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gemini JANUARY 2009

T h e re a re Tw o S i d e s to Eve r y C u r ve

Feature Story Right Here Second Story Here Some Reference to a Significate Article Here


Fashion page 3

Beauty page 4

Health page 5

Cover Story

Christina Mendez The Confident Woman page 6

Life Styles page 7


tanding in the magazine isle of Wal-Mart at 10 o’clock at night, a meltdown ensued. I think at one point I literally sat in the middle of the floor. I had the appetite for the unique mix of glossy paper smell, good information, and pretty pictures. I had been standing there for thirty minutes, staring at the shiny covers through squinted eyes. Where was the representation of me? Where were the size G breasts, the caramel skin, and the size 18 waist? Where in that sea of colors, was I? By the time the meltdown occurred, I had been holding $30 worth of magazines. I was frustrated, angry, and scary (I was scaring the little kid peeking at me from the kiddie book isle). Somewhere between the melt down and scaring fellow shoppers, I realized that in order for me to get what I wanted I had to buy six or seven different magazines. I eventually got it together, and pouted all the way to the car…without the magazines. One question echoed in my head the entire ride home. Why weren’t any women like me, with bodies and issues like mine, in any of the magazines I had been staring at for thirty minutes? Why? By the time I reached the house, my spirit had quieted the echoes. Quietly, it asked a question of it’s own. What will you do about it? I began to think of all the things I was, and all of the things I enjoyed in life. I thought of the side people chose to see due to my size. I was more than a dress size. If I knew I was more than my curves, how many other women were out there feeling the same? How many other curvy woman felt bound by limited color choices, gross glittery flowers, and square neck lines (need I mention the grandma bras?). How many other curvy gals had been told from a young age beauty was a size 8 and under? How many had been taught only the pretty girls were without hips, thick thighs, heavy breasts, and a round face? Those boundaries needed to be broken. Thus, Gemini was born. The debut issue of Gemini had to be amazing. It had to be bold, unique, and stunning. We accomplished our goal. In an effort to stay away from the norm, we decided to explore the sexier side of the curve. With the help of Hips & Curves and Plus Contributors Size Plum, we were able to take a steamy peek at sexy lingerie for every curvy body type. We took an eye opening look at using intimate fitness as exercise Sommer (both in and out of the bedroom). And, much to our delight, we snagged one of Johnson the hottest models in the industry, capturing the essence of the Gemini Woman Founder/Senior with Christina Mendez as our cover model and feature story. So sit back, relax, Editor/Writer and fasten your seat belts. You are on your way to joining the revolutionary exploration of the curve, and it only gets better from here… Richard A.

-Somm er J


Design Director/ Designer

Mary Owens Writer

©Copywritten by JoMa Publishing 2009 All rights reserved. Gemini Magazine Atlanta, Georgia Ph. 678.525.2362



The days of fruity fragrances, sun kissed skin, and summer glows are gone. Approaching, is the battle to moisturize and protect our skin from the cold. Never fear! We searched high and low for the best skin care for this winter season...

REnewing Gelée Crème Hydrating Wash

REstoring Mist Balancing Toner

Without drying out or stripping essentials from the skin, this hydrating gel wash thoroughly cleanses. ( 3.15 fl. oz./93.15 mL ) Price: $39.00

Need maximum moisture? Use the Balancing Toner to clean any left over cleanser and restore the natural balance of your skin for ultimate moisture retention. ( 3.15 fl. oz./93.15 mL ) Price: $33.00

Day Crème with SPF 8

Corrective Eye Crème

Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, NutriMin C Day Crème also protects against sun exposure (yes, even in winter). ( 1.5 fl. oz./44.36 mL ) Price: $49.50

This eye crème greatly reduces the dark circles and puffiness that can creep up do to a busy life style, lack of sleep, or stress. ( .60 oz./17 g ) Price: $49.00

Spark his interest as you walk by sporting some of the most captivating fragrances of the season...

Wear Euphoria by Calvin Klein at work for a warm and sensual daytime scent. ($65.00)


Women love compliments, and with Marc by Marc Jacobs deep and regal scent you will be enduring them all night. ($65.00)

Going on a first date? Or are you in a sexy, playful mood? Try wearing Unforgivable (Woman) by Sean John ($68.00).


