Muscat - The Mawalih Souk of Life

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The Mawalih Souk of Life Masterplan and Sketch Design Report


Client His Excellency Eng. Sultan bin Hamdoon Al Harthi Chairman of Muscat Municipality Muscat Municipality Diwan of Royal Court P.O. Box 79 Muscat 113 Sultanate of Oman

with Consultants Gehl Architects - Urban Quality Consultants

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH

schlaich bergermann und partner

Gl. Kongevej 1, 4 tv.

Gymnasiumstraße 52

Curiestraße 2

Schwabstraße 43

1610 Copenhagen V

70174 Stuttgart

70563 Stuttgart

70197 Stuttgart





Project Responsible: Oliver Schulze

Project Responsible: Martin Haas

Project Responsible: Thomas Auer

Project Responsible: Sven Plieninger

Project Manager: Lærke Jul Gagner

Project Manager: Stephan Zemmrich

Project Manager: Markus Krauss

Project Manager: Thomas Fackler

Project Team:

Project Team:

Project Team:

Project Team: Alexander Stäblein

Anna Modin

Boris Rüther

Monika Schulz

Jeremy Dennis

Sandra Junghanns

Friedemann kik

Christa Hellesøe-Jensen

Angelika Weissheim

Max Schlechtingen

Johanna Enhörning

Isabelle Schork

Claire Mookerjee Contact:


© copyright 2012 Gehl Architects


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050




Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Sketch Design The Building Structure

The Masterplan

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

The Fruit and Vegetable Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The Souk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

The Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

The Children Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Masterplan Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The Colonnade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

The Masterplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

The City Wall & Alley Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

The Building Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Open Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

The Open Spaces

Site Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Context & Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Character Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Vehicular Access & Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Paving Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Falaj System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Pedestrian Access & Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Tree Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Seating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Climate Responsive Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Phasing & Relocation Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

The Urban Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 The Civic Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 The Desert Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 The Oasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Streets & Alley Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 The Souk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 The Street & Children Center Forecourt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 The Alley Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


Masterplan Concepts The masterplan has been developed and can be understood on the basis of the following key concepts:

The Protective City Walls

The Pearls and Destinations

The Shaded Colonnade

The Al Mawalih Souk of Life is of a great public park surrounded by compact mixed-use urban structure. The buildings together form a homogenous city wall designed to optimize climate and urban infrastructure fit to serve the best public park in Oman at all times of the year.

The leisure and retail uses are complemented by three strong destinations that broaden the public appeal of the place. They ensure that there are destinations attracting families with children, old people and people with special needs.

Climate comfort is high throughout the site. Surrounding the park the building edge has been formed out to feature an external shaded colonnade creating a comfortable climate for pedestrians at all times of the year. Additional cooling is provided from geothermal cooling in the ground. The shading structures also cover the large souk hall and areas where outdoor serving is possible for café and restaurant businesses.

1. Refurbished Mosque 2. Souk 3. Children Center

3. 1.

A Recreational Heart

Climate Responsive Design

The Falaj

The Al Mawalih Souk of Life is based on a generous provision of civic spaces where people can meet in a high quality environment. This environment is complemented by serviced commercial environments and the masterplan ensures that public spaces feel open and inviting. The key civic spaces are:

The Al Mawalih Souk is based on built and open spaces that together respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the local climate.

Water is an important medium to maintain the landscape of the park and it can also form a key attraction to people in the public realm. The Falaj is an age-old watering device that has been interpreted in the landscape design of the Souk as a key functional and aesthetic feature.

1. 4. 3. 2.

1 . The Urban Square 2 . The Desert Garden 3. The Civic Axis 4. The Oasis




The built structure and the heights of individual buildings is planned in accordance to the climatic conditions. Lower buildings towards the west make it possible to catch cold winds coming from south-west while higher buildings with narrow passages block from warm north-east winds.

