TwinGEO Magazine - 4th. Edition

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THE GEOSPATIAL PERSPECTIVE ESRI and SuperMap interviews Where is open source GIS software going? Registry - Cadastre Integration Case Of Study



When we read the different theories that talk about the communication that entails cartography, as a science to represent geographical phenomena, and as an art to give this information the necessary aesthetics; we realize the moment we are living in includes multiple everyday life actions in which we use georeference as common thing. From the moment we turn on a mobile device, the information we send or receive is associated with georeference: the weather, the latest news, social networks, the use of a map, GPS or tagged pictures. It is clear that this did not happen overnight. We will always have a relative impression of living an unprecedented moment, and although we do recognize the human being’s almost unlimited capacity for invention, it is impossible to imagine what could be happening 25 years from now. In the same way, nobody 25 years ago imagined what is happening now, especially in a time in which the information technologies and the computational sciences have increased exponentially the innovations for daily consumption. Although georeference has always been a natural human action, applying it in a technological tool or a printed map, for a long time, was a specialized activity and with access only to a privileged group of people. Thus, analyzing the intrinsic georeference aspect is interesting for projecting what could happen in other disciplines in the coming years. It is not an easy thing to foresee the geospatial perspective. What we do know is that it is in the air. Welcome to the 4th edition of the TwinGeo magazine, with a special focus in Geospatial perspective, including geoengineering news and the first part of some interviews with industry leaders.


Editor in Chief





PUBLISHED BY: ZatocaConnect Bogota, Colombia Phone: +57 312 279 6581 E-mail:

DISCLAIMER TwinGeo does not necessarily subscribe to the views expressed in the magazine. All views expressed in this issue are those of the contributors. TwinGeo is not responsible for any loss to anyone due to the information provided. TwinGeo aims to create awareness about everything Geo-engineering in an unbiased way. We do not claim to be experts, so feel free to correct us if something needs correction.


Page (6-11)

WHERE IS OPEN SOURCE GIS SOFTWARE GOING? At a technical level, the software applied to geographic information management will follow similar dynamics, regardless of its license. It must be remembered that the “open” concept applies to the conditions of use of a software, the rights that are granted to the user, regardless of their capabilities or technological focus.

21ST CENTURY CITIES: BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE 101 Infrastructure is a common need today. We often think about smart or digital cities in the context of large cities with many inhabitants and lots of activity associated with big cities. However, small places need infrastructure too. Factor in the fact that not all political boundaries end at the local line, but also extend services to provincial, regional and national governments and it suddenly becomes clear - infrastructure is a clear boundary violator, by necessity.

NEWS • New addition to Bentley Institute’s publication series: Inside MicroStation CONNECT Edition • Esri Publishes Smarter Government Workbook by Martin O’Malley • GRAPHISOFT expands BIMcloud as a Service to Global Availability • HERE and Loqate expand partnership to help businesses optimize delivery • Leica Geosystems brings in new 3D laser scanning bundle • Scotland joins the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement • Vexel releases UltraCam Osprey 4.1

Jeff Thurston, GIS Expert

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Page (26-37)

THE GEOSPATIAL PERSPECTIVE It is easy to predict what will happen in a week; the agenda is usually drawn, by far one event will be canceled and another unforeseen will arise. Predicting what could happen in a month and even in a year is usually framed in an investment plan and quarterly expenses which vary relatively a little bit, although it is necessary to abandon the level of detail and to generalize.


MARC GOLDMAN Director – Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry Solutions ESRI USA


MR. WANG HAITAO, Vice President of SuperMap, President of SuperMap International

CASE STUDY REGISTRY - CADASTRE INTEGRATION Making the Cadastre and the Real Estate Registry work together is currently one of the most interesting challenges of the modernization processes of property rights systems.

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Where is open source GIS software going? Alvaro Anguix Alfaro.

General Manager. gvSIG Association At a technical level, the software applied to geographic information management will follow similar dynamics, regardless of its license. It must be remembered that the “open” concept applies to the conditions of use of a software, the rights that are granted to the user, regardless of their capabilities or technological focus. Therefore, from our perspective, the question, “Where is open source GIS software going?” must


have different answers depending on the approach we have to it. We will focus on two main points of view: technology and industry.

TALKING ABOUT TECHNOLOGY Reality is evident in the territory and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are the tools that allow us to manage the territory more efficiently. Therein lies its current importance and transversality, GIS are technologies that improve the management of a huge range of sectors: municipality management, agriculture, environment, security, health, archaeology and a great many others. The geographical component has become a fundamental component when analyzing or working with information. Beyond the expansion of the use of GIS, it has a clear consequence already in the


present and that in the near future it will go further. GIS solutions will increasingly be less isolated and will be integrated with more and more non-geographic applications; in many cases we will see how the geomatic component is not going to be the main one but it is going to be a part of all types of computer systems that currently don’t have software that allows working with the geographic attribute of the information. These processes, in turn, will lead GIS to evolve in different directions, in some cases unsuspected ones. There is practically no “fashionable” technological concept that doesn’t contemplate the use of a geographical component: Big data, machine learning, open data, smart cities, ... In the gvSIG Association it is something that

we have been experiencing in recent years, in practice there is almost no project that we carry out where integration of technologies is not included. Integration of the different gvSIG Suite solutions with file managers, document managers, alarm systems, different alphanumeric management applications, smart city platforms, sensors... all connected, all geolocated. In this situation, the open source software ecosystem plays with advantage in this scenario due to its licensing characteristics. Use, study, improvement and distribution freedoms greatly make the use of libraries and geomatics products in any computer system easy, without the agreement with technological transnational companies and payment of large amounts for licenses.



TALKING ABOUT INDUSTRY The GIS industry has been dominated by a few transnational corporations known to all. It’s an industry based on speculation with knowledge. The current phase of capitalism, characterized by a series of processes that have favoured a high concentration of capital, has deepened this process of market domination. It is interesting to remember that the attempts to dominate the market by some multinationals against others favoured the promotion of open source software, both at a general level and in the particular field of geomatics. It should not be overlooked, for example, that initially one of the OSGeo promoters was AutoDesk, which had lost the battle to dominate the GIS market in favour of ESRI. Those gaps that were opened then have been used by many groups to give a boost to the technologies with open source licenses, up to the point that that currently they are an alternative as widespread or more than proprietary software products. In parallel, more and more governments, from local administrations to supranational entities, have adopted a position of preference towards open source software, being materialized in multiple cases in decrees, laws and initiatives recommending its preferential use; underlying the idea of technological sovereignty. However, if the evolution of open source technologies has been exponential, the industry has not followed a similar process. Open source software communities are mostly groups of individuals whose form of government is technocracy, which results


in projects led by technical specialists and whose objectives and decisions are merely technological. Historically, there is even a certain rejection of the idea of generating business through open source software. Small and medium-sized companies rarely organize and present initiatives that can make them competitive against large companies that, in our case, monopolize the GIS market. The gvSIG Association was born precisely as a proposal for a new business model to break these dynamics. It was, and still is, a “rara avis” in open source geomatics organizations and projects. In order to change the industry, it is necessary to invent productive models that replace the current ones, that allow companies to compete in all kinds of projects with the current transnational companies that speculate with knowledge. The dynamics of the open source GIS must also advance in this sense in the coming years and initiatives such as this one launched by the gvSIG Association must increasingly become leaders in geomatics services providing. Strengthening the collaborative industry, reducing asymmetries between countries and betting on collaboration in the face of rivalry must be a common goal, that we build all together, because “Where is it going” question with which I was asked to title the article is not something that is written, nor that any guru can show in his crystal ball. We will go where the boost and the work of the majority decide that we should go, in geomatics, in software and in life. In the gvSIG project we have always said that the future is not a way to go, it is a way to build.




