The Call_GEMS Eng Mag_May 2020

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The Call


May 2020

THE CALL Transforming Peoples to Transform Nations


From Bihar With Love Bro. D. Augustine Jebakumar


Migrants & Marginalized Helped Amidst Covid-19 –9 The Game: Poem

– 13

Workshop for Grassroot Missionaries – Pray for Hospitalized Missionaries


– 18

Admissions in Polytechnic College for – 20 2020

Published for Gospel Echoing Missionary Society

11, 13th Cross Street, New colony Chromkpet, Chennai - 44 Ph. : 044-22386031, 044-22380295

Published by GEMS Educational Media Services 14, Jeba Nagar, Vasanthapuram south, Near Vijaya Garden, Tirunelveli 627005 Ph. : 9488771655 Field office GEMS, Sikaria, Indrapuri - 821308 Rohtas Dist., Bihar , Ph. : 06184 - 234567 (Railway station & courier centre : Dehri on Sone) Website :

Gospel Echoing Missionary Society is a Christian mission organization that serves to bring about wholesome transformation in all the lives that it touches staying true to its motto ‘Transforming peoples to transform nations’. It touches the hearts of the people through the gospel of Jesus Christ and serves as a beacon of love and hope to the deprived, disadvantaged, exploited, destitute and homeless thousands fulfilling this vision through Spiritual, Educational, Medical and Humanitarian Services primarily in Bihar, other Northern States of India and beyond since 1972.

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The Call


May 2020

From Bihar With Love Dear Prayer Partners in Christ Jesus, Greetings to you in the name of our loving Lord Jesus Christ who showed us the pinnacle of God’s love when he said: “As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you.” (John 15: 9) and sought God’s love on our behalf: “Then the world will know that You sent me and have loved them even as You have loved me” (John 17: 23). Jesus stresses that the world needs to know, hence he says: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (John 20: 21). The world is in the same as it was when God sent His beloved son. Many a time we might be tempted to think that the world was not as bad then as it is now. Yet, when we diligently study the Word we can see that that was not the case. The main intent of this letter is to analyse the state of the world when Jesus arrived and compare it to our days. 1.Politics of preference Another taking my place? - The unwritten law nowadays is to stop that by any means possible. People are more vigilant in stopping youngsters from rising up the ranks. We see right in the starting pages of the New Testament that this was the same point worrying law makers when Jesus came. Herod could not accept “King of the Jews,” and when he could not find the baby, he had all babies under two years killed (Matt 2: 2, 16). Was it not Herod’s blinding power that made him commit those heinous killings? We do not know how The Call


May 2020

many children died; yet we read that there was great mourning and weeping! How could any in the family who witnessed the murders of the babies ever be consoled? This appalling political attitude is also showcased in churches as well. Elders, experienced people are needed in churches, their counsel is important. But I am of the strong belief that youngsters should be given enough opportunities and freedom in the church. 2.Hardened hearts Four men carried a paralysed man and were trying to get to Jesus. Their pleas to the assembled crowd, which knew of Jesus’s power to heal, fell on deaf ears. They would have known that this man needed Jesus the most – yet they did not care (Mark 2: 1 – 12). What was the necessity for the men to open the roof of the house? Was it not because of the hardened hearts of the people surrounding Jesus? What do we see these days? People are ever ready to capture videos of people suffering but don’t stop to help them. Even if it was their vehicle that caused the accident, isn’t it a fact that most of them try to run away from the scene as soon as possible rather than help the victim? Courageous Good Samaritans are a rarity in this world. 3.Normative Prostitution The world is now conditioned to accept public prostitution as a norm and that it is no longer a big deal. It would be considered intolerance to question it. John the Baptist was not afraid to say this to even the king: “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife”. Did that not make Herodias want to have John’s head and even use her own daughter as means to achieve the end? (Mar 7: 17 – 27).