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

1 . Watering of trees and bushes 2. Child-friendly water features inviting interaction and play 3. Fountain elements that create time-controlled events

The Masterplan The masterplan for Phase 1 of the development shows the full gamut supermarket

of building structures and open spaces proposed. The design intent in

the Alley Walks

the masterplan is provide a coherent urban structure that is flexible to allow the growth of the district over time. The structure proposed is based on a high quality public realm as the unifier of the entire district

drop-off & pick-up

and the plan can allow for small, medium and large businesses and the Street

retail & restaurants

operators to locate here. It is a design intent to create a platform that can become the home of small-scale family business as well as major Omani corporations. The plan is fit to allow the establishment of cafes and independent businesses overlooking great streets and parks and there

restaurants & cafes

is also the opportunity to integrate supermarkets, hotels and corporate headquarters that will have some of the finest addresses in the city once the public destination is established. A high quality setting for:

the Urban Square

1. Buildings for small independent consultants and family retail and the Souk

restaurant businesses 2 . Buildings for medium-sized businesses and services 3. Buildings for larger retail operators and corporate businesses

the Oasis the Children Center the Children Center Forecourt

the Civic Axis

the Mosque

Park & Market Management Business Incubator Hub the Desert Garden the Souk


1: 1000






N hotel


1:500 5




25 m

1: 100

retail & restaurants


drop-off & pick-up

50 m








1: 200






10 m

the Alley Walks N





N 0


50 m

75% of 1:1000

Overall masterplan concept

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 1: 50 0,5




2,5 m


Climate Responsive Design The design of buildings, outdoor spaces and streets are informed by the local climate conditions – the wind, sun and ambient temperature. Respecting the local conditions not only enhances the architectural approach but results in highly comfortable indoor and outdoor spaces and a low carbon footprint at the same time. Hence, traditional approaches (like arcades to provide shading) are combined with new technologies (e.g. geothermal heat rejection) at the Mawalih Souk of Life. The consideration of the local site conditions, traditional approaches and new technologies will push the new development beyond traditional conservation strategies and result in a vibrant, comfortable and sustainable place in an

Natural Shading Cluster of trees provide shading and evaporative cooling at the same time

Catching cool winds Urban fabric opens towards cooler south-west winds

Outdoor comfort principle for the Market Shading, air movement, radiant and evaporative cooling create pleasant outdoor spaces

environmentally sound manner.

Irrigation of plants & surface drainage Deep pipe irrigation technology reduces water consumption to a minimum

Solar chimney A sun and wind driven exhaust chimney enhances natural ventilation and night purge in buildings, reducing active cooling times and therefore energy consumption.

Radiant Cooling Floor embedded system

Heat Rejection Geothermal system is used for direct cooling


Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

N 0






The Colonnade - Outdoor comfort principle Shading with retractable fabric, radiant and evaporative cooling create pleasant outdoor spaces

Solar chimney A sun and wind driven exhaust chimney enhances natural ventilation and night purge in buildings, reducing active cooling times and therefore energy consumption.


1: 1000 50 m




1: 100




N 0




Blocking warm winds 1: 200 Built form blocking warm winds 4 6 north-east. 8 10 m coming from Narrow access points.


Photovoltaic cells renewable energy generation on site N

Water saving water saving fixtures reduce water consumption

Natural Shading Cluster of trees provide shading and evaporative cooling at the same time

Natural Shading Cluster of trees provide shading and evaporative cooling at the same time


Cooling tower condensation The collected condensation water during N active cooling mode is fed into the citywide grey water system







50 m

75% of 1:1000

1: 50 Rainwater collection 0,5 1 is collected 1,5 from 2 2,5 m Rainwater rooftops and open spaces and brought to the citywide greywater system to be re-used for irrigation of the landscape.






50 m

1:200 0





10 m


1:100 0

The Falaj Key functional and aesthetic feature in the landscape. Using greywater from citywide system to provide sensory experiences and irrigate plants. Greywater needs to meet the standards as where it can be exposed to the public.

The Falaj Key functional and aesthetic feature in the landscape. Using greywater from citywide system to provide sensory experiences and irrigate plants. Greywater needs to meet the standards as where it can be exposed to the public.

Water is flushed through the Falaj system in the cooler evening hours to avoid evaporation.

Water is flushed through the Falaj system in the cooler evening hours to avoid evaporation.