21STCENTURY CITIES: BUILDINGINFRASTRUCTURE101 Jeff Thurston, GIS Expert Infrastructure is a common need today. We often think about smart or digital cities in the context of large cities with many inhabitants and lots of activity associated with big cities. However, small places need infrastructure too. Factor in the fact that not all political boundaries end at the local line, but also extend services to provincial, regional and national governments and it suddenly becomes clear - infrastructure is a clear boundary violator, by necessity. The notion that we can see smart places only within smaller geographic spaces is simply wrong. Not only that, but legislation pertaining to building information management, construction practices, product applications and people safety and construction often transcends small and big places as well. There are bottlenecks where GIS and BIM are intended to be used.

The technologies have long surpassed the boundary lines, but the politics and administration of GIS and BIM have been held back from achieving their highest order of use and effect. We often used to call this vertical barriers or stovepiping. Earliest GIS and BIM applications were deeply entrenched in localized areas, in the worst cases those holding the data ruled the project and did not venture out into the wider world too far for fear of loss of control. Fortunately this has changed a lot - and not for the most 10

logical reasons one might think. Contrary to the notion that people would identify these localized GIS and BIM sharing obstacles and choose to share, other factors can be seen that drive the change. These include: 1) The shift to Cloud-based software and applications has resulted in an ‘ease of use’ that stumbles across boundaries and provides everyone with a glimpse of what can be used. There are far fewer data stores held tightly, and computation applications are optimized to build and connect data. This in turn has led to more integrated thinking, and shared project development has become much more robust and arguably more resilient. 2) Mobility has truly generated a connection between field and office applications. Suddenly a person at 60 degrees latitude can share data and connect with high level data systems with another person at 10 degrees latitude - no problem. Mobile data tends to shift and arc around people obstacles, supporting the team and wider network. 3) It can be argued that early infrastructure projects using BIM and GIS got too involved comparing one technology against the other. Those kind of arguments standing on the earlier desktop platform approach strangled the life out of creative thinkers and doers, those seeking to chase trends and new approaches and often referred to as project leaders innovation changers. Fact is, the infrastructure of today is not only built upon GIS and BIM, but man other technological changes and innovations. The goal today is to incorporate them, seeking to identify where and how they might be used and if they bring greater performance and efficiency. These are a few of the reasons

TWINGEO: ARTICLE why and how GIS and BIM technologies are now reaching to higher levels of success. On the horizon there is a whole world of artificial intelligence (AI) awaiting that aims to include GIS and BIM into the mix for infrastructure designers, builders, operator and organizations seeking to maintain infrastructure. It sometimes seems that AI is propelled so far forward into these discussions that it appears magical in nature and tone. Yet, speaking to AI professionals one can often hear that the impacts of AI are largely oriented toward understanding uncertainty. AI can provide solutions and its aim is often articulated in terms of infrastructure performance - improved performance. Yet, its goal is largely to reduce uncertainty, thereby increasing performance. Just like GPS has helped to increase the use of location in many applications, it cannot tell you, for example, that the route you are taking will absolutely find you arriving at your destination within one minute. Much uncertainty remains in GPS applications, even though we know where we are. Similarly, in terms of construction sites, AI will see a delay in materials, strike actions or poor weather. Using climate change variables, who knows whether or not water availability will change, wind for wind generation will rise or subside or even if wave generation might be the most widely used generation of energy even in local lakes. The point is - GIS and BIM have had steady and continuing growth for decades. Over this time much we have known and grown accustomed to has changed and will continue to change. Smart cities and digital infrastructure are entering, it seems, into a phase where more knowledge is being achieved. The network of participants within infrastructure development and operations is widening at the same time. We will continually need to take a critical view of infrastructure gauging activities uncertainty,

evaluating it more widely and to begin developing tools that not only describe and consider what we need for performance, but also what can be understood through what we don’t know about a given project. This is sort of like understanding the role of spatial versus aspatial data. In any event, keep in mind that smart cities and digital twins are not just for the big achievers in cities, but also those in smaller places - like the places where food comes from and where trains, planes and automobiles often travel to. It would be interesting to know how many infrastructure professionals today live outside of big cities - wouldn’t it?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeff Thurston is a Canadian GIS professional and previous Editor of geospatial publications in Europe. He is based in Berlin, Germany.






Bentley Institute Press, publisher of cutting-edge textbooks and professional reference works for the advancement of the engineering, architectural, construction, operations, geospatial, and educational communities, has announced the availability of a new publication series titled “Inside MicroStation CONNECT Edition,” now available in print at and as an e-book at com. The three-volume set focuses on developing a strong understanding of the basics of MicroStation and follows a step-by-step approach that includes exercises and realworld examples complete with illustrations. The publications instruct readers on how to use the 2D design fundamentals of MicroStation and lay a foundation for advanced learning. The series can be found on Amazon Kindle (volumes I, II, III) and Apple books (volumes I, II, III). The book series serves as a powerful learning tool and a quick reference guide for students, beginners, and practicing professionals. The book series reflects the benefits of using the CONNECT Edition and discusses the features of MicroStation CONNECT Edition, including new CAD capabilities and its power and versatility to precisely view, model, document, and visualize information-rich designs of all types and scales. MicroStation CONNECT Edition is for professionals working in every discipline on infrastructure projects of every type.


Vinayak Trivedi, vice president, and global head of Bentley Institute, said, “We are pleased to offer this much-awaited title from Bentley Institute Press, which will help engineers take a massive leap forward in their productivity, while working with MicroStation. Bentley experts Samir Haque, Smrutirekha Mahapatra, and Shaylesh Lunawat have brought together their years of experience and lessons learned to write these three volumes. I anticipate that all readers of this series will be able to increase their mastery of MicroStation CONNECT Edition and enhance their careers with this book set.” Volume I is geared to users who need to know the basics of the software, and it explains how to set up the drawing environment. Volume II guides readers through the process of creating elements and modifying elements using various capabilities. Volume III introduces advanced workflows such as creating and placing cells, annotating drawings, attaching references, composing sheets, and printing.


ABOUT THE AUTHORS SAMIR HAQUE Samir Haque is an engineer and scientist with degrees in biology, biochemistry, electrical engineering and physics. He started in CAD as a researcher at UCLA where he used MicroStation to design 3D parts for experiments in space flight for the study of muscle physics and muscle re-enervation. Haque also used the software to map the brain in 3D at the Brain Research Institute. During the past 23 years with Bentley, Haque has trained thousands of users on MicroStation and has written several manuals on the software. Currently, Haque oversees the development of PowerPlatform, leading the product management and quality assurance teams.

SHAYLESH LUNAWAT Shaylesh Lunawat earned a degree in engineering from the University of Pune. He began a career manufacturing defense equipment, before working at Bentley from 2008 to 2019 as a technical writing manager. In this position, Lunawat was responsible for producing several manuals on MicroStation and other Bentley applications.

SMRUTIREKHA MAHAPATRA Smrutirekha Mahapatra joined Bentley in 2016 as a technical writer and leads the PowerPlatform Documentation team. Before joining Bentley, Mahapatra was an architect with various firms in designing industrial complexes, commercial buildings, and hospitals. Throughout her architectural career, she used various CAD tools for project delivery. Mahapatra earned an AA degree in energy management from the Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies.



