Teknisk vejledning MCR Monsun

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ul. Grzegorza z Sanoka 2 80 – 408 Gdańsk Poland tel. +48 (58) 341 42 45 tel./fax (0-58) 341 39 85



mcr Monsun

Axial smoke exhaust fan

mcr Monsun

steel doors mcr ALPE steel doors mcr ALPE steel doors mcr ALPE Gelco Nordic ApS steel doors mcr ALPE steel w w w . g e l c odoors -nordic.dk mcr ALPE Gdańsk, May 7th 2010 Version: Monsun 07.05.10 Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted

Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404


Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun


Side 2 af 14


1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................3 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................3 2. DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................................................................3 2. DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................................................................3 3. SUBJECT MATTER 3. SUBJECT OF THE DOCUMENTATION MATTER OF THE ...............................................................................4 DOCUMENTATION ...............................................................................4 4. INTENDED USE ..................................................................................................................................4 4. INTENDED USE ..................................................................................................................................4 4.1. Application ...................................................................................................................................4 4.1. Application ...................................................................................................................................4 4.2. Fire resistance .............................................................................................................................4 4.2. Fire resistance .............................................................................................................................4 4.3. Versions.......................................................................................................................................4 4.3. Versions.......................................................................................................................................4 5. DESIGN AND OPERATION 5. DESIGNPRINCIPLE..............................................................................................5 AND OPERATION PRINCIPLE..............................................................................................5 5.1. Design .........................................................................................................................................5 5.1. Design .........................................................................................................................................5 5.2. Operation.....................................................................................................................................5 5.2. Operation.....................................................................................................................................5 5.3. Dimensions..................................................................................................................................6 5.3. Dimensions..................................................................................................................................6 6. MARKING ............................................................................................................................................7 6. MARKING ............................................................................................................................................7 7. ASSEMBLY ..........................................................................................................................................8 7. ASSEMBLY ..........................................................................................................................................8 7.1. Pre-assembly inspection..............................................................................................................8 7.1. Pre-assembly inspection..............................................................................................................8 7.2. Foundation and 7.2. assembly............................................................................................................8 Foundation and assembly............................................................................................................8 7.3. Electrical connection..................................................................................................................10 7.3. Electrical connection..................................................................................................................10 7.4. Start-up......................................................................................................................................11 7.4. Start-up......................................................................................................................................11 8. HANDLING AND STORAGE 8. HANDLING CONDITIONS AND STORAGE .......................................................................................11 CONDITIONS .......................................................................................11 9. MAINTENANCE AND 9. MAINTENANCE TECHNICAL REVIEWS AND TECHNICAL ..................................................................................11 REVIEWS ..................................................................................11 10. HEALTH AND SAFETY 10. HEALTH GUIDELINES..............................................................................................12 AND SAFETY GUIDELINES..............................................................................................12 11. GUARANTEE TERMS 11. GUARANTEE AND CONDITIONS TERMS ......................................................................................12 AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................................12 MEASURING REPORT MEASURING OF THE FAN REPORT ..............................................................................................14 OF THE FAN ..............................................................................................14

Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 3 af 14

 This Technical and Operational Documentation is designated for the users of mcr Monsun axial smoke exhaust fans. The aim of this Documentation is to provide guidelines concerning the application, design, start-up and operation of the product.

 Read this Documentation carefully before the assembly of the device at its operation site and prior to the start.

If any malfunctions or defects are found, contact the Manufacturer or its authorised representative.

Due to the continuous improvements of our products, we reserve the right to introduce structural modifications that improve the operation and safety of the device. The design of the fans complies with the basic requirements given in the EN 12101-3:2004 standard that concerns smoke exhaust fans. It also fulfils the requirements the state-of-the-art technology and H&S standards. The device has been designed and manufactured based on the following standards: EN 12101-3:2004 EN ISO 12100-1:2005 EN ISO 12100-2:2005 EN 60204-1:2001

Smoke and heat control systems. Section 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators. Safety of machinery. Basic concepts, general rules of design. Section 1. Basic terminology, methodology. Safety of machinery. Basic concepts and general rules of design. Section 2. Technical principles. Safety of machinery – electrical equipment of machines. Section 1. General requirements.

