Volume 31 Issue 1

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an alternative voice since 1984

an SBI publication

09032013 Vol. 31 Issue: 01

Welcome Home

Table of Contents 5

EIC Letter

6 SBI 7 SA



Living on Campus and On Campus Food


Living off Campus and Parking


Grocery Stores and Off Campus Food


Buffalo Entertainment


Textbooks and Classes




Choosing a Major



18 UB Sports True Blue 19 Greek Life UBSAA




Partying on and off Campus


Working in College


Freshie Advice


Important Offices, Websites, and Phone Numbers

Cover designed by Emily Butler and Babita Persaud, Photo taken by Steve Bernhardt. Photo source from all credits goes to respective photographer. http://www.geekswhogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Happy-Sad.jpg (9), http://592f46.medialib. glogster.com (20), http://www.adclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/grocery-shopping.jpg (10), http://usarmy.vo.llnwd.net/e2/c/images/2012/03/20/239536/original.jpg (13) Generation Magazine is owned by Sub-Board I, Inc., the student service corporation at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The Sub-Board I, Inc. Board of Directors grants editorial autonomy to the editorial board of Generation. Sub-Board I, Inc. (the publisher) provides funding through mandatory student activity fees and is in no way responsible for the editorial content, editorial structure or editorial policy of the magazine. Editorial and business offices for Generation are located in Suite 315 in the Student Union on North Campus. The telephoane numbers are (716) 645-6131 or (716) 645-2674 (FAX). Address mail c/o Room 315 Student Union University at Buffalo, Amherst, NY 14260. Submissions to Generation Magazine should be e-mailed to ubgeneration@gmail.com by 1p.m. Tuesday, a week before each issue’s publication. This publication and its contents are the property of the students of the State University of New York at Buffalo 2013 by Generation Magazine, all rights reserved. The first 10 copies of Generation Magazine are free. Each additional copy must be approved by the editor in chief. Requests for reprints should be directed to the editor in chief. Generation Magazine neither endorses nor takes responsibility for any claims made by our advertisers. Press run 5,000. ≠≠≠

Safety Shuttle Seven Nights a Week, 8pm–4am Scheduled SBI Safety Shuttle service is provided for the University at Buffalo faculty, staff, students and visitors to and from locations within a 1.5 mile radius of South Campus (as well as Kensington Village, Collegiate Village, and Campus Manor). Please note our 1.5 mile radius of taken from the Health Science Library, a central location on South Campus. We use Google Maps to determine an actual driving distance of 1.5 miles. See map below for current boundaries. UB student ID is required. Shuttle stops approximately every 30 minutes at the Health Science Library, Parker Hall, Goodyear Loop, and Main Circle.

sbihealtheducation.org Twitter: @SBIHealthEd Facebook.com/SBIhealthed

Safety Walks

Safety Walk Stations - start September 9th

North Campus Capen Library

Sun-Thurs: 8pm-2am


South Campus

Health Sciences Library Sun-Thurs: 8pm-12am

sbihealtheducation.org Twitter: @SBIHealthEd Facebook.com/SBIhealthed

Editor’s Letter W

hat a wonderful time of year to be a Buffalonian. The sun is shining with uncomfortable intensity, the birds are consistently awake and singing long before you would like to wake up, and the grass is actually looking pretty great. Kudos, UB maintenance. Whether you’re fresh off the freshman boat or you’re returning to spend another year isolated in Lockwood, Generation Magazine and I would like to welcome you to a kickass 2013-2014 school year. My name is Keighley Farrell, and I’ll be your tour guide for the next 9 months or so, so if you find yourself knocked up any time in the next week, feel free to stop by and deliver your baby in our office come May. I’m an English major by trade, an overzealous smart alec by choice, and an amazing party guest by birth. (The Irish know how to treat their ancestors.) My rise to Editor-In-Chief has been fast and furious, so I intend to progress our publication the same way, with or without the help of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. This year will be a year of many great changes to Generation, including comprehensive guides to the best and worst campus events, updates on the latest local and world news, and of course, loads of opportunities to have your very own content published and distributed for all the Buffalo-sphere to gaze in wonder upon.

If you read our final issue of last year, thanks. But also, you may remember that we’ll be introducing a new interactive section of the magazine called “What’s On Our Playlist,” where we introduce

you to some up and coming jams for your next study session, frat party, or montage road trip. We’ll also make sure to remind you of some old favorites; for instance, I currently have TLC’s “No Scrubs” stuck in my head. So you’re welcome for that. Because our staff has an extensive background in a truly unpractical amount of artistic fields, we will be making sure that Generation will be bringing you the best schedules for local concerts, gallery openings, film screenings, interactive workshops, and anything else that can heal your soul. But in case you’re more of a sports fanatic, we’ll make sure you know when and where every UB Football game will take place. True Blue or death! I’d tell you more about what we have in store for you, but then there wouldn’t be any reason for you to stick around. Everyone knows that the best part of any relationship is maintaining the mystery. (So never poop with the door open, even if she tells you she doesn’t mind. It’s all downhill from there.) If you have any questions, comments, insults, knock-knock jokes, or secret codes you’d like us to crack, feel free to email us at ubgeneration@gmail.com. This is your magazine, reader! So make sure you give it a kiss and tuck it in at night. Email us your suggestions and submissions. Read it a bedtime story. You know, all the basics. A toast to you, to our new staff, and to a great new year! Cheers! Keighley Farrell

STAFF 2013 Editor in Chief Keighley Farrell Managing Editor Angelina Bruno Creative Director Emily Butler Assistant Creative Director Babita Persaud Photo Editor Steve Bernhardt Web Editor Gabi Gosset Copy Editor Audrey Foppes Associate Editors Laura Borschel Jori Breslawski Sushmita Sircar Circulation Director Matt Benevento Business Manager Nick Robin Ad Manager Stephen Wah



n 1970, SBI or Sub Board 1, Inc. was founded by UB students as a student owned and operated not-for-profit service corporation. Students were looking for a way to improve their quality of life on campus and Sub Board provided, and continues to provide, a way of professionally running student service oriented programs. The seven student governments, including the Student Association, the Graduate Student Association, the Graduate Management Association, The Student Bar Association, The Dental Student Association, The Medical School Student Association, and The School of Pharmacy own SBI. The organization is completely separate and distinct from the university, meant to provide services that the university might not otherwise provide. The coolest services offered by SBI are their media outlets with radio and publications, including the lovely publication you are currently reading (We aren’t biased or anything like that.) Founded by Eric Francis Coppolino, Generation has been the alternative voice since 1984. Issues have been printed detailing news, arts, literary and sports from a non-university owned source ever since. Generation also includes submissions from any students for our literary section so if you are interested check out our website for more information. Another media source, WRUB is the student run Radio station on campus. They stream online radio with different hourly segments that can be listened to as podcasts, as well as coverage of UB Bulls Hockey. The SBI Ticket office is also important to entertainment at UB. It provides a service through which associations or clubs holding events that require tickets can run their ticket sales. They provide options for pre-sale, online, in office and even