Esri Publishes Smarter Government Workbook by Martin O’Malley

Esri, announced the publication of Smarter

Government Workbook: A 14-Week Implementation Guide to Governing for Resultsby former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley. The book distills the lessons from his previous book, Smarter Government: How to Govern for Results in the Information Age, and concisely presents an interactive, easy-to-follow, proven 14-week plan any government can follow to achieve strategic performance management. The workbook enables readers to devise a framework to • Gather and share timely, accurate information. • Rapidly deploy resources. • Build leadership and collaboration. • Develop and refine effective strategic goals and key performance indicators. • Assess results.

In Smarter Government, O’Malley drew on his deep experience in implementing performance measurement and management (“Stat”) systems at the city and state levels in Baltimore and Maryland. As a result of these policies, the region experienced the biggest crime reduction of any big city in American history; the reversal of a 300-year decline in the health of the Chesapeake Bay; and schools ranked number one in the US for five years in a row. “Recently we lost track of the important roles governors play,” said O’Malley. “They hold a unified command and get ahead of a fast-moving crisis. These are the leadership skills that save lives when a crisis hits.” Now, leaders can take these tested solutions and apply them to their own government organizations in less than four months’ time. Smarter Government Workbook is a practical, hands-on companion to Smarter Government and for realizing the promise of Stat. 14


Smarter Government Workbook: A 14-Week Implementation Guide to Governing for Results is available in

print (ISBN: 9781589486027, 80 pages, US$19.99) and can be obtained from most online retailers worldwide. It is also available for purchase at esripress or by calling 1-800-447-9778. If

outside the United States, visit esripressorders for complete ordering options, or visit to contact your local Esri distributor. Interested retailers can contact Esri Press book distributor Ingram Publisher Services.





GRAPHISOFT expands BIMcloud as a Service to Global Availability GRAPHISOFT, the global leader in Building Information Modeling (BIM) software solutions for architects, has expanded the availability of BIMcloud as a Service worldwide to help architects and designers collaborate in the current shift to working from home in these challenging times; it is being offered free for 60 days to ARCHICAD users through its new web shop. BIMcloud as a Service is a cloud solution provided by GRAPHISOFT that offers all the benefits of ARCHICAD Teamwork. Fast, easy, international access to BIMcloud as a Service means design teams can work together in real-time regardless of the size of the project, the location of the team members, or the speed of the Internet connection. No up-front IT investment, quick and easy deployment, and scalability make BIMcloud as a Service a powerful tool for remote collaboration, especially at a time when many architects may not have access to their office hardware.

all commercial ARCHICAD users worldwide,” said Huw Roberts, CEO, GRAPHISOFT. “Previously available only in a limited number of markets, we are glad to have been able to quickly expand availability through a network of regional data centers around the world — to assure high performance while meeting the needs of our users everywhere. This reliable and secure solution to empower remote team collaboration is helping our user community maintain business continuity in the current environment.” According to Francisco Behr, Principal, Behr Browers Architects, “BIMcloud as a Service is exactly what architects need to transition to working from home without missing a beat. The IT setup was fast and easy. We’re currently working on several large projects and the collaboration among our colleagues and partners has been very smooth across the board.”

“To help our users adjust to working together while at home, we are offering free 60-day emergency access to BIMcloud as a Service to



HERE and Loqate expand partnership to help businesses optimize delivery HERE Technologies, a location data and technology platform, and Loqate, the leading developer of global address verification and geocode solutions, have announced an expanded partnership to deliver businesses the latest in address capture, validation and geocode technology. Businesses across industries require verified address data for daily operations, particularly those in retail, transportation and logistics, financial services and healthcare. Loqate is further integrating HERE map data, geocoder and routing algorithms into its widely used address capture and verification software. The expanded partnership helps businesses build the solutions they need to optimize the delivery of their products, services and overall customer engagement. “Deepening Loqate’s partnership with HERE, the foremost experts in international


TWINGEO: NEWS mapping and location data, allows us to deliver market-leading solutions and get closer to our partners and customers,” said Justin Duling, Senior Vice President, Commercial Director at Loqate. “We look forward to expanding our collaboration with HERE to answer future use cases for location data from our partners and customers.” The digital conversion of postal addresses into accurate latitude and longitude points plotted on a map (geocoding) has become a critical tool for everyday commerce. As customer journeys become further digitized, location data will be a foundational attribute to delivering superior experiences. “Every day, globally, millions of addresses are recorded or read by people and computers, all of which require validation for completeness and accuracy,” said Jason Bettinger, Head of Retail & Financial Services at HERE Technologies. “We’re thrilled to expand our ongoing partnership with Loqate as we combine best in class location technology to ensure businesses are only working with validated and enriched location data for their internal and customer needs.” The HERE map consists of multiple layers of data – such as postal and administrative boundaries, addresses, road networks and transport systems, points of interest and more. The data will enrich Loqate’s proprietary data curation capability that creates the premium reference data used by its global address capture and verification technology. Today, Loqate delivers one complete global address verification solution, made of two products, powered by leading global data providers: 1) Capture, a predictive type-ahead product that allows for interactive address capture of any global address in real-time at the point of new data creation; and 2) Verify, a product that can continuously update, verify and enhanced address databases, appending geocode, and reverse geocode, to those validated records.

Leica Geosystems brings in new 3D laser scanning bundle The new bundle consists of the Leica BLK360 imaging laser scanner, Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) desktop software, and Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 for tablets and phones. Customers can get started straight out of the box with seamless connectivity and workflows from Leica Geosystems Reality Capture products to Autodesk’s Reality Computing and design solutions. With this bundle, Leica Geosystems will deliver point cloud production while Autodesk’s technology will consume the data. “We have been on a path with Autodesk to democratise the reality capture landscape through a blend of software and sensor technology,” said Faheem Khan, Leica Geosystems Vice President of Survey Solutions. “This new bundle provides an improved and seamless captureconsumption workflow for our customers with direct connectivity into the Autodesk ecosystem.” The new, streamlined workflow supports scan control, optional pre-registration, and GeoTagging in the field. It includes an automated and scalable registration and QA workflow that fully integrates with other Leica Geosystems reality capture solutions, such as Leica CloudWorx plug-ins for Autodesk products.

“For years Leica Geosystems and Autodesk have shared a common vision to provide industry professionals with a near-seamless data experience, which we continue to build upon,” said Bryan Otey, director of Autodesk Reality Solutions. “The Autodesk technology ecosystem offers project teams the ability to use information more efficiently from design through construction. From data capture to consumption, this is an important relationship for our customers.” 19


Scotland joins the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement The Scottish Government and Geospatial Commission have agreed that from 19 May 2020 Scotland will become part of the recently launched Public Sector Geospatial Agreement. This national agreement will now replace the current One Scotland Mapping Agreement (OSMA) and the Greenspace Scotland contracts. Scottish Government users, made up of 146 member organisations, of the OSMA will now access OS data and expertise via the PSGA. They will join Public Sector Members from England and Wales in accessing a range of digital mapping datasets for the whole of Great Britain, including addressing and road information. The PSGA will also provide increased technical support and access to new data in the future. It is envisaged that the new PSGA will deliver significant benefits providing insight to underpin decision making, drive efficiencies and continue to support the delivery of public services. According to Steve Blair, CEO, Ordnance Survey, “We are delighted that Scotland has joined the PSGA creating the first GB wide joint agreement for customers across the public sector to access OS data. 20

“The PSGA delivers exciting opportunities for both OS and our customers and I am confident that it will unlock significant social, environmental and economic benefits or England, Scotland and Wales.” Albert King, Chief Data Officer, Scottish Government said: “The Scottish Government welcomes the opportunities provided by the new PSGA. “This agreement secures continuity of access to data which underpins delivery of our public services at a time when we depend on them more than ever. “Furthermore, it extends this to encompass a breadth of new datasets and services with the potential to significantly improve public services in Scotland by improving decision making and saving time, money and lives.“ The PSGA started on 1 April 2020 and is set to benefit the public sector, businesses, developers and academia. Throughout the 10-year agreement, OS will deliver the next generation of location data for Great Britain and transform the way people access, share and innovate with geospatial data.

