Furniture News #349

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The essential guide to the UK domestic furniture and furnishings trade #349 April 2018 |

TT Collection, Kettle Interiors MODERN CLASSIC Radius stands the test of time

FrontCover349.indd FN349_Pages.indd 1

TALKING TECH Engaging the modern customer

END OF THE ROAD Have agents had their day?

20/03/2018 22/03/2018 09:35 10:51

TCS Cabinet Maker April Ad b 2018.qxp_Layout 1 13/03/2018 10:40 Page 1

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‘These ranges are a riposte to the side of the industry that’s all about fast fashion and the perpetual push to remain on trend”

Editor-in-chief Paul Farley 01424 776101 Twitter @FurnitureNewsED Sales & marketing director (Furniture News portfolio) Sam Horscroft 01424 776100 Twitter @FurnitureNewsAD Sales executive Caroline Littler 07861 231461 Production manager James Ash 01424 775304 Production assistant Mike Beales 01424 775304 Digital production assistant Nyall McCurrach 01424 775304 Copy administrator Steve Merrick 01424 776108 Proofreader Keith Fitz-Hugh


apped off by chilling intervals and

aimed at any current fad or fashion …

the arrival of the ‘the Beast from

furniture designed for the modern day is

the East’, winter proved quite the

either dull and uninspiring or has too much

endurance test. But while notable businesses

personality, and people get fed up with it.”

– large and small – reached breaking point,

Radius is about to return to the limelight

many more simply learned the latest lessons

– Habitat plans to introduce new models to

in overcoming adversity.

celebrate the collection’s longevity when it

What’s the secret to survival? And how

hits the two-decade mark this summer. For

can businesses safeguard themselves against

a relatively young design, that’s remarkable

demand that’s forever blowing hot and cold?

staying power – and a reminder that the

In this month’s Designer pages, we return

trade winds can be endured, no matter how

to a feature we introduced last July, which

frosty they might be.

Editorial director John Legg 01424 776104

chronicles furniture ranges that have stood

Publisher Nigel Gearing

Make sure you read my interview with

the test of time. They may not always be

Simon (p82), and designer Rob Scarlett’s

the most daring of designs, but, because

thoughts on this exchange. In this issue, we

something about them continues to chime

also look at how new technology can help

with demand, they’ve managed to endure

businesses adapt to changing consumer

Accounts Wendy Williams 01424 774982

changing times and tastes.

buying preferences (from p68), while Zaher


fast fashion and the perpetual push to

Annual Subscription Rates UK-£65 Europe-£85 RoW-£95 Repro, print and distribution Stephens & George



18 13:44


Gearing Media Group Ltd 4 Red Barn Mews, High Street Battle, East Sussex TN33 0AG ISSN No: 1475 - 3731 © Gearing Media Group Ltd 2018 General information No part of this publication may be reproduced without the specific prior written agreement of the Publisher and may not be stored on any type of retrieval system. Furniture News/ Gearing Media Group Ltd accepts no responsibility for variations in colour reproduction. Special colours (Pantone etc) can be catered for with prior arrangement. Some elements of the editorial content in this publication are submitted by the trade, however, all efforts are made to ensure that the editorial remains true to fact and unbiased. Monies may have been accepted to offset the costs of colour reproduction. Gearing Media Group Ltd reserves the right to alter without prior notice any content other than customers’ advertisements. No correspondence will be entered into regarding altered or adjusted editorial content. The editor’s decision is final. All material submitted for inclusion in Furniture News is done so entirely at the owner’s risk and no responsibility is accepted for the safekeeping or return thereof.

FN349_Pages.indd 3

In some ways, these ranges are a riposte to the side of the industry that’s all about remain on trend. Back in 1996, Ikea encouraged the

Ismail, MD of CIMC Home, recounts his impressive career progression (p80). Lastly, I’d like to draw another matter to your attention. Because the law regarding the way we use reader data is changing,

nation’s women to ‘chuck out the chintz’,

we’re asking all our readers to ‘opt in’

overcome their homely traditionalism and

online to receive only the most relevant

embrace more contemporary interiors. The

digital communications (plus our printed

slogan’s creator, Naresh Ramchandani,

magazine). If you’ve received an email

recently told architectural magazine Dezeen

from us asking for your assent, please take

that he considered the campaign “total

a moment to tick the right boxes, so we

propaganda – a preposterous idea … to

can continue to deliver articles and offers

change British taste”.

tailored to help your business stay ahead.

But it worked well enough – at least,

If you haven’t received the email, you can

until the credit crunch bit hard enough to

enter this link in your web browser –

dissuade many people from seeing furniture

fn-in – to access the opt-in form, or scan

as a disposable asset, and to look instead

the QR code over the page with your phone’s

for big-ticket purchases that wouldn’t need

camera. Do keep in touch!

replacing in just a few short years. My principal interviewee this month is Simon Pengelly, who designed the Radius collection for Habitat back in 1998, which

Paul Farley

has proved one of the retailer’s most popular cabinet ranges ever since. Simon’s take on fashion-first furniture is blunt: “I think furniture should be used until it falls apart,” he says. “Radius wasn’t

Editor-in-chief T 01424 776101 E Twitter @FurnitureNewsED

22/03/2018 10:51

01795 439159


Cookham is a range of updated farmhouse dining furniture which is designed to sit in an informal family house setting, providing stylish every day furniture for family meals and getting homework done. It is available in two finishes, Smoky Oak, which shows the natural grain of the wood, and painted Slate Grey with Smoky Oak tops.

FN349_Pages.indd 4 1 GalleryDirectApr18.indd

22/03/2018 10:19 10:51 22/03/2018

18 10:19

Contents | 5



The essential guide to the UK domestic furniture and furnishings trade #349 April 2018 |


Partner Comment

10 News 24 Interviews TT Collection, Kettle Interiors MODERN CLASSIC Radius stands the test of time

TALKING TECH Engaging the modern customer

END OF THE ROAD Have agents had their day?

FrontCover349.indd 1

26 Events

20/03/2018 09:35

The TT Collection from Kettle Interiors fulfils the demand for a modern painted range (p30)


30 Profiles Philip Price, (24)

46 Opinion 48 Beds & Bedroom

André Hordagoda, GoInStore (68)

52 Living 56 Dining

Gavin Boden offers his take on the future of sales agents


62 Trade Services 74 Designer 80 Last Word

Rob Scarlett shares his views on Habitat’s Radius

At Furniture News, we want to bring you the most relevant content and offers. Scan this QR code with your phone’s camera – or visit – to opt into the communications you’d prefer to receive (including the printed magazine)

FN349_Pages.indd 5

Design drawings for Simon Pengelly’s Radius (74)

22/03/2018 10:51

Alexander & James

Artistic Upholstery

Ashley Manor

Carlton Furniture


Collins and Hayes Furniture

David Gundry Upholstery

David Knight Collection

Duresta Upholstery

Gascoigne Designs

Henderson Russell

Iain James Furniture

John Sankey

Parker Knoll

Peter Guild


Siren Furniture

Steed Upholstery


Wiemann Bedroom Furniture

FN349_Pages.indd 6 ArtisticUpholsteryApr18.indd 1

22/03/2018 21/03/2018 10:51 16:52

18 16:52

Partner Comment | 7

Perfect recall?


The primary aim is to ensure any issue or potential issue

arch saw the eagerly-awaited launch of the latest Publicly Accessible Specification (PAS), 7100: 2018.

affecting product safety is identified and dealt with as promptly

Published by National Standards Body BSI, it’s the

and effectively as possible. In a manner of speaking, it encourages businesses to sow the seed before the need.

result of the work undertaken by the Working Group on Product Recalls and Safety (WGPRS), the PAS Steering group and associated

Part 2 gives guidance to supporting regulators and market

research into the need for corrective action planning and the issue

surveillance or enforcement authorities on assistance that should

and effectiveness of the public recall of consumer products.

be available to businesses in order to support them in meeting obligations in relation to issues involving the safety of consumer

The resulting publication is a step change not only in relation to management of product safety issues, but also in the way that business, enforcement and Government work together towards a

products. The PAS also includes clear terms and definitions, with sources of reference from original legislation, as well as a series of

common goal.

informative annexes covering regulatory context, risk assessment

The PAS document or code, the first publication and major initiative from the new Office of Product Safety and Standards,

methodologies including RAPEX and corrective action plan

isn’t a British Standard, but has the potential to be used in

examples – including checklists and methods of communication. When looking at the furniture industry specifically, particularly

the future to shape the content of a European or international

when considering the wide range and sizes of businesses operating


within it, the PAS should be viewed positively as offering practical advice and consistency of approach – not only for businesses, but

“It encourages businesses to sow the seed before the need”

also for regulatory enforcement. PAS 7100: 2018 will be subject to regular review to ensure it remains relevant, practical and effective. It is a call to action. Now it’s up to us.

The benefits of this document are twofold: firstly, in the clarity and practicality it offers regarding what is reasonably expected from businesses such as manufacturers, retailers, importers or

Suzie Radcliffe-Hart is the technical

distributors in the event of a product issue; then secondly, in

manager at FIRA International

its transparency of information on how enforcement bodies can effectively support businesses, including the approach that can be taken when a business fails to take appropriate action.

(, the exclusive service provider to the Furniture Industry Research Association,

Part 1 of PAS 7100: 2018 offers practical guidance to help businesses meet their legal duties, in relation to the General

which boasts unparalleled industry

Product Safety Regulations SI 2005 no.1803.

knowledge, raising performance throughout the supply chain by

It focuses on the need for a proactive approach, identifying key steps that should be in place to facilitate the monitoring,

o�ering research, information,

assessment, notification and correction of unsafe consumer

testing, consultancy, customer

products, including through public recall or other corrective action.

service and after-sales services.

Media partners Furniture News enjoys partnerships with a range of key global and national institutions and exhibitions

Exclusive UK member

Furniture News supports the aims and objectives of ACID (Anti Copying In Design) which is committed to fighting intellectual property theft

Official media partner

  FN349_Pages.indd 7

22/03/2018 10:51

Say to the first truly hybrid mattress. We all know a great mattress is key to a great night’s sleep. That’s why some have memory foam, for pressure relief. Some have pocket springs, for support. Some have micro coils, for comfort. And some have natural fillings to wick away moisture. That’s when we got thinking. If each of those is comfy on its own, what happens if we put them all together? Introducing hybed. Mattresses that take all the best technology out there, and put it into one. The ultimate in materials, to create the ulitmate in comfort. Say hy to hybed, the hybrid mattress from luxury bed makers Harrison Spinks.

Stephen Truswell Hybed Sales Director t: +44 (0) 113 2055 200 m: +44 (0) 7741 312 608 e:

HarrisonSpinksApr18.indd 1 FN349_Pages.indd 8

22/03/2018 12:06

A great night’s sleep can have a big impact on your life. From mental wellbeing to energy levels, when we’ve slept well we’re happier, more productive, make better choices and build better relationships. Luxury bed makers, Harrison Spinks, has now made getting a good night’s rest even easier for consumers, thanks to the launch of its new Hybed collection of mattresses. There are hundreds of different mattress variants on the market – some with memory foam for pressure relief, some with pocket springs for support and others boasting natural fillings to wick away moisture. Using almost 180 years of experience in manufacturing luxury mattresses, Harrison Spinks has launched a new range of hybrid mattresses – Hybed – containing all of these elements to offer the ultimate in sleeping experiences. Traditionally, a hybrid mattress features a combination of memory foam and springs, however, Harrison Spinks’ new Hybed range takes the ‘hybrid’ mattress concept to the next level. By combining world-leading pocket spring technology with latex and memory flex topped with a 100% natural sleeping surface, Harrison Spinks has created the only hybrid mattress of its kind and the most advanced hybrid sleeping systems available on the market. The pocket springs used are manufactured from lowweight, ultra-fine wire that’s drawn at Harrison Spinks’ factory in Leeds, enabling the bed maker to ensure each and every spring is of the highest quality. Expertly designed to move independently, Harrison Spinks’ pocket springs respond to different body weights, ensuring both co-sleepers wake feeling refreshed. They also keep your spine perfectly aligned – an absolute must while sleeping. Complementing the pocket springs, layers of memory flex and Talalay latex is a 100% natural sleeping surface made from home-grown natural fillings. The natural sleeping surface is created by weaving a highquality damask fabric together so tightly that it’s naturally fire retardant, meaning no chemicals are used on the natural sleep surface. The Harrison Spinks Hybed collection is made up of nine beds across three different ranges – Super, Nature and Ultimate – providing a bed for all sleeping requirements and preferences. To view the range visit the Hybed stand at the AIS April Bed Show.

FN349_Pages.indd 9

22/03/2018 12:02 12:06

10 | News

Manufacturers express support for apprenticeships National Apprenticeship Week, which

eight manufacturing apprentices and one

took place last month, saw many of the

engineering apprentice this year. Its scheme has been running since 2011,

industry’s manufacturers reaffirm their commitment to apprenticeship schemes of

so far helping 65 young people to kick-start

all sizes.

their careers. “I think the idea that you can earn

They include Parker Knoll, which announced that it has expanded its

nationally-recognised qualifications and

longstanding apprenticeship scheme to

even degree level qualifications whilst in the

include both frame assembly and business

workplace, is the biggest advantage of doing

administration, in addition to traditional

an apprenticeship,” says former Silentnight


apprentice, Jonny Garth, who undertook a

Hypnos has taken on nine apprentices

junior management scheme. Now in its 11th year, National

over the last 12 months, who have been appointed to a variety of roles in production,

Apprenticeship Week is an annual

warehouse management, marketing and

celebration of apprentices across the


country, and the businesses that offer them

Silentnight reports that it has taken on

Apprentice frame assembly at Parker Knoll

key training and career development.