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day-of events. Organizations can help to design their tickets and receive assistance from an SBI Ticket Office Cashier for on site sales. SBI’s largest division is the Medical Services division. The interactive part of SBI’s Health Division is SBI Health Education. They are probably the table you heard about handing out condoms at club night but that is not all they do! Their department is made up of a professional staff and a team of student Peer Educators. Educators are trained to provide professional, non-judgmental services for students and their partners who may have concerns regarding contraception, STD tests or Pregnancy testing and options counseling. Not only do they provide these services but they also run programs and workshops throughout campus. No doubt you will see countless posters throughout your time at UB advertising their events such as Sexversations, STI Jeopardy, and Sex in the Dark. These events provide fun, non- judgmental atmospheres that allow for students to learn about safe sex in a safe environment. Sex in the Dark even provides an anonymous atmosphere in which students can ask questions in a dimly lit room so they will not feel embarrassed for seeking important information. Health Education also promotes awareness events such as V-Day, raising awareness about the issue of violence against women. If you are ever studying late at night at the library, they also provide safety walks from locations such as libraries to parking lots or dorms after eight pm until midnight or two am depending on the location. Other health related services include the SBI

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Clinical Laboratory, which provides lab tests for Physician’s in case a student is ill or seeking diagnosis for health related issues. SBI also provides pharmaceutical services for students. Prescriptions can be picked up at their location at D-17 Michael Hall on South Campus or delivered to students. Mandatory health insurance is also provided through SBI to students who do not provide a waiver saying they have their own insurance, to ensure that all students are insured and that their health is covered. SBI also provides a number of other practical services needed by students. SBI Accounting acts as the fiscal agent of the Seven Student Governments, and provides accounting and managing services for them. Hit up SBI Legal for free legal consultation and student advocacy without appointments. Free representation from student defenders for hearings, legal advice from attorneys and document notarization is also available. The SBI Off Campus Housing Department provides a directory off campus students seeking a place to live or roommates to share their apartment with. They also provide resources to those moving into the area. From apartment safety tips, transportation options, and places to shop for food and other goods in the vicinity, their website has a great overview. Legal information about tenant rights is also provided so read up to make sure your landlord is not violating any. Lucky for us, UB students in the 1970s had great foresight. They knew SBI would provide for student needs whether health, business or entertainment related. Being student owned, SBI definitely has an incentive to make the best services possible available for all UB students.

Article By: Angelina Bruno




What is he Student Association, more commonly referred to as SA, serves as the undergraduate student government at UB. Think of it like a High School’s student council but on a much larger scale; in fact, SA is the largest student government in the whole SUNY system. The coolest thing about this organization is that it is student run, for the students, by the students. The student activities fee, voted on biyearly by UB students, funds the association. For each student’s contribution of $94.75, SA serves it’s function of representing and advocating for students, providing entertainment, services and opportunities as well as supporting the SA clubs for the undergraduates commuting, living, and learning on UB’s campuses.

One of the greatest benefits of SA is its capacity to support student clubs. The SA Club Fair held during orientations provides a small sample of the selection of over 500 Clubs run through the Student Association. Clubs fall under categories including, Sports, Academic, Engineering, International, People of Color (POC), and Special Interests, Service and Hobbies (SISH). Interests including everything from Pre-Dental to Robotics and Swing Dancing to Pokémon are represented by clubs at UB. If there is not a club covering a specific interest area already in existence, new clubs can be started through SA as well. Advice for orientation: go to as many tables as possible and sign up for information. Look out for emails and flyers posted around campus distributed by clubs advertising meetings as well. SA also puts on many events. Concerts, including Fall Fest and Spring Fest, bring artists like Bruno Mars, Childish Gambino, and Bob Dylan to UB. Concerts are held outdoors at Baird Point or inside Alumni Arena, both great locations. SA also helps support the Distinguished Speakers Series, with picks like Steve Martin for undergraduate choice speaker. Definitely go to as many Speaker events as possible, even those you may not have heard of. They all have interesting stories to share and like almost all big SA events, tickets are included in your activities fee. The SA Film Series is also a great source of entertainment. Throughout the year, a selection of movies that have not yet been released to the general public are played outdoors or in the Student Union Theater, a great alternative to actual theaters for students on a budget. Events held and participated in by clubs are also big on campus from small to large scale events such as Battle Bots during Engineering Week or International Fiesta, a competition between the International clubs showcasing their unique cultural dances. There are

also events like Winter and Spring Gala and Academic and Engineering Ball. These banquets are full of dancing, casino games and raffles, and also provide a great excuse to shop for formal wear. How is it possible for SA to provide all this? Through a very involved and dedicated student body government and staff is the answer. The government structure of the association, like the US government, consists of three branches. The Executive Branch, including the President, Vice President and Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the running of the association, enforcing the association’s constitution and providing the highest level of student advocacy. The Legislative Branch, made up of the Senate and Assembly is responsible for budget allocation and bringing attention to issues of importance to the undergraduate student body, respectively. The Senate, comprised of 22 members made up of the Executive Board, the six Council elected Club Council Coordinators, the Assembly Speaker as well as twelve student elected senators, six on campus and six off campus commuters. Assembly is open each semester to students who fill out a petition signed by forty undergrad peer signatures. The Judicial Branch, consisting of the Student Wide Judiciary is a student tribunal made up of at least fifteen undergrads. They adjudicate violations of non-academic student rules and regulations. Together with the SA staff, each branch works to check and balance the others so that together they can come up with the best ways to run the Association according to the SA Constitution and the needs and wants of UB students. The best part of SA? Not only does the Association accomplish all these things, it also provides a place to make lifelong friends while doing so. Looking for ways to get involved? Join a club! Or if advocacy is your thing, Assembly is a great way to get involved with campus politics as a freshman. Also, the SA staff is appointed each year by the new executive board. To get involved, look into the SA Mentees program. Applying to work as a mentee in an SA Department provides experience working with the current staff in order to learn how things work and to become a better candidate for the position in the future. For more information visit the SA website: http://www.sa.buffalo.edu

Article By: Laura Borschel


eciding to live on campus was one of the best decisions I have made in my college career, other than deciding to take a class with a certain English professor with strawberry blonde hair who makes me swoon on a regular basis. Where were we? Ah yes, living on campus, it’s truly a great experience. My first semester of college, I decided to commute, well my parents really did, but that’s a different story for another time, and let me tell you, it was horrible. I had to drive forty minutes one way and share a car with my twin brother. It was a less than desirable situation, so when spring semester came around I took the first chance I got and decided to live on campus. So, I packed up my bags and went off to live in Ellicott. My freshman year, I ended up having a really great roommate who respected my boundaries and whom I had a very cordial relationship with. I attribute a good portion of this to having a randomly selected roommate. Now I’m going to be honest with you, when it comes to living arrangements, NEVER room with a friend or someone you know. DO NOT DO IT. I don’t care how close you are, or how long you have been friends, chances are you won’t be friends when you come out of a year of living with them. I have heard and experienced horror stories of rooming with someone you know.