For further information visit






Vexcel Imaging is announcing the release of the next generation UltraCam Osprey 4.1, a highly versatile large-format aerial camera for the simultaneous collection of photogrammetric-grade nadir imagery (PAN, RGB and NIR) and oblique images (RGB). Frequent updates of sharp, noise-free and highly accurate digital representations of the world are essential for modern city planning. Enabling unprecedented flight collection efficiency at superior radiometric and geometric quality, the UltraCam Osprey 4.1 sets a new standard in urban mapping and 3D city modeling.


Leading up to the 4th generation of UltraCam aerial imaging sensors, the system combines new and industry-leading customized lenses, next generation CMOS imaging sensors with custom electronics, and a bestin-class image processing pipeline to deliver imagery of unprecedented quality, in terms of detail resolution, clarity and dynamic range. The system pushes flight productivity to new levels, collecting 1.1 Gigapixels every 0.7 seconds. Customers can fly faster, cover more area and see more detail. The new and innovative Adaptive Motion Compensation (AMC) method compensates for multi-directional motion inducted image blur and compensates for ground sampling distance variations in oblique images in order to produce imagery of unprecedented vividness and sharpness. Besides a new numbering format – the UltraCam Osprey 4.1 is a 4th generation camera in its first version – this new generation also introduces several design

TWINGEO: NEWS updates to increase the overall usability and user-friendliness. Amongst others: a reduced camera head extends aircraft options to even smaller planes and an optimized field of view enables easier installation without a camera lifter. Customers now have easier access to the IMU and UltraNav hardware in order to change UltraNav, or any other flight management system, on-site with no additional boresight required after IMU removal. “With the UltraCam Osprey 4.1 you get two cameras in one housing. The system meets diverse application needs ranging from city mapping to traditional mapping applications from the same flight missions,” said Alexander Wiechert, CEO Vexcel Imaging. “At the same time, we have increased the nadir footprint significantly to over 20,000 pixels across the flight strip to create the flight collection efficiency typically gained only by large-format camera systems.”

Commercial availability of the UltraCam Osprey 4.1 is scheduled for early 2021. Key Specifications • 20,544 x 14,016 pixels PAN image size (nadir) • 14,176 x 10,592 pixels Color image size (oblique) • CMOS imaging sensors • Advanced Motion Compensation (AMC) • 1 frame per 0.7 seconds • 80 mm PAN lens system • 120 mm Color (RGB Bayer pattern) lens system


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Article by:


published in the MAPPING 200 special edition. 26

TWINGEO: COVER STORY It is easy to predict what will happen in a week; the innovative paperspace that nobody the agenda is usually drawn, by far one event understood. If you expected to enter 3D will be canceled and another unforeseen additionally it was necessary to pay ACIS. will arise. Predicting what could happen in a month and even in a year is usually framed in • It would still be a year before the first an investment plan and quarterly expenses intuitive interface of ArcView 1.0 was born, which vary relatively a little bit, although it is so in 1990 the one that knew about GIS necessary to abandon the level of detail and did it with ARC / INFO in command line. to generalize. • As for free software, it would take 2 years Predicting what could happen in 30 years, is for GRASS 4.1 to appear, although all these simply reckless, although it will be interesting technologies had the maturity of a journey in the overview of all the articles in the since 1982. 200 edition Mapping Magazine. From the geomatics side, we could propose aspects Regarding global communication, in 1990 in relation to technology, the information ARPANET would formally disappear with storage media or the academic offer; however, 100,000 computers connected; the term in the long term there are unpredictable world wide web would appear until 1991. variables such as cultural change and the The remotest thing in education was the influence of the user in the market. correspondence courses because Moodle gave its first steps until 1999 and the only way An interesting exercise is to look back to buy something was to go to the store or on how things were 30 years ago, call the printed catalog phone number.

what they are like now and where industry trends are heading, the role of government and the academia; to have an approximation of the role of geomatics in the management of information and operations in human activity in social, economic and environmental areas.

RETROSPECTIVE 30 YEARS BEFORE Thirty years ago it was 1990. So a tech-savvy user had an 80286, with a black screen and orange letters behind a filter, Lotus 123, WordPerfect, Dbase, Print Master and DOS as the operating system. At that time, users with more access to CAD / GIS design software felt like kings of the universe; if they had an Intergraph because normal PCs drained the patience and ridicule of paper draftsmen. • We are talking about Microstation 3.5 for Unix, Generic CADD, AutoSketch and AutoCAD, which that year won the Byte Magazine award for the first time, when the buttons were simulated icons and

THE CURRENT SCENARIO OF GEOMATICS AND EARTH SCIENCES. Seeing how things were 30 years ago, we are aware that we live in glorious moments. But not only for the free and private software that we use, but for the entire industry. Geolocation and connectivity has become so intrinsic, that a user navigates on a mobile, requests a delivery service, reserves a room on another continent without having to understand how an UTM coordinate works. An interesting aspect is the merging of the entire Geo-engineering environment. Disciplines that managed data grew with separate routes and where forced to converge in the operation management, simplifying themselves and reluctantly accepting standardization. This convergence of disciplines around work flows requires that professionals expand their spectrum of knowledge in function of a company that seeks to be efficient. The 27


BY GOLGI ALVAREZ geographer, geologist, surveyor, engineer, architect, builder and operator need to model their professional knowledge in the same digital environment, which makes important both the subsoil and the surface context, the design of generic volumes as well as the detail of infrastructures, and the code behind an ETL as the clean interface for a managerial user. As a consequence, the academia is going through a critical stage to maintain an offer that matches the needs of industry innovation and market evolution.

PERSPECTIVE IN 30 YEARS IN THE FUTURE In 30 years our best glories could look primitive. Even reading this article will cause the feeling of a hybrid between an episode of the Jetsons and a movie of The Hunger Games. Although we know that trends such as 5G connectivity and the fourth industrial revolution are just around the corner, it is not so simple to determine the changes that culture will undergo in relationships studentteacher, citizen-government, employeecompany, and consumer- producer.

There are cycles of explosion in innovation. Right now we are about to see one start. If we refer to trends that are currently driving the industry, government and the academia, these are my particular perspectives.


TWINGEO: COVER STORY The adoption of standards will be a norm regional or national system; with geolocated of responsibility. Not only for purposes of objects, mathematical models and artificial technology or information formats, but on the operation of the market. It will be very normal to standardize fulfillment times for the provision of services, environmental guarantees, and construction guarantees. The geomatics industry will have to include more the human factor, since it will have an important role to connect the real world with digital twins, beyond modeling representation, contracts for the interaction of people, companies and government.