Research association takes advice to Long Eaton The session will close with an open

The Furniture Industry Research Association,

procedures are in place to demonstrate due

along with Primary Authority partner

diligence compliance with the Furniture and

Q&A session. Phil Reynolds, director of the

Hertfordshire Trading Standards, will host

Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988

association, says: “We’re very much looking

a Compliance and Flammability session in

(as amended) for domestic upholstery.

forward to taking the research association

It will then turn its focus to the efforts

Long Eaton, Derbyshire, on Wednesday 18th

‘on tour’ to Long Eaton, making us more

of the BFC to kick-start a review of the

accessible to those at the heart of the UK’s

regulations, followed by a workshop on the

upholstery industry. We’re very keen to

retailers, suppliers and importers, will

regulations, including what is in and out

get our message across about compliance

include details of the association’s new

of scope, the schedules and requirements,

and to dispel any confusion regarding the

Compliance Scheme for the Fire Performance

the relevant British Standards and an

flammability regulations.”

of Upholstered Furniture, which aims to

understanding of obligations to due

offer reassurance that suitable processes and


of this month. The event, aimed at manufacturers,

Registration for this free event is open on the association’s website.

Loaf opens new stores this spring

Industry turnover rising, according to BFM

Following the opening of Loaf’s fourth store – in

The UK furniture industry’s total turnover increased to nearly £9b

Guildford’s new Tunsgate Quarter shopping development

in 2017 – up +2.8% on the previous year – according to a review

– last month, the retailer has revealed plans to open

of UK manufacturing performance in 2017 by the British Furniture

another in Wilmslow, Cheshire, next month.

Manufacturers (BFM) association.

The Guildford store measures 5000ft2, while the

Based on official statistics, the total turnover for the sector, including

Wilmslow Loaf Shack will be the brand’s first northern

income from non-production activities, was found to total more than

outlet, and will be based in a 7000ft2 building on

£8.7b. Retail sales for the year, in terms of value, also showed an increase

Macclesfield Road.

of +3.1%, although by volume they crept up by just +0.1% YoY.

Loaf founder, Charlie Marshall, says: “It’s high time

Mike Dimond, the BFM’s director of employment and membership,

people in the north of England had a bit of Loaf on

says: “The report also confirmed that raw material costs are still a major

their doorstep so they can kick their shoes off in style!

issue for the sector - something picked up in our February state of trade

Our new Wilmslow Shack is packed full of our squishy

survey. Official figures revealed 2017 prices were up by an average of

sofas, bonzer beds and kicking cabinetry – all basic

+6.0% on the previous year.

requirements for a happy life in the slow lane!” These new Loaf Shacks join the brand’s three Londonbased showrooms.

FN349_Pages.indd 10

“Factory gate prices of ‘all furniture’ increased by +2.6% on average over the year in an attempt to recover margins as a result of increased material costs - it’s the largest rise in costs since 2011.”

22/03/2018 10:51


FN349_Pages.indd BoyteksApr18.indd 111

22/03/2018 13/03/2018 10:51 12:51


12 | News

Millbrook Beds appoints new agents

Halo wins $3.8m IP victory Anti Copying in Design (ACID) member Halo Creative & Design (Halo) has won a significant victory against Comptoir Des Indes (CDI) in Chicago, Illinois, with a permanent injunction following a guilty verdict in the design patent, trademark and copyright infringement suit by a federal jury sitting in Chicago. In a case involving Halo’s most iconic

Jason Hillier

Nigel Hillier

Adam Oldham

furniture and lighting designs, the jury found CDI’s infringement to be knowing and wilful. The case, filed in 2014, involved two of

Following the appointment of Mark Hughes as sales director, Millbrook Beds

for Breasley, Sealy and Sleepeezee. He and Nigel currently work with

Halo’s US Design Patents, including one covering Halo’s Aviator Tomcat Chair, Halo’s

has welcomed three new sales agents to

Protect-A-Bed, New Design Headboards

Odeon trademark covering an entire line of

its team.

and Serene Furnishings.

cascading crystal chandeliers and lamps, and

Finally, Adam Oldham has been

Halo’s nine copyrights in many of its other

for Birmingham, South Wales and

appointed to look after retailers in

well-known furniture and lighting designs,

the South-west. Nigel has been in

Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and North-east

including its caged Gyro Crystal Chandelier.

the industry for over 25 years, having

England. Adam started out at the age

worked in management and field sales at

of 19 and has over 14 years’ experience

CDI from selling, offering for sale, or

Slumberland, Sleepeezee, Gainsborough

in the bed industry, having represented

promoting the infringing products within

and Breasley.

Deluxe Beds and Vogue Beds.

the US, and extends to CDI’s ecommerce

Nigel Hillier has joined as manager

Jason Hillier has been appointed to

Mark Hughes comments: “At

cover London and South-eastern England.

Millbrook Beds we have ambitious plans

Jason has also been in the industry for

to significantly increase our market

over 25 years, having previously worked

share of handmade natural beds.”

The court’s permanent injunction prohibits

platforms, including its distributors. Halo’s total damages award came to nearly $3.8m. Dids Macdonald OBE, ACID’s CEO, comments: “Halo’s proactive global IP strategy is consistent and robust, and this sends a crystal clear message of zero tolerance to IP infringement. Companies such as Comptoir des

Milan calling! The 57th edition of Salone del Mobile.

Indes have learnt a very expensive lesson – a message Halo hope will be heard far and wide Salone Internazionale del Mobile

Milano, taking place from 17th-22nd

and the International Furnishing

this month, will occupy more than

Accessories Exhibition – split into three

205,000m2 and will feature over 2000

style categories: Classic: Tradition in

exhibitors (22% of them non-Italians)

the Future, Design and xLux – will be

– plus some 650 SaloneSatellite

joined by the biennial EuroCucina, its


collateral event FTK (Technology For

The international furnishing sector’s

the Kitchen), and the International

premier platform for innovation and

Bathroom Exhibition, as well as

creativity promises an unrivalled blend


of products, events and projects. Five

British exhibitors present include

concurrent exhibitions will open to the

ercol, Duresta, Established & Sons,

trade at Fiera Milano, Rho, and will also

Gascoigne Designs, Thomas Blakemore

open to the public on the weekend.

and Vispring.

in their fight against unlawful infringement, a sanitised word for theft.”

Spinks Springs appoints European sales manager Leeds-based pocket spring manufacturer Spinks Springs has appointed Ian Owen as European sales manager, a newly-created role. Ian joins Spinks Springs after 28 years at Carpenter, where his last role was marketing and strategic sales director. In related news, bedmaker Harrison Spinks was named Green/Sustainable Manufacturer

New area sales manager for bed brands

of the Year at Insider’s Made in Yorkshire Awards. Now in its sixth year, the annual awards celebrate

FN349_Pages.indd 12

To support the continued growth of Relyon and Dunlopillo in

the best in regional

the independent market, Lynda Johnson has been appointed

manufacturing, and

as the brands’ new North-west area sales manager.

judges singled out

Lynda joins with a wealth of sales knowledge and

the company’s use

experience in the independent furniture retail sector,

of 100% natural

having worked for Kingstown Furniture for almost eight

fillings and its farm

years.Focusing on managing and developing customer

where it grows the

relationships, Lynda will be the new day-to-day contact for

hemp and flax used

customers, replacing Gary Lockwood.

in its mattresses.

Ian Owen

22/03/2018 10:51


Minerva Advert 2018 full page (Furniture News)_Layout 1 01/03/2018 10:35 Page 1

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Visit our stand at the Manchester Furniture Show 15-17 July 2018 Tel: 01249 716195 Email: MinervaApr18.indd 113 FN349_Pages.indd

13/03/2018 10:51 13:24 22/03/2018


14 | News

Furnituremakers commended at livery ceremony

New book celebrates Natuzzi’s history A book celebrating Italian furniture manufacturer Natuzzi was launched last month at Natuzzi Italia’s flagship store on Tottenham Court Road. The book, Natuzzi The Italian Harmony Maker, written by Luca Condosta, vicepresident of finance at ABB, reflects on the international success and secrets of Natuzzi’s long history. During an in-store debate hosted by Vanessa Brady, founder of the Society of British and International Design (SBID), Luca explained why he has written a book on the history of Natuzzi and its founder,

Clockwise from top left: Marcus Jahrling; Andrew Jackson; James Ryan; Ewan Stevenson; Christopher Hyde; Jodi Schofield; Tony Smart; and Wendy Shorter

saying: “The story of Natuzzi tells us that if you know what cards you have, just play

Seven furnituremakers have been

Centre (Master); Andrew Jackson, MD at

them. Because maybe not today, maybe

commended for their contribution

Burgess Beds (Master); Marcus Jahrling,

not tomorrow, something is going to

and achievements to the industry at a

manager at Ardmore Construction


ceremony at Glaziers’ Hall, London, as

(Master); James Ryan, designer at Edward

Pasquale Natuzzi, the company’s

Barnsley Workshop (Master); Wendy

founder and CEO, talked about his

Shorter, founder of Wendy Shorter

passion for work and about his approach

by City of London livery companies in

Interiors (Master); Jodi Schofield, sales

to business, closing his speech looking

partnership with City & Guilds, aims

director at Burgess Beds (Journeyman);

towards the future of the brand.

to recognise excellence and promote

and Ewan Stevenson, general manager at

career progression from Apprentice to

Burgess Beds (Apprentice).

part of the Master Certificate Scheme. The Master Certificate Scheme, run

Journeyman and Master level. In order to

Master of The Furniture Makers’

qualify for a certificate at any of the three

Company, Dr Tony Smart MBE, says: “I

levels, the applicant must provide evidence

was delighted to be present to witness the

of having achieved an appropriate level

presentation of these very well-deserved

of responsibility and technical knowledge

certificates to those in our industry.

in their sector and given support to those

They have not only excelled in their own

pursuing a career in the industry.

profession but have helped and supported

The seven furnituremakers awarded

so many young people that have joined our

certificates by The Furniture Makers’

industry. This scheme provides us with a

Company were: Christopher Hyde, director

way to recognise these achievements and

of creative arts at Rycotewood Furniture

to encourage others to follow.”

Luca Condosta, Pasquale Natuzzi and Vanessa Brady

Fabric exhibition records a lift in attendance The inclement weather did not prevent an 18% increase in visitors

a great show, wonderful that it has expanded over the years and it

making the trip to Chelsea FC for the fourth BFM-hosted event at the

is good to have it in the UK, it means not too much time out of the

venue on 26th and 27th February. There was a record attendance on


both days, particularly on the first day, which saw visitor numbers

Jackie Bazeley, MD of the BFM, which organised and hosted the

up +12% at well over 200. It is believed that the number of visitors

event, says: “Prior to the start of the show we thought that the

would have been even higher had the weather not impacted on the

weather might prevent visitors from attending. While it clearly had

event, particularly on the second day.

an effect, it did not stop the majority from getting to Chelsea.

Visitors saw 37 European fabric producers and suppliers present

“I have had many positive comments from visitors about the

their classic collections and new designs to the UK’s upholstery

quality of the exhibitors and the fabrics and finishes they showed,

industry, many of the UK’s retail groups and furniture groups, and

along with a great number of compliments from both our returning

buyers of soft furnishings from the hotel and leisure industry.

and new exhibitors. I already have a waiting list of companies eager

The renowned Belgian mills were especially pleased with the show, with many reporting high orders, while visitors also reported satisfaction in the event. Kai Winders from Steinhoff says: “This is

FN349_Pages.indd 14

to exhibit and we are already looking forward to another successful event in 2019.” The show will return on 25th and 26th February 2019.

22/03/2018 10:51


KETCHUP AD IDEA.qxp_Layout 1 3/2/18 1:52 PM Page 1

You know more about what goes into a bag of crisps than what makes up your bed. At Sealy, we’re all about transparency. We’re actually proud of what goes into our beds and want to tell you about it. That’s why we now show you a complete list of measurements and ‘ingredients’ (offering a full explanation for that ingredient) for every single bed in our core brochure range.* It’s not a British Standards requirement, like with food labelling, it’s just something we want to do; go above and beyond what’s required, as we have nothing to hide. That’s why we’re clearly the world’s No.1 bed brand. * Ingredients lists appear on our website.

FN349_Pages.indd SealyApr18.indd 1 15

22/03/2018 12/03/2018 10:51 15:48

16 | News

Furniture Makers launches supported schools initiative

Silentnight to open Lakeside showroom

The Furniture Makers’ Company has

Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company,

launched a new initiative that will see

and Charles Vernon, education chairman

it provide support to schools that teach

at The Furniture Makers’ Company, plus

A year after the opening of its first UK

design and technology.

industry dignitaries and representatives

standalone showroom at intu Trafford

from John Hampden Grammar School, at

Centre, Silentnight has announced that

been launched in response to research that

a ceremony at the school on 19th March to

it plans to open its second flagship

shows the number of schools able to teach

cut the ribbon on the new partnership.

showroom, across 4800ft2 of space at intu

The Supported Schools initiative has

design and technology is dropping due

The collaboration aims to demonstrate

Lakeside. Silentnight MD Steve Freeman says:

to funding issues. The Furniture Makers’

to students the importance of design,

Company is piloting the new scheme in

manufacturing and the many aspects of

“Silentnight is in the homes of millions

High Wycombe – a hub of UK furnishing

the furniture and furnishing industry, and

of customers, and by opening our second

manufacture – at John Hampden Grammar

promote the pathways into the sector.

flagship showroom at intu Lakeside, we’re

School. The mayor of High Wycombe, Cllr Brian Pearce, joined Dr Tony Smart MBE, the

Charles Vernon says: “The teaching of

enabling customers in the South-east to

design and technology at GCSE is critical

explore and experience our full range of

to the long-term prosperity of the UK

beds, mattresses and sleep accessories.

furnishing industry, which produces more

“This is a great marketing opportunity

than £11b of product per year and employs

for us and has so far been really successful

327,000 people across 50,000 registered

at intu Trafford Centre, where we’ve

companies in the wider furniture and

trialled new innovations such as our

furnishings sector, including specialist

unique geltex range. Furthermore, it has

retail but excluding general retail.

also benefited our retail partners who

“This new initiative will see the

consumer demand and awareness the

teach design and technology by providing

showroom has created.

financial aid, the opportunity to build links Student Maciej Dynos, headteacher Tracey Hartley, Master Dr Tony Smart MBE, mayor of High Wycombe Cllr Brian Pearce, and education chairman at The Furniture Makers’ Company, Charles Vernon

have enjoyed returns from the increased

company support selected schools that

“It enables us to trial new products,

with industry, offer factory tours and work

new display methods and selling

experience, and the option to participate

techniques – the results of which we share

in our annual Young Furniture Makers

with all our retail partners, many of whom


are now adopting some of the learnings.”

