Issue #2 -2014
inside It’s All The Gearhead News You Can Use!
Hot Rodding in the Mid South
From the Drawing Table
Granny Goes Racing
Black Line Fever
Smokey Mountain Hot Rod Fun
every month
Front Cover Shot by Jimmy B at the 2014 Grand Daddy Drive-In at the 2014 GNRS show in Pomona. Contents page shot of Norm Grabowski’s Kookie Car 2 in the NHRA Museum by Jimmy B The Staff Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Ed Woodard, Sam Compton, Brian Baker Larry Williams – WILLIAMS GRAPHICS “Jimmy B” & Butch Pate – P8 Photography Jack Cobb - Contributors David Judkins, Kenny Youngblood, PIC- Girl Friday Services GOODGUYS, SCTA-BNI, “Big” Al Liebman
Publisher / Editor Feature Writers Art Director & Designer Photography Web Producer
Editorial content is the sole property of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. All information contained in each issue is the sole opinion and comments of the editor. The opinions and comments expressed in this issue do not reflect in any way either written or implied on any of the Sponsors or Advertisers in each issue. No portion of the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE may be reproduced in any form, without written permission from the publisher .All information relating to dates, times and locations of events is only as accurate, as provided to the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE. The GEARHEAD GAZZETTE will not be held responsible for any errors in the information provided.
The Fun Starts Here
Road Rumblings
From the Mail Box
Cruise Nite Listings
Car Shows & Events
Swap & Sell
Car Clubs
Net Surfing – Shops / Services
57 Send submissions via email or direct mail to GEARHEAD GAZZETTE 2685 Buckner Rd Thompsons Station TN 37179 AdvertisingPublisher: Jim “Jimmy B” Brandau Car Show & Event listings, Cruise Night Listings, Personal FOR SALE/SWAP ads, Car Club Listings are all listed for free. For all other advertising cost & availabilities contact Jim Brandau at or call 615-300-2003 from 9am – 5pm CST
“ Ya Gotta know where to Go….The FUN Starts Here….”
“because we have fun doing it. It is that simple.” As I finish up this issue…FINALLY! The header of this column/page is staring at me…screaming at me. “YA GOTTA KNOW WHERE TO GO!!!!’
As many of you have been notified, a number of MAJOR “hot rod type” magazines are ending their print editions this year. Hint: Cost prohibitive!
I say this as it has been TOO LONG since we have put out a FULL ISSUE of the “almost world famous” Gearhead Gazzette.
That left us to determine if we keep the monthly magazine or expand the weekly email blast into something more. I played with other formats and looks that could possibly work depending on where we wanted to go. Add in what role FACEBOOK will/could play and I struggled to say the least.
It’s not that we haven’t shared gearhead info with you, or told you about car shows and cruise-ins and other great gearhead fun. Actually we have been doing quite a bit of that through the Gearhead HOT NEWS Email blasts every Thursday, and also with our FACEBOOK page posts that we do daily. “WHERE TO GO” has been the question for me with the Gearhead Gazzette magazine. Ever since we turned the newsletter into a magazine a few years back, the response from you are readers has been nothing but great. While based in the Southeast part of the USA in Middle Tennessee, our readership has grown monthly with readers in every part of the USA and also in other countries around the world. The question for me has really been, where and what direction does the Gearhead Gazzette need to go, moving forward. A good number of our readers have asked when the “hard copy” version of the magazine will be available? As much as we would love to have the magazine in print, it isn’t cost feasible today for us to do, and keep it FREE to you our readers. We will need a whole lot more ad revenue to make that happen. We are not saying it will never happen, just not in the near future. We also have been watching what the “BIG GUYS” in the automotive type magazines are doing with their print editions and on-line offerings.
Here’s where we’re going! We will continue to use FACEBOOK as a tool to share all this gearhead fun. We will do daily stuff on our page. We know not everyone is comfortable or wants to be on FACEBOOK and we respect that. If you are on FB, check our page out, hit the LIKE button and enjoy the ride! The Gearhead HOT NEWS will continue to be sent out weekly. The HOT NEWS gives you an update on the current weeks Gearhead Events across the USA. It helps you plan your gearhead weekend. If you want to get the HOT NEWS in your email box, go to our website and on the Homepage, sign up for the email list. No worries as we don’t SPAM you or sell the addresses. And most importantly, we’re going to keep putting out full issues of the magazine on a regular basis. Based on you’re your feedback, that you like it and want it and because we have fun doing it. It is that simple. Help us out….tell us what you think, what you like and don’t like. It helps us get better for all you gearheads. You have choices and we want to be one of your choices! We know where we’re going now….
Jimmy B.
“the fun starts here”….
2014 Special Parking Areas Highlighted by Ford Mustang 50th Anniversary! During this year’s event season, Goodguys Rod & Custom Association will observe and honor the 50th Anniversary of the Ford Mustang – one of the most popular muscle cars in history! A special 50th Anniversary Mustang award will be selected at each 2014 Goodguys event from the “Mighty Muscle” parking area. The “Mighty Muscle” parking area is held at all Goodguys events on Saturday morning from 7am-Noon. The 50th Anniversary Mustang pick will only be selected from this area so if you’ve got a cool Mustang, park in Mighty Muscle for your chance to win! In addition to the 50th Anniversary Mustang awards.
GTO & CHEVELLE Owners! Goodguys will also select the 50th anniversary Pontiac GTO and Chevrolet Chevelle awards from the Mighty Muscle areas as well!
SCTA Announces "Speed Week" at World Finals for 2014 The SCTA is responding to requests by the racing community to expand the normal World Finals event to one full week of racing due to the RAIN OUT at their regularly scheduled Speed Week this year. The SCTA Board is listening and they are going to give the racers and LSR fans what they want. They are working on the details, so stay tuned to get the most upto-date information on this exciting announcement. The SCTA will be posting the details on both their Facebook page and on their website. They are going to continue Speed Week with the program remaining and participant merchandise from Speed Week being distributed to all Speed Week and World Finals competitors. Racing will start on Saturday, Sep 27th and continue through Friday, Oct 3rd 2014. Many more details to follow. Go to to get the latest info.
And remember to tell em’ ya saw it in the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE cause THE FUN STARTS HERE!! GEARHEAD GAZZETTE
Here at the Gearhead Gazzette, we love the Nostalgia Drag Racing going on around the USA and in many other places around the world. For us, there is nothing like a front engine dragster on NITRO making a pass or watching “REAL” AA/FC Funny Cars racing, you know the ones that you can tell are a real car!!! Automotive Artist and all around cool guy Kenny Youngblood has started an online magazine dedicated to those FANTASTIC FLOPPERS. Best part is…ITS FREE!! It’s all online and very cool. We know because we subscribe and you should too! Head to and check out all the fun!
We want to give a shout out to both Larry Tucker who owns that cool hot rod truck on the cover of Street Rodder magazine, and Jason Graham Hot Rods in Portland TN, who built it. While pictures are great, you really need to see this one in person if you ever get a chance. This one just screams “HOT ROD”!! Congrat’s guys!
We want to give a shout out to 2 cool cats from Columbia TN. John & Sebe Pardue both were winners recently in the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. Here at the Gazzette we love seeing this as this is our hot rodding future! Congrats Guys!
And remember to tell em’ ya saw it in the GEARHEAD GAZZETTE cause THE FUN STARTS HERE!!
Jimmy Thanks for what you do for our hobby. It takes work from a lot of us to make things for people to enjoy. I know by the end of the season I am tired of it, but I am always ready to see the new season start and see my old friends. Thanks again Brink Denney Somernites Cruise From the Internet Thanks Brink! You are right and all of us cruisers thank everyone at the SOMERNITES Cruise for what you do so we can have gearhead fun! JB Jimmy Thanks for the reply. We at TVMC appreciate the service you provide to clubs and owners. Attached is our flyer that you may post or pull from. Thanks again. v/r Bob TVMC, VP From the Internet Thanks Bob! Thanks for sending us your event flyer and show info. We’re glad to help get the word out on your show. Flyer looks great and the show should be a good time!
Drag racing, stock cars, motorcycles, go karts, car shows, if it has wheels you will hear about it on Event Radio Live. Simply head to and click on the live365 arrow to listen to the current show. Check out their archive page for previous shows on demand. For apple product users please download the free app live365 and search event radio to get all this gearhead goodness. Spivey Williams & Tee Guy will keep you up to date on all things gearhead and more!
