Transforming Peoples to Transform Nations
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
GEMS Annual Report 2013 - 2014
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
General Secretary’s Report
Submitted on 24th & 25th July 2014 at EC & GB Meeting of GEMS Sikaria, Bihar
Dearly Beloved, “Be Strong and Courageous because you will be leading the people to inherit the land that I promised” (Joshua-1:6) would be always a command and a promise for all the pioneers. The Lord of host all the time goes before us as we move forward under His guidance throughout the past year. (2013-2014). As we gather the harvest, we made it clear to use our “Harvest into a Harvest Force” by equipping every believer including Children and Young people and also are creating opportunities for them to move forward.
Change of Leadership: By His immense grace and guidance, Dr.Ashok was installed as the “Director of Missions” by which 65% of my workload has been reduced. That means, I could spend more time on new things as well as involve in more preaching and teaching assignments. By the way, we selected him by a Biblical, God-guided way which is a ‘Model’ for other mission organisations to follow. There are many who are astonished at the way the Lord helped us, as well as questioned me for our bold venture crossing all the hurdles which the present churches and missions are struggling with like, Caste, Age, Experience, Dynasty, Exposure etc. Praise to His Holy name. His ways are always “Perfect”. Even though I have given up my responsibilities to him, I never miss any opportunity in guiding him whenever required. Also Dr.Ashok approaches me with a ‘Learning Heart’ to understand things better for his functioning. We both enjoy our time together as I share lot of my experiences as well as the lessons I learnt by
walking with the Lord. So a real “Heart to Heart” talk takes place for the betterment of our services for the Lord. A good rapport is also there so that we could hear and obey the voice of God clearly during the times of crisis (Major and Minor).
GIANT: Prayer being the vital force in our forward march, a new initiative “GEMS Intercessory Army for National Transformation” (GIANT) is launched by the new Director and our Chairman Bro.Victor.P.Lawrence was used to train the intercessory leaders who can train others. Being a vehement intercessor himself, his powerful ministry brought an impact already in our ministry and good reports have started coming in.
New Momentum in Field Work: This year(2014) we planned 150 Area Conventions in which the Area leaders are given the responsibility to organise them and our own leaders are being used for preaching under the theme “The Witnessing Church”. This is being done to increase the organisational skill of our Area leaders thus training them in “Capacity Building” and also our leaders those who understand our Congregation may emerge as ‘Better Preachers’. The advantage is ‘there is no translation in the Conventions’. The “Voluntary Village Pastor”(VVP) program to find and equip 5000 people in 10 years to lead the churches without costing the organisation much is well accepted. This training is also in progress. Since DR.Ashok, Our Director of Missions submitted herewith a separate report on our field activities; I restrict myself with few important highlights of our ministry. Workers Welfare: The efficiency of the workforce may be reduced mainly because of few concerns that missionaries are having.(a) Their Children’s Higher Education (b) Their health needs (c) Their post retirement life. GEMS systematically helps in their Children’s Higher Education as well as in Quality Education by providing though our English Medium schools. Eventhough we have our limitations other means are also made available to them.
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The March Fasting Prayer Rally made such an impact in our churches, people are being baptised in the Spirit in an unusual way which affects their entire locality.
GEMS motivated MUT to meet the total needs of their medical bills by starting a programme called MHS (Missionary Heath Services). Dr. Rajesh Duthie who developed a greater burden in this issue has been entrusted with initiating and facilitating this project. Already we have a “retirement benefit scheme” . Along with that now we are introducing a “Housing Subsidy Scheme” with required criteria by which the stress in the mind of the missionary regarding his/her stay after retirement can be reduced. Under this scheme Rs.5 Lakh will be provided to build a house wherever they want to build. (450 Sq. Ft quality house can be built with this amount). Rs 1 Lakh would be a gift from GEMS. Rs. 1 Lakh would be an advance amount from their retirement benefits and rest 3 Lakh would be given as loan which will be deducted after one year for a maximum period of 15 years. Even though we may not provide everybody immediately, this good start sends a positive signal to them about our care for them and we will speed up the number of houses for them as and when the Lord provides.
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Visitors Gallery: Many people from every corner visit us
continuously. Most of them couldn’t see the vastness of our growing ministry. This gallery is planned and made in such a way, any visitor who spends an hour here is able to catch the total picture of our “ever growing ministry”. Bro.Belshath executed my ideas in a more attractive way which is appreciable. SAC (Social Action Centres): As you are aware, to change our frequency in tune with the “Right to Education” policy, 28 centres are in operation now. Out of them 14 centres were converted this year. We are earnestly looking forward for right sponsors to operate these new centres. 15 centres are sponsored by our resource making institutions already. There is a sign of welcome in the community as we now extended our services to the women folks, as well as playing an advocacy role in bringing the benefits of the government projects to the needy along with our evangelistic and church planting activities. Bro.Rakesh Kumar and team brought out a manual with which the people involved are having a clear picture about their role and the team brought other resource persons like EFICOR etc to empower our people with the knowledge of RTI etc. The new change became a blessing now and the children number is also shooting up in these centres.
Mukhadampur Action Centre: Dubai Tamil Full Gospel Church under the leadership of Pastor. Edwin Rajkumar realised the need to serve in North India with the God given resources from their people. I encouraged them to establish a work under their name here in Bihar. But after visiting our ministry, the Pastor and the Leadership felt that they should work along with GEMS. So we initiated a project “Mukhadampur Action Centre” which will serve the community with the Good news of Jesus Christ and help the young people and children with education and provide them a church which can be used as a multi-activity center.They came forward to invest over 1 crore for this purpose. It is a real joy to have a partnership with the Indian Community living abroad(immigrants) in the cause of reaching the unreached and touching the needy regardless of their age. We hope to have similar understanding with other churches too to touch the lives of many for his Kingdom. Shepherd’s Camp: Casting the right vision in the minds of ‘Young Pastors of South India’ was always a challenge. We always believe we have no right to enjoy the material benefits from the Southern Churches without contributing the values to them. To materialise this thought we conducted 2 such camps to enhance the effectiveness of the South Churches and to make them participants in the National vision. Around 400 Pastors underwent this 4 days training camp and further it is planned for Karnataka and Southern districts of Tamil Nadu.
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Making a School a Beacon for the Locality: DC Lewis Memorial School at Renukut, UP is increasing its strength and infrastructure every year. To make this School ministry along with its Feeder school at Dudhi(GEMS English School) a beacon for the entire Sonebhadra district of U.P, the income from these schools are now being used for Evangelism , Social Services for Gond people and Educational Services Visitors Gallery for Hindi High School, Middle School at 5 places. The proposal was well accepted and Bro.Jeyasingh David (Southern Regional Director) and others took this challenge on their shoulders to see a greater transformation in the needy place. Along with this a Hospital Project is also coming up with these initiatives. Do pray that all these efforts may bring glory to His name.
These camps changed their thinking and understanding regarding the “The Church” and we started to see the fruits of its outcome. Praise be to God.
ELIM connections restored:
After 30 years of cold relationship with Elim,UK has been revived again by the visit of Rev. David Tinnion and his wife. I always cherish the memory of Elim missionaries (Sis Sylvia Beardwell and Sis Olive Jarvis) who prayed for me even before they knew me.I used to say “I am the answer for their prayers”. Their earlier contribution and partnership in our ministry faded away after the departure of Elim missionary (late) Ms. Joy Bath. The Missions Director Rev.Paul Hudson’s visit and our understanding with Reagent Theological College became a starting point as our Overseas Connections In-charge Dr.Rajesh Duthie persuaded with all his might. May the Lord help us to sustain this partnership.