By 2050 blockchain will have been the primitive http protocol, not as a solution but as the alert to a bigger problem, where standardization should be a norm of responsibility. Usability will be decided by the end customer. The user of a technology,

product or service will have a role not only of consultation but of decision; thus, aspects such as urban design and environmental management will be opportunities for the disciplines associated with the land. This will involve instrumentalizing overly specialized knowledge from disciplines such as geography, geology, surveying, or engineering into solutions where the end user makes decisions. The profession must turn its knowledge to tools, so that a citizen decides where he wants his house, chooses an architectural model, adjusts parameters to his wish and immediately receives plans, licenses, offers and guarantees. From the decision-making side, these types of solutions will work both on an asset scale, as a network of connected infrastructures, a


Connectivity and interaction with real time will be intrinsic. In 30 years,

geographic information such as images, digital models, environmental variables, and predictive models will be very accurate and accessible. With this, sensors for receiving information from satellites and devices at lower altitudes will move to more everyday uses once they overcome the complications of privacy and security.

All education will be virtual and the complex will be depreciated. Many

areas of human interaction will be virtual, inevitably education too. This will lead to the simplification of knowledge that is unnecessary for practical life and the standardization of aspects that today are barriers such as borders, scale, language, distance, and access. Although borders will continue to be of great importance, in the virtual environment they will die as a consequence of the market and the fall of the cult of the absurd. Geomatics surely could not die, but it will evolve from being a professional elite discipline to a knowledge close to the new challenges of humanity.

For now, feel satisfied of having been part of the “30 years before�, witnessed the current moment and the emotion of entering a new cycle where only the ideas that facilitate decision-making and present a better end-user experience will survive.




1. What role does GIS play in the construction sector? How does it benefit digital construction? Location Intelligence applied to the Build phase, used by the construction professional, brings visibility to the best use of people, materials, equipment and supplies coming and going from the jobsite daily. Understanding the volume, velocity and schedule of materials on-site brings a valuable understanding of your project’s supply-chain and logistics challenges. Location Intelligence offers a common view (from real-time visuals to historical context) of essential information to the team, whether in the office or on the jobsite. Team members get connected using familiar maps populated MARC GOLDMAN with workflow, personnel and asset data to Director – Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry Solutions ESRI USA orient and inform users. As the physical work is completed, having been measured and tracked through a GIS based solution, the project’s Digital Handover is based on the project’s Digital Twin.


2. What are the benefits of integrating BIM with GIS? The integration of BIM and GIS brings more efficiency to the entire lifecycle of a


construction project. Using GIS enables people from different segments of the construction lifecycle to share a common picture of the project. GIS extends the value of digital BIM through visualization. Integration of BIM and GIS with time information, allows project participants to better understand the impacts of decisions before, during and after the construction of a project.

information to influence a structure’s location, orientation, and even construction materials.

3. How does GIS enable effective management of smart cities? Smart communities are those that make the lives of their citizens better.. Smart communities understand that smart is a journey, not a destination, and with GIS technology they can solve for current challenges, rethink “business as usual” mindsets, and reimagine a community based on technological advances that support infrastructure needs, humans in crisis, climate change, and whatever else the future may bring. Smart communities embrace technology systems to:

GIS is widely used for integrating, visualizing and analyzing information about real-world assets, such as buildings and transportation infrastructure, with surrounding context that may include environmental, demographic, structural, and scientific information. This kind of integration offers a perfect way to capitalize on BIM data. By bringing in the concepts of georeferencing and geodesign in BIM, the construction industry is preparing • Support planning and engineering that most effectively for the designs of the future. adapts to change For example, GIS can provide insight about flood-prone areas and give designers accurate • Improve operational efficiency


TWINGEO: INTERVIEW • Capitalize on data-driven performance to realize real-time awareness and response

CAD and GIS appeared to be overlapping versions of computerized tools for working with geometry and data to produce paper • Achieve civic inclusion through engagement documentation. Whereas CAD systems initially focused on automating drafting tasks, and an attention on social equity Building Information Modeling (BIM), has Smart communities push aside politics and pushed away from drawing creation toward preconceptions in favor of data and analytics intelligent digital models of real-world assets. to make decisions. High-performing organizations are using location as the Likewise, GIS has also differentiated and standard analytical approach to achieve become deeper in capability. GIS can now new insight. Increasingly, smart devices, handle billions of events from live building the internet of things and cloud computing sensors, serving visualizations from petabytes are feeding data on the locations of people, of 3D project data from a variety of reality capture methods. Interactive 2D and 3D nature, vehicles, and infrastructure. visual environments comprised of CAD, BIM 4. There are still a section of people & GIS can be explored in a browser or mobile phone, and powered by complex predictive who feel that while BIM is best analysis performed in the cloud. The map suited for managing data related and drawing, which started out as paper to the building itself, GIS is more analytical tool have been transformed into applicable for everything outside a dashboard for synthesizing complex AEC buildings. – Your thoughts on this. analysis delivered in familiar and humanThe models created with BIM processes interpretable form. can be sophisticated enough to be created during Plan phase, evolved during Design to 6. What are Esri’s latest offerings in simulate and communicate, enriched during the realm of digital construction & the Build phase allowing defects to be avoided smart cities? and ongoing use during the Operate phase to optimize long-term use. The models are Esri is the leader in spatial thinking and used to generate highly accurate simulations pioneers the technology that helps of schedule and budget compliance during governments of all sizes build smart communities and AEC companies Plan, the entire project lifecycle. Design, Build and Operate our world. Today, But to realize the full potential of BIM, the planning and engineering disciplines must integration workflows between BIM and balance the needs of people, infrastructure GIS must be brought together. Integration and the environment. Esri’s GIS-based is critical to domains such as Smart Cities systems allows governments to model the and Digitalized Engineering and Digital Twin impacts of proposed development, adjust delivery. From competing industries toward to shifting demographics and lifestyles, and completing digitalized workflows that will account for changes in climate change and allow us to disengage from centuries-old economic shifts. paper processes.

5. What are the major benefits of GIS over CAD? In the 1980’s and 90’s, CAD and GIS emerged as competitors – two graphical solutions vying for professionals working with spatial data. 32





Vice President of SuperMap, President of SuperMap International

THE GEOSPATIAL PERSPECTIVE 1. Please tell us about Supermap’s journey of evolving as the leading provider of GIS in China.

regions, and has developed distributors and partners from over 30 countries and end users from over 100 countries.

SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. is an innovative 2. What are your latest offerings? GIS platform software and service provider. It was founded in 1997 in Beijing (headquarter). The latest product of SuperMap is SuperMap The most important milestone is that GIS 10i, which includes GIS server, Edge GIS SuperMap was the first listed GIS software server, Terminal GIS, Online GIS platform. company in China in 2009. SuperMap has been focusing on developing GIS platform software, application software and online cloud services since its establishment in 1997. By now, SuperMap has jointed hands with over 1,000 ecological partners to empower the informatization of governments, institutions and enterprises in various industries. Meanwhile, SuperMap is dedicated to develop overseas market. By now, SuperMap has successfully entered Asia, Europe, Africa and South America and other countries and SuperMap GIS 10i Product Architecture


TWINGEO: INTERVIEW Also, SuperMap GIS 10i integrates AI technology, and further innovates Data GIS, New 3D GIS, Cloud Native and Cross Platform GIS to establish a key technologies system of “BitCC” for platform software.