Carpetright agrees loan ahead of proposed CVA raises £40m in latest funding round

Carpetright has agreed an unsecured

property estate – however, many of these

loan with major shareholder Meditor for

poor-performing stores still have long

£12.5m, which the retailer says will be used

leases to run, which has limited our ability

to assist with short-term working capital

to exit a meaningful number in the short- raised £40m of equity in its

requirements as it explores the feasibility of

to-medium term.

latest round of funding, which it plans to use to accelerate its growth and establish

a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).

“While the board is confident that its

On 1st March, Carpetright announced

brand investment and store refurbishment

digital design brand leadership across

that it was examining a range of options to

strategies have been, and will continue to

Europe. The fundraising round includes

accelerate the turnaround of the business

be, successful in enabling Carpetright to

a new tier-1 global institutional investor,

and strengthen its balance sheet – the

respond to increased competition, it believes

plus further commitments from existing

objective of the CVA would be to reduce the

additional measures are necessary to


number of stores through which it operates.

directly address this legacy property issue.

Philippe Chainieux, CEO of,

“The board is therefore exploring the

says: “We continue to scale rapidly across

between £40-£60m through an equity

feasibility of a CVA in order to expedite the

Europe, and I am pleased to confirm that

issue, which would be used to fund the

rationalisation of its property portfolio, has reached profitability in

group’s ongoing strategy, reduce debts and

with the clear objective of establishing a

2017 in the UK, France and Benelux, and

cover the costs associated with the CVA.

right-sized estate of contemporary stores,

is now cash-flow positive at the group

on economic rents, complemented with a


Following that, the company plans to raise

CEO Wilf Walsh says: “The aggressive store-opening strategy pursued by the company’s previous leadership has left

compelling online offer. “The conditional equity issue, which

In other news, Adrian Evans has been appointed’s CFO. He joins the

Carpetright burdened with an oversized

is intended to follow a successful CVA,

company from the Yoox Net-a-Porter

property estate consisting of too many

would recapitalise the group and we believe

Group, where he held various senior

poorly-located stores on rents which are

provide the necessary funds to accelerate

management roles including commercial

simply unsustainable. The company has

its turnaround and address the competitive

director, finance director and strategy

worked hard over recent years to address

threat from a position of financial strength,”

director.of whom are now adopting some

this legacy issue and reduce the size of its

Wilf concludes.

of the learnings.”

FN349_Pages.indd 16

22/03/2018 10:51


Multichannel marketing for the

furniture trade Furniture News has developed Connect, a combined website and printed directory designed to meet the needs of the furniture and furnishings sector. The printed directory is a comprehensive reference point for retailers looking for suppliers, and vice versa – while users of the online Connect platform will have the industry at their fingertips. Call us on 01424 776100 to discover why Connect should be part of your marketing plans this year, or read more at Brought to you by

Furniture News

FN349_Pages.indd ConnectApr18.indd 17 1

22/03/2018 21/03/2018 10:51 16:47



Soft bullnose corners & edges

FN349_Pages.indd 18 GlobalApr18_1.indd 1 GlobalNov17_Collection.indd 1

22/03/2018 10:51 Collection 204 is a range of bedroom, living and dining furniture.

Rustic cup handles

Decorative profile

Global Home UK

The Old Goods Yard, Rear of Truro Station, Station Road, Truro, TR1 3HH 01872 223523 |

Global Home Ireland

Unit 7a Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford, Eire 0043 334 9694 |

Global Home London

Unit 136 Clocktower Road Industrial Estate, Isleworth, TW7 6DT 0203 417 7240 |

FN349_Pages.indd 19

22/03/2018 13:47 10:51 21/03/2018 25/10/2017 09:08



Oak & oak veneers

FN349_Pages.indd 20 GlobalApr18_2.indd 1 GlobalNov17_Collection.indd 1

22/03/2018 10:51 Collection 208 is a range of bedroom, living and dining furniture.

Handle options available

Global Home UK

The Old Goods Yard, Rear of Truro Station, Station Road, Truro, TR1 3HH 01872 223523 |

Global Home Ireland

Unit 7a Mastertech Business Park, Athlone Road, Longford, Eire 0043 334 9694 |

Global Home London

Unit 136 Clocktower Road Industrial Estate, Isleworth, TW7 6DT 0203 417 7240 |

FN349_Pages.indd 21

22/03/2018 13:48 10:51 21/03/2018 25/10/2017 09:08


Hardwearing lacquered finish

Tapered tops

Chrome handles Tapered legs FN349_Pages.indd 22 GlobalApr18_3.indd 1 GlobalNov17_Containers.indd 1

Oak & oak veneers 22/03/2018 10:51


Collection 207 is a range of bedroom, living and dining furniture.

FN349_Pages.indd 23

22/03/2018 13:49 10:51 21/03/2018 25/10/2017 09:07

24 | Interview

This month, the homewares website in the spotlight is – Furniture News explores the practices and philosophies behind the enterprise ...

Clickthrough > Find a Sofa Philip Price, founder Summary: is an aggregator website designed to help consumers find sofas and for retailers to promote their sofas Launched: February 2018 SKUs: 1600 (and growing) Average monthly unique visitors: Public launch slated for September 2018

What part of your job would you prefer to

of this year, then the final phase of the plan


is to launch in five other countries starting

None – I love it all because it’s new and

in 2020.

shiny at the moment. Also, work has never felt like work to me, – maybe it did when I

What’s your take on how the relationship

was 16 and working part time in McDonalds,

between online and physical retail might

but these days it just doesn’t. I love business


and working on digital projects.

If I’m right, they will grow together – I think you need both for sofas. However, the

What has been your greatest challenge to

touchpoint mix will change. For example,

Why visit your website?


before the internet it was all offline. The

If you’re buying a sofa, you should visit

In terms of my business, it’s been adapting

early internet comes along, and consumers

our site, because it will save you hours and

to what I call chicken-and-egg scenarios.

search online then go offline to buy. Now

hours of trawling multiple websites. If you

We wanted to go live in February 2018,

we’re seeing an increasing number of

sell sofas you should also visit the website,

which we did, but we needed retailers

people returning to the internet after doing

take a look around and then go on to add

and sofas on the site to make it work, and

their physical store visits to buy their sofas

your own sofas.

couldn’t turn the site on for them to see

online. I think this shift will increase going



We’ve made it free, so it really is a very cost-effective way of showing off your

Trying to make that happen was challenging but we managed it, and within

Do you have any plans to grow your

a month we’d got over 30 retailers and 1600


How did you enter this industry?

designs listed, so it’s going a lot better than

Significantly, yes. My aim is to become

I entered the industry almost by accident.

we thought – but it’s still very early days.

the default independent website for sofa

products and designs.

Nearly 20 years ago, an invite for lunch

From a personal point of view my biggest

consumers. Take a look at the GoCompares

(which I almost turned down) ended up

challenge has been raising an amazing little

of this world, now think of the sofa buyer’s

becoming a job offer with a very small and

daughter with my wonderful wife. I’m pretty

equivalent (just without the annoying

unknown company (at the time) called

sure everyone with a family will at some

singing man!).

PlusNet. It was then that I thought to myself

time call it challenging!

We’ve got lots and lots of great plans, but people will have to wait to see what they are.

“this internet thing is going to take off” – so from then on I’ve been building and

How much do you invest in making your

growing businesses in the technology and

site more visible?

What advice would you offer an aspiring

marketing arenas.

Pretty much everything we’ve got at the


moment. We’ve got a three-phase plan.

In terms of selling sofas online, I would say

Who is your ecommerce hero?

Phase 1 includes, among other things,

categorically it’s the picture that counts.

A gentleman by the name of Matt Cutts. Not

something we call indexing, which is

Invest in some good photography, as people

many people know his name, but for many

ensuring we get our site content effectively

buy with their eyes.

years he was the head of Google’s web spam

registered for long-

team – in essence, one of the people who

tail key strings on

had a significant impact on the who and

search engines.

what of organic search results in Google.

We’re aiming for

Nailing search has been a passion of mine for the last 15 years.

186,000 targets, but I’ll be happy with anything over

Describe a typical working day Wake up 6am, at the gym by 6.30, school

100,000. Phase 2 is a UK

run at 8.30 then work by 9. Every day is very

public awareness

different – but the focus at the moment

drive, both on-

is working with retailers, working on

and offline, which

developing the site, and planning for our

we’ll probably start

public launch in September.

towards the back end

FN349_Pages.indd 24

22/03/2018 10:51


FN349_Pages.indd GTVApr18.indd 1 25

22/03/2018 16/03/2018 10:51 10:15

m h

26 | Events


BIGGEST SHOW YET CEMENTS MIFF’S LEADING POSITION The Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) concluded its biggest show to date on 11th March after four successful days, with exhibitors meeting more buyers from a wider base of countries, and signing orders right up to the close of the show, reports organiser UBM Malaysia …


his year saw the spacious new Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC)

venue co-host the annual event, alongside MIFF’s traditional home, the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). Across the two venues, buyers were presented with more products and new collections than ever, from a record 625 exhibitors, from 13 countries. MIFF is South-east Asia’s largest furniture sourcing hub, and was 25% bigger this year, taking place across a gross exhibiton area of some 100,000m2. With an established reputation for

robust trading, MIFF 2018 picked up extra pace from the new exhibitors and buyers which made up a third of the show. The larger exhibition space also made room for the launch of Karen Goi, MIFF’s general manager,

new initiatives to drive design quality

reported successful sales and high

and business opportunities – such

interest from buyers. The gallery is

says: “This year has again reinforced

as designRena, a curated floor for 80

the latest effort by MIFF to support

MIFF’s global standing as a very

top Malaysian companies, plus MIFF

creative talent, with many of the

happening and productive sourcing

Timber Mart.

young designers present alumni of the

hub. It proves we are effective in

MIFF Furniture Design Competition,

drawing new exhibitors, buyers and

launched in 2010.

more products to a much larger show.

Not to be outdone, young designers at the Millennials@Design gallery also

“Generally, exhibitors are happy, and they are securing extra business from markets which they have not encountered before, such as Africa and South America. Many have expressed that they want bigger booths in MITEC and PWTC to launch more products and scale up their presentations next year. We will be looking into more customer-centric and design-driven programmes to benefit them for an even better show in 2019, which is the 25th anniversary of MIFF.” MIFF 2019 will run from 8-11th March at the same venues, under the theme of Design Connects People, which was unveiled this year.


FN349_Pages.indd 26

05/04/2018 08:39



Experience the absolute must-haves from the home and gift segments at Tendence. Ensure your success for the autumn/winter season and the coming spring/summer 2019. All details can be found at: Tel. +44 (0) 14 83 48 39 83

International trade fair for consumer goods. SherwoodApr18.indd271 FN349_Pages.indd

12/03/2018 10:51 16:53 22/03/2018

66252-018_TE_allg_FurnitureNews_M1_196x277 • FOGRA 39 • CMYK • tg: 20.02.2018

DU: 02.03.2018


must haves

Central Furniture Manufacturing Ltd For a Full Colour Brochure please call 0121 766 8110


Vogue Range Marino Range Mulliner Works, 154 Bordesley Green Road, Birmingham, B8 1BY Tel Fax Email Web

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CFMFeb18_1.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 28

0121 766 8110 0121 766 7450

26/01/2018 11:41

22/03/2018 10:51

Central Furniture Manufacturing Ltd For a Full Colour Brochure please call 0121 766 8110


Sorreto, Newport & Nova Range Mulliner Works, 154 Bordesley Green Road, Birmingham, B8 1BY Tel Fax Email Web

: : : :

CFMFeb18_2.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 29

0121 766 8110 0121 766 7450

26/01/2018 11:40

22/03/2018 10:51

30 | Profile

The TT Living Collection in white

Kettle brings Minerva’s members on-trend cabinet Since joining the Minerva Furnishers Guild in the autumn of 2016, Kettle Interiors has risen to the upper echelons of the buying group’s cabinet furniture suppliers, underlining its ability to deliver impressive service and product quality while upholding some of the industry’s most competitive prices …

With Minerva Furnishers Guild supplying

overseas. The results are now being enjoyed

that demands attention. Available in a

many of the country’s finest independent

by all of our customers, as well as members

broad range of items, The TT Collection

high-street retailers with products from

of Minerva and other buying groups,

was initially conceived as a response to

some of the industry’s most established and

through ranges such as The TT Collection

a growing market trend, which has now

highly-regarded brands, Kettle’s position

and ventures into style-focused launches

become a key look in many homes, says

as one of the group’s most popular cabinet

such as The FR Bedroom Collection.”


furniture suppliers is laudable.

