BEDBUYER A Furniture
News supplement dedicated to the NBF and its annual Bed Show | 2019
Handcrafted Luxury divans from Sweet Dreams
DIGITAL FIRST The role of the online pureplay INSIGHT STORY Sleepeezee’s new directions RICH HERITAGE On location at Vispring Harrods
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28/08/2019 09/08/2019 13:31 11:34
19 11:34
INFORMATION ON THE COVER Editor-in-chief Paul Farley 01424 776101 Twitter @FurnitureNewsED
“The UK industry has more than its fair share of businesses able to see the bigger picture”
Sales and marketing director (Furniture News portfolio) Sam Horscroft 01424 776100 Twitter @FurnitureNewsAD Sales executive Caroline Littler 07861 231461 Production manager James Ash 01424 817430 Production assistant Mike Beales 01424 776106 Digital production assistant Nyall McCurrach 01424 776107
few years ago, the emergence of
Millbrook Beds achieve some of the best lead
the digital disruptors lit a fire
times in the business, and why consumer
beneath the established bed sector
research is fuelling bold – and already
– and it’s been feeling the heat ever since. Rolled, boxed, and promising one
successful – new directions in branding and marketing at Sleepeezee (read my interview
Copy administrator Steve Merrick 01424 776108
size (model) to fit all, the bed-in-a-box
on p36). Last month, hot on the heels of BBC
championed clarity and convenience, made
Two’s Inside the Factory, I stepped inside
100-night trials commonplace, and shouted
Harrison Spinks’ factories, and learned
Proofreader Keith Fitz-Hugh
the life-enhancing benefits of its mattresses
about its game-changing (and I don’t use
Editorial director John Legg 01424 776104
from the rooftops (and everywhere else).
that term lightly) new spring technology.
minded middlemen began to expertly seize
forward-thinkers you’ll find at this year’s
Publisher Nigel Gearing
market share.
Bed Show, taking place in Telford from
Accounts Wendy Williams 01424 817433
of the end for the industry as was – but
for this year’s Bed Industry Awards, I’ll be
rather than dismissing the upstarts, the
ensuring some of the show’s best product
traditional supply chain learned from their
gets credit where it’s due).
Overseas agents Casey Loo (Asia) +65 973 00123 (whatsapp) Ailsa Yin (China) +86 13113 115335 (wechat)
Sleep became sexy, and a new breed of tech-
This could have signalled the beginning
successes (and failures), while continuing to
These are just a few examples of the
17-18th this month (as one of the judges
You’ll find a preview of the event on p14
hone its own strengths – physical footprint,
of this issue of Bed Buyer, plus profiles
heritage, breadth of product and quality
of the industry’s key players and latest
service among them.
launches. Elsewhere, industry leaders share
Some refined their brand messaging,
their view on Brexit (p18), we meet Daniel
Magazine subscriptions (UK-£65, Europe-£85, RoW-£95) 01424 774982
repositioning themselves as sellers of
Spinks in Last Word (p64), look in detail at
sleep, not beds. Some made their own
Vispring’s new Harrods showroom (p24),
successful boxed mattress lines. Most came
and, with help from sector spokespeople,
Connect VIP packages (UK-£95, Europe-£110, RoW-£120) 01424 774982
to appreciate that the disruptors’ significant
explore the role of online-only bed sellers in
marketing spend had achieved something
today’s market (p8).
Repro, print and distribution Stephens & George
the importance of good quality sleep, which
more bed industry success stories in
in turn would benefit the entire sector.
September’s issue of Furniture News.
Gearing Media Group Ltd 4 Red Barn Mews, High Street Battle, East Sussex TN33 0AG ISSN No: 1475 - 3731 © Gearing Media Group Ltd 2019 General information No part of this publication may be reproduced without the specific prior written agreement of the Publisher and may not be stored on any type of retrieval system. Furniture News/ Gearing Media Group Ltd accepts no responsibility for variations in colour reproduction. Special colours (Pantone etc) can be catered for with prior arrangement. Some elements of the editorial content in this publication are submitted by the trade, however, all e�orts are made to ensure that the editorial remains true to fact and unbiased. Monies may have been accepted to o�set the costs of colour reproduction. Gearing Media Group Ltd reserves the right to alter without prior notice any content other than customers’ advertisements. No correspondence will be entered into regarding altered or adjusted editorial content. The editor’s decision is final. All material submitted for inclusion in Furniture News is done so entirely at the owner’s risk and no responsibility is accepted for the safekeeping or return thereof. Advertiser information is reproduced in good faith and Gearing Media Group accepts no responsibility in respect of adverts appearing in the magazine, and the magazines expressed do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s views. The Publisher accepts no liability for any loss arising from an advertisement’s late or non-appearance.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 3
great – it had helped more people appreciate
Today, the UK industry has more than
If that’s not enough, you’ll find plenty
Here’s to overcoming adversity –
its fair share of businesses (disruptors
welcome back to Bed Buyer.
included) able to see the bigger picture.
Paul Farley
Rather than simply making, marketing and delivering a bed, they now work with their stockists to meet the consumer’s demand for a better life. This year, I’ve seen for myself how new technology and systems are helping
Editor-in-chief T 01424 776101 E Twitter @FurnitureNewsED
28/08/2019 15:09
Time to wake up! At Hypnos, being sustainable is more than just using completely natural and recyclable fillings in our beds. It’s about NOT hitting the ‘snooze’ button on innovative and responsible thinking. It’s about putting our customers’ needs and the wider environment first. That’s the simple reason why we take responsibility throughout our bed-making process – from our factory, right down to the partner industries and communities in the UK our business supports. We are proud to offer the ultimate in quality with new levels of traceability and fairness, from farmer’s field to the beds we make! Join us at The Bed Show and discover two brand new Collections – both pairing very real innovation and integrity with the sumptuous comfort you have come to expect from us.
Wake up on a Hypnos and feel good for all the right reasons!
T: +44 (0) 1844 348200 | E: Hypnos is proud to be Carbon Neutral
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd Untitled-3 1 Furniture News 4Ad 210x297 aw.indd 1 3734 Hypnos
Handmade in Britain and 100% recyclable
28/08/2019 23/08/2019 11:38 21/08/2019 13:31 17:58
19 11:38 17:58
Joe Wykes, Sleepeezee (36)
BEDBUYER A Furniture
News supplement dedicated to the NBF and its annual Bed Show | 2019
Handcrafted Luxury divans from Sweet Dreams
DIGITAL FIRST The role of the online pureplay INSIGHT STORY Sleepeezee’s new directions RICH HERITAGE On location at Vispring Harrods
Handcrafted, one of three divan collections Sweet Dreams (www. has lined up for launch at this year’s Bed Show (stand H40)
Power to the pureplays?
Bed Show (14)
Paul Farley reports on the role of online-only bed sellers in today’s market
Harrison Spinks
Millbrook Beds
CPS Group, Dreams, Excellent Relax Bedding Co, Edward Clay and Son
Highgrove Beds
Sweet Dreams
14 Bed Show 2019 Bed Buyer previews the annual NBF event with a handy visitor guide
18 The Big Question We ask industry leaders what they’d change about the Brexit process
Vispring’s Jonny Mitchell discusses the
Gallery Direct
transformation of the brand’s Harrods
Mammoth, Leggett & Platt Springs UK
Sealy UK, Breasley
24 On Location
Daniel Spinks, Harrison Spinks (64)
36 A bed brand for tomorrow Sleepeezee CEO Joe Wykes talks to Paul Farley about his brand’s reinvention
62 Industry news A summary of the latest developments from the NBF and its members
64 Last Word Bed Buyer quizzes Daniel, the youngest member of Harrison Spinks’ founding family
The Furniture Trade Directory The indispensible guide for UK suppliers and retailers, in print and online
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 5
At Furniture News, we want to bring you the most relevant content and offers. Scan this QR code with your phone’s camera – or visit www.bit. ly/fn-in – to opt into the communications you’d prefer to receive (including the printed magazine)
28/08/2019 15:09
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 58-59 6 BedBuyer_MikePages.indd
28/08/2019 13:31
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28/08/2019 17:07 13:31 27/08/2019
Power to the pureplays? With both traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers and digital brands increasingly opting to cover their multichannel bases with a bricks-and-clicks approach, what role will the online pureplay fulfil? Informed by a handful of the industry’s leaders, Paul Farley investigates the place of this unique business model in today’s market …
Unlimited reach, a host of unique audience
‘blind’ – but buy online they have.
winnowed out many of the weaker and less
targeting, tracking and promotional tools,
While the statistical evidence for the
reputable players, leaving the pureplays’
and (relatively) low overheads – pureplay
proportion of people doing so often fails
market share increasingly consolidated in
e-tailers have plenty going for them, and,
to consider the mix of digital and physical
the hands of a few exemplars of true scale
for better or worse, the last decade has seen
‘touchpoints’ made by consumers during
and capability – and further removed from
these online-only sellers redefine the UK
their buying journey, the trend is marked.
those addressing more specific niches.
bed sector.
Last year, an NBF survey found that
The emergence of the bed-in-a-box has
51% of bed/mattress purchases were made
further disrupted the traditional landscape,
retailers without any online presence –
online (with little distinction between
as a raft of well-funded tech start-ups
sellers fall into three camps: traditional
the age groups choosing to do so). This
jostle for the attention of shoppers more
bricks-and-mortar retailers which also
year, bedmaker Sleepeezee conducted
focused on convenience and brand clarity.
sell online; the converse – e-tailers that
research with PwC which concluded that
However, almost without exception, these
have opted to establish a physical presence
this number might be closer to one in
engaging upstarts have gradually deviated
of some sort; and those digital pureplays
three. Either way, online penetration in
from the digital-only path, establishing
which continue to exist solely online.
this sector seems to be growing, buoyed by
their own pop-up displays and distribution
new technology and consumers’ faith in
partnerships with national retailers.
Today – with the near extinction of
Once upon a time, the trade shook its collective head at the very notion that
the quality of product and service they find
people would buy beds online – saying too
many tactile factors were involved, and it’s far too crucial a purchase to carry out
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 8
Following an explosion of bed webstores some 10-15 years ago, competition has
Credibility matters – these brands have clearly realised that having a reputable physical presence is crucial to broadening their audiences.
28/08/2019 13:32
Stand and deliver Nevertheless, the online pureplay model continues to prosper, thanks to a handful of unique advantages – such as the ability to o�er unrivalled product choice and depth of information, and, free from the millstone of expensive prime location rents and rates, to operate on narrower margins while selling at volume. Yet the model has its flaws. Beyond the sizeable costs of establishing and maintaining search engine visibility, and the strict returns policies they must adhere to, pureplays must also contend with a growing demand for rapid fulfilment (it’s no accident one of the most prominent is called MattressNextDay), and the challenges it presents. “One of the barriers to ecommerce is the high cost of delivery due to the product being heavy and awkward to lift and carry to individual consumers’ homes all over the country within a very quick timescale,” says Mike Murray, director of retailer Land of Beds. “Therefore, pureplay companies (or any retailer who sells online) must invest correctly and build their infrastructure on a solid foundation if they want to be around for many years to come.” There’s also the inability to deal with customers face-to-face – a call centre and messaging service can only go so far in persuading and reassuring potential buyers that a bed or mattress is right for
“Pureplay companies must invest correctly and build their infrastructure on a solid foundation if they want to be around for many years to come” Mike Murray, Land of Beds
them. retailers, levelling the playing field.”
Match play
limited to the tech-savvy, and this is
This lack of personal contact has forced
having an impact on the independents,”
online pureplays to compensate by refining
says Archers Sleepcentre’s MD, Ross
for a poisonous environment. Yet some find
and optimising the speed, clarity and
Beveridge. “Retailers are having to protect
solace in the notion that the devaluation
reliability of their delivery, so many now
themselves from online price matching.
Emma Leeke describes may be isolated to
o�er a truly enviable customer journey. Yet
The same product now has multiple names,
just one end of the market.
there remains the issue of price – pending
or a slight change of fabric on a mattress,
a significant rebalancing of the UK’s tax
or even just means providing your own
yet to make pureplay work e�ectively at all
laws, the model seems destined to attract
labels. Some importers are now opting for
levels of the market,” says Nick Garratt,
suspicion (if not downright hostility) from
unbranded boxes.”
MD of the British Furniture Manufacturers
its bricks-and-mortar counterpart.
Leekes’ MD, Emma Leeke, comments:
Pricing pressures and rising costs make
“I don’t think technology is good enough
association (BFM). “Low-end can probably
“The brands are coming to terms with
work because of the smaller investment
practice of showrooming – a shopper
the requirement to provide some level of
involved. At the higher end, people will still
visits a physical store to see if they like a
protection to bricks-and-mortar retailers,
need to see, touch and feel until technology
product, then simply searches for the most
which is helping to stop the race to the
(AI/VR) is better.”
competitively-priced version online, and
bottom on price which we experienced in
buys it there instead. It’s easy for retailers
the early days of online trading.”
