Creative Writing around the world Biographies by Romanian, Greek, Korean, French , Moroccan and Spanish students.
School -year 2018/2019
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Karel Jaromir Erben
Early life Karel Jaromír Erben was born on November 7, 1811 in Miletín near Jičín, Austria. He went to college in Hradec Králové. Then, in 1831, he went to Prague where he studied philosophy and later law. He started working in the National Museum (Národní muzeum) with František Palacký in 1843. He became editor of a Prague's newspaper in 1848. Two years later, in 1850, he became archives' secretary of the National Museum.
Family life
Karel Erben married Barbora Mečířová in 1842 and they got divorced in 1857. Then he married Žofie Mastná in 1859–1870
Facts Karel Erben is considered an important poet of the Czech literary Romanticism in the mid-19th century.
End of life Karel Jaromír Erben died of tuberculosis on 21 November 1870 (aged 59) in Prague, Austria-Hungary. He was burried in Olšany Cemetery.
Works = Písně národní v Čechách (Folk Songs of Bohemia) (1842–1845); contains 500 songs = Kytice z pověstí národních (A Bouquet of Folk Legends) (1853, expanded edition 1861) (English edition, 2012) = Sto prostonárodních pohádek a pověstí slovanských v nářečích původních: čitanka slovanská s vysvětlením slov ("One Hundred Slavic Folk Tales and Legends in Original Dialects: a Slavic Reader with Vocabulary", 1865)[6] = Vybrané báje a pověsti národní jiných větví slovanských (Selection of Folk Tales and Legends from Other Slavic Branches) (1869) = Prostonárodní české písně a říkadla (Czech Folk Songs and Nursery Rhymes) (1864); 5-part collection of Czech folklore České pohádky (Czech Fairy Tales) One of the poems in the moust famous collection of Erben ( the bouquet )
W e d d i n g
S h i r t s
Eleven o’clock has come and gone, and still a lamp is shining on, and still a lamp is burning there, suspended over a kneeler. On the wall of the lowly room, like a bud and a rose in bloom, was the holy family hung, the parents of God and their son. Before the image of those three, a young girl prays on bended knee: her head is bowed her hands are crossed, her hands are crossed over her breast; tears are streaming from her eyes, her chest is heaving, then she sighs. And when a hovering tear drops down, it falls upon her soft white gown. “Oh dear God, where is my daddy? Grass is growing on his body! Oh dear God, where is my mother? There she lies — next to my father!
Biography written by Célia.A and Manon.A ry
Biography Research
Sources : Wikipédia, bohemica karel hynek macha literature tchèque, karel hynek
macha radio prague Photo / portrait
Karel Hynek Màcha Early Life: He was born on November 16th 1810 in Prague. His father was native of the country side. hIs mother came from a family of musicians. He studied at the school German and at a lawyer’s. After the baccalaureate he integrated a faculty of litterature for 1 year then he studied law until 1836.
Works Family Life He had 1 child with Eleonora. He had to marry her but he died before marriage. He was a trainee lawyer, He lived in a tiny house located near the city center in Prague.
3 Interesting Facts: He travelled to Bohemia and in 1834 he crossed Austria to Venice and Trieste. He was one of the founders of modern Czech poetry. He influenced many other poets.
The first and famous poem is “maj” may. In czech: Hrdliččin zval ku lásce hlas, Kde borový zaváněl háj. O lásce šeptal tichý mech; Kvetoucí strom lhal lásky žel, Svou lásku slavík růži pěl, Růžinu jevil vonný vzdech. In english: The turtle drew a voice to love, Where the pine grove the grove. Silent moss whispered about love; The blossoming tree lied to love, The love of the nightingale rose, The rose seemed to be a fragrant sigh.
End of life: He died on 6th november in 1836 in Litomerice but in 1938 his body was transported to Prague. He died because he was trying to extinguish a fire and he succumbed to cholerin.
Biography written by yahve.z yahcveyahve.z AAAA
Biography Research
Sources :
Karel hynek macha
Photo / portrait
Early Life: Karel Hynek Mácha was born on November 16, at prague. His father, a native of the countryside, was a miller boy, his mother was from a family of musicians. he studied at the German grammar school.