8 Gearhead Gazzette
MONDAY NITE CRUISIN: LEWISBURG TN: CRUISIN SONIC DRIVE IN: Cruising happens every Monday night starting April 29th. Located at 420 Ellington Pkwy. Food Specials, Fun, Music and more. Cruising runs from 5-7pm. For more info call 931-359-7337 WHITE HOUSE TN: “COLORADO GRILL CRUISE-IN” Being held every Monday night from 69pm. Cruise located at 2747 Hwy 31W. Open cruise, cars, truck, bikes and more. TUESDAY NITE CRUSIN: FRANKLIN KY: 4TH ANNUALTUESDAY NIGHTS AT THE OASIS: Cruising returns for the 4th year to the The Oasis Southwest Grill. Located at 116 Steel Rd right off exit 2 off I-65. Cruising starts at 6pm and runs until close. Free fun for the whole family. Classic cars, Entertainment, Games, Prizes and more. For more info call 270-586-5311 JOELTON TN: SKYLINE MARKET CRUISE-IN: Every Tuesday: Cruise-In at the Skyline Market 7263 Whites Creek Pike. Exit 35 off I-24 at the Exxon Station. Times: 5pm - 9pm. Contact Adrian and number 615-678-5350 SHELBYVILLE TN: “OUR SWEETEST RIDE CAR SHOW” : Hosted by SONIC DRIVE IN. Cruise takes place every Tuesday from 6-8pm, through September. Located at 1117 Madison St. All Cars, Trucks and Bikes welcome. Free Meal ticket for each car entry or booth. Bonus Mystery Prize for Winners. Form more info call 931-684-4429 WEDNESDAY NITE CRUISIN: FRANKLIN TN: 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY NIGHT CRUISE AT THE ELKS LODGE #72: Cruise happens the 1st & 3rd Wed nite of each month starting May 7th and running thru October. Cruising starts at 4pm and runs until dusk. The cruise is located at 485 Oak Meadow Drive. All paved parking. Cruise-In is free to all! Music food and fun! Bring the family for dinner. Every Wednesday the Elks Lodge will feature a COMPLETE MEAL for $7.00 per person! For more info call 615-308-0577 SPRINGFIELD TN: 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSIC TIN CRUISE IN: This event "STARTS" Wednesday, August 20th. Classic car, truck and bikes Cruise In for Springfield and the surrounding communities coming together for some Family Fun! Being held at Stewart Williams, 801 Memorial Blvd,. Any questions please call Shelby Horner at 615-336-2257. THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY THURSDAY NITE: FRANKLIN KY: GATHERING ON THE SQUARE. The "Gathering on the Square" is just a simple gathering of car guys of all kinds... everything from exotic sports cars and imports, to muscle cars and traditional hot rods and kustoms.... even rat rods. They just park on the public square downtown Franklin Kentucky, it's a small town, located right at the KY/TN state line, but there's lots of kool car guys there & nearby Portland Tennessee and Bowling Green well as other surrounding counties. For more info send email
THURSDAY NITE CRUISIN’: THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY THURSDAY NITE: NASHVILLE TN – WHITES CREEK: CONCERT CRUISE-IN AT FONTENAL: Returning May 1st then every Thursday evening thru Sept 25th. Cruising runs from 6-9pm. They have some very exciting plans in the works for an even bigger and better show than ever before. For more info call 615-876-4618. LEBANON TN: COACHES EASTSIDE GRILLE CRUISE IN: Held every Thursday at 6750 Eastgate Drive. Runs from 5pm until 9pm until the last Thursday in October. Games live D.J. cash prizes and door prizes Games include corn hole . Cash prizes start at $2 all the way to $75 or just pick a prize of the many donated prizes off the table. No one goes home empty handed. Bring your appetite for some great wings chili or many other items on the menu. For more info call 615-443-9994 SPRING HILL TN: SPRING HILL CRUISE IN: Open Cruise in hosted by the CIGAR STATION. Cruise takes place in THE COMMONS shopping center located at 5075 Main St (U.S. 31) just north of LOWES. Bring your Hot Rod, Muscle Car, Cool Truck, Motorcycle and have some fun from 6-8pm every Thursday evening. Cruising starts June 12th and runs through October. For more info call 615-302-4848 DECATUR AL: VINTAGE BIKE NIGHT: Every Thursday Night at SAMS’s Sports Grill, it’s vintage bike cruise night. Located at 1208 Beltline SW. Hosted by North Alabama Vintage Motorcycle Club. For more info call 256-686-4111 or find them on Facebook. FRIDAY NITE CRUISIN’: THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY FRIDAY NITE: LEBANON TN: SNOW WHITE DRIVE IN CRUISE. CRUISING WILL RUN ALL SUMMER LONG ON FRIDAY NITES. CRUISIN HAPPENS FROM 4-9PM. THE SNOW WHITE DRIVE HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE 1953 SO YOU KNOW THEY ARE DOING IT RIGHT!!! BURGERS, PULLED PORK, SHAKES AND MORE. DOING IT OLD SCHOOL STYLE. CRUISIN IS AT THE DRIVE AT 1714 WEST MAIN ST. FOR MORE INFO CALL 615-443-4299 MURFREESBORO TN: MHRC CRUISE IN. Held every Friday night from May 2nd thru and including Sept 26th. Cruise in takes place at the Avenues Shopping Mall, on the south end by the Belks store. Cruising runs from 5-9pm. The Cruise in is open to all makes and models. Music, prizes and contests every Friday Night. The Cruise will take a 1 week break on July 4th. NO CRUISING if the Temp is FORECASTED for 100 degrees! AS OF RIGHT NOW, THIS IS THE LAST YEAR AT THIS LOCATION! Come Cruise Often! For more info and to check if cruising is going on due to weather concerns go to We will NOT be there July 4th or if the temperature is FORECASTED 100 degrees. HENDERSONVILLE TN: HENDERSON CRUISE IN: Start’s it's 9th year on April 18th. Billed as the biggest weekly free event in Sumner County. Being held again this year at the Streets of Indian Lake Shopping Center from 6pm-9pm every Friday, weather permitting. The kids portion of the Cruise In takes place at about 7:30 (The kids are the cruisers of tomorrow). 50/60/70s music by Cruzin Dennis & Morgan. Some lucky cruiser will win the 50/50, and 10-12 people will win door prizes each week. Free ice tea by Zaxbys, and other surprise food treats by other business’s. For more info contact Lyle.x@att.ent
1st FRIDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: CLARKSVILLE TN: CRUSIN’ THE RIVERSIDE 2014. Cruise is held on the first Friday of each month from April – Oct. Cruise time is 5pm - ??? Being held behind the O’Reillys Auto parts store at 1029 Riverside. Food available. No Alcohol, no loud music and no burn outs. All vehicles are welcome. For more info call 931-494-1853 2nd FRIDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: LAWRENCEBURG TN: CRUISE PRESENTED BY THE LAWRENCE COUNTY CLASSICS CAR CLUB. Starts on May 9th and runs every 2nd Friday of the month thru Oct. Held in the BIG LOTS Parking lot located on North Locust Ave (HWY 43). Runs from 6pm until 9pm. $Prize$ Drawings. Live Music. KAREOKE. Open to all makes and everyone. 3rd FRIDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: PLEASANT VIEW TN: Cruise'n N Groove'n Pleasant View. Located between Nashville and Clarksville, EXIT 24 off I-24. 3rd Friday of each month on Main Street with food, beverages, live music, local merchants, up to 200 classic cars & motorcycles at each cruise. Come join in the FUN in 2014. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. Contact info: 615-7460600 Visit the FACEBOOK page at DECATUR AL: CRUISING DOWNTOWN DECATUR: Cruise in on the 3rd Friday of each month starting in March-October. Cruise is held downtown on 2nd Ave from 4:00-9:00 p.m. Open to anything with wheels, including Bikes. Food ,bands, shops, antique shops and more. For more info call 205-303-6966 JAMESTOWN TN: CRUISE IN & BIKE NIGHTS: Cruise-IN is held on the 3rd Friday night of each month thru October. Cruise being held at the EXXON EXPRESS MARKET & DELI 436 North Main St. Cruising starts at 6pm Central time, weather permitting. Open to all vehicles and motorcycles too! Come on out Car Clubs! Music, 50/50 drawing, good food SPECIALS. Hosted by; push rods car club of Jamestown. For more info call 931-752-7593 or go to SATURDAY MORNING CRUISIN – THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY SATURDAY A.M. FRANKLIN TN: CARS & COFFEE MORNIN G CRUISE IN: The every Saturday morning Cars & Coffee Cruise In, will kick off on March 1st and run thru October. Being held again in the CARMIKE CINEMA’s parking lot in the Cool Springs Area, right off Cool Spring Blvd. The cruise is held over near the McDonalds restaurant area of the parking lot. Cruising runs from 8-11am. To stay up to date on the cruise, check out and LIKE their Facebook page at Nashville Cars n’ Coffee. SATURDAY NITE CRUISIN’ – THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY SATURDAY NITE: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: GOODLETTSVILLE CRUISE IN. Cruising starts April 5th. Being held in the PUBLIX / Firehouse Subs shopping center at 480 Long Hollow Pike. All the action runs from 6pm-9pm. Rockin’ DJ Dave Ferguson will have the music you love playing and a lot of fun on tap for all the cruisers. For more info call 615-405-2419 or go to .