Much of this stems towards the
to feel like they’re footing the bills for their
Ross Beveridge believes greater
Gavin Boden, owner of GB Agencies, is less sanguine. “For the bottom end of the market, [pureplay] will destroy bricks-
rivals, and often losing out at the point of
intervention is necessary: “What is long
and-mortar stores – but in the middle- to
sale. Reacting to this behaviour, suppliers
overdue is a reduction in rents and business
top-market, it will only have an e�ect on
have diversified their o�er over the years,
rates to reflect the shift to online shopping,
branded business.”
often de-branding their retail products to
which will allow bricks-and-mortar
ensure they can’t be price-matched online.
retailers to be more competitive,” he says.
Channel surfing
“Showrooming is now a tactic adopted
“Instead, the rates should be made up by
When online retailers take to the physical
a ‘sales tax’ imposed on pureplay online
environment to establish greater credibility
across all generations and no longer
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28/08/2019 13:32
BEDBUYER reassurance, online provides easy access.” When it comes to her business’ journey, Emma Leeke concurs: “Over the last 10 years we have moved to take a more omnichannel approach to our marketing and trading, with our transactional website seeing consecutive years of double-digit sales growth. In most cases, the customer journey inevitably involves online research, so it is essential to have a presence – even if the majority of customers choose to make their purchase in-store.” Brands unboxed The new breed of online disruptor brands have taken their own route towards an omnichannel future. Last November, the NBF published the results of research which found that rolled mattresses accounted for 24% of all mattress sales in 2018 (up 7% from the previous half).
and reach, they generally do so with a
to this new world of multichannel (or
formidable arsenal at their disposal –
omnichannel) shopper demand. Regardless
of the disruptor brands’ one-size-fits-all
impressive marketing assets and online
of the ground they have ceded to the
products (UK manufacturers were quick
visibility, an existing customer base,
digital brands, these businesses are fast
to develop their own o�er for retail) – yet
and an appreciation of how to deliver a
discovering that a marriage of physical and
their market share was growing fast.
streamlined customer journey (even if they
online sales is working for them.
now have to understand physical display,
AKA PR’s Jan Turner says: “My personal
Admittedly, just 7% of these sales were
These disruptors, which began their lives as online pureplays, have brought their
feeling is that most consumers feel more
own, fiercely-branded product to market,
reassured by companies which also have a
while championing the convenience of
in establishing a strong online presence,
bricks-and-mortar presence. Online and
boxed delivery lengthy trial periods, and
but it has taken most some time to adapt
o�ine feed o� each other. O�ine provides
prices that reflect streamlined production
stocking and ordering points). Many traditional retailers have succeeded
“It could be argued that pureplay online retailers have to be more transparent than their offline counterparts” Steve Adams, MattressOnline
These brands are generally peerless marketeers, and know how to capture people’s attention – but, years after launch, many remain unprofitable. Substantial column inches have been devoted to the merits and flaws of these brands’ approaches (with the failures of plc eve Sleep, in particular, laid bare), and speculation that pouring investment into building brand loyalty among an audience which makes repeat purchases only every seven-to-10 years is risky (and perhaps unsustainable) business. And it’s not just the rolled mattress upstarts that have taken a questionable approach towards growing market share, comments Ross Beveridge: “Many of the pureplay online retailers have embarked on huge loss-making brand-building campaigns as they chase market share with a complete disregard for bottom-line profit, and we have recently seen some of these companies’ values slashed to a fraction of that presented to investors – many of whom will never see a return on their investment. Few may stand the test of time, but I would bet the majority will not.” The NBF’s executive director, Jessica Alexander, agrees with the sentiment. She
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28/08/2019 13:32
“Many of the pureplay online retailers have embarked on huge loss-making brandbuilding campaigns as they chase market share with a complete disregard for bottomline profit”
parks, it seems many consumers still desire to touch and feel a bed and mattress before buying it. At the same time, the limitations of the pureplay are likely to grow. With discussion around new digital taxes gaining momentum, and the online marketplace becoming increasingly crowded (the price per keyword required to top the search
Ross Beveridge, Archers Sleepcentre
rankings makes Google look like the only real winner), the format’s future is
says: “It’s a strange world where financial
right for them – however, regardless
investors throw money at unprofitable
of whether you are an online, o�ine or
businesses and ignore profitable ones, isn’t
multichannel retailer, you should practise
physical? Is their market share likely to
business ethically and be subject to the
grow – and will they survive long enough
same standards.”
to see it?
Supply and demand
Steve Adams, MD of online pureplay
debatable. Is every enterprise destined to go
“Online is here to stay,” says Jessica
Despite those online pureplays behaving
MattressOnline, states: “A company’s route
Alexander, “but not exclusively, and at the
questionably, or throwing good money after
to market has no relevance to its business
expense of all physical shops. Obviously,
bad, there are several digital operators in
format. The leaders of the business, and the
there will be long-term, sustainable
the UK bed sector which have established
culture they nurture, is far more important.
winners – while many will fall by the
themselves as credible, long-term
A pureplay online retailer can be just as
businesses – and they have done so by
good or bad as a high street store in terms
meeting evolving consumer demand at
of the o�er and their ethics – and it could
likely to come down to what the consumer
every turn.
be argued that pureplay online retailers
wants, and how well the pureplays can
have to be more transparent than their
react to their demands. “Longevity falls at
and how to fulfil their needs is the basis
o�ine counterparts. They certainly have
the feet of a company’s leaders,” concludes
of any good business,” says Mike Murray.
stricter distance selling regulations to
Steve Adams. “Have they built a business
“If people want to buy online and pureplay
comply with.”
that is profitable and sustainable? Whether
“Understanding what customers desire
retailers can meet that requirement, then that’s good customer service! “Ultimately, the consumer will decide whether the pureplay online o�ering is
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 11
As Mike Murray suggested, everything is
a business is online or bricks-andDefiantly digital
mortar, it’s essential to control costs and
With online brands increasingly finding
react to trends and changes in consumer
their way onto our high streets and retail
28/08/2019 13:32
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 12 KaymedAug18.indd 1 ThermaPhase+_NakedTruthAd_2018 DPS A3 AW.indd 1
28/08/2019 13:32
THE NAKED TRUTH The naked truth is that the key to a great night’s sleep is maintaining the body’s temperature all night long. The body’s core temperature has a natural rhythm while sleeping which many people struggle to maintain by adding and removing layers in bed each night. It’s time to strip off your old ways! Therma-Phase+ is an advanced mattress with a unique combination of built-in phase-change crystals and additional copper particles which react to the skin’s temperature, absorbing and releasing heat while you sleep - whilst at the same time ensuring the mattress is as supportive as it can be. If
you want to increase sales and realise the return on investment of innovation over imitation, contact us now via the ‘Become a Stockist’ link on and discover the naked truth about Therma-Phase+
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 13
28/08/2019 09:41 13:32 23/07/2018 11:51 17/07/2018
Sleep central
The Bed Show returns to Telford International Centre for a 10th year from 17-18th September. With another strong line-up of British and Irish bed manufacturers and suppliers, the event’s organiser expects more than 1400 visitors to attend the two-day show, which bookends the NBF Gala Dinner and Bed Industry Awards.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 14
The UK’s biggest bed-specific exhibition,
from NBF members because the Code of
the Bed Show, which is organised by the
Practice, to which they all must comply,
National Bed Federation (NBF), gives bed
provides reassurance that their suppliers
retailers an opportunity to see the majority
are complying with legal requirements such
of the industry’s biggest names under one
as FR, trade descriptions and REACH and
biocide regulations.”
Only NBF members can exhibit - which
British bed manufacturers and
means visitors placing orders are investing
component suppliers – more than
in and supporting British manufacturing
60 brands – will present their latest
and British-made products. Jessica
innovations, o�ers, promotions and sales
Alexander, executive director of the NBF,
support for the UK market, covering
says: “Buyers recognise the value of buying
mattresses, divans, bedsteads, futons,
28/08/2019 13:32
headboards and bedding, plus tickings, springs, foam, fillings, machinery and components. On the Tuesday evening, the NBF Gala Dinner will comprise a drinks reception (sponsored by Sleepeezee), three-course dinner and live entertainment from Queen tribute band, Flash. The dinner will feature the presentation of the NBF Bed Industry Awards, hosted this year by Gyles Brandreth, returning for a fourth time. With a judging panel including Furniture News’ Paul Farley, the awards aim to recognise and celebrate the most successful bed manufacturers, suppliers and retailers across six categories: Bed of the Year; Accessory/ Component of the Year; Innovation of the Year; Independent Bed Retailer of the Year; Online Bed Retailer of the Year; and National Bed Retailer of the Year. The Bed Show will open from 9am5.30pm on the 17th, and 9am-4pm on the Wednesday. On-site parking and entry are free – as are refreshments for visitors courtesy of John Cotton, and for exhibitors thanks to BekaertDeslee. There is a wide choice of hotels nearby, and discounted rates are available for Bed Show visitors – visit the event website to pre-register and to book accommodation.
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28/08/2019 13:32
E65 O e rd
Divan Diner
E50 F60
Rawson Fillings
Dura Beds / Heritage Brand
Highgate Beds / Healthopaedic / Zero Gravity / Medicpaedic / SportLine
e rit
v mo
MA Living
Leggett & Platt
Dunlopillo / Relyon / Slumberland / Myers
C50 Gallery / Hudson Living / Simply Sleep
Burgess Beds
H5 F40
C40 Duvalay
Dunlopillo / Relyon / Slumberland / Myers
H4 D30 F30
A26 A25
Millbrook Beds / Hampshire Bed Co
Gateway Systems
Shakespeare Beds
A23 D20
Apropa A20
Palatine Beds
G20 F10
Highgrove Beds / Sanctum / HG
Highgrove Beds / Sanctum / HG
Harrison Beds / Adam Henson
H2 A5 B10
Furmanac / MiBed / Hestia
Softheads/Siesta Beds
D15 Pieters Texteil
Somnus / Synergy
Monks International
C5 Vogue
H Living
E5 British Wool
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 16
28/08/2019 13:32
EXHIBITORS Adam Henson ........................G20 Maes Mattress Ticking .......... F1 Airsprung Beds .................... J30 Mammoth ............................ J55 Airsprung Group ................... J32 MaxiMover ............................E65 Apropa Machinery ..................A7 Medicpaedic .......................... F60 Beautyrest ............................ J50 MiBed ....................................B10 Boyteks Tekstil .....................G30 Millbrook Beds ......................B30 Breasley ................................ J60 Minerva Furniture Group ...A23
British Wool ............................E5 MiSofa ...................................A20
Healthi Posture / William Night / Dreamland Beds
Brooke+Wilde ....................... J60 Monks International .............D10 H60
Burgess Beds Ltd .................C50 MPT Group ............................E1
Carpenter .............................C30 Myers ............................G40, G55
Hamilton & James Breasley / Salus / Uno / Brook+Wilde
Deluxe Beds ........................ H55 National Bed Federation .......... Dreamland Beds .................. H70 ...................Inside main entrance
Dunlopillo ...................G40, G55 Ordorite Software ................G70
Duvalay ................................. F40 Palatine Beds ......................D20
Deluxe Beds The Foam Company / Mammoth / Sleepshaper / Sonlevo
Enkev (UK) Ltd ......................D5 Pieters Textiel ......................D15 Furmanac .................... A20, B10 Rawson Fillings ....................E50
Gainsborough ....................... J20 Relyon ..........................G40, G55 H50
Gallery ..................................B50 Retailsystem Furniture Software Gateway Systems .................D30 ................................................A24
Sleepeezee / Beautyrest
Global Material Sourcing ....E30 Salus ..................................... J60
H Living ..................................C5 Sanctum ....................... B20, C20 J40
Sweet Dreams
Stellini Textile Group SRL
Hamilton and James ........... H60 Seetall Furniture ................E40 Kayflex (UK)
Hampshire Bed Company ....B30 Shakespeare Beds ................ F30 Harrison Beds .......................G20 Shire Beds .......................... H20 Harrison Spinks ..........G10, G20 Siesta Beds ........................... F10
Healthbeds ...........................C10 Simply Sleep ........................B50 HealthiPosture .................... H70 Sleepeezee ............................. J50 Healthopaedic ....................... F60 Sleepshaper .......................... J55 Hestia ....................................B10 Slumberland ................G40, G55
Shire Beds
Airsprung Beds
J32 Airsprung Group
HG ................................ B20, C20 Somnus ................................G10 Highgate Beds ...................... F60 Sonlevo ................................. J55
Highgrove Beds ........... B20, C20 Sportline .............................. F60 Homeserve Furniture Repairs ..
Stellini Textile Group ........... J40
................................................A25 Swanglen Furnishings ......... J34 Hudson Living ......................B50 Sweet Dreams (Nelson) ...... H40
Border Bistro
Hush-a-Bye Beds .................. J25 Synergy .................................G10 Hypnos ..................................C40 The Foam Company ............. J55 Kayex (UK) .........................K40 The Sleep Council ...................... Kaymed .................................B40 ...................Inside main entrance Keen & Able .........................A22 Uno ........................................ J60 Kyoto .................................... H50 Vispring ............................... H30 Latexco ....................................G1 Vitafoam .................................A5 Leggett & Platt .....................E15 Vogue Beds .............................B5 Liftsafe Ltd ...........................A26 William Night ...................... H70 *Correct as of 27/8/19
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 17
M A Living ............................D50 Zero Gravity ......................... F60
28/08/2019 13:32
ES Emma Leeke (Leekes)
Mike Murray (Land of Beds) It’s fair to say that Brexit is proving to be a very complicated process and that the
What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Bed Buyer is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a variety of industry topics. In this edition, we’re asking: “If you could change anything about the Brexit process, what would it be?”