Greywater collection Greywater from wash bassins, showers, washing machines etc. is collected in a separate system throughout the area. The greywater is brought to the citywide greywater system to be re-used for irrigation of the landscape.






Surface drainage Surface drainage located in the street. The surface water is N locally cleaned from possible fuels by the use of interceptors in 0 the pipework 5 and brought 10 to the 15 citywide greywater collection system for further cleansing and reuse.






25 m


25 m

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050




The Building structure

market administration offices

roof structure

the Urban Square

In addition to the framing of the Urban Square and the promotion of a diverse architecture, the new buildings ringing the Urban Square contribute towards an improved microclimate, which benefits outdoor

Souk Cafe terrace

activities and occupation of the public domain. Shading elements together with reveals and projections of the facades are used to modulate the sunlight and create more user-friendly areas, such as forecourts and passages. Particular attention is paid to the

Falaj the Colonnade

development of a series of high-quality spaces between buildings.

Souk-like market

These play a critical role in mediating between the more introverted, internal uses and the open square, generating the desired public accessibility. Locally sourced materials and traditional forms serve as important connections between the new and both the regional vernacular and

road for delivery and emergency

The Souk

refurbished existing buildings

The Souk is the vibrant heart of the Mawalih Souk of Life, with alleys and small squares enlivened by a diverse range of open-fronted stores, cafes and restaurants. The colorful, pulsating character of this market is contrasted by the peace and tranquility offered by the immediately adjacent Oasis.

culture. The individual buildings have a distinct vertical accent and are connected by means of a colonnade, which unifies the diverse forms

2 to 3 storeys

of public use throughout the ground floor. The Colonnade contributes a celebratory element to the Urban Square and provides the visitor with

3 to 4 storeys

comfortable, shaded walkways, encouraging them to dwell between the Souk, the Children Center and the shops. The buildings of special importance, such as the Children’s Centre and

4 to 5 storeys

the new Mosque, are freed from the constraints of the rational grid and are used to emphasize the Civic Axis across the square.

Street width 8m

arcade gallery

parking bay


Street width 15m arcade retail

The City Wall

the Colonnade

The Urban Square is framed by the City Walls (rings of buildings) two to the north and three to the south. The buildings of the outer ring are between two and three storeys; the middle ring between three and four storeys, while in response to its generous size the buildings surrounding the Urban Square are five storeys in height. Although the rings follow a regular pattern, the small parcels and variation in height ensure the necessary individuality. Small neighborhoods, set-backs and emphasized entrances characterize the streets.


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

the Urban Square

group of trees Falaj

The City Wall

administration office Alley Walk

theater supermarket

drop-off & pick-up

library for children

rooftop terrace

public axis with trees

retail & restaurants the Colonnade

family cafe restaurants & cafes

existing buildings the Urban Square Falaj

The Children Center is intended as a place for the entire family; a library, a small theatre, a family cafe with ’picnic-niches’, ’creative-corners’ and ’cushioned-reading areas’ provide for a wide spectrum of activities. Additionally the Center can serve as a supervised place of play, allowing unencumbered parents to visit the Souk.

the Souk

the Children Center

the Oasis

group of trees

seating element

The Children Center

Falaj playground for children

the Civic Axis the Mosque Business Incubator Hub the Desert Garden the Souk

the Colonnade

Park & Market Management

The City Wall

The Colonnade The Colonnade that surrounds the Urban Square is an invitation to promenade, where the visitors to the cafes and shops benefit from a shaded microclimate. The gentle curves of the Colonnade frames make obvious reference to the forms and ornament employed in traditional Omani architecture.

hotel drop-off & pick-up

retail & restaurants

Falaj The Colonnade

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


The Colonnade

South facing Colonnade colonnade

Climate Concept


The Colonnade will offer vibrant outdoor spaces at the Mawalih Souk of Life. The design principle is to increase the comfortable period in the colder seasons, rather than attempt to deal with the very hot summer conditions. The Colonnade features a combination of different outdoor

with shading

without shading

comfort tools such as tree shading, air movement, evaporative cooling, passive, and in priority areas by active means. A localized outdoor floor

East- and West facing Colonnade

cooling system is connected to the district cold water loop.