With the capability of holding some

“Through The DG Dining Collection

£8m worth of stock globally at any one

we had seen that painted furniture for

TT Collection, this status has been well

time, Kettle Interiors can develop ranges

dining and occasional use was becoming

earned, says sales director, Simon Ainge:

to answer demand from specific sectors

increasingly popular in the home, but that

“We appreciate that the country’s best

of the market, as well as those with broad

there was demand for a more modern look

independent retailers demand more than

mainstream appeal, ensuring that retailers

than the style offered, and so we developed

simply great product, and that we must

can benefit from quality cabinet furniture

The TT Collection to fill this gap in supply,”

exhibit exacting standards when it comes to

from a supplier that responds quickly to

explains Simon. “The look has become an

service, too.

shifting market trends.

extraordinary success, and its status as our

Driven through ranges such as The

“Over the last few years, we’ve invested

A prime example of this is The TT

bestselling collection proves we got the mix

heavily in making sure that we can

Collection, which has become the supplier’s

just right. In fact, we’ve some exciting news

provide great service on an expanding

bestselling collection. With a modern

on further developments to this collection

product portfolio through a much larger

English country style, and available in either

just around the corner.”

UK stockholding, as well as improved

a grey or white paint finish complemented

T 01536 444960

production and warehousing capacity

by natural oak tops, it is a striking collection


FN349_Pages.indd 30

22/03/2018 10:51



Telephone Table £59.00

Large Sideboard £169.99



Nest of 2 Tables £49.99

1.8m Cross Extending Table £319.99

Wine Cabinet £79.99

THE TT COLLECTION Celebrate modern style English country furniture in white or grey paint finish with chrome cup handles. Available in a wide choice of quality items for dining and occasional use. Prices from just £43.00

Order today from Kettle Interiors I 01536 444960 I Order in Ireland today from Decor Furniture I 028 3844 6000 I Container prices illustrated

FN349_Pages.indd KettleApr18.indd 1 31

22/03/2018 21/03/2018 10:51 09:50

Go global Are you looking to develop business overseas? The International Alliance of Furnishing Publications (IAFP) is a 20-yearold association comprising the leading trade publications – based on editorial quality and circulation – from 19 countries worldwide. Its aim is to assist its members, and their advertisers, to better communicate with foreign markets. When promoting or seeking information from abroad, the IAFP network is the one to trust. Furniture News has been the UK member publication since 2012, and has since helped its readers and advertisers reach high-quality foreign information, contacts and readership. Contact Samantha Horscroft on (+44)1424 776100 to find out more.

Member publications

IAFP.indd 1 FN349_Pages.indd 32

22/08/2016 10:51 15:28 22/03/2018

16 15:28

Profile | 33

Seconique’s sizeable new facility will be operational from late next month

Seconique’s path to modernisation Seconique is moving. Over the last few months, the supplier has set about the gargantuan task of relocating to a larger, better-equipped facility – and while the new HQ is just 10 miles away from Seconique’s established West Midlands base, it is set to take the UK operation forward by some distance, says MD Helen Barker … Any business that operates on Seconique’s scale will know that relocation is not a

wanted room to expand, should we need it.”

business as usual for customers, there

Seconique’s traditional home, on Woden

are signs that the move is just the first

simple matter. As one of the UK’s largest

Road in nearby Wednesbury, offers a

part of a bigger strategy to modernise the

furniture importers, Seconique faced a

floorspace of approximately 300,000ft2 –

company. Helen reveals that Seconique

multitude of considerations when it began

and while the new facility is around the

plans to implement a barcode system over

exploring the possibility of a move three

same size, it is infinitely more flexible.

the next 12 months, and will be enabling

years ago – not least of which was the

“We wanted to stay as close to our current

Wi-Fi throughout its offices and warehouse

reality of shifting one of the nation’s largest

location as possible,” says Helen, “but there

to improve productivity and enable greater

stockholdings without disrupting customer

wasn’t much around here that offered the

operational efficiency.


outside space we required – so when this

“The most challenging aspect of the move is the relocation of stock,” says Helen, who is relieved that the bulk of the work is now

for the expansion of the site, so this is


something we will be exploring in the near

Seconique’s new facility is set in grounds

behind her, yet is still busy handling the

of 17.5 acres, and offers approximately

final stages of the project.

380,000ft2 of warehousing space.

She says: “It’s a mammoth task – co-

And after that? “There is definitely scope

site became available, it seemed the obvious

“Initally, the site was very run down,”

future,” says Helen. Seconique’s new address is Boulton House, Owens Trading Estate, Wobaston Road, Pendeford, Wolverhampton WV9 5EY.

ordinating the stock to be available to

says Helen, “so we needed to give it a full

It is situated approximately 10 miles from

customers from day one has taken a lot of

makeover – a process which enabled us to

the company’s existing site, and is easily

planning, as we didn’t ever want the move

design the space to suit our specific needs,

accessed from the M54. The business will be

to prevent our customers from getting their

and to offer better facilities for staff and

operational there from late May.

deliveries on time.”


However, says Helen, the transition is

There are numerous benefits – for

“For more information regarding dates, directions and the address,” concludes

a necessity. “There were so many reasons

example, we now have our own direct

Helen, “please call our sales team, who will

we needed to be somewhere different,” she

access, without having to share the inroad

be happy to help!”

says. “We were renting, and much preferred

with other companies.”

T 0121 506 4888

the idea of having our own building. We also

FN349_Pages.indd 33

Although Helen promises that it is


22/03/2018 10:51


ARE MOVING We are relocating to new premises and will be operational from late May 2018. Our new address is:

Boulton House, Owens Trading Estate, Wobaston Road Pendeford Wolverhampton WV9 5EY (Approximately 10 miles from our current site with easy access off the M54 and 2 miles from the Jaguar Land Rover site)

The offices and warehouse have been developed to better suit our needs and will offer up to date modern facilites for our customers and staff. For more information regarding dates, directions and the address please call our sales team who will be happy to help.


SeconiqueMar18.indd34 1 FN349_Pages.indd

22/03/2018 10:51

0121 506 4888 FN349_Pages.indd 35

21/03/2018 10:51 16:50 22/03/2018

36 | Profile

GTV demonstrates modern edge at kbb Birmingham Now 20 years old, Polish manufacturer GTV supplies furniture and

“Visitors to our stand were able to experience first hand the

LED lighting accessories to numerous European, Asian and South

quality and functionality of our kitchen, bedroom and bathroom

American markets. At kbb Birmingham last month, the company

solutions, which are already popular in other countries. Having

presented its Modern Box and Axis drawer systems, original LED

observed the large amount of interest in our stand during the fair,

Glax profiles, and its latest collection of handles, inspired by

we are optimistic about GTV’s development in the British market.”

global interior trends. Starting out as a small family company, GTV is now a holding

GTV also presented new ideas in sliding door systems, including the ergonomic Tora handle, as well as durable and proven sliding

company consisting of four brands – GTV Furniture Accessories,

mechanisms characterised by their quality, ergonomics, easy

GTV Lighting, GTV Sliding Door System and Högert Technik. The

assembly and aesthetics. Thanks to the unique material of the ball

company employs more than 300 people across the world, and its

bearings in GTV’s systems, the wheels can withstand a minimum

portfolio comprises over 8500 SKUs.

of 50,000 opening and closing cycles, whilst aluminium and

GTV’s modern technology and logistics centre allows the company to effectively conduct global business from Warsaw. The

innovative design solutions ensure quiet and reliable operation. Visitors to the stand were also interested in GTV’s original

office building and two high-bay warehouses, located in Warsaw’s

collection of aluminium Glax profiles, which allow for any

metropolitan area, provide 20,000 pallet spaces across an area of

arrangement. In combination with LED strips, these allow elegant

13,000m2, with dedicated bonded warehouses.

linear light fixtures to be created in near-endless arrangements.

The company also boasts additional warehouses offering some


8000m2 of storage space in Błoń, Poland, and in mid-March the company will acquire further space in the MLP Pruszków II logistics park. GTV also plans to open another office and warehouse building with rooms for research, presentations and training. “GTV is boldly conquering world markets, opening branches and subsidiaries in Brazil, Russia and the Czech Republic,” says export manager, Andrzej Wroński. “In line with our wish to expand our presence in the British market, during kbb Birmingham 2018 we presented the most innovative and inspiring products from our product portfolio.

FN349_Pages.indd 36

22/03/2018 10:51



FN349_Pages.indd 37

19/03/2018 10:02

22/03/2018 10:51


White oiled or painted oak ďŹ nish

FN349_Pages.indd Corndell.1.indd 1 38

22/03/2018 10:51

01993 776545 • FN349_Pages.indd 39

22/03/2018 16:49 10:51 19/03/2018

Daylesford Painted or satin oak ďŹ nish

FN349_Pages.indd Corndell.1.indd 2 40

22/03/2018 10:51

01993 776545 • FN349_Pages.indd 41

22/03/2018 16:49 10:51 19/03/2018

Woodstock Painted oak ďŹ nish

FN349_Pages.indd Corndell.1.indd 3 42

22/03/2018 10:51

01993 776545 • FN349_Pages.indd 43

22/03/2018 16:49 10:51 19/03/2018

Oak Mill

Waxed or white oiled oak ďŹ nish

FN349_Pages.indd Corndell.1.indd 4 44

22/03/2018 10:51

01993 776545 • FN349_Pages.indd 45

22/03/2018 08:48 10:51 20/03/2018



Gavin Boden

Furniture agents – your days are numbered


n the 25th July 1986 I walked into Lees Furnishings in

Furniture sales & marketing professional

More and more agents are becoming reps because they get a

Grimsby for my first day on the job. I spent my day moving

fully-expensed car, phone, laptop/tablet, pension and bonus, and all

Duresta sofas around the warehouse, unloading a truck of

the other expenses are taken care of. On top of that, they know how

Duralay underlay, and delivering a solid yew Bevan Funnell dining

much money they will earn each month. Looking at it from the other side of the fence, what’s best for

set. It wasn’t for a few weeks on a busy Saturday when I was set free

furniture suppliers – reps or agents?

on the shop floor to speak to customers. In the months following, I

When a new supplier comes into the market, they want to build

spent more and more time in the shop rather than on deliveries or

business quickly and get product onto the shop floors, but keep their

working in the warehouse, and it was during these months that I first

expenses to a minimum. The best way to do this is to take on agents

encountered furniture agents.

and pay them for what they sell, factoring the commission into the

They were all cut from the same cloth – driving around in nice

cost price. So, if they sell hardly anything in a month, the supplier

cars, dressed in top-end tweed jackets or wool suits. Compared with

doesn’t have to give them a big cheque – but if, on the other hand,

today, they had life easy – all they did was drive around and sell their

the agent does a good job and sells a lot of product, the supplier can

wares, and business was good.

end up paying more than they would for a rep.

I’m talking about the times before the Far East imports started

If the agent does a really good job over the coming years they can

hitting the shop floors. Apart from Italian imports, everything – from

end up earning more than the MD gets paid, which can sometimes

ornate metal beds to leather chesterfields – was made in the UK,

leave a bad taste! Also when it gets to this point, the supplier still

and the agents knew they were in high demand. Whether it was for a

wants a good proportion of those agents’ time, and can feel like they

lamp table or a big stock order of three-piece suites, they expected to

have no control over their team. This is a big concern for suppliers,

get an order from almost every call they made.

and the reason why a lot of them are moving over to employing reps.

I remember one time an agent came with a show van, and the

In short, suppliers want control over their sales team, but often

buyer ordered 30 suites for the following month and the same for the

can’t afford reps in the beginning – but, as the company grows,

next two – 90 suites in one visit? In the Eighties it wasn’t uncommon

this becomes a more viable option, and they pay off the agents to

for agents to earn in excess of £100k, and I have heard stories of

transform their sales team into an employed one.

them earning up to £250,000 in one year. During the major furniture shows (which were originally organised

Today, more and more agents are becoming reps, leading to a shortage of good agents – and I think this is going to continue. The

by the agents) they could afford to take their best customers out for

days of the furniture agent are numbered – in 10 years we will have

lavish meals every night, knowing that the next day the customer

a completely different picture. It’s already happened in different

would come onto the stand and place big orders.

industries, and with retail evolving so much, it is only a matter of

But those days are long gone. Unless an agent has a major agency or deals with one or more of the big internet boys, they can be

time for our sector. It will be a sad day when the last agent disappears from the

scrambling around worrying about things like the cost of fuel to

industry – agents have played a big part in the traditions and

get out on the road (especially with that being so expensive at the

development of the UK furniture industry, and it won’t be the same


without them.

If an agent isn’t turning over £50,000 it isn’t worth doing, once you consider expenses, car, fuel, hotels, phone, insurances, technology and other travel costs. Once that has been taken into consideration, they might as well go over to the dark side and become an employed rep – and why not? They wouldn’t have to worry about expenses and whether or not their commission cheques were going to be enough to cover their mortgage that month.

Agents might as well go over to the dark side and become an employed rep – and why not?

FN349_Pages.indd 46

22/03/2018 10:51

SilentNi RA Late

LUXURIOUS BRITISH COMFORT Handmade in the UK with premium zoned pocket springs combined with luxurious fillings for superb comfort and superior support. The Latex collection mattress features a blended natural Latex pillow top, responsive and durable it provides pressure relief and easy movement throughout the night. One mattress available in softer, medium and firmer comfort.

For more information call 01282 851 111 or visit

FN349_Pages.indd 4712018 - Furniture News.indd 1 SilentNightApr18.indd RA Latex Advert March

22/03/2018 20/03/2018 08:49 19/03/2018 10:51 14:35


BEDS & BEDROOM The FR Bedroom collection from Kettle Interiors (01536 444960, brings classic French chateau style to the modern home. A particular highlight of the collection is the upholstered bedstead, which features fine detailing and a padded fabric headboard that marks out the bed as something special.