GIS Big GIS five GIS

3. What role can GIS play in the effective management of Smart Cities? Which one of your products is specifically catering to smart cities? How is your product different from other most popular GIS software? For the spatial characteristics, GIS plays an indispensable role in smart cities. First, the GIS related information is the basic information for smart city management; second, GIS provides an effective carrier for various types of urban information integrated applications, which can help the effective integration of information resources, and achieve better development and utilization of resources; third, the use of GIS technology can provide supports for geo-visualization, geo-decision, geo-design, and geo-control for applications in smart cities.

In the field of smart cities, SuperMap provides comprehensive solutions of “one platform, one network, one field” based on cities, districts, counties, streets, parks, and even buildings. “One platform”, that is, the smart city spatio-temporal big data platform , it provides a unified platform for the integration, management and sharing of regional information resources. “One network” refers to the applications of grid city management, social governance, street and rural governance and others. For urban governance, it provides digital management in urban governance, dynamic monitoring of city status, and analysis and judgment of urban situation to comprehensively improve the level of urban governance. “One filed”, namely, refers to smart parks, smart fields and other applications, mainly in forms of parks and sites. It integrates BIM with GIS to provide refined management and service applications for field and park planning, construction and management, and enhance the management service capabilities and competitiveness in the field.


TWINGEO: INTERVIEW When compared with other GIS software vendors, SuperMap has strong advantages in spatial big data and New 3D GIS technology. Also, SuperMap can provide users with comprehensive solutions in smart city + urban planning, construction, management and others.

suppliers in the Chinese market”, according to the Geographic Information Systems Market Research Study Report released by ARC Advisory Group.

To further enhance the SuperMap brand and increase the adoption, SuperMap continuing focuses on developing and providing the 4. How does the integration of BIM and advanced and competitive technologies GIS benefit the construction sector? Has and products in industry. And SuperMap Supermap been able to create a mark in has insisted that the quality is the basic and digital construction? Please share your best priority since its establishment. At the same case study of BIM+GIS integration. time, in the field of business, SuperMap has joined hands with partners to conduct BIM and GIS integrations enable construction cooperation on projects, which provides users to introduce the real large geographic successful solutions and applications in muticontext within a project to accurately assess industry. Also, SuperMap has good relations the environmental impact, accelerate project with many universities worldwide and make delivery and improve the operations and contributions in providing software and technical supports for better GIS education. maintenance of completed assets. More, SuperMap has developed and openOne of the cases is Beijing Sub-Center sourced SuperMap GIS software such as Smart Construction Supervision Platform. In SuperMap iClient and others for unfavoured this case, seamless integration of BIM and users around the world. GIS provides the design and construction teams with geospatial information for better 6. Where do you see Supermap in the next understanding the updated conditions few years? and help them deliver outcomes more efficiently and accurately under very limited For the next, SuperMap will actively construction schedule. participate into fields of urban design, smart city, BIM+GIS, AI GIS and others according to Besides, based on outstanding 3D GIS the development of SuperMap technologies techniques and IoT data,the platform can of Big Data GIS, 3D GIS, AI GIS, as well as provide experts and other stakeholders the worldwide user types and bases, like with real-time simulation of construction governments, universities. progress for better evaluation and full lifecycle management and maintenance. 7. What steps are you taking to make GIS smarter in AI era? 5. How has been the adoption of Supermap’s products so far? Which steps SuperMap released the SuperMap GIS are you taking to increase awareness and 10i at the 2019 GIS Software Technology adoption? Conference. SuperMap GIS 10i fully integrates artificial intelligence technology to construct By now, “SuperMap has the 3rd largest share technology systems of “BitCC”, which newly in global GIS market, and the 1st largest share added the AI GIS into the product system. in Asia GIS market. Meanwhile, the report indicates that with quick growth in past For AI GIS, it consists of 3 parts: over 20 years, SuperMap Software now is the biggest Chinese GIS supplier, and top GIS GeoAI: Spatial data processing and analysis


TWINGEO: INTERVIEW algorithm that integrates AI, and is the product of AI and GIS. AI for GIS: Using AI capabilities to enhance the functions and user experience of GIS software. GIS for AI: Using visualization and analysis technology of GIS to perform spatial visualization and further spatial analysis of AI output results. SuperMap will practice smarter GIS in following the above AI GIS Trilogy.

SuperMap GIS 10i Technology System (BitCC)

8. What are the most important standards your software is applying for interoperability with geospatial, engineering and operation industries. In 2017, SuperMap opensourced an open Spatial 3D Model(S3M) data standard specification for fast streaming, loading, displaying massive and heterogeneous 3D geospatial data on multiple devices and platforms. And it has enabled not only visualization but 3D spatial query and analysis of large spatial data. What is more, S3M is the first group data standard published by China Association for Geospatial Information Society. Now S3M has been widely adopted in more than 20 notable companies from various industries, such as DJI, Altizure etc. 37




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6 ASPECTS TO CONSIDER IN THE REGISTRY - CADASTRE INTEGRATION BY GOLGI ALVAREZ Making the Cadastre and the Real Estate Registry work together is currently one of the most interesting challenges of the modernization processes of property rights systems.

be told with in style, without vainglory but as a simple culture of democratization of knowledge. Sure others have done it with fewer mistakes, but here I portray some basic aspects of how we did it in a Central American country, with some references to The problem is usually the same, even going the 2014 Cadastre declarations, from which beyond our Hispanic context. On the one the ISO 19152 standard emerged. hand, the idealism of believing that it is so easy, then the pessimism of the quaternary 1. THE APPROACH AND CONSTRUCTION institutional structures. In the end, the person OF THE SYSTEM IS VERTEBRAL. who loses is the citizen, who only wants their transaction to be carried out quickly and The merit of the system is no longer strange, safely. The truth is that for this there is no since we live in a time of technological magic recipe, because although it is a matter advance and reengineering within the of common sense, practice shows us that obvious. Of course we are not only talking this is the least common sense among those aboutthe tool, but the complete environment who participate in the chain of the process of that includes the business definition, the a transaction. relatedstake holders, the legal backing, the modeling of technical methods, process Humans are short of memory after a button is execution, thesimplification of those related failing, and it is a pity that the glory of success to territorial management and the life cycle occupies poets rather than systematizers to of thetechnological tool. 40

TWINGEO: CASE STUDY In the design of this System, in the first instance the Registration and Cadastre processes were developed, and recklessly those that could come in the new legislation. The domain model for Cadastre was the Core Cadastre Domain Model CCDM, which in 2003 was barely an abstract after Cadastre 2014 which was literally a poem. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why the System won awards and a very favorable opinion at the FIG Workshop in Czechoslovakia.