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a) The change of government in the centre and change of leadership in Bihar Government ( of course the present chief minister Mr.Jitan Manjhi is from Maha dalit community Mushar with whom we have ministries) are of little concern as the grass root level people may take advantage of the situation to hinder our progress. But the One who reigns is greater all the time. b) The price rise and inflation made us to enhance the allowances of our workers again i.e twice in a year. Still that is inadequate. The new government under Mr.Narendra Modi also may not be in a position to control these things as the international scenario is also getting worst. We need to pray for the welfare of our workers so that God may meet their needs at every juncture. c) The new policy (even though for bringing betterment in Educational Quality) of submitting videographed presentations before applying for the institutions like ITI, Polytechnic College etc. hampered the initiating process of new Educational institutions as it cost us a considerable amount beyond our present capacity. We didn’t foresee this. The Lord who is our “Jehovah Jireh” should help us to meet the revised budget. d) As electronic media is advancing day by day, many of my messages are being posted in the youtube by various people. We are happy that this helps many people in different nations
and they are touched by the clear teaching of the word of God. But it indirectly affected our income through DVD distribution. As you are aware, the proceeds are being used for publishing our Tamil, Hindi/English magazines. e) The burden of the common man i s getting increased everyday and this affects the missions giving considerably. The Lord is gracious enough to supply the needs of our ministry and workers until this day. But the local collection from Indian believers is stable. That means enhancing the allowances of our workers is restricted. Please pray for a breakthrough. I. An Educational Co-ordinator Office has been established in Tirunelveli as Prof. Karunakaran and his wife came forward to help us. They are responsible for the spiritual upliftment of English Medium Schools and other Higher Education Institutions, Teachers and Staffs along with facilitating with their advises (as they are having rich experience in teaching field) and also help us in recruiting quality teachers. II. Similarly BOTE(Board Of Technical Education) also started functioning to help the ITI’s , technical educational institutions. We look forward a suitable person to help the board. III. A new ad-hoc committee is being constituted under the leadership of Bro.Rakesh Kumar (Present DCC Co-ordinator) to do all the preliminary work of establishing “GEMS Engineering and Management Studies College” at Arwal District where we could buy 17 acres of Land for the purpose. Arwal district is the most affected district of Bihar by the Naxalism and thus it is backward in many ways. IV. The great Lord heard our cry of getting the adjacent land in Sikaria(5 acres) along with our present hospital road for establishing B.Sc. Nursing College cum Safe Houses for the CSW girls from our “Rahab projects”. We are grateful for Intermission Swiss and Mr and Mrs Pat (through SEED). It reduces some of the menaces we were about to face. Intermission Germany has helped in making Safe Houses for boys in Karwandiya.
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
New Initiatives:
Ministries in Pipeline:
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
I. We are planning for an Action Centre at Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) to touch the teens and college attending youths along with our church. Bangalore has been connected with the project so that there may be a connection between the two cosmopolitan cities. Bangalore team took it as a challenge to see that the centre is established by their mite & might. The opportunities are plenty to connect the cities and thus pave the way for the future generation to carry on a ministry in caring for the next generation.
II. Similarly we could buy a land (4500 Sq. feet) in the heart of Gaya town to execute the vision of reaching students of Central University (which is coming up) along with Magadh University. A wing of this action centre will function to reach the Buddhist (tourists from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Japan, Bhutan and other countries). Already efforts are made to partner with Sri Lankan churches and Bhutan churches to provide the required manpower. I expect you to pray so that this centre may be a reality soon. Marthandam, Kerala and Madurai promotional centre’s leaders Bro.Kanagaraj and Bro.Ebenezer work day and night to make this possible by motivating the people to involve in this special project. In spite of the accident Bro.Kanagaraj faced his work in touching people continues. Also some of our Indian friends in Kuwait are already motivated enough to do their best towards this project. Already we have started a “City Church” in this town in a hotel (presently under the leadership of Bro. Victor Immanuel (Eastern Regional Director)). III. Unless we challenge the South Churches and its young people continuously for the unfinished task, reaching the unreached will be unfinished. Again it is our sole responsibility to give proper orientation for the young ones committed in various meetings for missions. There are no such centres in India with a short term course where they can go for 3 months to get exposed to various missionary organizations and the needs of the great nation. So it is our long-time dream to establish a “Missionary Preparatory Training Centre” (MPTC) which can offer young people to come and learn for a period of three month where retired missionaries of various organisations can come and share their different experiences. Also various missions can come and
present their ministries and need for personnel so that the centre will be a place for recruitment. To start with our dream is to have a centre which can accommodate 25 people with enough facilities for a good exposure. This will be a service centre for all the missions. The idea is to have it in our place near Tuticorin where we can build a permanent facility until then we can have it where required facility is available. This would be GEMS contribution to any mission in building the kingdom of God. In order to initiate this “major move”, we plan to have evening courses also (7 pm -9:30 pm) three days in a week in the following centres from June 2015 onwards. (The evening classes will be for six months) .1) Chennai 2) Vellore 3) Trichy 4) Nagercoil 5) Bangalore 6) Coimbatore and 7) Mumbai. The details will be made available by December 2014.
v. The Lord is gracious enough to add educated people to our congregations from every caste and creed. So we feel, it is high time to mobilize them to motivate them to involve more in the kingdom work. That means ‘‘influencing their own categories of people under GEMS DOST” (Degree & Diploma holders Obeyed for Spiritual Transformation)
“India needs Jesus” which is only possible if we take many faith ventures and have people who can exercise their faith as well as willing to gamble their talents and lives. In conclusion we as a body should think in line with the urgency of the Spirit to achieve more for Him. May the Lord grant us the required Strength, Stamina, Favour, Clarity and Momentum. “Consecrate me now to thy Service Lord By the power of grace Divine Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope And my will be lost in thine”
D. Augustine Jebakumar
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IV. We are also deeply involved in materializing our fifth decade motto “Fresh-Full-Free” by helping our present Trusts to be autonomous with a right understanding and tie up with the mother body. We have fixed some time limit in making it real in the coming days.
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Annual Report of the Director of Missions
Submitted before the Executive Committee and the General Body at Sikaria on 24th & 25th July 2014
Dear in Christ, I praise and thank God for His faithfulness in our ministries and I am grateful to Him for the strength and the grace that He supplied in fulfilling the huge role handed down to me. . I sincerely thank our General Secretary beloved Annan Bro. Augustine Jebakumar for mentoring, counselling and guiding me all through. I wouldn’t have been able to play my role well without the complete cooperation of all our leaders and I thank them for that.
The Lord who said “I will build My church” (Matt 16:18) is faithful and we could see that in all our fields and in all our initiatives. Herewith I present a gist of the ministries reported as done through the Seven-fold ministries of GEMS. Since regular updates are made in detail through GEMS LiNk this is only a glimpse of the ministries. I. Evangelism & Church Planting II. Discipleship & Trainin III. Educational Services IV. Humanitarian Services V. Medical Ministries VI. Media Ministries VII. Revival Ministries
I. Evangelism & Church Planting Northern Region (Bhojpuri 3, Maithili, PEACE 3 & Nepal Zones) Christian Apologetics seminar was conducted for all the missionaries of Northern Region which built their faith in the Lord
and His word and they were equipped for effective ministry. Our ministry among the Maithili language speaking people completes its 25 years of service. In October 2014 a Silver Jubilee celebration is to be organized to thank God for his faithfulness and to motivate people through a Convention. Bhojpuri 3 Zone concentrated in refreshing its missionaries through retreats & seminars. As AGNI was newly joined with the mainstream zones, to strengthen their relations a Staff Retreat was organized for them. Many testified of the ways in which the Lord dealt with them and brought change in their attitude. Reconciliation between some of the workers also happened, which was a joyful occasion.
The entire village feared Buhali Manhji who practiced witchcraft. One day as he was doing witchcraft against somebody, all of a sudden he started vomiting blood from his mouth. His family members brought him to the church at Majhaulia of PEACE 3 Zone. The Pastor prayed for him and the Lord healed him. The whole family accepted Jesus Christ and are attending Sunday service continuously. The whole village also has started believing in Jesus and many are coming to the church. The newly started city church at Hetauda in Nepal is growing and mostly youths are turning to the Lord. 20 year old Shanti of Mamdhamar was possessed by evil spirit; she would never stay at home and would roam in the streets. As the missionary of this church prayed, the Lord delivered her. She is now married to a believer.
Southern Region (Jharkhand, Sonebhadra, Vananchal & Maharashtra Zones) 5000 people attended the Christmas program in Garhwa of Jharkhand Zone. This meeting made a great impact and many have shown interest in coming to the church.
