Holstein Sires April 2012
Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International
+$787 LNM
r e p Su 778
1HO10458 Super X Bolton X Shottle
+$774 LNM
Freddie FREDDIE sons: » 1HO10218 DENIM » 1HO10257 TUCK » 1HO10456 JAGUAR All over +$770 Lifetime Net Merit
1HO10455 Super X Colby X Potter
+$745 LNM
MASSEY sons: » 1HO10288 JAKE » 1HO10217 MASTER *BY » 1HO10227 SCRAMBLE Offer over 15 months combined Productive Life
1HO10454 Super X Duce X Jocko Besne
a time when every generation must rise up and challenge those who came before. Because of genomics, that time is now. Welcome to the second generation of genomics.
Table of Contents
There comes
1HO10245 ABRAHAM...........................2 1HO02800 ACHIEVE-RED....................3 1HO09315 ALABAMA............................3 1HO09875 ALMOND..............................2 1HO10251 A-P............................................3 1HO10022 APPLE BOY..........................4 1HO09659 ARMY.....................................4 1HO08777 AWESOME...........................4 1HO10061 BANNING.............................5 1HO09567 BOOMER...............................5 1HO02473 BOUTLAND..........................5 1HO10296 BOYOBOY.............................6 1HO09528 BUCKO...................................8 1HO10225 BUD.........................................7 1HO10447 BUILDER...............................6 1HO09103 CABHI.....................................8 1HO10263 CAIRO.....................................9 1HO02480 CAMARY ISY *RC.............8 1HO09728 CARCAJOU....................... 10 1HO02565 CASSINO............................ 10 1HO10297 CHAP.......................................9 1HO10059 CLARK *B/R...................... 11 1HO02571 COLE.................................... 11 1HO09928 CORY.................................... 10 1HO09821 CRANDALL....................... 12 1HO03050 DACTYL ISY...................... 12 1HO10441 DAKOTA.............................. 12 1HO10055 DALL..................................... 13 1HO03048 DAUDEN ISY.................... 13 1HO10458 DAY....................................... 14 1HO10460 DE PRINCE-RED............ 13 1HO10442 DELMAR *RC................... 15 1HO10422 DEMPSEY.......................... 15 1HO10218 DENIM................................ 14 1HO10420 DESIGN............................... 15 1HO02827 DEWEY................................ 16 1HO03045 DIPRED ISY P-RED....... 16 1HO09225 DON JUAN........................ 17 1HO10275 DREW................................... 17 1HO03074 DUGON ISY...................... 16 1HO10080 DUSK................................... 18 1HO03070 ECOYNE ISY..................... 19 1HO02729 EDEN.................................... 18 1HO03068 EHMAN ISY...................... 18 1HO03073 ELIN ISY.............................. 19 1HO10286 ELROY.................................. 20 1HO10465 EMPIRE............................... 20 1HO10238 ENSIGN.............................. 20 1HO09800 ERDMAN........................... 21 1HO10001 ERGY.................................... 22 1HO10174 ERSKINE............................. 21 1HO03057 ESCABO ISY..................... 22 1HO10405 FILKE.................................... 23 1HO02509 FLAWLESS........................ 22 1HO10028 FLOYD.................................. 24 1HO03079 FORHO ISY........................ 24 1HO10000 FRANK................................. 23 1HO08784 FREDDIE............................. 25 1HO10201 GALLOW............................. 24 1HO08642 GARNETT........................... 27 1HO10247 GERVASE........................... 26 1HO10200 GLENTON.......................... 27 1HO08890 GOLDEN *RC................... 27 1HO10255 GOLDENGATE................. 28 1HO10298 GRISWOLD....................... 28 1HO10066 HARVEY.............................. 28 1HO02531 HEFTY.................................. 29 1HO09192 HILL...................................... 30 1HO02730 ICEMAN.............................. 29 1HO10454 JACOB................................. 26 1HO10456 JAGUAR.............................. 32 1HO10288 JAKE..................................... 33 1HO10032 JAMAR................................ 29 1HO02716 JETLINER........................... 31 1HO09846 JIGSAW............................... 31 1HO02771 JOCK.................................... 32 1HO10290 JOSIAH-RED.................... 31 1HO10034 JUNO.................................... 34 1HO09997 KARIM................................. 34 1HO09952 KARSTEN *B/R................ 34 1HO10203 KENSTON........................... 35 1HO10455 KRISTOFF........................... 36 1HO09085 LARIAT................................. 35
Join the
Provide products and services as effectively as possible to maximize the profitability of members and customers worldwidewhile maintaining a strong cooperative. On the Cover: Muenster Flawless 1102, daughter of 1HO02509 Flawless. Owned by Muenster Homestead Farms, Seymour, Wis.
1HO02655 LATH..................................... 35 1HO09092 LAZARITH.......................... 38 1HO10254 LEBRON.............................. 38 1HO10285 LEDGE................................. 38 1HO02700 LEGEND.............................. 39 1HO10289 LEOP..................................... 39 1HO08631 LES........................................ 39 1HO10236 LEWIS................................... 36 1HO02809 LIESL.................................... 40 1HO10294 LIQUOR............................... 40 1HO02706 LIRR...................................... 40 1HO08658 LOGAN................................ 37 1HO07169 LOTTO.................................. 41 1HO08654 LOYDIE................................ 41 1HO02783 MALONE............................ 41 1HO02680 MALVO................................ 42 1HO10279 MAN-O................................ 42 1HO08812 MARCELLUS.................... 42 1HO10175 MARCELON...................... 43 1HO09527 MASSEY............................. 44 1HO10217 MASTER *BY..................... 37 1HO10281 MATCREST........................ 43 1HO08910 MATRIX-RED................... 43 1HO02582 MATTEL............................... 46 1HO02747 MAYHEM........................... 46 1HO10406 MEL...................................... 45 1HO10017 MENEFER.......................... 46 1HO10067 MILO..................................... 47 1HO10168 MOKWA.............................. 47 1HO02686 MURRAY............................ 47 1HO10408 NADAL................................ 48 1HO09167 O-STYLE............................. 49 1HO09390 PADLOCK........................... 48 1HO10293 PAIR...................................... 48 1HO02848 PARKER.............................. 45 1HO10220 PAX-RED............................ 50 1HO10226 PERRY.................................. 51 1HO09593 PILOT.................................... 50 1HO09188 PLATE................................... 50 1HO10427 PORTIS *RC....................... 52 1HO09631 PRINCE............................... 52 1HO10041 PROPER.............................. 51 1HO02520 RAINMAN......................... 52 1HO10069 RED-OAK........................... 53 1HO10477 SANTINO............................ 53 1HO02789 SASON................................ 54 1HO02740 SATCHEL-RED................. 53 1HO10227 SCRAMBLE....................... 55 1HO02683 SEBASTIAN....................... 55 1HO02611 SEQUOIA............................ 55 1HO09208 SHAMPOO........................ 56 1HO07127 SHARKY............................. 56 1HO10450 SHELL.................................. 56 1HO09248 SIGNIF-P............................ 57 1HO09137 SLY......................................... 57 1HO09853 SOBIESKI........................... 57 1HO10436 SOLSTICE........................... 54 1HO10235 SOUTHERN....................... 58 1HO09894 SPICE.................................... 58 1HO02849 STU........................................ 58 1HO09321 SUDAN................................ 60 1HO02665 SULLY................................... 59 1HO08778 SUPER................................. 61 1HO02682 SUREFIRE.......................... 59 1HO02550 TOBIAS................................ 59 1HO10262 TONIC.................................. 62 1HO10064 TORNADO *BY................ 62 1HO07235 TOYSTORY......................... 64 1HO06833 TRES..................................... 62 1HO10257 TUCK.................................... 65 1HO10451 TYLER-P.............................. 63 1HO10295 UMAN................................. 65 1HO10287 UNDER................................ 63 1HO10412 VICTOR *RC....................... 63 1HO10413 VIN......................................... 66 1HO10070 WILTON............................... 67 1HO10446 WOLFGANG...................... 67 1HO10098 WYNNER............................ 66 1HO10085 YANO................................... 60 1HO10036 YARROW............................ 66 1HO10097 YUENGLING..................... 68 1HO10407 ZANE.................................... 68 1HO10167 ZITAU................................... 68
Dam: Welcome Ramos Annie-ET, EX-90, VG-MS
MGD: Jopo Diehard 278 372, EX-91, EX-MS
JEEVES X RAMOS X SHOTTLE Birth Date 10/23/09
• USA Reg. 66757469
Birth Date 11/22/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$744 99% ile Cheese Merit +$788 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$688 Daughters Herds G G Milk +598 75%Rel Fat +22 +0.00% Protein +22 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.50 +10.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.55 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.16 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.34 TPISM +2162 Sire Calving Ease 9% 69%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 4.9% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.2 96%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +1.0 86%Rel
Industry’s #1 for Productive Life
Exceptional Sire Fertility
Healthy-uddered cows that breed back quickly
Outstanding Feet and Legs
-1 DMS
0 345234
1HO10245 ABRAHAM HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
• USA Reg. 65801614
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$627 97% ile Cheese Merit +$641 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$620 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1483 75%Rel Fat +32 -0.08% Protein +46 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.92 +6.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.27 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.74 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.53 TPISM +2171 Sire Calving Ease 7% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 55%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +4.1 93%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 70%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.0 65%Rel
0.7 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.7 0.5 2.3 2.3 1.9 2.6 1.5 1.0 0.7 0.0 2.0 0.9 0.0 1.4
2-07 3x 305d 29,940m 3.6 1066f 3.1 941p lbs. -2 DMS -1 126123 0 1 aAa 324
1HO09875 ALMOND HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.6 0.9 1.2 1.7 0.3 0.8 0.1 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.3 2.6 2.4 1.3 1.5 1.1 0.8 1.2
3 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02800 GLEN-TOCTIN ACHIEVE-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$461 84% ile REDWOOD *RC X TALENT X WINCHESTER Cheese Merit +$548 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$383 Birth Date 06/12/08 • USA Reg. 139230547 Daughters Herds G G Unique Red pedigree Milk +82 76%Rel High first-service Conception Fat +37 +0.13% Protein +22 +0.06% Sire HEATHERSTONE-V REDWOOD-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.85 +4.8 Dam GLEN-TOCTIN ANABEL-RED-ET, VG-86, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 2x 365d 24,000m 6.4 1533f 3.6 863p lbs. Type +0.61 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234345 aAa 342 -2 1HO02800 ACHIEVE-RED Udder Comp. +0.93 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.07 1.1 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1791 Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.1 Sire Calving Ease 6% 77%Rel Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 60%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 53%Rel 1.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.1 86%Rel Shallow 1.1 Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.4 70%Rel Close 1.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.5 SynchSmart™ +1.5 63%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09315 CO-OP OMAN ALABAMA *TV +$493 89% ile Net Merit O MAN X TEAMSTER X ORION +$499 87%Rel Cheese Merit +$486 Birth Date 03/07/06 • USA Reg. 62768984 Fluid Merit 112 Daughters Herds 56 Great for Calving Ease +1263 92%Rel Milk High Rear Udder attachments +27 -0.07% Fat +36 -0.01% Protein Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET +4.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam CO-OP TEAMSTER ALICIA, VG-86, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-02 3x 305d 33,630m 2.9 961f 2.8 942p lbs. +0.72 90%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa 243 -2 1HO09315 ALABAMA 234345 +1.10 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 88 Dtrs. +0.50 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.6 Tall Short Stature +1894 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 6% 98%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 71%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 8.1% 91%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 6.8% 62%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 Shallow 1.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 79%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.2 Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.0 +0.5 96%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
Dairy Knoll Alabama 2805
Robertson Bros Alabama Whittle 657
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10251 LANGS-TWIN-B A-P ADMIRAL-ET *TV Net Merit +$618 97% ile PLANET X SHOTTLE X FINLEY Cheese Merit +$683 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$562 Birth Date 10/02/09 • USA Reg. 66879809 Daughters Herds G G Attractive Type Milk +1337 74%Rel Udders that are shallow, youthful, and well-attached Fat +51 +0.02% Protein +52 +0.04% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life +5.3 SCS +2.76 Dam LANGS-TWIN-B C-S ASHLYN-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 2x 365d 30,150m 4.3 1306f 3.2 963p lbs. Type +3.01 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 aAa 324 -2 1HO10251 A-P Udder Comp. +2.36 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.32 2.0 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2221 Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.6 Sire Calving Ease 6% 76%Rel Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 3.1 6% 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 58%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 7.9% 52%Rel 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.9 97%Rel Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 3.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 69%Rel Close 3.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 Dam: Langs-Twin-B C-S Ashlyn-ET, VG-86, VG-MS SynchSmart™ +0.0 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
4 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10022 COVE-VIEW MOSCOW APPLE BOY *TV Net Merit +$448 82% ile MOSCOW X O MAN X DURHAM Cheese Merit +$445 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$443 Birth Date 12/24/08 • USA Reg. 63109268 Daughters Herds G G Trouble-free calvings Milk +1041 77%Rel High Conception Fat +28 -0.04% Protein +26 -0.02% Sire ROBTHOM MOSCOW-ET Prod. Life +3.7 SCS +2.70 Dam COVE-VIEW APPLE-BEE HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-11 2x 305d 23,890m 4.1 970f 3.3 784p lbs. Type +1.46 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 312 -2 1HO10022 APPLE BOY 345135 Udder Comp. +1.22 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.56 0.4 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1905 Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 6% 84%Rel Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.9 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 5% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 66%Rel 1.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 7.8% 55%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.2 96%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 72%Rel Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchSmart™ +3.0 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09659 CO-OP JET STREAM ARMY-ET *TV %-I +$269 44% ile Net Merit JET STREAM X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH +$357 88%Rel Cheese Merit +$197 Birth Date 02/13/07 • USA Reg. 63285292 Fluid Merit Daughters 287 Herds 133 Outstanding udders -86 95%Rel Milk Great Feet and Legs +31 +0.13% Fat +19 +0.08% Protein Sire APPLOUIS JET STREAM-ET +1.6 Prod. Life SCS +3.04 Dam SURE-VIEW MRSHL ACE CRI-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 305d 29,150m 3.8 1097f 3.1 917p lbs. +2.07 87%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123126 Type aAa 243 -2 1HO09659 ARMY +1.91 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 52 Dtrs. +2.05 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.9 Tall Short Stature +1818 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 8% 97%Rel Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 76%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 7.2% 87%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 9.1% 71%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.4 Shallow 2.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 78%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.7 +1.5 96%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08777 WHITMAN O MAN AWESOME ANDY *TV Net Merit +$733 99% ile O MAN X ZADE X ROMEO Cheese Merit +$833 88%Rel Fluid Merit +$629 Birth Date 10/12/04 • USA Reg. 135962420 Daughters Herds 65 114 Long-lasting, fertile daughters Milk +206 94%Rel High-quality milk Fat +75 +0.26% Protein +24 +0.07% Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Prod. Life +6.9 SCS +2.51 Dam WHITMAN ZADE ALIX, EX-92, VG-MS, 2E, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-04 3x 365d 38,100m 4.2 1599f 3.1 1169p lbs. Type +0.37 89%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 531 -2 1HO08777 AWESOME 345234 Udder Comp. -0.04 HA -Trait Profile 75 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.11 0.4 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2048 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 5% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.4 Dau. Calving Ease 6% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 75%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 97%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 7.5% 66%Rel 0.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.4 99%Rel Shallow 0.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 81%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchSmart™ -1.5 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Grass Ridge Army 1995
Grandview Army 3311
Quarryville Awesome Snowflake
Log House Awesome Blanche
5 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10061 LOCKER-LANE RW BANNING *TV Net Merit +$701 99% ile NIFTY X SHOTTLE X FORBIDDEN Cheese Merit +$797 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$610 Birth Date 03/04/09 • USA Reg. 139819313 Daughters Herds G G Exceptional health traits Milk +585 75%Rel Big-time Fat improver Fat +67 +0.17% Protein +36 +0.07% Sire HONEYCREST BOMBAY NIFTY-ET Prod. Life +5.9 SCS +2.68 Dam LOCKER-LANE RW SHOT BRIA-ET, VG-88, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-09 2x 28,040m 4.4 1237f 3.4 961p lbs. Type +1.72 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 aAa 321 -2 1HO10061 BANNING Udder Comp. +0.96 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.33 0.8 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2192 Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 9% 96%Rel Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 90%Rel 2.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 53%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 97%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.1 70%Rel Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.4 SynchSmart™ +2.5 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09567 BRANDT-VIEW BOOMER-ET *TM *TV +$484 88% ile Net Merit DIE-HARD X TRENT *MF X MANFRED +$554 85%Rel Cheese Merit +$435 Birth Date 06/16/07 • USA Reg. 138371243 Fluid Merit 108 Daughters Herds 62 Calving Ease sire +988 92%Rel Milk Daughters breed back easily +24 -0.04% Fat +47 +0.06% Protein Sire REGANCREST RBK DIE-HARD-ET +3.7 SCS +3.07 Dam BRANDT-VIEW TRENT TRACY-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-06 3x 365d 45,040m 4.0 1810f 3.3 1479p lbs. +1.03 88%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 Type aAa 324 -2 1HO09567 BOOMER +0.89 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 60 Dtrs. +1.46 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.5 Tall Short Stature +1938 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 6% 77%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 6% 68%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 7.2% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 5.8% 60%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 0.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 78%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO02473 BOUTLAND *TV %-I Net Merit +$426 79% ile MASCOL X LANCELOT X ADDISON Cheese Merit +$556 81%Rel Fluid Merit +$302 Birth Date 04/11/06 • NLD Reg. 438266395 Daughters Herds 62 63 Unique pedigree Milk +138 86%Rel Incredible Sire Conception Rate Fat +27 +0.08% Protein +31 +0.10% Sire Mascol-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 +3.2 Dam SOUTHLAND DELLIA 76 INTERBULL-MACE-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 2x 305d 24,118m 3.6 883f 3.3 796p lbs. Type +0.93 81%Rel -2 -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA aAa 132546 1HO02473 BOUTLAND Udder Comp. +0.67 INTERBULL-MACE -Trait Profile 39 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.62 0.5 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1813 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 6% 97%Rel Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 90%Rel 0.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 54%Rel 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 Sire Fertility (SCR) +4.3 97%Rel Shallow 0.4 Deep Udder Depth 2.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 82%Rel Close 2.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchSmart™ -2.0 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Hillcrest Boomer 4597
Tiashoke Boomer 3369
Dam: Ned-El Ramos Marley, VG-88, VG-MS
MAN-O-MAN X RAMOS X SHOTTLE Birth Date 02/03/10
• USA Reg. 66796464
Birth Date 07/16/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$788 99% ile Cheese Merit +$864 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$722 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1253 76%Rel Fat +69 +0.09% Protein +52 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.74 +6.3 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.82 76%Rel Udder Comp. +2.12 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.56 TPISM +2386 Sire Calving Ease 6% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 50%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.9 93%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 71%Rel SynchSmart™ -0.5 66%Rel
The complete genetic package
High-producing cows that last
Elite LNM and TPISM
Exceptional Calving Ease
• USA Reg. 69753745
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$653 98% ile Cheese Merit +$636 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$670 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1768 74%Rel Fat +30 -0.13% Protein +45 -0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.82 +6.0 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.32 73%Rel Udder Comp. +2.50 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.94 TPISM +2230 Sire Calving Ease 5% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 4% 47%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 43%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 72%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
2-02 2x 305d 26,090m 3.9 1022f 3.3 854p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561456 0 1 aAa 213
1HO10296 BOYOBOY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.8 1.2 1.4 2.0 1.7 1.1 0.5 2.7 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.6 3.2 1.9 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.1
2-00 3x 365d 27,480m 3.8 1040f 3.2 866p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345135 0 1 aAa 342
1HO10447 BUILDER HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.2 0.4 0.6 1.4 1.7 0.6 0.4 1.6 1.7 2.4 3.0 3.8 3.3 1.8 2.4 0.9 0.9 0.2
PLANET X RAMOS X GARTER Birth Date 12/02/09 • USA Reg. 140288991
MGD: Bomaz Garter 2796-ET, VG-88, VG-MS
Dam: Bomaz Ramos 5877 CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS
USDA PTA 4/2012 Stellar fitness +$730 99% ile Net Merit Sturdy, medium-sized cows with +$773 72%Rel Cheese Merit incredible udders +$696 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Calving Ease to suit your entire herd +1353 75%Rel Milk +39 -0.04% Fat +48 +0.03% Protein +8.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.87 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +2.16 75%Rel Type +2.17 Udder Comp. +1.02 Feet & Legs Comp. +2261 TPISM 6% 75%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5% 61%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.3% 57%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 53%Rel Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam BOMAZ RAMOS 5877 CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +2.7 96%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 2-02 2x 365d 24,580m 3.7 914f 3.1 774p lbs. +1.8 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 513 DMS 345135 +1.0 85%Rel SynchSmart™ -2
1HO10225 BUD HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.4 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.0 1.2 0.6 1.3 2.7 3.3 2.9 1.6 1.9 1.5 0.5 2.1
8 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09528 RUMPUS RIDGE FARMS BUCKO *TV %-I Net Merit +$494 89% ile BOLIVER X WIZARD X LYNCH Cheese Merit +$566 85%Rel Fluid Merit +$421 Birth Date 02/21/07 • USA Reg. 138399478 Daughters 129 Herds 67 Standout health traits Milk +797 92%Rel All-around Fertility Fat -1 -0.11% Protein +36 +0.04% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.60 +4.5 Dam RUMPUS RIDGE FARMS 2843 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-10 3x 305d 33,410m 3.4 1141f 2.9 964p lbs. Type +0.67 88%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345456 aAa 354 -2 1HO09528 BUCKO Udder Comp. +0.98 HA -Trait Profile 65 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.22 1.1 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1863 Strong Frail Strength 1.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 6% 94%Rel Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 6% 66%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 81%Rel 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.3 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 58%Rel 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.3 98%Rel Shallow 0.4 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 77%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 SynchSmart™ +2.0 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
SA Kreider Bucko 2243
SA Kreider Bucko 2243
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09103 CABHI AUSTIN POTTER-ET *TV +$531 93% ile Net Merit POTTER X RUDOLPH X BLACKSTAR +$541 90%Rel Cheese Merit +$514 Birth Date 10/22/05 • USA Reg. 62365568 Fluid Merit 501 Daughters Herds 162 Excellent Productive Life +246 97%Rel Milk Daughters breed back easily +34 +0.10% Fat +7 +0.00% Protein Sire KEYSTONE POTTER +6.3 SCS +2.78 Dam AUTUMN-RIDGE CABHI MANDY-ET, VG-89, VG-MS, DOM Dam: Autumn-Ridge Cabhi Mandy-ET, VG-89, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-07 3x 305d 33,530m 4.1 1371f 3.2 1068p lbs. +0.10 91%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 Type aAa 342 -2 1HO09103 CABHI +0.55 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 98 Dtrs. +0.50 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.2 Tall Short Stature +1792 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 6% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 5% 82%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.8 7.6% 94%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 3.8% 74%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.2 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 Shallow 1.1 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 83%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Collins Knoll Cabhi 1033 +0.5 97%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02480 CAMARY ISY *TV %-I Net Merit +$517 92% ile ROUMARE X MANAGER X TRIBUTE Cheese Merit +$594 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$442 Birth Date 10/06/07 • FRA Reg. 2211467356 Daughters Herds G G Unique Red Carrier pedigree Milk +1044 76%Rel Healthy udders Fat +47 +0.03% Protein +44 +0.05% Sire ROUMARE Prod. Life SCS +2.62 +3.0 Dam AGLAE, VG-85-FRANCE HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 2x 305d 19,452m 3.8 729f 209 569p lbs. Type +0.95 73%Rel -2 -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA aAa 342516 1HO02480 CAMARY ISY *RC Udder Comp. +1.03 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.19 0.7 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1942 Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 8% 85%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 65%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 66%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 56%Rel 1.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 92%Rel Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.1 69%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchSmart™ -3.5 76%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Third Dam: Sirene
MGD: Ucocotte
Dam: Dunns-Pride Shtle Cherry-ET, VG-87, VG-MS
Maternal Sister: Eildon Tweed Mac Chapter, VG-86
• USA Reg. 66625997
Birth Date 02/06/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$326 57% ile Cheese Merit +$381 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$285 Daughters Herds G G Milk +822 75%Rel Fat +57 +0.10% Protein +37 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.99 MGD: Lylehaven Crissy-ET, EX-94, +0.1 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 EX-MS Type +4.04 74%Rel Udder Comp. +2.58 Feet & Legs Comp. +3.81 TPISM +2049 Sire Calving Ease 8% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 51%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 47%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.0 92%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.6 73%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.5 66%Rel
Among the industry’s elite for Type
Our leader for FLC and PTAT
2-01 2x 365d 29,450m 3.6 1057f 3.0 896p lbs. -2 DMS -1 126 0 1 aAa 234
1HO10263 CAIRO HA -Trait Profile
0 Dtrs. Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
first Super sons
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Outstanding Type combination from one of the Powerful, strong, and dairy with incredible udders
• USA Reg. 68798786
