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Our commitment to the environment

We are committed to addressing environmental issues that affect the area you live in.

Our vision for our environment

Sustainability requires us to think about the types and amount of resources we use, how we dispose of items and the steps we take to protect and conserve the natural environment.

We are committed to the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the Georges River environment. In keeping with ecologically sustainable development principles, we integrate social, economic and environmental values and imperatives into our decisionmaking. We are committed to rehabilitating the LGA’s waterways, protecting bushland and wildlife and reducing waste and carbon emissions.

Within the last year, we have committed to achieve net zero emissions and using 100 per cent renewable energy in our operations.

Further, we are committed to various environmental sustainability and waste related targets that propel our work towards environmental protection:

• 40 per cent total urban canopy cover by 2038 (baseline of 38 per cent in 2018) • ban on single-use plastic bags and drinking straws from Council events.

Georges River Council emissions FY 2020/2021


Staff commute












Cities Power Partnership

The Cities Power Partnership is a network of local councils leading the way to a sustainable, zero emissions future. Local councils that join the partnership make five action pledges to tackle climate change.

We are progressing towards achieving a further five pledges after achieving the first five pledges in 2020/21, building on the success of last year where our first five pledges were achieved ahead of schedule.

The current pledges committed by Council are as follows:

Support community facilities to access renewable energy through incentives, support or grants. We are working with key procurers to further advance a sustainable procurement process. We are looking at sustainable transport and fast charging options to encourage behaviour change within the community and to make it easy for people to participate in renewable energy initiatives.

We are working with key procurers to further advance a sustainable procurement process. We are looking at sustainable transport and fast charging options to encourage behaviour change within the community and to make it easy for people to participate in renewable energy initiatives.

Develop education and behaviour-change programs to support local residents and businesses to tackle climate change through clean energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.

Support the local community to develop capacity and skills to tackle climate change.

Provide fast-charging infrastructure throughout the city at key locations for electric vehicles.

Develop procurement policy to ensure that the practices of contractors and financers align with council’s renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport goals.

Waste collection services

During 2020/21, we trialled a small-scale recycling program at the Hurstville Customer Service Centre to collect mobile phones, household batteries and CDs/DVDs. We collected more than 240 kilograms of materials for recycling. Given the success of the trial, the program will be expanded to more sites.

We investigated 1,786 reports of illegally dumped material and levied $67,122 in fines for environmental breaches relating to waste or litter offences.

Our continued membership under the Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Squad saw 576 illegal dumping incidents reported for investigation and six special operations to provide targeted education, compliance and enforcement relating to illegally dumped waste within Georges River LGA.

Thirty-six community groups, schools and businesses registered a clean up site as part of Council’s support for Clean Up Australia Day. This event involved around 500 volunteers.

Our Household Chemical Cleanout events diverted more than 71,000 kilograms of problem and hazardous waste materials. Since February 2021, the weekly TechWaste service has collected more than 18,000 kilograms of e-waste for recycling.

Carss Bush Park foreshore.


Our LGA-wide Biodiversity Study determined baseline flora, fauna and vegetation communities, identified important locations with high biodiversity value and recorded numerous threatened and vulnerable species residing within the LGA. The study provided recommendations to further protect, maintain and enhance biodiversity; these will be progressively implemented.

Urban tree canopy

Our street and park tree planting program received considerable assistance from the Five Million Trees for Greater Sydney Grant Program in 2020/21. We planted 505 trees as part of the 'Forest Roads, Canopy Corridors' grant project, including 196 trees in Kogarah Bay and 309 in Peakhurst, Beverly Hills, Riverwood and Narwee. A further 24 trees were planted as part of the Five Million Trees 'Cool Places, Urban Oasis' grant project in commercial hubs to cool these more urban areas and bring greenery and shade to busy spaces. We supported Plant Ark’s Schools Tree Day initiative by providing 100 native tree and plant seedlings to schools throughout the LGA.

Pest animals

Foxes are invasive species that harm the local and native wildlife and can harm domestic pets. In the 12 months to June 2021, we completed two rounds of fox trapping using soft jaw leg-hold traps and cage traps in seven reserves. Seven foxes were eradicated, including six of breeding age. We continue to work with neighbouring councils of the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) on regional pest animal management activities.

Award recognition

Renewable Energy award in Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s Sustainable Cities Awards for our commitment to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy in Council’s operations by 2025 and existing energy initiatives that will help us achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2025. Highly Commended at the Local Government NSW Excellence in the Environment Awards 2020 in the ‘Towards Net Zero Emissions’ category.

Finalist in the Cities Power Partnership Awards 2020 under the ‘Climate Champion Award’ which recognised the efforts of Council staff.

Environmental grants

Grants to support and enhance environmental management and protection within the Georges River LGA include: $494,000 under the NSW Government’s Greening Our City Grant Program, will go towards planting 1,000 new trees in streets and parks and distributing trees to schools in a Carlton Canopy Corridor, stretching from Narwee to Kogarah Bay.

$9,830 under the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Flying Fox Grants Program to support the development of a camp management plan for the Grey-headed Flying-foxes within Myles Dunphy Reserve, Oatley.

Flying-fox conservation

The Flying-Fox Grants Program funding allowed us to undertake a community consultation program in December 2020 to inform a draft Flying-Fox Camp Management Plan for the established camp in Oatley. We expect to exhibit and finalise a draft plan in 2021/22.

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