August 2013 Holstein Sire Catalog

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Holstein Sires August 2013

Bull Power • People Power • Program Power


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Provide products and services as effectively as possible to maximize the profitability of members and customers worldwide while maintaining a strong cooperative.

1HO10245 ABRAHAM......................2 1HO10602 ACTUAL.............................3 1HO09875 ALMOND.........................3 1HO10434 ANDY.................................3 1HO10251 A-P.......................................4 1HO08777 AWESOME.......................4 1HO10816 BANKS...............................4 1HO10061 BANNING........................6 1HO10652 BOXER...............................6 1HO10296 BOYOBOY........................2 1HO09528 BUCKO..............................6 1HO10225 BUD.....................................5 1HO10447 BUILDER...........................7 1HO10396 CABRIOLET.....................8 1HO09728 CARCAJOU.....................7 1HO10297 CHAP..................................7 1HO10421 CHIP....................................9 1HO10989 CHRISTO...........................5 1HO10059 CLARK...............................9 1HO10389 COOPER *B/R................9 1HO10458 DAY................................... 10 1HO10433 DAYTONA...................... 11 1HO10460 DE PRINCE-RED........ 11 1HO10499 DELUXE......................... 11 1HO10422 DEMPSEY..................... 13 1HO10218 DENIM...............................8 1HO10859 DENZEL......................... 13 1HO10420 DESIGN.......................... 10 1HO10435 DIJON.............................. 13 1HO10807 DOMINICK................... 14 1HO09225 DON JUAN................... 14 1HO10275 DREW.............................. 12 1HO10080 DUSK............................... 14 1HO10601 DYMON.......................... 12 1HO02729 EDEN............................... 15 180HO03093 ELVYS ISY...................... 16 1HO10238 ENSIGN.......................... 15 1HO09800 ERDMAN....................... 16 1HO10174 ERSKINE........................ 15 180HO03057 ESCABO ISY................ 17 1HO10668 EVAN............................... 17 1HO10844 FANROCK..................... 17 1HO10662 FEEDBACK................... 19 1HO02509 FLAWLESS.................... 18 1HO10028 FLOYD............................. 18 1HO10837 FLYN................................. 20 1HO10847 FORTUNA...................... 19 1HO08784 FREDDIE........................ 21 1HO10851 FROST............................. 22 180HO03118 FULFIL ISY.................... 18 1HO10490 GALAXY......................... 22 1HO10247 GERVASE....................... 23 1HO10066 HARVEY......................... 24 1HO02531 HEFTY............................. 24 1HO09192 HILL.................................. 23 1HO10860 HURK-RED................... 24 1HO02730 ICEMAN......................... 26 1HO10644 INDY................................ 25 1HO10788 JACEY.............................. 27 1HO10454 JACOB............................. 25 1HO10733 JAGER............................. 26 1HO10456 JAGUAR......................... 26 1HO10288 JAKE................................. 28 1HO10817 JAMES *CV................... 29 1HO10856 JAYDEN.......................... 29 1HO10638 JELLO.............................. 28 1HO09846 JIGSAW.......................... 29 1HO10738 JITTERBUG................... 27 1HO10469 KANE............................... 30 1HO09997 KARIM............................ 30 1HO09952 KARSTEN...................... 30 1HO10814 KEYBOARD.................. 31 1HO10455 KRISTOFF...................... 31 1HO09085 LARIAT............................ 32 1HO10484 LASZLO.......................... 32

1HO09092 LAZARITH..................... 32 1HO10254 LEBRON......................... 33 1HO10886 LLEWELLYN-P *RC... 33 1HO08658 LOGAN........................... 33 1HO10369 LOYAL.............................. 34 1HO10750 LUNA............................... 34 1HO10639 MAINE............................ 34 1HO02783 MALONE....................... 35 1HO02680 MALVO........................... 35 1HO10344 MANDORA.................. 37 1HO08812 MARCELLUS............... 35 1HO10175 MARCELON................. 37 1HO10865 MARTEZ......................... 38 1HO10411 MASS.............................. 38 1HO09527 MASSEY........................ 36 1HO10217 MASTER *BY................ 38 1HO02747 MAYHEM...................... 39 1HO10674 MEANDER.................... 39 1HO10406 MEL.................................. 40 1HO10614 MILAN............................ 39 1HO10692 MYTH.............................. 40 1HO10855 NIKKO-P *RC............... 41 1HO10636 OMEGA.......................... 42 1HO10679 ONYX............................... 41 1HO09167 O-STYLE......................... 42 1HO10800 OUTACITE...................... 41 1HO09390 PADLOCK...................... 43 1HO02848 PARKER.......................... 43 1HO10220 PAX-RED........................ 43 1HO09593 PILOT............................... 44 1HO10655 POETRY.......................... 45 1HO10852 PRIMUS *RC................ 46 1HO10041 PROPER......................... 44 1HO10648 PUZZLE.......................... 45 1HO10133 RADISSON................... 44 1HO10559 RAINIER......................... 47 1HO10850 REASON *BY............... 47 1HO10069 RED-OAK...................... 48 1HO10987 REPTATION................... 48 1HO10525 RIDOTT........................... 48 1HO10318 SABLE............................. 50 1HO10497 SAJAC............................. 49 1HO10477 SANTINO....................... 50 1HO02789 SASON............................ 49 1HO10834 SAVION.......................... 50 1HO10227 SCRAMBLE.................. 51 1HO02611 SEQUOIA....................... 51 1HO10617 SERGIO.......................... 51 1HO10806 SHENZI.......................... 52 1HO09248 SIGNIF-P........................ 52 1HO09853 SOBIESKI....................... 52 1HO10235 SOUTHERN.................. 53 1HO10654 SPEEDY.......................... 54 1HO02849 STU................................... 53 1HO08778 SUPER............................. 55 1HO02682 SUREFIRE..................... 53 1HO10952 SY-P *RC........................ 56 1HO10730 TALAN............................. 54 1HO10824 TANGO............................ 57 1HO10619 TIPSY............................... 56 1HO10262 TONIC.............................. 56 1HO07235 TOYSTORY.................... 59 1HO10915 TUSCOBIA.................... 60 1HO10845 TWAYNE......................... 58 1HO10451 TYLER-P......................... 58 1HO10295 UMAN............................. 58 1HO10660 UNIQUE......................... 60 1HO10446 WOLFGANG................. 61 1HO10098 WYNNER....................... 62 1HO10805 YALE................................. 61 1HO10085 YANO............................... 62 1HO10579 YOOHOO....................... 62 1HO10696 YOVANI.......................... 63 *GENESIS

Genex Product Portfolio Pages 65-68




Dam: Welcome Ramos Annie-ET, EX-90, VG-MS

Dam: Ned-El Ramos Marley, VG-88, VG-MS



Birth Date 10/23/09 • USA Reg. 66757469

Birth Date 02/03/10 • USA Reg. 66796464

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$636 97% ile Cheese Merit +$669 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$592 G G Daughters Herds +552 76%Rel Milk +20 +0.00% Fat +18 +0.01% Protein +8.0 Prod. Life SCS +2.55 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.41 76%Rel Type +1.08 UDC FLC +2.22 +2052 TPISM 8.3% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.1% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.4% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.9% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.2 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ +2.4 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 96%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$689 98% ile Cheese Merit +$773 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$614 G G Daughters Herds +1023 77%Rel Milk +62 +0.09% Fat +47 +0.06% Protein +4.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.73 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.39 76%Rel Type +1.92 UDC FLC +1.81 +2256 TPISM 6.4% 98%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.3% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.9% 95%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.4 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 98%Rel PregCheck™ +1.8 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 100 95%Rel SynchCheck™

Industry-leading Productive Life

Genetic package engineered for profit and health

Healthy-uddered cows that breed back quickly

Sound Feet and Legs with high Type and UDC




DMS 345234ABRAHAM 1HO10245

624 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.5 0.4 0.5 0.0 1.5 0.6 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.4 1.7 0.9 0.8 0.3 1.9 0.7 0.4 1.4

2-02 2x 305d 26,090m 3.9 1022f 3.3 854p lbs. aAa 213 DMS 561456BOYOBOY 1HO10296 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.4 0.5 0.6 1.6 1.1 0.3 0.1 1.9 1.8 2.1 2.3 3.3 3.1 1.7 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.4



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10602 NORTH-ECHO FREDDIE ACTUAL *TV %-I +$695 98% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X ARMSTEAD X BOLIVER +$741 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/25/10 • USA Reg. 69679480 +$646 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding Feet and Legs with well-attached udders +400 75%Rel Milk Adds Dairy Strength and Width of Rump +67 +0.19% Fat Protein +19 +0.02% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.72 Dam NORTH-ECHO ARMSTEAD 1796, VG-85, VG-MS +5.8 2-03 3x 365d 27,280m 4.3 1172f 3.1 836p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS 345234 Type +2.09 75%Rel 1HO10602 ACTUAL UDC FLC +2.65 +2.11 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2215 1.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 6.6% 89%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.5% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 73%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 57%Rel 3.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 97%Rel 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 102 97%Rel 2.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 68%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. MGD: Clear-Echo 2622 Bol 1257-ET, VG-87, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 101 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09875 CO-OP ALMOND CRI-ET *TV +$504 81% ile Net Merit SUPER X SHOTTLE X DIE-HARD +$513 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/22/09 • USA Reg. 65801614 +$497 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exceptional Sire Fertility +1264 76%Rel Milk Outstanding Feet and Legs +14 -0.12% Fat Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET Protein +37 +0.00% Prod. Life SCS +2.85 Dam RJR SHTLE 5887 CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +5.1 2-07 3x 305d 29,940m 3.6 1066f 3.1 941p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 126123 Type +1.88 75%Rel 1HO09875 ALMOND UDC FLC +2.37 +1.50 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2024 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 7.2% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.1% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.2% 95%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 58%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.6 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +4.0 99%Rel 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 PregCheck™ 102 97%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 68%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 SynchCheck™ 103 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10434 HALE-VALLEY S-MINT ANDY-ET *TV +$609 95% ile Net Merit SPEARMINT X GOLDWYN X SAVAGE +$632 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 05/01/10 • USA Reg. 140786556 +$587 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Early Spearmint son +1037 77%Rel Milk Appealing Fertility +55 +0.07% Fat Protein +33 +0.01% Sire PINE-TREE SPEARMINT-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam HALE-VALLEY GLDWYN ABSOLUTE, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +5.2 3-02 2x 365d 30,120m 4.6 1372f 3.3 1003p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 351 DMS 234345 Type +2.57 77%Rel 1HO10434 ANDY UDC FLC +1.95 +1.86 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2129 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 8.2% 88%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 77%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 59%Rel 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 94%Rel 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 104 94%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 69%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 103 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

MGD: Jopo Diehard 278 372, EX-91, EX-MS



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10251 LANGS-TWIN-B A-P ADMIRAL-ET *TV +$508 82% ile Net Merit PLANET X SHOTTLE X FINLEY +$560 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/02/09 • USA Reg. 66879809 +$465 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Attractive Type +1318 76%Rel Milk Shallow, youthful and well-attached udders +47 +0.00% Fat Protein +49 +0.04% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam LANGS-TWIN-B C-S ASHLYN-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +3.9 2-03 2x 365d 30,150m 4.3 1306f 3.2 963p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 234123 Type +2.23 76%Rel 1HO10251 A-P UDC FLC +0.68 +1.77 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2051 1.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 7.6% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 2.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.8% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 3.0 Sire Stillbirth 8.7% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 8.3% 57%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.5 98%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 PregCheck™ 97 96%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 68%Rel Close 2.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Langs-Twin-B C-S Ashlyn-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchCheck™ 98 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO08777 WHITMAN O MAN AWESOME ANDY *TV +$747 99% ile Net Merit O MAN X ZADE X ROMEO +$856 95%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/12/04 • USA Reg. 135962420 +$639 Fluid Merit 2268 Daughters Herds 568 Exceptional Protein and Fat percent specialist +205 99%Rel Milk Long-lasting, fertile pattern of daughters +79 +0.28% Fat Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Protein +27 +0.08% Prod. Life SCS +2.60 Dam WHITMAN ZADE ALIX, EX-92, VG-MS, 2E, DOM +6.9 5-04 3x 365d 38,100m 4.2 1599f 3.1 1169p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 531 DMS 345234 Type +0.28 96%Rel 1HO08777 AWESOME UDC FLC +1.20 -0.27 HA -Trait Profile 278 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2054 0.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 94%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.5% 95%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.3 98%Rel 0.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 PregCheck™ 98 93%Rel 0.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 94%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 96 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10816 RHOMAN-WAI YNGLING BANKS-ET *TV %-I +$714 99% ile Net Merit YUENGLING X TRES X BOONE +$753 68%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/01/11 • USA Reg. 70116098 +$672 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Corrects Feet and Legs +949 72%Rel Milk Low SCS bull for your heifer pens +55 +0.08% Fat Protein +33 +0.02% Sire CO-OP CASSINO YUENGLING-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.65 Dam RHOMAN-WAI TRES 2671-ET, VG-85 +5.8 2-11 3x 365d 35,200m 3.6 1269f 3.1 1075p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 561 Type +1.52 72%Rel 1HO10816 BANKS UDC FLC +1.44 +1.33 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2130 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 5.5% 58%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.1% 50%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 4.9% 46%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 77%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ 101 80%Rel 0.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 64%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 100 67%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Log House Awesome Blanche




Dam: Bomaz Ramos 5877 CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS

Dam: Co-op Planet Classy-ET, VG-86, VG-MS



Birth Date 12/02/09 • USA Reg. 140288991

Birth Date 02/06/12 • USA Reg. 70541620

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$595 94% ile Cheese Merit +$637 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$563 G G Daughters Herds +1007 76%Rel Milk +28 -0.03% Fat +38 +0.03% Protein +6.4 Prod. Life SCS +2.90 MGD: Bomaz Garter 2796-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-88, VG-MS +1.86 75%Rel Type +1.79 UDC FLC +0.89 +2081 TPISM 5.5% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.0% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.7% 97%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.4 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ +1.7 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 97%Rel SynchCheck™

Stellar fitness

All around high yields

Sturdy, medium-sized cows with incredible udders

Type improver


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$722 99% ile Cheese Merit +$757 68%Rel Fluid Merit +$699 G G Daughters Herds +1945 72%Rel Milk +73 +0.00% Fat +63 +0.02% Protein +5.0 Prod. Life SCS +2.86 MGD: Bomaz Ramos 5877, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.90 71%Rel Type +1.90 UDC FLC +1.59 +2329 TPISM 8.0% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.6% 50%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.1% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.6% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) NA PregCheck™ +0.5 64%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™


2-02 2x 365d 24,580m 3.7 914f 3.1 774p lbs. aAa 513 DMS 345135BUD 1HO10225 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.1 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.3 1.0 0.2 1.3 0.4 1.1 2.3 2.7 2.5 1.4 1.6 1.3 0.6 2.0

2-01 2x 332d 27,870m 4.4 1239f 3.4 934p lbs. aAa 315 DMS NA CHRISTO 1HO10989 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.9 0.9 1.4 2.9 0.1 1.7 1.6 2.1 0.8 2.3 2.2 3.1 2.9 2.6 1.3 1.8 1.9 0.9



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10061 LOCKER-LANE RW BANNING *TV +$625 97% ile Net Merit NIFTY X SHOTTLE X FORBIDDEN +$714 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/04/09 • USA Reg. 139819313 +$544 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exceptional longevity and fertility +480 76%Rel Milk Big-time Fat improver +58 +0.16% Fat Protein +32 +0.07% Sire HONEYCREST BOMBAY NIFTY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.75 Dam LOCKER-LANE RW SHOT BRIA-ET, EX-90 +5.1 1-09 2x 28,040m 4.4 1237f 3.4 961p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 321 DMS 345234 Type +1.54 76%Rel 1HO10061 BANNING UDC FLC +1.99 +0.86 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2094 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 8.0% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.0% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 58%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.7 99%Rel 0.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 PregCheck™ 102 99%Rel 0.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 68%Rel Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 102 98%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10652 NORTH-ECHO PARKER BOXER-ET *TV +$539 87% ile Net Merit PARKER X BRET X DEBUT +$626 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/16/11 • USA Reg. 70309506 +$457 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Our first Parker son +481 76%Rel Milk All-around Type improver +53 +0.13% Fat Sire CO-OP AUDEN PARKER-ET Protein +31 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.71 Dam NORTH-FORK BRET 4001-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM +3.7 2-06 3x 365d 31,180m 3.8 1190f 3.0 943p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 213 DMS 345135 Type +2.23 74%Rel 1HO10652 BOXER UDC FLC +2.27 +1.74 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2071 1.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 7.6% 84%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 Sire Stillbirth 8.9% 72%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 7.5% 58%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.2 95%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ 100 95%Rel 1.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 66%Rel Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: North-Fork Bret 4001-ET, VG-87, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchCheck™ 100 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09528 RUMPUS RIDGE FARMS BUCKO *TV %-I +$559 89% ile Net Merit BOLIVER X WIZARD X LYNCH +$631 92%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/21/07 • USA Reg. 138399478 +$485 Fluid Merit 938 Daughters Herds 234 Standout health traits +863 98%Rel Milk All-around Fertility +8 -0.09% Fat Protein +37 +0.04% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.58 Dam RUMPUS RIDGE FARMS 2843, +5.1 3-10 3x 305d 33,410m 3.4 1141f 2.9 964p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 354 DMS 345456 Type +0.70 90%Rel 1HO09528 BUCKO UDC FLC +0.43 +1.03 HA -Trait Profile 91 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1938 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.6% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.7 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.9% 89%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.2 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 91%Rel 0.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 99%Rel 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 PregCheck™ 101 94%Rel 0.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 87%Rel Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ 100 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

SA Kreider Bucko 2243



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10447 RHOMAN-WAI KRSTN BUILDER-ET *TV %-I +$523 84% ile Net Merit KARSTEN B/R X COLBY X BOLIVER +$495 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/16/10 • USA Reg. 69753745 +$553 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds High-producing cows that last +1698 76%Rel Milk Exceptional Daughter Calving Ease +22 -0.15% Fat Protein +42 -0.04% Sire CO-OP RAMOS KARSTEN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.92 Dam RHOMAN-WAI COLBY 2658-ET, VG-86 +4.1 2-00 3x 365d 27,480m 3.8 1040f 3.2 866p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 345135 Type +2.01 75%Rel 1HO10447 BUILDER UDC FLC +1.91 +2.15 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2105 2.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 92%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.3% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 82%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 58%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 93%Rel 3.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 PregCheck™ 101 94%Rel 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.9 68%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 101 85%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09728 CO-OP TRES CARCAJOU *TV +$453 70% ile Net Merit TRES X O MAN X ORION *CV +$500 90%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/06/08 • USA Reg. 65801467 +$417 Fluid Merit 749 Daughters Herds 208 Big-time Fat improver +430 97%Rel Milk Great SCR +89 +0.28% Fat Sire KED MTOTO JEWEL TRES-ET Protein +24 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +3.02 Dam CO-OP OMAN CALIDA-ET, GP-80, DOM +1.3 2-00 3x 305d 26,520m 5.2 1383f 3.4 913p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 315 DMS 345234 Type +1.45 87%Rel 1HO09728 CARCAJOU UDC FLC +1.92 +0.85 HA -Trait Profile 44 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1908 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 8.6% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.8% 87%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 8.2% 94%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 88%Rel 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 98%Rel 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 100 93%Rel 0.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 86%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. MGD: Wa-Del Orion Cass CRI, VG-86, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 103 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10297 EILDON-TWEED SUPER CHAP-ET *TV +$534 85% ile Net Merit SUPER X SHOTTLE X BW MARSHALL +$549 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/06/10 • USA Reg. 68798786 +$519 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding Type combination from one of the first Super sons +1282 75%Rel Milk Powerful, strong and dairy with incredible udders +43 -0.01% Fat Protein +38 +0.00% Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.77 Dam EILDON-TWEED CHAPTER 3-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM +3.9 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 DMS 561 Type +3.06 76%Rel 1HO10297 CHAP UDC FLC +2.21 +2.42 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2184 2.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.3 Sire Calving Ease 9.8% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.2 Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.1% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.9 Sire Stillbirth 8.8% 94%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 58%Rel 2.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 98%Rel 2.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ 99 96%Rel 2.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 68%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Maternal Sister: Eildon Tweed Mac Chapter, VG-86 Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 100 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Co-op Planet Classy-ET, VG-86, VG-MS



