Spanish poets

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Creative Writing around the world Biographies by Romanian, Greek, Korean, French , Moroccan and Spanish students.

School -year 2018/2019

Gustavo Adolfo Claudio Domínguez Bastida, better known as Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (February 17, 1836, Seville – December 22, 1870, Madrid) was a Spanish Romanticist poet and writer (mostly short stories), also a playwright, literary columnist, and talented in drawing. Today he is considered one of the most important figures in Spanish literature, and is considered by some as the most read writer after Cervantes. He adopted the alias of Bécquer as his brother Valeriano Bécquer, a painter, had done earlier. He was associated with the romanticism and post-romanticism movements and wrote while realism was enjoying success in Spain. He was moderately well known during his life, but it was after his death that most of his works were published. His best known works are the Rhymes and the Legends, usually published together as Rimas y leyendas. These poems and tales are essential to the study of Spanish literature and common reading for high-school students in Spanish-speaking countries.

Eternal Love The face of the sun may darken forever; The oceans may run dry in an instant; The axis spinning our planet may shatter; Like a brittle crystal. Yes, all of that may happen! At the end, Death May cover my flesh with his funeral shroud; But none of it will reach within my soul and extinguish The bright flame of your love.

Biography written by: Savina and Valia 4th Junior High School of Petroupoli

Biography Research Sources:

Poet’s name:(Spain)

Federico Garcia Lorca GAME

Photo / portrait

Early Life: -date of birth: 5 June 1898 -place of birth: Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, Andalusia, Spain -parents/social background and his childhood: :His father, Federico García Rodríguez, was a prosperous landowner and his His mother, Vicenta Lorca Romero, was a teacher. From the age of 2 Garcia Lorca showed an ease for learning folkloric songs, and he used to represent miniature religious services. His health was frail and he didn't walk until he was 4. He read the works of Victor Hugo and Cervantes, but he wasn't a very good student. From 1906 to 1909 the family lived in Almería. He finished his baccalaureate and dropped out of Law school in 1918 to move into the Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid, where he stayed for ten years. After that, he moved back to Granada to finish his degree in Law, although he never practiced law, preferring literature. For the rest of his life, he maintained the importance of living close to the natural world, praising his upbringing in the country. - studies: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Granada) and Columbia University School of General Studies

End of life: -Date and place of death: 19 August 1936 He was executed by Nationalist forces at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War because he was Republican and a homosexual which in that period was considered to be an unforgivable crime

- Burial place: Granada, Spain (buried in a mass grave)

Interesting Facts: -He was also a playwright and director films: Blood Wedding, Rukmavati Ki Haveli -He went to Madrid in 1919 where he met Salvador Dali who would later design the scenery for a production of Lorca's play Mariana Pineda (1927) - He had travelled to New York and to Argentina

Works Lorca's two most successful poetry collections were Canciones (Songs) and Romancero Gitano (The Gypsy Ballads). He was part of the Generation of '27. He's the most influential and popular poet on the spanish literature of the 20th century. As a play writer, he's considered to have written some of the best plays of the 20th century.

Ballad of the Moon, Moon The moon came to the forge wearing a bustle of Spikenards. The boy is looking at her. The boy is looking hard. In the troubled air, the wind moves her arms, showing lewd and pure, her hard, tin breasts. "Run, moon, moon, moon. If the gypsies came, they would make of your heart necklaces and white rings." "Child, let me dance. When the gypsies come, they will find you on the anvil with your little eyes shut tight." "Run, moon moon moon. I can hear their horses. Child, let me be, don't walk on my starchy white." The rider was drawing closer playing the drum of the plain. In the forge the child has his eyes shut tight. Bronze and dream, the gypsies cross the olive grove. Their heads held high, their eyes half open. Ay how the nightjar sings! How it sings in the tree! The moon goes through the sky with a child in her hand. In the forge the gypsies wept and cried aloud. The air is watching, watching. The air watched all night long. translated by Will Kirkland and Christopher Mauer

Romance de la Luna, Luna La luna vino a la fragua con su polisón de nardos. El niño la mira mira. El niño la está mirando. En el aire conmovido mueve la luna sus brazos y enseña, lúbrica y pura, sus senos de duro estaño. Huye luna, luna, luna. Si vinieran los gitanos, harían con tu corazón collares y anillos blancos. Niño, déjame que baile. Cuando vengan los gitanos, te encontrarán sobre el yunque con los ojillos cerrados. Huye luna, luna, luna, que ya siento sus caballos. Níno, déjame, no pises mi blancor almidonado.

El jinete se acercaba tocando el tambor del llano Dentro de la fragua el niño, tiene los ojos cerrados. Por el olivar venían, bronce y sueño, los gitanos. Las cabezas levantadas y los ojos entornados.

