. (7-15)
Event Attendees can support a fantastic cause and take an exciting ride with a Pro Driver for a great cause (Concord, NC) Goodguys and the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer will take to the AutoCross track to host the AutoCross for kids Program at the 22nd Southeastern Nationals, at Charlotte Motor Speedway, October 23-25. Event attendees will have the chance to ride with a Pro driver on the AutoCross course—a closed performance race course—for a suggested minimum donation of $20 to the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer. The AutoCross for kids program will run on Friday and Sunday during the event AutoCross hours, 8 am to 5 pm on Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Sunday. Goodguys Rod & Custom Association and the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer have announced a partnership to raise funds and awareness for the Foundation’s mission to erase the effects of pediatric cancer for patients, survivors and their families. The partnership will provide the Foundation with opportunities to educate both children and adults about healthy lifestyles that prevent cancer, as well as provide much needed Diversionary Therapy, in a variety of cities throughout the United States. The interactive part of this program is a fun offer to event attendees to ride with a Pro Driver for a great cause. Goodguys Rod & Custom Association, the Pleasanton, CA based producer of some of the world’s most dynamic automotive events for more than three decades, will work in conjunction with the Foundation at several Goodguys shows in 2015. Association members and show attendees will have opportunities to contribute to the efforts through donations, the purchase of limited edition merchandise and participation in the “AutoCross for Kids”, as well as volunteering for some of the program’s initiatives. “Goodguys events are family events,” said Marc Meadors, President, Goodguys Rod & Custom Association. “The hot rod/car community is a huge family and bringing the Austin Hatcher Foundation into the fold is a win-win for everyone.” We hope to do great things for them this year through the AutoCross for Kids promotion in raising awareness and funds in the fight against pediatric cancer.” In addition to the AutoCross for kids program and the AutoCross racing competition, this event will showcase three days of over 2,500 cars and trucks through 1972 vintage, vendor exhibits, used auto parts swap meet, AutoTrader Classics Cars for sale corral, kids activities, model car make n’ take, special feature parking areas on Saturday, K&N Filters All American Sunday—open to all years American made and powered vehicles, food booths, awards ceremony and much more for the entire family. Goodguys 22nd Southeastern Nationals is slated for October 23-25 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Gates are open 8 am to 5 pm Friday and Saturday and 8 am to 3 pm on Sunday. General admission tickets are $20, kids (7-12) $6 and 6 under are free. $17 discounted general admission tickets are available at www.good-guys.com until 11:59 on October 22. There is a $5 parking fee charged by Charlotte Motor Speedway. For more information visit www.good-guys.com/sen2015 and on the AutoCross for kids page at www.hatcherfoundation.org/autocross About the Austin Hatcher Foundation: The Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer’s mission is to erase the effects of pediatric cancer and optimize each child’s quality of life through essential specialized intervention beginning at the time of diagnosis and continuing throughout survivorship. The Foundation provides services to children with cancer, as well as their families, through its cancer care center, Hatch’s House of Hope. The Foundation provides all services at no cost to the families. Services are funded solely by the generous donations of supporters. For more information, visit www.hatcherfoundation.org or contact the Foundation via email at info@hatcherfoundation.org.
Phil San Angelo - President
Marty Crain
www.pontiactn.org president@pontiactn.org
http://stonesrivercarclub.com phil.sanangelo@yahoo.com
midnightrodder@earthlink.net http://midnightrodders.tripod.com
2212 Springdale Dr Franklin Tn 37064 615-595-7206
MURFREESBORO TN 615-646-7815
mtzclub@gmail.com www.middletennesseezclub.com
john@4mhrc.net www.4mhrc.net
Pors c he Cl ub of Ameri c a – Mus i k St adt Regi on (N as hv i l l e
Mike Moody - President
Brad Long- President
664 PEBBLE SPRINGS DR FRANKLIN TN 37067 615-426-8188
615-832-3947 vwprez@comcast.net
Ri nk y D i nk Crui s ers
Pul as k i Area Car Cl ub (PACE)
Mi d- Tenn Regi on of t he AACA
Contact: Ron Cooper
Contact: Lee Kelly - President
Glenn Edwards
3070 Fall River Rd.
Pulaski TN 38478 615-585-4103
pacecarclub@aol.com www.pacecarclub.com
glenn@midtennaaca.org http://midtennaaca.org
Mus i c Ci t y Sc i ons
Contact: Don Babb
Contact: Brian Sowders
P.O. Box 681134
P.O. Box 20056
Franklin TN 37068-1134
Clarksville TN 37042
615-790- 0403
brian.sowders@gmail.com www.musiccityscions.com
corvette.club@hotmail.com www.corvettesofclarksville.com
President: Bill Baggett
Contact: Sandra Johnson
3333 Sunny Slope
DIRECTOR P.O. Box 2253
Mt. Juliet Tn. 37121-2253
sdj43@comcast.net www.memorylanecruisers.net 66
You’re invited to have your car club listed here! It’s free, just send us the club info and we’ll do the rest. Email it to us at gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
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www.NashvilleWeddingCars.com www.gvillecruisein.com www.becoatscustomauto.com
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www.nkfmdtn.org http://chevy.tocmp.com/year.htm
www.musikstadtadtpca.org www.memorylanecruisers.net www.oldrustinweeds.com www.greasemonkeymagazine.com
www.huntsvillecarscene.com www.hotrodsandmore.com
You want to see your website listed here??? Send an e-mail for advertising info to: gearheadgazzette@gmail.com
Nic’s Powder Coating
Murfreesboro TN
Call Nic at 615-207-8774
Hermitage TN 37076
3522 Central Pike - Suite 208 615-403-4456 ask for Kip McCord
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At Your Service Chauffeuring & Limo’s
E-MAIL: hotrodthreads@aol.com
Weddings, Proms- Graduations, etc.
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E-MAIL: thommysgarage@aol.com I’ve Been Framed
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Franklin TN.
Call Jane Falls at 615-599-1620
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White House Tn.
709 Rivergate Parkway
Goodlettsville Tn 37072 615-851-4070 www.tennesseespeedsport.com
KIRCO Precision Tool 12600 S Laramie Ave. Alsip IL 60803 708-705-6699 E-Mail: Kirco@comcast.net mwww.kircowaterjet.com
Turn Key Autos 612 Frankfort Drive
Pin striping, Lettering, & Hot Rod Artwork
RICHARD JONES High-Tech or Resto Rods
A & C Computer Repair Repairs/Up-Grades/ System Builds Back-Up Data/Photo’s/ Etc House Calls Available Al – 931-486-1629 in Spring Hill TN Curtis – 931-619-4800 in Columbia TN TRINITY TINTING & GRAPHICS Window Tint, Graphics, Signs & Car Audio Chapel Hill Tn 931-334-3028
Not long after cars started coming off the assembly lines in Detroit, trucks were rolling off them too and out of factory doors. Many a smart advertising person, in some companies saw the potential for rolling advertising with custom built company trucks. Here a few “art-deco” trucks that are flat cool. Wouldn’t it be neat to see this creativity used again vs slab sided trucks in white...we think so!