2012-2013 Letter of Support from Silvercrest

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William Booth Founder

Linda Bond General

James Kjiaggs Territorial Commander

Douglas Riley Divisional Commander

The Salvation Army Silvercrest Senior Residence 1530 Fifth Street

Santa Monica, CA 90401

(310) 393-5336 • Fax; (310) 451-5416

Mr. Frank Mancuso

Chairman of the Board

Geffen Playhouse 10886 Le Conte Avenue

Westwood Village

Los Angeles, CA 90024

July 3, 2013

Dear Mr. Mancuso,

We write this letter in praise and gratitude for what our participation with the Lights Up

Program of The Geffen Theater means to the residents of the Silvercrest Senior Residence in Santa Monica. As a reminder, Silvercrest is a low to middle income, non-profit residence for

independent seniors, ages 62+, that is owned and operated by The Salvation Army. Of all the programs we do at Silvercrest, none is more appreciated than our association with The Geffen Theater. We are given 24 free tickets to each play of the season on the main Geffen stage and our choice of when to attend. Many of our residents do not drive anymore and even those who do are often afraid to go out at night. The Geffen staff is always completely accommodatingin helping us obtain matinee tickets to all the performances and helping us with any of the special needs of our residents. Their commitment, kindness, and generosity set a new standard for educational, community outreach— and the beneficial effect it can have for those lucky enough to participate.

Our resident's lives are greatly enriched and enhanced by this program. It stimulates their minds,

provoking thoughts and questions, and gives them something to look forward to. Many of our residents are on such fixed incomes that they can barely afford the price of a senior-discounted movie ticket, let

alone the price of a ticketto one of the greatest theaters in America. Our pre and postshow workshops inspire interesting, spirited discussions and most of our residents read the study guides cover to cover before attending the show. This is cultural enrichment that is

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