That being said, you can choose to make your college experience great, by making other good choices, like taking advantage of the opportunities that living on campus offers. I know what you all must be thinking, “Laura, I’m gonna party like it’s 1995 because my lame parents aren’t around”, while this is an option, try getting involved on campus too. I chose to get involved and connect with UB’s LGBTQ community through LGBTA events and wellness activities, which I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t live on campus. The point is, take advantage of your time and get involved! And even if you haven’t before, you still have this school year to connect with things that interest you! Speaking of getting involved, the one thing you cannot avoid is on campus food. Whether you make your own lunch by wanting to keep cost down, or just go to McDonald’s everyday because that’s how you roll, there will be some point that you will have to suck it up and eat on campus. There are a few ground rules that I would like to set when eating on campus, just so you guys know where the best places and times to go at. Pistachio’s is great and has arguably the best pasta on campus, but the one major negativity, is that the line often takes thirty minutes or longer to get through. A nice alternative, is grabbing

their to go boxes, which has precooked pasta that they make, but without the wait. The one place you want to avoid, is Putnam’s during the hours of 12 pm and 1pm. This is not because their food is horrible, on the contrary, it is quite good, and it is however, the time when it receives the heaviest traffic. There are lines for miles, and it is virtually impenetrable. Not fun, whatsoever. If you still want to check it out, I would recommend going before 12 and after 2, this is the time where you can easily beat the lunchtime window, but still use up those pesky extra meal plans. My personal favorite place to go on campus, is the commons, or more specifically, Rachel’s Mediterranean. While you can’t use your meal swipes or dinning dollars, you can use campus cash, money, and credit, and let me tell you, it is worth it. Their food is pretty cheap and you get a lot for your money. My personal favorite is their shrimp wrap. Ok, so before I have an all out foodgasm, there are a lot of other great food places to check out in he commons, which includes: Young Chow, Three Brothers, Johnny C’s, and Starbucks. Overall, UB has a lot to offer as far as food and living arrangements. Whether you’re commuting, living on campus, or making the unfortunate commute from south campus via the UB Stampede, UB has a lot to offer.

Article By: Gabrielle Gosset

The Pros and Cons of Living Off-Campus


hile dorming may be considered a part of the college experience, there are plenty of reasons why off-campus living can be just as integral and memorable as well. Some people dorm for all four years and love it, or become an RA and help run the dorms, but some people hear the beckoning call of the wild – the real world. Now I’m not saying dorming isn’t a step in the right direction, but admittedly there are aspects of summer camp when it comes to some residence halls. Some dorms have cleaning staff to clean bathrooms, or washers and driers that text you when your laundry is done. These luxuries, while unarguably awesome, are not sure giveaways when you truly live on your own. You also will not have someone to go to when you have a question about registration or have issues with your roommate like you do in the dorms. You also lose a lot of presence on campus. By this I mean you probably want to have established some groups or ties to the UB community before you live off-campus, otherwise it can be hard to hear about events and really be involved on campus. I generally advise students to wait at least two years to move off-campus, just so that you have the ability and time to explore clubs and activities and campus life so when you move off-campus, you still have some ties to the community. However, perhaps the biggest of all the perks that you give up living off-campus is the convenient parking (if you can’t walk to class, that is). Now, I’ll be brief for your sake since I could rant about parking at UB for a good while, but the utter lack of consideration for commuters is borderline comical at times. Have a class at 9? Well you better be sure you are in the Hoch commuter parking lot no later than 7:30 if you want to find a spot, and that will be at the very back of the lot. To add insult to injury, the Cooke lot next door is tantalizingly empty with its Faculty and Staff Only sign sneering at you from the entrance. Now of course, there is the option to carpool so you can snag one of those beautifully convenient carpool spots right in front near the doors, but

for most people, synchronizing schedules with another student like that is almost impossible. The moral of the story is: if you want to make it to class, leave 10 extra minutes for traffic and roughly an hour or so for trying to find a spot. But for all that you give up to live off campus, what do you gain? Hopefully your own room. Long gone are the days of sharing such a small space with another person, trying to divide the closet down the middle, having to turn your light off while the other person tries to sleep just to be woken up by their alarm clock three hours early for your next class. Don’t get me wrong, living with someone else can be a blast, but it’s usually preferable to have at least some space all to yourself. You are given the freedom to pull that pre-exam night allnighter complete with glaring desk lights and a constant flow of energy drinks. There aren’t quiet hours to worry about, although now if you keep people up it could be a higher authority than an RA coming to your door. Living off-campus also allows you a better opportunity to experience the area. Without dining halls, you’ll be forced to venture out into the unknown in search of food. You might discover restaurants that you never would have given the convenience of dining halls or the couple restaurants near campus, and then you can be the pioneer that leads students to new culinary heights. You also are better able to cook your own food, which can be much cheaper than a meal plan if you budget correctly. Plus, you learn a valuable life skill that you’ll need in the future. To me, dorming is like training wheels, necessary in the beginning, but eventually, you’ll be able to ride the bike without them. For some people, they’re ready to move out after the first semester, for some they want the full four years of on-campus life and both are perfectly okay. Just remember a few things: sometimes it’s a downright necessity to mark something delicious in the fridge with your name; communicate with your roommates no matter how much space you share; and no matter where you live, chore wheels are your friend.


Don’t Shop ‘til you Drop I

f you have a meal plan, feeding yourself during the school year usually isn’t too much of a struggle. Every once in a while you may run out of meals and have to mooch off some friends, but you’re never really in danger of starvation. Not having a consistent 14-19 meals a week is an entirely different issue. Grocery shopping is a delicate balance when you’re depending on Dining Dollars, Campus Cash, or your own funds to keep you satiated. While it may be easy to pop over to The Elli or CVS for a quick fix, this will inevitably be detrimental to your budget. These businesses jack up the prices on campus for the sake of student desperation, and they undoubtedly profit quite a bit as it is. There’s no reason to deplete your cash unnecessarily. That being said, there are quite a few options for groceries close to campus, if you know where to look. A simple bus ride to South Campus puts you within walking distance of the Tops plaza, which has just about the lowest prices for bulk food in the area. It’s a great place to stock up on things like Ramen, granola bars, veggies, things like that. But be wary; don’t buy anything you aren’t going to want to carry back to the bus stop. Or invest in a little red wagon.