Dids Macdonald (ACID,
That we ever started down this road!
The Furniture Makers’ Company)
continuing uncertainty has implications
Misleading, undermining and
throughout the whole supply chain – for
underestimating the intelligence of
Rob Scarlett (Scarlett Design)
both manufacturers and retailers. We
the British public with untrue facts
Not voting in the first place. Surely this is
have plans in place for any number of
and hype driven by personal rather
what we pay politicians to do?
eventualities, but we cannot get on with
than national ambition
implementing them until a decision is made one way or the other. That being said, we
Ross Beveridge
are entrepreneurial people – having been
(Archers Sleepcentre)
in business for more than 40 years, we are
Everyone seems to be united in the
confident that we will work with whatever
opinion that the Government have made a
scenario we find ourselves in and make it a success
Nick Garratt (BFM) I think that Brexit has proven that first-past-the-post, majoritybased Government is broken. Our system needs to be changed so that a formal democratic coalition Government can work. We need MPs representing the people with the ability to get the outcome the people
shambolic mess of the negotiations. I do
If you could change anything about the Brexit process, what would it be?
want. I’m really fed up with party politics
feel that enlisting the help of some of Britain’s best business brains with a track record for negotiating could have provided a better, mutually acceptable deal than the one that has proved so unpopular with Brexiteers and Remainers alike. The pros and cons and potential pitfalls should have been investigated further prior to triggering Article 50, and even before carrying out a referendum. UK politics has been pushed further into
and MPs feathering their own nests
the spotlight and has become somewhat embarrassing
Jessica Alexander (NBF, AKA PR) Reverse it! Seriously, although everyone is fed up with the politics, this is a once-in-alifetime, irreversible decision, and I think we should have another referendum, with all the facts on the pros and cons on the table properly this time
Steve Adams (MattressOnline) Jan Turner (AKA PR) Clarity. Clarity. Clarity! The lack of progress is creating untold damage, delay and indecision to British industry. No-one can prepare for an eventuality which remains so unclear, and, beyond ensuring good stock levels, most companies are at a loss as
Keen to share your answer to the next big question? Follow @FurnitureNewsED on Twitter to have your say!
The implementation of a strategic plan. We need to see a unified cross-party approach that puts the UK first and leaves political agendas in the background. Consumer confidence will not return until we see a strategic plan towards Brexit, reassuring our customers the Government knows what they’re doing
to how to prepare for it
* These comments were made in response to a survey conducted at the start of the summer – given the ever-evolving nature of the Brexit debate, opinions may have changed in the meantime!
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 18
28/08/2019 13:32
out with the old, in with the new
visit us on stand J25 to find out more
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 19 Untitled-2 1
28/08/2019 16/08/2019 13:32 11:09
Natural Backcare 1500
All change at hushabye
The first thing those visiting hushabye’s stand at this year’s Bed Show will notice is a thorough brand refresh that’s a major departure from its previous look. The Wiltshire-based bed company has been in existence since 1856, and the brand has developed gradually ever since – but it was high time for a more dramatic change, explains MD Nick Gigg … Nick explains: “hushabye has been
with his in-house marketing team to
badging exercise – there needs to be a
changing over the last couple of years, with
develop a suitable alternative. “We
product to match.
more emphasis on innovation and design.
discussed many routes,” he says, “but
Of course, the quality and reliability is
when I saw what became the final design,
with a supportive outer edge and a pocket-
unchanged – but we had feedback from
it seemed right, immediately. The finished
spring core that o�ers edge-to-edge
retailers that the brand may not reflect
logo is contemporary and flexible, and
the forward thinking that hushabye
better reflects the tone of voice that
hushabye now represents.”
It is never easy to let go of a wellestablished logo, but Nick worked closely
Of course, a new brand is all well and good, but it should not simply be a re-
Enter edj, a sleek contemporary mattress
Nick explains the concept: “We in the trade know the benefit of edge-to-edge support, but we are often told by retailers that it is not high on customers’ awareness.
edj Shape
Premium silicon badges help create a premium look
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 20
28/08/2019 13:32
Once they understand that this gives
edj range are quite contemporary in
headboard styles, which will be available
them much more of a sleeping surface, it
appearance, but it was important to have
in any of its wide selection of fabrics – so
becomes a key selling point.
a flexible brand and logo that would
retailers can now o�er every one of these
complement a more traditional product,
styles as either a strutted or floorstanding
says Nick.
headboard, as well as the new bedstead.
“I have been surprised how many of those brands that feature edge support don’t talk about it, so I wanted to make
This brand flexibility is evident on
This flexibility was a key request from
sure the idea was right there in the name –
the new Natural Backcare collection.
retailers, who wished to be able to o�er
hence, edj.”
The four models feature natural fillings
customers a wider choice and, in turn, close
such as wool, cotton, silk and bamboo.
more sales.
It is certainly di�erent from the
Having spent such a long time
traditional type of brand name, but Nick
The signature look is soft and natural,
believes that this will give this model an
with a 100% cotton cover. The collection
developing this brand, Nick and the team
is available with 1000, 1200, 1500 and
cannot wait to get the range out to market.
The edj range has a distinctive look,
2000 springs, each available in firm and
“If you have never considered hushabye,
with contemporary silicone badging that
extra-firm tensions. The silicon badges
now is the right time to discover us,” says
will make it stand out on the shopfloor.
and embroidered handles are presented
Nick, “and if you are already one of our
Within the range there are three models:
in muted tones, and the hand tufting
valued customers we would love to talk you
Pure, a 2000-spring count natural mattress
completes the premium look.
through this and future developments.”
featuring natural wool, silk and cotton
hushabye is also launching six new
fillings; Shape, which has 3000 springs and features high-quality, next-generation memory foam to provide total support; and, finally, a gel latex version called Cool, which features a cool latex gel layer, has 4000 pocket springs and features a softknit stretch cover which assists with the cooling e�ect. All three models will be on show in Telford on hushabye’s new contemporary bedstead. The base features a drop in platform that gives it a bedstead look, and, as there are no additional fixings, it can be assembled much quicker than traditional slats. The platform is sturdy and gives a more consistent support, which in turn
edj Cool
promises a better sleep experience. The new hushabye brand and the
edj Pure
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 21
28/08/2019 13:32
, s r e m a e r d For sleepers, for
e N o y R e FoR eV
The new natural backcare collection has arrived. Naturally comfortable and always supportive, it’s everything you could wish for from a pocket sprung mattress. Visit us on stand J25 to find out more.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 22 BedBuyer_MikePages.indd 7651 Untitled-2 HAB NBF 1 Ads 297x21030-31 AW.indd 2
28/08/2019 11:07 13:32 13/08/2019 16/08/2019 11:16
a mattress with real
19 11:07 11:16
visit us on stand J25 to find out more
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 23 Untitled-2 1
28/08/2019 11:22 13:32 16/08/2019 11:11
Vispring at Harrods With a relationship going back more than 70 years, internationally renowned luxury brands Vispring and Harrods are firm partners – and their relationship is only set to grow stronger, as the pair unveil an engaging new showroom space fit for the big spenders … Europe’s largest department store boasts
handmade divans and headboards. Around
330 departments, covering some 102,193m2
the floor models are features such as
of retail space – enough to earn Harrods its
bedding rails and snapshots of the brand’s
own postcode. Its motto – Omnia Omnibus
history, all designed to give shoppers a
Ubique, (latin for “all things for all people,
clearer picture of Vispring’s heritage and
everywhere”) – extends to the luxury bed
quality proposition.
market, and, in-store, the likes of Tempur,
Bed Buyer speaks to Vispring’s UK
Savior and Hästens rub shoulders with
sales director, Jonny Mitchell, about the
Vispring in a bid to woo the capital’s more
transformation …
salubrious shoppers. Vispring’s portfolio of made-to-order
At Vispring, I work closely with the other
luxury beds ranges in price from just
senior managers to manage all sales-
under £1000 to £40,000 – and a premium
related activity in the UK, – including the
o�er requires a premium platform. With
management of five account managers,
this in mind, Harrods recently redesigned
strategy, budgeting, devising promotional
Vispring’s in-store showroom to maximise
marketing and promotional plans, pricing,
shopper engagement.
and the management of key customers.
There are 12 models on display – including what the supplier describes as
Vispring has traded with Harrods for over
“the world’s most luxurious bed”, The
five decades, and for the last few years
Diamond Majesty – plus a selection of
Vispring has, by turnover, been the largest
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 24
28/08/2019 13:33
brand (not just the largest bed brand) across the whole furniture floor. Both brands are focused on giving
mattress tensions). There are 12 beds in the new showroom, and we worked closely with Harrods’ buying
customers a great choice in luxury products,
team to ensure we had the best selection in
backed up with excellent customer service.
terms of look, feel and pricing. Ultimately,
Our tradition of using the finest materials
we needed to ensure the Vispring area
and employing skilled craftsmen to make
showed o� all of the brand’s USPs, as well
unique product aligns with Harrods’ ethos
as di�erentiating it from the nearby Savoir
of exclusivity.
and Hästens displays.
There’s a consistency to our branding
The biggest challenge was visualising how
across all our showrooms, worldwide.
the beds would look in a space that was
However, the unique shopping environment
very di�erent to the old showroom area.
that Harrods provides means we’re able to
We knew that the new space was not as
use the space to display additional PoS such
open, and had lower ceilings, as well as
as mattress cut-throughs and more lifestyle
being interspersed with columns. Striking
the right balance between display, PoS and
The Harrods sta� – of which three are directly funded by Vispring – o�er some of the best insight and knowledge about
flow was key, and we are very pleased with the result. I think we’ve managed to capture the
the product. It’s a loyal and long-serving
essence of a luxury British brand in a clean,
team, some of whom have been associated
modern environment.
with both Harrods and Vispring for over 40 years.
Vispring continues to grow its presence in Asia, and recent advertising within Harrods
Our key objective for the redesign was
has translated into both brand recognition
to ensure we could demonstrate all the
and sales in this expanding market, whose
di�erent models and unique features of a
consumers are key to both of us.
Vispring bed within the new space (and this was particularly true with regards to our
“Striking the right balance between display, PoS and flow was key”
Address: 87-135 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7XL
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 25
28/08/2019 13:34
Cortec promises to set new standards in sustainable comfort innovation and raise the bar on a global scale
Supportive, innovative Harrison Spinks Sitting on a raft of industry insight, and with some of the most-sought after technical expertise housed within its head office, innovation centre and farm in Yorkshire, fifth-generation luxury bedmaker Harrison Spinks is preparing to unveil all at the Bed Show … Following in the footsteps of its foam- and
Naturally soft, springy and absorbent,
Microlution springs to reduce pressure
glue-free pledge, and o� the back of the
this wool works in harmony with Harrison
points and roll together, significantly
launch of its 100% recyclable glue-free
Spinks’ ultra-responsive Cortec springs.
improving sleep quality, states the
pocket spring system, Cortec, Harrison Spinks still has more up its sleeves. Synergy, a new contemporary foamfree mattress collection, is the first new
These springs form the supportive core of every mattress in the range. Cradling the
bedmaker. Investment in innovation is enabling
body and reacting to individual movements,
Harrison Spinks to announce such
they work together with layers of HD and
industry-changing introductions to the
development. Using Harrison Spinks’ fully
market. By developing the finest high-
sustainable eco-spring system, Cortec, and
tensile wire ever to be used in a core unit,
micro springs, the result is an impressively
and sonic-welding each spring pocket
comfortable mattress which promises a
rather than using glue, Harrison Spinks
healthy night’s sleep (being foam and
has created individually pocketed springs
FR chemical-free) and fully recyclable
which are extremely durable, providing a
at the end of its life – seeing the luxury
high degree of support, and are distributed
manufacturer doing its bit to protect the
at a high density to create more points of
contact, providing greater body-contouring accuracy.
A heritage brand partnership with rural
Cortec will form part of the Harrison
TV presenter Adam Henson is also being unveiled. At the heart of every mattress
Spinks mattress o�ering in the UK and,
from the Adam Henson by Harrison Spinks
as it is a foam replacement component,
collection is carefully selected and rare breed wool from the fleeces of sheep reared on Adam’s and other local Cotswold farms.
Adam Henson has helped develop Harrison Spinks’ new premier mattress line
promises to have many other uses in the worldwide furniture and bedding industry.
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28/08/2019 13:34
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28/08/2019 21/08/2019 13:34 10:51
Riveria in plum with Adelphi headboard
Innovation never sleeps at Millbrook Millbrook Beds will unveil four new ranges at the Bed Show. Nine months of research, development and innovative thought has culminated in four new natural handmade mattresses – the Grandeur, Majestic, Ortho and Pillow-top collections. borders and headboards.