  The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any effects due to the use of the device that does not comply with its intended purpose.  It is not acceptable to install any additional parts in the device that do not belong to its elements or accessories.  It is not acceptable to improve or modify the device without the Manufacturer’s consent.  The housing of the device is to be protected against any mechanical damage.  Before the assembly of the device, the load capacity of structural elements on which the device is to be mounted should be checked. Insecure fastening may cause damage to or destruction of the device as well as cause hazards to people in its vicinity.  The fan cannot be used to extract air that contains any sticky contaminations that might sediment on the device, in particular on the rotor.  The fan cannot be used to extract air that contains any caustic contaminations that might affect the device.  During the operation, the maximum rotations of the rotor cannot be higher than the rated rotations.  The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any injuries or bodily harm resulting from the operation of the device that does not comply with these guidelines.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 4 af 14

 The subject matter of this Technical-Operational Documentation covers:  mcr Monsun F400 axial smoke exhaust fans  mcr Monsun F300 axial smoke exhaust fans  mcr Monsun F200 axial smoke exhaust fans

  Monsun mcr axial smoke exhaust fans are duct fans designated to discharge smoke and heat that originates in rooms during a fire. They facilitate the evacuation of people from areas that are on fire, protect the structure of a building and its equipment against high temperatures and help in fire-fighting, while preventing the spread of fire to adjacent fire zones. The axial smoke exhaust fans may be either:  single-function, with a unipolar motor or  double-function, for general and fire ventilation, with a bipolar motor. Fans are installed indoors or outdoors in a vertical position of the motor on sufficient supports or in the horizontal position of the motor on mounting feet. The total compression of fans makes them compatible with the ventilation network of high resistance.

Fans may operate in the general ventilation system within the ambient temperatures from– 20 °C to + 40 °C. Fans may extract dry air of the dustiness not higher than 0.3 g/m³. A fan cannot be used to extract air that contains any sticky contaminations that might sediment on the device, especially on the rotor.

A fan cannot be used to extract air that contains any caustic contaminations that might affect the device.

During operation, maximum rotations of the rotor cannot be higher than its rated rotations.  A fan that has operated in extreme fire conditions cannot be used any longer.     F400 class – fire resistance to 400oC for 120 minutes  F300 class – fire resistance to 300oC for 60 minutes  F200 class – fire resistance to 200oC for 120 minutes

   Unipolar fans with a single function  Dipolar fans with a double function


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 5 af 14

     

1 – fan housing 2 – axial rotor 3 – base bracket 4 – motor base 5 – cable gland 6 – terminal box 7 – rotor protection 8 – electrical motor of fire resistance adequate to the temperature class Axial smoke exhaust fans are mounted in a steel housing made of a coiled cylinder with flanges that connect it to the ventilation system. Inside the housing, the electrical motor is mounted on the brackets. An aluminium rotor is mounted directly on the motor pin. In the rotor’s axle, on its inlet, an aerodynamic hood is mounted that improves the flow conditions. A terminal box is mounted on the fan housing. Wires of the appropriate fire resistance are conducted to the box from the motor. Rotors of the diameter D=[355;400;450] mm have maximum 9 blades, while the fans of the diameter D=[500-560-630-710-800-900-1000] mm have maximum 12 blades. Fans may operate with various blade angles and with various numbers of blades. Therefore, it is possible to adjust the characteristics of the fan to the system resistance characteristics. Every fan is fitted with an inspection hatch used to check the correct direction of rotor rotations.

