…Through those who are near me I will show myself holy,and before all the peopleI will be glorified. Leviticus 10:3
The Call
New Year Wishes to All Prayer Partners & Readers
- GEMS Family
The Call
January 2020
THE CALL Transforming Peoples to Transform Nations
From Bihar With Love Bro. D. Augustine Jebakumar
Covered & Hidden in the Chief High –8 Priest Prisoners Receive the Gospel in Christmas
Believers & Workers Fast and Pray in – 21 Nepal Missionaries Hospitalized Due to Severe – Accident
26 Bihar and Jharkhand Area Conventions– 28 Leaders & Workers Retreats and Workshops of Southern Region
Published for Gospel Echoing Missionary Society
11, 13th Cross Street, New colony Chromkpet, Chennai - 44 Ph. : 044-22386031, 044-22380295
Published by GEMS Educational Media Services 14, Jeba Nagar, Vasanthapuram south, Near Vijaya Garden, Tirunelveli 627005 Ph. : 9488771655 Field office GEMS, Sikaria, Indrapuri - 821308 Rohtas Dist., Bihar , Ph. : 06184 - 234567 (Railway station & courier centre : Dehri on Sone) Website :
Gospel Echoing Missionary Society is a Christian mission organization that serves to bring about wholesome transformation in all the lives that it touches staying true to its motto ‘Transforming peoples to transform nations’. It touches the hearts of the people through the gospel of Jesus Christ and serves as a beacon of love and hope to the deprived, disadvantaged, exploited, destitute and homeless thousands fulfilling this vision through Spiritual, Educational, Medical and Humanitarian Services primarily in Bihar, other Northern States of India and beyond since 1972.
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The Call
From Bihar With Love Beloved Prayer Partners in Christ Jesus, New Year wishes to all in the name of the Lord who said ‘Among those who approach me I will be proved holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honoured.’ (Lev 10: 3) No matter the situation, the Lord who wants to fill this earth with His glory (Num 14: 21) will in our days, and in our nation do so (Joel 2: 18). Let this inspire us. The Israelites were scared and so cried and grumbled. Though they knew the covenant that the Lord made with them and saw few fruitful results because of it, yet when they realised the gigantic challenges ahead and the fortified massive cities, they started making their own plans. They decided to go back to Egypt (Num 14: 4). They were distressed by their worry for their wives and children (Num 14: 3). This resulted in confusion and rebellion. This is when the Lord stridently declared: “glory of the Lord fills the whole earth” (Num 14: 21). This year’s many challenges may frighten us. Yet, the Lord who promised is faithful, and His Word will be fulfilled. The one who said that He will be with us will not forsake us.
The Call
January 2020
Let the zealous love (Song 8: 6) of the Lord that said fear not, seize us. It was this zealousness of our Lord that made Him send His only begotten son to this sinful world. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isaiah (9: 6, 7). Isn’t this zealousness of the Lord enough to rebuild Jerusalem and Zion (God’s church) (Zach 1: 13, 14). Isn’t it also enough to bring back Jacob from captivity and restore fortunes? (Ezek 39: 25-29). “Lord, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them. Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.” (Isa 26: 11, 12). Joel mentions that when God’s people humbly request, with a repenting heart, the Lord will relent and be kind and compassionate and gracious to them. (Joel 2: 12 – 18). The Zeal of the Lord will also make the people that are scared to take root and produce fruits (2 Kings 19: 30, 31). The Call
It is the jealous love of the Spirit that helps us to 3
overcome the friendship of the world (James 4: 5) When the Lord is zealous to work with us, isn’t it also right on our part to be zealous in our faith? Hence, in this New Year, let us not be perturbed by barriers; let the grace of the Lord be sufficient to guide us to showcase our zeal in action. It might be the case that, looking at your situation, you may be overwhelmed and agonise if this is the right time. Hence, I would like to motivate you by highlighting few instances from the Bible that showcased people’s zeal for action for the Lord. It was the time when the enemy had planned to destroy the Lord’s people. The Lord’s people were succumbing to the actions resulting from crafty advice that Balaam gave to their enemies. Moses and the elders were distraught and did not know what to do. The people that needed to move forward were hindered; they were tied to sexual deprivations. They were at the footsteps of the enemies whom they should have trampled. The people that could not be stopped by the enemies’ sorcery failed in morality. Instead of the sound of victory, one could hear grumblings. The people that were set apart stained themselves. People that had to be a blessing to the world were now standing as a symbol of shame. The people that had to fight sin were now standing as a friend of Hades. Even in broad daylight they daringly posed with their shame in God’s own The Call
January 2020