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$621 97% ile Cheese Merit +$644 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$603 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1392 74%Rel Fat +61 +0.04% Protein +44 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.84 +5.3 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +3.48 75%Rel Udder Comp. +2.88 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.89 TPISM +2270 Sire Calving Ease 8% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 51%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 46%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.9 93%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
4.2 2.4 2.9 3.6 1.9 2.8 0.1 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.0 4.1 3.9 4.1 1.9 1.8 2.8 1.9
-1 DMS
1HO10297 CHAP HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
3.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 0.1 2.3 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.2 3.7 3.7 3.4 2.6 2.9 2.4 2.1 0.2
10 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09728 CO-OP TRES CARCAJOU *TV Net Merit +$538 93% ile TRES X O MAN X ORION Cheese Merit +$602 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$480 Birth Date 07/06/08 • USA Reg. 65801467 Daughters Herds G G Big-time Fat improver Milk +202 77%Rel Great SCR Fat +80 +0.28% Protein +20 +0.05% Sire KED MTOTO JEWEL TRES-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.88 Third dam: Wa-Del Corky Cathryn-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +3.3 Dam CO-OP OMAN CALIDA-ET, GP-80, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 305d 26,520m 5.2 1383f 3.4 913p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +1.27 76%Rel aAa 315 -2 1HO09728 CARCAJOU 345234 Udder Comp. +1.00 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.87 0.2 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.5 +1950 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 96%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Dau. Calving Ease 7% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.1 Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 83%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 55%Rel 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.3 98%Rel Shallow 0.5 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 73%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 MGD: Wa-Del Orion Cass CRI, VG-86, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +0.5 92%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02565 LANGS-TWIN-B CR CASSINO-ET *TV %-I +$409 76% ile Net Merit RAMOS X SHOTTLE X DURHAM +$469 86%Rel Cheese Merit +$338 Birth Date 09/01/07 • USA Reg. 64009082 Fluid Merit Daughters 119 Herds 47 Foot and Leg improver -48 92%Rel Milk Healthy udders +12 +0.05% Fat +7 +0.03% Protein Sire RAMOS +4.9 SCS +2.54 Dam RALMA SHOTTLE CF CANDLE-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 2x 365d 37,930m 4.3 1634f 3.0 1134p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 561126 +1.79 84%Rel Type aAa 246 -2 1HO02565 CASSINO +1.48 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 15 Dtrs. +2.00 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.4 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.3 +1828 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form 7% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 90%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.5 8.6% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 6.2% 88%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.6 Shallow 1.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 75%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 -1.5 96%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
Shanghai Cassino 398
Oharrows Cassino 9647
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09928 CO-OP TOYSTORY CORY *TV Net Merit +$324 57% ile TOYSTORY X SHOTTLE X ORION Cheese Merit +$353 82%Rel Fluid Merit +$290 Birth Date 10/22/07 • USA Reg. 64541632 Daughters Herds 34 65 Extremely well-attached udders Milk +786 88%Rel Great Feet and Legs Fat +35 +0.02% Protein +26 +0.01% Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.68 Third Dam: Wa-Del Corky Cathryn-ET, VG-85 +1.3 Dam CO-OP SHOTTLE CREIGHTON-ET, GP-84, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 276d 25,130m 4.2 1059f 3.0 760p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 Type +2.50 77%Rel aAa 312 -2 1HO09928 CORY Udder Comp. +1.99 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.75 3.0 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 2.1 +1882 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.1 Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 9% 99%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.2 Dau. Calving Ease 8% 71%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 98%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 65%Rel 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 99%Rel Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 74%Rel Close 2.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.8 MGD: Wa-Del Orion Cass CRI-ET, VG-86, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +0.0 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Dool-Leigh Outside Piper, EX-92, EX-MS
Oharrows Cole 9673
• USA Reg. 62607425
Birth Date 08/19/07
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$533 93% ile Cheese Merit +$554 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$509 Daughters Herds G G Milk +388 76%Rel Fat +35 +0.08% Protein +14 +0.00% Prod. Life SCS +2.79 +5.7 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +3.58 76%Rel Udder Comp. +3.00 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.71 TPISM +2166 Sire Calving Ease 6% 96%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 85%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.5 91%Rel
Good DPR in a high-Type package
Appealing Type
Highly sought after as a sire of sons
Calving Ease and high SCR
• USA Reg. 64631968
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$417 78% ile Cheese Merit +$508 85%Rel Fluid Merit +$337 Daughters Herds 65 132 Milk +371 92%Rel Fat +75 +0.23% Protein +31 +0.08% Prod. Life SCS +2.85 Grass Ridge Cole 3046 +1.0 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.00 85%Rel Udder Comp. +1.07 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.09 TPISM +1906 Sire Calving Ease 6% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 71%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 97%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 63%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.8 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.0 81%Rel SynchSmart™ -1.0 95%Rel
4-07 2x 365d 39,860m 4.9 1968f 3.1 1252p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234123 0 1 aAa 231
1HO10059 CLARK *B/R HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
3.4 1.8 2.5 2.6 0.5 1.9 0.2 3.2 2.0 3.3 3.9 3.9 3.5 1.8 3.1 1.4 1.0 0.4
2-00 3x 305d 26,520m 5.2 1383f 3.4 913p lbs. -2 DMS -1 135123 0 1 aAa 231
1HO02571 COLE HA -Trait Profile
30 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.9 1.4 2.0 2.7 0.4 1.4 0.5 2.9 1.6 2.4 1.5 1.7 2.3 1.9 0.3 2.7 2.9 0.7
12 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09821 RJR CRANDALL CRI-ET *TV Net Merit +$541 93% ile SHOTTLE X OUTSIDE X DUSTER Cheese Merit +$550 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$530 Birth Date 04/24/09 • USA Reg. 65801560 Daughters Herds G G Big Fat yield improver Milk +874 77%Rel Healthy and hardy cows Fat +60 +0.11% Protein +25 +0.00% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life +4.7 SCS +2.81 Dam DREAM&DO OUTSIDE CASSIDY-ET, EX-91, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-06 2x 365d 40,450m 4.4 1783f 3.1 1235p lbs. Type +1.14 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 423 -2 1HO09821 CRANDALL 234345 Udder Comp. +0.41 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.33 0.2 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1910 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 8% 84%Rel Open Rib 1.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.0 Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 63%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.6 Dau. Stillbirth 5.0% 54%Rel 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 94%Rel Shallow 0.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 73%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Dam: Dream&Do Outside Cassidy-ET, EX-91, EX-MS SynchSmart™ -3.0 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03050 DACTYL ISY *TV +$504 91% ile Net Merit BAXTER X O MAN X BW MARSHALL +$510 74%Rel Cheese Merit +$504 Birth Date 10/08/08 • FRA Reg. 4435729483 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Modest-sized cows with plenty of strength and width +1423 77%Rel Milk Incredible rear udders +50 -0.01% Fat +42 -0.01% Protein Sire EMERALD-ACR-SA T-BAXTER +3.7 SCS +2.90 Dam ROC HAPPY, VG-85-FRANCE Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-05 2x 305d 21,155m 3.7 776f 3.4 713p lbs. +2.14 75%Rel -2 -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa 234156 1HO03050 DACTYL ISY NA +1.74 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.27 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.8 Tall Short Stature +2031 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 6% 78%Rel Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 5% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 6.9% 59%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 5.0% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.6 +0.0 81%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 0.7 Deep Udder Depth 2.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 72%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.9 Close 2.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Lynncrest BW Marshl Horizon
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10441 BRU-DALE DESTRY DAKOTA-ET *TV Net Merit +$539 93% ile DESTRY*RC X SHOTTLE X MARATHON Cheese Merit +$633 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$441 Birth Date 06/25/10 • USA Reg. 140822009 Daughters Herds G G Our #2 for Udder Composite Milk -209 75%Rel Impressive Fitness Fat +32 +0.16% Protein +12 +0.07% Sire SCIENTIFIC DESTRY-ET Prod. Life +5.9 SCS +2.63 Dam BUCKNELL SHOTTLE SHERRY-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 305d 27,690m 4.1 1149f 3.3 911p lbs. Type +3.04 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 aAa 321 -2 1HO10441 DAKOTA Udder Comp. +3.27 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.63 2.6 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2120 Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Sire Calving Ease 7% 54%Rel Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.1 6% 51%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 47%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 47%Rel 4.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 4.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 3.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 69%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.6 Dam: Bucknell Shottle Sherry-ET, EX-90, EX-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
13 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10055 COYNE-FARMS PLANET DALL-ET *TV Net Merit +$643 98% ile PLANET X BRET X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$693 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$600 Birth Date 12/01/08 • USA Reg. 139778333 Daughters Herds G G No O Man, Goldwyn, or Shottle in pedigree Milk +1268 76%Rel Strong Fore Udder Attachments Fat +63 +0.07% Protein +46 +0.03% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life +5.4 SCS +2.78 Dam COYNE-FARMS BRET DAFFERS-ET, EX-91, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-01 3x 365d 34,280m 4.4 1504f 3.1 1068p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 Type +1.74 76%Rel aAa 135 -2 1HO10055 DALL Udder Comp. +1.21 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.67 0.5 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.1 +2078 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 85%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Dau. Calving Ease 7% 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 65%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 53%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.2 93%Rel Shallow 0.5 Deep Udder Depth 2.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 72%Rel Close 3.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.4 Dam: Coyne-Farms Bret Daffers-ET, EX-91, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +2.5 78%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03048 DAUDEN ISY *TV +$484 88% ile Net Merit AUDEN X TEAMSTER X MTOTO +$534 75%Rel Cheese Merit +$445 Birth Date 09/28/08 • FRA Reg. 2242033342 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Outcross with no Shottle, Goldwyn, O Man, or Planet +1493 77%Rel Milk Elite SCR +38 -0.06% Fat +54 +0.03% Protein Sire LADYS-MANOR AUDEN-ET Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91 +2.7 SCS +2.85 Dam KINGS-RANSOM TM DEVA-CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-02 3x 305d 36,930m 3.5 1281f 2.9 1057p lbs. -2 -1 0 DMS 1 2 +2.47 76%Rel Type aAa 423165 1HO03048 DAUDEN ISY NA +2.48 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.69 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.1 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.6 +2081 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form 8% 95%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 1.7 8.5% 86%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 7.0% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 4.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 95%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.6 Shallow 2.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.5 Dam: Kings-Ransom TM Deva CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS +2.5 81%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10460 BLUMENFELD DE PRINCE-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$367 67% ile DESTRY*RC X TOYSTORY X O MAN Cheese Merit +$465 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$279 Birth Date 04/29/10 • USA Reg. 69404886 Daughters Herds G G Exciting red bull from the Pandora line Milk +146 75%Rel Outstanding Type without sacrificing DPR Fat +20 +0.05% Protein +26 +0.08% Sire SCIENTIFIC DESTRY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.82 Maternal Sister: Blumenfeld SH Prayer*RC +3.0 Dam CO-OP TOYSTRY PEACE 2409-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 2x 305d 22,920m 3.7 844f 3.2 741p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 Type +3.00 75%Rel aAa 243 -2 1HO10460 DE PRINCE-RED Udder Comp. +2.09 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.73 3.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 1.4 +1998 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.6 Open Rib 2.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.4 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 51%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 3.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.4% 48%Rel 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.1 Dau. Stillbirth 8.1% 48%Rel 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.8 73%Rel Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 70%Rel Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 Dam: Co-op Toystry Peace 2409-ET, VG-86, VG-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Hendel Shottle Miami-ET, VG-88, VG-MS
Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91
SUPER X BOLTON X SHOTTLE Birth Date 08/06/10
• USA Reg. 69774730
Birth Date 10/15/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$787 99% ile Cheese Merit +$826 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$753 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1426 75%Rel Fat +65 +0.06% Protein +48 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.76 +7.3 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +3.68 75%Rel Udder Comp. +3.36 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.71 TPISM +2457 Sire Calving Ease 8% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 52%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.2% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.3% 47%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 71%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
Our leader in TPISM
Our #1 for LNM and DPR
Popular contract sire
Elite fitness that can only come from Freddie x Wizard
• USA Reg. 68656227
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$874 ++% ile Cheese Merit +$960 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$790 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1073 76%Rel Fat +65 +0.10% Protein +47 +0.06% Prod. Life SCS +2.59 +7.8 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +0.93 76%Rel Udder Comp. +1.15 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.30 TPISM +2313 Sire Calving Ease 6% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 55%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.8 92%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +3.6 71%Rel SynchSmart™ -1.5 57%Rel
2-004 2x 365d 34,140m 3.2 1079f 2.9 1007p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa 234
1HO10458 DAY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.9 1.3 1.6 2.5 0.5 1.4 0.7 2.4 2.8 3.3 4.1 4.2 3.7 2.8 3.7 1.8 2.0 0.4
4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345 0 1 aAa 342
1HO10218 DENIM HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.1 0.2 0.7 0.5 1.6 0.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 0.1 1.7 0.3 0.2 0.3
15 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10442 BRU-DALE DESTRY DELMAR-ET *TV Net Merit +$561 95% ile DESTRY*RC X SHOTTLE X MARATHON Cheese Merit +$629 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$490 Birth Date 06/26/10 • USA Reg. 140805802 Daughters Herds G G Appealing Type in a Red-carrier package Milk +81 76%Rel Welded-on udders Fat +22 +0.07% Protein +15 +0.05% Sire SCIENTIFIC DESTRY-ET Prod. Life +6.3 SCS +2.70 Dam BUCKNELL SHOTTLE SHERRY-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 305d 27,690m 4.1 1149f 3.3 911p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +2.73 75%Rel aAa 234 -2 1HO10442 DELMAR *RC 123234 Udder Comp. +2.88 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.69 2.0 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.7 +2125 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 52%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 48%Rel 2.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 48%Rel 3.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.9 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 3.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 70%Rel Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.2 Dam: Bucknell Shottle Sherry-ET, EX-90, EX-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10422 WARGO-N-JD DEMPSEY *TV %-I +$689 99% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X PRONTO X TITANIC +$694 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$686 Birth Date 06/20/10 • USA Reg. 69093189 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Fertile daughters +1351 75%Rel Milk Fat yield improver +66 +0.07% Fat +38 -0.01% Protein Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE MGD: Wargo-N-JD Dimples-ET EX-91, EX-MS +5.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.83 Dam WARGO-N-JD PRONTO DROOPY-ET, VG-86 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-09 3x 298d 33,590m 3.7 1257f 3.0 1005p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 +1.90 75%Rel Type aAa 342 -2 1HO10422 DEMPSEY +1.28 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.70 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.0 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.1 +2175 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form 6% 55%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 52%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 1.8 7.5% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 6.2% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Dam: Wargo-N-JD Pronto Droopy-ET VG-86 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10420 DE-SU RUSSELL DESIGN-TW *TV Net Merit +$711 99% ile RUSSELL X WIZARD X MTOTO Cheese Merit +$753 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$666 Birth Date 06/15/10 • USA Reg. 69473933 Daughters Herds G G Top-notch Fat yields Milk +1039 75%Rel Impeccable Daughter Fertility Fat +76 +0.15% Protein +36 +0.02% Sire BRIGEEN RUSSELL Prod. Life SCS +2.64 +5.1 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 234345 Type +1.35 73%Rel aAa 426 -2 1HO10420 DESIGN Udder Comp. +0.95 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.26 1.7 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 0.7 +2184 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 6% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 Dau. Calving Ease 5% 50%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 47%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 46%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.6 72%Rel Shallow 1.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.8 71%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
16 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02827 BRANDT-VIEW DEWEY-ET *TV Net Merit +$538 93% ile COLBY X POTTER X BW MARSHALL Cheese Merit +$511 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$558 Birth Date 08/31/08 • USA Reg. 139417539 Daughters Herds G G Daughters that last and last Milk +832 76%Rel Incredible Daughter Pregnancy Rates Fat +36 +0.02% Protein +16 -0.03% Sire SOLID-GOLD COLBY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.85 +6.3 Dam CONANT-ACRES POTTER GAIL-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 46,630m 3.8 1761f 2.9 1348p lbs. Type +1.69 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 aAa 231 -2 1HO02827 DEWEY Udder Comp. +1.89 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.27 1.2 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2019 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 10% 90%Rel Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 71%Rel 1.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 7.0% 55%Rel 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 95%Rel Shallow 2.2 Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 72%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Conant-Acres Potter Gail-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, DOM SynchSmart™ +1.5 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03045 DIPRED ISY P-RED *TV %-I +$373 68% ile Net Merit LAWN BOY P-RED X MANAGER X TRIBUTE +$431 73%Rel Cheese Merit +$318 Birth Date 11/15/08 • FRA Reg. 2211467455 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Polled and Red! +537 76%Rel Milk High Conception -5 -0.09% Fat +27 +0.04% Protein Sire AGGRAVATION LAWN BOY P-RED +4.4 SCS +2.78 Dam AGLAE, VG-85-FRANCE Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-04 2x 305d 22,200m 3.7 821f 2.8 630p lbs. +1.08 74%Rel -2 -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA Type aAa 312546 1HO03045 DIPRED ISY P-RED +1.66 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +0.57 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.7 Tall Short Stature +1804 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 7% 77%Rel Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.5 7.4% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 5.5% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 +2.6 83%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03074 DUGON ISY %-I Net Merit +$434 80% ile FROSTY X SHOTTLE X TRENT*MF Cheese Merit +$439 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$440 Birth Date 01/10/08 • FRA Reg. 2234482551 Daughters Herds G G One of our Milk yield leaders Milk +2014 78%Rel Unique Frosty son Fat +67 -0.02% Protein +60 +0.00% Sire DIAMOND-OAK FROSTY-ET Prod. Life +0.8 SCS +2.95 Dam BEVEREN, VG-87-FRANCE HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-05 2x 280d 22,376m 3.5 785f 3.3 731p lbs. Type +1.50 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa NA -2 1HO03074 DUGON ISY NA Udder Comp. +0.94 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.28 1.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1937 Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease Open Rib 2.2 Tight Rib 8% 57%Rel Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Dau. Calving Ease Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 8% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 9.0% 50%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 8.4% 52%Rel 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 73%Rel Shallow 0.1 Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.0 73%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Ucocotte
Dam: Aglae, VG-85-FRANCE
Dam: Beveren, VG-87-France
Seidl’s Mt. View Don Juan 2514
DON X LUCENTE X MANFRED Birth Date 04/27/06
• USA Reg. 62792933
Birth Date 03/22/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$476 87% ile Cheese Merit +$455 87%Rel Fluid Merit +$494 Daughters Herds 83 141 Milk +731 93%Rel Fat +33 +0.02% Protein +16 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.94 Strutz Don Juan 3936 +4.8 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.78 90%Rel Udder Comp. +2.03 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.00 TPISM +1949 Sire Calving Ease 7% 98%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 72%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 94%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 63%Rel Kiefland Don Juan 835 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 79%Rel SynchSmart™ +1.5 94%Rel
Sound Feet and Legs
Incredible Fitness
Ideal udders
Fertile daughters
2-10 3x 305d 35,930m 3.6 1294f 2.9 1025p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345456 0 1 aAa 543
1HO09225 DON JUAN HA -Trait Profile 88 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
• USA Reg. 68656352
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$796 ++% ile Cheese Merit +$862 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$734 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1620 76%Rel Fat +70 +0.04% Protein +58 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.60 +5.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +0.94 76%Rel Udder Comp. +0.86 Feet & Legs Comp. +0.68 TPISM +2249 Sire Calving Ease 6% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 53%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 50%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.9 55%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.5 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
0.2 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.3 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.6 3.2 3.3 2.2 1.4 2.3 2.1 0.9
4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234345 0 1 aAa 342
1HO10275 DREW HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.0 0.2 0.1 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.2 1.1 0.6 0.8 2.4 2.0 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.1
18 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10080 DE-SU PLANET DUSK 600-ET *TV Net Merit +$690 99% ile PLANET X WIZARD X MTOTO Cheese Merit +$669 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$698 Birth Date 07/29/09 • USA Reg. 66636736 Daughters Herds G G Daughters that will last Milk +1673 75%Rel Healthy udders Fat +51 -0.04% Protein +38 -0.04% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life +7.0 SCS +2.58 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1739f 3.5 1229p lbs. Type +1.64 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 aAa 243 -2 1HO10080 DUSK Udder Comp. +1.71 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.29 0.3 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2119 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 7% 78%Rel Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 6% 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.0 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 59%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 52%Rel 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.3 90%Rel Shallow 1.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 70%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 Third dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna, EX-91 SynchSmart™ -1.0 64%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02729 MR SHOTTLE EDEN-ET *TV +$482 88% ile Net Merit SHOTTLE X O MAN X AARON +$525 75%Rel Cheese Merit +$445 Birth Date 03/25/08 • USA Reg. 139325955 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds All-around udder improver +1072 76%Rel Milk Strong, well-built daughters +51 +0.05% Fat +40 +0.03% Protein Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET +2.7 SCS +2.84 Dam MS ELECTRESS-ET, VG-88, EX-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-11 3x 365d 44,120m 4.1 1809f 3.3 1447p lbs. +2.10 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 Type aAa 321 -2 1HO02729 EDEN +1.54 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.40 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.5 Tall Short Stature +2007 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.6 5% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 6% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 7.3% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 6.6% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 97%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 -0.5 88%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03068 EHMAN ISY Net Merit +$701 99% ile PLANET X BUCKEYE X O MAN Cheese Merit +$741 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$670 Birth Date 03/11/09 • FRA Reg. 3704257074 Daughters Herds G G Ideal udder traits Milk +1662 76%Rel Elite fitness numbers Fat +67 +0.03% Protein +56 +0.03% Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.83 +6.1 Dam DG-CAPMAN HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 2x 305d 19,812m 4.5 884f 3.5 692p lbs. Type +1.92 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa NA -2 1HO03068 EHMAN ISY NA Udder Comp. +2.08 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.35 1.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2195 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 6% 54%Rel Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 6% 52%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 48%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 7.0% 49%Rel 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.1 85%Rel Shallow 1.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 70%Rel Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Ever-Green-View Elsa-ET, VG-89, VG-MS
Dam: Ms Electress-ET, VG-88, EX-MS
Dam: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM
Dam: Gen-I-Geq Shottle Bombi-ET, VG-87-Canada
PLANET X BRET X MANFRED Birth Date 10/16/09
• FRA Reg. 5008238457
Birth Date 10/15/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$841 ++% ile Cheese Merit +$903 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$788 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1847 76%Rel Fat +66 -0.01% Protein +65 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.72 Maternal Sister: Co-op Encino +7.5 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Yancie, VG-85 Type +2.36 76%Rel Udder Comp. +2.00 Feet & Legs Comp. +0.38 TPISM +2372 Sire Calving Ease 8% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.3% 51%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 51%Rel Maternal Sister: Co-op Boliver FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.9 80%Rel Yoyo-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 72%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
Attractive daughters that milk and last!