Boasting pioneering technology, Sealy’s ( new Naturals Collection combines natural fillings with 21st century

With a low foot-end to enhance the feeling of space, this is

comfort. Unveiled late last year, this fusion works in harmony

a quality piece with details including sculpted side rails, Queen

alongside slick wool and Sealy Smart Fibres to deliver durability,

Anne-style feet, and a carved end-frame to the elegantly-shaped

support and, most importantly, comfort.

headboard, which is finished in a linen-look fabric and boasts a

A mix of mohair, bamboo and pashmina fibres provides

weathered oak-wash finish.

breathability, meaning that these mattresses are able to adapt to

The bed is available in 4ft 6in, 5ft and 6ft sizes. Along with the

various temperatures the whole year round. The new models are

rest of this new collection, the upholstered bedstead is available as

named after attractive Cumbrian locations – Renwick, Kentmere,

part of any Wholesale, Stockist and Container package, with free

Lakeside and Cartmel.

delivery on orders of £500 upwards.

Sweet Dreams (01282 830033, is launching three sumptuous upholstered bedframes at the AIS members’ show this month. Manufactured at its own premises in Lancashire, each of the Lisbon, Porto and Faro frames features a self-coloured buttoned head end, fully-upholstered rails and a low foot end to create a classic look. The fabric is plush velvet, and comes in a choice of six colourways – stone, sage, steel, blush, teal and ocean. Moreover, the frames come in a choice of three different headends, with an innovative drop-in sprung slatted base for speedy assembly and stability. All three models come in three sizes – The award-winning Cayenne, one of the VIP ranges introduced by German bedroom manufacturer Wiemann (enquiries@ this year, is taking bedroom storage to new heights with its unique dual-depth hinged doors.

double, king and superking. Customers can choose either delivery to store within 10-14 working days, or take advantage of direct home delivery. Sweet Dreams is an NBF Approved Member.

Cayenne features a selection of large and flexible storage options with cupboard widths ranging from 50-400cm, offering a greater increment than other Wiemann robes. It is available in four carcass colours (white, champagne, pebble grey and havanna) and three door finishes (white, pebble grey and champagne) in either matt or glass, with the option of a mirror. The collection also comes with a comprehensive selection of bedroom pieces. Simon Hewitt, MD of Litmus Furniture, Wiemann’s sole agent for the UK and Ireland, says: “The Cayenne collection offers consumers more than just bedroom furniture – it’s ideal for those wanting to create a design statement as well as maximise every inch of space in the home. The dual-depth robe works well around a bed, the focal point in the bedroom, and is still packed with hanging and storage space.”

FN349_Pages.indd 48


22/03/2018 10:51





Royale deluxe

• • • • • •

It has over 1000 individual nested pocket springs in a king size mattress Several layers of luxurious fillings Hand tufted finish 2 rows of hand-stitched mattress borders with handles and air vent High quality woven damask fabric Storage options available Headboard & divan bases available in ten different colours of fabric

• • • • • •

Medium firm sleep with a 13.5 gauge open coil bonnell spring unit with rod frame Generous layers of polyester fillings Micro quilted mattress finish Vertical stitched mattress borders Chenille effect divan base Storage option available Available in various different colours

Pearl 4000



• 4000 individual pocket springs combined with • 1000 pocket springs in a king size mattress. 2000 pocket tablet spring unit. • Natural silk, wool and cashmere fillings. • Sumptuous layer of silk, wool, cashmere, horsehair • Foam edge encapsulated support, adding and mohair fillings. strength to the sides of the mattress. • Luxurious natural viscose damask cover. • Micro quilted mattress finish. • Hand tufted mattress finish with pure woollen tufts. • Soft touch knitted SMARTCELL fabric. Memory Gel 2000 Mayfair Royale deluxe Amber • 4• rows of hand side stitched mattress borders, air 2000 pocket springs in a king size mattress • Non-turn mattressspring (rotatable). • Memory elastic foam on an Orthopaedic unit • Memory gel and soft layers of fillings • It has over 1000 individual nested • and Medium firm sleep with a 13.5 gauge open coil bonnell • Air pocket flow mattress borders with handles vents and flag stitch handles. • Luxurious soft touch knitted fabric springs in a king size mattress brass air vents spring unit with rod frame • Air flow mattress borders with air •vents Several layers of luxurious fillings • Shapes to the contours of your body• Generous layers of polyester fillings • Fitted with shepherd castors and linkage bars. • Micro quilted mattress finish • Hand tufted finish • Micro quilted mattress finished in HEALTH • Micro quilted mattress finish No turn mattress (rotatable) 2 rows of borders anti-static stress free knitted fabric • A•• wide choice of stylish•covers inhand-stitched velvet mattressGUARD Vertical stitched mattress borders Body pressure relief hypo allergenic with handles and air vent • Available in six different Faux Suede•colours • Chenille effect divan base • Micro quilted divan base with shepherd upholstered base. No turn mattress (rotatable) • High quality woven damask• fabric castors and linkage bars

• •

Storage options available Headboard & divan bases available in ten different colours of fabric

• •

Empire 12000

Tel: 0121 773 6669 | Fax: 0121 773 6788 WWW.SLUMBERDREAM.CO.UK

SlumberdreamNov17.indd 1

Storage option available Available in various different colours

• 12000 heat treated pocket springs combined with tablet spring in a king size mattress. • Fillings include pure lamb’s wool, silk, cashmere, mohair, horsehair. • 4 rows of side stitched mattress borders, also fitted with air vents and flag stitched handles. • Mattress borders embroided. • Hand tufted mattress finish with pure woollen Mayfair tufts. • Memory elastic foam on anfabric. Orthopaedic spring unit • Superior quality viscose damask • Air flow mattress borders with handles and brass air vents • Divan base fitted with corner guards and chrome • Shapes to the contours of your body glides. • Micro quilted mattress finished in HEALTH 06/11/2017 10:45

Memory Gel 2000 • • • • • • • •

2000 pocket springs in a king size mattress Memory gel and soft layers of fillings Luxurious soft touch knitted fabric Air flow mattress borders with air vents Micro quilted mattress finish No turn mattress (rotatable) Body pressure relief hypo allergenic Micro quilted divan base with shepherd castors and linkage bars

• •

GUARD anti-static stress free knitted fabric Available in six different Faux Suede colours No turn mattress (rotatable)

Tel: 0121 773 6669 Tel: 0121 773 6669 | Fax: 0121 773 6788 Fax: 0121 773 6788 WWW.SLUMBERDREAM.CO.UK

SlumberdreamNov17.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 49 SlumberdreamApr18.indd 1

06/11/2017 10:45

22/03/2018 20/03/2018 10:51 15:09

50 | Beds & Bedroom

The Shire Bed Company’s ( Celebration collection is proving popular with retailers, thanks to its wide choice of affordable products. The range, which includes four turnable mattresses, comes with micro-quilted panels, handles and air vents as standard. At the top end of the collection is Festive, a 1500-pocket series mattress, and Gala, a 1000-pocket series mattress. The collection also features Revel, a 12.5g bonnell spring unit, and Merrim, a 13.5g bonnell spring unit. Fara Butt, marketing director, says: “Celebration was launched to mark our milestone 20th anniversary event at last year’s NBF Bed Show. It represents the culmination of the skills, technology and forward thinking that have made the company what it is today – we’re delighted with the response it has received so far.”

Gala 1000 on blue glitz base

Kindred from PWS ( has added a painted solid timber bedframe to its classic bedroom collection. The classic bedframe has been specifically designed to work seamlessly with the rest of the classic range. In a choice of two sizes – double and king – the solid timber bedframe is also available in a selection of three neutral colours – stone, partridge grey and porcelain – all finished with an accent oak headboard detail.





THIS YEAR’S WINNERS B E D RO O M Wiemann UK, for Cayenne LIVING Tetrad, for Constable Hamilton & James’ Natural Collection is ideal for those who prefer an opulent, natural touch. This exclusive collection takes its name from the mixture of natural materials used to create each bed, ensuring a purely restful night of sleep. For those who want a little extra out of their bed, the Natural Collection is simply ideal.

DINING Gallery Direct, for Milano DECOR Think Rugs, for Woodland

For more information about the Natural Collection, please contact us by email at or call 01484 427 373.

Supported by

Deluxe Beds, Beacon Street, Birkby, Huddersfield, HD2 2RS, United Kingdom

DeluxeBedsApril18.indd 1 FN349_Pages.indd 50

TFAApr18.indd 12/03/2018 13:28 1

21/03/2018 16:14 22/03/2018 10:51


FN349_Pages.indd DunlopilloApr18.indd 511

22/03/2018 20/03/2018 10:51 14:17



Designed to be displayed as statement pieces in contemporary interior settings, Premier Housewares’ (0141 579 2000, new line of large sofas feature fabric and leather upholstery, and display on-trend finishing touches. Presented as part of Premier Housewares’ new Fifty Five South brand – a premium collection of furniture, lighting and accessories, characterised by limited edition objects, an artisanal approach, and the use of a diverse range of materials – the new sofa collection has been developed to co-ordinate with a wide range of interior design trends. It includes Nordic pieces dressed with tactile fabric upholstery, supple leather sofas in a range of colours with deep button tufting, and large corner couches. New designs arrive on a regular basis. Pieces to look out for include the mid-century-inspired Rena, an expansive three-seat sofa upholstered with button-tufted grey velvet, and cradled in a reflective silver metal frame. Every sofa can be viewed in Premier Housewares’ Glasgow showroom, a modern 30,000ft2 facility arranged over two floors, in which the sofas are presented alongside lighting and living accessories on the second floor.

Featuring the Antiquarian collection, as well as introductions to


the Mad Men and Atlantic lines, the Louis de Poortere (info@, 2018 Woven Rug Collection is now available to UK retailers. With the reissue of some of the maker’s most iconic designs – Hadschlu, Bakhtiari and Heriz – in modern colourways and hand distressed, Antiquarian is a stand-out range. Already receiving widespread praise as a collection to watch for 2018, Antiquarian could prove a landmark collection for the brand. Next is a new design in the established Atlantic series, The Streak. Representing the ripples and streaks in the sandy shores of New Jersey and Long Island, as if they were abstract paintings, this stylish rug comes in five colourways. Inspired by the world below the surface, The Cracks is the latest Mad Men design. A mix of straight and broken lines, of matt and shining yarns, and of smooth and ragged pencil strokes, The Cracks features the hues of Dark Pine, Deep Mine and Abyss Blue.

Hyder Living (01484 531000, has revealed further details of its Bespoke Sofa programme, which was launched at the January Furniture Show, and offers retailers the opportunity to develop exclusive lines from thousands of possible combinations, with no minimum order. Designed to offer retailers a white label solution for sofas, or to

Antiquarian Classic Brick

give interior designers the flexibility they need, the programme includes 12 styles, each available in armchair, two-seater and three-seater options. Covering classic and modern design, each style can be customised through covering and finishing choices. Hyder Living offers over 100 coverings through the programme, including leather, velvet, suede, chenille, crushed velvet, wool and linen. Each is available in choice of colours. The finishing options are almost as diverse, with details such as piping, studding and button back detailing all available. Director Biny Hyder says: “The Bespoke Sofa programme is quite extraordinary in its depth and demonstrates our willingness and ability to differentiate in the market through offering retailers exceptional service.”

FN349_Pages.indd 52

22/03/2018 10:51


FN349_Pages.indd 53 CelebrityMotionApr18.indd 1

22/03/2018 13/03/2018 10:51 13:57

54 | Living

Flair Rugs (01457 850660, is releasing four new designs within its premium Luxmi collection as part of the company’s ongoing collaboration with the V&A. Each rug is inspired by a different artefact from the V&A’s rich archive, with influences ranging from 19th century Chinese motifs to art deco. Inspired by a piece of Chinese wallpaper from 1860, Phoenix features a central motif of a mythical bird, surrounded by blooming peonies. For Moderne, Flair Rugs has returned to the art deco period, delivering bold, geometric forms in an archetypal brown and ochre colourway, inspired by a 1930s hand-knotted carpet given to the V&A by The Savoy Group. Based on a furnishing fabric by Allan Walton Textiles, Rhythm captures the energy and sense of adventure of 1930s ocean voyages – while the work of French artist Edouard Benedictus has inspired Rosa, which offers abstract floral motifs and intricate details in vibrant colours.

Rhythm, part of the Luxmi collection Sakura buffet, Kleo collection

Bluebone’s ( collaboration with Kleo is proving a real retail success, says the importer. Ocean, with its tube frame and sanded boatwood, and Sakura, which comprises reclaimed teak with inserted metal strips, are by far the most popular furniture ranges in the collection. By removing the colour of the old, messy timber, the beauty of the wood comes to life – it is the patterns, dents, scars and natural lines that tell the story of Kleo products’ journey from ocean to home, which makes every piece unique.

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FN349_Pages.indd 54

20/02/2018 14:34

22/03/2018 10:51






WAS £185








01902 399764 ShankarApr18.indd FN349_Pages.indd 155 20/03/2018 22/03/2018 09:15 10:51



The stylish Scandinavian looks of The NT Collection from Kettle Interiors (01536 444960, has won many fans, and the large cupboard is proving a highlight in the collection, thanks to its combination of compact proportions and eminent practicality. Crafted in a stylish light oak finish, the large cupboard is packed full of quality cues including wooden drawer runners and dovetail joints for all three drawers, and boasts practical storage thanks to an integral shelf. With chrome or wooden knobs in every box for a touch of personalisation, the large cupboard shares the elegantlyshaped foot found throughout The NT Collection, along with beaded and panelled doors and matching sides, and makes a fine addition to any dining room, living room, hallway or kitchen. Along with the rest of The NT Collection, the large cupboard is available as part of any Wholesale, Stockist and Container package, with free delivery on orders over £500.