   As regards a single-function fan, it does not operate in the stand-by mode. The fan starts and operates after it is actuated with 3-phase voltage connected to the terminals of the terminal box. Double-function fans operate in normal conditions at lower rotational speeds to provide general ventilation. After the alarm signal, they start to operate automatically at a higher velocity.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 6 af 14

     fan mcr Monsun fans - … - dimensions fan - types

D [mm]

~A [mm]

~L [mm]

mcr Monsun 35






mcr Monsun 45






mcr Monsun 40


mcr Monsun 50


mcr Monsun 56


mcr Monsun 63


mcr Monsun 71


mcr Monsun 80 mcr Monsun 90

mcr Monsun 100

800 900


















B [mm] C [°] 438 541

30 30

nxd [mm] 8x9.6

12x9.6 12x9.6 12x9.6







674 837 934










 

 accessories – basic dimensions: SW mounting feet for horizontal installation










mcr Monsun 35









mcr Monsun 40









mcr Monsun 45









mcr Monsun 50









mcr Monsun 56









mcr Monsun 63









mcr Monsun 71









mcr Monsun 80









mcr Monsun 90









mcr Monsun 100










Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

KD vibration compensator KD vibration compensator

fan - type fan - type


D[mm] D[mm] ~A[mm]~A[mm] L[mm] L[mm] B[mm] B[mm] C type

nxd[mm] C nxd[mm]

KD-35 KD-35 mcr Monsun 35 355 mcr Monsun 35


150 425

395 150

45 395

8x9.6 8x9.6 45

KD-40 KD-40 mcr Monsun 40 400 mcr Monsun 40


150 470

438 150

30 438

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

KD-45 KD-45 mcr Monsun 45 450 mcr Monsun 45


150 520

487 150

30 487

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

KD-50 KD-50 mcr Monsun 50 500 mcr Monsun 50


150 570

541 150

30 541

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

KD-56 KD-56 mcr Monsun 56 560 mcr Monsun 56


150 640

605 150

22.5 605

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

KD-63 KD-63 mcr Monsun 63 630 mcr Monsun 63


200 710

674 200

22.5 674

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

KD-71 KD-71 mcr Monsun 71 710 mcr Monsun 71


200 790

751 200

22.5 751

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

KD-80 KD-80 mcr Monsun 80 800 mcr Monsun 80


200 875

837 200

15 837

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

KD-90 KD-90 mcr Monsun 90 900 mcr Monsun 90


200 975

934 200

15 934

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

KD-100KD-100 mcr Monsun 100 1000 mcr Monsun 100

1080 1000

200 1080

1043 200

15 1043

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

PK counterflange PK counterflange

fan - type fan - type

Side 7 af 14


D[mm] D[mm] ~A[mm]~A[mm] B[mm] B[mm] C type

nxd[mm] C nxd[mm]

PK-35 PK-35 mcr Monsun 35 359 mcr Monsun 35



45 395

8x9.6 8x9.6 45

PK-40 PK-40 mcr Monsun 40 404 mcr Monsun 40



30 438

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

PK-45 PK-45 mcr Monsun 45 454 mcr Monsun 45



30 487

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

PK-50 PK-50 mcr Monsun 50 504 mcr Monsun 50



30 541

12x9.6 30 12x9.6

PK-56 PK-56 mcr Monsun 56 564 mcr Monsun 56



22.5 605

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

PK-63 PK-63 mcr Monsun 63 634 mcr Monsun 63



22.5 674

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

PK-71 PK-71 mcr Monsun 71 716 mcr Monsun 71



22.5 751

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

PK-80 PK-80 mcr Monsun 80 806 mcr Monsun 80



15 837

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

PK-90 PK-90 mcr Monsun 90 906 mcr Monsun 90



15 934

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

PK-100PK-100 mcr Monsun 100 1006 mcr Monsun 100

1080 1006

1043 1080

15 1043

24x10.5 15 24x10.5

SO protective wire fan SO protective wireguard fan guard

fan - type fan - type


D[mm] D[mm] A[mm] A[mm] ~B[mm]~B[mm] ~h[mm]~h[mm] C type

nxd[mm] C nxd[mm]