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Neelam, a new believer of Hasanpur Church in Maithili Zone was diagnosed with breast cancer. When the church got together and prayed for her, the Lord healed her completely. Experiencing this miracle she took baptism. Misunderstanding between a new believer couples went to the extent of applying for divorce in Babhubari. The counselling of the Pastor coupled with prayer solved their problems; they reunited and as a family took baptism.
For five years bound chains and a dark room was the plight of the youth Gulab Chand, a native of Polva Village in Sonebhadra Zone. He was under terrible demonic possession and nobody could approach him except his parents whose shed tears every day. As our missionaries visited him and kept praying, one day the Lord delivered him completely and freed him from the chains and demonic bondage.
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Muniya Devi was persecuted by her husband and the villagers at Badkagaon (Vananchal Zone) for her faith in Jesus Christ. As she attended the Fasting Prayer Rally she was strengthened in her faith. Seeing her strong faith other believers of the church were challenged and strengthened. 11-year-old Suman Barla was not only persecuted by the villagers but was excommunicated and for four months he was given refuge in one of the believer’s house. He walks 27 kms every week to attend the church at Bhagatpur and wants to serve the Lord. 12 year old Varsha Varangekar was diagnosed with hole in her heart and the doctors suggested surgery. She came with her father to a Sunday service of the Aslaj Church (Maharashtra). The Lord healed her miraculously and when they went for checkup the doctors eliminated surgery. 6 year old Mahesh Supanekar of Malwadi (Bhilwadi field) was deaf from birth. He was brought to the church and the Lord healed him and now he could hear. Because of the Children’s Home in ‘32 Shirala’ there is much impact of the Gospel in the villages and also in the lives of the teachers and Principal of the children.
Eastern Region (Magahi 1, Magahi 2 & PEACE 1 Zones) Arti Kumari of village Ojha Bigha was oppressed by evil spirits for over a year and her father Krishna Prasad took her to be treated by an Ojha (sorcerer), but could not be cured. She was brought to the church at Arwal of Magahi 1 Zone and the Lord Jesus Christ delivered her.
Kanchan was troubled because of her son Sonu who was epileptic. Being poor she could not get him treated. Her elder sister encouraged her to believe in Jesus Christ. She began to come to the church at Warsaliganj of Magahi 2 Zone. As she put her faith in Jesus, the Lord healed her son completely. She and many of her 12 relatives believed in Jesus & took baptism.
Anil Sharma and his wife Urmila Devi were childless for 13 years because of which they were hated by Anil’s family members. This led forth to conflicts and they lacked peace in their family life. Last year they were reached with the Gospel by the PEACE 1 Zone’s church at Shergatti. They believed in Jesus Christ and grew in their faith; this year they were blessed with a son. Now not only they but their whole family who hated them have put their faith in Jesus, took baptism and are coming to the church. Bhojpuri 1 Zone had to face lots of struggles and oppositions but at the end the Lord turned everything for good & for His glory. We lost our dear Sister Rachel Cornelius in an accident. But it was a testament to commitment as Bro. Cornelius used the compensation money to purchase a land measuring One Decimal for rupees one lakh and eighty thousand in the heart of city and dedicated it for the Mohaniya Church. Naugad church faced lots of opposition but he Lord touched & raised one local village Pradan (leader) who is willing to help the church in all ways. The Zonal Convention was also disturbed & our missionaries were jailed. In Sayed Raja (U.P.) the Lord is doing a marvellous work and 100 people are newly coming to the Lord. Surendera Paswan was suffering from Leprosy and even after spending two & a half lakhs could not be cured by the doctors. He came to the church at Godari of Bhojpuri 2 Zone and the Lord healed him completely. Every week the church attendance at Suryapura is increasing as new people are coming to the church and the house owner has told the missionary to vacate the place. Sulakshan Devi was deaf in both her ears and started coming to the church at Bikram of PEACE 2 Zone. The fourth Sunday she testified that she could hear; she believed in Jesus Christ and took baptism.
Central Region (Sikaria & Rohtas Zones) Developing leaders was given priority and the six phases of Continuous Leadership Training program was completed and in the final phase the leaders learnt about identifying potential leaders, mentoring and reproducing leaders, delegating and decentralizing, resource development, homiletics, spiritual gifting and grace. Many other leaders were also sent to be trained through Haggai Institute.
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Western Region (Bhojpuri 1, Bhojpuri 2 & PEACE 2 Zones)
Missionaries living on the Rohtas Hills suffer without electric power. The Lord graciously provided support to supply Solar Units to Rohtas zonal office, Nagatoli, Kuba, Badka Budhwa, Jadappa, Chainpura and Beofor mission fields.
Prayer Mapping: To break the barrier of the power of darkness this program was organized in all the mission fields of Rohtas Zone. In which the leaders, pastors, bible men/women and church elders fasted and prayed for the field, went for prayer walks & also conducted believers meetings or outreaches.
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We could see the move among the teens & youths on Rohtas hills due to our continuous effort through our School and Homes ministries. Recently 27 people took baptism; five people were from Badka Budwa and 22 from Kapparpotti field. Most of them are young people.
Through Sikaria Zone, Rickshaw Pullers & Roadside Shoe Polishers of Dehri & Dalmia Nagar areas were reached with the Gospel in a special program arranged for them. 150 of them participated and were blessed. Woollen blankets & sweets and the book ‘He lived among us’ in Hindi were distributed to the participants.
Rickshaw Pullers & Roadside Shoe Polishers
District Advancement Teams (DAT) The Lord enabled the opening of a new DAT field in Siwan District, one of the most unreached places. For the first time ever many missions came together (BIC, India Mission, Nav Bharat, World Vision, Help a Child of India, EHA) along with GEMS to help in conducting a major crusade at DAT Madhepura. 780 new contacts were received and are being followed up. There has been a good response in DAT Bagaha this year especially after the major crusade. 27 people have taken baptism. Lack of a church building is a hindrance in consolidating the harvest. The DAT at Bhagalpur is progressing well and work has been established in five places in Bhagalpur District – Sikandarpur, Mohanpur, Sahebganj, Ishak Chak & Pirpainti.
The Lord has been doing great works through DAT Zamania and a mass movement is happening there and on average 800-1200 people worship the Lord Jesus Christ every Sunday. This church grew as insane people were healed by the Lord and even this year 3 youths who were DAT Sheikpura insane were brought to the church and the Lord healed them. Three girls were sent to be trained at DBTC & five boys to TBC. By the grace of God land was bought in Satna to build the Action Center. DAT Satna is reaching 15 Panchayats and Preaching Points have been established in 12 villages and House Churches in 7 villages.
Church Constructions/Dedications
Church Constructions/Dedications
God’s grace & support of sponsors helped us to build and dedicate churches in Durgawati (Bhojpuri 1), Vaishali, Jamalpur & Lalganj (Bhojpuri 3), Sandesh (PEACE 2), Chainpura, Tumba (Rohtas), Malkapur (Maharashtra), Mamdhamar & Harda (Nepal). A poor believers’ family donated their land in Harda field of Makwanpur District and this church was built by the native believers.
Crusades & Conventions Major Crusades were conducted in five places Anpara, Siwan, Madhepura, Sheikhpura and Garhwa. Rains had delayed the Anpara Crusade (Sonebhadra Zone) by a year & with a loss of money. But it witnessed the first ever large gathering of people in
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Besides agriculture many at Village Chandi in DAT Sheikpura break stones, including children. The Gospel brought transformation to this place. Nitu & Usha of this village were sent to Tailoring Training at GEMS Action Centre, Patna and now they have a decent livelihood.
April 2013 through which 725 new contacts were established. The Anpara Church believers also made and gifted a permanent detachable Stage to the Crusade Team.
Rohtas Hills Convention
Prayer cells in Chipiapur & Lakshmipur have been started in DAT Siwan after the major crusade here.
The mini crusade in Chiniya Block of Jharkhand Zone touched the landowner who provided the place for the crusade and has come forward to donate the land to build a church. The first time ever Convention was conducted on the Rohtas Hills in Oct 2013 in which 650 people attended and were spiritually uplifted.