The soft industrial look is really gaining traction in retail, says Bluebone (, which has put its bestselling pieces together in a retail display. Using the birdcage bar table as a centrepiece to display different bar stools, the concept shows living and dining design in sturdy quality. The wall accessories finish the look, adding a selection of takeaway pieces to increase sales.

Long-established Devon-based chair and table manufacturer and wholesaler Woodman Chairs (01884 841789, www. is always looking for innovation and new ideas to give stockists’ customers more choice. Apart from offering a wide range of contemporary and traditional chair styles in beech and oak, plus several finishes and seat options, Woodman also makes bespoke frames to spec. Woodman is a leader in oak and painted bar stools, and its Cricket and Nordic stools demonstrate its versatility and commitment to choice.

M&P Chairs (07802 648383) has experienced a brisk first quarter’s trading, helped by recurring business and some new customers and orders picked up from a successful January Furniture Show exhibition. The company reports that it continues to see steady sales of its staple products such as the beech and oak Farmhouse, Shaker, Caversham and Carra chairs, while its rocking and grandad chairs still prove popular. M&P exhibited two new products – the Nordic stick-back chair and Paesana wooden seated chair – at the show, and the company now has these in stock. M&P is based in East Sussex, carries large stocks of its core products and distributes throughout the UK using its own delivery vehicles and pallet and courier providers. The company prides itself on being able to deliver quality European hardwood chairs to its customers quickly and efficiently.

FN349_Pages.indd 56

22/03/2018 10:51


FN349_Pages.indd WoodmanMar18.indd571

22/03/2018 20/02/2018 10:51 13:31

58 | Dining

The Febland Group ( reports that its Blackpool headquarters

bulbs are out – it must be Blackpool!” A new range of dining tables, coffee table

and frame choices are “second to none if you want a unique bespoke chair or

was lucky enough to avoid the bad weather

and side table in a marble effect finish have

sofa”, and its “giftware complements our

that hit much of the nation last month,

just arrived in stock, says Stephen, while

furniture, so there’s no need to worry about

and invites prospective buyers to visit its

the showroom’s walls are full of attractive


showrooms and enjoy the climate.

3D art pieces and playing card prints which

Says Febland’s Stephen Ward (at the time of writing): “The sun is shining and the

Just like the company’s website, Febland’s showrooms are open seven days a week, and

“bamboozle the eye”. According to Stephen, Febland’s fabric

feature all the company’s newest lines.

yotfc ltd. Offering an extensive selection of quality oak, beech and pine furniture in a fantastic range of paint and polished wood colour finishes, as well as bespoke fabrics, faux leathers and leathers for upholstery NGE OF CO










YeOldeMar349.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 58

01604 890956 or YOTFC Ltd. 3 Roe Farm, Cogenhoe NN7 1NL E:

21/03/2018 16:08

22/03/2018 10:51

59 Telephone.: 0161-330 8959 E-mail:

Unique and Exclusive Designs Soft Industrial Retro & Vintage Furniture and Accessories Storm Grey and Cottonwood Retro Oak

BlueboneApr18.indd 1

12/03/2018 16:42





TEL: 07774 704744

KeenClassicsApr18.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 59

19/03/2018 10:25

22/03/2018 10:51

60 | Dining

With the introduction of an expanded collection of dining chairs, as well as a new range of wall and floor mirrors, Kettle Interiors is making every effort to ensure its product line can be enjoyed in greater depth – with the quality, value and service for which the supplier is known.

KETTLE INTERIORS – SITTING PRETTY, LOOKING SHARP A natural extension of the supplier’s dining range, the much-

Referencing baroque, Victorian and Edwardian styling, it is a

improved Chair Collection now includes 37 options, ensuring

collection that will stand alone, or work well with living and bedroom

versatility and complementing styles for any dining furniture. With

displays in-store.

popular scroll-back and wave-back styles available in five different

“Mirrors are a complementing line and can work well in giving

fabrics, luxury options in winged and curved button-, square- and

an extra-special touch to in-store displays, adding a feeling of

panel-back styles in natural, dark, grey and white leg, plus stools

authenticity and charm,” says Simon. “With this in mind, we’ve

and a stylish curved button-back office chair, it is a formidable

introduced a collection that works well right across the board, from


classic gold to contemporary white, yet which comes with a couple of

Offering high value in each item, the Chair Collection can make a tempting alternative to co-ordinating chairs in the supplier’s oak

distinct advantages.” The first of these is easy access – the mirrors are available from

and painted dining ranges, allowing retailers to widen choice on

UK stocks in any combination or quantity. The second is that each

dining sets while taking full advantage of the ease of dealing with one

mirror comes individually boxed, which makes storage simpler, and

supplier – a factor important in the range’s recent expansion.

customer collection or delivery far easier. It also ensures the mirrors

Simon Ainge, sales director, explains: “With dining tables often sold as part of a set, we wanted to make sure that our retailers were in the position to give choice to their customers, outside of whether

are protected at every stage of pre-sales, arriving to customers in perfect condition. Representing the first steps in a developing product line

they wanted a padded or wooden seat, in a ladder- or cross-back

from Kettle Interiors, these new collections are available in any


combination or quantity as part of any Wholesale, Stockist or

“The new Chair Collection now offers huge scope and so retailers

Container package, with free delivery starting from just £500.

can give consumers a choice of chairs while still being able to enjoy

T 01536 444960

the ease of being able to source the ideal combination from one


supplier, shipped in unison, with free delivery from just £500. It really does make creating a value-added dining set offer, or special promotions, a lot easier.” The introduction of the Mirror Collection may seem a less obvious one, but mirrors are a natural extension of the supplier’s furniture collections and a line that is already well established in interiors and furniture stores. Launching in four styles, again the range offers choice and a departure from the matching wall mirrors found in the supplier’s dining and bedroom collections. With gold, silver and painted white (selected styles only) finishes, the ornate styles are available in rectangular and leaner sizes, the latter offering an elegant solution in living spaces and bedrooms alike.

FN349_Pages.indd 60

22/03/2018 10:51



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M&PApril18.indd 1 1 M&P Chairs 340.indd

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We are one of the largest wholesale furniture suppliers in Lancashire. Specialising in modern funky furniture home lighting, wall mirrors, giftware & accessories, dining room furniture mirrored furniture, home bar furniture contract tables & chairs to the retail sector nationwide.

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Tel: 01253 600 600 Email: NEW FW1078GO MIDUS DINING TABLE WITH FGU741GO GOLD SILVIA DINING CHAIRS FeblandApr18.indd 1

FN349_Pages.indd 61

21/03/2018 10:56

22/03/2018 10:51

nogatram m m

TRADE SERVICES ...tnioppasid t’now taht secirp dna stcudorP kcots ni won segnaR weN 62

These days, customer service is so much

more than dealing with complaints, says Retailsystem (


– it’s about being proactive, keeping the


customer informed every step of the way,

DEeffi TN IAP ORELAC cient way.

and handling any issues in a prompt and

33-LA C Retailsystem is able to keep the customer

esackooB an order – online order tracking allows teksthem aB to&log in to see the status of their informed from the moment they place

)081 x 03 x 06(

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analysis has shown that this alone can


reduce incoming order chase calls by nearly



50%, freeing sales staff to spend more time booking new orders.

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VT renroC Retailsystem lets them know when orders tin Ubecome overdue, enabling them to take will when customer orders are overdue,

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action ahead of time rather than firefighting

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customers of the arrival of their goods and




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)75x 04 x 53(

damage, upholsterer reports or supplier

0correspondence 4.14£ moand rf replacement re-

the information so anybody can help the

where Retailsystem helps a business deliver


exceptional customer service.


Contact Retailsystem for an online or on-

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site demonstration to see how the company

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05.01The 3£Furniture morf 8offi 3.ces, 11factories 1£ moand rf other designated staff Makers’ Company (020 7562 8522), the furnishing industry’s charity, is


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confirming delivery slots is another area






pmaL elbaT )74 x 04 x 63(

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support us to communicate this message to their employees by displaying the poster

areas. Jonny Westbrooke, CEO of The Furniture


on factory floors, break rooms, back offices


2018 welfare campaign by hanging its new

Makers’ Company, says: “We have been

– anywhere that an employee will be able

poster up to help spread the word that it can

supporting people working in the UK

to see it and as a result know where to turn

furnishing industry for more than 100 years,

to for help.” Copies of the poster can be

but new people join every month. We want

downloaded from

everyone in the industry to know that we are


40support -OB industry workers past and present if

fo tthey sehave N fallen on hard times. The organisation is calling on employers selbaT 2 )05 x within 53 x 54the ( industry to get behind the

initiative and hang copies of the poster in

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“We need businesses large and small to

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The Furniture )74 x 03 xMakers’ 011( Company provides

financial assistance to workers within the

22.55£ morf

industry through grants.

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FN349_Pages.indd 62

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22/03/2018 10:51

O r










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22/03/2018 14/03/2018 10:51 16:53


64 | Trade Services

According to Greenwood Retail (01565 650101, MD Bernard Eaton, the specialist sales promotion company’s clients will testify that Greenwood’s high-impact strategies can generate 25-100% of annual turnover – depending on the nature of the event and other variables – with high margin maintained in just 17 days’ trading. “These sales returns are being seen by scores of retailers, right across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, year after year,” says Bernard. Greenwood specialises in organising highprofile retail sales events, on behalf of quality retailers – many of the company’s clients are members of buying group AIS, for example. “Greenwood has far more experience of planning and organising retail sales in this marketplace than any other sales company in the world,” says Bernard. “This means that no-one else is better qualified to help British and Irish retailers get the best out of their next sales event.” A Greenwood Sale can immediately benefit many businesses – contact the company to receive an outline of sales projections and costs.

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RetailSystemApril18.indd 1 FN349_Pages.indd 64

12/03/2018 FiraApr18.indd 16:58 1

14/03/2018 15:44 22/03/2018 10:51

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1 Wilmslow SK909:13 5AG 21/03/2018 11:17 House, GreenwoodRetailApr18.indd 1 Grove Way, Wilmslow, Cheshire, 20/03/2018 22/03/2018 10:51

66 | Trade Services

OFFERING THE INDUSTRY A NEW PERSPECTIVE Fuelled by new technology, customer demand is evolving fast – so businesses at every stage of the supply chain must consider new ways to present and deliver their goods and services. Thankfully, there is no lack of imagination in this field – this month, Furniture News catches up with industry veteran Matt O’Flynn to learn what enVision can offer those looking to stand out online … From its studio in Derbyshire, digital

which promises to deliver the full digital

brand marketing and website specialist


Orbital Vision has worked with the likes of

For now, enVision empowers

“In an increasingly digitally-driven world, it’s vital that you offer the best imagery and digital experience,” says Matt,

Twickenham Stadium, Eurofins Scientific

manufacturers and retailers to present

who has worked together with Orbital’s Rob

and Vaillant – and its furniture and

their entire portfolios within a bespoke 3D

Walker on individual projects for some 15

furnishings clients include Celebrity Motion

CAD environment, enabling consumers to

years, and was quick to recognise enVision

Furniture, Linwood Fabrics, Collins & Hayes,

customise their selections with different

as a universal application in the furniture

Debenhams and Sleepeezee.

fabrics and finishes before purchasing

and interiors sector.

Its extensive experience, which spans photography, branding, ecommerce

through an integrated ecommerce solution.

“enVision brings a swatch library to life,

“enVision is exactly what the trade needs

allowing infinite iterations of combinations

websites, apps and video, has led Orbital to

to stand out online,” says Matt O’Flynn,

to be realised in high definition photo

develop a new way of visualising and selling

director at Orbital and also chairman of the

realistic room sets, and is designed to

product – enVision, an online platform


benefit operators at every stage of the

Fabric wrap and room simulation meet in enVision

FN349_Pages.indd 66

22/03/2018 10:51

Trade Services | 67

Once the room and its components are built in CAD, the possibilities for promotional use are endless

“In an increasingly digitally-driven world, it’s vital that you offer the best imagery and digital experience”

consumer protection as mass-produced lines, so the risk of returns is reduced. And it is not just fabrics and upholstery which can benefit from enVision – curtains, lighting, rugs, beds, and even cabinet furniture can be recreated by the enVision engine.

supply chain. Take the fabric sector, for

quickly manipulate room sets to support

example – manufacturers can create fully

seasonal campaigns with minimal further

rendered room settings without weaving a


yarn, while retailers and interior designers

For ecommerce retailers requiring

can employ this imagery in a way that fits

engaging imagery, there’s a further

their respective brand identities, and end

advantage to this approach, says Matt

users can create endless looks from the

– models which are tailor-made by the

comfort of their own homes.

customer do not benefit from the same

Visit Orbital’s website for a glimpse of the studio’s expertise in action. “With enVision’s expertise on your side, making an impact in the online furniture sector will be effortless and result in quick payback,” concludes Matt.

