“ Ya Gotta know where to Go...The FUN Starts Here….”
“Don’t let that happen to you!“ Say Hello to August and a WHOLE LOT of hot weather….
direct sunlight. Personally I have seen more then a few folks fall out at a summer car show. We get wound up having fun, that we fail to take care of ourselves. Don’t let that happen to you! You don’t want to cruise the fairgrounds or show site from the inside of an ambulance.
We’re saying good bye to July with this issue and HELLO to August. As I have said in the past many times… the year is flying by at a rapid rate. This time of year has many great events and cruise-in’s going on all over the USA. Make sure to take advantage of these events as they will be over before we know it. Also with this time of year we have to be very careful with the weather and the heat factor. August is a HOT HOT HOT month across most of America. Heat tends to affect older folks (that means me and a lot of you reading this too), and even younger folks too. No one is immune to the affects of high heat, high humidity and many hours out in the
Do your friends a favor, keep an eye on them. We all say we’ll be ok, but BAM before you know it hits you and hard. Like the doctors and EMS folks will tell you...DRINK LOTS OF WATER during the day. It does make a difference. If you feel a little dizzy or out of sorts, sit down and grab a cold bottle of water and put it on the back of your neck. It will help start to cool you down. Head inside of a cool building if available or get into some shade to help yourself. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help!! Nothing wrong with this and depending if you have heat exhaustion or worse heat stroke coming on, it could SAVE YOUR LIFE. At the end of the day we all have family and friends that want us to come home, so don’t let them down and ASK FOR HELP! Cooler with water—Check, hat with a brim—Check, some sun screen—Check...go have some gearhead fun….
“Drive ’Em Don’t Hide ’Em”
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….