“Without a correct definition of the business model, almost any system fails. Because The previous graph shows the conformation the tool is only the medium”. of the Real Folio in the Unified Registry System, with the inclusion of Transactions, In our case study, the flow was performed as which is a weakness not modeled in ISO follows, clarifying that they are not sequential 19152. In its time it did not have those names, but almost parallel steps, which were mostly since the CCDM was hardly a proposal; but performed over a period of two years: yes the logic. The CCDM today is ISO 19152, known as as LADM. A platform was developed that was ready for Registries, both Real Estate and Cadastre, seen as another registry. This is the Unified Although the technological tool is the most Registry System (SURE), which after 11 years visible when it comes to showing results, continues to operate, after four government this involved an analysis and systematization transitions –including a coup d’état-, qualified of existing processes that have their own human resource rotation, arbitrary decisions history. Complex, because the application and everything that countries on process of of procedures differs from one registrar to development are used to. It was piloted in another; also because when performing a Registry Circumscription with an area of​​ automation, what does not work on paper 160,000 plots, it currently operates in 16 of the will not work in a mechanized system. And 24 circumscriptions and the main reason it without demeriting, that in some contexts, was not eliminated in a political whim was it is preferable to be a dictator than a because it was the work tool of the users in conciliator; some say that they were literally Registry and Cadastre –since it was created- forced to make changes with a battery of changes not easy to digest. . 41

TWINGEO: CASE STUDY It was also necessary to do a lot of legislative work in which it was easier to create a new law than to reform the existing one. The Registry depended on the Supreme Court of Justice, the Cadastre of a Secretariat of the Presidency and the National Geographic Institute of a Secretariat of Public Works. It was necessary to create new mechanisms for regularization, to give a simple example, expropriation in urban areas where there is a conflict of antecedents and where people are paying different owners. The law allowed expropriation on behalf of the state, in order to create a trust where people continued to pay, received their property title and the previous owners went to court to fight their issue. Once resolved, the trust money will belong to whoever won the judgment. Although two years were not sufficient to do everything, when the new government arrived it was impossible to go back. The tools were mechanized so that it was almost impossible to get the job done without using the system.

it was the best, but because well applied by people accustomed to doing things in order, it worked very well following the logic steps of the presentation, annotation in the daily volume, marginalization, distribution control, confrontation and qualification. The difficulties occurred in the fact that to work on a presentation it was necessary to consult antecedents in other volumes, with which a high quantity of daily transactions made the response time extremely slow; not forgetting that the registry balance was impossible to control in cases that did not imply total individualization, the control of homonyms was crazy and cases such as nonindividualized urbanizations, pro-undivided and community of properties occupied a little more than Public Faith. It should also be clarified that the royal folio does not obey more modern processes; both misapplied techniques lead to equal errors. Again: if it doesn’t work on paper, it doesn’t work on the mechanized system, if it didn’t work on the old system, it almost certainly won’t work on the new one.

The Real Folio technique, by contrast, indexes the properties under registrations (matriculas) of unique identifier, in which liens, owners, improvements, adjoining, On this there are whole books, confusions and other characteristics of the property and perversions depending on who defends are referred. This is done in an excerpted his position. In the case of study, the Real way, referring to folios, contrary to Personal Folio technique already existed in law but Folio where the document was transcribed was not applied as such, so the main decision as it was and the tract is on the sidelines. In the ISO 19152 standard, the property is was to gradually stop using Personal Folio. the Administrative Unit (BA_unit), being As a general culture, the difference between operated on Personal Folio or Rea Folio. Of the two techniques lies in the way of filing course, a property in Real Folio is almost the documents that support property rights. the equivalent of a cadastre parcel and the linking process will be facilitated. The Personal Folio Technique, maintains the index on the holders, not on the object, so the legal inscription identifier (asiento) 3. THE STANDARDIZATION OF CADASTRE obeys a transaction. Although it is highly PROCESSES. questioned, the heritage that our parents inherited from our grandparents owes this The modernization phase of the Cadastre technique the legal guarantee, not because was not necessarily pleasant, especially since




a conflict was generated between the technicians of the old guard who had enough usable knowledge with the new ones who knew about technology but were unaware of many legal bases of the cadastre. Right or wrong, we specialized in mistakes and the profit was much higher. One problem with Cadastre is that it expects to remain a specialized island that is easily outdated, as it is not integrated into the transactional process. Who would not want the cadastre tapestry to be respected for all sales, transfer, appraisal, use planning and procedures in the context of the new roles. It was necessary to make changes and document, because to be honest many things were said by the ancient aliens but were not documented. Surely these are aspects surpassed by many countries, but I only report it to be honest in our case study, where the Cadastre is still a complex challenge. Among the aspects that I remember best: The continuous topology survey, of the parcels and of the lands of public use like streets, rivers, lagoons, etc. The first ones were assigned a cadastral code with their respective cadastral file, to the public property also a cadastral code with its administrative folio. This is necessary, since the legal inscriptions records (asientos), as they are dismembered, require the complete existence of entrance areas and exit areas; as well as to control future invasions of registered public property. 43

TWINGEO: CASE STUDY “ Cadastre 2014: Cadastre 2014 will indicate the complete legal status of the territory, including public law and restrictions”

officializing its roles, in which responsible institutions already existed within its branches. Unifying the National Geographic Institute with the National Cadastre was not Data separation by legislative a wise move either, not because it cannot be specialization. The maps before the mThe done, but because the environment was not maps before the modernization were true mature enough to take the IGN to a role as works of art, in them in addition to the plots the regulatory body for cartography; in those were the sites of a legal nature, protected days the concept of SDI was so abstract that areas, points of geographical interest, it seemed to be taking away the power of the risk zones, etc. These were separated into «great mapmaker« independent maps, making the parcel maps look quite simplistic, but seeking to The graphic is very particular for massive facilitate the digitization and automation of processes. It does not include the other end of the operation, however more or less topological processes. it summarizes the logic of conformation of This also generated some conflict, since the Royal Folio with its connection to the land Cadastre was like the maker of everything. parcels of Cadastre. Although it was totally incapable of


TWINGEO: CASE STUDY Once the Sheet-Map link was created, the Public View was expected, after which the field sheet was transferred to the cadastral sheet so that any modification was made via a cadastral maintenance request. This was left in the condition that it could be carried out at the request of the interested party, ex officio or at the request of registered users (surveyors or municipal technicians). Right now the process already has a trust established, with bases ready for the delegation to a private operator that will not only operate the Cadastre but also the Registry and the updating of the System. “The Cadastre 2014 will be highly privatized. The public and private sectors will work together.�

The forensic chart, today adapted to LADM acronyms, shows how the processes had been formed under a systemic approach, so that the initial steps were only modeled , but could be automated under a continuous operation approach. Cadastre 2014: Cadastral mapping will be part of the past. Long live the modeling !. As you may have already noticed, I am being simplistic and brief due to the patience limitations of Internet readers. But many of the things we did were wrong. Ironic, but one of the aspects that was left out was the fiscal issue, thinking about such legislative separation, prioritizing too much over the legal one. Although the regulatory competence in tax matters remained in the


TWINGEO: CASE STUDY hands of no one, we continued with the municipalities from their legislation, to avoid distorting the methods that the Cadastre had already modeled. Of course, this made the municipal systems build on their side their own cadastre modules that to this day have been difficult to reconcile.

