Gehl Annual Report 2020-2021

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t r o p e R Annual 2020—21

Gehl / Copenhagen Vesterbrogade 24, 5th floor 1620 Copenhagen V Denmark T +45 32 95 09 51 Gehl / San Francisco 1211 Folsom Street, 4th Floor San Francisco CA 94102, USA T +1 (415) 636 9130 Gehl / New York 395 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York NY 10014, USA T +1 (212) 537 6318

The world needs us, and we don’t have a lot of time to get further and faster with projects that demonstrate climate action, reduce inequalities, and strive for better health and wellbeing for more people. Helle Søholt Founding Partner & CEO

A message from the CEO I unfortunately open the 2021 Annual Report with an immediate mention of the global pandemic. It is impossible not to do so when thinking back on the year’s journey. For the world, the urban development industry, Gehl, our teams, and all of us as individuals the pandemic has brought a whirlwind of change and uncertainty. This much is clear! However, as the dust settles and we learn to live with its enduring impacts, we can be proud of the fact that we, as a company, are stronger than ever before. Our ability to respond and adapt as an organization has been tested, but with agility, perseverance and the rapid development of new tools we have been able to fully embrace the new demands our clients and collaborators demand of us. Not only that, we have taken steps to move beyond expectations and position ourselves to better respond to a world with ever complex, ever interrelated challenges.

One part of the adaptation to the way we work rests on our digital tool, the Gehl Lens. Despite the pandemic’s disruption, the Gehl Lens has allowed us to carry-out on the ground data collection at a large scale and in collaboration with local stakeholders and community researchers. In fact, the app has been present in 32 cities this year, proving a vital tool to better understand places and to make the lives of people more visible to the eyes of clients. Client facing tools are supplemented with new internal development too. We have implemented new systems across our three offices, dashboards and launched the Gehl Atlas; an internal roadmap making Gehl tools and resources more accessible and particularly important in times of virtual onboarding. ->

A new covid streetscape, New York

Photo cre

dit: Jan S

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

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A message from the CEO

Further adaptation has come in the form of our project management, namely remote project management. Throughout the year we have managed projects remotely in the Americas, Northern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. This ability to deliver complex projects and manage multi-stakeholder correspondence is testament to the talent of our Project Managers and a pillar upon which new and existing client relations have been established and strengthened. 2021 has also seen change at the executive level. Firstly with the appointment of a new CFO, Morten Johansson Birtø who presents our financial results later in this report, and the promotion of Esben Neander Kristensen to Partner. Reorganisation has meant the parting of ways with two partners, John Bela and David Sim, whom we are now collaborating with in new ways and who are both dedicated to expanding the field of people-oriented planning.

Lastly, but by no means least, it is now a year ago that we became signatories to the UN Global Compact’s principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption to uphold our basic responsibilities to people and planet. In addition to this Annual Report we have therefore also submitted a Communication on Progress to the UN to confirm our engagement in the Global Compact. With 2021 turning to 2022, and at this time of year, it is a time to be grateful. I want to extend a big thank you to all Gehl People, our dear clients and collaborators, as well as our many followers all around the world. Thanks to all of you for your contributions this past financial year, for your adaptation, and for your collective achievements and increased impact.

Gehl San Francisco get together Covid style!

Helle Søholt Founding Partner & CEO

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


The Covid pandemic is the plot arc of the last two years. Every company is dealing with massive questions about the future of work, the future of commuting, the future of their products and services, the future of everything! There’s no return to normal. There’s a revealing of new possibilities and realities, and big opportunities for those companies who can make the right pivots. I think we need some more space to see how things will turn out, but there’s been no time in our lifetimes when everything has connected like this. Blaine Merker Partner, Head of Climate Action

Contents 1 Gehl — What we do 2 Project Highlights 3 A Word from Our Directors 4 Gehl x Digital Tools 5 Communication Year in Review 6 Gehl Social 7 The Financial Year in Review 8 Looking to 2022

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


1 Gehl — What we do Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Our purpose is our leading light

Our clients are the key to unlock our purpose and catalysts for enabling change.

g n i k a M r o f s e i Cit People

Governments (local, regional & national)

Corporations Strategy



Public Life

Our Enabling Change 2030 Strategy is our guiding framework

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

We work fo r cities and comm unities to be equitab le, healthy and sustain able places for all.