Family Life he Karel Hynek Mácha had a child Karel Hynek Mácha lives in Prague Karel Hynek Mácha was a poet and playwright
Works the first poem of May (Maj, 1836), Karel Hynek Mácha's most famous poem is Mai (Maj, 1836), link of the poem in Czech:
3 Interesting Facts:his wife Marinka Sticova died very quicklyKarel hynek macha traveled in central Bohemia The ceremony of death of Karel hyneck Macha was the day planned for his marriage He was an admirer of the French Revolution
End of life:Death on November 5, 1836 (year 25) Litoměřice. Karel Hynek Máchaest died of Acute Pneumonia. he was buried at the Vysehrad Cemetery, Prague, Czech Republic
Ivan Wernisch (born 18 June 1942) is a Czech poet, editor and a collage artist. He studied Ceramics Secondary school in Carlsbad (he left in 1959) and has since done many jobs, mostly manual. In 1961, after publishing his debut poetry book, he quickly established himself as one of the best and most loved writers of his generation. During the 70s and 80s he prepared many radio shows about famous poets of the world (in which he often – true to his interest in mystifications – wrote many of the poems himself), but his books could not be published officially. After the Velvet revolution he worked in a newspaper. Now he works as an editor in the Current Czech Poetry Library. He is also a renowned translator from German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, French and Russian. His work as an editor is focused mainly on forgotten Czech poets of the last three centuries. Another Czech poet, Ewald Murrer, is his son. Ivan Wernisch lives in Prague.
AS THE SNOW MELTED They appeared as the snow melted Those who had perished in the last days of March, Then those from the February skirmishes, followed by the dead of January In the end there were also several who had fallen in November The fewest in number, because there were still burials back then Everyone waited together in the matted, golden-brown grass And finally here was the river One morning steam rose from a ship at the small wooden pier It had brought chickens in cages, live pigs The road to the city was open I began to think of escape
Biography written by Stoica Fabian Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania
Biography Research
Jan Skácel Early Life: -date of birth and place of birth:February 1922 in Vnorovy
Poetry -1957 (How many chances the rose has) -1960 (What remained of angel) -1962 (An hour between dog and wolf)
Prose -1966 (The eleventh white horse) -1993 (The thirteenth black horse)
Family Life -Son of Isidor Skacel and Klara Skacelova -Brother of Klara Hofmannova; Kateřina Skacelová; Josef Skacel; Antonin Skacel; František Skacel; Ondřej Skacel and Františka Skacelová
End of life: -
Date and place of death: 7 November 1989 in Brno
Cause of death: is not specified
Burial place : Central Cemetery, Brno, Czech
3 Interesting Facts: -His poems were mentioned in the book Ignorance written by Milan Kundera. -He often juxtaposed the fear stoked by the communist regime in Czechoslovakia and the highly free syntax of Czech language. -He was awarded the German international literary Petrarca-Preis and Slovenian international Vilenica prize in 1989.
Here is a poem that belongs to the author ALL THAT REMAINS OF ANGELS Morning, trees still bandaged all the rest untouched, between two poplars half asleep in flight a levitating angel Through cracks in sleep he sings The first one on the street he whom that song would wound may stand there half suspecting yet never catching a glimpse A greenness all that remains of those angels
Biography written by Roberto García. Sources : 5ZWo&sig=ACfU3U2OZWHoGTlBlwAbNpSxGLuihhO-5Q&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg5KzZjLvhAhXE2AKHVWXCIwQ6AEwCHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=Franti%C5%A1ek%20Hrub%C3%ADn%20's%20work&f=false IMAGE FROM
FRANTIŠEK HRUBÍN Frantisek Hrubín was born into the family of a builder at Prague. His family lived in Lešany near Prague during World War I, and Hrubín visited his home village throughout his life. He studied at a grammar school in Prague studying law and philosophy at Charles University, but he did not graduate.
He got married in 1939 and had a daughter and a son.
After World War II he worked briefly at the Ministry of Propaganda and became a freelance writer in 1946.
Romance for Flugelhorn In 1961 , he published a poem in book form titled Romance for Flugelhorn. This poem eventually became his most popular work. It tells the story of a young boy who falls in love with a girl from a carousel. It is considered one of the most famous poems of the Czech literature.
He died in České Budějovice and is buried at the Vyšehrad cemetery.
Biography written by: Giorgos 4th Junior High School of Petroupoli
Biography Research (Sources) %CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1
Poet’s name (Chez Republic)
Jan Neruda
GAME Photo / portrait
Early Life: -date of birth:1834 -place of birth: Prague -parents:Barbora Nerudová,Antonín Neruda. childhood: His father was a small grocer who lived in the Malá Strana district.Initially, they lived on Újezd Street and later, when he was four, moved to Ostruhová Street (now called Nerudova Street in his honor), where they owned a house known as “U Dvou Slunců” (At the Two Suns). - studies:He studied philosophy and literature and worked as a teacher until 1866, when he began writing and journaling.
