The Call_GEMS Eng Mag_June 2020

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THE March 2020

June 2020

The Call


June 2020

THE CALL Transforming Peoples to Transform Nations


From Bihar With Love Bro. D. Augustine Jebakumar


From the Executive Director’s Desk Dr. Rajesh Duthie


The Precious Blood Angeline Joyner


You are Unique: Poem Ellen Fanny

– 14

So that it may go well with you Mariyosh Joseph


Missionary Bitten by Snake is Well & Discharged – 17 Believer’s House Gutted in Fire in – 18 North Bihar Believer Family Severely Persecuted in – Jharkhand


Admission in GEMS Polytechnic College


Published for 11, 13th Cross Street, New colony Chromkpet, Chennai - 44 Ph. : 044-22386031, 044-22380295

Published by GEMS Educational Media Services 14, Jeba Nagar, Vasanthapuram south, Near Vijaya Garden, Tirunelveli 627005 Field office GEMS, Sikaria, Indrapuri - 821308 Rohtas Dist., Bihar , Ph. : 06184 - 234567 (Railway station & courier centre : Dehri on Sone) Website : E-mail :

The Call


Gospel Echoing Missionary Society is a Christian mission organization that serves to bring about wholesome transformation in all the lives that it touches staying true to its motto ‘Transforming peoples to transform nations’. It touches the hearts of the people through the gospel of Jesus Christ and serves as a beacon of love and hope to the deprived, disadvantaged, exploited, destitute and homeless thousands fulfilling this vision through Spiritual, Educational, Medical and Humanitarian Services primarily in Bihar, other Northern States of India 2020 and beyond since June 1972.

June 2020

aR h i B FroM WitH LovE

Dear Prayer Partners in Christ Jesus, Greetings to you in the name of our loving Lord Jesus Christ who shoGreetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who declared: “I am

the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life� (John 8: 12).

It has become obvious that during these dark and trying times, leaders of all hues - political and spiritual have been found wanting in their understanding and handling of the COVID-19 situation. As a consequence of this pandemic, the ensuing economic turmoil and joblessness and intense fear and distrust of everything, will result in changes happening at social, religious and political levels. COVID-19 has differentiated nothing and has attacked all, proving the Bible verse that all mankind was made of the same (Acts 17: 26). Is it not a big slap on the faces blood of people that tried to divide mankind on the basis of race, colour, borders, language, status and even religion? Impact on the Church This pandemic has motivated people to join as families and praise God, to try and understand Him better, to mend relationships and help others. It has also been a time for people The Call


June 2020

backsliding from God to turn to Him. Yet, we need to pray that all this does not happen on the basis of fear alone but also on the basis of love of God. Jesus gave His life so that by His death He

might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death (Heb 2: 14, 15).

Economically able churches have trained their members to join worship through YouTube or other on line means. Those could not afford to do this have encouraged their members to conduct worships within families. It must be noted that churches based in missionary areas are struggling as the members may be new in faith and need the support. ‘When will the Lockdown end!’ is a despondent voice heard everywhere! It burdens my heart to know that Christians, who lack in faith, have been reluctant to proclaim that Jesus is the way because in Christian countries of America and Europe, the death toll has been high. We cannot make them understand that this is God’s way of making these in-name-only Christian nations to return to God. Only God can make this happen. Impact on Society Many a surprise awaits school and college students. Due to the fact that these have been shut down for such extended periods, many, especially young kids have forgotten the experience of going to such institutions. Not everyone has the luxury of online education. Neither is it possible for all parents to have the ability to help their kids in this regard. People that had returned from their places of work (both domestic and international) have now lost the will power to return. Relatives also tend to discourage people from returning to their work places. People that were already below the poverty line have been pushed down further and have attempted suicides. The voices of lament can be heard everywhere. June 2020 The many loans taken by small business owners have crushed them. Since the buying power has gone down, many entrepreneurs The Call