SATURDAY NITE CRUISIN’ – THESE CRUISES ARE HELD EVERY SATURDAY NITE: FRANKLIN TN: BACK YARD BURGER CRUISE IN: Cruising starts July 12th and runs through October. Held every Saturday Night weather permitting, from 4-8pm. Cruise is located at The Center Point Place Shopping Center, 1015 Center Point Place. This is by the old Kmart in Franklin TN. You’re invited to come out whether or not you have a classic car! Cool Cars…Great Burgers…Big Fun!!! MT. JULIET TN: MT JULIET CRUISE IN: Held every Saturday night from April 12 thru Oct 25. Cruise takes place at the CHICK-FIL-A in the Providence Market Place on South Mt Juliet Rd. For more info call 615-773-7747 BELLEVUE (NASHVILLE) TN: BELLEVUE CRUISE IN: The Bellevue Cruise in is being held every Saturday night beginning on April 5th and running thru September. Cruise time is from 4pm – 7pm The cruise will be held over by the SEARS Auto Service Center, located at Hwy 70 & Sawyer Brown Rd. Plenty of Food Locations near the cruise. LaVERGENE TN: LaVERGENE ROTARY CRUISE IN: The LaVergene ROTARY Club has teamed up with SONIC for the 2014 Cruise. The Cruise happens every Saturday night from 6-9pm at the SONIC & CVS Parking Lot at 5210 Murfreesboro Rd. There will be drink and food specials all night. 1ST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: ATHENS AL: CRUISIN THE SQUARE. Held the 1st Saturday night of each month from April to September. Cruising runs from 3pm – pm. For more info call 256-457-9179 CLARKSVILLE TN: MEMORY LANE CRUISER MONTHLY CRUISE IN. The Cruise happens every 1st Saturday. The Cruise takes place at the Wendy's / Kmart parking lot, 2300Madison Street Clarksville, TN. At the junction of Hwy 76 & 41A. Starting April 5th and running thru October 4th. Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm. Door Prizes, Oldies Music, 50/50 drawing. Need more info call Bill Baggett (931) 206-4898 COOKEVILLE TN: COOKEVILLE CRUISERS 2014 CRUISE-IN: Being held at the Cookeville Mall from 4-8pm. Cruise happens on the 1st Saturday Nite April – October. Cruise hours are 48pm, weather permitting. No cruise if it rains – see ya next month. Cruise is at 400 Dubois road. Open cruise and bikes are welcome. Fun for all ages and food court available. DICKSON TN: STUFFY’S FROSTY JUG CRUISE-IN: Cruise happens the first Saturday of each month, starting April 5th. Cruise hours are from 4-8pm. Open Cruise to all makes / models. Cruise located on Academy St. Park in the Middle School parking lit right next door – LOTS of ROOM! Great food and fun. For more info go to HUNTSVILLE AL: 2014 SKATE ODYSSEY CRUISE IN: Cruise runs from April until August on the 1st Saturday of the month. Cruise hours are 6-9pm. Open to all vehicles. For more info go to or 12 Gearhead Gazzette
1ST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: OLIVER SPRINGS TN: RODSTALGIA SPEED PRESENTS DRIVE-IN MOVIES ON MAIN ST: Cruise & Drive-In Movie happens on the 1st Saturday of each month April – Oct. The Cruise-In starts at 4pm and when the sun goes down, the feature film of the evening will begin. Join them for Live Music, Heathen Events and more! Cruise happens in downtown Oliver Springs. Movie Schedule: Apr- American Graffiti / May-2 Lane Blacktop/ June-2 Snake & Mongoose / July-Thunder Road / Aug-Cannonball Run / Sept – RAD / Oct – King of the Mountain. For more info check them out at OWENSBORO KY: SUNSET CRUISERS MONTHLY CRUISE-IN: Held the 1st Saturday Night of each month from April – October. Cruise takes place in Downtown Owensboro. Plenty of food, shopping restrooms and the riverfront. 50/50 drawing, door prizes, theme winners and surprise activities. Each Month sees a different theme. April -Trucks, May – MOPAR, June – Combo with New Show, July – GM, August – Ford, Sept- Street Rods, Oct – Orphans out of Production. For more info call 270-313-6136 or find them on Facebook or at
JENKINS KY: JENKINS CRUISE IN AND BURNOUTS: Held the 1st Saturday of each month from May through October. Cruise is held in downtown Jenkins Ky. Cruise starts at 4pm. Family Friendly, Door Prizes, food & fun. For more info check out Jenkins Cruise In on FACEBOOK McMINNVILLE TN: MAIN STREET CRUISE-IN: Being held downtown on the Square, on the 1st Saturday of the month starting June 7th. Open Cruise. Runs from 3-8pm. FREE swap meet & Vendor Spaces. DJ & LIVE Music too. For more info call 931-212-6358 LOWELL IN: 2014 MILL STREET CAR CRUISE: Cruise starts in May and runs thru August with 2 cruises in August (2nd & 30th). Cruise is open to all vehicles and takes place on Mill St in downtown Lowell. Hosted by the LOWELL LIONS CLUB. Lots of great restaurants and shops in downtown to enjoy. 50/50 drawing at 8pm. For more info call 219-789-0494 or go to 2nd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: CHARLOTTE TN: "Cruizin’ the Square“: Cruising Starts March 8th and runs until October 11th. Times: 5:00pm -9:00pm. Food concession by T's Custom Smoker and Live music by the Drive On Band. Open Cruise. 50/50 drawing. Plenty of shade. No fees or admission cost. CLARKSVILLE TN: TILTED KILT CLARKSVILLE CRUISE-IN: Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery in Clarksville will host a cruise-in every 2nd Saturday, rain or shine, starting May 10th. Cruise-ins runs from 3-7 pm during the pub’s popular “Hoppy Hour”. There will be food & drink specials. There will be special reserved parking and cornhole games for those attending. May 10 th get your free Tilted Kilt calendars!!!! Located at 2790B Wilma Rudolph Blvd. For more information call go to or .
2nd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: SHELBYVILLE TN: SHELBYVILLE SQUARE CRUISE IN: Cruise being held the 2nd Saturday night of each month thru October. Cruising takes place on the square in Shelbyville. Sorry no times or contact info given. DOVER TN: Cruise-In at Treasure Trove Antiques & Coin,: Cruise In will happen on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Cruise is located at 961 Highway 79 just north of Dover. Cruise time is11:00AM - 2:00PM. They are planning on firing up the grill for the cruisers. For more information, you may call Cheryl 931-305-6055. SMITHVILLE TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE: Open cruise that runs from 5-8pm on the 2nd Saturday night of each month thru October. Starts on June 14th. Call 615-788-5037 for more info. 3RD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: COLUMBIA TN: CRUSIN’ THE BIG LOT: Cruising happens on the 3rd Saturday night of each month from May until October. Cruising is located at BIIG LOTS Paring Lot on James Campbell Blvd. Cruising runs from 5:30 – 9pm. No entry and all vehicles welcome. For more info call 931-446-5834 PAINTSVILLE KY: PAINTSVILLE CRUIZ’N: Cruise is held the 3rd Saturday nite of each month from April thru Sept. Cruse starts at 4pm in downtown Paintsville. Valve Cover racing will be held at the cruise. April-Woodies, Wagon & 4 doors/May – Trucks ( all kinds)/JuneMOPAR Alley/July-Mustangs on Amin & FORD alley/Aug-GM Alley & Corvettes on main/Sept-Rat Rods, Race Cars & Unfinished Projects. Free Swap meet in Sept. Lots more fun taking place. For more info go to www.facebook/eastkygearheads RUSSELL SPRINGS KY: OL BOYS TOYS CAR CLUB CRUISE IN: Cruises are held the 3rd Saturday of each month from April – September. Registration at 1:00pm and trophies at 4:00pm. The Cruises are held across from the Sonic Drive IN. For more info call 270-8666322 or go to 4TH SATURDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: SOMERSET KY: SOMERNITES CRUISE IN: Held the 4th Friday & Saturday of each month from April thru October. Kick off cruise is April 26th. Cruise is held rain or shine. Each month has a different theme / featured car/style: April is Jalopy Jamboree, may is MOPAR Mania, June is Chevelle Showdown, July is Corvette Summer, August is Mustang Alley, September is the HUGE POWER CRUISE and October is Tri-Fives & Hot Rods.. For more info call 606-6794730 or go to WOODBURY TN: CRUISE-IN ON THE SQUARE IN WOODBURY TN: Cruise takes place on the 4th Saturday of each month from April – August. April Cruise is from 2-630pm and the rest are from 3-730pm. The Cruise is held right on the Square in town. The May Cruise will be recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the Mustang. For more info call 615-563-2222 or email to
LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH: BENTON KY: BENTON CRUISE IN 2014: Held on the last Saturday of each month from April thru Sept. Cruise runs from 4-8pm. Sponsored by the City of Benton & Metal Mafia Car Club. Open Cruise. 50/50 drawings, Giveaways and Goody Bags. For more info call 270791-1533 LEWISBURG TN: MARSHAL COUNTY OLD CAR CLUB CRUISE IN: Being held on the last Saturday of the month. Cruise In held on the Square in downtown Lewisburg. Cruising starts around 4pm and goes until??
2nd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: CLARKSVILLE TN: Cruise Night at Clarksville Gas & Water. Cruise happens in the Clarksville Gas & Water lot next to Sonic at 2215Madison Street. Cruising starts on April 13th. Hosted by Last Century Hot Rodz & Haulers. For more information Call Mitch Kelly (931) 2491057. 4th SUNDAY OF THE MONTH CRUISIN: MANCHESTER KY: “CRUSIN IN THE PARK”. 2014 Car & Truck shows. Runs from May through October. Hosted by the Clay County Cruisers. Cruise takes place at Rawlings & Stinson Park. Great family Fun. No entry fee. Door prizes, music food and more! For more info call 606-596-0866 EVERY OTHER SUNDAY CRUISIN: NASHVILLE TN: THE SUNDAY SPECIAL CRUISE IN: Held every other Sunday starting April 6th. Runs from 11am – 4pm, weather permitting. Presented by the COOL CAR CRUISE-IN and Fueled by the Garage Coffee Company. Open to hot rods, rat rods, classics, muscle cars and bikes. Cruise takes place at the Marathon Village in the 1200 block of Clinton St. For more info call 615-945-5956 or go to
Words & Picture’s by Ed Woodard
Editor’s Note: Ed is telling us how going to hot rod runs & car shows really started!
Which came first the Chicken or the Egg??? After writing a few articles, several readers have asked me how I came to find all these events in the early days before cell phones and computer listings of car meets. Well, as you have seen in several of my writings, I mentioned the car shows that I attended along with a few races. Most were attended by car nuts with their own hot rods & custom cars. Shows were nice but the real fun was in the run, you know let’s get together at Shoney’s Saturday night. As you would have it, that worked for a while then we came up with the idea to go to Shoney’s in the next town. I suppose the real adventurer is an old Nashville area hot rodder by the name of Tommy Sanborn. An artist/sign painter/pin stripper by trade, he was always quick to get in his T-roadster pick up and take a 200 mile trip. In Nashville in the late fifties he started it Woodard Historical Collection all.
Woodard Photo Collection
Nashville Cars at PF Run in 1965
There were others in other towns all over America, you know them. Some have passed away, but there are still some like that, always ready to go. Our current spin off in the Nashville area is Marty Crain, leading the current pack to those runs. Now getting back to the chicken or the egg deal Tommy could have fit the bill for either, as he was the first person to get a small group together and travel over night to Pigeon Forge TN, for the first run to the mountains, proving the fun is in the run! This was 1965, a full 6 years before that first LA to Pismo Beach run. Bet you didn’t know that Bud Bryan droveWoodard a Volksrod from the Historical Collection west coast to Gatlinburg in 1970 Mid South Street Rod Roundup.
Woodard Photo Collection
Tommy Sanborn at PF Run in 1965
Woodard Historical
Collection VolksRod at 1970 Gatlinburg Run Gearhead Gazzette
when we decided to drop the meet due to the size and lack of control of the local drivers.
Woodard Photo Collection
1st Commercial Display at a Rod Run 1965
By that time a group in Memphis had started the Memphis Street Rod group and from that sprung the National Street Rod Association. As a matter of fact they started up in 1970 led by Tom Medley, Cotton Werksman, Gilbert Bugg & Vernon Walker. Vernon & Gilbert had attended the Mid-South Street Rod Roundup and saw the opportunity for an official gathering of pre-48 “Street Rods” & held the first “Nats” in Peoria IL in 1970. I guess you might say the rest is history.
Woodard Photo Collection singing Norm Grabowski
autographs at the 1977 Gatlinburg Run
By that time our swap meet had grown to capacity & included most of the larger street rod component manufacturers, who were just starting out. The car show was a huge attraction & free to all that wanted to see the cars and in the evening we had live entertainment, a dinner and tons of door prizes.
