Furniture News #329

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This month: Brexit in context BBC’s design celebrity speaks Behind the scenes at Swanglen

The essential guide to the UK domestic furniture and furnishings trade

August 2016

A world of inspiration from Light & Living

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 1

26/07/2016 09:00

Furniture News August Advert.qxp_Layout 1 14/07/2016 09:42 Page 1




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26/07/2016 09:00

“A brighter future may be just around the corner, but it’s going to take some effort to get there”

Comment Whether shunting along with glacial deliberation or hurtling recklessly out of control, the Brexit train is proving tricky to keep up with, and it’s the uncertainty of it all that hurts as much as anything. Here’s just three of the developments taking place as I write: the new Chancellor of the Exchequer has said he is ready to “reset” the Government’s economic policy if necessary; data published by IHS Markit suggests the UK economy has fallen to its lowest point since 2009; and the French president has agreed to key concessions on border control and expat status. That’s just one day’s worth of news – whatever did the papers find to write about beforehand? In an article that draws upon statements and feelings from the trade (p20), I’ve attempted to summarise the most pertinent issues facing the industry in the immediate wake of the referendum. A brighter future may be just around the corner, but it’s going to take some effort to get there – from consumer confidence, trade tariffs and exchange rates to quality regulations, staffing issues and manufacture, a wealth of challenges lay ahead. Some are more immediate than others. Price hikes, driven by our weakened pound, are imminent, and will affect importers and local manufacturers alike. As the UK’s trade negotiators set out to strike fresh deals across the globe, our industry – at every link in the supply chain – will be engaging in its own discussions. These looming price lists will see increased costs passed from

manufacturer to supplier to retailer – trickling, to a greater or lesser degree, all the way down to the consumer. That said, our trade has become quite good at dealing with adversity. Economists believe that Brexit will not have anything like the same impact as the financial crisis did in 2009 – or during the early Seventies, or following Black Wednesday in 1992, for that matter. Following Brexit’s immediate political fallout, a new Government was rapidly decided, and our PM is taking a confident yet considered approach, confirming that she will not begin official negotiations to leave the EU before 2017, and will not invoke Article 50 until the UK’s objectives are completely clear. Whatever the pace of that train, we’ll just have to hold on for now.

Paul Farley Paul Farley, editor T 01424 776101 E Twitter @FurnitureNewsED


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26/07/2016 09:00




7 Partner Comment

INFORMATION This month: Cookes’ family values The big Manchester preview Behind the designs at Corndell

The essential guide to the UK domestic furniture and furnishings trade

August 2016

Martin Holland (26)

Alistair Bromhead, expert adviser at the BFM, discusses the necessary changes that need to be made to wood dust control practices

12 News

Including an exploration of the issues created by Brexit A world of inspiration from Light & Living

Furniture News 329 V18.indd 1

25/07/2016 10:17

Light & Living ( will present an inspiring offer at Autumn Fair next month Editor Paul Farley 01424 776101 Twitter @FurnitureNewsED Deputy editor Victoria Noakes 01424 776105 Twitter @Victoria_FNmag Advertising manager Sam Horscroft 01424 776100 Twitter @FurnitureNewsAD Deputy advertising manager Trisha Fletcher 01424 776100 Production manager James Ash 01424 775304

26 Interviews

Martin Holland, head of design consultancy MartinMark Design, offers his expertise on the matter of design in retail spaces, and eporta features in this month’s Clickthrough interview

Aneeqa Khan (30)

32 Events

Including previews of the Irish Furniture and Homewares Show, Autumn Fair and the January Furniture Show

46 Resources

Anthony Creaby presents GfK’s homewares report for Q2, plus Kevin Cundiff, vice-president of retail for Fortegra, examines the issue of selling to Millennials Autumn Fair (36)

Deputy production manager Katie Bate Production assistant Stephanie Reading Copy administrator Steve Merrick 01424 776108 Proofreader Keith Fitz-Hugh Editorial director John Legg 01424 776104 Publisher Nigel Gearing Accounts Wendy Williams 01424 774982 Subscriptions Annual Subscription Rates UK-£65 Europe-£85 RoW-£95 Repro, print and distribution Acorn Web Offset Ltd Gearing Media Group Ltd 4 Red Barn Mews, High Street Battle, East Sussex TN33 0AG ISSN No: 1475 - 3731 © Gearing Media Group Ltd 2016 General information No part of this publication may be reproduced without the specific prior written agreement of the Publisher and may not be stored on any type of retrieval system. Furniture News/ Gearing Media Group Ltd accepts no responsibility for variations in colour reproduction. Special colours (Pantone etc) can be catered for with prior arrangement. Some elements of the editorial content in this publication are submitted by the trade, however, all efforts are made to ensure that the editorial remains true to fact and unbiased. Monies may have been accepted to offset the costs of colour reproduction. Gearing Media Group Ltd reserves the right to alter without prior notice any content other than customers’ advertisements. No correspondence will be entered into regarding altered or adjusted editorial content. The editor’s decision is final. All material submitted for inclusion in Furniture News is done so entirely at the owner’s risk and no responsibility is accepted for the safekeeping or return thereof.

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 4

26/07/2016 10:58

CONTENTS Silentnight (72)





Alistair Bromhead Alistair is an expert adviser at the BFM, working across a range of industry issues from the EUTR to health and safety


Anthony Creaby Anthony manages British retail homewares coverage at global data analyst GfK, which employs around 13,000 market researchers across more than 100 countries


Jackie Bazeley (96)

50 Profiles

Incorporating updates from Swanglen, Mellow One and the BFM

58 Out & About

An inside look at the recent reception held by FIRA at the House of Lords

62 Beds & Bedroom

Kevin Cundiff Kevin is the vice-president of retail for Fortegra, a singlesource insurance service company that offers a range of credit protection, warranty, and specialty underwriting solutions


78 Living Room Steven Richards (44)

80 Dining Room 88 Furnisher

Magnus Long Magnus is a British industrial designer based in London. In this issue, he dissects his Cross Leg Chair

90 Designer

Magnus Long stars in this month’s In Design article, plus a look at David Irwin’s Hardy Chair

96 Last Word

Jackie Bazeley, MD of the BFM, answers questions about her career history and work and life philosophies

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 5

26/07/2016 10:59

11—13 September 2016 Olympia, London

HOME Experience the beautifully curated world of Home at Top Drawer, London’s international event for creative retailers. Discover a carefully edited, global cross-section of products from the finest brands and designers. REGISTER NOW

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26/07/2016 19/05/2016 09:00 13:49

16 13:49


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Dust to dust “Very diligent dust control practices will be required, as it is almost certain that the Health and Safety Executive will continue with its focus on wood dust issues in the coming years” On 13th May, the European Commission adopted changes to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive to limit exposure to 13 cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace – one of which is hardwood dust. Under the revision, UK companies now have less than two years to reduce the hardwood dust Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) from 5mg/m3 to 3mg/m3 – and it is likely that the UK will decide to apply the new limit to all wood dust, not just hardwood. Most furniture sites working with wood process at least some hardwood, so nearly every company will be affected. Along with every other substance assigned a WEL measure, wood dust is subject to the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations (COSHH). It means employers have a legal duty to control exposure to that substance. Many companies already struggle to consistently keep below the 5mg/m3 WEL in all departments, so very diligent dust control practices will be required, as it is almost certain that the Health and Safety Executive will continue with its focus on wood dust issues in the coming years. Some European countries have already implemented an exposure limit of 1mg/m3 – indeed, France has previously pushed for this to be the limit across Europe. Whether or not such countries inspect and enforce to the same degree as the UK is another matter. In terms of controlling wood dust emissions in the workplace, elimination at source is the ideal – but woodworking requires wood to be worked, which inevitably creates dust! Therefore it’s important to focus on containment and extraction, followed by good housekeeping. Measures include: ensuring extraction hoods on machines are properly adjusted; considering bigger hoods for cross-cuts, along with some extraction through the table; and pay close attention to linishers, another common problem area as their extraction hoods are commonly located at the back of the machine. In terms of extraction: ensuring that LEV testing is up to date, that the LEV report contains recommendations (if required), and that improvement actions are recorded; closing off extraction pipes to machines which are not in use, in cases where the pull of the system is not intended to serve all of the machines all of the time; regular checks and repairs on flexible hosing; considering orbital sanders with dedicated portable extraction units for assembly and sanding tasks; and making or purchasing sanding tables or downdraught tables. The latter have extraction from underneath and a grid on the table top, allowing dust to be pulled downwards and away from the operator. They will be best suited to hand sanding and rubbing down, which generates dust at low velocity. Housekeeping procedures include the removal of air hoses for blowing down of objects and people, the removal of brushes and brooms to encourage the vacuuming of dust; and the use of large portable vacuums for the regular cleandown of working areas.

Alistair Bromhead is one of three expert advisers working with the BFM ( ) across a range of industry-critical issues from the EUTR to health and safety to the environment and commodity pricing.

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26/07/2016 09:00

Autumn 12th-14th September 2016

Te l : 0 7 9 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 1 Furniture News 329 Long Point.indd 1 V28.indd 8

26/07/2016 08/06/2016 10:03 14:43


16 14:43

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26/07/2016 14/07/2016 10:03 10:15


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26/07/2016 10:03

TAF Show Advert 2015 216 X 297mm_Layout 1 16/06/2016 14:51 Page 2

Dates for your diary ‌ Now in its third year, this successful trade show will again be at the International Centre, Telford and will feature beds & bedroom furniture, upholstery, cabinet, home office, mirrors, pictures, lighting, accessories, software. A must visit one stop furniture event.

Tuesday 11th October 9am to 5pm Wednesday 12th October 9am to 4.30pm A 2 day event for all furniture retailers An event from

Please pre-register at Furniture News 329 V28.indd 11

26/07/2016 10:03



NEWS Retail

UK consumer confidence dives following Brexit In a one-off special Consumer Confidence Barometer (CCB) to measure post-referendum sentiment, GfK recorded the sharpest drop in its index since December 1994. The survey, which ran from 30th June to 5th July, to capture the mood of consumers immediately after the Brexit decision on 24th June, found that every key measure used to calculate the index had fallen, with Leavers much more optimistic than Remainers. Joe Staton, head of market dynamics at GfK, says: “In these extraordinary times this one-off CCB Brexit Special gauges the temperature of consumer confidence right now. During this period of uncertainty, we’ve seen a very significant drop in confidence, as is clear from the fact that every one of our key measures has fallen, with the biggest decrease occurring in the outlook for the general economic situation in the next 12 months.” The results reveal consumer concerns about the economic outlook. Six in 10 (60%) expect the general economic situation to worsen in the next 12 months, up from 46% in June. Only 20% of consumers expect it to improve, down from 27% in June. The proportion of people who believe prices will increase rapidly in the next 12 months has jumped from 13% to 33%. There are distinct differences in how confidence has changed regionally, confidence dropping markedly more in the north of England and Scotland than in the south. It dropped significantly amongst the young (16-29 year olds), but this group remains the most optimistic. “Our analysis suggests that in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, sectors like travel, fashion and lifestyle, home, living, DIY and grocery are particularly vulnerable to consumers cutting back their discretionary spending,” says Joe. “As we’ve learnt from previous periods of uncertainty, consumers turn to well-known brands they love and trust as a guarantee of quality and value for money. Now is the time for companies to understand and respond to consumer concerns by anticipating and meeting their needs.”

Jysk to open in Belgium Jysk has announced that it plans to open its first stores in Belgium in April 2017. The retailer expects to open around 50 stores in Belgium in the years to come. Its country manager in Holland and Belgium, Frank Christant, says: “I feel that Jysk can really contribute to the market and offer something new to Belgian consumers – not only through our assortment, but through our approach towards customers and customer service as well.”

M&S reports poor home product sales M&S group sales were up 1.3% in the 13 weeks to 2nd July. However, Clothing & Home sales were down 8.3%, with LFL sales down 8.9% in “a weak market”. Steve Rowe, chief executive, comments: “A key part of our recovery plan for Clothing & Home is lowering prices and reducing promotions. As a result, we ran fewer price promotions while continuing to lower prices to deliver real value to our customers, and moved the summer sale to July. We knew our actions would reduce total sales but we are seeing some encouraging early signs.”

Furniture Village launches new website Furniture Village has launched its new website as part of a £1m investment to enrich the digital and in-store experience. The retailer has continually achieved doubledigit growth online in recent years. However, it had become apparent that the previous platform had reached its potential. The new website delivers a fast, responsive, contemporary design across mobile, tablet and desktop. Its integrations with retail solutions including Amplience, Feefo reviews and Live Chat

remove many of the complexities of purchasing quality furniture online. “With recent research highlighting that more than 40% of shoppers would purchase a major furniture item online, and knowing that the majority of big-ticket transactions involve some element of online interaction, it was essential that we re-platformed, in order to deliver an improved experience and achieve our online growth targets,” says Georgina Stoaling, Furniture Village’s director of ecommerce.

John Lewis announces own-brand ambitions John Lewis has announced its ambition to grow its own-brand Home business to £1b of annual revenue by 2020. In addition to this, the retailer plans to continue to expand its exclusive relationships with external brands. The department store plans to build on its success by placing design credentials and quality firmly at the heart of its growth plans. Key to this is the introduction of its new Design Project collection this autumn – a 250-piece collection designed in-house featuring progressive contemporary pieces. The retailer will also continue to build its existing own brands – including House, which is focused on meeting the needs of generation rent, and Croft, which draws upon natural materials. Christine Kasoulis, buying director for Home at John Lewis, says: “£1b sales from our own brand will be a landmark milestone for John Lewis, and it’s a reflection of our belief in our John Lewis design credentials and assortment.

“I’m passionate about the products our in-house design team are creating, and this ambition will be led by our latest collection, Design Project. It’s a visually arresting collection with items which are thoughtfully designed and made from the best materials.” The retailer has also confirmed that its Chelmsford store will open on 29th September as part of the wider Bond Street development. The 90,000ft2 shop represents an £18m investment by the retailer. As well as offering more than 65,000 fashion, beauty, home and electrical products, the shop will bring together services including a beauty treatment room, a Foreign Exchange bureau and a Nursery Advice service. Branch manager Laura Rawstron says: “The business has had ambition to open a shop in Essex for some time now, and the Bond Street development couldn’t be a better proposition for us.”

French brand opens store in Chelsea French manufacturer/retailer Gautier celebrated the opening of its 109th store on 30th June, located on King’s Road, Chelsea. The evening celebration saw Gautier MD David Soulard, export manager Valérie Soulard-Brin, Gautier UK MD Harvey Roberts and store manager Eduardo Carbi oversee a reception themed around French hospitality. As well as representatives from Business France, 60 people including customers, designers and other members of the Chelsea design quarter attended the reception.

Strong growth at Leekes Leekes Department Stores achieved growth in its financial year to 31st March, its owner achieving a £2m improvement in profitability. Leekes Retail achieved 12% LFL growth in turnover up to £70m, and is reportedly “particularly pleased” with this result, which comes on the back of a 6% improvement in the previous year’s sales. The retail business has capitalised on improving customer confidence and increased activity in the housing market. As well as confirmed impressive performances in the furniture and furnishings business unit where sales were up 7%, strong

growth was also generated in the home accessories departments (+23%) and garden furniture (+40%). Emma Leeke, MD of Leekes Retail, says: “We have continued to make significant investments in our retail business and it is extremely encouraging to note that this investment is paying dividends with Coventry store sales up 17% in 2015/16 and, after several years of successive growth, the Bilston Store was yet again up 13%. We are pleased to be continuing with this expansion with the exciting recent acquisition of Park Furnishers of Bristol which will add a further £10m to turnover.”