June 2020

have been affected. Since the savings have gone down, many a girl’s wedding has also been put on the back burner. People in the import-export business, due to restrictions on travel, have not been able to transport their products, which then get wasted or damaged. Also with delays in receiving their payments, they are unable to pay salaries and payments to vendors affecting livelihood of so many as chain reactions. In this way, I can keep listing more issues that both we and the nation will continue to face. I can also see some good happening during these times. People are more involved in charity now. ‘Share and live’ has become the mantra for some now. What can we learn? In such an environment, as children of God we can learn a number of things. David, a man chosen by God and a man favoured by the Lord, either by his choice or not, was staying locked down – this is a truth we learn from the Bible. For almost ten years, to save himself from Saul, he had to run and hide. He laments that ‘there is only a step between me and death’ (1 Sam 20: 3). He cried: ‘I shall perish someday by the hand of Saul’ (1 Sam 27: 1). Numerous times he hid in caves and in mountain cracks. He had to be very careful that none knew of his whereabouts. He had to hide in the ‘strongholds in the woods’ (1 Sam 23: 19). The people around David were also careful about protecting David. When Saul chased David like the Corona virus, David had to quarantine himself and remain in self-imposed isolation. It was during times like this that he penned most of his psalms. When we meditate on these psalms, we can begin to understand a few things and also receive help in our spiritual growth. Even after becoming a king, David had to run and hide from his own son – Absalom. The words that he spoke then have turned out to be prophetic. Consider Psalm 22, ‘My God, My God, why have You The Call


June 2020

forsaken Me?’ (Psalm 22: 1). Was this not the same verse that

Jesus spoke on the cross? Is it not a psalm speaking of Jesus’s state then? Many of our Islamic friends will quote this verse and say: ‘If Jesus was God, why would He speak this verse on the cross?’ In Jesus’ time, the Psalms were not indexed and numbered like the present day Bible. Instead, the way to refer a psalm in those days was to quote the first verse which would help others know the psalm being discussed. Hence Jesus was simply reminding others that Psalm 22 was a prophesy about Him. If you read that psalm you will see that what’s mentioned did not happen to David, instead were a prophesy on what will happen to Jesus. ‘Many bulls have surrounded Me; Strong bulls of Bashan

have encircled Me’ (Psalm 22: 12).

‘They pierced My hands and My feet’ (Psalm 22: 16).

‘I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me’ (Psalm 22: 17). ‘They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots’ (Psalm 22: 18). ‘All those who see me ridicule me; they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, “He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue him; let Him deliver him, since He delights in him!”’ (Psalm 22: 7, 8).

‘There is none to help’ (Psalm 22: 11).

All these things happened to Jesus on Calvary just as prophesied by David. Just like Isaiah had said, hasn’t David prophesied about Jesus’s struggles? When locked down, being pressured from all sides, when let go by all, when his future was uncertain, when darkness was crouching on him, his lament at that moment became a prophesy to be fulfilled in Jesus. Oh what a blessing that mustJune be!2020 Was it not his terrible situation that aided in these beautiful verses being said? It would have been impossible for him to have sung such verses in happy times! The Call


June 2020

Likewise, was it not because John was isolated in the island of Patmos, that God revealed the future to him? He was able to even see things that were to happen 2000 years later! He was hence able to warn future generations. He was also able to clearly write about the Lord’s thousand years rule. Was it not the isolation that brought about these things? Maybe experiences like that are possible at times like these. Also, it was during such locked down times that Paul wrote most of his letters, which have been the basis of the church and its teachings. Being locked down is hard, yet when seen according to God’s plan, it has immense foresight. Looking unto the One above Leaders have started to say that we need to learn to live with Corona amidst us. It is like many that have lost their battle to sin pacifying themselves that they have to live in sin. Just like how our bodies can be protected by a vaccine against corona, likewise we need the vaccine of God’s word and His Spirit to fight the battle against sin. It is enough to protect us at all times against sin. During a time when crores have lost their jobs, worrying about their future, may the Lord help us in using this time to get closer to Him and expand His kingdom. Many have even decided to lose their lives having lost all hope. Many riots may happen. Due to lack of law and order on the streets, we might lose peace of mind and there might only be darkness around us. ‘I know whom I have believed and am persuaded

that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day’ (2 Tim 1: 12).

Lakhs of people are coming back in droves to Bihar. There is only the fear of death in their eyes. There is no work here, yet fearful of going back; the situation is still chasing them. We were able to help only a few; but eternal help will only come when they hold on to the One above, is it not?