Outstanding Fat yield and percents
Adequate size and strength
Extremely High, Wide Rear Udders
• FRA Reg. 2247551712
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$630 97% ile Cheese Merit +$696 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$562 Daughters Herds G G Milk +713 77%Rel Fat +98 +0.27% Protein +33 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.65 +2.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.96 76%Rel Udder Comp. +2.32 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.95 TPISM +2182 Sire Calving Ease 9% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 53%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 4.7% 50%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.8 72%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
1-11 3x 365d 36,930m 3.6 1336f 3.1 1129p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa NA
1HO03070 ECOYNE ISY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.3 0.7 0.4 1.1 0.5 2.2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.6 2.3 3.1 3.0 3.0 1.4 3.0 2.7 1.1
2-01 2x 305d 27,289m 4.9 1338f 3.4 919p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa NA
1HO03073 ELIN ISY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.1 1.9 1.7 1.9 0.3 2.0 0.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.9 3.8 3.4 1.0 2.1 1.5 0.2 0.7
20 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10286 GRANDEUR ELROY-ET *TV Net Merit +$640 98% ile SEBASTIAN X BAXTER X PIPPEN Cheese Merit +$663 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$609 Birth Date 05/31/10 • USA Reg. 69052901 Daughters Herds G G Feet and Leg improver Milk +1008 74%Rel Increases Fat percents Fat +73 +0.15% Protein +30 +0.01% Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.60 +5.4 Dam BOSSIDE BAXTER ELIZABETH-ET, GP-81 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 3x 365d 28,080m 4.6 1300f 3.4 945p lbs Type +1.48 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 456 aAa 324 -2 1HO10286 ELROY Udder Comp. +1.15 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.20 1.2 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2079 Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 48%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 49%Rel 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 44%Rel 1.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 72%Rel Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10465 NOVA SEBASTIAN EMPIRE-ET *TV +$652 98% ile Net Merit SEBASTIAN X GOLDWYN X ROY +$714 71%Rel Cheese Merit +$597 Birth Date 06/22/10 • USA Reg. 69402333 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exceptional Calving Ease +842 74%Rel Milk Feet and Leg specialist +60 +0.11% Fat +38 +0.05% Protein Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET +4.7 SCS +2.83 Dam NOVA-TMJ GOLDEN EDIE-ETS, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 365d 30,230m 4.8 1445f 3.2 980p lbs. +2.64 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA Type aAa 243 -2 1HO10465 EMPIRE +1.75 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.77 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.1 Tall Short Stature +2226 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 5% 56%Rel Open Rib 2.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 49%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 3.0 7.2% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.2 5.4% 45%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.5 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 72%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.9 Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Twin-B-Dairy Electra-ET, VG-85
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10238 KINGS-RANSOM M ENSIGN *TV %-I Net Merit +$493 89% ile MILLION X RAMOS X ITO Cheese Merit +$547 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$432 Birth Date 10/28/09 • USA Reg. 65828006 Daughters Herds G G Trouble-free udders Milk +9 75%Rel Appealing Sire Conception Fat +40 +0.15% Protein +9 +0.03% Sire ENGLAND-AMMON MILLION-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 +6.3 Dam KINGS-RANSOM RAMOS ELVIRA, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-05 3x 301d 21,740m 4.5 972f 3.3 722p lbs. Type +1.39 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 aAa 651 -2 1HO10238 ENSIGN Udder Comp. +1.74 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.86 0.6 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1882 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7% 82%Rel Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 62%Rel 0.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 Dau. Stillbirth 9.2% 54%Rel 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 96%Rel Shallow 2.1 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 71%Rel Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchSmart™ +2.0 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: UFM Dubs Eroy, VG-87, VG-MS
Dam: Kings-Ransom Ramos Ekky-ET, VG-85, VG-MS
Dam: Nova-TMJ Golden Erin-ET, VG-89, EX-MS
PLANET X RAMOS X BULLET Birth Date 02/22/09
• USA Reg. 65801539
Birth Date 06/09/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$858 ++% ile Cheese Merit +$900 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$817 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1192 76%Rel Fat +75 +0.12% Protein +41 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.70 +8.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.57 76%Rel Udder Comp. +1.72 Feet & Legs Comp. +0.16 TPISM +2261 Sire Calving Ease 5% 97%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.8% 92%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.5% 53%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.2 97%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 71%Rel SynchSmart™ -3.0 86%Rel
Elite profitability from our #3 LNM$ bull
Sebastian son with elite FLC
Top of the line fitness
Ideal udder quality with strong attachments
• USA Reg. 68767098
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$611 97% ile Cheese Merit +$653 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$562 Daughters Herds G G Milk +789 74%Rel Fat +59 +0.12% Protein +28 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.61 +4.4 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +3.06 74%Rel Udder Comp. +2.67 Feet & Legs Comp. +3.33 TPISM +2205 Sire Calving Ease 7% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 50%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 45%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 75%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 73%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
2-00 3x 305d 26,310m 4.7 1247f 3.1 819p lbs. -2 DMS -1 135345 0 1 aAa 123
1HO09800 ERDMAN HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.0 0.6 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.5 1.3 0.4 0.9 0.8 2.1 2.4 2.2 2.2 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.4
2-03 2x 365d 36,830m 4.9 1815f 3.5 1277p lbs. -2 DMS -1 123234 0 1 aAa 351
1HO10174 ERSKINE HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.5 1.3 1.2 1.6 0.3 1.3 1.4 3.1 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.1 2.6 1.5 3.3 0.9 0.1 0.1
22 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10001 UFM-DUBS ENERGY-ET *TV Net Merit +$530 93% ile COLBY X O MAN X SAM Cheese Merit +$570 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$483 Birth Date 08/30/08 • USA Reg. 65780120 Daughters Herds G G Daughters that last and will breed back Milk +348 76%Rel Attractive udders and sturdy Feet and Legs Fat +55 +0.17% Protein +15 +0.02% Sire SOLID-GOLD COLBY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.65 +4.8 Dam UFM-DUBS ERRER-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 2x 365d 28,550m 4.4 1258f 3.2 909p lbs. Type +2.08 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 aAa 423 -2 1HO10001 ERGY Udder Comp. +1.80 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.51 2.8 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2045 Strong Frail Strength 1.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 8% 92%Rel Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.4 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 5% 61%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 74%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 7.5% 53%Rel 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 97%Rel Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 71%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.9 SynchSmart™ +0.5 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03057 ESCABO ISY %-I +$584 96% ile Net Merit MEGA-MAN X V EATON X LIDEO +$605 70%Rel Cheese Merit +$555 Birth Date 03/23/09 • FRA Reg. 5355014337 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Unique out-cross potential +1170 75%Rel Milk Low Cell Counts +55 +0.05% Fat +34 +0.00% Protein Sire MR MILLION MEGA-MAN-ET +4.7 SCS +2.58 Dam VIDEO Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-06 2x 305d 24,656m 4.5 1108f 3.4 855p lbs. +1.00 72%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa NA -2 1HO03057 ESCABO ISY NA +1.47 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +0.24 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.4 Tall Short Stature +1972 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 8% 52%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 49%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 7.8% 44%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.3 8.1% 45%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 Close 1.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Ufm-Dubs Errer-ET, EX-90, EX-MS
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02509 CO-OP TSTORY FLAWLESS-ET *TV Net Merit +$488 89% ile TOYSTORY X BOLIVER X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$512 84%Rel Fluid Merit +$471 Birth Date 09/04/07 • USA Reg. 138798343 Daughters Herds 45 108 Toystory son with Toystory udders Milk +825 91%Rel High conception rate Fat +61 +0.11% Protein +29 +0.02% Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET Prod. Life +2.8 SCS +2.96 Dam RIDGE-HEIGHTS EVELYN CRI-ET, EX-90 EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-05 3x 305d 35,890m 3.3 1192f 3.1 1097p lbs. Type +2.44 85%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 321 -2 1HO02509 FLAWLESS 123135 Udder Comp. +2.53 HA -Trait Profile 35 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.86 1.8 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2021 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 7% 87%Rel Open Rib 2.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Dau. Calving Ease 6% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.9 67%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.0% 65%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 60%Rel 3.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.9 95%Rel Shallow 2.2 Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.4 81%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchSmart™ +2.0 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Video
Stahl Bros Flawless 9138
Muenster Flawless 1102
Dam: Clear-Echo Armstead 1778-ET, VG-87, VG-MS
Maternal Sister to MGD: Co-op Teamster Fidella-ET, EX-93, EX-MS
O-STYLE X ARMSTEAD X RAMOS Birth Date 03/31/10
• USA Reg. 68816223
Birth Date 12/28/08
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$700 99% ile Cheese Merit +$677 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$715 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1588 75%Rel Fat +72 +0.06% Protein +37 -0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.69 MGD: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 +5.7 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 ET, EX-92, EX-MS Type +1.62 75%Rel Udder Comp. +0.98 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.32 TPISM +2179 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 51%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 48%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 46%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.2 79%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.9 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
One of the industry’s first O-Style sons
Elite Calving Ease
Impressive Fitness traits
Sturdy Feet and Legs
1-10 3x 365d 28,260m 3.8 1071f 2.9 821p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345 0 1 aAa 432
1HO10405 FILKE HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
• USA Reg. 66591025
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$537 93% ile Cheese Merit +$549 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$521 Daughters Herds G G Milk +916 75%Rel Fat +45 +0.04% Protein +27 -0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.75 +3.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.85 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.42 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.44 TPISM +2025 Sire Calving Ease 3% 94%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 3% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.8% 83%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +1.5 91%Rel
1.5 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.6 2.6 2.3 2.3 1.4 2.3 2.0 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.8
1-11 3x 305d 27,290m 3.3 906f 3.0 809p lbs. -2 DMS -1 456345 0 1 aAa 216
1HO10000 FRANK HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.0 0.8 1.1 1.8 0.2 0.3 0.7 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.1 2.4 2.1 0.5 1.4 0.2 0.3 0.4
24 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10028 CO-OP UPD GOLDWYN FLOYD-ET *TV Net Merit +$463 84% ile GOLDWYN X O MAN X DANE Cheese Merit +$497 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$417 Birth Date 01/07/09 • USA Reg. 66591027 Daughters Herds G G Appealing Type Milk +792 75%Rel Elite Calving Ease Fat +18 -0.04% Protein +25 +0.00% Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Prod. Life +3.7 SCS +2.52 Dam CO-OP OMAN FAWZIYA, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 3x 305d 27,290m 3.3 906f 3.0 809p lbs. Type +2.10 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123 aAa 231 -2 1HO10028 FLOYD Udder Comp. +1.68 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.71 2.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1971 Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 4% 97%Rel Open Rib 2.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 4% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 5.7% 93%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 53%Rel 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 96%Rel Shallow 1.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 70%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Maternal sister to MGD: Co-op Teamster Fidella-ET, SynchSmart™ -2.0 86%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2 EX-93, EX-MS
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO03079 FORHO ISY %-I +$687 99% ile Net Merit PLANET X O MAN X JOCKO BESNE +$741 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$645 Birth Date 01/10/10 • FRA Reg. 4477605008 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Big-time Milk improver +1894 76%Rel Milk Impressive LNM and TPI +66 -0.02% Fat +66 +0.03% Protein Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET +5.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.81 Dam VALENCE HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-07 2x 305d 28,965m 3.3 956f 3.1 898p lbs. +1.93 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa NA -2 1HO03079 FORHO ISY NA +1.43 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. +0.86 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.2 Tall Short Stature +2171 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 6% 54%Rel Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 52%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 7.5% 48%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 7.6% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 33 64%Rel GenCheck™ Shallow 1.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.0 Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10201 WELCOME CASS GALLOW-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$609 97% ile CASSINO X O MAN X COURIER Cheese Merit +$679 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$532 Birth Date 08/20/09 • USA Reg. 66757447 Daughters Herds G G Sturdy Feet and Legs Milk +338 75%Rel Healthy, well-attached udders Fat +50 +0.15% Protein +21 +0.04% Sire LANGS-TWIN-B CR CASSINO-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.56 +5.4 Dam WELCOME OMAN GIZZY, VG-85, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 3x 365d 35,140m 4.1 1426f 3.3 1154p lbs. Type +1.38 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561 aAa 351 -2 1HO10201 GALLOW Udder Comp. +1.62 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.79 0.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2003 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 7% 77%Rel Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 59%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 5.3% 55%Rel 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 92%Rel Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 69%Rel Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.8 Dam: Welcome Oman Gizzy, VG-85, VG-MS SynchSmart™ -2.0 80%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
O MAN X DIE-HARD X METRO Birth Date 10/31/04 • USA Reg. 60996956
Ladys-Manor RD Gracious-ET, VG-85, VG-MS
Royola Dorries Freelite-ET, GP-84, VG-MS
USDA PTA 4/2012 Industry’s leader for +$792 99% ile Net Merit daughter-proven TPISM +$852 90%Rel Cheese Merit Popular sire of sons +$739 Fluid Merit 346 159 Daughters Herds World-renowned fitness trait specialist +1215 97%Rel Milk +59 +0.05% Fat +47 +0.04% Protein +7.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.77 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +1.25 90%Rel Type +1.21 Udder Comp. +2.31 Feet & Legs Comp. +2251 TPISM 5% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6% 95%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.1% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 94%Rel Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam BADGER-BLUFF FLO FANNY-TW -1.0 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) VG-87, VG-MS, DOM +2.3 82%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 3-10 2x 305d 39,320m 3.4 1352f 3.0 1163p lbs. -2.5 95%Rel SynchSmart™ aAa 315 DMS 345456 -2
1HO08784 FREDDIE HA -Trait Profile 82 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
Oharrows Freddie 7023, second lactation
Schmidts Ponderosa Freddie 4660 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 1.0 2.2 2.3 2.6 1.8 1.7 1.1 0.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.1
Gil-Gar Freddie Panzier
Dam: Welcome Goldwyn Graity, EX-90
• USA Reg. 66757435
Birth Date 06/21/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$686 99% ile Cheese Merit +$761 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$615 Daughters Herds G G Milk +831 75%Rel Fat +66 +0.14% Protein +39 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.69 MGD: Welcome Addison Great, +4.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 EX-90, EX-MS Type +2.22 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.75 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.74 TPISM +2213 Sire Calving Ease 5% 68%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 94%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 70%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.5 81%Rel
Fitness meets Type with Freddie x Goldwyn
Herd life improver
Low Calving Ease for use in your entire herd
Attractive high and wide Rear Udders
• USA Reg. 69386848
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$745 99% ile Cheese Merit +$782 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$703 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1254 75%Rel Fat +55 +0.04% Protein +40 +0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.59 +7.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.05 74%Rel Udder Comp. +2.27 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.62 TPISM +2218 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 51%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 46%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 69%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
3-07 3x 365d 33,420m 5.1 1703f 3.6 1218p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234345 0 1 aAa 324
1HO10247 GERVASE HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.5 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.7 0.5 2.8 2.7 3.1 2.8 2.3 2.0 0.0 2.1 0.8 0.1 0.3
3-10 2x 365d 33,580m 4.4 1479f 3.4 1137p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234345 0 1 aAa 423
1HO10454 JACOB HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.1 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.2 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.9 3.2 3.0 2.1 2.0 1.1 1.3 1.6
27 INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO08642 COLDSPRINGS GARNETT CRI-ET *TV Net Merit +$650 98% ile O MAN X PATRON X CARDINAL Cheese Merit +$814 86%Rel Fluid Merit +$496 Birth Date 10/19/04 • USA Reg. 62030774 Daughters Herds 122 156 Fertile daughters Milk +214 90%Rel Major components, low Somatic Cell Fat +55 +0.18% Protein +41 +0.13% Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.60 +4.6 Dam COLDSPRINGS PATRON GENIE-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM Full sister: Coldsprings Oman 1460 KI-ET HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-07 2x 365d 41,740m 4.3 1778f 3.1 1307p lbs. Type +0.82 86%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135561 aAa 534 -2 1HO08642 GARNETT Udder Comp. +0.63 HA -Trait Profile 61 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.09 0.6 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2103 Strong Frail Strength 1.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 7% 98%Rel Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 5% 66%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 9.2% 94%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.6 Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 81%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.2 97%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.7 83%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.7 Maternal sister: Coldsprings Outs 1715 KI-ET SynchSmart™ -2.0 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10200 WELCOME GLENTON-ET *TV %-I +$621 97% ile Net Merit PLANET X GOLDWYN X WIZARD +$724 73%Rel Cheese Merit +$523 Birth Date 07/31/09 • USA Reg. 66757430 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Youthful, well-attached udders +607 75%Rel Milk Adds rear udder height and width +43 +0.08% Fat +38 +0.07% Protein Sire ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET +6.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.66 Dam WELCOME GOLDWYN GRACIE-ET, VG-88, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-01 3x 365d 26,390m 4.3 1134f 3.5 925p lbs. +2.91 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135123 Type aAa 231 -2 1HO10200 GLENTON +2.68 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +0.97 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.2 Tall Short Stature +2197 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 9% 84%Rel Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 7.1% 65%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 7.9% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 3.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.5 94%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 Shallow 2.5 Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 70%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Dam: Welcome Goldwyn Gracie-ET, VG-88, EX-MS +1.0 85%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08890 WELCOME MARMAX GOLDEN-ET *TV Net Merit +$378 69% ile MARMAX X OUTSIDE X LANTZ Cheese Merit +$332 87%Rel Fluid Merit +$426 Birth Date 03/15/05 • USA Reg. 61757605 Daughters 97 Herds 62 High Milk Production in a Red-Carrier package Milk +1720 93%Rel High, wide Rear Udder Attachments Fat +29 -0.12% Protein +38 -0.05% Sire B-HIDDENHILLS MAR MARMAX-ET Prod. Life +3.3 SCS +2.95 Dam WELCOME OUTSIDE GOLDEN-ET, EX-90, VG-MS, GMD, DOM Dam: Welcome Outside Golden-ET, EX-90, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-06 3x 365d 39,890m 4.3 1727f 3.1 1255p lbs. Type +0.81 90%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 342 -2 1HO08890 GOLDEN *RC 345 Udder Comp. +1.00 HA -Trait Profile 79 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.52 1.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1805 Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 9% 82%Rel Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Dau. Calving Ease 9% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 71%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Sire Stillbirth 8.2% 62%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 8.1% 63%Rel 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 92%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 81%Rel Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 Cassel Golden 6 SynchSmart™ -1.5 61%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
28 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10255 CO-OP BLUMEN GOLDENGATE-ET *TV%-I Net Merit +$729 99% ile FREDDIE X JOSE X RAMOS Cheese Merit +$781 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$670 Birth Date 11/04/09 • USA Reg. 65472696 Daughters Herds G G Elite Calving Ease for use in entire herd Milk +779 75%Rel Fat yield improver + decreases cell count Fat +62 +0.12% Protein +30 +0.03% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life +6.7 SCS +2.58 Dam CO-OP JOSE GEEGEE CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 3x 305d 23,370m 4.2 991f 3.1 729p lbs. Type +1.48 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 312 -2 1HO10255 GOLDENGATE345 Udder Comp. +1.03 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.57 0.4 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2142 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 6% 65%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 5% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 54%Rel 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 55%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.9 76%Rel Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 71%Rel Close 1.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Co-Op Jose Geegee CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10298 BAF-ZBW AL GRISWOLD-ET *TV +$579 96% ile Net Merit AL X O MAN X PATRIOT +$660 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$507 Birth Date 02/23/10 • USA Reg. 66649682 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Healthy udders +1035 75%Rel Milk Very impressive Calving Ease +45 +0.03% Fat +46 +0.06% Protein Sire MR REGELCREEK SHOT AL-ET +4.4 SCS +2.74 Dam BURR-AYR O-MAN GRABIELA, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-05 2x 365d 40,870m 3.4 1380f 3.3 1351p lbs. +1.67 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa 234 -2 1HO10298 GRISWOLD 126561 +1.28 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.09 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.3 Tall Short Stature +2064 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 5% 55%Rel Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 5% 51%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.2 6.6% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 7.3% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 +1.6 81%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 Dam: Burr-Ayr O-Man Grabiela, EX-90, EX-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10066 CO-OP DIE-HARD HARVEY-ET *TV Net Merit +$475 86% ile DIE-HARD X MASCOL X TRENT Cheese Merit +$540 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$417 Birth Date 11/18/08 • USA Reg. 139705292 Daughters Herds G G Desirable udder attachments Milk +835 75%Rel Impressive Conception Fat +25 -0.02% Protein +38 +0.05% Sire REGANCREST RBK DIE-HARD-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.82 +3.8 Dam A-ELSBERND TINKER CRI-ET, GP-83 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 3x 365d 28,420m 3.9 1115f 3.3 944p lbs. Type +1.34 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345456 aAa 543 -2 1HO10066 HARVEY Udder Comp. +1.21 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.34 0.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1918 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7% 89%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.6 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.6% 69%Rel 1.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 55%Rel 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 95%Rel Shallow 0.4 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 72%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchSmart™ +1.0 79%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: A-Elsbernd Tinker CRI-ET, GP-83