Birth Date 06/27/11 • USA Reg. 69560690

Birth Date 10/15/09 • USA Reg. 68656227

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$886 99% ile Cheese Merit +$959 70%Rel Fluid Merit +$828 G G Daughters Herds +1530 75%Rel Milk +96 +0.16% Fat +60 +0.05% Protein +6.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.84 MGD: Bomaz Ramos 5877 CRI-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-85, VG-MS +1.45 74%Rel Type +1.11 UDC FLC +0.96 +2308 TPISM 6.2% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.7% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.3% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +1.9 93%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 94%Rel PregCheck™ +0.7 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 86%Rel SynchCheck™

Our leader for LNM$, FM$, and CM$

Among the best for LNM$ and DPR

Outstanding Milk, Fat, and Protein improver

Elite fitness that can only come from Freddie x Wizard


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$777 99% ile Cheese Merit +$847 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$708 G G Daughters Herds +1050 77%Rel Milk +64 +0.10% Fat +43 +0.04% Protein +6.7 Prod. Life SCS +2.62 Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion HA-USA PTA 8/2013 Deanna, EX-91 +0.95 77%Rel Type +1.10 UDC FLC +1.21 +2239 TPISM 7.2% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.9% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 9.0% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.0 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ +3.1 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 100 95%Rel SynchCheck™


2-01 2x 332d 27,870m 4.4 1239f 3.4 934p lbs. aAa 153 DMS 135 CABRIOLET 1HO10396 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 1.0 0.4 1.8 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.6 0.2 1.4 1.2 2.0 1.9 1.5 0.5 1.2 1.0 1.0

4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. aAa 342 DMS 345 DENIM 1HO10218 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.4 0.2 0.6 0.9 1.7 0.4 1.3 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.5 0.1 1.6 0.6 0.7 0.6



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10421 LANGS-TWIN-B S-AL CHIP-ET *TV +$589 94% ile Net Merit AL X BAXTER X O-MAN +$602 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/17/10 • USA Reg. 66879883 +$584 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Great herd health improver +1234 76%Rel Milk Adds strength and width +62 +0.07% Fat Protein +38 +0.01% Sire MR REGELCREEK SHOT AL-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.94 Dam RALMA BAXTER CHEERIO, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.1 1-11 2x 365d 31,790m 3.9 1247f 3.1 999p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 234345 Type +1.93 76%Rel 1HO10421 CHIP UDC FLC +1.99 +1.41 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2101 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.7% 87%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.4 Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.3% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 75%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 59%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.8 89%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 101 88%Rel 1.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 70%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchCheck™ 100 76%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Ralma Baxter Cheerio-ET, VG-85, VG-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10059 DOOL-LEIGH GOLDWYN CLARK-ET *TV +$410 59% ile Net Merit GOLDWYN X OUTSIDE X CHARLES +$415 85%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/19/08 • USA Reg. 62607425 +$393 Fluid Merit 181 Daughters Herds 68 Good DPR in a high-Type package +34 94%Rel Milk Fancy first-crop daughters +21 +0.08% Fat Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Protein -2 -0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.71 Dam DOOL-LEIGH OUTSIDE PIPER, EX-92, EX-MS, 2E +5.0 4-07 2x 365d 39,860m 4.9 1968f 3.1 1252p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 DMS 234123 Type +3.53 77%Rel 1HO10059 CLARK B/R UDC FLC +2.64 +2.88 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2017 3.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.9 Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.4 Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 86%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 3.0 Dau. Stillbirth 8.8% 83%Rel 2.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.7 99%Rel 3.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ 102 96%Rel 2.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 70%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 103 92%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


Fustead Clark Fiona-ET

USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10389 CO-OP COOPER-ET *TV %-I +$621 97% ile Net Merit CLARK B/R X PLANET X SHOTTLE +$663 70%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 05/09/11 • USA Reg. 69560683 +$578 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive all-around Type in a health traits package +737 75%Rel Milk Outstanding udder attachments +44 +0.06% Fat Protein +28 +0.02% Sire DOOL-LEIGH GOLDWYN CLARK-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.72 Dam MS PRIDE PLNT TASKET 788-ET, VG-85 +6.5 2-01 2x 365d 33,940m 3.9 1326f 3.2 1083p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS 135 Type +2.77 71%Rel 1HO10389 COOPER *B/R UDC FLC +1.89 +2.18 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2162 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 66%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 59%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 7.7% 58%Rel 1.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.8 78%Rel 3.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.9 PregCheck™ 98 82%Rel 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 64%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Ms Pride Plnt Tasket 788-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ 97 71%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Hendel Bolton Florida-ET, EX-90, VG-MS



Birth Date 08/06/10 • USA Reg. 69774730

Birth Date 06/15/10 • USA Reg. 69473933

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$661 98% ile Cheese Merit +$692 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$628 G G Daughters Herds +1245 76%Rel Milk +45 +0.00% Fat +40 +0.01% Protein +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.68 MGD: Hendel Shottle Miami-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-88, VG-MS +3.16 76%Rel Type +2.88 UDC FLC +2.30 +2294 TPISM 8.8% 98%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.1% 93%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.3% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.6 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 95%Rel PregCheck™ +1.0 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 91%Rel SynchCheck™

Outstanding Type with tremendous udders

Impeccable Fertility

Popular contract sire

Top-notch Fat yields


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$645 97% ile Cheese Merit +$701 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$587 G G Daughters Herds +681 77%Rel Milk +75 +0.20% Fat +29 +0.03% Protein +4.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.65 Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion HA-USA PTA 8/2013 Deanna, EX-91 +0.83 77%Rel Type +0.71 UDC FLC +1.09 +2073 TPISM 7.8% 98%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.6% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 95%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.6% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.5 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 98%Rel PregCheck™ +2.6 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 97%Rel SynchCheck™


2-04 2x 365d 34,140m 3.2 1079f 2.9 1007p lbs. aAa 234 DMS 246234DAY 1HO10458 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.8 1.3 1.5 1.9 0.4 1.2 0.6 1.9 2.7 2.7 3.7 3.7 3.4 1.9 3.1 1.2 1.3 0.5

4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. aAa 426 DMS 234345DESIGN 1HO10420 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 1.1 1.1 1.6 0.6 1.4 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.2 1.2 0.4 0.5 0.1



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10433 FARNEAR DAYTONA-ET *TV +$458 71% ile Net Merit DOMAIN X BOLTON X ZENITH +$465 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/11/10 • USA Reg. 68571351 +$446 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Strong Fore Udder Attachments +1289 76%Rel Milk Feet and Leg improver +23 -0.08% Fat Protein +36 -0.01% Sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.71 Dam FARNEAR BOLT ZARY ZANDRA-ET, VG-87, EX-MS +3.7 2-01 2x 365d 34,470m 3.6 1237f 3.2 1092p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 423 DMS 234246 Type +2.20 76%Rel 1HO10433 DAYTONA UDC FLC +1.63 +2.34 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1997 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 8.2% 86%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.1% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 75%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 58%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 89%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 PregCheck™ 101 87%Rel 2.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 69%Rel Close 1.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Farnear Bolt Zary Zandra-ET, VG-87, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchCheck™ 102 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10460 BLUMENFELD DE PRINCE-RED-ET *TV +$349 46% ile Net Merit DESTRY*RC X TOYSTORY X O MAN +$435 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/29/10 • USA Reg. 69404886 +$272 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exciting red bull from the Pandora line +301 76%Rel Milk Outstanding Type without sacrificing DPR +14 +0.01% Fat Sire SCIENTIFIC DESTRY-ET Protein +28 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam CO-OP TOYSTRY PEACE 2409-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +2.6 2-00 2x 305d 22,920m 3.7 844f 3.2 741p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 234123 Type +2.79 76%Rel 1HO10460 DE PRINCE-RED UDC FLC +2.22 +2.12 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1947 2.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 96%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.3% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.3% 91%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.6 Dau. Stillbirth 7.4% 58%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.6 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.0 96%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 PregCheck™ 102 90%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 68%Rel Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Co-op Toystry Peace 2409-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchCheck™ 100 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10499 RONELEE DELUXE-ET *TV +$458 71% ile Net Merit HERO X OUTSIDE X RUDOLPH +$501 74%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/13/10 • USA Reg. 69541333 +$424 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Unique pedigree +747 78%Rel Milk All-around Type improver +61 +0.13% Fat Protein +31 +0.03% Sire SIEMERS TOYS HERO 9701-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.92 Dam RONELEE OUTSIDE DABBLE-ET, EX-91, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM MGD: Ronelee Rudolph Dimple, EX-93, EX-MS +1.7 5-03 3x 365d 44,530m 3.6 1612f 2.9 1313p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 354 DMS 135345 Type +2.94 78%Rel 1HO10499 DELUXE UDC FLC +1.59 +2.47 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2067 2.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.9 Sire Calving Ease 8.6% 88%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.1 Open Rib 2.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 66%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 3.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 78%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 60%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.4 90%Rel 3.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.1 PregCheck™ 100 85%Rel 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 3.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 70%Rel Close 3.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Ronelee Outside Dabble-ET, EX-91 EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 100 77%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91

Dam: OCD Planet Diamond-ET, VG-87, VG-MS



Birth Date 03/22/10 • USA Reg. 68656352

Birth Date 10/14/10 • USA Reg. 66962253

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$753 99% ile Cheese Merit +$831 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$678 G G Daughters Herds +1506 77%Rel Milk +73 +0.07% Fat +57 +0.04% Protein +4.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.56 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.13 77%Rel Type +0.96 UDC FLC +0.65 +2231 TPISM 7.2% 97%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.3% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.7% 90%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +1.1 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 98%Rel PregCheck™ +2.1 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 100 96%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$646 97% ile Cheese Merit +$670 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$619 G G Daughters Herds +1501 76%Rel Milk +47 -0.03% Fat +45 +0.00% Protein +5.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.65 MGD: Miss Elegant Delight-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-88, EX-MS +1.95 76%Rel Type +1.57 UDC FLC +0.33 +2127 TPISM 7.3% 90%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 72%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.4 95%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 94%Rel PregCheck™ +1.0 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 105 90%Rel SynchCheck™

Excels in fitness and fertility

Tremendous all-around Fertility

Strong production with high, wide rear udders

Adds longevity



4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. aAa 342 DMS 234345DREW 1HO10275 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.1 0.1 0.1 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.8 0.8 2.3 2.1 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.1

2-04 2x 365d 30,860m 3.9 1213f 3.2 1001p lbs. aAa 321 DMS 123135DYMON 1HO10601 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.0 0.3 0.8 2.5 2.4 0.8 1.7 0.7 0.3 0.8 2.0 2.8 2.6 2.2 0.9 2.2 2.7 1.6



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10422 WARGO-N-JD DEMPSEY *TV %-I +$684 98% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X PRONTO X TITANIC +$680 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/20/10 • USA Reg. 69093189 +$688 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Fertile daughters +1317 76%Rel Milk Foot and leg improver +65 +0.07% Fat Protein +35 -0.02% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.83 Dam WARGO-N-JD PRONTO DROOPY-ET, VG-86 +5.4 1-09 3x 298d 33,590m 3.7 1257f 3.0 1005p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 345234 Type +2.06 76%Rel 1HO10422 DEMPSEY UDC FLC +2.20 +1.50 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2202 1.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 90%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.9% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 79%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 58%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 91%Rel 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 PregCheck™ 101 93%Rel 1.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 68%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 SynchCheck™ 99 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Wargo-N-JD Pronto Droopy-ET, VG-86


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10859 KINGS-RANSOM G DENZEL-ET *TV %-I +$735 99% ile Net Merit GRAFEETI X BAXTER X MTOTO +$700 69%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/06/11 • USA Reg. 70807849 +$758 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Production improver +1573 73%Rel Milk Strong udder attachements +69 +0.04% Fat Sire LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI-ET Protein +33 -0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.67 Dam KINGS-RANSOM BAXTER DOLLY, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.7 2-00 3x 365d 22,510 3.8 845f 3.0 666p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS NA Type +2.18 73%Rel 1HO10859 DENZEL UDC FLC +2.49 +2.25 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2238 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 6.3% 60%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.8% 51%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.6% 47%Rel 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.6 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.0 56%Rel 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 PregCheck™ 100 62%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 65%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 Dam: Kings-Ransom Baxter Dolly, VG-85, VG-MS SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10435 DE-SU DOMAIN DIJON-ET *TV +$478 77% ile Net Merit DOMAIN X WIZARD X MTOTO +$473 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/30/10 • USA Reg. 69989990 +$473 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite DPR +1051 77%Rel Milk High conception +12 -0.09% Fat Protein +25 -0.02% Sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.0 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1739f 3.5 1229p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 234 Type +1.20 77%Rel 1HO10435 DIJON UDC FLC +0.13 +1.42 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1913 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 5.7% 87%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.4% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 6.3% 77%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 59%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 92%Rel 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 PregCheck™ 102 92%Rel 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 69%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 99 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10807 BEERY-VAL DOMINICK *TV +$643 97% ile Net Merit HILL X BOJANGLES X TOYSTORY +$672 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 05/09/11 • USA Reg. 64631430 +$609 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive Type +998 76%Rel Milk Fancy daughters with trouble-free, healthy udders +67 +0.11% Fat Protein +32 +0.01% Sire LOTTA-HILL SHOTTLE 41-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.67 Dam BEERY-VAL BRITTINI 3934 +4.3 2-05 3x 171d 7,800m 4.6 362f 3.0 235p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS 561126 Type +2.46 75%Rel 1HO10807 DOMINICK UDC FLC +1.86 +3.02 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2221 2.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 8.3% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.6% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 8.7% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 54%Rel 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.1 78%Rel 3.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 98 82%Rel 3.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 69%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 96 70%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09225 CO-OP DON JUAN-ET *TV +$473 76% ile Net Merit DON X LUCENTE X MANFRED +$455 94%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/27/06 • USA Reg. 62792933 +$486 Fluid Merit 1215 Daughters Herds 408 Sound Feet and Legs +917 99%Rel Milk Ideal udders +43 +0.04% Fat Sire GEM-HILL AMEL DON-ET Protein +20 -0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.81 Dam COYNE-FARMS YASMINE CRI-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +3.1 2-10 3x 305d 35,930m 3.6 1294f 2.9 1025p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 543 DMS 345456 Type +1.79 92%Rel 1HO09225 DON JUAN UDC FLC +1.95 +1.96 HA -Trait Profile 102 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1950 0.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 7.2% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 90%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 92%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 99%Rel 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.3 PregCheck™ 100 94%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 92%Rel Close 2.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 100 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Linn Lite Don Juan Samira


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10080 DE-SU PLANET DUSK 600-ET *TV +$642 97% ile Net Merit PLANET X WIZARD X MTOTO +$624 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/29/09 • USA Reg. 66636736 +$645 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Daughters that will last +1446 76%Rel Milk Healthy udders +47 -0.02% Fat Protein +32 -0.04% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.57 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +6.7 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1739f 3.5 1229p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 561135 Type +1.56 76%Rel 1HO10080 DUSK UDC FLC +0.11 +1.48 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2053 0.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Sire Calving Ease 7.0% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 95%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 58%Rel 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 97%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ 100 96%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 68%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 99 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91



INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO02729 MR SHOTTLE EDEN-ET *TV +$490 78% ile Net Merit SHOTTLE X O MAN X AARON +$541 91%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/25/08 • USA Reg. 139325955 +$442 Fluid Merit 956 Daughters Herds 272 All-around udder improver +929 98%Rel Milk Strong, well-built daughters +40 +0.02% Fat Protein +37 +0.03% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam MS ELECTRESS-ET, VG-88, EX-MS, DOM +2.9 2-11 3x 365d 44,120m 4.1 1809f 3.3 1447p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 321 DMS 123234 Type +2.50 92%Rel 1HO02729 EDEN UDC FLC +1.76 +1.90 HA -Trait Profile 119 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2061 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 5.3% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.7 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 89%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 91%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.9 98%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 PregCheck™ 100 93%Rel 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 88%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchCheck™ 101 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Ms Electress-ET, VG-88, EX-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10238 KINGS-RANSOM M ENSIGN *TV %-I +$441 67% ile Net Merit MILLION X RAMOS X ITO +$488 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/28/09 • USA Reg. 65828006 +$386 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Trouble free udders +94 76%Rel Milk Appealing Sire Conception +42 +0.14% Fat Sire ENGLAND-AMMON MILLION-ET Protein +10 +0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.65 Dam KINGS-RANSOM RAMOS ELVIRA, VG-85 +4.7 2-05 3x 301d 21,740m 4.5 972f 3.3 722p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 651 DMS 345234 Type +1.37 76%Rel 1HO10238 ENSIGN UDC FLC +1.26 +1.60 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1832 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.5% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 95%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 58%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.0 98%Rel 1.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 101 97%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.6 69%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ 100 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10174 RYAN-CREST S ERSKINE CRI-ET *TV %-I +$490 78% ile Net Merit SEBASTIAN X GOLDWYN X ROY +$513 74%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/09/10 • USA Reg. 68767098 +$460 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding first service success +444 77%Rel Milk Improves udders and Feet and Legs +45 +0.11% Fat Protein +15 +0.01% Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.73 Dam NOVA-TMJ GOLDEN ERIN-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM +3.3 2-03 2x 365d 36,830m 4.9 1815f 3.5 1277p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 351 DMS 123234 Type +2.75 77%Rel 1HO10174 ERSKINE UDC FLC +2.92 +2.55 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2072 2.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Sire Calving Ease 7.6% 96%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.2% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 89%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 59%Rel 3.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.6 97%Rel 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 103 96%Rel 3.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 70%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Nova-TMJ Golden Erin-ET, EX-90, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 103 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Barys CR, VF-85-France