New technology and investment in
free, o�ering a 100% natural sleeping
machinery, combined with the company’s
surface – no chemicals have been used in
Operations director Ross Thurston
handmade approach, has enabled Millbrook
the cotton covers or in any of the natural
comments: “We have been burning the
to develop a range with a more sumptuous
fillings, which include Hampshire wool,
midnight oil for nine months, developing
feel, o�ering models with higher spring
English spun cotton and cashgora.
and refining our range, because innovation
counts – up to 14000 pocket springs – and greater sustainability credentials. Consultation with retail partners, as well as listening to comments and
Super-soft, breathable Tencel is used for the sleep surface of the new Pillow-top mattress. This fabric is produced from sustainably
never sleeps! “We now have a product with enhanced performance which will provide an amazing sleep experience. We expect this
recommendations from the sales team,
sourced wood using environmentally
new range to change the perception of
have been important contributors to the
responsible processes. In addition,
Millbrook Beds’ product completely.”
range’s innovations.
Millbrook currently repurposes nine million
T 0845 293 7262
plastic bottles a year for use in its mattress
The mattress collection is now chemical-
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 28
28/08/2019 15:10
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 29 Untitled-4 1
28/08/2019 15/08/2019 13:34 10:18
Slumberland’s new mini collections are under wraps right now – visit the manufacturer at one of three shows this autumn to find out more
Slumberland presents unique solutions for unique individuals Award-winning bed manufacturer, Slumberland, will present a new range of mini collections at the AIS and NBF bed shows this September, and at Minerva’s Autumn Furniture Show in October. In line with the company’s consistent
mattresses o�er varying fillings from
and wicks away moisture in such a way
commitment to innovation, this cleverly
memory foam to latex, with the added
that the user feels cool and fresh all
designed range will feature a spectrum
benefit of natural Bio-Protect treatment for
night. The top two mattresses in the Plus
of new sleep technology and benefits,
a refreshing sleep experience.
Collection also feature Respire technology
engineered to suit all sleepers – no matter
The three Ortho Collection pocket-
– a memory foam layer with engineered
the sleeper’s body shape or budget, or
sprung mattresses are hand tufted, and
perforations to increase air circulation and
whether they sleep on their side, front
have been designed for those who prefer
reduce the common issue of overheating
or back, Slumberland promises a bed for
a firmer feel. Impressive support layers
throughout the night.
will help to deliver optimal spinal support
Finally, the Nordic Collection has been
and comfort for the user, while natural
designed for those who wish to customise
traditional pocket-sprung mattresses,
Bio-Protect treatment is added to the
their mattress. These highly responsive,
boasting a mix of natural fillings. Wool,
mattresses’ fabric to maintain a hygienic
pocket-sprung mattresses can be tailored
cashmere and silk have been chosen for
sleep environment.
to the user’s needs through the choice
The Natural Collection comprises three
of either a cooling gel latex or pressure-
their breathability and moisture-wicking
Next is the PremiAir Collection, which
properties, and, for those who seek good
comprises three pocket-sprung mattresses
sleep hygiene, the Natural Collection
with a cooling gel latex layer, and
also benefits from Bio-Protect, a natural
Slumberland’s groundbreaking EdgeMax
improved ventilation with EdgeMax Air
treatment added to the mattresses’ fabric
Air ventilation technology, which helps
technology and Ice fabric with Bio-Protect
to help eliminate allergens and reduce
keep the sleeper cool at night. The added
treatment for a cooling and refreshing
bacteria for a healthier sleep environment.
benefit of Ice fabric technology – a cool-
The Comfort Collection is made up of
touch fabric combined with eCool quilting
relieving memory foam enhancer. Both mattresses also benefit from
Visit Slumberland at the AIS Bed Show
four mattresses with varying spring counts
– promises to aid temperature control for a
on 4th September, the NBF Bed Show
to suit all budgets.
more comfortable night’s sleep.
on 17-18th September, or the Autumn
The entry-level open-coil sprung
The Comfort Plus Collection, meanwhile,
Furniture Show on 1st-2nd October, or
mattress has pillow soft quilting for added
boasts EdgeMax Air for added ventilation,
email Slumberland to find out more about
comfort at a competitive price point,
and features Slumberland’s new unique
the new mini collections.
while the three responsive pocket-sprung
eCool quilt, which increases evaporation
E marketing@steinho�
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 30
28/08/2019 15:10
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd SlumberlandSep19.indd 1 31
28/08/2019 16/08/2019 13:35 12:27
CPS Group (, based South Wales, recently launched a new product o�ering – swatch making, under the name Swatch Designers. This will allow CPS Group to o�er additional services to its existing customer base, including items such as fabric swatch pattern books and fabric cuttings. Following a +40% growth on turnover last year, CPS has invested heavily in expanding its product range, o�ering its well-established customer list – which includes the likes of John Lewis, Next and Ikea – even more.
For over 30 years, Dreams (0800 652 5090, brands/dreams-workshop) has been passionate about providing a better sleep for all. As the UK’s most recommended bed retailer (based on TrustPilot scores as of 15th July 2019, when compared against leading UK bed retailers), Dreams is committed to providing the highest standard of expert customer service and advice, alongside an extensive range of high-quality product including mattresses, bed frames, divans and bedding. As well as o�ering a range of well-known brands, Dreams also makes and sells own-brand mattresses – The Dreams Workshop
Through its new division, CPS can offer swatch books and more
range – all of which are handcrafted in the UK at the company’s factory in Oldbury, West Midlands.
Established in 1979, family-run manufacturer Excellent Relax Bedding Co (01924 441654, specialises in handmaking mattresses to order, plus pocket and bespoke calico springs. Thanks to the company having full control over every element of production, these can be made to any specification, from domestic beds to sleeping solutions for boats, caravans and private jets. Excellent’s skilled master craftsmen ensure the high quality of every mattress and divan, combining technical expertise with fine natural ingredients to produce some of the most technologically advanced and comfortable beds available. Edward Clay and Son manufactures an extensive range of non-woven felt options
Owned and run by the same family that established it in 1870, Edward Clay and Son (07484 052174, is a manufacturer of felt and fibre pads and rolls based in Ossett, West Yorkshire. The company produces to traditional quality standards using leading-edge technology, and is well placed to provide current and future market solutions with recyclable, sustainable and biodegradable options. “In the 1960s, our production increased, and we started to produce mattress fillings,” says a spokesperson. “Today, the environment leads us in a direction that enables us to o�er a large portfolio of fillings and spring insulator pads, produced from a variety of materials – from virgin to environmentally friendly options.” Viceroy
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 32
For more information on the company’s o�er, contact business development director Andrew Payne through the above channels.
28/08/2019 13:35
Trusted manufacturer & supplier of • Spring insulator pads • Comfort layers for contract and domestic • Pocket springs Please contact Andrew Payne e t 07484 052174
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20/08/2019 11:03
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16/08/2019 10:34
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 33
28/08/2019 13:35
Abbey bedstead in matt beige with light round legs
Chapman bedstead in matt grey with dark round legs
From board to bedstead, your way The Swanglen name has been synonymous with quality headboards for decades – but this year, following a detailed R&D process, the company is branching out with the launch of a new range of bedsteads … Earlier this year, Swanglen set out to
is simple, explains sales director Peter
fabrics. And that is how we developed this
develop a contemporary bedstead that
Ridpath: “For Swanglen, R&D is driven by
new range of bedsteads.”
would easily accommodate any headboard
conversations with our customers. There
style, in any fabric in its extensive swatch.
has been, for some time, a desire to supply
platform, which eliminates the hassle
With 17 styles and 50 fabrics available –
something that has the ease of a divan
associated with a slatted base. According
and four foot options – that means over
base alongside the contemporary feel of
to Swanglen, it is incredibly robust,
3500 permutations.
a bedstead. At the same time, customers
and delivers a more consistent sleeping
are looking for a wide range of styles and
experience than slats.
The choice is huge, but the base itself
The base features an innovative drop-in
Everything is delivered to the customer flat-packed, but the assembly time is minimal – yet the most important feature is choice, says Peter: “Swanglen are well known not only for quality of finish, but also its wide selection of headboard styles and fabrics. We needed to o�er a solution that can deliver the widest choice – 17 styles, over 50 fabrics and four foot options pretty much guarantees that there’s something for everyone in this range.” As with all Swanglen products, the bedsteads are made to order, and, as they are handmade in the UK, lead times are kept to a minimum. The bedstead range will be front and centre on Swanglen’s stand at Telford – but the team is also looking to build on the success of the next-day and signature ranges launched at last year’s show. Chrystal bedstead in matt pink with light square legs
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 34
28/08/2019 15:27
Untitled SWA75
launches stylish, hassle-free bedsteads
The new range of contemporary bedsteads are more stylish than a divan, less hassle than slats, the revolutionary drop-in base can be assembled in minutes. With 17 shapes, 50 fabric choices and 4 feet options, that’s over 3000 combinations to choose from. Visit us on stand J34 for more information.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 35 Untitled-5 1 210x297 CM AW.indd SWA7569 NBF 3
28/08/2019 14/08/2019 12:41 13/08/2019 15:27 09:07
Perfectly British Regent
A bed brand for tomorrow There’s been an awakening at Sleepeezee since its acquisition by France’s Adova Group last year. Informed by revelatory market research, the Kent-based bed manufacturer’s entire ethos has been refreshed – and it’s already paying off, CEO Joe Wykes tells Paul Farley … How are people buying beds?
drives their purchases? And – with the
consideration,” says Joe, before revealing
Understanding consumer behaviour, both
promise of a £5m investment over four
further findings: the average in-store price
in-store and online, is essential in today’s
years – what might Sleepeezee achieve in
of a bed/mattress is £499, while online it’s
this context?
closer to £350; a consumer typically makes
“We found that one in three people buy
six touchpoints (a combination of in-store
traditional retail norms, it’s not enough
their beds and mattresses online,” says Joe,
and online visits) while buying; the buying
to simply carry on down the same path –
“and just one in 10 did so having not been
period typically runs from four to six
but overreacting to new pressures can be
to a store at all.” The number of consumers
weeks; and, alarmingly, a quarter of people
equally dangerous.
making solely digital purchases, with no
going into that journey don’t conclude it by
store engagement at all, is considerable –
transacting, or defer their purchase.
After years of disruption to the
Hence the need for good market intelligence. Joe Wykes recognised this
“a £210m market, and it will get bigger”,
Identifying why people don’t buy is as
upon his appointment as the head of Adova
says Joe. But of greater significance is the
important as discovering why they do, says
UK, and commissioned PwC to conduct
proportion of consumers (90%) that do
Joe, citing some of the factors putting them
market research into what UK consumers
visit a physical shop during their purchase
o�: “There’s too much technical jargon in
felt – and how they behaved – when
bed sales, and retailers have a propensity
buying beds. Are they led by particular brands? What
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 36
“A bed is a considered purchase,
to show clones of the same models – they
and the store plays a vital role in that
all look the same, and they’re all called the
28/08/2019 13:35
same thing. Both of these approaches just confuse the consumer.” More worrying is the persistence of an insidious sales culture based on hidden
Joe Wykes with Mayfair, from Sleepeezee’s Perfectly British collection
commissions. “When people ask to see a retailer’s best mattress, or seek advice on what model would suit them best, it’s astonishing how often they’re directed to the same one,” says Joe. “But consumers are typically quite savvy about this. They know when they’re being led on.” Quite why anyone would risk eroding the consumer’s trust in their sta� – one of bricks-and-mortar retail’s biggest advantages over its online counterpart – is a debate for another time. For now, says Joe, it’s enough to know that shoppers want a combination of clarity, transparency, and the ability to shop both online and o�. “Our research went on to rank the purchase drivers,” he continues. “We found that size is the principal driver, followed by price, then accessibility/delivery. The secondary criteria are brand and strapline, and the perception of quality and durability.” Sleepeezee’s research then went on to explore the tipping points which can seal the deal: a guarantee or warranty; free
“We’ve always developed great products and offered great margins, but we’ve never had the consumer at the heart of what we do”
trial (de rigueur for those disruptive bedin-a-box brands); customer reviews; the
more or less likely to buy products with a
the net value of a Royal Warrant in the UK
mattress’ design; and bundled ancillary
Royal Warrant attached, PwC found that
just 9% – so not a USP upon which to base
products, such as bedding.
50% couldn’t say one way or another, and
an entire marketing campaign.