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May 2020

In India it is no longer an offence for a married man to have extra marital affairs. “They are well-fed, lusty stallions, each neighing for another man’s wife” (Jer 5: 8). Things haven’t changed since Jeremiah’s times. One for the office and one for the house – hasn’t this become a reality across many homes now? 4.Vileness of Bribery When tax collectors and soldiers asked John the Baptist on what they must do to be baptised, we see the prevailing situation then, in his response (Luke 3: 12 – 14): ““Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay” which is the case today as well. The chief priests used this same despicable scheme to supress and hide the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matt 28: 11 – 15). Felix too was expecting a bribe from Paul and so kept meeting him in prison (Acts 24: 26). Suffice it to say, just like today, bribery was a contributing factor in many decisions of the days gone by. 5.Blatant sin Everyone knew that the women who came to wash Jesus’ feet was a sinful woman (Luke 7: 37). Again in John 8: 3 we read about the woman who was caught in adultery. Was this all happening in Israel so openly, in a nation that was given commandments written by the very hands of God? Is this not happening in our days, to our utter shame, even among so called God’s people? 6.Misuse of Offerings We read about the disciples commenting to Jesus about the beautifully adorned temple buildings (Luke 21: 5). Where did these adornments come from? Was it not from the gifts and offerings given by the worshippers? How is it today? The churches and Christian institutions spend on decorations, performances and on fire The Call


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works on special occasions from the offerings of people. Is it not true that all this pomp and funfair the devices used by the devil (Isa 14: 11)? We have completely lost the purpose of giving offerings. 7.Craving for Freebies Jesus had made it possible for 5000 men to be fed by blessing the five loaves and two fish so that they did not go hungry and tired. Then we read that the people went in search of Jesus and He understood their intent: “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill” (John 6: 26). Even today, getting freebies has become the goal of Indians. Politicians use this to their advantage. They push the people into a constant state of drowsiness, and enrich themselves. People’s mind-sets have been the same then and now! 8.Pretentious Devotion Just like how pretentious and hypocritical things are done these days, so was the situation during Jesus’s time, which angered Him a lot. Everything was done for people to see (Matt 23: 5): love for being honoured by others (v. 6, 7), making long prayers for others’ sake (v. 14), the fallacy of giving importance to the offering (v.16 – 19), fake purity (v. 25), attempts to make oneself look righteous in front of others (v. 28), unclean life resembling that of a whitewashed tomb (v. 27), unnecessary celebratory functions (v. 29) – these were things that Jesus vigorously spoke against. That’s been the case then and now. ‘These people honour Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules” (Matt 15: 8, 9). Can we not understand the

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anguish, the heartache, and the longing in the heart of God in heaven above? 9.Abandonment of Responsibilities A woman that was bound by her infirmity came to worship the Lord who was not set free, a man crippled for 38 years was by the Bethesda pool abandoned by all (Luke 13: 16; John 5: 5 – 7), preaching that it was enough if you give Corban rather than taking care of your parents (Matt 15: 4 – 6) – how many people have been abandoned due to preaching’s like this? The church seems apprehensive of caring for widows (1 Tim 5: 10, 16) and the downtrodden (John 12: 8). 10.Irresponsible Shepherds The reason for confusion among people due to different sermons and confused in relationships is due to the lack of shepherds – Jesus worried about this in His days (Matt 9: 36). Today the situation is such that the shepherds do not realise their responsibility to their flock and concentrate of shepherding themselves. A shepherd needs to be an example to his flock (1 Pet 5: 3), watching over them— not because he must, but because he is willing, as God wants him to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve (v. 2). He will search for the lost and bring back the strays. He will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak (Eze 34: 16). Such were the people that Jesus’s eyes were searching for and found none – as is the case today. 11.Blinded by Traditions Peter’s conclusion was that traditions were unnecessary (1 Pet 1: 18) and Jesus’s conclusion was that while following it we nullify the word of God (Matt 15: 6). Even today, under the guise of tradition many a good deed is not The Call