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26/07/2016 09:00

The Fur

Spotting the

s r a t s

of the show




The Furniture Awards identify the best products launched at the UK’s principal trade exhibition, the January Furniture Show. Established by Furniture News together with the show’s organisers, the awards employ a panel of industry experts to select winners across various price points. Does your newest launch have what it takes to be a winner? The Furniture Awards are open to those exhibiting at the January Furniture Show, who will be notified when entry forms are available. To sponsor the 2017 edition, or to put forward a judge, email or

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26/07/2016 25/07/2016 09:00 14:38



NEWS Retail

Barkers Home wins design award

Northallerton furnishing and lifestyle store, Barkers Home, has won a major award following its £3m redevelopment. The family-owned business on Yafforth Road won in the commercial building category at the North and East Yorkshire Building Excellence Awards. Earlier this year, Barkers Home underwent a major redevelopment – the biggest investment by Barkers, which also owns the eponymous department store on Northallerton High Street. Barkers Home was expanded by 20,000ft2 to 60,000ft2 to create a section for contemporary furniture, bigger linens department, new cook, wine and dine section, and gifts section, while there was also a revamp of the first-floor bedroom furniture and soft furnishings section. The Tree View Café within Barkers Home was also extended from 100 seats to 150 seats, while the exterior of the store was given a makeover by award-winning gardener Will Quarmby. The store was designed by SP&A Architects in Stokesley, and building work was carried out by Darlington-based Wharton Construction, another family business, which has worked for Barkers for the past 10 years. Barkers Home director Ian Barker says: “The whole redevelopment has transformed Barkers Home into a modern, vibrant store, and to win an award for the building is the icing on the cake. We have also received fantastic feedback from customers, praising both the interior and exterior of the building. “To be a serious player in the furnishing market, we need to continually improve, and that was behind our redevelopment plans. The expanded store is large for the size of the town, but Northallerton draws from a vast area including Leeds, York, Teesside and Durham, and has earned a terrific reputation for its choice of quality shops and stores, unique independents and multiples, and easy parking.” Barkers Home now employs 60 staff, after the expansion created an extra 15 full and part-time jobs.

Dreams owner considers sale Dreams’ owner Sun European Partners is rumoured to have begun talks concerning the sale of the bed chain for £400m. Sun bought Dreams out of administration in 2013, and the retailer has performed increasingly well since. In 2015 it recorded revenue growth of 16.2% to £234.2m, LFL sales up 19.4%, and profit before tax of £13.1m. E-commerce sales were up 41%, and online traffic up 30%, whilst the group’s adjusted EBITDA was £21.1m – up 207% on 2014.

LDC develops technology to monitor footfall The Local Data Company (LDC) has partnered with UCL and the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) to develop the The SmartStreetSensor Project, a platform for the analysis and interpretation of a live feed of footfall data in over 1000 locations, focused on high streets, with shopping centres and retail parks to follow. The SmartStreetSensor Project will see the roll-out of over 1000 footfall sensors in 81 towns and cities across Great Britain. The sensor tracks WiFi-enabled devices passing a location as a proxy for people. The sensors have been extensively tested and the data is already being used by several retailers. “We want to leverage our detailed knowledge of high streets and how they are changing and combine this with unique footfall insights,” says the LDC. “We also have a technology team

who is able to transpose and analyse the data into meaningful insights that occupiers, local authorities, landlords and investors can use to help inform their decision making. “It is no secret that our high streets are changing and the way consumers choose to shop has witnessed a drastic revolution in recent years. LDC data shows that in 2015 multiple retail and leisure occupiers closed a total of 1043 high street stores. In contrast, 593 independent retailers opened in high street locations. “What does this mean? Is footfall really in decline or is it simply that the customer journey has changed? How is ‘pitch’ evolving across these towns and cities? Do high street coffee shop brands really increase footfall? How do vacant units impact footfall? Which high street types are suffering the most, or the least?”

Made opens futuristic showroom in Paris is preparing to open its largest and most innovative showroom to date. Situated in the second arrondissement, minutes from the Louvre, the 840m2 showroom builds on the success of the retailer’s outlets in Amsterdam, Milan, and London, Leeds and Liverpool in the UK. Spread over two levels, Made’s showroom employs innovation and creativity to fuse the physical and the digital, combining real and virtual products. Customers can discover the products, test and touch them, collate and save information on items of interest through the use of Cloud Tag technology and complete their order online in the showroom, or later at home. An industry first, the showroom allows consumers to immerse themselves in the products through 3D printing and light projection. The 3D printed model of a product will activate projections

of how it appears in customers’ homes on Made’s social showroom, Unboxed. The projections – that will also feature video content, designer and customer comments – will surround visitors in a 360˚ collage in a specially-designed tunnel. Ning Li, founder and CEO, comments: “We remain focused on extending our product range, building brand awareness and loyalty across our five markets, which combined are worth £100b. Our model of fusing online sales with the creative use of physical space in key markets to showcase our growing product range is proven, with France being the next stage in our plan. “Momentum remains strong across the business and we continue to progress towards our ambition to become Europe’s number one online destination for home design.” Overseas business now generates 40% of Made’s sales.

Carpetright delivers mixed performance Carpetright Group’s FY revenue decreased by 1.3% to £456.8m, despite LFL UK sales growth of 2.8% and underlying operating profit growth of 17.5%. Group underlying profit before tax grew to £17.3m. Store space was reduced by 5.4%, a net 25 closures of underperforming outlets reducing its UK estate to 435. CEO Wilf Walsh comments: “The group has again delivered solid growth in profit, accompanied by consistent LFL sales growth in both the UK and Rest of Europe, whilst establishing real momentum with its plans to update and revitalise its business.” He gave a progress update on a range of strategic initiatives designed to broaden the appeal of the brand and reposition the business. “Customer reaction to the initiatives trialled in our four concept stores during the period was overwhelmingly positive,” he says, “and we are excited about the opportunity of extending these to the wider estate commencing on 1st July 2016. “Trading conditions in the early weeks of the new financial year have been more challenging, against strong comparatives in the prior year and in a market which is increasingly competitive, particularly in the UK. The outlook has been further

complicated by the outcome of the referendum and we are cautious about the impact the associated uncertainty will have on consumer confidence. “Whilst we have a long journey ahead in transforming Carpetright, we have a clear direction and are confident that our plans for repositioning the business will yield positive results.” As well as new branding identity being introduced this month, there is to be a phased refurbishment of the UK store estate, with 100 stores to be completed within the next 12 months at a capital cost of £10m. The group ended the year with net debt of £1.1m, an adverse movement of £1.6m from the £0.5m net cash in 2015.

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26/07/2016 09:01

Go global Are you looking to develop business overseas? The International Alliance of Furnishing Publications (IAFP) is a 20-yearold association comprising the leading trade publications – based on editorial quality and circulation – from 19 countries worldwide. Its aim is to assist its members, and their advertisers, to better communicate with foreign markets. When promoting or seeking information from abroad, the IAFP network is the one to trust. Furniture News has been the UK member publication since 2012, and has since helped its readers and advertisers reach high-quality foreign information, contacts and readership. Contact Samantha Horscroft on (+44)1424 776100 to find out more.

Member publications

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26/07/2016 19/09/2014 09:01 15:28



NEWS Industry

Charity launches export award The Furniture Makers’ Company has introduced an award to encourage and reward the export efforts of UK manufacturers. The Export Award is open to any furnishings company, including bedding, flooring and furniture, that manufactures in Great Britain. According to ONS data, the UK has a balance of trade deficit of £3.3b. To help redress this, the charity will acknowledge companies excelling in export and promote them through the new award as an example to others. The Export Award will consider all aspects of how a business operates, including development initiatives, overseas markets penetrated, volumes, growth, techniques, long-term commitment, and relevant accreditations. Paul von der Heyde, chairman of the Manufacturing Guild Mark committee, says: “The goal of the Export Award is to recognise and champion companies that are flying the flag for British manufacture in export markets. The UK has a great tradition of fine furniture, bedding and furnishing design and manufacturing and, while imitations are often manufactured overseas, there is an increasing demand for the real thing.” Applicants are invited to submit case studies for consideration by a panel of judges. The size of the business will be taken into account so that the relative importance of their progress can be assessed.

Proskills UK closes After 13 years, Proskills UK and its National Skills Academy for Materials, Production and Supply have ceased trading. Originally set up as a Sector Skills Council in 2003, Proskills was fully funded by the Government to support the skills ambitions of employers. As part of the change in Government policy, its funding was withdrawn in 2011 and so it became a self-financing organisation. According to Proskills, the past five years have seen an ever-changing skills environment which has made it more difficult than ever to create the desired level of sustainability. Over the years, Proskills has secured over £260m for a range of industries to use to develop the skills of their staff. It has supported the development of over 600,500 learners from the four UK nations, via more than 450 qualifications, over 2000 qualification units and 70 apprenticeships covering 150 job roles in 10 industries. It has worked with employers and industry

bodies to develop and review more than 2500 National Occupational Standards, most recently supporting the Furniture Manufacturer Apprenticeship Standard development. Proskills’ Schools into Industry Programmes, PrintIT! for Print, Paper, Packaging and MakeTI! for Wood, Timber, Furniture and allied trades, have supported well over 150,000 students from more than 2500 schools to gain an employerfocused insight and helping hand into career and apprenticeship opportunities. These programmes will continue in safe hands with new industry custodians. Proskills has worked with a number of key stakeholders, employers and partners to ensure a smooth transfer and continuance of its key industry services and functions. Its quality-assured certification and licencing services will continue under new ownership, as will its awarding organisation, Occupational Awards.

FIRA welcomes new technician Gemma Buffham has joined the testing division at furniture technology centre FIRA International as senior technician for flammability and physical upholstery testing. A graduate of the University of Manchester, Gemma joins FIRA from West Yorkshire Materials Testing, where she gained experience of upholstery and personal protective equipment testing (PPE). Gemma is also set to represent the Furniture Industry Research Association at a number of British Standards committees looking at textile regulations.

NBF presents revised audit logo The National Bed Federation has introduced a revised version of its NBF Approved Big Tick logo for its audited members. Since the launch of the NBF’s Code of Practice, the NBF Approved logo has helped create and strengthen a uniform brand. Executive director Jessica Alexander says: “The two existing logos – the NBF Approved Member logo for use on own branded products and marketing materials, and the NBF Approved version for use by members customers purchasing own label or white label good – will now be replaced with one to simplify things.”

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Creative thinking According to the Department for Culture, Media & Sport, the creative industries annually contribute £84.1b to the UK economy. A survey of design graduates conducted by the New Designers exhibition reveals how early educational opportunities are essential to developing a creative outlook. Isobel Dennis, director of New Designers, comments: “It is vital for successful businesses to engage with the design thinking, problem-solving, creativity and innovation that these young graduates possess to keep them competitive and leaders within their field.”

Infographic created by wholesaler Manchester Furniture Supplies (

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 16

26/07/2016 09:01

Wycombe The Wycombe range by Frank Hudson is beautifully crafted using the finest solid Oak and veneers for practicality and style. The collection consists of dining and living designs and a full bedroom range, finished in a soft mellow Oak with a hint of white in the grain to give an updated feel to this contemporary look.

View our full collection online

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 17

01795 439159

26/07/2016 09:01



NEWS Suppliers

Sweet Dreams sponsors Collins and Hayes changes hands Hastings-based upholstery manufacturer Collins The Airsprung Group board believes that the successful team

Sweet Dreams of Burnley has sponsored a girls’ football team in the town for the last two years, which has won both the league and the cup in both seasons – an unheralded double achievement. The Under 9s Clarets play in the West Lancashire Girls Football League, named National Charter Standard league of the year in 2013 by the Football Association. Meanwhile, this season is the 20th anniversary of Burnley FC Girls and Ladies – a formidable club with over 160 registered players of all ages, including a first team which plays in the North West Women’s Regional Premier League. Riaz Ahmed, MD and founder of Sweet Dreams, says: ‘We are thrilled that the team has enjoyed so much success while wearing our logo on their shirts, and we’re proud to support our local community in this way. We congratulate the Under 10s players together with their coach and manager on their remarkable achievements, and wish them all the best for next season as the Under 11s.” Next season, Sweet Dreams will continue to sponsor the team, who will take to the field as the Under 11s.

Ercol appoints new finance director Ercol has appointed David Finch as finance director, replacing Mark Lawrence who left for a new role outside the industry. David will join the Princes Risboroughbased company at the end of August, chairman Edward Tadros reports. He trained at accountancy and business advisory firm MHA MacIntyre Hudson LLP before heading to industry, latterly as group finance director at Imago Publishing. Mark had been with ercol for 14 years, and left in June to join glass processing company ESG.

Silentnight maintains cricket sponsorship Barnoldswick-based bedmaker Silentnight is set to continue its partnership with Lancashire County Cricket Club for the 2016 season, and sponsored the Lancashire Lightning V Birmingham Bears NatWest T20 Blast match at Emirates Old Trafford last month. Silentnight will also be helping Lancashire County Cricket Club players sleep well for the rest of the season by providing them with new beds after the match. Silentnight’s marketing director Nick Booth says: “We’re very proud of our Lancashire roots and being able to support an elite local team like Lancashire County Cricket Club, for another season, is a real honour.”


acquisition by the furniture-focused Wessex Bristol best serves the long-term interests of all stakeholders. Collins and Hayes plans to launch new models and marketing materials at Autumn Long Point, AIS’ September show, and Minerva’s Autumn Furniture Show in October. Matt says that all current trading details and contacts remain, the only change being the company’s bank details.


and Hayes Furniture has been sold by Airsprung Group to luxury brand specialist Wessex Bristol. Since its purchase by Airsprung five years ago, Collins and Hayes has been extensively restructured, enjoying considerable investment. According to MD Matt O’Flynn, the company is well placed to build on these recent improvements in design, marketing, quality and service, and to grow turnover with current customers and new market developments.

Bed manufacturer invests in new fleet

Steinhoff UK Bedding Group has invested £2.2m in a new Mercedes distribution fleet. The 14 Mercedes Actros 1842 LS Euro VI compliant tractor units have been combined with 28 new bespoke trailers to create one of the most aerodynamic and fuelefficient vehicle fleets in the UK bedding industry. All the new vehicles are fitted with satellite navigation, fridges and microwaves, and the drivers also get bespoke mattresses made by their Relyon brand. The fleet is managed by a GPS tracking system that plots the location of every

vehicle in real time. Steinhoff has plans for a further £1m investment in 31 additional trailers for delivery in 2017. Group CEO Anthony Joyce says: “We are delighted with the new vehicle fleet, and in particular our investment in supporting deliveries to our independent customers. “Not only does this new fleet support our sustainable development programme, but it also helps us to become more efficient on a number of levels.”

v t

Moda triumphs in design rights claim Manchester-based rattan furniture designer Moda Furnishings has successfully concluded a design right claim against Furniture Vault and its director Paul Brightman. One of Moda’s bestselling designs, introduced in March 2015, was copied by Furniture Vault, reports design rights champion ACID. Moda demanded undertakings to discontinue the sale of the infringing products and pay compensation and costs. ACID-affiliate lawyer Tony Catterall of Taylors Solicitors was instructed to issue proceedings in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court. The claim was settled on the eve of Moda’s application for an interim injunction, with

Furniture Vault and Paul Brightman agreeing to settle on the terms demanded by Moda, including undertakings in lieu of an injunction, delivery up of Furniture Vault’s residual stock, payment of damages and payment of 100% of Moda’s costs. Phil Lomax, a director of Moda, says: “We are delighted by the outcome achieved by Taylors as a result of this action. We at Moda take a great pride in the innovative nature of our products and invest considerably in the design of furniture ranges that distinguish Moda from others in the market. It is essential that we protect the integrity of our designs and I am pleased that Taylors have achieved a more than satisfactory settlement on our behalf.”