SO-35 SO-35 mcr Monsun 35 355 mcr Monsun 35

395 355


425 5


8x9.6 8x9.6 45

SO-40 SO-40 mcr Monsun 40 400 mcr Monsun 40

438 400


470 5


12x9.6 30 12x9.6

SO-45 SO-45 mcr Monsun 45 450 mcr Monsun 45

487 450


520 5


12x9.6 30 12x9.6

SO-50 SO-50 mcr Monsun 50 500 mcr Monsun 50

541 500


570 5


12x9.6 30 12x9.6

SO-56 SO-56 mcr Monsun 56 560 mcr Monsun 56

605 560


640 5

22.5 5

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

SO-63 SO-63 mcr Monsun 63 630 mcr Monsun 63

674 630


710 5

22.5 5

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

SO-71 SO-71 mcr Monsun 71 710 mcr Monsun 71

751 710


790 5

22.5 5

16x10.516x10.5 22.5

SO-80 SO-80 mcr Monsun 80 800 mcr Monsun 80

837 800


875 5


24x10.5 15 24x10.5

SO-90 SO-90 mcr Monsun 90 900 mcr Monsun 90

934 900


975 5


24x10.5 15 24x10.5

SO-100SO-100 mcr Monsun 100 1000 mcr Monsun 100

1043 1000

1080 1043

1080 5


24x10.5 15 24x10.5

    Examples of fanofmarking: Examples fan marking:

mcr mcr Monsun - 50 - /504 / - 41,5- 1,5 - 5 - / 5F400 Monsun / F400

 fire resistance class [F...] fire resistance class [F...] blade setting angle [˚] blade setting angle [˚] motor motor power power [kW] [kW] number of poleofpairs number pole pairs rated fan diameter [x10mm] rated fan diameter [x10mm] commercial name of the of product commercial name the product



Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 8 af 14

 mcr Monsun axial smoke exhaust fan can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. The device may be installed indoors or outdoors.


Every fan is controlled by the Manufacturer before packing and transport. After unpacking at the Client’s site, the fan is to be inspected visually to detect any housing deformations or damage during the transport. The motor shaft with the rotor should rotate without any resistance or noises.


mcr Monsun type fan may be installed either vertically or horizontally. Before installation, the load capacity of the roof, ceiling, wall or floor of the room where the device is to be assembled is to be checked. If the fan is installed on a roof in a vertical position, an opening in the roof slope is to be prepared and secured of the diameter adapted to the diameter of the fan. A special roof base is to be fixed on the opening that is suitable for the type of roof, the weight of the fan and its diameter. The base should be levelled and anchored to the roof slope. The fan is to be mounted on the base with screws. The exhaust of the fan is to be secured with a roof hood, to prevent rain or snow from entering the building. If the fan is mounted in the horizontal position, mounting feet are to be screwed to the fan housing. The assembly is to be placed on the vibration insulation prepared and anchored to the foundation or the frame. The screws and anchors (diameters, lengths) have to be selected to fit the size of the device. If a fan is mounted under the ceiling, the support structure is to be provided. A fan is to be mounted on the structure after fixing the vibration insulation and mounting feet. The fixing screws and anchors (diameters, lengths) have to be selected to fit the size of the device. Connection of the fan to the ventilation system (smoke exhaust): A ventilation (smoke exhaust) duct is connected with a fan via a flange. To reduce vibrations and prevent their transfer from the fan to ventilation ducts , vibration compensators are to be mounted. The assembly is installed by sealing the adjacent surfaces of elements (high-temperature silicon) and fixing with screws of sizes adjusted to the fan dimensions. A ventilation (smoke exhaust) duct cannot burden a fan or any other parts of the assembly. The duct should be supported on independent ventilation suspensions. The suction and pressing system of the fan should be secured with a protective wire fan guard. Health and safety for mounting the fan When mounting the fan, it is necessary to secure the fan installation site and any structures, to provide passages and access for the assembly personnel. Access to the fan has to be provided for maintenance and revision purposes.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun


Side 9 af 14

seal with high-temperature silicon sealing

vibration compensator

vibration compensator

flow direction

fan foot

vibration insulation

back draft damper

Figure. An example of the horizontal assembly of the fan. Note:  the suction and pressing side of the fan system is to be secured with a protective wire fan guard  the alignment of the fan and the mounting parts is to be provided  an automatic back draft damper has to be levelled to provide its correct operation  it is recommended to use a straight section, min. 2.5xD long, on the pressing side of the fan  the connections of the assembly parts are to be sealed with high-temperature silicon

Assembly above a ceiling


Assembly below a ceiling

Assembly with a back draft damper

support structure (optional) back draft damper

a vertical support vibration insulation


roof base (pedestal)

vertical support vibration insulation

Figure. An example of the vertical assembly of the fan.