North facing Colonnade For the north orientated area, an adaptive shading system is designed. Only in summer months does this location receive direct solar gains, whereas in winter months the sun shading system can be removed (manually seasonal adaptation) in order to increase daylight to the shops and restaurants.


with shading

without shading

South facing Colonnade The exposed south facing Colonnade needs to be highly shaded, because the location receives direct solar gains during the entire year. However, during evening and night hours some parts of the shading system can be retracted to allow night cooling of the thermal mass and daylight to the indoor areas behind.

East facing Colonnade In contrast to the western facades the eastern facades will receive evening sun. Hence, the shading system need to be flexible. Providing excellent shading when required.

Daylight filter

North facing Colonnade




Colonnade Principles according to sun orientation

Linen fabric

Building typologies

outdoor comfort principles

daylight factor (%)

West facing Colonnade The western facades receive solar gains in the morning hours. Hence, the shading system needs to be flexible in order to provide night cooling. These shading system will be motorized in order to guarantee an optimized operation


outdoor comfort principles

daylight factor (%)

etc. These different approaches will provide excellent public spaces by

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

with shading

without shading daylight factor (%)

Wooden pergola

Wooden pergola shading

daylight factor (%)

Constitution Square, San Sebastian

outdoor comfort principles

retractable fabric with Low-E

wooden lamella 45° rotated

wooden pergola

rooftop terrace

wooden lamella floor cooling

open space office

retractable fabric with Low-E

rooftop terrace

optional: evaporative cooling

1st floor restaurant retractable fabric with Low-E


floor cooling



retractable fabric with Low-E

basement parking

The Colonnade

The Colonnade perspective section through City Wall with Colonnade

Childrens Center_elevation57

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

The Open Spaces The open spaces of the Al Mawalih Souk together form the highest quality connected network of parks, squares, gardens, streets and walking alleys in Oman. The proposed development consist of a total of 43 000 m 2 of open spaces, that are divided into several smaller areas of different use, scale and character. The many different recreational uses of the open spaces complement the more commercial use of the buildings in order to invite a wide range of different user groups and to strengthen the civic character of the place. The open spaces are highly maintained and allow the emergence of beautiful everyday situations and the setting for large events attracting thousands of visitors for special festivals.

The Urban Square, 10 060 m 2 (Plaza 3540 m 2, Desert Garden corner 540 m 2, Picnic Area 1 370 m 2, Playgrounds: The Ravine 1 150 m 2/The Hills 410 m 2) • Paving; Natural stone with jetburned, flamed and matte surfaces. Color: cream and light grey. White in situ concrete with cream colored terrazzo. Playground pavings; concrete, sand, rubber, wood and astroturf. • Planting; Neem, Jacaranda, Persian Silk and Flame trees. Variety of desert garden plants; boxed hedges, arid plants and lush and flowering plantations. • Lighting; 12 m columns with 6-10 fixtures and 70 cm bollards in galvanized or brushed steel. Color: metallic silver grey. Hanging garlands. • Falaj; of natural stone with rounded stones, water jets, bubbling water, irrigation, and play elements. • Furniture; moveable chairs, steel or cast iron framing and FSC marked wooden seat and backrest. FSC marked long wooden tables and benches. Very large sculptural concrete bench. • Playground equipment; Slides, swings, trampolines, merry-go-rounds, climbing net, balancing bollards, bridges and logs, tracks for cycles, parasols.

The Oasis, 7 140 m 2 • Paving; Natural stone, color: grey and light grey • Planting; Neem trees and Bougainvilleas • Lighting; Lamp posts and lighting columns in galvanized or brushed steel. Color: metallic silver grey. • Furniture; Concrete benches, FSC marked wooden bench landscapes, Moveable chairs, steel or cast iron framing and FSC marked wooden seat and backrest.