May 2020

done, truth is not heard and time, money and talents are either damaged or wasted. What is important? Such knowledgeable questions are not asked in the Lord’s light but only to satisfy few people. Hence, the next generation lose the light as well and fall wayward. The evil that shatters lives and relationships continues unabated onto the next generation! 12.Blinded by Caste When a man requested Rebecca for water, she willingly offered it not only to him but also to his camels; and he was a foreigner in the land, a stranger (Gen 24: 18, 19). Yet, the Samaritan woman, as well her fellow citizens, showcased her feelings on caste when she asks Jesus: “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (John 4: 9). Even Peter who was filled with the Holy Spirit said, “…it is against our law for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile” (Acts 10: 28). This is the case for a person saved by the blood of Jesus Christ even today. This is the currency that the politicians use. This seems to be increasing day by day. It is disheartening to see even spiritual leaders speaking unabashedly about this. This was the situation then – when Jesus was sent to the earth. 13.Blinded by Money A Jewish ruler (Luke 18: 18) in his youth, humble enough to kneel on the streets (Mark 10: 17); yet his love for money made him go away with sadness (Mark 10: 22). Simon the Sorcerer thought he could by the gift of God with money (Acts 8: 20). Demetrius, a silversmith in Ephesus caused a riot in the nation because his business was affected by Paul’s teachings (Acts 19: 23, 24). We see it right in front of our eyes how the greed for money has changed many a people’s paths.

The Call


May 2020

14.Worship places become currency exchangers Even the Jerusalem temple became a market place and then a den of robbers (John 2: 16; Luke 19: 46). Even today, don’t we all know of the many worship places that have made money in crores and have become protectors of wealth that is useless for its true purpose? I do not need to explain further. 15.Prominence to religiosity than Change of heart “Should they come on the Sabbath day to pray to be healed?” was a question often asked during the time of Jesus (Luke 13: 14). I can probably go on listing similarities between when Jesus was on earth and now. Hence, let us always be reminded that just like how Jesus was sent to this earth for a purpose, so have we. The same Holy Spirit that worked with Him is also working in us. Let us act upon that thought. “In this world we are like Jesus” (1 John 4: 17) – may this verse propel us forward. Let us submit ourselves to be used by the Lord to accomplish His will. Let the nation get to know the Lord by some means. Let our thoughts be righteous so as to not hinder His plans. Let our thoughts change, our habits change, our nation change, our desires change and may the Good News reach the four corners of the earth.

In His Vineyard, D. Augustine Jebakumar

The Call


May 2020

Migrants and the Marginalized Supported thru GEMS Relief Work Amidst Covid-19

GEMS provided rations and essential groceries to poor families in Bihar, migrant workers and people at the Quarantine Centres and protective essentials to the people in

The Call


May 2020

public service. GEMS EDEN began to address the issue of poverty amidst Covid19 moved with the compassion of Lord Jesus and His calling

The Call


May 2020

t o serve the poor and needy. The relief work began from 7th April 2020.

villages of the Rohtas District of Bihar.

D r y rations were distributed to 2254 families in various

Sanitizers, Masks, Soaps and Towels were distributed to 186 public service workers in Rohtas District and 100 in

The Call


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Aurangabad District of Bihar. Snacks and fruits were given to the 160 people Quarantined by the District Administration at GEMS Polytechnic College. Snacks, food, fruits and water were provided to around 2000 migrant workers who were walking or cycling through the highway in Dehri, Bihar. Praise God for strengthening GEMS EDEN to help the needy during these times. Pray for all the poor and needy people who are affected economically because of Covid19. Pray for the migrant workers who are stuck in different places without food and pray for those who are travelling by foot, cycle and other means. Pray for the public health workers, the police and social

The Call


May 2020

The Game Again and again, They try but cry, Can’t hold them back, Coz no one cares. You think they smile, But deep down they cry. A fake smile is better, Than to share the reason behind. The tears on their pillows, Are the proof of night. The lonely shadows at the noon, Are the proof of day. You think it’s a game, To hurt them again, I say it’s a battle, They never wanna face. The dreams they dreamt, The hope they had, All was lost, With the game you played. This game has got no end, Heard its part of life, I feel, their part of defeat is worse; Than the win, you think! You think it’s a game won, Well played!!!

The Call


May 2020

I say it’s a battle defeat, To someone’s will. You think they are silent and scared, But little do you know, That their will power is beyond, You imagined!!! You think it’s a game end, But for them, it’s a battle begun. Beware! Coz you never knew, How long they waited for their win. The game started, And the defeat is yours. Coz they are NEVER born for a BREAKDOWN, They are born for a BREAKTHROUGH.

Poem by Ellen Fanny, GEMS MK

The Call


May 2020

Workshop Equips and Renews the Grassroot Missionaries Pastor’s Workshop f o r grassroot missionaries of G E M S Southern Region was conducted in which 21 missionaries from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand participated. The Pastor’s workshop was conducted by Southern Region on 11th and 12thMarch 2020 at Duddhi on the Theme “Walk in the Spirit” in which 21 missionaries from Jharkhand zone, Sonebhadra Zone and Vananchal Zone attended.