The Call


June 2020

Hope of Revival We thank the Lord a million times for the tireless many that have been upholding our mission through prayers and through monetary support. Even when our workers are unable to reach people, and the need of the nation is immense, and even when their own needs are high, these helping hands have been helping just like how Obadiah did during the days of Elijah (1 Kings 18: 3, 4). May the Lord strengthen them. There are many like Obadiah, who due to his work had to walk along with a godless man like Ahab, yet due to God’s love in him, helped when the need arose. There are many that believe that after these terrible times, a revival will definitely happen in the church. May this revival make the nation turn towards the Lord. We yearn for this to happen, that the hearts of people may be opened. May the Lord that opened Lydia’s heart also do so now (Acts 16: 14). May the doors that were closed in ignorance be opened. This is what we believe and desire. May the Lord extend the boundaries of the church; and may God’s people be blessed with visions. In His Vineyard, D. Augustine Jebakumar

June 2020

The Call


June 2020

From ve cuti e x E The ’s Desk r Directo

Dear Prayer Partners,

Greetings in the name of the Most High who is our fortified tower! We praise God for His faithfulness in upholding all of us during this covid-19 lockdown time. Though the missionaries couldn’t go out to preach the gospel, it was a time to strengthen the believers. By the grace of God, during the onset of the pandemic itself we could sense the potential longevity of the lockdown and plan accordingly for alternate ministry means. We could identify House Church movement as the way forward for GEMS ministries at least for the next one year. We have given an emphasis “Make Every House an Active Church”. Every believer of the household are being equipped and empowered for this Church growth movement. We asked every fulltime worker of GEMS to motivate the believers and elders to actively meet, fellowship and minister in the houses. We have systematically planned mentoring, monitoring and discipling, keeping intact the doctrinal foundations and shared leadership developments. As part of it, we are constantly having telephonic conference calls, zoom conference calls to motivate and train the believers. It is so amazing to see the new believers praying, joining as one or two families. Continue to pray that this will catch up like a wild fire and the believers will be able to reach the neighbors with the gospel.

Prayer Points:

The pandemic is exponentially growing and the hospital facilities are limited especially in the areas The Call


June 2020

where our people are based. Pray for our missionaries and believers to be protected. Also pray that our nation will cope with the rapid growth of the virus. Pray for the protection of the GEMS hospital staffs who work in two week shifts by taking high risk. Pray for the services our staffs are rendering in various levels during this pandemic that it will benefit many. Even during this lockdown time, people in desperate need of peace, hope and help are searching and approaching our missionaries. Pray that they will be touched by the love of Christ and their needs will be met. Many migrant labourers have returned in our mission fields. Also many believers have lost their job and are looking for alternative ways of living. GEMS is working on ways to help them to get back their living by providing a little help to start small business-like vegetable selling cart, seeds for agriculture, cycle shop tools, small level poultry /goat farms etc. Pray that God will strengthen our hands to help the people who are standing without any hope to move forward. Many mission organization’s struggle to meet the needs. Kindly pray for God’s provisions for all missions.

Praise Points:

By the grace of God, we could provide the monthly allowance for all our missionary staff. By the grace of God, thousands of migrant laborers who were returning were helped by GEMS. Their stories are pathetic. They were provided with food, fruits and water.By the grace of God few hundreds of poor believers and their neighbours were provided with monthly provisions June 2020 like rice, wheat flour, pulses, oil, masala and snacks. Continue to uphold us by your precious prayers. We The Call


June 2020

appreciate the concern you have for missionaries and the constant support you provide for them. We do pray for you that God will protect you and your family members from all dangers especially during this pandemic time as well as strengthen your hands to be a blessing to many people. “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.� (Proverbs18:10)

Rajesh Duthie


The Call


June 2020

The Precious Blood

I remember a hymn written by Robert Lowry which goes as, “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus”.

This hymn was just a usual monotonous poem to me until COVID – 19 arrived. Being born into a Christian family and raised up by Christian parents in a spiritual environment always pushes us to an illusion of believing that we are righteous by birth. Taking things for granted, we always consider “Salvation” to be our birthright. This year’s Good Friday and Easter weren’t the same for me. The national lockdown lent me ample time to actually figure out the significance of ‘the Precious Blood’, which was shed for me on the cross. COVID19 – A GLOBAL PANDEMIC

In this era of health emergency, we stand helpless as there are no specific antiviral drugs against this particular strain of virus. Numerous casualties are being reported daily. Medical experts and pharmaceutical companies are tirelessly working on bringing out a best possible remedy soon. Clinical trials and even human trials are happening in few countries. CP THERAPY – A PROMISING TREATMENT MODALITY

There are numerous controversies of how to treat June 2020 the novel Corona virus infection. Meanwhile, I came across an article, which threw light on something The Call