Steinhoff and Grupo Pikolin alliance Steinhoff International intends to purchase a 50% equity share in Cofel, the French subsidiary of European bedding leader Grupo Pikolin. Danie van der Merwe, COO of Steinhoff International, says: “The bedding product category has been a key focus for the Steinhoff group, and Grupo Pikolin has been a trusted partner to Steinhoff for many years. Their knowledge of the bedding market and high-profile brand portfolio will further support and benefit the group’s development in the bedding market.”

Kobe expands sales team Luxury fabric specialist Kobe has welcomed a new account manager, Vincent Claus, to the Scotland and North of England region, representing both Kobe and the Essente brand. Vincent has worked with other high-end fabric houses for a number of years. He says: “I am delighted to be on board and working with such a strong and continually evolving brand. I look forward to meeting clients and using my wealth of experience in the industry to help guide them in creating inspirational interiors.”

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26/07/2016 09:01




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26/07/2016 21/07/2016 09:01 11:16



NEWS Brexit – the implications

What does Brexit mean for the UK furniture industry? The UK’s decision to leave the EU is set to make a dramatic impact on the way we do business. From short-term angst to long-term opportunity, Furniture News looks at a range of concerns voiced by the trade in the immediate aftermath of the referendum …

On 23rd June, a majority of Britons voted to leave the European Union. A significant 72.2% of the electorate turned out – and 51.9% of them opted for Brexit. This somewhat unexpected outcome caused the pound to plummet, and saw billions wiped off the stock market. The PM announced his resignation, leaving a Government divided.

While some of the dust has settled, uncertainty prevails. The rapid appointment of a new Government led by Theresa May has helped restore some stability, and the PM has confirmed that she does not plan to invoke Article 50 – the official mechanism separating the UK from the EU – until the nation’s needs are fully understood, and not before next year.

Following that, the exit process is likely to take at least two years. For now, the nation is in limbo. Furniture News has canvassed opinions from a variety of industry sources in the wake of the referendum, and can point to several common concerns. Perhaps the most obvious of these is consumer confidence. Research body

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26/07/2016 11:00

Brexit – the implications NEWS



How much more pressure might the independent retail sector withstand?”

GfK’s polls prior to the referendum paint a mixed picture, with growing pessimism surrounding the general economic situation at odds with with a relatively bullish mood towards personal finances. An interim survey released soon after reveals a more volatile situation, and the sharpest drop in confidence since the record began in 1994. Leavers were more optimistic than Remainers, and results vary depending on region and age group, but in general: 60% expect the general economic situation to worsen in the next 12 months, up from 46% in June; only 20% of consumers expect it to improve, down from 27% in June; and the proportion of people who believe prices will increase rapidly in the next 12 months has jumped from 13% to 33%. “Our analysis suggests that in the immediate aftermath of the referendum, sectors like travel, fashion and lifestyle, home, living, DIY and grocery are particularly vulnerable to consumers cutting back their discretionary spending,” says Joe Staton, GfK’s head of market dynamics. “As we’ve learnt from previous periods of uncertainty, consumers turn to well-known brands they love and trust as a guarantee of quality and value for money. Now is the time for companies to understand and respond to consumer concerns by anticipating and meeting their needs.” Alan Hawkins, CEO of the British Independent Retailers Association (BIRA), has called for the Government to bolster consumer confidence during the interim

by “laying out predictable timetables and sticking to them”. He also warned of the effect of interest rate changes, stating: “A further fall could be possible if the Bank of England becomes concerned about a developing recession, but increases could follow if inflation grows too quickly. “That could dampen the national housing market, which might be relatively welcome in the overheating London market, but could also weaken prospects for retail sectors ranging from carpets and furniture to hardware and housewares.” Perversely, anecdotal evidence actually suggests buying surges in the immediate aftermath, perhaps driven by a jubilant Leave camp. Either way, retailers will be reluctant to inflict price hikes on shoppers right now. One supplier noted that many of its stockists had endured a tough three months in the run-up to the vote – how much more pressure might the independent retail sector withstand? Helen Dickinson, CEO of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), comments: “In order to keep prices down and to deliver the best possible choice for consumers, retailers’ top priority in the short term will be to ensure the continued ease and minimum additional costs of importing EU goods into the UK for sale to customers.” The price of imports will be dependent on the nation’s access to the Single Market – a trading community free of customs duties. Unless the UK’s relationships can be maintained in this regard, Brexit will necessitate negotiations with individual EU member states concerning issues such as trade tariffs. Carolyn Fairbairn, director-general of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), acknowledges that “inevitable trade-offs will be necessary” during this process. A respondent from a multinational ecommerce trader believes that the negotiations will result in a customs clearance process for goods coming into the UK from the EU, and vice versa. He says that each product will need a customer code – an added layer of trading complexity, yet one which his company is well equipped to handle. “Only the bigger online retailers will have efficient enough IT solutions,” he says. “It’s very costly to implement it manually. “We will have to increase prices for customers – all retailers will. If >>>

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26/07/2016 11:00



NEWS Brexit – the implications

the UK is not part of the free trade zone, we will have to manage custom duties and clearance for all products – imports and exports – making UK suppliers a little less competitive.” That said, one of the drivers of the Leave campaign was the potential for increased trade with those outside the EU. Laraine Janes, director of the January Furniture Show and Manchester Furniture Show, comments: “The furniture industry in the UK is truly global in its outlook, with a strong UK manufacturer base and a diverse range of suppliers from all over the globe – so it is not just dependent on the European trading block. “A re-based pound will see UK manufacturers becoming more competitive on the global stage.” However, many UK businesses are more reliant on imports than home-grown product, and fluctuations in currency exchange are set to have an impact that will reverberate down the supply chain. “The sterling to dollar exchange rate is crucial,” remarks one supplier. Another business questioned is confident that prices will settle, but points out that the exit process itself could cause the euro to become unstable – as could the dollar as the US presidential election nears. Helen Dickinson comments: “A prolonged fall in the value of the pound will impact import costs and ultimately consumer prices, but this will take time to feed through.” The BFM predicts that British manufacturers could face raw material price rises of as much as 12%. MD Jackie Bazeley says: “Most raw materials are from overseas and therefore with the dollar/euro stronger against the pound there will be substantial increases. “A number of members have reported that they will need to increase their prices between eight to 12% to accommodate the raw material increases.” Roy Beagent, group business manager for the Minerva buying group, says: “We work with European and Far Eastern suppliers, and there will be some price increases – but we’ll try to negotiate a middle ground. Most suppliers will hold back, but if the process carries on too long they will have to put their own increases in place.” He notes that the situation could help British manufacturers, but that many of these import components and fabrics from Europe and further afield, so could be adversely affected in some way. Many UK manufacturers employ EU nationals, particularly in their factories and delivery fleets. Carolyn Fairbairn

Eventual stability is dependent on the Government acting swiftly and decisively to dispel uncertainty”

states: “The Government must confirm that those people from the EU who are already working in the UK can stay. This reassurance must be immediate and it must be unequivocal.” Phil Reynolds, general manager of the Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA), remarks: “The association will work with other stakeholders within the British Furniture Confederation (BFC) to ensure the development of UK skills and knowledge to ensure that there is not a shortage of skill within the industry if restrictions are placed on the movement of workers.” With seismic political shift comes the possible reassessment of many of the EU’s legislative rulings, from quality standards to environmental regulations. David Hopkins, MD of the Timber Trade Federation (TTF), warned the group’s members not to expect reversals. “The European Timber Regulation (EUTR) is now a matter of UK law – regardless of the EU initials at the front! – and is still being enforced in the UK and across the EU. Regardless of [the] vote, it is inconceivable that the UK will want to be seen to be weakening rules against illegal logging.” The Lighting Industry Association (LIA) voiced a similar sentiment: “For the time being we are adopting a business-asusual stance as Britain is currently still a member of the EU and EU law continues to apply to the full.” Phil Reynolds comments: “It will all come down to what access to the Single Market is negotiated. Dependant on the access that is agreed it may well be that UK manufacturers will still have to meet European legislation such as the EU Timber Regulations and General Product Safety Regulations, as well as adopting European Standards. Alternatively, if the UK seeks wider trade agreements outside of Europe, then it may be able to look at withdrawing European legislation and standards and replacing with national versions.” The final consideration voiced by the ecommerce trader is a two-sided matter. “A lot of online retailers operating across Europe have fiscal entities centralised in Luxemburg or Ireland,” he says. “It’s not clear if they will be able to keep the same set-up for the UK.” He points out that such a development

could mean that these companies no longer enjoy a (perceivably) unfair tax advantage, but he is unsure how they will respond to the demand for structural change. Chancellor George Osborne has already outlined plans to cut Corporation Tax to encourage investor interest. Despite the threat of inflation and instability, most of the retailers, suppliers and industry representatives quizzed express confidence in the long term. Roy Beagent remarks: “We’ve been here before, and we’ll weather it again.” Those delivering off-the-record feedback tend to agree that it is a case of ‘business as usual’ right now. However, most would agree that eventual stability is dependent on the Government acting swiftly and decisively to dispel uncertainty – particularly given the delay to invoke Article 50. Mark Carney, the governer of the Bank of England, has warned that the “nearterm domestic risks to financial stability” are the most significant. Helen Dickinson says: “Now that a decision has been made to leave, it is important the Government moves quickly to explain the process of disengagement from the EU. Without clarity, retailers, other businesses and hence the economy will suffer from a prolonged period of uncertainty.” Carolyn Fairbairn summarises: “The Government should resolve publicly to ensure the preservation of an open economy. We should protect tariff and barrier-free access to the Single Market. We should protect the access business has under existing EU world trade deals. And we need to continue to attract global talent.” Bigger questions – such as the future of the British union, and how to tackle the deep social divisions the referendum has brought to light – remain. Indeed, almost everyone questioned was unwilling to comment on the record or express their personal views due to the political sensitivity of the topic. Recent developments seem to deliver stability and uncertainty in equal measure. How will Brexit affect the UK in the long term? The simple answer is that no-one can say for certain – but the nation’s future is ready to be shaped by whatever happens next

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26/07/2016 11:00


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26/07/2016 09:01

Discover the secret of Mattress-Now Awarded for the Silentnight Mattress-Now 3 Zone Memory Foam

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The 3 Zone Memory Foam mattress from Silentnight comes neatly rolled up inside a box for convenience. Out of the box, it delivers unbelievable comfort for an amazing price.

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26/07/2016 15/07/2016 09:01 16:30



INTERVIEW Martin Holland

Rethinking retail interiors Since emerging as the winner of the BBC’s Great Interior Design Challenge 2015, Martin Holland has seen his consultancy, MartinMark Design, which he runs with his partner Mark Walters, go from strength to strength. Furniture News catches up with Martin as he prepares to offer store owners his expertise at Autumn Fair …

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 26

05/08/2016 11:59

Martin Holland INTERVIEW



Do you have much on at the moment, Martin? A number of different projects, actually – there’s literally never a dull moment at MMD HQ. We’ve got residential briefs in the UK and Europe on the go, along with an exciting new commercial scheme (in the form of a new restaurant and bar), but that’s all top secret for now. Creating written content for lifestyle magazines is keeping us busy, and the diary is booked to speak at a number of events to give expert advice. Not to mention filming shorts for a major energy supplier with top tips on styling new homes. If that isn’t enough, we’re also deep in the process of getting our new online shop off the ground. It’ll be a curated selection of beautiful interior pieces, homewares and soft furnishings – which we’ve wanted to do for some time! Outside of work is just as manic, as we’re undertaking a full renovation of our entire home, which is taking much longer than expected, but it’s really starting to take shape now. Exciting times! Has your approach noticeably changed since winning the Great Interior Design Challenge? It really pushed us into the limelight and meant we were in demand from lots of different people. The post-show rush doesn’t last forever, and we’ve settled into the industry and our business, with a steady stream of work and opportunities popping up across things we never dreamed we’d be getting involved in. Our approach to design has evolved massively since the TV show. This is in part due to learning on the job, but also down to Mark’s background in theatre and set design, and how he approaches a show. His perspective on design is often what gets the best out of what we do. What topics will you be covering in your seminar? We’re really excited to be at Autumn Fair this year, and have some great advice to offer retailers who are either starting from scratch, looking to give their shop a complete refresh. or just wanting to up their game and stand out from the crowd. We live in a world where ecommerce dominates the retail industry. With soaring rent and rates, retailers are fortunate if they’re able to afford a physical presence on the high street, and if they can, they have to make sure that they stand out and draw customers in or they won’t stand the test of time. We want to help show people how to do that! It’s more than just products, it’s about lifestyles and buying into a whole environment and experience that keeps people coming back. We believe the root to this is the interior of your shop! Your portfolio principally comprises domestic design work. What expertise can you bring to the retail world? There are a lot of synergies between the residential and commercial worlds of design. In our opinion, one very much talks to the other. A long time before we started working in this industry, we took huge inspiration from the retail and commercial world, and still do today. High-end retailers spend huge amounts of money on their shop interiors, and you can gain some brilliant insights and ideas. It often takes a while for these to filter down into the mass market (and into our homes), so we try and be savvy – staying >>>

“With soaring rent and rates, retailers are fortunate if they’re able to afford a physical presence on the high street, and if they can, they have to make sure that they stand out and draw customers in or they won’t stand the test of time”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 27

26/07/2016 09:01



INTERVIEW Martin Holland

abreast of the very latest in design and trends, and offering this to the independent retail market with our own unique twist. What rules of domestic design apply to retail? The design process stands out as being one of the key rules you can apply to any type of interior design. Key to this is the absolute essential areas every space needs to get right such as layout, functionality, lighting, colour and furnishing. Comfort is also something that resonates with both retail and residential. Our homes are our sanctuaries, and by their very nature they have to offer comfort and protection. The same can be said for retail, where the consumer looks to have sufficient personal space when browsing, and where possible offers seating and spaces to relax en route. This is an absolute must if you’re a furniture retailer! There is nothing worse than going into a furniture shop, only to be faced with signs forbidding you to touch or sit on anything! These are the very items we want to touch, feel and test before we commit to buying. How can a change to a store’s design increase business? It sounds simple, but doing something unusual or borderline outlandish can get you recognised instantly and boost your business. You want people to talk about your shop and the experience it offers! Just remember that it has to be for the right reasons, and your products need to live up to the expectations, rather than the shop just being for spectators. A prime example of where this has been a huge success is the clothing retailer Hollister. Their target market is young adults in their mid-to-late teens and early twenties. These people love to shop, but they also love to socialise in late-night bars and nightclubs. The design team decided to combine the two with a dark and

A layout that lasts “Shops are no longer just about rows and rows of the same goods stacked far and wide,” says Martin on the subject of store layout. “Modern-day retail is all about creating a lifestyle that people will buy into. This means that when you enter a shop you’re not bombarded with lots of the products. “Instead it should be a carefully-curated selection of individual items, giving customers the inspiration and confidence to achieve something similar in their own homes. This, paired with a stunning interior environment, means people will remember you as the go-to place for ideas when it comes to designing their homes. “Remember to keep it fresh and interesting by constantly updating the look, giving customers a reason to keep coming back.”