Article By: Keighley Farrell

North Campus even accepts Campus Cash, so Mom and Dad can contribute to you not dying. The market shuttle is especially convenient because when you’re finished, it comes right back to the front door, minimizing the load you’ll have to lug back to your dorm/apartment/what have you. If you have a car, you’re pretty much golden on places to shop. Between the previously mentioned grocery stores, Walmart, Aldi’s and the like, you’ll never run out of places to find some nourishment. Just make sure you don’t give in to too many of those Mighty Taco urges. For those of you too “stationary” for the shop-and-cook lifestyle, below you’ll find a couple places in the area that deliver right to your door. Nothing like a little gluttony to alleviate the stress of classes.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays, UB’s Mall and Market bus totes you right to the front door of both Wegmans and Tops, which is just about the most useful thing that the UB Stampede has ever come up with. The Tops closest to

Essential Delivery Numbers:


Zonies: (716) 836-9664

Sushi Time: (716) 932-7257

Yings Wings and Things: (716) 837-0677

Moe’s: (716) 832-3270

Just Pizza: (716) 568-1000

And in case of emergency, always look out for free pizza. It’s everywhere.

The Queen’s Bounty Article By: Matt Benevento

Congratulations! You have survived High School and have been accepted to the illustrious University at Buffalo. As a mature, responsible college student you will now spend your nights, evenings, and weekends diligently working and studying, honing your mind into a formidable weapon of scholarly might. In reality, as a newly emancipated 18+ year old living in Buffalo, possibly for the first time, one of the biggest queries in your mind is what the Queen’s City has to offer in entertainment. While Buffalo may not be known as one of the bigger cities in the country, it still boasts a diverse catalogue of professional sports teams. Many of the biggest franchises play during the school year allowing students with extra cash enjoy a day or night out cheering for the home team. A short trip on the subway from South Campus will take you downtown to the First Niagara Center. Home of the Buffalo Sabres and Bandits this venue also features a diverse array of events ranging from high profile concerts to beer festivals. For baseball fans, just take a short walk from the First Niagara Center to Coca-Cola field; home of the minor league team the Buffalo Bisons. If you are a gridiron fanatic the NFL season conveniently lines up with the fall semester, allowing students the opportunity to take a trip down to Ralph Wilson Stadium in Orchard Park. “The Ralph” is home to the Buffalo Bills and is always sure to be a fun time with legendary tailgating and an electric atmosphere. For students on a limited budget, Buffalo offers a number of reasonably priced and conveniently placed entertainment venues. Located about a mile and a half from North Campus is the Maple Ridge 8 movie theater. Students lacking transportation or simply wanting to enjoy the fall weather can easily walk there in about twenty to thirty minutes. More mobile students can enjoy the stadium seating and IMAX capabilities of Regal Transit 18 on Transit road in Williamsville or the Transit Drive-in Theatre. Shopaholics rejoice as the UB Stampede buses will deliver you to the Boulevard Mall to sate your desire of new clothes and video games. For the more adventurous shopper you can take the I-90 to the massive Galleria Mall in Cheektowaga, which boasts hundreds of stores, as well as a diverse set of restaurants, and the Regal 16 movie theater.

Thrill seekers will have a variety of options open to them in the Buffalo area. A forty minute drive will take students from North Campus to Darien Lake. The park boasts multiple rollercoasters as well as a water park. Darien Lake also features a full concert venue that attracts everything from death metal bands to popular rap artists. For more action students can drive to the Niagara Falls area which offers jet boat and helicopter tours of the falls. Students that possess passports or enhanced driver’s licenses can travel to Canada on the weekends. Popular destinations like Clifton Hill are only about a thirty minute drive from North Campus. Students who are under 21 can responsibly take advantage of Ontario’s 19+ drinking age. For caffeine addicts there are a number of notable cafés and coffee shops around Buffalo. Beyond an army of Starbucks dotting the landscape, popular destinations like SPoT Coffee and Café Aroma are available to students near either campus. Students new to this part of the country can patron the beloved Tim Horton’s shops for coffee and donuts. The Queen’s City offers a variety of scholarly destinations. Science enthusiast should visit the Buffalo Museum of Science featuring dozens of exhibits, located near South Campus. Military aficionados can travel to downtown and explore the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park, which boasts several decommissioned naval vessels as well as other vehicles and aircraft. The Buffalo Zoo offers animal lovers a chance to see some of their favorite critters in person. Students willing to take a two hour trip to Canada can visit Toronto’s world class Zoo north of Lake Ontario. Buffalo possesses a number of destinations for art lovers. The crown jewel of the Buffalo art scene is the Albright Know Art Gallery located on Elmwood Avenue. The city is also peppered with dozens of other galleries and studios with everything from emerging talents to local favorites. Don’t get stuck sitting in a dorm room all semester. Buffalo has a wealth of attractions to explore whether you are new to the city or have lived here your entire life. Winter will be here before you know it so make sure to get out and experience everything the city has to offer.


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Work with SBI Health Education! Positions available:

Sexual Health Educator, Workshop Coordinator, Safety Shuttle Drivers (1st & 2nd shifts), Walk Station Nightly Coordinators, Extended Walk Station staff (work study only)

Visit subboard.com/jobs for info and application sbihealtheducation.org Twitter: @SBIHealthEd Facebook.com/SBIhealthed

Thanks, Obama, August 22, 2013

Photos By: Steve Bernhardt

A Frugal Education Article By: Sushmita Sircar


s a bookworm, I can easily say that the lure of a stack of new books, all waiting to be read over the course of the semester- indifferent repositories of infinite knowledge- is an alluring sight. And even if you happen to not agree with me (although I find that hard to imagine), you will probably be required to buy quite a few books over the coming years. Unfortunately, it’s a purchase that can quickly become expensive. This is especially so if your first instinct is to go purchase all those books from the bookstore, as I might have done my first semester. Here are a few ways to cut down on the expensiveness of the investment:

1. Check the library: This is especially effective if you’re majoring in English (or French or any class that requires actual books instead of textbooks). Personally, there have been classes such as Shakespeare and Intro to French Literature, for which I haven’t bought a single book, checking them out instead from the library. Remember, of course, to check the books you require out early, for there are usually only one or two copies of each. (Also, the notes scribbled by other readers onto the margins can be great for livening up what could otherwise be a dull text!). 2. Get the library to buy them for you: The library will get books they don’t have for you, if you order them through inter-library loans, or buy the book, if they can’t locate it (a fact that I realized but last year). Remember to allow a few weeks of leeway for the library to get the book. 3. Get previous editions of the book: For my economics class freshman year, the 10th and most current edition of the textbook cost over a hundred dollars. The 8th edition, however? Less than five dollars. Ask the professor if a previous edition will do- most of the time the answer is yes, for in truth, all of physics and mathematics and economics hasn’t changed much in the past five years. This might require some extra work on your part in order to get a few extra pages or problem sets from another student- but for ninety five dollars, I was more than willing to do that. 4. Amazon: Buy old and used books of Amazon, which can sometimes be much cheaper than getting it new. Also, get Amazon prime free for a year with a student email address, thus ensuring you get the books delivered faster or for free.