Housing Corporations

Developers (including Universities & development agencies)


We help cities, housing associations and campuses address climate, health and equity — strategically and at eye level

We make people visible through data

We help cities and foundations develop people-first and place-based solutions to create a healthier, more equitable world

We’re a fully integrated master planning practice, serving our clients from visioning through implementation

We help foundations find place-based solutions to wicked problems

We help companies be good corporate citizens

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


2 Project Highlights Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Project Highlights

3 1 Thrive Zone Pilot


Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


United States

Copenhagen, Denmark

Layering public life data with hyperlocal air pollution Gehl is mapping people’s exposure to bad air quality. In 2021, we worked with local organisations across three Copenhagen locations to pilot solutions that mitigate people’s exposure in places they regularly use.

Curative Place-Based Healthcare Strategy

Foodscape Analysis Philadelphia, Houston, Bogota

In many cities, the greatest barriers to accessing nutritious food are related to challenges within the public realm. Our Healthy Foodscape Strategies in Philadelphia, Houston and Bogota focus on key policy and public space interventions that expand equitable access to food for local people.

Building on a relationship that began early in the pandemic, Gehl helped health startup Curative pivot to a new market with a place-based healthcare strategy. We convened experts in business and behavioral sciences to recenter the healthcare business on determinants of health that are shaped by the city itself.

Google Global Placemaking Program Worldwide

Our partnership with Google deepened in 2021 as we entered a two-year commitment to continue to lead the company’s Global Placemaking Program. Our team, spanning California to the EU has delivered exceptional work bridging community, workplace and public life.


Project Highlights


6 5 15-min Full Community Life Circle (社区生活圈) Shanghai, China

Working directly with the City of Shanghai, Gehl developed a vision and pilot initiatives to convert the city’s 15-min community policy to a community strategy for a residential area in the heart of Shanghai. To complete the analysis, Gehl performed a public life analysis and worked on how to connect community life needs with improvements in the built environment. Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

Riga Port Masterplan Riga, Latvia

Following a city wide mobility vision in 2020, Gehl is developing a masterplan framework focusing on the relationship between public spaces and mobility. The project is pushing the boundary of what Gehl can deliver within the intersection of public realm and mobility.

7 Kenny Heights Masterplan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Arguably one of the most complex sites Gehl have worked on, this Masterplan looks to balance development, public realm, and nature with a uniquely dense context.

Trælasten ‘The Timberyard’ Masterplan Aarhus, Denmark

Now under construction Aarhus’s newest neighbourhood Trælasten ’The Timberyard’ focuses on community and sustainability. Only Denmark’s second pre-certified DGNB platinum neighbourhood, it has recently won Estate Media’s Project of the Year 2021 award.


Project Highlights

11 9 Rosemary Square Retail Based Urban Strategy Miami, Florida

Havelwerke Masterplan 10 Sluppen Masterplan Trondheim, Norway

From Mall to Neighborhood: In 2021 we’ve continued to guide the rapid redevelopment of Rosemary Square in West Palm Beach, Florida. This project is one of an increasing number where shopping centers are planned to transform into mixed-use developments.

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

Helping define a common direction for four landowners, Gehl delivered a vision and masterplan focusing on modern forms of production, regenerative sustainability and mobility connections to Trondheim.

Spandau, Berlin

With planned construction starting in 2022, Gehl has worked closely with clients SIGNA, helping define project aspirations and identifying site qualities, before delivering a masterplan concept with landscape & public space concept designs. Additional process advisory for a district in Spandau is helping celebrate the area’s existing qualities and creating a new destination for the city.

12 Karlsruhe Mobility & Public Space Plan Karlsruhe, Germany

Working with the City of Karlsruhe, Gehl is working to develop a public space and mobility plan. The backbone of the plan is the extensive engagement including a kick off event, online questionnaires, civic workshop, on site political workshop, online stakeholder workshop and interactive map. Pilot projects will follow in 2022.


Project Highlights


14 13 Daimler Circular District Concept Stuttgart, Germany

Gehl has worked with Daimler to define an approach for a circular district strategy focused around Daimler’s campus in Synergiepark Stuttgart. Our work so far has focused on how to use Daimler’s assets to make concrete actions that can benefit Daimler, the district and the whole of Stuttgart.

