TNR Campaign

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Integrated Communication Campaign For the Wisconsin Humane Society

TNVR: Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return. The proposed solution to the feral cat overpopulation problem

campaign goals 1 | Build awareness about issues related to feral cats, feral cat colony care, and the TrapNeuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) method for reducing the number of free-roaming cats. 2 | Educate the public in an effort to overcome current misperceptions about feral cats and cat colonies. 3 | Encourage participation in a variety ways to promote TNVR and save feral cats.

4 | Lobby local legislators to sponsor new TNVR legislation and/or change public policy. 5 | Build a community of support for feral cat caregivers and other concerned individuals using social networks.

key research findings • lack of awareness about issues related to feral cats and the TNVR initiative. • misperceptions about feral cats •  misunderstanding of overpopulation issues and conception of euthanasia as a viable option

campaign objectives • Increase Milwaukee County residents’ awareness about feral cats and TNVR by 15% by end of 2009 •  Recruit 15 new feral cat caregivers and 10 volunteers •  Inform four local veterinary practices about feral cats and TNVR •  Raise fund and obtain “Wish List” items for WHS •  Build Feral Cat Advocacy Alliance •  Activate 1,500 people to write to their elected officials •  Enlist elected officials to introduce TNVR legislation

communication strategy • traditional public relations and advertising tactics • Save the Cats website and social media (blogs, RSS, Facebook, Myspace, social networking, YouTube) • viral communication


media tactics

traditional media • Media Kits

• Press Releases

• Brochures

• Bus shelter ads

non-traditional media • Public Demonstrations • Advertising Competition • Food Industry Outreach

public demonstration

public demonstrations • Cathedral Square Park • Street Stickers • Feral Cat Light Show


promotion items • Coasters • Water bottles

bus ad competition • Design bus ad panel by Milwaukee college Students judged by local professionals

Myth busters front


bus shelter advertising

outside shelter

inside shelter

social media & viral communication Social Networking Site

retro cat clock widget

social media

MySpace “Home Page” Flair”

Facebook “Pieces of


“The Perils of Felicity Feral� online, interactive edugame.

online quiz

special events College Move-Out

May 4-9, 2009

May 11-16, 2009

May 18-23, 2009

open mic night

lobbying • Op-ed piece • TNVR Petition • Advocacy Brochures •  RSS and blog •  E-mail outreach

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