Nature and Biodiversity of Pays Dogon

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Nature and Biodiversity of Pays Dogon

NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY OF PAYS DOGON Trekking Pays Dogon gives hikers the chance to experience some stunning views of the vast plains that roll into the Bandiagara Escarpment’s rugged cliffs. Dogon country combines sandy plains with rugged cliffs and the picturesque Nyame river, offering a unique tourism experience.

THE NYAME The Nyame is a river that runs along the eastern side of the town of Bandiagara. Towards the bottom of the escarpment heading towards Indeli, there are sand dunes in shades of pink and orange. When trekking throughout this region, hikers can see onion fields, Baobab trees, and the sacred crocodiles near the Amani village.

BIRDS Pays Dogon is home to a wide variety of bird species. When trekking through Dogon country, you can expect to see the jacana, the youyou, the calao and the barbican.

PLANTS The natural irregularities of the rocky plateau result in high concentrations of water and a range of microclimates within Dogon country. This variety means that arid zones can be found alongside rich oases, resulting in areas of staggering biodiversity. This assortment of microclimates gives the population access to a unique array of medicinal plants and tree species including shea, locust beans, acacia albida, and baobab, to name just a few.

GEOFFREY WEBBER To read more about this topic, visit the blog of Geoffrey Webber.

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