29 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02531 BRANDT-VIEW HEFTY-ET *TV Net Merit +$478 87% ile BOLTON X SHOTTLE X DURHAM Cheese Merit +$482 85%Rel Fluid Merit +$469 Birth Date 08/14/07 • USA Reg. 138550394 Daughters Herds 51 112 High SCR bull Milk +1567 91%Rel Excellent udders Fat +77 +0.07% Protein +42 -0.02% Sire SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.65 +2.2 Dam BRANDT-VIEW SHOTTLE FERN-ET, VG-86, EX-MS, DOM Dam: Brandt-View Shottle Fern-ET, VG-86, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 3x 365d 38,400m 4.8 1834f 3.0 1154p lbs. Type +3.10 85%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 aAa 342 -2 1HO02531 HEFTY Udder Comp. +2.58 HA -Trait Profile 33 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +2.11 2.8 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2059 Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.1 Sire Calving Ease 10% 99%Rel Open Rib 3.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Dau. Calving Ease 9% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.0 71%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 96%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.6 Dau. Stillbirth 8.9% 63%Rel 3.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 4.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 4.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.1 99%Rel Shallow 1.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -2.8 81%Rel Close 1.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 Habeck Hefty Hoot SynchSmart™ +1.5 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02730 CO-OP RAMOS ICEMAN-ET *TV %-I +$563 95% ile Net Merit RAMOS X SHOTTLE X ITO +$590 75%Rel Cheese Merit +$516 Birth Date 04/05/08 • USA Reg. 63130633 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Stellar health traits +421 76%Rel Milk Attractive Type +23 +0.03% Fat +12 -0.01% Protein Sire RAMOS Dam: Regancrest Shot Iola CRI-ET, GP-83 +5.8 Prod. Life SCS +2.44 Dam REGANCREST SHOT IOLA CRI-ET, GP-83, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 3x 305d 28,710m 3.1 886f 2.8 803p lbs. +1.58 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 Type aAa 546 -2 1HO02730 ICEMAN +1.55 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.70 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.2 Tall Short Stature +1983 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 5% 95%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 5% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.3 6.4% 82%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 5.1% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 Shallow 1.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 Full Sister: Co-op Ramos Indigo-ET, VG-87, VG-MS +0.5 93%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10032 HURTGENLEA JAMAR-ET *TV Net Merit +$552 94% ile GOLDWYN X O MAN X DANTE Cheese Merit +$655 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$446 Birth Date 01/27/09 • USA Reg. 139678549 Daughters Herds G G Among our elite for FLC Milk +194 76%Rel Stellar Type traits Fat +56 +0.18% Protein +24 +0.07% Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Prod. Life +3.7 SCS +2.52 Dam HURTGENLEA O MEARA-ET, GP-84 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 2x 365d 30,190m 4.5 1349f 3.3 1011p lbs. Type +2.73 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 aAa 423 -2 1HO10032 JAMAR Udder Comp. +2.13 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +3.25 3.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2131 Strong Frail Strength 1.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.0 Sire Calving Ease 8% 92%Rel Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 5% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 3.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 74%Rel 3.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.5 Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 54%Rel 2.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 98%Rel Shallow 2.1 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 71%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 MGD: Hurtgenlea Dante Marissa-ET , EX-93, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +0.0 90%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
SHOTTLE X BW MARSHALL X MANFRED Birth Date 11/25/05 • USA Reg. 62942427
Co-op Hill Paper
Troika Hill Roeray
USDA PTA 4/2012 Tremendous production +$613 97% ile Net Merit and outstanding Type +$576 88%Rel Cheese Merit Elite daughter-proven TPISM +$638 Fluid Merit 243 Daughters Herds 120 Fantastic conception +1845 95%Rel Milk +62 -0.02% Fat +41 -0.05% Protein +4.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.65 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +2.52 90%Rel Type +2.79 Udder Comp. +1.58 Feet & Legs Comp. +2178 TPISM 8% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 7% 81%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.7% 97%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 75%Rel Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam LOTTA-HILL MARSHALL 3328, GP-83 +2.4 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 3-06 2x 305d 35,110m 3.1 1104f 3.0 1061p lbs. -0.3 80%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 231 DMS 126 -1.5 94%Rel SynchSmart™ -2
1HO09192 HILL HA -Trait Profile
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
North Harbor Hill 2543
76 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Troika Hill Roeray
2.7 0.7 0.9 1.7 1.8 0.6 0.6 1.1 2.5 1.5 3.0 4.0 2.8 2.1 3.1 1.0 1.1 0.7
Hillcrest Hill 3980
31 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02716 CO-OP BSF JETLINER-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$602 97% ile JET STREAM X RAMOS X MTOTO Cheese Merit +$667 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$552 Birth Date 05/28/08 • USA Reg. 62868230 Daughters Herds G G Breeds fertile daughters Milk +1087 75%Rel Youthful udders Fat +50 +0.03% Protein +47 +0.05% Sire APPLOUIS JET STREAM-ET Prod. Life +4.6 SCS +2.96 Dam BEYERCREST JACINTA CRI-ET, VG-87 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.17 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135123 aAa 231 -2 1HO02716 JETLINER Udder Comp. +1.50 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.37 0.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2063 Strong Frail Strength 0.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 6% 83%Rel Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 64%Rel 0.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 54%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 94%Rel Shallow 2.6 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 72%Rel Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchSmart™ -2.5 73%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09846 CO-OP HILL JIGSAW *TV +$579 96% ile Net Merit HILL X DISON X BOSS IRON +$486 71%Rel Cheese Merit +$656 Birth Date 07/06/09 • USA Reg. 65801585 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Exciting Hill son with impressive udders +2332 74%Rel Milk Our leader for Milk yield +48 -0.14% Fat +42 -0.10% Protein Sire LOTTA-HILL SHOTTLE 41-ET +4.6 SCS +2.69 Dam HELMERS DISON JELL CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 305d 31,340m 3.5 1099f 2.9 919p lbs. +1.66 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 Type aAa 234 -2 1HO09846 JIGSAW +2.58 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +0.99 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.4 Tall Short Stature +2056 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 6% 83%Rel Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 6% 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 7.8% 65%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 7.0% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 3.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 -1.8 94%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 3.0 Deep Udder Depth 2.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 67%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.9 Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 +1.5 77%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Beyercrest Janine-ET VG-87
Dam: Helmers Dison Jell CRI-ET VG-85, VG-MS
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10290 ZIMMERVIEW JOSIAH-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$398 73% ile PEMBROKE *RC X LAWN BOY P-RED X TALENT Cheese Merit +$422 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$375 Birth Date 03/20/10 • USA Reg. 68855228 Daughters Herds G G Exciting new RED Pembroke son Milk +529 74%Rel Tremendous udder traits Fat +24 +0.02% Protein +19 +0.02% Sire CO-OP MAC PEMBROKE Prod. Life SCS +2.85 +4.1 Dam ZIMMERVIEW LBY CYBIL-RED-ET HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-08 2x 91d 4,486m 2.6 118f 3.1 138p lbs. Type +1.86 72%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 531 -2 1HO10290 JOSIAH-RED 345 Udder Comp. +2.00 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.42 0.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1853 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 6% 55%Rel Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.8 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 6% 48%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.8 Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 48%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 7.7% 43%Rel 3.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 2.1 Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 72%Rel Close 1.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.0 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85, DOM
• USA Reg. 69349182
Birth Date 08/19/08
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$770 99% ile Cheese Merit +$842 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$694 Daughters Herds G G Milk +670 75%Rel Fat +58 +0.12% Protein +32 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.57 MGD: Coyne Farms Shottle Jam, +7.7 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 VG-88 Type +1.15 75%Rel Udder Comp. +0.74 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.95 TPISM +2152 Sire Calving Ease 4% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 52%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.3% 49%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
Impressive health traits
One of our best for Productive Life and DPR
Calving Ease specialist
Impressive LNM$ and TPISM
• USA Reg. 63496162
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$720 99% ile Cheese Merit +$826 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$618 Daughters Herds G G Milk +423 76%Rel Fat +54 +0.15% Protein +33 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.64 +7.1 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.71 76%Rel Udder Comp. +1.49 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.92 TPISM +2207 Sire Calving Ease 7% 98%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 95%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.1 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 71%Rel SynchSmart™ -1.0 94%Rel
2-02 3x 365d 32,120m 4.1 1332f 3.0 964p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa 351
1HO10456 JAGUAR HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.9 0.2 2.1 1.5 2.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.5
2-00 2x 305d 28,780m 4.0 1157f 3.1 904p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345234 0 1 aAa 243
1HO02771 JOCK HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.4 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.1 2.1 1.5 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.6 0.1 2.0 0.7 0.1 1.5
MASSEY X RAMOS X SHOTTLE Birth Date 11/23/09 • USA Reg. 140396034
MGD: Coyne Farms Shottle Jam, VG-88
Dam: Coyne Farms Ramos Jelly, VG-85
USDA PTA 4/2012 High-ranking LNM$ from an early +$771 99% ile Net Merit Massey son +$878 73%Rel Cheese Merit Components specialist +$667 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Long-lasting cows with quality legs +1106 76%Rel Milk and udders +71 +0.12% Fat +52 +0.07% Protein +6.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.54 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +1.67 75%Rel Type +1.48 Udder Comp. +1.72 Feet & Legs Comp. +2222 TPISM 7% 65%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6% 64%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.0% 55%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.7% 56%Rel Sire CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam COYNE-FARMS RAMOS JELLY, VG-85, DOM +1.6 77%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 2-02 3x 365d 32,120m 4.1 1332f 3.0 964p lbs. -0.4 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate aAa 315 DMS 456345 NA SynchSmart™ -2
1HO10288 JAKE HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.5 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 1.9 1.5 1.9 2.0 2.2 1.9 0.9 1.7 0.1 0.2 0.6
34 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10034 HAECKER-HALL JS JUNO-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$537 93% ile JET STREAM X RAMOS X MTOTO Cheese Merit +$583 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$500 Birth Date 10/21/08 • USA Reg. 66406327 Daughters Herds G G Improves components Milk +958 76%Rel Shallow, youthful udders Fat +63 +0.11% Protein +38 +0.03% Sire APPLOUIS JET STREAM-ET Prod. Life +3.7 SCS +2.90 Dam BEYERCREST RAMOS JACLYN-ET, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 2x 350d 26,390m 4.7 1236f 3.3 871p lbs. Type +1.58 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 aAa 234 -2 1HO10034 JUNO Udder Comp. +1.46 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.69 2.7 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2032 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 8% 85%Rel Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 63%Rel 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.1 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 54%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.7 95%Rel Shallow 2.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 72%Rel Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchSmart™ +1.5 82%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Beyercrest Ramos Jaclyn-ET, VG-85
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09997 CO-OP JETSTREAM KARIM-ET *TV %-I +$400 74% ile Net Merit JET STREAM X ADAM X AARON +$396 75%Rel Cheese Merit +$421 Birth Date 04/29/08 • USA Reg. 64541701 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Solid udder attachments +1450 76%Rel Milk Great Feet and Legs +47 -0.03% Fat +44 +0.00% Protein Sire APPLOUIS JET STREAM-ET +2.2 Prod. Life SCS +3.18 Dam PENTUCK ADAM KATHRYN CRI-ET, GP-83 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 305d 26,880m 3.3 891f 3.3 879p lbs. +2.36 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 Type aAa 342 -2 1HO09997 KARIM +2.22 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.77 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.5 Tall Short Stature +1969 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 7% 96%Rel Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 6% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 5.8% 84%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 6.3% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.7 97%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.1 Shallow 2.5 Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.8 Close 3.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Pentuck Adam Kathryn CRI-ET, GP-83 +0.0 89%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09952 CO-OP RAMOS KARSTEN-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$592 96% ile RAMOS X LANCELOT X BW MARSHALL Cheese Merit +$605 81%Rel Fluid Merit +$579 Birth Date 01/11/08 • USA Reg. 64541656 Daughters Herds 23 40 Unique outcross sire with no O Man or Shottle Milk +1445 85%Rel Trouble-free calvings Fat +33 -0.07% Protein +42 -0.01% Sire RAMOS Prod. Life Dam: My-John Lancelot Kay CRI-ET, GP-82 +5.2 SCS +2.76 Dam MY-JOHN LANCELOT KAY CRI-ET, GP-82, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-09 2x 305d 28,830m 3.9 1113f 3.0 871p lbs. Type +1.65 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 324 -2 1HO09952 KARSTEN *B/R135345 Udder Comp. +1.52 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.74 1.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2068 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 5% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.3 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 5% 65%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.7 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 97%Rel 1.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 4.1% 58%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.8 99%Rel Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 77%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 Gil-Gar Karsten Vivian-ET SynchSmart™ +1.0 95%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
35 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10203 ROHAVEN BURT KENSTON *TV Net Merit +$519 92% ile BURT X TOYSTORY X ORION Cheese Merit +$650 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$394 Birth Date 07/25/09 • USA Reg. 65507013 Daughters Herds G G High-ranking FLC Milk +104 75%Rel Strengthens udder attachments Fat +62 +0.22% Protein +30 +0.10% Sire LUTZ-BROOKVIEW BURT-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.62 +2.5 Dam ROHAVEN TOYSTORY KATYANA, GP-83 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 2x 280d 19,972m 3.9 778f 3.2 635p lbs. Type +1.41 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234345 aAa 243 -2 1HO10203 KENSTON Udder Comp. +1.25 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.13 0.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1952 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 7% 83%Rel Open Rib 1.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 63%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 55%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 93%Rel Shallow 1.6 Deep Udder Depth 2.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.0 72%Rel Close 3.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchSmart™ -1.0 79%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09085 SCHUG DUCE LARIAT CRI-ET *TV +$544 93% ile Net Merit DUCE X BOONE X WINCHESTER +$544 86%Rel Cheese Merit +$542 Birth Date 11/30/05 • USA Reg. 62398865 Fluid Merit 88 Daughters Herds 45 Udder health improver +1281 92%Rel Milk Unique mating +62 +0.06% Fat +35 -0.01% Protein Sire KINGS-RANSOM M DUCE-ET +4.0 SCS +2.78 Dam SCHUG LEIS BOONE LAURA, EX-91, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM Dam: Schug Leis Boone Laura, EX-91, EX-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-03 2x 365d 38,400m 3.6 1365f 2.9 1111p lbs. +1.03 89%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 Type aAa 513 -2 1HO09085 LARIAT +1.13 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 73 Dtrs. +0.70 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.7 Tall Short Stature +1937 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 7% 83%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.6 69%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 8.3% 64%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 6.4% 62%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 93%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. -0.2 80%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 Betcher Lariat Muggs +0.5 61%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02655 WELCOME BOL LATHAM-ET *TV Net Merit +$509 92% ile BOLIVER X O MAN X MAGNA Cheese Merit +$589 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$445 Birth Date 12/21/07 • USA Reg. 64519057 Daughters Herds G G Adds pounds to the tank Milk +1040 77%Rel Open-ribbed daughters Fat +60 +0.08% Protein +49 +0.06% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life +3.6 SCS +2.91 Dam WELCOME OMAN LADY, EX-91, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 34,090m 3.5 1186f 3.2 1091p lbs. Type +1.68 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345456 aAa 345 -2 1HO02655 LATH Udder Comp. +1.50 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.47 1.4 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2026 Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 9% 94%Rel Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 78%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 7.7% 54%Rel 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 97%Rel Shallow 1.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.6 73%Rel Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.5 SynchSmart™ -1.0 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Welcome Oman Lady ,EX-91, EX-MS
Maternal sister: Welcome Baxter Laila-ET, VG-87, VG-MS
Dam: Brandt-View Colby Kimber-ET, VG-85, VG-MS
Dam: Latuch Mac Leanne, VG-85, VG-MS
SUPER X COLBY X POTTER Birth Date 08/03/10
• USA Reg. 140820427
Birth Date 09/06/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$774 99% ile Cheese Merit +$825 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$718 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1064 75%Rel Fat +45 +0.03% Protein +38 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.55 +8.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.67 75%Rel Udder Comp. +2.50 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.66 TPISM +2326 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 51%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.8% 47%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
High-ranking TPISM and LNM$
Improves Feet and Legs
Unique bottom side of Colby X Potter
Type meets performance and Fitness
• USA Reg. 66862273
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$684 99% ile Cheese Merit +$703 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$662 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1068 75%Rel Fat +52 +0.05% Protein +32 +0.00% Prod. Life SCS +2.72 +6.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.79 75%Rel Udder Comp. +2.86 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.86 TPISM +2287 Sire Calving Ease 7% 73%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 57%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.7 94%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 70%Rel SynchSmart™ -3.0 72%Rel
2-03 3x 364d 42,720m 3.6 1541f 3.0 1294p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa 324
1HO10455 KRISTOFF HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.1 0.8 0.9 1.9 0.0 0.6 1.8 1.5 1.7 2.2 3.1 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.0 0.2
2-02 2x 365d 28,710m 4.9 1388f 3.0 850p lbs. -2 DMS -1 135561 0 1 aAa 342
1HO10236 LEWIS HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.4 0.7 0.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.2 2.5 2.9 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.1 2.2 3.2 2.0 2.0 0.3
Jaeger Logan 2158
Dam: Twin-B-Dairy Electra-ET, VG-85
Birth Date 10/06/09
Impressive Milk and component yields
Impressive LNM and TPISM
Stands in industry’s top 10 for daughter-proven TPISM
Fat and Protein enhancer
Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Dam MURANDA MRSHAL LIZY CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM 4-05 3x 305d 41,820m 3.3 1392f 2.6 1101p lbs. -2 DMS -1 456345 0 1 aAa 435
1HO08658 LOGAN HA -Trait Profile 85 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
• USA Reg. 66294547
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$730 99% ile Cheese Merit +$823 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$638 Daughters Herds G G Milk +998 76%Rel Fat +73 +0.13% Protein +46 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.55 +5.3 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.99 75%Rel Udder Comp. +2.22 Feet & Legs Comp. +0.91 TPISM +2207 Sire Calving Ease 7% 66%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.7 85%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.3 70%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$655 98% ile Cheese Merit +$722 89%Rel Fluid Merit +$592 Daughters Herds 74 107 Milk +1643 94%Rel Fat +79 +0.07% Protein +60 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.63 Brown Star Logan 2017 +3.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +0.93 91%Rel Udder Comp. +0.34 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.97 TPISM +2128 Sire Calving Ease 6% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 74%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 98%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 9.2% 66%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 82%Rel SynchSmart™ -2.5 93%Rel
• USA Reg. 62030793
1.2 1.3 1.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.7 1.7 2.4 1.9 0.9 1.5 1.4 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.5
5-00 2x 365d 33,480m 4.7 1569f 3.0 1017p lbs. -2 DMS -1 456561 0 1 aAa 324
1HO10217 MASTER *BY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.1 0.8 0.5 0.7 1.4 1.4 0.0 1.2 0.6 1.1 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.0 2.9 2.9 0.8
38 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09092 CO-OP SHOTTLE LAZARITH-ET *TV Net Merit +$420 78% ile SHOTTLE X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$398 89%Rel Fluid Merit +$436 Birth Date 12/27/05 • USA Reg. 62398872 Daughters 274 Herds 106 An SCR leader Milk +1928 95%Rel Tremendous rear udders Fat +52 -0.07% Protein +47 -0.04% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.68 +1.2 Dam MURANDA MRSHAL LIZY CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM Dam: Muranda Mrshal Lizy CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-05 3x 305d 41,820m 3.3 1392f 2.6 1101p lbs. Type +1.19 89%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123135 aAa 324 -2 1HO09092 LAZARITH Udder Comp. +0.56 HA -Trait Profile 71 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.61 0.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1854 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 7% 99%Rel Open Rib 2.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.4 76%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 98%Rel 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 8.5% 68%Rel 0.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.8 99%Rel Shallow 0.6 Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 82%Rel Close 2.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Twin Elm Lazarith 1534 SynchSmart™ +1.5 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10254 RI-VAL-RE FREDDIE LEBRON-TW *TV %-I +$682 99% ile Net Merit FREDDIE X SHOTTLE X O MAN +$684 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$672 Birth Date 10/30/09 • USA Reg. 66281935 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Freddie son that carries the legacy of Fitness +1587 75%Rel Milk Improves Feet and Legs +38 -0.07% Fat +42 -0.02% Protein Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE +6.7 SCS +2.61 Dam RI-VAL-RE SHOTTLE LEANN-ET, VG-85, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 365d 33,830m 3.6 1210f 3.0 1025p lbs. +2.04 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 Type aAa 351 -2 1HO10254 LEBRON +1.67 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.39 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.5 Tall Short Stature +2218 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 8% 64%Rel Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 6% 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 7.8% 53%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 5.8% 53%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 70%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 Shallow 1.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10285 PINE-LEDGE MAN O MAN MO-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$710 99% ile MAN-O-MAN X RAMOS X BW MARSHALL Cheese Merit +$799 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$627 Birth Date 05/10/10 • USA Reg. 69560870 Daughters Herds G G Long-lasting, easy-breeding daughters with healthy udders Milk +454 76%Rel Appealing Type numbers Fat +51 +0.13% Protein +31 +0.07% Sire LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET Prod. Life +6.9 SCS +2.74 Dam PINE-LEDGE RAMOS MIRANDA-ET, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-06 3x 305d 35,640m 3.9 1385f 2.7 973p lbs. Type +1.92 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234345 aAa 243 -2 1HO10285 LEDGE Udder Comp. +1.86 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.65 2.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2236 Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Sire Calving Ease 5% 56%Rel Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 5% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 50%Rel 2.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.7 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 50%Rel 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.7 75%Rel Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.5 71%Rel Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
MGD: Ri-Vaal-Re Oman Nike, VG-85