he new year is here, which means nonstop television commercials about lowcost gym memberships and Slim Fast. The store exercise isles will be bare and workout gear will be in every sales paper from now until Valentine’s Day. The thought of going to the gym packed with the already tiny ‘this-yearI’m-dropping-20 pounds’ exercisers is more exhausting than the run to nowhere on the treadmill. What if there was a way to have fun, stay away from the New Year’s resolution crowd, learn a little something about yourself in the process, and get an amazing workout? There is! And guess what? High heels are a requirement. For the past few years, sensual dance has been a part of the exercise arsenal. Gyms, gentlemen’s clubs, and private dance instructors have added sensual dance to it’s array of services. But what is it really? We tracked down one of the country’s hottest instructors to find out what it is really all about. Under the guidance of personal trainers and health professionals, Exotic Fitness Coach and founder of Intimate Fitness, Patricia Pruitt created a program that is fun, safe, and jam packed with essential movement. Sensual dance, or intimate fitness, works every muscle group. Imagine working out for two to three hours (in heels no less), stretching, strengthening, and utilizing every part of the body. It improves flexibility, tightens what needs to be reigned in, and most importantly, it strengthens the core (which is key). With a strong core, lifted glutes, and legs that knock ‘em dead, the posture is better and the energy levels are through the roof. The thought alone of burning five hundred plus calories is enough to strap on some heels and shimmy into some leopard print boy shorts. Intimate Fitness offers many different types of sensual dance classes for all ages, and all body types. From pole dancing classes to Big Beautiful Tease classes, there is a class for every woman. While the health benefits are amazing with sensual dancing, it is the benefits outside the classroom that are the most intriguing. Most women who take the classes find themselves more aware of their own enticing nature. The hips sway just a little more, the legs get shown a bit more, and the inner glow seemingly lights up the room. Eventually, that attitude spills over into the bedroom. Who better to show all that new found knowledge than your partner? It does take a little courage to dance for your partner, but most men could care less about what we look like. “They are looking for confidence [in a woman].” Many of the phone calls Patricia receives are not from her clients, but from the partners of her clients. One gentleman called to thank her for the work she had done with his wife. He had said his wife had danced for him and it was, indeed, the best time they had ever had. “I tell the partners of my clients, if a woman shares her dance with you, it‘s a gift.” And what a gift it is. The sexual intimacy level of a couple can really set the tone for the rest of the relationship. Who doesn’t want that? At first glance, the idea of sensual dance for a workout is interesting, to say the least, but what is gained from taking the classes is more than just interesting…it is life changing. “It’s not about the dance. It’s what the dance does for you. It gives you confidence,” says Patricia. “Intimate fitness is about accepting yourself as you are.” When you walk away from the class, you are sweaty (yes), soar (probably), and a little giddy (it’s the endorphins). Most importantly, you learn something about yourself that you may not have known two hours prior. “All women are exotic creatures. We have to learn to tap into it because it doesn’t come with instructions.” For more information about the instructional DVD, Intimate Fitness, or to find classes in your area, please visit the website at or call (877)-sway.your.hips(w792-9968).



magine being in a small dressing area, backstage, hundreds of people screaming beyond the lights, and many more watching on television. There is music pulsating through the walls, and pure adrenalin pumping through your veins. Mr. Unforgivable himself is lighting up the room with his swag. The beautiful, the famous, and the infamous are all rubbing elbows with none other than you. You have little time to really reflect on what is happening, but somehow, it comes to flash before your eyes as if the nervously excited breaths you are taking are about to end. People with head sets and clip boards shoo you to your spot, and the music cues. It is now or never. You have to play your position right. You are the first one the crowd will see. Your hips…your legs…your curves. You will set the precedent. For a moment, no matter how brief, you will be the one woman that many other women will be watching and admiring. You. There are agencies, fashion designers, entertainers, fashion mags, and fans watching. This just isn’t an opportunity. It’s the role of a lifetime. This just isn’t any runway. It is your runway. Could you rip it? Many curvaceous women did walk the catwalk during BET’s 2008 Rip the Runway, but one woman stood out above the rest. Perhaps it was the fact that she had swag herself, or perhaps it was the fact that even when rejected in 2007 she persevered to get the top spot in ‘08. Christina Mendez is one of the hottest curvy models in the game today. What makes her differ from other plus size models? We have a sneaky suspicion it has something to do with her confidence. Many have tried to duplicate that thing called ’confidence’ but only a few wear it well, and Christina Mendez is dripping with it. It can be seen in her interviews, runway shows, and photos. It can be seen in her approach to life, both the good side and the bad. It is something she has worked hard to build and isn’t letting anything or anyone tear it down. Having been introduced to modeling in high school, Christina is not a new kid to the industry. In the early years of her career, before she could get it completely off the ground, she was hit with news that would undoubtedly change her life forever. She put her modeling career on hold and learned to navigate one of the hardest jobs in the world--motherhood. A few years after her son was born Christina learned he was among a growing number of children faced with autism. According to Autism Speaks, autism effects 1 in 150 people in the United States. Among those individuals, males are four times more likely to be effected than females. There is a wide range between minimal and extreme symptoms. Christina was told by doctors and specialists her son would never be able to function normally. Being a young mother is difficult, but being a young mother with an autistic child is twice as hard. Christina’s self-assurance gave her the strength and courage to handle what had come her way with flying colors. Armed with the goal of helping her son become what the doctors said he wouldn’t, Christina made it her mission to teach him to speak, write, and read. She took a leave of absence from corporate America, and pursued what some said was impossible. It wasn’t until her son was a bit older, and a great deal more than what doctors said he would be, that Christina began to think of modeling again. Her decent back into the modeling game came by way of people saying she should be a tooth model. Eventually, she found herself being interested in plus size modeling. She had the curves, and the drive. Why not? Although her curves are beautiful, she didn’t always think so. Battling with a negative relationship and fad diets kept her


(Continues on page 8)

Movies Dave and Clarice Johnson are in their second decade of marriage. Daveâ s dreams of major league baseball success were dashed by an injury in college, leading him to a steady but unfulfilling career as the head of a small construction firm. Clarice is basking in the glow of real estate stardom, creating a life that revolves around her rise to the top. She has become blind to Daveâ s needs, the most important being his desire to become a father and start a family with her. They face a total disruption in their lives...