valley. The elders were struck with indecisiveness even when Moses wanted to punish the disobedient people. Therefore, a plague seized the people in the thousands. Yet, there was a man who was overcome by the zeal to please God. His faith was different; it was the type that heaven rejoices about; it made God notice him; it had the strength to override God’s punishment on His people! This man was Phineas. Amidst the idle people, he was a man of action. As he had seen God’s anger, neither could he wait patiently, nor could he assume that the elders will have an answer. His zeal made God make a covenant even with his descendants. Even today, the enemy has crept into the church and has cunningly brought in things undesirable to God. Where are the people of faith that can stand against this? Why are they silent? Instead of progressing and conquering the nation, the church has forgotten its goal amidst worldly pleasures. It will now not be able to stop Phineases from rising. The law of the nation was dead. Even the enlightened ones succumbed to wily charms. Jezebels’ clothes and charms spoilt the land. People became speechless around her. The God’s calling to punish her and her tribe and her false prophets will have to be answered. It was answered by Jehu who had to be anointed for his zeal to be stoked (2 Kings 10: 16). It was an unknown man’s son that anointed him and this changed everything for the nation. The tainted were removed. Isn’t this what chapters 9 and 10 of 2 Kings talks about? The Call
This applies to even today where many misdirect the people and goad leaders to do evil. Where is the man with the speed of Jehu? Where are the Jehonadabs that stand with Jehu? When Baal’s soldiers have made the people timid, many people of faith stand aside doubting their ability to take action. This can be overcome only through baptism. We can see that in the Old Testament the zealousness of the people was responsible for overcoming evil. But, in the New Testament, the zeal of Jesus Christ, first warns (John 2: 13 – 17), then feels desolate for the later days (Luke 13: 34, 35), then cries (Luke 19: 41). The loud voices around that cry could not be contained (Luke 19: 38). When ‘My Home’ is said, it also forces us to take action. Should this be done again and again is the longing question that arises in us. Yet, only when God’s people and cleaned, won’t the Glory return? “The Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion; he will cleanse the bloodstains from Jerusalem by a spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire. Then the Lord will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.” (Isaiah 4: 4 – 6). Therefore, it is very important that the church strives to be holy in order to see God’s glory in the nation and for protection of God’s people. As the Lord is our comfort, He will take care of us. The Call
January 2020
Even the Saul that had the wrong zeal in him, God changed him to Paul. Let us yearn for Him to change those among us with such zeal as well. Let the Lord also chastise the Joshuas that are jealous for Moses’ sake (Num 11; 29). Let the Lord also open the eyes of those whose zeal is not based on knowledge (Rom 10; 2). Let the Lord also lift up the spirits of Elijahs whose zeal for the Lord has also made them fear for their lives (1 Kings 19: 10). Like the Psalmist, let us speak of the zeal of the Lord to those that have forgotten it (Psalm 119: 139). The salt of the earth – the Church is needed for the wellbeing of the world and its protection.It is the anthem for the nation to know God. “Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice. Surely the Lord has done great things!” (Joel 2: 21). In His Vineyard, D. Augustine Jebakumar
The Call
Covered and Hidden in the Chief High Priest “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.” (Heb 2:18 NKJV) “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb 4:15, 16 NKJV) Knowing our God through our imagination may never be possible. His word that is given in our hands is more than sufficient to reveal Him to us. The verses quoted above bring the Chief Priest before our eyes. It was during the Old Testament days that High Priests were found, whereas the Bible, describes “JESUS” as our Chief High Priest. Being broken-down due to hurts, temptations, weaknesses, sorrow, untold problems, and the many needs around him and so on, even under such critical situations, a person is anxious to see His image, His Glory and to hear His voice. He searches for a person who would be able to help him to get out of all such confusions. He feels someone pushing and taking him closer, saying that He is the only One who is able to deliver and bring you out of all these chaos. On the other hand fear pulls him back, he feels that he is failure and wounded, and cannot go near to Him – such questions in him crush him down. The Lord makes the “Ark of Covenant” through Moses; this depicts the model of Heaven on Earth. The Lord had to teach many things to Moses to shape it. However, to see His Glory and to hear His voice it was only possible at the “Most Holy Place”. But before entering into the Most Holy Place, there was the Holy Place, the Alter and then the Water Basin was seen and then to enter in, there was a door.