5. Buy used books/rent books from the bookstore: Used versions are obviously cheaper than buying the book unused. As for renting, while I’ll admit that this is an option I’ve never used personally, it is true that renting can be a fraction of the price of buying the book, used or new. 6. Take classes in order: By which I mean, sometimes a two-sequence course (like PHY 121 and 122, or CHI 341 and 342) will use the same textbook for the two classes. Because I have occasionally taken such classes out of order, or taken them in different years, I’ve ended up having to sell the book and buy it again for the next class- which, needless to say, is extremely annoying. 7. Sell back/Buy books to/from other students directly: Because, honestly, I do not want to be paid seventy cents for a book that I purchased at ten times that price. And while used books are cheaper at the bookstore, the price difference from a new book isn’t all that much. You might want to use the SA Book exchange, various Facebook groups, as well as directly asking people you know who’ve taken the same classes. 8. Share a textbook: if it’s not a super important class for you, or one that won’t require a lot of concentrated studying, consider splitting the cost with a friend who’s taking the class at the same time. 9. Use the internet: This is especially true for literature classes before the 20th century- those books are not protected by copyright, which means they’re available for free online, and all the more conveniently if you happen to own a Kindle.

That said, one of the perks of being an English major is definitely the fact that I get to buy books- and often (sometimes) interesting books that I enjoy reading. The end of each semester sees my room transformed into stacks of books (the fact that you can renew books from the library indefinitely does not help). Since my luggage does not permit it, I am almost always forced to sell back/return/donate the books- which I have done with much reluctance and many tears and hysterical breakdowns.


The Real Deal on Study Spaces

Article By: Audrey Foppes


elcome to college! Now write these papers. Whether you are returning to campus from your summer hiatus or swimming into Unknown Freshman Waters, there is a reality we all must face: amid the tantalizing thrill of beer pong tournaments and the ear-splitting excitement of the first concert of the year, not to mention countless dances, dinners, and parties, you have to find time to study.

seating options (including, you know, those weird benches built into the floor), as well as computing and print stations. The Blake Study Center, located in the Millard Fillmore Academic Center, is a bit of a hike from the main campus and is often full, but if you’re timing is right, it can be quite the cozy little study corner, with couches and coffee tables, computer counters, personal study cubbies, and, you guessed it, a print station!

Of course, every college brochure you receive will happily outline all the magnificent facilities we have to offer to help you meet your academic goals. And while these cheery lists should not be ignored, they often serve merely to alert you to the most popular study spots on campus, and in case you hadn’t noticed, UB is huge. Last fall, our student body boasted over 19,000 undergraduate students alone. That’s a lot of people to fight for a seat in the library. Which is why I hope you find this little article to be a helpful alternative to the typical scholastic propaganda.

These are all great places to sit down for some serious time with the books, but if you’re comfortable with a little distraction, check out the hallway computers in the NSC, the seating areas in the Student Union and Knox Hall, and the walkway in Baldy Hall. Furthermore, you can always squat in a classroom between lectures, but remember that you will probably be interrupted by an incoming class. Most important of all: explore. It’s a huge campus! There’s a spot for you somewhere!

The Where’s and Why’s of Studying: Before worrying about how and when you are going to shoehorn a study session into your hectic, young adult schedule, you should first know where to go, beginning with the basics. The Lockwood Library, the Cybrary, and the Silverman Library in Capen Hall are three of our most extensive facilities on campus. They have endless seating, computing and printing stations, scanning and copying abilities, as well as areas for both silent individual study and group work. These, however, are our most popular areas on campus and, therefore, the most congested. Personally, I prefer the less traveled alternatives I have discovered, outlined in this, by no means exhaustive, but useful little list. My favorite is the Music Library in Baird Hall. For whatever reason, it’s almost always nearly empty, leaving a sunny, comfortable, silent environment in which to study, print, read, and (yes) watch an episode or six of Archer. O’Brian Hall houses the Law Library, a silent oasis amid a bustling campus that offers a variety of

Decoding the Ominous HUB W

Article By: Audrey Foppes

e all know it—the HUB can be frustrating, especially for first-time UB-ers. Although the user interface is not particularly intuitive, I’m here to argue that it’s not all bad. By taking a moment or two to explore and understand how the website is set up, you will save yourself a lot of panic when it comes time to register for classes.

should be clicked every morning (lest you miss an e-mail about a cancelled class). Second most important is the UBlearns link, which lists all your current classes as links under the MY COURSES heading. Each link will take you to a page specifically for that class where you can check and turn in assignments, register clickers, send class e-mails, etc.

Firstly, what is the HUB? The HUB is the University’s online database that houses All Things Academic—your grades, your classes (past and present), your GPA, everything. This is the site to visit when registering for classes, checking your grades, checking financial aid, paying for the semester, and more.

The last and most important link of all is the HUB Student Center link, which will take you to a page containing all of your personal academic and financial information. The Student Center page is organized into categories; Academics, Finances, Personal Information, and Admissions. It’s important to read and explore all the links under these headings before you need to use them. To the right there are alerts, including holds on your financial account, a To Do List, and Class Enrollment Dates, as well as links to more academic resources.

How do I get to the HUB? To get to the HUB, you must first get to your MyUB page: go to the University’s homepage at buffalo.edu. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click on the CURRENT STUDENTS link. You will be taken to the Current Students page, which you should bookmark on your personal computer for easy access later. On the Current Students page, under the QUICKLINKS heading, the very first link is the MyHUB link—click it (but not before taking note of the other convenient links in this section)! You should now be at the HUB sign-in page. Your UBITName is the first part of your UB e-mail address and your password is whatever you have set up at the IT Help Desk in the Cybrary. Ok, I’m there! Now what? You are now at your MyUB homepage, the center for all your UB needs. First, there is the UBmail link, which will take you to your buffalo e-mail account, a link which

The most important link on this page is the Enroll link under the Academics heading. By using the links at the bottom of the screen, this page allows you to view your current classes, add, drop, and add classes to your “shopping cart,” which essentially holds classes until you register for them. Adding classes to your shopping cart ahead of time will make registration considerably easier. You will benefit the most by taking a few minutes to click around the HUB and explore the links. Don’t be afraid to fake-register for a class—remember that everything you do can be undone, so go ahead—test out those links! And remember that your academic advisor is an excellent resource in this area.