Film Ministry
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1,76,111 people heard the Gospel through the 919 film shows screened in various places in all the zones. 26 film units are actively taking the Gospel to various new places and creating inroads through film ministry.
A 19-year-old deaf & dumb young boy was watching the gospel film show at Rivalganj field of PEACE 2 Zone. Watching the film suddenly he shouted as the Lord healed him. Seeing this miracle 50 people put their faith in Jesus Christ and a field has been opened here.
Children Ministries Saraswati, a child of JET club in Chapra brought her whole family into the Lord. Likewise in Hatta, a girl who attended this year’s VBS ‘Be a Model’, shared the Gospel to her parents; now the whole family is going to the Sunday Service. The story of Mary Jones, a 15-year-old girl who walked 25 miles to buy a copy of the Bible, was retold using puppets and was made into a Video CD, ‘Mary Jones & her Bible’ to motivate children to love & read the Bible. To nurture the Campus and Homes children of Sikaria and to train & equip them with the knowledge of God a new program has been started called AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed). This club is conducted in partnership with AWANA
India and trainers from Bangalore & Mumbai trained our teachers. Bible teaching & memorization, Games, Citizen Responsibilities, Environment & Health services mould the children in the biblical way of life and prepare them in ‘Teamwork’ to serve the Lord.
STudent Out Reach Ministries (STORM) Leadership Camp ‘Be Imitators of Christ’ helped student leaders of Varanasi STORM to understand the plan of God in general and in their lives. Students & Seniors of BHU and a few from the surrounding places attended a Discipleship Camp which was conducted in the theme ‘New Life in Christ’ and committed their lives to be Disciples of Christ.
Sikaria & Ranchi STORM came together to conduct a youth meeting in Sasaram, ‘Dil Mange More’ in which 360 youths heard the gospel for the first time. Many reporters from different dailies had also come and reported on the impact of the meeting in their newspapers.
Special Ministries (NET & GUM) Military Officers Met with the Gospel: GEMS Urban Ministries (GUM) of Patna organized a Christmas program for the Military Officers & their families in which sixty military personnel attended and listened to the Gospel message. Three families are now regularly attending the fellowship. In the first time ever Convention of NET (Neighbours Evangelistic Thrust) 197 believers attended and were trained to be the Witnessing Church. The ‘Straight Way’ meeting saw 125 Muslim Seekers who gathered and heard why Jesus came, died & rose again. NET team is to go forward with the Bethesda Principle for three years, to Influence the Influencers within the Muslim communities.
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“Celebration” an evangelical outreach meeting for the students was conducted every month without fail by Ranchi STORM touching more than 3000 students in which 300 students have accepted the Lord this year. Student leaders and the discipleship Dil Mange More trainees stand in the street corners and bazaar to pull the student crowd moving in the streets to the meeting in which the Gospel is presented through music, games, video presentations, movies, skits and preaching.
AGNI – AGgravating New life Initiatives A total of 162 AGNI workers serve in various zones. Every year newly trained students of TBC are being added to the workforce as AGNI workers. 28 passed students from Timothy Bible College of this batch have been allotted fields in different zones. Shunned by the society but embraced by the love of God, the Musahar community people are greatly responding to the Gospel at AGNI field Benipur in Maithili Zone. The ministry here has expanded to 7 such villages around Benipur as whole communities are embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Standing strong thru storms – Persecutions
Believers in Jabraha village in Nepal were persecuted for their faith in Lord Jesus Christ and were severely beaten by the local villagers. But amidst such severe opposition they stand for their faith in Lord Jesus and 11 took baptism. The Mukhiya who influenced the villagers to persecute the believers lost in the following elections and the newly elected Mukhiya warned the persecutors with dire consequences if they would trouble the believers. 25 believing families of Balumath field of PEACE 1 Zone in Jharkhand were Jabraha Persecutions given an ultimatum for their lives by a Naxalite group. Though they were not harmed by the Naxalites, a big group of Naxals & Village Heads gathered and intimidated the believers. A couple was persecuted by the villagers of Kosiara in Jharkhand Zone for accepting Jesus as their Saviour. The matter was presented to the Lord in prayer and taken to the Police. The problem was solved. Bro. Bechan Paswan who serves at the Zero Mile field in the Maithili Zone as AGNI worker was beaten twice within one week along with his wife and believers. Sushil is a believer of GEMS PEACE 1 Zone Church at Jolandiha, Jharkhand State and completed his course at GEMS Timothy Bible this year. His mother, 56 year old Bandini Toppo went missing and after three days her mutilated body was found in the jungle. In the aftermath all the other believers were beaten up.
Research & Development A new format of Church Registers was brought out and the Lord enabled us to consolidate the Church Registers, which gave the overall picture of our Church Planting status. 3624 people have taken baptism newly in all the zones together and 2549 are ready for baptism.
Welfare Department There are 917 members in IMPACT and in LYB and 603 members in G S Fund Schemes at present. 6 bereaving missionary families who have lost their dear ones have been helped by IMPACT during the period of crisis, to the tune of Rs. 8 lakhs and five Missionary Kids were granted education loan up to Rs. 60,000. Total MUT Support during this year is Rs. 12.87 lakhs. So far 150 parents of our missionaries have been supported through our 94 missionary families to the tune of Rs. 6.18 lakhs in the year 2013 – 2014.
The T3 Master Trainers Training is completed with the Four Booklets of the First Principle Series of BILD. The assessment of the trainings given according to BILD’s format is to be done so that we can print the Fifth Booklet and resume the T3 Trainings further. The first booklet for MOVER’s in Hindi covering ‘Basic Bible Teaching’ was printed and is ready for use. The second Booklet is being worked upon; this also would be completed in a couple of months. So far we have been able to train around 116 persons in five batches of Voluntary Village Pastor Candidates (VVPC’s). Every candidate was renewed spiritually and has pledged to serve the Lord in his own capacity. 250 T1’s (Active Believers) were trained in three batches who went with a clear understanding of Salvation. Their zeal was revived to share their experience and the Gospel with others. Ordination Training Program was conducted for all the five Regions. Ninety five of our senior missionaries were trained and were issued ordination certificates. Through the ‘Theological Education Training Through Extension’ 10 missionaries have written their second Senate exams who are pursuing B.Th.
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II. Discipleship & Training
A need to study theology and practice it in their mission contexts is realized by many missionaries.
Timothy Bible College
40 candidates successfully completed their one year training at Timothy Bible College (TBC). Through the 6-month courses conducted in two batches 44 girls were trained by Deborah Bible Training Center (DBTC).
Discipleship Training Centres (DTC) 9 candidates were trained and certified in the Discipleship Training Centre at Duddhi. 17 young people were trained through the DTC at Darbhanga.
Women Empowerment Thrust (WET)
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A meeting for the bachelorettes & spinsters of all GEMS churches of Central, Eastern, Western & Southern Regions was conducted. 330 young women attended this meeting that motivated them to “Arise & put on Strength”. 125 women were revived through the “Awake, Awake Deborah” meetings conducted at Darbhanga. God filled them with the vision and burden to reach out to other women in the society with the Gospel. They were also taught to use the tool of intercessory prayer to be effective in this ministry. GEMS Action Centre (GAC), Patna completed one year since its dedication. Empowerment meetings for women were organized on this occasion which helped the church believers to be renewed by the word of God.
GEMS Yuvac Manch (GYM) GYM Leaders Meetings were conducted in six places in theme ‘Abide and Bear Fruit’. 11 participants have started prayer cells in different places after these meetings. Some of the youths also joined TBC and DBTC. 1215 youths attended three days youth camps conducted in 6 zones and were strengthened in the Lord and His word. “Raise the Warriors” GYM Youth Rally raised 1500 youths to
20 be spiritual warriors. Immediately after the rally many churches
witnessed the regular attendance of youths who also have started conducting weekly youth cells in the church and are involving in out reaches with the pastors. Regional level youth rallies are planned as a follow up. Pastors’ awareness camp was conducted in 9 zones through which 170 pastors of GEMS churches were inspired to encourage their youths to involve in ministry.