T 07836 237490 W

“enVision is also about converting furniture ranges into 3D CAD objects to use in the room sets. Once converted, these shapes no longer need photographing again in their lifetime, and can be wrapped and installed into the 3D CAD roomsets.” Matt explains that CAD simulation has numerous advantages over traditional photography. “The supplier can present their whole range without having to make a product, pay or wait for any photography,” he says. “The cost-saving potential is huge, and thanks to the powerful rendering we’re capable of, the realism offered by enVision is indistinguishable from the real thing. “Rather than being a one-use promotional tool, like a photoshoot, it’s infinitely flexible. For example, retailers can

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22/03/2018 10:51

68 | Trade Services

RISING TO THE OMNICHANNEL CHALLENGE How can retailers better leverage their store resources to encourage online transactions? Tapping into the growing trend of using live video, GoInStore has developed real-time video streaming capabilities for the retail sector, which promise to bridge the disparity in customer experience and conversion rates between the physical and digital channels. Furniture News speaks to co-founder, André Hordagoda …

“Not everyone can get to the store, so having someone bring the product to life can be the tipping point for many”

What problem was GoInStore designed to

which helped us prove how effective

person available. So, we created intelligent


GoInStore is when customers are

call routing which considers things like

GoInStore came about from a chance visit

researching online. We established that the

product category and location when deciding

to a premium fashion retailer one morning,

more considered, complex or emotional

which salesperson to connect the customer

where I noticed there were more staff

products were, the greater the impact

with. This ensures that the customer is

available than customers, which got me

GoInStore would have. This was also true of

passed to the best possible person to help

thinking – at that same moment in time,

the disparity in conversion rates between

with their purchase.

how many people were shopping this brand

the two channels – so by bringing the in-

online? How many of those people would

store customer experience online, people

they can replicate the in-store experience

have liked to have asked an experienced,

found it easier to make these more involved

for online customers by using the GoInStore

knowledgeable member of staff more about


app, which is installed onto a smartphone or

From the sales assistant’s perspective,

smart glasses. The video stream is captured

a product? Can you describe how the technology

using the cameras on these devices and

colleague at the time (who was a college

empowers both the retailer/salesperson

then passed to the website browser in real

friend and became a co-founder of

and customer to enjoy a better shopping

time, effectively allowing the customer to

GoInStore), and acknowledging low online


see through the eyes of the sales assistant

conversion rates of around 1-2% versus in-

The technology works by using one-way

whilst they facilitate the important two-way

store conversion rates of around 20-30%,

video (from store to website) and two-

dialogue. In effect, the assistants become

we quickly realised the business opportunity

way audio. Whilst browsing the website,

live advisers on the website.

to increase conversion rates by connecting

customers can click a button on the webpage

The benefits to retailers of GoInStore’s

online customers with in-store staff and

and be taken into the store or demo location

live video solution are multiple, as it utilises

experience. GoInStore was born.

from the comfort and convenience of their

those powerful assets that distinguish them

home or office.

from the likes of Amazon – their brand,

After chatting to Aman Khurana, my

Where was its first application? Its first application was in a music store,

FN349_Pages.indd 68

We’re mindful of only offering the service to customers when there is a relevant store

stores, products and staff. Therefore, by integrating GoInStore’s

22/03/2018 10:51


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FN349_Pages.indd 69

21/03/2018 13:59

22/03/2018 10:51

70 | Trade Services

“Imagine turning a website into a live shopping channel, using your store as the set location, and your top-performing salespeople as the presenters” live video into their customers’ journeys,

What does technology like GoInStore

retailers can improve the efficiency and

mean for the future of bricks-and-mortar

profitability of their existing in-store and


people assets.

By connecting in-store retail staff to website

When customers start to use live video

customers using live video, GoInStore has

to ask questions and see the products

created revolutionary new types of roles

demonstrated, they are much more likely

in bricks-and-mortar retail – the live

to book an appointment in store and go on

adviser and the live broadcaster, whose

to buy. For consumers, when you combine

objective is to create interactive human and

the convenience of online shopping with

personalised digital shopping experiences.

the experience of being in store, it saves

This will help to change the way in-store

them time and allows them to get a better

staff and

understanding of what they are going to buy

resource is allocated to support online traffic

and the brand selling to them.

and customers.

As well as offering one-to-one live

Bricks-and-mortar retailing is innovating

video, GoInStore also partner with

at pace, and GoInStore’s live video

retailers to deliver one-to-many customer

technology is aligned with these changes.

engagements through our live broadcaster

In our view, customers will continue to

feature. This enables retailers to broadcast

research and make their purchase decisions

via live video across their website, Facebook

online and still visit the store to immerse

and YouTube simultaneously.

themselves in the brand experience.

Imagine turning a website into a live

Our technology enables live online

shopping channel to push and promote

product and brand demonstrations which

certain products, and using your store as

will be broadcast through shopping centres,

the set location, and your top-performing

stores and websites simultaneously,

salespeople as the presenters. We’re

providing localised and personalised

achieving phenomenal metrics with our

content and experiences for shoppers within

early adopters, all the way from viewing

shopping locations and in the comfort of

times to time on site, and, of course,

their homes. Live video is adding a new

conversion rates and order values.

dimension to the way brands engage with their customers.

How might the technology be applied in the furniture retail sector, and have you

Can you provide any figures to demonstrate

executed any projects in this arena?

how GoInStore has helped transaction

We are speaking to a number of furniture


retailers at the moment, and they are telling

By delivering an in-store experience to

us that the use cases we have worked on

website customers, GoInStore generates

with other retailers and brands like Dyson,

the high conversion rates associated with

Porsche and Marriott, also apply to them.

in-store footfall, to retailers’ highest-traffic

Being able to capture customers early in their online research phase, and being

channel – their website. For example, retailers saw an increase

able to speak to them and demonstrate the

in online conversion rate of at least x 10,

products in real time before they visit a

and average order value (AOV) by +56%

store or showroom, improves omnichannel

from January to September 2017, when

experience and increases bookings and sales.

GoInStore’s live video appeared in the

Not everyone can get to the store, so having

customer journey.

what it means to have an omnichannel proposition. However, I think there are challenges that all sectors face where they can learn from each other – the growth of experiential shopping centres and stores, and the immergence of driverless cars being two examples. These new areas will change the way we all shop and travel and are inexorably linked, so I see that there will be more partnerships or even acquisitions across sectors, where different companies will work together in ever-more complex customer journeys. How is the technology likely to develop, and what’s the next step for the company? We are currently developing enhanced functionality to support scheduled calls and more client data being made available to the sales assistant for clienteling (technology that passes the sales assistant relevant customer data to support the customer journey). Retailers will be able to offer this, for prearranged calls and personal shoppertype services. For our live broadcaster feature, we have just launched more interactive capabilities, allowing the host to take questions from the (online) audience. The broadcaster will also be able to pose questions or topics to customers for them to then vote on, creating live interactive content. For 2018, GoInStore is also developing live video featuring augmented reality (AR). Whilst the live video element still provides the human interaction, AR will provide product and brand information overlaid on the live video stream. For example, a retail assistant can show pricing and graphical measurements alongside the furniture in the live video. Next steps for the company are to continue the growth we saw in 2017 and focus on our expansion into Europe and the US. We are speaking to a number of prominent retailers globally, so watch this space!


André Hordagoda

someone bring the product to life can be the tipping point for many in their decision

Based on your experience, what can retail


learn from other sectors when it comes to

GoInStore has been working with DFS

selling and the omnichannel proposition?

in the Netherlands on a pilot project, and

That’s an interesting question – in my

have recently just signed, so we’re

experience the retail sector is more

excited to be helping the furniture sector use

advanced than many others when it comes

live video commerce.

to selling using data and technology, and

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72 | Trade Services

OF FURNISHINGS AND FIRE SAFETY The flammability risks of large pieces of furniture have been well documented – but what about the furnishings around them? In this article, SATRA technologist Thomas Notley discusses the test methods used to assess the fire resistance of curtains, drapes and window blinds. to which they are subjected in actual use. The specification sets out cleansing procedures that should be used to ensure

“Being a verticallysuspended piece of material, flames can spread readily up and across a curtain”

that the fire-retardant treatment is retained during the life of the curtain. The cleaning procedure used before the samples are tested should be chosen with reference to what the supplier recommends for cleaning the curtain, with the instructions on the care label taken into account, or as detailed in the standard. BS 5867-2:2008 specifies that the flame in the ignition tests is applied according to particular test methods specified in other standards. The principle of these tests is to apply a small gas flame to a vertically-

While the term ‘curtain’ can be used in a

Fires inside buildings can be started due

variety of situations, it is defined for this

to ignition by smokers’ materials, naked

purpose as a large piece of fabric hung up as

flames such as candles, or other intense

a screen – often across a window. A curtain

heat sources. Being a vertically-suspended

is tested to see if it is likely to catch fire

piece of material, flames can spread readily

when exposed to a flame. This flammability

up and across a curtain. Fabrics which have

testing can be used to assess whether or not

no inherent resistance to ignition may be

it is safe – whether it poses a fire risk.

chemically treated to make them resist

In the UK, there is no specific mandatory

ignition – fabrics treated in this way are

requirement that curtains supplied for

often described as FR-treated (FR standing

domestic use are tested for flammability.

for flame retardant). FR treatment is

Curtains are not included within the scope

intended to improve resistance to ignition

of the UK Furniture and Furnishings (Fire)

and also, should ignition take place, reduce

(Safety) Regulations 1988. However, the UK

the rate at which a flame will spread across

General Product Safety Regulations 2005

a surface.

requires all products to be safe – and the

– Fabrics for curtains, drapes and window

by suppliers as a way of getting evidence

blinds – Part 2: Flammability requirements

that the product is safe.

– Specification, sets out levels of

is controlled in the UK by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which

across the fabric, are assessed in order to determine if the test has been passed or failed. If the curtain has a lining (two different pieces of fabric used back-toback), both the front and the back of the combination are tested. To comply with BS 5867-2:2008, curtains must carry a permanent label. The standard sets out information that must be present on the label.

This specification describes three levels

building (such as a workplace, hotel,

Type C, the latter of which involves the most

restaurant or hospital) to take responsibility

severe testing. Each requirement type involves a

includes the correct selection of curtains.

cleansing procedure to be used before the

Subject to a risk assessment of the building

samples are tested. The fire-retardant properties of the fabric

the curtains may well need to be tested to

(or fabrics) used to make the curtain may

show they are safe.

well be affected by the laundering processes

FN349_Pages.indd 72

The development of any holes in the fabric, or the way in which flames spread

methods. – the requirements of Type A, Type B and

and the activities that take place within it,

and 30) and assess how the fabric behaves.

performance based on testing to particular

imposes a duty on the operator of the

for fire safety. Part of this responsibility

specified number of seconds (between five

The British Standard BS 5867-2:2008

testing of products against standards is used

The fire safety of non-domestic buildings

suspended piece of the curtain fabric for a

Tom Notley is a technologist specialising in flammability testing at SATRA. E W

22/03/2018 10:51


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FN349_Pages.indd SatraMar18.indd 1 73

22/03/2018 15/03/2018 10:51 13:06

74 | Designer


Radius, by Simon Pengelly for Habitat

Radius Bedroom

Although furniture is subject to the vagaries of fashion, some designs endure, proving popular for anything upwards of a decade. In this series, together with Furniture News’ Paul Farley, designer Rob Scarlett investigates what characteristics these ‘modern classics’ have in common, exploring their history, concept and evolution to identify how they deliver long-lasting commercial success. This second instalment looks at a solid contemporary oak range which has remained a bestseller for Habitat for two decades, and shows no sign of bowing out …

Simon Pengelly, Pengelly Design

Simon designed Radius back in the summer

but far too often the obviousness of things

general than that, and appeal to people

of 1998 whilst freelancing for Habitat.

being flat-packed and veneered was far too

with traditional tastes, too. I just started

Following a brief by Habitat’s creative


sketching away, trying to create something

director Tom Dixon to design a furniture

Radius was a deliberate attempt to

that expressed the production methods

range with broad appeal, Simon agreed to

create a design that was quiet but had

behind it, as well as the nature of the

develop “something RTA in solid wood that

traditional references – something simple


could not be mistaken for a veneer”.

and understated, but imbued with Arts and

Two decades after its inception, Radius remains one of Habitat’s bestselling ranges. Indeed, Simon is working on new additions

tried to disguise the joints. It has a


machined aesthetic that gives an idea of the

It had to appeal to everyone. That sounds

to the collection as we speak, and these are

trite, but the scene back then was full of

slated for release this summer.

designers working in London, and only seeing London stores.

Conception Habitat did some nice furniture at the time,

FN349_Pages.indd 74

There is an honesty about it. I haven’t

Crafts references, very contemporary, and

We all had our own take on contemporary furniture, but it needed to be far more

way it is made, yet is imbued with a sense of craft and detail. Bridle joints run through the range – these have been around for millennia. These had to be softened with curves – which is where the ‘radius’ joint came from.

22/03/2018 10:51

Designer | 75


– they have cold

More than any other timber – especially for

winters, so it’s tough

Europeans – oak has a sense of longevity.

and fairly consistent.

You think of it as very hard, weighty and

There is a lot of hand-

durable, like those old ships that have been

crafting skill over

under water for hundreds of years and still

there, and it’s nice to

come out intact. Oak will go with anything,

integrate that.

and everyone loves it.

One of the 1:5 scale models used during the design phase to give Habitat’s buying and manufacturing teams a better idea of the range

It was also very important that the

“Oak lends itself to timeless designs – it’s not a wood that’s associated with a specific period of time”

finish looked natural – not lacquered, polished, or sanded to within an inch of its life. The finish is so natural, like a Scandinavian soap finish, it’s almost as if it isn’t there. This is thanks to a

Beech had been used to death, so had cherry and ash, and oak was on the

waterborne lacquer

means the shoulder is offset inwards, and is

with UV content to stop it yellowing.

incredibly strong, as there is lots of gluing area. There is no need to brace the legs at

ascendant at the time. It also lends itself to

the bottom.

timeless designs – it’s not a wood that’s


associated with a specific period of time.

Radius was an antidote to all the square-

The range comprises tables, benches,

edged veneered panel furniture that was

chests of drawers, chair, wardrobes, a

where to manufacture Radius to hit the price

coming in at the time – but to make it

dressing table, AV unit, plus coffee, lamp

point Habitat wanted. Unfortunately, it was

affordable it had to be flat -packed for

and hall tables. There were 15 to 18 pieces

never going to be in the UK – even back in

shipping and warehousing.

originally. These were whittled down over

The obvious problem at the outset was

my early days, that was too expensive.

