2245 NE 36th Ave | Portland, OR 97212 Grant High School Phone: (503) 916-5160 | Fax: (503) 916-2695 Email: GrantHigh_KeyCLub@Live.com
Are You Living Above The Influence? By President Giovanni McKenzie Key Club of Grant High School Division 60/62
To me, living above the influence is simple. But even though it’s simple, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. In today’s world, as young people, we are negatively influenced into doing regretful and terrible things. We are often pressured into doing it by our friends, our siblings, our classmates, and many times by the older people around us. But living above the influence is you putting your foot down, and saying “no, I don’t have to live this way”. Page 1 of 2
We find ourselves being different from our peers. We find the strength to say “no” to drinking, and “no” to smoking, but there are other things we find it difficult to say “no” to, such as bullying, racism, homophobia and standing up for what is right! As a Jamaican, living in my home country, I was always influenced to hide who I am, lie about myself, lie to myself, tell myself everyday that I am worth nothing, and I will never become anything in the future. I was told that I should be tougher, stop being a sissy, and stop acting like a girl. I was told to join the football team, have a girlfriend, drink, smoke, and live in a way that others want me to live. It is not easy, but I’m finally learning to live above the influence. I’m learning to love myself for nothing less than the person I am. I’ve learnt that as teens, it’s our decision to either live like puppets, or to stand up for what is right. As Key Clubbers, and as young people, we are the KEY to a better world. We all hold the Key to a better society and a brighter future. And if we want to live peacefully in a better society, we have to stand up and make a change starting now.
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www . keycl ub.org D evel opi ng c om pet ent , c apable, and c ari ng l eaders si nc e 1925.