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

Knight Foundation Adaptive Public Space United States

Gehl partnered with the Knight Foundation to study the impact of seven public spaces across the U.S. The findings illustrate the power of public space as a platform for community development: whether by building resident trust, spurring social activity, supporting economic and workforce development, or catalyzing neighborhood change. The report demonstrates the importance of public spaces to the recovery of COVID-19 and to driving more equitable outcomes in cities.

Liberty State Park Concept and Vision Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Gehl worked with the People's Park Foundation to develop a vision focused on making Liberty State Park a place where all in Jersey City are welcome — by rooting in local identity, easing access and mobility, and blending dynamic programs. The project responds to the needs of Jersey City that coaches, educators, and community leaders have identified as pressing for the health, well-being and opportunity of the City's youth and residents.

16 Urban Belonging Research Denmark

When and where do people feel like they belong? The Urban Belonging project seeks diverse and nuanced insights about how the city works as a space of belonging - not from the professional eyes of those who plan it, but those who live in it.


Project Highlights


18 17 So Cal Framework Plan Detroit Urban Infill Detroit, Michigan, USA

Gehl is working on a large urban infill project in Detroit. Our work looks to heal the urban fabric and inject the district with new programs to contribute to the renaissance of the metropolis' heart.

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

Santa Ana, California, USA

Dense and livable comes to Southern California! We are engaging in the creation of a new district in SoCal, transforming a low-density, car dominated site into a dense and livable, radically walkable, complete neighborhood that will set a new standard for 21st century living in the region.

19 Celebrate Public Life Campaign Worldwide

Celebrate Public Life is a global platform that invites everyone to share their experiences and knowledge of the places and activities that they love in cities. With Bernard van Leer Foundation we’re crowdsourcing images and stories directly from the public so we can help make more loved places!

Huangpu Waterfront Evaluation Shanghai, China

Running through 10 of Shanghai’s 17 districts The Huangpu River is the lifeline of Shanghai. We’ve evaluated the impact of a Gehl led urban strategy and the subsequent transformation of 45 km of continuous public space. We found that the riverfront is truly becoming a connected and lively place, providing 4.8 million people with access to quality, nearby public space.


3 A word from our Team Directors Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


In 2021 Gehl organized according to client types. Here, our new Team Directors reflect on the year past...

“The year has in many ways been all about expanding and branching out our work. We've gone towards a more holistic and inclusive life-first approach. We've worked with lower and higher densities, we've worked in new markets, and we've had many discussions and thoughts about what all of it means for our work going ahead.” — Esben Neander Kristensen “Our projects are increasingly moving from identifying what core urban challenges are, to how they are to be mitigated or solved. We can see that corporations have an increasing need to become good ‘corporate citizens’ and this means creating positive local, on the ground change, thereby contributing to a more sustainable society. Through process design, facilitated engagement and piloting we are well placed to help our clients deliver on this.” — Ewa Westermark

Traditionally in the private sector it’s been the real estate industry that best appreciated the value of place. But lately we’re seeing new kinds of companies — especially in the tech and startup spaces — recognize that co-creating and engaging with people-centered places unlocks longer term value for them. They’re talking about place in terms of employee development, public approval processes, collaborative and innovative work environments, accessing new markets. This isn’t place-washing, it’s recognizing that you can’t actually benefit from the deeper value of these things without fostering authentic places that work for people.” — Blaine Merker

“Our clients and collaborators are keen to find new ways to engage stakeholders, measure impact equitably and tie together initiatives around health and climate action. To respond to this demand, we’ve co-created several new tools and platforms this year with our clients. We can see more and more private sector clients in mobility especially, as well as semi-public organizations like Business Improvement Districts utilizing the Gehl approach.” — Liselott Stenfeldt

“We continue to engage in re-thinking the American suburbs: from the densification of residential areas to the conversions of malls into mixed-use development, our masterplanning frameworks are contributing to the creation of new models for urban growth.” — Ghigo DiTommaso

A Word from Our Team Directors

Standout Project Moments of the Year

“Seeing the Thrive Zone Dome on Amager, Copenhagen comes to life! The Thrive Zone projects are helping take urgent action to mitigate the worst air pollution effects on the most vulnerable - so this is a really meaningful development for us and the city.”

