3 minute read

Training and Licence Fees

The plan on the previous page would achieve an annual income of £12,900 based on 8 hours a week with 8 weeks a year holiday when you do not work (because, why not!?) Of course there are overheads to consider such as :

• Room hire/Travel to the room • Marketing costs • Professional costs (eg insurance/ANLP membership) • People Building Licence fees

If, however, you intend to work more than 8 hours a week, and would be comfortable to undertake other areas of work, then your modest monthly plan could look more like the following:

Above, I have assumed: You have taken our hypnotherapy training so that you have additional clients. Your corporate training day is from 10am to 4pm and you required half a day to plan your content and half a day to do the marketing that got you the contract. You have worked approx 12 hours per week that month. If you replicated this work pattern every month excluding the corporate work (which you may only want to deliver 6x per year) your annual income would be £32,500.00 with 8 weeks holiday when you do not work at all.

Now I’d like you to make a plan based on what you’d like to do, how much time you want to put into your business and the areas of work you want to focus on.

Work Type Charge Number of attendees Number of sessions Total for 1 month

One to one NLP sessions £95.00 3 clients 4 £1140.00

Hypnotherapy session £95.00 2 clients Zoom workshops (90 mins) £15.00 Corporate training £100 10 4 £760

1 £150

20 1 £2,000 Total income for month £4050.00

Hours worked in one month 45.5*

Work Type Charge Number of attendees Number of sessions Total for 1 month

One to one NLP sessions

Hypnotherapy session Zoom workshops (90 mins) Corporate training

Total income for month

Hours worked in one month

What you have probably realised is that this business model comes with a great deal of flexibility. You can work remotely, via Zoom or face to face. You can offer workshops, 1:1 sessions or both. You can take holiday when you like for as long as you like. Using our affiliate products (for example our hypnotherapy audios) you can earn 60% commission for selling our digital products enabling you to make an income when you are on holiday or asleep.

Most of our franchisees are slow to start and have a panic at about 6-10 weeks into licensing with us before they start to find their groove. There then comes a point when I haven’t heard from you in a while and then I panic and reach out! However, the response I get at that point is that you’ve been ‘too busy’ and then I know you’re in your stride and starting to grow. I’m telling you this now so that when you have that panic, you can know that it’s likely to be the all important final crease that we iron out before you start to fly.

The speed at which that happens is unpredictable mainly because I don’t know how hard and fast you’ll work. I know it’s very cliché to say ‘you get our what you put in’ and the quality of what one person puts in can vary quite significantly to the next. However the team is here to give you candid feedback and guide you on how you can improve the quality of your marketing and pull you up by your boot straps if you’re starting to lag behind.

You have likely also realised that you will earn more from being a practitioner than I do and that’s not unusual at all. I often have days when I think I’d be financially better off as one of my own franchisees but you will also know by now that I have my fingers in many pies and I’ll teach you why this is important and lucrative during the mentoring sessions we do together.

For a more in-depth business plan, download our template here:


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