39 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02700 RA-MAR-LAND LEGEND-TW *TV Net Merit +$387 71% ile SHOTTLE X GOLDWYN X ADDISON Cheese Merit +$395 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$378 Birth Date 03/13/08 • USA Reg. 139164598 Daughters Herds G G Impressive PTAT Milk +1346 76%Rel Strong, deep-bodied cows Fat +48 +0.00% Protein +38 -0.01% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life MGD: Ra-Mar-Land Lorelei, VG-86, VG-MS +1.0 SCS +2.76 Dam RA-MAR-LAND GOLD LACE, EX-90, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-03 2x 365d 30,110m 4.3 1303f 3.4 1035p lbs. Type +2.76 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 aAa 432 -2 1HO02700 LEGEND Udder Comp. +1.99 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.15 3.4 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1976 Strong Frail Strength 1.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.0 Sire Calving Ease 8% 98%Rel Open Rib 2.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.9 64%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.1% 95%Rel 2.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 55%Rel 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.8 98%Rel Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.9 73%Rel Close 2.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.0 Dam: Ra-Mar-Land Gold Lace, EX-90 SynchSmart™ -0.5 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10289 MONANFRAN-JS TRP LEOPOLD-ET *TV +$438 81% ile Net Merit TRUMP X GOLDWYN X LEDUC +$471 73%Rel Cheese Merit +$409 Birth Date 12/22/09 • USA Reg. 69085215 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite Udder Composite +614 76%Rel Milk Fat improver +71 +0.18% Fat +24 +0.02% Protein Sire JENNY-LOU SHOTTLE TRUMP-ET +2.0 Prod. Life SCS +2.86 Dam SAVAGE-LEIGH GOLD LIZZY-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 2x 365d 35,290m 4.3 1506f 3.1 1111p lbs. +3.17 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 126246 Type aAa 231 -2 1HO10289 LEOP +2.74 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.91 Feet & Legs Comp. 3.4 Tall Short Stature +2061 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 8% 56%Rel Open Rib 3.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 51%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 9.2% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 8.5% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 3.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 +2.3 85%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 3.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 MGD: Savage Leigh Leduc Liza-ET, EX-90, EX-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08631 KELLERCREST BRET LES CRI-ET *TV Net Merit +$536 93% ile BRET X MANFRED X WINKEN Cheese Merit +$600 89%Rel Fluid Merit +$471 Birth Date 09/13/04 • USA Reg. 61376443 Daughters 122 Herds 70 Easy-breeding daughters that last Milk +323 94%Rel Well-attached udders Fat +9 -0.01% Protein +21 +0.04% Sire PECKENSTEIN FORM BRET-ET Prod. Life +6.0 SCS +2.69 Dam KELLERCREST MANFRED LUCK, VG-87, EX-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-03 2x 365d 39,300m 3.9 1548f 3.4 1320p lbs. Type +0.85 91%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561456 aAa 513 -2 1HO08631 LES Udder Comp. +1.56 HA -Trait Profile 102 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.21 0.9 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1935 Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Sire Calving Ease 7% 96%Rel Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.4 74%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 82%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.0 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 64%Rel 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.5 98%Rel Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +3.1 82%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchSmart™ -1.5 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Virlee Les 951
Tilkens Les Looney
40 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02809 PENN-ENGLAND LIESL 628A *TV Net Merit +$455 83% ile MAC X O MAN X DURHAM Cheese Merit +$460 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$443 Birth Date 06/13/08 • USA Reg. 65621537 Daughters Herds G G All-around Calving Ease Milk +386 77%Rel Big time Udder Composite Fat +27 +0.05% Protein +9 -0.01% Sire REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET Prod. Life +4.0 SCS +2.77 Dam LORAWAE OMAN OLIVIA-ET, VG-87, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 29,360m 5.3 1545f 3.0 876p lbs. Type +2.76 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 126561 aAa 213 -2 1HO02809 LIESL Udder Comp. +2.79 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.75 2.4 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2018 Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 5% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 4% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.4 Sire Stillbirth 6.0% 96%Rel 2.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.3 Dau. Stillbirth 7.4% 55%Rel 3.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.3 98%Rel Shallow 3.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 72%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 MGD: Lorawae Durham Liesl, EX-92, EX-MS, 3E, SynchSmart™ -0.5 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2 DOM
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10294 RICHMOND-FD CAS LIQUOR-ET *TV %-I +$558 95% ile Net Merit CASSINO X BOLIVER X O MAN +$592 73%Rel Cheese Merit +$518 Birth Date 01/27/10 • USA Reg. 66800645 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Healthy uddered daughters with longer herd life +1358 75%Rel Milk Appealing Type +30 -0.07% Fat +42 +0.01% Protein Sire LANGS-TWIN-B CR CASSINO-ET Maternal Sister to Dam: Richmond-FD Liesl-ET +5.0 SCS +2.57 Dam RICHMOND-FD LOUISIETTE-ET, GP-82, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 31,520m 3.9 1228f 3.1 966p lbs. +2.07 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561456 Type aAa 312 -2 1HO10294 LIQUOR +1.52 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.67 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.8 Tall Short Stature +2036 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 7% 65%Rel Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 6% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 8.4% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 5.5% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 92%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.0 Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.5 Close 0.8 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 Dam: Richmond-FD Louisiette-ET, GP-82, VG-MS +1.0 66%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02706 LIRR SHOTTLE BIONICAS BEST *TV Net Merit +$438 81% ile SHOTTLE X O MAN X MTOTO Cheese Merit +$474 76%Rel Fluid Merit +$395 Birth Date 04/04/08 • USA Reg. 65744481 Daughters Herds G G Increases Fat percents Milk +393 78%Rel Tall, strong, and dairy daughters Fat +57 +0.16% Protein +16 +0.02% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life +3.6 SCS +2.69 Dam DA-SO-BURN OMAN BIONCA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-01 2x 365d 31,450m 4.7 1475f 3.2 1013p lbs. Type +1.66 78%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 aAa 354 -2 1HO02706 LIRR Udder Comp. +1.42 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.68 2.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1908 Strong Frail Strength 1.6 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 8% 93%Rel Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.9 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 8.9% 75%Rel 1.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 7.8% 55%Rel 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.0 97%Rel Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 74%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 MGD: Da-So-Burn Mtoto Britany, VG-88, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +2.0 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
41 INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO07169 GRASS-RIDGE LOTTO *TV Net Merit +$552 94% ile LYNCH X TERRY X LIBERTY Cheese Merit +$583 99%Rel Fluid Merit +$513 Birth Date 03/25/01 • USA Reg. 60513144 Daughters Herds 1216 6533 Sired by the world respected Lynch Milk +499 99%Rel Outstanding Daughter Fertility Fat +40 +0.08% Protein +18 +0.01% Sire KLASSIC MERRILL LYNCH-ET Prod. Life +4.8 SCS +2.67 Dam GRASS-RIDGE LOTSA TERRY HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-09 3x 365d 33,080m 3.8 1245f 3.2 1055p lbs. Type +0.35 95%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 456561 aAa 432 -2 1HO07169 LOTTO Udder Comp. +0.53 HA -Trait Profile 318 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.12 0.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1879 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 7% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Dau. Calving Ease 9% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 97%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 99%Rel 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 4.9% 98%Rel 1.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 98%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.7 98%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchSmart™ -1.5 97%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08654 CO-OP OMAN LOYDIE-ET *TV +$498 90% ile Net Merit O MAN X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH +$660 91%Rel Cheese Merit +$355 Birth Date 11/08/04 • USA Reg. 62030790 Fluid Merit 485 Daughters Herds 232 Outstanding components +404 97%Rel Milk Elite Sire Calving Ease +55 +0.15% Fat +48 +0.14% Protein Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET +2.7 SCS +2.75 Dam MURANDA MRSHAL LIZY CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-05 3x 305d 41,820m 3.3 1392f 2.6 1101p lbs. +1.22 91%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 Type aAa 435 -2 1HO08654 LOYDIE +0.31 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 83 Dtrs. +2.07 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.2 Tall Short Stature +1987 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 2.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 4% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 83%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.5 6.3% 98%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 11.8% 79%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 0.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 Shallow 0.6 Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. +1.2 83%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 +0.0 96%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
Maartje 73
Jantje 46
Sweigart Loydie 717
Schreiner Loydie Nectar
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02783 WA-DEL JARDIN MALONE-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$522 93% ile JARDIN X O MAN X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$613 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$446 Birth Date 09/16/08 • USA Reg. 139471179 Daughters Herds G G Foot and Leg improver Milk +681 76%Rel Long-lasting, well-attached udders Fat +32 +0.02% Protein +41 +0.07% Sire JARDIN Prod. Life +5.3 SCS +2.90 Dam PINE-TREE MISSY MIMI-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-04 2x 365d 32,830m 4.1 1334f 3.3 1081p lbs. Type +1.60 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 aAa 432 -2 1HO02783 MALONE Udder Comp. +1.47 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.52 1.4 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2017 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.5 Sire Calving Ease 8% 89%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.9% 71%Rel 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.8 Dau. Stillbirth 7.2% 55%Rel 0.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 97%Rel Shallow 1.6 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 73%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Maternal Sister to dam: Pine-Tree Outside Mint-ET, SynchSmart™ +1.0 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2 VG-87
42 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02680 LADYS-MANOR Z MALVO *TV Net Merit +$450 82% ile ZENITH X WIZARD X BW MARSHALL Cheese Merit +$467 81%Rel Fluid Merit +$429 Birth Date 11/07/07 • USA Reg. 139205420 Daughters 59 Herds 27 Unique pedigree Milk +874 87%Rel Strong udder attachments Fat +32 +0.00% Protein +26 +0.00% Sire OCEAN-VIEW ZENITH-TW-ET Prod. Life MGD: Ladys-Manor Ruby Marcie-ET, VG-87, VG +3.5 SCS +2.73 Dam LADYS-MANOR WIZ MARSHA-ET, VG-88, VG-MS MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 305d 28,920m 4.3 1243f 3.2 929p lbs. -2 -1 0 1 2 Type +1.92 80%Rel aAa 213 1HO02680 MALVO DMS 135123 Udder Comp. +2.05 HA -Trait Profile 12 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.18 2.0 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.3 +1954 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 7% 97%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 65%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 87%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 57%Rel 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 97%Rel Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 72%Rel Close 2.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Ladys-Manor Wiz Marsha-ET, VG-88, VG-MS SynchSmart™ +1.0 92%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10279 LANGS-TWIN-B MAN-O ACE-ET *TV +$562 95% ile Net Merit MAN-O-MAN X BOLIVER X SHOTTLE +$637 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$505 Birth Date 03/28/10 • USA Reg. 66879862 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Protein yield improver +1547 75%Rel Milk Great Calving Ease for your heifer pens +30 -0.10% Fat +62 +0.06% Protein Sire LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET +4.6 SCS +2.90 Dam LANGS-TWIN-B ALLYSON-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 365d 33,430m 3.8 1255f 3.1 1053p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 246456 +2.14 75%Rel Type aAa 342 -2 1HO10279 MAN-O +1.75 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.91 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.5 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.3 +2135 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form 6% 55%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.1 6% 53%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.0 7.4% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 7.1% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 75%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.0 Shallow 1.6 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 Dam: Langs-Twin-B Allyson-ET, VG-87, VG-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08812 LADYS-MANOR MARCELLUS-ET *TV Net Merit +$464 84% ile BOLIVER X BW MARSHALL X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$486 94%Rel Fluid Merit +$442 Birth Date 12/01/04 • USA Reg. 136057831 Daughters 1740 Herds 428 Great Fertility Milk +1477 99%Rel Tall, strong, and deep Fat +35 -0.07% Protein +45 +0.00% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life +2.9 SCS +2.72 Dam LADYS-MANOR RUBY MARCIE-ET, VG-87, VG-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-10 2x 365d 33,700m 4.0 1359f 3.2 1076p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +1.19 93%Rel aAa 321 -2 1HO08812 MARCELLUS 345135 Udder Comp. +1.00 HA -Trait Profile 163 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. -0.08 0.6 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 0.7 +1912 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 9% 99%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 92%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 98%Rel 0.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.7% 87%Rel 1.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.1 99%Rel Shallow 0.6 Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 92%Rel Close 2.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchSmart™ +1.0 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Glick Marcellus Mima
Glick Marcellus Ginger
43 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10175 MORNINGVIEW MARCELON CRI-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$739 99% ile FREDDIE X SHOTTLE X CHAMPION Cheese Merit +$786 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$688 Birth Date 06/11/10 • USA Reg. 68767099 Daughters Herds G G All-around Fitness Milk +1176 77%Rel Foot and Leg improvement opportunities Fat +67 +0.09% Protein +40 +0.02% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life SCS +2.58 +6.5 Dam MORNINGVIEW SHTLE MADILYN, EX-92, EX-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-11 2x 305d 35,640m 4.3 1531f 2.9 1041p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +2.02 76%Rel aAa 342 -2 1HO10175 MARCELON 234345 Udder Comp. +1.34 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.50 1.3 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.4 +2252 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 56%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 Dau. Calving Ease 7% 54%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 50%Rel 2.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.7% 50%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.3 74%Rel Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 71%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Morningview Shtle Madilyn, EX-92, EX-MS, SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2 GMD, DOM
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10281 MATCREST LIMESTONE-ET *TV +$639 98% ile Net Merit BOGART X GOLDWYN X BW MARSHALL +$700 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$569 Birth Date 03/29/10 • USA Reg. 140539529 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds All-around Type +482 75%Rel Milk Impressive health traits +43 +0.09% Fat +23 +0.03% Protein Sire MACOMBER O-MAN BOGART +5.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.52 Dam MORNINGVIEW GLDWN LIDIA-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 2x 365d 33,220m 4.0 1314f 3.2 1056p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 +2.03 75%Rel Type aAa 243 -2 1HO10281 MATCREST 345135 +2.30 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.47 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.9 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 0.0 +2156 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form 7% 55%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 6% 51%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.4 6.7% 48%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.7 7.5% 48%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 2.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 Dam: Morningview Gldwn Lidia-ET, VG-87, EX-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO08910 MI-RO-ZE MRMX MATRIX-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$344 61% ile MARMAX X RUDOLPH X RUBYTOM Cheese Merit +$355 90%Rel Fluid Merit +$324 Birth Date 06/27/05 • USA Reg. 136549448 Daughters Herds 138 231 High conception rates Milk +900 96%Rel Attractive health traits Fat -1 -0.13% Protein +25 -0.01% Sire B-HIDDENHILLS MAR MARMAX-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.66 +3.5 Dam MI-RO-ZE RUDOLPH MURPHY, VG-87, VG-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-08 2x 305d 36,570m 3.3 1202f 2.9 1048p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +0.66 92%Rel aAa 423 -2 1HO08910 MATRIX-RED 345135 Udder Comp. +1.12 HA -Trait Profile 131 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +2.15 1.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 2.3 +1799 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 9% 97%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 Dau. Calving Ease 8% 79%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 3.9 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 91%Rel 3.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 74%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 97%Rel Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 84%Rel Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 SynchSmart™ +1.0 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Allen Matrix-RED Kayla
Allen Matrix-RED Taylor
MASCOL X BRET X MANFRED Birth Date 02/05/07 • USA Reg. 63026939
Grotegut Massey 2128
Omro Massey 1444
USDA PTA 4/2012 Industry leader in daughter proven TPISM +$720 99% ile Net Merit Tremendous udders +$830 88%Rel Cheese Merit +$614 Fluid Merit Attractive health traits 325 Daughters Herds 149 +1115 96%Rel Milk +63 +0.08% Fat +53 +0.07% Protein +4.9 Prod. Life SCS +2.53 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +1.82 90%Rel Type +2.13 Udder Comp. +1.15 Feet & Legs Comp. +2244 TPISM 8% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 7% 84%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8.4% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 6.2% 80%Rel Sire Mascol-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam COYNE-FARMS YELENA CRI-ET -1.7 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +0.9 78%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 1-11 3x 365d 36,930m 3.6 1336f 3.1 1129p lbs. -3.5 93%Rel SynchSmart™ aAa 453 DMS 456561 -2
1HO09527 MASSEY HA -Trait Profile 76 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
Grotegut Massey 2128
Dam: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS 1.0 1.6 1.0 0.8 1.7 2.9 1.2 1.6 1.2 0.9 2.7 2.5 3.2 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.0 0.2
Maternal Sister: Co-op Encino Yancie, VG-85
Dam: Mountfield S Melrose-ET, GP-82, DOM
Maternal sister: Co-op UPD Sharky 2712 , VG-85
• USA Reg. 69398736
Birth Date 11/12/08
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$741 99% ile Cheese Merit +$841 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$640 Daughters Herds G G Milk +873 74%Rel Fat +59 +0.11% Protein +44 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.51 MGD: Mountfield Marsh Maxine-ET +6.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 VG-88, EX-MS Type +2.27 73%Rel Udder Comp. +2.02 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.11 TPISM +2262 Sire Calving Ease 8% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 48%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.6% 48%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 43%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 74%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 72%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
Exciting new Sequoia son
Genesis mating sire by Auden
Quality udders
Impressive production and components
• USA Reg. 65258473
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$674 98% ile Cheese Merit +$773 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$590 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1666 76%Rel Fat +91 +0.12% Protein +69 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.71 +3.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.65 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.25 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.93 TPISM +2210 Sire Calving Ease 8% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.2% 96%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 8.1% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.9 71%Rel SynchSmart™ -1.0 95%Rel
2-02 2x 365d 22,616m 4.3 977f 3.4 772p lbs. -2 DMS -1 135561 0 1 aAa 312
1HO10406 MEL HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.5 0.8 0.5 0.4 1.3 1.3 0.7 1.8 2.4 2.3 2.8 2.1 1.9 1.1 2.5 1.3 0.5 0.5
1-11 3x 305d 26,250m 3.1 813f 3.1 802p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234 0 1 aAa 345
1HO02848 PARKER HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.7 1.4 1.0 1.6 2.7 1.8 1.5 2.1 1.7 0.2 1.7 0.2 0.9 0.7
46 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02582 CO-OP TOYSTORY MATTEL-ET *TV Net Merit +$508 91% ile TOYSTORY X O MAN X MARATHON Cheese Merit +$570 84%Rel Fluid Merit +$458 Birth Date 09/04/07 • USA Reg. 138635040 Daughters 94 Herds 43 Foot and Leg improver Milk +1395 90%Rel Appealing Calving Ease Fat +49 -0.01% Protein +54 +0.04% Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.84 +2.8 Dam CO-OP OMAN PANDORA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-11 3x 305d 29,900m 3.4 1030f 3.4 1002p lbs. Type +1.85 83%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234345 aAa 351 -2 1HO02582 MATTEL Udder Comp. +1.28 HA -Trait Profile 18 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +2.26 1.1 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2047 Strong Frail Strength 2.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.7 Sire Calving Ease 6% 82%Rel Open Rib 0.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 6% 68%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 3.0 Sire Stillbirth 6.8% 62%Rel 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 7.1% 61%Rel 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.9 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 GenCheck™ 33 53%Rel Shallow 0.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.3 82%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.0 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02747 WEIGELINE JOSE MAYHEM *TV %-I +$609 97% ile Net Merit JOSE X POTTER X MARATHON +$522 73%Rel Cheese Merit +$685 Birth Date 03/06/08 • USA Reg. 65888855 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Unique pedigree with no Oman, Shottle, Goldwyn, or Planet! +1874 75%Rel Milk Adds pounds to your tank +49 -0.09% Fat +31 -0.11% Protein Sire Jose +5.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam BUCKNELL POTER MARGE CRI-ET HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-10 3x 38,200m 3.3 1247f 2.8 1052p lbs. +1.45 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 Type aAa 345 -2 1HO02747 MAYHEM +1.66 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +0.57 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.5 Tall Short Stature +2063 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 7% 83%Rel Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 6% 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 7.1% 64%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 5.4% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.4 91%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 2.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.2 Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 -2.0 68%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10017 WA-DEL MENEFER-ET *TV Net Merit +$486 89% ile MAC X O MAN X CONVINCER Cheese Merit +$517 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$456 Birth Date 12/06/08 • USA Reg. 139598049 Daughters Herds G G Among our best for Calving Ease Milk +745 77%Rel Impressive health traits Fat +27 +0.00% Protein +27 +0.02% Sire REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.81 +4.0 Dam WA-DEL O MAN JENNIFER-ET, VG-85, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-03 2x 365d 36,700m 4.4 1621f 3.2 1158p lbs. Type +0.80 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123135 aAa 432 -2 1HO10017 MENEFER Udder Comp. +1.23 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.78 0.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1887 Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 5% 92%Rel Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 5% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.3% 76%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.2 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 55%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.4 93%Rel Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 73%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchSmart™ +1.0 73%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Maple Ridge Mattel 6656
47 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10067 UFM-DUBS MILO-ET *TV Net Merit +$624 97% ile SOCRATES X O MAN X MACHOMAN Cheese Merit +$658 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$572 Birth Date 05/22/09 • USA Reg. 65780177 Daughters Herds G G Improves Dairy Strength Milk +549 76%Rel Straightens rear legs Fat +65 +0.16% Protein +17 +0.00% Sire VELVET-VIEW-KJ SOCRATES-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.44 +5.3 Dam UFM-DUBS LISANDMIKE, VG-85, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 2x 365d 25,800m 4.3 1111f 3.3 862p lbs. Type +1.83 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234123 aAa 312 -2 1HO10067 MILO Udder Comp. +1.37 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.03 2.2 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2083 Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 8% 89%Rel Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 5% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 69%Rel 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 54%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 96%Rel Shallow 1.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.0 71%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 SynchSmart™ +0.5 85%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10168 MORNINGVIEW MOKWA CRI-ET *TV +$529 93% ile Net Merit SUPER X SHOTTLE X FINLEY +$565 71%Rel Cheese Merit +$503 Birth Date 05/20/10 • USA Reg. 68767092 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Over 100lb combined Fat and Protein +1557 74%Rel Milk Attractive PTAT +58 +0.01% Fat +52 +0.02% Protein Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET +3.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.86 Dam MORNINGVIEW SHOTTLE MAUI-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 2x 365d 36,060m 3.9 1390f 3.1 1115p lbs. +2.62 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA Type aAa 234 -2 1HO10168 MOKWA +1.65 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.55 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.6 Tall Short Stature +2124 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 2.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.2 8% 54%Rel Open Rib 2.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.4 50%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.0 8.4% 48%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 6.3% 45%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.1 Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 Close 1.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.7 Dam: Morningview Shottle Maui-ET, EX-90, EX-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02686 MORNINGVIEW MURRAY-ET *TV Net Merit +$312 54% ile MAC X FINLEY X DURHAM Cheese Merit +$297 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$318 Birth Date 09/17/07 • USA Reg. 63927758 Daughters Herds G G Tremendous udders Milk +581 77%Rel Outstanding Fertility Fat +6 -0.06% Protein +11 -0.03% Sire REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET Prod. Life +2.7 SCS +2.78 Dam MORNINGVIEW FNLY MIKKI-ET, EX-90 EX-MS, GMD HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-11 2x 365d 36,610m 3.4 1250f 3.0 1115p lbs. Type +2.51 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123126 aAa 324 -2 1HO02686 MURRAY Udder Comp. +2.48 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.85 1.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1844 Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7% 94%Rel Open Rib 1.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.7 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.0 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.4 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 81%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 7.9% 55%Rel 3.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.0 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 98%Rel Shallow 2.2 Deep Udder Depth 2.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.5 74%Rel Close 2.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 Dam: Morningview Fnly Mikki-ET, EX-90, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +2.5 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
