GEG Travel Introduction

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「至活旅遊有限公司」是一家提供全 方位歐洲旅遊地面服務的旅行社;其 Licence No.: 353192

母公司「歐美旅遊有限公司」始創於 一九八八年在荷蘭鹿特丹巿,是目前 歐洲最具規模、歷史悠久及根基最穩 固的華人全資旅遊接待機構,廿多年

專業 | 優質 | 可靠


Professional • Quality • Reliable ~ One-stop Solution for European Land Operator 「至活旅遊」充滿活力及創意,配合設於法國、荷蘭、匈牙利、英國、 等各歐洲辦事處,為全球旅遊同業及企業機構提供觀光、商務、主題 及獎勵等全方位一站式歐洲旅遊地面接待服務;廿多年經驗,專業. 優質.可靠。

來接待來自世界各地的華人旅客無數, 成績斐然。

As a dynamic and innovative company with the support from our offices in France, the Netherlands, Hungary and the UK, GEG Travel has more than 20 years of experience in providing the one-stop European land travel solutions for our industry peers globally and business organizations in a professional, excellent and reliable manner.

GEG Travel Limited is one of the leading travel land operator, offering comprehensive European land travel services. Its parent company GEG Europe Limited, founded in 1988

活力 | 創意 | 精彩


Dynamic • Creative • Splendid ~ All New European Tour Programs

in Rotterdam, the Netherlands,

「至活旅遊」擁有龐大的資源網絡,開拓多種嶄新歐洲旅遊方程式, 包括:全年保證出發的「歐來歐去循環式旅行團」;以二人定制式旅 遊為賣點的「M2 迷您自主團」;照顧既愛懶惰、又愛自遊人仕的「型 人自遊派」;「至活旅遊」的服務及產品可滿足不同需求的顧客。

is currently Europe's largest, longest standing and the most well established organization wholly

With a huge network of resources, GEG Travel continues to develop a variety of new European tour programs including the "Europe Circular Tour" that guarantees you could depart as planned, the "M2 - Mini Individual Tour " specially customized for 2-person private group, and the "Stylish Casual Package" for those who enjoy laziness and freedom. The excellent services and products at GEG Travel can always fulfill and indeed, exceed our customers' expectations.

owned by Chinese. GEG Travel has been serving numerous Chinese travelers from around the world and has been greatly successful for more than 25 years.

觀光 | 悠閒 | 深度


Sightseeing • Leisure • Insight ~ Diversified European Specialties Tours 策劃、安排各適其適的歐洲旅遊行程,「熱門常規路線」、「特色主 題行程」、「豪華五星享樂」均可完善接待;為大小團隊預定歐洲各 地星級酒店、大中小巴士、中西式餐廳、國粵語導遊等服務。 GEG Travel offers various well-planned and arranged European tours such as "Regular Europe Routes", "Themed Tours" and "Luxury 5-star Leisure Tours". Regardless the size of the tour, we ensure that star graded hotels, different sizes/types of buses, local or exotic restaurants, Cantonese or Mandarin tour guides can be arranged to suit your needs.

商務 | 獎勵 | 款客


Business • Incentive • Hospitality ~ Distinguished European Themed Tours 量身定制各種商務旅遊項目、設計特殊獎勵旅遊行程、得體款客興趣 主題旅遊;頂級五星酒店訂房、總統式禮賓車接送、特色餐廳晚宴傳統, 公餘興趣活動觀光遊覽節目安排,高級貴賓式接待。 Apart from a wide range of tours exquisitely tailored for different business travel projects, special incentive trips and decent themed tours, our menu also provides various top-tier 5-star hotel reservations, presidential limousine transfers, specialty restaurants, elegant & traditional dinners, leisure activities, sightseeing programs and VIP reception services to choose from.

European Tour Operators Association 及 UK Inbound會員,信心保證

歐來歐去 循環團


Europe Circular Tour

M2 = Mini Individual Tour

全年不停、保證出發,五綫循環 遍遊歐洲 15 個國家 50 多個城市!

您+我, 玩得起的奢華!

自行決定參加天數及上下團城市, 團費以每天計算,靈活實際,一人也保證成團。

二人起獨立出發,量身定制歐洲任何行程; 歐洲名廠豪華小型旅行車 ; 配合華籍司機,任由差遣,全程您作主。

• Available all year round • Guaranteed departure • 5 circular routes covering more than 50 cities across 15 European countries • Pick your own preferred itinerary, departing city and destination • Cost flexibly charged by day • Guaranteed departure even for 1 person.