¡Cómo canta la zumaya, ay cómo canta en el árbol! Por el cielo va la luna con un niño de la mano.

Dentro de la fragua lloran, dando gritos, los gitanos. El aire la vela, vela. El aire la está velando.

To find a kiss of yours

To find a kiss of yours what would I give

Por encontrar un beso tuyo Por encontrar un beso tuyo, ¿qué daría yo? ¡Un beso errante de tu boca

A kiss that strayed from your lips muerta para el amor! dead to love Tierra de sombra My lips taste come mi boca. the dirt of shadows Por contemplar tus ojos negros, To gaze at your dark eyes ¿qué daría yo? what would I give Dawns of rainbow garnet

¡Auroras de carbunclos irisados

fanning open before God—

abiertas frente a Dios!

The stars blinded them

(Las estrellas los cegaron

one morning in May And to kiss your pure thighs what would I give Raw rose crystal

una mañana de mayo.) Y por besar tus muslos castos, ¿qué daría yo? (Cristal de rosa primitiva, sedimento de sol.)

sediment of the sun

Translation copyright © 2017 by Sarah Arvio. Original text copyright © The Estate of Federico García Lorca. From Poet in Spain (Knopf, 2017). Originally published in Poem-a-Day on July 25, 2017, by the Academy of American Poets.

Biography written by Melysa

Biography Research Sources :

Lope de Vega

Photo / portrait

Early Life: 25 November 1562 in Madrid. Fèlix de vega and Francisca Fernández Flórez. Colegio Imperial and l’université d’Alcalá de Henares.

Family Life: He married Juana de Guardo and Alderete y Urbina. 8 children: Carlos Félix de vega, Marcela de san félix, Téodora de ubrina, Fray luis de la madre de dios, Antonia clara de vega, Feliciana de vega, Manuela de vega, Mariana de vega. He lived in Madrid.He was a poet, a writer and playwright

3 Interesting Facts: Event important: 2 years exils of the kingdom of Castille. Lope will be the fruit of the reconciliation of his parents. He earns some money by writing comedias and piezas of circunstancias.

Works Los ratones de lope de vega. Sonetos de lope vega.

End of life: 27 august 1635 in Madrid. Lope Félix got drowned . Burial place in Madrid.

Lope De Vega

Biography written by Alix and Tiffany Biography Research Sources : Questions: - Interesting trips from Lope de Vega -Interesting people it met orther


Early Life:

-He was born on November the 25, 1562, in

Madrid, in Spain.-The father is Felix De Vega and the mother is Francisca Fernández Flórez His father was an embroiderer, but there's little information on his mother.- Later he also studied in the Study of the Compañía de Jesús, later known as the Imperial School. From 1577 to 1581 he studied in the University of Alcalá de Henares, but he didn't obtain any titles from his studies. His rowdy lifestyle wasn't appealing to his mentors, who stopped paying for his studies.


Family Life -He married Isabel de

Urbina and Juana de Guardo. -Lope De Vega had 15 children . -The Lope de Vega University Residence in the historic centre of Alcalá de Henares. -he was a writer and Knight of the Order.

3 Interesting Facts:-In 1583, he enlisted in the navy and fought against the Portuguese at Isla Terceira, under the orders of his future friend, Álvaro de Bazán, Marquis of Santa Cruz de MudelaIn 1595, after eight years of exile, Lope returned to Madrid. The following year, he undergoes a new trial for cohabitation with the actress Antonia Trillo. -The interesting people he met is Álvaro de Bazán.

This first poem is Rimas (1602-1604) This famous poem is Espagnol: Copy poem: solilaquios Espanol: Port an extranos caminos Van mispasos derramados Que por mis graves pecados Triemblo los ojos divinos Anglais : Lost on a strange path My steps were so bad Only, under the weight of my sins, I tremble with divine eyes

End of life: Died Aug. 27, 1635, Madrid) The cause of death is a sickness called scarlatine. His burial place is San Sebastian Church, Madrid, Spain.

Biography written by cyril


Biography Research

Sources :

Lope de vega

Early Life: born on 25 November 1562. Born in Madrid.He died on August 27 1635 in the same city. His father was called Félix de Vega, his mother Francisca Fernández Flórez.

Photo / portrait


Family Life He gets married with Juanna de Gardo , His father was a meat trader of the courtyard. He lived inCalle de Cervantes, 11, 28014 Madrid, Espagne.

3 Interesting Facts: 

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Nicknamed by Miguel de Cervantes “the Phenix , the monster of nature” or Spanish tragi-comedy at a time when the theater was becoming a mass cultural phenomenon. He was knight of Malta of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. Exiled in the Kingdom of Castile while 2 years and 5 years of prohibition of stay in Madrid, all under penalty of death, related to a revenge in relation to his first love.