Dam: Kings-Ransom Ramos Ekky-ET, VG-87, VG-MS



Birth Date 09/15/09 • FRA Reg. 5640184055

Birth Date 02/22/09 • USA Reg. 65801539

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$823 99% ile Cheese Merit +$883 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$763 G G Daughters Herds +1550 75%Rel Milk +73 +0.06% Fat +54 +0.03% Protein +6.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.57 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.60 73%Rel Type +1.34 UDC FLC +0.48 +2276 TPISM 5.4% 71%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 59%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) NA PregCheck™ +1.4 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$785 99% ile Cheese Merit +$821 81%Rel Fluid Merit +$749 43 Daughters Herds 26 +1093 87%Rel Milk +68 +0.11% Fat +37 +0.01% Protein +7.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.74 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.29 77%Rel Type +1.68 UDC FLC +0.27 +2178 TPISM 5.6% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 79%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 75%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 -0.8 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 99 97%Rel PregCheck™ +2.0 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 98 93%Rel SynchCheck™

Extreme health traits

Profit values to be excited about

Impressive yields

Exceptional longevity from high Productive Life stacked pedigree




NA -2

DMS NA ELVYS ISY 180HO03093 HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 0.4 0.3 1.7 0.6 1.3 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.9 1.4 2.7 2.5 1.5 0.7 1.4 1.6 1.6

2-00 3x 305d 26,310m 4.7 1247f 3.1 819p lbs. aAa 123 DMS 135345ERDMAN 1HO09800 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 0.7 0.5 1.1 0.3 0.1 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.5



USDA PTA 8/2013 180HO03057 ESCABO ISY %-I +$555 89% ile Net Merit MEGA-MAN X V EATON X LIDEO +$580 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/23/09 • FRA Reg. 5355014337 +$519 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Creates pregnancies, high SCR +1005 75%Rel Milk Unique pedigree opportunity +50 +0.06% Fat Sire MR MILLION MEGA-MAN-ET Protein +30 +0.00% Dam VIDEO Prod. Life SCS +2.54 +4.5 3-06 2x 305d 24,656 4.5 1108f 3.4 855p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa NA DMS NA Type +0.73 72%Rel 180HO03057 ESCABO ISY UDC FLC +0.11 +1.19 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1929 0.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 8.1% 76%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.6% 62%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 60%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.2 Dau. Stillbirth 8.1% 56%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 68%Rel 0.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 PregCheck™ NA 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 67%Rel Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Video


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10668 UNITED PRIDE ERDMAN EVAN-ET *TV %-I +$817 99% ile Net Merit ERDMAN X WIZARD X OMAN +$864 70%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 05/04/11 • USA Reg. 69716842 +$774 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Erdman x Wizard X Oman spells profit & longevity +1344 75%Rel Milk Elite DPR and LNM profit +71 +0.08% Fat Sire KINGS-RANSOM ERDMAN CRI-ET Protein +47 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.73 Dam UNITED-PRIDE WIZARD 2744, VG-87, VG-MS +7.1 3-03 3x 305d 38,780m 3.4 1328f 3.2 1234p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 132 DMS 135345 Type +1.32 72%Rel 1HO10668 EVAN UDC FLC +0.57 +0.86 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2226 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 6.8% 58%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 52%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.2 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 49%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.9 80%Rel 1.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 97 84%Rel 0.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.8 64%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: United-Pride Wizard 2744, VG-87, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.0 SynchCheck™ 97 76%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10844 FARNEAR-TBR-BH FANROCK-ET *TV %-I +$668 98% ile Net Merit FRANZ X PLANET X OMAN +$767 69%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/23/11 • USA Reg. 71088592 +$582 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Strong udder attachments +1069 73%Rel Milk High and wide rear udders +61 +0.09% Fat Protein +52 +0.08% Sire DE-SU CASSINO FRANZ 655-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam OPSAL PLANET FAME-ET, VG-86, EX-MS, DOM +5.4 2-03 2x 305d 28,850m 3.7 1080f 3.3 965p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 531 DMS 345135 Type +1.76 73%Rel 1HO10844 FANROCK UDC FLC +1.20 +1.51 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2168 0.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 8.3% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 51%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 9.1% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 7.3% 47%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 PregCheck™ NA 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 65%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Opsal Planet Fame-ET, VG-86, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.5 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02509 CO-OP TSTORY FLAWLESS-ET *TV %-I +$472 76% ile Net Merit TOYSTORY X BOLIVER X RUDOLPH +$495 88%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/04/07 • USA Reg. 138798343 +$460 Fluid Merit 138 Daughters Herds 60 Toystory son who sires outstanding udders +911 94%Rel Milk High conception rate +64 +0.12% Fat Protein +33 +0.02% Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET Prod. Life SCS +3.03 Dam RIDGE-HEIGHTS EVELYN CRI-ET, EX-90 EX-MS, DOM +2.1 3-05 3x 305d 35,890m 3.3 1192f 3.1 1097p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 321 DMS 123135 Type +2.33 88%Rel 1HO02509 FLAWLESS UDC FLC +0.97 +2.43 HA -Trait Profile 61 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2019 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 7.8% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.0% 76%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 93%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 73%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 98%Rel 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.2 PregCheck™ 101 95%Rel 2.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 80%Rel Close 2.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 102 92%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Muenster Flawless 1102


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10028 CO-OP UPD GOLDWYN FLOYD-ET *TV %-I +$436 66% ile Net Merit GOLDWYN X O MAN X DANE +$469 83%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 01/07/09 • USA Reg. 66591027 +$392 Fluid Merit 101 Daughters Herds 47 Appealing Type +734 90%Rel Milk Elite Calving Ease +22 -0.02% Fat Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Protein +24 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.55 Dam CO-OP OMAN FAWZIYA, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +3.4 1-11 3x 305d 27,290m 3.3 906f 3.0 809p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 DMS 123 Type +2.09 75%Rel 1HO10028 FLOYD UDC FLC +1.72 +1.77 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1943 2.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 4.4% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.4 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.6% 72%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 5.5% 95%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 74%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.3 98%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 PregCheck™ 100 95%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 68%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ 99 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Maternal sister to MGD: Co-op Teamster Fidella-ET, EX-93, EX-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 180HO03118 FULFIL ISY *TV %-I +$745 99% ile Net Merit NIAGRA X BAXTER X OMAN +$771 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/23/10 • FRA Reg. 5008608488 +$720 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive yields bull for use in your heifer pens +1689 75%Rel Milk No Planet, Shottle, or Goldwyn +87 +0.11% Fat Protein +52 +0.00% Sire RI-VAL-RE 2338 NIAGRA-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.69 Dam Baec Corbet Baxter 822, GP-84 +4.3 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa NA DMS NA Type +1.79 73%Rel 180HO03118 FULFIL ISY UDC FLC +0.54 +2.03 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2243 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 5.1% 58%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Open Rib 1.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.7% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.2 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 53%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.2 PregCheck™ NA 2.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 67%Rel Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Baec Corbet Baxter 822, GP-84




Dam: Opsal Planet Fame-ET, VG-86, EX-MS



Birth Date 03/28/11 • 840 Reg. 3008161048

Birth Date 12/16/11 • USA Reg. 71088593

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$749 99% ile Cheese Merit +$820 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$679 G G Daughters Herds +716 75%Rel Milk +74 +0.18% Fat +34 +0.05% Protein +6.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.69 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +0.80 71%Rel Type +1.13 UDC FLC +0.16 +2097 TPISM 5.6% 75%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.3% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.8 88%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 104 92%Rel PregCheck™ +1.8 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 86%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$693 98% ile Cheese Merit +$697 68%Rel Fluid Merit +$704 G G Daughters Herds +2238 72%Rel Milk +74 -0.03% Fat +67 -0.01% Protein +5.0 Prod. Life SCS +3.02 MGD: Opsal O Man Fantasy, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 EX-93, EX-MS +2.41 72%Rel Type +1.90 UDC FLC +1.34 +2257 TPISM 6.2% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 50%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.2% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 46%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) NA PregCheck™ -0.3 64%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

Impressive health traits in a high Fertility package

Tank-topping Milk production

Exceptional Sire Calving Ease

Impressive combined Fat and Protein yields



2-02 3x 305d 21,500m 4.0 859f 3.2 684p lbs. aAa 321 DMS 135345FEEDBACK 1HO10662 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.8 1.2 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.4 1.5 1.4 0.3 1.4 0.8 0.3 1.9

2-03 2x 305d 28,850m 3.7 1080f 3.3 965p lbs. aAa 342 DMS NA FORTUNA 1HO10847 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.0 0.3 0.4 1.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.4 1.1 1.7 2.3 3.1 2.9 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.9




LEWIS X PLANET X OMAN Birth Date 10/15/11 • USA Reg. 71088565

MGD: Opsal O Man Fantasy, EX-93, EX-MS

Dam: Opsal Planet Fame-ET, VG-86, EX-MS

USDA PTA 8/2013 Impressive Milk yields and over 100lbs. Net Merit +$857 99% ile combined Fat and Protein Cheese Merit +$912 68%Rel Fluid Merit Outstanding LNM$ and cheese yields +$808 Daughters Herds G G Exceptional Calving Ease Milk +1508 73%Rel and Productive Live Fat +77 +0.08% Protein +54 +0.03% +7.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.74 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.82 72%Rel Type +1.66 FLC +1.26 UDC SM +2324 TPI 4.7% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.4% 51%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.3% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire LATUCH FREDDIE LEWIS-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 84%Rel Dam OPSAL PLANET FAME-ET, VG-86, EX-MS, DOM 102 86%Rel PregCheck™ 2-03 2x 305d 28,850m 3.7 1080f 3.3 965p lbs. +1.1 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 513 DMS 345135 98 76%Rel SynchCheck™


1HO10837 FLYN HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.1 1.3 0.9 1.6 2.3 2.6 2.4 0.9 1.3 1.8 1.3 1.7




O MAN X DIE-HARD X METRO Birth Date 10/31/04 • USA Reg. 60996956

Co-op RB Freddie Tinley-ET, VG-85

Coymn PBCD Sunny CRI-ET

INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 Continuously at the top of the industry Net Merit +$762 99% ile for TPISM and LNM$ Cheese Merit +$795 97%Rel Fluid Merit Sires the ideal commercial cow: +$730 Daughters Herds 1415 6597 moderately-sized, balance, correct, Milk +1217 99%Rel and great udders Fat +54 +0.03% World-renowned fitness trait specialist Protein +40 +0.01% +6.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.74 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.56 99%Rel Type +1.57 FLC +2.66 UDC SM +2268 TPI 5.9% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.6% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.2% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.3% 99%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.5 99%Rel Dam BADGER-BLUFF FLO FANNY-TW 101 98%Rel PregCheck™ VG-87, VG-MS, DOM +2.8 97%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 3-10 2x 305d 39,320m 3.4 1352f 3.0 1163p lbs. 103 94%Rel SynchCheck™ aAa 315 DMS 345456 -2

1HO08784 FREDDIE HA -Trait Profile -1



1194 Dtrs.


Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1




0.7 1.0 0.3 1.1 0.8 1.4 2.2 2.6 3.4 2.4 2.4 2.0 1.8 0.2 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.3

Brown Star Freddie Pretty-ET

Coyne Farms Freddie Jeven-ET




MGD: De-Su 7012-ET, EX-91, EX-MS



Birth Date 12/25/11 • USA Reg. 71068047

Birth Date 12/01/10 • USA Reg. 69990052

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$774 99% ile Cheese Merit +$830 69%Rel Fluid Merit +$721 G G Daughters Herds +1748 73%Rel Milk +68 +0.02% Fat +60 +0.03% Protein +5.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.63 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.54 72%Rel Type +2.45 UDC FLC +1.31 +2329 TPISM 5.8% 58%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 54%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 51%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) NA PregCheck™ +0.0 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$741 99% ile Cheese Merit +$770 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$716 G G Daughters Herds +1945 76%Rel Milk +75 +0.01% Fat +60 +0.00% Protein +5.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.70 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.88 76%Rel Type +2.21 UDC FLC +1.82 +2354 TPISM 9.8% 95%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.7% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.3% 86%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.9% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +1.3 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 97%Rel PregCheck™ +0.3 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 94%Rel SynchCheck™

Milk yield improver

Strong Fat and Protein yields

Impressive all-around Type

Outstanding Milk yields accompanied by appealing Type and udder quality





345 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.1 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.2 1.3 0.4 1.4 1.3 1.4 3.1 3.3 3.0 1.9 2.3 2.4 1.7 0.8

2-02 3x 365d 37,780m 3.7 1406f 3.0 1123p lbs. aAa 351 DMS 345 GALAXY 1HO10490 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.2 1.6 1.4 1.7 0.4 2.0 0.8 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.7 3.1 2.8 2.6 2.1 2.6 3.0 0.4




Dam: Welcome Goldwyn Graity, EX-90

Hartford Lotta-Hill 940, VG-87



Birth Date 08/03/09 • USA Reg. 66757435

Birth Date 11/25/05 • USA Reg. 62942427

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$650 97% ile Cheese Merit +$709 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$593 G G Daughters Herds +866 76%Rel Milk +66 +0.13% Fat +36 +0.04% Protein +3.7 Prod. Life SCS +2.71 MGD: Welcome Addison Great, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 EX-90, EX-MS +2.17 76%Rel Type +1.93 UDC FLC +2.48 +2183 TPISM 5.3% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5.6% 97%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.7% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.4 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ +1.3 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 97%Rel SynchCheck™

Fitness meets Type with Freddie x Goldwyn

Tremendous production and outstanding Type

Low Calving Ease for use in your entire herd

Elite daughter-proven TPISM


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$675 98% ile Cheese Merit +$627 95%Rel Fluid Merit +$711 2452 Daughters Herds 708 +1898 99%Rel Milk +61 -0.03% Fat +40 -0.06% Protein +4.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.67 Troika Hill Roeray HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.36 96%Rel Type +2.90 UDC FLC +1.90 +2252 TPISM 7.8% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 94%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.7% 98%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.3% 95%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.4 99%Rel Co-op Hill Paper, GP-81 Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 93%Rel PregCheck™ +0.9 95%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 85%Rel SynchCheck™


3-07 3x 365d 33,420m 5.1 1703f 3.6 1218p lbs. aAa 324 DMS 234345GERVASE 1HO10247 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.8 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.9 2.4 2.9 2.5 2.9 2.4 2.2 0.5 2.1 1.2 0.7 0.2

3-06 2x 305d 35,110m 3.1 1104f 3.0 1061p lbs. aAa 231 DMS 126 HILL 1HO09192 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

302 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.5 0.2 0.4 1.3 2.0 0.6 1.0 0.9 2.9 1.9 3.1 3.8 3.5 1.8 3.4 1.1 1.2 0.8



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10066 CO-OP DIE-HARD HARVEY-ET *TV +$420 62% ile Net Merit DIE-HARD X MASCOL X TRENT *MF +$485 83%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/18/08 • USA Reg. 139705292 +$365 Fluid Merit 83 Daughters Herds 39 Desirable udder attachments +729 89%Rel Milk Impressive Fertility +18 -0.03% Fat Protein +35 +0.05% Sire REGANCREST RBK DIE-HARD-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.85 Dam A-ELSBERND TINKER CRI-ET, GP-83 +3.2 1-11 3x 365d 28,420m 3.9 1115f 3.3 944p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 543 DMS 345456 Type +1.16 76%Rel 1HO10066 HARVEY UDC FLC +1.16 +1.14 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1840 0.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 73%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.2% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.5% 74%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.9 97%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 101 97%Rel 0.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 70%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 100 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: A-Elsbernd Tinker CRI-ET, GP-83


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO02531 BRANDT-VIEW HEFTY-ET *TV +$376 52% ile Net Merit BOLTON X SHOTTLE X DURHAM +$379 93%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/14/07 • USA Reg. 138550394 +$365 Fluid Merit 1665 Daughters Herds 492 High SCR bull +1444 99%Rel Milk Excellent udders +67 +0.05% Fat Sire SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET Protein +38 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.62 Dam BRANDT-VIEW SHOTTLE FERN-ET, VG-86, EX-MS, DOM +0.9 1-11 3x 365d 38,400m 4.8 1834f 3.0 1154p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 234 Type +2.85 93%Rel 1HO02531 HEFTY UDC FLC +1.88 +2.29 HA -Trait Profile 166 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1941 2.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 10.1% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.9 Open Rib 3.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 9.8% 93%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.0 Sire Stillbirth 8.3% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 10.4% 93%Rel 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 99%Rel 3.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 PregCheck™ 101 95%Rel 1.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -2.6 92%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchCheck™ 101 92%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


Habeck Hefty Hoot

USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10860 OAKLEIGH COLT P HURK-RED-ET *TV +$575 92% ile Net Merit COLT P-RED X MATRIX-RED X LUDOX-RED +$644 68%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/13/11 • USA Reg. 70420223 +$515 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive DPR in a RED package +958 72%Rel Milk Solid udder attachments +35 +0.00% Fat Protein +42 +0.05% Sire SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam OAKLEIGH MATRIX HUST-RED-ET, GP-83 +4.6 2-02 2x 305d 22,478m 3.5 777f 2.9 642p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 561 Type +1.66 72%Rel 1HO10860 HURK-RED UDC FLC +1.55 +1.92 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2110 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 8.6% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 53%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 49%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 PregCheck™ NA 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.2 64%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Oakleigh Matrix Hust-Red-ET, GP-83 Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2




Full sister to Dam: Co-op Ramos Indigo-ET, VG-87



Birth Date 05/23/11 • USA Reg. 69908689

Birth Date 06/21/10 • USA Reg. 69386848

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$722 99% ile Cheese Merit +$774 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$667 G G Daughters Herds +1402 76%Rel Milk +58 +0.03% Fat +48 +0.02% Protein +5.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.56 MGD: Regancrest Shot Iola CRI-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 GP-83 +2.15 75%Rel Type +2.04 UDC FLC +0.64 +2243 TPISM 6.6% 88%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 75%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.3 95%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 96%Rel PregCheck™ +1.4 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 91%Rel SynchCheck™

Trouble-free, healthy, well-attached udders

Impressive first service Conception

Fat and Protein yield improver

Attractive High and Wide Rear Udders


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$651 97% ile Cheese Merit +$691 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$601 G G Daughters Herds +1006 76%Rel Milk +38 +0.00% Fat +33 +0.01% Protein +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.51 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.91 76%Rel Type +1.95 UDC FLC +1.73 +2127 TPISM 8.7% 95%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.7% 88%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.0% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.5 97%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 96%Rel PregCheck™ +0.6 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 94%Rel SynchCheck™


2-00 2x 365d 27,910m 3.1 857f 3.1 871p lbs. aAa 234 DMS 135561INDY 1HO10644 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.6 0.2 0.3 2.3 1.3 1.4 1.1 0.5 0.4 1.1 2.3 2.8 2.6 1.8 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.4

3-10 2x 365d 33,580m 4.4 1479f 3.4 1137p lbs. aAa 423 DMS 234345JACOB 1HO10454 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.6 2.9 2.7 1.5 1.7 0.8 0.9 1.0



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02730 CO-OP RAMOS ICEMAN-ET *TV %-I +$455 71% ile Net Merit RAMOS X SHOTTLE X ITO +$469 91%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/05/08 • USA Reg. 63130633 +$422 Fluid Merit 838 Daughters Herds 221 Stellar health traits +134 98%Rel Milk Calving ability specialist +13 +0.03% Fat Protein +1 -0.01% Sire RAMOS Prod. Life SCS +2.53 Dam REGANCREST SHOT IOLA CRI-ET, GP-83, DOM +4.8 1-11 3x 305d 28,710m 3.1 886f 2.8 803p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 546 DMS 234123 Type +1.20 89%Rel 1HO02730 ICEMAN UDC FLC +0.79 +1.49 HA -Trait Profile 57 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1825 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 5.3% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.8% 88%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 5.0% 90%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 98%Rel 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 PregCheck™ 102 96%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 87%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.4 SynchCheck™ 104 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Regancrest Shot Iola CRI-ET, GP-83