The Civic Axis, 3 540 m 2

The Desert Garden, 6 055 m 2 (Little Square 575 m 2, Desert Garden 3 650 m 2) • Pavings; Natural stone with flamed and matte surfaces. Color: cream and light grey Natural stone flagstones. Color: cream and light grey White in situ concrete with cream colored terrazzo • Planting; Variety of desert garden plants and trees • Lighting; 70 cm bollards in galvanized or brushed steel. Color: metallic silver grey. • Falaj; of natural stone with rounded stones and as irrigation to planting beds and a fountain pool. • Furniture; Moveable chairs, steel or cast iron framing and FSC marked wooden seat and backrest. FSC marked classic wooden park benches with back- and armrest. Wooden pergola.


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

• Paving; natural stone with polished, flamed and matte surfaces. Color: cream and light grey • Trees; Jacaranda and Neem • Lighting; 9 m columns with 3-5 fixtures. in galvanized or brushed steel. Color: metallic silver grey. • Furniture; moveable chairs, steel or cast iron framing and FSC marked wooden seat and backrest

The Street supermarket

• Paving; Asphalt. Prefab concrete pavers. Color: sand and grey. Concrete curbstones. Color: grey. Raised intersections in grey concrete pavers and pedestrian crossings in grey natural stone. • Trees; mainly Neem trees • Lighting; Wire hung lighting fixtures. Wall mounted fixtures. • Furniture; Concrete benches some with back- and arm rest. Galvanized or brushed steel bollards Color: metallic silver grey.

the Alley Walks

drop-off & pick-up the Street

retail & restaurants

restaurants & cafes

The Children Centre Forecourt, 890 m 2 • Paving; natural stone with polished, flamed and matte surfaces. Color: cream and light grey • Trees; Neem and Jacaranda • Lighting; Wire hung lighting fixtures. • Furniture; FSC marked wooden benches. Granite bollards

the Urban Square

the Souk

the Oasis the Children Center the Children Center Forecourt Park & Market Management

the Civic Axis

the Mosque

Business Incubator Hub the Desert Garden the Souk


1: 1000






N hotel


1:500 5




25 m

1: 100

retail & restaurants


drop-off & pick-up

50 m







The Alley Walks N

• Paving; natural stone with cleaved and flamed surfaces. Color: grey • Trees; mainly Neem trees • Lighting; Wall mounted fixtures

1: 200






10 m

the Alley Walks N





N 0


50 m

75% of 1:1000

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 1: 50 0,5




2,5 m


Lighting The lighting scheme works with a variety of light types and colors to underline the project and enhance emotions at certain places, where needed. But the overall concept is to keep lighting simple and indirect.

Indirect lighting as backdrop Indirect light from the Colonnade and ground floor uses will create a calm, but significant backdrop of light surrounding the entire square. Lighting columns with spots Tall lighting columns will be lighting the Plaza and the playground. The columns are fitted with spots directed towards the plaza and walkways to and from. The spots should be programmable, in order to provide the right light for the right occasion. When large venues or festivals are hosted it should be able to work as bright white light, whereas the normal day to day situation the light should be dimmed to an almost bluish color. In the playground lights should have colored and patterned filters. Slightly smaller lighting columns are also found in the Civic Axis, where they are placed by the trees to give indirect light through the tree tops down on the pavement as well as by the clearings of the Oasis.

Park lamps In the Oasis park lamps are placed along with the grid of trees, creating a modern version of a classic square. Where the clearings are masts with directed spots with colors or pattern filters are placed. The sunken garden and the pergola are special meeting points in the garden. The water fountain is lit in almost bluegreen color, whereas the pergola is fitted with small spots to focus on the structure and the Bougainvilleas, which will cover the pergola.

Material key Indirect light from the Colonnade

Street lighting The street and alleys are kept free from lighting fixtures on the sidewalks. The street is lit with wire hung fixtures and lighting from the arcades give extra light to the sidewalk areas. In the narrow alleys as well as the exterior route of the Souk wall mounted fixtures is used.

12 m lighting columns, 6-10 fixtures Light filter with color or pattern 9 m lighting columns, 3-5 fixtures Low steel bollards Lighting garlands hung from trees Lamp posts, 5 m Wire hung street lights Lighting from arcades

Low bollards In the Desert Gardens the main paths and plantations are lit by low bollards. Here shade and darkness is in focus.