• Affordable luxury! • Customized individual European tour for each 2-person private group, offering luxurious European station wagon with a Chinese driver guide at your service throughout the trip.



Stylish Casual Package

Sports Fans Tour

既可追求無拘無束的自遊樂趣 又可享受無微不至的窩心服務

帶領喜愛體育運動的您 出席歐洲體壇盛事

單一城市自遊行 , 一個費用解決住宿、機場接送的問題, 更有各式周邊遊的節目,讓您挑選配搭。

現場觀賞足球、網球、F1 賽車、賽馬等,親歷精彩震撼時刻。

• Perfect for those who pursue unfettered fun and meticulous services • Hotel package in a single city • One comprehensive fee inclusive of accommodation and airport transfers • Variety of matching side tour excursions to choose from.

• Irresistible for sports fans • Taking you to fully experience the fascinating moments at the top European sporting events like soccer, tennis, Formula 1, horse racing, and many more.

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The Ultimate In Luxury Travel 至高品位 • 跨越尊贵

真正懂得追求旅遊藝術的您,總是在各種非凡享受之中,散發著一種攝人氣魄; 那份自信與隨意,仿佛一切乾坤就在指縫間,把握有度。 「至高旅會」的視野遼闊剔透,早已對這層次的需求深刻理解, 每一個細節均拿捏有致,讓您率性地游走於歐洲任何一個角落,為優雅餘裕的生活增添更醉人的韻味。 特別為尊貴客戶提供層次非凡的“品牌式"旅遊服務; 除了備有多個極緻奢華的主題旅遊配套外, 「至高旅會」更特設無可比擬的量身定制旅遊顧問服務,確保策劃出「至高品位 ˙ 跨越尊貴」的完美旅程。

Those who truly appreciate the art of travel always exude an exceptional charm and confidence. By coming to us, there is no doubt you are above the rest, like us. G • Gold has always been farsighted and experienced in meeting specific travel needs of our distinguished VIPs. Each and every detail is catered to your every whim for only one purpose adding zest and a touch of the unexpected to your already-extraordinary lifestyle. Apart from a list of luxury theme tours, G • Gold also offers the most unrivaled and impeccable custom-tailored tours that ensure you can experience “the Ultimate in Luxury Travel”.

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「歐洲旅遊資訊中心」是一個公開互動的免費旅遊資源平台,擔當歐洲各國官方旅遊局與旅客的橋樑, 為各旅遊局提供宣傳及推廣的渠道,宗旨是匯聚全歐洲的旅遊資源,打造出行者的資源寶庫。 無論是國家旅遊局、省旅遊局、市旅遊局或旅遊景點, 通過「歐洲旅遊資源中心」實踐“共建平台 • 資源共享” 的宏觀理念。

Euro Travel Information Centre is an open and interactive platform that provides free travel information to tourists. It also serves as a bridge and promotion channels for the Tourism Offices of various European countries, while aiming to make all useful tourism resources easily accessible for travelers. The participating authorities, including the National Tourism Administration, Provincial and Municipal Tourism Bureau, or various tourist attractions, all make use of the European Tourist Information Centre to realize one common goal Together we build a platform for resource sharing.

w w w. e u ro t r a v e l c e n t re . i n f o

EUROPE 荷蘭 THE NETHERLANDS Mauritsweg 23 3012 JR Rotterdam NL +31-10-201 8880 Tel: Fax: +31-10-281 0238 Email: 法國 FRANCE 18 rue Pasquier 75008 Paris +33-1-4007 0442 Tel: +33-1-7841 4440 Fax: Email: 英國 UNITED KINGDOM 1-3 Old Compton Street W1D 5JB London Tel: +44-20-7758 3420 Fax: +44-20-7758 3424 Email: 匈牙利 HUNGARY ECE City Center, Room 412 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 12 1051 Budapest Tel: +36-1-797 5067 Fax: +36-1-788 3119 Email:

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ASIA 香港 HONGKONG 香港九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道 23-25 號 金馬倫廣場 18 樓 E-F 室

Tel: Fax: Email:

+852-3106 3838 +852-3106 3282

上海 SHANGHAI 上海市徐匯區漕溪北路 333 號 中金國際廣場 , B 棟 , 13 樓 1303 室

Tel: Fax: Email:

+86-21-3397 3648 +86-21-3397 3640

北京 BEIJING 北京市東城區東水井胡同 11 號 北京 INN, 4 號樓 , 8 層 B809 室

Tel: Fax: Email:

+86-10-5864 4741 +86-10-5864 4742

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