The Call
January 2020
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Math 11:28 NKJV) – Calls Jesus Christ. His words filled with love draws people near, but burdens and sorrows pushes and pulls men down. Don’t be worried “Come unto me” for “I am the door” hears the voice of Jesus Christ. He further affirms –come and I will strengthen and help you to pass on and people are strengthened by these words. He gave Himself for us as an unblemished and a living sacrifice and says – If you hold on to my hands, I will make you stronger and take you beyond the tabernacles alter. Trying to walk and listening to the gentle words of the Lord, we will find that the Hand of our Lord is sufficient, since Jesus Christ was tempted like one of us. He too faced temptations, suffered and endured shame, hunger and thirst. Although He faced such things, yet a higher degree of temptations and shame in this world, He never fell into them, but came out victoriously. As such, He is sufficient to hold our hands and lead us to walk victoriously in this world. We could have been hurt or may be the wounds, burdens, sorrows in our life may not allow us to go forth or we may be distressed by the emotional thoughts rising in our hearts and make us think Oh! “I am a backslider” and pushes us down, but we have an all sufficient God “Jesus Christ” who is always ready to carry us through. If we want to enter into the Most Holy place, we must cross the altar and this could be done only if we have crucified ourselves along with Him and hidden in Him. Apostle Paul declares in Galatians 2: 20(NKJV) “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” And in Colossians 3:3 (NKJV) “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” The Call
We will be able to enter into the tabernacle and proceed further only if we have experienced the given ourselves to the above quoted verses, it is then we will be able to enter into the tabernacle and proceed further and will be able to see the Glory and hear His voice. Many desire to hear His voice and see His Glory but they are not ready to surrender themselves completely. Since they are not ready to surrender such people get stagnated before the alter itself and are not able to pass beyond the first step. However “Come through the door and reach out to the “Throne of Grace” and get near to the Most Holy Place to see my Glory and hear my voice.” This voice is even heard today, however weak we may be or forsaken by people yet it is possible if we hide ourselves in Christ. If we hide ourselves in Christ, we will hear the soft voice of the Almighty and He is sufficient to take us into the Most Holy Place, so we can boldly confess this year that “ I am in Him” .
The Call
January 2020
Rahab Project Inauguration Ceremony
The Call
Message of the
Birth of Christ Shared in Villages
The Call
January 2020
The Call
Staff Fasting Prayer Nepal
The Call
January 2020
Message of the Birth of Christ Shared in Villages During the Christmas Season from 1st to 25th December 2019, the Gospel was shared in more than 75 villages and 40 schools. Christmas gospel songs were sung in marketplaces where people gather and in streets and schools and the Good News of Jesus Christ was shared. Around 20,000 adults and 10,000 children were reached through this initiative. Gospel tracts and New Testament copies were distributed. By the grace of God missionaries could travel and shared the gospel amidst sever cold, bad road conditions, traffic and rains.
Prisoners Receive the Message of Peace, Deliverance and Hope in Bihar GEMS Central Region conducted a Christmas program in Central Jail at Sasaram through which more than 750 prisoners heard the Good News.
prisoners in Sasaram Central Jail.
The Call
On 22nd Dec 2019 a team of 53 members from GEMS Central Region (GEMS Sikaria and GEMS Karvandiya church) organised a Christmas program for the
Sasaram Jail is one of the oldest and largest jail
with 750+ Prisoners. This jail is approximately 35 km from Sikaria campus. Every year with the support and prayers of our well-wishers we have been able to conduct event
inside the Jail campus through which gospel is shared to every prisoner. Likewise even this year with the support of one of our well-wishers God fulfilled our ministry in the Jail.The event started with an opening prayer and welcome address by Mr. Daniel (Principal,GEMS ITI) and Bro. PC
Johnson (Zonal Leader, Sikaria Zone).