4. LINKING THE LEGAL REGISTRY WITH THE CADASTRE PARCEL Mechanized the processes like a factory, the Registry flow was quite simple:

Scanning, cleaning and indexing of book, in order to obtain the digital book as a product, The suffering for not including the fiscal with the implicit tract in the mechanization still hurts in the economic aspect; basic and thus avoid the continued creation of principle of technological sustainability: books. Except for Powers / Judgments and If it doesn’t make money, it will die. Today, other matters that continued to operate on when it is being transferred to an Operator, the Personal Folio. Extract from active legal inscriptions ( a s i e n t o s ) and creation of registries (matriculas). With this, there was a kind of «digital folio or royal folio in formation», which itself is a royal folio (by the applied technique), but according to the particular aspirations of Honduran law, and the robustness of the system, a Real Folio must be linked to Cadastre.

the simple statistics of daily consultation show that it was able to start generating much more money long ago, but at least the On the Cadastre side, the massive field conformation of demand was won. taking brought printed maps with photointerpreted delineation or total station files Linking Property Registry with Cadastre is and field sheets to the cabinet. In the cabinet, the easiest step to make it sustainable ... of it was digitized, linked and a geoparcel was course, if it were easy. But it’s better than created using mechanized tools at that time wanting to make it sustainable on its own. with VBA for Microstation Geographics. The graph shows a later step that was actually “ The 2014 Cadastre will proceed to recover only an evolution of technology since in 2003 the costs”. the space cartridge was not implemented, but the maps were linked by their centroid under the arc-node scheme, however the





The Unified Registry System, once the link is created, shows the two realities, with alerts of possible irregularity. So a registration (matricula) without link to Cadastre only shows the great alert of «Not being georeferenced according to law«. Also the “Cadastre 2014: The separation between affectations that restrict the use, domain or maps and records will be abolished”. occupation of the properties, although these two topics are a pending issue ... for another Once the elements BA_Unit (Registration article, because institutional weakness is a in Royal Folio - Matricula) and Spatial_Unit topic that us technologists do not always existed, another factory process did the work understand. of linking. It made a review from the cadastral sheet, where the Personal Folio reference For the linkage process, it was necessary had been raised, compared aspects of somewhat late I admit - to define automated location, holders, area, background and alert criteria or a maintenance mechanism, other elements to create the link. so that the linkage was not prevented by 18 irregular aspects, among which were: The following image shows the legal reality • Relationship one to many between linked to physical reality. Although it is an parcels and registries (matriculas), example of an urbanized zone, the process is not so simple for various reasons. In the • Difference of rights for extra-registration transmission documents, best of cases, it was possible to link up to 51% (Urban and Rural Average), the remaining • Difference of areas due to apparent link will be made by transactional demand invasion of the public area, and through the titling processes whose goal in this country is ... particular. entire update process was transactional. Subsequently, migration to spatial database and desktop management was performed with Bentley Map. Currently in development a plugin for Qgis.


TWINGEO: CASE STUDY • Differences due to mutation in the Registry or Cadastre after the cadastral sweep,


The step of linking for some time «politically attributable» was stopped and to date it • Horizontal property, is one of the complex challenges in the • Pro-undivided property, obligatory nature of the law, that every • Difference of names of holders or presentation must require linking to the Cadastral Registry. This aspect is somewhat duplication of holders, complex, both for being too permissive but • Etc., etc., etc. also for being as demanding as the Pope. For this, a widely used technique for the Here are some guidelines, which are mostly sustainability of technologies was applied: processes to normalize. assign it to those who hurt the most. The user when seeing alerts, looks for how to The Cadastre and Registration area will solve them; total, is one of the principles of never be the same. For this, a tolerance formula was used, which considers the Registration: advertising. measurement method, the urban / rural “Everything was very good, until it is linked condition based on its size, in this case the maximum scale used in previous surveys, as to Cadastre”. shown in the following image. As maximum • Background not extracted,




TWINGEO: CASE STUDY tolerance it was considered 6% and as you can see, using a formula like this, the area decreases from 6% to 1% as the size of the property grows.

is when a map should be consulted, but if the map viewer is so clear that it does not occupy any specialty, then, the adjoining ones may be the cadastral keys. It sounds simple, but getting lawyers to understand takes time; what we hope will be resolved with the registration document.

The formula was inserted as a stored procedure in the database, such that it is displayed dynamically in the system. If the documentary area is not within that range, • It is not possible to start a process, without being regulated the certification then the system raises an alert for area of measurement professionals, difference. measurement methods, tolerances, file A cadastral record is not the same as a presentation formats and coexistence topographic record. If I am going to measure procedures between the data collected the property five times, its coordinates will with different precisions. If when be different each time (within a tolerance measuring a property the need to margin). This means that if its coordinates remedy an entire area is evident, are within this range, it is not necessary to because it is poorly taken or due to the change the cadastral property; For this the difference in method, for this the LADM LADM considers the measurement record, considers the Point_parcel, with which Survey_classes as a relationship between the judgment of Armageddon can be the Source_document and the Spatial_unit. avoided - which is currently looming -. It is not possible to insist that those adjoining the notarial protocol must appear as names of persons; although the principle says that it must be explicit, we understand that this

The legal benchmark is a referent, it is not infallible. It was necessary to leave in the law, that the cadastral survey will be made based on the physical situation, and


TWINGEO: CASE STUDY if in case there is a difference between the documentary area and the cadastral area, and the adjoining situation has not changed, nor is there evidence of claims , nor is it adjacent to public areas, the cadastral area will prevail. How easy it sounds, but enforcing that the existing deeds must be changed is another story; since by law I must recognize the registered right and I cannot declare irregular what I accepted under previous terms, just because my parameters changed. It is necessary to define information filtering methods that facilitate the establishment of the regularity of the information. If a legal entity is Banco Davivienda, but in notarial protocols appears with different names for each branch, a consolidation procedure is required. Similarly, if a property was surveyed in different ways, but it is the same, it does not occupy a merging of properties but rather a consolidation. But both aspects must be legal.

The greatest challenges will always be human resources, in this sector, generally resistant to change and used to that things must be done only one way. There is no other option but to reinvent yourself and leave safeguards. Rotation for political purposes can even be profitable, although you have to be forewarned that it will be the greatest threat. To the extent that the legal basis can be used, outsourcing is a venial sin, as long

6. AT LAST: As I said at the beginning, the object of this article does not seek to launch magic recipes. Especially since the institutional reality in each country is extremely complex, not because of technical or legal aspects, but rather because of positions of power and lack of vision of its authorities. However, the example shows that it is possible to do interesting things in third world countries, if moments of glory are used to tie the irreversible aspects. Other countries have

so I bought the field at Anathoth from my cousin Hanamel and weighed out for him seventeen shekels[b] of silver. I signed and sealed the deed, had it witnessed, and weighed out the silver on the scales. I took the deed of purchase—the sealed copy containing the terms and conditions, as well as the unsealed copy. And I gave this deed to Baruch... in the presence of... Jews sitting in the courtyard of the guard.


TWINGEO: CASE STUDY done it with less follies, others with better institutional conditions are fighting for real integration. Property registration is based on common sense. Property right transactions have existed since man discovered agriculture, and realized that he could create human settlements. The graph shows a passage from our religious literature, where there are terms that seem to be taken from an exchange of registry jurisprudence, with per diem paid to the past, in precious metal coins quantified in the balance - what a great idea for any official today-. No one doubted the certainty of the property or the value of the right registered in the ÂŤOpen TransferÂŤ. Of course, if we had wanted to link the cadastre and the registry on that date, we would have the same problems, and the same consulting work for herbal smokers as us. In the case of Honduras, currently in view of the new version of the System, the modeled processes are almost as important as the aspects not reached, because the business is the same, the environment will mutate in the least, the processes will change. In the world of technological innovation that we live in, between the time I started writing the article and the date that you happened to read it, there is a new technology boom offering to solve the RegistryCadastre problem, and three new consultants offering their services. We must remember that technologies are only an input; the balance between the pressure between the technological supply and the demand for modernization is the standard. Integrating the Registry and the Cadastre is a chapter that must be started. If it is only theorized, and it is never started, it will be science fiction. Right or wrong, once it starts, it takes more art than science to bring it to reality. But the process is so kind, that it hardly takes up a couple of people who have a clear horizon, because the solution to all cases is in the existing human resource, who are specialists in their own subjects: Registration, Cadastre, Land Management, automation, systematization and ... some inspirational marijuana.




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