Embrace digital “We live in a digital age now, and people like to be able to interact with their environment, not just look at and admire it,” says Martin of sales displays. “Think about how you can create an interactive display in your shop to really draw the customers in and enable them to connect with it in ways that previously weren’t possible. “This is particularly important to bricks-and-mortar retailers when competing with the online market, where a retailer can offer thousands of items at the touch of a button. It can make for a distinct and unique window display, and will get people interested instantly as they’ll feel a part of what you have to offer.”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 28

“Our homes are our sanctuaries, and by their very nature they have to offer comfort and protection. The same can be said for retail” moody lighting scheme reminiscent of a nightclub. This had never been done in a retail environment before, but it went down a storm with the customers, who loved it, and it created a real buzz with lots of media attention. The parents weren’t so enamoured, but their target market bought into it 100%. That’s what we’d call a success! What unique opportunities and limitations face independent furniture retailers in this respect? These can vary massively depending on the size and scale of the retailer in question. If you’re a small-scale retailer, then it’s likely space in your shop is limited and comes at a premium, which can restrict what you can offer to the customer – especially when it comes to larger pieces of furniture. Be creative and look at utilising space which would ordinarily sit empty as an opportunity to present a quirky display. We’ve seen chairs suspended from the ceiling of a shop before – the effect was pretty impressive and a real talking point. Most retailers lease their premises, and so landlords can often push restrictions onto tenants, limiting their ability to achieve what they really want to within the space they have – especially if that’s grand plans to make significant changes. However, all is not lost! See this as an opportunity to turn what can be a problematic space or feature into something exciting and unique. Problems like this often force you to push your boundaries and respond with fresh ideas. And if they’re money-saving too, then it’s a win-win. What role does trend-watching play in this process? Trends are critical to the design world. They inform everything, from the products we buy, to the places we live and the restaurants we eat in. Love them or hate them, they’re an essential part of the industry. It’s all about how you interpret them that will help you to stand out from the crowd, and as a retailer that’s exactly what you’re out to do! If there’s a particular material that you love that’s on trend, try to find unusual ways of using it in your shop interior instead of plumping for the norm. It may not be something it would usually lend itself to, but more often than not the outcome can be astounding. And who knows, you might even become a trendsetter yourself. When will visitors to Autumn Fair be able to catch your talk? We’re kicking off on Sunday 4th September with a talk to retailers on how to achieve interior design success in their shop (visit the Autumn Fair website for more details and to discover how to book a place). We’re back again the following day, giving the same talk, but this time we’ll also be offering a series of one-to-one clinics (in the afternoon), helping to solve retailers’ interior design dilemmas. We can’t wait! Martin will deliver his seminar, ‘How to achieve design success for your shop interior in 10 easy steps’, at Autumn Fair at 11.50am on Sunday 4th September in the Trends seminar theatre on the Fashion and Accessories Catwalk, and 10.45am on Monday 5th in the E-commerce Theatre, followed by 15-minute one-to-one clinics starting at noon. The exhibition runs from 4-7th September at the Birmingham NEC. W W

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INTERVIEW Clickthrough > eporta This month, the homewares website in the spotlight is – Furniture News explores the practices and philosophies behind the enterprise …

Clickthrough > eporta Aneeqa Khan, CEO and founder

Why visit your website? If you’re a professional buyer, eporta is free to join and allows you to discover products and purchase directly from a huge range of trusted interiors suppliers, with trade discounts. Eporta simplifies the buying process by making it easy to manage your trade accounts, quotes and orders in one place. If you’re a supplier, eporta gets your products in front of a fast growing community of more than 2000 global trade buyers. How did you enter the industry? Previously strategy director at property website Zoopla, I was in the process of doing up my London flat but struggled to find things easily online. I realised that despite the huge number of suppliers around the world, no website made them accessible. Digging deeper, the real issue was that professional buyers needed an online platform aggregating global suppliers to help them discover and order products more easily, so I decided to set it up! Who is your e-commerce hero? I don’t really have a hero – In general I’m inspired by anyone who has mastered the art of doing something really well, be that a restauranteur, retailer or designer maker. Describe a typical working day It usually starts at 7am with a spin class, then over to the office in Clerkenwell where the team come together if it’s a Monday to set the agenda for the week. Much of my week is taken up with meetings – the CEO of a new brand who would like to join the platform, lunch with an interior designer and the afternoon might be taken up with

interviewing new members of staff. We’re growing fast so hiring is another area that takes up a lot of time – finding the right person for a job is a time consuming process. The evening would typically be dinner with one of our investors or another founder at a similar stage of business scaling – London is awash with creative businesses so there’s a great network of us around to share ideas with on the best way of doing things. What part of your job would you prefer to avoid? Travel is exciting and fun when it’s for leisure but I’m practically in a new place each week and living out of a suitcase, which can get tiring. What has been your greatest challenge to date? We’re the first online sourcing platform only for trade professionals, so in the early stages, it was challenging to explain what we were doing, and how we wanted to help the industry do business online. Getting people to join something that’s completely new is always difficult – I’m glad they now come to us. How much do you invest in making your site more visible? We’re not a business focused on being front of mind for a customer to make a purchase, so we actually rely on the buyers coming to us when they need to source for their store or a project. As soon as we verify them with an account they return very frequently. What’s your take on how the relationship between online and physical retail might develop?

“E-commerce in some aspects has become an over-crowded space. If you’re thinking about setting something up make sure people want it first!”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 30

I think both online and physical retail are crucial in combination with each other to optimise the experience for a buyer, so I think we’re going to see even more of a merger between both channels as time goes on. Especially in the furniture industry, seeing the items – or at least physical samples – can be crucial so we always try and complement our online offering with physical presence in some way. What are your growth plans for the business? We are expanding into the US and Middle East as we speak and constantly looking at other avenues to grow. What advice would you offer an aspiring e-tailer? Ecommerce in some aspects has become an over-crowded space. If you’re thinking about setting something up make sure people want it first!

Snapshot: eporta is one of the largest trade-only interiors platforms in the world, with more than 2000 trade buyers and 800 trusted suppliers from top brands to some of the best emerging talent and skilled craftspeople. Launched: 2015

26/07/2016 09:02

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 31

26/07/2016 09:02


? 32



Preview Dublin under the spotlight once more The Irish Furniture and Homewares Show 2016 is coming to Dublin from 20th-23rd of this month at the National Show Centre, Swords.

For the third year running, the Irish Furniture and Homewares Show will give Irish and UK businesses in the furniture trade the opportunity to do business in a relaxed environment, and provide attendees a welcome environment to see new products, innovative ideas and avail of exclusive deals and discounts from the businesses on show. The National Show Centre is a modern exhibition and conference venue right next >>>




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Buoyant, Classic Furniture, Derry’s, Kettle Interiors, Furniture Link, Global Home, Julian Bowen, Lebus Upholstery, TCS Imports and Sofa Source – find a full exhibitor list on the event website. The Irish Furniture & Homewares Show 2016 is free to attend to all trade customers. Simply visit the website to register – and follow the show on social networks Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates. T 087 996 6666 W

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Furniture News 329 V27.indd 34

26/07/2016 09:02

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26/07/2016 09:02

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EVENTS Autumn Fair

Preview Autumn Fair’s broad offering Autumn Fair returns to the NEC this September with over 300 exhibitors across the Home and renamed Contemporary Gift & Living sectors, offering visitors the opportunity to see, buy and be inspired by an array of on-trend collections.

From furniture to textiles and accessories, buyers can expect to find understated, craft inspired pieces from the likes of Kaemingk, Chic Antique, NLXL, Dutch Imports, By Boo, Ib Laursen and Hubsch, insync with the seasonal trend of artisan inspiration predictions from leading trend forecaster, WGSN Lifestyle & Interiors. Commenting on the key auutmn/winter 2016 trends, Laurence Pasquier, editor of Lifestyle & Interiors at WGSN, says: ‘The Artisan trend is aptly named in line with the moment we are seeing towards craft and handmade products – the demand for kits to make your own everything from wall hangings to cleaning products is getting bigger and bigger. Brushstrokes and drops of paint add to this handmade aesthetic. “On the other end of the spectrum, the Offbeat trend embodies play and being playful with a nostalgia towards an 80’s, pre-internet era. Print and pattern is key with this trend – think geometric composition in tomato red, apple green and soda pink, mixed together with touches of fluro yellow. Buyers should look out for products which reflect these trends at Autumn Fair this year.’ All-new show area, The BIRA Contemporary Collective, in association with BHETA, will house brands including Le Creuset, who will be using Autumn Fair as a platform to launch its new Moorland Mist collection, plus Villeroy & Boch, The DHR Collective and David Mason Designs. The boundary between the Home and Contemporary Gift & Living halls will be camouflaged by the presence of brands including Shepherds of Sweden, Raine & Humble, Baa Stool, Fairmont & Maine and Fred, highlighting the growing demand of cross-sector buying at the show. Other highlights, within Contemporary Gift &

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 36

Living, include exclusive show launches from new Danish exhibitor, Hubsch, in the form of chairs and sofas in the season’s key tones, plus, the winning announcement on-site from Suck UK’s Project X competition, which will see employees of the brand reveal an all-new product to the company owners for the first time and will be sold exclusively at Autumn Fair. Visitors will also have the opportunity to hear from various speakers across the four show days including Martin Holland, winner of BBC’s The Great Interior Design Challenge (see p26 for an indepth interview). Commenting on seasonal home trends, he says: “Dark and moody interiors will be taking centre stage this autumn/winter – it’s all about deep forest greens, inky blues and charcoal blacks in rich hues. Bold statements with clashing patterns and textures on chairs, cushions and rugs are the perfect partner for this look. Spaces should visually draw you in and envelope you and Autumn Fair is the perfect home for brands to show off their take on key trends and for buyers to be inspired for the season ahead.” i2i Events portfolio director, Naomi Barton, says: “We know that buyers are using Autumn Fair to buy in-season, so it is key that the offering at the show reflects the latest trends and products in the market. Through the mix of exhibitors, along with changes to the edit of the show floor itself, we feel that this year’s show is and will continue to be an essential date in the buying calendar, giving visitors the ultimate buying experience and access to key trends and inspiration.” Autumn Fair will take place from 4-7th September. Read on to discover some of the product highlights at the upcoming show. W >>>

26/07/2016 09:02


TO ORDER YOUR 700 PAGE CATALOGUE CONTACT ELSTEAD LIGHTING TODAY • • 01420 82377 • Elstead House, Mill Lane, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QJ

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 37

26/07/2016 09:02

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EVENTS Autumn Fair Elstead Lighting (01420 82377) offers one of the widest ranges of decorative lighting in the country, supporting and accessorising both furniture and interior design showrooms as well as leading lighting specialists. With a collection of more than 2500 models, including portables and mirrors, chandeliers and wall lights along with a large selection of bathroom and outdoor lamps, Elstead is renowned for bringing unparalleled levels of choice and style to the dealers and consumers. This is backed with over 150,000 fittings in stock enabling high levels of availability and customer service. The company has a 708-page master catalogue and dealers can also access A5 consumer versions to assist with sales. Additionally the company recently launched a stylish freestanding lectern that helps promote the full ranges available by being placed in store. Three years ago the company invested more than £1m in building a 9000ft² showroom to present

all of its range in a stylish and inspirational way. The company welcomes trade customers to Alton, Hampshire to both choose product and also as a training platform which can include full factory tour, providing a detailed insight as to what goes into the production and quality management process to bring great products to the final client. Febland MD Tony Febland is taking a typically pragmatic approach to the event. He comments: “Fortunately Febland is fairly bomb-proof >>>



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26/07/2016 09:02




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26/07/2016 15/07/2016 09:02 14:46

? 40


EVENTS Autumn Fair

3 War Chest and Grand Club Trunk Bar, AM 4 Mirrored furniture, Artmart 5 Dressing set with bent mirror, Artmart


against the vagaries of fate and politics, although it wasn’t always so. We used to panic when world events caused us to wipe off our margins or announce penal price increases at a time when most customers were selling less than before. “The golden period, I dare to speculate, was in the early 1990s, when it seemed everything was ticking along nicely and whatever we bought hit the target like an arrow. “Since then, the high streets have altered unrecognisably. Many big chains have disappeared, many end users buy online and furniture and furnishings in the average home are made from unique and exotic timbers and fabrics. “Whereas the dining room used to house a noble six or eight-seater table, nowadays it seems that people acquire their belongings via a car boot sale or an eBay auction. “At Febland we are trying to promote a happy medium by virtue of new lines regularly and continuous research for one of those mega ranges which blow you off your armchair. I think we have just done it again. Please ask for the new catalogue or visit us at the Autumn Fair!” With its wide range of bars, stools and accessories, AM - Authentic Models (stand 2L11/ K10, 01403 734999, offers everything a buyer needs to create their own speakeasy at home. The new Grand Club Trunk Bar – a twist on AM’s popular trunk bar series – features an ingenious fold-out table, perfect for guests to lean on while their host prepares a perfect G&T in an AM silverplated replica Lighthouse Cocktail Shaker. The Grand Club Trunk Bar also features plenty

of space for storage and can be closed up on itself when the party is over. As per AM standard, the trunk itself features cherrywood slats, solid brass hardware and eye-catching yet classic design. And what could go better with this bar than a classically-styled barstool such as AM’s Speakeasy Seat? This industrial-inspired stool features a height-adjustable seat and cross-stitched leather. Combined with a series of aluminium seating to be featured at Autumn Fair, Authentic Models is taking a bold step towards a new look while remaining true to its heritage. Artmart ( is a family-run importer of mirrors, lamps and mirrored furniture that was established in 2011. After working as a buyer since leaving school, Artmart’s MD decided it was time to focus his attention on channelling his experience into his own business, something he had wanted to do for a long time. The company is based in Chadderton, just outside Manchester. Artmart offers a wide range of mirrors that appeals to varied tastes. The compay has an extensive range, from art deco glass on glass mirrors for a modern elegant feature, to the traditional swept style that would not seem out of place in stately home. Artmart also has a sister company, Reflective Art, which specialises in mirrored furniture and lamps, which are proving popular with customers. The company is always looking for new and innovative ways to predict the upcoming trends and designing new stock to meet the demand. Artmart fosters positive relationships with its manufacturers, which are always on hand to provide consultations on potential new ideas



Furniture News 329 V29.indd 40

26/07/2016 11:06


Autumn Fair Birmingham

Hall 2, Stand L11/K10 September 4 - 7


Phone 01403-734999

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Maison & Objets Paris, France Hall 3 E62 September 2 - 6 HOMI Milano, Italy Hall 7 N29 September 16 - 19


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Grand Club Trunk Bar


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Furniture News 329 V27.indd 41

Northern Ireland 3 Main St, Ballynahinch, Co.Down BT24 8DN TEL.: 028 9756 1812, FAX.: 028 9756 4435 E-mail:

26/07/2016 09:03

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EVENTS Autumn Fair – Light & Living

Preview The Netherlands mood maker Trends tend to change quicker than the market can handle these days, according to Dutch wholesaler and distributor Light & Living, which presents new collections up to three times a year to meet fresh demand, which can be ordered directly from stock.