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10733 CO-OP ROBUST JAGER-ET *TV %-I +$772 99% ile Net Merit ROBUST X RAMOS X MTOTO +$870 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/18/11 • USA Reg. 70541464 +$680 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Worry-free Calving Ease +552 76%Rel Milk Terrific Fat percent and cheese yield improver +82 +0.23% Fat Sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST-ET Protein +36 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.68 Dam BEYERCREST JULIA CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.6 3-04 3x 305d 31,350m 5.2 1622f 3.4 1066p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 132 DMS 135345 Type +1.58 75%Rel 1HO10733 JAGER UDC FLC +1.62 +1.39 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2203 0.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 60%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.8% 57%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 56%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 54%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -2.2 63%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 99 76%Rel 1.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 66%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Beyercrest Julia CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10456 COYNE-FARMS FRED JAGUAR-ET *TV %-I +$740 99% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X RAMOS X SHOTTLE +$798 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/12/10 • USA Reg. 69349182 +$676 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive longevity, udder health, and Feet and Legs +698 76%Rel Milk Calving Ease specialist +56 +0.12% Fat Protein +29 +0.03% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.59 Dam COYNE-FARMS RAMOS JELLY, VG-85, DOM +7.2 2-02 3x 365d 32,120m 4.1 1332f 3.0 964p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 351 DMS 456561 Type +1.37 76%Rel 1HO10456 JAGUAR UDC FLC +2.18 +0.94 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2161 0.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 5.5% 90%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.6% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 80%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 4.9% 58%Rel 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.5 88%Rel 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 PregCheck™ 102 92%Rel 1.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 68%Rel Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ 103 83%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85




MGD: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85

Dam: Beyercrest Julia CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS



Birth Date 08/15/11 • USA Reg. 70541519

Birth Date 10/24/11 • USA Reg. 70541469

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$831 99% ile Cheese Merit +$921 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$745 G G Daughters Herds +1837 75%Rel Milk +67 -0.01% Fat +69 +0.05% Protein +4.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.49 MGGD: Coyne Farms Shottle Jam, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-88 +2.74 75%Rel Type +2.26 UDC FLC +2.34 +2487 TPISM 7.7% 60%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.7% 56%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.6% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.1 88%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 90%Rel PregCheck™ +1.9 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 83%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$825 99% ile Cheese Merit +$912 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$748 G G Daughters Herds +786 76%Rel Milk +93 +0.24% Fat +41 +0.07% Protein +5.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.79 MGD: Beyercrest Janine-ET, VG-87 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.56 75%Rel Type +1.86 UDC FLC +1.59 +2263 TPISM 5.1% 60%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.6% 57%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.6% 56%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.4% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 73%Rel PregCheck™ +1.1 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

Highly sought after sire of sons

Exceptional LCM and component percents

Impressive yield and SCR in a high Type and strong mobility package

Impressive LNM$ backed by highly reliable sire stack



2-03 3x 183d 14,679m 2.7 399f 2.8 408p lbs. aAa 453 DMS 345135JACEY 1HO10788 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.4 2.0 1.8 1.3 0.1 2.1 1.3 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.3 3.4 3.2 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.3 1.0

3-04 3x 305d 31,350m 5.2 1622f 3.4 1066p lbs. aAa 354 DMS NA JITTERBUG 1HO10738 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.1 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.7 1.2 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.1 1.2 1.8 2.2 1.4 1.8




Dam: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85

MGD: Ridge-Heights Evelyn CRI-ET, EX-90 EX-MS



Birth Date 11/23/09 • USA Reg. 140396034

Birth Date 04/04/11 • USA Reg. 141208448

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$703 99% ile Cheese Merit +$807 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$602 G G Daughters Herds +1176 77%Rel Milk +70 +0.10% Fat +53 +0.07% Protein +4.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.53 MGD: Coyne Farms Shottle Jam, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-88 +1.65 76%Rel Type +1.28 UDC FLC +1.74 +2171 TPISM 7.6% 96%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.2% 90%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.3% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.5 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 98%Rel PregCheck™ -0.2 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 96%Rel SynchCheck™

High pedigree-proven profit values

Well-attached, healthy udders

Components specialist

Elite Fertility


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$563 91% ile Cheese Merit +$661 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$463 G G Daughters Herds +474 75%Rel Milk +57 +0.15% Fat +31 +0.07% Protein +3.4 Prod. Life SCS +2.52 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.91 73%Rel Type +1.68 UDC FLC +2.09 +2084 TPISM 7.5% 76%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 65%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.5 79%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 105 81%Rel PregCheck™ +0.9 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 104 76%Rel SynchCheck™


2-02 3x 365d 32,120m 4.1 1332f 3.0 964p lbs. aAa 315 DMS 456345JAKE 1HO10288 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.4 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.5 0.8 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 0.6 1.6 0.4 0.4 0.9

2-01 2x 305d 28,492m 3.3 930f 2.8 768p lbs. aAa 432 DMS 456345JELLO 1HO10638 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.9 1.4 1.0 0.3 0.4 1.6 0.7 2.1 2.7 2.0 2.6 1.7 1.6 0.7 2.2 0.4 0.3 1.3



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10817 COYNE-FARMS IOTA JAMES-ET *CV %-I +$779 99% ile Net Merit ALTAIOTA X MASSEY X RAMOS +$835 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/11/11 • USA Reg. 69349240 +$723 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Dependable industry elite sire stack for profit +1754 75%Rel Milk Impressive all-around production +82 +0.07% Fat Protein +59 +0.02% Sire REGANCREST ALTAIOTA-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.56 Dam COYNE-FARMS MASS JILL-ET, +4.1 2-03 3x 183d 14,679m 2.7 399f 2.8 408p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 345135 Type +1.68 75%Rel 1HO10817 JAMES *CV UDC FLC +1.38 +1.44 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2313 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.6 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 60%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.4% 57%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 56%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 54%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.5 89%Rel 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 PregCheck™ 101 93%Rel 1.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 68%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. MGD: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85 Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 100 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10856 KRALL-VIEW RBST JAYDEN-TW *TV +$788 99% ile Net Merit ROBUST X WIZARD X ORION *CV +$876 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/19/11 • USA Reg. 55858090 +$708 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive Fat and Protein percents +518 76%Rel Milk Elite DPR and SCR with high PL bonus +71 +0.20% Fat Sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST-ET Protein +34 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.77 Dam KRALL-VIEW WIZARD JACKIE, EX-90, EX-MS +6.7 6-06 3x 305d 38,380m 4.3 1656f 3.2 1223p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 345135 Type +1.11 74%Rel 1HO10856 JAYDEN UDC FLC +2.03 +1.81 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2227 0.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 7.0% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.5% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 53%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 80%Rel 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 103 84%Rel 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 65%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09846 CO-OP HILL JIGSAW *TV +$617 96% ile Net Merit HILL X DISON X BOSS IRON +$524 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/06/09 • USA Reg. 65801585 +$694 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exciting HILL son with impressive udders +2508 75%Rel Milk Among our elite for Milk yield +52 -0.15% Fat Protein +46 -0.11% Sire LOTTA-HILL SHOTTLE 41-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 Dam HELMERS DISON JELL CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +4.2 2-00 3x 305d 31,340m 3.5 1099f 2.9 919p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS 234123 Type +1.63 75%Rel 1HO09846 JIGSAW UDC FLC +1.39 +2.38 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2111 1.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 96%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.1% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 88%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 56%Rel 2.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.1 96%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ 99 92%Rel 2.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 67%Rel Close 1.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 96 86%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Helmers Dison Jell CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10469 MICISHACH FREDDIE KANE-ET *TV %-I +$570 92% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X SHOTTLE X BRIGHT +$625 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/01/10 • USA Reg. 68923275 +$519 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Strengthens udder attachments +856 76%Rel Milk Sturdy Feet and Legs +54 +0.09% Fat Protein +35 +0.03% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam MICISHACH SHOTTLE 1741-ET, VG-87, VG-MS +4.4 2-01 2x 305d 21,119m 4.4 920f 3.7 672p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 513 DMS 345456 Type +2.12 76%Rel 1HO10469 KANE UDC FLC +2.13 +1.92 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2107 1.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 8.3% 90%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 79%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.7% 58%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.9 90%Rel 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 PregCheck™ 102 90%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 69%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchCheck™ 103 85%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09997 CO-OP JETSTREAM KARIM-ET *TV %-I +$391 55% ile Net Merit JET STREAM X ADAM X AARON +$385 91%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/29/08 • USA Reg. 64541701 +$420 Fluid Merit 776 Daughters Herds 177 Solid udder attachments +1599 97%Rel Milk Great Feet and Legs +54 -0.02% Fat Sire APPLOUIS JET STREAM-ET Protein +49 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +3.31 Dam PENTUCK ADAM KATHRYN CRI-ET, GP-83 +1.3 2-00 3x 305d 26,880m 3.3 891f 3.3 879p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 234 Type +2.55 88%Rel 1HO09997 KARIM UDC FLC +1.67 +2.50 HA -Trait Profile 53 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1998 2.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 6.2% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.7% 89%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.0% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 8.1% 91%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.1 97%Rel 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.2 PregCheck™ 103 89%Rel 3.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 85%Rel Close 3.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ 101 81%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Pentuck Adam Kathryn CRI-ET, GP-83


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09952 CO-OP RAMOS KARSTEN-ET *TV %-I +$417 61% ile Net Merit RAMOS X LANCELOT X BW MARSHALL +$414 93%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 01/11/08 • USA Reg. 64541656 +$426 Fluid Merit 2446 Daughters Herds 485 Unique outcross sire with no O Man or Shottle +1450 99%Rel Milk Trouble-free calvings +19 -0.13% Fat Protein +41 -0.01% Sire RAMOS Prod. Life SCS +2.94 Dam MY-JOHN LANCELOT KAY CRI-ET, GP-82, DOM +3.1 1-09 2x 305d 28,830m 3.9 1113f 3.0 871p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 135345 Type +0.95 93%Rel 1HO09952 KARSTEN B/R UDC FLC +1.55 +0.78 HA -Trait Profile 149 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1872 1.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.2% 95%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 99%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.5% 95%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 99%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 PregCheck™ 101 98%Rel 0.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 93%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 102 96%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Gil-Gar Karsten Vivian-ET




Dam: Hammer-Creek G Kristina-ET, VG-86, EX-MS

Dam: Brandt-View Colby Kimber-ET, VG-86, VG-MS



Birth Date 06/21/11 • USA Reg. 69708807

Birth Date 08/03/10 • USA Reg. 140820427

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$740 99% ile Cheese Merit +$763 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$718 G G Daughters Herds +1824 76%Rel Milk +53 -0.05% Fat +55 +0.00% Protein +6.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.71 MGD: Hammer-Creek Zade HA-USA PTA 8/2013 Klassic, VG-88, VG-MS +2.39 76%Rel Type +2.22 UDC FLC +0.85 +2246 TPISM 6.7% 67%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.8% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 -0.3 82%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 99 85%Rel PregCheck™ +0.5 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 68%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$659 97% ile Cheese Merit +$704 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$603 G G Daughters Herds +897 76%Rel Milk +34 +0.01% Fat +31 +0.02% Protein +6.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.49 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.29 76%Rel Type +2.33 UDC FLC +1.61 +2204 TPISM 9.4% 96%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.5% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.5% 88%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.4% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.0 97%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 96%Rel PregCheck™ +1.9 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 92%Rel SynchCheck™

Outstanding Milk yield

Stylish, well-balanced linear with excellent udders

Ideal all-around functional Type with youthful, well-attached udders

High SCR and unique maternal line



3-02 2x 365d 30,410m 3.7 1112f 3.2 977p lbs. aAa 135 DMS 135123KEYBOARD 1HO10814 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.7 1.7 0.6 3.3 0.1 0.9 1.9 0.9 0.0 1.7 2.4 3.5 3.2 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.8

2-03 3x 364d 42,720m 3.6 1541f 3.0 1294p lbs. aAa 324 DMS 234345KRISTOFF 1HO10455 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.8 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.2 1.5 1.2 1.9 2.1 3.1 2.7 2.5 1.9 2.5 2.0 1.4 0.8



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09085 SCHUG DUCE LARIAT CRI-ET *TV +$535 86% ile Net Merit DUCE X BOONE X WINCHESTER +$534 87%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/30/05 • USA Reg. 62398865 +$534 Fluid Merit 88 Daughters Herds 45 Udder health improver +1247 92%Rel Milk Unique mating +63 +0.06% Fat Protein +34 -0.01% Sire KINGS-RANSOM M DUCE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.81 Dam SCHUG LEIS BOONE LAURA, EX-91, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM +3.6 5-03 2x 365d 38,400m 3.6 1365f 2.9 1111p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 513 DMS 345135 Type +1.17 90%Rel 1HO09085 LARIAT UDC FLC +0.84 +1.02 HA -Trait Profile 73 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1924 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 72%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 91%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 71%Rel 0.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 96%Rel 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 PregCheck™ 100 91%Rel 0.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 80%Rel Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 100 83%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Strutz Lariat 3131

Betcher Lariat Muggs


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10484 CO-OP BSF LES LASZLO-ET *TV +$623 97% ile Net Merit LES X SHOTTLE X BW MARSHALL +$681 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/02/10 • USA Reg. 69124396 +$566 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Udder improver and Fore Udder Strength specialist +1144 77%Rel Milk Increases Protein +39 -0.01% Fat Sire KELLERCREST BRET LES CRI-ET Protein +43 +0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.63 Dam SCHULTZ SHOTTLE RENE CRI-ET, EX-90, DOM +4.7 1-11 3x 305d 27,030m 3.5 936f 3.1 835p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 132 DMS 345456 Type +1.55 76%Rel 1HO10484 LASZLO UDC FLC +1.22 +1.64 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2120 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 6.6% 85%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.4% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 73%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 58%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 92%Rel 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 PregCheck™ 100 94%Rel 1.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 69%Rel Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Schultz Shottle Rene CRI-ET, VG-87, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.4 SynchCheck™ 100 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO09092 CO-OP SHOTTLE LAZARITH-ET *TV +$404 58% ile Net Merit SHOTTLE X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH +$351 96%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/27/05 • USA Reg. 62398872 +$448 Fluid Merit 3348 Daughters Herds 772 Milk yield improver +2040 99%Rel Milk Tremendous rear udders +42 -0.12% Fat Protein +44 -0.06% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.75 Dam MURANDA MRSHAL LIZY CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM +2.0 4-05 3x 305d 41,820m 3.3 1392f 2.6 1101p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 123135 Type +1.13 95%Rel 1HO09092 LAZARITH UDC FLC +0.21 +0.58 HA -Trait Profile 220 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1829 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.9% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 2.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 96%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 Dau. Stillbirth 8.9% 97%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.9 99%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 PregCheck™ 103 85%Rel 0.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 96%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ 103 80%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Twin Elm Lazarith 1534



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10254 RI-VAL-RE FREDDIE LEBRON-TW *TV %-I +$634 97% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X SHOTTLE X O MAN +$612 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/30/09 • USA Reg. 66281935 +$644 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Freddie son that carries the legacy of Fitness +1631 76%Rel Milk Improves Feet and Legs +33 -0.10% Fat Protein +37 -0.05% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.59 Dam RI-VAL-RE SHOTTLE LEANN-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +5.5 2-04 2x 365d 33,830m 3.6 1210f 3.0 1025p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 351 DMS 345234 Type +2.03 75%Rel 1HO10254 LEBRON UDC FLC +2.36 +1.67 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2180 1.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 8.4% 94%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.8% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 86%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 57%Rel 3.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.0 97%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 PregCheck™ 101 96%Rel 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 68%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ 101 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

MGD: Ri-Vaal-Re Oman Nike, VG-85


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10886 RICHMOND-FD LLEWELLYN-P-ET *TV %-I +$517 84% ile Net Merit COLT P-RED X AL X RAMOS +$581 68%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 01/05/12 • USA Reg. 71141629 +$465 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds An attractive polled sire +1125 72%Rel Milk Overall Type improver +49 +0.02% Fat Sire SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW Protein +47 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.88 Dam RICHMOND-FD AL LORALEE-ET, VG-86, VG-MS +2.9 2-02 3x 279d 23,587m 4.4 1034f 3.4 803p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 234 Type +2.55 72%Rel 1HO10886 LLEWELLYN-P *RC UDC FLC +1.82 +1.95 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2108 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 7.5% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 53%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 50%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 3.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.2 PregCheck™ NA 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 64%Rel Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Richmond-FD Al Loralee-ET


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO08658 CO-OP OMAN LOGAN-ET *TV +$538 86% ile Net Merit O MAN X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH +$612 94%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/22/04 • USA Reg. 62030793 +$466 Fluid Merit 2165 Daughters Herds 577 Impressive Milk and component yields +1177 99%Rel Milk Impressive daughter proven TPISM +63 +0.07% Fat Protein +47 +0.04% Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.60 Dam MURANDA MRSHAL LIZY CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM +3.4 4-05 3x 305d 41,820m 3.3 1392f 2.6 1101p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 435 DMS 456345 Type +0.85 94%Rel 1HO08658 LOGAN UDC FLC +1.64 +0.18 HA -Trait Profile 148 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2013 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.6% 94%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 99%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 14.4% 95%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.2 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.3 99%Rel 1.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ 100 96%Rel 0.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 93%Rel Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 102 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Brown Star Logan 2017

Jaeger Logan 2158



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10369 CO-OP LOYAL-ET *TV +$647 97% ile Net Merit OBSERVER X SATIRE X LYNCH +$704 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/23/11 • USA Reg. 69560663 +$595 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Among our highest for UDC +1394 76%Rel Milk Longevity and performance +54 +0.01% Fat Protein +51 +0.03% Sire DE-SU OBSERVER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.70 Dam LITTLE-WISCO LAURA CRI-ET, EX-90, EX-MS +4.6 3-00 3x 305d 30,760m 4.3 1335f 3.3 1005p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 534 DMS 345 Type +2.47 75%Rel 1HO10369 LOYAL UDC FLC +0.79 +3.23 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2216 1.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 7.1% 69%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 59%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 57%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.3 88%Rel 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.8 PregCheck™ 99 88%Rel 4.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 67%Rel Close 2.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.2 SynchCheck™ 100 80%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Little-Wisco Laura CRI-ET, EX-90, EX-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10750 WELCOME O-STYLE LUNA CRI-ET *TV +$739 99% ile Net Merit O-STYLE X NIFTY X SHOTTLE +$771 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 07/08/11 • USA Reg. 70541481 +$699 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding Fertility +1173 76%Rel Milk All around Fitness improver +45 +0.02% Fat Sire CO-OP O-STYLE OMAN JUST-ET Protein +36 +0.00% Prod. Life SCS +2.56 Dam WELCOME NIFTY LOLITA, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +6.7 2-04 3x 365d 33,610m 3.6 1216f 3.2 1065p HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS NA Type +1.19 75%Rel 1HO10750 LUNA UDC FLC +1.69 +1.25 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2175 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 53%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 74%Rel 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 PregCheck™ 100 75%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.7 68%Rel Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