It unearthed some surprising results. Another weapon in Sleepeezee’s arsenal is
25% didn’t even know what it was. Of the remaining 25%, 17% said they’d
Taken together, PwC’s findings led Joe to re-evaluate the company’s entire
its coveted Royal Warrant – an accolade
be more likely to buy a product bearing
consumer-facing strategy, starting with
held by just one other bed manufacturer.
the mark, while 8% were actually less
adjusting the brand’s website to mirror
It’s an eminently powerful asset in the
likely (“we had one stockist request its
those key purchase drivers.
bedmaker’s overseas activities, yet PwC’s
removal from a particular range, as in their
findings suggest that its domestic heft
experience some customers felt it meant
and o�ered great margins,” he says, “but
should be kept in perspective.
they didn’t get value for money,” says Joe).
we’ve never had the consumer at the heart
In all, viewed dispassionately, this makes
of what we do. We had to make our story
When investigating whether people were
“We’ve always developed great products
Perfectly British Strand
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 37
28/08/2019 15:29
“The discourse is simple – give us some leeway and we’ll grow your sales”
that the more spontaneous the purchase (four clicks, perhaps?), the greater the likelihood of its spontaneous return. “Traditionally, our huge advantage is we don’t o�er a one-size-fits-all solution,” explains Joe. “A Sleepeezee bed is not just a big block of foam.” The replacement policy is just one example of Sleepeezee’s commitment to better customer service and to developing closer working relationships with stockists. “Most of our more traditional rivals are not coming up with these sorts of solutions for their stockists,” says Joe. This might mean developing exclusive models, or support for consumer advertising campaigns (the brand has already helped fund and film a TV commercial on behalf of a local stockist),
much more attractive to them. “But, at the same time, it’s all very much with the retailer in mind. We want to drive
marketing a brand without any proof your
and even goes as far as holding stock for
audience will make repeat purchases?
and sharing delivery costs with particularly
“Take Eve Sleep. They went live in 2014,
open-minded partners.
people in-store, we want them wanting
so in theory their first turnaround period
Sleepeezee. At the moment you could argue
[in the customer mattress replacement
says Joe, “and trying things out that
there’s only one other bed brand taking
cycle] is coming up now. Will their initial
might revitalise our range. Ultimately, the
that approach.”
customers buy Eve again? If they do, we’re
discourse is simple – give us some leeway
looking at a di�erent ball game, but I’m
and we’ll grow your sales.”
Emerging competition from bed-in-a-
“I’m looking at things more holistically,”
box brands is more problematic, says Joe,
doubtful.” Joe admits that Sleepeezee
mindful of Adova’s abortive plan to bring
has learned a lot about marketing and
Sleepeezee formed a partnership with Good
US rolled mattress brand Beautyrest by
purchasing from the disruptor brands, and
Housekeeping magazine in February. That
Simmons to the UK.
has even gone so far as to implement its
month, it also enlisted celebrity doctor Dr
own 60-night sleep trial. “It’s not actually
Ranj Singh (of TV’s CBeebies, This Morning
spend so much on marketing, and it’s not
a money-back promise, but an exchange
and Strictly Come Dancing fame) as its
yet clear whether it’ll ever pay o�. For a
trial,” he says. “Our mattresses can be
brand ambassador.
search term like ‘best mattresses’, Google
returned within 60 days and replaced with
charges the advertiser around £5.50 per
another from the brand.”
“It’s a mug’s game,” he says. “They
click – and the result is a conversation rate
This strategy is not as risky as it sounds,
To bolster its consumer presence,
The connection is far from tenuous – Ranj’s mother works for the business, and Ranj himself completed a summer
says Joe, who looked closely at Adova’s
placement there in his youth. As an NHS
previous experiences in the French market,
clinician, Ranj is well aware of the benefits
– just four clicks to purchase, very slick,
and Sleepeezee’s low returns rate, before
a good night’s sleep can deliver the next
clean and clear. But to spend so much on
committing to this pledge. It would seem
day – and its these that take centre stage in
that’s lower than 2%. It just doesn’t add up. “Credit where it’s due, their story is good
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 38
28/08/2019 13:35
Sleepeezee’s own TV advertising campaign, ‘Everything is easy when you Sleepeezee’. “NHS guidelines suggest we should have 8-9 hours’ sleep a night, but the average Briton only sleeps 6.25.” says Joe. “To date, everyone else in our sector has focused on the sports story, but physicality is just one of the benefits – a proper night’s sleep means you’ll make better decisions, be more patient and listen better. There are links between good sleep and a decline in dementia rates, and the BHF says it reduces heart murmurs.” Through Ranj, Sleepeezee is broadening its horizons. Early analysis indicates that his presence has bolstered Sleepeezee’s profile among the UK’s Indian and
Perfectly British Mayfair
Pakistani population, while, as a columnist for gay lifestyle magazine Attitude, Ranj has enabled Sleepeezee to reach out to that often-overlooked demographic.
200,000 people.”
further expansion.
Carefully timed to coincide with this
Sleepeezee’s status as an approved
fillip, May saw the launch of Sleepeezee’s
supplier to the Minerva Furniture Group
social media following,” explains Joe. “In
Perfectly British collection. O�ering three
is already opening new doors, while
the past few months alone, our Facebook
models – Strand, Regent and Mayfair,
independent stockists are benefiting from
followers have gone from 3000 to 10,000.
priced from £699-899 – and cleverly
fresh POS in line with their promotional
If you take Ranj’s reach into account,
marketed along a Monopoly theme, the
campaigns. Meanwhile, Joe is encouraging
our social media reach now totals around
collection exclusively comprises British
greater sta� interaction, and has
raw materials, enabling Sleepeezee to meet
implemented new KPIs to identify which
one of today’s most important consumer
models are selling (and which aren’t), and
demands head-on.
“At the same time, we’re building our
“Sustainability is a big focus for us – as
“There are big changes going on here,”
a company, and a Royal Warrant holder
says Joe, “and having a team that’s bought
Of course, people are not the only
– so we asked ourselves what it might
into our new philosophy so quickly has
members of the household that
look like, product-wise,” explains Joe.
made all the di�erence.
appreciate a comfy sleeping surface.
“Our deliveries will always create a carbon
Always quick to spot the potential
“We’re thinking about how to make and
footprint (and running an electric lorry
sell mattresses better and faster, and our
of new markets, Sleepeezee went live
fleet is unrealistic), but why not reduce the
market research proved so useful that we’re
with a range of pet beds on 1st August.
footprint created by our supply base? Why
doing another round of brand awareness
Company branded – but without
not skew our supply chain towards UK-
assessment with PwC.”
the Royal Warrant –the beds come
based businesses?”
The initial results speak for themselves.
in three sizes, and in flat (with faux
The story doesn’t stop there. For every
Sleepeezee’s Q1 sales were good, but as it
leather piping) or basket (featuring
mattress sold, £10 goes to homeless charity
entered the summer months (admittedly
cosy memory foam!) varieties.
Crisis, adding to a rich CSR programme
against some relatively soft comparatives),
Washable at 60ºC – “an industry
that has seen Sleepeezee raise more than
the emergence of its new direction,
first”, says Joe –the beds also feature
£250,000 for good causes over the past
partnerships and products saw sales grow
odour-eliminating fillings.
three years.
by +24% YoY in April, and an astounding
“This is a purely digital play for the
“Let the other brands talk about
+88% in May – a country mile ahead of the
moment,” explains Joe, “through a
technology and craft,” says Joe, “while
NBF’s sector benchmarks. Joe grins as he
transactional DTC (Direct to Canine!)
we bring things to the fore consumers can
executes a quick calculation, before stating
website. Looking ahead, we have
actually relate to.”
that he expects overall growth in H1 to be
celebrity endorsers lined up, as well as sponsorship of pet trade shows.” In line with its charitable human-
Sleepeezee is upping its game behind the scenes too, with new hires, machinery and
+12% YoY. “The market’s against us, but we’re
factory space. Merchandisers have been
certainly outperforming our rivals now,” he
facing business, Sleepeeze has already
appointed in the North and South to handle
concludes. “It’s been hard work, but we’ve
partnered with Battersea dogs and cats
the majors, 400m2 has been added to the
got a stronger range, greater reach, and a
home, to which it will donate £10 from
factory to house finished goods and enable
better grasp of the brand’s values than ever.
every sale.
faster response times, and, drawing on
And there’s plenty more to come …”
Adova’s investment, plans are in place for
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 39
28/08/2019 13:35
Highgrove invests in its customers
Albany, featuring Highgrove’s Equasleep temperature control specification
Highgrove Beds will use the Bed Show as a launchpad for several new products – from innovative and upgraded mattress specifications to a range of adjustable beds, aptly called Comfort Control … Although the internet plays an
This year, Highgrove has continued
main brands into the marketplace,” says
investment at its Liversedge site, spending
Shane. “There’s HG at the entry level,
increasingly important role in consumer
more than £1m on new machinery
our established flagship Highgrove brand
decisionmaking, Highgrove has made
– including the latest foam cutting
taking up the centre ground, and Sanctum
the tactical (and commercial) decision to
technology, which is enabling the company
targeting the premium, hand-tailored
support the high street, and its brochure
to continue its expansion into the smart
collection is strictly not available for
foam market. Highgrove’s head of marketing, Shane
“Our strategic approach has always focused on giving our customers what they
internet trading. “We feel that consumers still want to
Harding, is confident that the business
want, when they want it, and for the best
try before they buy, and although internet
will continue to gain market share, despite
value possible. With 98% of customers
sales continue to outpace retail, high-ticket
what is widely acknowledged as one of the
now receiving our Fastersleep (within
comfort items will still be primarily sold
toughest retail environments in years.
seven-days) delivery service on virtually
in-store for many years to come,” Shane
our entire product range, our need for retail
warehousing has been reduced, and we’re
“We have now firmly bedded our three
seeing improved customer cash flow. We are confident that customers now view Highgrove as a one-stop-shop for all their bed floor requirements.” In addition to its wider product o�er, Highgrove has invested more than £500,000 in high-impact in-store displays and additional PoS – which includes branded footmats and pillowcases to In-store displays are paying dividends for retailers, reports Highgrove
enhance store displays – to support high street retailers.
The Comfort Control beds can be adjusted via the handset
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 40
28/08/2019 15:36
Smart software for furniture retailers
Relax and let RetailSystem transform your bed business J DeWalleg Ltd is a British manufacturing company with a history of innovation and Patents for the products it designs and makes in the UK. Its roots as a family company go back over 66 years and our ethos continues to be quality, craftsmanship and pride in what we make and sell.
Find comfort in features that help bed retailers grow and improve operations with cloud-based software from the UK’s leading supplier • Control all areas of your bed business, from buying and stock control to sales and customer service • For businesses of any size— from single location to multi-store operations
With continued investment and the inhouse CAD designing of its own production machinery and products, J DeWalleg Ltd strives to maintain its lead as a UK manufacturer supplying globally direct to the Bedding and Upholstery industry.
Tried, tested and trusted by more than 850 retailers globally
for products, services and contact information
Awarded ‘Best Software Supplier to the Furniture and Bed Industry’ for 11 consecutive years 2009-2019
0131 440 7607
Carpenter Bed Show Creative 188 x 131 Landscape.qxp_Layout 1 06/08/2019 15:39 Page 1 Client
JDW_JA.indd Untitled-3 1 1
We see the future of sleep today
Glen Turner
Modification Date
SEE TRUE INNOVATIONS Visit us at the NBF Bed Show on September 17th & 18th
STAND C30 BedBuyer_HP.indt 1
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 41
File Name
9899 Quarter Page Ad 92x128mm
Proof Stage
15/08/2018 14:41 12:24 06/08/2019 BedBuyer_QP.indt Director1
01/08/19 9:45am
Finished Size
92 x 128mm
Artwork %
06/08/2019 10:35
06/08/2019 16:07
28/08/2019 13:35
Vispring broadens scope with affordable line
J.Marshall No.4
Last month, Vispring launched a new sub-brand, J.Marshall by Vispring, which draws on the legacy of Canadian-born engineer James Marshall – a spring visionary who had a close association with Vispring and the invention of the pocket spring, and whose work has resonated throughout the bedmaker’s long history … Naturally, any brand connected with
The J.Marshall collection targets the
understandable selling ladder for sales
younger profile customer, or first time-
sta�, combined with strong di�erentiation
the Vispring name is made using only
buyer, looking for a modern look in an
in terms of design and proposition.
fine materials and fillings. The Belgian mattress ticking comes with M-Pure,
a�ordable bed – but one that comes with
a non-chemical fire retardant. The
the assured comfort and quality for which a brand like Vispring has built a reputation over many generations. All the J.Marshall mattresses and divans
J.Marshall mattresses feature natural fillings and strong visual appeal
natural fillings – cotton, wool, silk and alpaca – are sourced through Vispring’s trusted suppliers, and all the divans and
are made in Vispring’s Plymouth factory
headboards are made using FSC-certified
by the same craftsmen who make the main
Vispring range, and come with a 10-year guarantee.
The mattresses look particularly impressive when displayed with the
The four mattresses in the J.Marshall
J.Marshall low-profile divan, which o�ers a
by Vispring collection boast strong visual
choice of bed legs in brushed brass, brushed
appeal, with a unique plaid design in pastel
silver, or black chrome. There is also a
colours on the ticking. They are simply
modern headboard, available in a range
named J.Marshall numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4,
of high-quality fabrics in contemporary
with spring counts rising from 1000 in the
No.1 model to 1600 in the No.4. Mattresses No.1 and No.2 are turnable,
The J.Marshall by Vispring collection promises to o�er consumers high-value,
whereas No.3 and No.4 have the addition
high-quality products from a brand in
of pillow tops to enhance the comfort and
which they can trust.
sleep experience. This presents an easily
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 42
28/08/2019 13:35
Vispring makes supremely comfortable beds, and has done since 1901. Only the finest natural materials, inside and out. Designed for durability. Crafted for comfort. Made for the very best sleep. Discover the luxurious world of Vispring beds at Stand H30.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 43 Untitled-3 1
28/08/2019 23/08/2019 13:35 11:42
New Anniversary base
New Royal
New collections broaden Sweet Dreams’ appeal Sweet Dreams is looking forward to launching three divan collections at this year’s Bed Show – Defined Edge Support, Handcrafted and Pocket Air Pure – plus fresh developments across its entire range … The Anniversary collection will see four
marketing message is expected to generate
through their approach to fire retardancy –
new base colourways, while the popular
a high degree of interest from retailers.
safe and natural.