Light & Living began manufacturing lampshades over 40 years ago, and continues to produce them today from its studio in the Netherlands, as well as offering a wide range of decorative lighting, home decorations and furniture that it supplies to stockists across the world. In the UK, Light & Living works with a British team, operating from its own showroom in Somercotes, Derbyshire. Autumn Fair gives the brand the perfect opportunity to present its latest offer to the trade. This year, Light & Living will present a combination of its permanent collection of basic models, matched with the latest trendy products. Company stylist Mariëlle van ‘t Slot believes that the industrial look will be around for some time, but will take new forms. “Whereas last year the

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focus was mainly on copper and rosé gold, now it will primarily be about rust, zinc and warm bronze – living materials that give those items the vintage look that’s all the rage at the moment,” she says. “We combine these elements with other weathered materials like untreated wood and robust ceramics. “New on our stand this year is our range of textiles. There’s a whole new line of pillows, rugs and carpets in beautiful soft shades. “We will also be seeing a lot of emerald green this autumn. On our stand we will be combining it with brushed nickel and wood, which brings out this bold colour beautifully.” Light & Living’s 450m2 stand will be located in Hall 2 – G21-F20 and H21-G20. W

26/07/2016 09:03

We would love to show you the new Light & Living collection at the Autumn Fair!

Please meet us from the 4th till the 7th of September Hall 2 - Stand G21-F20 and H21-G20

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 43

26/07/2016 09:03

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EVENTS January Furniture Show

Preview Behind the scenes at the January Furniture Show Hosting another strong line up of over 450 exhibitors, the January Furniture Show, taking place at the Birmingham NEC from 22nd-25th, is set to be bigger and better for 2017, making it the place to be for retailers, buyers and commercial specifiers looking for the latest products and developments in the industry. Co-director Stephen Richards gives some insight about his history with the show and how things have changed ...

What’s your role within the event team? I act as sales director, and support Laraine Janes and Theresa Raymond in marketing and strategic planning. What is your background? I have been in the exhibition industry since 1986, and took charge of the original January furniture show at the NEC in 1990, when I worked for Blenheim Exhibition Group. After leaving the group, I teamed up with Laraine and Theresa to relaunch the Manchester Furniture Show in 1997. We were fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time and have the right contacts in early 2014 to establish the all-new January Furniture Show. Who, in your professional life, has been your greatest inspiration? It’s probably split between two people – Laraine and Theresa. They are constantly upbeat. They approach each year as a fresh challenge and nothing fazes them.

to build enormous goodwill in that first year, just in case it wasn’t successful. As it happens, it was. The next big challenge was throwing it all up in the air again to resettle back into the five main halls and to recreate long held exhibitor positions – but also ring some changes to move things forward.

What’s your favourite thing about the industry? The straightforward nature of the suppliers and buyers and the way they work together. There is no room for smoke and mirrors – and they are all total enthusiasts about furniture.

How do you think the show benefits the industry? Probably more than almost any other trade show in the UK. The show is a great example of how a trade event should be – the date line and venue were chosen originally by the trade and changes to these two principle pillars have been put to the test rather emphatically recently. The January Furniture Show is a crucial opportunity for the trade to come together at a key buying time. It’s very transactional – lots of business is done and its scale allows everyone that’s interested to get an overall picture of what’s happening in one week of activity.

And what’s your favourite thing about the show? It’s the enthusiasm it generates – you can feel the buzz in the air. It’s the start of the year and it really feels like ‘out with the old and in with the new’. What changes and developments have you seen? The acceptance of more cosmopolitan ideas and designs – fashion plays a big part now, and we’re more willing to look at new influences.

“Fashion plays a big part now, and we’re more willing to look at new influences”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 44

What has been the biggest gamechanger? I suppose the affordability of worldwide shipping has meant that product can arrive on our shores from almost anywhere, in volume and in a matter of weeks from concept to production. It has meant UK manufacturers have been squeezed at lower price points but in the middle to upper market raised their game to produce better designs and quality to keep market share. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve had to deal with at the show? Probably the very first year, when we couldn’t get the traditional dateline or Sunday opening – or indeed all the halls we needed and knowing we had

Any tips for making the most of the exhibition? It’s the age-old tip really – plan properly, set objectives and don’t get sidetracked. However, leave time for a decent wander about, you never know what you might discover or who you might bump into. One of the great things that can happen at a show of this size is that often something completely random can happen, dramatically changing the course of events that you simply could not have predicted. Where are you most likely to be found up there? I would like to say in the bar – but most likely just circulating the show, talking to people and getting a feel for what’s happening. W

26/07/2016 09:03


Furniture News 329 V27.indd 45 JF0308 FurnitureNews Advert_AW.indd 1

26/07/2016 09:03 08/07/2016 10:12





Anthony Creaby manages British retail homewares coverage at global data analyst GfK, which employs around 13,000 market researchers across more than 100 countries. T 020 7890 9130 E

Another challenging quarter for furniture GfK’s homewares report offers valuable insight into today’s retail landscape. Each quarter, Furniture News presents a summary of the researcher’s findings, tracking sales trends across key subsectors. The latest update points towards a worrying trend towards lower value sales in Q2 …

The second quarter (April to June 2016) has drawn to a close, allowing us the chance to reflect on the performance of the key furniture categories. When looking at a very top line level we see that the total furniture market shrunk by 3.3% in value terms, but grew by 4.3% in volume. This ties into the fact that the average selling price across the whole furniture sector declined by 7.3%. Upon further analysis, it is evident that April and June drove the value declines – reductions of -7.4% and -5.7% are seen respectively. May was the exception, with value increases of 1.8% and volume growing by 9.3% when compared to the same month of the previous year. When interrogating our data further, we can see that the steepest declines were seen in two of the key furniture sectors – upholstered furniture and, more relevant for this time of the year, outdoor living furniture. These areas witnessed value declines of 9.9% and 8.6% YOY.

If we break these two categories down to a lower level it is clear that the subsectors responsible for this performance are twoseater sofas (-11.8%), sofa beds and futons (-29.8%), recliners (-60.7%), garden chairs (-11.5%), and the significant value area of garden table and chair sets (-20.5%). However, there have been a number of highlights, the most interesting of these being: mattresses, up 11.5% in value and 6.9% in volume terms; headboards registering a growth of 5.8%; and corner sofas, which, although seeing a small value increase of +1.8%, saw a much more sizeable volume development of +62.5%. This corner sofa performance can in part be attributed to the average selling price reduction of -37.4% seen in Q2 2016 versus 2015. As expected, the greatest value month of the quarter was May, with outdoor living furniture contributing significantly (+17.5% in value) to the overall 1.8% value improvement in this month YOY. It

“The total furniture market shrunk by 3.3% in value terms, but grew by 4.3% in volume”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 46

will be intriguing to see if this is the case in the remaining summer months, where historically we have witnessed strong furniture performances. The highest-value sector of the market is once again bedroom furniture. This has seen a minimal value decline of -0.1%. The key catalysts behind this decline are bunk beds (-12% in value, -10.4% in volume) and chests of drawers (-6.2% in value and -3.5% in volume). An interesting conclusion to this point is that although the overall bedroom furniture market is in value decline, it is buoyant when focusing on the volume performance, which has grown at a rate of 6.1%. This, once again, is supported by the decline seen in the average selling price of -5.8%. I look forward to discovering how the market performs into Q3, and whether the slightly underwhelming results we have seen in Q2 can be reversed


Anthony will analyse Q3 2016 in the November issue of Furniture News. GfK has issued a special post-Brexit consumer confidence summary, which can be found in this month’s Retail News.

26/07/2016 09:03

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26/07/2016 24/02/2016 09:03 13:53



RESOURCES Selling to millennials


Kevin Cundiff is the vice-president of retail for Fortegra, a single-source insurance services company that, through a network of subsidiaries and preferred partners, offers a range of credit protection, warranty, and specialty underwriting solutions. W

Selling to Millennials Millennials are truly an in-the-know generation, often carrying out research online to cement a decision before making a purchase. Kevin Cundiff has put together a few pointers on how salespeople can interact with this relatively new breed of customer … Millennials do their research to educate themselves on their potential purchases, and by the time they get round to making that purchase, they know exactly what they want. In fact, according to, nearly 75% of Millennials research their options online before going to a store to make a purchase. And they really take their time doing this research, with 36% of Millennial consumers spending over 30 minutes doing comparison shopping before actually making a decision on what they want to purchase. What’s more, they often never even make it to the store after doing all the digging, opting to just have the item shipped to their door by ordering online. But, in the event a Millennial does darken the door having done their digging beforehand, what is a salesperson to do? Well, here are a few ways to prepare … Be equipped with data that tells a story The practice of researching items online then purchasing them in-store is known as webrooming. With the prevalence of smartphones, many Millennials are doing this while they’re actually in the store looking at the physical item. They want to see others’ opinions, check reviews on similar items, and compare prices – influencing the entire sales process. Hypothetical examples of how a product worked for another customer are no longer enough for a salesperson to nail down a sale. Today’s informed consumer values proof. But on-the-spot proof can be tough to provide, unless you come armed with data. Data that tells a story – including supporting numbers and facts – can help

build credibility and trust, and sometimes can be proof enough. This can come in the form of a customer testimonial, in-store metrics, industry research, or something else concrete. Whichever tool you choose, pulling out one of these examples early in the buying process can help move your Millennial customer from iffy to committed by showing them true product value. But if it still comes down to price, be prepared for that too. The Millennial shopper knows your price – in-store and online – and those of any close competitors. Do you? Do you know what control you have over it? Know what your options are in terms of creating a deal, price matching, and throwing in potential freebies. The last thing you want to do is convince the customer the product is right for them and have them go buy it from a competitor down the street to save a few quid. Listen to what they know – and show them something they don’t Although it sometimes might seem like it, having an educated customer isn’t a bad thing. Communicating with the customer to learn more about what they know can actually help you make the sale, too. Once you’ve identified their interest, lean on any technical expertise you have in the product area. Online reviews can be helpful but often leave consumers questioning the compatibility of all the items they own. Help guide them to a product that fits in their device ecosystem, or provide guidance on what’s needed to ensure a great user experience.

“Make sure you’re prepared for the challenge by accessing relevant data, listening to your in-the-know customers, and leaving the bluffing at the poker table”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 48

Listen to the customer and tie their education back to something you know they want and that you can deliver. Who knows – you might even lead them to something they didn’t realise they needed. Also encouraging is that, according to a study by Hanover Research, the in-the-know generation is also 52% more likely to make impulse purchases than other generations, so you actually do have a chance to change their mind! Ditch the nonsense We’ve all done it (or at least thought about doing it). You find yourself backed into a corner and your tried-and-true sales pitch isn’t working. So, you try to change the subject, or worse, make something up. Customers who’ve done their research know their stuff and can spot the phony baloney a mile away. A frantic sales pitch will cause more harm than good. If the facts aren’t with you, try playing to their ego. Acknowledge the effort your customer has made, and find out what you can do to help make his or her purchase decision as informed as possible – even if it means pulling in outside resources. And it’s no secret you can learn more when you listen. Experts say that the salesperson should handle only 20% of the talking, with the customer handling the burden of conversation through the sales process. By letting your interactions play out this way, you won’t find yourself scrambling for info. From selling tablets to selling furniture warranties, being aware of how to interact with and ultimately sell to Millennials who know their stuff will continue to be an increasingly important part of how you do business. Make sure you’re prepared for the challenge by accessing relevant data, listening to your in-the-know customers, and leaving the bluffing at the poker table

26/07/2016 09:03


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PROFILE Swanglen Furnishings

Swanglen is set to be one of the stars of next month’s Bed Show, where it plans to introduce a next-day headboard delivery service. Furniture News speaks to sales director Nick Gigg to discover how the Bristol-based manufacturer has found a new lease of life since its acquisition three years ago …

Tasteful, trendy, and on time

Bedsteads, headboards and furniture – Swanglen can deliver a co-ordinated look

Swanglen Furnishings stood proud at the entrance to last year’s Bed Show. Tastefully-curated colour and fabric upholstery combinations across a variety of headboards, beds bases and furniture made it one of the show’s stand-out displays. “Our 2015 Bed Show stand really turned some heads,” remembers Nick Gigg. “It was tasteful, and on trend. Our use of upholstery fabrics on headboards and bed frames was definitely a significant step forward for the company at that time.” As well as reinforcing that product offer, this year’s show – taking place at Telford’s International Centre over 20th-21st September – will see Swanglen launch a next-day headboard delivery service that is ideal for independents and online businesses. Easy to package and deliver, headboards can be the perfect addon sale or replacement product for anyone looking to refresh their bedroom. Swanglen’s next-day offer comprises 10 bestsellers, in four fabrics and three sizes, and is supported by helpful display racks. “We’ve been running this range quietly for a few months,” says Nick, “and we’re now set to launch it to our whole customer base.” He says that early respondents have been “blown away” by the quality and finish of the range, and were impressed by the “perfectly straight

“Rather than broadening their ranges, many companies are working hard right now to consolidate their offers”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 50

The factory is flexible enough to handle jobs of all sizes lines”, buttoning and fabric quality. Of course, Swanglen’s ability to meet demand for a fashion-first product with such expediency has not come about by accident. The Airsprung Group swooped to rescue Swanglen from liquidation in 2013. Already heavily reliant on the headboard supplier, it made sense for Airsprung to bring these capabilities in house, before exploring further synergies. At that time, Nick had worked within the group for nearly seven years, during which time he moved from a sales area manager

26/07/2016 09:03

Swanglen Furnishings PROFILE | 51 Charlotte headboard in slate

position at Airsprung Beds to the equivalent position at Cavendish Upholstery. When long-term Swanglen principal Martin Allen stepped down in 2014, Nick – equipped with his knowledge of beds and upholstery – was well placed to lend the new acquisition his sales and marketing expertise. “Swanglen was a perfect fit for Airsprung,” he says. “We’d never manufactured our own headboards in house – they are quite complex to produce in volume, which ruled out many third parties.” Significant changes have been made across the board since. “It was important to steady the ship,” says Nick. “The production process at Swanglen has always been really good, but, to be honest, the business was lacking in other areas. More than anything else, it was reactive, and lacking in focus. The offer needed rationalising, and the company needed to start innovating.” Directed by stockist feedback, Nick began refining the range of models and fabrics. “There is a mood out there – and not just in the

Manhattan headboard in sky fabric

furniture market, it affects grocers and fashion too – that there’s often too much choice available, which can be a negative,” says Nick. “Rather than broadening their ranges, many companies are working hard right now to consolidate their offers.” Swanglen’s swatch now comprises just 40 fabrics, representing a strong cross-section of materials and styles. “It’s really easy to use,” says Nick, who has taken a similarly focused approach to marketing, reinventing Swanglen’s brochure, price list and website to maximise clarity and ease of use. Fabric sourcing was a key concern. Swanglen draws upon a mix of UK wholesalers and European mills, stepping “outside the box and going a little further to find the latest fabrics” when creativity is called for. The company benefits from working with some of the biggest names on the high street and internet, which gives it an eye on the latest trends. Upon his appointment, Nick set out to retain and build Swanglen’s sizeable stockist base, and the process, bolstered by these >>>

Attention to detail is paramount

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 51

26/07/2016 09:03



PROFILE Swanglen Furnishings

Nick Gigg in discussion with operations manager Gary Snook

developments, is going well. “The uptake has been nothing but positive,” he says. Since it became part of Airprung’s portfolio, Swanglen has presented the group’s bed brands with numerous opportunities. Swanglen’s headboard expertise means that Airsprung can offer potential partners a one-stop shop for all their bed product demands. Swanglen has reaped the benefits too, says Nick. “Having the group’s backing and investment has definitely given Swanglen greater influence,” he says. “We’re lucky enough that we can implement significant changes where necessary. “As a small headboard supplier, having access to some of the bigger buyers dealing with Airsprung has been extremely helpful. We’re dealing with large online entities and multiples, and the economies of scale and terms of throughput that come with doing so means we can accommodate volume production and develop our in-house skills. The service to our independent customers alongside this just gets better and better.” The restructuring of Swanglen’s factory began late last year, and is now nearing completion. Increasing volume drove the need for more efficient use of space and further capacity. Nick says that the restructure has had “a positive effect on everything already”, resulting in a flexible manufacturing space that can handle jobs of all sizes. Today, Swanglen is better equipped than ever to adapt to the varied demands of its customers – from entry-level retailers to volume players and contract projects. The 20-plus staff working at the Bristol factory – the majority of which are long-term employees – have been quick to adapt to the changing environment, whilst keeping an eye on quality control.