Welcome Nifty Lolita, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM

USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10639 FARNEAR ROCKING MAINE-ET *TV +$659 97% ile Net Merit ROBUST X MILLION X BOLIVER +$714 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/15/11 • USA Reg. 70354832 +$609 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite Fat percent improver +609 75%Rel Milk Desirable Calving Ease +79 +0.21% Fat Protein +29 +0.04% Sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam FARNEAR DANCING MICKEY-ET, VG-86, VG-MS +5.2 2-00 2x 305d 23,190m 4.6 1069f 3.5 810p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 534 DMS 345 Type +1.55 75%Rel 1HO10639 MAINE UDC FLC +1.13 +1.88 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2055 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 70%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.8% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 60%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 59%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.8 91%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.3 PregCheck™ 103 91%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.5 66%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Farnear Dancing Mickey-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchCheck™ 103 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02783 WA-DEL JARDIN MALONE-ET *TV %-I +$444 67% ile Net Merit JARDIN X O MAN X RUDOLPH +$538 87%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/16/08 • USA Reg. 139471179 +$363 Fluid Merit 203 Daughters Herds 69 Grandson of Rudy Missy +532 94%Rel Milk Long-lasting, well-attached udders +23 +0.01% Fat Protein +37 +0.08% Sire JARDIN Prod. Life SCS +2.86 Dam PINE-TREE MISSY MIMI-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +3.9 3-04 2x 365d 32,830m 4.1 1334f 3.3 1081p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 345135 Type +1.32 77%Rel 1HO02783 MALONE UDC FLC +0.76 +1.31 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1909 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 7.2% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.8% 78%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.1 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 81%Rel 0.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.7 98%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 PregCheck™ 101 98%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 78%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 101 97%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Maternal Sister to dam: Pine-Tree Outside Mint-ET, VG-87


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02680 LADYS-MANOR Z MALVO *TV +$414 60% ile Net Merit ZENITH X WIZARD X BW MARSHALL +$424 92%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/07/07 • USA Reg. 139205420 +$402 Fluid Merit 1135 Daughters Herds 253 Unique pedigree +1057 98%Rel Milk Strong udder attachments +28 -0.04% Fat Sire OCEAN-VIEW ZENITH-TW-ET Protein +30 -0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.75 Dam LADYS-MANOR WIZ MARSHA-ET, EX-92 +2.4 2-04 2x 305d 28,920m 4.3 1243f 3.2 929p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 213 DMS 135123 Type +1.78 91%Rel 1HO02680 MALVO UDC FLC +1.21 +1.61 HA -Trait Profile 86 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1929 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7.1% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.3% 91%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 92%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.1 97%Rel 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.5 PregCheck™ 102 84%Rel 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 88%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Ladys-Manor Wiz Marsha-ET, VG-92, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchCheck™ 102 76%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO08812 LADYS-MANOR MARCELLUS-ET *TV +$413 59% ile Net Merit BOLIVER X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH +$431 98%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/01/04 • USA Reg. 136057831 +$395 Fluid Merit 5838 Daughters Herds 1231 Great Fertility +1284 99%Rel Milk Tall, strong and deep +28 -0.07% Fat Protein +39 +0.00% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam LADYS-MANOR RUBY MARCIE-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, GMD, DOM +2.7 1-10 2x 365d 33,700m 4.0 1359f 3.2 1076p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 321 DMS 345135 Type +1.19 97%Rel 1HO08812 MARCELLUS UDC FLC +0.43 +0.82 HA -Trait Profile 696 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1850 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 8.6% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.1 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.8% 98%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 98%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.1 99%Rel 0.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.9 PregCheck™ 100 95%Rel 0.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 97%Rel Close 2.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchCheck™ 99 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Glick Marcellus Ginger




MASCOL X BRET X MANFRED Birth Date 02/05/07 • USA Reg. 63026939

Fustead Massey Style-ET, VG-85

Massey Daughters

INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 Wildly popular #1TPISM bull with outcross Net Merit +$717 99% ile opportunity Cheese Merit +$830 96%Rel Fluid Merit The perfect long-lasting cow for the +$610 Daughters Herds 653 2114 freestall environment Milk +1287 99%Rel From the time-tested and well respected Fat +70 +0.08% Yadda line Protein +59 +0.08% +3.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.53 Fustead Massey Sydney CRI-ET HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.98 97%Rel Type +2.26 FLC +1.52 UDC SM +2273 TPI 7.2% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.7% 96%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.4% 98%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.0% 94%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire Mascol-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.3 99%Rel Dam COYNE-FARMS YELENA CRI-ET 100 96%Rel PregCheck™ VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +0.7 94%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 1-11 3x 365d 36,930m 3.6 1336f 3.1 1129p lbs. 99 91%Rel SynchCheck™ aAa 453 DMS 456561 -2

1HO09527 MASSEY HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

504 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.0 1.6 0.9 0.3 1.9 2.7 1.6 2.2 1.5 1.3 3.0 2.6 2.4 1.6 2.6 2.0 2.0 0.5

Bosside Massey Melissa-ET, VG-85




Dam: Sully Planet Manitoba-ET, GP-83

Dam: Morningview Shtle Madilyn, EX-94, EX-MS



Birth Date 02/12/11 • USA Reg. 69560638

Birth Date 06/11/10 • USA Reg. 68767099

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$597 95% ile Cheese Merit +$672 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$531 G G Daughters Herds +969 75%Rel Milk +10 -0.10% Fat +44 +0.06% Protein +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.79 Sully Shottle May-TW, VG-85, DOM HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.63 75%Rel Type +2.80 UDC FLC +2.16 +2205 TPISM 6.9% 89%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.5% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 75%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.1% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.8 89%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 85%Rel PregCheck™ +1.4 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 77%Rel SynchCheck™

All-around Type

All-around Fitness with impressive udder health

Protein improver

Outstanding Fertility


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$691 98% ile Cheese Merit +$721 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$652 G G Daughters Herds +1127 77%Rel Milk +66 +0.09% Fat +35 +0.00% Protein +5.4 Prod. Life SCS +2.55 MGD: Morningview Chmpn HA-USA PTA 8/2013 Martha-ET, EX-92, EX-MS +2.19 77%Rel Type +1.31 UDC FLC +2.48 +2220 TPISM 8.3% 94%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.3% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.0% 88%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.0 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ +1.8 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 96%Rel SynchCheck™


2-03 2x 365d 33,290m 3.9 1306f 3.1 1041p lbs. aAa 243 DMS 345135MANDORA 1HO10344 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.1 1.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.9 0.0 2.5 2.4 2.2 3.7 2.9 2.7 2.3 3.4 2.4 2.3 1.8

4-11 2x 305d 35,640m 4.3 1531f 2.9 1041p lbs. aAa 342 DMS 234345MARCELON 1HO10175 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.4 1.8 1.1 0.3 0.1 1.5 1.2 2.4 3.0 2.4 1.8 2.2 2.0 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.4



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10865 DEEP-RUN-CRK BKM MARTEZ-ET *TV %-I +$706 99% ile Net Merit BOOKEM X MAC X OMAN +$774 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/27/11 • USA Reg. 70592262 +$641 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Improves Fat percents +733 75%Rel Milk Trouble-free calvings +55 +0.11% Fat Sire DE-SU 521 BOOKEM-ET Protein +34 +0.04% Dam WINING-WAY MATTIE, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life SCS +2.71 +6.1 1-11 2x 365d 25,810m 4.2 1087f 3.2 818p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS NA Type +2.15 75%Rel 1HO10865 MARTEZ UDC FLC +1.46 +2.19 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2209 0.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 5.0% 60%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.1% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 54%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.2 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ NA 2.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 66%Rel Close 1.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10411 RHOMAN-WAI MASSEY 2960 *TV +$714 99% ile Net Merit MASSEY X NIFTY X BOLIVER +$802 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/05/10 • USA Reg. 68944403 +$632 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Feet and Leg improver +1381 76%Rel Milk Proven component improver +59 +0.03% Fat Sire CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY-ET Protein +57 +0.06% Prod. Life SCS +2.63 Dam RHOMAN-WAI NIFTY 2629, VG-86 +4.2 2-01 3x 365d 28,620m 4.1 1165f 3.3 943p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 312 DMS 345135 Type +1.73 75%Rel 1HO10411 MASS UDC FLC +1.99 +1.68 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2234 0.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7.6% 85%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.5% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 72%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 4.4% 57%Rel 2.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 91%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ 100 91%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 68%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 SynchCheck™ 102 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10217 BOSSIDE MASSEY MASTER-ET *TV +$688 98% ile Net Merit MASSEY X PIPPEN X DUSTER +$789 74%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/06/09 • USA Reg. 66294547 +$591 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Lowers SCS +979 77%Rel Milk Fat and Protein enhancer +70 +0.13% Fat Protein +47 +0.07% Sire CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.56 Dam TWIN-B-DAIRY ELECTRA-ET, VG-85 +3.8 5-00 2x 365d 33,480m 4.7 1569f 3.0 1017p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 456561 Type +1.95 76%Rel 1HO10217 MASTER *BY UDC FLC +1.18 +2.06 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2168 0.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 96%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.1% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 90%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 58%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 96%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 PregCheck™ 100 97%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.1 69%Rel Close 2.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ 100 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Twin-B-Dairy Electra-ET, VG-85



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02747 WEIGELINE JOSE MAYHEM *TV %-I +$542 87% ile Net Merit JOSE X POTTER X MARATHON +$448 86%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/06/08 • USA Reg. 65888855 +$620 Fluid Merit 218 Daughters Herds 61 Unique pedigree with no Oman, Shottle, Goldwyn, or Planet! +1657 94%Rel Milk Adds pounds to your tank +37 -0.09% Fat Protein +23 -0.10% Sire Jose Prod. Life SCS +2.79 Dam BUCKNELL POTER MARGE CRI-ET +5.1 3-10 3x 305d 38,200m 3.3 1247f 2.8 1052p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 345 DMS 345234 Type +1.12 88%Rel 1HO02747 MAYHEM UDC FLC +0.88 +1.31 HA -Trait Profile 53 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1969 0.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 6.6% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.9% 74%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 94%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 74%Rel 1.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.5 98%Rel 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 102 98%Rel 1.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 78%Rel Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ 101 96%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10674 CO-OP TRIGGER MEANDER-ET *TV %-I +$701 99% ile Net Merit TRIGGER X RAMOS X LAUDAN +$764 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/18/11 • USA Reg. 69865037 +$635 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Foot and Leg improver +965 76%Rel Milk Appealing health and longevity +44 +0.03% Fat Sire LARS-ACRES SHOT TRIGGER-ET Protein +38 +0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.58 Dam CO-OP RAMOS MEGAN-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +6.0 2-02 3x 339d 26,863m 3.4 916f 3.1 823p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 435 DMS 234246 Type +1.91 75%Rel 1HO10674 MEANDER UDC FLC +1.87 +1.61 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2163 0.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Sire Calving Ease 7.1% 69%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.3% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 59%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 58%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 81%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.9 PregCheck™ 101 83%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 68%Rel Close 1.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

Co-op Ramos Megan, VG-85, VG-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10614 UNITED-PRIDE TRIG MILAN-ET *TV %-I +$639 97% ile Net Merit TRIGGER X ALI X RAMOS +$718 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 01/27/11 • USA Reg. 69716788 +$560 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding Health & Fitness +674 76%Rel Milk Perfect free-stall cows with moderate size and great mobility +33 +0.03% Fat Protein +34 +0.05% Sire LARS-ACRES SHOT TRIGGER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.63 Dam UNITED-PRIDE ALI 2620, VG-88, EX-MS, DOM +6.1 3-01 3x 365d 35,580m 3.7 1331f 3.2 1156p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 354 DMS 345 Type +1.77 75%Rel 1HO10614 MILAN UDC FLC +1.56 +1.69 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2107 0.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 8.2% 82%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 69%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 57%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 86%Rel 1.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 102 89%Rel 1.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.9 66%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 102 85%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: United Pride Ali 2620, VG-88, EX-MS




MGD: Mountfield Marsh Maxine-ET, VG-88, EX-MS

Dam: Sully Planet Manitoba-ET, GP-83



Birth Date 04/26/10 • USA Reg. 69398736

Birth Date 07/24/11 • USA Reg. 70372014

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$654 97% ile Cheese Merit +$756 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$554 G G Daughters Herds +793 76%Rel Milk +64 +0.14% Fat +42 +0.07% Protein +3.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.55 Dam: Mountfield S Melrose-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-84, DOM +2.03 75%Rel Type +2.04 UDC FLC +1.88 +2181 TPISM 6.4% 96%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.1% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 89%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.3% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.6 96%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 97%Rel PregCheck™ +0.4 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 94%Rel SynchCheck™

Outstanding functional Type and udder quality

Unmatchable Milk yield improver

Udder health specialist

Type improver


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$563 91% ile Cheese Merit +$548 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$593 G G Daughters Herds +2666 75%Rel Milk +63 -0.13% Fat +75 -0.02% Protein +2.6 Prod. Life SCS +3.03 Sully Shottle May-TW, VG-85, DOM HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.53 75%Rel Type +1.78 UDC FLC +1.83 +2177 TPISM 6.6% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.8% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 52%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.1 77%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 79%Rel PregCheck™ -0.8 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™


2-02 2x 365d 22,616m 4.3 977f 3.4 772p lbs. aAa 312 DMS 135561MEL 1HO10406 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.7 1.2 0.9 0.3 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.5 1.8 2.8 2.0 1.9 1.2 2.6 1.2 0.6 0.8

2-03 2x 365d 33,290m 3.9 1306f 3.1 1041p lbs. aAa 234 DMS 123135MYTH 1HO10692 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.6 1.2 1.6 2.9 0.3 2.1 0.4 2.6 1.4 2.1 1.9 3.5 3.2 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.4 0.1



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10855 A-K-MOHR DOMAIN NIKKO-P *TV +$411 59% ile Net Merit DOMAIN X LAWN BOY P-RED X MARMAX +$387 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/07/11 • USA Reg. 141589705 +$433 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds RC and Polled Domain son +1157 76%Rel Milk Trouble-free calvings +2 -0.15% Fat Protein +26 -0.03% Sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.87 Dam A-K-MOHR LAWN BOY NASH-RED, GP-82 +4.7 3-11 2x 365d 33,130m 3.2 1055f 3.2 1046p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 135123 Type +1.60 76%Rel 1HO10855 NIKKO-P *RC UDC FLC +1.07 +2.15 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1898 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.7% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.9% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.3% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 54%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 PregCheck™ NA 2.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 68%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.8 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10679 MICHIGAN POSEIDON ONYX-ET *TV +$571 92% ile Net Merit ALTACANDOR X PLANET X BRET +$581 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 05/07/11 • USA Reg. 141259341 +$572 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Appealing Fertility +1654 76%Rel Milk Milk yield improver +42 -0.07% Fat Sire SPRINGWAY ALTACANDOR-ET Protein +50 +0.00% Prod. Life SCS +2.97 Dam MICHIGAN PL NEPTUNE 4579-ET, VG-86, VG-MS +4.3 2-01 2x 365d 28,390m 4.1 1162f 3.5 996p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 135345 Type +1.63 75%Rel 1HO10679 ONYX UDC FLC +0.70 +1.98 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2071 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.3% 53%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 51%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.3 76%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 PregCheck™ 103 79%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 66%Rel Close 2.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.9 SynchCheck™ 105 70%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10800 HARTFORD GALLON OUTACITE-ET *TV %-I +$665 98% ile Net Merit GALLON X HILL X TOYSTORY +$709 69%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/20/11 • USA Reg. 70372020 +$628 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Youthful, well-attached udders with quality components +1121 74%Rel Milk From high-demand maternal line known for transmitting +67 +0.10% Fat elite genomic values Protein +41 +0.03% Sire PINE-TREE JEEVES GALLON-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.83 Dam HARTFORD LOTTA-HILL 940, VG-87, VG-MS +4.1 2-01 2x 365d 32,490m 4.8 1545f 3.2 1049p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 Type +1.80 72%Rel 1HO10800DMS OUTACITE 234246 UDC FLC +1.05 +2.05 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2166 1.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 6.6% 58%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.4% 51%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 53%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 4.4% 49%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.6 78%Rel 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ 100 79%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 64%Rel Close 1.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Dam: Hartford Lotta-Hill 940, VG-87, VG-MS SynchCheck™ 100 70%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Hartford Lotta-Hill 940, VG-87

Oakfield Blue Lagoon-ET



Birth Date 04/01/11 • USA Reg. 70371940

Birth Date 01/28/06 • USA Reg. 137611441

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$616 96% ile Cheese Merit +$684 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$546 G G Daughters Herds +409 75%Rel Milk +70 +0.21% Fat +24 +0.04% Protein +4.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.65 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +3.36 72%Rel Type +2.64 UDC FLC +2.34 +2213 TPISM 7.7% 70%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.1% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.2 95%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 94%Rel PregCheck™ +0.9 64%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 90%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$702 99% ile Cheese Merit +$683 97%Rel Fluid Merit +$717 4052 Daughters Herds 845 +2095 99%Rel Milk +43 -0.12% Fat +53 -0.04% Protein +5.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.70 Bosside O-Style Dharma-ET, VG-85, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-MS +1.54 95%Rel Type +1.22 UDC FLC +2.11 +2212 TPISM 6.2% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 95%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.4% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.1% 96%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.8 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 95%Rel PregCheck™ +1.8 96%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 103 90%Rel SynchCheck™

Clark x Hill x Toystory = Outstanding Genex sire stack

Among the industry’s leaders for daughter-proven TPISM

Top-notch Type with + DPR

Extreme progeny-tested Milk yields with health that lasts



2-01 2x 365d 32,490m 4.8 1545f 3.2 1049p lbs. aAa 324 DMS 561126OMEGA 1HO10636 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.7 1.2 1.9 2.9 1.1 1.4 0.9 2.8 1.8 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.2 2.7 2.5 2.1 2.0 0.1

3-02 3x 305d 36,930m 3.5 1281f 2.9 1057p lbs. aAa 432 DMS 345234O-STYLE 1HO09167 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

230 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.7 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.9 2.4 2.2 1.9 2.3 2.1 1.1 1.6 0.4 1.0 0.3



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09390 L-L-M-DAIRY PADLOCK CRI-ET *TV +$487 78% ile Net Merit MARION X RUDOLPH X PRELUDE +$544 87%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/15/06 • USA Reg. 62769059 +$430 Fluid Merit 91 Daughters Herds 52 Exceptionally low inbreeding in a daughter-proven package +1077 92%Rel Milk Strengthens udder attachments +47 +0.03% Fat Protein +41 +0.04% Sire VEAZLAND MARION-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 Dam L-L-M-DAIRY RUDOLPH PILGRIM, EX-92, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM +2.8 9-11 2x 365d 40,250m 3.7 1499f 3.0 1208p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 345135 Type +1.41 89%Rel 1HO09390 PADLOCK UDC FLC +1.32 +1.40 HA -Trait Profile 61 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1957 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 6.1% 94%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.3% 72%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 86%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 71%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.6 95%Rel 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 PregCheck™ 102 87%Rel 0.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.3 80%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.0 SynchCheck™ 102 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Amerikrahn Padlock 650


