Product Design Portfolio

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Hi, welcome to my portfolio. I’m currently a second year student at Nottingham Trent University studying Product Design (Bsc). I’m a hardworking, avid learner, whos keen to explore and improve my abilities & skills within product/industrial design.

I am an innovative individual who is capible of working in a range of mediums, including; sketching, rendering markers, CAD software ie, solidworks and keyshot and within other creative mediums, clay, foam and card modelling.



+44 7903188290 selvam_harrisdesign




Colchester Sixth Form (2015-2017) A-Level in Product Design



Nottingham Trent University (2018-2022) Bsc in Product Design



Solidworks CSWA Qualification

In my spare time I partake in outdoor activities specifically football, cricket and table tennis. This is benificial as I gained valuable communitcation and organisation skills. In addition, I am a keen musician and currently play guitar, keyboard and produce my own music. This allows me to channel my individual flare and expression in a different medium

1. Tissot Clock


2. KITRONIK Project

3. Waste 4 Water

4. A.I.M


TISSOT CLOCK BRIEF You are tasked with designing a contemporary alarm clock as a line extension for ONE of the following three brands: - Swatch (low-end) - Tissot (mid-market) - Omega (high end)

Individual Project

CURRENT PROBLEM SLEEP Over the years, many of us have got used to setting our alarms on our smartphone (and repeatedly hitting the snooze button), but despite their seeming obsolescence, alarm clocks are making a comeback. From cutting-edge smart clocks that promote better sleep cycles to stylish timepieces that will upgrade your bedside table, there’s an endless amount of products to help get you up and out the house more easily in the mornings.

SOLUTION To create a new alarm clock that is modern and appeals to a young audience who would usually just use their smartphone.

IDEATION These shapes appear regularily on their modern style watches. I wanted to emulate these dynamic, smooth, sleek triangular shapes within my final design choice. This is why I made a final change to my development ideation concept. This is to arch the underside of the clock to give the affect of it looking more contemporary and sleek when sitting on a bedside table. This raised underneath means the bottom is visible when its laying flat and I beleive it givrd s more modern finish I wanted to keep the materials and some stylisitic choices quite contemporary. So I took some of those aspects and applied them to the concept. I featured a aluminum case that is solid and works within a Tisoot brand design. Next the watch face is varies from some very intricate design to super complex designs. I decided to use a digital display over an analog because it fit the shape of the clock better, and I also used a minimalist design style choice with simply just the time showing and a temperature display above that to fit the triangular clock face shape well.

CHOP SMART CONCEPT This product combines two essential utensils for prepping a meal, a scales and a chopping board. To add, it has an extra sliding cuting board that is there to prevent cross contamination of food groups. Furthermore, it also contains a brushed alumnium removble sliding trey that can hold cuttings of ingredients before being cooked.

FEATURES APP can be used to access recipes and connect to the chopping board via bluetooth, giving the user access to recipes and a better navigational system. LCD screen to navigate the system and choose options. HOT KEY buttons are programmable and can be changed to quick access keys to certain recipies, or to allow the user to quickly access portion sizes for different amounts of people.










KITRONIK BRIEF Using Kitronik’s All-In-One Robotics board for BBC micro:bit, design a non-vehicular robotic project kit for 11-14 year olds to build and code. The product should make use of the capabilities of the BBC micro:bit combined with the robotics board.

Individual Project

CURRENT PROBLEM YOUNG ADOLESCENTS HEALTH Young peoples health has been thrusted into the limelight, with USA having prevalence of obesity is 18.5% and effects about 13.7 million children and adolescents. In the UK 35% of young people in England and Scotland were obese or overweight.

CAUSES There are also links between experiences as a young person and adult outcomes, and between childhood health difficulties and adult health difficulties. Lack of access to health tracking or monitoring services. Lack of education on mental and physical health at school.

IDEATION Here is the concept for a health tracking microbit watch that uses the microbit, temperature sensor and robotics board to encourage a healthy lifestyle and a safe environment to work. It achieves this by monitoring the students daily step count and body temperature, allowing access to amount of calories burnt. This concept uses the microbit in a way that is pracaticle and fun to assemble and disassemble. To code and charge the microbit,simply take the casing off and plug into the robitics board that accompanies this device..

USER PERSONA Name - William Age - 14 Gender - Male Salary - N/A William is a fourteen year old pupil at a secondary school in the East Midlands area. He works hard at school and applys himself in many all subjects. His favourite subjects are science and physical eduation. Has acess to technology to keep himself updated with current trends and stay active within his social circles. Needs access to equipment to help track and monitor his sports training.

