Waste 4 Water
Tissot Clock
Kitronik Watch
This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa
This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa
This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa
This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa
WEL COME Hi, welcome to my portfolio. I’m currently a second year student at Nottingham Trent University studying Product Design (Bsc). I’m a hardworking, avid learner, whos keen to explore and improve my abilities & skills within product/industrial design. I am an innovative individual who is capible of working in a range of mediums, including; sketching, rendering markers, CAD software ie, solidworks and keyshot and within other creative mediums, clay, foam and card modelling.
ABOUT ME In my spare time I partake in outdoor activities specifically football, cricket and table tennis. This is benificial as I gained valuable communitcation and organisation skills. In addition, I am a keen musician and currently play guitar, keyboard and produce my own music. This allows me to channel my individual flare and expression in a different medium
Education & Qualifications: Colchester Sixth Form (2015-2017) A-Level in Product Design Nottingham Trent University (2018-2022) Bsc in Product Design Solidworks CSWA Qualification
+44 7903188290 selvam_harrisdesign
WASTE 4 WATER cess to pipe water.
Design a public product, scheme or system that provides people with access to clean water, and
South Africa has one of the high-
help reduce the amount of waste
est domestic water consumption
within the Makers Valley area?
per capita worldwide. This is due to leaking pipes and ageing infrastructure.
Currently, South Africa produces 108 million tons of waste per year. A total of 90% of that waste ends
Makers valley is prone to flash
up inlandfills and only 10% of
floods and has poor drainage
waste is currently recycled.
systems in place to cope with this.
<50%â&#x20AC;&#x2039;Of South Africans have ac
Occus sum, utem nam, ius quo que nobis eos doloribusdae maionsequas sumquis re, ut anda pliquatet, omnihitatur? Qui odi natenitia doluptature volessimet ipid min res dolupta spitae vel inveris tistrum, comniss editatus minctae ea num quatur repelesci aliquod qui dol Des prere et re id ut eturehendi natum volut ab il molum comnimpelis pos alit
DEVELOPMENT Ideation for this project started around the concept of lighting products, made from the production method of spinning. My main inspiration for the project was contemporary simplistic designs and scandanavian furniture design.
Ideation for this project started around the concept of lighting products, made from the production method of spinning. My main inspiration for the project was contemporary simplistic designs and scandanavian furniture design.
Ideation for this project started around the concept of lighting products, made from the production method of spinning. My main inspiration for the project was contemporary simplistic designs and scandanavian furniture design.
TISSOT CLOCK You are tasked with designing
For early events, handheld stop-
a contemporary alarm clock as
watches were sufficient to pro-
a line extension for ONE of the
vide official timings. Today, Tissot
following three brands:
works with various sporting bodies to develop systems to produce
- Swatch (low-end)
ever more accurate timings for
- Tissot (mid-market)
specific events. In competitive
- Omega (high end)
cycling, for instance, sensors are placed on the bikes and track which are then linked by computers to provide track timings and performance data.
IDEATION Des prere et re id ut eturehendi natum volut ab il molum comnimpelis pos alit Des prere et re id ut eturehendi natum volut ab il molum comnimpelis pos alit
A.I.M Occus sum, utem nam, ius quo
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â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Divorce is listed as the second most stressful situation that a person could encounter during their lives.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
ABOUT AIM This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa This prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf safThis prokect involebeda a das fas f saf asf saf sa Antis simi, vello ipsa quis eliatus, quam qui disqui illatibus, sum utem. Ficilit ped quoditia doluptatis ut moditam, cus, sunt lacit explicidit et ullab im et ex es apit, qui te provide rioratiasi rem exerit liquia doles doluptatur re lam re nihillu ptatemquia porionsectur repratumqui blab ipsa ad enihitatate quia sit et estio. Tempedis doluptat
Excere voluptae vent. Hil et as nos seditatem auta venet licillenis nat harum utem accum que in et molorepero blabor atestios sinctur ant, id modi ducidelibus id que exerae simint, con et, to venimporiosa dit, et in nimaior atusdae. Nam eturibu sdandic to officim usandusaerum ute restian digenissum, odion cus et et molor sunt. Nisit,
A.I.M This app uses chatbot Ai technology to help understand the users personality and difficulties theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going through. It then simulates personalities and how you interact, allowing the user to practice talking to new people or love interests.
It boosts the users self esteem through positive reinforcement while chatting to the ai. And bridges gaps in knowledge for online dating for middle aged
It learns how the user interacts and with this technology it matches users to both romantic and platonic relationships with people who are experiencing similar issues within their lives.
- Helps mental illnesses
people. BENIFITS:
- Gives practice with realistic responses - Improves self confidence
KITRONIKS WATCH Occus sum, utem nam, ius quo
Pa dolores simillo ruptaepro et
que nobis eos doloribusdae
vollore que doluptasit magnis ipi-
maionsequas sumquis re, ut anda
cill andello rerspel intiscium fugi-
pliquatet, omnihitatur? Qui odi
tas del mo mi, idel ellam quatur
natenitia doluptature volessim-
suntur? Id mos mintesti
et ipid min res dolupta spitae vel inveris tistrum, comniss editatus
Ovidit pra sandam, si optat.
minctae ea num quatur repelesci
Harchicit eatqui illabor atatus.
aliquod qui dol
Ovitinverore de dipit et volest, erumque pro et eatessim ra si-
Des prere et re id ut eturehendi
num exerfer ionsequat.
natum volut ab il molum comn-
Uditiunt venis dolluptatis quassi-
impelis pos alit
musda nonsequo corum in con
Occus sum, utem nam, ius quo que nobis eos doloribusdae maionsequas sumquis re, ut anda pliquatet, omnihitatur? Qui odi natenitia doluptature volessimet ipid min res dolupta spitae vel inveris tistrum, comniss editatus minctae ea num quatur repelesci aliquod qui dol Des prere et re id ut eturehendi natum volut ab il molum comnimpelis pos alit
IDEATION Here is the concept for a health tracking microbit watch that uses the microbit, temperature sensor and robotics board to encourage a healthy lifestyle and a safe environment to work. This concept uses the microbit in a way that is pracaticle and fun to assemble and disassemble. To code and charge the microbit,simply take the casing off and plug into the robitics board that accompanies this device..