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02848 CO-OP AUDEN PARKER-ET *TV +$449 69% ile Net Merit AUDEN X O MAN X DURHAM +$556 89%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/12/08 • USA Reg. 65258473 +$352 Fluid Merit 656 Daughters Herds 215 GENESIS mating sire by Auden +512 98%Rel Milk A foot and leg improver +66 +0.18% Fat Sire LADYS-MANOR AUDEN-ET Protein +38 +0.08% Prod. Life SCS +2.74 Dam BUCKHORN-ACRES PEGGY CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +2.2 1-11 3x 305d 26,250m 3.1 813f 3.1 802p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 345 DMS 234 Type +0.81 84%Rel 1HO02848 PARKER UDC FLC +1.28 +0.43 HA -Trait Profile 16 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1871 0.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 8.4% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 91%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 8.5% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 8.9% 89%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 99%Rel 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 101 98%Rel 1.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 79%Rel Close 2.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Maternal Sister: Co-op UPD Sharky 2712, VG-85 Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 100 96%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10220 CO-OP UPD MATRIX PAX-RED-ET *TV +$518 84% ile Net Merit MATRIX-RED X O MAN X MARATHON +$588 74%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/21/09 • USA Reg. 66591080 +$449 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Calving Ease opportunity +722 77%Rel Milk Red son of the popular Pandora +22 -0.01% Fat Protein +34 +0.05% Sire MI-RO-ZE MRMX MATRIX-RED-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.67 Dam CO-OP OMAN PANDORA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM +5.0 2-11 3x 305d 29,900m 3.4 1030f 3.4 1002p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 345234 Type +0.83 77%Rel 1HO10220 PAX-RED UDC FLC +1.61 +0.66 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1926 0.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 94%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.4% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.0% 87%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 59%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 94%Rel 0.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.0 PregCheck™ 102 91%Rel 0.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 70%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Co-op Oman Pandora-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ 101 79%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2



INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO09593 MS M-PONDHILL BUCKEYE PILOT *TV %-I +$450 69% ile Net Merit BUCKEYE X TITANIC X ADDISON +$415 95%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/18/07 • USA Reg. 63811814 +$479 Fluid Merit 1919 Daughters Herds 631 Tall, deep and fancy with excellent Feet and Legs +1799 99%Rel Milk Appealing Milk yield improver +40 -0.09% Fat Protein +41 -0.05% Sire R-E-W BUCKEYE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam MS M-P TITANIC PAT-ET, VG-88, VG-MS +1.6 2-01 3x 305d 26,600m 3.5 940f 3.0 799p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 423 DMS 126561 Type +1.23 94%Rel 1HO09593 PILOT UDC FLC +2.13 +0.73 HA -Trait Profile 157 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1914 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 4.7% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.9% 93%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 6.7% 94%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 98%Rel 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 PregCheck™ 101 96%Rel 0.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 94%Rel Close 2.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 98 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Cornette Pilot 1600

Seidl’s Mt. View Pilot 3103


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10041 CO-OP PLANET PROPER-ET *TV +$549 88% ile Net Merit PLANET X ELEGANT X THRONE +$538 83%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/18/09 • USA Reg. 65472563 +$562 Fluid Merit 87 Daughters Herds 37 Outstanding udders with tremendous Milk production +1692 89%Rel Milk Elite Calving Ease +30 -0.12% Fat Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Protein +45 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.85 Dam ALL-RIEHL ELGNT PRIM CRI-ET, GP-83 +5.0 2-00 3x 305d 25,890m 3.7 970f 3.2 817p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 312 DMS 135123 Type +2.38 76%Rel 1HO10041 PROPER UDC FLC +1.02 +2.22 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2074 0.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.6% 70%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 71%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.2 99%Rel 3.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.8 PregCheck™ 100 98%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 75%Rel Close 2.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. MGD: All-Riehl Throne Prime-ET, VG-88, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchCheck™ 100 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10133 CO-OP SEB RADISSON-ET *TV +$630 97% ile Net Merit SEBASTIAN X SHARKY X OUTSIDE +$633 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/20/10 • USA Reg. 68767057 +$634 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Industry-leading DPR +1184 77%Rel Milk Great Feet and Legs +42 +0.00% Fat Protein +35 +0.00% Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.96 Dam DEERVUE-ACRES ROBIN CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.7 1-10 3x 365d 33,140m 4.7 1563f 3.3 1101p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 234246 Type +1.46 76%Rel 1HO10133 RADISSON UDC FLC +2.14 +0.98 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2143 1.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 6.1% 86%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.8% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 73%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 4.2% 59%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 93%Rel 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 PregCheck™ 103 97%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +3.6 69%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Deervue-Acres Robin CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ 104 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Jeresa Earnit Primrose-ET, VG-86, VG-MS

Dam: Weigeline Shottle 1291-ET, EX-90



Birth Date 02/27/11 • USA Reg. 141125815

Birth Date 01/20/11 • USA Reg. 69865003

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$636 97% ile Cheese Merit +$638 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$637 G G Daughters Herds +1897 75%Rel Milk +66 -0.01% Fat +53 -0.01% Protein +4.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.78 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.55 76%Rel Type +2.63 UDC FLC +0.38 +2158 TPISM 7.0% 75%Rel Sire Calving Ease 7.8% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.5% 64%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.5% 57%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +1.2 90%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 91%Rel PregCheck™ -0.9 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 84%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$708 99% ile Cheese Merit +$717 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$705 G G Daughters Herds +1531 76%Rel Milk +48 -0.03% Fat +45 +0.00% Protein +6.7 Prod. Life SCS +2.87 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.25 75%Rel Type +2.37 UDC FLC +1.12 +2230 TPISM 6.2% 91%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 76%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +2.6 94%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 94%Rel PregCheck™ +1.8 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 90%Rel SynchCheck™

Outstanding Milk improver

Pattern for fancy, open-ribbed cows with terrific udders

Appealing Type

Adds longevity and Milk production



2-01 2x 305d 24,740m 3.6 890f 742p lbs. aAa 324 DMS 135 POETRY 1HO10655 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.0 0.8 0.4 3.4 0.3 1.4 2.3 0.5 0.2 1.0 2.6 4.0 3.7 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.6

1-09 3x 305d 24,650m 2.9 725f 2.6 638p lbs. aAa 342 DMS 345234PUZZLE 1HO10648 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.5 0.7 0.0 2.4 0.5 1.1 1.2 1.4 0.5 1.7 2.6 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.2 2.5 2.6 1.6




SHAMROCK X CASSINO X OMAN Birth Date 01/05/12 • USA Reg. 70713843

MGGD: Net-A-Way Paris CRI-ET, GP-84

MGD: Co-op Oman Pandora-ET, VG-86, VG-MS

USDA PTA 8/2013 Elite LNM$ in a *RC package Net Merit +$792 99% ile From the popular and trusted Cheese Merit +$864 69%Rel Fluid Merit Pandora line +$721 Daughters Herds G G The total package Milk +773 74%Rel Fat +65 +0.15% Protein +36 +0.05% +7.0 Prod. Life SCS +2.66 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.28 72%Rel Type +1.92 FLC +1.72 UDC SM +2286 TPI 5.5% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.5% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.9% 52%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire LADYS-MANOR PL SHAMROCK-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dam CO-OP CASSINO 3980-ET, GP-83 NA PregCheck™ 2-00 3x 305d 23,310m 5.0 1176f 3.5 817p lbs. +1.9 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 513 DMS 561135 NA SynchCheck™


1HO10852 PRIMUS *RC HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.1 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.7 0.3 2.1 1.2 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.3 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.9

Maternal sister to dam: Co-op Toystory Peace 2409-ET




Dam: Deervue-Acres Robin CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS

MGD: Wilra Ramos 589-ET, EX-90, EX-MS



Birth Date 05/18/11 • USA Reg. 69912674

Birth Date 12/25/11 • USA Reg. 71261935

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$755 99% ile Cheese Merit +$795 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$719 G G Daughters Herds +1400 76%Rel Milk +94 +0.16% Fat +47 +0.02% Protein +4.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.75 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.60 75%Rel Type +1.62 UDC FLC +0.66 +2212 TPISM 7.0% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.6% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.7 94%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 94%Rel PregCheck™ +1.0 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 99 90%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$853 99% ile Cheese Merit +$917 69%Rel Fluid Merit +$788 G G Daughters Herds +1220 73%Rel Milk +77 +0.13% Fat +46 +0.03% Protein +7.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.61 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.43 71%Rel Type +1.62 UDC FLC +0.50 +2252 TPISM 6.8% 58%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.1% 54%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.9% 51%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) NA PregCheck™ +1.3 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

Incredible Fat yields

Impressive Fat percents

Long-lasting functional Type

Outstanding health traits



1-10 3x 365d 33,140m 4.7 1563f 3.3 1101p lbs. aAa 342 DMS 561 RAINIER 1HO10559 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.7 0.9 0.5 1.6 1.3 0.3 0.9 1.1 0.1 1.0 2.3 1.4 1.3 0.9 2.1 2.1 1.7 2.6

2-00 2x 305d 21,790m 4.8 1046f 3.3 720p lbs. aAa 156 DMS 345135REASON 1HO10850 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1



*BY 2

Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.7 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.1 0.7 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.4 1.5 2.8 2.4 2.7



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10069 RED-OAK-DB BAXTER BILL-ET *TV +$596 95% ile Net Merit BAXTER X O MAN X BW MARSHALL +$619 85%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/18/08 • USA Reg. 139843493 +$578 Fluid Merit 176 Daughters Herds 82 Strong, well-built, and good-uddered cows +1313 94%Rel Milk High Milk and Fat +82 +0.12% Fat Protein +42 +0.01% Sire EMERALD-ACR-SA T-BAXTER Prod. Life SCS +2.85 Dam RED-OAK-DB O MAN MARSIL, GP-83 +4.1 2-10 2x 305d 21,840m 4.3 933f 3.4 735p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 345234 Type +1.93 76%Rel 1HO10069 RED-OAK UDC FLC +1.82 +1.29 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2098 2.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 7.0% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.7 Open Rib 1.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 77%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 80%Rel 2.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.8 99%Rel 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 100 98%Rel 1.0 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.1 72%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchCheck™ 101 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Co-op Rdoack Clarissa 6324-ET


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10987 CO-OP LEWIS REPTATION-ET *TV %-I +$768 99% ile Net Merit LEWIS X SHARKY X OUTSIDE +$828 68%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/02/12 • USA Reg. 70541618 +$714 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding Fat from proven GENESIS family +1072 73%Rel Milk Highly fertile daughters +95 +0.21% Fat Protein +43 +0.04% Sire LATUCH FREDDIE LEWIS-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.78 Dam DEERVUE-ACRES ROBIN CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +4.8 1-10 3x 365d 33,140m 4.7 1563f 3.3 1101p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 345 DMS 345456 Type +1.70 72%Rel 1HO10987 REPTATION UDC FLC +2.13 +1.22 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2298 1.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 7.8% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.5% 50%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 9.0% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 46%Rel 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ NA 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.9 64%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Deervue-Acres Robin CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10525 CO-OP SUPER RIDOTT-ET *TV +$584 93% ile Net Merit SUPER X SHARKY X OUTSIDE +$637 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/28/11 • USA Reg. 69912640 +$531 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite DPR +1012 76%Rel Milk Dependable Co-Op lineage +23 -0.05% Fat Protein +39 +0.03% Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.69 Dam DEERVUE-ACRES ROBIN CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +4.9 1-10 3x 365d 33,140m 4.7 1563f 3.3 1101p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 423 DMS 561 Type +1.54 75%Rel 1HO10525 RIDOTT UDC FLC +1.51 +1.42 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2121 2.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 8.2% 78%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.7% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 66%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 57%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.5 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 84%Rel 0.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 101 82%Rel 2.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +3.3 67%Rel Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Deervue-Acres Robin CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 102 68%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




Dam: Gil-Gar Shottle Sadie-ET, VG-85, VG-MS



Birth Date 12/27/10 • USA Reg. 56541579

Birth Date 04/18/08 • USA Reg. 65850640

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$552 89% ile Cheese Merit +$591 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$501 G G Daughters Herds +725 76%Rel Milk +31 +0.02% Fat +24 +0.01% Protein +4.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.48 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.93 76%Rel Type +2.86 UDC FLC +2.47 +2128 TPISM 7.2% 93%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.5% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 81%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.7 96%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 93%Rel PregCheck™ +0.4 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 100 89%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$485 78% ile Cheese Merit +$552 86%Rel Fluid Merit +$426 125 Daughters Herds 48 +1014 92%Rel Milk +23 -0.06% Fat +43 +0.04% Protein +3.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.78 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.28 87%Rel Type +0.68 UDC FLC +0.76 +1923 TPISM 5.3% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.0% 72%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 97%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 72%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +4.8 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 102 99%Rel PregCheck™ +1.2 77%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 97%Rel SynchCheck™

Outstanding Type packaged with great Fertility

A sire Fertility leader

Wide and strong cows that milk

Great for the heifer pens



2-01 3x 365d 32,811m 4.3 1423f 3.3 1090p lbs. aAa 234 DMS 345135SAJAC 1HO10497 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.1 2.8 2.2 2.9 3.4 3.5 3.2 2.4 3.2 2.1 2.0 1.2

2-03 2x 365d 23,580m 3.7 864f 3.2 751p lbs. aAa 231 DMS 561135SASON 1HO02789 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

47 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 0.3 0.5 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.8 0.3 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.6 2.4 0.3 1.9 2.2 0.3



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10318 GRAN-J RUSSELL SABLE CRI-ET *TV +$634 97% ile Net Merit RUSSELL X AUDEN X O-MAN +$713 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/18/10 • USA Reg. 69560612 +$559 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Incredible Fat yields +737 76%Rel Milk Straightens Rear Legs Side View +94 +0.25% Fat Protein +37 +0.05% Sire BRIGEEN RUSSELL Prod. Life SCS +2.69 Dam GRAN-J AUDEN SNACK-ET, EX-90 +3.3 2-05 2x 365d 28,780m 4.5 1282f 3.5 999p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 342 DMS 135123 Type +1.44 76%Rel 1HO10318 SABLE UDC FLC +1.59 +1.17 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2083 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 6.7% 85%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.0% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 74%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 58%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 87%Rel 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 PregCheck™ 101 88%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.1 68%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 102 87%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Gran-J Auden Snack-ET, EX-90


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10477 DE-SU DOMAIN SANTINO-ET *TV +$560 90% ile Net Merit DOMAIN X WIZARD X MTOTO +$580 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/24/10 • USA Reg. 69989991 +$525 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Healthy, quality udders +645 77%Rel Milk Impressive DPR +37 +0.06% Fat Sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN-ET Protein +17 -0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.52 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +4.9 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS 234 Type +1.76 77%Rel 1HO10477 SANTINO UDC FLC +1.14 +1.80 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2043 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 6.2% 93%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.1 Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.6% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 84%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 59%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 95%Rel 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 103 93%Rel 2.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 69%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91 Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchCheck™ 103 90%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10834 CROIX-LINE O-STYLE SAVION *TV +$644 97% ile Net Merit O-STYLE X MAC X WIZARD +$608 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/04/11 • USA Reg. 71034804 +$677 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Among our best for FLC +1650 76%Rel Milk All-around appeal with strong PL and Milk +40 -0.07% Fat Protein +37 -0.05% Sire CO-OP O-STYLE OMAN JUST-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam CROIX-LINE MAC 1375-ET, GP-83, VG-MS +5.2 2-00 2x 305d 22,810m 3.7 855f 2.9 661p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS NA Type +1.49 76%Rel 1HO10834 SAVION UDC FLC +2.30 +1.63 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2130 0.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 5.4% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 3.8% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 55%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.3% 54%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.0 PregCheck™ 101 58%Rel 1.7 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 69%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2

MGD: Croix-Line Wizard Sprinkle



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10227 FUSTEAD MASSEY SCRAMBLE-ET *TV +$656 97% ile Net Merit MASSEY X ALLY X ORION *CV +$783 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/24/09 • USA Reg. 140306862 +$546 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Tremendous Fat and Protein combination +496 77%Rel Milk Youthful, well-attached udders +90 +0.27% Fat Protein +43 +0.11% Sire CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam FUSTEAD ALLY STEM, VG-87, EX-MS +2.8 3-07 2x 365d 27,710m 5.1 1402f 3.6 1002p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 432 DMS 345 Type +1.53 77%Rel 1HO10227 SCRAMBLE UDC FLC +1.10 +1.58 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2090 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 94%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 85%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 58%Rel 0.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 96%Rel 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 PregCheck™ 101 97%Rel 1.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 69%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Full sister: Fustead Massey Style-ET, VG-85 Long Short Teat Length 2.6 SynchCheck™ 100 96%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02611 WILRA BOLIVER SEQUOIA-ET *TV %-I +$568 91% ile Net Merit BOLIVER X RAMOS X ADDISON +$660 92%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/19/07 • USA Reg. 64188829 +$481 Fluid Merit 1272 Daughters Herds 244 High Sire Conception Rate +946 98%Rel Milk Strong udder attachments +41 +0.02% Fat Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Protein +46 +0.06% Prod. Life SCS +2.65 Dam WILRA RAMOS 599-ET, +3.3 1-10 3x 305d 26,110m 4.3 1117f 2.9 756p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 561 DMS 561135 Type +1.19 92%Rel 1HO02611 SEQUOIA UDC FLC +0.67 +1.55 HA -Trait Profile 135 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2047 1.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 7.3% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.3% 92%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.7% 93%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.7 98%Rel 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 PregCheck™ 102 95%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 90%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchCheck™ 100 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Harpster Sequoia 8963

Smith Sequoia 1688


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10617 WEIGELINE BOWSER SERGIO *TV %-I +$625 97% ile Net Merit BOWSER X NIFTY X ALLY +$677 71%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/05/10 • USA Reg. 69120828 +$575 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Easy calvings +647 75%Rel Milk Youthful, well-attached udders +33 +0.04% Fat Protein +29 +0.04% Sire LAESCHWAY JET BOWSER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.77 Dam WEIGELINE NIFTY 1351, VG-87, VG-MS +6.4 2-09 3x 305d 23,430m 3.9 925f 3.1 729p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 345456 Type +1.09 75%Rel 1HO10617 SERGIO UDC FLC +0.77 +1.54 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2053 0.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 89%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.1% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 79%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 57%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 96%Rel 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 PregCheck™ 102 97%Rel 2.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 67%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.4 SynchCheck™ 102 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Weigeline Nifty 1351, VG-87, VG-MS



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10806 LADYS-MANOR L SHENZI-ET *TV +$622 97% ile Net Merit LIESL X PLANET X SHOTTLE +$641 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 03/16/11 • USA Reg. 70476065 +$602 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Transmits youthful, well-attached udders +1355 76%Rel Milk Well balance Type and production +39 -0.04% Fat Sire PENN-ENGLAND LIESL 628A Protein +41 +0.00% Dam LADYS-MANOR PL SHANIA-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life SCS +2.74 +5.5 1-08 2x 365d 32,340m 3.4 1086f 3.0 971p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 234 DMS NA Type +1.92 75%Rel 1HO10806 SHENZI UDC FLC +0.95 +2.46 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2125 1.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 67%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.9% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 59%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 7.7% 58%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 74%Rel 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 PregCheck™ 104 79%Rel 3.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 68%Rel Close 1.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchCheck™ 105 68%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Ladys-Manor PL Shania-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM


INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 1HO09248 BURKET-FALLS SIGNIFICANT-ET *TV +$259 30% ile Net Merit MARION X RUDOLPH X BLACKSTAR +$244 94%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 04/06/06 • USA Reg. 137477179 +$275 Fluid Merit 1538 Daughters Herds 503 Unique Polled genetics combined with high Milk yields +1306 99%Rel Milk Tall, deep, and fancy +55 +0.03% Fat Sire VEAZLAND MARION-ET Protein +33 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.89 Dam BURKET-FALLS SR SARAYN-ET, EX-93, EX-MS, 3E, GMD, DOM -0.1 4-11 2x 365d 36,400m 4.9 1785f 3.2 1182p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 612 DMS 135 Type +1.73 94%Rel 1HO09248 SIGNIF-P UDC FLC +0.28 +1.12 HA -Trait Profile 170 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1752 2.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.3 Sire Calving Ease 8.3% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.6 Open Rib 2.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.2% 90%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.3 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 92%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 99%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.9 PregCheck™ 99 86%Rel 0.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.9 92%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.7 SynchCheck™ 97 77%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Krueger Signif 816

Fisher Signif Tulip


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO09853 CO-OP FREDDIE SOBIESKI *TV %-I +$632 97% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X LYNCH X DUCE +$699 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/16/09 • USA Reg. 65801592 +$568 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outstanding fitness +393 75%Rel Milk Foot and Leg improvement opportunities +44 +0.11% Fat Protein +25 +0.05% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam CO-OP LYNCH SUGAR, VG-85, VG-MS +5.6 2-01 3x 316d 25,630m 4.5 1162f 3.3 856p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 513 DMS 345456 Type +1.62 75%Rel 1HO09853 SOBIESKI UDC FLC +2.16 +1.36 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2110 0.8 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.5% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.9% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 95%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 57%Rel 2.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.1 97%Rel 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 PregCheck™ 102 97%Rel 1.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.8 67%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchCheck™ 100 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Co-op Lynch Sugar, VG-85, VG-MS



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10235 SOUTHERN-HILLS AR BURGER-TW *TV +$532 85% ile Net Merit ARBOR X GOLDWYN X DURHAM +$581 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 09/13/09 • USA Reg. 140161272 +$474 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds High Fat + low SCS= increased premiums +638 75%Rel Milk Great Feet and Legs +70 +0.18% Fat Protein +24 +0.02% Sire WABASH-WAY ARBOR-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.52 Dam SOUTHERN-HILLS GW BENTLY-ET, EX-91 +2.8 2-02 3x 365d 32,090m 4.8 1533f 3.2 1017p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 312 DMS 561 Type +2.46 75%Rel 1HO10235 SOUTHERN UDC FLC +1.99 +1.60 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2038 1.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 7.7% 94%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.3% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 87%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 7.5% 58%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 96%Rel 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ 101 93%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate 0.0 67%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Southern-Hills GW Bently-ET, EX-91 Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchCheck™ 101 90%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02849 FUSTEAD SHOTTLE STUART-ET *TV +$499 80% ile Net Merit SHOTTLE X O MAN X BLITZ +$532 86%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/19/08 • USA Reg. 139519400 +$462 Fluid Merit 138 Daughters Herds 58 Type+production=Profit +935 93%Rel Milk Long-lasting, healthy-uddered cows +37 +0.01% Fat Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Protein +31 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.67 Dam FUSTEAD OMAN SAMMY-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +5.1 2-05 2x 365d 29,980m 4.5 1353f 3.5 1059p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 435 DMS 246234 Type +1.56 78%Rel 1HO02849 STU UDC FLC +1.60 +1.19 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1955 1.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Sire Calving Ease 7.4% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.2 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.8% 75%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 96%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 77%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 98%Rel 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 PregCheck™ 101 97%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 73%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 SynchCheck™ 102 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Fustead Oman Sammy-ET, VG-85, VG-MS


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO02682 WA-DEL SUREFIRE-ET *TV %-I +$517 84% ile Net Merit RAMOS X O MAN X DURHAM +$579 90%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 10/08/07 • USA Reg. 138851507 +$460 Fluid Merit 460 Daughters Herds 155 Fertile daughters +1250 97%Rel Milk Solid Feet and Legs +26 -0.07% Fat Protein +48 +0.04% Sire RAMOS Prod. Life SCS +2.70 Dam TEL-SAL SAMANTHA-ET, VG-85, DOM +3.5 1-11 2x 305d 24,080m 4.3 1031f 3.1 756p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 645 DMS 561135 Type +1.69 90%Rel 1HO02682 SUREFIRE UDC FLC +2.51 +1.31 HA -Trait Profile 77 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2073 2.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.0 Sire Calving Ease 9.0% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.1% 83%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 94%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 3.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 85%Rel 2.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 98%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 PregCheck™ 99 92%Rel 1.3 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 86%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchCheck™ 100 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Tri Star Surefire 7524




MGD: Wilra Ramos 589-ET, EX-90, EX-MS

Dam: Ms Pride Plnt Tasket 788-ET, VG-85



Birth Date 04/22/11 • USA Reg. 70109223

Birth Date 10/10/11 • USA Reg. 70541461

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$556 89% ile Cheese Merit +$558 70%Rel Fluid Merit +$553 G G Daughters Herds +888 75%Rel Milk +43 +0.04% Fat +24 -0.01% Protein +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.83 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +3.02 71%Rel Type +2.33 UDC FLC +1.11 +2094 TPISM 7.1% 58%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.6% 54%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.8% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 51%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +4.7 76%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 105 79%Rel PregCheck™ +1.1 64%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 104 77%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$798 99% ile Cheese Merit +$806 68%Rel Fluid Merit +$782 G G Daughters Herds +1509 72%Rel Milk +73 +0.07% Fat +41 -0.02% Protein +6.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.59 MGD: Ms Pride Shottle Ticker HA-USA PTA 8/2013 295-ET, VG-86 +1.93 71%Rel Type +1.69 UDC FLC +1.21 +2267 TPISM 5.8% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.3% 50%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.9% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +0.3 67%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 99 77%Rel PregCheck™ +1.5 64%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

Appealing Type in a high health trait package

Trustworthy son of industry’s past leading female for LNM and TPISM

Elite Sire Conception

Elite LNM with exceptional longevity and udder health



2-02 2x 305d 25,560m 3.8 977f 3.1 791p lbs. aAa 423 DMS NA SPEEDY 1HO10654 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.5 0.2 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.5 1.6 1.4 0.3 1.8 2.9 3.4 3.2 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.0

2-01 2x 365d 33,940m 3.9 1326f 3.2 1083p lbs. aAa 342 DMS NA TALAN 1HO10730 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.4 0.7 0.5 1.2 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.3 1.1 1.4 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.3 1.1 2.5 2.3 1.5




BOLIVER X O MAN X JUROR Birth Date 12/29/04 • USA Reg. 62065919

Harmony-Ho Super Quilting

Four Shot Super Zoom-ET

INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 Elite daughter-proven TPISM Net Merit +$602 95% ile The complete package Cheese Merit +$625 97%Rel Fluid Merit +$572 High Conception Daughters Herds 2680 8597 Milk +1393 99%Rel Fat +3 -0.18% Protein +41 +0.00% +6.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.59 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.88 99%Rel Type +1.89 FLC +1.15 UDC SM +2128 TPI 7.7% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.1% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.7% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.1% 99%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.8 99%Rel Dam CHARLESDALE SWEET STAR 102 98%Rel PregCheck™ VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +2.3 97%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 1-10 3x 365d 33,740m 3.3 1106f 3.1 1058p lbs. 102 95%Rel SynchCheck™ aAa 234 DMS 345456 -2

1HO08778 SUPER HA -Trait Profile -1



2566 Dtrs.


Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1




1.4 1.0 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.1 1.7 0.8 1.8 1.4 2.9 1.9 1.8 1.2 2.2 1.3 0.6 0.6

Co-op Super 217-ET

Sandy-Valley Supr Brayva-ET, VG-85



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10952 DINOMI SY-P CRI-ET *TV +$504 81% ile Net Merit COLT P-RED X BUCKEYE X JORDAN-RED +$544 69%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/13/11 • USA Reg. 70541583 +$463 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Polled and RC +632 73%Rel Milk Udder improvement opportunities +35 +0.05% Fat Sire SANDY-VALLEY COLT P-RED-TW Protein +25 +0.02% Dam CHASIN-RAINBOWS BUCK SUE-ET, VG-87, VG-MS Prod. Life SCS +2.73 +4.6 4-02 2x 319d 42,180m 4.0 1705f 3.2 1367p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 345 DMS 126246 Type +1.63 72%Rel 1HO10952 SY-P *RC UDC FLC +0.86 +2.17 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1982 1.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 7.7% 59%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 53%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Dau. Stillbirth 7.2% 50%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.3 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 3.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 PregCheck™ NA 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 64%Rel Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Chasin-Rainbows Buck Sue-ET, VG-87, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10619 PRIDE ROSS TIPSY 57-ET *TV %-I +$659 97% ile Net Merit ALTAROSS X PLANET X SHOTTLE +$720 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 12/30/10 • USA Reg. 70189499 +$606 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Comes from total performance and health trait specialist sire stack +795 75%Rel Milk Great combined Fat and Protein +60 +0.12% Fat Sire BOSSIDE ALTAROSS-ET Protein +36 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Dam MS PRIDE PLAN TICKLE 749-ET, GP-80 +6.2 1-11 2x 365d 32,090m 4.1 1316f 3.1 979p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 312 DMS 561456 Type +1.35 75%Rel 1HO10619 TIPSY UDC FLC +0.97 +1.16 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2059 0.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 6.5% 82%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 63%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 70%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 57%Rel 0.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 87%Rel 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 PregCheck™ 102 91%Rel 0.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 67%Rel Close 2.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. MGD: Mspride Shotle Ticker 594-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 2.0 SynchCheck™ 101 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10262 REGANCREST-PJ TONIC-ET *TV %-I +$593 94% ile Net Merit MAN-O-MAN X JOSE X BOLIVER +$699 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/01/10 • USA Reg. 66625987 +$515 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Attractive Type bull for your heifer pens +1202 76%Rel Milk Component yield improver +77 +0.12% Fat Protein +61 +0.10% Sire LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +3.05 Dam REGANCREST-PJ JOS TABORA-ET, EX-91, EX-MS +1.3 2-01 2x 365d 27,480m 4.0 1102f 3.3 904p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 234 Type +2.38 76%Rel 1HO10262 TONIC UDC FLC +1.83 +2.04 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2206 2.7 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 5.6% 98%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.2 Open Rib 2.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.8% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 5.6% 93%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 58%Rel 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 98%Rel 3.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.9 PregCheck™ 102 98%Rel 1.5 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 68%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Regancrest-PJ Jos Tabora-ET, EX-91, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ 101 96%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




HILL X COLBY X FBI Birth Date 08/19/11 • USA Reg. 70750485

Dam: Ms Welcome Colby Taya, VG-88, EX-MS

USDA PTA 8/2013 Popular mating sire with elite daughterNet Merit +$795 99% ile proven, high transmitting pedigree Cheese Merit +$793 72%Rel Fluid Merit Tremendous Milk and Fat yield improver +$795 Daughters Herds G G Standout for Type, udders, and mobility Milk +2162 76%Rel Fat +72 -0.02% Protein +58 -0.02% +4.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.67 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +3.16 75%Rel Type +3.26 FLC +2.10 UDC SM +2462 TPI 6.7% 60%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.8% 56%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.9% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire LOTTA-HILL SHOTTLE 41-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.4 84%Rel Dam MS WELCOME COLBY TAYA-ET 99 86%Rel PregCheck™ VG-88, EX-MS, DOM +1.2 68%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 1-10 3x 365d 41,240m 3.3 1357f 3.0 1255p lbs. 101 69%Rel SynchCheck™ aAa 246 DMS 234345 -2

1HO10824 TANGO HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





2.9 1.1 0.9 1.7 0.5 2.2 0.8 1.6 2.5 2.3 3.8 4.6 4.3 1.7 3.4 1.4 0.9 0.8



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10845 SANDY-VALLEY MR TWAYNE-ET *TV %-I +$690 98% ile Net Merit LEWIS X RAMOS X TERRY +$761 69%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 11/28/11 • USA Reg. 70358199 +$618 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Great longevity and udder quality +870 73%Rel Milk Strong Fore Udder Attachments with correct Teat Placement +41 +0.04% Fat Sire LATUCH FREDDIE LEWIS-ET Protein +37 +0.04% Dam SANDY-VALLEY RAMO TERESA-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, DOM Prod. Life SCS +2.60 +6.4 2-03 2x 365d 27,610m 4.1 1145f 3.4 932 lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 324 DMS NA Type +2.56 73%Rel 1HO10845 TWAYNE UDC FLC +1.69 +2.59 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2244 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 61%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 4.8% 52%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 57%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 48%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) NA 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 PregCheck™ NA 2.9 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 65%Rel Close 1.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Sandy-Valley Ramo Teresa-ET, VG-87, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchCheck™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10451 HICKORYMEA BRONCO TYLER *TV +$456 71% ile Net Merit BRONCO X DEANN X TITANIC +$442 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/18/10 • USA Reg. 140721018 +$478 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Polled outcross sire +1558 77%Rel Milk Fat yield improver +72 +0.05% Fat Sire END-ROAD O-MAN BRONCO-ET Protein +42 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +3.02 Dam HICKORYMEA DEANN TROJAN-P, VG-88, EX-MS +1.2 3-00 2x 272d 21,230m 4.0 847f 2.9 622p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 243 DMS 345135 Type +1.80 77%Rel 1HO10451 TYLER-P UDC FLC +1.80 +1.76 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1991 2.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Sire Calving Ease 7.0% 90%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 80%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 5.3% 58%Rel 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.2 91%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 PregCheck™ 100 81%Rel 1.8 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.1 69%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchCheck™ 99 77%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10295 COLDSPRINGS UMAN 9473-ET *TV +$518 84% ile Net Merit MAN-O-MAN X OUTSIDE X PATRON +$627 73%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 02/01/10 • USA Reg. 62246762 +$428 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Incredible components +757 76%Rel Milk Show stopping Type +77 +0.18% Fat Protein +47 +0.09% Sire LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.91 Dam COLDSPRINGS OUTS 1715KI-ET, EX-91, EX-MS +1.4 4-09 3x 365d 40,920m 4.3 1772f 3.3 1361p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 DMS 561135 Type +3.15 77%Rel 1HO10295 UMAN UDC FLC +2.33 +2.77 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2193 3.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.0 Sire Calving Ease 8.4% 97%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.1 Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 92%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 7.3% 59%Rel 2.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 3.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.9 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 98%Rel 3.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.2 PregCheck™ 101 96%Rel 2.6 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 3.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 69%Rel Close 3.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Coldsprings Outs 1715KI-ET, EX-91, EX-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.0 SynchCheck™ 99 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2




BW MARSHALL X PATRON X LUKE Birth Date 05/07/01 • USA Reg. 60372887

Savage-Leigh Lavisha-ET, VG-89

Morningview Tstry Ashley-ET, VG-86

INTERBULL-USA PTA 8/2013 The total profit package Net Merit +$253 29% ile Outstanding second crop Cheese Merit +$256 99%Rel Fluid Merit +$254 Daughters fit for any environment Daughters Herds 23355 99999 Milk +956 99%Rel Fat +32 -0.01% Protein +28 +0.00% -0.4 Prod. Life SCS +2.96 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +2.02 99%Rel Type +1.92 FLC +1.34 UDC SM +1777 TPI 6.9% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.9% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 99%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.2 99%Rel Dam JENNY-LOU PATRON TOYANE 100 91%Rel PregCheck™ VG-89, VG-MS, GMD, DOM -0.2 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 4-05 3x 365d 45,826m 3.8 1749f 3.1 1419p lbs. 99 81%Rel SynchCheck™ aAa 132 DMS 123126 -2

1HO07235 TOYSTORY HA -Trait Profile 48906 Dtrs. -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long -1




1.9 0.7 1.1 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 2.3 1.1 1.4 2.9 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.8 2.4 2.4 0.3

Dagget-Brook Toy Dyery, EX-91

Regancrest TS Benshae-ET, VG-87




Dam: Ms Pride Plnt Tasket 788-ET, VG-85

Dam: United-Pride Ali 2620, VG-88, EX-MS



Birth Date 09/01/11 • USA Reg. 70541546

Birth Date 03/20/11 • USA Reg. 69716820

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$779 99% ile Cheese Merit +$814 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$757 G G Daughters Herds +2123 75%Rel Milk +84 +0.02% Fat +69 +0.02% Protein +5.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.86 MGD: Ms Pride Shottle Ticker HA-USA PTA 8/2013 295-ET, VG-86 +2.55 74%Rel Type +2.27 UDC FLC +1.18 +2382 TPISM 7.5% 59%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.7% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.6% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +1.2 81%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 100 82%Rel PregCheck™ +0.8 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate NA SynchCheck™

Incredible all-around yield numbers and elite TPISM

Transmits moderate size and trouble-free functional Type

Pedigree backed by industry toppers

Competitive health traits and SCR


USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$612 96% ile Cheese Merit +$590 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$622 G G Daughters Herds +1392 76%Rel Milk +40 -0.04% Fat +30 -0.04% Protein +5.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.63 MGD: United-Pride Ramos 2048, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 EX-91, EX-MS +2.14 75%Rel Type +2.36 UDC FLC +0.86 +2103 TPISM 6.8% 57%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6.4% 54%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.2% 53%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.3% 51%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +4.3 78%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 106 83%Rel PregCheck™ +1.5 66%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 70%Rel SynchCheck™


2-01 2x 365d 33,940m 3.9 1326f 3.2 1083p lbs. aAa 324 DMS 135345TUSCOBIA 1HO10915 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.7 1.6 1.6 1.8 0.8 1.8 0.7 1.5 0.9 1.4 2.7 4.0 3.6 2.1 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.4

3-01 3x 365d 35,580m 3.7 1331f 3.2 1156p lbs. aAa 432 DMS NA UNIQUE 1HO10660 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.8 0.3 0.1 1.7 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.1 0.4 1.2 2.7 3.1 2.9 2.1 2.4 2.3 1.9 2.0




Dam: Ned-El Ramos Marley, EX-90

Dam: Co-op Boliver Yoyo-ET, VG-85, VG-MS



Birth Date 06/12/10 • USA Reg. 66796601

Birth Date 07/01/11 • USA Reg. 70713775

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$597 95% ile Cheese Merit +$670 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$526 G G Daughters Herds +484 76%Rel Milk +13 -0.02% Fat +28 +0.05% Protein +6.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.71 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.66 76%Rel Type +1.78 UDC FLC +1.93 +2091 TPISM 6.6% 97%Rel Sire Calving Ease 4.3% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.8% 92%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.0% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 +3.4 97%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 103 97%Rel PregCheck™ +2.8 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 102 94%Rel SynchCheck™