Making Minor Your Major Concerns Article By: Audrey Foppes


t seems silly, doesn’t it? We spend the whole of our formative years in structured classrooms in rigid school systems that schedule for us our time, our work, and our play. We spend thirteen years making few if any decisions for ourselves, then suddenly, upon graduation, we receive a piece of paper and are told to decide for ourselves where to go and what to learn. Talk about pressure! For some, the decision is easy: perhaps they stand to inherit the family business or they have simply known since kindergarten that they wanted to be a doctor. Whatever the case, some people just know where they are headed. But for most of us, choosing a major takes time, it takes consideration, pros and cons lists, countless hours on Google researching salaries and job outlooks, sleepless nights, and lots and lots of stress. Through it all, however, you must remember, you are not alone! You are either currently attending or about to begin or, perhaps, just considering studying at the University at Buffalo, which, last fall, served nearly 20,000 undergraduate students alone! Do you truly believe that each and every one of those students knew precisely what they were studying or that they were comfortable in their major? Of course not! Few people know with absolute certainty what they want to study without first trying on a few majors.


Perhaps the most ludicrous part of this whole conundrum is our socially accepted timeline of events: school, college, career, family. Right? Isn’t that what everyone assumes you will do? The problem with this chronology is that it leaves little room for exploration or discovery. Without resources or time to travel and discover, most of us spend our pre-collegiate lives spinning out in the daily drudgery of high school, from which we are expected to immediately attend a university, having somehow realized what we want to spend thousands of dollars learning. Where is the time to realize life outside of our microcosm? With the exception of those particularly driven young adults among us who make time themselves, most of us suddenly find ourselves at the university gates without the confidence of our convictions. But fear not! As a student who began her career at a private college studying business and now finds herself writing for a school magazine on a different campus altogether as an English major, I am here to assure you that there is still time! And there is more time, still, the quicker you are able to shake your preconceived assumptions about choosing a major.

My advice, however, will not comfort every soul who reads this article for one simple reason: college is different for each of us. For some, it is the first time away from home and realizing independence is more important than the academic subject at hand. For others, college serves as specialized training for exclusive careers which can be obtained only after receiving the proper education (you doctors and lawyers out there). And for the rest of us, college serves as a continued, more specific schooling because we know in some vague sense that higher education is important. It is true that most of the time, the major you select and the subject you elect to study will determine in a general sense the job or career you find in the post-collegiate world. However, there is one notion we must absolutely scrub from our brains: that by choosing a major you are choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life. Holding a single job until retirement is a virtual impossibility in today’s economy. Most adults experience three to five career changes before they retire and a single major cannot possibly cover them all. Furthermore, even if you are lucky enough to find a job so stable that you never need fear losing it, there is absolutely no law against switching careers of your own volition. The point is, it is never too late to change your mind. But as long as you are here at college, as long as you are spending the money, it is highly recommended that you decide just exactly what you want to get out of college and make sure you get it. If you find yourself in a major that is unsatisfying, you may still have time to switch. Generally speaking, depending on the requirements of the majors you have tried and the classes you have taken, students can change their majors almost endlessly until the end of their sophomore year, at which point you should probably just pick one in order to graduate on time. In all of this, remember that even the most interesting subject will have aspects you don’t care for—key is to find the subject that you find so intellectually stimulating that the boring parts are worth it. The point is, we get caught up planning for an unknowable future. All you can do now, truly, is enjoy what you are spending precious time and money on. Figure out what inspires you, what peaks your interests, and run with it. Learn as much as you can about something you enjoy and see where life takes you after that.

A Sea of Experience Article By: Laura Borschel


aving over thirty thousand students, UB can seem a bit overwhelming at times, and leave some people feeling like they are just a number. While you may feel like a tiny fish in a huge sea of fellow students, you have to remember that this leaves you with a plethora of opportunities that smaller schools just don’t have. Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about clubs. The great thing about UB, is that there are dozens of ways to get involved and make your college experience amazing. Joining a club is a great way to get the ball rolling in the right direction, and as an incoming freshman, you will have a countless number to choose from, whether they be sports related or even academic. Here’s a breakdown of a few major clubs/groups on campus:

Club Sports:

They range from martial arts, to soccer, wresting, tennis, and much more. If you were competitive in high school and really enjoyed being active, but wanted something more casual in college, then pursuing a club sport may be the correct choice for you. It may also be a good time to try a new sport that your high school didn’t have. UB offers many non-traditional sports that many people don’t start until college, so you won’t be left in the dust. A few of these include: rugby, rowing, and sailing.

Religious Organizations:

If you’re a person of faith who wants to keep with it during your years at college, then hooking yourself up with a religious/faith based community on campus is a great way to start building connections and fostering relationships with others of similar viewpoints. For those interested in the Jewish faith, there are organizations such as JSU, or the Jewish student union. For those of the Islamic faith there is the Muslim student union. For those interested in the Christian faith, there is campus ministries, EPIC, and several other Christian based groups.

Cultural Clubs:

For those who are interested in getting acquainted with their own cultural roots, or perhaps another culture, there is a large number of cultural clubs on campus. With clubs such as LASA, Japanese student union, the Caribbean Student Union, and the Black student union, you can certainly expose yourself and become familiar with other cultures.

Political Clubs:

In college, most students often find themselves impassioned and concerned about issues going on in our own country, and/or throughout the world. College is of course a time where one’s political beliefs are solidified and really formed. If you’re interested in getting involved, there are a few groups that you may want to check out, including: College Democrats, College Republicans, PODER, and Fight the Power. Clubs like Fight the Power and PODER are clubs that focus on the political side of Latino and Black culture, if you want to avoid more traditional notions of “pick one side or the other” types of clubs.

Academic Clubs:

Contrary to popular belief, academic clubs are not lame or just for kids who wear suspenders and flood pants (I mean nerds not hipsters). They in fact, are a great place to channel intellectual desires and pursuits, and the great thing is, you don’t even have to be in a given major to experience all of these great clubs. There is a multitude of clubs, including: English SA, several engineering clubs, Environmental Network, Geology, and so much more. It’s also a great place to do networking if you have decided your career path.

Temporary Clubs:

Now, these are the clubs that haven’t gotten full status as an official SA club yet, so why not check out these new and inventive clubs. They are an eclectic group of organizations, which include: Amnesty International, Cricket Club, Girl Effect, UB Veg Club, and more.

Overall, I think getting involved in a club on campus is a great idea. Personally, I wish I had gotten more involved sooner. Through a few clubs on campus, I was able to meet and network with a lot wonderful people, who are some of my closest friends today. Not only that, but I was able to better serve my community and peers after getting involved. So come on freshman and even seniors, it’s never too late to jump in and find a new community of people to connect yourselves with!