There was a very conscious effort to make

the years, but some of them have come/

it ready to assemble without looking like

are coming back. I’m currently working

manufactured in various factories in Croatia

it was flat-pack – and I think that comes

on a longer sideboard, dressing table, an

and Slovenia, using oak from that region.

across with the leg assemblies, and how

extending dining table, and I’m bringing

Oak from the Balkans is exceptionally good

simple it is to put together. Radius’ joint

back a coffee table in new proportions.

It was decided that it would be

“Furniture designed for the modern day is either dull and uninspiring or has too much personality”

Radius was created in 1998, but new designs are still coming off the drawing board

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FEATURING MIDPOINT FN349_Pages.indd 1 76 ClarionApr18.indd

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18 14:21

Designer | 77

Evolution It struck a chord straight away. It became

The softened bridle joints in full view give the range its name

Habitat’s bestseller very quickly, and has stayed up there ever since. None of us knew how successful it was going to be. It was a case of right time, right place – it also sold very well in France. We worked very hard on the proportions to hit the sweet spot. Some of those may have changed over the years, but the range as a whole is still pretty much as it was laid out in the original drawings. Success When I received an email from Habitat last year, I thought they’d be telling me that Radius was being discontinued – but they wanted me to add to it. It was one of those designs that just worked and came together easily. It’s still selling very well after 20 years, and that’s very gratifying. I think there’s a number of reasons for its continued success. Firstly, it’s flexible – Radius will go with any sort of furniture, from antiques to contemporary plastic chairs. It doesn’t really date. A lot of ranges come and go within three to five years, but Radius wasn’t aimed at any current fad or fashion.

“As a designer you have to be quiet – you can’t let your personal handwriting and design philosophy be the main protagonist”

Furniture designed for the modern day is

Wallingford store near Oxford – it was a futuristic, inspirational place to be. Radius is the best thing I’ve created for Habitat, and I’m proud that it’s reflected the values of Terence Conran for the last 20 years. Designed for life Retail has always been fairly fickle. Quite often, buyers and merchandisers will not give a new range long enough, and will pull it at the slightest drop in sales, which can be

either dull and uninspiring or has too much

together, do the heavy lifting. It’s a

personality, and people get fed up with it.

functional vehicle that speaks volumes about

It’s not targeted towards any particular

the way it’s made, and isn’t ever trying to be

current trends – but at the end of the day

customer group. It has a timelessness about

the main protagonist in the space it’s in.

furniture is generally a major purchase,

it – which was deliberate. It just gets better

I think it still represents Habitat in a

affected by so many different things. When designing, you have to be aware of

and people don’t really want to be changing

over time with that patina of use. It’s like

very positive way. As well as my father,

theirs every five years. I think furniture

a blank canvas. And it has always felt like

who was a furniture designer at ercol, what

should be used until it falls apart.

great value for money.

Terence Conran did in the early days was a

The materials, and the way they go

huge inspiration for me. I used to go to the

In retail, the success of a design also has a lot to do with how it’s merchandised

Radius Dining

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within the store. For example, the Radius

Radius Bedroom

chest of drawers was originally built as a modular system that you could keep adding to – but there was never any room in the store to show this off, so it didn’t sell.


I think online channels can give designs a new lease of life, by offering them a bigger platform. Back then, online sales


were in their infancy – today, using context photography to make things more understandable, it’s possible to overcome obstacles associated with store space limitations, and sell more. The value of a modern classic When it comes to the new Radius models being rolled out this summer, Habitat might do something to remind people of how long it has been around. They’ve not been keen to do that previously – in the scheme of things, 20 years is not a long time, and they don’t want to risk discouraging sales by reminding people


how old it is. But, that said, attitudes are changing

the hardest things to do. You’re trying to

My chief design philosophy is about

– people want things that have that craft

design democratically, to satisfy everyone’s

creating furniture that has a soul, that

credentials, looks like they’re well made,

tastes, but as a designer you have to be quiet

makes people desire it – but with an appeal

and aren’t trying to ram design down their

– you can’t let your personal handwriting

that isn’t necessarily obvious. And, with


and design philosophy be the main

Radius, I got lucky.



Addressing all these demands is one of

Rob reflects ...

“Of course, this makes the design pitch pretty

“Twenty years is an incredible achievement, and Simon should

difficult, and is

be rightly proud – I can’t believe that the range has been in the

where the skill

marketplace longer than I’ve been a designer.

comes in, delivering

“Designing something for everyone is a really tough brief, and

efficiently and


with passion. It’s

“What I find super interesting is how much the feel of a range

obvious that Simon

changes dependent on the other ranges amongst which it’s

has no problem in

presented. Radius was developed at least in part as a response

communicating his

to the overly obvious flat-pack nature of their other works, and

message, because

sometimes all you need as a design steer is a clue of what not to

I could see Radius

do. Making a design a counterpoint to another range means you

being here in

can sometimes lean on their weaknesses to prove your strengths.

another 20 years’

“Longevity, timelessness and flexibility – this is a great credo for any designer to work by. Create something that doesn’t date. It


your message

takes a subtle hand as well as a huge dose of luck to find the right

time – and I really hope it is, because it deserves to be.”

is very, very hard to achieve though, and something I’ve managed maybe only once or twice in my career because it takes more

Scarlett Design was established in 2010 by Rob Scarlett, whose career

than just the designer to achieve. It also takes the open mind

began when he was named the 2003 Young Designer of the Year.

and trust of the retailer/wholesaler as well as the flexibility and

Subsequently, he has played a key role in the design teams of some

engagement of the manufacturer to find what Simon calls “the

of the best-known businesses in the UK furniture industry, including

sweet spot”.

Willis & Gambier, Nathan, Mark Webster, Yinihome and Skano. He has

The problem with these types of ranges is that they inherently

also enjoyed success with ranges launched through retailers such as

lack a wow factor. In fact, you want to avoid the wow factor,

Heal’s, Marks & Spencer, Furniture Village and John Lewis.

which can be more suggestive of a boom-and-bust scenario.


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£100 £170






£170 £41







£106 £26














£95 £40









£59 £138



£80 £130



CALL US! Furniture To Go, 3 Keel Close, Interchange Park, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 5QD - T: 02380 517067 E: -

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Zaher Ismail MD, CIMC Home Boasting almost 30 years’ experience in the lighting and home furnishing market, CIMC Home stocks thousands of wholesale classic and contemporary products including upholstery, complete furniture ranges, lighting and home accents. The company’s range of statement pieces has made it popular with furniture retailers and interior designers alike, and its portfolio continues to expand every season.

I am proud to be listing our product

How did you enter the trade? I have been inspired by product design

ranges in major independent furniture

since I was a child. In the early Seventies,

stores across the UK. Working with these

at just 12 years old, I designed and sold my

companies has allowed us to see a future,

first coffee table. From that moment on,

understand our business and create a plan of

I realised I had a great passion and talent

action for the next 10 years.

for design, and decided to pursue a career … and the low point?

within the trade.

There have always been ups and downs

My wife, Gulnaz, and I began our business in the Eighties within the lighting industry,

in the business, but on a personal note

importing ceramic lighting from Taiwan and

the most difficult time for me was when

manufacturing our own shades. Since then,

my mum was ill. I found it incredibly

we have expanded our product ranges to

challenging to concentrate on the business,

include a vast array of giftware.

and, for the first time, business came second.

Over the last four years we have designed

There have also been occasions over the

and imported our own furniture, and in the past two years our focus has been on

last 30 years when I have realised the need

perfecting mid- to high-end furniture.

to re-establish our place in the market.

It has taken three years to thoroughly

Getting ahead as a homeware manufacturer isn’t easy, but by differentiating ourselves,

understand the requirements of supplying furniture to the mainstream furniture

What was your career high point?

we have given ourselves an advantage in an

retailer, but we now supply high-quality,

In the early 1980s we started with a loan

incredibly competitive sector.

sought-after pieces which are unique and

of £100,000, which allowed us to grow the

differentiate us from our competitors.

business to another level – and we been

product designer to bring customers

We recently recruited a new in-house

growing ever since. We achieved a great deal

distinctive home accessories, with

Who was your inspiration?

within the first 12 years, and we were able

each collection conveying a unique

When I was younger, my inspiration came

to purchase a larger property of 100,000ft2

style, reflecting the latest trends. With

from the love of designing. To create

in 2000.

competitors taking inspiration from our

something and see it eventually come to life

Over the past 30 years, we have developed

designs, we have become members of Anti

gave me the inspiration to continue to create

and grown remarkably in all areas of the

Copying in Design (ACID) to ensure that our

new products.

trade, and our aspiration is to become the

products and customers are protected.

When the internet came about, a whole

leading designer, manufacturer and global

new world of ideas was at my fingertips, and

distributor of furniture, lighting and home

… and the turning point?

I was able to research the marketplace to

decor in the coming years. Increasing 30%

The turning point in my career was when

find our niche.

last year and this year – predominantly due

we moved from manufacturing lighting in

to sales within the furniture industry – our

the UK to a new premises in China, because

been the fashion-forward lifestyle brand Z

growth has been promising, and we have

it allowed us to progress more rapidly. We

Gallerie, for their ever-changing collections

maintained our record of continued annual

are also working with a few factories on

of stylish products for the home.

growth in turnover across the last decade.

an exclusive basis to distribute our own

In more recent years, my inspiration has

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“I came here at 12 years old with almost nothing, but I was able to work hard and make the most of the prospects available at the time”

new, larger space to expand our storage and distribution facilities, and consequently provide a faster and more efficient delivery service to our customers. Having developed our warehousing and distribution operations over the last few years, we are now placing similar emphasis

products and designs. After becoming one

process of sourcing new products, making

of the top wholesale lighting distributors

decisions at our supplier factories and

in the UK we expanded into giftware and

designing prototypes which lead to the final

home accessories. More recently, we made

manufacture of each season’s launch.

the decision to include furniture as part of our product offering, which has proved

If you had to start over, you’d probably

incredibly fruitful as we have remained true

pursue which career?

to our unique style.

I would still pursue business, but my focus

Our premium furniture ranges add a touch of class, variety and innovative design,

would be to source more furniture rather than homewares, lighting and giftware.

whilst remaining practical and durable. Paul very closely with me and helped design

the company’s product portfolio and future developments. What company do you most look up to? I most look up to Coach House for creating their own strong look and feel, with a clear aesthetic. I feel their furniture is timeless and considered, whilst remaining fresh. Their presentation and platform of designs

What would you most like to change about

some of our new premium collections.


Our website has seen continuous growth

I am a workaholic, I wish I could switch off

over the years, creating a bigger online

– but then, I love what I do, and I wouldn’t

presence and gaining new customers on a

change it for the world.

weekly basis. Relocating our showroom to the Midlands in 2000 was the right move

What do you enjoy most about working in

for us, and has proven to be a great central

the trade?

point for our customers to visit.

I most enjoy seeing new designs come

We have plans to expand our showroom in

to life from inspiring ideas, research,

Leicester to provide enough space to display

moodboards and drawings. I love all aspects

our ever-expanding ranges of furniture,

of packaging the product and developing

lighting and giftware. The most recent high

new relationships with suppliers.

point for me was completing and releasing our long-awaited and highly-demanded

Leave us with an industry anecdote please

CIMC Home catalogue.

A typical work day involves checking sales

experienced team has been freshly trained in

are outstanding.

Bell, one of our sales managers, has worked

Describe a typical working day

on the customer support team. This

I first moved to Scotland in 1972 as an immigrant/refugee in an attempt to better Gulnaz and Zaher

my circumstances. I came here at 12 years old with almost nothing, but I was able

manager reports and establishing what is

to work hard and make the most of the

happening in the current marketplace. I also talk to our key members of staff, sales

What date on the business calendar do you

director and purchasing admin to check

most look forward to?

the daily requirements of the business. I

I most look forward to the exhibitions

discuss our day-to-day business to assess

– Manchester Furniture Show, January

any issues, review promotions and plans

Furniture Show, Autumn Fair and Spring

for the days and weeks ahead. I connect

Fair, and more recently the Autumn

with our China office to ensure operations

Furniture Show (indeed, our display of

are running smoothly and to check any

products won the Best Stand Award at last


year’s Autumn Furniture Show).

When I am travelling to India, Germany

prospects available at the time. I’ll always have a grateful heart towards the UK Government for providing opportunities and helping us to get this far in the industry.

CAREER DIGEST 1978 – Store assistant (grocery) 1984 – Store manager (five-store home

or China I am focused solely on purchasing

What is the most important issue affecting

and design. I work with our team to

your business right now?

generate innovative ideas and concepts

Our warehousing space has proved to be

for the new season ahead. It’s an exciting

a major problem but we are looking for a

Classic or modern?

Fiction or non-fiction?

Dancing or singing?

Both have their place, but I prefer a classic

Non-fiction. I find there’s so much to learn

Singing. I love music – especially live

interior with modern colours to create a

from non-fiction about topics you may not

singers performing old songs that take me

little excitement.

come across in your day-to-day life.

back to my younger years.

FN349_Pages.indd 81

furnishing business) 1987 – MD, CIMC Home (to present)

22/03/2018 10:51



ON THE WEB New stories are continually added to the Furniture News website. Browse on your desktop or mobile, and sign up for our twice-weekly email newsletter at

Resources Who’s in control – you, or your targets? Jean Gamster suggests how to take charge

News The latest BFM report notes an increase in the value of UKmanufactured furniture in 2017

Resources Long live the high street! Solillas’ Jonnie Matthew says there’s life in those shops yet



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March 2018





Issue 74


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NEXT MONTH: Meble Polska report | Creative advice from One Year On at New Designers | Spring Long Point

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