Mentoring MKs – MK Department God raised many prayer partners to meet the needs of our missionary children’s welfare. One family came forward to support five of our MK’s higher education financially. In February a MK’s get-together was organized for those studying in Chennai. We are working with other organizations like UESI and MUT to cater to the needs of our children who are studying all over the nation. Many of our MK’s are coming back to serve the Lord in GEMS in various capacities.
Day Care Centres (DCC) 14 DCCs have been converted into SAC-Social Action Centres. Presently 8532 children are receiving education through DCC schools and 913 children are benefitted through SAC centres. 90% of children of Bihar DCC schools passed the State Board Examinations in first class. Children of DCC Wyndamganj not only secured 100% first class in the Uttar Pradesh State Board Examinations but stood first in the District. Appreciating their work the government itself has constructed a lab for this DCC. 88 DCC teachers were given additional responsibility as AGNI workers to involve in Evangelism & Church planting. New blocks were built in Sikaria and Karwandiya DCCs to upgrade them into High Schools. Such high schools are coming up in 7 places right now. To which, as the need demanded High Schools will come up in Dugha (Rohtas), Patamda (Vananchal) & Chatni Bigha (Sikaria). Rest of the Schools that are converted into Social Action Centres will involve in Advocacy, Counselling, Tutoring, Pastoral work, etc.
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III. Educational Services
English Schools
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The strength of GEMS English School at Sikaria has risen to 3091 students, of Renukut School is 2406, Bhabua School is 1198, Duddhi is 646 and of GEMS English School at Koderma is 450.
Sikaria School students won various medals in Regional, National & International competitions Marathon Race participating in events of Sports, Painting & in Olympiads. Gospel swept through the town of Dehri on Christmas as GEMS English School, GYM & Sikaria Zone jointly organized a Marathon Race. Gospel was shared through various programs and through the T-Shirts distributed to all the participants printed with “Peace & Reconciliation – Jesus”. The participants & the winners were followed up through a musical evening in which more than 2000 youths participated in which Gospel Singer Bro. Vijay Benedict thru songs, his testimony & message shared the Gospel. VBS was conducted in a great manner at GEMS English School, Bhabua after a gap of four years and more than 4000 people gathered for the Christmas program.
Marathon Race
GEMS English School at Duddhi has got registered with the government. Inroads for the Gospel into the homes of a few parents and families have become possible through the ministry of this school.
GIFT – GEMS Institute of Future Technology 245 students were trained in Software & Hardware courses. Through 10 Personality Development classes on various topics Biblical values were presented to the students who were also led in prayer and commitment.
Accommodation Block
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Admin Block
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A view of the Main block (Front view)
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A view of the Main block (Back view)
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B Type Quaters
Mukhadampur Action Centre
GSON – GEMS School of Nursing In the Annual Board Examination conducted in September 2013, 24 students of 1st year and 12 students of 2nd year appeared and all passed. The tenth year of GSON began this year with the admission of a new batch of 21 students from Bihar and Jharkhand. Ms. Poonam Sagar of 8th batch is the best outgoing Nursing School student for the year 2014. Ms. Aakansha Shri of the 10th batch secured the highest mark in her probationary period and is the best outstanding performer of the year 2014. The Nursing School has been upgraded to accommodate and train 30 students from this academic year onward. Spiritual aspect of the students was given attention which resulted in 4 students taking baptism this year.
471 students are studying at our Karwandiya ITI. In the sixth campus selection interview organized at our ITI, five ITI’s from Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh participated. Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. interviewed and selected 109 students out of which 84 are of GEMS ITI.
The construction of the new ITI at Madhubani commenced with ground breaking ceremony on 9th Sep 2013. The construction work of Bhagatganj ITI is also progressing.
Girls ITI As the construction work and purchase of workshop equipments were done the online affiliation process was started in March 2014. By the grace of God the online and site inspection were carried out and we have got our affiliation granted by NCVT-DGET, Govt. of India. Admission process has started and we will be providing the following courses.
n Draughtsman (Civil Engineering) – 2 year course –(2 units) – 42 seats n Sewing Technology (Tailoring) – 1 year – 32 seats
Polytechnic College The construction is pacing up faster and steps are being taken to fulfil all the norms. In the meanwhile AICTE approval process is also going hand-in-hand.
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ITI – Industrial Training Institute
IV. Humanitarian Services Persistent prayers of the project children & staff and the local believers paved results and the perennial stone crushing work in Amri Tola village & around has been banned by the Government in April 2013. A new building complex in the Amri Tola project compound was inaugurated on Nov 5, 2013. The ground floor is used for project activities and 4 staff quarters are located in the 1st floor. I thank Inter-mission Germany for its continued support and additional funds for the completion of this building project successfully by the grace of God.
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As Sanjana of Amri Tola refused to go for dance by the influence of the project, she was given in marriage by her family immediately. As girls of the project grow gracefully, the family and community constraints them to go for dance, especially during the school holidays. It is a growing concern and challenge faced by the project for necessitating appropriate intervention in the ensuing days. The attendance of women has increased in the local church, as a result of house visits and prayer meetings conducted by the project staff periodically in Badiha Nut Tola. As a result of the Sunday class ministry (outreach) conducted at Shahari village for a period of 6 months by the project manager, a new CSW Project has been started in that place with 50 sponsored children, thanks to the support of SEED Ministry (USA). Passing on Passion: The senior children of Amri Tola went & took Sunday Classes in Bishrampur Tola & Karma which led forth to projects being started here. Now the seniors of Bishrampur take Sunday classes for about 50 children along with tuitions in the nearby Pachaswan village, where a new CSW Project is envisaged.
Angels Cast Out Demons: Angel Happy Home (AHH), a residential home for the children of Musahars was inaugurated in April 2014, managed by GUM at Patna. 20 girls stay here and receive education, food, clothing, medical and spiritual care. One night most of the girls felt a demon roaming inside their room; all the children upheld their hands together and prayed and cast out 28 the demon!
V. Medical Ministries - Holistic Health & Abundant Life Life Much awaited certificates and licenses for our Hospital materialized this year by the grace of God. We received the Certificate of Registration (License) for Ultrasound Machine. Our hospital got registered with IGIMS, Patna to outsource Bio-medical waste. We applied and received Sales Tax (TIN) Number for the pharmacy. We got provisional authorization certificate from Bihar State Pollution Control Board. The Lord enabled us to get all these without paying any bribe.
I extend my thanks and gratitude to the team of doctors and paramedics who visited and helped during various special medical camps. I thank Dr. Peter Joseph & Dr. Oby Cherian (Urologists), Dr. Thomas Philip & Dr. Shyam (Orthopaedic Surgeons), Dr. Sleeby Thomas (Otolaryngologist), Dr. Punitha, Dr. Sruthy John, Dr. Jeevarathnam, Dr. Koop, Dr. Naveen, Dr. Varsha, Dr. Shirley Chacko, Dr. Antony Arokiadass (Ophthalmologists), Dr. Delphine Daniel (Cardiologist), Mr. Oliver (Ophthalmic Technician) and Dr. Arun Shankar (Anaesthetist). I also thank CFH for sending Dr. Sebin George (Junior Medical Officer) on one month deputation and Mr. Karthik (Lab Technician) on three months deputation to our hospital. We also had Sis. Monica, Sis. Saraina and Sis Sarah, Nurses from Swiss as Elective Students for a month and Dr. Daniel Collins from U.K. as Elective Medical Student for 6 weeks. Patient Follow up: Through house visits and counselling seven patients and their families are regularly attending the church. During Christmas 25 families came and attended the special
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MUT (Missionaries Upholders Trust) along with GEMS conducted Master Health Check-up for all GEMS Missionaries at the hospital from 22nd Medical Ministries th to 26 of March 2014. A Team of 9 Eye Camp doctors and two Paramedics from Christian Fellowship Hospital (CFH), Oddanchatram had come and helped the MHC through which 610 missionaries were benefitted.
program arranged for them. By issuing details of Out Patients to local pastors, 21 people are Seekers in Rohtas Zone and two are attending the church in B2 Zone. Health to the Hill: Dr. Samuel Anantharaj has committed to work for one year and is resourceful for the Kuba Health Center of Rohtas Hill. In a village near the Kuba Center, Jonha 11 malnourished children have been identified and every day they are given supplementary food prepared by our staff to improve their health. Through this program, villagers will observe the change in those children becoming healthy and many will voluntarily take the food and show the interest to change their life style and thereby would start accepting the health education and the Gospel.