“I’ve got many! Trælasten, ou r masterplan pro ject in Aarhus , Denmark, won Project o f the Year at D anish Estate Media Propert y Awards! The implementatio n of VW Camp us in Braunschweig . Our partners hip with SIGNA has exp anded, providin g our services on se veral types of projects ranging from a dvisory on pro perty development, masterplan de velopment, large scale co mpetitions an d process facilitation.” — Ola Gustafs


— Ewa Westermark

ns Gehl Le e h t r u eo rns le to us on use patte b a g n i on “Be data gather ortant issues h o t p p a ss imp y – bot t e i r u d q d e a and and vel climate y, despite tra d , h t l a e a h eve d far aw ly achi near an ns. We’ve on rd working, ha tio team restric use of super exible le, fl a c d e n b a this exib nted tic, tale l as well as fl a h p m e eh rs at G membe s clients.” u ambitio varre esen S d n u B tte — Birgi

“Cities had to pivot and adapt quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic, restructuring teams and redirecting resources. Now, many are working to understand what's worked and how learnings from temporary programs can inform long-term policy and design. Streets have been essential to our recovery and many cities are working to illustrate that they can be better used as public resources for all.” — Julia D Day

“We got SPIN’s micromobility equity website up for them in ea rly 2021 and I was super proud of th is work. Also proud that they asked us to develop th e public face of a project that was really soul-searching and deep for th e company. That project turned in to SPIN sponsorin g Park(ing) Day later this year, w hich was also an amazing conve rgence of world s.” — Blaine Merke r

ut project “Our stando the actually all moment is ved we’ve achie n o ti ra o b a ll co s. d Companie d with Relate e strengthen r e h rt fu e ’v We g hip, workin our partners rojects across np with them o .” the country ommaso — Ghigo DiT

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


A Word from our Team Directors Challenges & accomplishments … “It’s been a pleasure to continue to build our partnership with Chattanooga Design Studio and to see the impact a project that covers only 4,000 square feet of space can have on the ground. To date, findings show 6X as many people spending time on the street and a significant increase in the age and gender diversity of people spending time.” — Julia D Day

“This year we’ve seen Gehl's vision for Rosemary Square in West Palm Beach continue taking shape with new public space improvements and buildings coming to fruition.” — Ghigo DiTommaso

“Collecting and analysing data on lived experience continues to be a complex and resource intensive practice. Technology can help, but the fine-grain nature of direct interpersonal and interspatial relations are about real life experiences and moments that machines alone cannot capture.” — Liselott Stenfeldt

“A big shift this past year has been in the way clients and stakeholders have changed perception of the role of public spaces and the qualities and connections they provide.” — Birgitte Bundesen Svarre

““We’ve witnessed corporate and foundation clients being far more direct in their ambition to deliver change, on the ground, now! One could defer that the focus is moving from a policy, guidance level to practical initiatives including our measure, test, refine approach.” — Ewa Westermark

A Word from Our Directors

Let’s talk Teamwork! “Pulling together the final vision fo r Liberty State Park was a great team effort. This was th e first time our te am had developed a pr oject so focused on athletics and on a massive scale - ov er 200 acres of open space. They did an excellent job cent ering community voices in the desi gn and ensuring th e plan reflected the community's requests for more formal athletic facilities as well as Gehl's values of adaptive, flexible open space.” — Julia D Day

ctor the private se n o d e s u c fo “Our US team lly as ther organica e g to g e m o c s ha ood at makin g y ll a re re a ho individuals w plex, dynamic m o c a f o t u o new clear sense ting quickly to c a re d n a , e p d of landsca doing this kin n e e b e ’v e W ss challenges. from a busine t u b , e il h w a on it work for ned our focus e rp a h s e ’v e It feels standpoint w e last quarter. th in t s ju y h tl significan perheroes wit u s f o m a te a t th is a like we’ve go rs. Each mon e w o p l ia c e p ction different s predictable a n u t a h w e m o ding to a new, s ink we’re buil th I . e n e c s adventure es” el movie seri franchise lev er — Blaine Merk

“An important a-ha moment of the year was realizing exactly how wide our ongoing portfolio of projects is especially in terms of design and masterplanning, this has been a real eye-opener. We have 10-15-20 masterplanning projects going on at any given time. We really have a unique team for making a big difference — also in the masterplanning space.”

“The y e with m ar has been any co a am so vid ob bumpy ride s im a team pressed w tacles and I ith ho have b w we land p een ab as ro work t jects and d le to both el h people at creates b iver project e a despit nd in high tter cities fo q e num r erous uality endles o s Team bs s mee tacles and t ings.” — Birg itte Bu ndese n Svar re

— Esben Neander Kristensen

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


A Word from our Team Directors

Aspirations for 2022….

