GEG Travel NL Intro

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1988 年於荷蘭鹿特丹市成立,創業初期以接待歐美華人互往旅遊為業務基礎,經過廿多年的努力,


1993 年毅然進駐中國北京設立首家海外辦事處,開始接待來自中國大陸的旅客,更深信中國必將成為最龐大的出境旅 遊市場。2002 年成為首批 ADS 指定地接旅行社,荷蘭第一家。2005 為了市場的定位及邁向國際化發展,創立“歐 洲旅遊第一站”互聯網銷售平台 GOEUGO.COM 歐來歐去,推出皇牌產品「歐來歐去循環式旅行團」,取得重大成功,目前

2007 年於香港及上海成立子公司「至活旅遊有限公司」,致力在東南亞地區及中國開發客源,「至活旅遊」


旗下設有專注高端奢華旅遊服務的「至高旅會」及為旅客提供免費旅遊資訊擔當歐洲各國旅遊局橋樑的「歐洲旅遊資訊中心」。 歐美旅遊有限公司,擁有龐大的資源網絡、專業的員工隊伍及先進的作業系統,配合分佈於歐洲及亞洲共七個辦事處,定能提 供價質兼備及全面的一站式服務。 我們的產品服務多元化,由簡單的自遊行產品至高端奢華定制一應俱全,滿足不同需求的客戶群體。歐美旅遊歷史悠久、經驗 豐富、信譽超卓,是您拓展歐洲旅遊業務的最佳合作夥伴,歡迎洽商。


Founded in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in , GEG Europe Limited first aimed at serving European & American Chinese for their travel needs. Having been striving for excellence during the past 25 years, GEG Europe has developed into Europe's largest and longest standing organization wholly owned by Chinese. Nowadays, GEG Europe has become a famous Europe land operator and provide a one-stop solution for all Chinese travelers by offering outbound & incentive tours, product development and many more.


In , GEG Europe established its first overseas office in Beijing. With the vision that China would soon become the largest outbound tour


market, we began to receive visitors from Mainland China. In , not only did GEG Europe become the local travel agency designated by ADS (Approved Destination Status), but also the very first in the Netherlands. To further develop our reach internationally with a proper market position, GEG Europe introduced our internet sales platform "GOEUGO.COM" and


launched our flagship product "Europe Circular Tour" in . It has achieved unprecedented success and is now one of the most popular tours globally. To extend our reach in China and the South East Asia region, our subsidiary, GEG Travel Limited, was established in Hong Kong and Shanghai


in . In order to meet the diverse needs of our clients, we also set up G • Gold to focus on high-end luxury travel services. Meanwhile, GEG Travel has organized an Euro Travel Information Centre (ETIC) to provide free travel information for travelers, as well as to serve as a bridge for various European Tourism Board.

With our huge network of resources, professional teams and advanced operating system in all 7 locations across Europe and Asia, GEG Europe Limited can undoubtedly provide a high quality one-stop service with a competitive price. Our diversified services ranging from basic tour packages to custom-tailored luxury tours surely can meet the different needs of customers from all walks of life. Renowned for being time-honored, experienced and reputable in the industry, GEG Europe Limited is your best partner for developing European tourism business. Enquiries welcomed.

European Tour Operators Association 及 UK Inbound會員,信心保證


Mauritsweg 23 3012 JR Rotterdam, The Netherlands Tel: Fax: Email:

+31-10-201 8880 +31-10-281 0238

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