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A Muslim family visited GEMS Hospital as their last resort. The wife was diagnosed with fibroid in her uterus and was also suffering from sporadic bleeding and acute pain. With no recovery after a year of prescribing drugs surgery was scheduled. One of her lungs almost impaired due to the past history of tuberculosis. She showed no sign of recovery from anaesthesia for a long time. With no promising parameters manifested from the patient, the OT team avoided food and resorted to intercessory prayers for divine intervention intermittently claiming the verse ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jer 33:3) The patient showed fast recovery and was discharged within a week’s time. During the post-operative period, she and her husband were impacted by the Christian influence in the hospital. They also attended one of the deliverance prayer meetings scheduled on every 2nd Saturday in GEMS campus. Sanju Devi was admitted and was diagnosed with Spinal TB. She was bedridden unable to walk. Her husband, a lawyer, because of the disease left her and their three small children and till date did not turn up to see her. She was so depressed and discouraged about her life. Our doctors and staff shared the love of Christ to her and gave a New Testament. She started believing in Christ and read the Bible. As days went by she was healed. Now she is walking perfectly and is able to do her works on her own. She wants to testify about Jesus to everyone and wants to take baptism.
VI. Media Ministries A major part of the Studio construction is completed including the acoustics & lighting. Equipments like high definition cameras and mixer have been purchased and very soon the Studio will function full pledged. A new printing machine for ID Card works was also purchased to provide high quality card for all staff.
Tamil messages of Bro. D. Augustine Jebakumar were released in the South revival meetings. Tamil book for Youths titled “Be Different” was released. “Ekkala Satham Keleer” has also been released. “Anupapatorin Pathayil” is in the process and will be released soon. Tamil Audio CD “Kadaisi Natkalile” was also released with meaningful songs.
Magazines Since 1988 the Tamil magazine of GEMS has been published under the name ‘Utha Satham’. The magazine could not be published from October 2013 as the Newspaper Registrar of India (NRI) had prescribed to change the name. So the name has been changed into ‘GEMS Satham’ and applied to NRI. After being reregistered with the NRI it has to be applied for Postal Concession. Please pray for these processes that it may complete soon, that the magazine may be printed in the required numbers and distributed. A new provision has been added to GEMS Satham and it can now be read online in our website. Four special issues were released in The CALL – Science & Tech Special, Teens & Youth Special, Children Special & Social Issues Special. This was a new attempt to dedicate the entire magazine to address a particular issue and bring a balanced Biblical perspective to it. A young girl working in a Christian organization was very much blessed by the Social Issues special which answered her questions on casteism and marriage. She quoted this to her parents wanting to marry only a born again person giving no preference to caste.
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Maithili Audio CD and Worship ACD are in the recording studio and will be released soon. Hindi DVD Video Project is in the progress of Editing. The same will be released in the days to come. Tamil version of the DVD is given in South and the script work has started.
We appreciate the initiatives of GEMS Bangalore in bringing out the Kannada magazine ‘Yudha Dvani’ and keeping it going, catering to the whole of Karnataka. The regular publishing of ‘Atma Darshan’, the Hindi magazine and ‘Prabhat’, the Hindi Children’s Magazine is commendable and are reaching out to the very needy belt of Hindi speakers with our messages and balanced biblical truths.
Communications Monthly Online newsletters were created and sent to our partners. There are a total of 5901 people who have signed up for this newsletter and in this period 2316 people have newly signed up. All the updates were also posted on the facebook group of GEMS and tweeted on Twitter. We have 1835 members in the Facebook Group of GEMS and 60 followers on Twitter.
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Not only our partners were kept informed and encouraged through these efforts some came forward to support various initiatives.
VII. Revival Ministries The Lord used our General Secretary in reviving the believers through various meetings in South India and Overseas. The meetings in Thiruvalla, Trivandrum & Cheruvarakonam brought a breakthrough in Kerala. The Ranchi Youth Rally brought and revived 1300 Christian youths. The Fasting Prayer Rally ‘Ask for the Latter Rain’ revived our believers from all zones.
PROFIT (PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents) PROFIT chapters in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pondicherry and Coimbatore were visited and encouraged. New Chapters were launched in Mumbai, Coimbatore, Secunderabad and San Diego (USA) and chapters in Pune were restarted. Professionals’ gatherings were held in Satna & Rewa, the cities of M.P. which is closed for Gospel work, to impart the vision of workplace evangelism. As a very new initiative Online PROFIT Chapter was launched in New Jersey using Google Hangout to connect professionals virtually.
Programs: Advance Bible Interpretation Course was conducted by PROFIT Bangalore to equip the Christian professionals. Bangalore Chapter has picked up the model of discipleship and is concentrating PROFIT at regularly to grow themselves in Bangalore Apologetics. Special Christmas and Easter Programs were conducted by Singapore Chapters to share the love of Christ during these occasions to their unbeliever friends.
Testimonies: Kokila, a new believer & a lecturer was burdened to share about Christ in her college but did not know how to proceed. After attending one of the PROFIT Chapters she was encouraged and got to know various ways to present the Gospel meaningfully. Once Shamit, who works for DOW Chemicals was playing guitar in his office cafeteria during leisure time. A Muslim who was hearing this was touched by the song and left the room saying “If I stay longer I would become a Christian”.
Overseas Connections GEMS USA: The Lord enabled us to register GEMS USA through our well wishers. The 501 (c) 3 status is in progress and we are likely to get it soon. GEMS UK: GEMS is registered in UK through charity gateway organizations called Stewardship which gives us Charity Status and an additional 23% government subsidy (along with the donor’s contribution) apart from giving tax benefits for the UK donors.
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Literature: ‘Word for Workplace’ a book with twelve Bible study series and ‘Explore to Evangelize’ a book with twelve real time case studies which can be used in PROFIT Chapters to equip the professionals towards workplace witnessing, were published. PROFIT online Newsletter is being sent every month to all the PROFITeers to acquaint them with global activities of PROFIT and to motivate them toward active participation.
Reaching SAARC Nations B***an: The Lord enabled us to involve in the missions advancement focusing the SAARC nations. We had fruitful ministry facilitation for the Hill Country B***an ending in January 2014. We had series of meetings uniting the underground Churches. Pray for the contact person in T****hu who was arrested within three weeks of our meetings; though he is released the case on him is still pending. The entire finance was taken from the personal offering of GEMS Missionaries. Buddhism which started in Bihar had changed the destiny of many countries. As a symbolic act, the sacrificial offering and contribution of Bihar believers and missionaries will change the destiny of many nations. Myanmar: Starting from 2015 SAMA link is planning to concentrate Myanmar with the backing of the Sri Lankan Churches. They are likely to follow the GEMS Model for B****n. Continue to pray for the meetings which are scheduled from January 2015.
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Promotional Work The Lord empowered us to conduct Missionary Revival Meetings and one day meetings in Chennai, Thinnanoor, Erode, Coimbatore, Puducherry, Krishnagiri, Trichy, Monday Market, Karnataka, Navi Mumbai, Pudukottai, Dhindivanam, Bangalore and in many other places. In Karnataka, one-day meetings were organized at Bhadravathi, Tumkur and Bangarpet followed by a three-day meeting at Bangalore. In these meetings the Kannada book “Ondhaadha Eradu Manassu” (Saerndha Irandum) was released. With the vision to train a thousand young pastors to receive the clarity in their ministry ‘Shepherd’s Camp’ was organized. Two camps took place at Tirupattur for North Tamil Nadu and at Trichy for Central Tamil Nadu during the months of January and February in which 400 pastors took part.
Sponsors Relations
There are 2366 regular sponsors or sponsoring groups partnering with us (as on April 2014). We thank God for all of the Promotional 34 Staff & Volunteers who work hard for the Lord tirelessly.