“To continue to explore what local solutions to global problems looks like on the ground.”

w evelop ne d to r e g a “I am e f the ersions o v r e tt e e b and rowing th g , p p a s n to Gehl Le ur teams o r o f y it c capa gy and l technolo a it ig d e s u e cess to th to have ac ant knowledge lev newest re tries.” us across ind Stenfeldt — Liselott

— Ewa Westermark

“In 2022, w e will contin ue growing focus areas our in the Cities team: urban strategy, m obility and s ocial housin (“almene”) g and I also w ant to be ab continue gro le to wing our sk ills to addre all the wick ss ed problem s from an e level perspe ye ctive – both within the te as well as w am ith Gehl’s urban collaborators, includin g experts on safety, lighti housing etc n g .” ,

“I’m looking fo rward to new members of th e team bringin g new skills to th e fore and ma ny new clients an d exciting projects ramp ing up. 2022 poses unprec edented opportunities to advance ou r practice and s trengthen our partnerships.” — Ghigo DiTom maso

— Birgitte B

undesen Sv arre

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


A Word from our Team Directors

... more 2022 excitement! on the cited to work x e y ll a re strategy for “I’m l a ti a p s d n nal a School. organizatio ew Climate n ’s y it rs e losely iv on will be c ti Stanford Un tu ti s in ic at adem l solutions th a c ti This new ac c ra p d omy. dustry an of the econ linked to in m a e tr s d o e blo nk the can enter th ortunity to li p p o g in z a m n to the This is an a limate actio c f r o e g n e ll at the cente n e e b global cha s t’ a he campus th novation. T in design of a f o ry tu n alf-ce y role of the last h t to me in m n a rt o p o im ry , and it is als n o project is ve ti c a te a ut l’s clim to think abo leading Geh g n ti s re te ly in place just incredib bility, scholarship and ina where susta rsect. design inte rker — Blaine Me

“In 2022 I envision our work directly supporting the inve stment of infrastructure and COVID-19 recove ry funds into public spaces. There is a lot of attention on so cial infrastructure right now, but also a la ck of clarity around how to define this and measure the outcomes of inve sting in it. Lookin g forward to working with public and private sector lead ers on demonstra ting the many benefits of investing in pu bl ic spaces to get to he althier, more sustainable, and m ore equitable citie s.” — Julia D Day

“I'm very excited about how the relationship between our renewed client focus, our experience and knowledge within the teams and a lot of new people joining will play out - How do we take things to the next level?”

e ring th b o t e te nu “Conti into concre with n s G boratio ging UNSD a l l o c d in action ts acknowle n e our cli an centered m our hu h.” c a appro sson Gustaf a l O —

— Esben Neander Kristensen

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


4 Gehl x Digital Tools Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


The global pandemic has further accelerated a lot of companies’ process of digitalisation and technological development and 2021 has been full of reinvention in the use of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improve operations and services. Simply going faster is far from the answer, and we experience the industry is starting to understand the importance of looking deeper into qualitative data in order to make better and more responsible decisions. Cities also need to go further in order to understand the essential needs of their residents and have to develop appropriate people-based strategies (based on relevant health and wellbeing indicators) in order to make or keep people happy and healthy. Jeff Risom Partner, CIO & MD

Gehl x Digital tools

From book to app — 50 years of public life data

ades of c e d n o t l i Bu Gehl e h t , g n i d n understa ck and i h t — a t a d Lens uses numbers g i b g n i k a thin—m ries. o t s l u f g n i into mean

Lived experience from eye-level

Big Data

Neighborhood Life

Socio-demographic data and market research


Gehl Annual Report 2020—21



6 client projects

Gehl x Digital tools

Public Life Data app The Public Life Data app is Gehl’s dedicated mobile & tablet based application for planning and carrying out public space and life observations. Observational data can be combined with other sources from targeted questionnaires, social media, image recognition and more on the Gehl Lens platform. Translating these behavioural and lived experience insights allows us design the environments in which people thrive.