Royal Pillowtop range sees the introduction
Pocket Air beds – with alternate rows of
The Sweet Dreams Beds brochure for
of three models: Emperor 4000, a memory
full and shortened springs leading to what
2019 will also be launched at Telford, and
foam bed featuring 3000 pocket air and
Sweet Dreams describes as a “lighter than
all of the company’s divans and frames, as
1000 mini springs; Crown 2000, with 1000
air” feeling – have been a big success for
well as bedroom cabinet, children’s beds
minisprings and latex sheet to the box top;
the business. The Pure beds, which star the
and sofabeds, will be featured within its
and Dynasty 2000, a memory foam box top
Pocket Air spring system and the attractive
featuring 1000 minisprings.
base colours sported in the Anniversary
T 01282 830033
collection, promise to win new fans
Sweet Dreams has witnessed increased interest in and sales of foam-encapsulated beds, and, in response, is launching Defined Edge Support– a collection which will comprise pocket-spring models o�ering high counts, including 1500 and 2000 pocket-spring beds. The Handcrafted collection is the second new range, and hand-stitching is its prominent feature. This collection comprises three models, containing pocket springs with counts of 2000, 1500 and 1000. All sport the side-stitched border, crafted by hand, and boast a luxurious top layer of a natural filling such as wool, cashmere and silk. Then there is Pocket Air Pure. In an innovation designed to appeal to the green consumer, all four beds will feature FR chemical-free fabric to the mattress. This
New Royal
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 44
28/08/2019 13:35
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 45 Untitled-4 1
28/08/2019 20/08/2019 13:35 11:13
Duvalay set to quench eco mattress thirst BBC Dragons’ Den success story Duvalay will unveil an eco-friendly mattress range containing recycled Coca-Cola bottles at the Bed Show.
Fresh from its Manufacturing Innovation
The new Duvalay WoolTech collection
success at this year’s Made in Yorkshire Awards, Duvalay is set to launch WoolTech, a collection of pocket-sprung mattresses combining traditional natural fillings with a technical twist. In addition to luxurious lambswool fibres – blended vertically for extra resilience and breathability – WoolTech mattresses include sumptuous pressure-relieving white fibre, made from recycled Coca-Cola bottles. “This is an innovative way to reduce single-use plastic and promote a great night’s sleep,” says Duvalay’s sales and marketing director, Liz Colleran. “We first developed this technology for the leisure
in all standard sizes. The pocket springs
as well as the Rosalia Collection, which
vehicle sector – making the world’s lightest
are encapsulated, o�ering edge-to-edge
consists of handmade pocket-sprung
caravan mattress.
support across the sleep surface.
mattresses topped with luxurious natural
“Now, eco-conscious consumers can
WoolTech is the third mattress collection
sleep soundly on a WoolTech mattress for
to be launched by Duvalay, which was
the home.
crowned Bed Manufacturer of the Year
continued to refine both collections – adding new models to these ranges.”
“Far from resting on our laurels, we’ve
“Every mattress is quilted in soft and
(under £10m) at the 2017-18 Bed Industry
breathable organic cotton, which is better
Awards, and was highly commended in the
for the environment, the climate and the
Small Bed Manufacturer of the Year (under
machine, this dynamic family-run
health of the people involved in harvesting.
£10m) category in 2018-19.
manufacturer is poised to make another
Having recently invested in a rolling
Nothing is sacrificed in terms of comfort,
“We’re delighted to be returning to
and our mattresses can be vacuum-rolled
this flagship event for our industry with
“There’s never been a better time to join
and delivered direct to customers’ homes
an exciting green story for 2020,” says
our network of retail partners,” adds Liz.
in a cardboard box if required – reducing
Liz. “Our Hilary Devey Collection – which
“2019 is the year Duvalay comes of age
packaging by more than 50%.”
won a range of accolades including Best
– we’re ready to take things to the next
Medium-Priced Mattress from The
Independent – will also be on our stand,
WoolTech consists of three models with a good range of comfort feels, available
announcement linked with expansion.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 46
28/08/2019 13:35
NEW FOR 2020
Come and experience the Duvalay quality for yourself and take an exclusive look at our brand new Wooltec collection.
See us at The Bed Show 2019, Stand F40
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 47 Untitled-1 1
28/08/2019 12/08/2019 13:36 10:19
Hypnos promises sustainable solutions for luxury beds
Hypnos to reveal its ethical vision Bed industry innovator Hypnos will unveil a series of new initiatives at the Bed Show, where it promises to take customer comfort and sustainability to the next level … As part of its aim to get everyone sleeping
low carbon footprint, animal welfare,
crucial to ensuring consumer satisfaction
well, sustainability pioneer Hypnos will
land management and supporting the
and continued innovation and viability for
launch two unique mattress collections
communities of the farmers who help to
retailers and suppliers.
dedicated to new levels of comfort and
produce these materials.
material traceability. Each collection has
Richard Naylor, Hypnos’ sustainable
“No company has done more than Hypnos to champion these issues over
been designed with a plush new look and
development director, comments:
the last few years – including reducing
a high degree of edge-to-edge support, to
“We’re incredibly excited to be able to
our carbon footprint and o�setting
o�er premium sleep comfort with solely
showcase our new vision for comfort and
6820 tonnes of CO2 to date – that’s the
natural fillings.
sustainability at the Bed Show 2019. With
equivalent of 869 million smartphones
The ranges will also boast impressive
the launch of two unique mattress ranges,
getting charged! This pledge is part of our
tailoring and quality, providing mattresses
we are once again pushing the boundaries
ongoing commitment to the environment,
with the real “sleep-good factor” that so
of innovation to meet consumer demand
and to lead the way in responsible comfort
many consumers are demanding. With the
for excellent sleep.
innovations, pushing the boundaries of
importance of good sleep and ethically
“Our vision and plans for the future
design wherever we can.”
made products high on the consumer and
are something that’s never been done
media agenda, this latest collection will
before. It will ensure that bedmaking is
the Bed Show to find out more.
help retailers meet demand by providing
so much more transparent – something
T 01844 348200
a mattress tailored to all these exacting
we feel is lacking in the industry. This is
Visit this British, family-run business at
needs. These new collections are underpinned by Hypnos’ soon-to-be-revealed vision for ethical transparency and innovation – a first in the UK bed industry. Working in collaboration with expert partners, Hypnos aims to create a new benchmark of standards by ensuring all the di�erent materials that go into a bed are responsibly designed, sourced and managed in a way which has not yet been accomplished in the industry. The initiative will focus on key factors such as integrity and safety, with a focus on
Hypnos recently secured the ISO 14001 environmental standard
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 48
28/08/2019 13:36
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 49 Untitled-1 1
28/08/2019 20/08/2019 13:36 10:59
Gallery reveals its material secrets Ashford
There are many factors that affect quality of sleep, but one of the key ones is the mattress. A comfortable, suitable mattress is vital – so offering a range to suit different preferences makes sense. Gallery Direct already offers an impressive choice, but the company is introducing three made-to-order collections to appeal to different retail customers … The new collections – The Luxury, The
plastic. They are again designed to wick
as well as an armless single. There is also a
Everynight and Seagreen – were launched
away moisture.
new fold-out footstool, Clinton.
exclusively to Gallery’s clients at its at-
To complement the mattresses, Gallery is
For its made-to-order upholstered
home event at its Wiltshire manufacturing
also introducing four ranges of upholstered
items, Gallery is launching seven fabric
unit earlier this year. All the models proved
bedsteads, headboards and ottomans. The
collections, each o�ered in a range of
popular, reports Gallery, and are already
four designs – Kempton, Milan, Ashford
colourways – giving 58 new fabrics in total,
selling well.
and Doddington – are all o�ered in three
so there is one to suit all tastes and styles.
The three collections, which are all handmade in the UK, are now set to be
Gallery’s AW19 Collection, which is
sizes for all three product options. Last, but not least, there is an innovative
being launched at the Autumn Fair, also
launched to the general trade at the Bed
new easy-open sofabed, the Eastwood,
includes a wide range of new bedding to
Show. Developed using fine materials and
which o�ers comfort through a pocket-
complement the mattresses and beds. One
technologies to optimise sleep comfort, the
sprung seat interior that folds out to
of these is Brushed Bamboo, a soft and cosy
mattresses are available in various spring
become a pocket-sprung bed. It is available
bedlinen created from a blend of cotton
counts and sizes. The Luxury Collection is
as a single armchair, a double and a king,
and bamboo viscose to give extremely
chemical-free and features natural
durable bedlinen which is soft on
materials, hand side-stitching and
the skin. Another of the new bedding
pocket springs. The Everynight,
collections is Cotton Lyocell, which
which o�ers improved air circulation,
is made with a blend of cotton and
is 100% natural anti-allergen and
lyocell, which work together to wick
features natural materials. Both wick
moisture away from the skin to help
away moisture to help give a good
regulate body temperature. To view Gallery’s new mattress
night’s sleep.
collections, bedsteads, headboards,
The Seagreen mattresses are made using Sequal-certified ticking, which
ottomans and sofabeds, visit the
is manufactured from upcycled
company at the Bed Show, Autumn
marine plastics to help reduce the
Fair or Autumn Furniture Show.
amount of plastics in the oceans, as well as fillings made from recycled
T 01795 439159
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 50
28/08/2019 13:36
Untitled GD Fur
Visit us at the NBF Bed Show 2019 to view our brand new collection of sleep solutions including mattresses, divans, headboards, ottomans and sofabeds.
F I N D U S AT S TA N D B 50
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 51 Supplement.indd 1 Untitled-3 1 News - 1308 - Bed GD Furniture | 01795 439159
28/08/2019 13:36 14/08/2019 11:15 13/08/2019 14:41:46
Following last year’s successful launch
Mammoth’s naturally cooling Medical
of Rise and Shine, Mammoth (www.
Grade foam and PostureCell technologies, plans to complete
and comes in three models – Move
its 2020 Retail (bricks-and-mortar)
Essential, Move Plus and Move Advanced.
pains. It will help improve the quality of
Collection with the new Adjustable Move
Added features available include infra-red
life of people with limited mobility, making
range, to help people of all ages and fitness.
remote controls and a massage system.
everyday tasks like getting in and out of
The sleep, health and wellbeing expert
John Tuton, founder and CEO of
bed much easier, and helping them be the best they can be.”
will showcase Rise, Shine and Move at the
Mammoth, says: “Our all-new Adjustable
Bed Show, on stand J55, alongside sleep
Move product completes our full Rise, Shine
technologies, comfort fillings and fabrics.
and Move 2020 Retail Collection. Move has
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, and its
been designed to help everyone achieve
NHS health award-winning technologies
their optimum health by easing aches and
are recommended by health professionals.
Launching in Mammoth’s 10th anniversary year, Move features
Mammoth has partnered with the
M d
W c f
ActivEdge Its NanoCoil low-profile innerspring
Leggett & Platt Springs UK (01226 707500,
comfort layer is proven to perform.
o�ers bedding manufacturers world-class
Versatile and responsive, it is designed to
professionalism, delivered as a personal,
resist sagging and settlement, increase coil
flexible, local service.
counts, and deliver consistently enduring comfort.
The company’s aim is to be the obvious
Products need a big selling story – let
choice to satisfy any innerspring design and supply requirement. Providing innovation
the NanoCoil comfort layer technology tell
at every turn, Leggett & Platt sees itself as
it, suggests Leggett & Platt. ActivEdge spring perimeters, meanwhile,
a go-to source for quality and reliability, and will again support the bed industry by
provide durable and dynamic edge support
exhibiting at the Bed Show (on stand E15).
that extends comfort life and creates a
bedding products with an emphasis on
to the edge. ActivEdge products are more
its advancements in innerspring comfort
durable than foam and will not bend or
layers and dynamic, spring perimeter support.
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 52
sleep surface that is consistent all the way
There, it will display a number of new
M s s a
buckle as weight is applied, reducing or eliminating the feeling of roll-o�.
28/08/2019 13:36
Mattresses that that Mattresses do you you good. good. do
When you choose Mammoth you can be When you you’re choosemaking Mammoth youchoice can be confident the best confi dentwellbeing you’re making best choice for the of yourthe customers. for the wellbeing of your customers.
Mammoth mattresses contain Medical Grade™ Mammoth mattresses contain Medical Grade sleep technologies which come endorsed by ™ sleep technologies which comeprofessional endorsed by scientists, health professionals, athletes scientists, health alike. professionals, professional and customers Giving you something athletes different. and customers alike. Giving you something different.
Visit us on stand J55 to find out more. Visit us on stand J55 to find out more.