48 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10408 JNP-ATH-MOR SEBST NADAL-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$655 98% ile SEBASTIAN X BRET X SHOTTLE Cheese Merit +$693 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$608 Birth Date 05/27/10 • USA Reg. 68958356 Daughters Herds G G Impressive longevity and DPR Milk +883 74%Rel Unique Sebastian x Bret cross Fat +40 +0.03% Protein +29 +0.01% Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.55 +6.2 Dam JNP-ATH-MOR BRET KALLIE-ET, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-09 3x 365d 31,380m 3.6 1138f 3.0 949p lbs. Type +1.46 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561 aAa 324 -2 1HO10408 NADAL Udder Comp. +0.93 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.64 0.5 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2115 Strong Frail Strength 0.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Sire Calving Ease 7% 56%Rel Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Dau. Calving Ease 6% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.1 49%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 49%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.6 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 45%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.0 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 74%Rel Shallow 1.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +3.0 73%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09390 L-L-M-DAIRY PADLOCK CRI-ET *TV +$505 91% ile Net Merit MARION X RUDOLPH X PRELUDE +$561 85%Rel Cheese Merit +$450 Birth Date 08/15/06 • USA Reg. 62769059 Fluid Merit 79 Herds 45 Daughters Exceptionally low inbreeding in a daughter-proven package +1089 91%Rel Milk Strengthens udder attachments +47 +0.03% Fat +41 +0.03% Protein Sire VEAZLAND MARION-ET +3.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.65 Dam L-L-M-DAIRY RUDOLPH PILGRIM, EX-92, EX-MS, 2E, GMD, DOM Dam: L-L-M Dairy Rudolph Pilgrim, EX-92, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 9-11 2x 365d 40,250m 3.7 1499f 3.0 1208p lbs. +1.59 88%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 Type aAa 243 -2 1HO09390 PADLOCK +1.55 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 61 Dtrs. +1.37 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.9 Tall Short Stature +1985 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 7% 79%Rel Open Rib 0.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.4 69%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 7.6% 61%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.3 8.4% 61%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 78%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Amerikrahn Padlock 650 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10293 CLEAR-ECHO CASSINO PAIR-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$577 96% ile CASSINO X TOYSTORY X GOLDWYN Cheese Merit +$664 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$486 Birth Date 01/08/10 • USA Reg. 68816202 Daughters Herds G G Big-time Fat increaser Milk +107 76%Rel Type meets Fitness improver Fat +55 +0.20% Protein +19 +0.06% Sire LANGS-TWIN-B CR CASSINO-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.60 MGD: Clear-Echo Goldwyn 1362-ET, VG-88, VG-MS +4.1 Dam CLEAR-ECHO TOYSTORY 1703, VG-88, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 3x 365d 32,090m 3.8 1228f 3.1 997p lbs. Type +2.56 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561126 aAa 342 -2 1HO10293 PAIR Udder Comp. +2.45 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.11 2.0 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2117 Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 7% 66%Rel Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.5 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 6% 64%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.6 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 55%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 56%Rel 3.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 88%Rel Shallow 3.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 71%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Dam: Clear-Echo Toystory 1703, VG-88, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +2.0 58%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
O MAN X TEAMSTER X MTOTO Birth Date 01/28/06 • USA Reg. 137611441
Omro O-Style 129
Schmidt’s Century O-Style Y238
USDA PTA 4/2012 In the industry’s top +$707 99% ile Net Merit five daughter-proven TPISM +$721 90%Rel Cheese Merit Daughter-proven profitability +$694 Fluid Merit 544 193 Daughters Herds Great fitness and conformation +1646 97%Rel Milk +41 -0.07% Fat +48 -0.01% Protein +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.72 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +1.36 92%Rel Type +1.30 Udder Comp. +2.40 Feet & Legs Comp. +2199 TPISM 6% 98%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6% 83%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 92%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.8% 75%Rel Sire O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam KINGS-RANSOM TM DEVA CRI-ET +0.3 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) VG-88, VG-MS, DOM +2.3 82%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 3-02 3x 305d 36,930m 3.5 1281f 2.9 1057p lbs. -1.0 97%Rel SynchSmart™ aAa 432 DMS 345234 -2
1HO09167 O-STYLE HA -Trait Profile 113 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
Schmidt’s Century O-Style Y238
Dam: Kings-Ransom TM Deva CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS 1.4 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.5 1.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.0 2.1 1.7 1.0 1.9 0.1 0.8 0.2
50 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10220 CO-OP UPD MATRIX PAX-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$551 94% ile MATRIX-RED X O MAN X MARATHON Cheese Merit +$629 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$474 Birth Date 10/21/09 • USA Reg. 66591080 Daughters Herds G G Calving Ease opportunity Milk +795 77%Rel Impressive numbers in a Red package Fat +26 -0.01% Protein +38 +0.05% Sire MI-RO-ZE MRMX MATRIX-RED-ET Prod. Life MGD: Net-A-Way Paris CRI-ET, GP-84, VG-MS +5.7 SCS +2.64 Dam CO-OP OMAN PANDORA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-11 3x 305d 29,900m 3.4 1030f 3.4 1002p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 Type +1.09 76%Rel aAa 243 -2 1HO10220 PAX-RED Udder Comp. +0.96 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.92 0.1 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.6 +1994 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 7% 64%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.4 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 53%Rel 2.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 55%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 87%Rel Shallow 0.7 Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 72%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.0 Dam: Co-op Oman Pandora-ET, VG-86, VG-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09593 MS M-PONDHILL BUCKEYE PILOT *TV %-I +$467 85% ile Net Merit BUCKEYE X TITANIC X ADDISON +$440 87%Rel Cheese Merit +$491 Birth Date 06/18/07 • USA Reg. 63811814 Fluid Merit Daughters 237 Herds 128 Tall, deep, and fancy with excellent Feet and Legs +1768 95%Rel Milk Appealing Milk yield improver +38 -0.10% Fat +42 -0.04% Protein Sire R-E-W BUCKEYE-ET +2.9 SCS +2.78 Dam MS M-P TITANIC PAT-ET, VG-88, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 3x 305d 26,600m 3.5 940f 3.0 799p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 126561 +1.74 87%Rel Type aAa 423 -2 1HO09593 PILOT +1.19 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 50 Dtrs. +2.20 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.6 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.0 +1998 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form 5% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.7 74%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.4 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.5 8.1% 97%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 8.1% 68%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.7 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 Shallow 0.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 81%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.9 Close 2.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 -1.0 93%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09188 ALL-RIEHL PLATEAU-ET *TV Net Merit +$376 69% ile GOLDWYN X RUDOLPH X LABAN Cheese Merit +$371 90%Rel Fluid Merit +$365 Birth Date 12/11/05 • USA Reg. 137479377 Daughters Herds 185 410 High and wide rear udders Milk +865 96%Rel Improves Feet and Legs Fat +43 +0.04% Protein +18 -0.03% Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN Prod. Life +2.1 SCS +2.57 Dam BROOKBURN RUDOLPH PANSY-ET, EX-93, EX-MS, 3E, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-01 2x 365d 36,470m 3.4 1245f 3.0 1102p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 123 Type +1.29 92%Rel aAa 231 -2 1HO09188 PLATE Udder Comp. +0.55 HA -Trait Profile 106 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.16 2.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 0.1 +1793 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 7% 99%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 Dau. Calving Ease 7% 79%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 1.0 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 96%Rel 0.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 6.8% 72%Rel 1.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.0 98%Rel Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 83%Rel Close 2.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.6 SynchSmart™ +0.5 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Cornette Pilot 1600
Seidl’s Mt. View Pilot 3103
Rohaven Plateau Knettie
Rohaven Plateau Knettie
Dam: Co-op UPD Sharky 2712 , VG-85
MGD: All-Riehl Throne Prime-ET, VG-88, VG-MS
AL X SHARKY X O MAN Birth Date 12/09/09
• USA Reg. 66591084
Birth Date 03/18/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$754 99% ile Cheese Merit +$857 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$656 Daughters Herds G G Milk +965 75%Rel Fat +54 +0.07% Protein +48 +0.07% Prod. Life SCS +2.61 +6.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.54 74%Rel Udder Comp. +2.16 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.61 TPISM +2337 Sire Calving Ease 7% 65%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 63%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 7.7% 55%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 91%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.9 69%Rel SynchSmart™ +1.0 55%Rel
A TPISM leader
Outstanding udders with tremendous Milk production
High Type with high daughter fertility
Adds strength and depth
• USA Reg. 65472563
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$644 98% ile Cheese Merit +$651 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$645 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1903 76%Rel Fat +43 -0.10% Protein +56 -0.01% Prod. Life SCS +2.88 +5.4 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.70 76%Rel Udder Comp. +2.47 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.12 TPISM +2216 Sire Calving Ease 5% 95%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 84%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.9 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.2 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.0 90%Rel
2-01 3x 359d 37,780m 3.3 1259f 3.2 1223p lbs. -2 DMS -1 246 0 1 aAa 234
1HO10226 PERRY HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
2.2 0.4 0.9 2.3 0.6 1.2 0.0 2.6 2.7 2.9 2.6 3.1 2.8 1.7 2.1 1.1 1.0 0.4
2-00 3x 305d 25,890m 3.7 970f 3.2 817p lbs. -2 DMS -1 135123 0 1 aAa 312
1HO10041 PROPER HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.3 0.5 0.7 1.7 0.2 1.1 1.4 1.3 0.7 1.7 2.9 3.7 3.5 3.0 2.0 2.8 2.5 0.8
52 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10427 MR M-P PEMBROKE PORTIS-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$640 98% ile PEMBROKE *RC X LAWN BOY P-RED X BOLIVER Cheese Merit +$672 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$610 Birth Date 07/18/10 • USA Reg. 69258241 Daughters Herds G G New RC Pembroke son for your heifer pens Milk +1322 75%Rel Foot and Leg improver Fat +42 -0.02% Protein +43 +0.01% Sire CO-OP MAC PEMBROKE Prod. Life +6.1 SCS +2.74 Dam MS M-P LAWN BOY POSEY-ET, GP-83, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 3x 365d 33,650m 3.6 1228f 3.3 1105p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +1.49 73%Rel aAa 531 -2 1HO10427 PORTIS *RC 561126 Udder Comp. +1.18 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.01 0.5 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.1 +2088 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 Open Rib 1.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 5% 55%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 48%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.1 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 49%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.5 Dau. Stillbirth 7.2% 44%Rel 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.0 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 72%Rel Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Dam: Ms M-P Lawn Boy Posey-ET, GP-83, DOM SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09631 CO-OP TOYSTORY PRINCE-ET *TV +$454 83% ile Net Merit TOYSTORY X O MAN X MARATHON +$532 85%Rel Cheese Merit +$397 Birth Date 12/03/06 • USA Reg. 63285264 Fluid Merit 83 Herds 39 Daughters Impressive Foot and Leg improver +1138 91%Rel Milk Tall, deep-bodied daughters with excellent width throughout +47 +0.02% Fat +53 +0.07% Protein Sire JENNY-LOU MRSHL TOYSTORY-ET +3.0 Prod. Life SCS +3.03 Dam CO-OP OMAN PANDORA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-11 3x 305d 29,900m 3.4 1030f 3.4 1002p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 135123 +1.28 88%Rel Type aAa 534 -2 1HO09631 PRINCE +0.77 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 57 Dtrs. +1.77 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.3 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 2.1 +1962 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form 6% 78%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 69%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.3 7.0% 60%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 7.5% 61%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.2 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.1 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 78%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
United-Pride Prince 3490
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02520 CLEAR-ECHO TRES RAINMAN-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$475 86% ile TRES X RAMOS X HERSHEL Cheese Merit +$409 84%Rel Fluid Merit +$525 Birth Date 10/09/07 • USA Reg. 64633848 Daughters Herds 50 103 Daughter-proven Milk production Milk +1915 90%Rel Impressive Dairy Strength Fat +39 -0.11% Protein +36 -0.08% Sire KED MTOTO JEWEL TRES-ET Prod. Life +3.9 SCS +2.66 Dam CLEAR ECHO RAMOS 822 1200-ET, EX-93, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-04 3x 365d 39,570m 4.5 1782f 3.0 1177p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA Type +1.20 83%Rel aAa 231 -2 1HO02520 RAINMAN Udder Comp. +0.47 HA -Trait Profile 20 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.28 0.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 0.7 +1855 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 2.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 83%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 69%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.4% 62%Rel 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.9 Dau. Stillbirth 5.1% 60%Rel 0.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 GenCheck™ 33 64%Rel Shallow 0.1 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 82%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 Dam: Clear Echo Ramos 822 1200-ET, EX-93, EX-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
53 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10069 RED-OAK-DB BAXTER BILL-ET *TV Net Merit +$666 98% ile BAXTER X O MAN X BW MARSHALL Cheese Merit +$672 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$665 Birth Date 11/18/08 • USA Reg. 139843493 Daughters Herds G G Strong, well-built, and good-uddered cows Milk +1603 76%Rel High Milk and components Fat +84 +0.11% Protein +46 +0.00% Sire EMERALD-ACR-SA T-BAXTER Prod. Life SCS +2.85 +5.1 Dam RED-OAK-DB OMAN MARSIL, GP-83 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-10 2x 305d 21,840m 4.3 933f 3.4 735p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 Type +2.34 76%Rel aAa 432 -2 1HO10069 RED-OAK Udder Comp. +1.72 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +2.26 2.5 Tall Short Stature TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.9 +2203 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.9 Open Rib 1.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 7% 98%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.5% 94%Rel 2.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.4 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 54%Rel 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.7 99%Rel Shallow 1.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.5 71%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.9 SynchSmart™ -1.0 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10477 DE-SU DOMAIN SANTINO-ET *TV +$687 99% ile Net Merit DOMAIN X WIZARD X MTOTO +$714 70%Rel Cheese Merit +$646 Birth Date 09/24/10 • USA Reg. 69989991 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Healthy, quality udders +836 73%Rel Milk Impressive DPR +50 +0.08% Fat +24 +0.00% Protein Sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN-ET +6.3 SCS +2.47 Dam KINGS-RANSOM WIZARD SALU-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-02 3x 365d 35,540m 4.9 1736f 3.5 1229p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 +2.30 73%Rel Type aAa 324 -2 1HO10477 SANTINO +1.90 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.25 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.2 Tall Short Stature Strong Frail Strength 1.4 +2206 TPISM Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.4 Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form 7% 54%Rel Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 47%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 1.0 6.5% 46%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 5.7% 42%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 NA Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 69%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.6 Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02740 C&M-R-RUN LB SATCHEL-RED-ET *TV Net Merit +$376 69% ile LAWN BOY P-RED X PARADOX-RED X SOVEREIGN-RED Cheese Merit +$433 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$331 Birth Date 04/10/08 • USA Reg. 64653045 Daughters Herds G G Great udders Milk +151 76%Rel Highly fertile Red bull Fat +12 +0.02% Protein +18 +0.06% Sire AGGRAVATION LAWN BOY P-RED Prod. Life +4.7 SCS +3.01 Dam M&C-FREDERICK SONYA-RED-ET, EX-91, EX-MS, 2E HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-03 2x 365d 36,250m 4.0 1447f 2.9 1046p lbs. -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type +1.98 76%Rel aAa 432 -2 1HO02740 SATCHEL-RED135561 Udder Comp. +1.89 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.90 0.8 Tall Short Stature SM TPI Strong Frail Strength 0.1 +1865 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Open Rib 0.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 8% 96%Rel Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.4 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 1.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 88%Rel 1.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 5.2% 54%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.8 95%Rel Shallow 1.5 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.6 71%Rel Close 1.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.6 Dam: M&C-Frederick Sonya-Red-ET, EX-91, EX-MS SynchSmart™ +3.0 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: De-Su 7409-ET, EX-90, EX-MS
BOLIVER X O MAN X RUDOLPH Birth Date 04/18/08
• USA Reg. 65850640
Birth Date 09/04/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$541 93% ile Cheese Merit +$608 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$483 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1119 76%Rel Fat +37 -0.02% Protein +47 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.81 +4.2 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.39 76%Rel Udder Comp. +0.97 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.11 TPISM +1990 Sire Calving Ease 5% 81%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 62%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.6% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +5.0 97%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 72%Rel SynchSmart™ +2.5 84%Rel
A sire fertility leader
High LNM$ and unique pedigree opportunity
Great for the heifer pens
Daughters breed back quickly
• USA Reg. 69474027
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$716 99% ile Cheese Merit +$714 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$711 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1184 75%Rel Fat +39 -0.02% Protein +30 -0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.71 +7.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.84 75%Rel Udder Comp. +2.29 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.04 TPISM +2190 Sire Calving Ease 6% 55%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 50%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.7% 47%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.4% 44%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.4 71%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
2-03 2x 365d 23,580m 3.7 864f 3.2 751p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561135 0 1 aAa 231
1HO02789 SASON HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.1 0.3 0.2 1.0 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.5 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.6 0.7 1.4 1.6 0.6
2-01 3x 365d 35,640m 3.8 1367f 3.0 1078p lbs. -2 DMS -1 NA 0 1 aAa 342
1HO10436 SOLSTICE HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.6 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.8 1.6 0.9 3.2 3.3 2.9 0.8 2.3 1.1 0.7 0.7
55 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10227 FUSTEAD MASSEY SCRAMBLE-ET *TV Net Merit +$700 99% ile MASSEY X ALLY X ORION Cheese Merit +$800 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$614 Birth Date 12/24/09 • USA Reg. 140306862 Daughters Herds G G Tremendous Fat and Protein combination Milk +604 75%Rel Shallow youthful udders Fat +89 +0.25% Protein +41 +0.08% Sire CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.88 +4.6 Dam FUSTEAD ALLY STEM, VG-86, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-07 2x 365d 27,710m 5.1 1402f 3.6 1002p lbs. Type +1.07 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 432 -2 1HO10227 SCRAMBLE 345 Udder Comp. +1.26 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.47 1.3 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2080 Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 6% 65%Rel Open Rib 0.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.2 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.9 Sire Stillbirth 8.1% 54%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 5.9% 55%Rel 1.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.1 79%Rel Shallow 1.2 Deep Udder Depth 1.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 70%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.6 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02683 WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET *TV +$543 93% ile Net Merit MAC X O MAN X DURHAM +$590 79%Rel Cheese Merit +$497 Birth Date 11/01/07 • USA Reg. 138738583 Fluid Merit 16 Daughters Herds 10 Type combined with profitability +444 82%Rel Milk Appealing Calving Ease +31 +0.06% Fat +22 +0.03% Protein Sire REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET +5.6 Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam TEL-SAL SAMANTHA-ET, VG-85, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 2x 305d 24,080m 4.3 1031f 3.1 756p lbs. +2.39 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa 243 -2 1HO02683 SEBASTIAN 126123 +1.72 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.93 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.6 Tall Short Stature +2101 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 6% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.4 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 71%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.9 9.0% 94%Rel Sire Stillbirth 3.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 3.0 7.3% 66%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.6 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 -0.3 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 -2.0 94%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02611 WILRA BOLIVER SEQUOIA-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$544 93% ile BOLIVER X RAMOS X ADDISON Cheese Merit +$622 80%Rel Fluid Merit +$465 Birth Date 12/19/07 • USA Reg. 64188829 Daughters 45 Herds 19 High Sire Conception Milk +569 85%Rel Strong udder attachments Fat +18 -0.01% Protein +31 +0.05% Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.62 +5.1 Dam WILRA RAMOS 599-ET HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-10 3x 305d 26,110m 4.3 1117f 2.9 756p lbs. Type +0.90 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 aAa 561 -2 1HO02611 SEQUOIA Udder Comp. +1.50 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +0.61 0.1 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1944 Strong Frail Strength 0.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 7% 97%Rel Open Rib 0.6 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 6% 64%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 89%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.6% 56%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.1 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.5 97%Rel Shallow 2.1 Deep Udder Depth 1.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 75%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchSmart™ -2.0 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
56 INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO09208 PINE-TREE MARTHA SHAMPOO-ET *TV Net Merit +$356 64% ile SHOTTLE X O MAN X RUDOLPH Cheese Merit +$439 92%Rel Fluid Merit +$269 Birth Date 12/31/05 • USA Reg. 62175932 Daughters 759 Herds 317 All around high fertility Milk -38 98%Rel Tall, deep, and fancy Fat +36 +0.14% Protein +14 +0.06% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.62 Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET, Full sister to Shampoo, VG-86 +3.0 Dam PINE-TREE MISSY MARTHA-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 3x 365d 34,730m 3.6 1266f 3.1 1070p lbs. Type +1.43 94%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 234 -2 1HO09208 SHAMPOO 234246 Udder Comp. +0.78 HA -Trait Profile 180 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.33 2.0 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1822 Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.0 Sire Calving Ease 8% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.4 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease 6% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 87%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.1 Sire Stillbirth 12.9% 98%Rel 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.8 Dau. Stillbirth 6.9% 88%Rel 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.3 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.2 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.8 99%Rel Shallow 1.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.8 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 83%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 Hillcrest Shampoo 4022 SynchSmart™ +2.5 94%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO07127 JEWELED-ACRES SHARKY-ET *TV +$430 80% ile Net Merit BRETT X EMERY X SOUTHWIND +$476 99%Rel Cheese Merit +$402 Birth Date 12/26/00 • USA Reg. 131184495 Fluid Merit Daughters 20523 Herds 4117 Big league production +1858 99%Rel Milk High conception +61 -0.03% Fat +64 +0.03% Protein Sire RICECREST BRETT-ET +0.3 SCS +2.94 Dam JEWELED-ACRES PCE PATTI-ET, EX-90, EX-MS, GMD, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 7-09 3x 365d 40,830m 4.1 1661f 2.9 1191p lbs. +0.36 99%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 246126 Type aAa 216 -2 1HO07127 SHARKY +0.03 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 4494 Dtrs. +0.95 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.7 Tall Short Stature +1857 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 8% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 8.5% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 7.7% 99%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 0.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.1 Shallow 1.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 -0.5 98%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10450 PINE-TREE SUPER SHELL-TW *TV Net Merit +$651 98% ile SUPER X SHOTTLE X ZACK Cheese Merit +$664 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$626 Birth Date 07/21/10 • USA Reg. 69169775 Daughters Herds G G Extends longevity Milk +1220 76%Rel Healthy, well-attached udders Fat +27 -0.07% Protein +33 -0.01% Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET Prod. Life +7.6 SCS +2.53 Dam MTN-VIEW-S ABBY SHELLY-ET, VG-87, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-08 3x 305d 32,050m 4.1 1322f 3.0 974p lbs. Type +1.63 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345456 aAa 534 -2 1HO10450 SHELL Udder Comp. +1.22 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.28 0.4 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2072 Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 Sire Calving Ease 8% 55%Rel Open Rib 0.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.1 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 51%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Sire Stillbirth 8.3% 49%Rel 1.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 47%Rel 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.6 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.6 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 1.2 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.1 70%Rel Close 0.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.5 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