© Woodard Collection © Woodard Collection
Rodders at Clingmans Dome 1965
The original Mid-South Roundup started in Pigeon Forge in 1965, with about 15 cars. After about 4 or 5 years it moved, a few miles down the road, to bigger quarters in Gatlinburg, on Airport road. Actually Our club the Nashville Street Rod Association continued hold that meet in G’burg until 1977
Woodard Photo Collection
Lawrence Smith at 1970 Gatlinburg Rod Run
The Reason the Gatlinburg Rod Run was discontinued
Nathan Robinson at 1970 Gatlinburg Rod Run
Larry & Paula Smith and Corey Jones at 1977 Gatlinburg Party
Voting to discontinue the Gatlinburg Rod Run after 13 years
Now comes the end! Our club voted not to continue have the meet the following year. The Chamber of Commerce pleaded for us to return but the risk of spectator injury was too great. It took a couple of years but a few clubs picked up the interest and put it on as the Grand Run and the Shades of the Past rod run.
So in summation I guess we all were part of the chicken and the egg at Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge in the mid 60’s. Enclosed are pictures of what I feel were the best of the best in rod runs. Just ask those that attended & you will instantly see a smile and some great stories. In fact I have never been back to Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg since our last Mid South Street Rod Roundup. I was there in the beginning & witnessed the best, how could I ever top that?
Welcome to this new feature in the Gearhead Gazzette.
We see so much cool artwork almost everyday here at the Gazzette, and thought how great it would be to feature some of it and the automotive artists who create it. The other thing this will do, is give some exposure to the artists as this is how they make a living. If you want to be featured, send us some art to We will get in touch with you! Kicking things off for us, is the artwork of David Judkins of Salem Arkansas. David is originally from Riverside California and growing up in the So-Cal hot rod culture/scene, he started drawing the cars and trucks he loves so much. We dig his style and when he posts his artwork on various FACEBOOK pages, it is always to rave reviews from other artists and admirers. To contact David go to his FACEBOOK page at
20 Gearhead Gazzette
Poor Grandma. She’s been so neglected. Hard to believe its been a year since we’ve taken the time to share her progress! For those of you just joining our build or who may have forgotten about her history, a quick review might be in order. We started with a not very special ’69 Fairlane 500 we literally purchased from the original owner…grandma, about eight years back. And then she sat, waiting her turn to be invited into the shop. On the plus side, she was 100% original. Unfortunately, I think grandma was having issues with things “getting in the way” as she drove. Every panel had a crease or dent on it. Then there was the issue of it being a vinyl top car. You know, one of those water holding membranes glued to the roof of many 60’s and 70’s cars. The cancer that membrane caused resulted in slightly rusted floor pans, a cancerous back glass frame and perforated quarter panels. Delivered as a mildly optioned ride for its day, Grandma had a 302, automatic, power steering, A/C and an AM radio. No power brakes. Oh, and a bench seat. The robins egg blue color was quite the stylin’ wrap in ’69. Our goal is to build a tribute to the late ‘60’s Nascar track warriors but make it street legal. OK, barely street legal. NasStreet. We started with an idea and then enlisted the rendering skills of “Pencil”, otherwise known as Steve Longacre who through a series of interviews helped us get our plan together visually. 24 Gearhead Gazzette
The final rendering of our Tribute car
With a final plan in place, we set out to make some sparks and a mess in the shop. So far, we’ve cured the cancer in the floorboards, rear window, quarter panels and front fenders. Pounded out some creases, bought some parts and fabbed up a cool all steel rear spoiler, the topic of this months issue. We replaced the highway 2:79 rear gears by horse trading for a new chunk with a 3.25 gear and restored the 3rd member with a fresh coat of semi-gloss black, new seals, new brake shoes and all the hardware including new wheel cylinders.
The front suspension is (so far) largely restored stock. Ball joints, a-arm pivots and a Shelby upper a-arm modification. Sounds fancy but its really just a one inch drop of the upper A-arm mount done by drilling new holes. It revises the camber gain for the inside tire during a turn to not allow it to go so far positive. The result is much better handling and less push in a hard turn.
The suspension is not in for the final time. In a project at this stage, its in, its out, its back in again. Matter of fact, our springs are merely wood at this point. Not nearly as much potential energy as a spring so its safer and easier to take them in and out. As we talked about in an earlier write up, this is a unibody car. Since the auto industry was still learning how to put one of those together back in the 60’s it’s a weak and easy to tweak body under extreme driving. So most all of the critical panel seams under the hood and the floor pans have been welded up. That will make them much stronger than a few 40 plus year old spot welds.
While we were at it, we made a steel insert for the front cross member. Drilled out the spot welds (notice the holes) and welded in the tubular steel insert (laying on the ground) before giving Grandma some rosette welds for the bottom cross member cover.
So much for the update, lets dive right in. Here’s a rundown on what we’re into right now. Safety The problem with any “one of one” project is everything is a one-off prototype especially in Woodard Photo Collection a custom like Grandma. While it sure would be nice to flip through a catalog and order a spec cage for our Fairlane like you can for tons other cars, ours is; well, not mainstream. No luck with a catalog. Instead, we jumped on the S&W racing website and downloaded their roll cage measurement template and got to work.
Woodard Photo Collection
A welded up shock tower. Notice how all the flanges are welded solid. If you look closely, you can see the old upper a-arm holes have been welded up as well. New ones have been drilled 1 inch lower. This modification changes the camber gain revising it to be less severe under hard cornering.
The S&W website has a template you can download to measure and specify a cage Woodard Photo Collection they’ll custom bend and cut for you.
Our measurement results after we “cyphered” it. “Cyphering” is a technical term used to cover-up the fact that you’ve never done this before and you don’t know what you’re doing. Winged Warriors in battle on a high banked oval.
Measuring and ordering was pretty painless. The pre-bent and notched bars arrived right on-time as promised. Installation will be another challenge for us to learn from. More to come on the cage when we get around to fitting and welding it in. Spoiler When we looked carefully at the old pictures we could find from the late 60’s race cars, some of the cars had spoilers, others didn’t. Of course today the industry has coined the name “Winged Warriors” for a segment of these old racers. This name came about as a result of the of the battles in 68 between Ford and Chrysler that resulted in the development of the Superbird by Dodge. The Superbird started as the Dodge Daytona. It was the answer to the swoopy fastback design of the Talledega that was spanking them on track. But what the Chrysler camp didn’t know was the Talledega was a creative way to work within the rule book. Sometimes this is called cheating. Realistically, its just creative minds learning how to work within the rules. In 1967 Richard Petty, driving for Chrysler, won an impressive 27 of 48 races entered. At one point winning ten in a row. In spite of this amazing feat and the leverage it brought him with the Chrysler Corporation, they would not approve of his switch from the Chrysler brand to Dodge so he could use the Dodge Daytona. So for one year, Petty was a Ford driver. In 1970 Chrysler wised up and got Petty back home driving the Plymouth Superbird.
Most of us have heard the term “Ride Height”. This is, for racing, the measurement between the ground and a specific point on the car (as outlined in the sanctioning body rule book). Back in 68/69 that point was the rocker panel. So if the rule book says for example: 7 inches from the rocker panel to level ground and you want to get the whole car lower, you just raise the rocker panel. Problem solved! It’s these kinds of aero cheats, I mean creativity, when combined with a judicious use of spoilers that set speed records and won races.
Petty in a Ford. This is one of his short track cars. It doesn’t have the Talledega nose. Note the roll up windows and aero smoothing to the leading edge of the rear bumper.
The Ford Talledega, which was a Fastback Fairlane with some aero tweaks and a big engine installed, was the car to beat in 69 and 70 winning an amazing 30 races in its short two year run. Some of the secret to success was the rocker modification (hiding in plain sight), the extension of the nose and extensive air management tricks that lowered its coefficient of drag.
Not much Spoiler here.
AJ Foyts Torino in a Museum in North Carolina. Notice the relatively insignificant spoiler. That’s one of Pettys Torinos in the background.
Starting with several lengths of 3/8 fuel line, we began making bends. The idea was to continue the rear view body shape into the rear view of the spoiler at each edge. The edge being the drivers or passenger side of the car. This way when you look at the car from behind the spoiler looks like it should be there and not look like an afterthought.
For Grandma we are not going to raise our rockers but we are going to fab up a steel rear spoiler. But, since the Formal Roof was never raced, we are left to our own imagination, not a picture of an old racer. We started with an idea and refined it through our many conversations with Pencil. The result is the design you see in the rendering. Now we have to make it! 3/8 fuel line makes a nice skeleton to work from. This is the view from the passenger side looking back at the quarter panel/trunk seam.
See how when viewed front to back the body curves in at the top of the quarter? We wanted to follow this line onto the spoiler.
An early rendering of Grandma’s backside and the spoiler details we were aiming for.
Since this is going to be street car, appearance is a key consideration in the final look of the spoiler. We don’t expect Grandma to hit 200 mph so we are not too worried about an adjustable angle or genuine functionality. Interesting enough the spoilers in these pictures weren’t adjustable either.
The other challenge was to decide whether we should make the spoiler three pieces; one for each quarter panel and one for the trunk lid (like the 80’s Camaros) or make it all one piece. The trouble with making it one piece is how to make it look like its attached to the quarter panel while not really being attached. The trunk still has to remain functional. The answer came with some trial and error and several bends of tubing. We found that extending the trunk lid via solid rod out over each quarter, gave us the foundation to weld the fuel line to. Then it was a matter of forming the solid rod to hug the body lines.
Both out to the side and when viewed from the side down the back of the quarter extension. Compound angles.
Passenger rear quarter. Note how the solid rod is welded to the trunk lid but not the quarter panel.
Using 18 gauge sheet metal, two pieces were cut that would be the leading edge. The seam was in the middle using the solid rod as the attachment point to keep the body line flowing into the spoiler. Tape is much easier than a weld to move around while fitting the sheet metal. Yes, that is an adult malted beverage sitting on trunk lid. It is known for increasing a persons creativity and for improving looks. It helps keep the motivation up when working on something as detail oriented as a spoiler fabrication!
Short lengths of 3/8 tubing were then welded to the trunk to support the main shape. We also used a piece of solid rod (to the left in the picture) to represent the body line running down the middle of the trunk.