PLUS: PLUS: NEW BRAND BRAND NEW PRODUCTS PRODUCTS Look out for our all new Adjustable
Look out launching for our allatnew collection this Adjustable year’s collection launching at this year’s NBF Bed Show. NBF Bed Show. Get in touch: Get in touch: 0845 838 7767 0845 838 7767
Official Mattress Partner
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 53 Untitled-7 1
28/08/2019 15/08/2019 13:36 17:00
Mayfair 13000 on contemporary bedstead
Gainsborough explores feedback-driven avenues In a short space of time, Gainsborough’s Mayfair collection has been well received by retailers – perhaps, suggests the company’s MD, because their help was enlisted at various stages of the range’s development … “We recognise that bricks-and-mortar
and 9000, the range peaks at an impressive
could confidently o�er to any customer
retailers have a unique understanding of
13,000 individual pocket springs.
looking for a top-quality bed, and it has
what their customers are looking for,” says
On show at Telford this year is the next
proved that it can deliver a compelling solution.
MD Nick Gigg. “Being able to tap into that
phase of the Mayfair’s development, a
expertise and design a product based on the
pillow top – in which the combination
feedback has been extremely useful.”
of micro springs and fillings reduces
Gainsborough, says Nick: “The
settlement yet o�ers the same generous
methodology behind creating Mayfair was
a bit of a departure for us, but the success
The results are impressive, with many multi-store retailers citing Mayfair as their best-selling range. To quote one stockist: “Mayfair is now my pocket of choice.” Some of the finest fillings available including cashmere, merino and alpaca
Crucially for the retailer, it can be o�ered
Yet there is more to come from
of it reassures me that we got it right. My
at exactly the same price points as the
aim is to bring the thinking behind the
regular version.
range’s development to the rest of our
“Mayfair is designed to make the
portfolio. There are plans for the rest of
wool are finished with up to three rows of
retailer’s job as easy as possible,” explains
the bed range, and some very exciting
hand-side stitching, hand tufting and eight
Nick. “The look and feel of the mattress
developments on our sofabed range.
embroidered flag-stitch handles.
sells itself, and we’re rolling out new
What really sets this range apart, however, is the support layer. Many brands would boast 3000 springs in their top
“The Mayfair project started with us
options to satisfy as many customers as
liaising closely with our retailers, so I
would encourage customers to come
Mayfair is made in the UK and carries a
onto our stand and talk to us about
model – but for Mayfair, this is just the
10-year frame guarantee. This range was
Gainsborough’s future plans.”
beginning. Moving up through 5000, 7000
conceived to give retailers a collection they
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28/08/2019 13:36
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28/08/2019 14/08/2019 13:36 11:45
Living a healthy lifestyle is no longer just about diet and exercise, says Sealy UK (, whose new Activsleep has been its most successful range in over a decade. The collection has helped Sealy reach a younger customer base, which is starting to take the idea of good-quality sleep more seriously. The entire collection includes Sealy Smart Fibres – a package of unique and innovative fibres which hold the Allergy UK seal of approval, and are exclusive to Sealy. These include Purotex, which releases friendly bacteria into the fabric of the
Activ Memory Pocket 1800
mattress to clean up allergens and reduce humidity, and Tencel, which prevents overheating, helping to create a cool and clean sleeping environment. With nine models in the range, the
are handmade in Sealy’s Cumbria factory. To celebrate the range, Sealy is teaming up with some of the country’s best-known
collection o�ers a variety of spring systems
wellness and health influencers to better
and comfort ratings to ensure users get the
understand the link between good sleep
correct support, whatever their preferences.
and a healthy, happy lifestyle. Telling their
From Geltex models which o�er the triple
individual stories through Sealy’s new
benefits of pressure relief, body support
World of Wellness online portal are TV
and breathability, to extra-firm mattresses
personality and wellbeing expert, AJ Odudu,
which use a PostureTech Zero Deflection
fitness trainer and Instagram sensation
system to minimise motion disruption and
Stefanie Williams, and yoga teacher and
partner disturbance, the range o�ers a
creator of Mind Body Bowl, Annie Clarke –
diverse collection of models, all of which
with more to be announced this year.
Breasley ( is set to
Activ Memory Pocket 1800
Salus (with Viscoool) with a plush teal base and Stighton headboard
unveil an extensive upgrade and rebrand of its luxury Salus collection as the bed brand marks its 10th anniversary at the NBF Bed Show. The new-look Salus, the most stylish and comfortable yet, will be displayed for the first time on stand J60. Breasley, known for its innovative approach, introduced Salus in 2009. Now the premium bed collection is being improved to make full use of the bedmaker’s unique Viscoool technology – a pressure-relieving, breathable memory foam made from sustainable and natural soybean oil. The upgraded collection’s eight models all feature Viscoool, and two new, topof-the-range mattresses include natural fibres, ensuring high levels of comfort. Originally created for independents, Salus combines high-end comfort with a more accessible pricing structure – a strategy which ensures it remains a year anniversary seemed an appropriate
Breasley will also be exhibiting Uno,
time to refresh its look and o�er further
the UK’s first rolled-and-boxed mattress
Taylor, says: “Salus has been a trusted
improvements to our customers in terms
collection. Visitors will also be able to see
brand within the higher-end mattress
of comfort and specification. More will be
the Brook + Wilde Elite beds, which are
market for several years now. The 10-
revealed at the Bed Show!”
exclusively produced by Breasley.
favourite with UK retailers. Breasley’s head of marketing, Clare
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28/08/2019 13:36
All Salus mattresses come with a reassuring 10 year guarantee
All Breasley products are made exclusively in the UK
SALUS LAUNCH AT THE BED SHOW 17 — 18 September 2019, Telford Stand No. J60 Come and see the new look Salus at this year’s Bed Show. We’ll be showcasing our new comfort options.
LIVE IN LUXURY. SLEEP IN STYLE. Celebrating 10 years of comfort and innovation
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28/08/2019 14/08/2019 13:36 09:55
Hybrid 2000
Sleepeezee’s perfectly supported proposition Sleepeezee will be launching a number of new products and collections at the NBF Bed Show, backed up with impressive marketing and in-store support for its retail partners. In terms of new product, a nextgeneration Graphite memory foam
Superb 2800
designed and made using only British materials – from the pocket
collection will also be launched,
springs and natural fillings to the
providing a high degree of support
soft woven chemical-free damask
and pressure relief, with the added
cover – and all made in the UK. The
benefit of graphite, which helps
collection is supported by an eye-
disperse heat away from the body.
catching PoS package, influenced by
Also to be launched are two models to sit in Sleepeezee’s Cooler
a Monopoly theme. Sleepeezee’s brand ambassador
Collection, which will be displayed
Dr Ranj will be on the stand
alongside the supplier’s two Which?
during the show, o�ering advice
award-winning models and the
to retailers on the importance of
popular PocketGel Poise, a Good
sleep, as well as providing guidance
Housekeeping Approved bestseller.
through Sleepeezee’s collections.
The recently launched Perfectly
Visit stand J50 to discover
British Collection will also be
Sleepeezee’s new launches, meet Dr
on display. This range, which
Ranj and enjoy a drink in its gin and
is dedicated to celebrating all
wine bar.
things British, o�ers mattresses
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14/08/2019 09:25
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20/08/2019 11:06
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28/08/2019 13:36
Welcome to a new phase of Kaymed
Therma~Phase+ Synergy 2500
With over a century’s expertise at the forefront of sleep science, and an ethos of innovation – never imitation – leading innovator of temperature-regulating materials for mattresses Kaymed will present its Therma~Phase+ range at the Bed Show … Therma~Phase+ is a high-density,
designed to be ultra-durable with long-
Mighty Bed has a reinforced spring system
pressure-relieving material which
term performance – will be on display.
and extra-strong divan base, giving it a
contains unique phase-change crystals
Kaymed says the range has proved fruitful
durability level that is reflected in its 15-
and copper particles. The phase-change
for stockists, and is now the UK’s market-
year guarantee.
crystals work by constantly absorbing and
leading firmer-feel premium brand.
releasing body heat to maintain an ideal sleep surface temperature. The copper infusion, meanwhile, works as a super-fast conductor, quickly moving heat to and from the mattress surface as required. The collection includes pocket-sprung and all-foam models, which are available in a range of 16 new divan colour options. Visitors to the Bed Show will also be able to see the new GelBreathe collection. This unique combination delivers the feel of latex, combined with gel technology. According to Kaymed, GelBreathe is the most advanced instant-feel material to enter the UK market, and o�ers unparalleled levels of pressure relief. Finally, the Kaymed Mighty Bed –
Mighty Cascade
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28/08/2019 15:23
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23/08/2019 08:42
Foam or feather? Find your filling in
The Furniture Trade Directory The Furniture Trade Directory S E C O N D E D IT IO N
Online trade-specific search engine and printed directory bringing buyers and sellers together Cover_final2019.indd 1
Connect_BB2019.indd 1
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 61
03/06/2019 14:48
27/08/2019 08:57
28/08/2019 13:36
Bed suppliers report tough start to the year
BBC goes Inside The Factory with Harrison Spinks
The latest results from the National Bed
episode of BBC Two’s Inside The Factory.
Federation’s (NBF) State of Trade report
Presenters Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healy
are in for the first quarter of 2019 – and
visited the bedmaker’s state-of-the-art
reveal a tough start to the year. The report
factory, which makes 600 beds every day.
shows that estimated LFL sales revenue fell
Last month, Harrison Spinks starred in an
Following the production of pocket-
by over -5% to just over £224m compared
sprung mattresses from the arrival of hard
to the same period in 2018, and business
steel through to soft bedding heading out
optimism was 11 percentage points lower.
of dispatch, Gregg learned how lengths
“The sales data from our members show
of metal are stretched into thin wire and
Cherry Healy and Gregg Wallace at Harrison Spinks’ factory
that it is tough at the moment – and this
coiled into springs which are placed into
doesn’t come as a surprise,” says Jessica
individual pockets, and how the mattresses
Alexander, executive director of the NBF.
are designed to wick away moisture
comments: “To be chosen to be part of a
“Optimism is low – in fact, optimism has
sleepers’ bodies with the help of natural
programme as prestigious as Inside The
fallen by a whopping 18 percentage points
fibres like hemp and wool.
Factory is a huge honour for Harrison
since Q3 of 2018, when it peaked at 33%.
Meanwhile, Cherry discovered the
Harrison Spinks’ MD Simon Spinks
Spinks. Our employees are all incredibly
benefits of taking an afternoon nap, visiting
proud of their workplace and to shine a
at 15% for the last two reports, covering
Harrison Spinks’ own sheep farm to see
spotlight on the amazing time-honoured
the periods October-December 2018 and
how wool is shorn. Meanwhile, historian
skills and traditional bedmaking methods
January-March 2019.”
Ruth Goodman investigated the origins of
that we nurture during such a brilliant
the modern mattress, from straw-stu�ed
slot on the BBC is definitely a once-in-a-
sack to pocket-spring technology.
lifetime opportunity.”
“On the plus side, it has remained stable
Estimated unit sales in Q1 2019 also declined on a LFL basis, down by -3.5% to £1.86m. Other findings included a +3% increase in those reporting a more significant rise (more than 5%) in costs.
Mammoth partners with Airsprung
Jessica adds: “It was interesting to see
Wake, as we wanted to make our health
from the data that one of the main factors
technologies accessible to more people
likely to limit output over the next three
by selling an a�ordable, online product.
months is going to be a shortage of skilled
Airsprung are the ideal partner as they have
labour. One in five companies – 19% –
the capability to adapt our technologies in
listed it as a problem compared with just
order to hit a more attainable price point,
6% in the last quarter of 2018.”
Harrison Spinks commits to foam- and glue-free production Harrison Spinks has committed to a foamand glue-free future for all mattresses going into development. MD Simon Spinks says: “For the last 10 years our core business objective has been trying to change the way the world sleeps. We’ve been relentless in looking for more sustainable ways of working so we can look after our planet for future generations. It is for this reason we have made the pledge to not develop any new mattresses containing foam or glue and to eliminate foam from any existing product by 2020. “Because of the dangers of foam and the negative e�ect it has on the environment we use sustainable fillings and grow nearly 800 tonnes of natural fibre fillings for our mattresses each year. By farming our own materials and manufacturing our own components we have been able to save more than 1300 tonnes of CO2 every year.”
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 62
and we’re delighted to be able to help everyone sleep better, feel better and make the most of every day. “Our partnership with Airsprung is John Tuton, founder and CEO of Mammoth Group, and Tony Lisanti, group chief executive, Airsprung
enabling Mammoth to fulfil its potential, which complements our already successful bricks-and-mortar strategy with the Foam
Mammoth has teamed up with Airsprung
Company, and is making our brand and
to meet the demand of the growing health
products more widely available, whilst
and wellbeing e-tail market. The deal has
helping Airsprung make the most of their
enabled Mammoth to complete its 2019
collection by launching the Wake mattress
An Airsprung spokesperson adds: “We’re
to sit alongside its existing Rise and Shine
very pleased to be working with Mammoth
models. Each Wake mattress contains
to help them expand into the e-tail sector
Mammoth’s naturally cooling Medical
and make their health technologies more
Grade foam, scientifically tested and shown
easily attainable to the wider consumer
to improve sleep so it will not overheat.