June 2020

called the ‘Convalescent Plasma Therapy’. Few labs in India and in other countries have come out with an idea of classic adaptive immunotherapy, wherein antibodies from blood of cured patients is used to treat critically ill COVID – 19 patients. By doing so, the neutralizing antibodies from the donor’s plasma helps to fight against the viral load in the critically ill recipient’s blood, thereby improving clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters. This technique isn’t new and has been used in the treatment of infections such as SARS and MERS previously and has yielded promising results. Soon I hope and pray, experts will be ready with a protocol for CP therapy to put an end to this global pandemic. A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE TO CP THERAPY

This ignited my thought process and hurray, it brought life into a verse which reads ‘and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin’ [1 John 1:7] just as similar to the blood, from the recovered patient, containing neutralizing antibodies which helps clear up the viral load in the critically ill patient. Yes, His blood has the power to cleanse me from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:9]. A sense of hope gripped my heart when I remembered the verse which says, ‘For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet he did not sin’ [Hebrews 4:15]. My eyes well up when I consider the cruel death, the death on the cross, my Beloved had to under go The Call


June 2020

because of my transgressions [Isaiah 53:5]. He knew no sin but was made sin so that I might become the righteousness of God [2 Corinthians 5:21]. I live because He died for me on the cross. I am filled with a sense of gratitude to know someone I betrayed, someone I spat on, someone I slapped would die for me so that I might live.

Because of the cross, • I am healed • I am free, my curse is lifted • I am redeemed and everything is paid in full • I am reconciled to God, my Father after ages of hurting Him • I have a hope of living eternally with my Beloved What a privilege to know this God and to let Him rule your life forever! Oh! Precious Is the Flow That Makes Me White As Snow; No Other Fount I Know Nothing but The Blood of Jesus!!!

Angeline Joyner V

June 2020

The Call


June 2020

e u q i n U e r You a

All doors closed, Struck in the middle of the road. All ways strange, Nothing seems to change.

Life seems to be lost, In the middle of the road, Everything seems to change, But there where life begins.

They can block you, They can mock you, But can’t change you. You are who you are. You are UNIQUE!! Saved by grace and faith.

Time changes, People change, Priorities change, Everything changes.

The closed doors are open, New pages of life are open, New opportunities are open, A new life has begun.

Poem by Ellen Fanny, GEMS MK The Call


June 2020

So that it may go well with you... Meditation from Deuteronomy Chapters 5 to 7 • Adore & worship only the Creator God & not any creation • • • • • • • • • • •

(6-10) Bear not false witness (20) Carefully learn & do as the Lord God commands (1,29,32) Desire not anything that belongs to others & that which is evil & wicked in God’s sight (17-21) Expend & exhaust not yourself or your people without resting a day every week (12-14) Follow not the ways of the world, but follow exactly the paths of the Lord (33) Give attention to everything that godly leaders tell us (26,27) Honour your parents (16) Involve not in anything that takes you back to bondage, for God brought us out of slavery (6:23,12) Join not with worldly people to follow their ungodly ways (7:2) Keep the word of God in your heart (6:6) June 2020 Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul & might (6:5)

The Call


June 2020

• Marry not an unbeliever, for that would turn you & • • • • • • • • • • • • •

children from following the Lord (7:3,4) Never boast, for God did not chose us because of our goodness or greatness, but because He loved us (7:7,8) Observe all the commandments of the Lord diligently (6:17,25) Pursue to do only what is right & good in the sight of God (6:18) Quieten not children who ask questions regarding the word of God, but explain & teach to them (6:20-25) Reject not the Lord, for He will repay in their own person those who reject Him (7:10) Seek not after others things, it will ensnare you (7:25) Test not the Lord God (6:16) Unwaveringly follow the Lord, who is Faithful (7:9,12) Value God’s provisions, victory & blessings and allow not these to forget God (6:10-12; 7:1-,2; 7:12-16) Write the word of God in your houses & hearts (6:6-9) Xtinguish every abhorrent & defiling thing & do not bring such into the house, for it will lead to destruction & fruitlessness (7:26) Yolk not yourself with anything that can ensnare you in unholiness, but break every such opportunity & ties (7:5.6) Zealously follow only the Creator God, who is present with you (6:14)

Mariyosh Joseph The Call


June 2020

Missionary Bitten by Snake is Well & Discharged Sis. Sheila Kindo w/o Bro. Ram Sati Kindo(Rohtas Zone) who was bitten by poisonous snake is well and has been discharged from the hospital. Sis. Sheila was bitten by a poisonous snake on 27th May 2020 in the night in their field Nagatoli on the Rohtas Hills in Bihar. She was brought down from the hill to GEMS Hospital in Sikaria and was treated and kept in the ICU. By the grace of God Sis. Sheila Kindo was discharged from the hospitalon 29th May. She was dropped back by vehicle to Nagatoli. Praise God for His grace on His servant. Thank you all for your sincere prayers. June 2020 Pray for the protection and wellbeing of all missionaries and missionary kids.