After the frame was mostly in place, we started fitting 18 gauge sheet metal
In this view, the trunk lid is back on the car and the shape is starting to be finalized. Taking your time here is important as things move around when you weld on them. Look closely and you can see how tightly the bottom of the spoiler fits to the quarter panel. Without the sheet metal the solid rod and fuel line frame was not all that sturdy and could be easily moved around. But once the sheet metal is tacked in place, the spoiler is solid. So before we get too crazy with the welder we wanted to make certain the angle of the dangle was right!
This side view gives a nice perspective of the sharp angle we put into the spoiler. Our formula for the angle was as simple as using the square root of the hypotenuse of the decreasing radius of the quarter panel divided by the coefficient of drag at 100 mph. That number was then divided by the total vehicle weight (with a 180lb driver) and the average barometric pressure during the summer multiplied by the average daily temperature in the southern US and then applying a .013 multiple to the number. No, really all we did was use what we thought looked good. There was beer involved as I recall!
Once the leading edge was tacked into place and the supports were welded in, we used some self etching primer to treat the bare metal. We also painted the inside of the rest of the sheet metal prior to welding it on. It was the weldable flavor of primer.
The ends of the spoiler were tricky as we were faced with a compound curve. Using 18 gauge helped make it easier to shape the metal while still being sturdy. Here the back of the spoiler is starting to take shape. Both the front facing and rear facing sheet metal pieces were put into a roller and gently given just the right amount of “swoop” to them. They are not flat!
Small tack welds spread across the seams allowed time for the metal to cool between tacks reducing the warping and movement of the steel. The fuel line is a great foundation as an attachment point. Just be careful when grinding because its thin! Don’t ask us how we know!
The holes in the quarter extensions for the chrome trim will be filled with epoxy. The extensions are pot metal so we cant weld on them. Plastic will do nicely. Also, if you look at our rendering, you will notice it wont have factory tail lights. We are going to block off the openings with aluminum plate (look back at AJ’s car) and then add LED lights in the body line across the trunk horizontally.
The spoiler is so strong, even with just these few tacks, that you can close the trunk from either end of the spoiler without it deflecting. Triangulation is a wonderful thing! Notice how tightly it fits over the quarter extension. Save room for paint!
Notice how the sheet metal joins in the middle around the body line we created with the solid 5/16 rod. When its complete it will look like the spoiler was stamped as part of the trunk lid. Just what we want. We also welded up all the trim holes including the “F” “O” “R” “D” across the trunk lid.
All in all the spoiler took us a total of…we didn’t keep track of the hours and don’t care. That is not the point. We had a great time doing it and the sense of satisfaction looking at the finished product is priceless having never tackled anything like this before. Don’t be afraid to get out into the shop and make some sparks. You might be surprised what you can do with a little time, creativity, a welder and some help from your friends!
This is how she looks when the trunk is up. The bottom of the spoiler was also covered the sheet metal. Then we drilled a couple vent holes in the bottom of the section that extends out over the quarter panel. Here the sides are starting to take shape
Right about now Grandma is starting to look like she is serious about hitting the track! It’s great when a plan comes together and turns out this well.
We are loving how this looks!
Grandma still has a long way to go. We have to get the cage installed, fabricate the floor braces (more to come in pictures) the aluminum door panels, a steel dash, and the seat mounts. Speaking of seats, we have some special plans for those. To be honest, over the last several months Grandma hasn’t seen much attention from us. Work and the “honey do” list has been getting in the way. But, it’s hard to argue with your honey when the cabinets in your shop are better than the ones in her kitchen. Sounds like another project to me. Does anyone have a wood stretcher? That’s why I like steel…I can cover up my mistakes. Check back in next issue for the next installment of Grandma Goes Racing!
AUGUST 2014: AUG 22-23: SOMERSET KY: SOMERNITES CRUISE: Attention All Mustang Owners! Somernites Cruise invites you to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Ford Mustang at our August 23rd show! Help Us Bring 1,000+ Mustangs to downtown Somerset, KY for this show! We are planning a huge celebration and have set aside additional parking in our Showcase area just for this show. All Mustangs are welcome, from the introductory 1964 models to the very latest versions. We need YOUR help to get to the 1,000 Mustang mark! Please share this event with all of your friends who own Mustangs plus, car clubs! All gates open at 1:00pm unless we see a huge backup (very possible!) so, plan accordingly. We're going over the top for this one! Checkout some of the highlights for this show. *Ultimate Door Prize- someone is going to win a 1989 Mustang Convertible at this show! *FREE commemorative, dated Mustang posters to the first 1,000 'stangs thru the special Mustang Alley entrance gate! *Ford Racing will be here with special displays! *Saturday Morning Fun Run will be to London Dragway! *Elite Stangs Mustang Club Annual National Meet at this show. *50/50 Raffle presented by One Main Financial! *Vendor Alley and Used Parts Swap Meet! *Expanded 'cruising the strip' fun on both Friday and Saturday nights!, much more. Mustang Alley sponsored by Alton Blakely Ford is this month's theme. The rest of the Show & Shine is open to all other makes and models. Every show car or truck (no matter what make/model) thru the gates will receive one (1) free chance to win the Ultimate Door Prize Mustang! Spectators are eligible too. Get your hotel rooms booked now! AUG 22: SMYRNA TN: SMYRNA DEPOT CAR CRUISE-IN: being held at the newly revitalized Train Depot located on Front Street. Cruise runs from 7-9:30pm. Enjoy the evening with live music and good food. Sorry
no contact info given!
AUG 22: COLUMBIA TN: MAURY COUNTY FAIR NTPA CHAMPIONSHIP PULLING EVENT: Event is part of the Maury County Fair being held in Maury County Park @ 1018 Maury County Park Dr. Event starts at 630pm. Truck and Tractors will be pulling. NTPA Sanctioned Event. For more info go to tion AUG 23: HUNTSVILLE AL: A & W CLASSIC CAR & TRUCK SHOW. Being held at the A & W at 2220 Sparkman Dr. Awards for TOP 10 & Best of show. Food Specials every hour. Runs from 6-9pm. For more info go to AUG 23: BUFORD GA: PIN UPS & PISTONS: Event being held at the Garage SeventyOne Studios at 554 West Main St. Car & Bike show. Car & Bike Wash by the Dead Ends Hearse Club. 50/50 Raffle. Live music with The Sideburners. Event runs from 11am – 4pm. For more info call 678-765-7819 or go to www.facebook.compinupsforsoldiers AUG 23: MANCHESTER TN: SOUTHERN WHEELS N’ MOTION & JIFFY BURGER CRUISEIN: Cruise runs from 4-8pm at the Jiffy Burger. Door Prizes, Free Dash plaques and Music by Good Time Sounds. For more info call 931-455-8096 AUG 30: LEXINGTON KY: HOT ROD HULLABALOO #8 HOT ROD GET TOGETHER: Presented by Shelby’s Way. Open to Pre-’68 Traditional Hot Rods & Kustoms. Live Bands, BBQ, Souvenirs and the WORLD FAMOUS “HOODLUM DOWNHILL RACE”! Event times from Noon-6pm. All the action will take place on Contract Street. For more info go to AUG 30: CLARKSVILLE TN: HOT NITE at HILLTOP: Join us for the one night Cruise In at the Hilltop Market, 400 Tennessee Hwy 149.Times: 5pm - til the last one leaves. Live Band, Good food, lots of fun. For more info, call Charley Arms 931-494-1853.