“We’re dealing with large online entities and multiples, and the service to our independent customers alongside this just gets better and better”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 52

Seville headboard in amethyst

“Swanglen may be part of a bigger group now,” says Nick, “but there’s definitely a small company feel here. The staff take real pride in what they do.” Year on year, a refined, refreshed Swanglen continues to emerge. Continuously offering fresh ideas alongside an impressive core range, the headboard specialist is proving its suitability within the modern retail – and etail – arena. “If we can keep developing new designs, sourcing fabrics, and tailoring our ranges and price points to the customer,” says Nick, “the potential is huge.” T 0117 971 1200 W

26/07/2016 09:04


While you sleep...

Swanglen now offer a next day delivery service for selected headboards and fabrics. Visit stand G10 to find out more.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 53128x188 AW.indd 1 SWA_6313 Swanglen Ad 2015

26/07/2016 14/07/2016 09:04 12:03



PROFILE Mellow One

Mellow One Furniture is one of the newest wholesalers on the scene, offering factory-direct solid wood and painted ranges from China. Fresh from overseeing the company’s exhibition debut at the Manchester Furniture Show last month, MD Wayne Prince speaks to Furniture News …

One to watch Based in Harlow, Essex, with a warehousing and logistics operation in Birmingham, Mellow One Furniture offers solid wood and painted furniture for the bedroom, living and dining areas. The company launched its newest range, Lilybrook, at the Manchester Furniture Show. Offering a country feel, with a natural oak top and a body painted in a choice of two colours – soft cream or lava grey – Lilybrook has been developed to suit modern tastes. Wayne points out that working closely with the manufacturer brings about great potential for product development. “We create our new lines by thinking about efficiency from the factory floor upwards,” he says. “By repeatedly utilising certain components, you not only make the pricing better, but you have a happy factory. This in turn keeps production going, and stockholding consistent.” The company was founded in July last year when Wayne was approached by a Chinese manufacturer to act as its wholesaler in the UK. Having worked in the furniture industry for almost 20 years, Wayne was excited by the opportunity to bring retailers the optimum combination of product and service. “We endeavour to offer great customer service, and find the products that our customers want and keep those in stock,” he says. “We also have the ability to deliver direct to the retailer’s customers if needed.” Delivering such a comprehensive service is no simple matter, but it is this kind of initiative which helps set Mellow One apart from the crowd in this competitive arena. And, although Wayne is wary of the immediate and long-term consequences of Brexit, he is confident that Mellow One’s approach and offer is what today’s market needs. “It is what it is, and I believe we just need to pick ourselves up and get on with it,” he says. “In this business, you have to be constantly on your toes, and not scared to accept a change in direction if something isn’t working.” With possible new ranges and a fresh colour in development, Mellow One, which will boast an even stronger portfolio before the year is out, is definitely one to watch … T 0800 061 4394 E

Wayne Prince


Furniture News 329 V27.indd 54

26/07/2016 09:04



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Furniture News 329 V27.indd 55

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Following the success of its first design law seminar in June, The British Furniture Manufacturers (BFM) is to host a repeat event this autumn – just one of the many benefits on offer to BFM members.

Second design law seminar for BFM

The BFM supported three of its members at Milan’s Salone Internazionale del Mobile in April

The BFM’s seminar will cover topics such as copyright and design protection, intellectual property and laws, as well as copyright in fabric and two-dimensional designs plus trademarks you should own together with future trademarks. It will also review well-known case law. Jackie Bazeley, MD of the BFM, says: “We are delighted with the success of our first seminar. This is just one example of how we listen to our members and their needs and how we are continually evolving to create new benefits for them.” BFM membership benefits include access to the BFM logo on all promotional materials and commodity pricing reports, which, given the currency fluctuations and increases on raw materials, will become an increasingly important tool for members to monitor supplies. Plus members have use of online furniture directories, regular UK and international sale leads and exhibitor space discounts along with VIP benefits at the January Furniture Show. Members also receive solutions, advice and practical support. BFM members that produce 75% or more of their products in the UK are also granted access to the Great British Furniture campaign which helps to raise awareness of British-made furniture and what makes it great in the eyes of the consumer, retailers, contract specifiers, architects and the wider international audience. Launched seven years ago, it has seen a number of high profile names sign up in support, advocating British-made furniture with easily identifiable point of sale material. Members also enjoy access to benchmarking and trade data, including annual and quarterly reports on the performance of the

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 56

The BFM also organises the London Fabric Show, which will take place on the 27th and 28th February next year industry. Further useful benefits are export services, preferential benefits, health, safety and environment advice via phone and email and commercial agency agreement and advice as well as information on EUTR. The BFM lobbies and advances the interest of the furniture industry directly with government through The British Furniture Confederation, the All Party Parliamentary Furniture Group of the House of Commons and the European Furniture Manufacturers Federation. T 01494 569124 E

26/07/2016 09:04


Our British furniture manufacturers are committed to providing the highest levels of comfort, safety and quality to their customers - just three of the traits that make out Great British furniture ‘great’. IT IS furniture for any age, style, budget or taste. IT IS for the traditional, contemporary, classical or modern home. IT IS desired and admired the world over. ASK if IT IS

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Furniture News 3291 V27.indd 57 BFM Advert.indd

British or look out for the label

26/07/2016 29/01/2016 13:05 14/04/2015 09:04 11:54



OUT & ABOUT FIRA at the House of Lords

Event: Annual industry reception, hosted by the Furniture Industry Research Association and FIRA International Location: The Cholmondley Room and terrace, the House of Lords, Westminster Date: Friday 17th June Lowdown: Hosted by Lord Hoyle of Warrington, FIRA’s popular gathering brings the association’s members together to present awards including FIRA Ergonomics Excellence, FIRA Gold Certification and Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme (FISP) certification. Some 250 guests attended.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 58

26/07/2016 09:05

FIRA at the House of Lords OUT & ABOUT

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 59



26/07/2016 09:05





Introducing the Maria Dining and Occasional range. This range is finished in a soft, warm shade of walnut and is produced using only the best quality materials. The high gloss black or grey inserts although subtle are effective in their role of breaking up the walnut and adding a bit of colour. The range truly is well thought out and will look great on retailers shop floors and consumer homes alike. The true beauty of this range however is that Jual can deliver your sold goods using their tried and tested next day delivery service - there is a difference though. Maria 1500, 1300 TV stand, Tall Cabinet and Coffee Table

This range is delivered

FULLY ASSEMBLED! On top of delivering this range next day AND fully assembled you will not be able to find these products online.... ANYWHERE!

Maria Dining Table, Chairs and Sideboard

HIGH STREET EXCLUSIVES BY JUAL….BECAU Furniture News 329 V27.indd 60 Jual Advert 329.indd 1

26/07/2016 09:05









Jual are also delighted to be launching their first Solid Wood range. The Natural Oak finish combined with the black powder coated legs give the units a nice blend of a modern yet traditional look. This range again is only available on the HIgh Street and is delivered Next Day. Jual can even deliver direct to your customers home.

“We really have tried to take on board comments from our retailers and tailored this range to suit the needs of the High Street” Julie

CONTACT US Phone: 01443 816982 | Email:

Powell Director at Jual Furnishings.

SE BRICKS AND MORTAR MATTER Furniture News 329 V27.indd 61

26/07/2016 22/07/2016 09:05 09:07


Wiemann’s Multiplus in champagne and havanna

Christmas Typography cushions, Gallery Direct

At the core of Gallery Direct (01795 439159, is the company’s attention to detail and focus on design. Continually bringing new products to the market, Gallery is making strong inroads towards becoming a complete home furnishing supplier. At the beginning of this year Gallery launched three high-quality furniture ranges – Wycombe, Kielder and Marlow – for dining, living and bedroom. The Wycombe collection is made from a combination of fine solid oak and veneers. The bedstead adds understated elegance to a room and offers a contemporary palette to suit a range of interiors. Gallery Direct knows that it is vital to stay ahead of the trends, and consequently offers a collection of seasonal on-trend products. At last month’s Manchester Furniture Show, Gallery launched its Christmas soft furnishings range, which includes premium hand-embellished linen blend and metallic foil-printed cushions, along with a selection

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 62

Wycombe bestead, Gallery Direct

of contemporary Typographic cushions with a textured tapestry face and faux velvet reverse. Space, accessibility, and practicality are just some of the key factors that influence consumers when it comes to choosing bedroom furniture. German manufacturer Wiemann’s (01482 635283, sales@ latest ingenious concept, Multiplus, combines the best of these elements. Slide open the two central doors to reveal a well-lit, bijou dressing area, packed with hanging space, shelving and drawers, all in smart narrow grey and white stripes and in a unit just 110cm deep and in three widths (2.5, 3 and 3.3m) and two heights (217 or 236cm). Back to the exterior – behind the outer sliding doors is additional slimline storage which can be fitted out with a choice of accessories from floor-to-ceiling shoe racks to mirrors, hooks, pull-outs and further shelving. Other extras include LED wardrobe interior lights with motion detector and soft-

Latex Shire, The Shire Bed Company

close mechanisms. The VIP range also offers a comprehensive collection of bedroom pieces such as night cabinets, chests of drawers, and mirrors. It is available in alpine white, soft champagne or havanna – and also combinations of these. The Shire Bed Company’s Latex Shire is 100% natural, harvested from rubber trees and processed to create a super-springy, comfy foam. Hypoallergenic, anti-microbial and virtually dust-mite resistant, the Latex Shire handmade mattresses include the pocket-sprung 2000 and 1000, moulding to the body, distributing weight evenly and eliminating painful pressure points. These no-turn mattresses come with natural latex fillings and are finished in high-quality extra soft Belgian damask as well as air vents and flag-stitched handles as standard. The Shire Bed Company produces highquality beds, mattresses and divan bases, and supplies nationally and internationally >>>

26/07/2016 09:06

3’0 Skid & 3’0 Contract Mesh Designed & Tested For heavy contract use Assembly possible in 4 minutes or less CONTRACT MESH

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Other beds in the contract range

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Tel - 01785 250888 Fax - 01785 241888 Email - Web -

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 63

26/07/2016 09:06

TRADE SALES hotel owner


interior design


One of the Leading Suppliers of Beds & Mattresses with

FREE FAST DELIVERY ACROSS THE UK We can supply you and your business with; • Mattresses • Bed Frames • Divans • Pillows & more

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Call Us NOW for our Best Offers,

With FREE Next Day Delivery * no matter how many mattresses or beds you need!

Call: 0800 5677625

View our massive range online at: * Orders over £45 qualify for FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY made before 4pm Monday to Thursday.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 64

26/07/2016 09:07





Verona bedframe, Matza

Bluebone launched an array of new product at the Manchester Furniture Show

Matza offers a glimpse of its new collection

to major retailers and the contract sector including education, care and hospitality. Matza (01924 458699) has utilised its design expertise to develop a new range that is big on visual impact yet compact enough to suit today’s bedrooms. The company, known for its designled, contemporary upholstered beds and innovative mattresses, will unveil the new collection on stand C20 at the Bed Show, taking place from 20th-21st next month in Telford. MD Asif Ayub says: “These beds are designed to be statement pieces without overpowering the bedroom. We have listened to feedback from customers and designed what they want – ‘wow’ beds which fit in their rooms. “We are excited to be revealing the range at the Bed Show. We can promise great contemporary looks – twinned with the ultimate in comfort thanks to our mattresses,

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 65

Kettle Interiors’ Bed Collection features both natural oak and painted finishes

produced using Outlast smart fabric and our own Zero Gravity foam.” The new models include the Verona chesterfield bedframe, which sets a standard for a traditional look with a contemporary twist. The bed comes with the pedigree of Matza’s 40 years of experience in producing top-quality upholstery. “We wanted to offer customers a whole bedroom look rather than just a bed to fit into a room,” says Asif. “Our bedframes and headboards have design-led features which give them an overall style.” Bluebone (0161 330 8959) recently launched a range of new products at the Manchester Furniture Show. With a special focus on striking product photography and a new customer service system where customers can order and view stock online, Bluebone is keen to improve its current market position as a provider of unique and stylish furniture.

New ranges include new bedroom and occasional ranges in storm grey, a crisp new Cottonwood dining range, and a brand new dining chair collection. Kettle Interiors (01536 444960, sales@ launched its Bed Collection, bringing retailers a selection of styles in natural oak and painted finishes, each in a range of sizes. Featuring five designs, the Bed Collection is ideal for retailers looking to expand their offer, working as an option with the supplier’s furniture, or as an addition to divan and mattress line-ups. The range covers contemporary and traditional looks in sizes from 3-5ft. Available from UK stocks, the Bed Collection can be purchased through Stockist, Wholesale or Container packages. It features on the supplier’s new website for instant orders, as well as in Kettle’s Autumn/Winter 2016 brochure. >>>

26/07/2016 09:07




Core Products’ (01738 630555) Denver furniture is constructed using speciallyselected timber from carefully-managed forests and also hand finished to recreate the look of aged wood furniture. Every piece is made using traditional cabinet makers techniques with inset panelling and mortice and tennon joints in abundance. Fixing marks, cuts and joints have been replicated to add character within each piece of furniture, which brings to life this traditional design. The finish is created by applying several layers of colouring to hand-distressed

panels which are skilfully polished to build a rich patina then sealed by several coats of mellowed lacquer. An extensive range of Denver pieces are available to suit bedroom, living, dining and occasional use. Siesta Beds ( is celebrating 30 years of manufacturing in the historic Mulliners Works in Birmingham, which is synonymous with quality manufacturing since 1862. Ali Zaffar, marketing manager, was instrumental in putting in place a five-year plan to improve brand awareness along with many of the

Siesta Beds focuses on value as well as quality

updates to the works, including the modern fleet of vehicles and decommissioning of the old vehicles. This is also seen within the product range, with fillings like bamboo, a sustainable fibre as soft as wool or silk that has many features and benefits. The key to the growth of the business was not just the expansion of the collections, but by improving customer service and fast delivery, most areas receiving a weekly service. In today’s market, many retailers do not have large warehouses due the cost implications, whether it be from councils or landlords, so it is now one of the most important features, along with continuity of quality of the product. At the 2016 Bed Show, the company will be moving forward with new products, along with improvements on the existing product range, offering value without compromising quality

Denver, Core Products

WANTED! FURNITURE WHOLESALERS AND IMPORTERS Family owned and managed Chinese Furniture Factory in Qingdao seeks close co-operation with UK Wholesalers and Importers. We are not a Chinese sales company and wish to work directly with Buyers in the UK.

