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UAS For Mapping and 3D Modelling
Marlyn is the latest fi xed-wing VTOL mapping and surveying drone made by Atmos UAV, that combines helicopter's fl exibility with fi xed-wing performance. Taking the best of both an aeroplane and a helicopter, she will help you map more land in less time, with the accuracy you need.
Atlas ppX
The ATLAS ppX is currently the most compact member of the C-ASTRAL UAS family weighing only 2.3kg. Developed through a decade of exploitation experience by C-ASTRAL X-WORKS, this hand-launched system has a tactical heritage and can carry multiple modular sensors for precise PPK supported photogrammetry, multispectral and thermal remote sensing.
The BB4 is a high-performance quadcopter unmanned aerial system for professional imaging applications. It can carry the CHCNAV Lidar scanners with DSRL cameras for high-accuracy 3D point cloud generation or oblique cameras for 3D photogrammetry. With a setup time of only two minutes, the versatile BB4 offers up to 55 minutes of fl ight time with a 1kg payload and up to 40 minutes with a 5kg payload. The drone is controlled with the DJI Lightbridge 2 fl ight controller and a 5km operating range.
DJI has rethought its drone technology from the ground up, revolutionizing its systems to achieve a new standard for drone accuracy, offering Phantom 4 RTK customers centimetre-accurate data while requiring fewer ground control points. Upgrade your next mapping mission with the Phantom 4 RTK, the most compact and accurate low altitude mapping solution.
Matrice 300 RTK
The Matrice 300 RTK is DJI’s latest commercial drone platform that takes inspiration from modern aviation systems. Offering up to 55 minutes of fl ight time, advanced AI capabilities, a six directional sensing system and more, the M300 RTK sets a whole new standard by combining intelligence with high-performance and unrivalled reliability.
Drone Solution
A fully integrated and powerful drone solution offering easy and safe aerial access to challenging areas, a larger surface coverage in a single fl ight, higher resolution images, and an opportunity to acquire aerial data with a cost-effective and effi cient tool. Phase One’s Drone Solution combines state-of-the-art hardware and software components, including integration of either the iXM100MP and iXM50MP digital aerial camera and a choice of 4 RSM lenses.
The RiCOPTER is a high-performance unmanned multi-rotor aircraft equipped with RIEGL’s VUX-SYS sensor system to offer a fully integrated turnkey solution for professional UAS surveying missions.
Engineered to the highest quality standards, the SatLab SLL3 has a long fl ight time of up to 50 minutes and also provides a complete UAV solution for construction, mapping and surveying.
eBee X
The eBee X is the fi xed-wing drone for all your mapping needs. It suits every job thanks to its range of groundbreaking cameras. These include the new senseFly S.O.D.A. 3D, for stunning 3D reconstructions of vertical environments such as urban centres, mines and coastlines, the best-inclass senseFly Aeria X RGB photogrammetry camera, and the senseFly Duet T for creating geo-accurate thermal maps.
eBee Geo
eBee Geo is an affordable fi xed-wing mapping drone designed to meet the highest demands of surveyors, civil engineers and GIS professionals worldwide. Designed to complement your surveying toolkit, eBee Geo comes with everything you need to get started, including professional drone camera technology and eMotion, senseFly’s proven fl ight planning software.
Go above and beyond with this highly accurate aerial mapping and modelling tool. Send a custom fl ight plan to the Sirius Pro with MAVinci software, then hand-launch the unmanned aircraft system (UAS).
Astero is the new groundbreaking fi xed-wing drone with high durability and extraordinary long fl ight time. The Astero is made of the best high quality materials to work under the worst conditions.
PLATFORM Platform Max. payload [kg] Max. speed [km/h] Max. height above sea level [m]
Atlas ppX CHCNAV
Aircraft 1 95 5,000 Aircraft 0,3 108 5,000 Copter 7,1 50,4 5,000 Copter • 58 6,000
DIMENSIONS ø / wingspan [cm] Weight [kg] 160 • 155 2,3 • 10,9
ENVIRONMENT Min. operation temperature [°C] Max. operation temperature [°C] Max. wind speed [m/sec] -10 40 12,5 -25 50 12 -10 40 13
RGB Camera, Lidar, Additional sensors
Y es CHC AlphaUniXXX series, CHC ASXXX series, 3rd party Lidars ≤7kg weight
CoPre, CoProcess 0 40 •
IMAGING/SCANNING DEVICES Onboard imaging/scanning devices
Build-in Stablilsation Type of Lidar Y es •
INCLUDED SOFTWARE AND AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED Flight planning software Photogrammetric software Navigator Optional: Agisoft or PIX4D
Point cloud processing software Optional: Agisoft or PIX4D Additional sensors
N o • RGB Camera
Y es •
C3P PIX4D, Agisoft PhotoScan, 3Dsurvey, Correlator3D, Ensomosaic, PIEneering, Menci Software, Orbit PIX4D, Agisoft PhotoScan, 3Dsurvey, Correlator3D, Ensomosaic, PIEneering, Menci Software, Orbit GS RTK DJI TERRA
RiCOPTER with VUX-SYS senseFly
eBee X Topcon
SiRIUS PRO Nordic Wing
Copter 14 60 • Aircraft • 110 2,500 Aircraft 0,55 65 2,600 Aircraft 0,5 54 4,000
PLATFORM Platform Max. payload [kg] Max. speed [km/h] Max. height above sea level [m]
116 1,1 163 2,73 233 4
DIMENSIONS ø / wingspan [cm] Weight [kg]
-10 40 • -20 45 13,9 -15 50 15
ENVIRONMENT Min. operation temperature [°C] Max. operation temperature [°C] Max. wind speed [m/sec]
N o RIEGL VUX-1UAV RGB Camera, Additional sensors, Gimbal, NIR Camera Y es • Y es • RGB Camera, Additional sensors
N o •
IMAGING/SCANNING DEVICES Onboard imaging/scanning devices
Build-in Stablilsation Type of Lidar
RiPROCESS senseFly eMotion 3.7 PIX4D Mapper or Photoscan Agisoft or Trimble Business Center Mavinci desktop ImageMaster for UAV
• ImageMaster for UAV Mission Planner Compatible with AgiSoft PhotoScan, PIX4D and others.
INCLUDED SOFTWARE AND AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED Flight planning software Photogrammetric software
• Point cloud processing software