Notes:  A support structure should carry the loads that result from the mass of the fan.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 10 af 14

Assembly of the fan feet and the protective mesh

vibration insulation

screw connection

mounting foot

screw connection

protective wire fan guard

vibration insulation

Figure. Example of the accessories assembly.

 After mounting, the fan is to be connected to the electrical system wires. The wires are to be conducted via a gland to the terminal box on the fan’s housing and connected according to the description given in the box. An electrical wire of the required fire resistance is provided by the Manufacturer on the section from the terminal box to the motor. A motor of every fan should be connected to the grid via a circuit breaker. The protection level should be set according to the rated current. Earthing is to be provided in compliance with applicable standards. After the start of the fan in the system, the power consumption is to be measured in the system and the compliance with the rated plate of the motor is to be checked. The current consumed by the fan during operation cannot exceed 1.1 value of the rated current. The power supply of the fan from the control cubicle to the terminal box of the fan has to be provided non-stop during a fire. This may be guaranteed with the use of wires resistant to high temperatures or the application of protective pipes and the selection of installation routes. No service switches are applied, to prevent accidental switching off (except for service switches with remote control of the current circuit positions). Control cubicles of fans have to be fed directly from the main switching stations to provide the non-stop power supply, even after the facility is disconnected. If a main fire switch is used to disconnect the power supply for the whole building, the power supply of the fan has to be independent and provide its normal operation during a fire. If a service switch is used in the system, it is to be mounted outside the fan housing, minimum 9cm away, on a support screwed e.g. to the housing flange (see the figure below).

a service switch a support a fan flange a screw connection


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 11 af 14

Only a qualified person holding required qualification certificates may install the electrical wires.

Connection to 230/400V motors

connection to 400/690V motors

 Before starting a mounted fan, the following steps are to be taken: • check the correctness and stability of the fan mounting • check all sealings • check the correctness and accuracy of the electrical wires mounting • check the sequence of phase connections and the correctness of grounding-neutral earthing • check if no foreign bodies are present in the fan or the connected duct • check if the protective elements have been mounted • after the revision, start the fan to check its operation • when starting the fan, check the direction of motor that should comply with the arrow on the housing.

 mcr Monsun fans are placed on pallets for handling and storage. When loading and handling, the package should not be thrown or turned over. Fans may be transported with any means of transport, provided they are protected against weather conditions. Fans are to be protected against shifting during transport. After any handling operations, each device should be inspected visually. Fans should be stored in rooms: - protected against dust, gases, caustic vapours and other aggressive chemicals that may damage the insulation parts and structural elements of the motor and fan - where the maximum relative humidity does not exceed 80% at the temperature of + 20 ºC, - where the ambient temperature is from – 20ºC to + 40ºC, and - where no vibrations occur.

   No maintenance work can be performed when the fan is on. Before maintenance of the motor, the fan has to be always disconnected from the power supply system. The Manufacturer requires service inspections of the device to be performed every six months, unless the device has been included in the individual service programme. Every inspection should be complete with a report and recorded in the service book of the building. The service inspection should be performed by the Manufacturer of the device or by a firm authorised to provide services and surveys by the Manufacturer. The administrator of the facility (the customer of services or work resulting from the guarantee granted) is responsible for providing full access to the device and the disassembly of other systems, if they prevent free access to the assembly. To provide the correct operation of the fan, it is to undergo revisions every six months. If a fan is used only for smoke exhaust during a fire, it is to undergo test starts for 10 minutes every 3 months.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 12 af 14

 No starts or operation are allowed before reading this Technical and Operational Documentation.

The fan does not pose any hazards, provided it is mounted carefully in the ventilation system and on the support structure. The electrical connection is to be provided exactly according to the enclosed scheme and in compliance with the guidelines given in Section 7.3 of this Documentation. Such connections are to be provided by a person holding required qualification certificates that fulfil the applicable regulations. During operation, the connection of the fan to the PE protective cable is to be controlled.