Wall mounted lighting fixtures Effect lighting of element Falaj - lighting under crossing

Indirect light from colonnade lighting the edge zones


Lighting that emphasize the allee

Tall lighting columns at plaza

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Colored lighting at the Playgrounds

Garlands in trees above the Picnic area

Low lighting bollards on paths and planting



Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


The Desert Garden

Paving Materials

- a magical garden inspired by indigenous landscapes

The Desert Garden is connected to the Urban Square by the Little Square where a wedge of the white in situ concrete with cream colored terrazzo in a large scale broken pattern is found. Otherwise the paving in the Desert Garden is of cream and light grey natural stone with various textures. Flag stones are found in the Sunken Garden and by the Pergola.

This unique landscape provides an intense experience of the landscape and horticulture of Oman in the context of a serviced urban destination. The Desert Garden provides small scale walkways where people discover hidden surprises and wonderful spaces for resting and recreation. The atmosphere in the Desert Garden is calmer and more relaxing than in the Urban Square. Sunken Garden A Sunken Garden forms an important destination along the Falaj. A fountain pool makes water accessible and creates a wonderful resting spot under the shade of trees. The Sunken Garden recreates the idea of an oasis, where you collect water from a well. Planted Pergola A pergola structure forms a small meeting place in the Desert Garden where couples can meet and small groups of people socialize. The pergola is a place, where you can sit and relax under the shade of flowering Bougainvilleas.

Outdoor Restaurant Outdoor serving is possible overlooking the beautiful aspect of the Desert Garden from the buildings forming the Southern and Eastern edge to the Desert Garden. Night-time Life The Desert Garden has a subtle lighting scheme serving the secluded meeting areas with focused ambient lighting. The aim is to enhance the atmosphere in the evening in this special park environment.

Little Square Towards the Southern part of the Souk the Desert Garden creates a little square where souk trading and food service can happen during times of the year when climate permits. This small square can also be used for small events such as concerts and theatre.

Paths and small squares of natural stone in between sunken planting beds

Planting & Trees The Desert Garden is the counterpoint of the Urban Square, offering a green space for relaxation. The plantings vary from arid, almost desert like, rock gardens with grasses and shrubs to the lush plantings surrounding the Sunken Garden, creating an oasis within the Desert. Planting beds are slightly sunken into the ground and rocks and plants create topographic variations and define narrow pathways and intimate small gathering spaces. In the Desert Garden the Falaj mainly serves as the irrigation system of the planting beds. Trees providing shade and sensory experiences are mainly found in the small squares such as the Sunken Garden and the Pergola. The pergola structure will be covered in flowering Bougainvilleas.

Lush plantations

Shaded, flowering pergola

A permeable landscape with topographic variations


Arid plants

Sunken garden with a pool and fountain

Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Sunken planting beds

Rock landscapes

the Civic Axis the Mosque

Park & Market Management

Business Incubator Hub

the Desert Garden the Little Square




shops tempory outdoor market

F the Pergola the Colonnade

the Colonnade


the Souk shops



the Sunken Garden

the Oasis




the Colonnade retail & restaurants


retail & restaurants

retail & restaurants

retail & restaurants

Taxi pick-up & drop-off

the Street

Lighting The Desert Garden should be perceived as a tranquil place, where shade and darkness is in focus, emphasizing the various plantations and trees. The main paths leading from the Colonnade to the Civic Axis and the Urban Square are lit with bollards in galvanized or brushed steel. The Sunken Garden and the Pergola are special meeting points in the garden. The water fountain is lit in almost bluegreen color, whereas the pergola is fitted with small spots to focus on the structure and the Bougainvilleas, which will cover the pergola.