AUG 30: GOODLETTSVILLE TN: 33RD ANNUAL BOWEN CAMPBELL AUTO EXPO: Event being held at the Moss-Wright Park on Caldwell Rd. Registration starts at 8am. Open car show & swap meet. Trophies in classes. No cars to leave before awards presentation - must be present to win. Dash plaques to the first 250 entrants. Vendors, Food, Silent Auction, Swap Meet and Door Prizes! Event happens rain or shine. For more info call 615-347-7839 AUG 30: COLUMBIA TN: BIG LOTS LABOR DAY CRUISIN AT THE LOT: Just a simple cruise in to enjoy the night. For every school supply your bring, you will receive a ticket for great door prizes. Event runs from 5pm - ?? At the BIG LOTS at 1301 South James Campbell Blvd. For more info call 931-3889792 AUG 30: ELKMONT AL: 4TH ANNUAL EHS BAND BOOSTERS CAR SHOW: Event runs from 10am -2pm. Event being held at Elkmont H.S. 25630 Evans Ave. Open Show with multiple classes. Specialty awards and more. Food and vendors at the show. Door prizes and $100.00 drawing every hour beginning at 10:30am. 50/50 drawing at the end of the show. For more info call 256-431-0542 AUG 30: TULLAHOMA TN: CRUISING FOR A CAUSE BENEFIT CRUISE IN: Southern Wheels 'N Motion, and several others are hosting this Cruise-In & Benefit Auction for two of our own. Club President Kenneth Preston's wife, Sheila Preston, had open heart surgery back in late June. To help with their medical expenses, this event was born. Being held at the Gondola Pizza & Steak Restaurant. All cars, trucks, and motorcycles are welcome. There will be a professional auctioneer handling all kinds of donated items with all proceeds going to their medical fund. Cruise-In starts at 4 pm & the Benefit Auction will start at 6 pm. For more info 931-247-1802
AUG 30-31: MILLINGTON TN: 11TH ANNUAL ALL STAR EVENT: Being held at USA Stadium. Presented by RELAXED ATMOSPHERE. Sorry no contact or other info
AUG 31 – SEPT 1: CULLMAN AL: 18TH ANNUAL SWEET TATER FESTIVAL CAR SHOW: Event is being held at SMITH LAKE PARK this year – NEW LOCATION. Car show takes place on Sept 1st – LABOR DAY. Open show takes place from 10am – 2pm. There will be arts 7 crafts, door prizes, kiddee rides, entertainment and more. For more info call 256-531-7916. SEPTEMBER 2014: SEPT 1: MANCHESTER TN: LABOR DAY CRUISE IN: Hosted by the Dixieland Street Rods. Open Cruise. Being held at the Manchester Shopping Center located at exit 114 off I-24. Dash Plaques to the first 100. 50/50 Drawing. Silent auction, Music and fun! For more info call 931-728-4285 SEPT 5-6: PIGEON FORGE TN: SHADES OF THE PAST HOT ROD ROUND UP #32: Event being held at the DOLLYWOOD SPALSH COUNTRY SITE. Open to Rods & Customs thru 1972. Huge exhibitor area. Huge swap meet. Prize #1 a 1932 Ford Hiboy Roadster from ALLOWAYS. Prize # 2 is $10,000.00. SHADES TOP 25 awards plus Specialty Awards. Major Magazine coverage and a whole lot more. For more info go to SEPT 5-6: RED BOILING SPRINGS TN: 58TH ANNUAL FALL MEET OF THE MID-TENN REGION OF THE AACA: For more info call 615-449-4901 or go to
SEPT 6: FRANKLIN TN: TOUCH OF GOLD FALL OPEN CAR SHOW. Show being held at the O'More College of Design, 423 S. Margin St. Hosted by the Nashville Corvette Club. Registration 9am - Noon, Fee $25.00, 3pm Awards Rain or Shine. Vendors, Food, Door Prizes, 50/50 drawing, bake sale. All proceeds benefits NCC Charities. For more info call Gary Downing 615-598-2778 SEPT 6: MARTIN TN: 18th Annual Soybean Festival Car & Bike Show: Event being held at the Martin Recreation Center. Open Show. Registration: 8am - Noon, $25.00 entry fee. Free Admission to Spectators. Dash plaques, Concessions, DJ music, tons of door prizes. Best of Show Awards, Cash Prizes to TOP THREE, Awards to the TOP 50 Entries. For more info call 731-261-2137 SEPT 6: CUMBERLAND CITY TN: 2ND ANNUAL CRUISIN THE CREEK CAR SHOW: Hosted by the Yellow Creek Baptist Church. Event being held at 4506 Ellis Mills Rd. Open Show. TOP 50 awards and specialty awards too. Concessions available all day. Door Prizes, Silent Auction. Registration at 8am and awards at 2pm. For more info call 931-4941853. SEPT 6: OLIVER SPRINGS TN: PEDAL PUSHER NATIONALS CRUISE IN & SWAP MEET: Open event hosted by NOSTALGIA SPEED. . Being held in Historic downtown Oliver Springs. Hot Rods, Kustom bikes, Flatland Freestyle, Bike Drags, Live Music, Car & Bike Swap Meet. Great food and movie on Main St! Event starts at 4pm. For more info call 865-730-6454 SEPT 6: NASHVILLE TN: 2nd OLD SKOOL & NEW KOOL CAR-TRUCK& BIKE SHOW: Open show. Event being held at Broadmoor Family Worship Center located at 215 Broadmoor Drive. Swap Meet, Food Booths, Vendors. Food, Bake Sale, Silent Auction and Door Prizes. 14 Classes with 3 awards in each. Specialty Awards too. For more info call 615668-8090 or go to
SEPT 6: TONEY AL: CAR SHOW AT SPARKMAN HIGH SCHOOL: Fund raiser for the Sparkman HS Band. Event being held at the High School. Registration Starts at 930am. Open Show to all entries. Vendor spots available too. Door Prizes and awards too. Food, Live Music and performance by the Marching Band. For more info email to SEPT 6: NORTH SHELBYVILLE TN: 1 ST Annual Halls Mill Outlaws Car Show: Event being held at 1725 Hwy 41A North. Event being held for the Bedford County FFA Chapter. Registration 8am – Noon. Awards at 2pm. Class judging, 3 places per Class. Dash plaques for 1st 25 entries, 50/50 drawing, door prizes. For more info Call Jon 931-224-6353 or Perry 931-224-0511. SEPT 11-13: PIGEON FORGE TN: FALL PIGEON FORGE ROD RUN CRUISIN’ THE SMOKIES: You know this is a BIG Event! Being held at the LeConte Center, next to the old location. Thursday Night Kick off party at THE ISLAND.TOP 25 Awards, Ultimate 5 awards, $10,000.00 cash giveaway and more! Huge swap meet, car corral and hundreds of show cars! Meet Courtney Hansen as she invites HANSEN”S HOT RODS to the show also. For more info or to register call 865-687-3976 or go to SEPT 12: NASHVILLE TN: Music Valley Cruise In: Cruise In Location is 2611 McGavock Pike. (Just past the Opryland Resort) behind the NASHVILLE PALACE. Dinner Specials for Car Owners, 50/50 Drawing & Discount Coupons. For more information: 615-9579907
SEPT 13: CARTERSVILLE GA: 2ND SATURDAY VINTAGE TIN HOT RODS SWAP MEET: Benefiting The American Legion Carl Boyd Post 42, 1 Roosevelt St. Bring Your Trucks-Cars-Motorcycles-PartsTools From Old To New. Bench racing, friendly visiting, and B.S. is encouraged. No Alcoholic Beverages Permitted. Info: 678-713-6220/ SEPT 13: CHATTANOOGA TN: FALL CHATTANOOGA CRUISE IN: Being held in “Corkeyville” at COKER TIRE / HONEST CHARLEY’s Speed Shop. This is ONE BIG CRUISE IN!! NEW TIMES for this cruise in. Runs from 10am -4pm(EDT). Lots of great food, cool cars and Coker Tire and Honest Charley’s will be open for FREE tours. Check them out at SEPT 13: HORNSBY TN: Hornsby Fall Family Fun Day: Event being held at the Hornsby Elementary School and City Park. Car Show, Music, Ballgames, Vendors, Kids Activities. For more information, call 731658-6034 SEPT 13: LYLES TN: Eagle 1 Car Show: Presented by East Hickman High School Automotive Class. Welcome all cars, trucks, antique tractors, race cars, motorcycles. Show being held at New East Hickman School Campus, 7700 Hwy 7, (one half mile South of Intersection of Hwy 46, Hwy 100 & Hwy 7). Registration 8:30am - Noon, Fee $25.00 donation. TOP 50 Awards, 5 - $100 drawings. Dash plaques for 1st 75 entries, Concession available, Music & Entertainment by George Wallace. For more info, call 931-623-9420.
SEPT 13: MURFREESBORO TN: BABY BARBARINO’S BENEFIT & CRUISE-IN: Bumpus Harley Davidson of Murfreesboro TN, is having a Benefit & Cruise-In for 9 month old baby, Miles Barbarino. He just endured his 3rd brain surgery and suffers from Chiari Malformation. This is an open invitation for Car's and Bike's joining together for a Benefit & Cruise-In. 100% of the donation will benefit the families with medical bills. Event Location: 2250 N.W. Broad. Event Hours: 10am-3pm plus there will be a kids Bounce House, Music & Food. For more info: 615-849-8025 website: m/ SEPT 16: PULASKI TN: 7TH ANNUAL CRUISE IN: Event runs from10:00am-2:00pm. Door Prizes to be given away through the day; No Entry Fee; Pastor's Choice Winner; Food Concessions; Being held at New Zion Baptist Church 1595 Sumac Road(Brick Church Community). For more information 931-3636375. SEPT 18-21: CHARLOTTE NC: FALL CHARLOTTE AUTOFAIR: Event being held at the CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY. Over 8000 Vendor spaces available. Car Shows and club displays will be taking place at the same time. For more info and to register go to
SEPT 19-20: LEBANON TN: 9TH ANNUAL REDNECK RUMBLE: THE ORIGINAL REDNECK RUMBLE! Event being held at the Wilson County Fairgrounds. Open to Pre-68 Rods, Customs, Rats, Bikes. Swap meet. Live Music. Demo Derby Sat Nite. Camping available. Brought to you by BOTH BARRELS PROMOTIONS. For more info call 615-3641828 or go to
SEPT 26-27: PINEY FLATS TN: 5TH ANNUAL THUNDER ROAD: Event being held at the East Tennessee Distillery. This one is Driven for the true street rodder. For more info go to SEPT 20: HILLSBORO TN: CRUISIN’ THE BACKROADS: Being held at 7296 Hwy 41. Bring What You Got. Food, 50/50, Raffles, Door Prize Giveaways, Swap Meet Vendors Welcome. For information call 931-2358204. SEPT 20: CLARKSVILLE TN: Memory Lane Cruisers - Autumn Run Car Show at Governor's Square Mall, 2801 Wilma Rudolph Blvd. Clarksville, TN. Registration8am Noon, judging will start ~10am, awards at 2pm. TOP 50 Awards + Specialty Awards. Dash plaques to the 1st 100 Entries. Door Prizes, DJ Music, Cash drawing, PreRegistration Fee $15.00, Same Day Fee $20.00. Download FLYER to preregister...........There will be 2 - $25.00 drawings for the folks who pre-register. For more information, Call 615-517-1423 or go to SEPT 20: COLUMBIA TN: BENEFIT POKER RUN FOR DEMETRIA BARNER: Poker run starts at Columbia Harley-Davidson. Registration starts at 9am and kickstands up at 11am. Door Prizes, auction items, 50/50 raffle and more. $100 first run and $50 second prize. 10% off parts and motor clothes with registration for run. For more info contact SEP 26-27: SOMERSET KY: SOMERNITES CRUISE: PowerCruise, The Ultimate Cool Car Cruise. For more info call 1-606-USA-CARS or go to