John Tuton, founder and CEO of
“Airsprung is a trusted supplier to the
Mammoth, says: “More and more people
key UK retailers, with unrivalled expertise
are health conscious today, but health
in supplying to the digital space. Therefore,
and wellbeing products are expensive.
we are able to help Mammoth access the
We believe that everyone deserves better
mass market as we have the ability to
health and understand the importance of
produce its products on a scalable level
how being well-rested and comfortable can
and meet the growing demand in both
make a di�erence to someone’s life.
service and capacity in volume. We also
“Some of our competitors o�er products
have a shared enthusiasm to help drive
at premium prices and we don’t think this
Mammoth’s belief that health and wellbeing
is fair. That’s why we decided to develop
products should be available to all.”
28/08/2019 13:36
Mattress recycling rate up +55% in three years The NBF’s third report on the rate of
bulkiness, low reuse potential and low
mattress recycling in the UK has revealed a
value of the materials that can be recovered
+55% increase in the number of mattresses
from them. Nevertheless, market forces are
being handled by recyclers between 2015-
driving improved segregated collection and
17, and evidence that this growth will
recycling rates.
continue in the near term. The recycling rate, calculated as a
There has been explosive growth in the mattress recycling sector in the last
percentage of new mattress replacement
few years, with new companies being
sales, has increased from 15% in 2016 to
established and existing ones expanding. As
19% in 2017.
it matures, the level of professionalism in
Based on detailed analysis of published
Sealy provides dream experience for rugby fan
the sector appears to have much improved,
data plus surveys and interviews carried
probably due to customer expectations
out with local authorities, manufacturers,
and a recognition of the importance of
retailers and recyclers, The 2019 End
trust and visibility to building long-term
This summer, Sealy UK surprised a
of Life (EoL) Mattress Report, aims to
relationships with customers. The imminent
lifelong Wigan Warriors fan to a match day
paint a picture of the number and type of
launch of the Register of Approved Mattress
experience and Sealy sleep prizes as part
mattresses there are in circulation across
Recyclers (RAMR) scheme, being developed
of the brand’s first-ever Dream Come True
the UK and their end of life fates. It is
by a stakeholder panel including the NBF
produced on behalf of the NBF (the trade
and the Textile Recycling Association, will
association representing UK and Irish
be another milestone in that journey.
bed manufacturers and their component
However, there are still geographical
Mick Treen and and his fiancee, Rachel
Sealy teamed up with the Wigan Warriors to ask fans to nominate a friend or family who deserved a treat for going
suppliers) by environmental consultant
gaps, with many areas of the UK not
above and beyond in their life, or anyone
Oakdene Hollins.
covered by a local recycler and transport/
needing a pick-me-up. Hundreds of
logistic and economies of scale barriers
people nominated their friends and family
million/181,500t of mattresses were
to overcome. The report describes the
members as part of the awards, with Mick
disposed of by households, businesses and
recycling technologies used by these
Treen from Clayton-Le-Moors picked
service providers in 2017 at a cost of over
recyclers, ranging from manual and semi-
as the winner. Nominated by his fiancee
£20m, excluding transport and handling –
automated deconstruction to shredding,
Rachel, Mick was chosen after working
91% of all new mattress sales.
and the end fates of the materials recovered.
tirelessly to support his family since
Most avoid landfill altogether, with around
the birth of his son in September, and
tonnes – were diverted from landfill to
20-25% of materials by weight going to
dreaming of meeting the Wigan Warriors
mattress recycling businesses. This is 55%
RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) production. An
rugby players for years.
higher than the 879,000 estimated for 2015.
increase in mattress and component reuse
The rest went into landfill (40%) or energy
was also noted – a move which the NBF
from one of his favourite players, Willie
from waste (41%). Figures were not fully
cautiously supports, as long as there is clear
Isa, who revealed he had been picked as
available at the time, but the prediction
labelling to indicate this at the point of sale.
the winner and would be treated to a VIP
The report estimates that 7.26
Of these, 19% – 1.363 million/32,3271
is that the recycling rate for 2018 will
The report concludes that while the
Sealy surprised Mick with a phone call
hospitality experience, behind-the scenes
have increased to 20-22%, with mattress
mattress recycling sector appears to be
stadium tour and player meet-and-greet at
recyclers reporting that their throughput in
commercially viable at the scale it is now,
Wigan Warriors’ game against Hull KR on
2018 was +29% higher than in 2017.
at the current rate, it would take another
5th July.
Although changes in methodology do not allow for exact comparisons, it would appear that manufacturers, retailers and
50 years to reach a 100% mattress recycling rate. “It is gratifying to see this organic
The couple were also treated to a Sealy duvet and pillow set along with a twonight stay at Lodore Falls Hotel in the Lake District.
other businesses have increased their
increase in the rate of mattresses being
mattress recycling significantly since the
diverted from landfill but we still have a
previous survey. This wider provision of
lot to do if we are going to meet the NBF’s
Partner – a sponsorship that has included
privately-run take back schemes has more
ambitious target of 75% diversion from
the provision of Sealy mattresses to all
than counteracted the -14% drop in the
landfill by 2028 through a combination of
players and the installation of a rest bed for
tonnage of mattresses being segregated
mattress recycling with Energy from Waste
recovery at the team’s High Performance
and recycled by local authorities – they
(EfW),” says NBF president Tony Lisanti.
now account for only 46% by weight of the
“The NBF is already working on many
Sealy is Wigan Warriors’ O�cial Sleep
Reflecting on his experience, Mick says:
mattresses recycled in 2017 (55% of units).
of the report’s recommendations for
“I’m a huge Wigan Warriors fan, so getting
Wales, Northern Ireland and London record
improving the rate and fate of mattresses
the call from Willie Isa to say I had won was
the best local authority recycling rates per
at the end of their useful life as well as
just unbelievable. Meeting the team, having
head of population – Scotland and Eastern
reducing the impact of our production on
a private stadium tour, and being on the
England the lowest.
the resources of our planet. We must all
actual pitch instead of just the stands was
accept shared responsibility, build mutual
incredible. It was one of the best nights of
generally recognised as a problematic and
trust and work together proactively to
our lives. Thank you to Sealy and the whole
costly waste stream because of their weight,
achieve these goals.”
team, it really was a dream come true.”
According to the NBF, mattresses are
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28/08/2019 13:36
Daniel Spinks BUYER, HARRISON SPINKS Fifth-generation family bedmaker and double Queen’s Award winner, Harrison Spinks employs over 600 people in and around its manufacturing operation in Leeds, and is the purveyor of the Harrison, Somnus, Hybed and Spink & Edgar bed brands. Daniel is the son of MD Simon Spinks, and has worked in the family business for the last six years.
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28/08/2019 13:36
“The environment, and how we protect and look after it, is always a business priority”
show in Germany. And we always look forward to the Christmas party as well, obviously! What is the most important issue a�ecting
How did you enter the trade?
and I feel it has been a real step-up. There
your business right now?
I’ve worked in several aspects of the
is involvement in all sides of the business,
The main issue within the furniture
business. My interest in the industry really
and the role gives me the opportunity
industry as a whole at the moment is how
began in high school when I chose to do
to travel, build new relationships with
products are a�ecting the environment
work experience for Harrison Spinks, in the
suppliers and introduce new products.
– particularly mattresses that make their way to landfill. R&D in this area is really
finance department. When I joined college, I found myself working at Harrison Spinks
… and low point?
big for us, and the environment, and how
on my days o� and during the holidays, for
I’ve not yet had a real low point in my
we protect and look after it, is always a
what was then the combined graphics and
working life. I was shy to begin with, which
business priority.
marketing department.
I think held me back a little and meant that I didn’t hit the ground running as much as
Which company do you look up to?
university or joining the business full-time.
I’d have liked. However, after joining the
I really like the way that Airbnb operates
Having spent time within the business
business full-time, it didn’t take me long to
as a company. Its business model is 100%
already, I was very keen to carry on, learn
settle in, and my experience has only been
about the customer. It uses the host and
more and make my own money, so I joined
positive since.
travellers’ reviews to tell stories of the
After college I had the choice of
locations rather than promoting itself –
full-time in process improvement. Since then, I’ve worked in quality, and I’m now
… and the turning point?
in purchasing.
I feel as though the turning point was when
subtle, but e�ective.
I was given the role of site tour guide. We
What would you most like to change about
Who was your inspiration?
have a huge headquarters in Leeds, and my
I don’t have one single inspiration. Three
confidence grew with each tour I gave.
I’d like to strengthen my willpower and how I prioritise. I have always found
generations of my family have worked in the business – my father Simon,
Describe a typical working day
myself working with other people on their
grandfather Peter, and great-grandfather
My working day is di�erent from one day to
workload when my own plate is full.
Ronnie. I know how each of them
the next. In such a fast-paced environment,
contributed to the business during their
you can never be sure how your day will
What do you enjoy most about working in
time in charge, and to see how the business
pan out. Most days involve placing orders
the trade?
has grown into what you see today really
– mainly technical textiles and wire rod
From what I have experienced so far, I’d
fascinates me.
– meeting and negotiating with suppliers,
have to say the actual industry itself. I think
and working on new product development.
it really helps that I have a genuine interest
It excites me to think of the contribution
in guaranteeing a good night’s sleep – it
I can also add to the business as my career develops.
If you had to start over, which career might you pursue?
motivates me to do the best job I can. Sleep is rising on the public agenda. You
What was your career high point?
I honestly can’t picture my career any other
don’t go a week any more without seeing an
Even though I have only been in the
way, but I’ve always had an interest in cars,
article in the online newspapers detailing
business for six years, I have had many
and I think that interest could definitely
the benefits of a good night’s sleep. It
highs already. Upon my induction I made
have taken me somewhere.
interests me … and why wouldn’t it? You spend half your life sleeping.
my own mattress from start to finish, which I then actually took home. It was
What date on the business calendar do you
great to really understand the process
most look forward to?
Can you leave us with an industry
and appreciate every detail of what our
The NBF Bed Show is always a great time
company works so hard to produce.
for the company, as well as a great insight
A couple of months back, one of our
into the industry.
transport drivers, Ian, was delivering
I created an induction process for new sta�, using what I had experienced to
I also really enjoy our internal strategy
mattresses to customers. One of those
improve it for others and to help new
days where the whole company gets
deliveries was addressed to a ‘Mr Michael
employees gain a better understanding of
together and discusses how we can progress
Owuo Jr’, better known as UK rap and grime
the business as a whole.
as a business.
artist, Stormzy.
However, I think since I’ve joined
Trips abroad for work are always fun – I
Needless to say, Ian got a welcome
purchasing, I’ve really taken to the role,
particularly enjoy going to the interzum
Marvel or DC?
Chinese or Italian?
Money or fame?
DC – Christian Bale’s Batman, in particular
Fame – but I wouldn’t want to be treated like a celebrity
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28/08/2019 13:36
Kayflex (UK) .........................................................................
Airsprung Group
Kayfoam Woolfson........................................................
Alba Beds .............................................................................
Kelletts (Oldcastle)
Kozee Sleep (Midlands) ................................
Beevers Beds ...............................................................
Latexco ......................................................................................
Boyteks Tekstil ......................................................................
Leggett & Platt Springs
Breasley Group ...................................................................
M A Living ...........................................................................
Burgess Beds ...............................................................
Maes Mattress Ticking
C A Blyth &
Mansion House Bedding Co....
Carpenter .............................................................................
Matza &
CPS Group
Millbrook Beds
Deluxe Beds
Mo�ett & Sons�
Deslee-Clama ...............................................................
Monks International NV ..........................................................
Dream World Bedding ...............................
Dreamland Beds Midlands
NHC Technology
Original Fabrics
Duflex Foam .........................................................
Palatine Beds..............................................................
Dura Beds ...........................................................................
Pieters Textiel
Duvalay ..................................................................................
R A Irwin & Co
Easy Rest Beds ...............................................................
Rawson Fillings
Edward Clay & Son
Redwood TTM............................................................
Elite Bedding Co...........................................................
Relyon Steinho�
Enkev (UK)
Excellent Relax Bedding Co .............................
Seetall Furniture
Fibre Fillings ................................................................
Sherborne Upholstery
Furmanac ............................................................................
Gainsborough Beds
Gallery Direct
Silentnight Group .............................................
Gateway Systems..................................................
Sleepeezee Holdings..............................................
Glencraft (Aberdeen)
Softheads ..........................................................................
Global Material Sourcing .....................................
Somac Threads
Stellini Textile Group ................................................
Harrison Spinks .........................................................
Sunds Textiles AS
Swanglen Furnishings
Sweet Dreams (Nelson) ....................................
Highgrove Beds .....................................................
Tender Sleep Beds .............................................
Homeserve Furniture
The Foam
Hyder Beds ...................................................................
Ulster Supported Employment
H Living
Vi-Spring ..............................................................................
Icon Designs
Vita Cellular Foam UK
Innofa BV
J De Walleg
Jaybe .............................................................................................
Wow! Lifestyle
John Cotton Group
Yanis Foams & Mattresses .............................
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 66
28/08/2019 13:36
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 67 BedBuyer_FP.indt 1
28/08/2019 06/08/2019 13:36 10:44
BedBuyer2019_Pages.indd 68 Untitled-1 1
28/08/2019 08/08/2019 13:36 09:35