End of life: 22 August 1891 Prague, Czech -Cause of death: cancer -Burial place: Vyšehrad cemetery
Family Life: He was never married. He had relationship with Anna Holinova and after with a married writer Karolina Svetla
Interesting Facts: -Chilean poet with the same surname: Pablo Neruda -Neruda had journeys through Europe and Middle East, where he came into contact with different cultures. Of these trips Parisian pictures book was born. -His second lover supported him financially -His mother death affected his poetry -He is also famous about prosaic work mainly the “Tales of the Lesser Quarter” published in 1877. He created the picture of Prague's Lesser Quarter before 1848 on the basis of his own memories. Neruda's stories take the reader to its streets and yards, shops, churches, houses, and restaurants. It shows typical figures of Czech Bourgeoisie. With humor depicting their qualities, he criticizes local life
Jan Nepomuk Neruda (1834-1891) was a Czech journalist, writer, poet and art critic; one of the most prominent representatives of Czech Realism and a member of the "May School".'The May school' expressed its desire to break away from the narrow provincialism and nationalism of the preceding period, and emphasized general human themes.
Poetry: -Hřbitovní kvítí (“Graveyard Flowers”) ( His
first poetry.) -Knihy veršů (“Books of Verses”) -Písně kosmické (“Cosmic songs”) This work expresses feelings of the Generation called Májovci (May School). -Balady a romance ("Ballads and Romances)" -Prosté motivy ("Plain Themes / Simple Motifs") -Zpěvy páteční ("Friday Songs") This is his top work.
Seděly žáby v kaluži, hleděly vzhůru k nebi, starý jim žabák učený odvíral tvrdé lebi.
Cosmic Songs #22
Frogs sat around a puddle And gazed at heavens high Frog teacher pounding into skulls The science of the sky.
Vysvětloval jim oblohu, líűil ty světlé drtky, mluvil o pánech hvězdářích zove je "Světa krtky".
He spoke about the heavens Bright dots we see there burning And men watch them, "astronomers" Like moles they dig for learning.
Pravil, že jejich hvězdný zkum zvláštní je mírou veden, dvacet že milionů mil teprv jim loket jeden.
When these moles start to map the stars The large becomes quite small What's twenty million miles to us They call one foot, that's all.
Tedy že, řekněm pro příklad - věříme-li v ty krtky -, k Neptunu třicet loket je, k Venuši jen tři čtvrtky.
So, as those moles did figure out (If you believe their plan) Neptune is thirty feet away Venus, less than one.
Rozmluvil se pak o Slunci - žáby jsou divem němy -, ze Slunce ž e by nastrouhal na tři sta tisíc Zemí.
If we chopped up the Sun, he said (Awed frogs could only stare) We'd get three hundred thousand Earth's With still a few to spare
Slunce že velmi slouží nám, paprskovými klíny štípajíc věčnost na rok a směnkové na termíny.
The Sun helps us make use of time, It rolls round heaven's sphere And cuts a workday into shifts "Forever" to a year
O kometách že těžkářeč, rozhodnout že to nechce, míní však, že by nemělo soudit se příliš lehce.
What comets are is hard to say A strange manifestation Though this is not a reason for Some idle speculation
Nejsou snad všecky nešťastny, nejsou snad zhoubny všecky, o jedné ale vypráví sám rytíř Luběněcki:
They are no evil sign, we hope No reason for great fright As in a story we got from Lubyenyetsky, great knight
sotva se její paprsky odněkud k nám sem vdraly, vskutku se v glinské hospodě hanebně ševci sprali.
A comet there appeared, and when It rays were seen by all The cobblers in a tavern Began a shameful brawl
O hvězdách potom podotknul, po nebi co jich všude, skoro že samáslunce jsou, zelené, modré, rudé.
He told them how the stars we see So many, overhead Are actually only suns Some green, some blue, some red
Vezmem-li pak pod spektroskop paprslek jejich světla, že v něm naleznem kovy tyž, z nichžse i Země spletla.
And if we use the spectroscope Their light tells, in addition Those distant stars and our Earth Have the same composition
Umlknul. Kolem horlivě šuškají posluchači. Žabák se ptá, zdaž o světech ještě cos zvědít ráči.
He stopped. The frogs were overwhelmed. Their froggy eyeballs rolled. "What more about this universe Would you like to be told?"
"Jen bychom rády věděly," vrch hlavy poulí zraky, "jsou-li tam tvoři jako my, jsou-li tam žáby taky!"
"Just one more thing, please tell us sir" A frog asked, "Is it true? Do creatures live there just like us Do frogs exist there too?"
March Task : biography writing Creative Writing Around The World School –Year 2018/2019