The Call
January 2020
With the support of GEMS ITI students, Project Children, Homes Children and Karvandiya church Youth we could have few cultural events like dance and skit through which the gospel was shared very clearly. Mr.Bajarange shared the gospel messaged through a local Bhojpuri song. Mr.Sujeet and Mr. Ravi through dialogue shared the purpose of Christ birth.
The Call
A skit on Barabass by Karvandiya youth was heart touching and many could understand how Christ took the Cross for our sins. Another skit by GEMS Sikaria team on how Jesus took our punishment was enacted. Mr. Caleb helped the youth by preparing the costumes and added colour & meaning to the skit.The gospel message was shared by Mr. Suresh (Central Regional Director) where he emphasised on “New life possible� based on the parable of the Prodigal son.
The Call
January 2020
The Jail Superintendent along with the Jailer and police officials participated in the event and helped us throughout the event. A woollen muffler, New Testament along with a sweet packet was distributed to each and every prisoners who happily received with a heart of gratitude.
The Call
The Vote of thanks was shared by Mr. Stephen
(Missionary Pastor,Karvandiya Church) who has played a key role in connecting with the Jail superintendent. Ever year Mr. Stephen has been doing this event which has impacted several lives and few who after released have even turned up to our churches. The entire program was coordinated and finally closed with prayer by Mr. Ashish Daniel, Director, GEMS Polytechnic College. Highlights • After the event several people responded to the word came and shared their issues and sought prayers. • Few requested for full Bible and promised to come to church once they get released. • Few shared that they had heard a little about Christ and this event was helpful to know more. Future Steps • The Jail Superintendent was impressed by this event and accepted our request to visit the prison even on normal days with prior permission and conduct events in small scale. • The team under the leadership of Mr. Suresh has planned to visit again in January. Pray for all the prisoners of Sasaram Jail who received the Good News. Pray that they may receive the Prince of Peace in their life and to commit to be transformed by Him. Pray that they may begin to live a new life in Christ and pray for the follow up programs to touch the prisoners and staff.
The Call
January 2020
Believers and Workers of Nepal Strengthened Spiritually thru Fasting Prayer
at Rangpur&Karmachuli. Workers Annual Fasting Prayer
Fasting Prayer was conducted for the workers of GEMS Nepal and for the believers of the churches
Annual workers fasting prayer of GEMS Nepal was conducted at Jeethpur from 27th to 29th Nov 2019 in which 45 people participated. The fasting prayer was conducted in the theme ‘New Strength & New Steps’ based on Isaiah 40:31. The messages were shared by Dr. Ashok Kumar (Associate General Secretary, GEMS), Bro. Franklin Benjamin (Asst. Zonal Leader, Sikaria Zone) and
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Bro. John Samuel Raj (AGS Office). The praise and worship was led by Bro.Purusotham, Bro. Silas Thokar, Bro. Rajulama, Bro. Heera Singh & Bro. Daniel Jebakumar.
Dr. Ashok, Bro. Rajulama, Bro. Santosh, Bro. SilasThokar, Bro. Purusotham& Bro. Santha led the prayer sessions. The Call
January 2020
The fasting prayer closed with Communion.
Believers Fasting Prayer Fasting prayer for the believers of Rangpur Church in Nepal was conducted from 7th to 9th Oct 2019 in which 60 people participated. 32 Visitors from Vishakhapatnam also participated in the prayer. Bro. Raja (GEMS Raxaul) shared the messages to motive the people to pray like Elijah. The prayer sessions were led by Bro. Rajulama and Bro. Chandrika. Fasting prayer for the believers of Karmachuli Church in Nepal was conducted from on 27th& 28th Oct 2019 in which 60 people participated. Bro. Silas Thokar coordinated the meeting and led in prayer sessions. Bro. Purushotam, Bro. Rajulama and Bro. Chandrika also led the prayer sessions.
The Call
People prayed for their nation, the issues, the challenges, and the people and for the work of the Lord.
