Grant High School
Public Relations Committee As Committee Chairperson and Committee members of the Public Relations Committee, your duty is to market the club, and act as a support group for the Editor. Your role is to assist the club with all their duties. Meet with the club Editor weekly to discuss ideas and plan activities. Assign committee members to assist with specific Editorial tasks. Report on all meetings and activities of your committee. Establish goals for the committee. The Committee Chair is assigned with the duty to lead the committee with the guidance and support of the Editor. For more information on the duties of the Public Relations Committee, please read: 1. Public Relations 101 2. Key Club of Grant High School’s Duties of the Club Editor 3. Key Solutions: Duties of the Club Editor
www . keycl D evel opi ng c om pet ent , c apable, and c ari ng l eaders si nc e 1925.