Any control work of the fan is to be conducted only after disconnecting the power supply. NOTE:

1. Do not apply any high-pressure or steam washing devices to clean the fan from the tarnish. 2. Any leakage in the connections or flexible connecting pipes may cause hazards due to the release of the pressed medium and is to be sealed immediately. If any malfunctions of the device are found (excessive noise, vibrations or uneven operation), the fan is to be disconnected from the power supply and the Manufacturer’s service department or authorised service is to be notified.

 

1. The Manufacturer provides a guarantee for the delivered product for 12 months from the date of the product receipt (the date of signing the stock issue confirmation), unless another guarantee period is specified in a separate contract. 2. Any defects found during the guarantee period that prevent the correct operation of the product shall be remedied by the Manufacturer after reporting the defect in writing within a deadline set by the Manufacturer after a site call. Remedial work shall start at the latest within 4 working days since the date of reporting the defect. 3. The repair of a defect will be provided only if the Manufacturer is given complete access to the place of work, in particular to the device, the inspection hole and provided any thermal insulation, suspended ceilings and other systems are disassembled, if they prevent free access to the device, etc. 4. The guarantee is extended by the period from reporting the defect to finishing the guarantee repair. 5. If any defects preventing the further correct operation of the product are found in the device (material defects), the Manufacturer shall replace the faulty product with an operative one with no financial consequences to the purchaser. 6. The Manufacturer disclaims the guarantee and any other obligations under the guarantee if: a) the product has mechanical damage caused by: • the improper transport or unloading, unless the transport has been provided by the Manufacturer, • the improper installation (non-compliant with this Documentation and the good building practice), • the improper operation of the product that does not comply with its application, • the power supply with the voltage that does not comply with the values given on the rating plate, or • the electrical connection of the device that does not comply with the diagram provided by the Manufacturer b) defects arise as a result of the improper storage of the product, c) the purchaser/user has introduced any structural modifications without the Manufacturer’s consent, d) the installation of the product has been performed by the purchaser not in compliance with this Documentation, e) defects arise as a result of the maintenance of the product not in compliance with this Documentation, f) the rating plate of the product is removed, g) the guarantee seals on the product are removed or broken,


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 13 af 14

h) regular maintenance of the product is not performed within the timetable and according to the guidelines given by the Manufacturer. 7. During the complaint procedure of the product, the Manufacturer charges the buyer with the equivalent of the parts missing or damaged through the purchaser's/user's fault and the cost of their replacement.


To provide the correct and uninterrupted operation, the fan should be checked and started regularly. Every revision should be summarised in a report. The service reviews should be conducted by the Manufacturer or the authorised service of the Manufacturer.


Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : DK-5591 Gelsted Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 w w w.gelco -nordic.dk

Axial smoke exhaust fan mcr Monsun

Side 14 af 14

Arkońska Arkońska Business Business Park Park ul.ul. Arkońska Arkońska 6 bud. 6 bud. A2A2 80-387 80-387 Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland Poland tel.: tel.: +48 +48 5858 732 732 6363 0000 fax: fax: +48 +48 5858 732 732 6363 0202 mercor@mercor.com.pl mercor@mercor.com.pl

www.mercor.com.pl www.mercor.com.pl Arkońska Business Park ul. Arkońska 6 bud. A2 80-387 Gdańsk, Poland tel.: +48 58 732 63 00 Hylkedamvej : DK-5591 Gelsted fax: +48 58 732 70 63 02 mercor@mercor.com.pl

Gelco Nordic ApS

Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404

w wwww.mercor.com.pl w.gelco -nordic.dk

Arkońska Business Park

Photos: Mateusz Grzanka and company archives Photos: Mateusz Grzanka and company archives ul. Arkońska bud. A2 Gelsted Gelco Nordic ApS Hylkedamvej 70 : 6DK-5591 Tel.: 45 63 46 54 08 : Fax: +45 6346 5404 80-387 Gdańsk, Poland w tel.: w +48 w .58g732 e l63c00o - n o r d i c . d k

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