USDA PTA 8/2013 Net Merit +$724 99% ile Cheese Merit +$801 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$654 G G Daughters Herds +1175 75%Rel Milk +41 +0.00% Fat +49 +0.05% Protein +6.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.70 MGD: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, HA-USA PTA 8/2013 VG-85, VG-MS, VG-85,VG-MS +1.93 74%Rel Type +2.34 UDC FLC +0.71 +2213 TPISM 6.3% 67%Rel Sire Calving Ease 3.2% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.3% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.9% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 -0.8 82%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 101 90%Rel PregCheck™ +0.8 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 101 73%Rel SynchCheck™

Among our best for SCR

Great UDC with functional Type and mobility

High daughter fertility

Appealing Calving Ease



2-02 2x 305d 26,090m 3.9 1022f 3.3 854p lbs. aAa 231 DMS 234345WOLFGANG 1HO10446 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





1.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 1.7 2.3 2.0 2.3 1.8 1.7 0.7 2.4 1.1 0.4 1.5

2-01 2x 365d 28,970m 3.7 1060f 3.2 937p lbs. aAa 354 DMS 345135YALE 1HO10805 -2

HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 3.0 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 0.3



USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10098 WINNING-WAY MO-WYNNER-ET *TV +$442 67% ile Net Merit GOLDWYN X O MAN X RUDOLPH +$523 74%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 06/30/09 • USA Reg. 140294109 +$368 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite Calving Ease +641 77%Rel Milk Strong, deep and dairy +36 +0.05% Fat Protein +35 +0.06% Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Prod. Life SCS +2.74 Dam WINNING-WAY MAYTAG-ET, EX-90, DOM +2.3 5-00 2x 365d 34,440m 3.5 1216f 3.0 1048p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 231 DMS 135561 Type +2.13 77%Rel 1HO10098 WYNNER UDC FLC +1.94 +1.89 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +1979 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 5.2% 95%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.3% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 86%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 59%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.7 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 92%Rel 2.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 PregCheck™ 105 85%Rel 2.1 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 70%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchCheck™ 106 71%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Winning-Way Maytag-ET, EX-90


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10085 CO-OP UPD PLANET YANO-ET *TV +$725 99% ile Net Merit PLANET X BRET X MANFRED +$761 75%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/30/09 • USA Reg. 66591071 +$690 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Excellent Calving Ease and investment in PL +1446 78%Rel Milk Backed by maternal line famous for durable commercial cows +43 -0.04% Fat Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Protein +47 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.68 Dam COYNE-FARMS YELENA CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +6.8 1-11 3x 365d 36,930m 3.6 1336f 3.1 1129p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 423 DMS 561456 Type +1.67 77%Rel 1HO10085 YANO UDC FLC +0.94 +1.50 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2163 0.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 5.1% 99%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 5.7% 65%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 98%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 60%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.5 99%Rel 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 PregCheck™ 100 99%Rel 1.2 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 71%Rel Close 2.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Dam: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchCheck™ 100 97%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2


USDA PTA 8/2013 1HO10579 CO-OP ROBUST YOOHOO-ET *TV +$675 98% ile Net Merit ROBUST X ENCINO X BRET +$742 72%Rel Cheese Merit Birth Date 08/04/11 • USA Reg. 69912694 +$615 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Foot and Leg improver +1003 76%Rel Milk Moderately-sized daughters with well-attached udders +65 +0.10% Fat Protein +42 +0.05% Sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.76 Dam CO-OP ENCINO YANCIE, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +4.8 2-00 3x 365d 31,640m 3.7 1175f 3.2 1015p lbs. HA-USA PTA 8/2013 aAa 345 DMS 345234 Type +1.74 75%Rel 1HO10579 YOOHOO UDC FLC +2.22 +1.76 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. -2 -1 0 1 2 TPISM +2154 0.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 6.0% 60%Rel Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Dau. Calving Ease 6.2% 57%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 56%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 55%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.1 84%Rel 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 PregCheck™ 100 87%Rel 1.4 Shallow Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 66%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.4 SynchCheck™ 99 76%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2

Dam: Co-op Encino Yancie, VG-85




ROBUST X BOLIVER X BRET Birth Date 08/14/11 • USA Reg. 69908718

MGD: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS

Dam: Co-op Boliver Yoyo-ET, VG-85, VG-MS

USDA PTA 8/2013 Our leader for SCR Net Merit +$784 99% ile From the famous Yelena family Cheese Merit +$901 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$680 Impressive component percents in Daughters Herds G G moderately-sized daughters Milk +955 75%Rel Fat +72 +0.14% Protein +53 +0.09% +5.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.71 Maternal sister: Co-op RB Planet Yanna-ET, GP-82 HA-USA PTA 8/2013 +1.33 74%Rel Type +1.72 FLC +0.92 UDC SM +2218 TPI 6.1% 60%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5.6% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.4% 56%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.8% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 8/2013 Sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST-ET Sire Fertility (SCR) +6.3 80%Rel Dam CO-OP BOLIVER YOYO-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM 102 86%Rel PregCheck™ 2-01 2x 365d 28,970m 3.7 1060f 3.2 937p lbs. +0.6 65%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 342 DMS 345135 101 75%Rel SynchCheck™


1HO10696 YOVANI HA -Trait Profile -1




Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length -2

0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long





0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.2 2.3 2.3 2.1 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.3 0.4

U.S. Genetic Evaluations 1 Lifetime Net Merit $

14 PTA Somatic Cell Score (SCS)

Lifetime Net Merit $ measures net profit over the lifetime of a bull’s average daughter. Traits and weightings in the Lifetime NM$ index: Production (19% PTA Fat & 16% PTA Protein) 35% Productive Life (PL).................................................... 22% Somatic Cell Score (SCS)...................................... -10% Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR)........................ 11% Calving Ease (SCE) (DCE)......................................... 2% Stillbirths (SSB) (DSB)................................................ 3% Udder Composite.......................................................... 7% Feet and Legs Composite (FLC)............................ 4% Size Composite............................................................. -6%

The PTA for SCS is used to improve mastitis resistance. Bulls with low PTA for SCS (less than 3.0) are expected to have daughters with lower mastitis than bulls with high PTA for SCS (greater than 3.5).

2 Lifetime Net Merit $ Percentage Ranking Ranking based on the August 2009 Net Merit $ evaluation of the active U.S. A.I. population.

3 Reliability (REL or R)

A measure of the amount of information in a trait. Reliability is expressed as a percentage, ranging from 1 to 99. The closer the Reliability is to 99, the more reliable the proof.

4 Lifetime Cheese Merit $

Lifetime Cheese Merit $ was designed for producers who sell milk in a cheese market. Protein has more value in the cheese market than it does in the standard component pricing market. Milk receives a negative economic weight in the Cheese Merit index. The Lifetime Cheese Merit index combines the same traits as the Lifetime Net Merit index.

5 Lifetime Fluid Merit $

Lifetime Fluid Merit $ combines the same traits as the Net Merit index with different weightings. This index is useful for dairies paid solely for milk volume, as more emphasis is placed on milk yield.

6 Daughters

The number of daughters included in the bull’s milk proof. A “G” identifies evaluations based on pedigree information and genomic testing.

7 Herds

The number of different herds a bull’s daughters are located in (considering daughters which are included in the bull’s milk proof). A “G” identifies evaluations based on pedigree information and genomic testing.

8 PTA Milk

PTA for milk production in pounds, reflecting the expected milk production of future mature daughters.

9 PTA Fat Pounds

PTA for butterfat in pounds, reflecting the expected butterfat production of future mature daughters.

10 PTA Fat Percent

Indicates the genetic variance of a bull's PTA for transmitting fat as being positive or negative.

11 PTA Protein Pounds

PTA for protein production in pounds, comparing the expected production of future mature daughters.

12 PTA Protein Percent

Indicates the genetic variance of a bull's PTA for transmitting protein as being positive or negative.

13 PTA Productive Life

Productive Life is a measure of longevity, measured in months.

15 PTA Type (PTAT)

PTA Type is an estimate of the genetic superiority for conformation that a bull will transmit to its offspring. This is directly correlated with the final score of the bull’s daughters, not the linear traits.

16 Udder Composite (UDC)

Udder Composite is an index based on ability for udder improvement. Udder composite includes six linear traits, and the weighting for each trait’s contribution to higher udder scores. The traits and their weightings are: udder depth-35%, front teat placement 5%, rear teat placement-7%, fore udder attachment-16%, rear udder height16%,rear udder width-12% and udder cleft-9%.

17 Feet and Legs Composite (FLC)

Feet and Legs Composite is a measure of a bull’s ability for foot and leg improvement. Weights for the four traits in the composite are: feet and leg score-50%, foot angle-24%, rear legs-rear view18.5% and rear legs-side view-7.5%.

18 TPI™ (Type Performance Index)

TPI Total Performance Index combines several traits into one index to rank sires on their ability to transmit a balance of traits. It is calculated by Holstein Association-USA. The traits and their values are: Fat and Protein 42%, Productive Life 14%, Somatic Cell Score -5%, Udder Composite-10%, Feet and Legs Composite-5%, PTA Type 10%, Dairy Form -1%, Daughter Pregnancy Rate 10%, Daughter Calving Ease -2% and Daughter Stillbirth-1%.

19 Calving Ease

Sire Calving Ease: Percentage of Estimated Difficult Births in Heifers (EDBH) when they calve for the first time. Using bulls 7% EDBH or less can be used to reduce stress on first-calf heifers. Daughter Calving Ease: Tendency of daughters of a particular sire to have more (or fewer) problems at calving than an average cow and to produce calves that are born more easily (or difficult) than calves produced by an average cow.

20 Stillbirth

Service Sire Stillbirth: measures the tendency of calves from a particular service sire to be stillborn more or less often. Daughter Stillbirth: measures the ability of a particular cow (daughter) to produce live calves. Stillbirth is expressed as percent stillbirths, where stillborn calves are those scored as dead at birth or born alive but died within 48 hours of birth.

21 Fertility

Sire Fertility: Service Sire Conception Rate (SCR) is the difference of conception rate of sire expressed as a percent comparison. SCR is based on conception rate rather than non-return rate. SCR utilizes multiple services per lactation (up to 7), rather than first service only. Evaluations will be expressed as deviations from the overall mean; a SCR of 1.2, for example, means that the

bull is 1.2% above average. Holstein bulls must have at least 300 total breedings and be under 13 years of age. PregCheck™: PregCheck™ is our internal fertility ranking prediction model and data collection process. Fertility is measured using cow records that have a pregnant or open diagnosis. A minimum of 300 services is used. A one point difference in Preg Check equals a 1% expected change in conception rate. This value is calculated from internal data is obtained on bulls much sooner than traditional fertility measures. Dau. Pregnancy Rate: Percentage of nonpregnant cows that become pregnant during each 21-day period. A DPR of ‘1’ implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during that estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation at zero.

22 SynchCheck™

SynchCheck evaluates conception of sires when bred to females which have been synchronized (ovulation induced through hormonal treatment). Linear Type Traits Genetic evaluations for the 18 linear type traits are expressed as Standard Transmitting Abilities (STAs). Standardized values are used because each trait has a different average PTA, and the PTA ranges vary within traits. STAs simplify interpreting the linear genetic evaluations. As a result, all linear traits have an average of 0. The range of STA values is generally 6 STA units. Both extremes for each trait are approximately 3 STA units from the average. Interbull and Interbull-MACE‑ If a bull has daughters in two or more countries he receives an Interbull proof. Interbull allows comparisons of bulls who were sampled in different countries. Interbull-MACE (Multiple Trait Across Country Evaluation) is used for international type evaluations. The Interbull proof listed is on the U.S.A. base. Genetic Base The genetic base for the evaluations is PTA 10, representing the average of cows born in 2005.


99% ile 2 1 +$908 Net Merit 68%Rel 3 4 +$979 Cheese Merit Fluid Merit 5 +$851 G Daughters Herds 7 6 G +1620 73%Rel Milk 8 Fat 9 +97 +0.15% 10 Protein +0.05% 12 11 +62 SCS +2.81 14 Prod. Life 13 +7.0

HA-USA PTA 8/2013

Type 71%Rel 15 +1.64 FLC +1.23 17 UDC 16 +1.26 TPI 18 +2367 19 6% Sire Calving Ease 57%Rel 19 4% Dau. Calving Ease 54%Rel 20 7.2% Sire Stillbirth 52%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 20 4.2% 51%Rel SM


Sire Fertility (SCR) 21 -1.6 65%Rel 21 PregCheck™ 99 87%Rel 21 +0.9 Dau. Pregnancy Rate 64%Rel 22 +0.5 SynchCheck™ 96%Rel

Product Portfolio Heat Detection Aids & Herd Management Products

Life Event Supplements for Cows NuLife® ReBOUND™ ReBOUND™ is a source of direct fed microbial (DFMS) that helps stimulate and maintain normal appetite and digestion. The included enzymes increase fiber digestion and nutrient utilization thereby improving dry matter intake and production. Feed to dairy and beef cattle during times of stress or daily for preventative maintenance. Available in: • Paste • Powder • Capsules

Why Feed the Top Milk Production Group with NuLife ReBOUND? The average cow commonly peaks in milk production 4-6 weeks into lactation. Her feed (dry matter) intake lags behind, normally peaking at about 9 to 11 weeks. This situation puts the cow in a negative energy balance for several months in early lactation. This means feed energy intake is less than milk energy output. The cow uses available body fat (tissue energy) reserves to cover the shortfall. From the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1

“ReBound is convenient to use; it is availalbe in small amounts at an inexpensive price.” – Dr. Steve Cove Valley Veterinary Clinic Seymour, WI


To purchase products, contact your local Genex representative, call customer service at 888-333-1783 or visit the Profit Shop at

Heat Detection Aids • Reveal™ A water-based, non-toxic tail paint. Available in four fluorescent colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. Use as a heat detection aid or for management markings.

• KAMAR® Heatmount® Detectors Pressure-sensitive heat detection patches applied to the tailhead of a cow with adhesive. The detector turns from white to red during mounting. Available in packages of 25 or 50.

• ESTROTECT™ A self-adhesive heat detection patch. The top is a silver scratchoff layer that is removed during mounting. Available in packages of 50 patches and in three colors: orange, green and pink. • DG29™ Blood Pregnancy Test DG29 is an easy to use blood pregnancy test that can be conducted as early as 29 days post breeding (32 days for ET recipients). Blood samples are drawn on farm, forwarded to a certified laboratory and pregnancy diagnoses are determined by the presence of a pregnancy-related protein within a quick turnaround time.

Testing conducted at: • AgSource Laboratories - Menomonie, Wis - Jerome, Idaho • Dairy-One, Ithaca, NY

• 25 per box • 50 per box • Adhesive

• EAZI-BREED™ CIDRS® Seven-day heat synchronization cattle inserts used to induce fertile estrus regardless of stage of cycle. • CIDR (10 inserts) • CIDR Insert Gun, Blue or Green • Chlorhexidine Disinfectant, 16 oz. • CIDR Pro-Lube, 8 oz.

Three purchasing options are available: Complete Kit includes test analysis, CRI red-topped blood tubes, disposable needles, needle holder, hazardous shipping containers. Plus shipping of kit to the farm. Test Only includes test analysis, CRI red-topped blood tubes and hazardous shipping containers Label Only includes test analysis and label stickers to place on producer-purchased blood tubes.

Life Event Supplements for Calves NuLife® ReBOUND™ E. coli, Rota virus, Corona virus and Cryptosporidium are common agents that cause scours in calves. These agents often have an impact on specific days of life for the calf. E. coli usually causes illness within the first 5 days of life. Rota virus and Corona virus cause disease at 10 and 21 days of life. Cryptosporidium usually causes scours at 10 to 21 days. Feeding Cows to Prevent Scours in Calves, University of California-Davis,


5 10 21

DeLaval Activity System

CRI Calf Coats

An accurate and efficient heat detection system to maximize A.I. performance and boost dairy profitability. The DeLaval Activity System collects and transmits activity data from each cow, every hour, 24 hours a day. “The DeLaval Activity System has enabled us to give fewer shots and have fewer total cows enrolled in an Ovsynch program. We also use the low activity reports which indicates when cows are not feeling right. Sometimes we are able to identify sick cows even before their daily milk weights decrease.” - Lyle Wood




Give calves a great start with coats made of breathable, waterproof outer shells. CRI Calf Coats are Amish‑made in the USA. They are machine washable and available in three sizes to fit various breeds and ages. Ideal for use in calf hutches.

Wood Farms, LLC Clayton, NY

CRI Milking Gloves

Allflex® Tamperproof™ Ear Tags

Protective milking gloves are 100 percent nitrile for three times the puncture resistance of comparable latex or vinyl gloves. Micro-toughened textured surface gives non-slip wet gripping power. Available in five sizes. 100 gloves per box.

Several tag combinations are available to develop a customized cattle identification program. Tamperproof ear tags feature large management numbers tailored to a specific numbering system or left blank. The management tags are available in white, yellow, orange, red, pink, green, and blue. RFID tags are available in white only. Contact your Genex representative or view http://genex.crinet. com/eartags for tag combination options.

• Small • Medium • Large • Extra Large • XX-Large

NuLife® Oral Electrolyte An oral electrolyte supplement specially formulated to help calves combat dehydration due to scours. NuLife can be mixed with or fed in conjunction with milk or milk replacer. Administer one pouch twice daily for two days for efficient recovery.

• Small (Jersey and small calves) • Large (Holstein, Brown Swiss and beef) • Extra Large (older calves)


To purchase products, contact your local Genex representative, call customer service at 888-333-1783 or visit the Profit Shop at

Dairy Herdsman Continuing Education Video Series A series of videos produced by CRI and Roger Weigle, DVM. DVDS are available in English and Spanish.

• Obstetrics trains maternity pen workers how to choose and use equipment, determine cervical dilation stages, correct common calf malpresentations, perform an episiotomy and recognize uterine or vaginal torsions. 58 minutes.

• The Cow’s Udder, Mastitis Management and Milking Techniques is perhaps the most important video in the series for increasing production, reducing problems and impacting every milking cow you own! 47 minutes.

• Bovine Treatment Techniques demonstrates proper restraint, administration of oral medications, intramuscular injections, subcutaneous injections, intervenous injections, tubing and mastitis treatments. 56 minutes.

• The Art & Science in Raising a Healthy Calf can help decrease calf mortality. This video discusses colostrum storage and feeding, calf tubing, milk replacers and starter grains, sanitizing feeding equipment and calf weaning. 33 minutes.

• Problem Recognition and Emergency Techniques will help staff recognize problems so your veterinarian can intervene early. The video also teaches the ABCs of animal evaluation and how to control critical situations. 48 minutes.

IS SHE or ISN’T SHE? Know pregnancy status as early as 29 days post breeding with DG29™ blood pregnancy testing! ™


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

Shawano, WI • Phone 888/333-1783

DG29 Testing Now Conducted at Three Locations: ∙ Dairy One, Ithaca, N.Y. ∙ AgSource Laboratories, Menomonie, Wis. ∙ AgSource Laboratories, Jerome, IDaho DG29 is a production of Conception Animal Reproduction Technologies

e r u t u F y t i il t r e F r u o On Y

onception -ranking Sire C gh hi h it w s ll se bu (DPR) list. rtility power. U gnancy Rates fe re P on r ” te up gh g au in D e ttled by “doubl at the top of th getting cows se lting replacements to sires of ds od ur yo Increase d the resu w and then bree Rates (SCR) no

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-13 HA-USA/0

US DA-CDCB/08 Product of the U.S.A.

©2013 CRI


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