Since April 2013, all the reports are sent online directly to the sponsors, marking a copy to their respective Promotional Offices. Due to this process, the delay in getting the reports has been eliminated. The Lord graciously provided us 234 new sponsors/sponsoring groups during this year. 26 missionaries were sent for their Dedication or Missionary Upholding Service.
Human Resources 2433 (as on July 2014) people serve the Lord through GEMS and the HR Department efficiently functions in building a good team of staff/missionaries to support GEMS ministries. HR maintains the online data profile of every missionary from all the Fields & Departments.
n Depending upon the data so collected a monthly HR update document is communicated to all Regions, Zones & Departments. It comprises the list of the newly joined, resignations, transfers and to uphold the staff in prayers in remembrance of their birthdays and anniversaries. n It helps the Finance Department in terms of payroll assessment for new staff. Orientation Session for the newly joined members was also conducted to acquaint them with the history, vision, mission, values and goals of GEMS. Conventional HR policies were put in place in the existing regulations of GEMS as referred as ‘HOW BOOK’. It has been updated with subsequent policies. As per the Administrative Committee suggestion Roles & Responsibilities committee was formed and HR department took active participation in reframing and reviewing the roles and responsibilities for all the Missionaries.
Remembering the Grains Bro. Elisha (Siyaram Paswan) who was serving the Lord as a missionary in the Magahi 1 field Bihar Sharif went to be with the Lord on 8th June 2013 due to Heart Attack. Bro. Mohan Paswan who served as a missionary in the field Warsliganj of Magahi 2 zone went to be with the Lord on 31st July. He died of Brain Haemorrhage.
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n It includes information of new recruits, updating of sustaining staff with photograph and also checks the integrity of the data.
Sis. Manobai wife of Bro. Austin Amos who was serving in the OUR People Project at Karwandiya went to be with the Lord on 30th Sep. She was suffering from Cancer. Sis. Mary Jacob wife of Bro. Shanmugam Jacob who serves in the DAT field Madhepura entered His glory in the early hours of 1st October 2013. She died of Congestive Cardiac Failure. Sis. Rachel wife of Bro. S.R. Cornelius (Zonal Superintendent, Bhojpuri 1) went to be with the Lord on 22 Dec 2013 due to a road accident. Bro. Ashok Kumar who served as the Headmaster of GEMS DCC School at Latdag (Jharkhand) went to be with the Lord on 5th Jan 2014. He died of a road accident.
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Mrs. Jacintha Raja wife of Mr. Michael Raja, the Ex-Chairman of GEMS breathed her last on 5th March 2014. She was suffering from Cancer. Bro. Arul George who was serving the Lord as a missionary in the Construction Department, Sikaria went to be with the Lord on 17th June 2014. GEMS family deeply bereaves the death of its missionaries and prays for the comfort of all their family members.
Personnel Changes/Promotions Our dear Akka Sis. Rupalekha Jebakumar retired according to the policy of the organization and I thank God for her motherly role. Her leadership responsibility of Zonal Superintendent of Sikaria Zone, is handed over to Bro. Peter Jayaraj. Sis. Christy Bance has taken over her role in mentoring MK’s as the Coordinator of Missionary Kids Department. Bro. Goforth will function as the Administrator in her place. She will continue her service in the Advisory role. Sis. Selvi Anandan has taken over the responsibility of WET Coordinator.
Bro. Victor Alfred who was functioning as the Coordinator of Homes Department will function as Public Relation Officer (PRO) of GEMS and will continue to serve as the Adviser to Homes 36 Department. The following people will share the Homes.
Department responsibilities: n Bro. Isaac Ambrose will function as the Senior Social Development Officer (SSDO) looking after Rahab Projects. n Sis. Gracy Henry will function as Social Development Officer (SDO) looking after the Compassion and Musahar Projects. n Bro. Christopher will function as Social Development Officer (SDO) looking after all Homes. n Bro. Daniel Jesudasan will function as Social Development Officer (SDO) looking after the Duddhi Social Projects. n Bro. Kamaladas will be the Field Coordinator for the Rahab Projects. Since Bro. Kamaladas has been transferred to the Homes Dept., Sis. Jancy Bell will function as the VBS Ministries Coordinator. DAT: New DAT areas have been added at Lohardaga, Tatanagar, Ramgarh, Sonebhadra, Samastipur, Begusarai, Motihari, Gopalganj & Ratnagiri. GIANT – GEMS Intercessory Army for National Transformation is an initiative of GEMS to motivate, mobilize and create a movement of Intercessory Prayer for our nation among missionaries and believers of GEMS. It was launched with a Prayer Seminar in which a selective group of 80 missionaries participated and Bro. Victor P. Lawrence (Chairman, GEMS) addressed the participants and taught them various aspects of Intercessory Prayer. Bro. Franklin will act as the Facilitator of GIANT program as a team, along with this responsibility as the Transport Dept In-charge.
Conclusion: As the baton is passed on, it is our responsibility to keep marching forward with the Gospel of His kingdom, to keep the fire burning and to complete His will. God is looking for faithful Joshuas and let us answer this call in the capacities that each one of us is called by God. It is my prayer that the Lord may bless us and the works entrusted in our hands with Fresh anointing (divine understanding/insight), Full authority (divine power) & Free advances (devoid of barriers). In Christ,
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New Initiatives
Dr. C. Ashok Kumar 37
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Treasurer’s Report Submitted before the Executive Committee and at the General Body meeting at GEMS Campus, Sikaria on 25th July, 2014.
I greet you
all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Every year we sit and plan our budget and pray over it. Our Lord not only provides what we plan but also He supplies our needs according to His riches. His measure is always over flowing and more than enough. How privileged we are to be His children! I thank and praise God who has given earnest and loyal people of God to stand with us as sponsors, prayer partners and also as workers in His vineyard of the GEMS family. Also I praise God for all the personnel in the area of promotional work who with their tireless work promote GEMS ministry in their area of service.
At this context I want to highlight the sustained growth in local and foreign (NRI) contributions. This is mostly because of our dear Annan’s ministry in and abroad India where his powerful and authentic way of sharing the Word of God kindles the spirit of the chosen ones to involve themselves in the ministry. The crusades and convention conducted in every region were fruitful in making the believers of the local churches to participate voluntarily and get spiritually refreshed and enriched. The English medium schools recorded a tremendous growth in strength of students as well as teachers. This helped in reaching more souls and leading them to Christ. The DCCs which are converted as Social Action Centres (SACs) are running smoothly.
The building construction of our Polytechnic College is in its 38 stage of completion. It will start functioning in the near future.
The B.Ed college project is also in its final stage. God willing it will start functioning from the month of August, 2014. With the support of Intermission Swiss, the land deal of the proposed college of Nursing is also at its final stage. In this financial year, God enabled us to enhance the allowance of our missionary workers twice. This was done keeping up with the cost of living prevailing in our country.
Focus for 2014 – 2015: n For the safe stay of children of sex workers (Rahab Homes) both boys and girls, a project has been proposed by Intermission and SEED group.
n Moreover, the SEED group, MFA (Mission Fellowship of Australia), Christ East Mission and Intermission willingly proposed to start many OUR PEOPLE projects especially among the Mushar community and CSW. n A new compassion home “Dayasagar Bal Vikas Kendra” has started in Maharashtra with 150 children. n Two more Action Centres are coming up in Ranchi and in Mukhadampur, where in Mukhadampur, the construction of the building is almost completed and the dedication is on 20th August. n The construction of a new staff quarters in Sikaria is completed and another one is in progress. n Joy Hostel for girls of GEMS English School, Sikaria is under construction. A new administrative block for the GEMS English School, Sikaria is almost completed and already few classes have started functioning in the new block. n 9 more new DAT leaders have been appointed and already 6 leaders are equipped with vehicles & film team units in July ‘14. A detailed budget for the year 2014-2015 and some analysis charts are appended below for your reference.
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n In this project separate homes for such boys and girls will be constructed in Sikaria (for girls) and in Karwandia (for boys). The caretakers for the girls will be the spinster teachers who work in Sikaria GEMS English School. This will provide them good spiritual environment.
Budget : FY 14- 15 Region/Zone/Dept.