Ben Thomas is an IRS agent with a fateful secret who embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers

In just a few short years, Notorious B.I.G. rose from the streets of Brooklyn to become one of the most influential hip hop artists of all time. B.I.G. was a gifted storyteller; his narratives about violent life on the streets were told with a gritty, objective realism that won him enormous respect and credibility. His stories were universal and gave a voice to his generation.

DVDs Academy Award®-winner Kathy Bates and Academy Award®nominee Alfre Woodard star as the matriarchs of two very different families being torn apart by greed and scandal in the contemporary drama “Tyler Perry’s The Family That Preys.” The sixth feature film by Perry chronicles the inner workings of two familiesone upper-crust and the other working classthat become inextricably linked by scandal.

Academy Award nominee Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda, Crash) and Guy Pearce (Memento, L.A. Confidential) star in Traitor, a taut international thriller set against a jigsaw puzzle of covert counter- espionage operations. Traitor is written and directed by Jeffrey Nachmanoff (screenwriter of The Day After Tomorrow).

Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.


Brandy’s New Album: Human

Musiq’s New Album: My Radio (not album cover)

Anthony Hamiliton’s New Album: The Point of it All

Ledisi’s New Album: Lost and Found

Books Prophets in New York is a suspensful, sci-fi thriller. Three young people from the boroughs of New York are framed because of their affiliation, and paranormal abilities, for the car bombing murder of the mayor of New York City. By Richard A. Evans

After years of disagreeing about what true happiness, success, and love really are, Dave and Clarice Johnson finally face the breaking point of their marriage. When Clarice’s leg is crushed in a car wreck, the obvious truth that more than just her injuries need immediate attention is finally exposed.


Christina Mendez con’t... from loving her new, more curvaceous body. Realizing the negative energy was not what she needed, she removed herself from the relationship and stopped dieting. “You will never be your old size again so you have to like your body where you are.” Christina took it upon herself to begin eating a more healthy, well balanced diet, and begun walking. Eventually, walking became running, and running turned into sweating on a treadmill (with a water bottle in one hand and a Blackberry in the other) at the gym three days a week. The balancing act we like to call life is difficult to manuver. Christina is no different (in that area) than many of us. She has not quite figured out how to balance her professional and personal life to perfection, but Christina’s passion for both have kept her on top since 2006. Two phones in hand, a full time job, a child, a sky rocketing modeling career, and a passion for charity work would be enough to drive anyone mad, but Christina takes it all in stride. “It’s very hard. I’m still learning. You have to [learn to] negotiate and prioritize. My son is priority number one. If there is a photo shoot [with] Vogue and if my son has a Christmas party the same day, then I’m like I’m sorry Vogue.” Although Christina says she is still learning to balance things, she knows one thing for sure, being a plus size model is serious business. Having been on the other side of the camera for years, she knows the struggles plus size women deal with everyday. “It’s a big responsibility. It feels weird to be on the other side of [it]. I was put in this position for a purpose. We all come in different curves. I hope I inspire people to represent their size.” So where does her confidence come from? Well, when you strip away the extensive resume, the fab photos, and mind blowing opportunities, Christina’s faith is what keeps her grounded…and confident. God is at the center of it all. In church on Sunday is where Christina finds the time to nurture herself. “It’s the once place the Blackberry gets turned off.” Her positive attitude and spiritual connection is enough to draw in anyone. “God does amazing things. He needed me to learn a couple of adult lessons before I went on the journey I’m on now.” And her journey has been one to inspire. From becoming a young mother with some major obstacles to becoming a star on the rise, Christina Mendez puts her faith in God and lives life on purpose. In 2009, Christina is finding herself going for it all again. Armed with more experience and oozing with self-confidence, she is branching out to new areas of the modeling industry. In June of this year, she will be one of many amazing speakers in Chicago at the Real Women Summit. Don’t be surprised when you see her hosting a national television show or in a major motion picture. We are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping she can snag the leading lady role in a classy music video, or a huge contract with a major fashion house. Christina’s new, edgy look is only one of many for ’09. No matter how (or where) you see her, just be on the look out for that thing. She’ll be wearing it like a 10 karat diamond ring.

W W W. I N K P E N K I N GZ . CO M





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