TNR campaign Plan

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to WHS Dear Ms. Speed and Ms. Kline,

May 2008

Wakerly Communications has developed an integrated communication campaign to promote the Wisconsin Humane Society feral cat and TNVR initiative by strategically combining social media and viral marketing with traditional public relations and advertising strategies and tactics. The plan we have developed addresses the four established goals for this campaign. Our campaign, with a budget of $5,000, will launch in January of 2009 and is scheduled to run for a full calendar year. We are confident our Save the Cats campaign provides a solid strategic plan for the Wisconsin Humane Society to educate and inform Milwaukee County residents about its feral cat and TNVR programs. Together we can save the cats. Thank you for placing your trust in Wakerly Communications. Sincerely, Kate Kohler Production AE

Amy Meyer Production AE

Nora Pilak Awareness AE

Evelyn Bohan Awareness AE

Alyssa Wilson Education AE

Kanoe Fish Education AE

Jessica Gibson Special Events AE

Beth Warmuth Special Events AE

Cassandra Koehler Lobbying AE

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