Low lighting bollards placed in the plantations close to the walkways

Material key

Curbstones of natural stone (sandstone or granite), height 15 cm color: cream size: 30 x 30 x 60-100 cm texture: fine picked

In situ terrazzo in large scale broken pattern color: light cream color (white concrete, cream natural stone)

Lighting column, 9 m, 3-5 fixtures color: metallic silver galvanized or brushed steel Falaj Natural stone sides and bottom

Neem tree (Azadirachta indica)

Natural stone (sandstone or granite) laid in broken pattern size: widths 10, 20 and 30 cm, falling lengths color: cream and grey textures: flamed and matte

Pool fountain Blue Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) Movable chairs, steel or cast iron framing and FSC marked wooden seat and backrest

Arid plants Arid plants & rock gardens

Natural stone (sandstone or granite) size: widths 10, 20 and 30 cm, falling lengths color: light grey textures: flamed

FSC marked classic wooden park benches with back- and armrest

Lush plantations

N 0

Lighting bollard, 70 cm color: metallic silver galvanized or brushed steel




1: 1000 40

50 m

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1:500 5




25 m

N Gehl Architects ¡ Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 1: 100 0








The Alley Walks


Pedestrian-only passages. Narrow pedestrian passages cut through the built fabric and provide intimate and comfortable walking routes leading from the site perimeter to the park. The Alley Walks provide protected experiences away from traffic and the intensity of the commercial area and is characterized by a sequence of limited views and protected small squares. Key design features • Sequence of varying views and intimate spaces • Car-free environment • Barrier-free environment



KK. Alley Walk

LL. Alley Walk at small square Material key Natural stone (sandstone or granite) color: grey size: widths 10, 20 and 30 cm, falling lengths texture: flamed

Paving Materials The Alley Walks are paved with natural stones from façade to façade, and at the same time underlining the width and the length of the urban space.

Natural stone (sandstone or granite) color: grey size: widths 10, 20 and 30 cm, falling lengths texture: cleaved

The paving in the Alley Walks is made of grey natural stone (sandstone or granite), laid in a pattern of widths at 10, 20, 30 cm, and each band of stones are laid with falling lengths. The paving is laid at an angle of 90 degrees to the buildings surrounding. Surface is flamed in walking areas and cleaved near building gables.

Surface drains, running bond of natural stone size: 30 cm wide, in falling lengths galvanized steel storm grates at ends Concrete prefab pavers, laid in stretcher bonds color: sand size: 60 x 30 cm Concrete prefab paver, laid in stretcher bonds color: light grey size: 15 x 30 cm


In the Alley Walks surface drains are made by a running bond of natural stone, 30 cm wide and in falling lengths. In the end points galvanized steel storm grates are places. 9m small square

Carriageway in light asphalt 3 -6,5 m pedestrian passages

widening at small square 9m

3.0 - 6.5 m pedestrian passages

Curbstones in prefab concrete, height 6 cm color: light grey size: 15 x 30 x 60-100 cm

3.0 - 6.5 m pedestrian passages

small square

Lighting The Alley Walks are fitted with wall mounted lights, adding or underlining the human scale here. Artistic lighting can be used to emphasize certain alleys permanently or at special occasions.

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Planting & Furniture


Alley Walks sometimes widen and become small squares. Trees in alleys are mainly Neem trees placed strategically to emphasize corners and crevices in building structure. Here seating opportunities are also provided.

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Surface drain median in prefab concrete pavers middle paver sunken 2 cm color: light grey with storm water grates, ca. 30 x1:30 cm 1000 Bollards of galvanized 10 20 30 steel,40 50 m size: ca. 80 cm high, 15 cm in diameter


Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


Neem ree in raised concrete tree planter color: light grey size: height 45 cm

1: 100

Concrete bench 1 light grey 2 3 4 color: size: 250 x 50 cm, height 45 cm

N Natural stone pavers in bands across the Alley Walks, drainage along the Alley Walks



1: 200






10 m







50 m

75% of 1:1000

Gehl Architects · Urban Quality Consultants • Behnisch Architekten with haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


Gehl Architects - Urban Quality Consultants Gl. Kongevej 1, · DK-1610 Copenhagen V · Denmark ·

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 Gymnasiumstraße · 52 70174 Stuttgart · Germany ·

TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH Curiestraße 2 · 70563 Stuttgart · Germany ·

schlaich bergermann und partner Schwabstraße · 43 70197 Stuttgart · Germany ·

“The Al Mawalih Souk of Life will become Oman’s number one public destination for new civic life. The district will create a beautiful park that sits at the heart of a vibrant new retail and leisure destination for people.”

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