The Call


June 2020

Believers House Gutted in Fire in North Bihar Bro. Gulliram is a believer of GEMS House of Prayer (PEACE 3 Zone). His house was gutted by fire.

Bro. Gulliram lives in Bhairoganj in West Champaran, Bihar. While he and his family members were sleeping in the night of 15th June 2020, his house was gutted in fire. By the grace of God his family escaped unhurt; but the entire thatched house and all their belongings were burnt. The reason for the fire is unknown. The Call


June 2020

Praise God for the protection of Bro. Gulliram and family. Pray for him and his family to be strengthened. Pray for the protection of all believers and missionaries.

June 2020

The Call


June 2020

Believer Family in Jharkhand Persecuted, House Ransacked and Robbed Bro. Chhatru Munda and his wife Sis. Chintamani Devi who are believers from Latehar, Jharkhand (PEACE 1 Zone) were persecuted for believing in Jesus and their house is ransacked and they are excommunicated from the village. When Bro. Chhatru Munda and his wife Sis. Chintamani Devi along with their son Sanjay went to their village to their house, they found it ransacked, robbed and the asbestos roof removed and the inside walls damaged. They put their

faith in Lord Jesus Christ in 2012 because of which Sis. Chintamani was beaten several times by her relatives and in the same year they were excommunicated by the village The Call


June 2020

council. They had to move to another place which is 5 kms away from their village and lived in a rented place with their three children (two sons and a daughter), since 2012. Because of Covid they lost their jobs and could not afford rent and they were forced to vacate. Fearing the monsoon, mustering courage they visited their village, this month June 2020, to their house which was kept under lock & eye, only to find it ransacked, damaged and unfit to reside. Even though they approached the local police station several times, they did not receive any support. Persecution Relief has taken up the case; click to read their report on this persecution incident – https://persecutionrelief. org/christian-excommunication-at-all-time-high-jharkhand/. Pray for the family of Bro. Chhatru Munda and Sis. Chintamani Devi that they may be strengthened by the Lord. Pray for their relatives, neighbours and villagers who are persecuting them, to know the Lord and His truth and to be transformed. Pray for the believers of Jharkhand who are facing continuous persecution and are bereaved of essentials during these June 2020 Covidtimes.

The Call


June 2020

Admissions Open for Courses in GEMS Polytechnic College

Admissions for 2020 for five courses in GEMS Polytechnic College, Aurangabad in Bihar is open. GPC has its approval by AICTE, Delhi and is affiliated to SBTE, Bihar to run five diploma courses namely, • • • • •

Mechanical Eng. Civil Eng. Electrical Eng. Electrical & Electronics Eng. Computer science Eng.

Read the information regarding admissions to GEMS Polytechnic College: Online registration for Polytechnic Admission (Direct / Lateral) has been extended till 28th June 2020. Please click the link to have an overall idea about admission process at GEMS Polytechnic. For any enquiry you may fill in the details and send it – The Call


June 2020

ldkjs viuk twfu; jbathfu ;j cuus dkl iuk vc vki ds ikl gh ds’k gj vkSjaxkckn esa tsEl tSls fo’okl uh;laLFkku }kjk pyk;s tkj gs tsEl i‚yhVsfDud d‚yst ds }kjkA ;ksX;rk – 10 oha/12 oha/ ITI ikl tYn ghlaidZ djsA] lhfer vof/kA100% xkjaVhMIy lesUV A Ld‚yjf’ki] LVwMsaV~lØsfMVdkMZ ]gksLVydhlqfo/kk;sA ¼i<uk] jguk] [kkuk ¶jhLVwMsaV~lØsfMVdkMZlsA½ osclkbV - Contact– 7366889683, 7366889684, 9791952874, 8124517713

irk–,u•,p&2] tksfx;keksM+] jruiqjk ]vkSjaxkckn] fcgkj&824121 Pray for the GEMS Polytechnic College to be a blessing to many students. Pray for the students as they are trained in the trades and in the truth and moral values, to develop as responsible citizens. Pray for the management, the staff and students and for this year’s admissions.

June 2020

The Call


June 2020

The Call


June 2020

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