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Council and committee meetings
Council meetings
Ordinary Council meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month (February – December) at Georges River Civic Centre, commencing at 7.00pm. Extraordinary Council meetings are called when required. Meeting dates are available on our website.
Council meetings deal with reports prepared by staff on policy, finance, land use planning, the results of public exhibitions and consultation, legal matters, legislative requirements and other matters of interest to the community.
The Mayor and councillors can also raise matters to be debated at Council meetings through mayoral minutes, notices of motion and rescission motions. A decision is made when a majority of councillors vote in favour of a motion. All Council meeting proceedings are recorded and live streamed via our website.
Council meetings business papers are made available to the public on our website on the Wednesday prior to a Council meeting. Meeting minutes are available on the website.
Committee meetings
Committees may make recommendations to Council on all relevant business presented before them. Committee meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month, commencing at either 6.00pm or 7.00pm.
The following Committees meet on the second Monday of the month (February – December) and each consist of up to seven Councillor voting members:
• Environment and Planning Committee • Finance and Governance Committee • Community and Culture Committee • Assets and Infrastructure Committee
Committee Councillor Members
Assets and Infrastructure Committee Crs Stephen Agius (Chair), Sam Elmir, Sandy Grekas Rita Kastanias, Lou Konjarski, Nancy Liu, Colleen Symington, Warren Tegg and Christina Wu
Community and Culture Committee Crs Sandy Grekas (Chair), Rita Kastanias, Lou Konjarski, Kathryn Landsberry, Leesha Payor, Warren Tegg and Christine Wu
Environment and Planning Committee
Finance and Governance Committee Crs Vince Badalati, Con Hindi (Chair), Nick Katris, Kathryn Landsberry, Leesha Payor
Crs Stephen Agius, Vince Badalati (Chair), Sam Elmir, Con Hindi, Nick Katris, Nancy Liu and Colleen Symington Purpose
Capital works programs, infrastructure plus program, stormwater/ drainage, re-sheet program, capital infrastructure, Local Traffic Advisory Committee, Asset Management Plan, Depot master plan, procurement and tenders. Community services and facilities, community grant programs, community-based policies, Councilmanaged early learning centres, library services, major events, customer service, procurement and tenders.
Studies and strategies relating to a range of planning, environment, building and regulatory matters, development, planning and regulatory documents including policies, master plans, plans of management, local approval plans, development control plans (DCPs), planning proposals for an amendment to an environmental planning instrument, voluntary planning agreements, procurement and tenders, actions and outcomes of the Land and Environment Court.
Financial matters, corporate policies, procurement and tenders, risk management, integrated planning and reporting, rating matters, investments, internal and external audit, court action and legal matters, property matters, governance and operational matters.
Advisory and reference committees
Advisory and reference committees are established for a period of time to provide advice and perform other functions. These groups often include members of the community and well as some or all councillors. Recommendations may be referred to an ordinary meeting of Council for a decision.
The following committees operated or were established during 2020/21:
Committee Representation Purpose
Local Traffic Advisory Committee Cr Lou Konjarski (Chair)
Community Grants Assessment Panel No councillor representation
Floodplain Risk Management Committee Cr Con Hindi
Environmental Resilience Committee Executive-led
Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
South Sydney Planning Panel No councillor representation
Councillor Con Hindi Councillor Nick Katris Consider all traffic, parking and transport management issues in accordance with delegated powers from Transport for NSW.
Consider matters related to Council’s annual community grants programs, in accordance with the Georges River Council Grants, Donations and Sponsorship Policy.
Provide advice on the development and implementation of floodplain risk management studies and plans throughout the Georges River LGA in accordance with the NSW Floodplain Development Manual 2005.
Provide a forum to facilitate the incorporation of sustainability into Council’s decision-making processes.
Advise Council on compliance, risk management, fraud control, financial management, governance, control framework, implementation of the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program, strategies and business improvement related matters.
Determine regionally significant DAs and undertaken rezoning reviews.
Georges River Local Planning Panel
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Inc. (SSROC)
Georges River Combined Councils Committee (GRCCC) The Mayor, Councillor Kevin Greene, Councillor Agius
Councillor Warren Tegg Ensure the process of assessing and determining DAs is transparent and accountable.
As a forum of councils spanning Sydney’s southern, eastern, central and inner west suburbs, interact, exchange ideas and work collaboratively to solve regional issues and contribute to the future sustainability of the region.
As a forum of nine member councils, advocate for the protection, conservation and enhancement of the health of the Georges River.
NSW Public Libraries Association Councillor Leesha Payor Represent public libraries in NSW.