The factory has been established for more than 20 years and our main production is in solid oak. We are experienced at container shipments to the UK. With our competitive pricing let us help you to create better profit and a close co-operation with a hands on company. In the first instance please contact: Susan Gao, Overseas Sales Manager email: QINGDAO MURONG JINXIU HOME FURNISHING CO.LTD

Sinooak Advert V2.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 66

22/07/2016 09:00

26/07/2016 09:07



HOWLAMBS Bespoke Furniture & Kitchens Suppliers to the trade for over 15 years Reclaimed timber furniture specialists T: 0115 9532106 • M: 07521 461004

E: Howlambs Advert.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 67

22/07/2016 14:56

26/07/2016 09:07

Some people were just For over ten years Serene has been recognised for its huge range of quality bedsteads, daybeds, sofa beds and headboards - a diverse portfolio of designs in a wide variety of material combinations that include metal, fabric, hevea wood, faux leather and oak. There is something for every taste, budget and home, unparalleled choice backed by fast turnaround on orders and high quality customer service.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 68

26/07/2016 09:07

thought we about beds. What might be news to some is that it no longer stops at the bedroom. A touch of Serene can be sprinkled throughout the home with the arrival of inspired recliner, dining and occasional chair collections of design-led, affordable furniture. We are proud to now be building on our success of the past ten years by making inroads in to new areas of the home furnishing market. Contact us today for copies of all our brochures and start thinking of Serene as being more than just beds.

To request our brochures call 0121 505 0270 or email


Furniture News 329 V27.indd 69


LIVING 26/07/2016 09:07



BEDS & BEDROOM Slumberland

Slumberland’s Healthy Sleep Campaign aims to help raise awareness about the importance of sleep in a healthy lifestyle, and is supported by Great British Heptathlete and European Indoor Champion Katarina Johnson-Thompson, who is competing in Brazil this month.

Slumberland supports healthy sleep


“The importance of sleep – to me it’s vital,” says Katarina. “My coach has a strong mentality on getting the right recovery. He says it’s important to have rest days to make sure my body recoups properly and I’m ready to train the next day. I always try to get the most sleep I possibly can – I aim for 10 hours.” A healthy sleep routine also helps to improve focus throughout the day, aid a fitness regime, and incraese happiness – almost two of every three people blame their irritability on a lack of sleep. Slumberland’s unique system, comprising Affinity Foam, Pocket Springs, Mini Pocket Springs and Actipro Top Layer, promises to help deliver that all-important healthy sleep. W

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 70


26/07/2016 09:08

Get the edge over the competition with...

a good nights sleep. For a winning nights sleep

visit Furniture News 329 V27.indd 71

Supporting our athletes in Brazil 26/07/2016 09:08



BEDS & BEDROOM Silentnight

Silentnight is proud of its commitment to quality and product innovation, and this has been recognised by consumer champion Which? after rigorous independent tests have again listed two Silentnight mattresses in its prestigious Best Buy mattress category.

Silentnight retains consumer accolades

Which? Best Buy awarded for the Silentnight Mattress-Now 3 Zone memory foam

Awarded a 2016 Which? Best Buy for mattresses, this is the second year running that the Silentnight Mirapocket 1200 has been listed. A traditional double-sided, handtufted mattress, featuring the 1200 advanced Mirapocket spring system with targeted zoned support for superior comfort, this mattress also features Silentnight EcoComfort Fibre technology for responsive comfort. The mattress is Purotex treated to reduce moisture and dust mite allergens and create a drier, fresher and all-round healthier mattress, earning it the Allergy UK seal of approval. Which? called it “one of the best value mattresses we’ve tested”. Also, this is the fourth consecutive year that the Mattress-Now 3 Zone memory foam mattress has been listed as a Which? Best Buy. The mattress contains a layer of bodymoulding memory foam for pressure-free comfort, and features three areas of zoned support, with softer support for the shoulders and firmer support for the hips and lower back. The mattress is made of Silentnight’s high-density Miratex foam, which means no roll together. This mattress too has been treated with Purotex. The high-value mattress is rolled and boxed for convenience. According to

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 72

Which? Best Buy awarded for the Silentnight Mirapocket 1200 Which?: “If you’re looking for a memory foam mattress that will last, this Silentnight model can’t be beaten.” Marketing director Nick Booth says: “For consumers, this independent endorsement is a real mark of quality, and we know that consumers are influenced by and trust these reviews when looking for their new mattress.” The mattresses both have dedicated adverts in Silentnight’s latest national advertising and PR campaign, My Sleep Secret. The multichannel campaign leads with

genuine consumer reviews. The campaign features the Which? Best Buy endorsement and encourages consumers to go online and find out more about the products and to locate a retailer. Like all Silentnight mattresses, The Mirapocket 1200 and 3 Zone memory foam are handmade in the UK from quality materials that have all been stringently tested in the company’s in-house, SATRAaccredited test lab. T 01282 851111 W

26/07/2016 09:09

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 73

26/07/2016 09:09

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 74

26/07/2016 09:09

Highgate Beds BEDS & BEDROOM



Founded over four decades ago, Dewsbury’s Highgate Beds is a family-run company that draws upon extensive experience and far-reaching inspiration to develop some of the industry’s most progressive mattresses.

New technology lifts Highgate’s offer

Copper ottoman Zero Gravity 3000

Before being hand crafted, all of Highgate’s beds are designed in-house. Drawing ideas from around the world, and seeking to combine the traditional sleep experience with modern technologies, Highgate Beds conceived of such concepts as its renowned Zero Gravity foam, to which it has the exclusive manufacturing rights. Each product is developed through a process of design, prototyping and rigorous testing, including the roller test for durability – recently this test was carried out on the Zero Gravity 4000 mattress, which turned out the best results in the company’s history. Over the years, Highgate has seen its Healthopaedic brand grow to encompass ranges that utilise the likes of Zero Gravity technology. Thanks to the unique feel of its models, the brand now comprises the company’s fastest-selling products. Highgate reports that Zero Gravity foam works in a similar way to memory foam, but

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 75

Mozart 8000 in teal wool without the disadvantage of heat retention. The innovative material gives the user a sense of weightlessness whilst its components and fabrics provide cooling properties. “Developments like Zero Gravity show that the latest technology remains at the forefront of our product innovation,” says a company spokesperson. “The unique technology within the Zero

Teal ottoman Zero Gravity 3000 Gravity products is now the basis of our ever-growing Healthopaedic range. We are firm believers in helping people achieve the perfect night’s sleep, and know that we are achieving this with our current range, being branded beneath the tagline, To Sleep Perchance To Dream.” T 01924 454678 W

26/07/2016 09:10

Furniture Beds NewsV2.indd 329 V27.indd 76 Highgate 1

26/07/2016 09:10

It can only be‌

Contact us for more details T: 01924 454678 E: Furniture News 329 V27.indd 77

26/07/2016 13:59 09:10 14/07/2016


Dresser, Qingdao Murong Jinxiu

Arncliffe, Wood Bros

Coastal range, Indian Hub

Pickering, Wood Bros

Indian Hub (01293 772481) is a leading wholeseller and manufacturer of hardwood and industrial-style furniture based in Surrey. The company has recently added to its Coastal range, which is made from reclaimed timber from old houses and boats and has a natural wear and tear feel. The furniture that is unique and contemporary, ideal for designled homes as well as being eco friendly. Qingdao Murong Jinxiu (, a family-run furniture manufacturer in China, specialises in making high-quality solid oak furniture, the majority of which it exports to the UK. The company is not new to the market, boasting over 20 years’ experience, so

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 78

understands well what is required, and can produce to clients’ designs besides making its own ranges. This company is family owned and run, with no Chinese sales operations in between, which makes life much easier for the buyer. It is looking to expand its market, and welcomes enquiries from wholesalers and importers. The dresser pictured is part of a new range coming soon. For more information, contact Susan Gao, overseas sales manager, via the email address above. This year sees the launch of four new sofa and accent chair designs from Wood Bros ( – Malham, Arncliffe,

Ripley and Pickering. Arncliffe comprises a sofa and accent chair and is in the style of a traditional gentleman’s smoking chair which has piped scroll arms and a curvaceous scrolled back. The Pickering chair is a stylish and feminine accent chair with flowing arms that link through to the back. It features distinctive pleating and buttoning details as well as an enveloping back shape. The new upholstery designs are offered in a selection of 100% wool fabrics from the English woollen mill, Moon. The Moon swatch comprises over 20 complementary fabrics, from traditional plaids and tartans to understated plains and twills

26/07/2016 10:44


ALPHA DESIGNS UPHOLSTERY LIMITED T: 01902 492937 F: 01902 493700 E: Unit 1, Stag Industrial Estate, Oxford Street, Bilston, Wolverhampton WV14 7HZ Furniture Alpha.inddNews 1 329 V27.indd 79

26/07/2016 05/07/2016 09:11 16:11


Hint, Wood Bros

Greenwich dining chair in a new brown tartan, Serene

Frame, Wood Bros

DG Dining, Kettle Interiors

Wood Bros (01920 469241) launched two new dining collections this year, Frame and Hint. Frame is a farmhouse living-kitchen style collection designed for both formal dining and living spaces, constructed in character oak and in a new waxed finish. Frame is made up of a dining group with bench and chair option, and includes an island unit and floating shelves. Hint is a contemporary living and dining collection inspired by 1950s styling. Made in natural beech with painted options, it features retro curves and elegant tapered legs. With the continued expansion of Serene (0121 505 0270, through a broad choice of living and dining designs,

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 80

alongside its established bed collections, the company is increasingly becoming a one-stopsupplier for retailers across the UK. The company’s Dining Collection has been sensitively added to for 2016, with a string of new designs, fabrics and colourways – along with occasional pieces – to complement the dining tables and chairs, enabling a touch of Serene to be extended throughout the living space. With sumptuous fabrics in plains, tartans, stripes and florals, and table finishes in oak and walnut, customers are able to create their own unique look by choosing chair legs to match and chairs upholstered in one or several fabric colourways, including supple faux leather.

After the launch of the DG Bedroom collection late last year, Kettle Interiors (01536 444960, email sales@ has taken the same winning formula and applied it to living and dining furniture for the DG Dining collection. Launched at the Manchester Furniture Show, the painted collection features contrasting oak tops with classic styling cues, each piece supplied with a choice of chromeeffect or wood handles. With a total of 21 items, the range is equipped for the majority of needs. Featuring three sizes of extending dining tables, a variety of sideboards and living pieces, DG Dining is a competitive, high-value collection. >>>

26/07/2016 09:12

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 81

26/07/2016 09:13




Lygon dining chair, Parker & Farr

Parker & Farr ( has collaborated with multi-disciplinary and bespoke design studio Harris & Harris London to create a new collection, designed by Harris & Harris and manufactured by Parker & Farr in its Nottinghamshire factory. The collection’s two dining chairs are clean and modern in design but with references to the elegant and refined Art Deco style of the 1920s and 1930s. The collection allows for bespoke finishes and any fabric or leather.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 82

Louisa oak chair, Optimum Timber

Optimum Timber (01709 580182) has supplied chairs to furniture manufacturers and retailers for over 11 years. After many of the company’s customers requested better quality, non-finger-jointed solid oak chairs instead of the mass-produced Far Eastern varieties available, Optimum, after several months of working with an Italian manufacturer, is now able to supply a range of high-quality chairs. The solid oak range has no finger joints

Shaker oak chair, M & P Chairs

and is finished in a clear lacquer. Optimum offers a collection of full-fabric Italian chairs with oak legs to add to its extensive range, which includes bonded leather with oak legs and traditional beech farmhouse chairs. The company can deliver via its own transport within a 50-mile radius, or via a pallet service to the rest of the country. M & P Chairs ( was established in 2014 as a result of enquiries from old customers who could >>>

26/07/2016 09:13


Optimum Timber Supplies Ltd

Optimum Timber Supplies is in its 12th year of supplying retailers with high quality competitively priced chairs All our chairs are fully assembled, not the inferior KD variety. Our Italian oak chairs are not finger jointed, and all have dark brown seat pads. We also stock Italian full fabric chairs, a range of leather chairs and the traditional beech farmhouse range. Customers can collect from our warehouses in Mexborough, or can usually have orders delivered by our own transport or on a pallet service within a week.

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26/07/2016 21/07/2016 09:13 12:36


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M&P Chairs Advert.indd 1

14/06/2016 16:39

Jacobs International British Suppliers of Furniture Containers • •

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We offer direct container furniture deliveries to the customer’s warehouse!

New Website Coming Soon Soothill Business Park, Soothill Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 6LJ, United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0) 1924 420 727 E-Mail: Jacobs International v7.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 84

19/07/2016 09:11

26/07/2016 09:13




Maria, Jual not consistently source quality products at a competitive price. A lot has happened over the past 18 months, and the company feels that it is now starting to make itself known in the market, when certain other players appear to be reducing their chair offering. M & P Chairs also believes it has an edge, because it stocks the majority of the products it offers and endeavour to deliver fast. The company is working with some local associates to introduce some new table and dresser products. Jual ( has launched two brand new ranges which take a step away from its signature curve design and are solely available on the high street. The new Maria collection consists of eight pieces including both dining and occasional furniture. Jual has tried to cater for the high street retailers by offering all the pieces not only on next-day delivery but fully assembled. The second new range sees Jual delve into unchartered territory by introducing a solid wood collection. MD Alf Powell says: “We feel the time is right to expand our ranges to try and accommodate a wider audience. We have really taken on board what our customers have said to us over the years and tried to bring two ranges to the table that hopefully address our previous short comings as far as our product offering was concerned.” Jual will be exhibiting both new ranges at the AIS show in September.

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 85

Hamilton, Core Products The Hamilton collection from Core Products (01738 630555) offers a great value option for living and dining rooms. The collection incorporates a full range of dining, occasional and storage pieces, all of which are made from natural ash veneer finished in a hardwearing mellow lacquer complemented with ash convex handles. A selection of compact dining tables and chairs which are ideal for small homes further

enhance this range. Each piece is supplied ready to assemble in the home or store and features Core’s’ trademark dovetail drawers. All of Core Products’ extensive range is featured in its current brochure or on its trade-only website. Retailers can check stock availability and order online for delivery to store or direct to customer usually within seven working days or with a next-day delivery option and no minimum order

26/07/2016 09:13





212 Pedestal Extender

Upholstered Oxford X Back

Pine Extending Table Sizes 208 Legged Oval / 110 x 80cm / Open 146 x 80

Cottage Low

209 Legged D End / 140 x 90cm / 180 x 90 212 Pedestal / 107cm round / 147cm 214 Farmhouse / 140 x 90cm / 180 x 90 218 Double Pedestal / 153 x 106cm / 194 x 106 all available ITW

Clarke Stool & Amish

High Kitchen Table & Clarke Stool

Amish Solid Seat

x-back Bistro Rush

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 86 1 Double Page SpreadYOTFC.indd

X-back Bistro Solid

Bretton Rush Seat

Amish Upholstered Seat

Bretton Solid Seat

Liége Solid

Farmhouse Slats

Liége Upholstered Seat

Farmhouse Fiddle

Rustica Rush Seat


26/07/2016 09:14

Te l e p h o n e : 0 1 6 0 4 8 9 0 9 5 6 YOTFC ltd. 3 Roe Farm, Cogenhoe NN7 1NL Email: or

Harrington Upholstered

Harris Solid Seat

Howard Upholstered



New Grandfathers!