Harmony Ho Sharky Mario, second crop
Co-op Upd Sharky 2712
57 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09248 BURKET-FALLS SIGNIFICANT-ET *TV Net Merit +$217 35% ile MARION X RUDOLPH X BLACKSTAR Cheese Merit +$196 87%Rel Fluid Merit +$236 Birth Date 04/06/06 • USA Reg. 137477179 Daughters 143 Herds 69 Unique Polled genetics combined with high Milk yields Milk +1297 92%Rel Tall, deep, and fancy Fat +50 +0.01% Protein +31 -0.03% Sire VEAZLAND MARION-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.85 -0.3 Dam BURKET-FALLS SR SARAYN-ET, EX-93, EX-MS, 3E, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-11 2x 365d 36,400m 4.9 1785f 3.2 1182p lbs. Type +1.53 88%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135 aAa 612 -2 1HO09248 SIGNIF-P Udder Comp. +0.74 HA -Trait Profile 57 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. -0.09 1.9 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1670 Strong Frail Strength 1.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 2.2 Sire Calving Ease 9% 98%Rel Open Rib 2.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.1 Dau. Calving Ease 8% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.4 69%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.2 Sire Stillbirth 6.7% 95%Rel 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.3 Dau. Stillbirth 7.8% 62%Rel 0.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.6 99%Rel Shallow 0.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.2 79%Rel Close 1.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.7 SynchSmart™ +0.0 93%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO09137 RICH-J POTTER SLY-ET *TV +$495 90% ile Net Merit POTTER X ORION X BELLWOOD +$547 88%Rel Cheese Merit +$431 Birth Date 09/07/05 • USA Reg. 62564884 Fluid Merit Daughters 133 Herds 72 Unique pedigree +243 94%Rel Milk Long-lived daughters +45 +0.14% Fat +13 +0.02% Protein Sire KEYSTONE POTTER +4.9 SCS +2.51 Dam RICH-J ORION SOFT-ET, VG-88, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-01 3x 365d 40,220m 3.8 1541f 3.2 1274p lbs. +1.01 91%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135345 Type aAa 354 -2 1HO09137 SLY +0.52 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile 89 Dtrs. +0.29 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.2 Tall Short Stature +1850 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.4 9% 99%Rel Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 70%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.7 10.6% 96%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.6 6.2% 61%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 0.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.8 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.9 Shallow 0.6 Deep Udder Depth 0.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. +1.2 81%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 2.0 +2.0 95%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
Krueger Signif 816
Fisher Signif Tulip
Seidls Mountain View Sly 2364
Trulea Sly 5930
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09853 CO-OP FREDDIE SOBIESKI *TV %-I Net Merit +$653 98% ile FREDDIE X LYNCH X DUCE Cheese Merit +$737 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$576 Birth Date 08/16/09 • USA Reg. 65801592 Daughters Herds G G Outstanding fitness Milk +504 74%Rel Foot and Leg improvement opportunities Fat +48 +0.11% Protein +32 +0.06% Sire BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE Prod. Life +5.8 SCS +2.78 Dam CO-OP LYNCH SUGAR, VG-85, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 3x 316d 25,630m 4.5 1162f 3.3 856p lbs. Type +1.50 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345456 aAa 513 -2 1HO09853 SOBIESKI Udder Comp. +1.19 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.08 0.7 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2123 Strong Frail Strength 0.8 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.3 Sire Calving Ease 5% 79%Rel Open Rib 0.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 6% 62%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.8 Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 61%Rel 2.4 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 53%Rel 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.9 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.3 94%Rel Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.7 68%Rel Close 1.0 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 Dam: Co-op Lynch Sugar, VG-85, VG-MS SynchSmart™ -0.5 83%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
58 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10235 SOUTHERN-HILLS AR BURGER-TW *TV Net Merit +$483 88% ile ARBOR X GOLDWYN X DURHAM Cheese Merit +$533 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$424 Birth Date 09/13/09 • USA Reg. 140161272 Daughters Herds G G High Fat + low SCS = increased premiums Milk +472 75%Rel Great Feet and Legs Fat +67 +0.19% Protein +21 +0.03% Sire WABASH-WAY ARBOR-ET Prod. Life +2.9 SCS +2.58 Dam SOUTHERN-HILLS GW BENTLY-ET, VG-87, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-02 3x 365d 32,090m 4.8 1533f 3.2 1017p lbs. Type +2.65 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 312 -2 1HO10235 SOUTHERN 561 Udder Comp. +1.68 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.30 2.0 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1992 Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.8 Sire Calving Ease 7% 80%Rel Open Rib 2.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.6 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.7 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 62%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.7 Dau. Stillbirth 7.2% 55%Rel 2.3 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.7 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 92%Rel Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 0.0 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.8 70%Rel Close 0.9 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Southern-Hills GW Bently-ET, VG-87, VG-MS SynchSmart™ +1.0 68%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO09894 BUCKNELL SPICE CRI-ET *TV +$537 93% ile Net Merit MICHAEL X SHOTTLE X MARATHON +$564 74%Rel Cheese Merit +$511 Birth Date 12/02/09 • USA Reg. 65801633 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Healthy udders +1172 76%Rel Milk Ideal Udder Attachments +48 +0.02% Fat +37 +0.01% Protein Sire LUTZ-BROOKVIEW MICHAEL-ET +3.0 SCS +2.74 Dam BUCKNELL SHOTTLE SHERRY-ET, VG-86, VG-MS, DOM Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-04 2x 305d 27,690m 4.1 1149f 3.3 911p lbs. +2.00 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 456 Type aAa 432 -2 1HO09894 SPICE +1.85 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.68 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.3 Tall Short Stature +2052 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.1 7% 76%Rel Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.3 6% 63%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 8.2% 59%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.0 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 5.1% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.5 94%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.2 Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 72%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 Dam: Bucknell Shottle Sherry-ET, VG-86, VG-MS +1.0 72%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02849 FUSTEAD SHOTTLE STUART-ET *TV Net Merit +$531 93% ile SHOTTLE X O MAN X BLITZ Cheese Merit +$549 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$506 Birth Date 11/19/08 • USA Reg. 139519400 Daughters Herds G G Type+production=Profit Milk +1259 77%Rel Long-lasting, healthy-uddered cows Fat +42 -0.01% Protein +36 -0.01% Sire PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET Prod. Life SCS +2.61 +4.6 Dam FUSTEAD OMAN SAMMY-ET, VG-85, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-05 2x 365d 29,980m 4.5 1353f 3.5 1059p lbs. Type +1.76 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 246234 aAa 435 -2 1HO02849 STU Udder Comp. +1.27 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.58 1.3 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1994 Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 7% 97%Rel Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.2% 90%Rel 1.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 5.6% 55%Rel 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.0 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 97%Rel Shallow 1.4 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.4 72%Rel Close 0.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 Dam: Fustead Oman Sammy-ET, VG-85, VG-MS SynchSmart™ +2.0 88%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
59 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02665 SULLY HART MAC 877-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$341 60% ile MAC X SHOTTLE X WIZARD Cheese Merit +$294 79%Rel Fluid Merit +$396 Birth Date 09/13/07 • USA Reg. 64795909 Daughters Herds 20 35 Feet and Leg improver Milk +1322 84%Rel Great udders all-around Fat +28 -0.07% Protein +30 -0.04% Sire REGANCREST-HHF MAC-ET Prod. Life SCS +3.18 +1.4 Dam SULLY SHOTTLE OTOMIQUE-ET, VG-87, EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 3x 365d 39,700m 3.5 1387f 2.9 1146p lbs. Type +1.63 77%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 123234 aAa 234 -2 1HO02665 SULLY Udder Comp. +1.99 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.32 1.6 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1866 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.0 Sire Calving Ease Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib 4% 95%Rel Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.3 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.5 Dau. Calving Ease 4% 66%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.1% 79%Rel 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 59%Rel 2.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.6 97%Rel Shallow 2.4 Deep Udder Depth 1.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.3 73%Rel Close 1.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.0 Dam: Sully Shottle Otomique-ET VG-87, EX-MS, DOM SynchSmart™ +1.5 91%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02682 WA-DEL SUREFIRE-ET *TV %-I +$469 86% ile Net Merit RAMOS X O MAN X DURHAM +$518 81%Rel Cheese Merit +$425 Birth Date 10/08/07 • USA Reg. 138851507 Fluid Merit 70 Herds 31 Daughters Fertile and long-lasting daughters +934 88%Rel Milk Solid Feet and Legs +18 -0.06% Fat +37 +0.03% Protein Sire RAMOS +4.2 Prod. Life SCS +2.81 Dam TEL-SAL SAMANTHA-ET, VG-85, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 1-11 2x 305d 24,080m 4.3 1031f 3.1 756p lbs. +1.62 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561135 Type aAa 645 -2 1HO02682 SUREFIRE +1.11 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.25 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.6 Tall Short Stature +1988 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 93%Rel Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease 10% Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.0 6% 68%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 2.5 Straight Hock-In Rear Legs-Rear Vw. 2.5 6.8% 74%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 5.6% 59%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.7 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.1 98%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 73%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.7 Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.1 +0.5 91%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO02550 EASTVIEW TOBIAS-ET Net Merit +$481 88% ile TRES X BOSS IRON X MO Cheese Merit +$459 82%Rel Fluid Merit +$489 Birth Date 09/17/07 • USA Reg. 63332153 Daughters 95 Herds 44 Impressive health traits Milk +788 89%Rel Snuggly attached Fore Udders and high Rear Udder attachments Fat +28 +0.00% Protein +13 -0.04% Sire KED MTOTO JEWEL TRES-ET Prod. Life +4.4 SCS +2.67 Dam EASTVIEW BI INVA LL-ET, EX-90 EX-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-02 2x 360d 38,460m 3.5 1360f 2.9 1102p lbs. Type +1.08 82%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA aAa 243 -2 1HO02550 TOBIAS Udder Comp. +1.65 HA -Trait Profile 18 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.29 0.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1861 Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 8% 81%Rel Open Rib 1.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease 6% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 67%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 58%Rel 0.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 0.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.3% 57%Rel 2.1 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 GenCheck™ 3+ 70%Rel Shallow 1.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.8 78%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 MGD: Eastview Mo D Love Lady-ET, Ex-90, Ex-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
Schroepfer Sudan 25-J
Dam: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS
JAMMER X SAILOR X DUSTER Birth Date 03/14/06
• USA Reg. 62768990
Birth Date 08/30/09
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$558 95% ile Cheese Merit +$628 84%Rel Fluid Merit +$500 Daughters Herds 46 71 Milk +1260 91%Rel Fat +82 +0.13% Protein +52 +0.05% Prod. Life SCS +2.84 Berg Sudan Molly +3.5 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.83 89%Rel Udder Comp. +1.46 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.56 TPISM +2105 Sire Calving Ease 8% 77%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% 66%Rel Sire Stillbirth 10.4% 58%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 9.2% 59%Rel Dinnerbell Sudan 191 FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -1.6 95%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.1 76%Rel SynchSmart™ -2.0 74%Rel
Straightens rear legs
High-ranking LNM$
Exceptional components
Improves durability and longevity
• USA Reg. 66591071
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$872 99% ile Cheese Merit +$921 75%Rel Fluid Merit +$824 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1583 77%Rel Fat +59 +0.00% Protein +53 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.62 Maternal Sister: Co-op Boliver +8.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Yoyo-ET, VG-86, VG-MS Type +2.02 76%Rel Udder Comp. +1.76 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.16 TPISM +2348 Sire Calving Ease 7% 89%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 76%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 6.2% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 72%Rel SynchSmart™ -1.0 88%Rel
4-02 3x 365d 34,560m 3.2 1114f 3.0 1037p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561126 0 1 aAa 324
1HO09321 SUDAN HA -Trait Profile 69 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.9 1.1 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.9 1.8 2.9 1.9 1.4 3.5 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.9
1-11 3x 365d 36,930m 3.6 1336f 3.1 1129p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561456 0 1 aAa 423
1HO10085 YANO HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.3 0.5 0.1 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.2 1.4 0.8 1.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.4 2.7 2.0 0.8
BOLIVER X O MAN X JUROR Birth Date 12/29/04 • USA Reg. 62065919
Oakleigh Super Hetzel
North Harbor Super 2197, second lactation
USDA PTA 4/2012 Elite daughter-proven TPISM +$677 98% ile Net Merit The complete package +$697 89%Rel Cheese Merit +$659 Fluid Merit High Conception 142 Daughters Herds 86 +1705 94%Rel Milk +29 -0.12% Fat +51 +0.00% Protein +7.0 Prod. Life SCS +2.72 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +1.99 91%Rel Type +2.02 Udder Comp. +0.64 Feet & Legs Comp. +2188 TPISM 7% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 7% 85%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7.5% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 5.6% 80%Rel Sire END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam CHARLESDALE SWEET STAR +2.6 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) VG-85, VG-MS, DOM +1.5 81%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 1-10 3x 365d 33,740m 3.3 1106f 3.1 1058p lbs. -0.5 96%Rel SynchSmart™ aAa 234 DMS 345 -2
1HO08778 SUPER HA -Trait Profile 94 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
Balsamview Super 1331, second lactation
Collins Knoll Super 689 1.2 0.6 0.6 1.1 1.0 0.4 1.9 0.3 1.0 1.0 2.9 1.9 1.3 2.1 2.5 2.0 1.6 0.6
62 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10262 REGANCREST-PJ TONIC-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$618 97% ile MAN-O-MAN X JOSE X BOLIVER Cheese Merit +$706 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$553 Birth Date 02/01/10 • USA Reg. 66625987 Daughters Herds G G Attractive Type bull for your heifer pens Milk +1266 74%Rel Component yield improver Fat +72 +0.09% Protein +58 +0.08% Sire LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET Prod. Life SCS +3.00 +2.8 Dam REGANCREST-PJ JOS TABORA-ET, EX-91, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 2x 365d 27,480m 4.0 1102f 3.3 904p lbs. Type +2.62 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 aAa 243 -2 1HO10262 TONIC Udder Comp. +2.47 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.80 2.8 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2231 Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.3 Sire Calving Ease 6% 54%Rel Open Rib 2.7 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.2 52%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 48%Rel 2.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.0 Dau. Stillbirth 6.4% 48%Rel 2.2 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 4.2 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 3.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.9 87%Rel Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 2.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.7 69%Rel Close 2.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.1 Dam: Regancrest-PJ Jos Tabora-ET, EX-91, EX-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10064 COLDSPRINGS TORNADO 9457-ET *TV +$627 97% ile Net Merit MICHAEL X JUDD X ADAM +$688 74%Rel Cheese Merit +$564 Birth Date 01/26/09 • USA Reg. 62246746 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Top-notch profit traits +310 76%Rel Milk Incredibly fertile daughters +61 +0.20% Fat +20 +0.04% Protein Sire LUTZ-BROOKVIEW MICHAEL-ET +4.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.68 Dam COLDSPRINGS JUDD 1963, GP-82 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-01 3x 292d 30,240m 3.3 1006f 2.9 877p lbs. +1.35 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 Type aAa 264 -2 1HO10064 TORNADO *BY561135 +1.11 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.34 Feet & Legs Comp. 0.2 Tall Short Stature +2048 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.1 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.2 5% 97%Rel Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 2.8 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 5% 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.7 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 8.2% 93%Rel Sire Stillbirth 1.6 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 5.4% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 1.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.7 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.4 Shallow 0.9 Deep Udder Depth 1.5 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.7 Close 1.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.0 +0.5 94%Rel SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 1HO06833 KED MTOTO JEWEL TRES-ET *TV Net Merit +$433 80% ile MTOTO X ELTON X MARK Cheese Merit +$426 99%Rel Fluid Merit +$420 Birth Date 05/27/00 • USA Reg. 130161253 Daughters 25268 Herds 3879 Fewer mastitis cases Milk +295 99%Rel High conception Fat +37 +0.10% Protein +1 -0.03% Sire CAROL P.MTOTO ET TV TL G.M.*** Prod. Life SCS +2.54 +3.8 Dam KED ELTON JEWEL, VG-88, VG-MS, GMD, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 6-01 2x 365d 40,270m 3.8 1541f 2.9 1164p lbs. Type +0.24 99%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 aAa 234 -2 1HO06833 TRES Udder Comp. +0.30 HA -Trait Profile 2736 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +0.27 1.8 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +1658 Strong Frail Strength 1.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.4 Sire Calving Ease 6% 99%Rel Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.5 Dau. Calving Ease 5% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 99%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.6 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 0.6 Sire Stillbirth 6.9% 99%Rel 1.2 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.0 Dau. Stillbirth 4.1% 99%Rel 0.5 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 0.7 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 0.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.8 Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.9 99%Rel Shallow 0.5 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.3 99%Rel Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.3 SynchSmart™ +1.5 97%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Awid Tres Easy VG-85
United Pride Tres 2515, second-crop
63 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10451 HICKORYMEA BRONCO TYLER *TV Net Merit +$434 80% ile BRONCO X DEANN X TITANIC Cheese Merit +$429 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$446 Birth Date 06/18/10 • USA Reg. 140721018 Daughters Herds G G Polled outcross sire Milk +1377 77%Rel Fat yield improver Fat +73 +0.08% Protein +39 -0.01% Sire END-ROAD O-MAN BRONCO-ET Prod. Life +1.6 SCS +2.99 Dam HICKORYMEA DEANN TROJAN-P, VG-88, EX-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 3-00 2x 272d 21,230m 4.0 847f 2.9 622p lbs. Type +1.62 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345135 aAa 243 -2 1HO10451 TYLER-P Udder Comp. +1.46 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +1.59 2.6 Tall Short Stature TPISM +1940 Strong Frail Strength 1.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.5 Sire Calving Ease 7% 56%Rel Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.7 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.0 49%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.0 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.0% 49%Rel 2.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.4 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 44%Rel 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.1 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.9 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Shallow 1.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.6 71%Rel Close 0.6 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.2 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10287 CLEAR-ECHO MILLION UNDER-ET *TV %-I +$487 89% ile Net Merit MILLION X TRES X RAMOS +$518 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$447 Birth Date 10/17/09 • USA Reg. 68816175 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Transmits Fitness and longevity +131 75%Rel Milk Modestly-sized cows with sound Feet and Legs +37 +0.12% Fat +7 +0.02% Protein Sire ENGLAND-AMMON MILLION-ET +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.68 Dam CLEAR-ECHO TRES 1640-ET, VG-88, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-06 3x 365d 29,860m 3.8 1136f 3.0 900p lbs. +1.82 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 345234 Type aAa 351 -2 1HO10287 UNDER +2.10 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +1.54 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.2 Tall Short Stature +1932 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 0.5 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.8 7% 55%Rel Open Rib 1.3 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.2 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.7 5% 53%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.3 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.0 7.6% 49%Rel Sire Stillbirth 0.9 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.9 10.0% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.4 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 2.4 79%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.7 Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 1.2 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 71%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.5 Close 1.5 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.4 MGD: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200-ET, VG-88, VG-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10412 GIL-GAR DESTRY VICTOR-ET *TV Net Merit +$478 87% ile DESTRY*RC X SHOTTLE X O MAN Cheese Merit +$552 71%Rel Fluid Merit +$403 Birth Date 03/31/10 • USA Reg. 56496065 Daughters Herds G G Appealing Type in a RC package Milk +340 75%Rel Get the stylish daughters you want without sacrificing DPR Fat +20 +0.03% Protein +24 +0.05% Sire SCIENTIFIC DESTRY-ET Prod. Life +4.9 SCS +2.67 Dam GIL-GAR SHOTTLE VALUR-TW, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 34,600m 3.9 1351f 3.0 1053p lbs. Type +2.60 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 243 -2 1HO10412 VICTOR *RC 234345 Udder Comp. +1.82 HA -Trait Profile 0 Dtrs. Feet & Legs Comp. +2.10 2.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2025 Strong Frail Strength 1.4 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.2 Sire Calving Ease Open Rib 1.1 Tight Rib 8% 54%Rel Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.2 Wide Dau. Calving Ease 7% Narrow Thurl Width 1.8 51%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.4 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 47%Rel 2.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.3 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 47%Rel 2.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.2 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.3 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.5 78%Rel Shallow 2.0 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.4 69%Rel Close 1.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Maternal Sister: Gil-Gar Karsten Vivian-ET SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
BW MARSHALL X PATRON X LUKE Birth Date 05/07/01 • USA Reg. 60372887
Morningview Tstry Ashley-ET, VG-86
Luck-E Toystory Actress-ET, EX-92
INTERBULL-USA PTA 4/2012 The total profit package +$313 54% ile Net Merit Outstanding second crop +$324 99%Rel Cheese Merit +$307 Fluid Merit Daughters fit for any environment 74456 Daughters Herds18050 +1061 99%Rel Milk +38 +0.00% Fat +33 +0.00% Protein +0.5 Prod. Life SCS +2.93 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 +2.13 99%Rel Type +2.04 Udder Comp. +1.43 Feet & Legs Comp. +1853 TPISM 7% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 6% 99%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.9% 99%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.3% 99%Rel Sire MARA-THON BW MARSHALL-ET Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Dam JENNY-LOU PATRON TOYANE +1.0 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) VG-89, VG-MS, GMD, DOM -0.4 99%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate 4-05 3x 365d 45,826m 3.8 1749f 3.1 1419p lbs. -1.0 96%Rel SynchSmart™ aAa 132 DMS 123126 -2
1HO07235 TOYSTORY HA -Trait Profile 33046 Dtrs.
