The hub, a platform for sustainaibility practice

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a platform for sustainability practice

Eugenia Chiara | PhD . Politecnico di Milano, RED research unit

Mauro Alex Rego | MA Candidate. Kรถln International School of Design

Design in a new social economy Social entrepreneurs Social Incubators

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

a special, sustainable place

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Research

• To identify the elements that compound the Hub environment; • To understand how it creates the conditions to sustainable design practices; • To define the guidelines to replicate it in other contexts.

Interview Observation Action research/direct partecipation

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

What is the Hub?

The Hubber

How it works? How can help the work of sustainable designers? How can be replicated? The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Amsterdam Atlanta Bay Area Berlin Bombay Bristol Brussels Cairo

Halifax Helsinki Johannesburg London Kings Cross Islington Madrid Milan

Oaxaca Porto Prague Riga Rotterdam Sao Paulo Stockholm Tampere

Tel Aviv Toronto Vienna

Where you can find a Hub?

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Who is who?

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Host

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Founders

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

How to Open?

Gather and to organize the interested community Space research Space co-design. Public presentation and invite more members.

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

Hubbers = Network

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = People

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = People different

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = People different together

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = People different together sharing The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = Community different together sharing The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

The Hub = CommunitIES differentS together sharing The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hub and Designers

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hub and Designers

Freelancers seeking for new networks and markets

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hub and Designers

People or small groups starting a new business;

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hub and Designers

Retired professionals (“creative retired”) starting new kind of business.

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

Design + Sustainability?

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

in design process

(e.g. using recycled and harmless materials);

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

in choosing the client

(e.g. just clients environmental and social ethical responsible);

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

and on internal methods

(e.g. by applying sustainable design methods and tools).

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Fernando Salvador

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Camille Barrios

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Clara Mantica

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Eefje Ernst

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Why do I choose the Hub?

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Why do I choose the Hub?

“Community Environment” and “Inspiring People”

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Why do I choose the Hub?

“Special Office” and “inspiring place”

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

it a platform for improving sustainable practices

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

It has a systemic approach

(i.e. engaging the final users on the conception), multi and transdisciplinary, and is adressed to all professionals involved in sustainaibility practices.

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

It’s a co-work space

thus intensifying the use of products by sharing it;

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

It’ engaged in the social and ethical dimension

and it diffuse and promote events about social innovation;

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

It’s a facilitator for knowledge sharing

with his networking strategies;

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

It promotes the local community cohesion

by gathering in a same place people from different economic and social strata on a workspace to share and work together (without an exploitation relationship).

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Assess and gather the local social engaged community

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Assess and gather the local social engaged community

- assessing the already existence of local social agents; - contacting this people that share the same values; - opening an initial blog about social innovation and social entrepreneurship showing examples and best practice to encourage the people - creating a local mailing list; - making an Hub group/account on socialnetworks like twitter and facebook and pushing discussion and information through this channel; - leading the process and involving the community in the decision-making process; The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Building up a right physical space

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

Building up a right physical space

- choosing a big, open, central and inspiring space - designing it with a co-creation process - defining rules, prices and way of use - organizing events to promote the space

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

To netweave new connections and partnerships

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

To netweave new connections and partnerships

- organizing networking events like potluck lunch, speed-networking - diffusing spreading through the mailing list collaboration requests and job opportunities - making recruitment for open job positions

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber

Thank you Grazie Obrigado Danke Dankzij Gracias Eyxaristò

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

The Hubber Rigths and Licence The pictures here used are under Creative Commons License. Their respectives autors keep all rights: - The Hub Network - Ben Shepherd - Ard Hesselink - Filippo Podestà

Thsi presentatios is licensed under Creative Commons. Please do not remix or use it for commercial aims. And please, always mention the source/authors.

The Hub: a platform for sustainability practice • LeNS Conference Sustainability NOW! • Bangalore • Eugenia Chiara & Mauro Alex Rego • 2010

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