SEPT 27: MONTEAGLE TN: 2ND ANNUAL FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN CAR SHOW & CHILI COOK OFF. Car show runs from 10am -4pm. Awards at 2pm. DJ, Prizes, Food Vendors, Music, Arts & Crafts. Show being held at Hannah Pickett Park @ 16 Dixie Lee Ave. For more info call 931-235-8204 SEPT 27: PULASKI TN: 31ST ANNIVERSARY ANTIQUE CAR SHOW: Hosted by the P.A.C.E. Car Club. Open show being held at the BEAUTIFUL Martin Methodist College Campus. Show happens rain or shine. First 150 cars registered will receive a dash plaques and free lunch. 31 classes thru 1989 plus 7 special awards! 3 awards per class. Registration is from 9am -12pm. Flea market / Car Corral. SEPT 27: WOODBURY TN: 16TH ANNUAL COLOR OF FALL CAR & TRUCK SHOW: Hosted by the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce. Show starts at 8am and runs until ?? For more info call 615-563-2222 or send email to SEPT 27: NASHVILLE TN: Al Menah Shrine Center Car Show & Swap Meet: Open Event being held at 1354 Brick Church Pike, Exit 87, Trinity Lane off I-65. Registration 8am Noon, Judging will be 12:30pm - 3:00pm. Awards at 4pm. Rain or Shine! Entry fee $20.00 at the gate, Vendor fee $25.00. 48 Classes. For more info call Johnny Dudley 615-230-5984. All proceeds benefit Al Menah Shrine Center. SEPT 27: HUNTSVILLE AL: CRUISIN FOR ST JUDE: Event is open to all entries. Being hosted by B3 Services & Phat Baby Kustumz. Event being held at the Jaycees Fairgrounds at 2151 Airport Rd. Proceeds from this event go to ST JUDES CHILDRENS HOSPITAL. Door Prizes, DJ, Live performance by Katelyn Pope, and bring the kids to have fun. For more info call 256-337-8315 or go to
OCTOBER 2014: OCT 4: OLIVER SPRINGS TN: EVILS TRIANGLE SCENIC CRUISE: For more info call 865-7306454 OCT 4: CALHOUN GA: 2014 “SHOW & GO”: Presented by the North Georgia Hot Rods & Paradise Drag Strip. Nostalgia Drag Meet, Cars Show & Swap Meet. For more info 706934-3437 or got to OCT 4: FRANKLIN TN: 25TH ANNUAL BATTLEFIELD REGION AACA CAR SHOW: This is an open show to all entries. Event will be held again this year at the Cool Spring Galleria Mall located right off I-65. Show hours are 8am – 4pm. For more info go to OCT 10: WHITE HOUSE TN: 1ST GEARZ NATION AUTORAMA: There will be studio tours & silent auction for products from some of their sponsors: Katzkin Leather, Dake, Woodward Fab & Carrera Slot Cars! You will also have an opportunity to get a photo with Stacey David and your project in the GearZ Studio. Spectator tickets are also available. You can purchase tickets online at OCT 10-11: SHELBYVILLE TN: CRUISIN & PICKIN: 2 day car related Swap Meet & Pickers Market with Antiques, Collectables and Crafts. Also Open Cruise Night on Saturday for Hot Rods, Customs, Muscle Cars Motorcycles and trucks of all years. Event being held at the Bedford County Ag Center & Fairgrounds. Cruise-In cost is $15.00. Dash Plaques to the first 250 entries. Awards will be handed out. Event happens rain or shine. 50/50 drawing both days. Fri 8am – 7pm and Sat 8am -5pm. Vendor spaces available. For more info call 931-224-9725
AUGUST 2014: AUG 22-24: EVANSVILLE IN: 40TH ANNUAL FROG FOLLIES CAR SHOW: Pre-49 Hot Rod Show. Being held at the Vanderburgh County 4-H Center. See over 4000 Street Rods. Swap Meet, Vendors, Games, BBQ Meals and more. This is the BEST Pre-49 Hot Rod Show anywhere! NO Trikes, Coffin Cars or Jeeps. Win a 1940 Ford Coupe Body & fender package! SINCE 2010 THE FROG FOLLIES CAN BOAST THAT IT IS “THE LARGEST PRE49 STREET ROD EVENT IN THE WORLD”! For more info or to register go to AUG 23: MILWAUKEE WI: 15TH ANNUAL CHEATERAMA: Hot Rod & Custom Car Show. Presented by the Cheaters CC. For more info go to eewi AUG 23: FAIRBORN OH: WHITE WALLS CAR SHOW: Being held in the Community Park at 461 E Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd. Open to all models. Pin-Up Contest. For more info go to s SEPTEMEBER 2014: SEPT 5-6: DECATAUR IL: VINTAGE WEEKEND: Open to pre 49 vehicles only. Hosted by the American Street Rod Assoc. Event being held at the Cedar Rapids Marriott Hotel. For more info go to SEPT 6-7: MORRIS IL: JALOPY FEST 5: Traditional Hot Rod & Custom Car Show. Open to 64 & Older Hot Rods, 72 & Older Customs. Open to motorcycles. Swap Meet, Food, Beer. Saturday 9am - ?? Sun 9am 4pm. Camping , Vendors, Pin up Contest. Saturday Night Party – Bonfire & Rockabilly Bands. For more info call 815-941-2575 or go to
SEPT 12-13: WEST SALEM WI: MISSISSIPPI MAYHEM 2014: Pre-65 Hot Rod & Pre-75 Cycle Rockabilly Weekend. Event being held at the Interstate Fairgrounds. Swap Meet, Vendors, Cruise, Camping, Kustoms, Hot Rods, Bikes, Beer, Bands, Racing Pin-up and Dance Contest. Party like it’s 1959. For more info and to register go to
SEPT 12-14: KALAMAZOO MI: NSRA Street Rod Nationals North Plus. Being held at the Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground. Open to all entries 30yrs old or older. For more info go to SEPT 13: MORRIS IL: MORRIS CRUISE NIGHT: We would like to welcome all Cruise Night Enthusiasts to join us for our Cruise Nights in downtown Morris. Years ago, there was a tradition in Morris called, "Buzzing the Gut", which was a simple way of saying cruising Liberty Street. We are bringing that tradition back to downtown Morris. Only Cruise Night Participants will be able to park on or cruise Liberty Street as in days past. enjoy the 60s & 70s music as we turn back the hands of time and great restaurants too. Any classic car owners are invited to. Registration fee of $10.00. Event runs 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Entry closes at 8 p.m. No rain dates OCTOBER 2104: OCT 11: MORRIS IL: MORRIS CRUISE NIGHT: We would like to welcome all Cruise Night Enthusiasts to join us for our Cruise Nights in downtown Morris. Years ago, there was a tradition in Morris called, "Buzzing the Gut", which was a simple way of saying cruising Liberty Street. We are bringing that tradition back to downtown Morris. Only Cruise Night Participants will be able to park on or cruise Liberty Street as in days past. enjoy the 60s & 70s music as we turn back the hands of time and great restaurants too. Any classic car owners are invited to. Registration fee of $10.00. Event runs 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Entry closes at 8 p.m. No rain dates
AUGUST 2014: AUG 23-24: HAMPTON VA: VIRGINIA HOT ROD & CUSTOM SHOW: Event being held at the HAMPTON COLISEUM. Outdoor car, 4x4 and Custom Bike Show. Music, BBQ and more. For more info or to register your vehicle go to AUG 24: COLONIAL BEACH VA: 60 YEARS OF CARS & STARS: Being held at Colonial Beach Dragway. Sorry No Contact info given. AUG 28-3: MAHWAH NJ: THE WILD HOT ROD WEEKEND. Present by #3 Wild Hot Rod Weekend. Being held at the Sheraton Mahwah Hotel at 1 International Blvd. Celebrities, Bands, Vendors and over 800 cars. Rooms booking now. Pre-register or get more info at SEPTEMBER 2014: SEPT 19-21: BURLINGTON VT: Northeast Street Rod Nationals Plus. Being held at the Champlain Valley Exposition Center. Open to all entries 30yrs old or older. For more info go to AUGUST 2014: AUG 30-31: TRACY MO: KOWTOWN CUSTOM GREASERAMA #14: The Midwest’s original Punk Rock Car Show. Hosted by Los Punk Rods. Being held at the Platte County Fairgrounds. Pre-Party Friday Night. Car Show & Swap Met. Pre-65 Cars. 72 & Older trucks. Custom Cycles, food, bands, vendors. See Lily’s Greasy Art gallery. No Silly modern wheels. No whining. For more info go to SEPTEMBER 2014: SEPT 6: LAS VEGAS NV: HOT VEGAS NITES CAR SHOW: Open event being held at the Orleans Arena. The Biggest gathering of American Muscle Las Vegas has ever seen. Event runs from 11am – 3pm. For more info go to
SEPT 13: GEORGETOWN CO: 60TH ANNIVERSARY HOT ROD HILL CLIMB: Reliability run on Friday Sept 12; Kick off party Friday. The Hill Climb Takes place from 10am – 3pm on Saturday. Also on Saturday, Pancake Breakfast, Vendors, Live Music, 50’s Costume Contest, Valve cover races. All weekend long Georgetown will have activities for the whole family. For more info go to SEPT 13: LATHROP MO: RATS, RODS & BETTIES ROCKABILLY FESTIVAL: Pre-1975 Rat Rod & Hot Rod Ralley. Event being held at 2488 S.E. Hwy 33. Car Show, BEST BETTY Contest, RR&B Concert series, Special attractions and Auto Swap Meet & Art show. Pre Party Friday Night at the No. 9 Saloon in Gladstone MO. For more info go to OCTOBER 2104: OCT 3-5: FT WORTH TX: 22ND LONESTAR NATIONALS. Presented by GOODGUYS. Being held at the Texas Motor Speedway. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72. Goodguys AutoCross, Vendors, Swap Meet, Cars 4 Sale Corral, Track Cruise and All American Sunday. ! For more info call 925-838-9876 or go to
AUGUST 2014: AUG 22-24: PLEASANTON CA: 28TH ANNUAL WEST COAST NATIONALS: Being held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Featuring Hot Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru ’72, Vendors, Swap Meet and Cars 4 Sale Corral and lots lots more! For more info call 925-838-9876 or go to SEPTEMBER 2014: SEPT 14: PALMDALE AREA CA: EL MIRAGE 2014: Land speed racing trials. For more info call 559-528-6279 or go to . NOTE: Your car will have to pass tech to run. SEPT 14: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to OCTOBER 2014: OCT 12: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to OCT 19: PALMDALE AREA CA: EL MIRAGE 2014: Land speed racing trials. For more info call 559-528-6279 or go to . NOTE: Your car will have to pass tech to run. NOVEMBER 2014: NOV 8-9: PALMDALE AREA CA: EL MIRAGE 2014: Land speed racing trials. For more info call 559-528-6279 or go to . NOTE: Your car will have to pass tech to run.
NOV 9: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to NOV 30: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to DEC 14: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: Swap meet being at the Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Car Corral available. Vendor Spaces are available. For more info or to get a vendor spot call 800-762-9785 or go to
Words by Jimmy B
Every year when August rolls around on the calendar, hundreds of hard core speed junkies make the trek…long pull…road trip to the state of UTAH. Their goal is located on the western edge of the state where it butts up to the state of NEVADA and they share a town called Wendover. The actual place that all these speed demons end up at is the hallowed ground of the BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS. They come to “the salt” to race themselves. There is no side by side racing, no prize money, no trophy unless you set top speed of the meet just man and machine, trying to run faster than the last time they came to “the salt”. They may be trying to set a record or up the record in their class. Hit 200, 300 or 400 mph and you get a hat that proclaims your achievement. A hat that you will treasure for all your days, as not many have that hat. Calling it the “SALT FLATS” is a misnomer really. As the driver sits in or on his machine and looks down the long black line he or she uses as a guide on where to be, they actually see the curvature of the earth in front of them. When they leave the starting line. As they accelerate down track, they actually disappear over the horizon to all those standing there. 32
Aerial View of the fastest place on earth!