Back in



istorically, the home team factor has been one of the biggest non athletic talking points in sports. Fans of rival teams constantly compete and argue over who supports their team the best and how much of an impact it has on the game. For many European football (soccer) clubs, fans often measure the dedication of themselves and their enemies by how much noise they can make during the game, singing their hearts out in the hope that it will spur their team on to victory. In American football this phenomenon is known as “the twelfth man” where the fans contribution is viewed to be as important as a player on the field. At UB this experience is known as True Blue. True Blue holds the honor of being the largest club at the university. Students are encouraged to join the club and participate in as many aspects of UB sports as possible. UB’s 29,000 capacity stadium featuring


Division I football is the bread and butter of True Blue. Follow the Bulls every step of the way as they challenge opponents from powerhouses like Ohio State to state rivals Stony Brook. While football and basketball are considered the headliners, True Blue supports all sports at UB. Whether your passion is the beautiful game or tennis, there are plenty of ways to get involved, show school spirit and help galvanize the team. Supporters of all levels are welcome to join. If students want to go shirtless, paint their bodies blue, and stand up screaming for the entire game they will be welcomed along with the fans quietly watching from their seats in the True Blue t-shirt. True Blue motivates students to not only attend games, but to also get involved in the organization. The club employs a key tag system where students can earn points in pursuit of prizes by attending games. Points

Article By: Matt Benevento

can also be obtained by participating in other club activities. Students can earn everything from mugs to official jerseys. Beyond traditional sports, True Blue cooperates with popular end of the year activities at UB. For fans of playing volleyball in a pit of mud, True Blue helps sponsor UB’s illustrious Oozefest event. At the end of the year students organize teams to battle in a sequence of mud soaked volleyball matches adjacent to scenic Lake Lasalle. The club also works with the South Campus Carnival (SoCo) by encouraging students to volunteer for the festival. True Blue can be a great opportunity to explore new aspects of UB, meet people, and hopefully make new friends. This is the perfect time to get out of the dorms and experience the fun side of the university. Whether its school spirit, love of sports, or students just looking for excitement on campus True Blue is for everyone.

Greek Life at UB At UB, about 10% of students are a member of a fraternity or sorority. It’s a pretty small population compared to other schools, but you can still definitely sense the presence of Greek life as you walk around campus. There are all kinds of fraternities and sororities, ranging from social to business to philanthropic. At a big school like UB, some people find it easier to make friends and find a niche when they join a fraternity or sorority. While there are many Greek organizations that are affiliated with UB, there is also a list of unrecognized fraternities or sororities who were removed from UB Greek life. Being affiliated with one of these groups puts students at risk for suspension and/or expulsion from the University. So people, before getting involved with Greek life, check out the student affairs website to look at the lists of fraternities and sororities who are recognized/unrecognized by UB. Another piece of advice I would give is not to stereotype; it is easy to picture all fraternities and sororities as the old houses on south campus that throw crazy parties (and believe me, there are plenty

Article By: Jori Breslawski


t’s weird to think about, but at some point within the next few years, we will all become alumni of UB. I know, I can’t picture myself being an alumnus either, but then again I don’t think the shock of graduating will hit me until I arrive on the first day of my real-life-adultpost-graduate job. However, ready or not, upon graduating you will enter into a family of more than 220,000 UB graduates worldwide. That is quite the network of people. The UB Student Alumni Association (UBSAA) is part of UB Alumni Association (UBAA), an international organization that is lead by the many successful alumni that have graduated from

Article By: Jori Breslawski

of those), however UB is home to many professional fraternities that could not only create social connections, but connections in the professional sphere as well. There is a lot to think about when deciding to join a fraternity or sorority. I’ll start out with what I see as some of the cons. First of all, being a member of a fraternity or sorority costs money. Between the costs of recruitment fees, pins, extensive wardrobes (for dressier organizations), as well as countless social functions, members may spend thousands of dollars all together. Second, I don’t need to tell you this but there is a whole lot of excessive and underage drinking that goes along with Greek life. This is the hallmark of college life in general but peer pressure to drink can be much higher in the Greek system. Finally, although being involved in Greek life may open a lot of doors, it may close some as well. It is easy to let the fraternity or sorority become your entire world; however, if you are conscientious of remaining involved in other activities, it will be

less tempting to make your fraternity or sorority your one and only. Although there are a few cons, many people involved in Greek life absolutely love it and it undoubtedly has its advantages. First, it may be one of the easiest ways to meet people on a college campus. Being a part of the Greek system gives you instant connections with a large group of people, and the network only continues to grow. In addition, you will unlikely ever have a night when you have absolutely nothing to do. Once you are in that loop, there is always a party or event to attend (this can also be a problem if you are unable to balance school and fun). People have told me that the sense of belonging within a fraternity or sorority is incredible, and that it makes big schools like UB smaller. A friend of mine told me that when he revisits Buffalo, he is not going to feel an attachment to UB, but an attachment and a sense of belonging to his fraternity.

UB Student Alumni Association (UBSAA) the University at Buffalo. In addition to providing scholarships, putting on programs, and bolstering UB spirit for undergrads, UBAA provides support and services for UB alumni for life. UBSAA welcomes all UB students to become a member (it’s free!) and offers an opportunity to get involved with a fantastic organization that plays a big role in making UB as awesome as it is. UBSAA is constantly striving to build UB pride, spirit, and tradition. UBSAA is responsible for planning events like the hump day hangout, career conversations, and everyone’s favorite, Oozefest.

UBSAA is a great way to take on a leadership role by becoming a member of one of the numerous committees. Committees range from being centered around events such as Oozefest, to making the Senior Experience and UB exciting, to rallying support and exposure for UBAA and UBSAA, and even planning Student Alumni events, where students are able to benefit from the extensive network of UB alumni. Check out UBAA’s website (where you will find the student page for UBSAA) at alumni.buffalo. edu to check out all of the fun ways you can involved.


To Party, or To Party Article By: Keighley Farrell

It’s the reason we all pay thousands of dollars a year to live in a jail cell full of dirty laundry, slamming back energy drinks and praying for the air conditioning to kick in: College is home to the best parties you will ever attend.Whether you’re a frat-boy in the making or a diehard Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, there is always something happening at UB. We make it very easy to party like it’s 1999, and I was six then, so believe me. I knew how to party. Buffalo is the second largest city in New York State, so it only makes sense that UB is like a small city of it’s own. With nearly 30,000 students, you pretty much have to try not to party like an animal. Amongst a slew of different majors, hometowns, home countries, political ideologies, and on-campus publication rivalries, one thing that we can all agree on is a good old fashioned “drink until everyone you look at is your new best friend.” However exciting getting trashed is, there are a few things that you should be looking out for, especially while weighing the options of partying on and off campus. While partying on campus, it’s essential to remember that the RA’s and CA’s pretty much have one major responsibility bestowed upon them by Campus Living: to catch you getting hammered. So subtlety in the dorms and apartments is key, especially if you’re not 21. (Insert obligatory, “don’t drink if you’re not 21, yadda yadda whatever” here.) And don’t get mad if they do catch you in the act; advisors don’t want to be assholes. They’re just there to make sure you don’t die. Usually you just weren’t sneaky enough. So after you’re done pouring your Smirnoff Ice down the bathroom sink, get back to the drawing board and study up.