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
Dagget-Brook Toy Dyery, EX-91
All-Riehl Toystory Pippi-ET, VG-86, VG-MS 2.0 0.7 1.1 2.1 1.1 1.0 0.3 2.4 1.2 1.5 2.9 2.4 3.0 2.1 1.8 2.4 2.5 0.3
Lindenright Toystory Destiny, VG-86-CAN
Dam: Weigeline Nifty 1351, GP-83, VG-MS
Dam: Coldsprings Outs 1715KI-ET, EX-91, EX-MS
FREDDIE X NIFTY X ALLY Birth Date 08/31/09
• USA Reg. 68585469
Birth Date 02/01/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$804 99% ile Cheese Merit +$858 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$752 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1198 75%Rel Fat +42 -0.01% Protein +44 +0.02% Prod. Life SCS +2.68 +8.1 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.06 74%Rel Udder Comp. +1.71 Feet & Legs Comp. +1.67 TPISM +2239 Sire Calving Ease 4% 69%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.2% 55%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) -3.9 86%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 69%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
A leader in LNM$
A Type specialist
Excellent calving ease
Fat improver
1-09 3x 293d 19,160m 3.7 710f 2.9 558p lbs. -2 DMS -1 345 0 1 aAa 621
1HO10257 TUCK HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
• USA Reg. 62246762
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$561 95% ile Cheese Merit +$663 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$476 Daughters Herds G G Milk +859 76%Rel Fat +78 +0.17% Protein +49 +0.09% Prod. Life SCS +2.89 +2.6 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +3.37 76%Rel Udder Comp. +2.74 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.82 TPISM +2239 Sire Calving Ease 8% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 8% 54%Rel Sire Stillbirth 8.0% 50%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 7.6% 51%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +0.3 92%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.3 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +1.0 65%Rel
0.1 0.4 1.1 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.8 1.6 1.6 1.9 2.4 1.8 1.5 0.0 2.4 0.7 0.6 0.4
4-09 3x 365d 40,920m 4.3 1772f 3.3 1361p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561135 0 1 aAa 231
1HO10295 UMAN HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
3.6 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.5 3.1 0.7 2.5 3.5 2.9 3.2 3.8 3.5 3.2 2.6 3.1 3.3 1.1
66 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10413 GIL-GAR KARSTEN VINCE-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$612 97% ile KARSTEN B/R X SHOTTLE X O MAN Cheese Merit +$624 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$593 Birth Date 04/07/10 • USA Reg. 56496073 Daughters Herds G G Our first Karsten son Milk +1758 75%Rel Impressive Type bull to use on your heifers Fat +30 -0.13% Protein +49 -0.01% Sire CO-OP RAMOS KARSTEN-ET Prod. Life +5.6 SCS +2.57 Dam GIL-GAR SHOTTLE VALUR-TW, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 34,600m 3.9 1351f 3.0 1053p lbs. Type +1.90 73%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 234 aAa 243 -2 1HO10413 VIN Udder Comp. +1.94 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.32 1.5 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2122 Strong Frail Strength 0.7 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Open Rib 0.9 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.5 5% 48%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.3 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 49%Rel 1.1 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 4.8% 43%Rel 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.5 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) -0.6 74%Rel Shallow 2.4 Deep Udder Depth 0.4 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -0.2 72%Rel Close 0.1 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.3 SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
Full Sister: Gil-Gar Karsten Vivian-ET
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10098 WINNING-WAY MO-WYNNER-ET *TV +$461 84% ile Net Merit GOLDWYN X O MAN X RUDOLPH +$539 74%Rel Cheese Merit +$391 Birth Date 06/30/09 • USA Reg. 140294109 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Elite Calving Ease +820 76%Rel Milk Strong, deep and dairy +42 +0.05% Fat +40 +0.06% Protein Sire BRAEDALE GOLDWYN +2.3 Prod. Life SCS +2.80 Dam WINNING-WAY MAYTAG-ET, VG-89, VG-MS, DOM HA-USA PTA 4/2012 5-00 2x 365d 34,440m 3.5 1216f 3.0 1048p lbs. +2.13 76%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 135561 Type aAa 231 -2 1HO10098 WYNNER +1.79 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.08 Feet & Legs Comp. 2.1 Tall Short Stature +2002 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.0 Deep Shallow Body Depth 1.1 6% 81%Rel Open Rib 1.5 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.0 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.3 6% 62%Rel Dau. Calving Ease Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.2 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.5 6.2% 61%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.1 6.5% 54%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.4 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.6 +1.0 82%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) Shallow 1.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.1 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 72%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.1 Close 0.3 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 Dam: Winning-Way Maytag-ET, VG-89, VG-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10036 CO-OP AUDEN YARROW-ET *TV Net Merit +$523 93% ile AUDEN X ENCINO X BRET Cheese Merit +$603 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$454 Birth Date 11/27/08 • USA Reg. 65888873 Daughters Herds G G Adds pounds to your tank Milk +1471 75%Rel Width and strength throughout Fat +73 +0.08% Protein +59 +0.06% Sire LADYS-MANOR AUDEN-ET Prod. Life MGD: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +1.6 SCS +2.75 Dam CO-OP ENCINO YANCIE, VG-85 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-00 3x 365d 31,640m 3.7 1175f 3.2 1015p lbs. Type +2.19 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561 aAa 135 -2 1HO10036 YARROW Udder Comp. +1.60 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +2.36 1.2 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2090 Strong Frail Strength 0.9 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.9 Sire Calving Ease 10% 94%Rel Open Rib 1.8 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 1.0 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 2.5 8% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.1 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.2 Sire Stillbirth 8.9% 76%Rel 3.3 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.2 Dau. Stillbirth 8.2% 54%Rel 1.8 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 3.4 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 3.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 1.9 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.2 98%Rel Shallow 0.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.6 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.3 71%Rel Close 0.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 1.2 Dam: Co-op Encino Yancie, VG-85 SynchSmart™ -1.5 89%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Winnie-ET, VG-87, VG-MS
Dam: Ned-El Ramos Marley, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM
• USA Reg. 66024159
Birth Date 06/12/10
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$642 98% ile Cheese Merit +$683 74%Rel Fluid Merit +$607 Daughters Herds G G Milk +787 76%Rel Fat +50 +0.09% Protein +31 +0.03% Prod. Life SCS +2.86 MGD: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET +5.9 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +1.57 75%Rel Udder Comp. +1.44 Feet & Legs Comp. +0.61 TPISM +2090 Sire Calving Ease 6% 94%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 62%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 79%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 4.7% 54%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) +3.4 98%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.5 71%Rel SynchSmart™ +0.5 93%Rel
Our leader for DPR
High-power TPISM Bowser son
Low inbreeding opportunity
Extraordinary Calving Ease and fertile daughters
• USA Reg. 66796601
USDA PTA 4/2012 Net Merit +$747 99% ile Cheese Merit +$817 70%Rel Fluid Merit +$680 Daughters Herds G G Milk +1043 73%Rel Fat +44 +0.02% Protein +43 +0.04% Prod. Life SCS +2.67 +7.1 HA-USA PTA 4/2012 Type +2.01 73%Rel Udder Comp. +1.66 Feet & Legs Comp. +2.36 TPISM +2273 Sire Calving Ease 6% 56%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 5% 50%Rel Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 49%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 5.7% 46%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 Sire Fertility (SCR) NA Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.3 69%Rel SynchSmart™ NA
3-11 3x 305d 29,270m 3.0 878f 3.1 899p lbs. -2 DMS -1 561456 0 1 aAa 351
1HO10070 WILTON HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
0.7 0.3 0.2 1.8 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.2 1.1 1.2 2.6 2.3 1.8 1.1 1.4 1.7 0.7
2-02 2x 305d 26,090m 3.9 1022f 3.3 854p lbs. -2 DMS -1 234345 0 1 aAa 231
1HO10446 WOLFGANG HA -Trait Profile
Short Stature Frail Strength Shallow Body Depth Tight Rib Dairy Form High Pins Rump Angle Narrow Thurl Width Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In Low Foot Angle Low Feet & Legs Score Loose Fore Udder Attach. Low Rear Udder Height Narrow Rear Udder Width Weak Udder Cleft Deep Udder Depth Wide Front Teat Place. Wide Rear Teat Place. Short Teat Length
Tall Strong Deep Open Rib Sloped Wide Sickle Straight Steep High Strong High Wide Strong Shallow Close Close Long
1.5 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.1 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.1 1.8 0.9 2.0 1.0 0.4 0.8
68 USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10097 CO-OP CASSINO YUENGLING-ET *TV %-I Net Merit +$577 96% ile CASSINO X BOLIVER X BRET Cheese Merit +$648 73%Rel Fluid Merit +$510 Birth Date 09/03/09 • USA Reg. 68581994 Daughters Herds G G Cassino son from the famous Yelena family Milk +675 75%Rel Elite fitness numbers Fat +12 -0.05% Protein +34 +0.05% Sire LANGS-TWIN-B CR CASSINO-ET Prod. Life MGD: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET, VG-85, VG-MS +6.0 SCS +2.73 Dam CO-OP BOLIVER YOYO-ET, VG-86, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 2-01 2x 365d 28,970m 3.7 1060f 3.2 937p lbs. Type +1.62 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 aAa 351 -2 1HO10097 YUENGLING 561 Udder Comp. +1.86 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.64 0.0 Tall Short Stature TPISM +2055 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.7 Sire Calving Ease 7% 73%Rel Open Rib 0.2 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.9 Dau. Calving Ease Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.2 6% 63%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.9 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.9 Sire Stillbirth 7.8% 56%Rel 1.5 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.7 Dau. Stillbirth 6.1% 55%Rel 3.0 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.0 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 1.8 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.5 94%Rel Shallow 2.3 Deep Udder Depth 0.9 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +2.0 69%Rel Close 0.2 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.7 Dam: Co-op Boliver Yoyo-ET, VG-86, VG-MS SynchSmart™ -1.5 84%Rel -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10407 FOUR-SHOTT SEBAST ZANE-ET *TV +$556 94% ile Net Merit SEBASTIAN X SHOTTLE X BLITZ +$593 72%Rel Cheese Merit +$520 Birth Date 05/09/10 • USA Reg. 140610310 Fluid Merit G G Daughters Herds Impressive all-around Type +626 75%Rel Milk Medium-sized daughters with healthy, well-attached udders +52 +0.11% Fat +24 +0.02% Protein Sire WA-DEL SEBASTIAN-ET +5.4 SCS +2.79 Dam WINDSOR-MANOR SHOTTLE ZA, VG-88, VG-MS Prod. Life HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-06 2x 305d 32,390m 3.5 1147f 2.7 883p lbs. +2.27 74%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 561126 Type aAa 312 -2 1HO10407 ZANE +1.81 Udder Comp. HA -Trait Profile +2.71 Feet & Legs Comp. 1.3 Tall Short Stature +2081 TPISM Strong Frail Strength 1.3 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 8% 57%Rel Open Rib 0.1 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sire Calving Ease Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.6 Wide Narrow Thurl Width 1.0 50%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 7% Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 1.5 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 2.8 8.4% 50%Rel Sire Stillbirth 2.8 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 2.8 6.9% 46%Rel Dau. Stillbirth 2.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.6 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.1 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.5 72%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +1.4 Shallow 2.7 Deep Udder Depth 0.7 Close Wide Front Teat Place. 74%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate +0.8 Close 1.7 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.8 Dam: Windsor-Manor Shottle ZA, VG-88, VG-MS NA SynchSmart™ -2 -1 0 1 2
USDA PTA 4/2012 1HO10167 FOUR SHOT ZITAU CRI-ET *TV Net Merit +$639 98% ile SUPER X SHOTTLE X BLITZ Cheese Merit +$643 72%Rel Fluid Merit +$643 Birth Date 05/20/10 • USA Reg. 68767091 Daughters Herds G G Exceptional Milk yields Milk +1961 75%Rel Attractive High and Wide Rear Udders Fat +43 -0.11% Protein +57 -0.01% Sire CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET Prod. Life +5.6 SCS +2.89 Dam WINDSOR-MANOR SHOTTLE ZA, VG-88, VG-MS HA-USA PTA 4/2012 4-06 2x 365d 37,370m 3.6 1342f 2.8 1049p lbs. Type +1.73 75%Rel -1 0 DMS 1 2 NA aAa 156 -2 1HO10167 ZITAU Udder Comp. +1.21 HA -Trait Profile Feet & Legs Comp. +1.05 1.0 Tall Short Stature SM TPI +2145 Strong Frail Strength 0.2 Deep Shallow Body Depth 0.6 Sire Calving Ease 7% 55%Rel Open Rib 2.0 Tight Rib Dairy Form Sloped High Pins Rump Angle 0.8 Dau. Calving Ease 7% Wide Narrow Thurl Width 0.8 51%Rel Sickle Posty Rear Legs-Side Vw. 0.8 Straight Rear Legs-Rear Vw. Hock-In 1.1 Sire Stillbirth 7.5% 50%Rel 0.7 Steep Low Foot Angle High Low Feet & Legs Score 1.5 Dau. Stillbirth 6.0% 47%Rel 1.9 Strong Loose Fore Udder Attach. 2.5 High Low Rear Udder Height FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 2.3 Wide Narrow Rear Udder Width Strong Weak Udder Cleft 0.4 GenCheck™ 3 53%Rel Shallow 0.8 Deep Udder Depth 0.3 Close Wide Front Teat Place. Dau. Pregnancy Rate +1.6 70%Rel Close 0.4 Wide Rear Teat Place. Long Short Teat Length 0.6 Dam: Windsor-Manor Shottle ZA, VG-88, VG-MS SynchSmart™ NA -2 -1 0 1 2
U . S . G e n e t i c E va l u at i o n s 1 Lifetime Net Merit $
14 PTA Somatic Cell Score (SCS)
Lifetime Net Merit $ measures net profit over the lifetime of a bull’s average daughter. Traits and weightings in the Lifetime NM$ index: Production (19% PTA Fat & 16% PTA Protein) 35% Productive Life (PL).............................................. 22% Somatic Cell Score (SCS)................................ -10% Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR).................. 11% Calving Ease (SCE) (DCE).................................... 2% Stillbirths (SSB) (DSB)........................................... 3% Udder Composite......................................................... 7% Feet and Legs Composite (FLC)........................ 4% Size Composite........................................................ -6%
The PTA for SCS is used to improve mastitis resistance. Bulls with low PTA for SCS (less than 3.0) are expected to have daughters with lower mastitis than bulls with high PTA for SCS (greater than 3.5).
2 Lifetime Net Merit $ Percentage Ranking Ranking based on the August 2009 Net Merit $ evaluation of the active U.S. A.I. population.
3 Reliability (REL or R)
A measure of the amount of information in a trait. Reliability is expressed as a percentage, ranging from 1 to 99. The closer the Reliability is to 99, the more reliable the proof.
4 Lifetime Cheese Merit $
Lifetime Cheese Merit $ was designed for producers who sell milk in a cheese market. Protein has more value in the cheese market than it does in the standard component pricing market. Milk receives a negative economic weight in the Cheese Merit index. The Lifetime Cheese Merit index combines the same traits as the Lifetime Net Merit index.
5 Lifetime Fluid Merit $
Lifetime Fluid Merit $ combines the same traits as the Net Merit index with different weightings. This index is useful for dairies paid solely for milk volume, as more emphasis is placed on milk yield.
6 Daughters
The number of daughters included in the bull’s milk proof. A “G” identifies evaluations based on pedigree information and genomic testing.
7 Herds
The number of different herds a bull’s daughters are located in (considering daughters which are included in the bull’s milk proof). A “G” identifies evaluations based on pedigree information and genomic testing.
8 PTA Milk
PTA for milk production in pounds, reflecting the expected milk production of future mature daughters.
9 PTA Fat Pounds
PTA for butterfat in pounds, reflecting the expected butterfat production of future mature daughters.
10 PTA Fat Percent
Indicates the genetic variance of a bull's PTA for transmitting fat as being positive or negative.
11 PTA Protein Pounds
PTA for protein production in pounds, comparing the expected production of future mature daughters.
12 PTA Protein Percent
Indicates the genetic variance of a bull's PTA for transmitting protein as being positive or negative.
13 PTA Productive Life
Productive Life is a measure of longevity, measured in months.
15 PTA Type (PTAT)
PTA Type is an estimate of the genetic superiority for conformation that a bull will transmit to its offspring. This is directly correlated with the final score of the bull’s daughters, not the linear traits.
16 Udder Composite
Udder Composite is an index based on ability for udder improvement. Udder composite includes six linear traits, and the weighting for each trait’s contribution to higher udder scores. The traits and their weightings are: udder depth-35%, front teat placement 5%, rear teat placement-7%, fore udder attachment-16%, rear udder height-16%,rear udder width-12% and udder cleft-9%.
17 Feet and Legs Composite
Feet and Legs Composite is a measure of a bull’s ability for foot and leg improvement. Weights for the four traits in the composite are: feet and leg score-50%, foot angle-24%, rear legs-rear view-18.5% and rear legs-side view-7.5%.
18 TPI™ (Type Performance Index)
TPI Total Performance Index combines several traits into one index to rank sires on their ability to transmit a balance of traits. It is calculated by Holstein Association-USA. The traits and their values are: Fat and Protein 42%, Productive Life 14%, Somatic Cell Score -5%, Udder Composite-10%, Feet and Legs Composite-5%, PTA Type 10%, Dairy Form -1%, Daughter Pregnancy Rate 10%, Daughter Calving Ease -2% and Daughter Stillbirth-1%.
19 Calving Ease
Sire Calving Ease: Percentage of Estimated Difficult Births in Heifers (EDBH) when they calve for the first time. Using bulls 8% EDBH or less can be used to reduce stress on first-calf heifers. Daughter Calving Ease: Tendency of daughters of a particular sire to have more (or fewer) problems at calving than an average cow and to produce calves that are born more easily (or difficult) than calves produced by an average cow.
20 Stillbirth
Service Sire Stillbirth: measures the tendency of calves from a particular service sire to be stillborn more or less often. Daughter Stillbirth: measures the ability of a particular cow (daughter) to produce live calves. Stillbirth is expressed as percent stillbirths, where stillborn calves are those scored as dead at birth or born alive but died within 48 hours of birth.
21 Fertility
Sire Fertility: Service Sire Conception Rate (SCR) is the difference of conception rate of sire expressed as a percent comparison. SCR is based on conception rate rather than non-return rate. SCR utilizes multiple services per lactation (up to 7), rather than first service only. Evaluations
will be expressed as deviations from the overall mean; a SCR of 1.2, for example, means that the bull is 1.2% above average. Holstein bulls must have at least 300 total breedings and be under 13 years of age. GenCheck™: A fertility evaluation on all bulls with 300 or more services, but do not have an official SCR calculated by USDA Dau. Pregnancy Rate: Percentage of nonpregnant cows that become pregnant during each 21-day period. A DPR of ‘1’ implies that daughters from this bull are 1% more likely to become pregnant during that estrus cycle than a bull with an evaluation at zero.
22 SynchSmart™
SynchSmart evaluates conception of sires when bred to females which have been synchronized (ovulation induced through hormonal treatment). Linear Type Traits Genetic evaluations for the 18 linear type traits are expressed as Standard Transmitting Abilities (STAs). Standardized values are used because each trait has a different average PTA, and the PTA ranges vary within traits. STAs simplify interpreting the linear genetic evaluations. As a result, all linear traits have an average of 0. The range of STA values is generally 6 STA units. Both extremes for each trait are approximately 3 STA units from the average. Interbull and Interbull-MACE‑ If a bull has daughters in two or more countries he receives an Interbull proof. Interbull allows comparisons of bulls who were sampled in different countries. Interbull-MACE (Multiple Trait Across Country Evaluation) is used for international type evaluations. The Interbull proof listed is on the U.S.A. base. Genetic Base The genetic base for the evaluations is PTA 10, representing the average of cows born in 2005.
USDA PTA 4/2012
1 +$642 99% ile 2 Net Merit 4 +$710 81%Rel 3 Cheese Merit 5 +$578 Fluid Merit Daughters Herds 68 7 6 101 90%Rel Milk 8 +1385 9 +79 +0.10% 10 Fat +0.04% 12 11 +53 Protein Prod. Life SCS+2.66 14 13 +3.5
HA-USA PTA 4/2012 88%Rel
15 +0.99 Type 16 +0.65 Udder Comp. 17 +1.66 Feet & Legs Comp. TPI™ 18 +2116 Sire Calving Ease 19 6% 19 6% Dau. Calving Ease 20 7.6% Sire Stillbirth Dau. Stillbirth 20 10.2%
84%Rel 73%Rel 66%Rel 65%Rel FERTILITY USDA, CRI 4/2012 93%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) 21 +2.4 21 3- 49%Rel GenCheck™ 62%Rel 21 +2.9 Dau. Pregnancy Rate SynchSmart™ 22 NA
Stacking Up
Create Conceptions With 55 Genex Sires Over +2.0 Sire Conception Rate
North Harbor Super 2197, Daughter of 1HO08778 SUPER, +2.6 SCR, 99%Rep USDA/04-11 Š2012 CRI