On the first day Bro. Sunil Kumar(Area Leader & HOD of GEMS Electrical Department, Sikaria) shared from his life and from the Word of God to inspire our workers to ‘Walk in the Spirit’

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May 2020

in their personal lives, family life and ministry. He also shared about Vision. Commitment and Five areas in which Pastors need to be careful. His testimony and exhortation from the life of Moses, rekindled the passion and commitment in the missionaries to be led by the Spirit of God in all areas of their lives. Practical sessions on Personal devotion, basics of Worship, Importance of Spirit-led prayer were handled by Bro. Prabhakaran from Erode. This has equipped our workers and revived their prayer lives. Group activities, role-plays and debriefing was done by Bro. Peter Jayaraj (RD – Southern). Bro. Praveen Das(Sonebhadra

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Zone – ZS) shared in the morning devotion. Bro. Nehemiah and Bro. Martin from Sonebhadra Zone led the praise and Worship. The 2-day workshop came to an end with a closing talk by Bro. Jeyasingh David (Secretary, DC Lewis School) to live a spirit-led life motivated by God’s love, from real-life examples. We could witness the move of God in each session. Though the people reached the meeting with lot of struggles due to rain, transportation etc., they went back rejoicing being renewed in their spirit. Pray for all the missionaries of Southern Region who attended the workshop. Pray that they may continue to live according to learned truths and to use the learning in the ministry. Pray for the all the leaders and workers of GEMS Southern Region. The Call


May 2020

Pray for the Missionaries Hospitalized Due to Accident and Illness Bro. BishramTirkey (PEACE 1) met with road accident and Bro. Rameshwar (DCC) hospitalized with low BP and anaemia. Pray for their recovery. Accident Bro. Bishram who serves in Haldikocha, Jharkhand was on his way to Chandwa on 25th May 2020 when he met with an accident near a railway crossing when his bike collided with an auto. He is wounded in his right leg and hand and is hospitalized. Illness Bro. Rameshwar Sahu, Headmaster of DCC Sudai (Madhubani), Bihar suffered with low Blood Pressure and anaemia and is hospitalized. Pray for the healing and recovery of Bro. Bishram and Bro. Rameshwar. Pray for the safety and good health of all the missionaries, staff and their families. The Call


May 2020

Pray for all the participant of the Nepal training program. Pray for them to serve God faithfully and wholeheartedly. Pray for all the ministries of GEMS Nepal to transform the nation.  

The Call


May 2020

Admissions Open for Courses in GEMS Polytechnic College


Admissions for 2020 for five courses in GEMS Polytechnic College, Aurangabad in Bihar is

GPC has its approval by AICTE, Delhi and is affiliated to SBTE, Bihar to run five diploma courses namely, • • • • •

Mechanical Eng. Civil Eng. Electrical Eng. Electrical & Electronics Eng. Computer science Eng.

Read the information regarding admissions to GEMS Polytechnic College: Online registration for Polytechnic Admission (Direct / Lateral) has been extended till 9th June 2020. Please click the link to have an overall idea about admission process at GEMS Polytechnic. For any enquiry you may fill in the details and send it –

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May 2020

;ksX;rk – 10 oha/12 oha/ ITI ikl tYn ghlaidZ djsA] lhfer vof/kA100% xkjaVhMIy lesUV A Ld‚yjf’ki] LVwMsaV~lØsfMVdkMZ ]gksLVydhlqfo/kk;sA ¼i<uk] jguk] [kkuk ¶jhLVwMsaV~lØsfMVdkMZlsA½ osclkbV - Contact– 7366889683, 7366889684, 9791952874, 8124517713

irk–,u•,p&2] tksfx;keksM+] jruiqjk ]vkSjaxkckn] fcgkj&824121 Pray for the GEMS Polytechnic College to be a blessing to many students. Pray for the students as they are trained in the trades and in the truth and moral values, to develop as responsible citizens. Pray for the management, the staff and students and for this year’s admissions.

The Call


May 2020

The Call


May 2020

The Call


May 2020

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