1.2 million people over 2020-21

3 client

University research, community activists, pl anners and architects, NGO’s… all using the app.

subscriptions Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Tier, West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority

e 611,971 peopl observed in public space s across 32 citie

3,697 Qualit ative intervi ews

l, gen to Istanbu a h n e p o C m o fr ington. Lima, and Well

140 in app s y e v r u s

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


5 Communication Year in Review Gehl Annual Report 2020—21



Top 10 gehlpeopl 1. Huech ur

2017 51,319 Followers

2021 has seen a continuation in growth of our social media follower base. Gehl projects, blogs, talks and events receive high engagements rates and we are inundated with mentions, tags and use of #citiesforpeople in a range of content for which we’ve had a hand in making, and that is totally unassociated to our practice.

2021 143,028 Followers

more inclusive, sustainable and, lastly but by no means least, fun public places! Thank you to all our followers out there for your engagement, giving us a like every now and then and inspiring us with your posts and stories.#citiesforpeople

aba Maste

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es blic Life To o l: The Com 4. Twelv plete Guid e Quality C e PDF riteria PDF 5. Marke t Street Sa n Francisc o, USA 6. Launc hing Covid 19 7. Public Space Pla ys Vital Ro le in Pande 8. Thrive mic Blog Zone Cope nhagen, D enmark 9. Home lessness in Public Spa Coexisten ce: A Toolk ce Blog it for Resp ectful 10. Socia l Media an d Social S the Time o pace: Stud f Covid Blo ying Public g Life in

The latter is interesting, at it shows that the Gehl brand resonates with people beyond our scope of work. People love to tag Gehl in posts and images that showcase both injustices common in public space, and the daily joys of their city. What a privilege it is to be associated with these messages, no matter how fleeting, and to be a part of an online community spreading the word for

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Caption Placeholder if needed

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


6 Gehl Social Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


demic, n a p l a e a glob t i p s in full e n D e “ e b ial has c o s l h Ge 021” 2 n i g n swi

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Study trip to Venice Architecture Biennale

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21

Collea gues from US offi the Co ces m penha e t in Ve the Bi gen a ennal nice t nd e o 's them explo live to re e “Ho gethe w will r?” we


7 The Financial Year in Review Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


The Financial Year in Review The Gehl Group almost met the revenue target with DKK 68.5M despite the impact from COVID-19. This reflects a stabilization of revenue in our Copenhagen office while our US offices experienced a dip in business during the year though ending the year at a very strong level. With support from the Payroll Protection Program in the US we landed a satisfactory result for the year. We continue to grow the business globally with Europe now accounting for 28% of our revenue. The US and Denmark remain our focus markets and constitute a total of 60% of our revenue. Asia, Australia, South America and the Middle East account for the remaining 12%. Our largest client segments are Real Estate Developers (36%) and the private sector (33%). The public sector and NGO/Foundations account for a total of 22% of the business with the remaining revenue coming from public housing, public developers, universities, international organisations and others.

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


8 Looking to 2022 Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Looking towards 2022 The doors are soon opening towards 2022, and every Gehl team is buzzing with exciting global projects and inspiring challenges from public space projects to delivering low carbon mobility networks, to engaging in development of new sustainable neighbourhoods and university campuses to retrofitting and developing existing urban areas. With our new organizational structure implemented in the fall of 2021 and more integrated systems in place, we can now further strengthen the client relationships and partnerships needed for us to expand our organizational reach and ultimately deliver. In fact, in 2022 we will further deepen and strengthen our strategic partnerships and are ready to take new steps towards operating as a Gehl community of change agents and urban experts, tapping into global ecosystems of like minded creative companies with the ambition of making cities for people.

With Cop26 behind us we will work even more diligently to deliver climate action and with Blaine Merker stepping into the new Head of Climate Action position at Gehl, we hope to enable climate action across projects, increase the ambition level of our clients, and share what we learn. The pandemic continues to limit traveling and physical meeting activities, as well as the way we work and communicate. However, the pandemic is enhancing the need for what we deliver as a team. Never before has there been such a need for inclusive, healthy and sustainable places. Now more than ever we need to support neighbourhoods through design and bring public spaces that ensure equal access to health, relief and fresh air, as well as a sense of belonging.. Copenh

I wish you all a great holiday season and look forward to a new exciting year for Gehl in 2022.

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Thank you, Helle

Gehl Annual Report 2020—21


Gehl / Copenhagen Vesterbrogade 24, 5th floor 1620 Copenhagen V Denmark T +45 32 95 09 51 Gehl / San Francisco 1211 Folsom Street, 4th Floor San Francisco CA 94102, USA T +1 (415) 636 9130 Gehl / New York 395 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York NY 10014, USA T +1 (212) 537 6318

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