Where the fastest machines run for top speed
451MPH – New Record Speed for SCTA Run
Hot rodders came by the thousands for SPEEDWEEK 2013. They came to cruise the pits and see what it takes to make a pass at speed on “the salt”. Some brought their cars too, just to say they did it, because it is BONNEVILLE.
This is the “Holy Grail” of speed for hot rodders from around the world. We must warn you though…once you go…you will return as the salt gets in your blood…..
FOR SALE: WELD RACING WHEELS & TIRES. FORD BOLT PATTERN (5 X 4-1/2”). Style is called WELD WOODWARDS. Less than 50 Miles on wheels & tires. Used for show purposes only, Racing car now and these wont work. Fronts are 15 x 7 with 3.5” backspace and 26 x 8R15LT M/T Sportsman S/R tires. Rears are 15 x 10 with 3.5 “ backspace with 28 x 12R15lt M/T S/R tires. Original cost over $3000.00. Asking $2500.00 obo. Call Mike at 615-290-6812 (2-14)
FOR SALE: Sun Distributor Tester For Sale $750.00 $595.00. Retro Cool Sun machine has had new capacitors, new bearing new drive wheel, new leads, so it flashes bright and runs quiet. This machine has been cleaned up but the old patina remains. Cart has some dents but repainted clean. Machine looks great and when it flashes it's awesome, just plug it in. The Tach/Dwell meters would need some attention but they deflect when power applied. This is a mid 1950's machine and scroll shows last car as 1957. Use as a prop in garage or re-curve your distributors, call Jim Nashville area. Call 615-335-7110 (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1969 Ford F100 Ranger LWB truck, 360/3sp. Dual exhaust and Holley 650 DP carb. Runs and drives. Have replacement floor pans, cab perches and cab mount kit to go in it. Needs carb work, intermittent electrical issue and a shifter kit. Have all Ranger trim to go with. Painted flat black with red interior. New Goodyear Wrangler tires. Body otherwise really straight. Clear title $1950. Call 615-707-4272 (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1965 Chevy C25 roller only. Extremely rare 3/4T long bed stepside with small rear window and heavy HO52 rear end and driveshaft. Center tunnel and dash are uncut. Needs all the typical floorpan/rocker/door skin/brow/hood lip replacement that these trucks all need. Has optional factory helper springs. All original. Would make an awesome rat or good bones to restore. Bill of sale only $1000. Call 615-7074272 (2-14) FOR SALE: 1932 Ford 3W Coupe. Blown Small Block Chevy. A/C. Leather interior. Great shape and ready to drive now. Email me for more details and more pictures. Jim Willett at (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1957 Chevy 210. Widowmaker Clone. Big Block Chevy / 4spd. Very Good shape. Have new project and this one has to go. Email me for more details and more pictures. Jim Willett at (2-14)
FOR SALE: Big Block Chevy 427ci L-88 Clone. Carb to oil pan, water pump to flexplate. Wire it in and turn it on. THUMPS!!! Big Port Iron Heads. If your looking for a BBC “ready to run and drive…FAST motor”, this is it. No “tire kickers” please. If you’re serious call me with a FAIR RESONABLE OFFER for me to consider. Jimmy B 615-300-2003. Leave a message if I don’t answer right away. (2-14)
FOR SALE: 2006 Pontiac G6 / GT retractable hard top convertible for sale. If you might be interested or know someone who might be e-mail me, Dan Welch at: (2-14) WANTED: need a fuel tank for A 40 Lasalle coupe. Anyone have any idea where I can find one? Bill Goodwin Phone number 615-451- 3555 (or) email Bill at: (2-14) FOR SALE: 4 CHROME WHEELS for Chevy/GMC. 17� x 7� 6-bolt pattern. Came of 2007 Truck and have been stored inside. Need the space and want them gone! $80.00 $50.00 for all 4!! Great shape and includes Caps and Lug Nuts too! Call OR TEXT 615-300-2003 to schedule pick up time! (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1962 Chevrolet Impala, 4 door, V8 engine, auto transmission. Excellent interior and body is in Good condition. The car was purchased new in Clarksville and has approx. 90k miles. The car has been garaged since Mr. Slayden passed away in 2013, but started on a regular basis. For more info, please call Becky (daughter of deceased) Cell: 931-980-2387. Asking price $11,500 OBO (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1994 Viper RT/10. First generation w/400 horsepower, six speed, 10,800 miles, never been in the rain, has both the soft top (never been out of the trunk) and the factory hard top (in storage since I bought the car), car is all original, called "museum quality" by a local automobile appraiser, dandelion yellow (one of 83 painted this color in '94) always garaged. For more info please call (925) 858-8919. Can be seen in Brentwood, TN by appointment. Thanks. (2-14)
FOR SALE: My wife has spoken!! The inventory must be reduced. LOL! 1972 Ford LTD Convertible. 429 engine with C6 transmission. Only 568 made with this engine/trans. All original car in excellent condition. Runs & drives great. New convertible top and hydraulics recently installed. Load up the whole family, drop the top and start cruising. $14,500.00 $12,900.00 obo Call 615-478-5032 or email to (2-14)
FOR SALE: Chrome small block Chevy 2x4 setup. Show quality Edelbrock 5425 dual quad intake with two Edelbrock 1404 500 cfm carbs. This assembly is just as it came from the plater, has never been installed (will not fit a 283 engine). Includes chrome linkage, chrome fuel line, misc parts and two carburetor calibration kits. $2000 or reasonable offer. Contact via email (2-14)
FOR SALE: 1936 Plymouth street rod. All steel car with a 350/300 700R4 combo. Need room in your street rod? This one has it! Hugh back seat plus a trunk. Take your family, grand kids, best friends or lots of gear and stuff. Your wife, granddaughter, or girl friend will love the color too. This is a cruiser with lots of creature comforts. Wife said if the next rod is on it's way then this one has to go. Priced to sell at $22,500.00 Contact Fred @ 251.622.3357 for more info and pictures. (2-14)
Pic’s by Butch Pate / Words by Jimmy B
Late in the summer, for the past 31 years, the Shades of the Past S.R.A. has brought the best of the best in pre 1972 cars & trucks to the base of the Smokey Mountains. Pigeon Forge comes alive with a rainbow of cool paint and shiny chrome. Thumping big motors and cool cruisers and everything inbetween come out to Dolly Partons hometown for some hot rodding fun.
This event has it all! Great location, 2700 plus hot rods, muscle cars, trucks and more to spend the days checking out. Add in all the vendors with the latest and greatest offerings and a great swap meet, and you can see why it grows every. Make plans now for Sept. 5/6, 2014 for the 32nd Shades Rod Run!
The 2013 Shades Giveaway Car for 2013!
Jeff & Sharon Hatten of Thompsons Station TN had the winning ticket for the BIG Check & $10k!
Words by Jimmy B / Pics: Compliments of Goodguys
While it doesn’t reflect it in the “Annual” number on the front of the event shirt, GOODGUYS and “INDY” have been together 18-19 plus years now. While the location of the event has changed over time, GOODGUYS has roots firmly planted in the “CIRCLE CITY” For 2013 the event was held again at the INDIANAPOLIS MOTOR SPEEDWAY, loving know as the ”BRICKYARD”. The track makes a perfect place to hold an event of this kind. No matter what the location of this event in “Indy”, the track cruise around the “BRICKYARD” and crossing the “yard of bricks” is always a highlight for the hot rodders in attendance. Add in the Hot Rod of the Year Award, Pro’s Picks, vendors, swap meet and all those cool hot rods, makes this a must attend event on any hot rodders planner.
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You want to see your website listed here??? Send an e-mail for advertising info to:
“GEARHEAD Friendly Business “
8739 Horton Hwy - COLLEGE GROVE TN CALL 615-368-3000 E-MAIL:
Nic’s Powder Coating Murfreesboro Tn Call Nic at 615-207-8774
SIGN-WORX 3522 Central Pike - Suite 208 Hermitage Tn 37076 615-403-4456 ask for Kip McCord
I’ve Been Framed Custom Framing Franklin Tn. Call Jane Falls at 615-599-1620
Affordable Car Show Music Playing the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s 423-228-0035
Pin striping by Gator Pin striping, Lettering, & Hot Rod Artwork White House Tn. 615-415-2620
Tennessee Speed Sport Speed & Custom Parts since 1962 709 Rivergate Parkway Goodlettsville Tn 37072 615-851-4070
TROPICAL ICE EXPRESS “NEW ORLEANS STYLE” Flavored Shaved Ice Car Shows, Fund Raisers, Private Parties “Let us help make your next event a huge success!!” 681 Watson Branch Dr. Franklin TN 37046 615-500-4415 E-mail:
KIRCO Precision Tool 12600 S Laramie Ave. Alsip IL 60803 708-705-6699 E-Mail: Precision Water Jet Machining
At Your Service Chauffeuring & Limo’s Weddings, Proms- Graduations, etc 615-977-2210 RICHARD JONES High-Tech or Resto Rods Turn Key Autos 612 Frankfort Drive Hermitage TN 37076 615-889-8616 or A & C Computer Repair Repairs/Up-Grades/ System Builds Back-Up Data/Photo’s/ Etc House Calls Available Al – 931-486-1629 in Spring Hill TN Curtis – 931-619-4800 in Columbia TN TRINITY TINTING & GRAPHICS Window Tint, Graphics, Signs & Car Audio Chapel Hill Tn 931-334-3028
Now Located in Dickson TN!! 615-707-4272
The garage…the shop…the man cave…call it what you will, but us gearheads have a place to work on our hot rods and cool cars and trucks. It’s never big enough and we always want more room for more gearhead stuff. For some it’s more tools and equipment, for some its more collectibles on the walls and for others it’s more cars!