4 minute read

Achieving a Return on Investment

Your own People Building themed website:

In 2016 People Building won the Hertfordshire business award for online innovation. Second to helping people, we’re big on using technology in a way that can help support our franchisees in their learning and business development.

That’s why as well as having a beautiful platforms for the online portion of your learning and another where you can access all your licensee resources, we’re going to give you a website.

Your People Building website is personalised to you.

It is created from start to finish for you so that you do not have to do any of the hard work! (Except write about yourself and the work that you do).

• Follow our guide to website content creation to make your site SEO friendly.

• People Building branded.

• Your own PBNLP email address.

• We will show you how to write your content.

• Tell you where to get images to use, royalty free.

• Includes a fully integrated blog.

• Built in data capture facilities.

• A critique of the site content you create in a customised video.

• We host the site for you; there are no hosting fees for you to pay.

• We will guide you on choosing a domain name that reflects your niche.

• You can add pages/remove pages and add media to the site

• Simple to use and easy to learn Wordpress platform.

• Access to our web developer for additional support and to fix things when you delete something you shouldn’t have!

• Piggyback off of the credibility of our established People Building website.

This website is valued at £2500.00

Monthly Marketing Kits

• Every month you will receive a brand new marketing kit which contains approx 30 posts for you to use on Meta, Twitter, Linkedin and elsewhere.

• You’ll receive a combination of meme posts and 1 min videos that can be uploaded as reels.

• High quality, engaging social media content, done for you.

• Share content from the most inspiring and powerful moments of the People Building podcast.

• You’ll receive a blog post/podcast transcript which you can annotate or comment on and share on social platforms or on your blog.

• Never stress about finding enough time to write brand awareness posts.

• We’ll show you how to pre-schedule your social media so that it doesn’t have to be a daily chore.

• Help to promote the People Building brand far and wide to increase brand awareness and increase your client enquiries.

• The People Building Podcast spent over a decade in the top 10 of the iTunes alternative health download chart. Piggyback on its credibility.

• Access to our Facebook & Google ads expert for additional advice and training sessions in social media.

Achieving an ROI

Planning Your Finances in Advance

For context, I will disclose that I (Gemma) earn £1,500-£2,500 per month from seeing clients. However, you are also, by now aware that seeing clients is not my full-time job. I also manage our office team, mentor our franchisees, run the training, offer CPD sessions, direct a nonprofit company, create podcasts and YouTube videos and occasionally write books!

I offer a free consultation session and charge £250 for a 90-minute session.

Our top performing practitioners earn £3,000-£5,000 per month which is typically from one to one sessions for which the average charge is £114 per session. Not all of the practitioners offer a free consultation. The variation in their income will be due to a number of factors, for example:

• Their location (unless you have created some celebrity status, you will likely earn more in inner cities than in a rural village) • Positioning (for example, you can charge more if you work from an office space than if you work from your back bedroom) • How much they charge (usually linked to confidence and self esteem of the practitioner) • Marketing (There is a difference between a post card in your local community centre and running Google ads) • Effectiveness (You can be the best marketer but if you are a poor practitioner you won’t get repeat or word of mouth business.)

However, the plan below is intended to be for one modest month one and not what you should plan to achieve. I expect your goals to be ambitious and realistic.

*Realistically, you will spend time preparing and evaluating sessions, marketing and advertising. This becomes streamlines over time but for 1:1 sessions, I’d suggest adding on 30 mins and for your very first workshop, you may need a day to organise your marketing and plan your content.

Work Type Charge Number of attendees Number of sessions Total for 1 month

One to one sessions £95.00 3 clients 4 £1140.00

Zoom workshops (90 mins) £15.00 Corporate training — 10 1 £150

Total income for month £1290.00

Hours worked in one month 19.5*

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