End of life: Lope de Vega died on August 27 ,1635, Madrid, Spain he is buried in Madrid.

he is buried in madrid

Biography research Resources: / /

Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas Early life Quevedo was born on 14 September 1580 in Madrid into a family of hidalgos[2] from the village of Vejorís, located in the northern mountainous region of Cantabria. His family was descended from the Castilian nobility. He attended the Imperial School run by the Jesuits in Madrid. He then attended university at Alcalá de Henares from 1596 to 1600. By his own account, he made independent studies in philosophy, classical languages, Arabic, Hebrew, French and Italian.

Family life His friend Antonio Juan de la Cerda, the Duke de Medinaceli, forced Quevedo to marry against his will with Doña Esperanza de Aragón, a widow with children. The marriage, made in 1634, barely lasted three months. He accompanied Pedro Téllez-Girón, 3rd Duke of Osuna as secretary to Italy in 1613.Quevedo accompanied the young king in trips to Andalusia and Aragon. In 1632 he would become secretary to the king.

Facts about the nobleman politician and writer


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Quevedo's enemies included, the dramatist Juan Ruiz de Alarcón . Quevedo also attacked Juan Pérez de Montalbán,and the poet Góngora. The elevation of Philip IV to the throne in 1621 meant the end of Quevedo's exile, and his return to Court and politics. Quevedo killed a man, who was someone of importance. Quevedo thus retired temporarily to the palace of his friend and patron, Pedro Téllez-Girón, 3rd Duke of Osuna. In 1639, he was arrested. His books were confiscated.

He wrote his first important collection of poems in 1613( Heráclito Cristiano). He only wrote one novel, a picaresque called "El Buscón" In his prose, he wrote about politics, theology and literary criticism, and he published many books and papers on those subjects

End of life He died in the Dominican convent of Villanueva de los Infantes, on 8 September 1645. He was buried Iglesia de San Andrés

Letrilla: The Lord of Dollars Over kings and priests and scholars Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars. Mother, unto gold I yield me, He and I are ardent lovers; Pure affection now discovers How his sunny rays shall shield me! For a trifle more or less All his power will confess, Over kings and priests and scholars Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars. In the Indies did they nurse him, While the world stood round admiring; And in Spain was his expiring; And in Genoa did they hearse him; And the ugliest at his side Shines with all of beauty's pride; Over kings and priests awl scholars Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars. He's a gallant, he's a winner, Black or white be his complexion; He is brave without correction As a Moor or Christian sinner. He makes cross and medal bright, And he smashes laws of right,— Over kings and priests and scholars Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars. Noble are his proud ancestors For his blood-veins are patrician; Royalties make the position Of his Orient investors; So they find themselves preferred To the duke or country herd,— Over kings and priests and scholars, Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars! Of his standing who can question When there yields unto his rank, a Hight-Castillian Doña Blanca, If you follow the suggestion?— He that crowns the lowest stool, And to hero turns the fool,— Over kings and priests and scholars, Rules the mighty Lord of Dollars. Prepared by Bouchra Didouche

Elegy -Miguel Hernandez-

Yo quiero ser llorando el hortelano de la tierra que ocupas y estercolas, compañero del alma, tan temprano. Alimentando lluvias, caracolas y órganos mi dolor sin instrumento, a las desalentadas amapolas daré tu corazón por alimento. Tanto dolor se agupa en mi costado que por doler me duele hasta el aliento.

I want to be the grieving gardener of the earth you fill and fertilize, my dearest friend, so soon. With rain and snails my stifled sorrow nourishes the organs of your body and I would feed your heart the drooping poppies. Pain bunches up between my ribs till every breath I draw becomes an aching stitch. —translation by Edwin Honig (from The Unending Lightning, 1990)

Biography written by: Nicula Justin Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

Biography Research Sources :

Miguel Hernandez

Early Life: -Born: 30 October 1910 -Place of Birth: Orihuela,Spain -Received little formal education -Parents:Miguel Sanchez-Father,Conception GilabertMother



Family Life -First Job:Goatherd and farmhand Married:Josefina Manresa Children:Ramon Hernandez,Miguel Hernandez

3 Interesting Facts:

-Poetry: -Perito en lunas -El rayo que no cesa -Viento del pueblo -Drama: -Teatro en la Guerra -Pastor de la muerta -Hijos de la pierda

-Fought in the Spanish Civil War -Arrested for anti-fascist sympathies

End of life:

-Prominent figure In the generation

-Died of Tuberculossis

Of 36’

-Died in prison

March Task : biography writing Creative Writing Around The World School –Year 2018/2019

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