WATCH DESIGN Kitroniks Healthy Watch ABOUT This is a tech device that is benificial to the user to aid their health tracking, in an affordable and low cost way. A microbit that uses the accelerometer and heat sensor to monitor the bodys minute signals. This information is relayed back to an app where you can monitor your health, reset your statistics and change your lifestyle if necessary.

FEATURES Bluetooth Accelerometer Temperature Sensor Sunlight Sensor


WASTE 4 WATER BRIEF Design a public product, scheme or system that provides people with access to clean water, and help reduce the amount of waste within the Makers Valley area?

Group Project

CURRENT PROBLEM WASTE & WATER Currently, South Africa produces 108 million tons of waste per year. A total of 90% of that waste ends up inlandfills and only 10% of waste is currently recycled. <50%​Of South Africans have access to pipe water. South Africa has one of the highest domestic water consumption per capita worldwide. This is due to leaking pipes and ageing infrastructure.

CAUSES Makers valley is prone to flash floods and has poor drainage systems in place to cope with this. Jukskei River is attempted to be cleaned but is still very unusable and unfit for human consumption or use.

IDEATION This is a community centred proposal providing hot waer to the people of Makers Valley in exchange for recyclable waste. The idea is to convert used shipment containers into public shower blocks using basic methods of solar heating and storing the water provided by the mains supply. This is an incentive based scheme encouraging people to gather their recycling and clean the strees of Johannesburg.

IDEATION Making several sketch models has been very useful as it has given us an idea of scale but also has played a massive part in the overall development of the final idea. Modelling the cubicles has helped in understanding the layout of the cubicles better and has helped to visualise how many cubicles could fit in our 20ft container. Consideration into the layout is demonstrated through the different models and inclusitivity for the disabled. We wanted the Waste4Water hub to be open for every member of the community. Previously, we decided to have separate cubicles and changing rooms however we didn’t like the vulnerability indivudals may feel with the risk of theft. We wanted everyone (especially women of South Africa) to feel as safe as possible therefore combining a shower room and changing room together was the best way to do so taking account of the high sexual assault rates. The shower and changing room are divided by using a screen to prevent the user’s clothes getting wet.


AI PROJECT BRIEF Create a service that matches personal interests and encourages people to do healthy activities together.

Individual Project

CURRENT PROBLEM MENTAL HEALTH Recent divorcees like most people, are likely to experience a rollercoaster of emotions. How can these affect your mentl health? Divorce is listed as the second most stressful situation that a person could encounter during their lives.

CAUSES Many people begin to isolate themselves from friends and family, which adds to their feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and insecurity.

USER PERSONA Name - Jessica Age - 35 Gender - Female Salary - 40-60k - 35-50 years old - Surburban home - Places high importance upon living a holistically healthy lifestyle - Recently divorced - Enjoys yoga in spare time

A.I.M CONCEPT This app uses chatbot Ai technology to help understand the users personality and difficulties they’re going through. It then simulates personalities and how you interact, allowing the user to practice talking to new people or love interests. It learns how the user interacts and with this technology it matches users to both romantic and platonic relationships with people who are experiencing similar issues within their lives. It boosts the users self esteem through positive reinforcement while chatting to the ai. And bridges gaps in knowledge for online dating for middle aged people.

The key features are that it is able to encourage and support people who recently divorced and coach them back into dating.

- Helps mental illnesses - Gives practice with realistic responses - Improves self confidence

Navigation Bar Ai Messages On the left hand side of the navigational bar is the messaged recieved from Ai. These range from platonic friendships or romantic interests and are there for the user to open up to without fear of judgement. It also helps the Ai matchmaking service gain a better understadning of the user and provide better real matches.

Real Messages

Ai Profile

Ai Matches On the navigational bar the furthest button to the left will indicate your matches, the user wil see a percentage that shows how much the Ai judges you to have in commmon. The user has a choice to match and chat or ignore the potential match.

Here on the navigational bar is where real users messages will be indicated. Once the user feels ready to message and chat to potential friends of love interests they can head over to this icon and chat with people they have matched.

Real Matches


On the navigational bar the furthest button to the RIGHT will indicate your matches, which you can either choose to match potential people or ignore their match. It will be displayed whether it is a platonic friendship they’re after or a romantic relationship, which can affect the users judgement.

Profile Ai Matches

Ai Messages

Real Messages

Real Matches

T H A N K Y O U!

+44 7903188290 selvam_harrisdesign

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