Workers Support Allowance
Evangelism Film Team [25 Teams]
Mini Crusade [100 Places] Major Crusade [16 Zones] Children Department
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AGNI Programmes Conventions
Literature DAT, Zonal & RD Contigencies
TV Ministry
40 Shows X 31 teams X Rs.500 per show within 8 months New Equipments (100 * 12,000) Crusade Expenses (6 * 2 lakhs) + Silver Jubilee (Maithili) Dept. Running Expense (Rs 7,000 * 12) CD Media VBS JET Sunday Schools DCCs (inc. Rally) Thru WET office Thru. R.D's office Lucknow Ranchi / Jamshedpur & DTC Varanasi Bhagalpur Sikaria - STORM X'Mas Programme (30,000 each centers) Literature (10,000 each center)
Evangelism Seekers Meeting Discipleship Training 200 People * Rs. 1000 per head Zonal Convention [14 Zones] * 2.5L Church Area Conventions [150 * Rs. 50,000] Fasting Rally Workers Fasting Prayers 5 Regions [60,000 * 5] 17 Zones + 5 RD 10 DAT (5000 per quarter) Production Expense Airtime Charges (Subhsandesh) R&D Guest Care MK Dept. Overseas Dept. GEMS - DOST SRD Auditorium & Accommodation Block SETUP Electricity Publication Dept. Communication Dept. & The Call Atma Darshan Calendar & Diary Profit Welfare GYM GIFT HR Property Committee Transport - Vehicle Maintenance Administration Expenses Prom. Administration Zonal & Region Monthly Expense
Budget FY 13-14
Actual FY 13-14
Proposed Budget
10 12 20 1.8 1.5 7 13 5 5 3 5 2 3 2 1 0.25 1.5 0.5 2 2 2 2 2 35 3 5 3 22 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 20 25 5 8 6 1 2 3 2 3 20 65 20 22
4 5 13 2.1 0.5 9 14 5 6 1 2 2 1 0.05 0 1 0 1 32 4 5 9 0
6 5 17 1.5 7.5 10 5 5 3 5 2 3 2 1 1 1.5 0.5 2 2 2 2 70 3 5 3 22 2 10 30 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 40 15 5 8 6 1 1 4 2 3 25 65 20 22
18 1 5 0 1 3 2 39 3 3 8 1 1 3 0 2 22 34 21 21
Discipleship & Training TBC GTC GIANT Training T1 Training Pastorial Training (VVP) T3 (Shephard's Camp) DTC Mercy Ministry Homes
SAC (Social Action Center) Buildings & Others Projects Building Maintanance Accommodation Block - Furnishing POLYTECHNIC NURSING COLLEGE Tuticorin - Boundary Wall HOSPITAL BUILDING NRD - Maithili Training Center Lucknow Action Center Dudhi - QTRS & First floor Baulia Home Renovation 5 ITI & 7 High School Studio OPP - Karwandiya Sewahi Action Center Vehicles Girls ITI Printing Machine Karpi Land B.Ed College SAFE HOMES Ranchi Action Center SAC (Social Action Center) 6 DAT, ITI & Prom. Office Babhua Church Educational Institutions GEMS ENGLISH SCHOOL DCC GEMS GIFT DCLM SCHOOL RENUKOOT GEMS ENGLISH SCHOOL BHABUA GEMS ENGLISH SCHOOL DHUDHI GEMS NURSING SCHOOL GEMS ITI SELF SUPPORTED SCHOOLS GHU & GCK Hospital Media Trust
Breakup Church [1 Churches * 10 lakhs * 16 Zones] WR SR ER CR NR
[40 * 2000* 12] + 40,000 admin [20 * 1500 * 12] + 40,000 admin
[10 programs * 500 people * 3 days] @ 300 per person [10 programs * 50 people * 3 days] @ 300 per person [3 programs * 300 people * 3 days] @ 400 per person [7 Centers * avg. 8 people * 1200 * 12] (Nepal, MAH, NRD, SRD, CRD, ERD, WRD) GEMS Supported (450 Children * 1200 * 12 Months) IM Supported Compassion Supported IM Supported Others (MFA, OST Mission, St. Thomas Basil etc) 30 Centers * Rs 10,000 per month
Excess 40L utilised last yr by Accomdation Block
50% General fund / 50% SR region 24L (ITI) & 15L (High School)
Boundary Wall & House for Agni worker Renovation (5 Centers * 3L) NANO & FILM TEAM
Budget FY 13-14 224 4 4 4 4 4 6 3 36 5 8
Actual FY 13-14 125 1 0 0 0 0
160 4 4 4 4 4
10 4 2 15 2 4 8
49 90 84 47 19 45
35 115 124 53 51 23
65 90 84 59 20 36
700 35 400 120 65 32 100 50 12 165 80 4335
775 50 10 406 144 79 20 86 9 213 41
30 30 150 50 50 90 30 20 10 225 40 22 7 7 7 -
8 2
Proposed Budget
2 1
23 42 213 1 114 21 25 9 25 -
30 150 220 30 50 35 60 160 57 20 31 15 30 70 15 25 12
850 60 10 420 150 90 40 90 30 15 220 50 5006
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Region/Zone/Dept. Church Planting Church Building Parsonage (25% to be raised by local Church)
26% 20% 31% 21% -12% 66% 26% 20% -29% 13%
31% -2% 29%
Growth % 2012-13
* Indian citizens residing abroad (NRI) has been accounted in Local Contribution
Grand Total
Media Ministry
6,15,33,591 3,57,82,638 1,10,94,437 57,72,879 87,75,094 8,22,905 21,11,269 32,41,113 19,05,990 13,10,39,916
4,86,58,311 2,99,09,441 84,40,441 47,59,299 99,49,848 4,96,964 16,73,971 27,04,860 26,93,861 11,58,14,975 90,74,621
15,67,57,551 64,15,141 16,31,72,692
Year 2012-2013
11,99,07,866 65,73,737 12,64,81,603
Year 2011-12
Medical Ministry
Total Educational Ministry GES - Sikaria DCLM. School - Renukoot GES - Bhabua GES - Dhudhi ITI - Karvanthia GIFT - Sikaria GSON - Sikaria Day Care Centre Edu.& Medical Trust Total
Foreign Contribution
Local Contribution Local Contribution Prom. Adm. Centre
Income Classification
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
7,74,98,049 4,06,41,122 1,43,92,628 79,21,131 86,65,972 9,64,463 19,82,206 49,84,427 21,54,100 15,92,04,098
17,32,49,800 60,77,262 17,93,27,062
Year 2013-2014
26% 14% 30% 37% -1% 17% -6% 54% 13% 21%
11% -5% 10%
Growth % 2013-14
Grand Total
Medical Ministry
Media Ministry 57,29,358 75,84,440 32% 50,8
33,05,15,294 42,16,99,641 28% 45,98,5
* Indian citizens residing abroad (NRI) has been accounted in Local Contribution
Local Contribution
In Lakhs
Foreign Contribution
Educational Ministry
Medical Ministry
Media Ministry
- 2014 GEMS |Annual Report 20133 YEARS INCOME COMPARISION STUDY (2011 -2014)
Growth of Contribution in % compared to last year
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
As usual our External Audit team from Chennai, came to Sikaria in April, 2014 for the Annual Audit of the financial year 2013-2014. I am extremely grateful to the External Audit team and also to the Internal Audit and Finance Departments for the successful completion of the Annual Audit. Every year while presenting this report, I am thrilled and overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. I want to conclude my report by quoting the following verses of C. Wordsworth.
“O Lord of Heaven, Earth and sea, to Thee all praise and glory be;
How shall we show our love to Thee, Who givest all?
T hou didst not spare Thine only Son, but gavest Him for a world undone,
And freely, with that blessed One, Thou givest all!
For souls redeemed, for sins forgiven, for means of grace and hopes of heaven, O Lord, what can to Thee be given, Who givest all?
GEMS |Annual Report 2013 - 2014
Whatever, Lord we lend to Thee, repaid a thousand fold will be;
Then gladly will we give to Thee, Who givest all!�
Mrs. Shyla Chandran