[SITE] EXPLORATION Concrete Lawn at Parkville Campus George Avraam Ira Malhotra Jacquelin Tsui Gracie Doherty
Task 1 – History Superimpose relevant maps such as historical and present day to generate a narrative of site history
Task 2 – Action Intensities: Use a graphic gradient technique to represent these site Intensities - from empty to crowded Use: Make a temporal diagram of the ways in which different uses of the site change
during the day.
Task 3 – Climate Sun / Shade: Map shadows (grey to black) that buildings and vegetation cast at 9am, 1pm and 5pm. Temperature: Use a graphic gradient technique to map cold and warm areas within the Site. The gradient should change from blue (cold) to red (warm).
Task 3 – Movement Edge: Take frontal photographs of building facades that surround the SITE on all sides Circulation: On the same map, record how people move through the site at different times of the day – at 9am (yellow), at 3pm (green) and at 9pm (blue).