New Rockers!

Dijon 1220 x 750 4/6/8 Seater Extends to 2220 x 750 Also available in 1400 x 900 4/8/12 seater Extends to 2500

Provence Solid

Provence Leather

Dijon 90 4/6 Seater 90 x90 closed Extends to 160 x 90 Provence Upholstered

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 87

Provence Rush

26/07/2016 25/07/2016 09:14 16:55

FURNISHER Following its success at the January and Manchester furniture shows, Flair Rugs (01457 850660, will bring its rug portfolio to stand C52 of The Flooring Show, which takes place in Harrogate from 18-20th September. With the company’s spring/summer launches making their mark across the country, The Flooring Show will see the launch of the company’s autumn/winter collection, featuring rugs to suit all tastes and budgets. From the super-shaggy Athena Collection to the intricate designs of Persia and Venice, recent and as-yet-unseen collections will be on show. Gareth Davies, sales and marketing director, says: “We have not exhibited at the show for a few years now, but in recent times we have seen it go from strength to strength and are pleased to return to play a part in its revival. “We are extremely proud of the collections we have at Flair Rugs, and exhibitions allow visitors to really absorb the portfolio in person. They allow our team to talk about the design concepts, along with feature benefits behind every collection, and we look forward to meeting new and existing customers in Harrogate this autumn”

Persia, Flair Rugs


New range of mirrored bedroom furniture • Mirrors • • Mirror framed artwork • • Art Nouveau Mirrors •

Contact Dave Butler T: 07715 690267 or contact Dan T: 07770919453 • E: DB Mirrors Advert.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 88

21/07/2016 13:50

26/07/2016 09:14

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DESIGNER In Design – Magnus Long

Magnus Long is a British industrial designer based in London. His design studio – Magnus Long Design Studio – designs furniture and lighting for forward-thinking brands such as Modus, Hitch Mylius, Lerival, Deadgood and The Conran Shop.

In Design: Magnus Long, Cross Leg Chair “I design useful, honest objects and try to connect people with beautiful craft and engineering”

“The design features a crossing back leg and leather upholstery with a cross-stitch which runs around the perimeter of the seat to highlight the inviting shape”

“The chair has a subtle in-built lumbar support which provides supreme comfort within the generous seat shell”

Training: Magnus studied Furniture and Product Design at Nottingham Trent University from 1997 to 2001. Achievements: Magnus won the Furniture Makers’ Company’s Jonathan Hindle Prize for design excellence in 2015, and was also awarded Design Guild Mark awards from the Furniture Makers’ Company for his Stix Table and Cross Leg Chair in the same year. E

“The chair is manufactured in Italy by a maker with a heritage in leatherwork ”

“The idea for this chair came about from wrapping Post-it notes around and into cones to create a supple but stable shell for the seat”

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 90

26/07/2016 10:38



For two freshly launched brands from the USA – ClassicFlame and Bell’O – on a commision only basis We are a leading US manufacturer with a UK branch and warehouse, offering award-winning TV stands and desks. We introduced a new concept in the UK market – entertainment furniture with built-in electric fire. We are supplying all major US retailers and we are looking for the right partners in the UK. Our products are not yet available in high street chains.

CONTACT ANDREW BOT FOR MORE INFORMATION: +44 (0) 757 2583240 Classic Flame Advert.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 91

22/07/2016 12:30

26/07/2016 09:14



DESIGNER Another Country

Echoes of Dorset May saw the Furniture Makers Company award the latest round of Design Guild Marks to some of the most deserving new British designs. Among these was David Irwin’s Hardy Chair, part of the Dorset Series collection commissioned to celebrate supplier Another Country’s fifth anniversary. Newcastle-based industrial designer David created the solid oak Hardy chair as part of a bespoke studio line highlighting the history and landscape of Dorset. The chair was inspired by Dorset-born novelist Thomas Hardy. Referencing the past and present, it features a steambent backrest which flows continuously around the seat to embrace the user, whilst providing a comfortable armrest. “When designing the chair I purposely wanted to have one foot in the past to an extent, drawing reference from chair typologies of Hardy’s era whilst creating something relevant for today,” explains David. Two typologies from the 19th century further influenced the design: the lowbacked wooden Captain’s armchair; and the Smokers bow, a low-back Windsor often found in smoking rooms, public houses, barber shops and cottages. David looked at the construction details of these chairs and stripped them back to a minimum. David had been aware of Another Country since its launch in 2010. Another Country’s founder Paul de Zwart says: “We’ve always been a fan of David’s work, and the Dorset Series project gave us the perfect opportunity to work together.” This is the second Design Guild Mark Another Country has received, having previously been awarded in 2014 for Desk Three by Marie Dessuant, the company’s head of design. W W W

“I purposely wanted to have one foot in the past”

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 92

26/07/2016 09:14


Over 100 Years of Results & Profits!

“I am following up on the recent Lynch Sales event held in de Gruchy to say thanks for a great result, beating our sales and gross margin targets as well as coming in under budget on Marketing!” Neville Moore • Managing Director de Gruchy, St. Helier • 10th May 2016

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EXPERIENCED SALES AGENTS REQUIRED Casabella designs and manufactures high quality contemporary dining and bedroom furniture in Italy and has traded in the UK for 10 years with some of the most prestigious retailers. In the past 12 months, Casabella has seen significant increase in the business and expects further growth with the addition of new products, excellent images/ literature, delivery to the UK by its own logistics, supported with a DHD service. Casabella is now looking for experienced, well connected sales agents with a proven track record of selling higher end collections, who possess the essential personal drive and genuine enthusiasm for the industry and contemporary design products. Sales Agents are required to develop business in the following two regions: Scotland - North East England Casabella already has active accounts in these areas

Please apply in writing to Delia Knight, UK Sales Manager

Alan & Clive Brooks and the Clements Team Clements, Watford • 4th May 2016


Casabella Advert.indd 1

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01/07/2016 12:20

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Steely Trolleys 135mm x 88mm ad.indd 1

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 93

26/04/2016 09:05

26/07/2016 09:14

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 94

26/07/2016 09:15


Onsite Furniture Repairs


Repairing furniture, protecting brands, restoring faith

LEATHER | FABRIC | WOOD We manufacture professional repair products and provide training solutions to customers worldwide, so who better to use for all your service upholstery needs?

Nick Allan: 07554 994521 Tel: 0844 879 3691

WANTED! FURNITURE WHOLESALERS AND IMPORTERS Family owned and managed Chinese Furniture Factory in Qingdao seeks close co-operation with UK Wholesalers and Importers. We are not a Chinese sales company and wish to work directly with Buyers in the UK.

The factory has been established for more than 20 years and our main production is in solid oak. We are experienced at container shipments to the UK. With our competitive pricing let us help you to create better profit and a close co-operation with a hands on company. In the first instance please contact: Susan Gao, Overseas Sales Manager email: QINGDAO MURONG JINXIU HOME FURNISHING CO.LTD

Sinooak Advert V2.indd 1 Furniture News 329 V27.indd 95

22/07/2016 09:00 26/07/2016 09:15



FEATURE LAST WORD subJackie heading Bazeley

Jackie Bazeley MD, British Furniture Manufacturers Association (BFM) The BFM is a non-profit-making organisation run by members for members, providing a wealth of information on a range of industry topics. These include employment law, export, health, safety and the environment, commodity pricing and preferential purchasing.

How did you enter the trade? My first role in the trade was as a national training manager for FFINTO (Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors National Training Organisation). I had undertaken a secondment from Boots Contract Manufacturers (BCM) to the Pharmaceutical National Training Organiser (NTO) and was contacted at the end by the DfEE (Department for Employment and Education – now BIS) co-ordinator advising of a job in the Furniture NTO. I made a call, had two interviews and left BCM for a new career. Who is your inspiration? My family. My father was a cabinetmaker by trade and my mother a soft furnisher. I had no intention of following in either of their footsteps, but I learnt my work ethic from them – the more you put in, the more you get out. My dad was also meticulous in attention to detail and quality. Maybe I could have learnt a bit more from him! My great uncle was a businessman and when I was young he went to all sorts of exciting places like Turkey – when I was five it was fairly unheard of! – and that stimulated my desire for travel. What has been your career high point so far? There have been a number. I have always wanted to make a difference, especially

through education and training, hence initially starting out as a teacher. To see a 50-year-old woman dancing round an office when I presented her with an NVQ – as it was her first ever qualification – made all the bureaucracy of the scheme worth while. Receiving the Freedom of the City of London, becoming a Liveryman of the Furniture Makers and most recently becoming assistant to the Court have also been high points. … and the low point? When I could no longer retain FFINTO as a specific industry entity as Government restructuring meant we had to merge with Proskills. The demise of Proskills has also left a mark. … and the turning point? Well, I have to say joining the BFM. I left Proskills to join the BFM as I needed a new challenge and it has certainly been that. It is enjoyable and has broadened my thinking and understanding of the industry. It is also my first job in the industry not directly related to education and training. Describe a typical working day I cannot say I have a typical working day. Of course I have emails to respond to and write and also phone calls to make but they may

“I learnt my work ethic from my parents – the more you put in, the more you get out”

Furniture News 329 V29.indd 96

not be conducted in the office, although I always phone in. I am in the office at least one-two days a week but otherwise I may be visiting members, attending meetings, hosting the London Fabric Show or abroad supporting members at overseas events, at EU social dialogue meetings or supporting project work. It is a varied role where you are directly helping members with the benefits provided or working behind the scenes. It is the variety of the job that I like. If you had to start over, you’d probably pursue which career? I originally qualified as a dress and design teacher with English as my second subject. I do not do any design or needlework now, which is a shame but I do read a lot. My son has just finished an English language degree and it made me realise I still have a pull, but towards English Literature, so may be a literary researcher. I also like my garden but I would not be cut out as a full time gardener as I only do it in the fine weather! What date on the business calendar do you most look forward to? It was always The January Furniture Show and I still enjoy being there and meeting members and non-members. Laraine Janes and Theresa Raymond have done a fantastic job of getting the exhibition back on track, however, I have to say now it is the London Fabric Show. Over the last two years we have taken

26/07/2016 11:18

Jackie Bazeley LAST WORD



the fabric exhibition from a small, almost provincial show, to one that is now on the map and growing. We do not have plans for it to be a large exhibition, but one that meets the needs of members and the wider industry. What is the most important issue affecting your business right now? The BIS proposal to change the Furniture and Furnishings (fire safety) Regulation with regard to policy, scope, testing and traceability and enforcement. At the core of the new proposal there is likely to be a new test regime, for covers and other materials which aims to reduce the amount of flame retardants used in the production of furniture without compromising safety standards. This is widely supported by the furniture industry but there are major concerns that it will potentially have an enormous resource and financial impact on the trade. BIS expects to complete and publicly consult on the revised proposal during the summer 2016. Brexit in the long term will provide some interesting issues too, although at the moment industry should recognise that nothing has changed. Imports/exports are operating the same and there is no change in regards to employing overseas labour. Also of potential significance, especially for SMEs, is the long-awaited announcement by UKTI regarding reform of the support it will give to British companies to export going forward, either as a new exporter or moving into new markets overseas. What company do you most look up to? The Boots Company as it was when I worked for them. They provided excellent staff training at all levels and gave all employees a sound basis to develop from. I learnt a lot from my time there and will always be grateful for the opportunities the company provided. Now, however, I think it is Volvo Cars which has been a separate company since 1999. Not a UK company I know, but their reputation was built on selling safer cars. In fact they gave away the most important safety device ever invented – the three-point seat belt. They continue to conduct business in an ethical and compliant way and are

Career digest 2000 – National training manager, Furniture, Furnishings & Interiors NTO (FFINTO) 2001 – CEO, FFINTO 2006 – Industry lead/strategic programmes manager, Proskills UK 2011 (to current) – MD, BFM

Furniture News 329 V27.indd 97

committed to sustainability. Their vision is to be ‘the world’s most progressive and desired premium car brand’ and believe that global success will be driven by making life less complicated for people, while strengthening their commitment to safety, quality and the environment – values that the furniture industry recognise and implement, which is what makes British furniture great. What would you most like to change about yourself? My height – many chairs are too deep for me and my feet dangle off the end. Chairs for people with short legs please! What do you enjoy most about working in the trade? It is a friendly, ‘gentlemanly’ industry which generally shows respect for each other. Leave us with an industry anecdote please! I worked with a company that was potentially supporting a project concerning

Quickfire Sweet or savoury? Savoury – although I do like chocolate! Holiday in the UK or holiday abroad? I prefer holidays in the UK mostly. Modern or traditional? That’s a tough one – I’d say I’m 50/50.

health and safety. I entered the premises and was guided to a seat in a meeting room. The two individuals I would be working with entered the room and we sat down – well, actually, I fell, as the chair beneath me collapsed and I plummeted down with legs in the air. Very embarrassing and very unladylike! They were full of remorse but blamed the health and safety representative – I did not pursue the project with them! It just goes to show fate sometimes does guide you in your judgement

26/07/2016 09:15

Further Reading On the web this month:

Do you have a story to share? To contribute, call the editorial desk on 01424 776105 or email

The Furniture News website is constantly updated with fresh stories. Visit to access the latest content, or sign up to the twice-weekly newsletter

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Resources: Why furniture manufacturers shouldn’t ignore recycling obligations

Keep up to date You can also sign up to receive free access to the digital edition each month, as well as the twice-weekly Furniture News e-newsletter, at – or email sam@gearingmediagroup to be signed up automatically. Don’t forget to follow the Furniture News Twitter feeds, @FurnitureNewsED and @Victoria_FNmag, to keep up with the latest news and opinions from the team.

News: Vogue appoints new Midlands agent

Furniture News is an invaluable resource for those operating in the UK domestic furniture and furnishings sector – but it’s just one of the titles published by Gearing Media Group.

er 2014








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Issue 54

14 16:25 HI54_Pag 29/09/20 esFINAL. 1.indd 1



News: Plentiful rebookings for Manchester Furniture Show


Octob ts / Produc s W14 Preview News / tions / Trade Service t / Installa Lighting ureproduct


Explore the


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ion by ege

| July

- August


carpets 25/07/201

4 16:25

Those involved in the contract furnishings market should take a look at Hospitality Interiors magazine (, while anyone seeking furniture manufacturing machinery or supplies should check out Furniture Production (

In next month’s issue:

Manchester Furniture Show review | Bed Show preview supplement Long Point preview | Autumn Furniture Show preview

Further Reading Furniture NewsAug 329 16.indd V27.indd1 98

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