Pray for all the believers and workers of Nepal who participated in the Fasting Prayers. Pray that they may continue to pray for their nation to be touched and transformed by the gospel. Pray for the nation of Nepal, the people, God’s work and the workers in this nation.
The Call
January 2020
The Call
GEMS Missionaries Hospitalized Due to Severe Road Accident in North Bihar
GEMS Missionaries Bro. Deva Immanuel, Bro. Saravanan and Bro. Allwyn met with road accident near Darbhanga and are hospitalized.
Bro. Deva (Secretary, GES Darbhanga), Bro. Saravanan (Civil Engineer, GEMS, Sikaria) and Bro. Allywn (Darbhanga) were travelling from Sikaria to Darbhanga when their four wheeler was hit by a truck that sped away. The accident occurred when they were near Darbhanga today, 16th January 2020 at 8:00 AM. They were admitted in Darbhanga Medical College Hospital. Bro. Deva suffered head injury. Bro. Allwyn also suffered injuries. Bro. Saravanan had severe injuries; in the head, fracture of the left arm, leg and ribs. They were shifted to R.B. Memorial Hospital,
The Call
January 2020
Darbhanga. Fracture to the ribs of Bro. Saravanan had caused internal bleeding. He was immediately operated and by the grace of God, the internal bleeding was stopped. All three of them are recovering. Bro. Saravan will require a surgery in the arm. Pray for Bro. Saravanan’s surgery
and recovery. Pray for the complete healing and recovery of Bro. Deva and Bro. Allwyn. Pray for the protection of all missionaries and children.
The Call
Believers of Bihar and Jharkhand Strengthened in Christ to Build God’s Kingdom
Area Conventions were conducted in GEMS fields Munger (Bihar) and Tasrar (Jharkhand) through which the believers were exhorted and encouraged through the word of God.
Munger Convention The Area Convention of Bhojpuri 3 zone was conducted at Munger from 11-13 Nov 2019. The convention was organized by the missionary Bro. Anthel. The sessions were conducted in the theme ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ and Bro. Ananda Kumar (Associate Director, GEMS-Ins) shared the messages.
The Call
January 2020
Tasrar Convention The Jhrakhand Zone Area Convention was conducted at Tasrar from 8-10 Nov 2019. The convention
was organized by the missionary Bro. Ramdhani. Bro. Suresh Silas (Asst. Zonal Leader, Sonebhadra Zone) shared the messages. Pray for all the believers who participated in the Area Conventions at Munger and Tasrar. Pray for them to continue to seek and grow in the Lord and to reflect God’s kingdom through their words and deeds. Pray for the believers to be effective witnesses of the gospel in their families and areas.
The Call
Workers and Leaders of Southern Region Empowered thru Retreats and Workshops
Retreat for the leaders of GEMS Southern Region was conducted at Duddhi and Workshop for the workers of Maharashtra was conducted at Lavala. Leaders Retreat Retreat was conducted for Zone leaders, Assistant Zonal Leaders and Area leaders of GEMS Southern region on 2nd& 3rd December 2019 at Duddhi. Bro.
Isaac Jeyakumar led the workshop on the theme “Joyful Leadership for Joyful Community”. The leaders had a meaningful and effective time of Bible study and discussions on ‘Sovereignty of God’ and ‘The Glory of God’. This retreat was an enriching The Call
January 2020
o f Maharashtra zone. There were sessions on Servant Leadership, Team work and Building one-another along with activities, Bible study and practical talks. The sessions were handled by Bro. Peter Jayaraj (Southern Regional Director), Sis. SumithraJayaraj and Bro. MeghnathPowar.
The meetings were organized by Bro. Sanjay Panhalkar (Zonal Superintendent – Maharashtra Zone). Also the open talks and Q&A sessions paved way for the workers
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to get more clarity on their roles and vision. On the whole the missionaries were blessed by the fellowship and the sessions. Pray for the missionaries and leaders of GEMS Southern Region who took part in the empowerment programs. Pray that they may apply the learning to their ministry and leadership, to be fruitful and effective. Pray for the Lord to use the missionaries and leaders of this region with renewed vision and vigour to build His kingdom.
The Call
January 2020
The Call
The Call
January 2020
The Call