If you’re going to get sloshed on campus, there are a few common courtesies that we all need to follow. For instance, if you’re walking past the first floor of a dorm or apartment complex, please do not scream at the top of your lungs, or pee on the wall, or try to look in the windows. This isn’t cute or funny, it’s super annoying and disruptive to those of us who are partying inside. (Or, more likely, trying to sleep.) Another thing to keep in mind is that while it may be fun to tromp across the spine while blitzed, there are people who like to study there, or

at the very least walk around without the constant fear of being covered in your vomit. So please have some respect if you’re stumbling through NSC. One of the perks of being drunk on campus is the shining beacon of greasy filth that is Sizzles in the Ellicott food court. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there is nothing more exciting than downing a bottle of wine and actually having access to the strange cravings that come afterwards. French toast sticks and a chicken sandwich? Not a problem. And if you’re an early bird of the party world, Incredibull does deliver until about 2 am. Off campus partying is a completely different experience. Once you’ve convinced yourself that your dress and your shoes “totally fit, and aren’t 3 sizes too small at all,” you’ll stumble on to the drunk bus with a water bottle full of gin and totally forget to swipe your card in the new swipe system. (Don’t let anyone see that you’re struggling to remember where you put your ID! It’s probably in your bra.) Then you’ll take that majestic, zoo-like ride to South Campus, where you’ll find yourself absolutely annihilated at either Mojo’s, a frat party, or, if you have older siblings who look enough like you, just about any bar on Main. But remember to keep it classy out there in the real world. On campus, we support and take care of our fellow partiers, but it’s a completely different story once you’re out and about. Make sure you’re never traveling alone, no matter what your gender/size/intoxication levels, and be subtle if you’re going to bring your drinks with you. Everyone knows that isn’t Gatorade. Get it together, freshmen. Also, if you do decide to attend an action packed frat party, remember to stick with your buddies and guard your cups. Frats can be a lot of fun, but no one wants to wake up in a stranger’s bathtub, surrounded by ping pong balls. So remain conscious. (And never drink the jungle juice.) And remember, you should only play hard if you work hard. But the harder you work, the better it will feel to win that power hour, and the easier it will be to recover in the morning.

THE FOURTH CORNER OF THE TRIANGLE Article By: Jori Breslawski I once saw a cartoon that depicted a triangle with the words good grades, sleep, and social life written at each point. Beneath the triangle, there were the words: College- Choose Two. I laughed to myself because I found this cartoon to be so veracious. What’s more, at times, I feel like I can only choose one. Needless to say, adding a job to the mix can be pretty challenging; however, it can also be extremely rewarding. Having a job in college can both provide extra cash and build your resume. Before getting a job, you need to evaluate if you truly have the time to commit, because no matter how tight you are on cash-class comes first. That is why you are breaking the bank to be at college in the first place. So if your grades are going to suffer from having a job, let’s face it, it’s not worth it. However, if after evaluating your schedule you feel like you have the time to work, there are a few different ways you can go about finding a job. Moving to a new place and finding a job with zero connections can seem daunting. My freshman year, I was eager to find work but was discouraged because I felt as though the only job openings were for work study students (which I did not qualify for). Although looking for a job can be frustrating at first, the longer you keep on it, and the longer you live in Buffalo, you will find that so many opportunities

will present themselves, you won’t even know which ones to choose. If I were looking for a job, my first stop would be career services; first, because they have a number of different resources, and second, because they are awesome! Career services is one of those places that I wish I had utilized freshman year, but did not really discover until I was a junior. They can help you choose a major or career, review your resume or cover letter, help you practice for interviews, and help to find jobs or internships. Check them out—they are located in 259 Capen Hall. One of the most convenient places to look for jobs as a student at UB is on BullsEye, an extensive database that has hundreds of job, internship, and volunteer opportunities all in one place. There is a selection of local, state-wide, national, and eve global openings in all disciplines and fields. After creating an account, you are able to upload your resume to BullsEye so employers can easily view your credentials when considering you for their job/internship opportunities. Another cool feature about BullsEye is that you can have emails automatically sent to you when new vacancies that meet your search criteria appear in the database. You can access BullsEye from Career Services’ website.

If you don’t find what you are looking for on BullsEye, there are plenty of other ways to get a job. Keep your eyes open as you walk through the hallways; there are always countless job postings on the bulletin boards around campus. Another way to find a job is by reading emails from your advisor! I know that it is incredibly tempting to delete them, however you will realize that they often send out application information for some amazing opportunities. Funny story: I found out about this job in an email from my Psychology advisor, so you really never know. You can go on Craigslist and search by job category; you will be surprised at the number of opportunities there are here in Buffalo. My last piece of advice is to never underestimate the opportunities that stem from volunteer work. I know many people who have volunteered for an office or an organization and then were later extended the opportunity of a paid job. If you do have time for a job while in college, getting work experience is an incredible way to supplement the things you are learning in school. It takes discipline, commitment, and talent, but the rewards you reap make the stress of something extra well worth it.


Things I Wish I Knew as a Freshman The people you meet the first year are in large part the people who will define your experience over the next four. So try to talk to as many people as possible, and as many different kinds of people as possible. This doesn’t mean you can’t meet people in the semesters after- it’s just that much easier when everyone around you is feeling similarly unanchored those first few months.

You can take classes Pass/Fail. This is such a great way to take a class you might not otherwise, for fear of what it might do to your GPA. Take that class in Arabic or acting or anthropology, and focus on the wonders of learning without worrying about failure.

Get the L.A. toast at Bert’s at the risk of becoming addicted Check out the public library--it is a 10 minute walk down the Audubon Leave early to find parking Do a dry run to find your classes before school starts Almost every building is connected by tunnels - use this in winter if you have time Bring a snack bag to classes to save money on food - I advise pretzels mixed with peanut m&ms Be ready for winter - it is brutal! - hat, scarves, gloves, proper coat Geese suck Don’t feel trapped in your classes; you can switch around. it isn’t like high school. However, the drop/add period for classes is short, so pay attention to deadlines. Don’t buy books until you have attended the class. (Unless there is an assignment due early on in the class.) There may be cheaper options, such as pdfs, offered by the professor. Always watch where you are walking in the tunnel after a Friday night. There will be puke everywhere, and you will feel like you are walking through a minefield. Do not ask to go to the bathroom in lecture, the professor and all the students will blankly stare at you, and make your social anxiety even worse.


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